#doom patrol headcanon
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gatorbites-imagines · 4 months ago
I actually caught you when your asks are open this is spectacular
I know you write for Plastic Man, but I don't know about Negative Man? Larry Trainor, comics or show. So you can do this with either one you want.
Male reader who's similar to the invisible man – Not criminal, maybe backstory, but at least was a scientist who turned himslef invisible but a tad more realistic, blind but in the more Matt Murdock way, or just blind, I don't mind either. Hcs or anything else of any kind, but hcs would probably be easier.
I alao don't mind if it's ftm reader or the explicitly of it!! So sorry if this is all over the place. I didn't want it to be long😞
Lawrence “Larry” Trainor x Male reader
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I don’t actually know a lot about Larry, so this is based off the wiki. The reader is also somewhat based off the 1933 movie The Invisible Man but with my own spin, since I wasn’t sure what else you might have been referring too, hehe. I hope my lack of knowledge still makes this good to read.
I got major Morticia and Gomez vibes from these two as i wrote.
You were no superhero, nor were you a villain. You were just a man who flew too close to the sun and got burnt on the way to discovery. The sun had so much to give, something you knew so many years ago before Superman appeared, and you learned his power source was the sun.
You barely kept track of when you were born nowadays, there was no need too. From what little you could gather, you didn’t age, you didn’t hunger or thirst, you didn’t even need to sleep. But you knew you had been around before radioactivity was discovered.
You had been around before the major superheroes became a thing, it wasn’t something that interested you a lot. There were a couple you knew, like Alan Scott, and Jay Garrick, you had even met wonder woman once or twice. But you were no hero.
So, it was no shocker that you didn’t know about this so-called doom patrol. How would you. Its not like you owned a tv, and you didn’t care much for the news stations on the radio nowadays. It was all ads and dramatic sound effects.
You were never sure what to call yourself. Alan used to call you a scientist, and Jay did too even though he hadn’t visited in a long time, at least it felt like a long time. But you had heard he got married and had kids, so of course that was more important. You still sent them both holiday cards though.
As a scientist you had studied radioactivity before it was discovered by anyone else. You had always had a habit of being consumed by your work, so when you climbed out of your pit of research, someone else had already claimed the discovery.
It didn’t matter though, as what interested you was the sun and the power you just knew it stored. Of course, it didn’t end well. Going invisible, blind, deaf, and losing pretty much every other sense hadn’t been on your list of predictions. But that’s what happened.
You could still see, hear, smell, and so on… in your own way. It was impossible to explain, but you didn’t truly exist the same way everyone else seemed to do. The radioactivity from the sun had given you other powers too.
But those powers weren’t used a lot. Why would you need to fly, or phase through things, or channel the power of the sun to blast somebody. You were anti-military and anti-government, that’s why they never supported your research and buried your existence from the history books, so you weren’t gonna fight.
When you finally learned about this so-called doom patrol you almost felt a little bashful, or could you say miffed? It was like one of them had stolen your entire look. Well, most of it anyways.
You were both wrapped from head to toe in bandages, though his seemed much thicker and sturdier than yours, like they were inlaid with something. And his clothing were more modern, and looked more practical.
What could you say, you were a sucker for the fashion you grew up with. So, what if your clothing, furniture and everything about you screamed Victorian era. Some of the younglings Jay brought along when he visited said you looked very “antique” and that “old stuff is in”.
You also didn’t wear shades like Mr. negative, Larry, you later learned, did. You were blind as a bat and had no physical eyes anyways, so why wear shades in the first place?
It was hard to explain how your body worked, it had the form of a human when you wrapped it, but it also… didn’t exist. You always just blamed it on the undiscovered art of radioactivity and science so advanced the world hadn’t gotten there yet.
It did look slightly entertaining to see you in your Victorian era dressing robe, in a pair of your best slippers with a glass of brandy you couldn’t really taste, beside Larry, who had very clearly seen better days.
