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txttletale · 3 days ago
hello...what is this "eidolon playtest". i thought it was perhaps some kind of MTG since you like that and "playtest" but then i keep seeing like.....random character art. is this a tabletop thing. is it mtg and i just dont understand mtg. i know i can probably google this but jt seems like something you wnjoy and id like to hear you talk about it :^)
eidolon playtest is an actual play series in which the creators of the ttrpg 'eidolon: become your best self' and their friends -- as the name implies -- playtest aforementioned TTRPG. it has a pretty interesting format in which the same GM runs two separate campaigns for two different parties which slowly become more and more intertwined until they start crossing over directly. so far they have two pairs of campaigns finished, eidolon POP and ROCK (seasons 1 & 2) and eidolon SKA and DISCO (seasons 3 & 4), and season 5 (eidolon VGM and EDM) currently ongoing. they also have a couple of short mini-campaigns of 3-4 sessions each, which i'm not going to list all of because there's a lot.
eidolon playtest is really good for so many reasons i can't possibly provide a comprehensive account but here's some:
the tables are really, really good at taking something and running with it. the number of goofy, seemingly one-off jokes that get called back to and built up and end up becoming extremely serious and plot-critical has to be in the double digits by now
there is very much a lack of... for want of a better word 'preciousness' to the play -- like, one of the things i really don't like about dimension 20 is that because there is an entire production staff making all these little minis and sets, right, there is an investment and a need to put the money in front of the camera, it's basically impossible for e.g. combat encounters to be skipped or for anything to go too 'off the rails'. meanwhile in eidolon everyone will get excited when someone pulls a fucking insane plan out of nowhere that radically reshapes an encoutner, or when someone rolls/draws badly and something awful happens -- i fucking love that kind of play, where everyone is excited to see cool shit happen whether it's bad or good, and the eidolon playtest team do it really well
the characters are really good and bounce off each other really well. something i commented recently is that i love diska for the fact thaqt nonoe of the players are afraid to have their character just be a huge cunt sometimes. every campaign has some amount of interpersonal drama and it always seems like the players are really excited to have it, too. there are conflicts, some get resolved, some don't, some spiral into irreconcilable differences, some pave the way for extremely close bonds.
eidolon, the system (especially the 2e version that's used for diska onwards) is a great system which encourages fun and cool things to happen. every character has a jojo-style extremely specific power, which means that fights aren't boring slogs of people rolling dice (i hate combat in actual plays that use wargames, lol, even games with well-balanced combat systems that are fun to play often make horrible audio) but instead wacky and consistently dramatic encounters where the players make clever and creative use of their powers to take on a freak-of-the-week
the cast is just really damn good! i mentioned how the characters on all the shows have ineresting and complex dynamics, but even apart from that there's just so many characters on this show that i'm genuinely attached too, so many memorable and interesting pcs and npcs.
the show is funny as fuck!! constant laugh out loud bits throughout every campaign, often alongside the extremely heartfelt or dramatic ones. i've been refernecing a bit from eidolon disco so much recently it's been driving oen of my gfs crazy (you can buy rat poison for free at the store)
i, yknow, go back and forth on whether to mention this when recommending it bc i'm sure that the eidolon playtest folks don't, like, want to be pigeonholed as A Trans Podcast or whatever, but, like, when it feels like every AP podcast that advertises itself or is advertised as 'super queer' is like, two cis gay people and maybe one transmasc if you're lucky at an otherwise super cishet table -- it is such a breath of fresh air to listen to an actual play with a legit preponderance of transfem and nonbinary players playing all kinds of trans and queer characters.
tldr: its like homestuck but good
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mcacomulada · 2 days ago
The Values of Moirallegiance
Okay, so I’ve been pretty stressed lately so I’m just going to ramble about how I view moirallegiance.
The first thing I want to talk about is how: MOIRALLEGIANCE IS ROMANTIC. Too often I see people describing it as the bro quadrant, legitemately, unlike how whichever character calls it to enrage Karkat in the comics. What really ends up bothering me now though is this: it’s so oftenly used as a midway point between just friends and matespritship.
Never mind that it concerns a totally different part of the human (or i guess troll) experience, it’s treated as just the path to a greater thing, it has no value but what it can get you to: “pure human romance”.
This is especially prevalent in davekat fics, wherein they are both so concerned about their own queerness regarding sexual attraction, suddenly have no problem being romantic with each other (again, with moirallegiance being treated as if it was the friendship quadrant).
It’s used as a tool to get them to be physically close with eachother without revealing their true feelings. That’s not really moirallegiance.
