#doodle as a break from a bigger piece
kingslayerstew · 2 months
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frankenbuggee · 2 months
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As per my last reblog, here are all the pieces of art I did for mine and my friend’s Scifi/Biopunk comic that I never got around to finishing because they’re just too ‘daunting’. On top of that I need to rework the comic still too 💀
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lunawagner · 2 months
Couples of Linkon High School
Freshmen: Rafayel x MC
MC is the class president, with Rafayel as her deputy. He calls out, "Miss Class President!" throughout the day.
MC has good grades, —not the top student, but definitely in the top ten.
Of course, Rafayel draws and doodles during classes. But his grades are not bad either thanks to his drive to outperform his possible rivals in love.
His notebooks are filled with sketches of MC.
MC teaches math to Rafayel and Rafayel teaches English to MC.
They are both bad at physics and spend class time drawing short comics together. However, if nobody listens and the teacher seems down, they would listen and nod along even though they don't understand a word.
The chemistry teacher is unsure if they like or fear Rafayel.
Overall, teachers love them 'cause they treat their teachers as real people and genuinely care about them.
Sometimes they lock their pinky fingers under the desk and keep them that way until the class is over, even though they both get a bit embarrassed.
Rafayel is determined not to kiss her on the lips until both become adults.
Their music teacher is Rafayel's aunt. MC loves her classes and is learning to play piano. Rafayel always complains but still can play at least one decent piece on every instrument you have in the music room.
The art teacher is Thomas. He and Rafayel always argue as Rafayel doesn’t want his art to be just another mass product produced for exhibitions and competitions
MC grew up in a government institution. Although she doesn't remember, she met Rafayel when he was placed there after losing his parents. His relatives quickly took him in, but MC looked out for him, saving him from the bigger kids who tried to bully him. Eventually, they became friends.
MC is tomboy-ish and can't process her emotions properly.
MC's fashion sense is minimal, so Rafayel goes to shopping with her on weekends. Thanks to that they have some matching couple clothes.
Sophomores: Xavier x MC
They have average grades but excel in sports, making them the school's hidden assets in tournaments.
The school coach would love to have them join every team if he could.
Xavier is popular among other boys and has a considerable number of fans.
They nap together during lunch breaks.
They are members of the literature club and student librarians. So they regularly visit the library to read books or organize shelves and help others.
Literature teacher loves them.
Xavier tends to sleep through STEM classes, so MC shares her notes with him later in exchange for snacks or chocolate milk.
When Xavier gets bored during lectures or breaks, he secretly plays with MC's hair.
Despite skipping classes for extracurricular activities, they absorb information quickly, allowing them to pull all-nighters before exams and still perform well.
Some boys claim they got beaten up in the dark when they went down to the basement. Everyone's suspicious of Sylus, but it’s actually Xavier who’s taking care of anyone who messes with MC.
They hang out with a large friend group that includes Tara, Jenna, Jeremiah, and Bella.
Tara enjoys styling MC’s and Bella’s hair with cute hairpins to see how Xavier and Jeremiah will react.
Xavier wears one of MC's hair ties as a bracelet, believing it brings him luck.
They use all of their stationery together, so their pencils and erasers frequently end up in each other’s pencil cases.
MC's dad is a police officer and her mom is a nurse. Xavier's parents are both politicians.
Xavier doesn't get along with his own father but they are on good terms with MC's dad. They play board games, go fishing, or jog on weekends. MC doesn't have the foggiest idea of how it happened.
Juniors: Zayne x MC
Zayne is the top student and MC is right behind him in second place.
People often think MC is just an airhead who gets good grades just because she’s dating Zayne.
But while she is cheerful and active, she’s also super diligent. She pays attention in class, reviews her notes, and makes new ones before exams to make sure she’s on top of things.
She doesn't want to fall behind Zayne and secretly worries about how he would react in case she fails and gets bad grades.
All the teachers are fond of them with some even treating them like their own kids.
MC’s family trusts Zayne more than they trust her, so they’re quicker to say yes to events if they know Zayne will be there with her.
MC has a cute habit of drawing little hearts on the random pages of Zayne's textbooks. Once Zayne noticed it, he started drawing jasmine flowers on hers.