Both being wrapped in bandages created a kind of comradery between you two in the beginning. Lary had thought maybe you were like him, especially when you explained how you got where you were, since his accident was based around radioactivity too.
Only for you to shock him, but unwrapping your head and revealing… nothing. Literally nothing. You even grabbed his hand and brought it to where your head would be, only for it to pass through it like nothing.
Your body seemed present when you wrapped it, a phenomenon you were still studying to this day. Right now, your results were pointing in the direction of it being mental, but who truly knew at the end of the day.
Larry hadn’t been willing to remove his own bandages for very obvious reasons, no matter how many times you told him it wouldn’t hurt you, and that it wouldn’t matter. You were raised too well to make any demands.
Instead, you pulled out your very old photo album and walked him through your family, happily pointing out pictures of yourself and how you looked, only scowling a little as he laughed at your hairstyle and outfits of the time.
In the end you touched him by accident. There was some accident in your lab that tore some of the bandages on his hand, and without a second thought you took his hand and wrapped it again. Obviously, nothing happened to you, you didn’t have a body that could be hurt, but it was still a shock for Larry.
It shouldn’t have come as a surprise that Larry was as touch starved as he was. Not having any human contact for so long would drive anybody mad, except you that is, but you also were convinced that that was some mental result of your accident.
So, you didn’t turn him away when Larry would start appearing in your giant Victorian era mansion, far out in the mountains, so far away from anything that whatever radioactivity you worked on wouldn’t reach.
You also didn’t mind that Larry started searching you out for contact. He started small, just sitting closer to you as you had tea together, where it evolved to sitting up against you as you went through your papers, to Larry going as far as laying his bandaged head in your lap as you read aloud from one of your many books.
Larry was so sweet, in his own hesitant way. He even let you study how his own powers worked, but to no surprise you two didn’t reach a certain result, but neither of you had expected that.
Hell, Larry even got more comfortable going around in public, as you would hook your arms together and almost strut along, as if the wide eyed and sometimes hateful stares didn’t touch you.
That was also how you finally met the justice league. The only one that interested you was Superman, and he wouldn’t let you study him as much as you wanted. Your extreme studies of the sun at least caught Batman’s interest, enough for you two to have very long difficult conversations about science. You later learned you reminded him of his butler, which you took as a compliment since he was spoken so highly of.
The doom patrol wasn’t your favorite, you didn’t trust that Chief guy, and rightfully so. But who were you to tell Larry who he could and couldn’t forgive, you just made it very clear you weren’t gonna help that guy.
In the end, the relationship you two shared was strange, but soft in ways that was hard to put into words. Your first kiss took months to happen, as you didn’t have lips when you unwrapped your bandages, and Larry needed so long to grow comfortable to pull his off.
Holding hands, or tapping your foot against each other’s became how you expressed love. That, or giving gifts. You made place in your giant mansion for his many gifts, wanting to show them all off.
And Larry? Larry got a whole new wardrobe as well as many other trinkets he might need. You even dove head first into the tools and armor market, wanting to give Larry something to keep him safe. You couldn’t have cared less about the rest of his team, they weren’t really your friends, just Larry.
Those items might have gotten your usual Victorian flare to them too, even if they were sleek and modern in their abilities and storage. It was a bit like your way of marking Larry as yours.
It was still difficult for Larry to feel safe without his bandages in your mansion, not just because of how dangerous it was, but also because he found himself so hideous. You didn’t find him ugly, not at all. You also knew it would take Larry a long time to believe you, so you didn’t force him to accept it, just left the opportunity open.
You two made a strange but surprisingly strong couple, when you finally visited the outside world. Those few times were either to have tea with Batman’s very smart butler, or to blast somebody with the power of the sun for hurting your dear love. No matter what though, you always left an impression, not that you cared. All you cared about was leaving one with Larry.
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gilbirda · 11 months ago
Are prompts open for DFXDC? Because what if Danny* and his polycule were to move not to Gotham but on to Danny** *Fenton **the Street
DF? like, danny fenton? This question confuses me a little bit but I think I know what you mean!
