#done her dog sitting duties before we got out there so it’s not my fault
tombsforteeth · 9 months
I know my younger sister has issues and has since a child, but fuck why should we have to pussy-foot around her on Christmas under her threat of “fine, I’ll just fucking go then” if she’s going to spend her time in a dark room on her phone?? If it wasn’t Christmas and for mums sake and it being the only day of the year that the whole family is together, I would pull have said fine fuck off. I’ll have to ask her when she wakes up. Like, go to a psychologist and heal whatever trauma it is you got. You’re not the only one with issues here, and should you really be moving in with your younger suicidal sister if you’re going to flip and be nasty like that? “I don’t actually care about any of yous” well you do otherwise you would have blocked all our numbers, not talked to us at all and not bought us actually really thoughtful gifts.
And to cap the night off was a strong disagreement with dad over whether or not shooting and killing your otherwise perfectly healthy dog because they kill chickens or wander off on a scent trail is okay. I think you shouldn’t kill animals for being animals that need additional training but “this is a farm, nature is cruel, and you live and you die”.
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18250mm · 1 month
Birthday Gift | F. Pugh
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Gif not mine, credit to creator
Pairing: Florence Pugh x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1,358
Warnings: Small age gap (Florence is 27, Reader is 21), other than that, this is pure fluff!
Summary: You get Florence the perfect (belated) New Year’s and birthday gift.
[REPOST] I wanted to do something special for Florence’s 27th birthday and eventually decided to write a short fic because I haven’t done it before. Enjoy!
You whistled as you grabbed the steak with your tongs, flipping it over before letting it sizzle on the pan and turning your attention to the cheese platter on the kitchen counter.
Today was the third day of the new year and Florence’s birthday. The two of you were having a combined celebration as you’d both been too busy two days prior to even consider having a date night.
It seemed like 2022 had just begun yesterday, though with the ongoing pandemic and a ton of new projects on Florence’s part, it wasn’t surprising that 365 days had flown by just like that.
"I just want to take a shower," the Brit groaned and set her bag down on the floor. "You basically kicked my ass earlier today."
Before you and Florence started dating, you were her personal trainer — and a damn good one at that. Her management team had set her up with you since you were one of, if not the best, in town. Since she had signed a contract to play Yelena Belova in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which was basically one of the biggest franchises to exist, Florence was more than ready to get in shape.
One thing led to another and the rest was history.
"Well," you said sweetly, wrapping your arms around the girl from behind. "It’s not my fault you had back-to-back interviews for your other projects too, my A-list angel. But I promise I’ll take care of you tonight. Go take that shower and we’ll have dinner after."
"I’m so glad you can cook," Florence turned to face you with a small smile. "We have to spend more time in the kitchen together."
"I don’t think we’d get much cooking done, but I’m down to spend any time, anywhere with you, my love," you laughed before pointing in the direction of the bathroom — unable to resist giving your girlfriend’s bum a smack, causing her to squeal and run upstairs.
"Hey buddy," you cooed as you opened the door to the guest room. "How ya doing?"
Florence was still in the shower, so you decided to sneak away from your kitchen duties to check on your surprise for her.
Sitting on the bed was a Great Pyrenees — and a pretty big one at that. A friend of yours had been its owner for a year before he had to give him up when his career took off and he didn’t have time to care for it anymore. Not wanting to take the dog to a shelter and risk him being there for the rest of his life, he had asked if you and Florence were willing to take on the responsibility of having another pet.
You knew your girlfriend would be more than happy to take another dog in. The two of you had been discussing the intricacies of adopting one for a year now and you finally felt the time was right. So, you called your friend and told him you’d take the pup — it was going to be your birthday gift to Florence.
All you saw was a blur of white before you were attacked by paws and saliva. The dog lapped at your face and you chuckled, reciprocating by giving it lots of cuddles.
"Baby?" Florence called out from the other side of the door. "What are you doing in the guest room? Why is the door locked?"
"I’ll be out in a moment, babe!" you quickly replied before your girlfriend got more suspicious. Clearly, she had taken a lot less time in the shower than you’d initially anticipated. "I’ll meet you in the dining room!"
With that, you left the dog some food and water, whispering promises that you’d be back soon for him to meet his new momma.
"Oh my god," Florence moaned, stuffing another bite of steak in her mouth. "This is so good. And the cheese? Yum!"
"I’m glad you like it," you chuckled, pouring your girlfriend another glass of wine. "Happy Birthday, love."