They tend to avoid skinship at school, except for the times MC is sick. During those times, Zayne stays close to her all day, ensuring she is hydrated and consuming warm drinks. He hugs MC and lets her rest on his chest, and he holds her hand during classes.
Seniors: Sylus x MC
One word: Trouble
But no they're not your typical troublemaker brats. They are also top-notch in nearly every class, so teachers don't know what to do with them.
At first, they were pretty low-key about their relationship, keeping it a secret. But once they went public, they became all about PDA with Sylus' hand always around MC's waist whenever they managed to take a break from holding hands.
Science teachers would love to exempt Sylus from taking their classes so that he can never ever set foot in their labs.
Chemistry, physics, and biology teachers change their way when they see Sylus in corridors, lest he ask them about things that would lead to a global catastrophe.
The music teacher gets goosebumps whenever they see Sylus.
Most of the girls don't like MC and there is always gossip and slander surrounding her. But for some, she is like a protective big sis.
MC and Sylus's families have been business partners since the time of MC's grandma.
Sylus' family makes huge donations to the school, so the administration is unusually lenient with him.
They play truant regularly. For what? Nobody knows.
It’s hard for others to actually mess with MC. But, when they do, Luke and Kieran are quick to pull pranks on them even before MC or Sylus can react.
Luke and Kieran look so similar that teachers often can’t figure out who’s at fault. Their innocent expressions after causing trouble don’t make things any easier.
Sylus and MC are chosen school representatives. They are intimidating and cunning so it is easier for them to negotiate with and win over teachers and the local student union.
People come to them with problems to be solved. MC is willing to help them without any immediate material return but Sylus always turns it into a business deal with specific terms.
MC doesn't have many close friends, but she occasionally lunches with the MCs of Xavier, Zayne, and Rafayel.
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fjordline · 1 year
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ok i've been thinking about how to answer The Color Asks for so long now. Once I start talking about colors I never stop, it seems. This is just me attempting to explain my personal thought process and not any universal rules or anything like that.
None of this is going to look very realistic at all. You need to exaggerate a little. That being said, having fundamental knowledge on how shadows and ligh tsources work is very useful. Know the rules before breaking them and all that.
Boiled down to its basics, what I think of is: if a lightsource is cold toned, make the highlight bright blue. if a light source is warm, make the highlight bright orange. Then contrast the light with a complementary shadow color that does not compete for dominance with the light. Or alternatively make the light source more neutral with a complimentary tone for the shaded areas and then add a highly saturated color in the deepest shadows. Having both a highly saturated light source and a shadow color will compete with each other, instead choose one to be the dominant and one to be the um. submissive i suppose.
Just using a random doodle from my sketchbook for the purpose of throwing some color on:
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^^^ Here the midtones and the areas in the shade are predominantly of a low saturated cool blueish tone, while the highlight is stark and warm with orange and red light bouncing off. The orange and red hues you often see in skin that is lit by a strong light is called subsurface scattering (sss), one of the most important concepts in art IMO. It livens things up so much.
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^^^Opposite from image 1, here the shaded area is a saturated golden color while the light source is a dull blue with hints of more vivid blue throughout. the blue balances the strong yellows and browns. Since the shaded area is bigger than the highlighted area, the subject matter could look quite monochromatic without the blue hints.
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^^^Get wild with it. Lets say your highlight is blue toned: instead of just using a blue, introduce purple, teal, turquoise, ultramarine, cyan, etc around where the light is hitting. Add several light sources in different colors, make it not make sense, get crazy.
Though what is important above all else is that the image reads clearly. Unless you're doing abstract art then you'd probably want the audience to understand what they're looking at. That's where values come in, probably the number one cause of confusing pieces of art. If you can turn the painting black and white and still see the subject matter clearly then the values are good.
I find that i love using colors that most people find garish, especially when they're on their own, for small highlights and points of interest. When paired with other more neutral colors, a bright orange or a chartreuse etc can really brighten up a painting. And colors are never what they seem, the human eye will interpret colors differently depending on what color they are next to. Make full use of this.