I think Team Phantom ending up in Danny the Street is untapped material. They would thrive and I can see them promising Danny (the street) to protect them.
For context for my followers who are now wondering what in the world is Danny the Street:
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(they're also an ambulance. don't worry about it)
(also a brick)
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We talk a lot about liminal this, liminal that, but Danny is a liminal space. Technically?
I confess my knowledge of this part of DC is limited, and only from what I've seen in Doom Patrol TV series.
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wanderingmind867 · 3 months ago
My Doom Patrol Reinterpretation:
For me, everything pre-crisis on infinite earths remains canon about the Doom Patrol. They were founded by Niles Caulder, and the original team consisted of Cliff Steele, Rita Farr and Larry Trainor. Eventually Mento (Steve Dayton) and Beast Boy (Garfield Logan) got involved too. But eventually, the main four Doom Patrol members all die in Maine. Or well, they seem to die.
As Paul Kupperberg established with his New Doom Patrol, Niles Caulder had a wife. And she assembled a new version of the team to search for her missing husband. The new team consisted of her, robotman, tempest and negative woman. For years, they searched for the other members of the Doom Patrol (even teaming up with people like Superman along the way). But they never managed to find them. And when the crisis on infinite earths hits, they're no closer to finding them then they ever were.
But that's where I'd begin my new reinterpretation. Because Larry Trainor, Rita Farr and Niles Caulder all survived. But for years, they'd been trapped in the surrealist pocket dimension of Mister Nobody, formerly known as Eric Morden. After his first encounter with the Doom Patrol, Morden became a wanted man. Both by the cops and by the brotherhood of evil (for failing them). Desperate, he fled to south america. There, he underwent a dangerous medical procedure to give him superpowers. It worked, but it also drove him completely insane and made him a god amongst men.
Using his newfound powers, he manipulated events so that Madame Rouge would lure the Doom Patrol to Maine and kill them. After the Doom Patrol's bodies were left lying on the ground, Morden stepped in and used his reality bending powers to suck them into a newly formed universe of his own personal design. Robotman somehow managed to escape his trap, but all the others were lured into his fever dream of a dimension. Morden probably also used his powers to try and drive Mento mad, so that he wouldn't interfere with his plans. Knowing Mister Nobody (and also knowing Steve Dayton), it doesn't seem very unreasonable for this to have happened (and for it to have worked very easily).
During the second Crisis (when the Anti-Monitor again tries to earn respect from the Monitor and his prejudicial positive-matter beings), all realities begin to blur together. And it's during this time that the New Doom Patrol finally discover Mister Nobody's scheme. And while the Doom Patrol have their reunion and deal with Mister Nobody in his home ground, the Crisis goes on behind them. The Anti-Monitor is finally revealed as being not that evil, while the Monitor always demonized him and his negative universe to try and consolidate power for himself. And when earth's superheroes learn to help the Anti-Monitor, peace is brought to the universe. The multiverse is restored, and all ends well for the cosmos.
And everything ends relatively well for the Doom Patrol too. The old members and the new members reunite, and collectively decide to work together. And this would be where any new Doom Patrol series picks up. With all of these characters, ranging from Negative Man to Celsius. The one thing I think we could definitely explore here is how being trapped in a fever dream dimension for 10+ years has impacted Larry, Rita and The Chief. Because they've been out of the loop on society for years. They've probably got severe PTSD from whatever the hell Mister Nobody did to them, and I can't imagine that's something they can recover from too easily.
But in general, I think this would be a great way to bring the Doom Patrol back. Better than how they actually did it. Because my idea here has all of the Doom Patrol survive (from Rita Farr to Arani Desai), and it still leaves room for the introduction of characters like the ones Grant Morrison and others would introduce. So I prefer my concept, honestly. And it's the only one i'm willing to believe in. It's simply the only thing that makes sense to me.
