#doomer jazz
fizzz369 · 1 month
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caveguy22 · 6 months
A Kiss To Remember by Rudy Vallee, remixed in a Caretaker-ish style. I am very proud and with how this turned out. :)
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demon4dilfs · 7 months
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unounoo · 2 years
I’m so lonely.
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orcboxer · 3 months
listen 20 years ago i was happy and now i'm not so as far as i'm concerned yeah the world is getting worse
I grew up in a hyperreligious, hyperconservative family and church that was constantly convinced that we were living in The End Times and the future always looked bleak and every new problem was The Worst Things Have Ever Been and we were all miserable all the time. And when you believe without question that Things Are Always Getting Worse, that implies Things Were Better In The Past. And that's like, a cornerstone of right wing ideology. On the big picture, if you can't conceive of a better future, you won't bother trying to make one, and that makes you easier to control.
Now I can't speak to your personal life, of course, and I'll admit my life is better now than it was 20 years ago (I left the church, came out as gay, started treatment for my mental health, all that jazz). But I can tell you that the quality of life of the average human has improved, and things are, overall, largely improving on many different levels globally.
Over the past century, globally speaking, the average lifespan has increased, infant mortality has decreased, poverty has greatly decreased, education has become way more accessible, voter inequality has decreased, water quality has increased, food availability has greatly increased, access to healthcare has increased -- I could go on. You'd actually be really surprised how much better things have gotten. Every person I've "quizzed" on it has greatly underestimated the quantity of statistical improvement. It's like we're all conditioned to assume the worst.
It's easy to fixate on all the problems, and it doesn't help when that's all anyone ever talks about. But that's why it's so important to keep things in perspective. If a headline is like "525 billion tons of pollution is in the ocean" you just see a big number and assume it's bad, but you have no frame of reference for it so you're really just going on vibes. You gotta ask like. How much pollution was there last year? What is being counted as pollution? How did they arrive at this number? What initiatives are being taken to remove pollution? So on and so forth.
We are constantly flooded with hyperbolic doomerism and while there absolutely are very real problems that need urgent action (like climate change), it is also completely unhelpful to anyone for us to burn ourselves out trying to be The Correct Amount Of Upset about all the problems in the world all the time. You can't fix everything, you have limits, but there are things you can help with. Do those things and let yourself feel good about it. And let yourself actually appreciate the work that other people have done to make the world a better place. So many people whose names will never grace history books have paved the way for you to do your thing, and it's a damn shame all that work goes underappreciated by most folks.
Learn to question negative statements. If someone says "The world is getting worse" you should be asking, "By what metric?" And then you should be asking, "How can we improve those numbers?" I swear to god it makes a huge difference for your mental health.
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dasha-aibo · 3 months
I do think a lot of doomerism about culture is just blatantly wrong.
Culture does progress. 10s and 20s feel distinctly different from the 00s in a variety of ways. We're just too stuck in our daily lives to notice.
Shit like MLG gaming compilations, dubstep, k-pop, the mainstreamification of fanfiction, the "soft" cartoon aesthetic, MCU movies, Taylor Swift, djent, Netflix shows, rise of the micro-aesthetics, clean girl and minimalist girl trends, even the way websites look, NFTs and neural network "art".
Are those high-brow culture? They aren't. They are about as vapid and shallow as hair metal, 80s summer blockbusters, post-grunge, flannel over t-shirts, saturday morning action cartoons and jazz solo cups. We just don't have thick nostalgia lenses to look at late 00s, 10s and 20s cultural milestones. Yet.
99% of culture is always, invariably, vapid nonsense. But to say that modern vapid nonsesne is somehow more vapid and more nonsensical than 80s vapid nonsense is just incorrect.
Also, like
I can tell if an app has not seriously updated it's look from back in the early-mid 10s. That wouldn't happen if "all culture felt the same".
We just don't have the benefit of hindsight.
And us old people will always, always complain about how things were better when we were younger.
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toddandersonsblog · 4 months
todd looks like this 🧍‍♀️🥺 but definitely listens to doomer jazz
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doomer jazz. hoooooooooly moooooly. have you heard the trumpet on this thing. ?!?!?!??!?! dying in cold comfort
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papirouge · 3 months
Nah, they replaced the actress with another dark skin black woman, thankfully or else that would have been the last straw for me.
But yeah, I agree I prefer the original actress choose the get out of this mess, I hope this doesn't affect her self-esteem though and she focuses on herself, and wish the best for the new one.
I believe just like you that they do these types of casting knowing they'll be controversial to get attention, it used to bother me that they'd use these actresses in such a gross way, but I think it'll be better in the future. Like now I feel like people are much more used to seeing black men in movies and shows, they generate much less controversy than black women characters for sure. Black men have a bigger and longer history in tv, videogames and cinema than black women, so I have faith that while now people are chimping out when they see black women with important roles in screen, the next generation will be more used to black women and won't cause such a fuse for being in a scifi, fantasy or romance in a main role.
In a related note, I also stumbled upon this video where a black woman was stating her dating preferences (just that, nothing offensive), and her comments were full of men of different races reminding her how black women were the least desirable women and how they'll never date her. And I used to be so mad the first time I read the comments, but now I'm calmer. I think it's funny seeing indian and east asian men dunking on this black woman when they're also the least picked race of men lol. Well, korean men have had a boost thanks to k-pop (japanese and chinese men are riding the coatails of this phenomenon too) though they act like this wasn't the case just a decade ago.
