#double beans tonight
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vixstarria · 9 months
A night at the inn (part 1)
A night of relaxation at the inn. Inspired by a cursed screenshot of Astarion looking loopy, drunk and high.   
Astarion x Reader, Astarion x Tav, tbc in part 2
Comfort, fluff, humour, banter, goes from very silly to very horny 
Bits that are definitely not canon that were written solely for my (and hopefully your) amusement. 
TW: It’s all very much in jest, but maybe give this one a skip if you’re struggling with any kind of substance addiction.  
Approximately 2,000 words 
“Don't be ridiculous, these silly druidic herbs have absolutely no effect on me, vampires have a natural immunity. Pass me the pipe again, I’ll prove it,” Astarion giggled uncontrollably.  
“Just hold on to it, friend, I don’t think anyone else will benefit from it,” replied Halsin. 
You, Astarion, Halsin, Karlach and Shadowheart were gathered in one of the inn’s rooms.  
Gale and Wyll were off doing whatever people who didn’t like having fun did. Possibly playing chess or reciting poetry to each other. And Lae’zel had had one look at your gathering before chk’ing, saying that someone competent needed to keep a cool head, and stalking off. 
You and Astarion were sitting crosswise on one of the beds, you nestled between his legs, your back against his chest. Shadowheart lounged on the opposite bed, with Karlach and Halsin settling on the floor between the beds.  
A scattering of glasses and opened bottles surrounded you, and a light haze hung in the air. Tadpoles, vampire lords, demons and gods could all wait until tomorrow. Tonight, for all you cared, all was well in your world.   
Earlier, Halsin had laid out an assortment of herbs, most of which you couldn’t name, and busied himself with mixing them in varying proportions and stuffing them into several smoking implements. Karlach had declined, saying there was no point and that she would stick to grog. You and Shadowheart partook in Halsin's ‘herbalist mastery' together with the druid. And now, to everyone's disbelief and amusement, so did Astarion. 
“What in the hells is in this?!” Astarion tittered, leaning back against the wall, his eyes shut and an idiotic smile on his face. You couldn’t look at him, lest it set off yet another chain reaction of giggling. 
“Part of it is moonflower, which mostly serves as an amplifier,” Halsin answered, cautiously. 
“And? What else?” You wondered whether whatever it was might help Astarion with his nightmares. The scent of the herb was vaguely familiar, but you couldn’t quite place what it was.  
“Wait! I want to guess.” Shadowheart leaned over to whisper to Halsin. He shook his head at her suggestions. Once he whispered back to her with the correct answer she collapsed on the bed with a guffaw. “Oh gods... So it is official.” 
“Halsin...” Astarion croaked. “Halsin, I will stab you... What did you give me?!” 
“I had a hunch, but it was intended as a joke – I didn’t really think it would do anything.” Halsin almost sounded apologetic.  
“Well, spill the beans, what is he smoking that’s so damned funny?! Vampire dust? Cow dung? Some kind of goblin foot fungus?” Karlach was also growing impatient.  
Halsin shook his head, laughing.  
“It’s catnip,” Shadowheart managed, still doubled over. “He’s losing his mind on catnip!” 
Once Astarion regained his ability to speak coherently, you couldn’t get him to shut up.  
Astarion hardly ever took lead in group conversations. He tended to stay on the outskirts of discussions, albeit always ready with a quip or observation. You wondered if his newfound loquaciousness was a glimpse of what he might have been like some 200 years ago. 
It helped that Karlach was bombarding him with questions about vampirism, which he was ordinarily reserved about.  
“So what happens if you consume normal food? Can you drink?” she asked. 
“Well... Kind of..? Although I think the tadpole has had some additional influence. I can drink liquids without becoming ill, as long as it’s not too much. They tend to taste vile or like nothing at all, or not have any effect on me. Coffee smells amazing but tastes like dirt, for example. But potions work, somehow,” he rambled. “Solids are a complete disaster though”. He refused to elaborate.  
“And the wine?” she persisted.  
“Red wine is palatable,” he said, swirling some in a glass that he held in his hand. “But if you want better than ‘palatable’ you really need something of good quality.” 
“You’re just a snob,” you interjected. 
“That may be so, but this is about having something called standards, darling, I’ll teach you about them someday”, he said with a kiss to your temple, as you elbowed him. “But there are ways of going around poor wine.” 
Astarion took your hand in his, pressing his lips against it. 
“May I?”  
Once he had your approval, he carefully punctured the tip of your ring finger with a fang. You idly mused about how completely unfazed you had become by having your skin pierced, as he dripped some of your blood into his wine. 
“Now stir.” He licked the drops of wine from your finger once you were done, and had a sip from his glass. “Like adding honey to tea... Now it’s delectable.” 
“Freaks,” said Karlach, lovingly.  
The conversation moved to him debating wines from various regions with Shadowheart, a subject they were both perhaps unsurprisingly well-versed in.  
“How kind of Lady Shar to leave you such detailed knowledge of something that truly matters, when wiping out so many other memories,” he observed.  
Eventually, the topic changed to Karlach’s years in the Hells, and what it had been like to set just about everything she touched ablaze until Dammon’s recent assistance.  
“Could you do me a favour and hold my hand in yours for a moment?” said Astarion, leaning towards and holding out a hand to Karlach.  
“I haven’t done this in so long this still makes me nervous, you know,” she said, taking his hand in both of hers. “Sorry if I lose my cool and burn you.” 
“I’m sure I’ve had worse,” he replied humourlessly. “...That should do it,” he said after a short while. “Gods, you really do run like a furnace.” You wondered where this was going.  
“Now could everyone look away? I’m about to do something disgustingly sentimental.” 
Immediately, four pairs of eyes including your own were locked on him.  
“Voyeuristic pricks...” he sighed. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” 
He ran the back of his fingers delicately down your cheek before cupping it in his hand. It was warm, almost hot, as you nuzzled into it.  
“Well isn’t that cute,” Shadowheart remarked into her glass of wine.  
Astarion wasn’t always cold to the touch, not exactly. He became warmer after drinking blood. His body was heated by sunshine on sunny days, just like anything else. And after spending some time under blankets with you he felt almost cozy to snuggle against. But he’s never radiated heat the way the hand against your cheek did now.  
“It doesn’t feel like you,” you mustered, looking into his eyes. He gave you a wistful smile.  
“...If there is any other bodypart you’d like me to warm up for Tav’s benefit, do fuck off before you even ask,” said Karlach, breaking the brief silence that had descended onto the room, and the tender moment was gone, overtaken by yet another uproar of laughter. 
Things quieted down as the evening wore on. 
“I wonder what Lae’zel is doing,” said Shadowheart, who had been silently gazing off into space and occasionally blowing smoke rings for the past while. “Probably something infuriating.” 
“You should go tell her how utterly unimpressed you are with her,” goaded Astarion. 
“I should... I will,” she said, suddenly getting up, determination writ on her face, exiting the room with a surprisingly steady step. 
Karlach sighed. 
“I better go look after her and make sure they don’t need to be taken apart. ...Or that no one else does, if they don’t.” She followed Shadowheart.  
“Nature calls,” said Halsin, also getting up. “And I don’t think anyone’s fed Scratch and the owlbear cub.” 
It was just you and Astarion, who had been grazing your neck with his fangs with increasing impatience. 
“Do it,” you said as soon as the door shut behind Halsin. Instantly, you felt an icy chill in your neck and released a small moan as he bit down, drawing your blood, his hands roaming your body.  
“I’ve been thinking of nothing else for hours,” he breathed hoarsely, once he had his fill. Having a miniscule amount of your blood in his wine and then being unable to sate himself more thoroughly would have been the ultimate tease for him. He really did not think that through, per usual.  
You could have offered him your wrist at some point, your companions had witnessed that on numerous occasions. But you knew you both wanted something more intimate. And private.  
You sank onto the bed with Astarion on top of you, as he continued to lick at the puncture wounds, to get them to stop bleeding.  
“Think Halsin’s coming back?” you murmured.  
“Of course he is. Haven’t you seen how he’s been looking at us?” He wedged his hips between your legs as he continued to suck and lick at your neck, more slowly now.  
"Oh, has he been looking at us in some particular way?” you feigned ignorance. Astarion raised his head briefly to shoot you a look that said ‘oh please’.  
“Do you want him..?” He rolled his hips deliciously into yours as he asked that.  
“Stop teasing,” you whispered. You knew he wasn’t going to let you do anything with the erection you felt pressed against you. 
“Never. Do you want him?” He gave you a mischievous look.  
“I don’t know what you mean.” 
“Sorry darling, I’ll try to do a better job at explaining.” He raised himself back up, his face hovering just above yours. “Do you want to feel his hot, hard cock pumping in and out of you, while I watch?” He studied your reaction closely. “Oh you would like that, wouldn’t you..?” 
“Astarion-” It wasn’t easy to make you blush, but somehow he always found a way when he wanted to.   
“Shh love, I already know everything you’re going to say.” Astarion raised his voice in pitch (resulting in something that definitely DID NOT sound anything like you) and returned to your neck, planting a kiss further down with each sentence: “’I love you, Astarion. I only want you, Astarion. I don’t think you’re ready for this, Astarion. You’re going to regret this, Astarion.’” 
“How about, ‘you’re intoxicated, Astarion’?” 
“Barely,” he scoffed. “It’s worn off.” He tugged at your blouse’s lacing with his teeth. 
“Or maybe it’s ‘no, I don’t want that, Astarion’,” you lied.  
He chuckled at those words and came back up to whisper in your ear. 
“My love... You’re forgetting I can hear your heartbeat. I can smell your arousal. Every time your breath hitches and your heart speeds up – I know. Any time blood suddenly rushes somewhere in your body – I know...”  
“That is an entirely unfair advantage,” you protested. 
“Yes, having a lover that anticipates your every need and reads you like a book is so, so tragically unfair, your poor, poor thing...” 
“And also it’s not what you said, it’s how you said it!” you continued. 
“Porridge,” Astarion whispered in his most seductive voice, grinding against you. “The philosophy and theory of divination, volume four. A bulging coin purse. Gale’s purple pajamas. ...Nope, nothing.” Astarion smirked, and continued in a more normal voice, stilling. “Now let’s try... You dripping wet and begging us both for mercy before the night is over.” He grinned wryly as you let out an involuntary whimper. “I thought so...” 
“You’ve told me yourself, you don’t want to share me with anyone,” you persisted.  
“It’s your heart I can’t bear to share. And he’s a wood elf,” Astarion said dismissively. “He may as well be a walking penis, who would get emotionally involved with that?” 
“You did not just call our honourable companion, the esteemed archdruid of the Emerald Grove a walking penis!” you hissed, choking on laughter, covering his mouth with your hand.  
“A giant phallus on legs,” Astarion mumbled stubbornly against your palm, licking it.  
You heard footsteps approaching the door.  
“Do you really want this?” you whispered, angling Astarion’s face to make him look you in the eyes, and releasing his mouth. “Be serious for a second.” 
“I want this,” he said, holding your gaze. “I really want this. As long as you do too.” 
The door opened, and you both turned your heads to regard the tall, broad figure that paused in the entryway, leaning against the doorframe.  
“Is it company or privacy you desire?” 
Part 2
More of my chaos gremlins
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reigningqueenofwords · 4 months
That's How You Know
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Pairing: Tony x Reader Word count: 4,003
Read on AO3
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You leaned your head on Nat’s shoulder, the two of you watching some comedy in an effort to cheer you up. You’d broken up with your long time boyfriend just the day before. And it sucked. The two of you had been together most of your twenties. Now, at 28, you were nursing a broken heart, eating a pint of ice cream, and cuddling your super-spy best friend. 
“Miss, Mr. Stark is inquiring if you’d like take out from your favorite restaurant for dinner this evening.” Came JARVIS’s voice. 
Hearing that, you smiled softly. “Tell him yes, and thank you.” You agreed easily. 
Nat smirked at you. “You know he loves you, right?” She pointed out. “I mean, it’s really obvious.” She chuckled. “He just never actually said it because you were dating that asshat.” 