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ghostpaynes · 7 months ago
Getting a bit emotional thinking of Rama and Larry and how clingy to each other they are. Like they touch each other so much. It is technically what helped Rama rematerilize himself. Neither of them have had touch in a very long time probably. (Larry with his radiation and Rama with being captive.) and sometimes it's like small like holding hands and pulling on Larry's suspenders and it's so simple but so sweet and important espically with the vibe John gave of and John being really the only other person Larry has loved.
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jyou-no-sonoko19 · 5 months ago
Taster for a Laura/Shelley zine-fic I'm working on...
"Is this really good enough for you? For the rest of your life?"
Shelley froze -- though not before her slender hand completed the motion from the fallen man's pocket to her own, now another bill-fold richer.
People didn't sneak up on her; she snuck up on them. That was her Knack (as the other, younger kids called it), it was what had kept her alive this long, and able to provide for the rest of them; allowed her to have nice things, despite how many people would prefer she have nothing but dirt in her mouth.
"What's it to you?" she asked cautiously. Her knife was in her boot, if this had to turn brutish, but words were always better. You could get a stranger to fall in love with you, instead of rat you out, with the right words.
"Not very much," the woman replied, unmoving as Shelley slowly turned and appraised her. "And if you'd like to tell me that I'm wrong, and that being a petty, backstreet thief is the peak of your personal ambitions, then so be it. I'll take the next train out of London and mark on my little form that this was a wild goose chase. That there is no Ghost of Bromley who makes men hallucinate themselves into a stupor, before having their pockets pillaged and their finer clothes removed."
The woman's Scots accent was as neatly tailored and effortlessly elegant as her outfit: gigot sleeves and slight puffs at the shoulders of her midnight-blue blazer made a stern silhouette even sterner, the nipped waist and fitted hips of her bell-shaped skirt indicating a being of intense self-control.
Pale, piercing eyes tracked Shelley as she stood, arched brows set in neutrality, strict lips set in a polite smile that kept her teeth concealed.
"The Ghost of Bromley is a fantasy toffs came up with, to cover up for gambling away the household's savings," Shelley retorted. With cat-like fluidity, she stepped to put the stupefied-but-breathing man's body between them. "But say that it wasn't… which of its jolly chuckaboos sold it out?" The question stung to ask, but it had to be done; friends who spoke to strangers -- especially charming, out-of-town strangers -- were Judases to the Code and must be amputated.
The severe woman's lips twitched at that: a brief smile of sympathy. "Worry not, my girl. Your compatriots didn't sell you up the river. The people I work for don't need to parley with street urchins; we've got our own ears, far closer to the ground." Ever so slightly, she indicated to the pavestones with her jaw. "Some of them, beneath it."
"I take it we're not talking mutton shunters, then," Shelley nodded, finding no comfort in it.
"The darling wee bobbies?" She gave a single trill of amusement. "They don't even know we exist. And if you'd like," she held out a hand wrapped in fine, dark suede, "they won't know you do either. You'll be scrubbed from every log-book, past and present. In all practical terms, you will be a ghost, free to live however you'd like."
Shelley stared into her palm, tempted but sceptical. "I might not be a day over nineteen, but I know a catch when I smell one."
"Oh, of course there's a catch," the woman chuckled, and Shelley felt herself charmed by the laugh lines that sprung up by her eyes, the genuine warmth that momentarily revealed a sharp canine tooth. "This is reality, I'm not whisking you away to the Elysian Fields."
"Appreciate the honesty."
"It wouldn't serve us to mislead you. After all, wouldn't do much good if we should train you to grasp the full potential of your powers, only for you to turn them against us, now would it?"
"Then that's the sort of place it is? You pull strays off the streets and train them to be show-dogs?"
The woman's brows raised meaningfully. "Not just any strays. Strays with hidden pedigrees."
"And the show-dogs part?"
"Not quite accurate either."
Shelley hmphed. "Why do I get the feeling that it's more likely 'guard-dogs'?"
