#dont mind me ahaha
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sticks-are-bones · 2 years ago
It would be so funny if the Luzu vs. Wilbur custody battle went down like an Ace Attorney game. Like, i have only really seen two characters from that franchise, that Phoneix Wright guy with the funky looking hair and the other gray haired guy who I take to be gay, but i can SEE luzu and wilbur taking their places and pointing dramatically.
like imagine this: The courtroom was silent. All anyone could hear was the panting of the two potential fathers, other than Charlie, who was busy enough with the voices in his mind.
Quackity looked back and forth from one to the other, silently examining their faces. He stroked Tilín in a way that was uncharacteristically soft of him to do, hand gently caressing the cool surface of Tilín’s shell, rather than the harsh promise of a chancla.
Rubius, the devilish angel he was, set a letter down on the courtroom table, exiting with a wink into someplace far, far away from the island. Far away, a man laughed.
The letter itself was nothing special. A plain, white envelope with nothing written on the outside, for it was what was written inside it that was causing anyone that actually cared to wait with baited breath.
Quackity picked up the envelope and slowly ripped it open, only for both Luzu and Wilbur to jump up and yell.
“Your honour, there’s been a mistake. You see—“ Wilbur began, only to be cut off by Luzu rapidly spitting out a string of Spanish.
The argument between Luzu and Wilbur grew in intensity by the second, and with all eyes on the case, well, there were no eyes on the children of the QSMP.
And so, that is how all the QSMP members got devoured by a mother dragon with rabies. However, they say that the argument continues even to this day, and if you step on the island, you’ll hear faint, yet fiery, whispering.
“I’m not coal!”
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jaydarino · 7 months ago
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Cursed to live in human form.
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tianlang jun is such a fucking simp i see where luo binghe got it from jesus christ
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r0tting-rat · 4 months ago
WE'RE BACK WITH THE STEAMY STUFF literally. I'm not sorry for this, also yall can't say shit to me, I won't pretend like my suggestive works don't get a lot more attention than the rest LMAOO
Day 28 - Time-out
Pairing: Moon x GN reader Warning: Suggestive. Words: 2200+ Summary: Moon is a little mad at you :)
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To say that Moon was mad would have been an understatement. The animatronic standing in front of you with his arms crossed over his chest and his foot cartoonishly tapping the ground was fuming with rage, you could see it in the way he wasn’t even looking at you, instead choosing to keep his eyes sealed close. The naptime attendant was mumbling something you couldn’t hear, trying to talk with his other half as you kneeled on the ground in front of him, sitting on your heels with your head tilted down in "shame". Too bad you couldn’t stop smiling and had to force a frown every time the robot would look at you.
-What should we do with you, mh?- Moon hissed, massaging the bridge of his nose—or, well, where it would have been if he had one, -Not even Sunny would know what the best punishment would be for your behavior! You’ve been naughty, very naughty!-
You pushed down a laugh and pretended to cough. 
-Stop looking so pleased! You should be ashamed of your actions!- The jester stomped his foot on the ground to catch your attention, but that childish act only made you cough harder.
-I’m sorry, okay?- you chuckled, -I already apologized to both of you! What else do you want me to do?-
-You made Sun overheat! You deserve a punishment, but the more stuff I come up with, the more I realize you’d enjoy them more than anything.- His eyes cut dagger into you, like he wanted you to feel embarrassed about that, but honestly, you were about to break and start howling on the spot.
-Oh, come on! I didn’t do anything bad, also, what makes you think that? I’m not the pervert you think I am,- you couldn’t help but grin while trying to stand back up, but Moon pushed you back down by the shoulder. 
-No! Stay down! I can’t trust you around us after what you did,- the attendant huffed, annoyed, then he took a step back from you, as a prevention measure, -And you are a pervert—a naughty rulebreaker!-
You pretended to look around Sun and Moon’s room, scrutinizing the drawings hanging from the walls and the fairy lights coming down the ceiling, then you shook your head. 
-I don’t see any rule that says not to kiss the pretty daycare attendants.- Your grin widened. -Especially considering they’re my boyfriends.-
Moon’s face was turning a beautiful shade of blue, contrasting sweetly against the red glow of his irises, and the robot had to close his eyes and turn his head the other way to avoid growing more flustered. Steam regularly puffed out his shoulder and neck joints in short hisses.
-T-That’s… That’s not what we…- he was stumbling over his words, so you took the chance to crawl closer and get right in front of his feet, so when he opened his eyes the first thing he would see would have been your face, -Y-You…!-
-I?- you asked with a sweet smile. Moon blinked his eyes open and a breath got caught in his throat, eyes going wide and fingers twitching with impatience.
-You kissed Sun with the tongue!- the animatronic whispered, like he didn’t want anyone to hear what he was saying, -That’s… That’s naughty behavior, and it’s forbidden in the daycare!-
-Is it?- you stood back up again, and this time the robot didn’t try to push you back down, -Or are you just jealous that I made out with Sun and not with you, so you decided to make up new rules and get your revenge?- 
You ran your hands over the animatronic’s thin waist, which was still huge considering his overall size, and brushed your fingertips over the seams of his chassis. The feeling made Moon shudder and groan, hands coming up to stop yours from wandering further up to his chest, but at the last second he took a deep breath and allowed you to keep touching him. Your every caress was gentle, slow and methodical, and that was probably what was driving the naptime attendant out of his mind in the first place. 
-Don’t feel jealous, Moonie,- you whispered, your fingers finally brushing against his slender metallic neck, -I can give you kisses as well, as many as you’d like.-
Moon was overheating under your touch, his insides felt boiling hot and his entire face was covered in pretty blush. He was becoming a mess, just like Sun before him. 
-M-Making out is not allowed,- he attempted to whisper once more, -It’s… It’s dirty and…-
-Mooncake, be honest with me, did you make that up?- you asked, holding his face in your palms and forcing him to look down at you. The robot nodded, ashamed, and you giggled, -It’s fine, I’m not mad. I won’t ever do that again if you don’t want me to.- 
The jester’s eyes suddenly widened when you said that, like terrified of the idea, and his hands came up to hold you closer by the waist.
-No! N-No, don’t… I know that Sun was the one who asked you, but I just… while I looked at you and him as you…-
-Kissed passionately?- you offered with a grin, and a heavy cloud of steam escaped from Moon’s back. 
-Whatever!- he said, suddenly pulling away from you, looking mad once more, -Keep that tongue when it needs to be!-
-So…- you gently pushed Moon back, who surprisingly let himself fall back on the bed behind him with a huff, -That means I can’t do what I did with Sun, like… this, for example?-
You crawled on top of the robot, sitting on his stomach and inching your face closer to his, eyes half-lidded and breath heavy with affection. As you slowly pushed your lips on Moon’s, closing your eyes and inhaling the sweet lavender smell of the animatronic, you grabbed one of his hands and placed it on your waist as an invitation to hold you closer. 
-Stop me if you wish.- You pulled away just to speak, making the robot whine at the loss. -You make the rules here, Mooncake.-
In response, the naptime attendant grabbed the back of your head and pushed you back into the kiss, hungry for the taste of your lips, and with a small chuckle, you allowed him to do as he pleased. 
-Just… Just kiss me and shut up,- he said, speaking perfectly fine due to the fact that his voicebox was inside his chest—how unfair! -I should punish you, not rewarding you with… with this!-
You wanted to bite back and tell him that he was probably the one that was being “rewarded” between the two of you, but you decided that you had teased your boyfriend enough and that he deserved some calm and quiet. 
You pulled away after a few moments, gasping for air, but once more the animatronic complained and tried to kiss you once more. 
-I need to breathe, Moon!- you scolded him, but you still let him push you on the bed and switch places, -Also, you’re going to overheat too if you keep going at it.-
-N-N-No,- Moon’s voice glitched, -I’m stronger than Sun, I can… I…- 
Something seemed to have awakened in the robot’s eyes as they ran all over your face, taking in the sight of your flushed skin, your swollen lips, your love-struck eyes and your quickened heartbeat. Under him, you looked like a mess, and Moon thought you were the most beautiful mess he had ever laid his eyes upon. He glanced at your mouth, parted open to breathe properly, and his own silicone tongue began to feel heavy between his teeth. Moon began to salivate looking down at you, drooling like a dog and panting to release the hot air that was filling his body, all the while his eyes didn’t leave your lips. He suddenly understood why Sun had made such a request, why he had asked you to fully make out with him; Moon was feeling the same as his other, and he realized why Sun had caved in so easily to his deepest desire. 