You shifted to look at her. “What the hell are you talking about?” You asked, confused. “A- Tony doesn’t love me, and B- he wasn’t an asshat until the last like...month.” You muttered in defence of your ex. 
“You are so blind. And he clearly thinks we are, too.” She was amused. “Look, I’d tell you to just go kiss the man, but I’ll be nice and let you get over your ex before pushing you together and going ‘now kiss’.” She smirked, making you stare at her. “You’ll see.” She said confidently. “Now, let’s finish this movie.” 
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It had been six months since that conversation with Nat, and you’d pushed it from your mind. However, you were out with her, Wanda, and Pepper, which meant drinks. It made it difficult not to think about the handsome inventor. Just as you were thinking of him, your phone went off. 
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Nat looked over your shoulder and smirked. “Awe, he’s worried about you!” She chuckled as you playfully shoved her away. “He is seriously texting you just to tell you that you’re on his mind, but he wanted a reason, so he pulled the ‘be safe’ card.” She downed another shot. “And, you’re right. That would be a warning for some pour perv to mess with any of us.” 
You rolled your eyes. “Whatever.” You put your phone away, going back to your drink. 
“So, who’s the mystery man?” Wanda grinned. “Do we know him? Oh! Is it that cute agent?” You raised an eyebrow at her. There were a few cute agents. “I think his name is Paul? Such an unsexy name for such a nice face.” She mumbled. “Spill the beans.” 
You were about to shut this entire conversation down when Nat spoke up. “It’s Tony.” She said easily. “He’s had it bad for her for years.” She went on, making you put your head on the table. “She doesn’t believe it, but she’s the only one who got a ‘be safe’ text.” Nat chuckled, licking her lips. “And I see someone I’d like to be bad with tonight. Excuse me, ladies!” She slipped out of her chair and towards whoever had caught her eye. 
Pepper rubbed over your shoulders. “Want me to get us some shots? Since Nat drank them all?” She chuckled. 
Sitting up, you sighed, nodding. “Sure, I need one. Or five.” You shrugged. You didn’t want to believe Tony loved you. You didn’t want to admit you loved him, either. So, you’d get a bit drunk, and then go back to forgetting about it the next day. 
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Walking into your kitchen a couple weeks later, you were wearing an oversized sweater and leggings. It was a cold fall day, the skies were grey, and you planned on curling up with a book, and a cup of coffee. You had to do a double take. There, on your kitchen island, was a bouquet of sunflowers. That had not been there the night before. Walking to the table, you lifted the note that was placed in front of it. 
I know you hate days like this. Here’s some flowers to brighten your day. 
You blushed, biting your lip. Once you set the note down, you went over to your coffee maker and decided you’d thank him by bringing him a cup. “JARVIS, is Tony in his labs?” You asked as you brewed your cup first. This way his would be hotter by the time you got to him. 
“Yes, Miss. Do you need his assistance?” He asked. 
“No, tell him I’ll be down shortly, though?” 
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Tony looked up when you walked in. His face lit up as he took the mug you held out for him. “Thank you for the flowers.” You smiled, leaning against a table. “I was not expecting those.” You chuckled before sipping your drink. 
“Well, when I saw the sky, I knew you’d like them.” He shrugged a shoulder as if it was something just anyone would do. “And I remember you like sunflowers.” You’d told him once before when telling him a story about your life growing up. “And, you’re welcome.” He smiled. “Thank you for the coffee.” He held his mug up slightly for a moment. “I need it. Working on this damn bug.” He sighed. 
You giggled, shaking your head. “I’ll let you get back to that.” You told him. “I’ll be in my room if you need me.” 
He nodded. “Enjoy your book.” He smirked when you looked at him. “You’re going to crack your sliding glass door, curl up under the blanket I got you last year for Christmas, and read.” He teased.
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You were just kicking off your boots after working on your Christmas shopping when your phone went off. You were assuming it was Nat, asking you to come to girl’s night, or to watch a movie. It was Saturday night, after all. However, your eyebrows shot up at it being Tony. 
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Letting out a sigh, you removed your coat and made your way back out of your door. Minutes later, you found yourself knocking on Nat’s. “Well, it wasn’t a break up, what’s that face for?” She raised an eyebrow, letting you in. 
“Tony.” You shrugged as she shut the door. “Apparently, he wants me to be his plus one at some event. He’s known for two months, and it’s next Friday. He asked me today. Well, like, less than half an hour ago.” 
“Yeah, we’re all going.” Nat shrugged. “Next Friday is his Christmas benefit for the kids.” She teased. “Did you honestly forget?” She laughed. 
You blushed. “I’m sorry, I was too busy being shocked that he was asking me on a date.” You admitted. “At least I already have my dress then.” You noted. “Well, I’m here, want to watch a movie before I head home and start wrapping presents?” You asked. 
She shrugged. “Sure, as long as you tell me what you got Tony.” She smirked. 
“I haven’t gotten his yet. What the hell do you get the man that has everything?! Or could build it, or buy it.” You half whined as the two of you moved to get comfortable. 
“Lingerie?” She asked. 
“I never pegged him for the type of guy to wear that…” You mused, thinking it over. He was over the top, so you could honestly see it now that you thought about it. 
Nat burst into laughter. “NO!” She was doubled over. “And it’s even funnier because you said ‘pegged’.” She wiped a tear from her cheek from laughing so hard. “No, I meant YOU wear it, and slap a bow on your ass. Pretty sure that would be what he wants.” She nudged you as your face turned a bright red. 
“….Oh.” You managed.
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Tony’s hand was on your lower back, his other hand holding yours. The pair of you were dancing, and there was a twinkle in his eye. “So, Nat is the one who pointed out that I already knew about tonight.” You blushed, making him chuckle. “She thought it was amusing. “Why didn’t you tell me?” 
He shrugged a shoulder. “I thought it was cute. I made you so flustered that you forgot.” He smirked. 
“Oh, really? And what if it’s because I had a long day of Christmas shopping for a super-spy, a super soldier, and an archer? Fully knowing my shopping wasn’t done yet.” You asked, an amused look on your face. 
He gasped playfully. “And not the child-like billionaire?” He asked. 
“Still trying to figure out what to get him.” You smiled. “It’ll come to me.” You promised. 
Holding you close, he nodded. “I’m sure it will. Well, I’m done all my Christmas shopping, and I am sure that you will love your present.” He told you. “Nat helped.” He laughed as your face fell, turning pale. “I’m kidding! I’m kidding!” He grinned. 
“So mean.” You leaned your head on his chest. 
Minutes later, Steve came over. “May I cut it?” He asked. 
You looked at him. “Sure, but I’m not sure which one of you would lead.” You chuckled. 
“Funny, doll.” He smiled as he took your hand, causing Tony to pout. “Hey, Clint still wants a dance, so does Bucky, Thor, and Sam…” He teased the poor inventor, pulling you into his arms. “You look beautiful tonight.” He told you as Tony excused himself. “And he’s too easy to mess with.” 
“Thank you. And he really is.” You giggled. “It’ll be even more fun come New Year’s when he’s drinking.” You smirked. “Then he’s really easy to get to.” You thought back to the previous year when, once he was drunk, you’d managed to convince him that he’d let you borrow his favorite car. And then ‘lost’ it. It didn’t last long, but his face was priceless. 
Steve laughed, nodding. “Hopefully we get more pictures this year.” 
“I’m sure we will.” You figured that Nat would be taking some to ‘prove’ that Tony was in love with you.
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Much to your dismay, a mission came up. 
On Christmas Eve. 
Part of you expected Tony to pout, if you were being honest. Him, or Clint. Both were like giant children. Sitting on the Quinjet, you were talking with Wanda. While Steve got serious, some of you just relaxed, and others made a point to have a good time. Who knew if there’d be a mission someone didn’t come home from? Why make your last memories of them anything but happy?
Bucky nudged you. “Hey, doll?” He asked, making you look over. “You do most of the decorating, right?” 
“Yeah, why?” You chuckled. “I have for years, but I ask you guys for help as needed. You know that.” You teased. 
“Have you ever thought about putting stuff up in the Quinjet?” He was curious. “In case something like this happens. Why not make it festive in here, too?” 
You thought about it for a minute. “I never thought about it. When I’m decorating for Christmas, the last thing on my mind is possibly deadly missions with my friends.” You shrugged. “I mean, I can try to remember next year?” You offered. 
“It’s okay, I was honestly just curious. You’re like the elf of the tower.” He smirked. “It’s cute.” He winked. Nat smirked at him, shaking her head. She knew he was only doing it because Tony was close by. “I haven’t seen any mistletoe. Did you skip it this year?” 
Bucky was all over the place it seemed, making you stare at him for a moment. “Uh, thanks?” You replied, unsure. “And you don’t remember when poor Steve had to kiss almost all of us? In the course of maybe two days? I thought I’d be nice and let him have a break from lip locking this year.” You chuckled as you saw Steve blush and hide his face. He had indeed kissed nearly everyone the year before. And he’d been sober for them all! 
Tony looked over. “Who’s didn’t he end up kissing?” He asked, having been one of those that he had. 
You put your hand up. “Me, and I think Bruce?” You told him. “I only kissed Nat, Bucky, and Clint.” You thought back. 
Nat stuck her tongue out at him, teasing him that she’d kissed you and he hadn’t. “Shame you didn’t put them up again, I would have found a way to get you underneath the mistletoe again.” She winked at you playfully when you looked at her. 
“Me, too.” Bucky admitted. 
“And me.” Clint chimed in, even though no one knew that he was paying attention. He had his eyes closed, legs stretched out, crossed at the ankles, and his fingers laced together on his chest. “Especially with that body spray she only wears in the winter.” He added. 
You chuckled. “You mean the one that smells like cupcakes?” You asked. It was received for once the snow started to fall, and was put away once it was over. Cupcakes reminded you of baking with your dad as a kid, and you’d always make cupcakes. So, it was a nice reminder when the days got shorter, and colder. 
“You pay attention to her body spray?” Tony asked, surprised. 
Before Clint could answer, JARVIS let them know they’d be arriving in under two minutes. 
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Your back was to a wall, your breathing coming out ragged. This was not as easy of a mission as you’d been hoping for. At the moment, you were actually hiding- not your proudest moment, either. Your leg had been shot, you had a split lip, you were sure you were sporting a shiner, and your shirt was sticking to you with blood. Some of it was yours, some of it wasn’t. You tried to push that thought from your mind as you closed your eyes. You nearly jumped when you heard Steve in your comm. “Y/N? You’re the only one not accounted for at the meetup.” His voice was firm, but the worry was there. 
Clenching your jaw, you replied. “Yeah, uh, about that.” You started. “Seems I got a bit…injured…in the process of taking some guys out.” You hissed as you pressed against your leg. 
It was Tony’s voice you heard next. “How bad is it? Can you get to us?” He asked quickly. 
You sagged. “No, I can’t.” You hated having to rely on them during missions. You wanted to be able to hold your own. “I got shot in the thigh for starters.” You leaned your head back against a wall. 
“For starters?!” Came a few voices, but you couldn’t pin point them all. 
“Can one of you just come get me before I pass out?” You asked, pain radiating from your wounds. “That would be great!” 
“On my way, doll.” Bucky spoke up. “Keep talking to me.” He told you, hoping to distract you from your pain. “Let me know where you are.” 
You sighed. “Alright.” You agreed before telling him where to find you.
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The rest of the team waited in the quinjet while Bucky rushed to get to you. They had moved from the meet up point before he’d left them, so that he knew where to find them. Tony kept  his eyes on the entrance, jaw tight. “She’ll be fine.” Wanda told him. “It was her thigh. If anything, she’ll have to relax for a bit.” She shrugged. “Maybe I’ll ask her if she wants a movie marathon.” 
“She’s in pain, Wanda.” He reminded her. “Bad enough she was worrying about passing out. That doesn’t sound fine to me.” He sighed, not looking at her. “At all.” 
No one else bothered to try to calm him down, knowing it was useless. Until he saw you, he’d be worried. Then, it would shift to worry about you healing. People getting injured on missions was nothing new. It happened. They all knew that it bothered him so much more because it was you. 