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Hope this long ass post helps anyone who is struggling with color, I know I used to struggle severely myself xoxo
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heracleskarpusi · 6 months
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doodles from the other night because im working on a bigger piece rn and i needed a break from it but first is balkan wars heracles and second is just younger him during his ottoman era
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dailypokemoncrochet · 3 months
Hey! Love your work, love this project, it’s super inspiring 😄
I’ve been crocheting for about 8-9 months now and I’ve made a whole bunch of amigurumi from patterns of varying degrees of quality, but the concept of freehand crocheting with no pattern is still just an absolute mystery to me. Spatial reasoning is a real challenge for me and I just straight up can barely visualize anything, so I’m not really comfortable at all with the idea of just crocheting without any kind of plan or guide to make sure that things end up lining up… but I’d like to start at some point, since there’s some stuff I want to crochet that no one else seems to have ever made a pattern for!
I’m sure a lot of it is just trial and error, but like, what advice would you be able to offer for someone who’s comfortable crocheting from a pattern but who has noooo idea where to even start with freehand stuff, please and thank you?
Hi! Thanks!
At its most basic, a lot of amigurumi are the same kinds of shapes (ball and ovoid), and you can use patterns for separate parts to make a different whole. Frankenstein the pieces. For example, head shape from pattern A, legs from pattern B, body from pattern C, etc.
If you can't freehand, I recommend starting by 1) finding a pattern for whatever specific thing you want to make, 2) identifying the parts that you would want to change, 3) find a different pattern for anything that has parts that look like how you would want to change the previous, 4) crochet the specific parts that you need and put them together. For example, you find a Squirtle pattern that's mostly what you want, but you wish the tail or limbs were different, so you find a different Squirtle pattern with the kind of tail you want, and a random turtle plush that has the limbs you want. Crochet all those pieces.
Another thing that might help is if you look at the patterns you have and figure out why they increase/decrease in certain ways and how that is reflected in the finished product, so you can begin to recognize individual techniques for shaping.
More detailed explanation of how I personally freehand below the cut to help conceptualize the process.
For how I personally do it though, I take my reference picture, visualize each part separately, consider how each part would be constructed in the round, and then make them. Helps a lot more if you have a 3D model to reference to see the depth and whatnot, but I'm going to use flat images for this because they're easier to doodle on. Squirtle for example:
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Head, 2 arms, 2 legs (slightly different from arms), body, tail.
I'm going to focus on designing small amigurumi since I don't make big ones and I couldn't give much advice on those.
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Head would be broken up something like this, maybe not specifically 11 rows based on the actual finished size, but the idea being that you break it up this way. From the top/starting point, make concentric circles going down. In the image, note that I use curved lines and not straight lines to make each row around the same width.
With a quick overview, I know that my magic ring will be 6 single crochets in it as my personal preference, then the next 5ish or so rows will be a little bigger than the previous ones. Eyes will be somewhere in or on rows 4-6. The mouth will jut out near the start of the lower half of the head, and then the whole thing will decrease in size.
Note: Because this is 1) amigurumi, and 2) basically a small ball, you can generally go in increases of 6 (magic ring of 6 sc, 12, 18, 24, etc) when making rows bigger. You can repeat the same number of sc if you reach the widest part and want more length.
At some point (around row 7 or 8 in the ref image), the mouth juts out compared to the rest of the head. For that part, on that row, you could do a cluster of increases, next row(s) would be maintaining the same number of sc, then a cluster of decreases as you make the overall head shape smaller.
Again, I don't make big amigurumi, but I assume that it's the same principles if simply sizing up yarn/hook size. If staying at the same size yarn/hook, maybe imagine even more concentric circles and fewer dynamic changes between rows (like increasing by x stitches every other row instead of every row).
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The body would be broken up something like this. It starts off in the whitespace where there is no actual body design showing, because in real life, that's where you would attach the head and it needs to have something there to attach to. One difference from the head is that the body gets wider faster, and then keeps widening a little bit for the middle rows. That means more increases in earlier rows to reach *almost* the widest part, then a small number of increases in following rows to the reach the actual widest part, then decreasing in reverse to how you increased. (row stitch number would be like a mirror 6 12 18 24 32 34 36 36 34 32 24 18 12 6).