-Moon, is everything okay?- you asked, but your words didn’t register in the bot’s mind, -You’re drooling all over me, has something ha…?-
Refusing to openly admit his weakness, the naptime attendant leaned down and kissed you once more, beginning to slip his tongue inside your mouth before you could say or do anything to question him. He saw your eyes widen in pleasant surprise then soften, finally closing before you began to reciprocate and coax Moon’s body closer to yours, groaning softly into the kiss.
You and the animatronic were a tangle of limbs, of craving mouths and searching hands, gripping at every piece of clothing and every inch of skin to pull each other into a tighter embrace, into a more coiled knot. 
Moon was different from Sun in many ways, and each time you’d see one of their unique quirks and details you’d remember that there was a reason why one was the day and the other was the night. While Sun had asked you to teach him how to kiss, how to properly start and how to move his silicone tongue and lips in tandem with yours, Moon was insistent and imposing. Sun had let you take the reins, he had sat still—or almost, considering his every finger and limb twitched in excitement—and let you pull his head closer by the rays. Sun had closed his eyes, waiting for the kiss, then let you slip your tongue between his parted teeth and take complete control. In less than 2 minutes the robot had overheated and entered a reboot cycle, pushing Moon upfront despite the lights still being on. 
Moon, who also had a gentle and shy side, was pushing you into the bed and attempting to fight your mouth, trying to take the lead without actually knowing how to kiss with tongue. His movements were clumsy, random, assertive. He was trying to make you give up control and let him do his thing, but you knew better than to let Moon have his way with everything; you’d allow him to switch places and stay on top, you’d allow him to act bold and dominant, but you had no intention to inflate his ego more than needed. You began to push back, doing everything you could to show him how to properly move, teaching him without saying a word. Surprisingly, Moon actually seemed to listen and slowly began to follow and accompany your muscle instead of trying to completely overpower you.
Soon you were pulling away to breathe, feeling dizzy with joy and with every nerve tingling in excitement, but you couldn’t be happier. Your eyes were unfocused as you looked up at the ceiling, on your face you wore a dopey smile, like a dumbass, and overall you looked like you didn't have a thought crossing your mind, while Moon still refused to completely leave you be and instead decided to practice the art of marking skin on your poor neck. 
With his teeth and insistent tongue, the animatronic was leaving little bruises and kisses, running his wet appendix over your jaw and dragging down the tip of the tentacle-like thing to swirl it over your Adam's apple. You sighed in delight and hugged his body closer by the shoulder as his trembling hands grabbed your waist, leaving little scratches in your working uniform and deep cuts in the cushions under you. Moon was acting like a feral animal, growling and groaning, tasting your skin as he waited for you to recover enough to start making out again, and for a moment you couldn’t help but wheeze a laugh when you remembered how he had scolded you earlier. 
-What’s so funny?- he asked, lifting his face enough to look at you in the eyes, -Why are you laughing?-
-Oh, d-don’t worry!- you laughed, -I’m just thinking about how I’ll need to be the one putting you in time out after this. Geez, you’re a starving beast!-
More blush spread over Moon’s cheeks as he realized what you meant, then he buried his face back into your neck to hide himself in shame. 
-Hey, no, it’s fine!- you tried to reassure him and caress his cap, but the robot was hugging your arms close to your body, stopping you from even lifting a finger, -I was just joking, and it’s fine if you get a little carried away sometimes.- 
You waited for him to do something, but the animatronic didn’t move an inch, staying on top of you like a heavily weighted blanket. 
-Moon, really, there’s nothing to worry about,- you attempted again, -Sun got just as worked up earlier, you saw how things ended up! It’s fine if you want to experiment, and you should know I don’t mind teaching you… Moon? Are you still awake?-
When you looked down, you saw that the bot’s eyes were dull, completely rid of their usual light and life, as cold as the ones of a doll. Your boyfriend had entered a reboot cycle after ignoring every overheating warning that had popped up in his brain in favor of keeping kissing you, and as you realized that you groaned and threw your head back. Shit, you were stuck under him until either he or Sun woke up, which could mean a few minutes or the entire night, depending if they had any updates scheduled. 
At least you were lying on soft ground and not on the floor.
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clowningaroundmars · 11 months ago
heeyyy yaaalllll
so i was thinking to myself, i love punkflower. i really do.
what if there was a hobie in miles' universe and he didnt have to do the whole long distance relationship across dimensions thing, though? just keep his lil secret crush on spiderpunk a secret and keep it pushing, only to literally bump into his own hobie brown in 1610 one day?
wouldnt that be cool, guys?
wouldnt it? :)
wouldnt :) it :) be :) so :) cool? :) and so cute too?
update: >part 2 here<
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Miles was late.
It was his first day back, the very beginning of his junior year at Visions Academy and he was late. God damn.
His parents were really gonna kill him this time, no doubt about it. There weren't even any good Spiderman excuses he could use to weasel his way out of getting into trouble this time! He'd just have to cross his fingers and pray that his chemistry teacher for this year wasn't a total hardass like last year's English teacher.
Maybe he could make up some dumb excuse this time, try to wriggle his way into the professor's good graces with some blatant lie. Anyways, whose dumb idea was it to put him in a class so damn far from the entrance doors so early in the mor--
Miles tore around a corner just as the final bell rang throughout the mostly-empty hallways, inciting panic in his chest and making him nearly launch himself down another hallway just to get to his class.
In his haste, he nearly knocked over a very tall and very... familiar looking person that happened to be in Miles' trajectory. Luckily, bodies didn't end up colliding but the shock of having a person fly so quickly into their line of sight shocked the both of them into skidding to a sudden stop.
The tall person ended up dropping a textbook and what seemed like an enormous packet of papers, because sheets scattered absolutely everywhere, almost like snow.
Ugh. Of course.
They both stared down at the mess in the middle of the hallway floor for a beat.
Then, Miles exhaled a laugh, shaking his head.
"Aw man, I-I'm sorry! I just uh... here, lemme just--"
They both bent down to quickly scoop up the papers as Miles stuttered and spoke a hundred miles a minute, trying to apologize for the heart-stopping scare he caused. Just as Miles shuffled the papers together in his hands, he finally looked up at the unlucky student he almost football-tackled first thing in the morning... and nearly dropped the papers onto the floor again.
Kneeled right in front of him with papers and a textbook tucked under a skinny arm, long fingers nervously plucking up what was left of the rest of the packet, was none other than... Hobie Brown.
Oh. God.
This Hobie didn't seem to be Miles' Hobie, though.
(Miles' temperature rose a bit as he quickly thought: wait, my Hobie? That's not right, either.)
Instead of large freeform locs that tapered off like wicks, he was sporting long uniform locs that were piled up high in a loose ponytail on his head, most likely due to the school policy that stated boys needed to have hair above the nape of their neck. Miles kinda wondered about that policy, if he ever decided to grow out his hair; would pulling his hair up be enough? Or would they police his hair length and force him to cut it all off?
Well, turns out the answer was literally right in front of him. Another shock to the system right after the first one.
That was Miles' excuse, really. It was just so dang early in the morning and he really really wasn't thinking when he opened his mouth and basically shouted "Hobie?!"
It honest to god sounded like it echoed in the hallway.
He slapped a hand over his mouth, immediately chastising himself for the stupid mistake he made, mentally kicking himself. Stupid, stupid, stupid!! He wasn't supposed to know this guy obviously, they hadn't even met in their dimension yet!
Hobie, for his part, didn't seem perturbed by this at all though. He took the papers from Miles' hands and straightened himself back up to his full height, offering a hand so that Miles could stand up too.
He shrugged shyly and hid behind a couple locs that happened to fall back into his face, holding the books and papers closer to his chest.
"Uhmmn yeah, sorry. I-I'm runnin' late to my first class so I can't really give any autographs right now. Maybe later... if we see each other, ok?"
Miles blinked owlishly. Did he just say... autographs?
And wait a minute... was this Hobie... American?
Miles' poor little sleep-deprived mind was being blown again and again. He really didn't know if he was ever going to recover from this.
Hobie started to back up and walk away so Miles held his hands up to stop him. "Wait wait wait, autographs? I'm not uh-- sorry, this is weird," he laughed, rubbing his neck. "Nah, man. That's cool. I don't really want any autographs. Are you uh-- are you famous, actually?"
It was this Hobie's turn to blink owlishly now, hesitating a bit. A non-pierced eyebrow was raised as he said, "I... I kinda am...?"
He turned and pointed out the giant window of the hallway that they happened to be standing by, and Miles craned his neck to peer outside.
