#it was a trap that i thought i had already dealt with. anyway thats enough dao for tn
ilovetuds · 5 years
So I'd like to write my opinion towards the so waited last movie of the loved franchise How to Train your Dragon, the post will contain Spoilers so if you didn't watch it yet I recommend not reading this post. I was quite disappointed with the movie but there were also parts I really enjoyed, like I said at the beginning its my opinion and I just want to share the cons and pros of that animated movie (AGAIN IN MY PERSPECTIVE), I just felt like it had more potential than what we got and it left a lot of unsweared things about the plot of the whole dragon universe created by them and felt a little lazy.
1- This one made me feel uncomfortable, the whole snoutloud and valka ( Hiccup's mother) kinda romance, he was clearly into her and fighting to get her attention. Common if that's not at least a little bit disturbing? It's like one of your friends start to hit on your mom, its just weird. In the end of the movie we are not sure if they will have something or not, she praises him and he gets all lovey dovey. (FOR THOR NO, PLEASE NO) 2- OKAY THIS ONE IS THE THING THAT I WAS PASEKAEOSAKOEA (really annoyed), for me the last villain, the so called 'Night Fury' killer, the one who everyone was afraid of and said he was some master of the hunt, he was pretty shallow and dumb. His character was not really detailed and his reason to kill all Night Furys was even worse. He tells Hiccup when he killed his first Night Fury his whole tribe cheered because of that, so he just decided he wanted to kill all of them, I mean that's a good reason for a villain, pride or whatever you want to call it but not for the "ultimate villain", it's just really weak and lazy plot. Maybe I should put topics here about him, I watched the whole series and read the books so I might get a little into them now:
a. He doesn't look scary at all! I mean common when we had villains like Drago who had a really cool concept, a tough looking guy who called himself Dragon God or Dargo Bloody Fist, and the guy is 50 old! The guy enslaved dragons, controlled na Alpha dragon and he even rode Toothless. He was a hell of a villain he was really a madman. Now let's talk about Krogan, if you watched the netflix series you know him. The man is fucking awesome and you can actually fear him, he has a hell of a dragon as a 'partner', has a cool scar and a tough face, he's brave and fiercefoul, you don't want to mess with that dude. He ran to every fight with his dragon or without, let's not forget he captured a titan dragon! And his plans were smart too, it was a character that had knowledge and was a really amazing. We shall not forget about Viggo Grimborn, for me one of the best character in the series, you never know if you can trust him or not, he is the Crime Lord his whole appearence on the series was amazing, you saw him grow as a character and he had a lot of good plans and traps agaisnt the raiders. And we shall not forget about Johann, the man used the vikings for years and never revealed his true intentions, he was a master mind really good villain and a big plot twist in the whole universe. I could mention some other small villains here and there but my point is, all of them were really smart and were challanging for the gang to beat, with the so called "Night Fury Killer" was really dumb and he felt not so special, he had no good plan or a good reason for you to like, hate or fear him, he was just there because they needed to show the guy almost wiped all the little toothless off the earth. His character was really dissapointing to me.
b. We wanted to see new dragons, and especially new 'bad dragons' and we got some cool scorpion like dragons, nothing super creative and new, because we had the Triple Stryke already, (which is na awesome dragon). He had to drug those dragons to obbey him, which doesnt explain how they would listen to just him it made no sense at all. They were strong yea, but they were also dumb. Toothless got rid of 5 or 6 of them so easily it felt stupid. Like no challange whatsoever. 
c. His poison darts were na idea we seen in the whole franchise a lot, so nothing new, I know it is a movie for kids but his darts could be deadly, like when he shot the dragon who charged after him, it would add a lot more to his character as evil and na asshole if he killed the dragon instead of putting it to sleep, just looked really overused to me. d. Overrall it was a really wasted character, the movie felt way too rushed and we didn't have time to see and develop anything for him. It was just a waste of animation and plot. 3- The light fury, I know a lot of people must be loving her concept, desing and etc etc, after all she is Toothless's mate, but her character at least for me wasn't much likeable. It seemed like she was just put there to end the story and to show the whole thing about growing up, because you will start to get distant of a lot of your friends and things change, because it is real life, that's true and we get it, but she as a character, she has no story, no explanation and we don't even get to know more about her. Again it felt really rushed. Don't get me wrong, I know it would be a lot of things to cover in a movie, but the whole franchise was always about giving and learning about dragons and how they react and their characteristics, so when we get nothing explained or the whole let's study this dragon or Fishleg's thirst for knowledge ( I do know he tried to draw her but he gave up too easily and didn't really seemed that interested) is dissapointing... It was finally someone Toothless could relate to and not be the end of his species, the way they should've dealt with it should've been different. There was more promo than plot. FISHLEGS DIDN’T EVEN CARE TO NAME HER, THATS HOW SPECIAL SHE WAS.
