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prodigaldaughteralice · 4 days ago
Rules: without naming them, post a gif from ten of your favorite films and then tag some people to do the same.
Thank you for tagging me, @dontbreakthechain, this is gonna be fun~ I only recognized some of yours but [handshake] on the ones I did
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I will probably kick myself in a few minutes for forgetting something, but hey, it’s ten of your favourites, not a Top Ten List.
And I will tag @zyrafowe-sny, @mothmute, and anyone else who sees this and thinks it might be fun :)
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"The Daughters of Edward Darley Boit" (1882 - John Singer Sargent) / "If this is art" (2010 - Maciej Ratajski)
THE DAUGHTERS OF EDWARD DARLEY BOIT: It’s not the most overtly disturbing piece in the world, but it fucks me up. There’s this genuine grim sense of foreboding, this unspoken dread in the painting. The art book I first saw it in talked about how the girls are dwarfed by luxury, by inanimate objects that are clearly cherished in a way that they aren’t. (@dontbreakthechain)
IF THIS IS ART: this by maciej ratajski gets me every time. if this (any and all modern art) is art, then everything is art 🥰 (@jmonsaord)
("The Daughters of Edward Darley Boit" is an oil on canvas painting by John Singer Sargent. It measures 222.5 cm × 222.5 cm (87.6 in × 87.6 in.) The painting is housed in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, where it hangs between the two vases depicted in the image.
"If this is art" is a piece by Polish graphic designer Maciej Ratajski.)
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dontstandmedown · 2 years ago
#half the notes are saying that this is proof they dated and half are saying that this is proof shiv is kinda racist #it’s both. it is both
(tags from @dontbreakthechain)
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would kill myself if this happened to me
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jafartamam12 · 3 years ago
Learning English (70)
What If
In Gaur Gopal Das Youtube Video I found that there are two word that hold us back and encourage us to afraid to try something new, the words are What and If. What If is refer to our scary about uncertainties that contains our future. We often afraid to try and to conquer new challenge. The right is we must try and do them briefly, so we can know a new taste of experience and we got a new outlook through this challenge.
Kind of Old Transportation Mode
I have read today. Ive read a book Time Is More Valuable Than Money. In this part I read some explanation about all kind of old transportation that exist in Indonesia, they ara Delman, Becak, Bemo, Opelet, Bus Tingkat, Motor, etc. He has highlight through this book that we must be grateful for the technology that comes into our life. In the past age, we must spend 2 month to go to Makkah through ship and 13 hours to go to Bogor through Delman. And with some amazing technology we know that we just need 9 hours to go to Makkah and 2 hours to go to Bogor.
In addiiton we must utilize this amazing discovery with wisely mind. We must harness it as wise as possible. And, even though we got alleviate in transportation field now, we still need to do exercise to increase our healthy. Hold and stick it.
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throesofincreasingwonder · 4 years ago
Hi! Your posting has convinced me to give supernatural another chance. Do you know of a good skip it/watch it guide? I trust your opinion more than the rest of the fandom.
First of all I am so sorry and also I've just been looking at the 'appearances' tab on Castiel's page of the spn wiki and only rewatching the episodes with the gay angel in them but if you haven't seen the first 3 seasons I recommend those also.