It smacked him right in the face once his eyes landed on it: a giant billboard fixed atop a neighboring building that depicted Hobie Brown in a luxurious-looking perfume ad. He sported the same locs as he did in real life, wearing shiny-looking makeup and giving the viewer the fiercest, smokiest look Miles has ever seen from a model in a hot minute. He was clutching deep purple satin, wrapped in it, basking in it. A single perfume bottle with a deep purple bow on the neck was photoshopped next to him, matching the overall vibe of the ad.
Miles was rooted to the spot, absolutely gobsmacked. How in the world did he miss that?!
Distantly, a small echo of a conversation he had in what seemed like a lifetime ago floated up from a memory. "I was briefly a runway model" pulsed in his neural pathways for a quick second.
Slowly, the gears started turning in his head. Slowly, he turned back to his dimension's Hobie Brown, who was giving him a strange sort of look.
Miles awkwardly tried to gather himself up, waving his hands around as he struggled for a non-weird explanation to his very weird behavior.
"I-I mean-- ahahaha! Yeah I mean, obviously you're famous! I was just y'know-- playin' with you. Pulling your leg and all that, I guess... heh."
The strange dubious look on Hobie's face didn't budge. "...Right."
Miles coughed conspicuously, trying to change the subject. "But uh yeah, haven't seen you around this school much then! Are you... you in a different grade than me or...?"
The corner of Hobie's mouth twitched suddenly, and for a split second Miles wondered if he said something wrong.
But then Hobie chuckled a bit. "No, I don't think so? This is my first day here. Like... ever. So I'm not really surprised you haven't seen me before. I just transferred over."
Miles practically sighed in relief and nodded, hands in his pockets. "Right! Right, very cool. Welcome to Visions then, I guess. Uh... I'm Miles! Miles Morales. Nice to meet ya!"
He goofily stuck a hand out, which Hobie actually accepted. They shook hands for a second, and then Miles was suddenly taken aback by how cold his hand was against his own skin. It was a definite contrast to the warm and lanky body he remembered practically draped across his own, back in Mumbattan.
He forced those particular memories away for now.
This Hobie was smiling down at him, sad eyes set inside a seemingly genuine expression of fondness. "Cool. I'm Hobie. But, uh, it seems like you already knew that, so."
"Aha, yeah yeah! It just-- honestly it's just the shock of, uh, running into a major celeb in the middle of my school that really got to me, I think. Sorry. I probably look like a total weirdo right now!"
Hobie shook his head, and Miles took the opportunity to really study this guy now that the shock was over and the vibe was more chill. This Hobie was just as long and lanky as the punk anarchist Miles was already well acquainted with, but he held himself completely differently. Where Spider-Hobie was all confident strut and careless swagger, this Hobie seemed to be all reserved grace and... sadness? He definitely reminded Miles of a willow tree drooping down into a lake, beautiful but tragic at the same time.
Okay Miles, get it together, he thought, stop thinking this guy is beautiful. I mean, he is beautiful yeah... but c'mon man, focus!
Hobie's non-pierced lips were moving now, finishing a sentence that Miles most definitely did not catch.
Then, Hobie looked at him expectantly.
Oh shit. He just asked a question didn't he? Fuck.
"Uh, sorry... one more time?" Miles grinned as wide as he could, apologetic. Nice going, Morales, the humorless voice in his head chimed in. Definitely not convincing this guy you're an alien from outer space or anything!
Hobie huffed a laugh and cleared his throat. "Sorry, my fault. Sometimes I mumble and... yeah. Mom says I need to work on that," he sighed, then continued, "I was just wondering if you knew where room 301 was?"
Miles nearly jumped with the force of the realization that just hit him.
"301? Mr. Moriarty's class?"
"Y-yeah, that's the one," Hobie smiled, twirling a loc on one finger and tugging it a bit. Then he tucked it back behind his ear. "I'm actually so lost it's not even funny, I'm godawful at directions and like, navigating. I've been looking for it for like 20 minutes now--"
"That's where my first class is too! AP chem!"
Hobie seemed to brighten up a bit at that, straightening his posture up from his own self-conscious hunch. "Oh cool! We should probably get going then, if we don't wanna be more late than we already are."
Without thinking, Miles places a hand on Hobie's shoulder and steers them both towards a classroom right at the end of the hallway they were in.
"Of course, right this way! Pretty lucky you ran into me, huh? I can help you find your other classes later on if you want, too."
For the first time since nearly crashing into him, Miles looked up at Hobie and saw genuine happiness in his eyes as they grinned at each other and walked down the hall together.
"...Yeah," Hobie said, nodding slowly. "Yeah that'd be pretty cool. Thanks!"
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Their chemistry teacher ended up not being a total hardass after all! Especially when Miles rolled up with none other than Famous Model Hobie in tow, immediately causing a ripple of whispers amongst the students sat at their desks.
Mr. Moriarty was a short and stumpy old man with a kind face and a severely receding hairline. He took one look at Hobie after squinting at his attendance sheet, accepted Miles' quick explanation that they were late because Hobie's minty fresh enrollment got him all lost in these maze-like hallways, and excused their tardiness with a wave of a hand.
"It's the first day and you were very kind to help a new student out, Mr. Morales. You're both excused for today, but try not to make a habit of it, alright?"
Miles bobbed his head as he picked his way past rows of desks. "Absolutely, sir. No problem at all. Thanks a bunch!"
Hobie stuck close to him, and smiled a bit as the only two desks left empty in the whole room happened to be right next to each other, right up in the back of the class. Nice.
They took their seats and exchanged a couple of glances as they pulled out their notebooks, barely listening to their professor's quick introduction and class syllabus. Well, Miles was barely listening, anyways. He was too caught up in the euphoria of running into a dimensional variant of one of his friends, in Visions Academy no less! His mind started to wander a bit. Did a 1610 Gwen exist too? a 1610 Pavitr? Were they also here at Visions? And what was with these random stares he and Hobie were getting from their fellow classmates right now?
Every now and then a student's head would swivel back to glance in their direction, awestruck looks evident on their faces.
How famous was Hobie anyway?
Of course, there was that giant billboard conveniently placed within view of the school's back hallways near a busy intersection, but Miles really started to think. He sneakily pulled out his phone and swiped down to the lowest brightness he could in case the classroom's fluorescent lighting wasn't enough to hide the phone screen's own light.
He kept his face straight forward, eyes flicking to and from his typing that he was trying to conceal behind the student sitting in front of him. He typed Hobie Brown model, Hobie Brown perfume ad, Hobie Brown supermodel, getting absolutely nothing every single time. Well, nothing that looked like the Hobie Brown sitting next to him, who happened to be dutifully scribbling down some notes in his notebook. Miles looked down at his own empty sheet of paper and quickly copied his new friend, whipping out a pencil and hurrying to catch up with the lecture on the whiteboard before the professor moved on.
Groan. What gives? Was Hobie this super accomplished, totally famous supermodel or not? Maybe he wasn't on social media, oddly enough. Maybe he just started an illustrious career and happened to be famous only in Brooklyn right now? No, that didn't make sense. If he was some small-time influencer or whatever, people would not be asking for autographs so often that Hobie would just automatically assume anyone who recognized him wanted one. And the looks on these other kids' faces convinced Miles that... maybe something was missing. Maybe he's just not searching up the right terms?
Agh, if only Spiderman business didn't keep him totally detached from reality sometimes. He really felt like he and the rest of the world were on totally different planets. If he had any friends besides Ganke, he probably would've heard about Hobie by now.
He bit his lip in concentration, trying to multitask between forming theories and keeping up with the lesson in the front of the classroom.
Then, out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a pair of eyes staring straight at him that didn't belong to the other classmates he barely even knew. He glanced over at Hobie, who quickly looked away.
Was that... an embarrassed look on his face just now? Miles scratched at his jaw a bit, more confused than before.
That was weird. Whatever. Anyways...
Before long, class was over and the bell rang. Miles and Hobie both meandered slowly up to the door and hung around the outside, leaning against the wall as they compared schedules before they had to make their way to their next class.
"Dang," Miles lamented, clutching his own schedule and moving to slot it into the cover of his binder. "Looks like we don't share any more classes besides 1st period..."
Hobie stopped his hand and squinted at the sheet again, glancing back at his own. "Uhmm... nah, actually. I think we might have 6th period together? Right after lunch."
"Do we share a lunch period too, actually?" Miles asked excitedly.
Hobie made a small noise of triumph, a smile playing over his lips. "Yeah! 1st, lunch and then 6th. Okay. Better than nothing, right?"
