aeronkcne · 7 years
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after checking on purnelle, he’d been sitting by her bedside for the majority of the time. refusing to eat any meals or leave until aeron knew that she was totally stable. his hand was encased in her lifeless one. fiery red hair sprawled out on the pillow, her chest moved up in down in even breathing-- for that he was grateful. the kradaecan tutor would have his heart, always. but he loved sybil, yes, loves. it wasn’t until he felt her body fading away in his arms did he determine his feelings. it’s love. but none that compares to his love for purnelle. his eyes are red, a deeper one than the color of her hair, but a clear indicator of his many tears in the night. “sybil,” he mumbles, squeezing her hand lightly. “wake up, please.”
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aeronkcne · 7 years
Give me another kid fam
Name: irina kane
Gender: female
General appearance: much like her mother, irina is petite. she has a pale complexion similar to aeron since the sun never shines in norden. she is dainty and frail. she dresses in a mixture of blues and oranges to represent both kingdoms her parents are from. there is a doe-like innocent that is always present in her warm, chocolate eyes. many say that she is the exact replica of her mother, purnelle.
Personality: at first glance, many would say that irina is sweet and innocent. although as soon as she opens her mouth, all assumptions are dumped out the window; irina is a spitfire, much like both of her parents. very opinionated, she has the tendency to speak her mind, no matter whose feelings are at fault. 
Special talents: like her mother, irina gained the curse of being a siren. she is blessed in musical talents and a voice that could put many to shame. 
Who they like better: irina will always be a daddy’s girl. 
Who they take after more: purnelle.
Personal headcanon: when she was younger, if irina didn’t get what she wanted, she would siren aeron. at first, it was a family joke but after realizing that she was doing it without the fun, aeron and purnelle put a stop to it at once. 
Face Claim: bae suzy.
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aeronkcne · 7 years
lyanna sat up in her bed and pulled the soft sheets up a little further with her, only to make herself more comfortable and look at the other person in the room with an playful smile. ‘‘ you cannot force me to get out of bed. it’s so comfortable.  —— i shall stay here forever.‘’
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“come on, princess, the sun is shining. ‘tis a new day, fitting for a tea in the courtyard.” aeron flashed a smile at his niece, scurrying over to her curtains before pulling them apart, allowing light to seep in. “besides, i am sure your father would want you up by now.”
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aeronkcne · 7 years
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as he closes the gap between them, purnelle’s eyes flutter to a close. the kiss is gentle, and soft, and sweet, and the warmth inside her turns into a flame. aeron touches her as if he’s handling fine china. he holds her like she might break under his fingertips. and she thinks, as she wraps her arms around his neck, that perhaps, love was giving someone the power to hurt you, but being sure they would never use it.
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their lips met for several seconds before aeron reluctantly pulled away. she was a lady, after all, he wouldn’t push her to go to such lengths. “i think you hold my heart, purnelle hawthorne,” he whispered into the night air, keeping his gaze on the ceiling. he found himself pressing a chaste kiss to her hair once more. “take care of it.”
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aeronkcne · 7 years
It was a rare moment of quiet that Tristan had acquired over the last few days, but he was not using it to relax with a drink as he often did, but instead had opted to do something he just had not had time for. So in the short space of time between assisting in the cleanup of the jousting arena and visiting the wounded in the infirmary, Tristan had opted to bathe and shave his face, deciding that a dishevelled prince covered in soot was not what the injured wanted to see. He did not pause in his actions when there was a knock on his door, but merely shouted for the person to come in as he continued with his task.
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after the events that occurred during the joust, aeron had to make his rounds visiting his nieces and his nephew. there was something special that he held for his nephew, only wanting the best for the boy. after some questioning at the entrance of the prince’s chambers, he was allowed entry. the advisor quickly slipped into the room to see tristan was ridding himself of his beard. “nephew,” he offered a quick smile before sitting down in one of his chairs. “i was just visiting you to see how you’ve adjusted since the joust?”