Once he spotted Bucky,  you in his arms, he relaxed the tiniest bit. Your head was against Bucky’s shoulder, and your eyes were closed. “She passed out about halfway here.” He said softly, moving to lay you down. “Used my shirt as a tourniquet.” He explained, noting the raised eyebrow Nat was shooting his way. “I would have used hers, but…” He sighed, motioning to your blood stained shirt. 
“JARVIS, get us home.” Tony demanded, watching Bruce start to work on you. He cut your shirt up the middle, showing that your stomach wounds weren’t as bad as the shirt made it look. That was a minor comfort to him, though. The worst of it was a gash closest to the top of your pants. Letting out a sigh, he hoped they could get you more comfortable back at the tower. 
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Groaning, you slowly opened your eyes to see Tony sitting there in a Y/F/C shirt. “When’d you get that?” You asked, licking  your dry lips. 
He looked up, grinning. “Uh, I had Nat go get it for me.” He chuckled. “Last night, while you were still out. I know it’s your favorite color.” He moved to sit on the side of your bed. “How’re you feeling?” He asked, taking your hand. 
“Like I got hit by a bus.” You told him honestly. “I didn’t think I was that bad.” You admitted. 
“I think that’s the drugs he gave you.” He shrugged. “The ‘good’ stuff.” He winked. “It’ll ease up, I’m sure.” He assured you. “Oh, and Wanda is currently finding nearly every Disney movie she can find.” You raised an eyebrow at him. “She thought it would be fun to have a movie marathon, and for some reason, she has her heart set on Disney.” He chuckled. 
You smiled. “She’s sweet.” You said softly. “Can I count on you to join us for a couple?” You asked shyly. 
“I wouldn’t miss it for anything.” He promised you, kissing your forehead. “Now, I’ll let Bruce check you out while I go order dinner.” He got up. “My place, or here?” He teased. 
“Depends on what the doctor says.” You chuckled. “See you for dinner.”
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Bruce had said it was okay for you to leave, but walking wasn’t happening. That left you to either use a wheelchair, or be carried. You couldn’t use crutches, as that would stretch your stomach, and that would pull on the stitches on your lower stomach. You’d gone with the wheelchair (even if Bucky and Steve volunteered to carry you). 
Rolling out of the elevator onto Tony’s floor, you smiled when you saw Pepper. “Hey.” You greeted her. 
She turned. “Y/N!” She smiled. “I’m so glad you’re okay. Tony told me what happened.” She said, coming over to hug you. “How’re you feeling?” She asked gently. 
“Well, I’m not in a ‘hospital’ bed anymore, so much better.” You joked. “Oh, since I don’t know when we’re doing the whole Christmas exchange thing, you can go get your present? I know you go see family, too.” You smiled. “My presents are in a box on my living room floor. Yours is in a medium sized box.” 
“I think I’d rather wait to do mine with everyone else.” She told you. “Even if it’s not until after the New Year. You guys are my family, too.” She reminded you. 
Tony came in, making you attempt to turn your wheelchair. “I hate this thing.” You muttered, getting stuck half way. 
“Pepper, can you roll her to the living room?” He asked, hands full of food. “I’ll get everything set up.” He told her, smiling. 
She nodded, getting behind you. “I know you’d rather roll yourself, but don’t argue.” She said before you could say you could do it yourself. When you sighed, she chuckled, and started pushing you. “Looks cozy in here.” She looked around. Tony had a blanket and pillows in front of the fire place. 
“Thanks, Pepper.” He said, putting everything down. “I can take it from here.” He moved over to hug her. “Merry Christmas.” He smiled. 
“Merry Christmas. Both of you.” She hugged him back before waving to you. 
“Merry Christmas.” You waved. Once she was gone, you smiled at Tony. “So, dinner by a fire?” You asked shyly. “I’ll need help getting down there.” You pointed out. 
He moved over to gently lift you out of your chair. “Of course.” He got you settled on a pillow before getting the food. “What would you like to drink?” He asked, taking things out of the bags. 
“Well, Bruce still has me on pain killers. So, soda?” You chuckled. 
“One Y/F soda coming up.” He said easily, going to get a drink for each of you. He hoped that you weren’t weirded out by him trying to show you how much he cared about you. 
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Sitting on the couch, your leg over Wanda’s lap as you finished up The Little Mermaid. “What’s next?” You asked her, as she was the one who had set this up. 
“Enchanted.” She smiled. “It doesn’t get enough credit for being amazing.” She said quickly. “It’s one of my favorites.” She popped a piece of popcorn in her mouth.
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You had to admit, you saw why this was a favorite. It had you giggling, and you loved Pip. “Okay, Pip is the best.” You grinned. 
“Right?” She agreed easily. “He was my text tone for awhile.” She chuckled. 
When ‘That’s How You Know’ came on, you started to listen and your jaw dropped. “You’ve gotta be shitting me.” You gasped. 
“What?” She paused it, looking at you confused. “What’s wrong?” 
You looked at her. “Tony’s done all that!” You stared at her. “Literally. I don’t even think he’d know, as I can’t see him watching this.” You explained. “A couple months ago? He left me a note and sunflowers because it was dreary out. He asked me to that Christmas ball thing and danced with me as much as he could. When I woke up after the mission? He was wearing my favorite color shirt. And then when I got out? He got us dinner…which we ate in front of the fire in his living room.” You grabbed your phone to text him. 
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You stared at your phone. “Hey, can you help me back into my chair? I need to go see Tony.” You swallowed, looking at her. 
She smiled and gently moved your leg. “Yeah, I think I can do that.” She nodded.
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Hearing the elevator to his labs, he looked over to see you rolling in. “So…” You said shyly. “You love me?” You asked him. 
“Yeah, I do.” He smiled. “Have for awhile.” He shrugged, setting his phone down before making his way to you. “Thought you were mad or something.” He blushed lightly, a look that you weren’t used to seeing on him. 
“No wonder my phone was going off so much.” You teased. “I’m not mad, Tony.” You promised him. “Not even close.” You grinned up at him. “I love you, too.” You admitted softly. “I just don’t think it really hit me until that damn song.” You giggled. 
He crouched so you didn’t have to look up at him anymore. “So, can I take you on a real date?” He asked. 
You nodded. “Once I can walk.” You chuckled. “A wheelchair in New York? I give major props to anyone who is can do that. I, however, don’t think I’d last more than five minutes before I want to hurt someone.” You admitted. 
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“Ready for your first dance, Mrs. Stark?” Tony asked, your hand in his. 
You smiled over at him. “I’ve been ready.” You told him easily. “Let’s get out there and start this party.” You leaned over to peck his lips. 
He kissed you back. “There’s one part of that song I missed.” He pointed out, making you raised an eyebrow at him. “I never dedicated a song to you.” 
“You’re thinking of that now?” You teased. “After three years?” You asked. 
“Yup.” He laughed. “I’ll have to change that after I spin you around that dance floor.” 
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redflagshipwriter · 24 days
Check Yes ch 10
“Why are you so cheerful?” Damian narrowed his eyes up at Dick, as if he could possibly intimidate his elder brother. “And why are you still here? Return to Bloodhaven at once, where someone might desire your presence.” He dropped his phone on the bench with a clack and roughly pulled his sweatshirt over his head. His hair floofed up after it, trailing with static electricity. 
Wow, someone was still holding a grudge over him spilling the beans about the elementary school art show. Why so cranky? Cass and Stephanie hadn’t done anything embarrassing, they’d just come with him and said that it was nice. Damian had done this family portrait thing where no one had eyes or hands. It was avante garde or something. Dick didn’t really get it, but the technical proficiency was really impressive.
Dick bounced on his heels a bit as he got his gloves on. He felt his hair bounce with the movement. He felt extremely light and breezy. “Because you would miss me,” he teased.
Damian grunted and looked away. He yanked open his locker and pretended that he was the only one in the changing room as he pulled off his pajama pants and started to wiggle into the Robin uniform. The leg armor squeaked as he forced it up and into place. 
Quiet footsteps padded into the room. Dick caught sight of Timmy in his locker mirror.
‘He will definitely be up for fucking with Jason and his date a little.’
“There is a little something going on tonight,” Dick said, faux casually. He cracked his neck and then started going through the double check of all the fastenings of his uniform and basic equipment. “Remember earlier, when Duke sent that odd message?”
Damian grunted.
“Well, I looked into it, and-”
“Holy shit, Jason is calling out of patrol tonight in the group chat.” Stephanie’s voice trailed faintly over the divider between the locker rooms. “Do you see this shit, Nicki Minaj?”
Dick blinked. “Nicki Min-” 
That apparently meant Tim, who lunged for his phone and unlocked it. He stared in disbelief for a moment. “Is he allowed to do that?” he asked. He scrunched his face up, clearly disturbed.
‘Makes sense, but does that mean I’m going to be chasing Jason, not Red Hood?’ Dick crinkled up his nose and thought about it. Probably not? He didn’t want to give anyone the impression that Jason’s civilian ID was being hunted by law enforcement. Jay probably just didn’t want Dick to be able to track him down too easily. Fair enough. 5 of them on patrol was quite honestly a lot more than Gotham needed on an average night.
Damian snorted. “Don’t be absurd,” he sneered. “We are all entitled to a certain number of rest days per week. Have you forgotten the holistic wellness powerpoint presentation so easily, you despicable fool?”
“Shut up, nerd.” Tim held his phone in Damian’s face.
Damian stared at it without blinking for a long few seconds. “...I was not aware this was a genre of action of which he was capable.” He looked incredibly troubled.
The expression wiped off of Dick’s face.
‘What did that little shit do?’
“Maybe it’s a sick mind game?” Stephanie suggested, voice lifting in question.
Dick yanked his locker open and dug his phone out. He unlocked it in a blur of motion, already scowling. 
Jay had sent a picture to the birdchat with a selfie of him and a man who must be Danny, the dead guy on the other end of the sacrifice contract. They were leaning together over a dinner table. Jay was cheesing for the camera, a glint in his eye that said he knew he was being a little shit. Danny looked kinda dazed, which probably meant he wasn’t quite wild enough for their life. Dick nearly felt a tinge of guilt about tagging him into their rivalry, but hey, it was just a friendly game.
The accompanying message was, “Can’t patrol tonight, I’m spending time with the boyfriend. Stay safe, losers and Steph.”
Dick huffed. He slammed his locker shut. Fine. So, he didn’t get to share the exciting news! That was fine. That was fair, even. Jay should get to launch his own relationship. It was just kinda-
Wait. He scrambled to open the locker again and looked at the selfie again. 
He knew the wall behind them. It was an Italian place where Jay laundered money from the sale of imported Dutch narcotics. 
‘They have to still be there,’ he realized, mind running through the minutes since he had confirmed with Babs via camera that the two were at the planetarium. He grinned like the Grinch and rushed out. “Bye, see you out there,” he called over his shoulder to the locker room and snatched up his helmet. He had already changed, after all! No need to wait around for the slowpokes and the old man who still wasn’t even coming down the Bat staircase yet.
Nightwing flung himself onto his motorcycle and tore off into the night. He crossed the bridge into Gotham, a flash of blue reflected off the choppy water below. It felt like minutes until he kicked out the stand for his bike and dismounted, clicking the protective tech on without stopping for a minute. He took the rickety, rust-red stairs up the outside of the building and slithered in the stairwell.
He wasn’t an amateur. He knew that Jay knew what he’d done. He was expecting Dick to come here. But that didn’t mean Dick couldn’t gain ground. Jay might still be here. Dick crept out into the restaurant through the kitchen, ducking out of sight from the line cook and bursting through the kitchen double doors in utter silence.
His gaze went unerringly to the table where the photo had been taken. A grim-faced waiter looked up, pristine white cloth in the process of wiping it down. “There’s a note for you,” he said. He indicated the receipt with a head tilt and finished his task, wiping down the salt shaker and other accoutrement.
Boo. Dick deflated. “Thank you,” he said. It was too much to expect for this to end first thing. Ah. He cheered up at the realization that this was better, actually. He was clearly only minutes behind them. The game wouldn’t be fun if it was too easy, after all. With that in mind he felt pretty chipper as he reached for the no doubt taunting note Jay would have left him on the back of the receipt. In his peripheral vision he noted the waiter picking up a short mop and running it over the floor under where Jay and Danny’s feet would have been.