Also there's a color change there so around the halfway point of each row you would switch color. Not the exact halfway point because crocheting in the round means the stitches and design slant, so you have to eyeball it or do some tricks for color changing at those spots to mitigate the effect. (I have another post where I talk about that that I'll link here later [link to color changing tips])
BUT actually since this is a shell, you could be a little more lax about switching from tan to brown and vice versa and just crochet a ring of white around the color change line. Or be even more extra and color change from tan to white to brown to white to tan and slip stitch a ring of white afterward between the tan/white change. Technically you could also imagine the rings going the other way with the shell on top so you'd only have to color change once.
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The arms are going to be mostly tubular. Magic ring, increase for like 2 rows, maintain that size for a few rows since the width is pretty consistent for the majority of the arm, then decrease to a close and sc some nubby fingers on top afterward (literally something small just like a sc for each finger).
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Legs I would work from the bottom because I like to make the feet by crocheting a chain then sc around that (so it can stand flat), increase to width of foot, decrease to ankle (which Squirtle doesn't really have much difference) increase again to general width of leg, maintain that for a few rows, close off. Assuming row 1 here is the width of foot, you would do uneven decreases to make row 2 with the ankle (bigger decreases at the toe part, no decreases around the heel). You could crochet little slip stitch nubs for toes at that part afterward.
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Tail is actually just a long thin tube that you roll over itself afterward to make the squirrel-y design. However long you make it, roll it up, then use the yarn end that you would use for attaching to first go through and secure the tail to itself so it holds that shape.
Then it's a matter of pinning the parts to each other and sewing them together.
To summarize: Break down the whole design into distinct parts. Break down each distinct part as if it were made of stacking concentric circles. Crochet accordingly.
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dambusta-animations · 3 months
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Happy Pride Month Everybody! :) Took a break from some of my bigger projects to doodle this to celebrate!
I saw a few Artists draw there Impsona's in Fizz's casual wear and thought I'd have a go myself. The designs based off Vivziepops own doodle and inspired by CaramelCat85's Art pieces, and I highly recommend checking both out :)
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aalissy · 6 months
Soulmate Markers
Just a short fluffy lil soulmate AU for today's chapter :). I hope you like it! I love writing my fluffy Adrienette hehe. Plus, I always loveee writing soulmate AU's. Lemme know what you think <3
Adrien lay flat on his stomach in bed, a smile slowly stretching across his lips as he watched Marinette’s doodles come to life on his own arm. He delicately traced over the little flowers and stars that she had drawn, breathing out in awe. 
Every day he was grateful that he had found her. That very first day when he crashed into her and found that the little sketches she doodled on her arm matched the ones his soulmate had drawn on his own arm was everything.  
After finding each other, the two could barely stop writing little notes and messages to each other. Most of the time it was Adrien teasing Marinette that she was late. Again.
He shot a longing glance over at Plagg, wishing he could transform and head over to see her. But, alas, his kwami was passed out on the pillow next to him, snoring as dreams of cheese were surely filling his head.
Not wanting to disturb Plagg, Adrien quickly grabbed for a pen, scribbling on his unmarked arm.
You seem to be doodling instead of working on our physics homework there, Mari.
He bit his lip to stifle the large smile as the doodles suddenly ceased. There was a slight pause before his arm began to tingle as Marinette began to write back.
How do you know I haven’t already finished it yet and am taking a much-needed break?
Adrien snorted at the idea of Marinette having already finished all of her homework. Usually, she waited until the last minute for the classes she disliked the most.
Do you mean besides the fact that I also haven’t finished the whole assignment yet? 
He took a short pause, letting Marinette read the words that he had scrawled across the inside of his wrist before he struck an even bigger point.
Or, how about the fact that you haven’t stopped doodling since we left school? Did you have time to even start the physics homework yet?
Shush you! I’ve only just gotten home! I don’t need to worry about the homework yet.
Marinette's protestations were met with a playful chuckle from Adrien. He knew her procrastination tactics well. There was a brief enough break from her scribblings that Adrien felt a twinge of sadness in his chest. It hadn’t even been five minutes yet and already he missed talking to her. He couldn’t imagine what life would be like if they didn’t have this constant method of communication.
