#dont think about the choices i made for this cover too hard
dazesanddoodles · 4 months
the people (me) said put lesbian stuilly in situations so chapter one is out now 𓆣
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enjoyers of hyperlinked footnotes with information varying in levels of importance, this is for you
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quo vadis
where are you going?
tags: depiction of mutilation, gore—sebastian basically kills you but in a disturbing way, all in all—dont read if you have a sensitive heart.
“Do you think we’re soulmates in every universe?” You absentmindedly asked, staring at the ceiling that was adorned in paper stars.
Oh, how you loved those stars.
You enjoyed stargazing before your life went to shit, it was an everyday ritual of yours.
It was a pleasant surprise when Sebastian told you to cover your eyes and lay down on the cold floor.
“Just trust me, lay down.” You could hear a smile in his voice, so you chose to trust him.
You settled into a comfortable position, letting your body relax.
“Open your eyes now.” And you did. The ceiling was filled with all sorts of stars that were made with paper and pencil.
“You… remembered?”
“Of course I did.” He laid down next to you, rolling his tail up so that it wouldn’t be in your way.
“In every universe? Of course! I don’t see it any other way.” He interlocked his fingers with yours. No matter how many times he does it, it still makes your face heat up.
“Pinky promise?”
“Pinky promise.”
You smile at the reassurance, closing your eyes and letting yourself fall into a peaceful slumber.
Sebastian didn’t notice it until he heard soft snores next to him.
“You’re hopeless, I love you.” Sebastian whispered before reaching his free hand up to his lure, flicking it down to let the room be consumed in darkness.
When you awoke, Sebastian was nowhere to be seen. There was a mild ache in your back from sleeping on the hard floor, but your main focus was looking for Sebastian.
After sitting up, you crawled towards the vent’s opening.
You peeked your head out, the doors were closed, and it was silent.
You knew it was a bad idea, you did, but your curiosity got the better of you.
He told you to never leave his hideout without him. He was afraid of you getting hurt.
With a slight push, you were out of the vent. The air seemed thick, thicker than when you made your way through these halls the first few times.
You decided to go to the doors that were in descending order, figuring that it would be pointless for Sebastian to go through the newer doors.
It was lonely. Sebastian wasn’t here to distract you from the horrors down here, it was scary, almost.
You shook the thoughts away, continuing on.
You found data scattered throughout the levels, how did he miss them?
You shoved as many vials and usb sticks into your pockets as you could since you didn’t bring a bag.
You had no proper protection.
Oh, well. At least the creatures down here could be easily countered.
You passed through at least seven doors, and yet, there was no sign of Sebastian.
You were starting to grow more and more paranoid, would it be too late to turn back?
No, keep pushing. You needed to see him.
You could hear your heartbeat in your ears, and cold sweat made your clothing cling to your body uncomfortably.
You heard quiet footsteps behind you, thank goodness Sebastian was here.
He didn’t have legs though.
You turned around with a relieved smile, but that was quickly wiped off of your face as you were met with what you assumed to be an Urbanshade guard.
“Hands. Up.” He pointed his gun straight at your face.
Your anxiety was through the roof. You had no choice but to comply with his demand.
You held your hands up, the weight of your selfish actions could be described as a pressing weight on your chest.
“You little brat. The company knew something was up when your PDG was rendered destroyed.” He continued on, his grip on his gun tightening ever so slightly. “Don’t think we don’t know about Z-13 at door 50.“ Your eyes widened at the mention of your beloved’s code name.
“You will come with me.” He walked towards you, the gun never lowering.
Your body felt heavy. This was all your fault, wasn’t it?
The guard got behind you. He holstered his gun and grabbed your arms harshly enough to make you wince.
“Shut up.” He cuffed your wrists together. The cold metal felt uncomfortable, and the cuffs were adjusted a little too tight.
He grabbed his gun again, pointing it at your head. “Walk.”
So you did.
Thoughts were running rampant in your mind. Where was Sebastian? Was he okay? Were you going to die? Will you ever see him again?
You were trying your best to hold back tears. You felt so helpless, you hated it.
The numbers on the doors got smaller and smaller. Would it be so bad to let him kill you right then and there?
A loud yell was heard behind the two of you, the guard turned around, leaving you with an opportunity.
You kicked the guard’s legs with your dominant leg, causing him to fall on his back.
You ran.
“You little bitch, get back—“
His words were cut off, but you didn’t stop. You ran as far as you could, trying to stay balanced.
Adrenaline. That’s all that was keeping you going. You had passed through three doors, and you felt your muscles ache.
You knew you should have worked out more.
You tripped on your own feet, landing face first onto the cold, smooth, concrete floor.
Harsh winces escaped from your throat, you lifted your face up to see blood on the once greyish-white floor. It must be from your nose.
Even if you wanted to, you couldn’t get up as your hands were cuffed.
You felt so pathetic. You couldn’t save yourself.
Whatever had gotten the guard was about to get you, too.
It came into the room, ripping the door off of the hinges and coming near you.
It flipped you over, and you saw Sebastian.
He was covered in blood. He didn’t look anything like the Sebastian you knew.
The Sebastian who would hold you close at night.
The Sebastian who would company you on small scavenges.
Bloodlust was all that you saw in his eyes.
Before you could even speak, he began to attack you.
His claws dug into your chest, and he harshly pulled them out, leaving deep cuts in your chest. “Sebastian—!” You cried out, he couldn’t hear you, could he?
His head dipped down towards your arm, and he bit your bicep.
He bit your bicep.
His razor sharp teeth easily tore through your skin, hitting your bone.
The noises of your bones being crunched made you cringe. The pain wasn’t registering yet.
The flesh that once protected your arm was now being chewed by Sebastian.
Your beloved was about to eat you alive.
In a desperate attempt to make him stop, you screamed, loudly.
The high pitched noise snapped him out of it.
The darkness that clouded his eyes was now gone.
His sworn spouse.
The person he ‘married’.
Sebastian ate their flesh.
He felt nauseous.
How were you even conscious?
Sebastian’s eyes met your half-lidded ones.
Poor Sebastian.
It wasn’t his fault, right?
He didn’t mean to.
No, he just wanted to protect you.
Sebastian weakly called your name.
Your breathing was labored, your hand was weakly clutching at your chest where blood quickly seeped out of, and your head was lolling back due to the lack of strength in your body.
It felt like you were high. You could feel your body tingle, trying its best to keep you conscious.
Sebastian cradled your body in his arms, fat tears falling from all of his eyes. “[Name]… Nononono. This isn’t—happening?! Don’t go. Please. Please stay with me.”
It was hard to make out what he was saying, you couldn’t hear him properly, nor could you speak in the current state that you were in.
The pain was hitting you at full speed now.
You cried.
All you could do was weakly cry. Your body was messed up beyond comprehension, there was no way that you were going to survive this.
Every breath was agony. Every inhale felt like needles were being inserted into your chest.
Sebastian just watched. He couldn’t reverse what just happened.
He was powerless. He couldn’t save you. Not this time.
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overlyspecific · 3 months
Part 4 of Merlin as Robin Hood
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12
The results are in, it was pretty neck and neck so i’ll try to get the other option posted pretty quick here too. This part gets a little dark towards the end so warning for injuries and angst for the future (whats merthur without a little trauma, you cant do hurt/comfort without the hurt).
Gwaine: *carrying a crate of fresh apples into the small clearing they’ve made into a hideout* I just don’t get it. Why would he risk getting captured just to see someone who would run him through first chance he got?
Lancelot: *smiling a little to himself* Oh, you don’t know the first thing about it, friend. You should have seen them when Merlin worked as his manservant. He would spend all night saving the castle with magic just to yelled at all morning by Arthur because he forgot to polish one piece of armor.
Gwaine: *he takes a seat on his makeshift hammock and takes a swig from his suspiciously ale-smelling water skin* I just don’t get why he cares so much about him. We do good work here stealing from rich douchebags and giving to people in need. I dont see what is so different about Arthur, isnt he the worst of the worst for rich douchebags? Merlin himself calls him a prat.
Lancelot: oh I see whats going on…
Gwaine: what?
Lancelot: You’re jealous.
Gwaine: No, I’m not. Look, Merlin’s great. I just don’t like him risking everything for someone who has proven they wont do the same.
Lancelot: and what? you would be better for him?
Gwaine: I could be, at least I wouldnt toss him out to fend for himself in the woods all alone.
Merlin: *returning from his forest meeting with Arthur catching the tail end of the conversation* Gwaine, I appreciate the sentiment, but no offense you werent there and *turning to lancelot* neither were you Lance. You don’t know what went down or the hard choices we ALL had to make. so respectfully butt out of it.
Gwaine and Lancelot: *feeling guilty for getting caught* sorry merls
Merlin: its alright. Let’s just take stock of everything we got so we can distribute it-
Merlin is cut off by a yell in the woods and they all go quiet.
Lancelot: Merlin, your magic is still in place, right? No one should be able to find us.
Merlin: Yes, no one can find us unless we allow them to. Stay here, it’s probably just a lost traveller.
Gwaine: No, you shouldnt go alone. We’ll go with you.
Merlin: If its a traveller by themself then it will be better to go alone to not spook them. I have my magic to back me up and i’ll shout if they are injured or need help. Stay here.
Merlin walks into the woods alone out of the magical safety of the hideout.
Gwaine: I dont have a good feeling about this…
Meanwhile in the woods, Gwen is searching desperately around the area largely covered by trees that look the exact same.
Gwen: *to herself* c’mon gwen focus! Did he say the trees with the fruit above or below the leaves?
Merlin: *appearing from the woods like the forest druid he is at heart* I actually said the trees with the blue berries and white blossoms. I think below the leaves means they are safe to eat.
Gwen: *running to Merlin and throwing her arms around him desperately* Merlin!
Merlin: *from inside gwen’s tight bear hug* As much as I appreciate the hug, do you want to tell me why you are in the woods alone trying to find me?
Gwen: *releasing Merlin from her death grip* Merlin, you are in danger! I came from the castle as quick as I could to warn you-
Merlin: Gwen! Gwen! It’s okay! I just got away from the knights, I’m fine. Better than fine actually. Arthur saved my life…
Gwen: *trying to get a word in but Merlin has started excitedly rambling about Arthur* No, Merlin. Listen to me.
Merlin:…and the way he looked at the knight that tried to kill me, Gwen, it was like he wanted to murder HIM. Can you believe it?
Gwen: Merlin!
Merlin: *Finally realizing something isn’t right and looking around the forest* Wait, we aren’t alone.
Gwen: That’s what i’ve been trying to tell you, Merlin! The king sent Arthur as a distraction. Arthur doesn’t even know. Uther hired a witchfinder with a really powerful magical tracking amulet. You’re the biggest magical target in the vicinity. Its going to lead them right to you! You have to run, get as far as you can!
Merlin: Gwen, I cant leave Arthur. He’ll die without me.
Gwen: He’ll die if you die. You have to go!
Merlin: Fine, but I’m scrying everyday to make sure he’s-
Merlin is cut off by an arrow plunging its way into his side. He falls onto Gwen who tries to keep him standing.
Merlin: Gwen, get out of here! Find Lance and Gwaine, they’re just beyond those trees. They wont find you there. You cant be caught with me.
Gwen: Merlin!
Merlin: Gwen, go!
Gwen takes off into the woods in the direction of the hideout. Merlin falls to his knees and calls his magic up but his eyes only flicker gold for a second before dimming. Collapsing all the way to the ground, Merlin sees black boots approach him from in front of him. Merlin doesnt have the strength to raise his head but he knows if he did, he would be met with the satisfied face of the witchfinder.
Witchfinder: So you’re the great and powerful Emrys, huh? I thought you’d be harder to find.
Merlin feels one of the black boots make contact with his injured side and everything goes black.
Sorry to leave you all on a cliffhanger but I had to do it. Next part will be a flashback to the magic reveal and then we’ll see how Merlin Hood gets out of this sticky situation.
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scholastic-dragon · 4 months
I love your writing and when I saw your birthday post I was so psyched!
Would you please write something about the turtles (Bayverse or ROTTMNT, your choice) and the worst time/ place they’ve gotten erect? Maybe how the deal with it? Why they got aroused in the first place? Let your mind run wild ;)
Sometimes your partner or crush just gets to you and you can’t control your desire ;>
• Female reader/ or what ever you’re comfortable writing for
• Developed or no developed relationship
•All the turtles or just one you really like to write for (up to you)
• A short story or head-canons work equally well
Essentially go with whatever you feel most comfortable writing for with the prompt! Thank you! And have fun /^v^/
Also here’s some birthday cake for the road! 🎂 🍰🧁🎉
Erection Directions
I'm thinking bay!boys but either works
Well....you see.... it was patrol
It was a slow night, they weren't planning on going out, everyone's in a bad mood
And then you call
And he let's the guys take a break and sneaks off behind a secluded wall to answer the call
"Hey love, were on patrol is there somehting you need-"
"I think I need you to come over and fuck me,"
😳 (the turtle was too stunned to speak)
Swallows his tongue and has to clear his throat before responding.
You flirt and banter for a moment, then it becomes clear that your hand in inside your blue panties (that you sent a lewd picture of)
"Baby, I can't I'm on patrol" He responds after you ask for a video of his "achingly hard cock" as he put it
"How am I supposed to get off if I don't hear your pretty moans?" You tease
Peering around the wall, he unzips his pants and aims the camera at his hard cock. He catches the soft moan from his lips and his thumb rubbing precum along the shaft.
After a minute he stops recording and sends it your way. He hears your excited moan over the phone.
He grips himself harder.
"I wish you were here right now, inside me instead of my hand,"
That makes him stroke faster, your voice, the knowledge that he's doing this out in the cold night air spurring him on.
He feels his release getting closer, and he hears your responding moans.
"I'm gonna-"
"Oi, fearless!" Like the ass he is, raph comes around the corner.
Leo drops his phone in an attempt to cover himself. "Come on!" He yells.
Raph turns and yells, both to him and Donnie and Mikey. "I'm fucking done, I'm going home, fuck this!"
Donnie asks. "What happened?"
"He's fucking jerking it!" The red brute yells, making the other two start complaining.
"Whyd we even come out here?!"
"I had work to do that you made me put down!"
Leo scrambles on the ground, putting his hand over the microphone. "Patrols over, go home!" He simply yells
He sighs and tucks his own soft cock into his pants. He's upset and extremely embarrassed.
When he lifts the phone to his ear, he hears you laughing your ass off.
It was the weights room
He lives in there
And you, his new and flashy crush, are now also "living" in here
You claimed it was stupid to pay for a gym membership when you could simply hang out here
And because he's in love with you, he agreed
Now, he regrets it.
You're doing squats while holding a dumbell and the way your ass and thighs look right now should be illegal.
He's laying on the bench press, not even trying to be sneaky as he watches you go up....and down....and up.....and down
And now something else is up
Very up and not at all sneaky.
His head snaps to the ceiling, his hands shaking as he holds the bar above his head.
His heart is pounding hard. A lot like how hard he wants to pound you-
He shakes his head and the bar nearly comes crashing down on his face
"Raph!" You rush over and stand above his head, grabbing the bar around his fingers and lifting it (with his help)
And great, now he's got a view of the underside of your breasts, and the sweet sweaty skin of your bare stomach. Oh, and your delicious thighs are there too.
His cock pulses beneath his shorts.
"Are you okay?" You help him put the bar back, leaning over to look down at him.
Now he can see your cleavage.
"Um" He goes to answer but no words come out.
You sigh and straighten up, and your eyes rake down his body.
He tenses. Your eyes go wide and your cheeks flame.
Donnie was working under the truck
He's on a custom made rolling cart, his hips peeking out from under thr garbage truck.
He's got headphones on, listening to an audio book you recommended.
It's a romance and the characters just had their first kiss.
He's working and listening, not really paying attention.
"His lips traveled down her neck, making a spike of heat run down her body to her pussy"
He stopped working for a moment, swallowing hard and taking in what was happening.
The scene progressed and got dirtier and dirtier, to the point where he was aching and hard in his pants
It was late, no one was awake.
He rolled out from under the truck, wiped off his hands and undid his pants.
He tried to match the pace of the book, and man this person was doing a really good job on the voices
For a moment he imagined you and him fooling around like the characters were
His strokes became fast. Slick sounds filling the quiet garage
As the characters hit their peak, so did he, moaning softly and cumming in his hand, it spills down onto his chest and pants.
He sighs, opening his eyes and nearly passing out.
On the other side of the garage, your sitting with your hand in your pants, your lip caught between your teeth
Your eyes meet.
He removes the headphones, feeling hot and sweaty at your flushed cheeks
You smile, all seductive and it makes his cock twitch.
"Chapter 24?"
Hes up and rushing to you, fully intending on acting out the full Chapter.
It's while you and him are making dinner
It's mundane and it smells almost as good as you do
You have a smile on your face as you try to remember what each brother likes and it makes his heart warm
He stirs the gravy and asks you to come try it.
He doesn't expect you to take his wrist and lead his spoon to your lips. Wrapping it around the silver and sucking the gravy off.
Now other things are warm
"Mmm!" You moan, licking your lips. "That's really good mike!"
Very warm
It stays that way until everyone is eating at the table
Mikey sees your eyes drift down his plastron as a drop of gravy falls off his bite of potatoes
Your breath catches as you notice the tent in his shorts
Everyone is busy taking and chatting about... oh he has no idea what anybody is talking about
Especially when you smirk and let your hand sneak under the table
You grip his thigh and he nearly cums in his pants from that
You scratch your way up his leg, griping him through his shorts and underwear
He shoves food in his mouth to keep from being too loud. Your hand feels amazing
It's a bit clumsy with the angle and clothes in the way, but he's still very much so getting off
He manages to keep himself quiet as he cums, staning his shorts. You shoot him another cheeky smile.
The hand that was griping him, moves the the table and "accidentally" knocks over a glass of water onto his lap
He gasps at the cold and everyone turns to look
"Oh, mike, I'm sorry! I'm so clumsy!" Your eyes flash with mischief
"It's fine, y/n," He touches your arm. "Come help me get some towels to clean this up,"
No towels were got, but a big mess was made.
@thelaundrybitch @leosgirl82 @turtle-babe83
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pixieskie · 9 months
˖˚˳⊹"i really do love you.. im sorry"˖˚˳⊹
-warnings: Angst, depress!on, su!c!dal thoughts, detachment, scars, body dysmorphia, disassociation, not proofread, chubby reader. -chars mentioned: Scaramouche -wc: 0.6k -a/n: i dont even know what to say.. Um this is .. something.. enjoy?
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as someone who felt every emotion more intense than others, it also meant feeling more sad. it should've been fine but you simply couldn't feel happy.. you have friends and family but still felt so lonely..
“helloooo” scaramouche waved his hand infront of your face to get your attention.
Suddenly looking up, you see him frowning at you. “what’re you thinking so hard about.. do you not wanna watch the movie?”
“sorry.. i just spaced out” you said embarrassed.. “just continue the movie, ill pay attention this time”.. Scara simply muttered a small ‘fine’ and resumed it.
Scaramouche is your best friend, the one you share everything with. But.. he could never understand the depth of your emotions.. The void you feel inside.. The aching loneliness that consumes you at every moment.
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“Yes lets go to the beach!! itll be perf....”
“ooh i just bought a new bikini…..”
“wont it be too sunny? ill get tanne….”
you drowned out their conversation and thought of excuses to skip… you had no other choice.. a bikini wouldn't cover your scars, stretch marks or tummy fat.. it would be on display for everyone to see your insecurities and then they'd hate you.
“guys im sorry but i have to study this weekend.. exams are close”
“again? but didnt you say the same last week…”
“oh come on! itll be so fun…”
“ugh she does the same everytime…”
Ofcourse they wouldn't understand.. They had the perfect body..
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The words were blurred as you tried to read them.. Nothing made sense to you anymore.. Your exams were near and you have to study but the words together don't make sense anymore..
Sighing, you went to splash some water on your face to wake yourself up. Looking up into the mirror, you saw failure.. Someone who cant study.. Someone who wouldnt be able to make a living..
You sat back down at your desk.. You can study and change your future right? its just a book..
But.. you cant make yourself read the words anymore.. you felt so tired..