Miles chuckled, shoving his schedule into the plastic and tucking it under his arm. "Definitely. We can eat together at the cafeteria if you want! I'll walk you to your next class though, since it's basically right around the corner."
Hobie shrugged his own backpack back onto his shoulder and shoved his hands into his trouser pockets. His eyes were cast downwards as he grinned at the floor and said, "yeah, if you don't mind... that'd be pretty cool."
This guy sure does like the word cool, Miles thought, and away to Hobie's next class they both went. They both ignored the various whispers and stares in their direction. Miles was already used to it by now.
They walked together amiably, in near lockstep for a little while before Hobie finally spoke up again.
"... So... if you don't mind me asking... why are you so nice to me if you didn't know I was famous, then?"
It was an innocent enough question, but it kinda caught Miles off guard nonetheless.
He laughed nervously. "Uhh ahaha, whaddya mean? I did know you were famous! I just... y'know my brain doesn't work the best real early in the morning. I'm, uh. Sometimes I can be pretty weird, if you haven't noticed by now."
Hobie nodded slowly, digesting this information for a bit. "Yeah, you did recognize me in the first place, I guess. It's just weird, you're like... the first person I met that doesn't look at me like I'm made out of solid gold, though. That's all..."
They exchanged glances again, and Miles' brain was working into overdrive, thinking of an appropriate response.
Before he could open his mouth, they finally reached their destination and Hobie bumped Miles' shoulder with his arm, smiling.
"So, thanks. For, uh... this. All this."
Miles raised a brow at him. "Oh yeah, this is nothing. I just walked you over to your next class, no biggie. My class is right over here anyways, so--"
Hobie laughed and shook his head, the expression lighting up his facial features unlike anything Miles has seen on that face yet.
"No, Miles. Not just this. I mean, like..." Hobie dipped his head, a bashful sort of move. "I mean, like, being nice to me. Like forreal. I really appreciate this."
They looked at each other for a moment, something real warm growing in Miles' chest all of a sudden, something... familiar.
He was just about to casually brush the gratitude off a second time with a dorky quip, before some girl's screechy voice interrupted their private little moment out of nowhere. It honestly startled them both, and the nice warm atmosphere dissipated immediately.
"Oh. My. GOD!! Is that Hobie Jones? Like actually?!"
She giggled and bounded up to them, blatantly ignoring Miles to insert herself between them and crowd into Hobie's space. She coquettishly asked for a selfie with him, promising to tag him on social media. The sudden commotion unfortunately attracted some other students who then took their cue to also bother Hobie for autographs, selfies, throwing compliments left and right.
Miles backed up out of the crowd, eyes still on Hobie as he watched the poor guy metaphorically slip on a mask, the very same that Miles saw when they first met not 2 hours ago. It was a sad, detached sort of look, and Hobie was forced to hunch in on himself to meet his fellow students' heights as they snapped selfie after selfie. His lips formed a smile all the while. His eyes did not.
A pang of sympathy hit Miles as he slowly turned away and made his way down to his own classroom without so much as a goodbye. He shrugged to himself, shaking his head. Yeah, he knew how that felt, just trying to mind your own business and live your life, do what you have to do-- and being stopped by nearly every living being within a 50 ft radius wanting their photo ops and their babies kissed.
Miles smiled to himself as he shouldered his way past other students and sauntered into his class, right on time. The bell rang as he reached his desk, and he pulled out another notebook out of his bag before the realization finally hit him with the force of a truck.
Wait... Hobie JONES?!
Miles quickly glanced around at his surroundings and mentally kicked himself yet again for choosing a seat so close to the teacher's desk, almost right up at the front. Damnit!
But the teacher wasn't in the classroom just yet, most likely making a quick run down to the printer down the hall to make copies of the class syllabus or something.
Okay, Morales. Gotta be quick.
He hastily pulled out his phone yet again, one eye on the door. He quickly typed in Hobie Jones model in his browser's search box, letting out a breath as search results loaded up and gave him exactly what he was looking for this entire time.
Hobie's face popped up in the image search previews, all sorts of cool and striking photoshoots lit up in all kinds of different ways. And the very first link at the top of the page? Hobie's own Flickstagram.
With a shaky hand, Miles tapped the link and impatiently waited for it to load, for his phone to get with the program and just open the damn app already. He kept glancing every so often at the door yet again, praying that the printer or copier-- or whatever-the-hell that was keeping the professor away from the class-- would keep them away for just a second longer.
He finally cast his gaze back down onto his own Flickstagram app and his heart nearly dropped out of his chest.
At the top, right next to Hobie's own smoldering profile picture was his username: hobiemjones
hobiemjones... hobie m jones. Hobie M. Jones.
Miles exhaled again and tucked his phone away in shock just as the classroom door opened yet again and all the students quieted down. This class's teacher made their way over to their desk, piles of papers in hand. They started to pass them out to the students in the front row, introducing themself and then going over the usual attendance policies.
Miles accepted the syllabus sheets with trembling hands, turning to pass them over his shoulder once he got his own, his mind running a hundred miles a minute.
Peter talked nonstop about his wife, whenever he managed to stop talking about his baby, that is. It was always MJ this, MJ that. Flashes of a middle-aged man staring forlornly at a picture of his then-ex wife-- grieving the one who got away-- raced across his mind's eye. His universe's own MJ standing at a podium, strong but deeply hurt as she addressed all of Brooklyn after Spiderman's funeral.
"She wanted kids and I... just wasn't ready," echoed over and over in Miles' mind. Of course, they're together now. But the way Peter talked about his divorce... oh god.
Wait... was Miles ready for kids? Were he and Hobie going to have a messy on-and-off again relationship that ended up with them having to care for a spider-baby just like Mayday?! Maybe even multiple spider-babies?!?!?
Miles loosened his tie a bit, sweating profusely.
The fact that neither Hobie nor Miles were equipped with the parts to make a baby together flew right over his head. No... instead, his mind skipped straight to marriage, messy emotional fights and inevitable breakups. How was he gonna juggle school, work, Spiderman stuff and a relationship all at once?!
Without realizing, Miles started hyperventilating.
No no no no no, cool it Miles. COOL IT. Don't be weird. Miles mentally slapped himself and tried to even out his breathing as he leaned back in his seat and wiped some sweat off his brow.
He just proved to Miguel O' Hara and the entire multiverse this past spring that he can do his own thing, canon events be damned. Miles Morales was no victim to fate. Maybe all of the other spider-people had their own MJs. But maybe in this universe, MJ and Spiderman were... just friends. Good friends! ...Yeah, yeah, just friends...
The idea floated around in Miles' head throughout the entire rest of the class, but it didn't really make the tightness in his chest loosen up any at all.
Once the bell rang again and everyone started packing their things up, Miles dawdled a bit by the door, fumbling with his phone as his classmates filed out of the room. If he was late enough, maybe he'd completely miss Hobie in the hallways and not have to see him at all. Miles double-checked, triple-checked his schedule again and again, mapping out an eventual escape route through the halls in case Hobie's path did intercept Miles'.
God, Miles thought ruefully, checking the hour on his phone for the 15th time in a row and smiling awkwardly at his teacher's questioning glance. You're being so fucking weird about this right now!
The rational part of his brain kicked in and presented a quick slideshow of other calmer, more reasonable explanations as to why he really shouldn't be avoiding his new friend like the plague all of a sudden.
1. Hobie probably doesn't and won't like me, it stated. There is literally no proof that Hobie Jones is even into guys. Or me, Miles Morales.
2. Even if Hobie Jones is into guys-- or me, Miles Morales-- that does not mean the endgame is automatically marriage. No sir, no proof of that at all!
3. Canon events were officially disproven. Kinda. Mostly. Sort of?
C'mon, bro. Just man up and get out there. You're gonna be late for the next class soon anyways.
Right. He inhaled deeply and steeled himself.
"Okay well, uh. Have a nice day Mx. Gonzalez! See ya... tomorrow." Miles cringed inwardly at how lame that sounded, but his teacher didn't seem to notice as they bid him a nice day as well.
With his heart in his stomach, Miles slowly made his way into the hallway and started walking at a brisk pace, keeping his eyeline straight in front of him, trying to reach his next class on the floor below quickly but manageably. It was when he reached the stairs that his heart sank even lower.
Hobie was standing right next to the stairwell, glaring at the school map placed on the wall off to the left, fingertips on his chin as he mumbled to himself. He was glancing up and down between the map and his schedule in his hand, clearly befuddled.
Damn, he really is bad at navigating, Miles mused, once he recovered.
But as luck would have it, tragedy struck right then. Miles being pretty much the only other kid in the hallway attracted Hobie's attention, and even though Miles' feet kept him moving, he almost tripped on air once Hobie perked up upon seeing him.