…A riddle. They left him a riddle. “How does water fall onto a cranky little stormcloud?” Puzzled, he blinked. Uh, water going up? Something about condensation, about pipes, about… stormcloud? He crinkled his eyebrows and thought about Damian’s thunderous little face, chubby cheeks and all, positively sick with fury that Dick had betrayed him by attending his art show.
He had a bad feeling. He looked up. There, in the unfinished rafters, alien green eyes stared down at him predatorily from an inhumanly pale face. 
Dick froze. Jason’s boyfriend was clinging to the ceiling like goddamn Dracula climbing down the castle wall, one clawed hand wrapped around a rafter, feet braced against another in a way that made his limbs look just slightly too long and angular. The other hand was holding a bucket.
Fuck. Dick dodged in a roll and barely evaded the bulk of the splash zone.
“Loser!” Jason’s voice called out. 
Dick whipped his head over to see his brother grinning at him from the kitchen in a goddamn kitchen staff apron. “Bitch!” he said, appalled. Had he really walked past him without realizing it? No way. Just no way. He looked back up and jolted. 
Danny was gone. 
He looked back at the kitchen just in time to see Danny drape himself over Jason’s shoulder in a boneless way, flash a grin with teeth that were far too long, and then… and then. They both faded out of sight as Dick rushed the door. There was no hint as to where they had gone.
‘I should have gotten tactical information about Danny’s ghost abilities before I challenged them. This is on me, a little bit. I’ll have to have Babs take a look… No, not yet. They’re probably going around by one of Jason’s bikes, I can check on what’s missing and plug the license plate number into the auto search program.’’
“Excuse me.”
Disheartened, Dick blinked back at the waiter, who had already mopped up the water that Danny had dropped on him. He was impassively holding out another wet towel. 
”...Thank you,” Dick said, and dried his left shin off so he stopped leaving drips across the restaurant.
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happypedrohours · 3 months
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Good morning, fellow Happy Pedro Hours partakers! We hope you had a great night and we're looking forward to the next one aka tonight, June 22nd!
The first pit stop after a night of fun with friends is definitely some hot drink to wake up and face the day, so we asked some of our writer friends what they think Pedro Boys would drink and they came up with some brilliant ideas that you will find under the cut.
Jack has neat black coffee because he doesn't see why you should add anything else. Except whiskey, of course.
Shane doesn't like coffee but he's been known to sneak a white mocha frappucino when nobody is watching.
Javi G, being very European, would do a cappucino in the morning but if he wakes up later in the day, he'd switch to an espresso with a bit of sugar in it.
Or Javi G would drink a cortado.
Pietro Alvarez will do a double espresso with almost an equal ratio of sugar.
Maxwell Lord skips the coffee because he's already way too wound up on a regular day, so maybe he'd go for a decaf or just some tea.
Marcus Moreno doesn't drink too much coffee in a day because it doesn't always agree with his stomach. He'll have a plain cup in the morning at time, but if he stops at a coffee house, he'll try a cappucino because Missy always raves about it.
Tim will drink black at the police station because the coffee isn't any good so leyt's not even consider that powdery creamer, but if he orders at a coffee shop, he'll sometimes go for some cream in it.
Joel Miller (pre-outbreak) drinks Folgers because it was on sale. He adds his cream and 2-4 spoons of sugar (depending of it he had to bail Tommy out of jail or back him up in a fight or threaten to fight a kid because they gave Sarah a weird look). Joel is that dad, we love him for it.
Joel Miller (post-oubreak) drinks any coffee he can find, even beans are welcome. He stays awake and doesn't have to deal with his nightmares.
Or Joel would drink weak American coffee in like a tub
Din might drink caf if Grogu has kept him up when he was trying to sleep while the ship was in hyperdrive, otherwise he sticks to water. Very practical.
Dave York is a man who "closes deals" so to speak. He has some fancy Italian blend that he tells his secretary to get him and he hides it from Carol and the kids because he wants to be the only one who has it. Also too expensive to share.
Or Dave York is a coffee snob, interested in different roasts and beans.
Ezra is happy to have anything that will keep him awake so he can keep an eye on his pod. Taste doesn't matter. If he's ever able to relax, he might like some caramel. It's not too fancy but not too basiceither.
Frankie drinks Lifer juice (black coffee). Dark roast, though, he needs to be wide awake. Benny was making taco jokes all night and he dozed on the couch and has a crick in his neck. We're taking volunteer applications to give him a massage.
Strong coffee for Frankie, I can actually see him going for like a triple or quadrupple espresso when given the chance.
Or Frankie takes his coffee just black and strong.
Oberyn would go for some tea or herbal infusion instead.
Dieter drinks any and every sweet thing you can put in six shots of expresso to keep him awake and with a grin for this next scene with the actor he left with one of his monogrammed butt plugs up their ass and did not call the next day.
Or Dieter drinks "extra everything, cream, sugar, any of those coffee syrups if you have them."
Lucien has Cuban coffee with his cigarette in the morning and the afternoon.
Javier Pena drinks it black with a spoon of sugar or two because the Senora says he needs some sweet. He's a sucker for pleasing ladies, old and young.
Or Javi P obviously drinks Colombian coffee.
Thanks to @avastrasposts, @nerdieforpedro, @lady-bess, @for-a-longlongtime for their thoughts!
Do you have other coffee order headcanons for Pedro Boys? If so, we'd love to hear them! Drop us a comment to share them!
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howlingday · 5 months
Imagine Jaune as Scott Sterling(from Studio C). How funny would that be? Pyrrha would probably sue the coach and let Nora beat up the team.
Oobleck: Welcome back to our coverage of the game between Teams RWBY and JNPR.
Port: If you're just joining us today, you've missed most of an unbelievably well fought match between two incredible teams tonight. It has all come down to the final, penalty shots. All it takes is enough points for either team. Here comes the kick...
Pyrrha: (Kicks, Scores goal)
Oobleck: OH! SPECTACULAR! Team JNPR's star player, Pyrrha Nikos, has just landed a goal for her team, so now the burden rests on Team JNPR's goal-keeper, Jaune Arc.
Port: Here he comes. A fine lad with nerves of steel. He's got more hanging over him than the city of Mantle right now.
Oobleck: Indeed, and it seems the fans are showing their appreciation for it. Yang Xiao Long places the ball on the spot, getting ready.
Port: That girl literally has a cannon for a leg, and here she comes! Winding up for the shot and-
Yang: (Kicks)
Jaune: (Pelted in the face)
Oobleck: We clocked that at a stunning 116 kilometers per hour!
Port: Now that's a lot of, er, miles per hour!
Oobleck: Even with aura, there is no chance that young man's nose isn't broken right now.
Port: Oh, indeed!
Jaune: (Dazed)
Goodwitch: (Shining a light in his face, Nods, Leaves)
Port: Now it seems Team JNPR's coach, Professor Goodwitch, is examining him and deems him fit for duty after a short rest. Sadly, he's not out of the woods yet.
Oobleck: On his feet now, a bit shaken.
Port: But not stirred!
Oobleck/Port: HAHAHAHA!
Port: This crowd absolutely loves this young man.
Oobleck: He returns to his team, who welcome him back as a hero. And now comes another penalty kick, and scoring here would make it two nil. Nora Valkyrie approaches the ball with determination!
Nora: (Kicks, Misses goal)
Port: She hits high and wide, way off target!
Oobleck: She must have thought she was playing Mantle Football and attempting a field goal!
Port: Wrong kind of football, I'd say! And back now to Jaune Arc, looking a bit worse for wear, but ready for round two.
Oobleck: The shot takes a moment, but here comes Belladonna!
Blake: (Kicks)
Jaune: (Beaned in the schnozz)
Port: Jaune Arc with the fantastic dive! The ball flies straight through the air and his hands and whacks Jaune Arc right in the sniffer!
Oobleck: Looking again on the instant replay and OH! EVERY EXCRUCIATING DETAIL IS CAPTURED PERFECTLY IN HIGH-DEFINITION PERFECTION! Clocked in at 129 kilometers per hour.
Port: Arc does not look well. Two wonderful saves compounding two DEFINITE concussions.
Goodwitch: (Carries Jaune on shoulder)
Jaune: (Falls, Dragged away)
Oobleck: This seems to be the end of Jaune Arc's performance tonight.
Port: Indeed, as his coach pulls him through the grass and off the field, like a large-breasted lioness dragging a gazelle with a broken nose across the savannah.
Oobleck: Adieu, Jaune Arc. Adieu.
Port: JNPR now with their third PK. Weiss bouncing at the goal like an infant. The crowd holds their breath as Valkyrie moves in... OH! Very anticlimactic there. Let's see who they got to replace Jaune Ar-
Oobleck/Port: JAUNE ARC!
Oobleck: Jaune Arc is still in the game! Oh my, and it seems he's taken a very odd tactic now!
Port: He seems to be in the fetal position, covering his face.
Oobleck: Not a recommended technique, but here it co- Oh, wait! It seems Weiss Schnee is stopping to tie her shoe.
Port: Ho ho! And that's why you do a double-knot, kids!
Oobleck: Arc, still waiting for the kick to happen. He's probably wondering when the-
Jaune: (Looks up)
Weiss: (Kicks, Pops him in the beak)
Port: The ball strikes Arc right in the face, further crushing his nostrils into thin slits! He must be breathing only blood by now! He's going to look like one of those cartoon characters that just ran into a frying pan while they were chasing after a mouse!
Oobleck: I don't even care that we missed Lie Ren's attempt! Let's go back to-
Oobleck/Port: JAUNE ARC!
Port: THE MAN!
Oobleck: THE MYTH!
Oobleck/Port: THE LEGEND!
Jaune: (Stumbling to the goal, Bloodied and battered)
Port: I can't wait to see Arc and his catlike face reflexes!
Oobleck: Absolutely incredible, though I must say that Arc does not look well at all lying on the ground there.
Port: Well, you know athletes. They like to add a bit of drama to their performances.
Jaune: (Picked up by Ren and Nora)
Port: Are they taking him out?
Pyrrha: (Runs out with chair)
Oobleck: They brought him a chair! A bold move by their coach!
Jaune: (Reaches for his team leaving)
Oobleck: This is basically a gimme! Ruby Rose has to literally kick it anywhere that isn't where Jaune Arc is!
Port: There is no way Team RWBY can mess up this shot!
Jaune: (Begging Ruby)
Ruby: (Kicks, Craters his face)
Port: THIS MAN CAN DO NO WRONG! Just look at him in this instant replay, begging for mercy when it should be mercy begging for him!
Oobleck: He has looked Death in the eye and said, "Take your best shot!" To which Death replies with repeated punches to Arc's face! Just over and over and over again!
Port: If Team JNPR make this final shot, it's all over! But-
Port: No! Pyrrha Nikos misses, clearly too distracted by the wounds her partner, Jaune Arc, has sustained in this game! Speaking of, it's time we go back to-
Oobleck/Port: JAUNE! ARC!
Port: His face is like a brick wall!
Oobleck: A brick wall that can feel only pain and cries a lot!
Port: Wait a minute... I see Team RWBY's star kicker, Penny Polendina, but where's Jaune Arc?
Oobleck: ...Oh! It seems Arc is crawling away from the goal! WHAT IS HE DOING?!
Penny: (Kicks exactly where she needs to)
Jaune: (...Words cannot describe the calamity of what just happened. At least, they fail to accurately depict what could be described as what really happened. The only accuracy that could be described in this space is that there was physical contact between Jaune Arc's face and a large, head-sized ball, and that there was a lot of bodily fluids that resulted from this contact, and that Jaune Arc was in so much pain that it's likely he passed out or away, though it's also just as likely that he didn't.)
Oobleck: ICAN'TBELIEVEIT! LOOKATTHAT! HE'SDONETHEIMPOSSIBLE! He was hit just right! What incredible instincts he had to just crawl away from the goal like that!
Port: His team rushes to the field, happy as a lark, as they all slide in and accidentally kick Jaune Arc in the face!
Oobleck: And now his team his carrying him off and away on an orange stretch of victory, glory, and emergency medical attention! Jaune Arc and his face of steel have won it all!