I think the ideal like first time viewing order would be s1-5 (minus s01e08 'bugs' which I physically cannot watch and do not recommend) and then just watch the episodes that seem fun and/or have your favourite characters in them. Also don't watch season 9. I only recently finished season 10 which is where I stopped watching when I was into spn originally so I can't say anything about the later seasons but I think the method holds up
If you've already watched a significant portion of spn then genuinely just rewatch the trickster episodes and then the ones with Cas in them and the fun meta episodes that's the ideal viewing order I think
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torshev · 4 years ago
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“Always Ready” - a fun personified beer factory illustration for the new @mumfordbrewing can 👀👅🏭🍺 . . . . #beerstagram #beercanart #beerdesign #adobeillustrator #designinspirarion #graphicdesign #dontbreakthechain #design #abstract #dailydesign #branding #artwork #digitalart #colorful #artdirection #typeart #type #customtype #typeinspire #typography #illustration #illustrator https://www.instagram.com/p/CItoivQhSgm/?igshid=qtn49ntfzwah
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prodigaldaughteralice · 14 days ago
Yooooo hell yeah! I don't have an 'on repeat playlist' (is this a Spotify thing?) so I'm just shuffling my whole-ass library and skipping anything I haven't listened to in the past year or so :p
bad guy - Billie Eilish
Before The Story - Toby Fox
Come September - Anaïs Mitchell
Credit In the Straight World - Hole
American Idiot - American Idiot Broadway Cast
Local Girl - Neko Case
Jackie and Wilson - Hozier
Willow - Taylor Swift
Summertime - My Chemical Romance
Wenn es passiert - Wir Sind Helden
I am eternally shy about tags so gotta reiterate no pressure but let's go ok!! @poisonforpigeons @poidkea @mothmute @branmuffins22 @zyrafowe-sny @vulcan-moon @somewhereovertherainbowtables @dontbreakthechain @snowflavored and @na0art, also anybody who sees this and feels like doing it!!
Music Shuffle Tag Game!!!!!!!!!!!
Rules: shuffle your 'on repeat' playlist and post the first 10 songs, then tag 10 friends!
Tagged by: @yikesforever thank you love!
Only Living Girl in LA - Halsey
n/A - Bring Me The Horizon
number one girl - ROSE
Unfair (Felix) - Stray Kids
toxic til the end - ROSE
limOusIne - Bring Me The Horizon ft AURORA
Railway (Bang Chan) - Stray Kids
DArkSide - Bring Me The Horizon
Life of a Spider (Darft) - Halsey
Bounce Back - Stray Kids
Really this is thejust songs from three albums I listen too while I play Sudoku...
I tag: @kingsunboo, @we-survive-endlessly, @category-five-autism-event, @witchycitrine, @giant-sized-dork, @becomethebooks, @stonedlittlewraithx, @strawberry707, @bambiiie, and @moonearthangel
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evagoulden · 5 years ago
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Mother and daughter Starflakes ✨💙💜🧶
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storytime-reviews · 6 years ago
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Just Finished: The Chain by Adrian McKinty
George Orwell was wrong, she thinks. In the future, it won’t be the state that keeps tabs on everyone by extensive use of surveillance; it will be the people...We are our own secret police.
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breadedsinner · 6 years ago
I want to participate in the 🔥 but I don't know what to ask... One for each class of Dragon Age characters (like, one about a mage character, one about a warrior, etc)?
Okay! I’ll try to mix it up a bit.
Mage character...my feelings on Merrill are conflicted. Yes this fandom has a problem with infantilizing her, BUT to NOT do that means to not put her above criticism. While her goals are noble I think her means are single-minded. Oddly black and white, even. She can’t seem to grasp that her actions will have consequences that extend to others, not just her.
Rogue character...I like Cole and all, but it’s strange to me that people can’t grasp why other characters might be unnerved by him. Okay I get he’s your son, but Vivienne has every right to no be on board with your Inquisitor’s whims.
Warrior character...this isn’t ABOUT him exactly, but why is everybody so fascinated with those forehead dots Fenris had in his concept art? Of all the details for people to get stuck on, seems odd. Are those even canon? 