The people that don’t write Karkat as panquadromantic/panquadrant and just like to write him as vacillating do this so often, and it feels so much like they’re just projecting human experience onto it (which in the end I understand, I do not guilt any writers for doing this because I do find it interesting anyways most of the time, it’s just in the ideal portrayal of it I see it differently).
I think this also ties into the fact that, moirallegiance is about learning to be a better person. What happens in most fanfiction is that: all the characters are saints unless they’re vriska or whatever other controvertial character you think of.
If the relationship doesn’t require the pacification of a highblood rage, it mostly just turns into a cesspool of vulnerability that never ends in any of the characters progressing (unless they reveal their insecurities, which are then validated and reaffirmed).
Since there is such a fear of writing imperfect, actually imperfect and not Mary Sue insecure characters, who’s only flaws are: omg i dont feel beautiful, omg im so stupid, omg im a horrible person (they’re not), etc. Then the potential for moirallegiance loses so much of its spark.
I’m not saying that writers should stop writing those kinds of stories, again, it’s not anyones responsibility to satisfy my prticular hc about it, and I know how important those kinds of stories can be for other people. But if anyone were to ever write a pale romance novel, to make it really interesting the characters would have to have a myriad of flaws.
I also think it’s interesting to see it tied into kissmessitude more. Pitch romance is also one of the ways that characters build each other up: they are confident in each other’s potential and will push their kissmessis into being better through competition. Moirallegiance is a way to do that, but through confrontation.
While kissmessis take an indirect approach to bettering their partner: goading, attracting them to a goal, making the other jealous, moirallegiance makes one come face to face with the obstacle.
I don’t really know if I had anything else to add, but the summary is this: moirallegiance is undervalued and misrepresented most of the time. It’s treated as a relationship wherein both prtners have to constantly reassure and cheer up the other, and not a relationship where they tackle the mistakes they’ve made, the roots of all their actions, what drives them, really (and what makes them sad or anxious too). It saddens me to see moirallegiance, a direct window into the characters psyche, being used as the midway point to matespritship, when they are actually seperate and distinct end goals of romance.
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technically-human · 2 days ago
its not polar bears per se, but if you dont mind i would like to ramble a little bit about a marine animal for no reason in particular, i just really like talking about him.
i work in an aquarium. we have a Crechur, his name is Groman. Groman is a loggerhead sea turtle, about 4 feet from head to tail and just about as wide. he has a checkup with his vet soon to be weighed, but right now we estimate him to be between 250 and 350lbs! my aquarium aquired him from a different aquarium in our area in 2003 and he's been here ever since, and even though we dont know his hatch date or even year we can estimate him to be late 20s-early 30s! (which is pretty young, considering loggerheads can live to be around 100 years old!!)
i love groman so much, he is very handsome, his favorite hobbies include:
pretending to be a rock
swimming into the corner for literal hours
sneaking up on people when their backs are turned
popping his head out for like three seconds and then going back to the corner
when he does decide to grace us with his presence, we call it "showing off" he is very photogenic and seems to actually pose! when we used to do dive shows he would (gently, lovingly) harass the divers a lot, hes very silly!
thats all i had i just wanted to talk about my boy groman for a bit
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I love Groman already.
If I hadn't found her already I would say this turtle is my soulmate. I mean, we do seem to share a lot of hobbies! I would love to see pictures, but I understand if that's not possible.
Working at an aquarium sounds so fun, honestly!!! I love animals, and I know that interacting with them is always going to lead to some funny places. If you have more stories to share, please do!
I've only been to an aquarium once, when I was about nine. I remember very little, but I did see the fattest shark you can imagine, so that's a fond memory.
Please tell Groman this random Tumblr user says hi next time you see him! I'm a fan
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marzipanilla · 20 hours ago
: D yessss. Enjoy Pushing Daises. how is the House MD watch going btw? that still on xD
Nolan not shivering but having to consciously vibrate is amazing lol. like. I'm just imagining him stepping out of a cold shower, vibrating, and suddenly the bathroom is a steamy sauna 'cause he fucking superheated the water off himself. him vibrating in a body of water until it starts to boil... that being how he heats stuff up around the house while debbie is just like... how is this pot boiling if the stove is off... have I talked about the cooking a turkey by slapping it thing w you or was that someone else I was chatting spec bio w ??? lol
anyway he should be able to cook things by hitting them w his hand, a la that one kind of shrimp that kills and cooks its prey by punching it so hard. fighting viltrumites should be dangerous not just bc they can punch through you. the heat build up from the force should be insane!! again their slaps can cause earthquakes and their punches bbqs. the ground shouldnt just be broken under them, it should be superheated glass!!
why would they need to learn nuclear fusion and build energy facilities when they can just clap hard enough to mimic a fucking atom bomb. they truly could have the strangest most ass backwards society if you really wanted to get into it, bc so many of the 'necessary' side trajectories other species have to work towards in order to create tools would be utterly bypassed by them. like what the hell kind of society develops from a ppl who have spaceflight before they even need to think about making fire??? they dont need to cook bc nothing can poison them!! what does a society not based off the production of food to support itself even look like!!! ahhhhhhhhgfjhfhjdhdjdhrj anyway...