"Thank you, darling," said the blonde in response. "I love you."
"I love you too," you finished off the rest of your food and got up to put the dishes in the sink. "And hey, I’ve got another surprise for you."
"What’s gonna beat this bomb-ass dinner?" Florence quirked an eyebrow, then laughed when she saw how excited you were.
"You’ll see. Come on!"
With quick steps, you led the blonde towards the guest room. Once there, you whistled and called out for Billie.
"Hey girl!" Florence squatted down to pet her. "What’s going on, Y/N/N?"
You didn’t answer her, but instead, opened the bedroom door to reveal the very well-behaved dog that had been waiting patiently all this time.
"You didn’t," the blonde replied, wide-eyed. "Y/N, you did, didn’t you! Oh my god!"
"What, you don’t like it?" you teased, knowing full well she was the opposite of upset.
"I love it! Gosh, you’re such a cutie, aren’t you?"
You opened your mouth to respond before you realised Florence wasn’t even talking to you anymore. She’d already gone into the room to pet the fluffy white dog, Billie following close behind.
"I wanted it to be a belated New Year’s gift too. What are you gonna name him?" you asked, leaning against the doorframe with your arms crossed.
"Can we name him Charlie, baby? Please," your girlfriend gave you the biggest puppy dog eyes she could muster. "Billie and Charlie. Wouldn’t that be cute?"
With the cute expression on Florence’s face and the literal puppy dog eyes from the two mutts, you couldn’t say no to her.
"It would," you agreed. You continued to observe the way Florence had her fun with Charlie. The dogs, too, looked like they were having the time of their lives. Billie had somehow ended up on top of her new brother and they were snuggled into your girlfriend’s side.
"I’m just gonna sleep like this," Florence told you firmly, gesturing for you to come over. "Are you gonna join me or…?"
Your knees dented the plush mattress as you settled in with the rest of your family. You laid beside Florence while your two dogs got comfortable at the foot of the bed.
"Goodnight, Y/N," your girlfriend said with a yawn as she laid her head in your chest. "You make me happy."
"You make me happy too, Flo. Now, get some sleep. Goodnight, my love."
Whether it was the full dinner or how tired you guys were from your busy schedules, you weren’t sure — but you found it exceptionally easy to fall asleep in the guest room that night.
The next morning, you woke up to an empty bed. Furrowing your eyebrows, you got up and made your way to the kitchen where Florence usually spent the first half an hour of her day making breakfast.
Instead, you found her in the living room, seated on the floor with the dogs. But they looked… different.
"Flo?" you called out to her, causing the Brit to look up at you with a wide smile on her face.
"Y/N/N!" she replied cheerily. "Look what I got them!"
Billie was dressed in a tutu and had a big bow on her head while Charlie had a matching bow tie around his neck. The both of them — mostly your Great Pyrenees, unfortunately for him — had their fur dyed with leftover pet hair chalk you had bought for Halloween last year.
"Oh my god," was all you could manage, trying to stifle a laugh at how excited the older girl was and how calm your canine friends were.
Florence’s giggles didn’t die down even when you disappeared into the bathroom to brush your teeth and wash your face. Once you were ready for the day, you put on a movie and went to get some snacks.
Of course, you snuck a couple of treats to the pups for being so tolerant with the actress’ antics before snuggling up with Florence, who wouldn’t stop showering you with kisses for giving her the best start to the year and her 27th birthday.
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enigma-im · 4 years
Eighth day of Christmas...
Trope: Heat (NSFW) Relationship: Werewolf x Human Word Count: 7,058
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I knew the moment I stepped off the bus that I was in trouble. From the horrid heat and melting pot of people, this was going to be a challenge. The dry air nearly made me cough the second I got off the steps. Everyone seemed as annoyed with the environment as I, which is a small relief. Looking around at all the people was both a relief and a nightmare. We all had no idea what was going on but I knew I stood out like a sore thumb.
"You," someone shouts, silencing the crowd. I look around till I spot a hardened older Soldier making his way towards me. The crowd splits before he can charge through. The man glares daggers at me before stopping uncomfortably close.
"Me," I ask, pointing to myself with unease.
"Yes, you," he shouts," what other mutts around here would I be talking to?"
"Right," I nearly drop my shoulders," what do you need?"