Soon, though, the tingle on his forearm appeared again and Adrien eagerly stared down at the words that were slowly appearing.
Have you gotten the answer to number 3 yet?
Hold on!
Springing up out of bed, he raced over to his desk. Reaching into his backpack, he pulled out the piece of scratch paper that he was using to solve the equations. 
Together, they began working on the problems, their minds synchronizing as they tackled the physics problems. Adrien marveled at Marinette's ability to grasp concepts quickly, her work clear and concise even as they used their arms to describe the answers they were getting. Quickly, with both of them working together, the two finished their homework.
Great work, Mari! 
Can I go back to doodling now, teacher?
Only if you keep doodling on your arm so that I can see.
Adrien could only imagine the light pink tinge that would light up her cheeks and for about the millionth time he wished he was with her so he could see it. This time, no reply of words came from Marinette. Instead, just as he requested, a trail of doodles began to replace over the words that they had previously written to each other.
He sighed happily, rubbing his thumb over the tiny images that were blooming along his arm. His father was certainly going to yell at him about his soulmate's pictures again. Something about how it tainted his perfect skin, but Adrien didn’t care. Not with the way Marinette was currently sketching a tiny heart with the letters A + M scratched into it.
Adrien beamed before he gave a series of happy cackles. Every day he sincerely wondered how he had gotten so lucky. His soulmate was the best one of them all and no one could ever... would ever get in the way of that.
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cocobeanzies · 5 days
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Took a break from a bigger piece to doodle a kittydog design, I don't connect with her basically at all though and will probably just put her up for adoption later pfft
Edit: Decided to keep her :3
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sunfloralchaos · 5 months
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Doodling variations of Ayres basic look to give myself a break from bigger pieces
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tiredjust1 · 9 months
i love your kim x roxie art!! i’ve sent almost all of them to my gf and said “us?” bc we love that ship, do you have any advice for drawing characters interacting? i wanna start drawing art of kim x roxie myself for my gf since not a lot of people make art of them but im just really bad at drawing people hugging or kissing or anything like that
And yes absolutely!! I’m gonna be using my newest post as an example since they’re pretty close in proximity. I hope this can be helpful!
So whenever I try to draw poses where two characters interact or just generally more complicated poses, I like to scribble out a very messy sketch of how the pose vaguely looks like. Example:
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Fyi this is like a one minute doodle just so I can get my idea on paper. I like to do this so that I’m able to actually remember what the pose looks like in my mind since it tends to get warped a lot throughout the process. By getting the fresh idea on paper, I can look back at it and get a reminder of what I was vaguely imagining earlier!
After doing so, I start with the actual proper sized sketch which is much more refined because I get a makeshift reference for where everything goes already thanks to the thumbnail. With this, I can focus on drawing the actual pose without having to worry where things would go since I already figured that out! Now I just to form out a coherent and clean form with this blob of “clay”
As you can tell a lot of my process is just refining smaller details from bigger pieces!
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I should also add that generally using actual references is the best way to do this but if you want to put your characters in poses that don’t have online references then you could use this method, or better yet, take pictures of yourself in the position and use those as reference!
I just wanna put this one that I like to call “the catfight sheet” which was just a bunch of random messy fighting poses I scribbled out very quickly when I was strongly hit by many ideas at once!
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As you can see, they’re tiny, they’re messy, and they’re bad, but that’s ok!!! It really doesn’t need to look good at first since it basically acts as a reminder for when you draw the full piece. Such as this one where I used the first scribble as reference:
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This was fun to draw as you can tell
Anyways I hope my rambling was helpful and comprehensible! Thank you for asking and I hope breaking down my process like this helps you out in the future for when you draw for your gf!!!
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holycorrupt · 8 days
if you have the time/energy to elaborate, what's your process like for coloring stuff you ink traditionally? i've figured out a few different methods over the years, but i generally stick to fully digital or traditional for a piece, so i'm curious to see how you do it! :0
This is such a fun question for me because I get to both ramble about my art process and have an excuse to throw some colors on this Breloom I drew ages ago.