Nolan 10000% does not know how to drive/operate a car. I can fly Debbie. I do not need to use your primitive machines. waste of time, moving on. he dislikes people who try to get him to go on planes. ppl assume he's afraid of flying and Debbie thinks that's the most hilarious shit ever.
I think Nolan would have had the same degree of mental breakdown at the end of S1 if he had just been having regular chess matches in the park w someone for 20 years. that man was so insanely starved for literally any kind of trust and intimacy. he just stumbled into having a fucking family so thats the dynamic he got. like I don't think this man has literally ever experienced someone being happy to see him until he came to Earth.
I also think his early concept of personhood for ppl was v dependent on time spent. like. if i know you, you're real, if I dont youre a very killable npc. I also think his use of violence is neutral/barely violence from his pov. you don't think of flicking an ant off your knee as violence! i've def seen ppl give him a 'fighting/killing/facing a challenge' is an itch he needs to scratch, but I just don't see him that way. its the tool he was most prominently taught to use! its how he mostly interacts w the world! but I don't think he has much of a personal interest in it, per se? He definitely had a bug up his butt about proving himself to Viltrum, and Viltrum told him violence was how he did that, but violence would also be their answer to failure. so as long as he stayed ahead of the violence, he was good, y'know? or its almost like... death and violence are separate things to him. violence can result in death, but death only happens to ppl and most things he meet arent ppl.
like he could try and course correct mark w violence bc that was what viltrum would do- but he couldnt let him die bc he was a person- but death is something they would bring. Nolan's just never seen them do it to a person before. in his head he's killed, but he's never killed people y'know? not in his worldview.
Due to his writer career I do think when he was little, like pre-powers maybe not much after, I think he liked to journal and record shit. his sci-fi was actually memoirs and his travel guides were fucking real world places he went to! i dont think he likes to make shit up, he just likes to record things. if he wasnt from a violent militaristic society he would have been an ambassador, fr. I think this man would vibe w The Little Mermaid and not fucking get why lol Mark wants to watch something else as a kid and Nolan is just like no. we are watching the one w the fish girl who collects human artifacts. Nolan not getting why Part of Your World makes him emotional. and thus Mark's penchant for imprinting on redheads also comes from somewhere...
hybrid Mark's dentist thinking the kid's jaw must have been shattered but no, he doesnt have a jawbone, he just has teeth. how they managed to grow into a proper jawbone shape he has no idea.
poor little mark able to run around at the height of summer and be totally fine but the moment it gets even slightly fucking cold he's turning fucking blue. its why he layers up his outfits ! we've cracked canon : p its why he wears a sweater all the damn time over long sleeves. it doesnt even occur to him to change outfits until one day he realizes since he got his powers he isnt so damn cold all the time.. or him getting the very shitty human viltrumite combo of being constantly sweaty because his body just wants to always be colder. damp Mark. makes it awkward to have friends when you look like a damp paper towel all the time and no one wants to shake your clammy hands. him just trying to douse himself in antiperspirant once he gets older. then his skin is just gross for different reasons.
Poor Peter. finally works up the courage to be like, I can't really tell you why, but I think your husband is Dangerous and I know its not my place but I am Concerned : / and Debbie who saw her husband toss a tank at someone on the news the other week before she flipped the channel to have something nice on while she was cooking just being like, yeah ??? it's fine : ) Peter webbing his own face for earplugs bc he's staying at the same hotel as them. he tries to escape it by going out on patrol while traveling but since he doesnt want ppl to know spidey is apparently world trottiing w peter parker he puts on a different outfit and suddenly the gda is on his ass again but this time its bc they think hes a new hero lol no escape.
omg. villain lair real estate Debbie having her son build elaborate diamond statues for clients. Mark did it for awhile, but he just wasn't sure if it would stay fun for long so he moved on, yknow? Rex just having to be like, did you make the giant supersized diamond drill bit that was almost used to cut me open last week?? and Mark just being like, hmm.. idk. maybe? it just wasnt active enough for him, he wanted a career where he wouldnt have to sit at a work bench.