4- Hiccup's friends, his friends weren't really that important and funny, I get this whole movie is supposed to be more grown up, but we grew up with them, it felt like they were more like background characters than secondary. I think there were less dialogs and interactions between all of them, kinda sad.
5- Again the movie felt really rushed I don't think they covered things that were important for the end of the plot and focused on shallow and stupid things.
6- The hidden world, I wanted to learn and to see more of the hidden world, how it worked, the new species there, something, anything. Instead we just got a grumpy toothless going back to the new Berk with Hiccup and a stupid chase. I found something really strange too, with that many dragons, there should've been an Alpha, another dragon other than Toothless, but it's too convenient that we learn that Toothless is also Alpha in the Hidden World, and not just that suddenly all the dragons see him as a superior. AGAIN RUSHED and lazy, IT WAS THE FUCKING HIDDEN WORLD OF THE LEGENDS....
7- If you watched the trailer you watched the movie. I dont know whats going on with some trailers nowadays, but they are showing too much and basically you can tell everything that it's going to happen. I think it's really dumb and disrespectful to the watchers. 
8- I know maybe you guys don't care but I really wanted to buy a new Toothless toy to put as a display on my computer, but the toys that were created for this movie, were really terrible looking and bad quality. And the new toothless (The huge one) is just the same as the other one from 2014, disapointing. 
9- They said all the dragons disappeared and bla bla, but we seen that there were dragons in the sea, in some islands really far far away and hidden caves all around the world. Maybe the dragons near Berk were gone, near the vikings but not all the dragons in the world. 
10- Where in the hell is Heather? Just that lol Where is Heather. Her dragon is sound and safe and didn't go to the hidden world. Neither did her brother's. Again a big flaw in the plot.
PROS 1- Okay I really liked the cinematography of this movie, you can tell how much they invested in it and how much they evolved, the animations, landscapes the dragons, the reflection on Toothless eyes were breathtaking. Amazing.
2- Toothless and Hiccup friendship, it is beautiful till the end, we love their friendship and how they interact with each other, theres no complain. Maybe we hate to see them getting apart because we realize that its what we are going to experience in some point of our lives, I thought I'd always see my friends from school and my friends that I had for more than 19 years, but time and life get in the way, friends will still be friends but you will likely see them less, which somehow make us sad. 
3- Astrid and Hiccup marriage, it was touching and cute, I did feel like it was more for fan service but it's alright, it was cute and they deserved each other. 4- Astrid Growth, she had na amazing develop as a character and being always there to help Hiccup was really a big plus for her. 
6- Hiccup realizing he had potential and with or without Toothless he would be a great leader, that is a really special moment in the movie and it's touching too, learning to believe in yourself and being independent.
7- Hiccup mother's appeared a lot during the movie, she had no super special scene but it was nice to see her and her adorable dragon. 
8- The new 'elk dragon' I'm sorry I don't know his name in english yet and I just wanted to write this fast cuz I mainly don't really have anyone who's a fan to talk about and I'm excited! Anyways, he is just so cuteee! 
9- The riders armors, it was a really cool idea and cool looking I approve that.
10- Toothless Babies, I really thought they would look cuter lol but I guess that's alright and we can't complain we got to see a nightlight fury babies for the first time so cuteee! Okaaaay if you guys want to add more points to my list or disccus about some feeel free! I want to talk about the moviee lol
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supernaturaloneshot · 5 years
Flash/Arrow/Supernatural Crossover
**I thought this would be a great idea, so I thought I would write it. This will include spoilers from season 13 of supernatural, sooo if you are not caught up, or don't want it spoiled, you may want to wait and read this. -Jamie **
It had been weeks since Mary Winchester had been missing along with Jack in the other dimension. Sam and Dean had been trying everything they could to figure out how to get to them. From what they could find, it took a spell that they found in the demon tablet. Cas was working on trying to get all the ingredients together and ready to do the spell.
"Dean, what if the spell doesn't work. What are we going to do then," Sam said as he leaned back in his chair and rubbed the scruff on his face.
"It's going to work, Sammy. Have a little faith," Dean said as he rolled his eyes and got up.