"I wanted to get a look at the first werewolf soldier who gets to become my guard dog for this year," he answers, appraising me with discontent," I expect excellence from you, mutt, this few months you will be chewed up and spit out a better dog than a better man. You have big shoes to fill, guiding your kind into the future and not a single one of us will give you an inch or centimeter to make mistakes. Do I make myself clear, private!"
I feel a bit wobbly at his words," uh, yes."
The man leans closer to my face, shouting despite the distance," What was that, mutt? Stand tall, be loud! Do I make myself clear?"
"Yes, sir," I stand at attention, my stomach rolling into knots.
"That's better," he steps back," Now follow me."
The crowd splits again as the Drill Sargent stomps onward. As he passes, the young men and women look to me, a good mix of intrigued and disgust decorates the group. I straighten my shoulders and march after the man, keeping my head held high with pride.
The first werewolf to join the military, I got a lot to prove.
Conversation with the higher-ups of the camp was tense. I didn't expect it to go as well as it did, though a few sly jokes were made at my expense. They were all weirdly supportive of having me at the grounds, looking forward to trying out their new regimen for my kind. Having a stronger and more capable creature in their boot camp came with its own challenges it seems. They all seem excited to see what I can do.
A lot was explained, trying their best to just keep things running smoothly. No one was going to go easy on me and I'm expected to surpass even the best of their squads. I'm oddly invigorated to take on this challenge.
"With everything all situated, is there anything else we may need to know," the Executive officer asks. He is a sweet man, to my surprise, and has been appreciatively thorough with his preparations.
"Yea, we don't want any issues to come about with having you here. A lot of the soldiers are looking to make an example of you already, though you've done nothing wrong. So if there is anything we have to prepare for then please make light of it now," the senior drill sergeant explains.
"Nothing that I can envision happening here. I'm here to work and become the first in a line of werewolves to join the armed forces. Things will remain respectable on my end so if anything does go wrong I promise it won't be my fault," I answer. A big moment like this I can't even fathom screwing it up with some stupid actions. Let the people make their jokes and rude comments, I'm not bothered in the slightest.
"So we aren't going to catch you humping one of the other recruit's legs, right," the senior drill sergeant jokes.
"Don't want you going into heat and trying to fuck every woman in a mile radius of you," the executive officer joins in. I smile despite the discomfort, shaking my head before explaining.
"No, no, I may turn into a big mutt but I'm not so savage as to do something like that. Don't believe the women would be too receptive to me doing such a thing either. When little Fido does it, it's funny. When I do it, it's enough to get me sent to jail," I joke with them. The two laugh, easing some of the tension.
"But you do go into heat, don't you," senior drill sergeant asks," we look out for medical emergencies and if that will become an issue, let us know ahead of time."
I shake my head," no, that won't be an issue. We only go into heat for a specific person and finding them here would be one hell of a terrible time but I highly doubt it will actually happen. I'm sure I would have smelled them in the crowd if so."
"Specific person," the officer snickers," how romantic, Fido."
"Sounds romantic but I've seen some friends go into rut over their mates, it's not that romantic," I wince, remembering all the fights," it's not a hallmark movie moment, sir."
The officer cocks a brow, wary," I'm almost tempted to ask but I'll refrain for now. Either way, I'll have sergeant Crews bring you to your barracks, and hopefully, we won't have to speak again anytime soon."
I drop off my things at my bunk, sorting them into a chest before heading off to P.T.
The first week of basics is easy, though I'm warned about next week after some miss placed words. My squad takes to me nicely, though I can do without the nicknames. It's a better week than I could hope for after the horror stories from active duty members.
We all sit in the crowded mess hall. Murmurs of conversations can be heard over the disgusting chomping of food. In times like this, I almost wish I didn't have such great hearing. The wet slobbering is beginning to turn my stomach.
"Hey, Spot, is it true you transform on the full moon," Casey, a fellow recruit, asks beside me. I snort, picking at the slop on my tray.
"No, I can do it whenever I want," I answer," full moon thing was for you people to pin some other garbage on the magnetic effects the moon has on the earth."
"oh, wow, movies lied to me again," he lightly bangs his hand on the table," what about silver? Does that do anything for ya?" I scoff, looking at him a bit amused. It has been a lot of teasing but I haven't had anyone sit down and ask before.
"No, silver doesn't do anything for me. Neither does holy water, crosses, or garlic," I tease. Casey rolls his eyes, looking back to his meal with a pout.
"I'm not an idiot, those are for vampires," he grumbles. I chuckle, amused by this human's questions. As I tease the man some more I catch a wondrous smell.