While I'm not too familiar with the DCU- your batfam meta posts are intiguing- so in transfering some of the broader strokes from them- I think you tackling a 'Mark isn't Nolan's biological son' fic would be fascinating. Sort of a step to the side of the 'what if Mark never got his powers' fic that sometimes pop up in the fandom
OOOOOO chewing on this currently, hm, the much a distinct flavor of exactly what you’re talking about, but the potential for more family drama depending on WHO knows. Does Mark know?? Is he waiting every day only to be crushed? Does he confused non-Debbie features with Nolan’s? I suppose I’m not the most enthusiastic about non-power AUs, but I think there’s something very fun to explore about Mark having to settle with, if he knows all his life, he will never have powers? I think the trajectory of his dreams will obviously shift, I can see him still having that distinct fatherly idolization, but perhaps embraces being useful to the GDA? Cecil’s number one intern—only intern—curtesy of nepotism, ha! There is something tickling me about Mark taking the Robin Route/Role for the Teen Team in terms of having no powers, just insane skills, BUT there’s something way more delicious about intern Mark when s1e01 happens and Mark tries snooping around to find out the truth about what happened to his Dad.
I wonder if, with Mark having a whole another father, if they’re more or less distant relationship, depending on WHEN Nolan entered Mark’s life? Like if Debbie met Nolan later for this, or just for fun, they dated once, separated (Mark being born during then), then they happened to stumble into each others lives again and Mark’s already been born, anywhere from tween to teenager so there’s a gap in how close they are. I feel like one important aspect of the whole Family Drama is how close they’re supposed to be, a functional, loving family turned upside down? So I wonder what more distance does. I wonder how Nolan copes when his family is entirely human and he can’t project onto Mark.
I love thinking about these, omg.
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lilislegacy · 16 hours ago
so basically you are saying that you dont care if people hate percabeth but you are not okay when people ignore percys mistakes and exaggerate only annabeths?
also how do you feel about shipping percy with other people?
exactly. just because i love percabeth doesn’t mean everyone else has to! but i think it’s really bad when people a) post fake information and manipulate out-of-context situations to guilt viewers into feeling one way or another, and b) enforce double standards, especially when it’s the woman getting called out for every little thing and the man being babied and excused. like if people have issues with percy and annabeth due to both their flaws and incompatibilities, i genuinely do not care. i don’t agree, but I don’t care. but i think it’s toxic and devastating to see annabeth beat down on for her every mistake, and percy put on a pedestal and seen as completely innocent and free of real flaws. i think it’s a disservice to both of their characters, along with every one of us in the fandom. i dont have any issue with people being anti-percabeth, but it’s the why and how they justify it.
as to your second question, go for it! ship percy with whoever you want. i’ve seen some super cute one-shots of him with other people. now in the canon pjo universe, i don’t actually think anyone but annabeth could suit him like she does or give him the same love, partnership, and friendship that she does. but that’s just my view. i’m gonna ship him with his wise girl and talk about how much i love them, and everyone else is welcome to ship them with whoever else they want. i don’t think there is anything wrong with that
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lunacoll · 15 hours ago
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public or private?
bf! bllk guys x reader, what type of relationship do they have with you?
reader x sae,rin,nagi,isagi,bachira,reo, kaiser
•Itoshi Sae
sae is one of the guys that wouldn't mind public relationship BUT he doesn't want you to deal with all the news and public, i mean cmon he's basically famous and he doesn't want anyone harassing you. but he still wants people to know he's dating someone so there is once in a few months random picture from one of your dates, he doesn't show your face but its obvious there's someone with him.
•Itoshi Rin
rin doesn't see the point in having public relationship and posting everything, but once u mention to him u would like him to post you from time to time he doesn't bat an eye and posts you. the happy look on your face is worth all the comments and questions from his annoying teammates. from then he doesn't mind posting with you, even showing your face in these pictures.
•Nagi Seishiro
he really doesn't care if you make your relationship public, he even likes when you post pictures with him, but he rarely posts pics himself since its too much of a hassle. when he does tho he feels so proud of having you, everyone was telling him he wouldn't score a girlfriend while being so lazy but here you were, napping and gaming with him, so yes, he actually loves all the posts of you two together flexing his amazing girlfriend
•Isagi Yoichi
he LOVES posting you and he loves talking about you, he couldn't even handle having private relationship, this poor boy wouldn't be able to stay quiet about you for 1 day so yes, he posts you two, A LOT. he's basically posting every other day, commenting with how much he loves you. and you dont mind because you're doing the same.
•Bachira Meguru
he's just like isagi, he finds so much enjoyment in posting you and talking about you, he's so happy when he brings you out with him, sticking by your side the entire time, you're the first person who ever understood him and he doesn't waste time posting you EVERYWHERE at all times. he's just a loverboy.