"Miles!" Hobie grinned and waved him over, clearly happy to see him.
Oh noooo. Miles was not as happy to see him.
Without thinking, he launched himself down the flight of stairs, hopping over the railing and landing loudly on the 1st floor. Once steady, he basically sprinted over to his 3rd period class, completely missing the way Hobie's sunny grin slowly disappeared and his hand lowered back down to his side.
Lunchtime came and went. Miles ate his packed lunch at his usual perch on top of the school building, where he always hid while trying to avoid the rest of the student body. He managed to pick a good spot away from prying eyes, and it never failed him.
Hobie ate alone, at a table tucked into the corner of the cafeteria despite being invited to several other tables. He sat and chewed sadly, locs back in front of his eyes, posture hunched over and defeated.
6th period came and went. Miles purposefully kept his gaze averted as Hobie walked in 5 minutes late. They sat at opposite ends of the room, never acknowledging each other's existence.
The school day ended and Miles made his way back to the dorms, sighing with relief once he glanced out the window and saw giant rainclouds rolling in over the horizon. Man, was he glad he got to bunk up on campus with his best friend! He greeted Ganke, kicked off his shoes and climbed up onto his bunkbed, laying back with a sigh. Maybe tomorrow he'd confront Hobie about his erratic behavior and apologize. Maybe.
But that was a problem for future Miles...
Outside, the rain started falling fast and hard.
Outside, Hobie M. Jones waited miserably by the curb with an umbrella in hand, getting drenched by the water nonetheless. He checked his phone for the 15th time and sniffled angrily, pocketing it and gripping onto his umbrella handle.
Late. Again.
His mother was late to pick him up, as usual.
He swiped at a tear rolling down his cheek and finally loosened his ponytail, letting his locs fall all around his face.
Once she arrived, his mother was going to inevitably ask him how his day was, look only slightly concerned about his angry tears and ask if he made any new friends anyways, despite knowing the answer.
No, mom, Hobie would say as he kept his eyes glued to the car window.
No. I didn't make any friends.
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xxplastic-cubexx · 30 days ago
just read the new mutants issue where Charles chose to stay behind in space and my god the juxtaposition between Charles trusting Erik and Erik joining the hellfire club and wondering at his own trust worthiness. I wonder how much of Charles decision was him ultimately trying to avoid the fact that his first class had seemingly betrayed mutant kind and not be willing to face them and how much of it was Dani and Illyana's reaction to him having Karma mind control Illyana. the fact that Illyana was depending on him to ease her mind through limbo and in choosing to stay he forced karma to do it instead, probably fucking up their relationship in the process.
I love him, this is crazy, how much of this is him trying to runaway and how much is this him not trusting himself to fix things and how much is it just him trusting Erik?
i keep trying to put into words my exact thoughts about the sitch but there really is a lot for one issue aintit... oh charles you and your brain...
#snap chats#thats why we have tag rambles AHAHA#ok so to tackle things one at a time charles ultimately deciding to stay in space despite his expressed want to return to earth#obviously it was when lilandra pointed out if her sister took charge of the shi'ar then the universe- earth included- would be in peril#charles notes his position as a losing one: whichever choice he makes he loses#he goes to earth then the universe could be at stake/he stays in space he loses his kids#of course charles COULD just put his faith in the starjammers but is that a risk he wants to take ? evidently not#charles' reoccurring flaw is he's willing to sacrifice personal relationships for the greater perceived good#even lilandra acknowledges this- that charles' homesickness for earth was an inevitability just as she is indebted to protecting the stars#so now his ruptured relationship with illyana and co- esp right after comforting a split illyana last issue#we've seen charles act more coldly/rashly when he's about to lose people (i think of his first death with the og5 mostly)#i mean it's a key part to charles' chara that he doesn't favor mind controlling others and im sure he has the same regard for his students#he's aware of the damage it can do and in this instance- for one reason or another- he orders it to be done regardless#im sure he does this as a form of defense: if his kids are upset with him they won't feel too bad about losing him and it'll be less painfu#obviously we still see sam wish charles farewell and wish for him to come back soon but yk.. worthy attempt..#and it's not as if charles wants them to hate him ENTIRELY.. he's still touched by sam's goodbye no.... fickle man he is..#i dont think charles is totally afraid to confront the og5- its what made him want to return to earth with the nms initially#tho again.. could his decision to stay in the stars be influenced by that? that maybe he ISNT prepared to confront them like he thought?#who's to say... not me i dont got that psych degree yet..#erik being charles' trusted confidant definitely made his decision easier on top of that: i mean is he needed if he has a substitute#i think charles DOES wholly trust erik: charles really doesnt approach his x-men half heartedly. from his pov ofc#if he didn't genuinely believe in erik's potential he wouldn't have picked him; hes a comforting thought when charles decides to depart#'although i'm gone erik understands me and my goals enough to continue my work as good as i would have so i have nothing to worry about'#which. yk. makes the whole White King thing kinda awkward VJAELVJEAKL charles you fool#i have no idea how this saga ends though... tbh im only on ish 45 of NM i just read 50 and 51 to get context for this ask#so i can only wait and see how this saga turns out... once i finish reading house of m/secret invasion stuff jvLKEJKA#idk im tired and rambling dont pay attention to me.. ramblin bout charles' brain is a good day for me regardless if i make sense jVLAJ
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spica-starson · 1 month ago
Hey sorry to bother you again, but you mention theres some difference from the donghua and the novel of land of miracles, can you tell me about those?? thank you very much
Hey! It‘s genuinely not a bother omg I always love to talk about them so feel free to send me asks whenever :D
Alright so funny thing is I‘d planned to do a comprehensive list sometime ago but I never got to it so I‘ll just do it now ahaha
- The biggest difference is the physical intimacy between Fa Hua and Lan Ge due to censorship. In the novels, they consistently hold hands from start to finish every time they need to power up and use the abilities of the Peerless Bead together. But of course the censorship couldn‘t have that, so all we got was them occasionally grabbing each other‘s wrists or touching palms in place of a hand hold 😩 it‘s better than nothing, but yeah…I just absolutely love how the grew so used to it over time and that holding hands is the norm but…oh well
- Another huge difference is how Hongbao was much less targeted as a „potential love interest“ in the novel. The donghua most likely did that to make sure it isn‘t too gay or the censorship will get their ass 😔💔 that scene in episode 36 where they talked about Hongbao while they were drunk doesn‘t exist in the novel, instead we had this iconic ambiguous af scene that made me go 🤨🏳️‍🌈⁉️:
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You could interpret this scene in many ways, but what was most important to me is that by this point, both of them already accepted that they may be connected for the rest of their lives and are okay with it. Compare that to LG fussing over this and being disgusted at the start qwq and FH who was so against this bc he didn’t want to feel whatever LG was feeling now simply laughing at the notion and teasing LG, I just— *sOBs* MAN. They make so me insane. OTL You can interpret this scene a million ways and most of them does not have any hetero explanation like- JDFKDJDKSJK
No wonder that when they actually do adapt this scene later on (oh and they split this scene in two in the donghua), they changed Fa Hua‘s dialogues to be less ambiguous and even Lan Ge‘s to (again) circle back to „the girls“ even though that never happened in the novel lolol
Like I said, definitely to make sure the censorship doesn‘t shoot them down 😭 and to probably balance out the gayness in the next ep LOL (episode 37, my beloved…). Alas, some things had to give just so they can keep the other iconic scenes where they were mistaken for a couple and LG calling FH his boyfriend in front of his parents :“) even then the donghua diluted some things too ahaha (but at the same time made the scene more sweet too ???? Bless u donghua team ur a hit or miss but when u hit it‘s *chefs kiss*)
- The mention of Hongbao was also only added in the end as an afterthought, framed more as FH worrying over someone who literally sacrificed her life for them. Not only that, they actually also changed how Hongbao got the life stone from the Green Sea of Life. In the novel, she snatched it from them when she searched their bodies after they failed to run from her. In the donghua, they gave it to her after she protected them from the Heavenly Devils in episode 34.