"Besides, I know a normal bullet would work on you anyway," Casey points his fork to me. I can't pay him any mind as I slyly glance around. My heart is racing and pounding against my chest as the smell completely engulfs me. Please no, not now. As I'm looking towards the door I freeze as someone walks behind me. As if everything slowed to a halt I look to the recruit walking over to her table. I can't help but gawk though her attire isn't much to be aroused by.
Brown hair pinned up in a bun and terribly fitted brown and camouflaged clothing. It's meant to be plain and nonattention grabbing but she makes it work. My body thrums with need as I watch her sit at the end of the bench. I can't look away as she eats, looking at her lips like a starved man. I want her, I need her. It's the only thought that runs through my mind.
She couldn't come into my life just a few months later could she?
The whole day I feel like I'm on fire, sickly and distraught. I haven't even been here this long and I feel like I'm about to ruin everything. Surely I can just explain to the XO that I have to deal with this and get right back to basics. I nod, it won't be such a long delay, I'll be right back here shortly.
I head straight to the office, stubbornly marching past the groups still running about. The heavenly smell barely permeates the hot dry air but still nearly knocks me on my ass. My attention snaps straight to her doing push-ups with her squad. She makes quite the sight all sweaty and focused. I can't help but stop and watch.
The squad's drill sergeant walks the rows, screaming motivating insults to them all. My little mate grits her teeth as he passes by, her arms shaking each time they straighten. The sergeant stops before her, crouching down as she stays propped up.
"Getting tired there, private," the sergeant baits," want to take a little break, perhaps?"
"No, sir," she barks out.
"Then get that face in the dirt, let's go," he snaps back at her. The urge to run to the man and deck him in his hooked nose is strong. I have to shake my head of the thought to actually get some semblance of control. She gets back to her exercise, going hard and strong into her next set with a stiff focus on her face. It's admirable to see anyone as determined as she looks. It picks at my heart a bit.
I'm not just taking away this chance for me momentarily but her too. Would she want to take the time off to deal with me? It can't be that big of an issue but starting over has to be something she rather not do. I sure as hell don't want to start the week over even if it wasn't too difficult. She is human so it had to be hell for her. I hum, chewing my cheek.
With fist clenched I turn away from the offices and head back to my barracks. I'll just wait this out, three months is nothing. I can keep my cool that long.
I kept that line of thinking all up till I got to my bunk. The barracks are quiet, the snores of the recruits barely registering to my non-idle thoughts. Every part of me is racing, my heart, thoughts, limbs. I have way too much energy to just sit here. Closing my eyes does nothing but let the thoughts keep me up. I've never had such an issue before, especially here.
Staring up at the ceiling I think of my little mate. She's a cutie, that's for sure. Even with the unflattering get up I can't ignore the appeal of her body. She has strength, as does most of the people here, but watching her do exercises with her squad showed more than just basic strength. I smile to myself as I think about the determined look she had while finishing her set. I have a strong little mate.
I groan as my mind keeps replaying the scene over and over. I can only pray that the rest of the month won't be like this. Turning onto my side I force my eyes closed, trying my damndest to get even a few hours of sleep.
The next week I'm weirdly filled with energy. Every morning I wake up excited to do runs, outpacing everyone by miles as I speed down the dirt track. Exercises become a blessing and every moment I spend sitting down is one where I'm anxious to get back up. The nights are no better, my body humming with unspent energy. It feels amazing to get out there and work.
Sitting at the lunch table I shovel food into my mouth, leg bouncing under the table. I want nothing more than to get back out there and get rid of this energy but lunch is kind of important. As I unflatteringly gulp down the muck an erotic scent ceases my tension. Flowing over my body like a warm shower. I close my eyes, taking in the calm.
"So, I gotta ask," a woman before me asks," do werewolves generally have this puppy energy, or is it just you because watching you hall ass down the track is almost inspiring."
As I open my eyes I'm left gawking at the woman. My beautiful mate sitting just across the table, smirking with her arms crossed. I swallow hard, feeling oddly nervous at this moment. What should I say? Should I say something? She quirks a brow at me, waiting for a reply.
"uh," I clench my pants under the table," depends on the person?"
She hums," is that a question or an answer?"
I straighten," a-a answer, ma'am."