•Mikage Reo
he would love posting you, but he has reputation and doesn't want many random people finding out, so he creates private account, letting in his friends and some people he's somewhat close to, and there he doesn't care what he posts. he loves to flex all the expensive things he's buying you, and to outsiders it may look like you're after his money, but he knows you're not, and thats one of the main reasons why he spoils you rotten with everything you could desire, and all he wants in return is your cuddles and kisses at night.
•Michael Kaiser
this guy is somewhat a mix, he doesn't mind posting you but doesn't do it that much, and even when he does, he tries to keep your face hidden for privacy reasons, he doesn't care that you're hardcore making out with his hand on your ass, main thing is that your face is hidden from all the crazy fans. when you're the one that posts and tag him he reposts it right away, commenting with "Meine Liebe<3"
bonus: he loves calling you german pet names and telling you romantic things in german:3
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grapemoon · 1 month ago
Yknow what i think would go hard? An undertale species swap au (what did they call it, uppertale? Humantale? Idk) where all they really need is One boss monster soul to break the barrier, but they don’t know the difference between a regular monster and a boss monster and the only two Boss monsters to fall were Frisk and Chara, and all the other children that fell down were regular monsters. Makes it a little more tragic that way imo, rather than having it just be undertale reverse edition.
Like, the tragedy of knowing that you really only need ONE monster’s soul to break the barrier so long as you have seven willing humans’ souls, but the last one to come through was over a hundred years ago and every time a new monster appears its a child, and it ends up dead, and the soul breaks instantly. Can you imagine how dusty the coffin room is? Do you think Asgore learned how monsters care for their dead, perhaps from Chara, long in the past, just to honor these fallen children?
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unsolicited-opinions · 2 days ago
Tags from Rachel (@jewishdeanwinchester):
#ben affleck smoking.jpg
#one of my best friends who is jewish says she is not worried about her safety right now bc we are not the ones being actively targeted atm
#she works in jewish spaces!! she is pretty plugged in politically and is absolutely not a hamasnik and we ultimately agree on a lot
#but i just dont understand how she can say shes doesnt think jews are in immediate danger here and thinks realpolitik is more important
#i truly never want to hear the word realpolitik again
#also saying that as if realpolitik isnt affected by the lived experiences of the peoples/ communities/countries involved
I think your friend is misusing the term "realpolitik"
When I studied political science, I was taught that realpolitik is the prioritization of pragmatism over political ideology.
Jews wanting to survive and live safely, in the US or in Israel, isn't ideological in any way.
It is realpolitik.
(This is, I think, what Haviv Rettig Gur means when he says Zionism wasn't/isn't a political ideology as much as it is a pragmatic rescue/refugee mission. Topic for another time, perhaps.)
The most immediate danger for Jews in the US is the leftist antisemitism which the Trump administration is deliberately stoking with executive orders and the likes of "Shalom Mahmoud." He's setting up US Jews to take the blame for his actions which enrage the left. The golden age for Jews in the US is over, and if your friend doesn't know that, Rachel, she's doing an ostrich impression with her head in the sand (or up her ass).
The danger which comes after that is the fact that Trump's base is filled with white supremacists, Christian Nationalists, and dipshits who sincerely believe that Jews seek to populate the US with immigrants to "replace" white people. About half of Republicans believe the Great Replacement Theory.
When your friend says that, at the moment, Jews are not being targeted, she's flat out wrong and appears to be either choosing to not see it, or ignorant enough of Jewish history to not see the signs we do.
Maybe what she means is that the federal government is not detaining Jews. Maybe what she means is that she thinks it is more important to focus energies on opposing Trump's deportations.
Maybe she's saying that there are not yet widespread pogroms in North America - but that's just a matter of time if the current trajectories of the far right and far left continue on their current courses, partly because Jewish organizations on both the right and the left have their heads up their asses, denying that the gentiles on their end of the political spectrum really hate Jews.
If right wing US Jewish organizations were smart, they'd recognize there's a fight in the Republican Party between anti-Israel antisemites and Israel supporters. They'd be talking endlessly about Tucker Carlson and Joe Rogan platforming neonazis. Instead, they're solely focused on cheerrleading for Trump, which ignores his Jew-hating base and helps increase leftist antisemitism. (They should be supporting Khalil's deportation, demanding due process, and condemning Trump's "Shalom Mahmoud.")
If leftist Jewish organizations were smart, they'd stop doing Iran's bidding in attacking Israel (I would be glad to strangle Peter Beinart myself, given the opportunity), supporting BDS, being tokenized for Islamists, and lionizing people like Khalil.
If liberal Jewish organzations were smart, they'd demand transparent due process for Khalil and anyone else Trump arrests 'for antisemitism' and be the world's biggest civil liberties advocates, demonstrating daily that Jews support classical liberalism, due process, and human/civil rights for everyone, including those who despise us.
