blackrainier · 13 hours
telling my sister how i’m so scared about my coochie exam tomorrow and her fackin advice is “dissociate” 😭? what “just start dissociating” 😭ok…
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blackrainier · 4 days
im not gonna give her pink hair again even tho we CAN in this game. Itll be either of these colors ...
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Maybe even mix the two and get this
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we will see....
Sabine.....city half elf......lords of fortune....yesss...its all comin together
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blackrainier · 4 days
Sabine.....city half elf......lords of fortune....yesss...its all comin together
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blackrainier · 5 days
i hate those youtube thumbnails
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blackrainier · 5 days
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blackrainier · 6 days
Is the new "Is Snow using Blackwall" ask gonna be is Annie using Karlach, or is Theo using their romance? Saw the post on your main and suffered psychic damage from the memory. Love your ocs and ships!
I HOPE NOT!! THE ORIGINAL ANON WAS BEING AN MISOGYNIST ASSHOLE AND INSULTING MY PRECIOUS ANGEL SNOW... ill get their wifi modem with a hammer...chew the cords up with my bare teeth....biding my time...they wont see me coming...
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blackrainier · 7 days
writing hurts im gonna draw instead
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blackrainier · 7 days
i ended up writing. a lot. erm. lemme clean this up and post it later HAHAHA
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blackrainier · 7 days
is this a safe space
i want my Rook to have a fucked up backstory 🧍‍♀️
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blackrainier · 7 days
i want my Rook to have a fucked up backstory 🧍‍♀️
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blackrainier · 7 days
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Hello… coworker
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blackrainier · 9 days
. so > struggling with jarvia battle (on hard mode) > finally after redoing the battle multiple times I kill jarvia with my last remaining companion (sten) whos on like 1 health > 'finally fuckin god-' I grumble to myself sending sten to get the team off the ground > sten fucking explodes
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im quitting dao
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blackrainier · 9 days
im quitting dao
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blackrainier · 10 days
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we have lost the walls
origins crashes sometimes and thats fine but the textures are getting worse the further I go into the story :((( if it ends up being unplayable at some point before I even finish the game im literally gonna cry in bed for a week
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blackrainier · 10 days
My Tabris looking back at Morrigan relentlessly flirting with Sten with real tears in his eyes. Picnic table cloth and stick with sad music playing and all
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blackrainier · 10 days
Im about to pull out my 11 year old PC just to play origins...
origins crashes sometimes and thats fine but the textures are getting worse the further I go into the story :((( if it ends up being unplayable at some point before I even finish the game im literally gonna cry in bed for a week
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blackrainier · 10 days
origins crashes sometimes and thats fine but the textures are getting worse the further I go into the story :((( if it ends up being unplayable at some point before I even finish the game im literally gonna cry in bed for a week
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