"Hey, lighten up," she knocks on the table," don't need any of the ma'am business. I just wanted to ask, you have been buzzing like a bee this past week and I was kind of hoping it was something I could learn instead of it being genetics." my palms feel clammy the more she speaks. She's so casual, I almost wish she wasn't. I can handle stupid full moon questions over this. I wipe my hand on my pants.
"Sorry, it's all genetics," I give her a half-smile," blessings of the father I'm afraid to say."
She props herself up on crossed arms, her breast squeezing together," so was your mom human? I didn't think you can cross-breed like that." my eyes flick down to her pushed out chest, gulping hard I look down to my hands. I wipe my palms on my pants.
"No, a werewolf can b-breed with anyone," I meet her eyes," just has to be their mate."
"Awe, that sounds cute," she coos. Before she can add anymore the sergeants come in to collect their squads. I watch her look to the crowd, her shoulders dropping. She turns back to me," well, was nice talking with ya, Cujo." with that she leaves.
I remain seated as everyone begins filling out. Looking to my lap I groan in frustration, I never felt more like a measly runt than right now. Couldn't even talk to her and I'm sitting here with a full chub. I look to the crowd once more, catching sight of her turning out of the doorway. Fisting my pants I whimper lowly in my throat.
If I knew talking with her would make things worse then I would have never done it. The night we first spoke was tenser than any before. I feel like ants are crawling all over my skin, my body unbelievably hot. My blankets feel scratchy and too rough on my sensitive skin. I can hardly sleep as all I can think about is that beautiful woman smiling at me from across the table. Her ample chest just perched on her crossed arms. My loins lurch at the thought, aching to a degree I've never experienced.
I fall onto my back, panting as I kick the blanket off myself. Looking down myself in the dark barracks I see the tent in my pants. I groan, thumping my head against the pillow. A boner over a minute conversation with a girl, surely I couldn't stoop so low. I peak at my lap, groaning again as I flex my toes. Perhaps a little attention can soothe the beast?
Timidly I slide my hand down my stomach, fingers sneaking under the hem of my pants. I grab the base of my shaft, squeezing it while slowly closing my eyes. Just have to do this quickly and I got to get some sleep. With the task in mind, I aim for fast. I pump my fist, going harder than I've usually started. My callused hand feels uncomfortable, not helping the smooth glide I need. I take my hands out of my pants and lick my palm before trying again.
I jerk off, feeling itchy and frustrated as I do. I try to get it out and done before anyone can wake up to notice but I can't get into it. Trying a new tactic I relax on the bed. Keeping my eyes shut I slowly pump my fist up and down my shaft, pleased with the torturous glide. An image of my mate sitting across the lunch table pops in my head, my cock twitching at the picture. I admire her harden face, the beauty in her full cheeks when she smiles. I wince as my fingers glide over my tip.
The image shifts as I stare at her tits resting on the table. They are laid bare, her sweet little nipples hard from the cold lunchroom. My cock pulses as I think about reaching over the table to grab her, grazing my hand over her little buds. A whimper tries to bubble out from my throat, the sound surprising. I can't pay it any mind as I imagine tweaking her nipples, watching her face twist in pleasure. In my palm my cock aches, demanding more as I pump harder.
The scene twists, she's bent over the table with her tight ass presented to me. I whimper again, bucking into my fist. A bulge nudges against my hand with every descent. It would be something to investigate if I wasn't so tempted to continue. I picture lining my dick up with her weeping slit, gently pressing my tip in with a retrained grunt. Another whine leaves me, the base of my cock throbbing worst than the rest of me. As fantasy me bottoms out inside her I bite my fist to reject the whimper trying to cry out.
"Fuck," I mumble in a cry. I jerk till I can feel my body shiver in its impending climax, utterly debauched at the fantasy playing out. As I reach my breaking point I grip the hard bulge at the base of my cock, squeezing as hard as I can as I cum in my boxers. My grip pulses as I unload all over myself.
My grip eases slightly as I catch my breath. I feel disgusting as the wet fabric sticks to my tip. Looking down my body I wince at the damp stain. I tug down my pants and catch a look at my still hard dick, I furrow my brow confused. Generally, I'm soft shortly after, not still ragingly hard. I look to the bulge still cupped in my hand. Well, that's new. I test a squeeze. A shot of pleasure jolts up my spine making my head feel fuzzy. I nearly curl into myself at the surprise. That's definitely new.
