#dont reply but plz reply
solarpunkani · 9 months
sometimes spite is a powerful motivator and today its motivating me to crochet
long story short I saw a cool bag on pinterest while I was looking for crochet patterns but there was no fucking pattern but one of my friends found a pattern for a similar but not quite bag so I watched an hour long video, transcribed it into text, and am now gonna make a wholeass backpack just because Sunflower Vibe
Wish me luck I guess
Also this is the bag
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demadogs · 10 months
please give me show recommendations i really need a new show to be absolutely obsessed over not just “oh that was pretty good” i want to absolutely lose my mind
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blackrainier · 21 days
my gma died two days ago and everything is chaotic again. the grieving process starts anew before the last one is even finished.
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galacticlamps · 2 months
I'm going to uno reverse card you and say: for the fic guessing game, 'light'?
lol that's fair
apparently I talk about light a lot (go figure) so have this one that happens to be in the middle of its story's 'Oh' moment:
But perhaps, somewhere along the line, Jamie had slipped, and now . . . well now, standing on the balcony of a palace on another planet, with the Doctor dipping his head nearer just to hide his eyes from the light - nearer, and not farther, which would've been just as easy - no, now he had to admit something was different. When it had changed or whether it hadn't at all and he'd simply been too fool to realize it before he couldn't say, and it didn't matter anyway - he knew it now, and that scared him.
And just for kicks, under the cut I'm gonna put a longer excerpt from a totally different fic that came up while I was ctrl+f-ing 'light' in my wips - mainly because it happens to be part of a scene from a longish 'the Doctor & Jamie reunite with Zoe in 6b' story which is nowhere near completion, but feels relevant given the boxset Big Finish released last week (not that I've gotten a chance to listen to it yet, but still).
Zoe sat across from Jamie, her elbows on the table, her chin resting atop her hands - but she wasn't relaxed. She stared at him intently, and actually narrowed her eyes as he watched.
"What?" he asked, already defensive, and following through on an old self-conscious instinct, wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. With no mirror in sight, he looked to the Doctor to check if he'd somehow gotten something on his face already, but he looked just as baffled. Zoe hadn't broken her concentration yet.
"I'm trying to figure out if I'm older than you," she announced, still deep in thought.
"Ah--" the Doctor began, grinning wickedly, but whether he was going to answer her or merely tease they never found out, because Jamie shot an arm out lightning quick, as if to hold him back.
"No' so fast, you. Let the girl work it out."
He finished chewing and settled himself squarely in front of her for inspection. She continued to stare. "Y'know, I'm surprised you're having such trouble telling," he taunted. "After all, how old are you now?"
She opened her mouth at first to protest that she was under no obligation to announce her own age while he continued to keep his secret, but she still thought she might figure it out - and if she couldn't, she at least had the Doctor to rely on to make Jamie tell the truth.
So she shrugged. "I'm 41. But everyone here thinks I'm 39. I was born 39 years ago, of course, but counting chronologically from the time I left the Wheel with you in the Tardis, I aged two years before the Time Lords returned me to my own time. That was twenty-one years ago, now," she added, unable to judge if the faint waver of wistfulness in her voice was truly audible, or if it was just her own imagination. Thankfully, neither of them pressed her on it.
"Well, y'see, Zoe," Jamie began slowly, still chewing his last mouthful after she finished her explanation and sat waiting calmly for his reply. The Doctor leaned forward too, seemingly intrigued, though it must only have been to see what answer Jamie would try. "I was born in 1724," he paused and washed down his food with a swig from his glass, and for a moment Zoe had the grace to assume he was just working through his calculations, as she had done. "So I'm pretty sure I'm older than you," he finished, setting the glass back down on the table triumphantly.
All at once she felt a young girl again, a devilish light in her eyes. She wanted to jump across the table and tackle him - but that wasn't what Madam Presidents did. "Why, you--"
"They don't traditionally swear at their guests either, Ms. Heriot."