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wolfjackle-creates · 1 year
Ghost!Robin Part 5
First, Previous
This is probably the segment you've all been waiting for. Hope it holds up to expectations! 1.1k words.
Before Danny could ask any questions about what the big deal was, Dick nudged him. “Which do you want—curry or beef?”
“Can I try both?”
“Alfred loves to see people enjoy his food. Eat as much as you can, then take a few more bites.” Dick handed him one platter followed by another. Robin watched on as Danny scooped some of each onto his plate.
When the ghost pointed to the potatoes and patted his stomach, Danny made sure to grab a large scoop and took a bite of that first. It was heavenly.
He raised his second spoonful up to Robin as a thank you for the recommendation.
“The potatoes are my favorite, too,” commented Jason who must’ve seen.
That caused Danny to raise and eyebrow and flick his eyes to Robin again. “I can understand why; they’re to die for.”
Jazz choked back a laugh. “Now you’re just stealing Dick’s joke from earlier,” she said.
“What can I say? It was a good one.”
Dick clucked his tongue. “Jason’s the same way. I don’t get how you can joke about almost dying.”
Danny tried the curry and shrugged. “This is so good. And I dunno, death jokes are super common in Amity. What else are you supposed to do when surrounded by ghosts?”
Dick just shook his head. “Well, if you say so. Now, here, try this, too,” he said as he scooped more food onto Danny’s plate.
Danny did so obediently and the conversation moved to lighter topics.
When he was mostly done with his plate, Robin decided it would be a great time to sit down on the table between him and Jazz. He stared at Danny and pointed to himself then raised an eyebrow. “When help me?” he mouthed.
“Jazz, I hope you’re well rested because I keep remembering more things I need to tell you about tonight after dinner.” On the last words, he made eye contact with Robin.
Who was not happy at all with his response. He stood on the table and seemed to grow in size. “Now,” he mouthed, foot stomp included. Angry-frustrated pulses filled the space.
“Danny?” asked Jazz.
Damn, he’d completely missed her reply. “Um, sorry Jazz, I got a work message earlier and I’m a bit distracted. Could you repeat that?”
Her eyes narrowed. She was totally onto him. “Something is up with you tonight.”
“Who me?” he rubbed the back of his neck and put on his innocent grin, the one that never worked on her. Flicking his eyes to Robin, he asked, “Why?” hoping that Jazz would take it as directed to her.
She stared at him a moment longer before turning back to Jason and pointedly ignoring Danny. Robin also moved until he was next to Jason, their faces side-by-side.
Then he removed his domino mask to show bright blue eyes, the exact color of Jason’s.
“Well fuck.” No way could he keep silent after that reveal.
The rest of the table fell silent and Bruce looked concerned. “Is everything all right, Danny?” he asked
Robin flew over to Bruce next and held two fingers to either side of his head and wiggled them.
“Well, double fuck.” Danny let his head bang on the table and cursed under his breath in Sumerian.
Dick touched his shoulder. “What’s wrong?” The concern was clear in his voice.
“Danny?” demanded Jazz.
Danny sat up and looked longingly at the remaining food on his plate before pushing away from the table and holding up his PDA and bag. “I’m sorry, I have to excuse myself for a few minutes. An important work thing.”
“Really, Danny? Can’t it wait?” asked Jazz.
“No. It really can’t.”
“Will you at least be quick?” she tried.
Danny sighed. “This’ll probably take ages to sort out in full. But the first part should only take a few minutes.” He looked over the rest of the table and bit his lip. He should tell them something, but where to even begin? And it’s not like Robin, Jason?, whatever, wouldn’t spill the beans as soon as he was able. So he just turned and let the room, Robin right on his heels.
“How far away from Jason, er, from your living self, can you get?” he asked quietly as soon as he felt like they were out of immediate earshot.
Robin flew a few feet down the hall and around corner. They were only just out of sight of the doorway and well within shouting range. In fact, he could still hear the sounds of conversation, even if exact words were difficult to make out.
Robin floated before him, no longer smiling, and held out a hand.
Danny stared at it a moment before grabbing it and pulling Robin into a hug. The ghost felt so insubstantial in his arms, like a wisp of silk or an underinflated balloon. Without thought, he transformed and surrounded Robin more securely in his aura.
“I’m so sorry I didn’t visit sooner,” whispered Danny. “I’m sorry I didn’t know about you until now.”
There was a tug on his core. Robin was trying to take some of his power. Danny pushed as well, giving it willingly. In his arms, Robin grew more solid.
With Robin’s increased corporeality, Danny became aware the boy was shaking. He chirped an I’m here, you’re safe message.
Robin trilled his thanks and nerves.
Before Danny could ask what Robin wanted to do next, they were startled apart by a loud crash and the sound of breaking glass and china and a voice shouting, “What the fuck?”
In the hallway, in perfect view of Danny and Robin, stood Alfred and Duke. A dropped tray and shattered dishes decorated the floor at Alfred’s feet and Duke had barely kept hold of his own tray and was half turned away but squinting at Danny and Robin like they were painful to look at.
Shouted questions and running footsteps echoed from the dining room and then everyone else was there, too.
Danny ignored everyone, focusing on Jazz who was staring at him in pure terror. Before he could assure her it would be all right, she was moving, ducking under arms until she was in front of him.
She fell into a fighting stance and pulled out a fenton staff. With the press of a button, it powered on, glowing like a double-sided light saber in her hands. “If any of you try to turn in my brother or hurt him, I will end you.”
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@addie-lover-of-stories, @justwannabecat, @gin2212, @amercurio, @regonold, @overtherose, @readerzj, @sjrose1216, @echoednonny, @deeterzz, @blu-lilac, @number-one-jew, @rowanaway-fromthisbs, @vythika96, @tired-yet-awaken, @themirrorghost, @emeraldcorpral, @all-mights-asscheeks, @darkhinauniverse, @blep-23, @phandomhyperfixationblog, @larkcoe1, @thegatorsgoose, @job-ross-the-second, @britcision, @lenacraft, @bubblemixer, @androgynouslordofescapism, @purefrickingspite, @leftmiraclechaos, @lizisipancardo, @starlight-sparks, @miraculousandmore, @gildedphoenix, @sometimesthingsfallapart, @letmesayfuxk, @phoenixcatch7, @skulld3mort-1fan, @abaowo, @dhampir-princess, @idkmrpianoman, @sarina-elais, @ballzfrog-blog, @undead-essence, @spookytragedyshark, @flyingpansaurus, @akintoabitch, @marivictal, @8-29pm
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thelampisaflashlight · 10 months
Dew, brewing a pot of sleepytime tea: "Double, double toil and trouble, fire burn and cauldron bubble... With this magic potion-" -popping open a bottle of benadryl and taking two out- "-and these magic beans, this bitch is gonna sleep tonight or I'm personally gonna strangle the sandman."
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newtthetranswriter · 3 months
'Perfect' Vice Captain
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(this is one of my favorite moments of this bean, truly captures his chaotic energy)
Word count: 1022
Paring: Koushi Sugawara x Gn! Reader
Summary: Just a relaxing evening for Koushi’s birthday, well relaxing and poking fun at his sill behavior in highschool
Warnings: Just spoilers for post!timeskip
A/n: Happy Birthday to the prettiest of the pretty setter squad, Koushi Sugawara. It’s not exactly the way I wanted it to turn out but I am happy with it. I love Suga, he is by far my favorite Haikyuu character and he deserves so much more attention than he gets. Anyways enjoy and as always remember to hydrate or diedrate.
   You would expect that someone as chaotic as Koushi Sugawara would want some crazy birthday party, or at least a get together with his closest friends. But I’m here to tell you, after a long day teaching elementary schoolers how to write and read, all Koushi wanted to do was go home and relax with his partner. And relaxing with his partner is exactly what he is going to get.
   I had taken the day off from my job so I could stay home and make sure everything was clean and there was nothing that Koushi would have to worry about when he got home. It was my full intention to make the evening as calm and relaxed as possible. As it got closer to the time Koushi would be arriving home, I got out some sweats and t-shirt for him to change into after he takes his normal after work shower. I also made sure to order his favorite take out dinner in advance asking for it to be delivered roughly an hour after the time he gets home knowing how long his after work routine takes. 
   Double checking everything was ready so he didn’t have to worry about anything when he got home, I moved to wait for him in the living room. I focused on just scrolling through various social medias laughing at some of the embarrassing photos our friends from highschool had posted in honor of Koushi’s special day, most notably was a picture of him karate chopping Asahi in the gut with the caption ‘Sugamama was vicious’ courteous of one Ryunoske Tanaka. Leaving a quick agreement to the caption, I turned from my phone at the sound of keys in the front door.
   I quickly jumped up heading to meet the gray haired dork at the door. “Welcome home, Love. How was your day? Did the kids do anything special for you this year?” I asked about his day as he switched to his house slippers.
  “My day was wonderful, thank you for asking dear.” He said as he placed a kiss on my forehead. “As for the kids, some of them made cards during free time, and few of them even brought me candy as a gift. It was really sweet.” Koushi explained with a bright smile as he moved towards our shared bedroom and the connected bathroom.
  “I’m glad you had a good day, but now that you are home you don’t have to worry about anything else for the day. It’s your day so I plan to make the evening as relaxing for you as possible.” I assured him, moving to lay on our bed while he went into the bathroom.
  As he flipped the light on, it was clear from the light chuckle he let out that he was not expecting it to be set up for his shower already. “You didn’t have to set up my clothes for me, my love.” He turned to look at me.
  “You’re right I didn’t have to, but it’s your birthday and I said you didn’t have to worry about anything and I meant it. Now go shower, and when you get out, dinner will be here and we can eat, and just relax for the rest of the evening.” I explained shooing him into the bathroom.
   Just as planned about ten minutes before Koushi was done with his normal long ass shower, there was a knock on the door signaling that our food had arrived. Getting off the bed I answered the door, taking the food to the kitchen and getting everything set up to eat.
   Once Koushi was done showering, he joined me in the living room to eat. “I know you said I don’t have to worry about anything tonight, but you didn’t have to do all this for me.” He said grabbing his food from the coffee table.
   “Once again, it’s your birthday and while I normally would have wanted to throw a party with all our friends, I figured since it’s still the middle of the week a better option would be letting you have a carefree evening. Now eat your food before I decide to send a certain police man those pictures of you and Tanaka being complete idiots at the hotel during nationals in third year.” I threatened, knowing that even if said event was years ago Koushi was not fond of the idea of Daichi finding out he was in fact not the responsible vice captain he claimed to be.
  He rolled his eyes before taking another bite of his food. “You would dare ruin my reputation as a perfect vice captain, over me saying you don’t have to spoil me.” He said, completely serious if you can look past the glint of mischief in his eyes.
  Taking a bite of my own food, I had to hold in a laugh to stop myself from choking. “Yeah ‘perfect vice captain’ okay tell that to the picture Tanaka posted of you karate chopping Asahi at the summer camp, or the one of you jumping like a lunatic after a match posted by Yachi. And don’t even get me started on the numerous times you encouraged Kageyama and Hinata to be idiots just to see Tsuki nearly kill them both.” I countered after finishing my bite of food.
  “Ok, almost perfect vice captain, happy. Now can we just eat and then relax.” He asked, a small yawn slipping past his smile. I nodded in agreement before finishing my food.
  After we were both done eating, I quickly cleaned up the take out containers. Having filled up on comfort foods, we both agreed that just going and cuddling was the best way to end the night. As we layed in bed drifting in and out of sleep, I whispered one last thing to the beautiful man resting in my arms. “All jokes aside, Happy birthday Koushi, you are the best thing to happen to me. I love you so much” Taking the silence as a sign that he probably was already asleep, I let sleep take over my mind as well.