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aeronkcne · 7 years
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she smiles a wobbly sort of smile, she can almost hear a heart string being cut with the dagger she had gifted aeron for sanda mel. she can feel her throat closing up and she knows her eyes are beginning to look glassy. she nods however, her fingers tracing the constellation lyra into his skin and there is something bittersweet of this being the only think he will have of her. she gives a huff of laughter, ignoring the tears that want to fall. “ because i am a masochist who loves to hurt myself with the thought of you and another woman i ask you of her. but i would never want the same for you. pollux and you are incomparable, both etched from different stars and therefore you have your separate attraction.”
she looks at him for a moment before looking down at their arms again. her head bowed practically into his neck. how can an attraction based on pure frustration and fleeting glances and a few stolen touches be so hurtful. “ i love pollux. ” she admits quietly nodding her head and then just as quickly shaking it. “ but forgetting you will not be easy. especially not with those eyes. ”
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he doesn’t understand it, her, at first. why she gives such vague answers-- questions full of ominous feelings that he doesn’t attempt to understand. he figures it will be like it always is, her yelling at him and him sighing far too loudly for anyone’s amusement. but the anger is absent as he searches her face for any hints on their conversation. instead, there is a somber feeling that lingers in the air and he doesn’t miss the way her fingers are tracing a pattern into his skin. he bites the inside of his cheek, comprehending what she is saying: sybil and purnelle cannot be compared. they were two magnificent women who held something dear to his heart, each holding a different piece.
as she proclaims her love for pollux, all he can give is a small nod. “forgetting me? what of these words, sybil? you cannot forget me if we live in the same vicinity,” he scoffs, denial replacing the once confusion in his heart. “do not try to forget me. i will not try to interfere with you and pollux if that is what frightens you. but do not forget me.”
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aeronkcne · 7 years
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purnelle’s lips quiver as she attempts to keep herself from openly weeping at his words. they make her feel like if she closes her eyes and succumbs to sleep, he will still be there when she wakes. she wonders if this is what love is meant to feel like. the feeling is strange and foreign and makes her warm inside. her heart hastens in the confines of her chest and her dress and the mess that’s her bed. she pulls away from him – just to breathe – but she’s distracted by his face in the moonlight. her breath hitches. the pale glow of the moon reflects off the heights of nose and his cheekbones. he’s beautiful. “ aeron, i do not think you understand how much those words truly mean to me, “ she says as she drags a hand over his cheek. “ but they mean the world to me. the sun, and the moon, the stars, and the sea. “
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for this fleeting moment, he forgets her grandfather. he forgets that he is nothing but a bastard. he forgets that he doesn’t deserve this affection from her. instead, he relishes in this time, his arm caged around her, ready to fend off any enemies or monsters that come for her. for them. his eyes catch her’s in a soft gaze, he’s lost. lost in her orbs, that resemble swirls of the sweetest chocolate. aeron shifts himself, giving him a better view of the near perfect girl that lay beneath him. “and by the gods, you mean the world to me.” he means it. for once, there is truth to his words, all thoughts of his family, other women-- they all vanish as the night air breezes through the sheets. slowly and carefully, with fear of breaking her, he leans down to her, meeting her lips in a sweet, sweet kiss.
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aeronkcne · 7 years
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she takes a step back in both fear and an startling realization that no. no, there is no way only she feels this. there is a reason aeron is angry at her, why their conversations are always so charged and why most of the time they are like this. in this situation. were they are friendly, but not friends, but also bickering. she looks around, noticing there are fewer people in the hall and she decides to do the dangerous thing and steps forward, almost in him space but not quite. much like their relationship, not here and not there but somewhere.
“ i just want to talk. do you not fancy that girl? purnelle, i believe. ” she asks grabbing his wrist loosely, hopefully keeping it light and not accusing. there has been talk, she has heard it in the halls, of niamh looking for pollux and while it hurts her she also knows she needs to know what is going on with aeron and her.