I use Clip Studio Paint and an Ipad for my digital stuff so I'll be referring to the processes on that but I'm sure there is a work around for other programs as well :^)
I scan my traditional art at 400dpi because it's always easier to work bigger with digital stuff and resize it smaller then the other way around :^)
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So here's our raw scan, which already looks very decent but when I want to color something I like for everything to be much cleaner/sharper/more contrast-y and to get rid of the noise from the paper texture lmao. A well lit photo will also do the job because that's what I did for many years before getting my scanner but tbh if you're a traditional -> digital artist like myself a scanner is like a best friend you can buy HAHA
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First things first, I apply a Gradient Map Layer > New Correction Layer > Gradient Map
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Clip has a really nice black and white map preinstalled but I made myself a custom map just by pushing the black and white a little closer, it completely clears up all the noise and makes everything really crisp! Make sure you check on your lines when adjusting things because super fine feather lines can sometimes be lost if you make the contrast too high. Extra tip! If you want to make Graphite Pencil or Ball Point Pen really nice looking as well, just add a dark grey point in the gradient map closer to the black then middle...works perfectly :^)!!
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This is the point I look for stray pixels, cat hairs, ect and make sure to erase any surrounding doodles or sketches I don't want included.
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GOD DAMN Those lines are CRISP-Y!!!
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Next up we're going to want to go Edit > Convert brightness to opacity
Tbh If I didn't have this method idk what I would do with myself.... I've tried the whole "Lineart on top layer set to multiply" Method and ...ehh....
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Now that I have a nice transparent line art I'll stick a new white layer down below it because the checker pattern hurts my eyes LOL
I'm going to add a read more here since this post is getting lengthy haha
I'm going to quickly go over the style I use for MTE! It has been refined to be quicker and easier to do since you know...I have a week time limit per page ... 😭 I have a completely different way I do colors for other things I want to spend more time on but I might explain that one in the future...I'm running out of steam tonight LOL
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I use this really awesome brush pack that has a pencil like texture and I love it to bits...here's a link to it if your interested!
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At this point I might add some overlay layers or play around with an airbrush but I think this guys done for now :^) I tend to stay away from highlights with my shading for MTE..My biggest goal is to make sure everything is clear and readable! That being said I break my own rules all the time for special panels that need the extra 'oomf!'
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Slap a lazy square background and yay!! He's done!
Hope this was interesting aaaa Thank you again for the ask!!
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lunchtimebedamned1997 · 2 months
Glitz and Glam WIP (pt. 2)
(+ other Helluva sketches under the cut)
Hadn't picked this up since may, and I needed a break from my big Hazbin Summertime Painting so here we gooooo!
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Original update from back in may lmao
It's fun to be working on something bigger from Helluva tbh, I haven't done a digital piece for HB since my Verosika Human Disguise Redesign - just some traditional sketchies of The Best Boys™
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Sorry the pic of the Stolas drawings is kinda crappy lmao, I drew him in green pencil and it did NOT wanna show up on camera :(
I already shared these Blitz and Fizz pages in my Cosplay updates post from June I think? Yeah I did - but they're cute so have them again XD
ANYWAYS hope y'all are doing well. I've been having Big Emotions lately so I've just been making art to try and move though some of the feels. Mostly sketchbook art, which has been nice. Touched copics for the first time in years to doodle Astarion and I haven't really put them down since >:3
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goron-king-darunia · 8 months
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Funguary #1 Mycena Subcyanocephala
Very casually dropping in an entry I did as a warm up. My brain is all fuzzy lately and I took a break from a bigger project for a week to take care of my sack of meat body IRL because my hormones are shit and I fell off the face of the earth for, like, a week, and then I couldn't get started on my larger project again. So I smashed my brain with a stick until art fell out so I could prove to myself that I still have art muscles. Coincidentally enough, I also pulverized the part of my brain that forgot how to draw humanoids until it remembered how to do that again. Percussive maintenance, if you will. (I am not actually injuring myself IRL, this is hyperbole, I promise.) So yeah, I'm probably going to be doing this super casually and probably outside of February since I have more IRL meatspace obligations that I am juggling. I may try to do one entry for each of the 4 themes to start or I may take it extra slow and do all of them at some point or other as warmups and do all the different mushrooms with their themes as I feel like it. Not officially back online yet, but I am browsing around Tumblr when I have time, so... Yeah! Cherub-inspired character to fit the theme of celestial for the mushroom Mycena Subcyanocephala. All the references I looked at showed this TINY mushroom with a singe fruiting body in the frame so I drew a cherubic sort of cyclops fairy/angel/cherub creature. Selected the mushroom because it was the first on the list so why not? The colors in the reference photos were nice enough so I figured why not? Might just draw the mushroom itself at some other time! Speedpaint here, so I can remember how I did it if I ever have to stop making art again for another 10 years. XD
I drew some concepts on notebook paper, and honestly the lips/lipstick I doodled out was a big main design element from the start, which is unfortunate because they're small in the grand scheme of the piece. The sort of digitigrade, faun-like legs were a whim, and I had my heart set on puffy pants to match that fat stem body on the mushroom, so I think a different pose might have been better because once the actual color and rendering goes down, you don't see much, if any, of the initial shape I set down. Maybe slightly more distinct colors between the skin and clothes too since that hand disappears into the pants a bit. But for something I smacked out in a couple hours, it's not bad. Especially for my first real attempt at drawing humanoids from imagination in a good, long while. (Clip Studio Paint, Gouache Brush, Airbrush, Gouache Blender, and Pencil Brush. 2 ish hours.)