- Lan Ge‘s personality in the donghua is a lot more…exaggerated? Probably to accentuate his cuteness ahaha so I‘m not gonna complain, but LG is a lot less…stupid in the novel JDJDJDK he still has his clumsy and stupid moments, but usually FH‘s there to knock him down a peg or two LOL
Tbh I like the donghua‘s interpretation of LG a lot, but what I wish they didn‘t change was him canonically having a beautiful singing voice. It‘s in his name dammit!! (蓝歌 = Blue Song). I wish we got to see him sing more qwq granted he doesn‘t even sing that much in the novel either but…I wish they showed him singing well in the donghua instead of what we got…
- They also showed much less bickering and banter between FH and LG in the donghua :( it‘s one of my fav moments of them in the novel, but I get why they had to cut it (screentime constraints and all that). But I reaally wish they kept FH‘s sassiness and bluntness with others too…like this man is absolutely ruthless especially with LG when it comes to dissing LOL but it also extends to other people he doesn’t like like Shenglian and Xiao Zhan. It‘s honestly insane how much they held back in the donghua 😭👏👏👏 I drew one of the funniest interactions of them here ahaha
- Fa Hua’s personality largely stayed the same, but the donghua did make him more…easily flustered around women who show interest in him ? In the novel he‘s actually quite dismissive and has a huge idgaf energy…😭 this is probably one of my biggest gripes with the donghua dhdjdhd but to be fair they also made him softer around LG too so I guess you win some you lose some LOL
The scenes in question were when Big Golden Goat Lady (who btw, they also made her to be all flustered when talking abt marriage??? When in the novel she was very matter-of-fact and pointedly not shy whatsoever, mainly focused on how FH would be an asset to her clan lol, and saying how marrying him would dilute the purity of the clan), LG teased FH about it and all FH did was glance at him and say „Childish.“ to him telepathically without all the embarrassed fussing lol. Oh and they also removed this dialogue between FH & LG,,, they‘re so damn silly bro i can‘t omfg
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And another scene they excluded in the donghua was a scene where they were working together with the Five Commanders in the Thunder Legion. FH chose to work together with the only female Commander, Leng Lan, and she obviously didn‘t trust him. But only reason for this is bc she and her brigade was the only one he was familiar with bc they met them already and LG told him about her brigade earlier 😭 that and he was confident in his abilities regardless of who he chose ahaha
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(I kid you not…FH smiled and laughed so much because of LG in this arc. Specifically, after That Hug Scene in episode 31/chapter 118…I had to stop reading bc my heart was so full lmao. I am so SO glad the donghua absolutely nailed this development bc the amount of times FH smiled/laughed bc of LG in S3 is twice as much as S1-S2 combined qwq <3)
Idk it just feels like to me that TJSS was reaallly hammering down how FH isn‘t interested in any of the female characters at all throughout the entire book 😭👏👏 like the female cast aside from Hongbao (and Shenglian) were mostly there to drive the plot forward + world building.
It‘s like a subverted harem where the main male chars are surrounded by women who want to marry them but also not bc they aren‘t even interested in them and just need something from FH & LG lmao (the tiger sisters wanting to piss off their dad, golden goat wanted someone as strong as her to help her clan, Shenglian wanted the Peerless Bead).
I love how it shows how each of these female characters have their own ambition and aren‘t just there as „potential love interest“ for the boys but also show FH and LG‘s lack of interest 👍 it‘s a nice change from the usual ahaha. To be fair I do think the donghua managed to show this too, but the novel did it much better imo
- Another scene they changed slightly was the scene where they saw each other naked JDNFJDK and yes in the novel they had no clothing whatsoever lol and LG didn‘t have emergency clothes for them (that was only bc of censorship lolol)
FH‘s reaction was also quite different from the novel ahaha he was much more…crazy ???? Mad. Furious. Yes HDNFJFKDK-
He already apologized once like in the donghua, but they didn‘t immediately make up and needed some time to cool off by themselves bc FH literally beat LG up immediately 😭😭😭 LG was initially gonna let FH beat him up without much complaint bc he felt guilty, but then FH just didn‘t seem to be stopping and grew madder so they ended up beating each other up and wrestling JFNFDNDJK
"I'm sorry." Fahua's voice was a little hoarse.
Lan Ge was stunned for a moment. It had been a long time since they knew each other. This was the first time he heard Fahua actually apologize.
"The body, hair and skin are given to the parents. According to the tradition of our jurisdiction, except for the parents, the body cannot be seen by others casually."
"Then what would happen if I saw it?" Lan Ge asked curiously.
Fahua glanced at him, "Not much."
(this almost makes NO sense bc he was SO friggin mad that he thought LG saw him naked bc of his domain‘s traditions and apparently it meant nothing ??????? Nah. Nah man. I refuse to believe that LOL I mean you could argue this was the first time anyone‘s ever seen him naked which is why he overreacted that way but omg 😭 my intuition is saying sth else is at play…maybe he was angry the thought of being forced to marry LG HAHAAHKDJSK or maybe this is how he reacts when he‘s embarrased, or maybe all of the above :3 who knows. We already know nudity is one of the few things that can crack his stoicness ahaha)
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also LG crying out bc he didn‘t want to be the woman „why can‘t you be the woman?“ and FH‘s just like „can we not talk about this?“ while pouting ????? Ohmygoodjdjdh 😭👌💕💕💕
And of course, there‘s the scene where Lu Ying found them naked back in the house in the Green Sea of Life and just casually told them to continue what they were doing LMAOOOO I WISH THAT WAS ADAPTED BUT I GET WHY IT ISNT SHJDHSJS
(I drew a comic for that here!!)
- Hongbao is also quite different in the novel, and the Director actually admitted that they changed her to be slightly softer in the donghua. She was much more stoic and doesn‘t comprehend human culture like boyfriend-girlfriend, she’s colder and aloof even till the end of the book after she was reborn as a human girl. She only started to understand human emotions after she turned into a human at the end of the book.
- Hongbao‘s scene after the final battle with LG‘s parents were much, MUCH better in the novel. A lot of fans actually (rightfully) complained on weibo bc it was nothing like in the novel, instead the donghua snuck in another „come be LG‘s potential wife!“ joke even though by that point Hongbao was obviously intended to be more like family to FH & LG and learn how to be human through them and their families. In the novel it was only Xiangyun who mentioned that (bc Lan Xiang have always been more lax when it comes to LG marrying) and it wasn‘t done in an exaggerated manner either:
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It‘s one of my fav scenes especially with Hongbao and I too was so upset they didn‘t include it :“) bc Xiangyun showing Hongbao warmth of a mother and family is so so important to her development as a character 😭💖 and seeing FH and LG as her family…sigh. Alas…
- Lan Ge‘s kindness
We know LG is a kindhearted person despite his flaws—FH wouldn‘t have loved him if he wasn‘t lol. But there are some scenes they didn‘t include in the novel that really show his consideration especially towards FH and explains why FH slowly warmed up and opened up to him.
For example after they met again at the Tri-Domain Competition, LG was shocked when he found out FH didn‘t have a place to stay and begrudgingly (but still willingly) planned to pay for his hotel room so he wouldn‘t have to sleep on the streets :“) Obviously they ended up not getting a single room bc it was all booked (they were so close to a "there was only one bed" situation damn…) but they did end up sharing a tent HAHAHA (eventually anyway when LG finally stops being a petty ass lmao)
And there was this scene after they started training together in earnest:
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(P. S. LG sweetie wdym you‘ve always been observing him every day that you know his habits and that he takes a bath everyday (this was mentioned in an earlier chapter haha) 😄😄😄 sweetheart…
Oh the scene in the donghua where LG followed FH and saw him bathe before accidentally falling into the pool didn’t happen in the novel ahaha but it’s a welcome addition :3 I do think the donghua does a better job at showing LG being in denial about his attraction to men Fa Hua and it‘s sooo nice to especially see it in the deleted scenes ahaha)
But yeah, FH seeing how LG is actually quite generous and kind despite his brashness and arrogance, willing to pay for his hotel room bc he was about to sleep on the streets and considerate enough to get FH something to eat because he noticed FH was broke and ate nothing but crackers everyday…whose heart wouldn‘t be warmed by this ??? 🥹
And this scene after they met the Big Golden Goat and she treated them to the fish they caught:
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The way LG—who complained nonstop about having to eat the bland crackers throughout the trip at sea—willingly ate it without complaints OR FH asking bc he didn‘t want to mess up FH‘s cultivation ?????????????:):):€/)/&-&-&
LIKE,,,, imagine this from FH‘s perspective: the person who obviously has a big appetite and loves to eat and is never against complaining his discomfort quietly follows your lead and only consumes the thing you‘re allowed to eat in solidarity without complaint and because he was afraid of messing your cultivation. If that isn‘t an act of love idk what is 😭💖💕💕 their love language really is acts of service ahaha
And FH being the little shit that he is (and obviously happy and touched at this gesture from LG) just never told him until that very second LOLLLL I love them so much byeeee OTL
- The scene that the donghua actually built upon is the scene in episode 34 when they had to part ways after basically being stuck together for 3 years qwq I absolutely LOVE the donghua‘s version omg and they nailed the quiet affection they have for each other and the discomfort of having to physically separate and be away from one another 😭💔
Fahua stood on the shore until the ripples left by Lan Ge dissipated, then turned and walked in the direction of the City of Wisdom.