Ignoring the growing danger for Jews isn't realpolitik and your friend is either a fool or an asshole for suggesting this. Possibly both.
Your feelings are valid, Rachel. I don't think your friend is gaslighting you, but she's probably gaslighting herself.
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United States President Donald Trump on Monday appointed Hamtramck, Michigan, Mayor Amer Ghalib as the next U.S. ambassador to Kuwait. Ghalib, 45, a Yemeni-born Muslim immigrant, has been outspoken in his criticism of Israel. Just hours before his appointment he liked a comment on Facebook that described Jews as "monkeys." Ghalib made history in 2021 when he became the first Muslim mayor of Hamtramck. Since Hamas' Oct. 7 attack on Israel, he has led several anti-Israel initiatives in the city, including a council vote to boycott companies that do business with what he called “Israeli apartheid.” Following the decision, he stated that “Palestine is fighting for a just cause” and claimed that “the only ethical option for Israel is to admit defeat and leave the land.” Ghalib also supported renaming a city street “Palestine Street” as an act of solidarity and cast the deciding vote in favor of the measure. He refused to condemn a local council candidate’s social media post comparing Israel’s actions to the Holocaust and dismissed reports of Hamas militants beheading and sexually assaulting victims on Oct. 7 as “lies spread by the Biden administration to justify its support for Israel’s crimes.”
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gingerswagfreckles · 23 days ago
Not really loving how my post about the left's love affair with eugenics and blood and soil ideology framed as "decolonization" got coopted into another "wait it's all Christianity??" "It always has been" post." Y'all are sticking your heads in the sand if you think this is a problem with "cultural Christianity." This is the exact same pattern we saw play out in the 1979 Iranian revolution and much of this ideology was coopted from the Nazis by the Soviets and reframed as progressive. This is not an issue with Western "cultural Christianity" and it would be great if Jumblr could stop engaging in the same "there's actually one secret root cause of every problem in the world and if we get rid of it we will have utopia" thing that antisemites have been using against Jews for 2000 years.
#i stg some people really dont understand that the problem with that ideology is not ~we are blaming the wrong religion/people~#there are recognizable patterns of oppression and social issues that have to do with Christianity but not every problem in the world is#rooted in cultural Christianity and the only reason you see so many issues with cultural Christianity is because you live in a majority#Christian country where Christians are in charge#i promise the samd ideology that we see antisemitic ~activists~ in Lebanon using are not caused by their extremely oppressed tiny Christian#community. i promise that the Iranian revolution that found roots in much of the same ideology and thought was not caused by their tiny#oppressed Christian community either#the similar arguments about who is indigenous to the contested areas of Pakistan and India and therefor who can kill which civilains and be#justified has 0 to do with Christianity#and im sorry but the concerted effort by Hamas to insist that Jews are not indigenous to Israel and that therefore it is acceptable to kill#Jews is not rooted in Christianity it is rooted in the co opting of Soviet antisemitism to justify their very much not Christian religious#extremism in a way that appealed to the communist bloc and now appeals to the Western Leftists that have adopted this ideology as well#jumblr#antisemitism#leftist antisemitism#soviet antisemitism#im sorry but the only reason you dont feel the need to be sensitive when talking about Christianity is because you do not live in a country#where Christians are a oppressed or scapegoated minority but i promise that does not mean those countries do not exist or those communities#do not exist and scapegoating Christians or cultural Christianity for problems that have very little if anything to do with Christianity is#the extact same shit people have been doing to jews for 2000 years#this eugenics shit has become a very common argument for the murder of jews and other communities living in the Wrong Place#all over the world and it is not at all contained to ex Christian leftists#this exact anti imperialist rhetoric was used to justify the expulsion of the jews from egypt in the 1950s#and from Iran in the 1979 when jews were charged with being imperialist spies for Iran and America#do you think those countries were Christian? lol#this eugenics shit framed as anti imperialism is not rooted in Christianity or ~cultural Christianity~ and has basically nothing to do with#Christianity at all#christianity#jewblr
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tinyleaks · 1 year ago
hey friends, wanted to put some words out in the universe that sometimes i need to hear myself
you aren’t gross for liking something that most people consider “gross” or “weird”. it is okay to enjoy things that other people don’t understand, even things people reflexively make fun of. as long as you are being as hygenic as possible, cleaning up after yourself and not doing anything to risk your health, making sure to take breaks from it and stay hydrated between holds, and making sure to never include non-consenting parties in your kinky shenanigans – you’re fine.
if you’ve had to hide your interests from partners out of fear, awkwardly deflect conversations with friends, or heard people you look up to make off-handed remarks – you’re not alone.
no one fully 100% understands where kinks come from, but what we do know is we don’t choose which ones we get, and as long as all parties involved are consenting, happy and healthy: you aren’t doing anything wrong.
please don’t hate yourself over the things you love. be kind to yourself, even when other people aren’t. yes I’m getting sappy on my pee blog, because being “weird” can be really hard on the old mental health at times and i hope all of y’all don’t think any less of yourselves because of this stuff. peace out 💛
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moeblob · 9 months ago
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A lil guy !
