#donna answers
For the wrestling asks, 7. one wrestler you believe should get more of a push 
anna jay is definitely on the top of the list. she’s put her work in and should at least be the one to dethrone julia
best friends needs to stop being jerked around and should win the big one. they’ve been there since the jump
i think they could create a solid women’s tag division and have red velvet and kiera hogan as a team. they also have proven themselves to be in the conversation
emi sakura is another that has put the work in and has such star power
there’s a lot more but those are a few in my top
wrestling asks
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mysterycitrus · 10 months
I just love your Tim drake as it's just practically getting jumpscared everytime and I just love that
Also can we talk about the wonder twinnss and the FIC!
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tysm !! i will go into heavy detail about the scientific sliding scale of jumpscares between the wonder twins and timmy drake
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celestetcetera · 7 months
Wild Blue Yonder really emphasized the Doctor not knowing the answer, huh? He’s wrong about Donna 3/4 times, he doesn’t speak the alien language, he doesn’t know what the creatures are nor is he very familiar with the space they’ve landed in. Hell, he even has a line admitting he’s wrong often.
But you know what else this episode did? It emphasized Donna’s brilliance. She may think she’s stupid, but she’s sharp as hell. She’s the one who figures out the imposter after giving a Doctor-level tangential speech. She’s the one who’s able to clear her head. She asks the right questions— why are their doubles scaring them?
Her imposter thinks she’s dumb at first, but when no-thing Donna realizes the real one’s actually smart, that’s when she’s able to break through the salt spell. Unfortunately Donna being brilliant means her imposter must be too.
Anyway. Love the role reversal. But for it to come at a time when the Doctor is feeling lost and confused, when they’ve just discovered they don’t even know themselves— it probably stings. Because what are they if not the smart one? When you take away all they’ve learned of this universe, there’s nothing left.
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irn-bru · 7 months
rtd is sooooo funny. he has made us wait 15 years in agony and anticipation wondering how donna will survive the metacrisis and then he just waltzes in for the 60th and says "oh donna has a child and they just decide they don't want to do that anymore" and by funny I mean I'm going to strangle him with my bare hands
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blackbatcass · 2 months
donna’s inherent honesty vs dick’s tendency to be manipulative.. speak to me
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kaistrashbin · 3 months
I’ll send a request in then..
Donna hugging Y/N?? Or anyone, I don’t mind, I just wanna see Donna comforting side.
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"A hug? Of course tesoro, come here <3"
I've never drawn a blank character before so this was kinda funny PFFT
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nat-20s · 6 months
*gently takes your hand* listen LISTEN. I know they're mostly goofs but genuinely no version of The Doctor and Donna hate each other. They're SOULmates not personalitymates. Their dynamic will play out differently with each face but there is never once a lack of mutual love and adoration. As long as The Doctor is The Doctor and Donna Noble is Donna Noble, they are sharing a soul in different bodies, no matter what bodies those might be.
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pinkkittycoffin · 4 months
"your stupid ass BETTER NOT be ponyfying roy harper when i get back THERE"
my stupid ass :
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an-architect-of-words · 7 months
Donna Tartt is so funny in interviews, especially the John Adams Institute interview. But one moment in particular made me laugh because it was so human. The host asked her if she’d write a sequel to TSH about what happened to Julian after he ran away. And she goes (paraphrasing) like: “TSH is a finished story. There’s nothing more to tell, and so I won’t try to force in more. We don’t need a book about Julian… That said, if I’m ever penniless and on the streets, suffering from want, then the world is getting a book about Julian!”
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jonsihtric · 4 months
just got to the part about the strange german guy following bunny and henry around. what was that about??? like was that ever even explained or brought up again????
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cactiaintracist · 7 months
Can safely say this is NOT how I expected the 60th anniversary multi-doctor episodes to go
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legit9thlunaticwarrior · 10 months
Surprise! Hope these guys make your day better! 😇
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you know what? putting the third guy in a sock and batting it around would bring me joy
imma let him slide this time
and chuckie with the chaimsaw to defeat my foes
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mysterycitrus · 4 months
Trying to prove a point with someone: between Wally & Donna, who would Dick pick as his best man/woman/whatever in his (theoretical) wedding?
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coughing baby vs hydrogen bomb
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Hey, I’d love to see Alcina and Donna giving the most insane mom glares. You know em’. I know em’…
…debating dropping out of college and I need someone to bully me lol thank you!! <3
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Alcina is giving a 10/10 mom glare and Donna.....sure is trying her hardest XD
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victoriawaterfield · 20 days
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grrrechka · 3 months
would you ever be willing to draw Donna as a half spider? k thanks bye!
Yess I love Donna requests!! Thank you for asking, I wasn't sure if you wanted recently rebloged design so I made my own
I got a little excited, I love putting animal behaviors into half-humans soo here is a bunch of doods
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She covers her face with pedipals when flustered 😔💓
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Also! Male spiders dance to attract a mate while female spiders can actually eat a potential mate, so I decided to incorporate both
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