She turned on the Doctor, shocked. "You read my mind," she began, more impressed than accusatory, but he did at least have the decency to look sheepish.
He coughed politely. "Only to, ah, verify your math. And I'm sure you could feel my presence there, if you think about it."
"I could but I didn't know that's what it was. You've gotten so much better at it."
"Had to," he said simply, and shrugged, his eyes downcast.
Well, there was more to that, clearly, she thought, filing his deliberately nonchalant expression away for closer inspection later - but for now she was not about to be deterred. She snapped her eyes and her attention both back to Jamie.
"Still, we both know the Doctor obviously continues to value honesty and accuracy, so surely he'll tell me how old you are, even if you won't."
"Not if I ask him not to - right, Doctor?"
"Well . . . " he began, noncommittally drawing the word out so long that Zoe actually had time to wonder what his plan was for once he ran out of vowel. Jamie looked so genuinely horrified it was downright comical, and she had to force herself not to laugh at the absurdity of it all.
"We're married, Doctor," he reminded him, indignant.
"Oh, but it's Zoe," he complained, sounding every bit the petulant child she remembered he could be, all those years ago. "And as far as I can remember, none of the ceremonies we ever partook in had anything in the vows about obeying. Although I might be wrong . . ." he added under his breath, scratching his head.
"Charming," Jamie grumbled.
"Well, when we've had as many weddings as we have it can be quite a lot to keep straight in your head. You know, I sometimes wonder if we might qualify for some kind of an all-time record. If we hadn't the need to be covert about so many of them, of course."
"Stop that!" she snapped, and the Doctor turned back to her, the picture of confused innocence.
"Stop what?"
"You're trying to help him without helping him, just by distracting me. Naturally, I want to hear everything about all these weddings of yours, and I will see to it that you'll be having another one while you're here, like it or not--"
"Yes ma'am," Jamie quipped, mock-serious.
"--But first, I am going to find out how old you are, James Robert McCrimmon, and if you force me to use your husband to do it, then that decision is on you."
Jamie mopped his face with his napkin and came out of it smiling. He stretched and dropped an arm around the Doctor's shoulders, perfectly relaxed. Already, Zoe felt her heart sink, but she was careful to keep her composure.
"I'm only pullin' your leg. I'm 44."
"What, really? And you expect me to just believe that?" She raised an eyebrow in challenge but then glanced at the Doctor to confirm, and when he nodded she allowed her facade to crumble, rolling her eyes. Of course she had known when she'd first laid eyes on them that they'd be cutting it close, but Jamie still had quite a bit of that boyishness about him that had made it frustrating enough being his junior the first time around, and she really thought she might genuinely have enjoyed being just a hair older than him, for a change. After all, if you had to be ripped apart from your family and sent to separate timezones to live out your lives forever wishing for an improbable reunion, it might as well be good for something. But Jamie was far too smug looking now to be pretending, and Zoe knew it. "Oh, some people have all the luck," she groaned, dropping her arms and collapsing back dejectedly against her seat.
"Aye," Jamie said, leaning in over the table to follow her, "and some people live 22 years on Earth before they meet a time traveler, then spend 5 years with him before his people erase their memory and send them home to live another 5 before he's allowed to come pick them up again, and then force the pair of 'em to've spent 12 years so far working for them. Some people, eh?" he finished hotly, swiping his glass off the table again and raising it to his mouth in one fluid motion to take a long drink. But even so, his face was not so totally obscured from view that Zoe couldn't make out the amused curl at the corner of his lips, and when she caught his gaze again the glimmer in his eye was all fondness, just as it was with Doctor's and, she knew, her own.
Yes, no matter the circumstances, it was certainly good to see them again.
