#dorcas 001
mckns · 2 months
Where: The Three Broomsticks When: Afternoon Who: Marlene & @doeinthemeadowe
Marlene knew she was back, but they still haven't seen each other. It was probably for the best that they had missed each other at the Firefly Festival, considering how high she ended up. But still, it had been months since she'd seen Dorcas, and each day that passed by without seeing her, Marlene felt more and more terrible about it. Her best friend was back home, and yet they kept missing each other.
Elbows down on the bar top, she held her head up in her hands. Working on slow days was always the worst, time moved so slowly, and all she could think about was how badly she wished Dorcas would walk through the door. Hearing the jingly bell, Marlene sighed, knowing it was wishful thinking. Straightening her stance, she slapped a smile on her face to greet the customer, turning to face….. Dorcas? Her smile instantly widened, genuine this time. "Doe!" Marlene nearly screamed, opting to climb over the bar rather than going around. She lunged at her, wrapping her arms around her as tightly as she could. "You have no idea how happy I am to see you."
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refugeforyork · 10 months
closed starter | mars & doe | event 001
there were few things that worried marlene. or, to be more accurate, few things she showed worry over. amidst the aftermath of the attack, however, mars had full on entered panic mode. stumbling through the rubble and floods of survivors, there was only one name she yelled out: "DORCAS! CAS!" by god she regretted not approaching the woman earlier. it was a mistake. it was as if someone took hold of her heart and squeezed it, refusing to let go. dark eyes scanned the faces around her. "CAS!"
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iheartinkonpaper · 1 year
my masterlist
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why hello there!
if you've already read this or know what you are looking for, click here.
if not, hi, and welcome to my masterlist! my requests are always open, but it may take me a while to finish writing because of school, work, and other things i have to do. still, i would love and appreciate any requests, and i hope you enjoy my writing! xoxo, thena <3
request guidelines :)
no smut whatsoever (i'm not comfortable writing that)
please be patient with me! i'm so sorry but as i mentioned before, i have lots to do so just give me some time to finish your request.
characters/universes i will write for:
harry potter: golden era (harry, ron, hermione, ginny, luna, and draco)
harry potter: marauders era: (james, remus, sirius, peter, lily, mary, dorcas, and marlene)
the grishaverse (nikolai, mal, alina, kaz, inej, wylan, jesper, nina, and matthias)
stranger things (steve, eddie, nancy, robin, and peter/001)
outer banks (john b, jj, pope, kiara, sarah, and rafe)
the hunger games (finnick and peeta)
caraval (jacks, dante, julian, eva, tella, and scarlet)
that's all! happy reading!
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paradoxlostrp · 2 years
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the year is 1979, and you have lived this life before. paradox lost is a highly alternate universe marauders era roleplay. it involves aged up characters and extreme diversions and alterations of canon. join is as we explore the plot and focus on collaborative character development and story progression. muns and muses must be strictly 18+.
MOBILE NAVIGATION.  TAKEN CHARACTERS: 002. ◆ APPLICATION COUNT: 006. ◆ RESERVES: 001 ◆ ACCEPTANCE DATE: acceptances will be decided when we reach 10 applications.  MOST WANTED CHARACTERS: james potter, remus lupin, peter pettigrew, mary macdonald, emmeline vance, marlene mckinnon, dorcas meadowes, frank longbottom, alice longbottom (surname to decided by player), pandora lovegood (surname to decided by player), evan rosier, barty crouch jr....
ADMIN ALINA IS CURRENTLY.... ONLINE / OFFLINE. (usually responds in 15 minutes) 
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lvpinremvs · 4 years
Who: Remus & @dcrxasmeadcwes​ When: Saturday, February 14th, late afternoon Where: Hogsmeade
He was on a mission - a mission to find Dorcas. It was her birthday and Remus was positive she was absolutely miserable about it. It seemed to get worse every year and he vowed to himself to ensure she would have a good day this year, no matter what it would take. He spotted her in the distance - patrolling around Hogsmeade. He supposed he was glad to see her out, not hiding away trying to forget about her birthday and the silly holiday it fell on, but she should be having fun.