Why cant you also be like others?.. Everyone else is so successful and perfect.. They have good grades, perfect body and happy lives..
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You sat on the edge of the roof.. This used to be your hang out spot with Scara but eventually you both stopped meeting there.
“where the fuc- YOURE HERE?” Scara dramatically sighed, huffing. “Ive been searching all over for you. Come on, ive made dinner.. you have to eat something”
You chucked softly at his caring nature and nodded silently.. “Scara?” he was about to leave but turned back to look at you “yeah?”
“I love you”
He chuckled in confusion “yeah yeah i get it, i love you too. no need to get all sentimental with me, its just dinner.”
You turned back to the sky once he left. He probably went to your kitchen to fill a plate for you..
You smiled at the thought. He was the best person you could've asked for..
And it hurts. He cared for you so much but you couldn't appreciate it..
Leaving never had to be this painful.. But a tear fell down and you closed your eyes, recounting your memories..
There were so many happy moments you never got to enjoy.. Sad moments you stayed numb.. And the huge gap in your memory.. and nobody knew how you felt because you never let them.
‘Im so tired… Im so tired..” You looked at your feet, dangling off the roof.. ‘i hate this .. i dont wanna do this.. but theres nothing else to be done’
You took a deep breath in.. “i really do love you.. im sorry”...
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tags: @rubywonu @stygianoir @unsavoy-melon @kashiiwi @babbledabble25
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whatyadrawin · 4 months
The Fruit After The Flesh 18+ -Chapter 14
Minors DNI!
Approximately 4,989 words
Pairing: Thomas Hewitt (Headcanon) x AFAB reader
This chapters Warnings:  Sexual language and depiction of sexual acts, foul language, brief PTSD scene, mention of reproductive choices. This is Slasher smut, be mindful of that and use your discretion.
A/n: See the end of chapter for a special authors note since I dont want to spoil anything here. I feel pretty good about this chapter, the art has some sloppy work because I was passing out while working on them so please be nice, I hope theres no typos or weirdness in the edited writing either because I was also passing out for that. The censored image can be viewed raw on my google doc (By clicking that link you are consenting to seeing graphic adult imagery and you are over 18). Let me know if you want to be in the tag list. I update chapter progress on the masterlist whenever something changes.
Please enjoy this chapter! I worked very hard on it so reblogs, comments, and likes are appreciated very much.
Tag List: @fan-goddess , @artxasa , @baybaybear1 , @amour-tae , @dij-ology , @jillian-mill
Chapter 14
                The day started with you getting a phone call from the contractor, he informed you that your house was fully repaired and ready to move back into; You immediately got changed and walked over, highly excited to see the finished work. You arrived quickly, opening the heavy wooden door where the smell of fresh paint and new wood filled your lungs. The sun’s rays lit up the rooms giving the home a cheery appearance, as if it was happy to see you.
You slowly made your way through the entrance to head straight for your room, when you passed through the doorway you felt a knot form in your stomach, the memory of the fire was making you feel fear as if you were experiencing it all over again. You let the anxiety hit you to really feel the emotions fully, you figured if you could handle the ghost of the past then you could strive to overcome it.
Within a few short moments, the feeling passed but the cortisol surge remained. You left the bedroom and sat on the couch in the living room exhaling deeply as you reclined. You looked out at the large storage container that you had yet to completely empty, it was costing you to keep it on the property and felt like a constant reminder of how new you still were to this country.
The entire day was spent emptying out the storage crate to fill up your home. Extra clothes and furniture found their place in every corner of the house, by nightfall you managed to get your bedroom and bathroom to look mostly normal again. The fire destroyed your bed and stained the wardrobes with soot, some floor lamps were melted and unusable as well as your window curtains.
-Looks like I need to buy a new bed and some furniture- You thought about how nice you could make your room, and what curtains to buy to cover the bedroom window with. -I think it might be good to invest in some security features too while I’m at it- Dover’s attack on you affected the way you felt when you were alone, it was now pertinent to have visibility from many angles and access to view them at any time in case someone tried to hurt you while you were unaware again.
After ruminating on your fears, you locked up and left the house, the moon was now high in the sky and you realized you hadn’t eaten all day. When you left and got to the end of your driveway, you saw headlights shining up the road heading in the direction of the Hewitts house. The driver gave a honk and when you squinted to look, you recognized the truck, it was Charlie.
He pulled up next to you and reached over to unlock the passenger door,
“Get in ‘fore you get ate by a coyote” he said through the open window.
You smile and hop into the passenger’s side of the truck; the seat is rough edged from wear and scrapes the exposed skin on your leg as you slide onto it. You shut the door and thank him for picking you up,
“Are there really coyotes around here?” You asked
He smirks, “Well now, ain’t a whole lot of wildlife really comin’ ‘round here no more.”
You wrinkle your brows, “Must be lucky then eh?”
He chuckles and raises his eyebrows, “Somethin’ like that”
You roll your eyes and give a tight-lipped smirk, you knew it wasn’t luck, if anything it was a whole lot of bad luck that accumulated on this land brought onto poor hapless victims taken from the outside world just to feed the starving Hewitts. This land really was a world of its own, it felt like you were existing in another universe, the remoteness didn’t help much with that either.
“What’s ‘at look for?” he was obviously trying to sleuth out your expression.
Your eyes widen and you quickly face the open window to prevent further incriminating looks,
“Nothing” you hope he would drop it, but he continues,
“You’re bein’ real suspicious ain’t ya? Somethin’ I should know ‘bout?”
You reply with a hint of annoyance in your voice,
“Oh my Goduh, nothiiiiiiiiing” -that should throw him off-.
Charlie laughs and changes the subject,
“You gon’ move back into Tilly’s house now that it’s fixed up?”
You continue to look out the window,
“Yeah, I have been bothering you guys long enough.”
He quickly replies, “You was never no bother girly, I know Luda Mae’s gon’ be real upset seein’ you less. She sure hates an empty nest.”
You didn’t think it would be that much of an impact, you felt like a total leech living there for as long as you did,
“I’m sure she will be relieved having less cooking and housework to do…she never let me help.”
Charlie laughs, “That woman? She’s been feelin’ like a mother again what with doin’ all the women’s work. Was always her happiest when she was carin’ for the boy. Obsessed with motherhood, guess it’s normal for womenfolk to think like that.”
You roll your eyes, you had become used to the way Charlie spoke about women in the time you lived with him, but it was still obnoxious to hear such outdated ideals in modern day.
Charlie puts his arm up on the bench seat, he gives you an inquisitive look, he asks,
“You think like her at all?”
You sigh, “Isn’t that a bit personal?”
He sucks his teeth and looks at the road, he continues,
“Shoot girly, it’s just a question.”
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You remain quiet for a few seconds before responding, “No… it’s never really been a goal for me.”
You replied, already feeling defensive, “What?”
“Just never encountered a ‘no’ from a woman regardin’ kids is all.”
Instinctively, you began preparing to hear the usual patriarchal bullshit thrown at women who choose a different reproductive path. You prepare the counter arguments in your head, you cross your arms and say,
“Ok, lay it out then, tell me how I’m going to change my mind someday or whatever. Let’s get it over with”
Charlie lets out a confused grunt, he turns to you laughing,
“Sweetheart, I couldn’t give two shits ‘bout you not wantin’ to get knocked up. Only reason I bring it up is ‘cus I heard some foolin’ around in the basement the other day.”
Your eyes widen and you tense up with embarrassment, he laughs again,
“Now don’t get yourself all twisted up ‘bout it, s’about time that boy got some tail.”
Your muscles relax a bit, you couldn’t help but blush at your seemingly private exploration being heard. He continues,
“If you n’ the boy are gettin’ that serious, I feel I need to warn you that he’s got no bullet with the blast”
Your nerves wanted out of this conversation, but your curiosity made you dig for information,
“How would you know something like that?”
“Tommy ain’t our blood, Luda Mae found him in a dumpster behind the meat packin’ shop she worked at back in the day. Was a large thing, that boy, t’was clear the momma didn’t want nothin’ to do with him so she tossed him like trash. He was uglier ‘n hell as a baby, not much different than now.” He laughs. “But he ain’t right, somethin’ in his dang blood made him grow into such a fuckin’ beast, made him stronger than any man I ever knew.”
The road was coming up on the house now, you wanted to know more, so you turned to fully face Charlie and asked,
“Being big and strong doesn’t make someone infertile…”
Charlie smirked as he parked the truck near the wheat field and shut off the engine, he leaned his head at an angle to look at you without turning his body,
“Girly, you remember we told you ‘bout the infection fuckin’ up his face?” You nod,
He continues, “He was in the hospital a few weeks getting’ medicine. If he was a normal kid he woulda died. The doctor told us he had some, uh… dang what’d he say now?” Charlie ran his hand through his hair as he thought, “I dunno what it was, somethin’ ‘bout his blood bein’ shitted up n’ to not expect any grandkids, specially with all the drugs they dun gave him. Luda Mae was real upset; I didn’t give no fucks long as he’d help ‘round the farm, and boy did he get useful.”
He got out of the truck and started walking to the house, you sat there mulling over the information you were given. -If he is infertile… No need for protection I guess- The thought of finally being able to safelyhave raw unprotected sex made you hot with lustful fantasies, sex was hard to fully enjoy when you always had the underlying fear of pregnancy looming over you.
You entered the house and made your way to the kitchen where you saw Luda Mae in a nightgown pouring from a teapot. She turned and saw you, a smile immediately formed on her lips,
“You been away all day dear, did you eat anything?”
You shake your head and walk closer to her, she continues,
“Just as I thought. I saved you some dinner in the fridge there, you can heat it up in the oven which is already preheated for you.”
She sets down the teapot and says,
“Did you get a lot done dear?”
You open the fridge and find a large plate filled with comfort food, you respond,
“Thanks for saving me dinner, you didn’t have to.” She smiles at you, and you continue,
“I got a ton of things done, I’ll be out of your hair once my bed arrives”
Luda Mae’s smile sank, you could tell she didn’t want to hear you were leaving. She saw you looking at her expression and quickly changed it back to a smile, saying,
“Well, that’s good for you dear, but don’t go feelin’ like you have to leave right away now. Take as much time as you need.”
You feel her hand gently placed on your upper back, she gives you some comforting rubs and you tell her,
“Don’t worry, I’m going to be over a lot. It’s just that the orchard needs someone there to care for it, and it’s a big job.”
She nods, understanding the need to get back to normal,
“Alright hun, you eat whatever you like and get some tea from the pot there. I’m headin’ to bed now but if you need anything, just knock on my door.”
You thank her again and she walks up the stairs. You see Charlie come in after her, he went straight for the bread buns in the basket on the counter.
“You headin’ to bed girly?”
You shake your head, he stuffs the bun in his mouth and begins to leave,
“thya ‘omarro” His words were muffled by the food he was chewing, you wished him a good night and listened to him walk up the stairs to his room, his footsteps thudding more quietly with each step.
You put the plate in the oven and let out a big sigh as you sat in the chair, you weren’t tired despite being busy all day. The thoughts of Tommy unloading his orgasms into you were energizing, you sat there feeling the ache between your legs gain intensity. -he must have gone to sleep by now, I better get changed out of these sweaty clothes-
You made your way to the bedroom and threw off your shirt and shorts, you took off your bra and exhaled in relief letting your breasts experience natural gravity again. You picked out a purple oversized T shirt that reached your knees, you felt immediately comfortable and paused before you left the room. -Might be fun to feel a little breeze as I eat dinner, everyone went to bed anyway- you quickly slipped your underwear off and tossed it near your bed, you blushed as you made your way to the kitchen giggling to yourself about the bold idea.
You step back into the kitchen and turn off the oven, you leave the plate in there to soak up the last bits of heat so it doesn’t have any cool pockets to ruin the meal. You turn and open the side door that leads to the porch, your bare feet touching the smooth wood floor. The moon was bright and lit up the land, you looked out at your home up on the hill, it was a barely visible white blob sitting lonely on the hilltop watching over the orchard.
You wondered what this town was like when it was busy, there weren’t many buildings around that you saw when you reached the gas station, but you also never drove up the road past the Hewitt house; as far as you knew, there was just tall grass and an evil man’s hiding hole.
The night air was refreshingly cool, it brushed under your shirt and tickled your naked body which felt invigorating. Back home it was rare if the nights were warm enough to stand outside half dressed, but you also didn’t have a large private porch to lounge in either.
Suddenly, a glow of warm yellow string lights lit up from the roof of the porch illuminating a large man standing in the doorway. It was Tommy, he bent down to avoid hitting his head on the doorframe and closed the door behind him. You were shocked to see him, and were now very aware of the fact that you were completely nude under this shirt, you almost missed the fact that he was shirtless.
You pull down your shirt to ensure it isn’t somehow lifting up and making your lower region visible,
“I thought you were asleep?” you ask
“Heard y’come in, wanted t’check up on ya” he spoke softly.
He moved next to you, putting his massive arms on the railing and leaning forward to look at the land. You felt nervous being so close to him with your secret hiding under the thin fabric of your shirt. -Why am I nervous? I was in a pond with him naked for gods sake!- Despite your previous escapades you still felt giddy at the thought of him discovering your hidden nudity.
You try to divert your nerves with conversation,
“Thanks for teaching me how to defend myself, it feels better knowing I might stand a chance now.”
He nods at you and smiles with his eyes, his dark mask hiding his damaged skin, you noticed his pushed back hair was wet and when he moved closer you could smell the fresh scent of a masculine scented soap, it was intoxicating. You shake your head a little to snap yourself out of it,
“S-so were you going to stay up here a while? I need to get my dinner out of the oven if you want to hang out as I eat.”
You quickly make your way to the kitchen hoping to escape his alluring scent, it was flooding your mind with wicked thoughts about his arms squeezing around you like a python while he fucked you. -god damn, why does he have to smell so good, and look so good, and be so fucking massive and hot!- You argued with your thoughts, you wouldn’t be able to try playing with him while Luda-Mae and Charlie were just one floor away, too risky, but you didn’t want to be obvious by pulling him downstairs.
You were wise to his antics, and you remember when he said “I’m gon’ start messin’ with y’now”he made sure you understood he was going to torture you with desire. He followed you into the kitchen barely being able to pass through the doorframe, you try to ignore him, you were onto him and wanted to see what he would attempt.
“I’ll get that for ya” he reached down into the oven without oven mitts and grabbed the plate without flinching, he sets it down on the table in front of you then reaches to get you a fork.
You touch the plate and it stings with heat,
“How didn’t that burn you?”
He shrugs, “Thick skin I guess”
He takes a seat next to you and hands over the fork, you thank him and begin to eat. He leans back in the chair and relaxes as he watches you, he then asks,
“That house o’ yers is done huh”
You nod, eating hastily not realizing how hungry you were. He continues,
“Y’gon’ move on out then?” His voice was vibrating the plate on the table from the low timbre.
You swallow the large ball of food in your mouth and reply,
“The orchard hasn’t been properly tended to in a while, I have to keep those trees alive and… Tilly made it a clause in her will.”
He crosses his arms and nods, leaning back and looking away,
“Won’t see much of ya ‘round then I s’pose”
You put the fork down and sit back, a serious look on your face, he looks over at you and notices the shift,
“What’s amatter?” he asks.
You look him in the eyes, “I wanted to run something by you actually”
He shifts in his seat and places one arm on his thigh and the other on the table while his torso was turned to face you,
“Y’can ask me whatever y’want”
A tiny smile hits your lips from his words,
“Well, Dover didn’t really teach me about caring for the trees. I figure I can read up on it and do my best to learn everything I can but…” You paused, you clenched the edge of your t-shirt bottom before finding the courage to push out the question, “I want to know if you knew anything about caring for orchards, and maybe, if you did… you could teach me the basics until I can do it myself”
Tommy was quiet, he put his hand to his chin and was deep in thought, you got nervous and added,
“Y-you can say no its ok, I know it’s a big ask since you already do so much around here, I just thought it would be nice to… spend more time together is all.”
He leaned back in the chair, it creaked under his weight,
“I’ll help ya. I dunno a whole lot ‘bout orchards but, I helped Tilly when she needed it, she taught me a thing or two”
You smile, “I’m really glad”
You got up to put the leftovers away, Tommy followed and stood up to open the fridge door from behind you as you placed the food back inside.
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When he shut the fridge door, he kept is arms around you fencing you in. You spun around to look at him, he was towering over you, his steely blue eyes gazed at you through heavy lids. He moved his hand to gently caress your neck and trailed it under your jaw, lifting your face to look in his eyes.
“Y’don’t need no excuse to get me alone” his voice was smooth and enshrouded your mind making you feel a wave of arousal flood your body.
“Oh Yeah?” you speak in a breathy whisper.
He nods slowly, you touch the thick leather of his mask and say,
“What do I need to do to see your handsome face then?”
He hangs his head down and laughs, he lifts his head and brings it close to your face,
“Go ‘head then”
You excitedly remove the mask revealing his gnarled old wound that exposed his teeth through his cheek, the more you got to see his real face the harder you fell for him.
“Still likin’ what y’see?” he asks.
You smile and lift yourself up to his face, you look into his eyes and slowly move in to kiss his lips. He lets out a muffled hum as he kisses you back, you press in harder and lift your hands to cup his face, his stubbles was shaved off to a clean finish. You forgot how wonderful his lips felt, the kiss quickly became heated with passion, both of you began to breathe more hastily.
Tommy put his hands on the sides on your body, slowly moving them downwards until he reached where he wanted to. He wrapped his hands around your thighs and lifted you up onto his chest so your face was the same level as his, you stifled an excited squeal when your body lifted into the air so effortlessly.
He smiled and kept you in his arms while kissing you, you threw your arms around his neck to keep your body leaned forward past his bulky pecs to reach his face. You felt his hands move inwards towards your weepy slit. He was trying to get a more stable grip so you could sit comfortably, but when his fingers discovered no underwear, he stopped kissing you and gave you a devilish grin,
“What we got here?” he spoke through a chuckle
You blushed and bit your lip remaining quiet, unsure of what to say,
He kept tickling your labia with gentle flicks of his fingers, your breathing hastened and you suppressed a moan with your hand over your mouth,
“Bad girl, y’need to go to yer room huh”
You nod, “Put me there”
 He moves his mouth close to yours, but when you lean in for a kiss, he slowly pulls away grinning. He carries you through the porch door, entering sideways and leaning down to avoid hitting his head. He stops when he reaches the double door leading to your room, he turns around and places you on the railing of the porch which is wide enough for you to sit comfortably.
“Why did you set me here?” you ask.
“I aint givin’ in so easily” he grumbles through a smirk
“…do you want me to beg or something?” you laugh.
He gives you a smug look, “Maybe”
“Oh please, I can keep myself under control. No amount of flirting would make me want to be-“
He cuts you off by gripping your hips and pulling your body close to the edge of the railing top so you were flush against his warm torso. You huff defiantly until he presses his erection onto your cunt, your abundant juices coated the fabric of his sweat pants. You let out an unexpected moan and quickly cover your mouth to quiet it.
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Tommy slowly rubs his stiff cock up and down the length of your lips, pressing in when his head met your hole just to tease you. He was grinning watching you hold your hand to your mouth as you hushed your whines. You so badly wanted to feel the skin of his dick move inside you, the cloth barrier was unbearable. He was enjoying the antagonization, his grip on your hips was firm you wouldn’t be able to escape even if you wanted to, he just kept pulling you closer to him until you gave in and said,
“Please, I want it” your words were like a song to him.
“Well, since y’asked nicely” he growled.
He threw you over his shoulder, making you giggle, and entered your room through the porch entrance closing the doors behind him as swiftly as he entered. He gently laid you on the bed gazing down at you while you writhed with arousal, you hesitantly spread your legs and lifted your shirt to reveal your lower half. Tommy got on the bed, it made a creaking groan under his massive weight. He leaned over you and placed one of his hands down between your folds caressing your entrance, you breathed in sharply and spread your legs further to let him have more access.