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leosabi · 7 months
okay what in the hell. if you use the current transmisogyny issue to try and claim trans men aren’t oppressed or are somehow the cause of the current problem i am going to assume you’re a 4chan infiltrator btw.
big rant below the cut. transphobia tw, i also mention a recent murder case. if you’re a mutual who’s reblogging posts about the current issue maybe read this?
i am aware this is very unlike my normal posts but it’s stressing me the fuck out bc of how many mutuals are reblogging stuff about it and bc of concerning language used in some of the posts.
i have not seen anyone i follow say directly that trans men aren’t oppressed, but ive seen a few posts that indirectly insinuate it reblogged onto my dash. and i have been assuming the people who reblogged it just didn’t read the post thoroughly, but i saw someone genuinely say trans men aren’t oppressed in the notes of one of these posts (it was not someone i follow) and that’s fucking insane. an afab trans person (not a trans man, but someone who would face similar oppression) was brutally murdered in oklahoma just recently and jkr’s manifesto directly talks about trans men and afab nonbinary people in a disgusting, infantilizing fashion.
anybody who supports posts like that is getting blocked, mutual or not. including ones that claim transandrophobia isn’t real (it’s misogyny. transandrophobia is trans-specific misogyny that is called that because why tf would transmascs misgender themselves in a term they made. nobody is claiming misandry is real i have literally never seen that and that’s why the term was changed to transandrophobia instead of transmisandry. in addition, a lot of trans men don’t pass and therefore get to experience all the wonderful privileges (/s) of being viewed as gender nonconforming women. even ones who pass can be visibly queer as well. and much of the current anti-trans legislation specifically targets trans men who need top surgery as teenagers, which is a rare case but some do need it, and exceptions for breast-related surgeries on cis female teenagers is specifically written into much of this legislation).
people bringing trans men up in this context is suspicious as fuck because as far as i’m aware, there aren’t any trans men directly involved in this situation at all. it’s cis terfs, the cis ceo of tumblr, and trans women, particularly one, with the fbi car hammers thing, but there’s many more involved. bringing up trans men for any reason just distracts from the actual point of everything, doesn’t it? why is attention towards an unrelated issue being brought forth
i have no idea
how supporting trans women
involves putting down trans men.
from a trans man who hardly ever passes because i dared to grow my hair out. like just shut up about trans men for this whole situation. we do not belong in the conversation in this way. our oppression is uninvolved. whether you’re bringing it up to defend us or bash us or whatever the fuck, just don’t. this is an issue about trans women.
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dangerliesbeforeyou · 9 months
to the tune of 'this meeting could've been an email'
'this comment on a tumblr post could've been a tag'
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jerrsterrr · 1 year
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half of them are copypastas the other half being rlly old
im too scared to answe r
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lilyvines · 2 years
like this post if you wanna be tagged in edits i make :D
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Thank you for all the Charles Edwards Under the Vines gifs!! I'm still waiting for the episodes to be available where I live 😭
My pleasure, bestie 🥺 It's such a Comfort show. Nothing groundbreaking, but Charlie looks probably the best he's ever been, and he's delightfully silly and charming.
Must be the New Zealand weather helping with that ☺️
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thedevilsrain · 2 years
i wish i knew more Igbt people in real life :(
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jamesbranwen · 2 years
the fact that in my art history class, like 20% of my grade is my actual work/assignments and 80% of my grade is canvas discussion boards (shudders) feels anti-autism
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sweet-milky-tea705 · 2 years
Can someone hurry up and date me please for the love of goddddd
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frenchfrywrites · 2 years
I just made a new sideblog to reblog nsfw and I wanna go through and reblog some of your work and asks I’ve sent that you answered but would you be annoyed if I did it all at once lol
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nowandforalways · 2 years
Question for the floor (aka anybody that follows me at all for any reason): If I wanted to start putting more costuming/sewing stuff online, both to track my progress (I am SLOW when I don't have a con or Halloween deadline) and because I'm proud of it, should I just start throwing it up on my main, or should I make a sideblog just for costuming/sewing/making stuff?
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frogphase · 2 years
I just had the biggest job interview ive ever had in my life this morning and I literally cant stop thinking about it
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neotibicen-linnei · 23 days
being super into a rarepair (100 total works on AO3 & 4 of them are mine) and also super particular about the characterization of said pair is. an Experience
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