Ever since they had the relationship of Wushuangzhu, they were together most of the time, and they were somewhat uncomfortable when they suddenly separated. In fact, it is impossible for them to be truly separated. Whether it is cultivation or spiritual communication, they maintain an extremely close connection.
— Chapter 124
*head in hands* they make me feel so ill….
- ok I’m gonna start talking about scenes from the last arc bc this is another scene that I hold so dear to my heart and absolutely gutted me when I realized they didn‘t have enough time to fit it in qwq
Any scene that starts with "Night fell" in the novel, you know it‘s gonna be sweet as hell 👌
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Just- this whole scene + BBQ scene deserves a whole episode alone man 😭💔 but alas…
FH who‘s smiling more and loves messing with LG and LG who‘s grown so comfortable with FH and wants to show him the things he loves…we could‘ve had it all…
- Another scene they sadly couldn‘t fit in the donghua was this scene after the BBQ scene. Honestly I have no complaints bc the donghua made the scene even cuter than the novel, but it lacked the sheer hilarity of their interaction and FH trolling LG HAHAHAHA
Oh and in the novel, the BBQ scene is the first time FH drank alcohol, not just eat meat! I thought I should mention that bc I felt it important to his character development and relationship growth with LG :D bc FH has always avoided alcohol bc of its side effects, but he felt safe enough to drink and let go with LG at his side;;
Anyways here‘s the scene of FH being an absolute troll (and LG getting his revenge for all his bullying only for it to backfire LOL):
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And another scene after they realized the Heavenly Demons have arrived where FH immediately told LG "I understand. I'll stay with you." They did keep a part of this dialogue but not all :“) which is a shame bc it gave us an insight on how they felt at that moment in time.
Basically LG called out to FH in his heart and FH replied faintly "There‘s no need to say words of gratitude." bc he could tell LG was so, so grateful he stayed just for him even though they should be running away, but at this point, their relationship was already beyond that. So instead LG deflected and said "For the sake of your willingness to stay with me, let's forget about the beef tongue just now!"
And Fa Hua only replied with:
"Speaking as if I can live if you die." Fa Hua's body paused for a moment before he accelerated again and headed straight for Thunder City.
Lan Ge was a little dazed while speeding up. Why did this guy's words seem inconsistent? Could it be that he was also a little nervous?
Like…omg OTL I really wish they kept this bc there‘s a lot of unspoken stuff between them and I love it qwq
- Even though the donghua did sneak in a really funny scene of LG‘s parents suspecting LG actually being in a relationship with FH and going „No way…right?“ in the novel they actually explored it more even if just a bit ahaha
It just showed how his parents would be totally okay with him being in love with FH as long as he either took on the job or got married LMAO
- "I would love the whole world for you."
They actually managed to reference this line in the donghua for a split second ahaha and I loooveee how they used "and the most important one…is you." in place of that bc I literally lost my mind during that scene BDNDBDK BUT !!! I wanted to talk about the significance of this line and why they had to remove it due to censorship.
This line "For you, I would love the whole world" was the name of the chapter (Ch 164), and it is also the name of the autobiography by the author Tang Jia San Shao/TJSS, where he narrates the 16-year love story between him and his (now late) wife, how their friendship and love persist over the years. The fact that he used this specific line for FH & LG is so— OTL it just shows how he wanted the readers to know that the love between FH & LG runs deep and changed them both for the better, how important they are to each other. That and…his wife passed away due to cancer while he was writing this novel. I will forever be grateful to him for still pushing through despite the obvious grief he lived in and wish him nothing but the best;;
Here‘s the scene from the novel:
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While it is true that the ultimate law of fire is warmth, they were much more upfront of the true nature: THEY USED THE POWER OF LOVE !!!!! It‘s so clinche and corny and I love it so friggin much 🥹💖💕💕
And the way LG was all like „For whom do you love? For whom?!" as though he’s daring FH to say it outloud and FH not even denying it,,, them not wanting to acknowledge it bc obviously it‘s EACH OTHER 😭✨ man,,,, my embarrassed bbys ilysm 🥰
TJSS had no intention of being subtle in the novel that they do love each other—the nature of the love is intentionally kept vague so we can interpret it however we want, but the fact that they‘re also clearly written as soulmates is so— *chef‘s kiss*
We also got to see them hug nonconsensually aka forced by the Peerless Bead and they were like „ewwww get off!!!“ afterwards as if they’ve never hugged before (remember FH comforting LG with a hug…and LG hugging FH’s thigh…yea…) LOL it was so silly of them dhsjshajajah
- Chapter 118/Episode 31: "Good boy."
Saving this for last because it‘s 1) my favorite, most beloved scene in the entire book and 2) the donghua actually nailed it 100% and made it even better. Pretty sure all the budget went to that episode omg 😭🫶✨ which is so real of them bc it‘s THE most crucial scene in the whole book, especially when it comes to LG & FH‘s relationship. It created a very subtle shift in their dynamic in that…they know now. They know how much they matter to each other. Not just bc they could feel each other‘s emotions, but because of their actions.
In the novel, FH was willing to sacrifice his cultivation in order for them to survive, in order for LG to avenge his parents, and when LG saw FH…LG saw the back of his mother as she was sacrificing herself for him, and he snapped. The donghua turned it even more emotional and dramatic by making them nearly lose their lives but it works, bc it still followed the core of the narrative.
All that matters is for us to know just how important this was to them, and to show how LG who was passively suicidal defy death bc he wanted FH to live. That he didn‘t want FH to sacrifice himself like his parents did. And FH now knew just how much LG cares about him too qwq sigh. Man. This scene was done so incredibly beautifully and respectfully, and for that alone I‘m willing to overlook all the other flaws of the donghua ahaha
Here‘s my favorite excerpt from the novel:
Fahua felt the holy power in his body like a blowout, and felt the blank ninth page of the god-given code slowly opened. He lowered his head, looked at Lan Ge who was hugging his thigh in a daze, raised his hand, and gently stroked his head, subconsciously said: "Good boy! (乖!)"
Lan Ge suddenly let go of his arms as if he had been struck by electricity and jumped up in an instant, "Good boy, my ass!"
But Fahua laughed, with a gentle and happy smile, and surprisingly didn't diss him again.
Lan Ge also laughed, yes, they succeeded,
You remember how gentle FH is around children right? And he would often praise them with "乖" when they hug his thigh and clamour around him…I think LG definitely reminded him of them in that moment, clutching tightly to him, desperately, because he didn‘t want to lose him at all. He‘s so irrevocably fond of him and they love each other so SO much I just— *collapses*
FH‘s always been very gentle and patient with LG (when he‘s not being a bully and manhandling him lolol) especially in the face of his grief, and it all came to a head in this scene, where LG was struck with the fear of losing FH and being left behind again, where he was forced to be honest with his feelings and have it reach FH…god this scene is so peak. And the donghua did it perfectly.
Anywho hmm…I think I got all the important differences hmmm I can‘t fit in any more images anyway but if I did forget some (and I‘m sure i have lmao) I‘ll just add it under a reblog or sth :D
I do think the novel does a good job at keeping their relationship relatively vague and ambiguous while still catering to danmei enjoyers and keeping itself genuine and true to itself haha.
I heard TJSS actually wanted to write a BL but he realized it wasn‘t working out the way he wanted so he changed his mind and we ended up with this gem XD and honestly I wouldn‘t have it any other way bc that‘s what makes FH & LG so special to me (but that‘s just me).
(Plus censorship has been growing even more strict sadly and in a way…it‘s a good thing Shenlan Qiyu isn‘t a „true“ BL bc we might not have gotten 3 seasons worth of content in that case in this day and age 😭💔 ughhh)
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jupiter-reimagined · 4 months ago
Does that sidekick (the blue one) even speak in the season? I can't remember now. I don't remember him even speaking. I desperately wanted to see more of him, but alas.
i dont know, but i just found out their name is Steb.... by looking up "arcane fish guy". but me too,,, i love him,,,
AND THE BAT GUY IS NAMED SCAR. OH MY GOD. i can be normal about him <- lie
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caleohateclub · 1 year ago
i wanna kiss a genderfluid person just so i can have the experience of being in a mlm, sapphic, t4t, and het relationship all in the same time. would i explode.