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plzu · 1 year
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solo - (Adrian Chase x Reader)
part six ☕️ <;< series masterlist☕️ ao3
a/n: please note that i will be taking liberties with the show's timeline here now that Chris is back. i believe everything took place in the span of… less than a week? i'm going to be stretching it out a little so we can fit in some stuff for the Reader, otherwise there won't be time!!! summary: Vigilante's BFF is back from prison! Which is exciting, and not something at all to worry about. warnings: bad relationship with parents (mommy issues haha lol), reader is struggling with depression, brief mentions of masturbation, no Y/N wordcount: 4.2k
Very few things could snap Adrian out of the tedium of Fennel Fields. Usually, while mechanically wiping down tables and pouring refills of water, he is deep in thought strategizing over how to capture the next criminal, or contemplating what went wrong from the aggravating nights that someone got away so he could avoid mistakes like that in the future.
It used to be Taylor's hot cousin that would come in from time to time, snapping Adrian's attention out of his thoughts as soon as he spotted her (much to Taylor's dismay). He wasn’t really all that into her, she was just really pretty and was nice to Adrian, like, once, and with Peacemaker in prison, Adrian was a little bored and just craved the distraction.
Lately, it's been his old high school classmate and now-barista, who, truth be told, didn't even have to physically be in Fennel Fields to be a distraction. Ever since running into them for the first time since high school graduation, Adrian's thoughts would wistfully wander to the glow of their laughter or the heat of their skin through their clothes. Coffee-scented daydreams and caramel kisses.
(Luckily, his apron did a pretty decent job of obscuring the growing bulge in his pants when his fantasies grew too steamy.)
So the days you did stop by? Every other customer's face became an indescribable blur. The drug dealer or car-jacker Vigilante was planning on going after would be fully pushed to the back of his mind. He did everything he could to keep you in his line of sight, at that point. And you'd giggle at the attention, and he'd smile all goofy in return, something like pride beating in his chest.
But there's no you tonight. It's the one day you're not at the Evergreen Bean, which is why you planned your outing for last night, you had explained to him.
So, instead, the thing that makes Adrian Chase do a double-take--momentarily distracting him from work--is the all familiar flash of bright crimson stretched snug against the all too familiar muscular chest of Peacemaker.
Holy fuck, Peacemaker is back!?
Adrian would hardly believe his own two eyes if it weren't for the shine of Peacemaker's iconic helmet, and the fact that Vigilante was intimately familiar with the sheer size and shape of the man. They're best friends, after all; Adrian would've been able to clock him even without his glasses.
He watches -- ogles, really -- as his best buddy sits down in a booth with some other people, strangers that Adrian doesn't recognize and can't currently be bothered with even trying to identify because, holy shit, Peacemaker's back, he's really back!
So absorbed is he in his elation that Peacemaker is out of prison and ordering Zoodles in his restaurant, he doesn't realize the very open-faced, dopey grin that he's slipped into, head lolled to the side like a lovesick puppy. All previous worries have instantly vanished from his heart. It’s ridiculous he was ever worried about the cops knocking on his door this morning.
Oh, Chris is looking his way! Adrian sighs and waves at the attention, and does an encouraging, celebratory gesture with his fists when Peacemaker glances back again. Momentarily caught up not in being Adrian Chase the busboy, but in being Vigilante, the... vigilante. Who also happens to be Christopher Smith's best friend.
This has got to be in the top 10 best days for Adrian. His high school crush told him he's their best friend and his crime-fighting bestie is home from prison, all within the same 24 hours??
He can barely contain his enthusiasm, he needs to sneak out back to do his famous butt dance in the dirty alley behind the restaurant.
If only he had someone he could gush to about Peacemaker's glorious return to Evergreen!
Wait. He does..!
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Ever since you moved back in with your parents, every waking moment not spent at work or with Adrian is spent in your bedroom. Usually miserably watching Netflix, or scrolling mindlessly through your phone, or, well, masturbating until exhaustion finally gives way to sleep.
You hide away, avoiding your parents as much as possible. If they can't see you, they'll forget you're here. If they forget you're here, then there won't be any questions about what happened, or lectures on what a monumental fuck-up you turned out to be.
It's a childish hope, really. This belief that you can occupy space in their house without going noticed. That you can tiptoe past their bedroom door to the bathroom and they won't hear the water running. That you can just disappear, despite attributing to the water and electricity bill, despite using their wifi to peruse shitty memes to distract you from the growing numbness in your ribcage, or the anxiety that chatters in your teeth.
The sensible part of your brain frets, knowing that this behavior will just make it worse. The more you prolong coming face to face with them, the bigger the ticking time bomb of your mother's anger will be when it finally goes off. It is a wrath you hate to be on the receiving end of.
Yet you delude yourself with the idea of Out of Sight, Out of Mind.
Only when it is past midnight, when your parents are certainly asleep, do you feel any sort of relief under this roof. But that relief grows smaller and smaller with each passing day, and it gets harder to pretend everything's okay, harder to distract yourself with things that are supposed to bring you joy, like comfort movies, or your favorite songs.
Even rubbing one out barely does anything to ignite the signals in your brain with fake happiness. It’s like even the dopamine fizzles away quickly, knowing this is bullshit. 'Like, dude, c'mon. Give us the real thing! Let the hot busboy touch you for REAL-'
So you're in your room again, nearly 24 hours after the incident in the alleyway, the bloodshed and revelations, and it should be the same as every other night, where you just wallow in silence. Maybe worse! Should definitely be worse considering the aforementioned 'bloodshed' and 'revelations.' But instead, holding a pillow tight to your chest, you blink up at your ceiling until weird splotches of light dance at the edge of your vision, utterly fucking baffled. You've been trying to make sense of the encounter you went through earlier after walking through the front door.
It had been too much to hope that your parents were either still asleep or not home once you shut the front door. Immediately, your dad appeared from the other end of the hall, and, as expected, he looked none too pleased to see you.
Your face slipped into its usual stony mask at the sight of him and his crossed arms. Inwardly, though, you grimaced, and hoped that the stench of alcohol and vomit had been successfully washed off.
“Where have you been?” Dad asked, stern and to the point. 
“I told you,” you responded tonelessly, “I went out with my old friends yesterday.”
“That doesn't explain why you didn't come home.”
While being grilled by your father, you instinctively try to listen for any sounds that your mother is around. Your dad's disappointment sucks, sure, but your mother's anger has always been worse, and difficult to shield yourself from.
Staring at a spot on the wall near your father's head, you explained that you spent the night at one of your friends last night, to make up for lost time. It wasn't a complete lie; it's what you had originally planned on doing anyway. Besides, you DID sleep over at a friend's house.
They just didn't have to know that it wasn't one of your old girl friends.
Your dad brought up the bodies that were found behind the club you went to, and how it's all over the news. That was enough to make your eyes widen just a fraction, nearly breaking your stony facade.
“So you can understand,” he continued, voice dipping slightly more into a venomous fervor, “why you going out, getting drunk, and not answering our texts could make us worry.”
“Sorry, my phone died-”
“And that's irresponsible of you.”
A twitch of your eyebrows had indicated a crack in your mask, the bubbling frustration that even being about 10 or so years out of college, they still treated you like a child. “Well I'm fine, obviously. I'm here,” you bit out without thinking.
Your dad raised his voice. “Are you?? Because we never see you. Ever since you moved back in, you're either hiding in your room like a moody teenager, or supposedly working every day of the damn week! You come home late and then leave the next day without barely speaking to us.
“Your attitude has been making your mother worried sick, and it's driving us crazy. I kept trying to convince her to give you your space, but it's been months. I can't defend you anymore, not if you keep acting like this.”
The mention of your mother had your eyes shift to the stairs, to the entryway where your father stood, then back to the stairs, nervously looking for her. Sure enough, she appeared alongside your dad, quietly announcing her presence with an impassive stare. Your fists clenched, then, nails biting into your palms.
“Your mother has some stuff to say about this, too.” Dad glanced over at her expectantly, and there was almost something... eager about the look on his face. Which was odd. He was never one to derive pleasure from you getting in trouble.
But when your mother opened her mouth to speak, it was unexpectedly calm. “What? You mean about her?” The look in her eyes as she glanced in your direction was eerily… unrecognizable. “The lack of communication since your return home. You’ve been distant, and it has been… frustrating. Being gone from home so often without speaking to… us, and not answering your messages while out all night was very upsetting last night.”
She had spoken like she was recalling the thoughts. And, more shocking, she hadn’t raised her voice the entire time. Not a single expletive. No seething, bared-teeth rage. 
Your dad seemed just as bewildered as you at the lack of emotion in her tone. “That’s it? Last night you were screaming up a storm before storming out.” 
Then she shrugged, looking back up at your dad. “She’s an adult, right? Like you? …like me?”
She started walking towards you, making your heart leap into your throat. You didn’t dare take a step back. 
“Where did you even go last night?” 
You thought the question was directed at you, but your father was staring, concerned, at your mother’s back.
She paused. “I went out to... clear my head.” 
When she continued walking, she brushed right past without sparing you another glance. 
A text alert from your phone pulls you out of your memories, and your heart skips a happy little beat. Adrian! 
There’s been this uncomfortable feeling of uncertainty about Adrian, like he might disappear now that you know his big secret. It was a secret you really would not have minded not knowing, to be honest. Not if it meant potentially driving a wedge between you and the only source of solace you have in this town.
Ignorance is bliss, and all that. 
Adrian's text message is asking if you're gonna still be up by the time he gets out of work, because he has really cool news to share. You very quickly shoot back confirmation that you'll be up, and have things to share of your own.
Something tender balloons in your chest as you stare at the cracked phone screen, a sort of mushy happiness. None of that fake joy. It's a very Adrian-specific joy, and it further confirms that you need to keep him around for as long as you can, vigilante business be damned.
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“Wait, who?”
Adrian has settled into his car. After making sure there were no other stragglers in the parking lot, or suspicious passerby this late at night, he excitedly pulled up your contact and called you immediately. In an overzealous rush, he skipped the customary 'hello's' and jumped right into the highlight of his shift.
Seems like you were having a hard time keeping up, though. Which, cute as you are, was still kind of frustrating for him.
“Peacemaker! You know, the kick-ass hero with the super cool eagle sidekick? Eagly?”
He hears something like a snort on your end. “Wait, seriously? That's not very creative.”
“What are you talking about? Eagly's the coolest. I wish I had our country's national bird as a sidekick.”
Your chuckle comes through warm and fuzzy through the phone. “Of course you do, Adrian. So, Peacemaker? Where has he been this whole time?”
“Are you- are you serious? Do heroes go to prison? Well- I mean, cool people to go prison all the time but I'm talking specifically, like, Batman-level heroes, not civilian ones-”
“It's not his fault,” he says defensively. “They just don't get what we do.”
“We? Oh. He kills people, too, huh.”
It wasn't a question. It was a conclusion you came to, and Adrian is wondering if he messed up by reminding you about how he conducts his job as Vigilante.
But then you continue, almost... cheekily. “He just got caught.”
“Yeah..” he says, drawing out the word, not quite sure where you're going with this but surprised you don't sound as distraught as you did this morning.
“So that means he probably isn't as good as you, huh.”
“What? No way, Peacemaker's awesome, he's the best! He-”
“Dude,” you laugh. “I'm trying to compliment you.”
 “Wait, really?” Adrian feels his face warm at your snuggly 'mm-hmm.' The praise was a complete 180 from the way you freaked out this morning in his bedroom, but he supposes you’re more so complimenting the Getting Away With It part of the whole crime-fighting gig.
“Well, I guess you're right,” he continues, a bubble of tentative pride swelling in his chest. “I mean, of the two of us, I still have a secret identity. Everyone knows that he's Chris Smith. Also, as cool as his helmet is, it really doesn't do much to hide his face. And honestly, the lower half of his face is arguably his most prominent feature. Aside from his physique. Man, he's huge! Honestly, it's impressive he was able to keep up all that bulk in prison. Can't imagine they feed you very well-”
“Adrian, oh my god.”
“What! What is it?”
“Are you, like, in love with him? Because it kind of sounds like you have a massive crush on this guy.”
“What? Hah! No.” Adrian's neck itches with warmth. “We're best bros. It's normal to talk about your BFF with a deep sense of admiration. I wouldn't be- I wouldn't be who I am today without him!”
Also, it's been four years since he's seen the man. It's perfectly reasonable to gush, for lack of a better term. Besides, Adrian can never pass up the opportunity to praise Chris to others.