Tommy ran his fingers over your tender skin, his digits getting slick with wet the more he rubbed. You put your arms around his neck and pulled his face onto yours and kissed him, he moaned into your mouth and slipped his middle finger into your hole,
“Oh fuck” you whispered
His finger was almost as thick as an average man’s penis, and just as long. He slowly moved in and out of you, the calloused skin scratched your walls and bumped your g-spot sending your nerves into overdrive with pleasure, he feels your walls clench down on his finger,
“Y’got such a tiny lil hole” he says gruffly.
“Yeah? Why don’t you fuck it then” you command.
He pulls his finger out and runs his hand up your shirt skimming along your sensitive skin as he moves, he finds your breast and starts massaging the nipple making you moan with the electrical impulses that tickle your nerves.
“Y’want me bad huh” his tone was mocking.
You reply in a breathy tone “Please, fuck me”
Tommy pinches your nipple before he leans back and pulls his massive cock out from under his sweatpants, his erection was so full that he whined as he held it. Seeing his massive length was sending you over the edge with desperation. Tommy lowered himself down so his shaft lay on your clit, his dick was heavy and warm, the feeling of it on your swollen nub was making you feel drunk with desire.
He rubbed his length up and down your wet folds at an agonizingly slow pace, your wetness coating all along his cock making it glisten in the light of the moon. You tried to wrap your legs around his hips to pull him in but he quickly grabbed them with ease and pushed them all the way back so your knees were touching the sides of your chest.
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You were so sexually frustrated with having him tease your greedy hole, you tried to raise your hips to entice him to slip inside but he remained steady.
Tommy saw how badly you wanted him to fuck you, he loved watching how your body beckoned him to enter it. He decided to have mercy on you and pressed his thick head on your hole, allowing you to slowly adjust to the width. He let out heavy sighs as your pussy began to slowly swallow his tip, the soft velvety feel of your lips made him moan deeply. The stretch of his girth sent waves of pleasure through your core and the vibration of his deep voice made it seem like you were mating with a beast.
You managed to slip halfway down his head before he couldn’t take much more and he began to slowly move his tip in and out. He was groaning, trying to control himself but your slicked entrance was beginning to bring out something feral from deep within him, he kept trying to slide more of himself inside but you weren’t opening up fast enough to allow him full entry.
You grab onto his wrists and dig your nails in, he was so wide that your poor little cunt couldn’t adjust fast enough to meet his lulling thrusts. You could feel a sting of pain with each movement as his width increased, the pleasure was overpowering the sting and you didn’t want him to stop. It felt like an impossible task to get even just the rest of his head inside, but you wanted so desperately to be penetrated by him, so you focused on relaxing your muscles to grant him deeper access.
He was quickly losing control over his movements and felt your vaginal walls loosening up, he fought the urge to just aggressively push in deep to get past the last hurdle. He was high on the feeling of your insides, his mind felt light and dreamy, as if his brain was swimming. He kept pressing in further with each forward motion until all of his head was finally inside you, he pulled out further before each hungry thrust to coat himself in more of your dripping sweetness.
“I want the whole thing, give it to me Tommy, I need it” you pleaded.
Tommy needed to get hold of his mind that was beginning to slip away, he had a strong carnal desire to just plow into you but he instead forced himself to remain still. You look up at him wondering why he stopped moving, your vaginal walls still pulsating around his tip from the incredible sensations it brought. He gives you a crooked grin and gently pulls out of you, then stands up off the bed and hastily puts his pants over his erection.
“What! Why?” you asked furiously
He laughs, “That’s payback, my angel”
Tommy walks out of your room and leaves you there a dripping, horny mess; You chuckled to yourself and flopped onto your stomach and yelled into your pillow. You now wanted to get past this cheeky stage and just start fucking like rabbits but you knew he was going to continue this provocatory teasing. It was time to pull out all your tricks and make it so unbearable for him to resist that he will give up messing around and give into his temptations.
Tommy got back into his room in the basement, his mask back on his face where it belonged. He was still fully engorged and now feeling pain from the intense pressure, he needed a release badly, but he also wanted to start practicing control over his desires. He was worried, he felt so close to just letting go and fucking you silly, he wanted to be fully present and aware if your needs when you two finally, properly, lay together.
He flopped on his bed and sighed; he wasn’t sure how much longer he could keep this up for. The next time, he may not be able to pull away so easily.
Special authors note: I wanted to stray from the norm of Thomas constantly being portrayed as having a breeding kink (it can be hot don't get me wrong) because I know there are a lot of women who don't want to read breeding/pregnancy kink for various valid reasons and its fairly hard to find AFAB x Tommy smut where he isn't depicted in such a way. If you were expecting that, I apologize for disappointing you but I try to cater to the people who don't often get catered to because inclusivity is important to me when making adult content. So from here on out, the rest of the chapters in this series will be for the gals who don't want to think of that stuff when reading smut. Thank you for taking the time to read my fic, likes, reblogs, and comments are extremely appreciated.
-Next chapter
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Idk if the formatting will stay corrupted when I post this ask but it was mad regular when it was just sitting in my inbox?? but uh, Gods bless. I dont think I'm all that good at sub reader, and I may be ass at writing insecurities as I gotta be careful not to trigger myself lol, but I am gonna enjoy writing this thanks for requesting me beautiful (Also, I'm not much of a daddy person but I LOVE Master kinks.)
I proofread like half of it yall imma do the rest in a couple days💀✋🏾
Fem!Sub!Insecure!Reader x Soft Dom Odin || NSFW lol || Breeding kink, Master/Slave use (ion know too much bout that dynamic lmao so you gon have to bare wit me), insecurities, and raw dogging (my staple)
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Odin can't help but notice the slump of your shoulders, persistent ever since the other day. You'd gone to see Aphrodite for the first time, wanting to greet the entire greek pantheon personally upon your introduction as his wife. You left all smiles and laughter, yet despite saying it'd gone well, you possessed an air of sadness about you, and it's lingered throughout the week.
You sigh again, pulling him from his pondering. Your seat in the windowsill is backed by a view of the gray sky, ice cold rain pounding the glass. You have to be cold.
You jump upon finding your husband behind you, wrapping you lovingly in a thick blanket. The expression on his face is uncharacteristically soft, and in your heart you know he loves you... but why?
Why does he love you, when women as beautiful as Aphrodite exist? The lowest ranking goddesses glow with divinity, an inhuman shine to their very aura that you could never recreate. When you entered that room, you'd never felt more mortal. You were drawn to them, their beauty and grace calling out to you, leaving you with no choice but to gaze in awe.
You think you feel tears on your waterline.
How could he truly love you when surrounded by women like that?
"Women like that?"
You blink, feeling the warm tears slide down your cheeks as your face heats up. You didn't mean to say that aloud, by the gods. But it's too late now, and his simple question and deadpan face have broken the dams you worked so hard to maintain all week.
"Women like that! Like Aphrodite, like the other goddesses. They're beautiful my love, beautiful in a way I can't compare."
He tries to speak, but you rush over him, the snot filling your nose choking your speech and corrupting your voice. "How can you caress my scars when presented with unblemished skin? Look me in my eyes when theirs sparkle with such power? How can you even stand my voice! The goddesses of this forsaken place sound as lovely and hypnotic as sirens, even when their screeching at the top of their damned lungs!"
You cough, gasping for air. You hadn't taken a breath in that entire monologue. Your throat hurts from screaming, and at some point, you'd stood up and thrown away the cover he gave you. The cold air from the window spread goosebumps across your back, down your legs and arms. But it was fear that made you tremble, fear he'd see the logic in your words and leave you in the dust. Fear you'd walk the palace halls one day, haunted by the sounds of pleasure your husband brings out of other women, like so many wives here in Valhalla do now.
Your coughing dies out and leaves nothing but silence. Even your sniffling is quieted under his stare. The rain fades away and you find you can't even breathe as you wait for his word.
"I walk among these women everyday, yet you are the one I've chosen. Does that alone not set you apart from them?"
You blink at his tone– darkened with an unknown emotion, yet somehow still soft on your ears. His hand is on the small of your back, nudging you closer. The other cups your cheek.
"If you think yourself to be in a sea of gold, then you must be the diamond of the bunch. In my eyes, you shine brighter in your mortality then any divine being could ever hope to. Your scars are sweet against my lips, and your eyes as bright as the stars. Your voice is the one thing I bow to, my love, your beauty the one thing I praise."
It's silent again when he finishes, but you hear your heart breaking. Breaking for yourself, because how could you have been so blind? To ever in a million years think this man could do anything other than love you...
He chuckles, kissing your ear. "Say my name, Beloved."
Chaste kisses are placed softly about your face. Your forehead, your neck, your cheeks. And all the while you're crying, you love this man so much. "Odin..."
You try to pull back but find he's holding you to his chest. "Odin?"
"My name."
You blink, then smile. "Baby?"
He smiles into your neck, and you think he's having a rare cute moment. "Not that one."
Your smile takes on a confused twist.
Then, it hits you.
He chuckles again, this one filled with a bit of sadism.
In a show of heavenly strength you're transported from the window to the bed in the blink of an eye. As you sink into the bed, he tops you, fitting himself between your legs like coming home.
Your lips come together in a clash of lust and passion, the chastity of earlier long forgotten. Your hands tangle in his hair as he fondles you through your clothes. You could feel his hard on through his clothes, the familiar press against your heat filling you with... love?
Love... that's exactly what it was. You loved this, loved this treatment, loved to see your ever-quiet, ever-composed husband fall to pieces when he touched you. His stoic persona peeling back to reveal a man so head over heels he'd stomp on his pride in his rush to hump you like a dog in heat.
Hell, when he's fucking you like this, how could you have ever thought he'd leave?
Your right hand leaves his hair to help him tug at your clothes, the left sliding down to feel his muscles rippling under the skin of his back. He's finally gotten your chest bare, and latches onto the first nipple he sees, blindly working at the fabric to reveal the other tit. His battle-roughened fingers graze its peak, then pinch, hard enough to make you gasp and jump.
His tongue drags out similar sounds. Flicking the cute bud, circling it, right before sucking on it like it'd fix all his problems. Your fingers do away with his clothes with practiced motions as your eyes close, arching up into his touch.
You can hear him moaning almost silently as he kisses your chest, and you swear you hear him whisper, "Sweet."
You sigh at the feeling, at your adoration for this man.
He pulls back, and in the low light you admire the creases of his chest, the scars that litter his skin like stars in the sky. One hand parts your legs, spreading you open, admiring the sight of your clit twitching while arousal pours over your asscheeks to stain the sheets below.
His other hand takes your wrist to lay your palm flat over his heart. He's dragging your palm across his torso, over his heaviest scars, while rubbing electrifying circles into your clit. You tear up again as your legs twitch at the direct simulation. Even breathes turn to pants, and you feel your hips trying to rut into his touch. But your eyes never leave his. No, no– you hold his gaze and hone in on the feel of his skin on your hand, on the feel of realization like a new dawn in your mind.
"Do my scars horrify you?"
You can't tell if your tears are from pleasure or pain; the emotional kind. But they're pouring worse than the rain outside now, and you feel your nose getting stuffy again. "Of course not, my love."
He didn't mind the slip up this time. "If these do not cause aversion, how could your own bring you such despair?" Two fingers slipped inside you, and you gasp, fucking down on them instinctively. His thumb speeds up to match the pace of his fingers, and you pull him down into a kiss. His tongue tangles with yours, sucking on it and exploring your mouth. You kiss him back just as hard, running your teeth gently over his lips and tongue in turn.
"You are mine. You alone can see me like this. You alone can look at me like that, kiss me like that. I only want you–"
He smirks, and you think you're on the verge of cumming.
"Afterall, who else can take me so well? Who could look as pretty when I'm filling them up, watching my seed pour from their warmth? Do those goddesses beg like a good girl for me to stuff it back in? Present themselves as a willing slave, to be used until I've had enough? Until I've put a baby in them?"
Your eyes roll, your back arches, and the world turns white as you orgasm on his fingers. Trembles shake you, but big, comforting hands are working you through it so well. You rock into him until he pulls away, and despite the looming threat of overstimulation, you whine at the emptiness.
"Answer me, slave."
"N...no one, Master. No one except... Me."
You can't see it as your eyes are still closed, but he's smiling. Just a little, but it's full of more joy than a kid on Christmas.
A haze sits over your mind. His voice is the only thing you know now.
His thumbs take either side of your labia and spread you further, coaxing the juices out. He stares for a long time, unable to look away right up until his dick is so hard it aches. He forces his eyes to close, fumbling to pull it out. You both sigh when it slaps against your cunt.
"Please, Master... Cum inside me."
He looks up to find your eyes are just barely open and trained on him. His demeanor softens even more somehow, despite how out of place it seems.
"Anything for the prettiest girl in the world."
He slides in, fitting as though you were made for him. Your walls are warm and grip his cock like they missed it, arousal continuing to overflow and drizzle out, just barely able to slip around his cock. He puts a hand to your stomach, pressing down and make both your eyes roll as he feels how deep he is.
He thrusts– once, twice, rocking you, opening you up. From there on his pace builds to something fast and rough. Your nails drag down his back till blood is drawn, the pain fueling his manic humping. Screams of Master! Bounce through the air as he fucks you, drunk on the drag of his cock against your gspot. Your own hand goes down to rub at your throbbing clit as tears cloud your vision to the point of blindness.
When you arch, his hand is at the small of your back, helping you, holding you. Your bodies press together and you can't help but think, 'fuck. He's beautiful.'
You allow your eyes to close as a smile spreads across your face. Your husband is beautiful. So you are, you have to be,
Your eyes drift to your husband's face upon hearing his voice. Velvety and deep, and filled with roughness from his approaching orgasm. You laugh, a breathless thing. "You too, Master." You say, batting your lashes.
His chuckle is equally breathless, "'M gonna fill you up now, lovely girl. Take all of me."
An order, one you'd jump to obey.
You joined at the lips in a passionate kiss, your finger working your clit hard as the other hand holds the back of his neck. He holds your legs in a mating press and strokes deep, hitting your deepest spot before releasing inside with a shudder and groan.
You throw your head back as your own body freezes from the force of your orgasm. You're wracked by shudders and hear naught but the sounds of your own broken moans. You can feel him inside of you, spilling his seed for you alone to keep. It's warm, and you can't help but relax at the feeling.
Odin stays inside for long moments after, holding it in, before pulling out. You blink at the sudden loss, to exhausted to do much else. You let yourself be gathered in an embrace, lazily enjoy the soft kisses he presses to your face.
"In the morning, we'll shower. For now, we rest." You hum your affirmation. His arms are tight around your body. You have no choice but to sink into his embrace, sink into a deep, deep sleep.
Right before you drift off, you hear him whisper,
"I love you, my gorgeous wife."
You wish you'd stayed awake long enough to respond back.
A/N: yes yes I know this and many other ask have been sitting in my inbox for months😓writing is hard okay?? And I am very very sleepy all the time. This was fun to write but god did I hate writing the smut. Ion know nothing about master kinks, I use them in my own lil way so the formal way is unknown to me😭but uhh, I hope you enjoyed, and requester if you see this I'm sorry🫶🏾🥹I love you🥲
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beesmygod · 3 months
i only read tumblr once a day because i [try] to stay sane so only just caught up with the art discourse, which I do have some bits n shit I want to add: a bit fasile for one but, dont you as an artist have upkeep and resource needs to produce? even if its just like...computer, tablet and necessities to continue existence because art takes time to make, those are real, and cost money. "art" in an absolute sense can be made for free with minimal time through just thinking, but like, a webcomic that is a physical thing made of electronic patterns and hosted on a server, takes time and takes stuff. "Webcomics" isnt a free infinitely repeating resource, and you are more than a machine to create webcomic, and none of us are infinite as a resource! at worst, art hits public domain eventually. that said even from that place of survival in capitalistic society it DOES make sense to at least have free public facing art as PROMOTION even if its just idk downtime sketches, doodles, memes, fanart etc so like im not 100% disagreeing yknow, and I am not and artists cant be a paying consumer my/their own art, art has to exist for the self too, the self that isnt a "paying class", or i just start making marvel movies and then its time to find my cool wet hole in the dirt and express my creative individuality like im a mathmatician of statistical analysis of fluid dynamics.
now that im awake i was going to answer these point by point, but this kind of flies past my point that making art exclusively for those who pay is abysmal and treating your audience like they're thieves is a poisonous and off-putting response to one's perceived "loss of income" (which is not even theft because the item being "stolen" can be reproduced infinitely. im talking about like a digital image like a comic page and not a physical item where there's limited copies lol). people either want to pay you or they dont; you can't force people to pay you by making access to your work harder, worse, more inconvenient, and more degrading to your audience. you can't induce artificial scarcity and be a good person.
like yeah obviously art production takes money. that's why most artists work desk jobs instead of trying to make it a solo venture and just expecting the world around them to pick up their slack. i didn't come out of a lotus blossom with a tablet ready to go, i worked desk jobs from age 15-24 in order to have enough savings to cushion myself if need be and pay for base supplies. i use tablets and items gifted/sold to me at a steep discount by my friends. i lived really poor in order to have the life i wanted. and i really loved it lol. i still think of that time so fondly.
once the comic is produced and posted, it is free for my audience to look at and the reproduction costs of the finished image is 0 dollars. it can be copied and reposted freely without charge. it costs me basically nothing to host. the production costs are currently covered by patreon donations. if they were no longer covered by patreon donations i would get a desk job instead of making my choice to go into the financially unsuccessful field of the arts my audience's personal problem to solve. if i don't make things people want to buy, that's my problem and not my audience's.
yeah, it would suck to have to stop doing this because its no longer financially viable (it is really financially hard right now; the state of the world around us is not conductive to the patreon life), but i wasn't entitled to it anyway. i get to make art for a living bc i have an audience that permits me to. why would i start treating them like dogshit or lying about value of my work to squeeze extra money out of them after what they gifted me?
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creehd · 3 months
SURPRISE!! its me again, ive moved into your walls.
Now... *flips through notes* You said Shredder is a Yakuza boss, which is just a delectable choice, and i shant ever get over it--
--BUUUUUT because hes Yakuza, does that mean hes...covered in tattoos? 👁👁
I meeean, i can kinda see some tattoos in the reference you drew for him, but i think we might need a shirtless reference, fOR SCIENTIFIC REASONS OF COURSEEEEE, absolutely no other reason.
I definitely dont wanna just see that buff man shirtless hahah nooooo *heavy breathing*
What is the Turtle's living situation like??? Is it still in the sewers? Do Casey and April visit them there? How different is their home in the AU compared to the modern depictions? I cant imagine sewers in the 20's were to much different than sewers now, but im still very curious :]
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Sorry for the never ending questions skajsksks
YES shredder does have tattoos! Alot of em are traditional Japanese dragon design ones, I will map out what his chest and back tats look like don't you worry-
AS FOR THE SEWER QUESTION IM GLAD YOU ASKEDDD I made the entire turtle lair in the sims bc of this ask SO here we are,
The entrance to the sewers is pretty basic, shoot off to 6 open rooms,
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Splinters room!! He's a pretty solitary guy so he has a place for meditation and a cozy lil chair he falls asleep in constantly.
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Here's the rec room/kitchen, Lotta areas for food making and eating, and a piano Mikey plays every now and again for everyone! They also have a dinky little TV set donnie managed to snag. (Infront the couch)
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The dojo!! Pretty basic, this is where the boys do their training!
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The bathroom/storage! Very rustic and stolen and or built by Donatello. Lotta extra stuff splinter brought over from japan and misc living stuff for the family.
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Now for the boys rooms!!!
Leo and Donatello share a room, leo keeps model trains and tons of books donnie can't house on his side, he's also got several Japanese tapestries to keep in touch with his heritage. He also has alot of art deco posters, he enjoys the colors and movement of them. He also keeps track of scout badges he's collected, because while be can't BE a boyscout, he loves the idea of scouting and following that code of values.
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Donnies side is much more technical. He tinkers and builds things while listening to the radio, he'll turn it on for both him and Leo while they do respective activities. He also has Japanese tapestries, mostly because when the boys were small splinter got them each their own, and he never took it down. He's got tons of books and maps, and more physics leaning posters.
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On the other side of the sewer, Raphel and Mikey share a room, in the middle they have a Foosball table they both enjoy from time to time, but on raphs side, he's got a punching bag (go figure) and a stereo radio phonograph, along with a chest of his things, his favorite stuffed toy, some art deco posters and a painting Mikey made him, along with a portrait of Casey, and a cow skull. He's taken the tapestry splinter gave him down. Says it clashes with the rest.