"Because you're smart. And my superiors might not like smart little whippets around, but I do. And if you stick close to me, you'll find I can offer you something you'll never really have on these streets. Where everyone's too afraid to be truly honest with each other." Through her civility, earnestness was slipping through, extending another hand, right into Shelley's heart...
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image-thot · 2 years ago
This blog is mainly a nsfw one so No Minors allowed
About me:
Just a not-so-casual Aussie nerd who likes to read, write, draw and use maths for degenerative things. I like to push the limits on the themes I write for, so heed the warnings on my post as they are there for a reason! I have an army of birds and we will eventually conquer the world once they stop killing my wallet. Ao3 (Everything I write is almost always posted here) Twitter Tiktok
Do you want a transformer's spike and valve Measurement? Check out the Spike & Valve Master List
Request info:
Status: Open (always open for spike and op men measurements)
Writing Requests open for Transformers and One Piece requests.
When Requesting Please Include:
Character and Contenuity
What the reader is (e.g. human/cybertronian, gender etc)
Brief Description of what you want ( nsfw/sfw, could be listing kinks or a scenario.) If you don't list what you want I will take creative liberty and write something of my choice with that character
Dick, Spike, Transfluid, Valve Calculations (make sure to check the list before requesting :D)
nsfw and sfw
Character x Reader
Character x Character
Dub-con, non-con and anything dark!
Hurt no comfort
Hurt with 1% comfort
Practically all kinks
Fluff/cute/sweet themes (yes this includes nsfw that involves these things)
Character x oc
Platonic ( mainly because idk how not to put smut in there sorry)
I don't judge, if you have something that isn't on the No's but not on the Do's send it in! I learn what I do and don't like to write via writing and if it's not up there, then I haven't had the opportunity to write it. If you're unsure send an ask in and I'll let you know if I will or won't write it.
Master List 2024
Caution when looking at the works! Like most of my works, they tend to be on the nsfw, darker and non-con side so read their tags before reading the stories.
One Piece
Dick mesurements - Kaido, Katakuri and King
Soundwave x reader x Shockwave: For the Cause (a/b/o) Soundwave x Reader: Whatever He Wants (Dubcon)
Mirage x reader: Throw Him off his rhythm Does it count as peeping? Don't look down
Scavengers x oc/reader -Slip slip bang bang Chapters: 1, 2 Shockwave x Firstaid - Two face (Non-con, gore) Kaon x reader: Torture and Training Tarn x reader: Play Along
Yandere Starscream Yandere Shockwave, Soundwave, Bumblebee, Preceptor Soundwave x reader x Soundblaster - Watch Me take everything (Non-con) Soundwave x reader: More Than I Can Say (Dubcon)
Yandere Soundwave x Cassette Reader x Rumble & Frenzy (non-con)
War for Cybertron
Soundwave x reader x Soundblaster -More than A Screw Loose Chapters: 1, 2,
Soundwave x reader: The Experiment (a/b/o) Shockwave x reader: All for what? Part 1 Part 2 (Dubcon)
Thots Hot Spike Reviews
Rodimus - Sisi_Esprit Shattered Glass - Bad Dragon Rumble - Exotic Erotics
Spike size guide Transfluid guide The how's and why's of spike sizing
Blood of Zues
Song of Dogs - Ares x Reader x Hermes Chapter: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Bad Batch
First Meeting Nsfw Alphabet: Hunter Tech, Wrecker Platonic Yandere
Walking in on them 
Dark overprotective/possessive 
Things that Lurk on the holonet (tech non-con) Chapters: 1, 5, 72, 3, 4, 
Cody x Hunter (non-con) Tech x Reader (non-con) Cody x Crosshair (non-con)
Clone Wars
Yandere: Rex, Cody, Fives, Echo, Jesse, Dogma
Fox x oc (non-con)
Neyo x oc (non-con)
Wolfe x oc (non-con)
Waxer & Biol x oc(non-con)
Billy Wintergreen x reader (non-con)
Deathstroke x reader -Don’t Shoot The Shooter Chapter: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Death Stroke Nsfw alphabet
Readhood x reader 
Doom Patrol
Larry Headcanons
Meeting for the First time Accidently Hurt
Touch affectionate s/o
Comforting s/o s/o comforting Larry
Jealous Larry
S/o wanting a pet
S/o with plants
Watching Game of Thrones (slight nsfw)
Making up with larry Confessing
Drunken Mess
Chapters: 1, 2, 3
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 
Donnie x reader x Leo - Instincts Be a Bitch - (Non-con) Leo x reader x Future Leo (dub-con/non-con)
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lilysandhyacinths · 8 months ago
Barty crouch jr would jump in puddles at any time he can
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starleska · 10 months ago
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a collection of the Love Glove being fruitily baffled by Mr Nobody's antics 😂💖
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jimiscribif · 1 year ago
ok but why does Larry even need his longevity, Valentina Vostok was immortal just because of her negative spirit so why isn't Larry?