I take one more glance at myself, wincing at the sight. I'm no fresh pup, I know what's pulsing at my base. I just didn't think it would come out without being buried inside someone. Sighing, I tuck myself away and attempt to get some sleep. I wince at the sticky fabric, suddenly regretting not waiting till a more opportune time to do this.
Circling the track for the 2nd time I catch up with the squad. Everyone is taking a breather, panting hard after the three miles. I casually jog up to them, still vibrating with energy.
"How can you even do this, air bud," Scott grabs at his knees," I knew there would be running but…fuck."
I look at him bemused," air bud?"
"Well it's like my dog, Rufus," another squad member claps me on the shoulder," would just run around for hours once I let him outside." I look between the two.
"I just like running," I answer," I feel rather energetic lately."
We all talk as I bounce on my heels. The sergeant rounds us all up before heading off to the next part of PT.
We begin jumping jacks in our lines, listening to the drill sergeant scream encouragements. Looking off to the side I catch sight of another squad doing their miles. They all seem rather calm, must be their first mile. I watch them go by, just briefly catching sight of my little mate in the middle of the crowd. A smile curls on my face as I watch her run along. Her arms pumping and chest bouncing. A raging need thrums into my veins, my cock standing to attention. I watch her in a daze.
"What are you doing, boy," someone shouts, grabbing me by the back of my shirt. I stumble as I'm tugged backward, torn from my stupor. Catching my bearings I realized I've tried to walk out of formations, ignoring my exercises in favor of following her delicious smell.
"uh," I shake my head," Sorry, saw a squirrel." I half-smile, hoping the joke would land. He grits his teeth, tugging me back in line.
"I'd make you run another set but I think you would enjoy that, instead you're on patrol tonight, Fido," he shouts, walking back down the line," Let's start again, from the beginning. One, two, three…"
Lunch has me excited, feeling like my tail is ready to sprout out and reveal my pleasure. I quickly shovel down my muck, looking around like an eager pup for any sight of her. Spotting her coming out of the line and heading my way I can't help but wipe my face and straighten my clothes. I nearly bounce in my seat as she gets closer.
"So you do have a tail," Scott tugs on something behind me. I grunt, twisting around with a growl. Out of the corner of my eye I catch sight of my fluffy black tail.
"Ah, fuck," I grumble, looking to her coming closer then back at my tail. Without much thought, I pin it between the bench and my thigh.
"Hello, Cujo," she greets," you're endless energy for exercises will never cease to amaze me." she sits down at the table, her tray clanking against the metal. My tail tugs, wanting to break free. I open my mouth to answer, interrupted by someone clapping me on the back.
"Yea, it's making the rest of us look bad. He makes three miles look easy," Tyler jokes as he sits beside me.
"well, it is easy, you guys are just out of shape," she jokes back. I snort, glancing at the offended men on either side of me. My mate has a sense of humor I see.
"haha, hilarious, G.I. Jane," Tyler deadpans.
"It's funny you should say that because I caught you slacking behind your crew today," Scott props his smug face on his hand," it's bad enough they let dogs in the military but you women have a lot more to prove." I can't help but sneer at Scott.
She glares at him, crossing her arms and leaning forward." yea, well what's your excuse, cadet?"
Scott leans forward as well," got a handicap, love, hard to run with three legs."
My mate snorts a chuckle, shaking her head as she grabs her food," What kind souls the higher-ups are to let you join with such a clear handicap."
Scott bounces his brow," you know it, baby. I'll be happy to show you my treatment options, perhaps you can help?" I stiffen at the suggestion, my limbs and chest tightening as Scott continues to flirt. A low rumble climbs up my throat, back arching as I glare at him.
"Think I'll pass, I heard that men with large dicks tend to need too much prep work for a minute of entertainment," she bites back. Scott shrugs as Tyler chuckles, them all going back to their meal. The growl comes out louder, my teeth pricking at my lip as I snarl at him. Scott looks at me, recoiling at the clear aggression.
"You ok, Fido," Scott asks," looks like I'm trying to take your food or something." I feel everyone's eyes on me, confused and concerned. A possessiveness boils under my skin, demanding action against this male. I swallow hard, shaking my head as I glare down at my tray. Reigning back the shift, I shake my shoulders.
"Sorry," I growl," just feeling tense today." everyone nods, quietly eating their meals. I pass a glance to my mate, worried I pushed her away with my lack of control. We look to one another, the edge of her lip tugging up. She looks away with a shy smile gracing her beautiful face. I smile to myself as I eat.