The line's gone quiet, and Adrian thinks the call may have gotten disconnected or something. “Hello?”
“Mm. Still here.” You sound quiet and distant, suddenly. Well, it's pretty late. You're probably just tired.
“So... you said you had something to talk about, too, right?”
“Hmm? Oh, yeah. No, it's nothing, just- my parents were acting kind of funny this morning.”
“Okay... funny how?”
“Well, you know how I've kind of been... avoiding them? Well, today they finally confronted me. And, like, I knew this was coming. I'm not surprised. But they didn't react the way... I expected?”
“What were you expecting?”
“For my mom to blow a gasket. For my whole life, she's always yelled when she was angry, or disappointed, or whatever. But this morning, she just... talked. Like, emotionless, too.”
Not knowing what to say, and not really knowing your parents, Adrian just sits and waits for you to continue.
“She didn't even seem angry. It was almost like she didn't care. And... I dunno, I can't decide if this is worse.”
“Well, getting yelled at is no fun,” Adrian helpfully supplies. “So this should be better, right?”
He hears you sigh. “Yeah. Maybe. Whatever, this is bumming me out. See you tomorrow?”
The shakily hopeful lilt in your voice makes him feel special, and he promises you tomorrow and bids you good night.
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You're alone in the cafe, having let the last barista leave as soon as closing time hit. Aside from your still-sore knees and bandaged wounds, being back at work almost felt normal.
You didn't tell Ashe or the others about what happened the other night. For one, how pathetic would it be to admit that you got stood up by the people you were super excited to see? Lame. Second, admitting to getting assaulted would lead to unnecessary concern. You're fine. Nothing even happened and those guys are, like, super dead.
(the way their hands linger on you in your nightmares so far is no one's business, either)
Three, the conversation would have inevitably led to Vigilante, and Matty would have stayed past his shift just to bombard you with questions about Evergreen's Most Wanted.
It was almost comforting to drown your senses today in the scent of coffee and idle customer chatter. You even hummed along to the standard cafe playlist, which you usually found dull but today, you found yourself grateful for having another chance to listen to the indie guitar strumming in the first place.
You're counting the money from the till when a knock startles you, making you jump and lose your place. You look up across the store to see - squint - wait, is that a familiar red visor??
Vigilante stands on the other side of the thick pane of glass. When he sees you've noticed him, he raises his hand in a friendly little wave that almost looks unnatural considering the armor on his chest and the very clear handle of a fucking sword on his back.
But then you visualize Adrian beneath the mask, and your heart goes back to beating at a normal pace.
“What are you-” you falter as you lead him into the cafe. “Why- why're you... Vigilante?” The end of your question peters off into a quiet hiss. Secretive.
The masked head of his tilts to the side a bit, and he crosses his arms over his chest. “Well, who else is going to rid the streets of Evergreen of criminal scum? The cops? Hah!” He throws his head back. “Not likely.”
This makes you smirk, despite yourself. “No, I meant- why are you here wearing that?”
Sizing up Vigilante’s appearance, you can see in the lighting of the cafe what you couldn’t see before in the dim street lighting and drunken haze. The armor on his chest is well-worn, the accented teal V-shape clearly scuffed and dirtied from constant use. There’s some stitching on the lower right side of his torso that almost, but not quite, does a decent job of blending into the rest of the black material. 
If you scan lower, you find more of that same stitching on his pant legs, below his holster (which he has two of, one on each side of his tapered waist).
Which, holy shit, you never really noticed his build before. His body is always hidden underneath looser fitting tops. Maybe it’s just the chest plate and shoulder pads, but it really pronounces the wide breadth of his chest and shoulders. That combined with the utility built, whose wide V-shape points directly down to his crotch, narrows his waist. It makes filthy thoughts of straddling him between your thighs flit through your imagination before you snuff it out.
“Oh.” Adrian's arms unfold and drop back down to his sides as he glances down at his get-up. “I'm meeting up with Peacemaker tonight. And, honestly? Now that-” his voice lowers and he leans towards you just a little, “now that you know, it's way faster to just show up already dressed. Then I don't have to spend more time afterwards changing!”
You pause on your way back behind the bar, then look back at him. “We're not hanging out tonight?” Your shoulders slump in dejection. “Wait, you've been going out as Vigilante afterwards this whole time?”
The idea that after each time you've parted ways, he's been going out and potentially risking his life doesn't sit well with you. Not knowing if each good-bye was the last time you'd see that dopey face of his post make-out sessions.
“Not all the time,” Adrian -- Vigilante -- corrects. “Considerably less since we've started hanging out, actually. But now that Peacemaker is back, I gotta step it back up! Don't want him to think I've been slacking while he was away.”
A strange mix of pride and guilt weighs in your chest.
It's good that you've kept Adrian distracted recently, right? It means less chances that some jay-walker will get pulverized to a pulp by a well-intentioned freak in a mask. And maybe you've been keeping Adrian unintentionally safe, too. The cops can't capture Vigilante if he's not out and about. No bullet to pierce the softer bits of his costume. Uniform. Whatever.
But then, there's all the good he's done, too. And the fact that, judging by his clear giddiness and the reverential way in which he rambled about Peacemaker last night, he loves doing this. There's a very clear, unbridled enthusiasm about him now that you never quite saw before. The thought that you may have been keeping him away from something he so obviously loves (and is, apparently, quite good at) kind of hurts your heart.
“Sooo.. are you gonna make me a drink before I go?”
“Hm? Oh-” you step towards the espresso machine, but then remember the first time he showed up in your store, five minutes before close, saying something about really needing the caffeine that night.
“Wait.” You spin and face him, looking at him with wide-eyed accusation. “Have I been giving you an energy boost this whole time so I can help you kill people?”
Does that make you, like, an accomplice? Indirectly?
“Hey!” He points a gloved, defensive finger in your direction. “I do not just kill people. Don't simplify it like that. I do a lot of surveillance and strategizing, too! It really is not all as easy as killing someone.”
Killing someone is easy!?
Because you're slightly annoyed with him, and because he clearly doesn't need the caffeine, you pull a single shot of espresso for Adrian. You pass him the tiny cup.
He handles the paper cup like an empty bottle of prescription pills, lightly wiggling it as if weighing its contents. And then he snorts.
“Listen, I'm not trying to tell you how to do your job, but I think you forgot to add the rest of the drink, silly.”
His voice held the cadence of a tease, like he was just about ready to crack up at your goofy little mistake.
“I didn't forget,” you snap, rolling your eyes. “A shot of espresso is the whole drink. It's called a solo.”
“Uh, no,” he chuckles. “I'm pretty sure a solo is when you...” he makes a crude gesture with his empty right hand, slowly bringing it back and forth against his crotch like he's lazily jerking off ghost-dick.
He's being fully serious, and your mouth twists in an effort not to laugh.
“Well, that's all you're getting tonight,” you say with finality, shutting down the espresso machine. “'Sides, I really doubt you need that much caffeine tonight. You seem plenty awake.”
Staring at the tiny drink in his hand, he concedes, but not without sounding disappointed.
“Well, gotta run!” He turns around and starts heading for the door. “Don't forget to lock up behind me.”
“You're leaving without giving me a kiss!?”
You clap your hands over your mouth, surprised at your own outburst. You stare, wide-eyed, as he whips back around. You can't see his facial expression, but you can only imagine he's also surprised. Adrian's been the most outspoken with his neediness. You've always been plenty good about holding back just how much you want from him. (Verbally, anyway.)
“Aww, that's cute!”
Your face immediately warms at the remark. It feels like you've given the power over to him, now, which you hadn't realized you'd even been withholding all this time.
And, worse- something about his exclamation, the near-condescending tone of it, coming from his masked face? The red visor, the taunting tilt of his head. Something pulses low in your gut, and your thighs squeeze together reflexively.
What the fuck?
“Anyway, as much as I'd like to, I can't take my mask off here. Secret identity, and all that.”
“But there's no one else here,” you say, hands finally lowered from your mouth.
“Cameras.” He points overhead to a discreet camera on the ceiling that you never quite paid much thought to before.
All you do is frown. Maybe pout a little, but you'd deny it if anybody asked.
When he rushes out the store without another glance back, it leaves you very, terribly, alone.
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taglist: @whatevermonkey @nobodys-baby-now @hiddlebatchedloki @pokoyolfhw @navs-bhat @afraidofshrimp @training4theapocalypse @abbaenthusiast
[ if you would like to be removed from the taglist, pls let me know! it wouldn't hurt my feelings, i 100% understand if you come to find it annoying or just not currently interested in the fandom. likewise, if you want to be added, i'd appreciate a reblog and/or comment/feedback ]
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Modern AU Oneshot
The funny thing is, I normally don't do Modern AU's, but when people on the discord server asked what our OC's would be like in the modern day, the concept got me on a chokehold and I ended up writing this short thing O__O
Premise is wonky. It's all conceptual, mostly vibes, really!
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Summary: When he felt himself beginning to slip, Callonduin decided to take a gap year from university. In his travels, he looked back on his life, and noticed its mysteries. Like how his father never explained what life-saving procedure was done on his twin brother Calarphain as a kid, and how the two brothers haven't seen each other since.
At 8:09pm, Callonduin left his father a message to tell him he arrived at the airport and would be meeting his friend soon. He stood in the middle of a different city and looked to the tall white building in the distance, wondering what his brother was doing right now
He didn't say much else, but his father never asked anyway. Good. At 8:15, he entered a cafe and ordered an upsized latte and double chocolate muffin-- he would need the energy tonight. He called Fíli and thanked him for agreeing to lie about their staying together. Fíli wished him well and reminded him to be careful.
At 8:30, his phone buzzed. He didn't answer it, he knew he wasn't supposed to. He left to meet a contact who would help him get whatever he needed to sneak into a secure facility.
At 9:02, the barista began to close shop. In walked a stranger wearing shapeless white clothes. They had pale skin and long, light hair. The barista couldn't tell if this ghostlike figure was a man or a woman, only that they reminded them of a hospital. The barista sighed and decided to take one more order.
Calarphain looked at the menu with a lost look on his face. He didn't have much on him, just some change he picked up on the street. He saw a weekday promo: half off for a small, brewed coffee.
"What does that taste like?" he asked. The barista said something about beans and undertones. Calarphain placed the order.
"Creamer and sugar are over there," said the barista.
".... are those free?" was his response.
Calarphain sat with his coffee and a small pile of packets. He decided he should try it plain first.
Before he could even lift the cup, a blonde man with an athletic build entered. Even the barista couldn't help but stare. Before they could say anything about the cafe being closed, the man walked straight to the other customer's table.
Haldir sat across the all-white figure.
"Calarphain," he said patiently, "what are you doing? You know you're not supposed to have caffeine."
Calarphain's shoulders slumped. He kept his gaze lowered as he replied. "How will I know if I've never even tried it?"
"The doctors would say it's best not to risk it," Haldir said, but all Calarphain could hear was how it would mess with the "clinical integrity of the experiment".
Calarphain looked out the cafe's large glass window, taking in the sight of nearby shops closing. He came here because he always saw this district from his own window, but there's no way he'd tell anyone that. He liked his window.
"Come on," Haldir tried once more, keeping his voice soft in both volume and tone, "the doctors don't even know you're gone yet. We'll be back before they do."
Calarphain bit his lip and didn't respond, only staring at the door as Haldir took his coffee and returned it to the counter. I could run, he thought. His back is turned, I could run. But he didn't. He sat frozen in place and only moved to follow Haldir to the car.
He pocketed a sugar packet in defiance.
The next day, Callonduin would wake up to news that at 9:20pm the night before, a man named Haldir was ambushed and killed outside the city's food district. Haldir worked security at the facility Callonduin traced his brother to. There were no other bodies on the scene, and the only evidence left were his car, some bullets, and a packet of sugar from a nearby cafe.
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burntsecrets · 1 year
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
Word Count: 1160
Prompt: Crush by David Archuleta
Summary: You end up at Eddie’s, and while he plays doctor, you reveal your crush to him.Warnings: running from the cops, mentions of underage drinking, mention of weed, AU Setting, drugs, alcohol
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Eddie sees you approaching his trailer from the window and smiles- He wonders what you're doing here. It’s the middle of the night, and you were supposed to spend it at your friends’ house.