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paperprinc3 · 1 year ago
Larry Trainor is 💯 the kind of guy who gets Hanahaki Disease and just hides the symptoms from his friends (who end up saving him from himself).
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laura-de-milf · 2 years ago
Violently headcanoning that Laura deliberately antagonized Rita as much as possible after the raid in hopes of getting Rita to follow her to the future.
She knew time travel caused memory loss, and what better way to wipe the slate clean between them? To take away Rita's pain, "fix" her mistake and reforge their relationship by erasing both memories? She knew she wouldn't be able to convince Rita to come with her--Rita was not in a position to listen to Laura after the raid. But she could still leverage Rita's need for vengeance to get her into the time machine. Theoretically it wouldn't matter how badly she provoked Rita if all that malice would be erased in the end.
Laura knew Rita was listening in on her meeting with the Brotherhood, but still willingly divulged her whole "Evil Plan" instead of calling Rita out and having her captured. She wanted Rita to know where and when she was going in the future. And she deliberately went back to the salon before setting off, knowing Rita would be there (where else would she be while lying low after the raid?) to emotionally provoke her in the most brutal way imaginable. It was the best way to ensure that Rita had strong enough emotions towards her to come after her.
They could start over again. Except because it's Doom Patrol, things didn't go exactly to plan 🥲
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wanderingmind867 · 3 months ago
Paul Kupperberg did, what, 17 issues of the Doom Patrol before killing off most of his own characters? I raise him one better. I can at least plot out 20 issues, and I can have none of the Doom Patrol members die. So while i'm at school waiting for class to start, i'm gonna start planning this out:
Issues #1-2: I'd have this be a two parter, and I'd have it keep the same general concept as Paul Kupperberg's Doom Patrol storyline. In issue one, we watch as Arani goes to the remains of the caribbean island where the original Doom Patrol died, and she discovers proof that the original members of the Doom Patrol might still be alive. Larry's bandages, Rita's headband and Niles' Wheelchair were all floating in the waters. This makes her deeply suspicious, so she decides to investigate the bottom of the island for a closer look. Then she falls into a trap, and part one ends with her having to call the other members of the Doom Patrol for help.
Cliff, Josh and Valentina receive her signal, and they rush to the caribbean to rescue Arani. It turns out she fell into a trap laid by Niles. Back when Niles first set up his secondary headquarters on this island, he built a series of deathtraps to protect himself and his allies from enemies. Turns out the traps still work, and they're now being used against the Doom Patrol (the group they were initially designed to protect). So the Doom Patrol have to break free of The Chief's old traps.
But once they have, they see the floating debris Arani found floating in the water earlier. And that's when they all realize: the original members of the Doom Patrol might still be alive, somewhere. But where? And how to find them? Those are the questions at hand…
Issues #3-4: Following up on the only lead they still have, the Doom Patrol realizes that they have to find Madame Rouge and General Zahl; to interrogate them on the events of many years past. But in order to find them, they're gonna need some help. Which means the re-entrance of Mento (Steve Dayton), who's absolutely ecstatic that his wife might still be alive somewhere. After she died, he lost all the humility she helped him to gain. Now he's a washed up, deeply bitter man. And only the news of her possible survival is enough to pull him out of his slump.