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his eyes shoot down to the contact on his wrist, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion. part of aeron wants to tell her that there is something between them, something nobody can label. but the other part of him wants to stay true to purnelle and brush sybil off, no matter what types of attraction he feels for her. “i do,” he mumbles, shyly, almost ashamed to be speaking to sybil about the melodious woman who has stolen his heart. his hand grips her wrist loosely, gently, is this goodbye for whatever they’ve had? fleeting glances of attraction and bickering built on frustration? 
“you may ask about purnelle but you shun me for asking of pollux? that hardly seems fair, sybil.”
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aeronkcne · 7 years
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“maybe hate is a strong word,” he admits. “but i don’t want to look at it anymore. nor do i want to have seen it in the first place.” he runs a hand through his hair. “i’d almost rather stand here in silence than talk about trees. never have i been so… ridiculous. well, no.” his lips quirk up in a sheepish little smile. “i’m sure i have. why are you out here? surely not to gawk at trees?”
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he lets out a chuckle, one that hasn’t left his lips since they got to this forsaken land. “and yet here we are discussing the damned thing.” crossing his arms over his chest, he stands taller, putting on a facade that he was a calloused man. “that is exactly why i am out here. haven’t you heard? i am the newest tree guard.”
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aeronkcne · 7 years
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lucien was examining what had to be the most boring tree he’d ever seen. It looked like it had been drawn onto the landscape by a child; just a straight brown line for the trunk and a smear of muddy green for the leaves. it seemed almost as if light missed it, because being highlighted would make it almost normal, a fallacy that would no doubt spell the end of the world. he heard someone walking toward him, and fought to come up with something better to say than ‘is this not the worst tree you’ve ever seen?’ to whoever they belonged to. “ever thought about faking your death?” he said instead, and then sighed at himself. “you don’t have to answer that. i— i hate this tree.”
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“i think i find myself hating this tree as well.” he doesn’t mean it but he doesn’t want to answer the man’s previous question either. he believes it to be far too revealing if he were to answer truthfully. aeron’s life wasn’t hard-- not as hard as he complained about, anyway. it just wasn’t ideal compared to his mother’s life. “it’s just.. odd compared to the other trees.” he pauses for a second, pondering on his statement. “but i suppose that isn’t necessarily a reason to hate something.”
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aeronkcne · 7 years
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and that’s what was the most startling about the entire night. aeron was there. with her. for her. she wasn’t surprised by his character, but more of the general idea that someone chose to be there for her. no one had ever stayed for her before. but, aeron, since he had entered into her sphere, was always there; from the feast, to the fireworks, to even the battle. he was there. “ thank you, “ she says faintly into his ear. she doesn’t really know what else to say in the situation. it’s new. “ i – i’ve never … “ she licked her lips, “ no one ever was. “
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“you mustn’t thank me, purnelle,” her name rolls off his tongue so easily, he relishes the sound of it. it’s odd, seeing her, seeing anyone at such a vulnerable state like such. besides cleo, aeron never had the chance to become this close with anyone before. after all, why have the bastard when you could have the king? but purnelle understood, she understood what it was like to have bad blood running through their veins. “shh,” he hushes her, kissing her hair gently. “do not fret. i will be here. always.” for once in his life, there is something pure he feels for the woman beside him, it scares him mostly but he welcomes it as well. “i won’t let anything happen to you.”
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aeronkcne · 7 years
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she glanced around, a look of both confusion and disbelief etched into her face. some of the others were starting to leave because of the noise the man was making. “ nope, ” she answered quickly, her face easily sliding into a smile. “ i don’t busy myself with lore that is useless. there is no more dragon scales. ” her voice is sickly sweet in a way that could probably serve to put someone in their place and still be polite enough to make her seem dumb enough to be messed with again. “ i know who you are. it’s really no secret.if you wanted you could even demand a title and money, my lord. ”
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he recognizes her now. her face, her tone. not to mention, the way her hair was done, a very norden way. he’s seen her face a couple of times before, next to the face of his nieces. “no, but there are dragons,” he presses no more on the subject, not wanting to argue or bicker with the woman who was just an ally to him. norden stays with norden, or that’s what he tells himself in his head. “a bastard cannot demand anything, my lady. especially when their father is long gone.”