After lunch I go for a run, feeling more anxious than yesterday. I dig hard, making record speed over my fifth mile. My body feels invigorated but anxious as I run. My brain goes a mile a minute, demanding attention to the one person driving me crazy. With Scott's words ringing in my ears all I can do is think about the threat. Someone is encroaching on my territory, challenging my claim.
I shake my head, I haven't claimed her. Hell, I don't even know her name. I run harder. Pictures of her flash through my head, my fantasy of the other night forcing discomfort to my groin. I shake again. Just running isn't doing enough, I need more now.
Slowing to a stop I take off my shirt. Crouching and pressing my fingers to the ground I allow my skin to break. I grunt with my bones snapping and rearranging. The pain feels great, an action my body agrees with greatly. With my claws digging into the dirt and fur bristling in the breeze I bolt down the track on all fours.
cadets and Sergeants gawk as I high tail it around the trail. I breathe heavy, tongue lulled to the side as I hear the air roar in my ears. Everything feels so open and free. This is something I've missed all week. Changing in front of everyone made me feel embarrassed, self-conscious. I'm not like them and proving that could lead to problems. Right now, I couldn't care less. I have other issues to deal with.
After running around for hours I fall in the grass near the tree line, laying on my stomach to bask in the sun. I should be exhausted now, all this mating energy out for the time being. Closing my eyes and resting my chin on my paws I relax. It's a lovely day out.
Sitting there for a moment I feel a burst of energy. I growl. Two hours of running on top of PT this morning, how can I be nearly vibrating with need? This mating business is getting harder and harder to ignore. All I think, hear, smell is her. My cock stirs against my stomach, the hot length pinned to the ground. I growl again.
Making my way to the showers I angrily toss my torn shorts and turn the water on. I step into the cold stream, shocked at the temperature. This should help, I can chill out before patrols tonight. Closing my eyes I press my head against the tiled wall. Not even a second in and I see her. I see her wet and naked before me, giving me eyes and beckoning me forward. I clench my fist and grow as my cock throbs.
"Fine," I grab my erection," you win again."
I jerk myself hard and fast, snarling as I picture pounding into her sweet cunt. Bucking into my fist I imagine her bouncing breast and wonderful cries of pleasure. I need her, I need her so damn bad. Baring my teeth with clenched eyes I feel my base ache. I grab at my knot, pinching it in a tight grip. I can feel my seed go up my shaft, spraying the wall. Whimpering, I pulse my grip on my base, sighing as each drop is let out.
"I can't keep doing this," I whimper," I'm so tired." my cock doesn't soften, even as I turn the water off and dry myself it still aches for her.
Walking the perimeter I look around the dark camp. My uniform feels scratchy and tight as I step. There are bags under my eyes and I'm still filled with energy. I'm tired and hyper at the same time. The walk around the base feels like a dream, hollow and dazed. I'm so sleepy.
The sound of a door opening catches my attention the same time a wonderous perfume punches me in the nose. My head snaps to a shed out a bit of way from the main building. A light is shining out the open door, a shadow cast on the sidewalk. I take another inhale of that sweet scent, my cock pulses.
Like a zombie, I shuffled to the shed. The corners of my vision are distorted as I turn into the doorway. My eyes snap to the person standing at the opposite end next to a shelf. She looks over her shoulder, smiling when she realizes who it is.
"Hey, Cujo," my mate greets," you look like shit, you ok?" she takes a step to me, concerned. A growl snaps out my mouth, my shoulders sagging forward. She recoils, taking a step back. I match her, taking one forward. "Cujo," she tries to say casually but comes out a little worried," you need something from the shed?" I take another step. Her back hits the shelf, startling her as she watches me stalk forward. With all my control out the window, I storm towards her, bracing my hands on either side of her head. My face buries against her neck, taking a large inhale.
"What's your name," I growl out, using the final bit of control I have to ask.
"S-Samantha, my friends call me Sam," she jokes with a timorous hilt. I lick up the taunt tendon of her throat, she shudders. "Cujo," she timidly runs her hand up my arm," what's happening?" I nearly purr at her touch. Her words barely register as I lap at her skin, drunk on her already. I hear the smallest whimper from her, making my ears perk up.
"W-what's your name," she asks as her hand glides up my back to card her fingers through my hair.
"Trevor," I bite at her shoulder," and I can't take it anymore."