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And last but not least! Mikey has the brightest part of the sewer, he enjoys plants, and taking care of them, he says they add life to the home. Along with several paintings he's done and art deco posters he enjoys! He's got a desk for Journaling and an easel for his portraits. He's also got his Japanese tapestry hung, it gives him inspiration.
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All and all, not too different from their modern counterparts! I tried to make my little diorama art project as time period accurate as I could, for the sims yknow, but I think I did a pretty good job expressing my vision (although there was a sewer grate I COULD NOT find for the life of me so I just pretended don't look at it too hard)
April and casey visit on occasion, after all the portrait of Casey was painted by mikey!! Raph just felt... sentimental about keeping it. April visits less, due to grime, but she cares about her friends and can look past it after a good shower.
AND DONT YOU WORRY- I'll make a shredder tattoo masterpost, he's not covered head to toe, but he's pretty well inked up..
I had fun working on this alot tho!! Never apologize ur giving me an excuse to post about my brain worms
Questions or suggestions??? ASK BOX IS OPENNNNN ASK ME ABOUT MY 20S AU
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ghoulfriendfangs · 2 years
Febuwhump ‘23 - “Blood on your Hands”
Day Eight: “Panic” with the Brothers (Obey Me)
The brothers comfort you after you’ve made a mess
{WC: ~600} {Brothers x reader, but could be read as platonic or romantic, a short but sweet one today, may make a sequel if this blows up}
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  When the door swung open- you jumped, and it was the most you had moved since the attack. You looked up, and the brothers were pouring in. The demon brothers- your family, the ones you looked up to most in this world. 
  And you wished it was anyone else.
  “I’m sorry- I’m sorry, dont come closer…”
  “Where is he- are you alright?” Satan asked.
  “Ah- are you hurt? Poor thing!” Asmo asked, getting closer.
  “Let me see what that bastard did to-“ Mammon stopped, face dropping.
  You wrang your blood soaked hands together.
  Beelzebub covered his mouth. Leviathan stood behind Lucifer.
  But it was Belphie to approach you first.
  “We came because we heard someone was attacking you, there were sounds of a magical struggle.”
  “I-I don’t, I’m sorry, please, please-“
  He holds onto your hands tightly, stopping your nails from digging into your palms.
  “Whatever happened here was not your fault. We love you, and we would never be upset with you. You can tell us, we… we understand, ok?”
  “I-I… he said he needed my help. He needed my help and he sounded so afraid- he wanted to meet me here but when I went he- he attacked me, and I didn’t have a choice, I didn’t have a choice…”
  Satan scowled at the mangled form on the floor- burned and sliced and scarred by a litany of spells.
  “…I didn’t know ya had it in ya,” Mammon said weakly. He was… afraid. His voice quiet.
  “I’m so sorry, please- please it was an accident…”
  “H-hey, hey- I’m not upset at that, are you kidding!? I… I almost lost ya!”
  Beel sat with you and Belphie. “…can I hug you?” He asked, and when you nodded he pulled you into one of those bone crushing hugs.
  “…y-you dont hate me…”
  “…why would we ever have reason to hate you? Especially over this?” Lucifer asked.
  “I-I killed him. I didn’t mean to- but he’s dead and I-“
  “Oooh poor mc, it’s always hard the first time.” Asmo patted your head.
  “First… time?”
  “You know- killing!”
  “Assmo,” hissed Leviathan, “are you dumb? Humans don’t… do that.”
  “…is that why you’re afraid?” Satan asked. “You expect us to be angry you killed one of your kind?”
  “…I’m afraid of ruining the exchange program,” you lie.
  You’re afraid they’ll hate you.
  Lucifer seemed… almost too calm. He tilted his head, looking at the body. You wonder if he’s been in a situation like this before.
  “…you have no need to worry,” he says. “You were only acting in defense, and we had made it clear that members of rad were not to harm you.”
  He steps over the remains, and takes your hand, helping you stand.
  “We’re just glad you’re alright. And we will be sure to make this… little nuisance disappear.”
  He nods to the brothers, who nod back. You feel… wrong. You’d almost rather they were disgusted- you did something unforgivable, didn’t you?
  “They’ll be in a fragile state,” Satan warns, “some of us should take them home. The rest can take care of this mess.”
  Mammon, Belphie, and Asmo are the ones to go with you first. The rest stay behind to do… you, you almost dont want to think of it.
  You feel… sick. The red coats to your hands like filth- a stain. And although Mammon is gushing about how thankful he is you’re safe, and Asmo is assuring you that to them- you did nothing wrong, you feel… you feel like a monster. You scrunch your eyes shut, hoping it will all go away.
Belphie takes your hand.
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carpetbug · 11 months
what are ur fave songs for each character and WHY. ANALYSIS
omg thank u we’re in love now 😽
I have not updated these playlists in a while so a lot of them are songs i listened to in like 2020 lmao, heres a few from each :)
Into the unknown (frozen 2) - original and cristina vees cover make me think so hard about marinette its crazy. her initially refusing to be ladybug, insistent that she couldnt do it but always coming back because she desperately wants to test those waters, see what shes meant to do and how it could change her.
Ribs (lorde) - how easily overwhelmed marinette gets and how her anxiety and stress almost force her to overthink every aspect of her life. I can see her getting this extreme tunnel vision where she cant see all the progress shes made, all the victories shes already had, and instead can only focus on how shes not doing enough, and its not fast enough, and its not good enough. it just really reminds me of how badly she wants to prove herself to be this strong and trustworthy hero, but she feels like shes losing herself as she grows and isolates herself more and more in the role of guardian and ladybug.
Mamas boy (dominic fike) - he literally IS the mamas boy. what more can i say. also alludes to him being a sentimonster with the lines "when i was born, you were produced", "i wish i was a toy", "youre made from plastic im just blood".
Chat Noir
First love/late spring (mitski) - ok hear me out. how chat compensates for his family life with devoting himself to ladybug. "one word from you and i would jump off of this ledge im on" is exactly how he operates with her, being ready to throw himself in front of her, literally die for her if she ever said so. and she never does! she gets upset with him for doing it over and over! i just think this song depicts really well how chat noirs goal was always "do whatever I can to help ladybug, no matter what i may lose" while she had to watch him leave his life in her hands like it was nothing.
also including ships because obviously i have playlists for all lovesquare sides + other ships i’m silly about
Show Yourself (frozen 2) - both the original and cristina vees cover (WHICH IS SO GOOD GO LISTEN TO IT RN) remind me so hardcore of ladynoir. the whole idea of ladybug finally coming to terms with showing chat who she truly is and being ready for the same from him, idk i can imagine an entire movie in my head of ladynoir reveal to this song. [fav lyrics: "I can sense you there, like a friend ive always known", "I have always been a fortress cold secrets deep inside. you have secrets too, but you dont have to hide", "you are the answer ive waited for all of my life"]
Blame (air traffic controller) - this is probably one of my all time favorite songs like fucking ever and tbh i can see it with all lovesquare sides but i feel like ladynoir is the best fit! Chat picking ladybug up when she falls down and constantly being there to remind her she was to get up and fight, theres no time to sit and pity and blame herself, and he wont let her. him being her voice of reason as she copes with losing almost everything to monarch, him grounding her and being one of her biggest motivations to go on! with how severely marinette overthinks and doubts herself, he just becomes a mantra of 'dont blame yourself' which she desperately needs [fav lyrics: "Dont blame yourself cause you tried as hard as hell with the hand that you were dealt", "get on your feet, enough 'poor me', if you got time to bitch and whine then theres still time to try again", "And the vultures they are circling overhead, theyre reminding me of choices from my past"]
Peach Scone (hobo johnson) - makes me think of early seasons ladynoir ;-; chat just being head over heels for ladybug, struggling with keeping his love platonic when he wants to be with her and know her. Also getting to kinda hear his side of ladybug saying shes already in love with someone, how he respects that but still is a bit of a flirt, and hides how much it hurts him. also i love hobo johnson. [fav lyrics: "She kinda loves him back, but not really, theyre just really good friends and thats fine, he understands, its rational", "Oh, you got a man? are you in love? so, what type?", "So i fall to the ground, collect myself and get ready to take over your heart or atleast your spare time"]
Talk to me (cavetown) - i am such a sucker for ladynoir comfort. the idea of them being there for each other at their lowest points, holding each other together. This whole song just makes me think so strongly of chat comforting ladybug when shes breaking down and needs someone. [fav lyric: "ill be here until youre okay, lets your words release your pain, you and i will share the weight"]
Could have been me (The struts) - GOD. THIS SONG. ITS SO LADYNOIR CODED TO ME. them hyping each other up!! keeping each other going!! being each others motivation to keep getting back up and fight!! i just love the idea of them constantly being there to pick each other up and remind them of what theyre fighting for. i could listen to this song forever i love it. I can also really hear "I cant hear you, I wont fear you" being a supportive call and response thing with them <3[fav lyrics: "I wanna taste love and pain, wanna feel pride and shame", "Don't wanna live as an unsung melody, i'd rather listen to the silence telling me i can't hear you, i won't fear you"]
Understood (leith ross) - i am a huuuuuge fan of leith ross so obv i love this song for ml. it just makes me think so much of a worn down, tired, sad chat just gushing and crying to ladybug about how he doesnt understand love, how his family dynamic impacts him, and just letting himself fall apart in her arms. and her relating! her feeling that same tiredness and guilt and ache about love and family and friends, how much invisible pressure is hanging over both their heads and only they understand it. [fav lyrics: "ill visit my family in living rooms that dont get cold cause blankets and body heat cant be compared when it only took you a week to grow old", "Im sick of attachments I recently learned I cant relax and im scared of myself, scared for my health, tell me youll take me back home", "im sick of the feeling that nothing will ever stand still"]
Struck by lightning (sara kays, cavetown) - this song just really makes me think about ladybugs devotion to chat. i just imagine chat being out in the middle of a storm at night and marinette seeing him from her window and joining him as lb to comfort him. her knowing hes not going to go inside, so she just sits and stays with him, insisting if hes going to get soaked and cold and possibly hit by lightning, shes going to do it with him. [fav lyrics: "If you don't respond, I'll put my shoes on and lay down on the pavement next to you if we get struck at least we'll make the news", "What a way to go out something this town will forever talk about the two kids who were laying down and struck by lightning in front of your house"]
She wants me (to be loved) (The happy fits) - literally early seasons ladynoir. she wants me! (to be loved). i think it just perfectly fits how in love with lb chat is and how its clear she cant give that to him. [fav lyrics: "so, you say you love me, but not the way I need, things are so close to what i want to be", "I cant stop feelin, i want her love but all my dreaming is not enough. so in the morning the sun will rise and ill wake up and she wont be mine", "why cant you love me here tonight?"]
I do adore (mindy gledhill) - marinette being head over heels for adrien and being her normal clumsy self. Falling over, rambling, making a huge fool of herself while adrien watches, completely oblivious to her crush. this song just really reminds me of how much marinette struggles with keeping herself calm around adrien, how shes always messing up words and doing the wrong thing, but he never freaks out at her and he never shames her for it. [fav lyrics: "when youre near i hide my blushing face and trip on my shoelaces", "Ive noticed youre remarkably relaxed and im overly uptight, we balance out each other nicely" "Tongue-tied, twisted, foot in mouth, i start to stutter ha-ha-heaven help me"]
Just a friend to you (meghan trainor) - early seasons adrinette <3 adrien being so painfully oblivious while marinette is struggling with balancing being his friend and her overwhelming feelings for him. [fav lyric: "so it breaks my heart when you say im just a friend to you cause friends dont do the things we do"]
Silly girl (chloe moriondo) - listen to this song rn! its so perfectly adrinette! its crazy! how marinette romanticizes adrien and kind of puts him on a pedestal at the beginning which leads to her ignoring how he doesnt fit into that idea shes molded of him. Her having to deal with the pain of being in silent love with him while he seems so far away, and turning that back around to use against herself. i just think it explain really well how marinette saw him in this perfect, unattainable bubble before they got closer and she realized he was nothing like his public image of perfection [fav lyrics: "im just a silly girl in a stupid dumb old world and he is perfect cause hes supposed to be", "he is perfect, unlike me, and how could i ever think that it was meant to be? and how could i ever think that anything was made for me?", "I made him perfect, cause i wanted him to be"]
Small (chloe moriondo) - this was originally intended to relate more towards marinette, but listening to it now with season 5 in my head it just screams adrien! how suddenly he falls for her and he cant get her out of his head! how in just a blink of an eye he is getting flushed when talking to her, hes wanting to be near her and talk to her, he wants to be with her! but shes pulling back from him and hes sort of unable to balance these new feelings AND respecting her boundaries because shes just the only thing he thinks about. i love simp boyfriend adrien. she fell first but he fell harder and no one can convince me otherwise [fav lyrics: "but im not used to dealing with feeling like im waisting your time", "ive never cared so much about avoiding overstepping, and when i think about you i forget about my hands" "endlessly try to make you smile cause whenever i see it my knees always get so weak"]
The one that got away (acoustic version - katy perry) - I am a mess over this song. i always imagine it as a post-reveal scenario in which something happened and ladybug lost chat in the fight against hawkmoth and found out he was adrien right as he died saving her. how badly she misses him and cant stop thinking about how he was the love of her life! having to go on living the rest of her life without him! shes unable to move past it and just spends her time thinking of all the things shed do if she still had him. in another life, they could still be happy together [fav lyrics: "we'd keep all our promises, be us against the world", "talk about our future like we had a clue, never planned that one day id be losing you"]
"Do you wanna be friends?" (leanna firestone) - Marinette breaking her own heart by having such a close friendship with adrien while being in love with him and knowing she cant do anything about it. Her desperately trying to convince herself she can be okay with a life with him as a friend and nothing more when obv she cant bc ouchie! her heart! [fav lyrics: "Do you wanna be friends? i mean, i wanna be more, but if friends is how i get to have you then sure", "The world wont end if you dont love me even if it feels that way"]
If i could tell her (dear evan hansen) - i feel like this is a classic marichat song. like its been a marichat song for a hot minute but its still so them. chat comforting marinette about feeling like adrien doesnt notice her! and listing off things adrien 'told him about' and slowly realizing he does actually pay attention to all those small intimate things marinette does! he feels such a strong need to make sure marinette understands how important she is to adrien, and realizing how deep the disconnect between them two is [fav lyrics: "If i could tell her how shes everything to me but we're a million worlds apart and i dont know how i would even start", "And what do you do when the distance is too wide?"]
Drive (halsey) - i love this song for the idea of marinette and chat suppressing their feeling for each other because theyre 'supposed' to be in love with adrien and lb. for me it kind of paints a mental image of hangouts and games and memories between mari and chat that slowly become these intense, almost upsetting silences and tension. Just them desperately ignoring how deep their feelings for each other truly go and insisting everything remain surface level [ fav lyrics: "All we do is think about the feelings that we hide, all we do is sit in silence waiting for a sign", "Your laugh echoes down the hallway, carves into my empty chest, spreads over the emptiness. its bliss", "Overanalyze again, would it really kill you if we kissed?",]
Comfort crowd (conan gray) - this song just really makes me think of chat being at a really low point and trying to hide it from marinette so he doesnt burden her with his emotions and baggage, and her just seeing right through it. Like hes smiling and trying to wave it off and she just knows hes not okay, and he just breaks. Ultimately it makes me think of chat turning to marinette for such deep and intimate comfort that purely comes from him being with her. just knowing hes safe to hold onto her and cry and shell be that company for him. [fav lyrics: "this hurt that im holding's getting heavy, but imma keep a smile on my shoulders til im sweaty", "my breaths getting short and im unsteady, welling up in tears as i lay upon your belly", "Telling you im fine I dont really need nobody, but you say through a sigh that i said that lie already", "and even if i cry all over your body, you dont really mind say you like your shirt soggy"]
Lost in you (khai dreams) - i love the mental image of just such relaxed, fluffy, soft, marichat dynamic in this! chat slowly realizing hes in love with marinette and getting lost in every aspect of her. maybe not being able to entirely admit its love, but still being able to admit he has such a deep and sincere admiration for marinette that he feels is returned in a way he doesnt feel from ladybug [fav lyrics: "Im just looking for some mutual love but all i get is unrequited", "Cause i dont even know I dont know why, all your love im trynna find im so lost in you, in all that you do"]
Something there (beauty and the beast) - i enjoy a good disney song every now and then! its just so marinette and chat slowly falling for each other and being like "nuh uh... wait.. wait a minute.." and then falling headfirst in love with each other, and unable to communicate it. But both of them feeling this sudden new and strange spark between them, things slowly changing, becoming more and more personal and slowly beginning to accept that things have changed [fav lyrics: "And now hes dear, and so unsure, I wonder why I didnt see it there before", "and when we touched she didnt studder at my paw, no it cant be, ill just ignore, but then shes never looked at me that way before", "True that hes no prince charming but theres something in him that i simply didnt see"]
I'd have to think about it (leith ross) - another leith song bc THEYRE SO GOOD GO LISTEN TO ALL THEIR MUSIC RN anyways some angst a lil :) a future where marinette/lb and adrien/chat somehow got torn apart after the reveal and lost contact for. a hot minute. and when they've found each other again its chat finally finding marinette, in a new home, with a new family, and a new life. but they both know who each other are and marinette having to cope with knowing she would drop everything to be with him again. anyways. brain food. [fav lyrics: "but if you come to me, in my home with my three kids, if you asked me to leave, to be with you and split, well id atleast have to think about it", "and if you come to me when ive promised to commit, if you told me that you loved me and asked me for a kiss, well id atleast have to think about it", "you are my achilles heel, the weakness only I can feel"]
Come around (peter mcpoland) - THIS SONG MAKES ME SO GIDDY FOR SOME REASON!! makes me think of like chat picking marinette up from her balcony and taking her on rides, showing her (what he thinks shes never seen) a brand new side of paris and getting to bask in the warmth and light she radiates with him. 'shes looking at the pretty lights, i cant stop looking at her eyes' type shit. just him being so so down bad for her. [fav lyrics: "Ive noticed you pull the blinds back when you hear that im driving round", "i dont mean to cause any trouble, well maybe a little if thats allowed"]
Animal (neon trees) - this song also makes me so !! the vibes are so playful and fun and flirty while the lyrics are more intense. just really reminds me of how surface level marinette and chat keep things, flirting and teasing and just enjoying each other, and then as soon as things get more serious it comes down to a life/death type feeling. but still longing for each other! they know it just hurts and they cant but they want to! they both love and hate the way their relationship feels suspended in the air, in that it gives it a rush of uncertainty and playfulness but it also brings serious fears and pain. i love this song a lot for them [fav lyrics: "I do it everytime, your killing me now and i wont be denied by you, the animal inside of you", "hush hush the world is quiet, hush hush we both cant fight it, its us that made this mess, why cant you understand?"
Dixie boy (april smith and the great picture show) - i have to admit i dont think a whole lot about ladrien but! i am a sucker for jealous/posessive ladybug like claiming adrien for herself and adrien jsut being like. yep. okay. i agree. cause her ass is petty enough to like makeout with him in front of chloe just to really rub it in and adrien is like yippe!! my super hero bug gf loves me! while ladybug is so >:) do not ever touch my man [fav lyrics: "Cause like a soldier defends his land well i stand up, i get up, i defend my man", "Well i know the way that you girls operate so keep your hands to yourself and your eyes on your own plate. Its not nice to stare, dont make me come over there", "Im a lover, not a fighter, and i dont want to have to get rough. just warning you ahead of time I can be a bitch when it comes to my stuff"]
Bad ideas (tessa violet) - both adrien and ladybug just being such lovesick nerds for each other <3 ladybug trying to fight the urge to kiss him when theyre together, and adrien doing anything he can to keep her near him. they both know its a bad idea, to just stop trying to keep it all contained, but its so tempting to just say fuck it and indulge the bad ideas. atleast for a little [fav lyrics: "But i just wanna see the grooves between your hands, your teeth, oh, tell me do you think about me?", "So why'd i wanna kiss you even though i miss you, guess i just wanted to know what it would feel like"]
Her (eery) - how much adrien thinks about ladybug. just all the different ways he dissects her personality, their memories, every little bit of information he knows about her. i just feel like this song, while simple, just really encapsulates how constantly ladybug is on his mind. i miss that dynamic damn
YOUTH (troye sivan) - ladybug and adrien running away together. fuck it. literally think about it. them just being in love and together and adrien finally getting out of that HOUSE and getting to be with his LADY and be happy. How deeply devoted to each other they would be, and although naive, they would be so sincere and literally ride or die for each other.