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aeronkcne · 7 years
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“ leave pollux out of this. this is between you and i. ” she says immediately, her eyes flashing hurt that turns cold in an instant. she was hurt, if she let herself admit it. she was hurt and angry and for some reason heartbroken. maybe, maybe it had been a figment of her imagination to think aeron may possibly feel something for her. maybe she should march straight to pollux and demand he make an honest woman out of her and stop holding out a possibility that may never come. she did see aeron with a beautiful woman at the ball, maybe it wasn’t true what she felt and instead it was a childish obsession. she takes a step back at his words. 
“ i, whom you care little abo — i’m sorry, sir. i must have — forget it. ” she shakes her head, bowing it to look down at her feet. maybe she can save herself the humiliation. “ forgive me, for bothering you. you must have important things to do. ” she says pointingly, looking briefly at the scrolls.
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she sought him out and now she was running away? gods, if sybil wasn’t the most infuriating woman he’s ever encountered. aeron ponders on letting her go, letting her leave because he doesn’t have enough patience to keep chasing after her like this. “what is between you and i, sybil?” there is an underlying question to his words, a question that both of them have yet to acknowledge. though he’s not sure when ( if at all ) he’ll be ready to acknowledge the answer. 
“no,” he grunts with exasperation. “you sought me out to speak with me. you found me. so speak, what is it you want to say?” couldn’t women just speak their mind and get over with it? 
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aeronkcne · 7 years
She hugged him back tightly, if any trace of anger was still in her it was gone then, “Don’t worry about it, and how would anyone know the food was poisoned ” The only ones to blame were those pirates. “I’m glad you’re fine too”
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Originally posted by theagifs
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“these pirates are much wiser than we thought,” he muttered against her hair, holding her close-- not worrying about her fiance for once. she was his friend and he was glad she was even alive. “it was scary, ‘clo. watching you drop to the floor. i would’ve ran to you but your prince beat me to it.” a lie, almost. aeron wanted to run to cleo during the chaos but he was much worried for purnelle.
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aeronkcne · 7 years
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the stranger scurried away, tail between legs as her anger sent him running. her attention slides toward the blonde male and she arches an eyebrow at him before chuckling a bit. “maybe i am too close to the forest to see the trees.” being best friends with emeline gave her no fear of the woman that others might have of the queen. “who do you fear here?”
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he rolls his eyes as the stranger scampers away with so much as a goodbye. probably a dracborough native? no, bearorian, definitely. “perspective is everything.” aeron hums quietly, pondering on the question. who did he fear here? “fearing someone here would mean fearing death, in which i do not. we are all to die someday, t’is just a matter of when.”
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aeronkcne · 7 years
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a savage a n t i n o u s
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aeronkcne · 7 years
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the girl wrapped her thin arms around his lithe frame and her fingers brushed against the nape of his neck. she allowed herself to relax against him and as she exhaled, she could feel the tension leave her shoulders. when he laid her down, she reached for his hand right away, suddenly dependent on his presence. in his arms, she felt comfortable and safe and constantly warm. “ please stay, “ she whispered into the air. her voice was soft, as if she did not want to admit her vulnerability. “ i was so worried. ”
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aeron was no fighter, that much was true. so he knew there wasn’t much he could’ve done if ever harm came to him or purnelle. though there was one thing he was sure of: he would never let anything happen to her, fighter or not. at her request, he offered a small smile before scooting himself further up on the bed with her so that he laid parallel with her. his hand came around to bring her closer to his chest. “i know,” the advisor whispered into her hair, giving her another reassuring squeeze. “s’alright now. i’m here.”
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