But that gives me hope. I think black women have been given a bad image by the media. If we corrected it I feel like we might start being desired* like it happened to korean men. But unfortunately we sometimes embrace the worse things about black culture. Like you mentioned the whole Drake Kendrick drama, just as it was happening dozens of posts with ten thousands of notes were being reblogged chastising white people for not listening to rap, implying they were racist for not being "open" to this genre. Lol as if that was the only genre created/championed by black people; like what happened to jazz, blues, r&b... I mean, there's also the fact that rock might or might not have been started/popularized by a black woman (Sister Rosetta Tharpe), it's a controversial statement but either way there's a lot of black musicians in different genres we could stan... But not, obviously we have to listen to the genre known for its violent and vulgar lyrics, degradation of women, gang violence, drug references, etc. And say whatever you want about "not every rap song it's about objectifying women and gang violence!!!1!" but that's literally what it's famous for.
*I do believe we're desired right now, perhaps not as much as other races due to the many stereotypes and racist ideas about us that makes certain men more "wary" to date us but I don't have a doomer attitude about it. I think it's not difficult for us women to find a date in general, and believe many attitudes we see from men on social media to be some type of mass negging trying to lower our standards and "put us in our place", in the same way they dunk on black women they're dunking on women over 30, women who don't shave, women who are overweight, and so on.
The reason those non Black men feel so comfortable mocking and humbling Black women is because they took a few pages from Black men themselves. Witnessing black men obsessively dunk on their female counterpart, those non Black men got 2 messages : 1/it's ok to mock black women 2/black men aren't protective of 'their' women so there won't be any consequences if they do. That's why black women are seen the lowest barrel in any field you could think of. The only type of Black men "protective" of black women are hotep that are themselves a whole can of worms that black women should avoid 🫠 (also hotep can be very colorist so they're no ally to darkskin Black women ultimately)
And I'm not saying other men treat their women better, but let's say they are much more race loyal when it comes to public image (they know what staying on code means). South asian/Muslim moids are known to honor kill their women and throw them acid on their face the moment they step away. White moids incepted revenge porn and guilt shame White women for not looking like dainty 12 yo little girl for all their life. Korean moids are uber misogynist pigs. Slavic moids are known wife beater and alcoholic. Etc etc. BUT they all have in common that they won't let men of another race look down on their women unchecked. But Black moids? They literally run website/socials dedicated to shit on black women. They are the lowest scums.
Anon, you absolutely need to deconstruct your female conditioning of seeking for male approval even on trench-like spaces like the comment section of that video. You have to train yourself to use your brain BEFORE your feelings. Ask yourself: why do you even care about the opinion of those moids about black women? No man worth of respect or value would make such comment. Why are you so desperate for such scum to romantically consider black women anyway ? For what? Mistreat them? You don't even know or saw them. 100% chances they're fat, mentally ill and ugly (because no attractive & SANE male dunks on women online unprovoked) - you wouldn't find them attractive yourself 🫠
We should gladly let those men for all other women. It's legit like the trash taking itself away. Unless you're in polyamory, you don't need every man to be into you (as a black woman) - only 1. So WHO CARES about what a flock of disgusting moids have to say about Black women, when it only takes ONE (1) good man for you to be happy? Think about that the next time you see a flock of moids making fun of black women : 1) they're most likely ugly & deranged 2) *you* don't want them neither 3) you don't need every man to find you attractive/the type of men you attract are a self reflection of your worth so don't be sad that ugly incels don't find women looking like you hot. Also, beside Black men that are generally fucked up, most men prefer women of their own race ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
And I feel that's desperate need for approval is also what drives some black people to be mad at rap not being accepted enough by white people... But they will also hate when a White persons (genuinely) gets interested in rap culture and will accuse them of being "cUltUre VuLture" (look at what they said about Justin Timberlake or Post Malone...)
And it's very interesting you're talking about Kpop being a leverage for this newfound interest in Asian men when 15 years ago they were alongside of Black women in the spectrum of desirability lol It shows that Corrective Promotion does work. That's why the whole Black Women in Luxury is lowkey subversive. And that's why so many black people got mad at it because bmackistan cannot cope with a movement centering soft, feminine, spoiled BLACK WOMEN. HOW DARE THEY?? Black women should only be manifesting, fighting, struggling, working, nurturing other people (the mammy stereotype).... but Black women..having a soft life?? Being feminine??? Illegal.
I would have so many things to say but it's past midnight and this answer is way too long lol
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fizzz369 · 1 month
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sjstone-author · 1 year
Relaxing Whiskey Blues Music | Best Of Slow Blues /Rock Ballads | Fantas...
Listening to blues has become my go-to for writing. I dunno why. It’s just the right groove. But if I’m writing #JustRight, which is more noir, I have to down-shift to doomer jazz, which I didn’t even know was a thing six months ago.
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gladiolidiaries · 1 year
love how dtblr has throughout time hailed the dreddit as a bastion of wisdom and common sense over twitter after all of this time, how they are able to stay calm and collected during controversies and allegations and all that jazz but the moment they start destilling their wisdom and common sense to actually address how dteam aren't behaving like ccs these days and how damaging that is going to be to their fanbase and their careers suddenly they are depressed "doomers" who can't fathom having multiple interest or a life outside of dteam
like k.
are they talking about the reddit post? 😭 i didn't check main today but i'm not surprised a few of them would have this take. but i notice that a few are also just as tired of this everlasting drought. i mean the drought + drusic + bumble made one of the biggest fan account leave/take a break... it says something.
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cookbuk · 2 years
nu doomer jazz on tidal
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reckon · 2 years
1 hour of late night driving doomer jazz
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worthleswav · 3 years
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see you space cowboy...
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mezzyeatspm · 2 years
bluesy joy for the summer to challenge your sacral chakra 👩🏻‍⚖️🎀
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