#dont rain on my parade
omamorens · 2 months
DAWN & …
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our beloved elven Oracle, Adaine Abernant for this year’s @d20zinejam !
she’s a pretty princess to me and i love putting shiny things on her :)
her dress also has lore. wanna find out? wanna see more? theres so much more amazing content by other artists too! CHECK OUT THEIR WORKS HERE. :>
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lucky-lottie · 2 years
Saw funny girl today. I finally get it
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Okay, okay. I've seen several very anti-Threshold-Day takes floating around in the last year and I'm kinda getting sick of it.
Regardless of how you feel about Threshold as an episode - be that the quality of the ep, the storyline, the themes, whatever - Threshold Day isn't really about Threshold itself. I mean, yes, it is a day celebrating that episode, but the actual point of Threshold Day is community. It's a day where people band together to make memes and tell jokes and overall have fun. It's a day where you send random salamanders to your friends and go "omg tommy p???" It's a day where you appreciate the cool art and fics people make and leave encouraging comments. It's a day for Fun. Everyone gets to be in on a giant inside joke and enjoy that feeling. Everyone gets to commit to the bit. Not to sound all "here's the real meaning of Christmas, Charlie Brown," but, in a very serious and literal sense, that's what Threshold Day is really about. Community.
And it's okay not to enjoy the episode! It's okay not to want to participate in the fun! Seriously, it's OKAY. You don't have to join in! But when you sit there and go "I cannot fathom how all these people like this episode and they're all wrong to be making memes and celebrating" you're missing the point and you start to ruin the very harmless fun everyone else is having. You are not on a moral high-ground for not enjoying a meme or a dumb internet holiday. You are *especially* not on a moral high-ground when you try to make other people feel bad for enjoying something that, again, is so incredibly harmless and ultimately about having fun as a community.
Again: it is fine to not enjoy Threshold. But I see so many posts throughout the year where people seem to be flaunting the fact that they are not like everyone else and hate the episode, the holiday, whatever. I see people talking about how much they wish Threshold Day would go away and it's really, really not cool. Your horse is not higher than mine for not being down to clown with your mutuals, your friends, about a silly Star Trek episode.
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rouge-the-bat · 2 months
repeat after me: details a creator has stated about their characters/stories/etc for a piece of media outside of said media is not canon.
the creators saying x thing about y character on social media/in an interview/etc can potentially give you insight on their intentions/ideas behind the characters development/personality/etc, and you can accept it as true to your views on the character- but its still not canon if its not in the actual source material.
the term youre looking for is "word of god." in fandom, thats used to describe the creators interpretation of the media. some will accept this into their own view of canon, and some wont. either way, it is not strictly canon, and should not be treated like an asbolute fact of the character/story (or whatever else the information was stated about).
and also remember, subtext and things "read between the lines" can and will always be interpreted differently across the fandom. no matter how "obvious" a detail about a character seems to you from subtext, other people will still garner something different, because thats the point of art. everyone will resonate differently with art and come away with different ideas about it for a multitude of reasons.
sure, some people may be forgetting something or outright ignoring something thats blatantly stated, but when it comes to subtext any interpretation is valid. even if it contradicts whatever the creators may say. art is a mix of both what the creator tries to tell in their story and what the viewer interprets from it. you have to accept that sometimes these will not always align, and thats perfectly okay.
(and also, dont forget something in one official universe doesnt mean its canon in all official universes of a piece of media- even if one is meant to be the same story in a different media form (like an anime adaptation of a manga) or a reboot).
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egberts · 1 year
i’m sorry but those rwrb actors unfortunately have absolutely no chemistry
yeah I'm worried they're a little awkward but idc bro it's a romcom it can be fun and good and bad all at the same time 🥰 and I am so excited to watch it 😚🤗 because I love the book a lot and I love that gay mainstream media is becoming so commonplace that we can have cringey mid-2000s esque romcoms with high budgets and huge fan bases ☺️
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spotsupstuff · 1 year
some gods idk: ayo we should bring this specific ancient back from the void to her first body even after she reincarnated multiple times already
tarrows after being brought back from the void starved, confused and scared: https://youtu.be/q4_6hKMQRqE?si=z2T2uTcgORGUtZ1J
she does not understand her dilemma...
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goatpunches · 10 months
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get a friend like @bonesblubs who responds like when you tell them about a cute 3zun fic you’re reading
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retrowave-dirtgrub · 1 year
I just really love the theory that Charlie only believed he had a sister because his mom only referred to him as a girl when he was little until he told her he was a boy, but he never put the pieces together.
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thefreeblog · 1 year
For the anon, with the ask about morality.
You are watching the wrong show, Only friends is not for you.
See I like to analyse plots, characters, their arcs , in general stuff related to shows.
But, and this is a huge but, I never ever want to fix anything in a show I am watching. Never.
It's not my show or story to do that.
Do I have certain expectations while watching shows? Yes I do.
Do I get disappointed if those are not fulfilled? Sometimes yes.
But even in such cases I never want the story to end in a certain way or a character to act a certain way.
It's not my story. Period.
I watch it, I take what I like and leave what I don't like. It's simple. And I like it that way.
I do this with all the shows I watch. I am doing the same with Only Friends.
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aeroplaneblues · 5 months
“When a thing doesn’t spark joy anymore go back that old thing you threw away for not sparking joy”
So who’s watching windbreaker and kaiju n8? whats up with jjk and bnha manga? I’m going to catch up with those again. Guess im a shounen girlie again😌
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transboypatrickmurray · 8 months
petition for jongroff to make an album full of covers of musical hits
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vigilbutts · 5 months
also like i do feel bad for being displeased w/soto! there's a lot of good little bits in soto! but like man i just want them to not abandon characters and plots so much.