Roman holiday (halsey) - i love the idea of ladrien having those small, important firsts together. putting aside not being able to be completely honest with each other, adriens entire family dynamic, everything, and just saying screw it and dating and doing couple things! theyre both too scared of what might happen if they slow down and face reality, so they ignore everything outside of themselves. they both have that ache of knowing its not real, its not how they can actually live, but for now they get to be happy. and in love. and with each other. and theyll deal with all the heartbreak later [fav lyrics: "didnt know where we were running to but dont look back", "and we know that were headstrong, and our hearts gone, and the timings never right"]
and my other playlists
Chat Blanc
ANTI-HERO (SEKAI NO OWARI) - i will do my best to put my emotions towards chat blanc into comprehensible words but i make no promises. i love him so much. anti-hero gives like him turning his back on being a hero just for marinette, being okay with being viewed as evil hated because hes doing it for her! his distaste for the rest of the world in comparison to mari/lb ! how he lost his moral compass and doesnt understand the ways hes hurting her and himself by turning his back on being chat noir! god its so good [fav lyrics: "im gonna be the anti-hero, feared and hated by everybody, im gonna be the anti-hero so i can save you when the time comes", "cause there are people that ive got to protect and if you get in my way youre dead"]
I am damaged (heathers) - you caught me im a theater nerd but literally this song is so good for chat blanc! him coming to the realization the only way to save mari/lb is to destroy himself. him saying goodbye and making sure she understand that she was his everything! and he trusts her to fix the mistakes he made because shes his lady! and her not being able to talk him out of it and just having to say goodbye [fav lyric: "wish youd kiss me then youd know i worship you, ill trade my life for yours and once i disappear clean up the mess down here"]
Blah blah blah (the oozes) - reminds me of the trauma marinette gets from chat blanc, how she suffers nightmares and just cant stop being reminded of the horrible fate her partner suffered through. how marinette just cant go back to 'normal' after fighting him but also cant confide in anyone about it [fav lyrics: "you couldn't care less for the people youre hurting, there no excuse", "youve ruined the color blue for me, im surrounded by a deep dark sea"]
Anytime you smile (JT music, Andrea storm kaden) - kind of how i imagine chat blanc kept himself going while being isolated for all those months. coping by pretending ladybug was still with him and nothing was wrong, but slowly feeling uneasy and letting reality creep in. it shows how desperately he fights against his loneliness and pain with day dreaming, but still loses his mind. [fav lyrics: "anytime you smile baby you know you drive me wild, crazy! thats why you got me screamin, i think i might be dreamin", "believe me if im sleeping, i wanna keep on dreaming", "Someday soon this honey moon might be gone though, i hate goodbyes. I might not love you still, youll find no tougher pill to swallow (open your eyes)", "I stepped into a nightmare when i woke up from utopia starting to remember my depression and my phobias, why is everybody looking at me like i lost it?", "How can i be happy here? guess ill just pretend to be!" "no more sadness in this beautiful world, in love with happiness shes a beautiful girl!")
Mr bright side (the killers) - IM SORRY?? "it started out with a kiss how it did end up like this?" AND YOU DIDNT THINK THIS WOULD BE ON MY CHAT BLANC PLAYLIST?? thats really it for some reason this song is just so chat blanc to me. i love it.
Bad bad things (ajj) - im also a big fan of just bonkers insane scary chat blanc, him losing his humanity and only being able to see it reflected in mari/lb and not being able to stand it. him not being able to control his more violent ideas and losing himself in hurting others [fav lyrics: "So i looked into your eyes and i saw the reflection of a coward that you and i both hate very much", "If i dont go to hell when I die i might go to heaven but probably not"]
Dumb dumb (mazie) - i love the idea of an akumanette that just LOSES it on her friends after lila does some real stupid shit. none of her friends standing with her or supporting her and marinette getting so so upset and frustrated that they would be dumb enough to fall for it! which, being akumatized, of course wont come out the wrong way and is warped into this monstrous idea that marinette sees them as these morons who have disappointed her time and time again [fav lyric: "disappointment takes us by surprise even though by now i think we should have realized everyone is dumb"]
Class fight (melanie martinez) - god I LOVE AKUMANETTES THAT LOSE THEIR SHIT. lila putting distance and uncomfort between her and adrien (pre relationship) before marinette catches them kissing and get akumatized, and then marinette wrecks her shit :) her inner voice of reason feeling so horrified with the brutality and trying to get herself to realize but being able to deny monarchs voice encouraging her to act on her worst instincts [fav lyrics: "she had a boy wrapped around her finger tight, i fell in love with him but he wasnt in my life", "Her face was fucked up and my hands were bloody, we were in the playground things were getting muddy", "my one true love called me a monster"]
Bust your kneecaps - johnny dont leave me (pomplamoose) - i think this one really works well with an akumatized ladybug! her being so soft and scary to chat, chat blanc style, while promising to do horrible things to him. akumabug trying to convince him to 'just stop fighting' and 'hand over his miraculous' and then 'everything will be just the way it should be' and finally giving up and working instead to defeat chat rather than convince him
Therefore i am (billie eilish) - cold, angry akumanette FOR THE WIN OGH her just being such a silent but deadly akuma, her voice devoid of all the love and kindness it used to have when she was with adrien/chat, and him having to fight her while she shows no mercy. I just love the idea of chat doing anything he can, crying and begging marinette to fight it and come back to him and she has no pity for him [fav lyrics: "Get my pretty name out of your mouth, we are not the same with or without", "Did you have fun? i really couldnt care less and you can give them my best but just know im not your friend"]
Pretty privilege (blegh) - marinette being shown time and time again that the worst people will get away with horrible things, while she has to suffer beneath them and getting fed up. her letting all her feelings rise to the surface about how ugly she thinks people can truly be [fav lyrics: "Its crawling from underneath the surface nobodys first choice kind of ugly", "just because somethings pretty the laws dont apply to them have you noticed this shit its so ugly"]
Other friends (cristina vee cover) - i live for crazy akumanette losing her mind on everyone! what can i say! i love the idea of her confronting her friends and lilas lies in such a angry but playful way before losing her shit! and the added bonus of it being MARINETTES voice?? im screaming [fav lyrics: "What did she say about me, what did she say?", "Im the loser of the game you didnt know you were playing", "life on the line, winner takes all, ready or not lets begin!"]
She (dodie) - kagami fighting against her feelings for marinette because of their friendship, because of adrien, because of her mother, and because shes scared to admit she loves marinette far beyond how friends should. I love her just gently pushing that line, asking herself that question of "what is so wrong about it?" and working to accept that the pain and heartache are real because her feelings are [fav lyrics: "Could it be wrong when shes just so nice to look at ?", "id never tell, no id never say a word and oh it aches, but it feels ugly good to hurt"]
Sophie (black polish) - marinettes feelings for kagami! wanting to freeze her time with her, relive every moment they've been through and just experience the world by kagamis side. just how desperately they both need each others time and space, how comforting it is to just be with her. [fav lyrics: "youre impossible to read and thats fine, i dont even understand my own mind", "I just wanna escape the world sophie with you, with you, with you, with you"]
and an added bonus: i LOVE the song Bruno is Orange for kagami. reminds me of her so much.
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popculturebuffet · 4 months
Seeing your posts on how you've despised the way season 6 handled the Mordecai/CJ/Margaret love triangle, did you read about writer Matt Price's posts on a Reddit AMA regarding why Mordecai didn't end up with Margaret or CJ in the end?
He said "We felt like the Margaret/CJ story was complete, and they were both on their own path already. We also felt like Mordecai had moved on in his life. He finally left the park to pursue art, and we thought it'd be cool if he met someone while doing that. But we love Margaret and C.J., and we're sure that they're happy without Mordecai! He was too wishy-washy with them!!"
To make things worse, Matt said that Rigby's Graduation Day Special planned to have CJ react to the Park crew going to outer space with an annoyed look implying ""Whatever, I'm glad that guy is in space."" Really feels he was trying to push the "CJ hates Mordecai and Margaret after their breakup" thing way too hard (glad it didn't make it to the final cut).
He also said that CJ apparently cut off all contact with Mordecai, Margaret, Rigby, and Eileen, which is a contrast to him confirming Margaret still keeps in touch with and remains friends with Mordecai, Rigby, and Eileen. Would you say this is kinda sad knowing CJ never got to even reconcile with Mordecai as friends like Margaret did in season 7? Plus making Eileen's sadness on not being able to hang out with both CJ and Margaret in I See Turtles even sadder with the implications of CJ cutting off contact with her in the end (likely just because she associates with Margaret) too.
Nope. I don't really keep up with regular show news. I still like the show and I loved close enough (RIP), but I just don't. But since CJ is near and dear to my heart as a character this does intrest me so let's get into it.
On not having Mordecai get with either of them: It was the right call. I didn't really mind when I saw the finale and time, maturity and what have you have only made me like the decision more. Part of it is where the series was at: The "Mordecai nukes his happy relationship arc" was a mess i've still only barely watched and plan to cover someday, but so far haven't gotten to. It was easily the worst thing the show's done and made me stop watching it for a season.
It was absolutely the right call to instead have him conciously take a break from dating, work on himself. He didn't do much of that before they got shot up into space, but it was a good effort. He burned that bridge with CJ the second he kissed Margret and them getting back together was a huge mistake: Mordecai never really found the right way to apologize and CJ clearly never got over the betrayal or her paranoia he'd do it again. Instead having the major arcs be "setup for next season" and "Rigby tries to better himself by going back to school' were a better choice, as was just.. putting the final season in space.
With those arcs it also meant there really wasn't room to speedrun a new relationship fans woudln't want. It makes more sense that after finally deciding to focus on his art, he grew up, had some time to mature and THEN met the love of his life. Margret had moved on with her life, Mordecai moved on with his. I do think the show fucked up with the love triangle, but this is the only move they could really make and I support that. It may blow a little Mordecai and Margret seemingly ends with a whimper.. but it's what the show and the character sneeded. Sometimes... life and cartoon shows dont' work out. People drift apart.
On the deleted scene: Seconded bud. Seconded. I do think the show REALLY fucked up with how it treated CJ during season 6, and really underestimated how attached fans had gotten.. which itself is baffling. She was part of the main cast. She took Margret's spot. She was in a decent chunk of episodes. Fans liked her and took her side in the breakup, and while she was super paranoid with mordecai, it's really hard not to blame her. Less easy to forgive the attempted murder but what can you do. So having her just go "Whatever I dont' care" feels wrong. Her not carring MOrdecai got shot up into space? In character, she dosen't have to care about her ex anymore. he fucked the relationship up beyond any hope and she made a mistake taking him back as she clearly coudln't forgive him. But her not having the slightest horror at Rigby or Eileen getting shot up , her friend and her best friend, feels so wrong it hurts. Eileen was the only thing that got her to actually be around margret and not fly into a jealous rage. What the fuck.
On the cut off thing: that just feels sad.. but i've come to accept it more. I DO think her cutting off Eileen is dickish and like to think she at least parted as amicably as she could.. but I also get it. Eileen is with Rigby, marries rigby, has his kids. The two are in a fantastic supportive relationship that shows how far he's come as a person and how far out of her shell she's come. It's adorable.. but it also means being around Eileen runs the risk of seeing Mordecai. Being Eileens friend means a pretty solid chance of running into her ex any time Eileen has a party, at the wedding, at the birth of her kids etc.
Being petty about Eileen being friends with Margret is one thing. margret fucked up.. but geninely tried to back off after making a heat of a moment mistake she clearly regretted deeply, and only told the boyfriend lie to save herself from a helicopter crash, an entirely fair reaction. Being shoved on a double date with her ex and his justifably jealous girlfriend who not so justifably tried to unalive her was not her idea. The two could manuver around each other, maybe awkwardly say high, I See Turtles proved they could at least be civil for Eileens sake.
But seeing her ex every time her best friend had a huge life event... that's a lot to ask. Eileen would be heartbroken.. but would understand why CJ had to break off their friendship and while I See Turtles was a good ep.. it WAS a lot to ask CJ to be around Margret right after what happened. Personally even if it's not how the creators see it I see the two reconnecting with time. CJ's moved on with her life, maybe gone pro with dodgeball, Eileen's a professor with a loving stay at home husband.. thier in a place they can be friends again and CJ, while not necesarily ever forgiving mordecai, can stand being around him. I could see her holding that grudge for a while, understandably so and people CAN hold onto grudges forever if they want.. but it just dosen't fit here. CJ grew up, and while she dosen't really keep in touch with her ex.. I like to think she got her friend back. Maybe her and Margret even become friends
Hell honestly I just had the idea margret and CJ eventually hook up: Margret genuinely apologizes for everything, CJ does the thing, one thing leads to another. I mean they do kinda fit: CJ's mordecai with his shit together, Margret is kind and empathetic, and I did really like it the last time an asshole's exes had better chemistry with each other instead of him.
SO TLDR: there honestly isn't anything that obnoxious in this. I don't like the idea of CJ cutting eileen off.. but most of it fits and the one part that didn't was cut out as they realized it didn't. For how badly the crew fucked up that love triangle.. they recovered fine.
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rae-of-gold · 1 year
So I have a playlist for the EAH music au I made and I wanted to share some of my favorite specific songs for some of the characters.
(note: these are not what I think their voices sound like, moreso what their musical sound would be and/or the lyrics they would write)
(and another note: not all characters are here as not all character make music. yes they're all in the music industry, but that doesn't mean they write or create music. some do art, some marketing, some are lawyers, hell some are security. so if your fav aint here, they're doing something else)
Dexter: I'm made this whole thing for him but I can't decide on a single sound for him. I feel the closest would be With Confidence. I mean the playlist is long, but seven songs from just one band, from various albums too, I'd say that's one of the top runners.
Darling: since Darling writes the majority of Apple's music, her lyrics are like Taylor Swift songs. But she as an individual is a bit of an enigma. She makes her lyrics sound very much royal, when really she's a rebel, but she's also Wonderlandian at heart. So would she sound like Junie and the Hutfriends? Or maybe Studio Killers? or AlicebanD? very honestly it could be all, none, whatever. I do feel like those could fit her though.
Raven: I know that canonically she's a huge of fan of Taylor Quick but that doesn't mean she can't like other genres or that her own sound can't be different from what her favorite. I imagine her musical sound a lot like Icon For Hire, especially with the album You Can't Kill Us, I think it's a perfect fit for her. Paramore and Avril Lavigne are also close to her.
Apple: Taylor Swift. She is the pop princess and Apple would be too. starting her career at a young age, writing stories she makes up and having her sound change and grow the more she does. But also The Rise and Fall of a Midwestern Princess album by Chappell Roan once she breaks away from the idea of making music solely for the money and fame.
Briar: Ke$ha. just all her music.
Cerise: Disobedient from Steven Universe. it's just so perfect for her. The obvious choice is She-Wolf by Shakira, which is also there for her, but Sadie and the Killers.
Sparrow and his Merry Men: Hats off the to Bull by Chevelle. no thoughts, just vibes. OR (i guess one thought), i know a lot of people dont like him, i am not one of them, i think he's fun and classic stereotypical emo, TX2.
Poppy: genuinely imagine her and Holly writing and singing Something That I Want by Grace Potter about their parents. I feel like Holly and Poppy made like a single album when they were younger and both moved on to do other things but they both still really liked music. Holly nowadays just plays short covers of songs on social media and Poppy of course being a hair stylist that eventually joins Dexter and Darling's band. With a musical sound and voice like the lead singer in Tonight Alive.
Maddie: S.J. Tucker. I'm not a huge fan of her music, a couple songs here and there, my partner is and loves how witchy her sound is. Maddie ain't every witchy, but she is odd and witchy-ness can and is also very weird and goes every which way. one song can sound like a whole different genre from another and I feel like Maddie would very much like that sound. Especially with some lesser known instruments thrown in there. (if we wanna talk about what I think her voice sounds like; Madilyn Mei)
Ashlynn: Ryn Weaver. no thoughts just vibes pt. 2
Duchess: the plot I have for her is that she isn't very musically inclined. except for dancing. she can't play instruments and can barely sing. but she has the look and is willing to do anything to become a pop star. so I have a hard time deciding what she would sound like. except ambience music near a lake. she goes along with the vibe of AURORA. Who knows it could be a Paulo and Lizzy McGuire situation where she's just a pretty face with someone else's voice over hers.
Melody: she could be doing so many different things i dont know how to choose just one. i feel like her true sound is Maggie Rogers or Chase Petra while the music she's kinda forced to have per her Charming Records contract is more like Marshmello. Very electric.
Humphrey: Flamingo by Token. i know no other song by him, and i rarely listen to rap as it isn't my jam. Only reason i know this song was a friend from high school gave me some recommendations.
Meeshell: I like the idea of her sounding like Regina Spektor. A light, smooth, clear voice over music that has clear and distinct beats. Often doing music for movies, ending songs that bring the story to a fitting finish.
Hopper: he doesn't make music per my writing, but he does write lyrics. I feel like he writes things like Cody Fry or Gang of Youths. Horribly beautiful and haunting lyrics that tell stories of death and love and beauty paired with huge symphonic melodies that are overwhelming in the best possible way.
Faybelle: Becky by Be Your Own Pet. It took me some time to figure out what exactly her sound would be but i feel like it would be a lot of loud kinda venting music to get all of her emotions out in any way she can. Even though she can get them out just fine on a normal day (though she would never admit that's what she's doing, always playing it off as not as important as it is to her, especially if it's any feeling other than anger.) sometimes writing music for it just feels better.
Chase: yes I made him an important character cause fuck you, I do what I want. Starset. The song Carnivore specifically. I wanted him to have an otherworldly but grounded type feel. like all wonderlandians though his being more...I don't want to say put together. Cohesive than the others. while the other wonderlandians are somewhat all over the place with their acoustic music, his is electronic and always revolving around a certain theme.
and that's just the current generation.
The Evil Queen has a musical sound like Pat Benatar (a personal fav of mine) though the only reason she ever had any sort of softer sounding music was because of pressure from her manager and company.
Snow White has a sound like Whitney Houston, especially with Whitney's History with Dolly Parton. I don't know who Dolly would be in this, but i dont know where i was going with this train of thought. like i said, no thoughts, just vibes.
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dakotafinely · 2 years
heyyy !! i saw ur reqs were open and im literally about to binge everything youve written- and i hope whatever happened you’re okay now !!
im so sorry if you dont take x readers but may i request the rise turtles (separately ofc) with a reader who says the corniest, cheesiest, mind numbingly stupid pick up lines
like they think they’re safe until the reader starts spewing pick up lines at the most random moments
thank you if u decide to write this !!
Poiuhgfghjkjhnbghui hello! Thanks, the thing happened months ago I'm just super slow at responding to things oiujhjolkjh but still thanks! I hope you enjoy your reading binge!
I don't really do a lot of X Reader requests (mostly because I don't get that many) but I assure you I'm never opposed to them! Plus how can I resist such an idea, as a corny cheesy dork myself I must represent all the corny cheesy dorks out there!
== == ==
Say what you wish but this man is already a corny cheesy pun master
I mean have you HEARD his puns? He is a man of the corn(y lines)
So he's actually very good at matching your energy most of the time
Heck sometimes he can even guess what you're gonna say before you get to even say it
Tho sometimes, in the moments where he truly doesn't expect it, you can get him red as a tomato
Honestly, why do you think he likes to use cheesy and corny pick up lines? Because he's a romantic little sap who wants someone to match his energy and romance him that's why
He'll cover his face and smile wide when he blushes hard
"Ya can't just catch me off guard like that you know?" He jokes
Bc truly, he adores it that you can keep him on his toes and guessing sometimes
Complete opposite of Leo, but are we surprised by this?