Remus sped up, pushing through the crowd to catch up with her. When there were only a few feet between them, he called out for her. "Dorcas!" When he had gotten her attention, a grin spread across his face. "Just the person I wanted to see. I'm here to celebrate this totally normal day with you. Absolutely nothing special about today." Looping his arm through hers, he turned the pair of them to the direction of the Three Broomsticks. "Nothing special - but your first drink is on me, and I thought after that we could make fun of all of the cheesy couples that have overrun the area."
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lilyeliora-archive · 4 years
closed for Dorcas Meadowes
Lily had been surprised by several of the people she saw at her first Order meeting,  but none had been a more delightful surprise than Dorcas Meadowes. Lily herself felt that Doe was a fantastic addition to the group, and would have recommended that she be contacted herself if she hadn’t been already, but Lily had been floored to find that Dorcas had accepted the invitation. She knew exactly where Dorcas stood when it came to the war, but that meant she knew Dorcas didn’t think violence was the answer. Still, Lily figured, she must have changed her mind to join the Order.
Lily didn’t get a chance to talk to Dorcas at the actual meeting, but she's wasted no time afterwards setting up a lunch date with her former fellow prefect. She was excited to hear about Doe’s change of heart, and to share in the heady mixture of nerves and anticipation about training at the barns and finally getting started. She’d already gone over it all with Remus and James, but it didn’t really diminish any of the emotions swirling inside her. In typical Lily form, she was a bottomless font of feelings.
She arrived at her chosen kosher deli early and waited eagerly for Dorcas to arrive. When Lily finally saw her approaching, she smiled widely and waved, jumping slightly to make sure she was seen. “Doe, over here!”
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Date: February 14th, 1982
Location: The Potter Estate
Status: Closed Starter with @untamedmeadowes​
Something had gone wrong. There were members flooding back to the Estate - many in a state of shock. A woman’s cry echoed through Severus’ ears as lower level members and affiliates were being brought to him in batches for healing. These missions always ended with chaos, but nothing quite like he was witnessing. All for that bloody orb that kept bringing upheaval to The Order, civilians, and both the magical and non-magical world. The same orb that slaughtered Muggles because of his mistakes. The same mistakes that had him ending up back at the Estate - helping heal others rather than go on the mission. However, Severus took it in stride. He had to prove himself capable. He had to make up for the devastation he caused. 
With steady hands and a focused mind, Severus worked quite skillfully with the other healers. His resolve was solid - only concentrating on the tasks at hand. The only cries he truly listened to were the ones telling him the spells used or where the pain was. All others were muddled with confusing sobs about what had happened at that damn wedding. Severus tuned them out, keeping hard at work, when he suddenly heard a familiar call of one of his favorite nicknames. Turning to see Dorcas, Severus finished the task at hand before asking, “What happened out there?”
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redandgoldenboy · 5 years
James Potter had been described as many things in his admittedly short life. Some were positive: handsome, wanted, talented, stunningly gorgeous, one of the best Quidditch players Hogwarts had seen in years. Others were not: arrogant, toerag, arsehole, conceited, filthy blood-traitor (this one he took particular offence to, as his personal hygiene wasimpeccable, thank you). But if he was to describe himself at this one specific moment in time, only one phrase comes to mind: out-of-his-mind completely and utterly bored.
He knew he was still at St Mungo’s for a reason. The Healers needed to ensure his leg was healed, they could not release him until they were certain it would not reopen. And he had promised a number of people that he would behave and stay where he was supposed to be. This was not, he knew, a stay in the Hospital Wing at Hogwarts, where a brief foray to the kitchens while healing from a rogue Bludger was unlikely to cause any long-lasting damage. This was a stay in St. Mungo’s, recovering from a cursed blade and torture. The seriousness of the matter wasn’t lost on James, but he still hated being bedridden.