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nebuletteart · 8 months
it's pretty annoying seeing so many of the people crying out to support artists and that ai is unethical (both very true takes) playing palworld and shooting down anyones justifiable criticism. I avoided the whole thing for awhile, thinking the talk of plagiarism was greatly exaggerated twitter beef and seeing a lot of big gaming channels jumping to its defense. Wasnt interested in the premise and was content to let it pass by, happy that the game would put pressure on the pokemon company to actually give game freak time to develop a good game for once. And then I saw this.
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This is outright stolen, like. laughably stolen. There are other designs too, that outright steal or are questionable. but how the fuck can you say you give one shit about artists and then simp for a game that steals what was most certainly an overworked artists design wholesale? If that was the end of it, I'd side eye loud supporters but not comment.
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(Fakemon designed by EtherealHaze)
Yeah. they also pretty blantently stole from a fakemons design. someone already made a post breaking all of everything down it outright steals but i trust ones eyes to see it immediately. I've seen plenty of people cry "but it's always ok to steal from corporations!!" (even if i think that excuse is fucking dogwater when it comes to art) well then, here's your example of them stealing from independent fucking artists!!
Pirate the game if you must but dont claim you care about artists and then turn around and bite our heads off the moment we point out that the game that very clearly plagiarizes artists! Also on the ai thing, even if it hasnt been proven the team used ai for any of the designs, the studio has apparently dabbled in it in the past and the ceo is an ai supporter. so. that sucks also.
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wheeboo · 3 months
my flex is that i can sing good luck babe by chappell roan in its original key but that might just be me gaslighting myself LMFAO
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criminal-sen · 4 months
Alright, corporations at Pride has reallllly gotten out of hand. The parade was 99.9% banks, campaigning politicians and various other businesses that do absolutely nothing for queer rights. Ah yes, National Grid and National Fuel, they'll cut anyone's utilities regardless of their identity, how woke of them🤦‍♂️ There were still some very cool, non corporate floats in the mix, but it seriously felt like 0.1% of the total parade
The event afterward was bad. It was POURING rain and quite cold, but they fucking confiscated everyone's umbrellas at the gate, plus backpacks, and outside food and/or drink. I luckily had a raincoat I could wear, but I forgot to get my umbrella back... and my friend's backpack they had to leave at gate got stashed Outside of the tent and just got fucking soaked the whole time:/ I'm assuming the umbrella thing was so we'd have to buy some overpriced Gay Umbrella inside, but I literally didn't see a stand selling them
Uhhhh the event had some cool stuff - the tent with drag performers was there again, for one - but it was hard to enjoy anything when we were FREEZING OUR ASSES OFF WITHOUT AN UMBRELLA IN THE POURING RAIN!!! Like I'm... ugh I'm just still really pissed about it
Anyway, I'll probably go to the parade again next year just to see all the queer folks gathered, but am definitely saying Fuck It to the event. I've heard of cities having an 'anti Pride' which is a more raucous, cop and corporation-free parade, and yah... I get it:/
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snow-and-saltea · 8 months
Hihi how are you doing today? 💜
hiya! i'm doing great today actually!! today's dinner project was my favourite fish dish, and it turned out great! i hope you had a good day to or if it just started, it goes well! 😎🐢
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it's called ikan 3 rasa. translated directly to 3-flavoured fish haha. it's sweet and sour and spicy and i've loved it ever since i was a child!!! and i finally made it at home!! we've made it at home before, but i wasn't the one to "lead" the project, so to speak. i'm very proud of myself heheheh. we ate it for dinner and everyone rated it very highly so i'm patting myself on the back for it!!
OH also, i forgot to follow up to your ask BUT just as you answered it, the same day i got marius's enduring light card KAHRSKDJDJFK what did you not like about it? i haven't finished it (only on part two before i fell asleep yesterday after levelling it up) but i was kinda like. Going Through It in a manner of speaking. the first cg with marius pinning rosa to the table had me feeling UMMMMM 😃😄😁🫢🫣🧐😳🤒🤧 <- like that. i was sick. i was throwing up. i was astounded. i wanted to close every door i was capable of closing. I'M NOT EVEN A MARIUS STAN HOW THE HELL DO YOU GUYS LIVE LIKE THIS 💀💀💀💀
i also lowkey rlly like how bossy and domineering he sounds, its a nice contrast. it might also be because the one sounding domineering is ishikawa kaito who has a very good warm sort of boyish voice!! i really like how different it feels as an AU compared to the canon story. in vyn's too (i went for him first and used free pulls on marius and got lucky LMAO) his dialogue writing is a lot less condescending and he sounds more petulant and childish because he drops the honorifics and respectful language due to his character in the AU. personally, i like the AU, but not because i like the writing LOL tot could use a lot of improvement there, but everyone's fits were very cool + i like the opportunity for the voice actors to try out a different "tone" for the characters. since in canon / modern world, they're all fairly even tempered and not very animated + respectful, so it's nice to see them getting openly pissed off or bossy or Mean.
lowkey kinda didn't like vyn's story for the enduring light SSR tbh. i liked it well enough because of the refreshing VA work, but the story was just alright for me. it makes me want to write my own take on the AU, but i don't know enough about the historical context and i don't feel shameless enough to bullshit things about a culture that's not mine, haha. plus i already have a vyn thing in my drafts (but still not written out orz) so i'm Tired!!
this was long as always!!! this might as well be my signature in how i post!!! fajsklfjaskjsafjkf but thank you for dropping by, friend!!! i hope your weekend goes well!! >:D
(i'm not sure how to refer to you so if it's alright i'll just go with pirate from your url!)
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