#honkai star rail#dan heng#genuinely have a million things i wanna draw and then zero energy#so dan heng in a hoodie#now i gotta go get dinner sooooo maybe that will give energy and then i can draw more of what i actually wanna draw#but i kinda spent like ... hours ? talking to my mom earlier today#since shes been in the hospital for many many days#so i was catching her up on whats been goin on and showed her silly lil videos#and telling her how hyped i was for summer hrid and she (very patient with my fe talk)#was like you always tell me about banners being bad so it must have made you REALLY happy to say the whole banner is good#and im like yeah and i had multiple people on multiple sites like hey salmon/moeblob did ya see the banner#and she was like thats so cool that people acknowledge who you like and im like yeah it is p cool#and then i told her how mad i was at the absolutely criminal act of limiting how you can watch clue (1985 hit movie)#like i told her yeah sure i own it twice on dvd and once on itunes and that the only way to watch those#are either desktop or ps2 and how i dont have access to my itunes email#and i dont have it on my laptop so i sadly would have to rebuy the movie on itunes under a new acct#then i said how i loved that it was free to watch with ads on yt and id watched it twice that way#but then recently wanted to watch it on there but laptop and hoo boy you have to buy or rent it now#so i v angrily was like fine whatever ill do the thing and leave my room and go watch it on my moms tv#while she isnt around and use her amazon prime where it should be included except ! IT WASNT!#YOU HAVE TO HAVE PRIME TO BUY OR RENT IT NOW TOO!#HOW ARE THEY DOING THIS AND WHY ! who in the world is watching this movie so much that isnt me that they have to charge for it now#on all platforms unless you straight up pirate it#and hey why would i of all people be needing to pirate a movie i own physically two times and digitally once#this is literally a personalized attack to me#and my mom was like i understand how you feel cause yeah thats really weird to do to a 1985 movie#and im like yes exactly i have morals and principles that make me opposed to this and its v maddening#and she said she understood and its ok next time we are having power issues and i have to shut down#that if i really wanna watch it i can rent it on her amazon account and i looked at her and shes like oh you feel v strongly about this#and i do! I HAVE HAD IT GIFTED TO ME TWICE ! I BOUGHT IT ONCE! WHY DO I HAVE TO RENT IT FOR MORE MONEY!
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sonknuxadow · 2 years ago
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epicfirestormer · 10 months ago
What I love about Hellboy and Abe Sapien's dynamic in the comics is that, if you came into this blind, you'd expect Abe to be the voice of reason or the straight man to Hellboy's impulsive and hotheaded personality. But no, Abe is more often than not the crazy one. Hellboy would deal with fighting evil monsters and bad guys by just sighing and getting it over with, while Abe is going rabid over tearing the creature apart when he does get into a fight. Hellboy acts like it's a 9-to-5 job and will reasonably talk things out with a guy that had nearly killed him before, Abe acts like a madman in a slaughter house and his first instinct is to shoot first kill second and ask third. They're both insane, but on completely different levels.
#wheres that one comic where abe gets into a mission and has to tear down a monster with an axe#then at the end when hellboy appears and sees abe going ham while covered in blood. he's like ''oh hey abe. good job you're doing there''#hellboy was not even worried for a second. he trusts abe to handle things on his own#they both trust each other to do their job but they also know when they can handle a fight on their own and will help if needed.#their trust and bond with each other is so implicit but speaks volumes. they dont need to say anything. they just know#we talk so much about hellboy being like. an alright guy and a whole lot kinder than the world treats him. and that's right#but it really does make Abe look fucking batshit wild in comparison because of it#the entirety of the abe sapien comics is that the guy is on his hinges and the only thing keeping him sane before was his job (which is#debatable.) and the bprd. mostly hellboy and liz and kate and roger. johan and ben are a weird case but he does kinda care about them#i love abe btw. he's such an interesting critter. absolutely crazy maniac of a guy.#tbf i dont blame him considering his backstory. if i went through some of the shit he did; i would not be sane either#also. the moments post hellboy's death in the comics where abe is trying to deal with his passing but never directly says anything about it#until he was confronted by hellboy in his dream. thats the cool bit yknow. we dont need to be told Abe was grieving about hellboy#we just knew he wasn't handling it well. using present tense when talking about hellboy to other people. avoiding saying his name.#its great stuff#the fire burns#hellboy#hellboy comics#abe sapien
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snekdood · 1 year ago
so uh
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for 1. most people are gonna take advantage of black friday and wont see your specific niche tumblr post, I hate to say it
2. the us isnt running out of money for war any time soon, so...