Propping himself up on his pillows so that he was no longer lying flat, James releases the fluttering Snitch he had grasped in his palm, before catching it again, not wanting it to fly too far away from where he could reach it. He can hear some movement from further up the ward, the shifting of a body on sheets, and he raises his voice slightly, reaching to pull the curtains surrounding his bed back.
“Hey Dorcas, you awake?” he calls, remembering that he was not alone in this room. While he was horrified that Dorcas had also ended up here, James knew he was in no position to berate her choices: plus he knew that Moody had certainly done enough of that already. “Dorcas, pst. Dorcas, Dorcas, Dorcas, Dorcas,” he chants with a laugh, knowing if he wasn’t careful, he may be in for a hex to the head.
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hollowedlilies · 5 years
Moving with purpose across the streets of Godric’s Hollow was enough to attract attention, so Lily tried to make her gait leisurely, as if walking around aimlessly in the late afternoon was a habit of hers. She was so self-conscious these days. Assuming everyone in the town was paying close attention to everything she did, analyzing her actions, judging her behavior. Well, what reason did they have not to do so? She was a widow and newly single mother, all her friends dead or missing or undergoing severe trauma of their own. She had no one to turn to anymore and she was responsible for a toddler’s health and happiness. She’d be keeping a close eye on herself if she were them, too.
But today she didn’t want anyone paying any attention to her. “Going for a walk” was what she’d told Remus when she left Harry with him. Let them assume what they wanted; she was hoping not having Harry with her would make this easier.
Ah, there she was--Dorcas, the one they said had intercepted that letter. Lily approached her, abruptly nervous enough that her voice stuck in her throat. “Hi--Dorcas, right? I’m Lily.” If they’d met before, she couldn’t in good faith remember; most of the last six months was a blur to her. “I had a question about...your job.” Merlin, could she be any more awkward about this?
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marlimckinnon · 6 years
“One more hour. One more hour....” Marlene mumbles, repeating the words like a mantra. She’s been working for close to a day now and as a mediwitch-in-training, she’s pretty much expected to be everywhere at once, learning and observing and more. Her shift is over in an hour and she can’t wait to fall into her bed and make good for all the hours of sleep she’s missed. She’s on her way to the next patient right now and due to the minor injuries, she’s been allowed to deal with them herself. Marlene hopes for a smooth healing process with her patient, a perfect conclusion to a hell of a day, but when she rounds the corner and sets eyes on who she’s supposed to be treating, her heart drops in her chest. Stopping in her tracks, she looks at Dorcas like a deer caught in headlights.
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augustrookwood · 3 years
Where:Hogsmeade Who: @dorcxsmdws​
Hogsmeade had a familiar busyness that was comforting in the time of the war, a call back to when seemed a little simpler. Things weren’t really that simple back then, of course, the tensions were there and felt by most of the wizarding world one way or another. Childhood just had a way of twisting it, other things could keep you distracted from it or you just didn’t have the full understanding to truly grasp the details. Either way, the village filled with students and adults alike seemed the perfect spot to meet up with Dorcas. There were enough options for them to choose from here, they weren’t limited to just lunch, though Daisy would be fine if that’d what they ended up doing.
With the arrival of Dorcas Daisy smiled at her friend, she’d been rather busy as of late though she didn’t truly know everything that she was up to. That was the point of catch up sessions, you can’t always keep tabs and so you meet up and go over everything that’s happened since you last saw each other. “ So, is it more of a Three broomsticks lunch and drinks or walking around and window shopping while we talk kind of day?”
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pauliehughes · 3 years
@dorcxsmdws @fxprewettx​
The days after the Lestrange party had been rather bleak, they’d held some moments of course that weren’t as bad, but there was an air of wrongness around all of them. The order had become like a family during this war, and the idea of one behind enemy lines after being captured left each feeling some sort of way. Tonight though, tonight would be a break from all of that. They wouldn’t be focusing on the capture of Emmeline, they wouldn’t be focusing on the mutual loss they’d all suffered weeks earlier. They were here to focus on each other, and Dorcas and she had a little side mission for themselves that’d be plenty of a distraction for the night. They were going to get Fabian to see what was so obviously in front of him, and if he couldn’t with all their efforts maybe they’d give him a flick to the head ala Gideon.