Eddie gets a closer look, and his eyes double in size. He rushes outside to help you. “Jesus H. Christ! What happened?!” He helps you sit down on the steps up to his trailer. He kneels beside you. “Y/N... What happened?…” You’re all cut up and bruised and bloody. He knows something happened.
“I was at a party in the woods, and the cops showed up. I ran as fast as I could and guess my feet decided to take me here,” you shrugged as you winced as you shifted a leg from under you. 
“Thank god you're safe from those pigs.” Eddie sighs with relief. “Why were they chasing you anyway?”
“Uuuhhhh,” you bit your bottom lip nervously, rolling it out from under your teeth. “I may or may not have had some of our favorite MJ and a beer or two in hand.” 
“Jesus Christ!” Eddie scolds. “That’s illegal! You know that…” Eddie mutters, annoyed
You let out a fake cough, “says the dealer.” You let out another fake cough. 
“Hey! Don’t get all snappy!” Eddie glares. “I wasn’t the one running from the police.” He rolls his eyes.
“I wasn’t getting snappy,” you bump your shoulder against his comfortingly. “Say, you got anything to sterilize these cuts and scrapes?”
He nods. His uncle had a first aid kit just for things like this. “Come in, and I’ll see what I can do,” he says, opening the door to his trailer.
You follow him into the trailer and look around. It’s smaller, from what you remember. The last time you were here was a few years ago, right before the start of high school.
Eddie walks back into the kitchen and gestures that you should sit down in one of the kitchen chairs. He sits across from you and props your leg up. You wince as Eddie cleans the wounds. 
“So… who’s the lucky guy?” He winks teasingly. “C’mon, spill the beans. I can be trusted.” He chuckles. 
“Lucky guy? What makes you think there’s a guy and that he’s lucky?” You tease him. 
“Oh, c’mon!” Eddie says, rolling his eyes, “I know you. I know when you like a guy, all reasonable thoughts go out the window. And right now, it’s obvious you like someone. And he’s lucky as hell,” he says with a smirk.
“I mean, one guy invited me out to the party tonight. But he’s not who I like. The guy I like has this mop of hair and plays the guitar. You should hear him and his band. He loves playing Dungeons and Dragons with his friends and has sweet tatts.”
Eddie raises an eyebrow. “Huh… interesting…” He mumbles, a small smile creeping along his face. “Tell me more about this… guitar guy.” Eddie tries to play cool, but he’s getting excited.
Your brows furrow as you squint slightly at him, trying to figure out if he got the hints you had given him. "Aside from being an incredible dungeon master, he loves reading sci-fi and fantasy books. He uh..." You pick up the book next to you on the table, "has a worn and dog-eared The Hobbit that he loves to read. Oh, and did I mention that he taught himself to play the guitar? He's really good at mastering songs by Metallica. Oh! And his band, Corroded Coffin, plays at the Hideout every Thursday. He has these deep chocolate brown eyes, and my favorite tattoos of his are the bats flying up his arm. But the best thing about him is his kindness. He sticks up for his friends and the underdogs. He really is an amazing person both inside and out."
You bite your lip, smiling at him slightly, waiting to see his reaction to your confession.
He looks at you in surprise, a wide grin on his face. “Holy Jesus! You actually have a crush on me? On the real?” He laughs, grabbing your chin to look at you. He seems so excited and giddy. “Hell, I’m flattered,” he grins, winking at you, his dark and sharp eyes meeting yours. You’ve never seen Eddie with such a big, genuine smile.
A blush creeps across your cheeks. "Eddie...I've had a crush on you since the first day I saw you."
“Damn! So I take it you’ve had a...” he leans towards you, grinning. “Crush on me for quite a while?” He chuckles, the smile on his face widening, his dimples deepening with glee and excitement.
Your breath hitches in your chest as those dimples you love so much make an appearance. "Yes, you dofus. I've had a crush on you for two years!"
“Holy Jesus!” He says breathily, his eyebrows raising. “Two whole years?” He shakes his head. “And I never knew! Man, I feel like a complete moron.” He chuckles, his eyes widening in surprise. He smiles warmly at you.
"Well, I didn't know how you would react. You're my best friend, and I never want to mess that up," you play with the bandages, looking at them intensely. A sudden shyness and anxiousness to know if he feels the same way takes over your body. 
He chuckles. “Aw, c'mon, even if I didn’t feel the same way towards you, I would never hold it against you. I love you, and I always will—crush or not. You’ll always be my best friend,” he smiles gently, looking into your eyes.
You tilt your head in confusion, "Wait. So you do or don't have a crush on me?"
He nods, his eyes glowing brightly—a big, wide grin on his face. “Oh, I do. Don’t you worry about that.” He chuckles, reaching for your hands, gently caressing your palms with his thumbs. He looks so happy to hear how you feel about him.
A smile curves your lips as you watch his thumbs caressing your palms. "Good," You turn your hand over and clasp his hands in yours, tugging him slightly closer to you. "So you and me. Tomorrow. The arcade?" You ask him nervously.
“The arcade it is!” He grins widely, the smile on his face not going away. “See you then?” He says, his fingers entwining with yours. He takes in how beautiful you are.
You let him pull you up and walk to his trailer door, his hand in yours. When you both reach the door, you turn to him and say, "4 pm. It's a date." Before leaning up on your tiptoes, kissing his cheek, and then bolting out his front door into the rain, beelining for your family's trailer at the back of the park.
He watches you as you run out into the rain, a wide, genuine grin on his face, his eyes shining brightly with pure happiness.
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thetastytable · 1 month
hot damn I made these tonight and they were REALLY good and they also really did only take 30 minutes to make!!! 🏆🏆🏆🏆
I made a few alterations for practicality's sake, but don't think they made a huge difference in the result:
there was no way in hell I was turning the oven on when it was 104°F outside i was actually in hell lol so I toasted and buttered some yummy sourdough I had and cut it up to use as croutons. I mixed the hot honey separately and drizzled it on top of the whole final dish. also I left out the parsley.
pro tip: the hot honey is a star of the show so make sure to use hot sauce you like the taste of. I used a mix of sriracha and habenero yellowbird.
one can of beans just didn't look like much when I added it to the pot, so I added a second can. I didn't double any other part of the recipe and it all turned out fine.
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cleverclovers · 9 months
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I only have enough for rent, my "emergency" support from the aspca isn't coming until the 8th (which means I can't grocery shop until the ninth) so. I need help with this (and food with protein for tonight, since I'm out of that after trying to get bean to eat eggs. Listen he's always stealing mine so I thought he'd be all over it)
The end of the month sucks. Asking for help sucks. I'm tired and I want a hug and for being an adult to suck less
([email protected] for PayPal, bc I have that linked to amazon)
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Ink 30 usd
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Simple/flat color 60 usd
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Color 120 usd
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Patreon is rosesinclover but don't join till after the first unless you want double charges.
Donos welcome. I'm working on comms tonight so there's a chance I'll get to you quick
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ilkkawhat · 5 months
the idea i had earlier was alice watching one of the mr. door interviews (a concept i'm playing with that not every interview in the spiral was the same) and while I didn't get to write as much as I wanted tonight, only like 633 words excluding the actual canon script of the scene, I am proud of some gooey alan/alice fluff I wrote:
Alan, who Alice fully well knows must be feeling so embarrassed right now, throws on the charm that he became famous for during even the worst of his interviews.
“Okay, you got me. Good prank, very funny. But yeah, sad to say I’ve not written this…I’d remember if I’d written a book…right?”
He shifts in the seat uncomfortably, as if he wasn’t sure, as if there was a possibility that could happen…
“Or maybe it was written by your…evil double?”
Alice waits for Alan to jump up, lunge at the host, in the close up on his face she sees the flicker of hate in his eyes and the lock in his jaw. But instead he just…sits there. Lost. Maybe even a little…scared? What has his double done to him?
“Well played man! That is spot on! Playing the role here, pretending the world of the book overlaps our own. Very meta indeed.”
Or…was he playing some sort of role, some sort of game for this new book?
She remembers him playing around one day, narrating his life like he was Alex Casey, first to get into the character’s head when he was struggling in one of his earliest writer’s blocks, and second to tease her while they were out. She smiles at the memory of her fake-storming away at the store when he narrated his thoughts about a can of beans and created some exaggerated, sad backstory to go along with it, only to burst into giggles when he still managed to haunt her through the shelves into the next aisle. She was almost truly mad at him for it until he started narrating his innermost thoughts when they returned home, confessions of love that have been littered before but this unique arrangement of the intimate prose whispered into her ear made her beg him to continue as he explained his feelings with each peel of her clothing, and a rare admission of his own vulnerability when he stripped off his own.
He finished that book the next morning, and it sold twice as much as the last one.
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ros3ybabe · 11 months
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Daily Check-in: October 12th, 2023 🎀
Today has been a lazy yet somewhat decent day? There's not much to complain about. Besides the fact that I didn't do a single homework assignment, I'm exhausted, so that's alright. I did do a decent amount of Japanese studying today though I didn't open up my Genki Textbook like I had wanted to but oh well, there's always tomorrow!
🩷 What I Ate Today -
Brunch - Spaghetti with ground Turkey and meat sauce
Dinner - Taco bowl with ground beef, black beans, shredded cheese, shredded lettuce, sour cream, a small dollop of avocado, and red salsa with 1.5 low carb tortillas
Snack - bunny tracks ice cream, 16oz bottle of Dr pepper
Extra - 4? cups of coffee (or 5, I can't remember)
I was not very productive today in terms of academic progress, but I still feel like I did what I could given my energy levels. (and caffiene intake). Did not eat the healthiest, but I listened to my body, and honestly, not every day will be perfect, and that's okay!
🩷 Personal Achievements, Oct 12th -
cooked ground beef (leftovers woooo!!)
washed dirty laundry
put away all clean clothes
did my therapy phone call
video called my boyfriend
morning + night skincare
completed 2 duolingo lessons
completed 1 busuu lesson
completed 3 kanji lessons
typed up one draft for upcoming blog post
I had heard about an app called Kanji that teaches you kanji based on JLPT Levels, and I actually really like it, so I bought access to all levels for 11$ USD!! feel like that's a fair price for over 2000 kanji, and I'm excited to start expanding my Japanese knowledge. Also, I am trying out the LingQ app. It's pretty interesting and seems useful for reading practice! I don't know why I got such a kick to study japanese but I am not complaining!!
No Academic Achievements for Today
🩷 Personal ToDo, Oct 13th -
Review previous 3 kanji lessons
Complete 1 duolingo lesson
Complete 1 busuu lesson
Continue Genki I Lesson one (?)
morning + night skincare
morning + night journal
morning workout (at home)
make bed
read 1 chapter of atomic habits or other self help book
🩷 Academic ToDo, Oct 13th -
Culinary Chapter 10 Quiz
Consumer Debt Inventory Assignment
Chapter 9 Notes Psyc
Chapter 9 Quiz Psyc
Attend Psyc Lab
Attend Anatomy Lab
Using Credit Personal Finance assignment
module notes fitness health and sport
module quiz fitness health and sport
work on component 2 for psyc paper
Giving myself a lot of school work to complete tomorrow but that's okay because I have the day off from work so I know I'll be able to get a lot of it done, if not all of it! I'm hoping I sleep decently tonight so I can wake up ready to rule the world tomorrow. My goal is to wake up early, workout, shower, do some makeup and get ready, and be on campus early to get back into the school mindset because I know I've been slacking these last two days. I work a double shift on Saturday, so tomorrow is really the ideal time to finish everything as much as possible.
🩷 Song of the Day: Fearless, Jp Version - Le Sserafim
This has been my anthem lately. It's catchy, and I kind of prefer this to the original version in Korean, but that's a bit biased on my end as I am studying Japanese at the moment.
🩷 Tomorrow Morning Workout - Pilates
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Even if I only finish the first video, I will be proud of myself. It's the effort that counts, and it's definitely gonna be a start! I will be posting an updated current workout schedule with routines soon!!
That's all for now! I will update tomorrow night!
Til next time, lovelies 🩷
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