Either it goes over his head by taking whatever you said literally (which you find adorkable let's be real)
Or he rolls his eyes and tells you you're a sap
But if you stop? If you stop bc you believe your annoying him or you've had a bad day and don't wanna deal with his reactions?
"Are you okay? What's wrong, you haven't made a pun and you've been here for at least ten minutes."
Worried, he won't show it, but he will pry and make sure your okay
Bc yeah, he doesn't really care for puns or cheesy pick up lines, as their not his thing in the slightest
He still likes that you do them, their your thing, and it's what makes him love you, even if he doesn't admit it
And trust me, he'd probably rather die then admit it
Mikey either giggles from them or smiles and rolls his eyes depending on the level of cheesiness
He loves you! And he loves that you love him! And he loves that you express it in a adorkable way!
What more can he say? He'll try and reciprocate it but he's not quite the pun master the way Leo is
Still, if he does and you two get the ball rolling back and forth his heart flutters with joy and that's the thing to keep him smiling for months alone
His favorites are your arty based puns, as they often come with a little doodle or are a left behind sticky note he can keep as a little token of you in his room
Plus their the easiest for him to reciprocate too as an art nerd
Just a lil cheesy doodle with a pun based pick up line and boom! You two are giggling like dorks in love
Tho he's most frequent response is often just a string of giggles and hugging you tightly
Raph is a very big pun lover as well as pun despiser
While he may laugh and rolls his eyes at everyone else's puns, if he makes one without thinking he just goes :| (contemplates life choices)
Tho in truth if he does get a laugh or giggle out of you with a pun, he'll smile wide
And he loves your puns and cheesy pick up lines so deeply
He is a blushy boy I refuse criticism
While he may roll his eyes and scoff lightly
It's SO obvious that he truly enjoys it from the blush on his face and smile spreading on his beak
He doesn't really ever return the energy you throw at him but he does always accept it and embrace it
He honestly enjoys clever puzzle based pick up lines
Or any pick up line or pun that makes him think for a minute
== == ==
This was cute! Thanks for the ask, I always enjoy 'em! Hope you have a lovely day, afternoon, and goodnight!
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polygonate · 1 year
time to do some half analysis, half memeing on the eurovision finalists costuming
Loreen from Sweden
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not my favourite look, its very muted and a lot of the cut-outs feel unnecessary, that being said, i loved the thick stitching on the bottom of the bra, the power of the nails literally carved from stone, and the sleeve elements covering the hand tattoos, overall some really great ideas but they dont give any cohesive vibe and feel underwhelming for the spectacle expected rom eurovision outfits.
Käärijä from Finland
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this man and his performance is unhinged. the costuming reflects that perfectly, we got spiked collars on them, reminiscent of a rabid dog or a club goer, the backup dancers have cutouts and additions to the outfits whch seem erratic, chaotic, and best of all, serve no purpose whatsoever. the spikes on his jeans add to the superfluousness of it all and add a level of consistency in the design. we have chaos, we have vitality, we have the ridiculousness of it all. and this isnt even talking about the power in this mans not-shirt like what is he doing? i love it 10/10 no notes king.
Noa Kirel from Israel
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you know those fantasy videogames where the women have breastplate with weird fantasy shapes which will stab into their chest if they bend over? here we have been given that idea in real life and it looks absurd (in the most wonderful way) more importantly they all look really comfortable which is amazing to see especially with all the movement in their choreography. i really like the lead/backup distinction in the pants with the what looks like pleather black/white highlight. amazing construction, could have gone harder but i dont think it needs to. after her performance of her song unicorn, we see her relaxing with a fluffy unicorn headband and i just thought you should know that.
Marco Mengoni from Italy
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bead shirt, shirt made outta beads, pretty to look at, interesting gradient, nice addition of glam, theres not much here to mention.
Alessandra from Norway
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the power, the presence. the cape. she is going ham with the aesthetic of both luxurious queen and intense club-goer. i love it. she goes hard, and so do her backup dancers (they look quite similar but less extravagant, as they are her subjects)
TVORCHI from Ukraine
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they look like if techbros tried really hard but the only references they had were anime, techwear and egypt for some reason. not for me but i'll still cheer when they get invited to smash brothers
Gustaph from Belgium
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let me break this down for you. pink ass-less chaps, on top of pink shorts, on top of pink pants which are too baggy to lie flat. who does this?? ontop of that we have the whole Boy George BigHat (tm) and a white blazer. this man is homo sexualling all over the place. combine that with his entourage of women in high coverage outfits, absolutely living their best lives and someone in a laced bodice with knee length stilletto boots, the energy of this is really well executed, especially for eurovision.
Alika from Estonia
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i love a good pantskirt but this? not a pantskirt. this is a marvel of engineering and fabric manipulation. you have to see this one in motion i am begging you.
Vesna from Czechia
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!!! the performance of these artists are actually unbelievable. literally perfect. the costumes allign really well with the whole message of the song with its power of the feminine and power of a support system. no notes.
Voyager from Australia
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really good cohesive group outfits, the pattern on them is houndstooth but its silver and black which is an amazing aesthetic choice its so good. very fun ride and very eurovision
Teya & Selena from Austria
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you cannot convince me they dont have tumblr. really striking outfits, the gloves have a really fun addition of texture to them which elevates the costuming for me.
Mimicat from Portugal
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how many elmos did she have to kill for that dress. will she kill again? (i think so) 10/10
Remo Forrer from Switzerland
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hes just wearing clothes.
Luke Black from Serbia
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didnt know if i should use this pic or the one where hes surrounded by gorpcore ninjas while a mecha kaiju poses dramatically but you can see the pirate shirt better here
really good ruffling, lovely stitchwork on the trousers, just a well made fit overall.
La Zarra from France
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this dress is entirely handsewn. the beadwork alone took 4 whole weeks and it is worth it. absolutely delectable. i cant stop looking at it. also the tower of a skirt that she begins in is ridiculous. 11/10 fashion capital of the world for a reason.
Blanka from Poland
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she is literally a model. i think that counts as cheating. stll the dress has amazing colourisation and the sleeve is a statement.
Andrew Lambrou from Cyprus but secretly australia
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well tailored but thats it? like wheres the anything.
Blanca Paloma from Spain
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the top looks uncomfortable, interesting but uncomfortable.
Albina & Familja Kelmendi from Albania
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the shapes, the jewelery, the giant sleeve flaps, i love it all. the thigh cut outs confuse me but the rest is amazing
Brunette from Armenia
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i dont even know what to call what she is wearing. but it is cool major respect to whoever applied those grommets and to whoever laces it all up for her.
Pasha Parfeni from Moldova
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all the costumes here are both intensely connected to the cultural roots of moldova and at the same time just go wild. you need to watch this one. i guarantee you will not be bored.
Lord of the Lost from Germany
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anyway i could critique this misses the point of its existence. the purest form of the word egregious.
Monika Linkytė from Lithuania
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the fabric manipulation here is crazy. like really technically advanced. only thing is it looks kinda gross, i dont like it
Joker Out from Slovenia
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this boy band look like they got their clothes from an op shop. the vibes are quite wholesome which works with their whole performance. they need to stop winking at the camera tho.
Let 3 from Croatia
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their costumes take inspiration from croatian military uniforms and combine them with feminine and goofy aesthetics as a political statement against warmongering and some other stuff.
good stuff, actively ridiculous, 10/10
Mae Muller from United Kingdom
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well constructed pieces. i love a cropped jacket and this jacket is the most cropped of all. other than that is kinda basic but she makes up for it with all of the graphic design being her passion in the rest of her performance
overall p hype, cant wait for next year :)
12 notes · View notes
dndfuckhouse · 2 years
Session 43 - A Mystery In Greenpea
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> 🎵 Phosbat Cave (One or Two Bulbs on, Phosbat Near (In the Dark)) / Pikmin 3 OST 
Centering back on the situation at hand, the party find themselves in conversation with Botty, a witch and apparent owner of the giant wolf, Benny. After some fraught discussion and mention of their reason for heading through the outskirts, Botty gives the idea some thought and speaks.
Botty: “-BUT if you want someone messing with blood in greenpea lately, then i can think of two names that come to mind”
She flicks up two gnarled fingers beside her head to punctuate her point, before continuing.
Botty: “one, a tiefling, called Kyzer. he’s situated a little on the outskirts of the town, ive met him and his coven once or twice. they like to mess about with blood and veins, though ive only seen their work on display on themselves” she gives a crooked grin “he’s a farmer... mostly, i think, he’s never told me much about where he gets his things. his shack’s not too hard to find if you know it, things covered in vines and greenery, bit unruly if you ask me...”
She snickers but gives the group some more precise directions to him and his hidden plot near Greenpea, then goes on.
Botty: “two, half orc woman, named Doreni Thort. you’ll recognise her by the scars on her throat” she taps her own to illustrate, as she does Vinny makes a face as if noticing something, as he puts a hand to his mouth to think Botty goes on “-did something with her vocal chords, far as i could tell she etched something into her skin, makes her words carry funny powers. you’d think she’d be fun from that description but she’s veeeeeeeerry uptight. think she’s got plans to re-enter polite society but ive got my doubts on how that’ll work out” botty shakes her head cackling “she’s a bit harder to find, her place is behind an illusion door in an alleyway”
Botty informs the party of the exact location of the door in Greenpea with startling specificity, the door is a dark green but once you tap it thrice and whisper the words ‘hello, songbird!’ it will allow them entry.
Botty: “she’ll know your coming in if you’re scared of startling her” she snickers again Cimmorro: he listens in to botty speak and takes note of vinny's reaction to doreni tho Keva: "both sound like a bad idea" keva says outright Plum: “agreed” Finn: "and yet, we have no choice but to investigate.... shall we split up? i believe that'd be far more efficient” Keva: she mumbles under her breath "don't we tho" at no one in particular... she's already here but she's not going to like it Han: "i dont wanna split cause i wanna see both cool witch" 🥺 Plum: "honestly kind of same" plum says Han: han makes extra puppy eyes at plum
Psalm: "Do you all want to rest up first before heading out or should we just get going?" Rokka: "yeah all that walking and fighting is tiring !" Keva: to botty keva asks, "how far are the two away from each other?" Botty: she puts her hands on her hips and hmms "eh, 15 minute walk maybe" Plum: "someone help me up plz" plum says reaching up a hand, still loopy from being bowled over by a house last session Han: picks up plum in one hand Plum: [deadpan voice] wheeee
Cimmorro: "need i remind you that we got split up just now and vinny got mauled by a large animal" Finn: "the situation was resolved, i believe there is no more need to fret so 🙄" he sighs "or do you believe ms botty would still put us through more trials after we've made such pleasant acquaintances?" Botty: “i dont even know yer names" she cackles Vinny: "speaking of....you also nearly got mauled didn't you" he stares at your bite wound Cimmorro: cimm just looks at vinny like :| "yes i am bleeding" Finn: "oh this?" he chuckles "this is simply the life of a warrior such as i..." there is an air of unearned smugness around him Vinny: he looks at finn and strokes his chin as he says that "....i see, well then" then he lifts his hands briefly and pats them on cimmorro's back, you feel a warmth flow through you briefly [hitpoints regained] Cimmorro: "ah no you don't have to- oh. okay." he stretches his shoulder briefly for good measure and goes "thanks :D let me return the favor" he pats the torn parts of vinny's clothes to cast mending Finn: finn doesnt say anything but there is homophobia in his eyes ever so briefly Cimmorro: hes about to say a slur) Vinny: "oh, thank you! i probably would have forgotten..." he looks at both you and finn casts mending on both of you for good measure Finn: finn almost feels bad for having felt so strongly about vinnys and cimms interactions, however he feels entirely entitled to this treatment and believes its the least vinny can do after hes saved him. so he acknowledges this gesture with a nod
Cimmorro: "the situation is resolved so now we are trying to look for trouble? sorry but i'm not stupid" Finn: "oh and surely we'll find these curious actors amenable when we engage them as such a large group?" Cimmorro: "look i'm not going to argue with you. if you have a death wish then be my guest. i plan to go home in one piece" Finn: "well" finn clears his throat and addresses the vengaboys at large now "if you all would like to give your opinion on this id greatly appreciate it, so that we may move forward. who is in favor of splitting up? speak now" Han: "i want... i want to meet both...." 🥺 Psalm: "It'd save time for sure, but I feel like I'll lose points with Han if we suggest anything that forbids her from seeing both witch-ah yeah exactly." Keva: "stick together. if you're honestly concerned about freaking them out bc there's a lot of us, then some of us can hang back and jump in if things go south" Rokka: "it's spooky out here I want to stay close....AND HAN WANTS TO SEE THEM BOTH!" Plum: plum is looking at finn like "i want to meet both but i want to seem less childishly vocal about it" 🥺 Cimmorro: cimm doesn't say anything but he smirks at everyone agreeing staying together Han:
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Finn: "it would seem this is unavoidable then..." he sighs and shakes his head, running his hand through his hair "we shall stay together then" hes not happy about this but hes not going to argue about it either "then we must only decide now whether we rest or not before we get back to work" Psalm: "Can we rest? I just spent the last half hour or so wrapped in webs. Think I'm due a break." Keva: "people are hurt, we should rest" Finn: finn nods. hes not in bad shape himself but hes aware not everyone can be as durable as he is....."we rest, then" Psalm: <--- NOT DURABLE
As the group settle on the grass for a rest, Botty reclines outside their house as well, Finn climbs a few meters up a tree to brood for a bit. As they relax for the moment Keva chances a glance through a crack in the door of Botty’s shack. The interior is lit up by a few colourful lanterns, she spies a sitting room and a round table covered in papers, on top of it are various clippings of mushrooms and powders... she cant imagine what for.
As she stares longer inside and then back at the exterior she notes that it definitely seems like its bigger on the inside.
Keva: keva thinks to herself that magic is so wack and takes pretzeled seat on the grass to rest
Cimmorro: cimms gonna get vinny's attention while everyone settles in for a rest and just goes like "so do any of those names botty mentioned ring a bell for you? you looked like you had a little glint in your eye just then" Vinny: he looks at you and taps his chin "ah..." then ushers you a little further aways from botty "the name... doreni thort is the name of a wizard i met once, a long time ago. its said she'd gone missing a while back. i hadnt thought she'd actually just became a hermit, a witch in figstup at that" he seems perplexed Cimmorro: cimm behaves more discreetly after seeing vinny's behavior. "oh? are you scared of her?" Vinny: "ah its more... id rather not draw her attention" he gives you a thin smile Cimmorro: "you think she'd recognize you? what'd you do to her 🤨" the last part more of a joking tone Vinny: he laughs a little awkwardly "yes and maybe, witches like to keep informed. and they're pretty loose with information about each other, she just gave us pretty clear instructions for those two, i dont think if she knew a secret it'd be all that safe" Cimmorro: cimm seems confused for a moment before realizing "ah. ahhh.... right. okay. hum... maybe you could lose the hat and put a cloak around yourself while we're out here and with the fact that we're about to meet a couple more of them, if you're worried about those guys too" Vinny: he thinks for a moment "...not a bad idea..." than peers up at his hat "its easy to hide my face with this one though... maybe I'll just change the colour..." Cimmorro: "you can do that :O?" cimm thinks also "you could also style your hair differently. sorta like," and he starts messing with vinny's hair to drape down a bit more over his forehead "that" Vinny: "yes i just need to mix a couple things as we walk...ah-" he goes >_< as you mess with his hair and then blinks again getting a little embarrassed "it tickles........." he adjusts his glasses Cimmorro: heh 😼 “wait you can make your hair color different too right? make it green lol" he lols "you'd blend into the forest nice and easy!" Vinny: "that....would be a longer process... maybe when i make Han's later ill brew up something to have on hand in the future" hes thinking to himself if he'd actually like the colour Cimmorro: "ahh... i thought it'd be the same mixing you mentioned" he shrugs "it'd be a good surprise to cole when you get back anyways" Vinny: he smiles at the thought amused "there's equal chance that maybe she'll think im an intruder when i walk in through the side door and hit me with a wrench" Cimmorro: cimm lets out a laugh "is she that bad at recognizing you? i don't think you'd look THAT different. maybe if you took the glasses off and grew your hair out a bit more" Vinny: he pauses a moment to picture it "a very strange mental image...." Cimmorro: "i cant even begin to wonder what image you're conjuring in your head right now" Vinny: he looks back at you "exactly what you've described, friend" Cimmorro: "it doesn't look that strange in my head 🤨 just.... fresh? you must have some terrible imagination" Vinny: he furrows his brow and thinks again "...too strange...." Cimmorro: "it would be new!! when was the last time you even changed how your hair looks" Vinny: "when i was...20 maybe.... its always been this colour though" he gestures with his hand Cimmorro: "ah, you were worried about the color not the length. honestly i can't really imagine you with anything but the silver too..." he thinks for a bit "might warrant more bullying from jeane if you changed it now that i think about it more" Vinny: he augh's and pulls the hat down further over his head "let's not give her the excuse" Cimmorro: cimm snickers "well for now you get to mixing a thing for your hat then. is it for a spell?" Vinny: he nods "ill make it as we walk to greenpea, i picked up a few things from spriggan, then i just snap my fingers and it'll be good for a couple hours..." he thinks then smiles "colour recommendations?" Cimmorro: "ah hmmmmmmm hmmmm" cimm appears to be deep in thought, seriously considering what'd be good and also unexpected on vinny as he studies him. "i'd say something like a deep red or pink or purple but that would be more eyecatching... so maybe a good ol' charcoal black." (turns you into a goth) Vinny: he smiles at pink and red and then nods "black would be good, it'd blend into the dark well...very classic suggestion" Cimmorro: cimm makes a pose as if he's the smartest dumbass in tthe world "in general i think you'd look good in black" thumbs up emoji Vinny: he looks up and down himself considering "i usually opt for the brighter colours, but it might not be bad to try out later" he looks back up at you "works well enough on you after all" he smiles
Plum: plum sides cautiously over to botty. "can i ask you something" they say kind of blankly. "you wouldn't happen to know of any witches near talornia who go about testing their potions via street stall, would you?" Han: han like damn that crazy who would do that ... @ plum Botty: she tilts her head in her palm "mmmnope, i've never been out that way myself" she thinks a little "if you wanna go hassling witches over there though i know A name, you can hassle her for connections if yer so inclined" she smirks again Han: han is not in this conversation but shes is in there none the less making :O faces Plum: plum thinks for a moment. "sure, thanks" Botty: she goes on "look for an ahhhh... whats she go by these days... Manyelle the Many Faced, she's usually somewhere on the road between Sharden and the gulf“ Plum: "sounds like she doesn't typically keep the same appearance, does she" plum says unamused Han: "damn why she called many faced... how many faces she got" 😱 Botty: "changes like the faces of the moon" she cackles "got a couple she fancies more though"
Keva recalls hearing the name Manyelle before, in scary stories kids tell each other at bedtime, they say she's a witch who steals faces to put in her own vast collection she has if you wander too far from the city. Plum has also heard the stories, but in their info gathering stage of curse research noted it didn't seem all that plausible and more like a bogeyman for kids. Though there is someone almost certainly out there with the name, they dont know who what or where, until now anyway.