Anyways, he uses his wealth and connections to help the New Doom Patrol locate Madame Rouge and General Zahl. From there, it's all a simple matter of infiltrating their new hideout and getting them to tell them everything they know. But of course, nothing ever goes according to plan. They manage to find and fight their way to Madame Rouge and the General, and they do manage to learn that they barely recall the events of that night. It's all a blur to them, almost as though someone was dictating their actions…
But before either of them can say any more on the subject, General Zahl drops dead from a heart attack, and Madame Rouge turns into mist and fades away in front of their very eyes. Nobody knows what's going on, but they realize they have to flee before anyone gets suspicious of them and thinks they killed these people. So they flee in a helicopter and begin heading back to the US.
In case anyone was wondering what did happen to Zahl and Rouge, by the way: it's Mister Nobody. He used these two as pawns to strike back at the Doom Patrol years ago, and he can't have them leaking his secrets. So he used his powers to kill Zahl and abduct Rouge. And now he realizes the Doom Patrol is slowly figuring out the truth, too. They're so close to finding his trail. So now he has to deal with them…
Issue #5: Mister Nobody needs to get rid of the Doom Patrol fast, and he's found a very weak willed pawn, capable of doing exactly what he needs. Specifically, he manages to use his sanity draining powers to short circuit Mento's helmet, and make him think the New Doom Patrol are the ones who actually killed Rita, Larry and The Chief. Now that the insane but powerful delusion has been placed into his brain, Mento turns on them and starts using his strength and his telekinetic helmet to try and force the others out of the helicopter.
A struggle ensues, a violent struggle on the very thin battleground that is the helicopter. And as can be expected from a battle in the skies over the atlantic ocean, it goes very poorly for our heroes. Mento successfully manages to push them off the helicopter, and then he flies back to his estate on the mainland, all alone. In the meantime, Cliff, Valentina, Josh and Arani all fall into the ocean; hitting the water hard enough to knock all of them unconscious (besides cliff, who was powered down by mento's helmet). And then they drift out to sea, all in different directions…
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sublime82 · 2 years ago
Favorite teen titans fanfic challange
Happy Easter all.
I got a challenge for you all list at least 3 of your favorite Teen titans stories.
here is mine
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winntir · 1 year ago
Didn't expect to find autistic Casey Brink, but then again, don't we all feel like fictional characters in the real world sometimes?
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jerichogender · 1 year ago
cliff steele should be a butch lesbian
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sunkissedmayu · 13 days ago
Damian Wayne is that type of boyfriend who'd rather choose going on a date in a nice, secluded spot (which he randomly discovered while going on his patrol duties). It's peaceful and quiet, very un-Gotham like. You were surprised that a place like that exists and he looks happy, so you didn't question how the hell he discovered this.
You didn't expect that he'll ask you for a date, to be honest. You didn't prepare anything at all as he randomly showed up on your door step with basket and bouquet of flowers. Back onto his newly discovered date place, both of you set up the spot you'll rest in. He brought a lot of things in his basket. Seeing how organised the insides of the basket were, you can clearly notice that he meticulously thought about what to put in there. In his basket, there is your favourite pastry (which he tried to learn how to bake but he failed miserably so he asked Alfred for help), a jar of your favourite jam, bottles of his and your favourite drink and other snacks.
It's been a while since both of you went on a date, so you turned into all yapper mode when the both of you settled down on a soft silk. He didn't speak and just listened to you attentively. When you got all frustrated when talking about your bad day, he just caressed your hand and kissed it to calm you down.
You were grateful that he's your boyfriend. He's also beyond thankful to be yours.
@sunkissedmayu's thoughts 💭 since you guys love this, i thought of making another headcanon about Dami. ANDDDD, i just want to say i love you guys 4 your support! i successfully escaped the writer's block doomed corner because u guys r so supportive ₍^ >ヮ<^₎☆
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