3. this is just antisemitism???????? all we need is some (((echoes))) around the us and israel and then I'd have no reason to suspect otherwise from op...............
#why in tf do you think they care that much about getting your money rn and not before in any other war?#does it. mayhaps. have something to do w jewish people being involved now?#our tax dollars go to the govt regardless and has been for years and we already have an obscene amount of funding for military shit#preeetty sure they're not concerned about getting a couple hundred tumblr users money...#and also pretty sure one could only believe that if they're paranoid about jewish ppl.................#hard not to put two and two together and figure out op is prolly antisemitic and hopefully they just dont realize it#i say hopefully they dont realize it bc thats better than someone who knows and is pretending to be a leftist still.#if anything this pause happened bc its thanksgiving and biden doesnt wanna think about it over the holidays. thats p much it.#thats the only amount of conspiracy theory im willing to believe in this situation lmao.#but that ^ still assumes that biden has some sort of control over this that he really doesnt#and i dont think netanyahu cares that much about thanksgiving tbr...#it sounds more like to me that op is seeing this from a very american centric pov and assumes everyone celebrates thanksgiving#or cares enough about it to remember the dates.... i dont think this is as planned as op is making it out to be and any insinuation#that it IS planned sounds like conspiracy theory talk to me personally. i dont think biden is hittin netanyahu up and going#'hey thursday is thanksgiving and would be the perfect time to pause so we can (((get peoples money))) out of them#asiftheUSdoesnthaveplentyalready' like i just really dont think that convo is happening lmao.
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girl-named-matty · 3 months ago
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"I'm but a young girl... yet the weight of the world is on my shoulders."
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animangalover-writes · 2 months ago
Yk it really bothers me when I see people talking about eurylochus and the crew like they were the problem. It just feels like everyone is just missing the point. Yes they stopped listening to ody, yes eurylochus opened the wind bag, but that's what makes them so human.
Picture this, you leave your home to fight in a war. It takes literal years for this war to be over. You've lost friends, you miss your family, you've been through hell. You're starving and your captain tells you they found food on this island.
And then the cyclops happens. More friends die, you barely escape with your life, and your captain gives his name to the creature that killed your friends.
And everything after that is a direct cause of that decision.
So you hesitate to trust him. Yes he's smart, he's capable, he always has a plan. But he would do anything to get home, and you know that. So when he comes back to the ship claiming to have a bag full of wind, and when he refuses to let anyone near, refuses to trust his own crew, you get suspicious.
Its been about a decade by this point, and your captain seems to get more and more desperate to get home. A god is after you. Odysseus is forcing himself to stay away, all to make sure nobody touches that bag.
Its human, it's realistic, it makes sense that someone would open the bag. Because odysseus stopped trusting you, and so you stop trusting him. So you open the bag.
I just find it frustrating that people look at the crew/eurylochus as bad guys because of this, as pawns for ody to get home and thats it. The point of the show is that ody has become a monster, has dealt with and left behind his humanity. We, as listeners, root for him. We give him grace because of his circumstances. Because he's the main character.
But for some reason, people don't give that same grace to the crew. They're human, their circumstances are awful too. They have no idea if they will get home, they aren't sure then can trust their captain anymore. They question things. They make mistakes. They cause the deaths of others. It's human, its that feeling you get when you think that maybe hope is lost after all, it's what this story is about. Mistakes and loss and blame.
People dislike Eurylochus because he opened the bag. But odysseus gave the cyclops his name. And polites trusted the lotus eaters. And Athena told odysseus to be cruel to a fault. Nobody here is innocent, not really. And none of them knew better either. They were working with what they had, with the terrible circumstances at hand. It's no wonder they made mistakes. It's no wonder people died.
Why are we ignoring the humanity of the crew? Why are we arguing that they, or that eurylochus, deserved it? If the story was about them, odysseus would be seen as the bad guy. But he's the main character, so the others are stupid and wrong, right? All that matters is that odysseus gets home, right? Even if it costs the lives of his crew. His crew who stopped trusting him when he stopped trusting them. His crew who he sacrificed to get home.
I think we're missing the point here. Odysseus did become a monster, and although we cheer for him getting home and Penelope and Telemachus forgive him, we have to acknowledge that he did do terrible things. Those men will never see their families again. Why are we erasing that humanity in them?
Humans do bad things for the sake of saving themselves or the ones they love. That includes Odysseus. That includes Eurylochus. That includes the crew. And that includes every other character in this musical.
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