Rokka: rokkas stopped messing around and shifts his attention to the chatter, concern becoming more visible on his face the more he hears about this many face person Keva: keva looks up from plucking grass mindlessly "she's real?" Botty: botty flicks a hand towards you "oooh absolutely girlie! she doesn't go gobbling up kids though" she cackles again Keva: she's momentarily stunned by finding out one of the many stories from her childhood is actually true, so it takes her a brief moment before responding sarcastically "how kind of her" Botty: botty nods and wags a finger carrying on the joke "really a saint if ya think about it" Plum: "i bet she is. anyways, thanks" plum is unamused by this new info Botty: she dramatically gestures in front of herself as she sits reclined still "your very welcome, just be sure to forget im the one told ya'" Plum: "told me what?" they say Botty: she gives you a crooked smile and nods her head
Keva: "are you actually going to look for her?" Plum: plum raises an eyebrow. "uh, yeah? i don't see why i wouldn't" Han: "why do u wanna look for her? :O" after keva Plum: "well the less vaguely threatening witches i encounter the better, but i figure the more i learn about my being poisoned the easier it might be to. stop. being poisoned..." Keva: "'vaguely threatening' is putting it lightly from what i've heard of her growing up" but keva shrugs "but kids say all kinds of shit" Plum: "can't be worse than what we've done, right?" plum says in a very obviously falsely positive tone Keva: keva snorts and smiles a bit in humor Han: "........................you get poisoned from some random street stall?" hans tone is like even im not this stupid Plum: plum rolls their eyes. "you ever been bewitched before?" Han: "like............ "bewitched by their ass" type or bewitched" she does spooky finger gestures "kind of way" Plum: plum just makes the spooky finger gestures back Han: 😱 "WHAT HAPPEN......" Plum: "i dunno, i might be too stupid to remember properly" they say, turning up their nose in genuine offense Han: shit flies over hans head "fuck ure usually cool with potion stuff......... that must be real scary witch" bites her fingernail worriedly Plum: "you fucking bet she was" plum says, folding their arms and huffing. they don't usually get like this. call it a sore spot Han: "are you after her?" :O Plum: "absofuckinglutely not!" plum whips their head around to han. then, as if they're unable to stop themself, shiver for a moment. "no way in fucking hell. i'm just trying to learn more so i can cure it myself." Han: han thinks n nods n makes mental note to kill for plum Keva: eyeing them carefully keva starts to feel bad for them "well with the rate we're finding witches i'm sure you'll find something out" as if to give comfort Plum: plum looks at keva carefully, and quietly. then they look down at the grass. "that's true.......yeah. thanks." Han: han joins in on the emotional support "and if we run into that asshole again, ill kick her ass and make her help you" fist pump Plum: plum pokes the corner of their eye. 😥 "yeah, yeah thanks." fist pump
Keva: i want everyone to know i'm just imagingn psalms passed out peacefully in the grass Psalm: yeah he's chilling. i was just thinking about his lack of dialogue actually, he;s leaning against a tree Plum: psalm like "yknow ghester" as he looks up peacefully at the trees. "over in krenic there's this word that's untranslatable into typical common that means the light shining between the trees. romantic isn't it?"
Cimmorro: imagining the cows going around plum and smelling their fruity hair Plum: COWS COME TO ME
As time passes and the party all finish up their short rest and begin standing up and stretching, Botty joins them all noting their departure.
Botty: "hmmm thanks for the company, don't get much these days aside from my kiddies" she pats benny on the head Han: "it was nice to hang out!!! we will head back through here, maybe we meet up again" :D Cimmorro: "thanks for the mushroom also" Rokka: Rokka waves bye @ doggo "SORRY ABOUT EARLIER IT WAS NICE MEETING YA!" Benny: benny settles on his paws and lowers his ears slightly "farewell..." Botty: she gives han and cimm a smile and cackles "as nice a sentiment as that is lady, i'd rather you forget this exchange entirely" she gives you all one last glance over and lifts her hand in a gesture “- remember, you never met me, and you don't know how to get back here. nice meeting ya for what its worth though, hold hands and you'll find the path again” Han: han single tears but okay...
You all like you smell something sour as she cackles and walks back towards her shack, walking through the door she gives you all one last wave from her hand and slams it shut.
> 🎵   The Library  / Kentucky Route Zero OST
The party trek their way back through the mists holding hands this time doing their best to retrace their steps. Thankfully enough they manage to make their way back to the glowing path, though as they do something strange occurs.
As they step back onto the path, Han, Finn and Psalm find their recollection of the events that just occurred become very fuzzy. They don't remember Botty's name nor what she looks like. If they try to remember what they've been doing, all they can recall is that they think they just met someone in the woods, who gave the group instructions on how to find two other witches, and nothing else.
Cimmorro and Rokka in contrast, find they're able to recall the events that just occurred with clarity, but have no recollection of Botty's name or what she looks like. Keva and Plum recall everything, except for Botty’s name.
Cimmorro: jasper after that
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Psalm: botty
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Keva: keva just says "huh." upon realizing Plum: plum just thinks something like of course Han: han walks like 5 steps and goes "what the fuck were we just doing" at the party 😃 Cimmorro: were we supposed to eat the whole brownie
Finn: "is everyone else feeling like...they just woke up from a dream? does anyone know what happened?!" finn subconsciously squeezes the hand of whoever and looks around somewhat startled Psalm: "We just met someone in the woods who gave us instructions on how to find two other witches, and nothing else." Han: "doesnt that kinda freak you out. who did we meet. this happened minutes ago. what the fuck." Finn: finn looks at psalm like this 😟 Psalm: "Freak out? No. Concern? Somewhat." 🤔 Han: "for once i wish you more concern" Cimmorro: cimm just looks like he's trying to mentally scratch something in his brain but it isnt working Keva: "she really meant it when she said she wanted us to forget her" Plum: "and i think it's best we leave it that way to be honest" ignoring the others Rokka: rokka just tilts his head at everyone like ???? Han: han gasps sadly "what! who!? huh?? was she hot?? are you fucking with me?????" Keva: keva just says "yes" flatly and continues on with her walk Han: 😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 "this is nightmare......." Psalm: “^_^” Finn: “🤨” Psalm: "We're in one piece so I mean, no point worrying." He shrugs. Han: "PLEASE worry BIT MORE" Finn: "i dont appreciate people messing with my perception..." he mumbles somewhat grumpily "perhaps you should be a bit more displeased with that as well" Psalm: "I have a ghost living in my head...? Kind of too late for that you two." Ghester: "if he needs to know anything from the past hour or so i'll be sure to remind him" ghester chuckles Finn: "well hes not a stranger and he doesnt randomly wipe your memory, does he? " finn like wtf am i becoming ghesters defense aTtorney for rn Psalm: "True.It's not like I don't get your angle, it's just that I personally am not that torn up about it." Han: han gasps "do you remember everything.......... FUCK i knew i shouldve tried harder to join you" angry crying Ghester: ghester laughs a little louder "guess i wasn't corporeal enough for her" Han: "ghester is cool talking sword, hes cool, ure ungrateful" Psalm: "I mean that I'm used to it- you know what. Nevermind. And waste the effort she went to to wipe my memories...?" Finn: this is incomprehensible to finn as he hates not being in control at all times ever but hes not about to argue about this, since it seems rather pointless for now. he sighs and pouts, contemplating psalms strange attitude...
With someone's instructions in mind the party all continue on towards Greenpea, sure that you’re close now from the signs Spriggan gave them.
> 🎵   The Forgotten Village  / Folklore OST
After a short time, the forest seems to finally open up slightly ahead of them, freeing them from the dense foliage and trees. They see, down the winding path ahead, a small town. Alongside the path to get to it are long plots of tilled land with plants sprouting out of them, little shacks sprinkled throughout them with tools and sacks laid alongside. It seems the residents of Greenpea took up much of the space outside the forest for farming, pumpkins and radishes mostly at the moment.
As they glance up at the night sky, clear to them once again, they see the moon high in the sky. The constellations appear normal to Han again, no longer strangely fractured and jumbled as they did before when amongst the trees.
Han: han mental note that the forest is freaky deaky Finn: "um.." finn stumbles over his sentence for a sec but catches himself "since it was decided we'd stay together, who are we looking for first? i do remember the instructions we were given, strangely enough..." Cimmorro: "perhaps the farmer? his description seems to be more in line to what your uncle wants us to look into" Finn: "i do agree, id like to look into him first as well. if there are no objections, let us proceed"
The group make their way towards the shack as it was described to them, walking past the town's edges and through the fields. They walk towards another outcropping of bushes and trees, not connected to the great forest they just exited from but one on the direct opposite side of town
They don’t walk towards the clearly indicated path that leads into trees however, and instead follow alongside the treeline. As they squint they spot a small dirt path through the bushes, the one previously indicated to them by Someone. Walking through they feel a similar eerie air, not unlike the outskirts from before, though not as strongly.
> 🎵   Peat Fields  / Roadwarden OST
After a few minutes of wandering through the dark, the trees part again, placing them in a small clearing nestled by the trees all around, as if to hide the place.
In front of them all sits a small plot of tilled land, various herbs and plantlife flowering from within. A ways behind they see crudely cobbled stairs leading up a short incline towards a small shack, overgrown by plants and greenery. The shack itself has tools leaned against it, ones they both recognise and don't, arcane or otherwise in nature. Nearby they spot a man whistling to himself as he sits on the steps, reading something in his lap, a staff leaned on shoulder emits a low green light.
Plum: [trying to peek at the plants] Han: han knocks on the side of the house to caught their attention "uuuh sup" ^_^ then she kinda short circuits and goes "i actually have no idea what we need to ask you but im han ! with friends! we had some questions or something ! my mind isnt entirely working right now and its freaking me out!" :D <-filled with pain Kyzer: he looks up and sees you then glances at the rest of you all in the distance, all smiles and sharp teeth at your genuineness “travellors in my garden? nice to meet ya han, now, who else do i owe the pleasure… are the townsfolk still cranky with me?” he shuts the book Psalm: "We're not townsfolk, so that remains to be seen I suppose." Han: "we arent from around here! so youre good??" 😄 Kyzer: he smiles at you both "stranger then that ya' knew how to get here i think" Cimmorro: uh oh lol Han: "someone told us! and i dont know who! and its freaking me out!" 😄 < so much pain Cimmorro: cimm's like making signals to pull han outta there Han: han genuinely clutching her head like bro . mister tiefling. this shit freaking me out so bad but my party seems to be ok so im cool but sos Rokka: rokka misunderstanding cimm's signals "uh-- YEAH AND NOW WE ARE HERE! I'M ROKKA BTW!" side eyes cimm like did do it right Cimmorro: the moment you look at him for acknowledgement he just turns to have his back faced at you and holds his face in his hands
As they chat Cimmorro and Plum take a quick chance to obvserve what the man’s growing. Cimmorro notes that they look like ones he recognises, medicinal ones, ones used for their smell, and then a few of the others completely evade his knowledge base.
Plum notices the same, but they note a few of them Cimmorro couldnt, a couple are poisons of various strengths, one of them called Laudar is especially deadly. He's growing the same creepers here as well that are sprouting out of his body, the more unusual plants though, they’ve no idea, alot of them bear dark maroon stems.
Kyzer: he raises a brow as if considering the truthfulness of it but takes it on its face for now "very scary i have to admit, not unusual for this place though, nice to meet ya rokka" he looks around at the rest of you "there a reason strangers are sending people on their way to hassle me or are ya just social types" Han: she turns to finn and cimm "what did.... what do we even need here" Cimmorro: "uncle vorby asked us to be here" cimm looks at finn expectantly Finn: finn side eyes cimm with a death glare before clearing his throat and looking to han. the way this has been going is. awful! perhaps he ought to take over and outdo han. surely he will. he attempts to maintain eyecontact with kyzer but opts to shut his eyes in a forced smile and rattles on "right. so, we are simply here because we heard some rumors about a strange form of magic being practiced here? its supposed to relate to 'blood' or something! maybe you can help us out if you know anything? ^__^" Han: han just like 😇 huh Psalm: psalm in his head like why do i let this happen Keva: keva's eyes drift upwards as she silently mouths 'oh my gods' Cimmorro: cimm just looks at finn like wtf did i do and then face palms
Kyzer: he gives you a sharp grin as you step forward "uncle vorby huh? that is very strange i got to say, though hard for me to deny it when i got plants growing out of me" he tilts his head "i could help, not the only one here who messes with this stuff, cant say i like not knowing whos spreading gossip though. sure you dont remember? your name works too" Finn: "oh i wouldnt know whos spreading gossip haha i just heard this from my uncle whos not from here you see-" he talks a bit faster now, clearly under pressure. "Um-" for some reason...for the first time perhaps, finn feels like giving his full name out may not be beneficial. "i'm finn, i apologize for not introducing myself right away haha..." Plum: "we're the vengaboys" plum says drily
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Rokka: This guy is that emoji sarita posted earlier Psalm: kyzer @ us rn
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Rokka: Exactly Exactly Cimmorro: IKL HNGADSHNG L;ADB Han: to kyzer its a normal face
Psalm: he interjects, "You see our friend here (pointing at Finn) has a rare blood related illness, and his uncle loves to dote on him, so we (gesturing at everyone else) as his bodyguards are accompanying him trying to find out anything we can. I'm Psalm by the way." Rokka: Rokka looking at psalm like wait we are? He is? Damn where have I been Keva: keva's stifling the urge to step on his foot or smth so he can't fuck this up Han: han hides her face behind her palm and the wall, looking at the rest of the party whispers "wait, forreal? what the fuck happened to me after we met the. .whoever !!!" shes so haunted rn Keva: keva just looks at han wtih some urgency and just mouths "later" Han: 🥹 han turns back to kyzer looking like that tbh
Kyzer: he smiles and laughs, spreading his right arm out "the vengaboys! very catchy" at psalm and finn he nods his head "i see i see, well give him my greetings would ya?" he stands up at full height leaning his arm across finn’s shoulder, twirling you around to face the others while he leans on you ever so slightly" ya see finny and the vengaboys, i sympathise with ya, i got plenty of problems myself with this stuff. but right now i got a real big one stuck in my craw y'know?" Psalm: Psalm's going to step just a little bit closer to them.. Han: han stands her full peacock height, flexes a lil, shes just staring at his body tbh she feels like shes in a dick measuring contest suddenly Psalm: "Care to share? We can trade." Cimmorro: "maybe we can assist you with something in return?" Finn: finn stiffens considerably.....how it pains him to be within such close vicinity to farming scum such as this man! he might need to thank the heavens for the fact that he needs not to breathe. the feeling of his arm and the plants is still bothering him though...the fact that hes called him finny as if he has the right........ the "is that so?" that leaves his lips sounds a lot less nervous now, more irritated if anything. finn stares at psalm with a look that says 'im this close to snapping'.... Psalm: Psalm just steps the full way and as non-aggressively as possible wrestles Finn away from Kyzer and then steps in front of him. "Not to give any offence but I'd appreciate if you didn't get too handsy with our charge. He's kind of.........fragile." Keva: "sickly, y'know" she adds partially to get in a jab at finn Finn: his eye twitches briefly Rokka: rokka rn learning these new info
Kyzer smirks at Finn’s change in tone then laughs and raises his arms as psalm wiggles him away.
Kyzer: "no harm no foul, careful he don't crack he does look a bit like porcelain" he chuckles as he sits back down on the steps, leaning back casually "thanks for the offer, trade keeps the world turning don't it? let's see..." he taps his staff idly as he speaks "lately i’ve been getting accusations of messing round’ with blood magic, which, i’ll grant is definitely true” he shrugs still smiling “but what they talk about isn’t what i or my coven do, or isn’t’ my handiwork anyway” he taps his staff on his shoulder idly “the nice people of greenpea are blaming me for some people who went missing lately, because of it, though they don't have any concrete proof. that won't stop them from burning my place down if they like though.”
He smiles after a pause, as if observing them all, and then continues on.
Kyzer: “I aint keen on getting blamed for things i aint done, this forest has its additional eerie ways of enforcing things after a while. sides i got lots of things here, and i don't want them getting torched any time soon…” he smirks again “if it aint me its gotta be the only other witch nearby in a similar school, you get my meaning?” Han: "hey didnt" frustrated hand gestures n near tears "person talk about another guy" Plum: "yeah, we were gonna hit them up next" Han: han thonks and nods
As they ponder Kyzer’s tale they dont get a sense he’s lying, if anything they sense a bit of annoyance under his smile.
Cimmorro: "you do have a lovely garden going on, it'd be a shame to go up in flames" this is nonthreatening just to be clear Kyzer: he gives you a glance before tilting his head and relaxing a little "i think so too" Psalm: "I promise you I know exactly how you feel *about being blamed for something you haven't done." Kyzer: he grins again "a kindred spirit, it's truly a pa---in" Psalm: "Well I guess 'pain' is putting it one way albeit a bit lightly, but yes." Han: "is there, like, difference? between your magic and their magic? do you know?" Keva: "what does your coven do then?" Kyzer: he thinks "what you see here" he spreads his arms a little again "these vines are my veins, they carry a bit of my blood too. experimentation with the body. molding plant and life" he knocks his staff against his shoulder again "all of us look a little bit like this" at han’s question he smirks "she don't mess with plants and dirt, a bit beneath her she likes to say. she etches things in flesh, far as i know. i dont chat with her much, a real uppity type Han: han leans over to check out his vine veins Chip: they sure do go under his skin... Han: crazy... Finn: finn thinks its best to leave the talking to everyone else, just so he doesnt ruin psalms hard work....but he does pay close attention to the conversation, not realizing hes staring quite a bit at kyzer. hes thinking he likes the sound of doreni much better than this guy.
Han: "who are getting kidnapped?" Keva: looking at the plants in his body keva asks, "any particular reason you're experimenting like this?" Kyzer: "townspeople, farmers mostly from what i could glean" he tilts his head "place isnt what id call the tiniest village, and its not like this islands kind to people who are idiots, but more than a couple over the span of a few weeks... people start getting ideas" then at keva he smirks and answers her deadpan "immortal life" Han: han looks up at kyzer after that and studies him for a bit "like, trying to become like tree?" she looks a bit nonplussed "then, what is other coven study?" Kyzer: he asks her as if genuinely curious "do you consider trees immortal? he smirks "she isn't in one, solo ranger that one. her insufferableness explains itself there really. and as i said, don't know much, i think she's got plans to make blood magic a recognised school in her head, keep dreaming i say..." Han: 🤔 "trees is... maybe? when i was travelling in same areas, and trees would be used as markers... and shaman said they were there before us and will be long after..... i guess so? ive only see trees die from rot, disease." Kyzer: he smiles "not a bad answer, were of similar minds. if i want to live longer i reckon' nothing better to learn from..." he shrugs "blood is life, so is nature. i want to see how far i can bring the combination" he gets a far off look in his eyes as he sits up, folding his arms Han: on auto, han recites something in giant Kyzer: he gives you a curious look but doesn't question it
Psalm: actually psalms gonna whisper at finn out of kyzer's earshot "Did your uncle say anything about kidnappings?" Finn: finn lightly shakes his head and whispers back a "no" a beat passes and finn offers psalm a rather apologetic look Psalm: Psalm like (apologetic why 🤨 ) "Ah alright then, guess we'll just see what we can learn here and move on." Finn: finn merely nods, deciding he'll talk to psalm when theyve moved on from here for real
Cimmorro: cimm has just been listening to the convos exchanged the whole time and eventually asks as well, "why immortality though? is there a specific reason? it just seems a little.. tiring to live for so long and forever" Kyzer: "i want to die when i chose, and until then i want to see everything i want to see. i don't think it's a very complicated drive, people die for less" he smirks again eyeing your outfit "maybe a guy like you and me might not see eye to eye there though" Cimmorro: "definitely not. i do not see grace in cheating death but if that is what you wish then" he makes a small shrug Plum: "i kinda get it, there's a ton of shit i'd want to keep trying or fiddling around with for a long time" Cimmorro: "living longer i don't see an issue with really. it's why we pursue medicine. forever, though, then that gets a bit complicated" Kyzer: he smiles "luckily i aint seeking grace" he smirks again, pleased at plum’s understanding "study is an endless pursuit, and my drive is similarly, limitless" he glances away to brush the discussion aside
Psalm: "Is there anything else about the kidnappings that you might know? Just to be safe." Keva: "anything the people have in common, maybe? other than being locals" Kyzer: "when they came over accusing me, they mentioned the places were covered in blood, an unnatural amount. hence the suspicion for blood magic, seeing as were so close by" he thinks "don't know why they didn't assume they were killed, i guess the bodies weren't left behind? bit optimistic" then to keva "not much, mostly farmers in their shacks, more isolated types from what im guessin'..." he gestures with his hand "easy pickings" Psalm: "Unnatural as in the amount couldn't reasonably come from one person?" Kyzer: "i assumed as much, yes" he taps his staff against his shoulder again Han: "none of them are 'witches' of similar caliber, right? cant fight back that way, not 'special'“ Kyzer: "nope, regular old joes" Han: "easy pickings" han nods
Han: han scratches her chin "have you heard "theyord" before? or "ansam"?" Kyzer: he tilts his head and grins "not once in my life"
Han: "this city isnt freaky like forest, right? with directionless feeling? stars seem all right..." looks at the stars real quick, worried theyve gone wack again "could you give directions to where bodies are found?" Kyzer: he looks up at the sky himself "hmmm nope, maybe if you wander a liiitle deeper through here, but i don't like sitting right in the influence. messes up my math sometimes y'see" he looks back down "i can tell you one, 's the only guys name they actually mentioned to me, Ronaldo, and i remember where he was shacked up too" he gives you some quick instructions to one of the shacks out in the outermost fields, gesturing with his good hand "careful ya don't forget that too" he grins again Han: “i hope not..." mental note made “im out of question ! shall we visit that doremi guy"
The group sufficently creeped out and satisfied for the moment, make to leaver Kyzer’s garden. He gives them all a lazy wave with his good hand as they saunter off.