Dean went to go towards his room, when everything started shaking. He gripped on the table that was near him, and looked around. "Sam!"
Sam started walking to where Dean was. He gripping on the door frame. "Dean! Is this-"
"An earthquake? We don't get earthquakes! We get fricken' tornados!"
When the shaking finally stopped, Sam and Dean stood up straight and looked at each other, before walking outside of the bunker. When they opened the door, there was a light blue light that seemed to be surrounded by water.
Dean looked at Sam and shrugged his shoulders. "Lets check it out." Dean said as he jumped into it.
"Dean!" Sam said as he hesitated to follow his brother, but did so anyways. When Sam's feet landed on the ground, he looked over to Dean, "Dean! You can't just jump into strange things like that!"
Dean stood there looking around, not familiar to where he was. "What is this? Is this like another dimension?"
"I think it is," Sam said as he turned around and the portal had closed. Behind it was a sign to Starling City.
The night sky was lit up with the lights of the city. Dean went over to one of the cars that was parked on the side of the street. He wasn't so happy Baby wasn't here, but he had to do something. Dean unlocked the car, and got inside and started hot wiring the car. Sam came around the other side and got in the passenger seat. They headed into the city, looking for anything they could see. Suddenly there was a red blur that went by the car, causing it to shake.
"What the hell?" Dean questioned as he tried to follow the light, but it had disappeared.
"Dean, I don't know what is going on here, but something doesn't feel right about all of this."
"Look, we will find a hotel to stay in tonight, then tomorrow we will do some digging." Dean said as he glanced at Sam, then back on the road.
When they found a hotel, Dean parked at the end of the lot, and went to get a room. When they got to the room, they both just sat at the ends of the bed, and looked at each other.
"So, what, we just stay here?"
"Just for the night, Sammy. Or until we figure out what the hell is going on." Dean said as he leaned back against the headboard.
Suddenly, the door busted open, and a woman walked in, with long brown hair, in a black suit. Sam and Dean stood up suddenly, with guns in hand. The woman moved her hand in a swift motion, and suddenly their guns were across the room.
"What the hell?" Dean said.
"Traveler's from a different universe. How cute," she said as she slung Sam and Dean to the side of the room. When they hit the floor, the both of them groaned.
"Look lady, I don't know what your problem is, but we just want to go home," Dean said as he stood back up.
"To bad you won't be alive long enough to go back," she said as she raised her hand up and clutched her fist, making Sam and Dean's heart, feel as if they were being crushed.
Suddenly, an arrow came through, and struck the woman in the shoulder. Her hold on Sam and Dean was released, and she took off running. They fell back down on the floor, taking a breath.
A man in a dark green leather suit, came walking into the hotel room, with a bow in hand. "All y'all alright," he yelled out with a husky voice and extended his hand out.
Sam took his hand and stood, as Dean stood on his own. "Yeah, yeah we are fine. What the hell was that?"
"That sure as hell won't like any demon we've ever faced," Dean said as he looked at Sam.
"Demon? Where the hell are you from? That was a meta," the guy in the hood said.
"What is a meta," Sam questioned.
"You're obviously not from here. Come with me, and we will figure this out."
When they got to the bunker, the elevator doors opened up into a large room, with green lighting, and a center stage area, where Felicity sat at her desk of computers.
"Okay great, you're back. Now, there is a-" Felicity paused as she stood in front of Oliver, and the two new comers. "Uh, Hi." Felicity looked at Oliver, "Are we just bringing home new people now?"
"Felicity, this is Sam and Dean Winchester. They are not from our earth," Oliver said as he went over to the stand that his bow sat on, and placed it down.
"Hi, I'm Dean. Felicity, thats a beautiful name," Dean said as he took Felicity's hand
Oliver cleared his throat and leaned on the table. "Yes, it is. Thats why I married her."
Sam chuckled as Dean raised his arms up. "Sorry about him, he, uh, he is immature sometimes."
"Anyways, I should call Barry. This is more of his thing anyways," Oliver said as he started pulling out his phone.
There was a sudden red blur once again, and a man appeared in the middle of the room, "No need, I was already in town." Sam and Dean, in shock, pulled their guns out and aimed at the guy that flashed by them. "Whoa, I'm a good guy," Barry said as he raised his hands up and took his mask off.
"How, how did you.." Sam stuttered.
"I'm a speedster. Was hit by lightening, got super fast speed, fastest man alive. You two never heard of me," Barry said as he crossed his arms.
"Barry, don't get offended. They aren't from this Earth."