Paulie had no qualms opening the door she’d just approached to let herself in. Fabian knew she’d be joining them for the planned get-together of him and Dorcas, as long as she announced herself she figured she’d be safe from any hexes that’d be thrown at an intruder. “ Pizza!” She shouted loud enough that he could hear her hopefully even if he wasn’t in a nearby room. “ Not really though, unless Dorcas is already and in that case, the pizza is here,” Paulie added, walking deeper into Fabian’s place to see if she could find him. Maybe she’d find Dorcas too. Paulie did have a habit of being one of the last to arrive most of the time.
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wideworldofwalter · 3 years
Closed Starter:  @dorcasrises Walt & Dorcas. Yule Ball
“Cousin dearest,’ Walt smiled stiffly, trying to act more sober than he really was. He always felt sort of sad when he saw Dorcas. He liked to think if they’d been born into a less complicated family that they would’ve been closer. He’s always admired her from afar. “I like your outfit, will you be wearing it to the wedding?”
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wecsleys-a · 3 years
closed — @cfmeadcwes​
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      “ it’s finally time to move on, ya think ? i mean now neither of us will have an insider on the team to place bets. growing up sucks, ” he half pouted before a lengthy chuckle left his lips.
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rodslestrxnge · 3 years
After his conversation with Bellatrix, Rodolphus knew that he needed to take a step back from his obsessive work of finding Rabastan’s murderer. There were other things that were important, that needed his attention, his wife being at the top of the list. But that didn’t mean Rod was even close to giving up — it just meant that he had to be a little more measured than locking himself up in his study and poring over his notes for hours. Unfortunately, there weren’t any obvious leads, so Rodolphus settled for talking to anyone who had been around Rab in his final days, hoping someone could give him even a scrap of information that would help him put some of these pieces together.
One of those people was Dorcas Meadowes. He didn’t know her very well, but she had thus far proven herself to be a faithful Death Eater. She had been paired with Rabastan on his last mission, so chances were she had been with him at some point in the last few days of his life. Maybe they had managed to tick someone off enough to get Rab killed, and if that was the case, Dorcas would be Rodolphus’ best bet for finding that information.
So it was only natural for him to approach her at the end of a meeting and invite her to grab a drink with him, and he figured that she would anticipate him wanting to do that. After all, it was no secret to any of the Dark Lord’s followers that Rod was on a manhunt. Still, as much as he wanted to get directly to the matter at hand, Rodolphus was never one to forget his manners, and making a closer ally out of a Death Eater as talented as Dorcas was a good idea, so he held back in order to engage in small talk. “What did you think of that information Pettigrew brought us? Pretty useless stuff for someone who’s supposed to be so close to the Order, huh?”
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theivy-rosmerta · 3 years
where: the three broomsticks who: @dorcxsmdws​
Ivy was doing her best to stay focused on her customers, but really she was watching the clock, feeling more and more worried as the moments ticked by. Dorcas had said that she was stopping by this afternoon, but the afternoon had melted into evening and there was still no sign of her. After depositing a couple of drinks at one of the tables and giving the necessary smile, Ivy turned back to the bar, immediately dropping her smile and biting her lip. Even though there was probably a totally logical reason why Dorcas hadn’t arrived yet, Ivy couldn’t stop herself from being anxious about the younger woman. Dorcas had become like a sister to her, and even though they didn’t talk about what Dorcas actually did in the war, Ivy had a pretty damn good idea. 
Wiping the already-clean bar mindlessly, Ivy’s head popped up as she heard the door to the pub opening, and a wave of relief churned through her as she recognized the dark head of curly hair. Dorcas approached the mercifully empty bar, and Ivy immediately noticed the dark circle’s under the younger woman’s eyes. Ivy knew that Dorcas was taking Gideon’s death hard, and she gave a tentative but sympathetic smile. “Hey, you made it! I was starting to get worried.”
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