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lemon-natalia · 9 months ago
@dontbreakthechain thats so cool! i'm def going to try and 'decode' it going forwards
Nona the Ninth Reaction - John 20:8
okay, given the title i’m pretty sure the ‘he’ here is John Gaius. and its a retrospective dream of some kind?? makes me wonder if there’s a connection to the opening poem which talks an awful lot about sleep and dreaming
he’s talking to an unknown ‘her’ here, and commenting that she was ‘so sick’. my first assumption is that he’s speaking to Alecto here but if he is, then what does her being sick have to do with cryo chambers? was he trying to cure her of some kind of illness?
and the mentions of M��� and A—, Mercymorn and Augustine but with different names?! John did say near the end of the last book that he knew who Augustine was pre-Resurrection. there’s a C— as well, Cytherea or Casseopeia maybe?
oooh this seems to be pre-Resurrection, the world before the mysterious apocalypse. it doesn't seem to be entirely the present day though, what with the population being around ten billion, and apparently having some level of futuristic technology, like cryo chambers, and it apparently being a feasible plan to have everyone on earth escape the planet. that said, its still remarkably mundane and familiar here to the point that it goes back around into feeling very strange for the Locked Tomb books, its so different from the Nine Houses system
‘thighs mostly, from when they felt hungry, which happened rarely and almost simultaneously’ ok i really hope this is not the incident John was referring to when he said smthing like ‘i only ate human meat once before’ in HtN. and there’s definitely some kind of lyctorhood connection here with them feeling things simultaneously and being connected …
‘She cried. She and A— both cried’ is this referring to them dying in whatever nuclear apocalypse John apparently ends up starting??
‘So what did you do? He said: A damned thing, didn’t I’ oooh are we gonna see how exactly John became who he is as of the present day? because there are so many unanswered questions there
‘I still love you’ oh there’s definitely some kind of connection to the poem from the beginning here
Harrowhark??? he’s talking to Harrow here, WHAT is going on. i thought i had a mild grasp of what was going on here but evidently i do not. also, this makes me wonder if the necro-cav relationship in the poem has anything to do with Gideon & Harrow then??
also, once again these books are giving me assigned reading so i checked out the bible passage referenced in the title and apparently it's the passage where Jesus’s resurrection is discovered? it doesn't seem precisely relevant to the chapter itself but i guess it is thematically to the wider theme of resurrection in the books
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prodigaldaughteralice · 10 months ago
For the new ask meme, 1,2,3 and 29?
hehehe thank you for asking!
1- chipotle order?
Having never eaten at Chipotle in my life I cannot answer this directly (I've been inside one once, but it was to pick up a friend's little sister), but as far as vaguely-Mexican food in general I like a burrito with carnitas and refried beans. Significant quantities of lettuce also important to keep it from being like a stone in the stomach. Sour cream and guacamole important to the experience.
2- thoughts on veganism?
It's not my business what anybody chooses to put in their bodies, and if eating vegan makes someone feel healthier and more comfortable all power to them! I was vegetarian for a while in middle and high school, and quit because it was bad for my body personally, but everybody's built a little different from each other. For some folks it works great!
That said I think the supposed eco benefits have been vastly exaggerated and sometimes outright lied about; the amount of misinformation about how farms work and such makes it really difficult to have that discussion. In short: if you're vegan and you're coming over for dinner I will make sure you have something delicious and appropriate for you, but if you give me shit about eating meat we will not be friends long.
3- a specific color that gives you the ick?
Well the phrasing "gives [one] the ick" itself makes me shudder lmao. I think all colours can be lovely in different contexts but it's hard to make chartreuse work. Possible, especially out in nature where it occurs on its own! But difficult lol.
29- preferred pasta noodle?