"Hold on Robin Hood, what do you mean this Earth," Dean questioned.
"Okay so let me guess. That big blue swirling thing of water, was a portal to another earth," Sam said as Barry and Oliver nodded. Sam looked over at Dean. "Maybe one of those portals can get us to mom."
"Where's your mom," Felicity asked as she looked at both the brothers.
"Well, we were fighting Lucifer, and there was a portal to an apocalyptic world. Our plan was to trap Lucifer in this other place. But when we did so, he grabbed our mom and dragged her over there," Sam explained.
"Now we are just trying to find her."
"Lucifer?" Felicity chuckled, then realized they weren't laughing. "Wait, seriously? The king of hell?"
"Well, no. Technically a demon named Crowley was the king of hell."
"Now it's some other douche bag. Lucifer is just like a lost puppy. A lost, stupid, evil, asshole-ish puppy," Dean continued.
"Okay," Barry paused as he crossed his arms. "So you're trying to get to that earth where your mom and Luci the evil puppy are?"
"Exactly. Along with Jack, who is a nephilim," Sam said.
"A what?" Oliver, Barry, and Felicity all said in unison.
"Oh right, y'all don't know what anything about that. A nephilim is a human slash angel. Which happens to be Lucifer," Sam explained.
"Oh, Lucifer has a son. That's fantastic," Oliver said sarcastically.
"Well, he is actually a good guy," Dean said with a shrug. "Now, enough about that. What's up with the chick trying to kill us?"
"Some worlds have strict rules about crossing dimensions. She is a collector. She is going to want you dead now," Barry explained. "But we dealt with her before. We can talk to her, and convince her not to kill you."
"That's fantastic," Dean said frustrated.
"We need to get to Star Labs, and talk with the team."
Sam and Dean nodded, right before Barry grabbed on to them and started running towards Central City.
When they got to Star Labs, Barry stopped in the middle of the main room, and Sam and Dean stumbled to find their footing. Dean ran over to the nearest trash can and started throwing up.
"Next time, we can just drive," Dean yelled out before throwing up again.
Barry chuckled and looked at Caitlin and Cisco, who were sitting at the desk. "Sam, Dean, this is Caitlin, and Cisco. This is part of my team."
"Nice to meet you," Sam said as he shook their hands.
"Uh, Hi. Barry, didn't we just have a talk about letting strangers know your secret," Cisco asked as he raised his arms a bit.
"Cisco, they are not from our world. Somehow they came into our world and now Cynthia is after them."
"Oh yay. You're girlfriend is back," Caitlin said sarcastically as she sat back down.
"Okay, she is not my girlfriend. I wish, but not my girlfriend," Cisco said as he rolled his eyes.
"You can't blame him. She was hot," Dean said with a laugh and Sam hit him. "Dude!"
"Dude she tried to kill us! All because we came here!"
"Still hot," Dean shrugged.
Barry chucked and crossed his arms. "Well we gotta figure out how to get you guys back to your world before Cynthia comes back."
"Yeah she may be hot, but damn she is strong."
"Now, y'all said she is a meta? What is that," Sam questioned.
"Well, a couple years ago there was an explosion here that effected a lot of people in it's that," Cisco started.
"Like myself. That's why I have super fast speed. Because of the explosion and the lightening, i became fast as, you know, lightening," Barry smirked. "so where you come from, there's no metas, but there are demons? and Lucifer?"
"Yeah. It's literally hell," Dean sighed.
"We actually hunt any and every monster than goes bump in the night. Demons, shapeshifters, vampires, werewolves, angels, you name it."
"Thats cool," Cisco said excitingly.
"No. Thats not possible. All those things are just fairy tails," Caitlin said doubly.
"Yeah well, its real princess," Dean said.
Suddenly the ground started shaking again.
"What the hell is this," Barry yelled out.
"Are we having an earthquake," Cisco questioned, gripping on to the table.
"This is exactly what happened when the portal came to take us here. Maybe it's the one to take us back," Sam said as he started looking around.
Suddenly the portal began to appear on the security footage on Cisco's computer. "Well, it was nice meeting y'all but looks like that's our ride!" Dean said as he grabbed Sam and started running outside, with Barry, Cisco, and Caitlin behind them.
"Maybe we will meet again one day," Barry said when he caught up to Sam and Dean.
"Maybe," Sam said with a short smile as Dean and himself jumped into the portal. The portal closed shortly after.
"Monsters? Yeah right," Caitlin huffed and walked back inside with Cisco and Barry behind her.
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