Kyzer: "don't be strangersss!" he taps his staff against the cobble steps almost rhythmically as you walk off
> 🎵   The Forgotten Village  / Folklore OST
The party walk on down into the town, apt for the time as not many people seem to be out and about, though there are lanterns and torches strung up and about the buildings to give those ambling about some sense of spatial awareness. The homes here aren’t built directly into the trees like they are in Duskridge, but theyre similarly built up tall, almost as if in mimicry. Most of the buildings are easily taller than they are wide.
As the group wander through the few people they do spot wandering the night give them strange looks, they definitely stand out. Though they don't spot anything like a guard detail among the place, or even near the entrance.
They make their way towards the door pointed out to them, making their way down a couple of branching alleys in the dark, nearly tripping over a few things during their exploration. They eventually come across the door, exactly as it was pointed out to them, sitting in the wall. Keva gives the door a quick inspection for traps, though she finds nothing.
Han: "so... like....what exactly is our approach here?" Rokka: "Aren't we greeting her?" Han: she nods seriously Keva: even though keva's found no traps she keeps eying the entryway carefully "you wanna just casually greet someone who might be kidnapping people and leaving pools of blood in their place?" Psalm: "Wouldn't be the first time." Han: han points in kevas general direction like ye she got a point ! Rokka: Rokka let's kevas words sink in for a moment, "I forgot she could be evil..." Han: she pats his back Keva: "suppose we don't have much of a choice though if we have to knock. anyone want to do the honors?" Rokka: "Don't forget the password!" Cimmorro: "someone with the mage hand probably" Finn: "ill do it" Psalm: “I have mage hand. I think that might be a better idea than putting Finn in immediate danger." Finn: "....................." hes a bit embarrassed
Psalm summons his mage hand, knocking the door and speaking the phrase they watch as the colours of the door shift to a dark red instead. The door lock and handle click, creaking open ever so slightly, as a light begins to leak out from within.
Keva peers through the crack and sees inside a tall wooden hallway lit by colourful lanterns on its ceiling. She glances around, noting scattered papers and crushed pens and trash haphazardly piled near towers of old books and tomes. As she squints she spies another door at the end of the hallway.
Keva: "can you push the door open more? before we try and go in?" Psalm: "Alright."
Psalm eases the door open, no explosions or secrets traps trigger so Cimmorro decides to ease his way in. It is an uneventful experience, he peers around and picks up a random paper to read. Glancing at the handwriting it looks like someones scratched out thrown away notes, he sees a few arcane runes written out beneath the black ink. They look wizard in their coding.
Keva: keva will step in after cimm and take a look around too Han: from outside "hey remember how theyords place had lots magic booby traps." Cimmorro: "viNNY PLEASEEE I NEED YOUUU" Vinny: he raises a brow but wanders in after keva and gives the paper a glance "ah....runes" he squints, adjusting his glasses to read further Cimmorro: "for what though?" Vinny: "ah..as far as i can tell its something to do with.... evocation? carrying sound" he squints down at the ones further "these ones i dont recognise... considering shes a witch thats not all too surprising, must be related to blood magic" Cimmorro: "ah.. sound... you think that has to do with the throat thing?" Vinny: "id have to guess... alot of force here though"
Han: han sighs n looks at the rest still outside "going in?" Rokka: Rokka starts moving "going!" Psalm: "Might as well."
As they investigate Keva heads over to the door at the end of the hallway, as she gets closer she notices a little bell on the wall next to it and a note tacked under it that she cant read.
Keva: keva quietly tsks and turns around to find and gesture cimmorro over Cimmorro: cimm perks up like a cat like ? then goes "oh!" and moves over to read it. "it says 'ring, if needed?; so i suppose we just make this guy sing" he points at the bell Keva: "used to getting visitors then, is she?" Cimmorro: "looks like it... how curious. i say we let everyone else know first before we ring it though" Keva: keva nods in agreement
As the group investigate Han decides to focus up and sharpen her senses to check for any planar portals nearby. She senses nothing nearby, but over towards the edge of the forests, she feels a very very faint sense coming from all over it, right up until where her perception can reach.
Han: "no open portals. this place shouldnt ..." han gesture "send us anywhere. yet."
Cimmorro: cimm tries to herd everybody "we gotta ring that bell by the door if we want presence from the person who runs this place" Han: "maybe we look around for minute? while we have chance?" Cimmorro: "im alright with that" Psalm: "I don't think snooping around in someone's home is the best way to go about not pissing them off- yeah alright."
The group search around the hall, but nothing of note really stands out to them, its all mosty garbage out here. Even the books seems to have been discarded out of a desire to not finish them. Han spies a discarded pen that isnt snapped like all the others with a blue sheen on its grip, it is the prettiest find.
They don’t get the sense the place is abandoned as the lights are on, nor was it upended. Just messy.
Rokka: "this place is a dump :/" Finn: "isnt it about time we rang the bell? i think we really are lowering our chances of this going well by the second here" Rokka: "oh! oh! can I ring it?" he raises his hand Finn: finn nods Rokka: rokka moves towards the door and eagerly rings the bell while looking at eveyrone like :y Cimmorro: 👍 Han: 🫰
As Rokka jingles the bell he hears a shuffling from behind the door, items being shifted around and some footsteps. After a time the group see the door click and swing open inwards.
> 🎵   Attic Theme  / Rule of Rose OST
Through it they see a round room filled with desks and even more books and random eccentricities, papers and metal tools, piled high enough to clear their heights. In the center sits a half orc woman on a chair, tapping a finger on the desk closest to her impatiently. She gives the group all a curious if annoyed look before gesturing them all inside with her other hand.
Cimmorro: cimm is a little taken aback not knowing how to read this but also goes like "pardon the intrusion..." Rokka: "I'm rokka!" completely forgetting she could be evil once again Psalm: "I take it you already knew we were here." Doreni: she seemingly rolls her eyes at this Han: "hi... we didnt wake you did we..." Doreni: right after she gives you a stare
As the group slowly shuffle in she pulls a quill and parchment from her desk, she sprinkles something over it then snaps her finger. As she does it flits up into the air next to her.
Doreni: the quill begins writing in black ink in neat cursive text that reads 'May i ask why you buffons were rummaging around there exactly? At this time of day, no less..." Keva: keva's just standing there Finn: finn looking at the group like well thank god i had no part in this... i stopped them even.. Han: han stares at the paper and then goes "oooooooooooooh cause that throat stuff" han makes lil slashes around her own throat for demonstration Doreni: she makes a face as the quill writes out 'Very observant.’ Han: han beams at her "thanks!" 😄 Doreni: she grimaces as the pen angrily scratches what she wrote to out to you  Cimmorro: cimm just seems to be enjoying the spectacle in front of him lmao "you have a nice place! just needs a bit of cleaning! but a nice place no less! i like the lighting at the hall the most" Doreni: it goes on 'I had not been informed i'd hired cleaning staff so late in the evening, either.' Cimmorro: "i'm not here to clean!! well i wouldn't mind if that means i can look around more though.. :D" Doreni: ‘No.’ Cimmorro: “:(”
Psalm: "I apologise for the late hour, we were instructed to come here by another witch we met in the forest. you see we're on a somewhat urgent quest regarding the health of our employer over there and were told you might be of some help?" Rokka: rokka making a mental note to check up on finn later like is he ok fr. my god its that serious Doreni: she glances between you and finn as the quill writes out 'Which witch? If you mean nearby you must refer to Kyzer or his coven. He's always skulking around, the gossipy tree trunk.' the quill pauses then goes on 'Do i look, to you sir, like a doctor? Kyzer himself has more knowledge of medicinal herbs even, does the man enjoy foisting his errands upon me?' Finn: "im willing to take any chance i can get, even if it may not be your expertise..." he tries Cimmorro: cimm's gonna walk over to keva and whisper "she hates us" followed by a 👍 Keva: "great" she whispers back
Psalm: "That's exactly the guy. Just covering our bases here really. He wasn't really much help." Psalm adds on. Finn: finn looking at psalm and nodding. we're gonna get a good grade in lying Doreni: she grinds her teeth a little, getting more annoyed. she glances finn up and down as the quill writes 'You look fine to me boy, get some more sun if you're so worried' she stands and gestures for you to walk towards her however, he stance suggests she will not take any disagreement on the request. Psalm: just looks at Finn like sorry can't help you there "Honestly he just kind of rambled on about his own magic, also mentioned some kidnappings, a lot going on in this forest it seems. also please be careful with him. hes fragile” Rokka: rokka moves towards finn out of genuine concern and places his hands on finns shoulders like 🥺 pls be careful Doreni: she gives you a look as if to tell you to stop talking then gestures finn forward again Psalm: psalm like 👉👈 hahaha
As they chat Keva eyeballs the place around them. She gets a sense this is Doreni’s main study of sorts, there is a strange amount of desks in here though. She spies a few doors that lead out, seemingly to other rooms. She cant imagine what the tools are for, they look....unsafe. Pliers and giant scissors, you spy a set of thin knives of varying sizes as well higher up
Finn: "as my loyal guards have told you, my ailing health has me quite fragile... i do not feel safe getting this close to you without one of them staying by my side" thin smile Doreni: the quill writes again 'Then leave, for all i care. I have very little patience' she turns Keva: keva kinda squints her eyes at them and says to doreni "what do you do here?" Doreni: the quill writes out 'Arcane Investigation and Study, things on the precipices of knowledge. My work is being hindered as of late but it is of no True consequence.' though you cant read any of it Cimmorro: cimm reads that to her
Finn: finn blinks in surprise and gently removes Rokka’s hands from his shoulders, giving him a glance before speaking to doreni again "on second thought, im sure itll be fine haha..." hes becoming somewhat nervous again but approaches her now Rokka: rokka furrows his brow and glances warily at the witch, standing a little more straight and on guard in case she does smth to finn Psalm: "Do you want me to use mage hand to hold your hand or something ^_^" Finn: "would that interfere with your work?.." he looks at doreni Psalm: he does not say that he was kidding... Doreni: she shrugs uncaring. she lets out a strangled grunt as you step up tapping her foot. she quickly walks in front of you and puts her hand on your chin grabbing it, though not too forcefully. she tilts your head this way and that scrutinizing you, she spends an amount of time staring at your eyes before she pops your mouth open by putting slight pressure on your jaw, as she shoots a quick glance insight she rolls her eyes and lets go. the quill flies to life again 'i cannot fix your affliction boy, you'll have to seek repentance elsewhere' Finn: "repentance..." he mumbles almost inaudibly to himself before stepping down. as his 'lamenting my existence as a vampire mode' is engaged, he completely forgets why theyre actually here and what he should be asking right now. he has a faraway look in his eyes, staring at nothing in particular in the room Psalm: @ what she says about Finn Psalm says "Well that's a shame Finn, another dead end (lie). I'm sure we'll find something (lie)." Finn: finn looks at you like op of the panic attack 4chan post rn Psalm: :y
Keva: "and your work as of late is...?" Doreni: she looks over now free of her forced checkup as the quill writes 'nothing outside of my usual, but the townsfolk have begun hurling accusations at me. i haven't been leaving much due to these... It's a hindrance frankly.' Keva: "okay then, what is your usual work? what could the townsfolk be accusing you of?" feigning some ignorance Psalm: "Kyzer said the same thing about being accused..." Psalm says  👉👈 Doreni: she rolls her eyes 'Magic of the Blood within certain body parts. The vocal in particular. The enhancement it could bring to Evocation' she gestures with her hand as the quill moves, glancing at psalm back at Keva 'Those kidnappings you mentioned yes, the townspeople want to implicate me it seems. Through their own idiocy they equate blood magic with black magic, I practice one, not the other, and soon enough I'll be sure to get it recognised enough to be legal in its own right’ as this is written she sits a little taller, folding her arms. ‘Naturally I suspect it to be the work of that shrubbery coven, that man of aught be accused in my stead, I know our schools are not dissimilar. Regrettably.’
The group eye her as she speaks, they get the sense she’s telling the truth, and is similarly frutsrated as Kyzer was, though its also her constant state. Cimmorro also senses she wants them to get the hell out of here already.
Plum: "you think kyzer's in charge of the kidnappings?" plum raises an eyebrow Doreni: she raises a brow at you as the quill moves 'If not him, who else? The villagers seem convinced in a magicians involvement. Unless you'd like to name yourself the culprit' Plum: "wow....i'm kind of stunned by that limited way of thinking" [genuinely surprised] Doreni: she grinds her teeth a little as the quill writes 'The point is, i do not care. If you'd like to play detective, head outside'
Keva: keva's nodding her head a bit despite not knowing maybe 1 in 10 words doreni says she's sorta piecing it together "and that's what those are for?" pointing at the unsafe tools Doreni: she glances at you then points at her neck and the scars on her arms Psalm: "For what it's worth it would benefit us to learn more about these kidnappings as well, and since Kyzer told us he was also innocent I suppose we have no choice but to investigate." his voice trails off "unfortunately..." Doreni: she raises a brow at the quill writes 'I'm sure he would say something like that if he were the culprit. Pah.' Psalm: "Yeah fair." Han: "hey ssssoo... if kyzer says he didnt do it, and u says u didnt do it... who* would you start guessing then" Doreni: the quill 'There are a multitude of ways to die in this horrid forrest. Pick any one, it could be another witch, a beast, a being of another world. All plausible. I do not fancy venturing outside to be mobbed by townsfolk in the meanwhile.' Keva: "do you happen to know anything about anyone missing?" Doreni: the quill goes on 'Farmers, as far as i could tell. As if i'd go trekking around in the muck.'
Finn: "may i bother you with one last question then? does the name 'theyord' or 'the red letterheads' mean anything to you per chance? completely unrelated to our investigation here" Doreni: she squints at you and folds her arms as the quill writes 'Relevance?' Cimmorro: cimm is just shaking his head at the back rn Finn: "they also are- were blood magic users... i was just wondering if that rang a bell, how far their reach may have been. we're just trying to learn all we can, really" Doreni: she taps her foot impatiently as the quill writes '-and i'm sure you walked in for a cure your teeth as well' she rolls her eyes and gestures with her hands 'head out now please, i've had enough of this interruption for the night' Plum: "can we go now" @ the others, "this is very obviously like" they clasp their hands and bat their eyelashes "a fucking waste of time" Psalm: 🥹 "RIght, we'll be on our way then. Sorry to bother you." Finn: "good evening" finn mumbles and turns on his heel, ready to waltz out Han: han snorts so hard over plum that she hurts her throat
> 🎵   The Forgotten Village  / Folklore OST
The group excuse themselves from the woman’s home, as they waddle out of the building both doors close shut behind them, the outside one as well (after Han un-wedges it) The latches lock again as the outside door shifts back to its dark green colour.
Cimmorro: once we head out im gonna pester vinny quietly "is that the same witch you met? do you think she's really capable of those kidnappings? like i know it's been a while since you've seen her but still," Vinny: he fixes his hat as you all step outside, messing his hair a little "ah...yep, though she definitely looks older. the er-scars are new as well" he huffs as he ponders her new lease on life "she seemed...devoted but, if you're committed to... experimenting on yourself so contently and outwardly i don't see why she'd need to be kidnapping others" he tilts his head "and well. even before falling off the radar she wasn't the friendly type" he snaps his finger "like the kyzer said, upper crust and all that, her and jeane would make good friends" he amuses himself with the last remark Keva: “what do you think the other desks were for if she works alone?” Cimmorro: "right i did find that a bit off about her and kyzer, the whole self experimentation thing... hmmm" he snorts at the last bit. "how did you meet her anyway? was she at all related to berryl? or was she just infamous among the arcane circle" Vinny: he turns towards keva "she was always fond of her space, and strict organization, as she liked to say. a different desk for a different need... that aspect spoke as pretty usual for her, though i imagine having no assistants makes cleanup more of a pain, swapping desks probably makes that easier" he smiles a little at cimmorro "ahh.. no she wasn't an accord wizard, but she had carried a great deal of authority with her despite that. when i worked under Carlyn i saw her come by a few times, i think they were acquaintances of a sort... she intimidated me quite a bit." he looks sidelong off as if remembering, playing with his hands Plum: "probably because she's so fuckin' rude" plum remarks Vinny: he gives you a withering smile "yes... that part hasn't seem to have changed. alot for me to be worrying about at the time" Cimmorro: "oohhh. that really was quite a long time ago then" Vinny: he nods "honestly i thought she'd annoyed the wrong wizard at some point and gotten herself banished to a pocket dimension. i suppose it wasn't too far off the mark" Cimmorro: "yeah more like she's the one who got annoyed of it all and pocketed herself away" cimm thinks more "well we do know she's trying to make blood magic official...? i don't suppose kidnapping people would help her case with that at all so... not completely absolving her but it does make me wonder" Vinny: "yes... i can see the reasoning there but ah.. i have a hard time believing her proposals will be accepted for a while yet. as she said herself, blood and black magic are often equated in common parlance. there's no changing that image any time soon, maybe if she grew desperate..?" he tilts his head "though its only a theory" Cimmorro: "nah, i agree with you. at the end of the day it's a really questionable practice." he scrunches his face at the thought of the grand scheme of it all
Rokka: rokka speeds up to walk side by side with finn and whispers to him "psst! finn are you feeling ok? I didn't know u had a blood problem! oh man!" Psalm: Psalm just sighs when he hears that tbh Finn: finn looks like the op of the panic attack 4chan post again "i- uh- i was under the impression that was quite obvious" Rokka: rokka looking back at him equally bewildered "you were really looking it back there i got worried it was real! so u ARE ok" Finn: finns not sure how to respond for a moment and stares at rokka for a good long moment "rokka, are you serious?" Rokka: "yes? am i.....not supposed to be serious....?" he tilts his head at finn genuinely confused Finn: "ah..." :y finn laughs weakly and gives rokka the best smile he can muster under the circumstances "the blood disease was completely made up, i suppose that speaks volumes for psalms ability to lie ^_^ " Psalm: :y Rokka: rokka makes shocked face "WHAAHAHATTTT oh man you guys really pranked me good even if I wasn't the target! HAHAHA I'm glad you're ok finn!" he pats finn on the back harder than he intended from his laughing fit "PHEW!" he turns to psalm "GOOD ONE ROOMIE  " Psalm: "Thanks ^_^ " Finn: finn doesnt mind the hard pat, hes glad rokka can laugh at least.. "yeah, no worries, im perfectly fine" he smiles a bit more genuinely now.......this mans joy is contagious!
Psalm: Psalm just turns to Finn like "I didn't think she was gonna inspect you like that though, sorry I put you in that situation." Finn: "oh.." finn hestiates to meets psalms gaze for a moment and shakes his head "its fine. you did a lot for me today. even if you didnt, theres no way i could blame that on you anyway" Psalm: "Hmm well shame we didn't learn anything though." Han: "so our current working lead isssss mystery murdered farmer" Finn: "hem hem" to all the vengaboys "would you all like to seek out this ronaldo character now? i believe that would be the most logical course of action" Cimmorro: "we have no where else to head to but there i believe" Keva: "it's all we've got now, seems like. we could ask around about them but kyzer mentioned they were pretty isolated people" Han: "seems like our only lead" shrugs
The group resolve themselves to check good old Ronaldo's place out next, beginning your trek you think on the threads as they coalesce in your minds... and we end session here for now...
-👨‍👩‍👦‍👦👨‍👨‍👧‍👦 The Party recieved「 Memory Loss! 」
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