Different sorts are good with different sauces, but I'm always down for rotini or fettucine~
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"The Weather" (exhibited September 24, 2021 – August 7, 2022 - Laurie Anderson) vs "The Daughters of Edward Darley Boit" (1882 - John Singer Sargent)
THE WEATHER: This is the Laurie Anderson room at the Hirshhorn Museum in Washington, D.C. I think it used to be part of a larger exhibit but I only saw it recently and by then it was this one room. It’s hard to describe without being there — this huge black room covered in white paint. Drawings, words, on the walls and the floor. I kid you not, walking into that room felt like walking directly into my brain. The fragmentation, the poetry of it, it’s so crowded, bursting with cognition. Remembrances and stray ideas fly around this place and I stayed there for an hour plus, reading everything and looking at everything and sitting in the corner. It made me so insane I went home and wrote an entire prose poem about it. (@green-cargaytions)
THE DAUGHTERS OF EDWARD DARLEY BOIT: It’s not the most overtly disturbing piece in the world, but it fucks me up. There’s this genuine grim sense of foreboding, this unspoken dread in the painting. The art book I first saw it in talked about how the girls are dwarfed by luxury, by inanimate objects that are clearly cherished in a way that they aren’t. (@dontbreakthechain)
("The Weather" is an audiovisual exhibition by American artist Laurie Anderson. It was exhibited at the Hirshhorn Museum in Washington DC from September 24, 2021 – August 7, 2022, where it spanned the second floor.
"The Daughters of Edward Darley Boit" is an oil on canvas painting by John Singer Sargent. It measures 222.5 cm × 222.5 cm (87.6 in × 87.6 in.) The painting is housed in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, where it hangs between the two vases depicted in the image.)
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nymini · 6 years ago
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Thanks @dontbreakthechain :) 
Give me 6 characters and I’ll tell you who i would:
Push off a cliff- Bloodraven. Cause he’s a little bitch and I really wanna.
Set on Fire- (I almost said Sandor here but that would be kinda rude in his case, you know?) Bronn? I mean he’d burn people without blinking an eye if you pay him enough, so  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Marry- Sarella. Duh. Come on, that was too easy. She’s a national treasure. 
Wrap a Blanket around- Hot Pie. Let the child be COZY.
Be Roommates with- Dolorous Edd. If I were a comedian I’d probably have a field day telling funny anecdotes about having him as a roommate. 
Kiss- Sandor because I have nowhere else to put him. (I like him you know, but can’t I just put Sarella here a second time? (Also let’s all guess who my favorite minor asoiaf character is lol))
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spaceheroes · 2 years ago
For the ask thing…12 and 87?
already answered 12 so i'm gonna go onto the next number
13. Odds by Mal Blum
I'll only be a couple hours late It's not that I didn't wanna go I don't know what I meant to say
i love mal's songs but this one i listened to so much because it's on my jesse pinkman playlist. really represents how everyone takes advantage of jesse, but he doesn't really know any other way
87. Wolfman by The Front Bottoms
Say what you have to say, try not to cry This is just not what you wanted At this point in your life It's so hard to stay When all you wanna do is ride I totally get you, I was a birdcage And you were meant to fly
ultimate sad breakup song, really captures the feeling of heartbreak
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jafartamam12 · 3 years ago
Learning English (69)
Practise Makes Progres
Today, I have showed some show that increase my confidence to convey my idea among audience. I did Khutbah Jumat in Munirah mosque and taught a teaching in Pondok Ranji nicely. As told by my father, for this case and another skill, to practise the skill of confidence to convey in front of public is must be honed as often as possible.
How Reading Enhances Our Ability To Become Marture
Today, I have read the book on the title Time Is More Valuable Than Money that wrote by Yoris Sebastian, and it enhanced my insight and enlarge my knowledge.
This book told about how the fact of traffic jump in downtown Jakarta especially can wasting our precious time. Traffic jump that we face it everyday makes anxious and stress to ourselves. In this book attached the story that talk about this, how person who her house far from his workspace make her trapped by traffic jump and this potentially affects an anxious to herself. And I know the taste of it, that happen when me and my friend going home from center Jakarta to Ciputat and the road fulfilled by much vehicle, we feel tired and exhausted about it.
And he talk about how our artificial technology now can alleviate our affairs. We just need to order the Grab car for accompany our journey all the way. This artificial intelligence, he said, must harnessed to alleviate our businesses especially in transportation field.
What I will highlight here is that if we read everyday this proven increases my insight and expanded my outlook. As I feel today.
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