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crowtobio · 2 years ago
i hate that all of my a//3 thoughts are so unbelievably niche bc i think there are maybe two (2) people who have a fucking clue what any of it means and its driving me insane
#aki//gumi sapa would go so hard#ju//uza yelena… tai//chi noah…#ig there are less niche things tho#ju//tai frankenstein also lives in my brain#(the korean frankenstein )#fuyu//gumi grand hotel also#i need guy raffaela so bad#they should let guy play a lesbian i think#for me <3#i love fancastinf a//3 stuff alas the only person who knows what the fuck im saying is lod#ALSO AKI//GUMI DON JUAN#DON JUAN IS SO AKI//GUMI CODED#GIVE ME JUU//ZA DON CARLOS AND O//MI DON JUAN RIGHT FUCKING NOS#NOW*#n e way a//3 fans u should all watch sapa so u can agree with me about ju//tai as noah and yelena bc im insane#also ​shout out to that one jp fan who drew sakyo//azu baddy art they r everything to me#ahaha if there r any zuka fans who also like a//3….. please tlak to me im losing my mind#society if there was a button that stopped stuff from showign up in searches#so i didnt have to censor every tag to make sure i dont clog tags rhrfkgdjh#god yk what else would be cute#natsu//gumi memy#i dont really go here but liek#hrhrhrgfhrdhggdfrh#i think mu//ku would be a very cute bill idk#a//3 fans please get more into jp theatre so i have people to scream at#these are not actual complaints about the fandom u guys seem chill even if i mostly observe from a distance fdskhjsfd#i am jsut driving myself insane#maybe there are people more into jp/asian theatre in the fandom and i just havent seen them ! idk !#looking through all my fancasts from zuka shows and it really is just#juu//za female role juu//za female role juu//za female role juu//za female role
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For the 2 people who voted in my poll and were both unaware of Ruby's existence
Ruby was my hedgehog :) I got her in January 2016 when I was 12 and she was my best little buddy :) she got cancer in 2019 and had to be put down that September. I kept a few of her quills in a little vial charm on a necklace and wore it everyday for years, I just recently stopped wearing it everyday bc I got a different everyday necklace for my best friend. Here are pics of my beautiful baby girl
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deltaruminations · 2 years ago
in hindsight i feel like i was maybe a little quick to reblog that asriel music post… tbh i’m not really sold on the don’t forget comparison (i do think there’s something to the ‘dreams’ motif being found in DR and quoted in lost girl, and being echoed in don’t forget by virtue of similarities to lost girl etc., though it isn’t clear yet if this is an asriel thing or a snowdin thing or a much broader conceptual thing). the phrase “hopes & dreams” specifically comes up in ralsei’s prophecy and seems like it might have broader significance in deltarune to the dichotomy of “light and dark” and the thematic conflicts therein. the structural similarities between “hopes and dreams” to welcome to the city might also just be a matter of compositional style; similar comparisons have been made between lost girl & nightmare knight and as interesting as that is transtextually i’m not sure how much weight it holds for hard speculation absent a clear leitmotivic connection or any broader textual evidence of asriel specifically being connected to the computer dark world, or any other dark world for that matter. it just seems a little early to get too invested in this lead. i could be wrong though, who knows? it’s interesting to consider at least
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antianimus · 2 years ago
I hope you know that the love you deserve should be unconditional. you shouldnt have to compromise anything
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valleynix · 2 years ago
good things are about to happen :3
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lo-carb · 2 years ago
Somehow out of all the merlot lettuce I planted only one sprouted up, and it was merked by something as soon as it sprouted. However, I've got a few wasabi radishes and carrots peeking up quite well. Along with a bunch of other seeds (I didn't mark anything so my dumb ass is going to have to play a guessing game while they sprout, wish me luck determining the 5 different types of onions/chives I planted randomly LMAO). My potatoes are going hog fuckin wild on the edge of a bed, I left 3/4ths of the bed untouched since I didn't plan on putting more there. However, what I thought was weeds growing in the untouched bed, actually turned out to be beans that have re-seeded themselves! (Might be peas, not sure they're quite vine-y, but they taste like green beans) and blackberry plants! Had to pick out some immature burr weeds, and another growing plant that seemed to be developing flowers, since I'm not sure what that is I left some of it to mature (more for the polinators so hey). Since I had more onion starts to plant out I cleaned out half of an adjacent bed, and thinned out the other half of it. That had more blackberry starts, beans, and a few other unknown starts that I left to see how they develop. A bit glad I didn't completely churn out all of the beds and let them grow out, as I was regretting not planting some type of vine plant, and we were looking to get blackberry bushes to start anyways. Gonna have to give all of these new found plants some love!
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whorelaud · 4 months ago
꒦꒷ 𓈒 𓈒 𓈒 birthday sex ¿¡
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pairing bf¡drew starkey x fem¡reader
summary just reader dealing with horny drew while hes away on his birthday
contatins fluff, slightly suggestive, age gap, drew texting like an old man!!
a/n little birthday texting oneshot because i love him so much agh!!
word count 702
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ml <3: Where is my happy birthday?
You grinned, perking up when you noticed the message you received from your boyfriend. You typed in a quick response, knowing how sulky he gets when you take long to reply, especially when he’s away. 
You: okay damn straight to the point
You: it hasnt even turned 12 yet :( 
ml <3: Gurl 
You: men used to go to the war
You: now they have sass competitions w/ their girlfriends 😒
ml <3: Lolll 
ml <3: That’s not funny
You: why are you loling then old man
ml <3:: Hey! I’m not that old
You: well
You: u JUST turned 31 
You: I wish I can see you :( 
ml <3: Hahaha thank youuuu!
ml <3: I love you beautiful 
ml <3: I can't wait to land I miss my pretty girlfriend 
You: stawppp blushes like a slut
ml <3: ??? Excuse me! 
ml <3: Proof? Send picture
You: u nasty
You: are u into that degrading shit
ml <3: I mean
ml <3: I don’t mind it 
ml <3: If you like it then I do and if you don't then it’s okay. Either way I am happy as long as you’re content baby!
You: stop why’d u take that so srsly i was joking
You: is this the perks of turning 31
ml <3: Ugh 🙄
ml <3: You always do this!
You: ugh ure so cute i cant believe ure 21
You: 31* oops
ml <3: Are you shaming me for growing now?
You: no i love u
ml <3: You* 
You: i have a surprise for u
You: i cant wait for u to land 
You: yeahahh 
ml <3: What is it
ml <3: Please show me Please Pleaseeeeee
You: its a surprise i cant :( when u get home i swear!
ml <3: Did you get me condoms? 
You: pardon me!
You: when have i ever gotten you condoms for ur birthday
ml <3: 😏
You: get that skunky face off my screen
ml <3: 😒
You: LMAO 
ml <3: Tell me!
You: i cant baby that will ruin the surprise 
ml <3: Are you like… 
You: ??? am i what
ml <3: did you actually get me condoms
You: why do u keep bringing up the condoms is it on ur birthday wishlist or something
ml <3: It’s not a bad present 
You: DREW. 
ml <3: Can we fuck when I get back
You: oh
ml <3: Ugh I miss you
ml <3: Jus’ thought about fucking you and now I’m horny
You: are u like
ml <3: Am I what baby
You: are u trolling ahaha is this a joke
ml <3: …
You: drew omff
You: why would you say that
ml <3: Sorry baby
ml <3: Fuck I miss your lips
You: which ones
You: i take that back please dont answer
ml <3: Both
ml <3: Can we have birthday sex please
You: hello??? where did that come from
ml <3:: Sorry I’m horny
ml <3: Do you think it feels different from normal sex
You: well if i had to guess it would probably be more thrilling, maybe?
ml <3: We should test out that theory
ml <3: Verify whether it’s true 
You: shush omg
You: u suck
ml <3: My dick
ml <3: can you suck my dick when I’m back
You: omg shut up
ml <3: Is that a no? :( 
You: yeah… ur 31!!! too old 4 me
ml <3: Nah you're right I could be your father
You: k its not that bad
You: it’s only 4 years
ml <3: 6*
ml <3: actually
ml <3: 7 now what the fuck
You: ure so cute please marry me 
ml <3: Lol 
ml <3: I’m horny
You: drew omg
ml <3: Should I rub one out in the plane bathroom?
You: 🤦‍♀️
You: just wait until ure back 
ml <3: Wait
ml <3: Omg I am so Excited 
You: loser 
ml <3: So, birthday sex yeah?
You: i hate you
ml <3: i love you too baby 
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