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stitchedspider · 2 years
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gus doodles while i take a break from working on bigger art pieces
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real-odark · 1 month
hi! i have a question, have you experienced an art block? if so, is there any way you got out of it and just... started drawing? i've been suffering from an art block for i think *checks notes* 6 years now... uhhh... how did you find your style too?
HELLO ANON!! i yap so im gunna put my response under the cut but i hope my ?!! babbling ?!!??! helps
to answer your question yes i most definitely Have experienced art block..... very frequently between months i'll have chunks of time where its literally impossible for me to feel like anything i'm doing is good or even have motivation to draw and its a NIGHTMARE <\33
usually when this happens to me to work out of it i like to start by doodling ideas i have as much as i possibly can (especially little jokes between characters i made/like) and then slowly work my way up from like a bajillion little cartoon simple doodles into a slightly more complicated style and then usually i can work myself back in to doing some bigger pieces !! (even though i dont do thoughs that much even out of art block lmao but u get the idea,,)
and. well HOLY MOLY. i cannot say i have had an art block as long as u before my fine sir Holy bejeezus...,...
but i'd say to help develop your style i know everyone says this but its true, FIND INSPIRATION!!! (this is to help with your style and motivation because inspiration does NUMBERS for me it actually gets juices flowing instead of just forcing my brain to come up with something just cuz its "original", hell yeah draw that meme template if u wanna if it gives u inspiration worms... OK back to style now my bad)
finding other peoples art styles i like and breaking down what i like about them has helped me with making my own art SIGNFICANTLY and i still do very often, so thats why my art style changes a lot very frequently 😭
and dont tell anyone i encourage this but i totally take features i like from artists whose styles give me the brainworms. LIKE OBVIOUSLY IM NOT TRACING but what has helped me so much over the years is trying out different styles, like. a mix and match sort of??? i completely learned how i draw hair from a tiktoker i used to watch like 6/5 years ago,,, and to this day a lot of people still comment on how i draw it so YA!!! i have also developed by trying different anatomy styles (like. stylized Versions) for what makes me most comfortable, and different simplicities of facial features (like detailed eyes or just. Dots. like fr go wild if u like how it looks)
but most of all remember that your art will NEVER have to be a definitive thing!!!!!! even your FAVORITE artists if u look at their art from like. 4 years ago i can guarantee you you can see how their style has developed. basically what im trying to say is dont stress about having "your own" style if you think thats like going to define your art!! YOU DEFINE YOUR ART!!!! so if u feel like changing your art literally entirely at any point. DO IT! if having a style helps you to draw though i totally encourage finding one but it Also does not hurt to try other styles as u progress in art
thank u sm for the ask it is Not every day i get to yap on here (yes it is) ((i do very frequently)) (((sorry for bombarding u with this response LMAO)))
I HOPE THIS HELPED IN SOME WAY AT ALL !!!!*AND IF NOT UHHH.:.,. maybe find someone who isnt a random teenager on this app for real advice HELP
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