"Take what," she says nearly breathless. I can't answer, only having enough thought to grab her thighs and lift her. Her legs wrap around my waist easily, pulling me against her heat. My eyes nearly roll with the friction. With little thought I slowly rock my hips, my tongue licking up her neck to her cheek then licking over her lips. Her fingers tug on my hair, scratching at my skin.
"You want me," she asks. I buck hard into her in answer, she chuckles. "Am I your mate," she asks. A spark starts in my loins at her saying such a thing. Does she accept this? Accept me?
Aching and primed I get her on the ground, licking her as I feel my tail stuck in my pants. My brain is muddled and unfocused, wanting to tear her clothes off and mount her right here. It feels wrong- it feels right. I bite at her shoulder again, frustrated beyond belief as I grind into her.
"S-sam," I whimper," Please."
She tugs on my hair again, snaking her hand under my shirt to pet at my sprouting fur. "What do you want, Trevor," she asks.
"You," I dig my teeth into her skin," you, you, you."
She laughs, rubbing her cheek against mine," then have me, big boy."
In a flurry of need, lust, want, I rip her shirt. I can't bring myself to feel guilty as her nearly naked torso is before me. I lather at her chest, plucking the little strap between her cups with my clawed finger. My tongue wets her nipples, chest, stomach, listening to her little adorable whimpers. I feel frenzied as I shove her pants down and bury my face against her cunt. She smells sweet, tastes like ambrosia.
"Oh, good boy," she grips my hair too tightly. I lap are her folds like a dying man, feeling my body pulse and rejoice. She is amazing and all mine, open and pleasured by me. Her body wiggles and grinds against me, forcing me to hold her hips. Her thighs clamped around my face, nearly covering my ears. I'm pleased to hear her cries and feel her tighten around my tongue as I force it inside her. Oh, by the gods, she's divine.
I continue showering my attentions upon her as she tries to push me away," that's enough, Trevor, I need you." my head perks up at her words. She needs me? I sit up, ripping my already torn shirt off my shifted body. I rush to undo my pants, tearing at them enough for my cock to poke through. I look down at her cunt, licking my chops with excitement. I fall over her, hands framing her head. My hips gravitate towards her, needing her more than air. I whimper as I can't bring myself to plunge into her like a savage. Whimper again I meet her eyes, begging her.
She smiles, reaching up and petting my cheek," go ahead, Trevor, I think I understand." overjoyed I lick her mouth, tail wagging freely now.
Now free to do as I need I look between us and nudge my cock against her. My tip spreads her folds but delving into her awaiting heat is hard. I can't think, instincts taking all my control. I whimper again, looking at her. She smiles sweetly, reaching down and guiding me. I wait eagerly for her to lead me, feeling her place me at her entrance. I shove forward, engulfed easily. I whine and growl as I push as far as I can go. I try to nudge further but my base is already swollen. I chuff.
With my new addiction wrapped around my cock I withdraw before plunging into her divine heat with a heavy breath. This is what I've needed, what I've craved. I can't stop myself from bucking into her hard and fast, demanding everything with each thrust. My ears ring as I'm taken to a world of pure bliss.
Samantha writhes and whimpers with me, grabbing at the fur on my chest. I lean closer, pressing my body to hers. My thrusts begin to shorten till I'm rutting into her with shallow humps. Short uncontrolled bucks that leave my knot knocking at her entrance. An overwhelming need overtakes me. I bump my knot harder and harder against her, demanding entrance with every nudge. With a hard push, she opens more for me. I grunt as I force it, locking her to me with a satisfied sigh.
We both wriggle against each other till I'm left whining against her shoulder, with a well-timed clench on her part I'm bursting inside her. I bite down on her shoulder, marking her as my cum paints her insides. Her walls flutter around me. I listen to her melodious cries as I cum. It's too perfect, too beautiful.
With my cock locked inside her I can't help but wag my tail and lick at her face. She giggles, allowing me to shower her in affection as she rests on the floor. I pamper her, licking at her sweat and cleaning every part I can reach. She is mine now, my wonderful mate.
As my knot begins to deflate I feel the week catch up with me. I collapse on her, my cock softening and falling out. She grunts as my weight is on her. My eyes begin to flutter, my body coming back to its original state. I drift off to sleep without a care in the world.
I awaken in an unfamiliar bed with unfamiliar clothes. Without much thought I sniff out my mate, wanting to roll into her comforting arms. A disgusting chemical smell greets me instead of her warm scent. I jump awake, scared, and worried immediately.
"Whoa, cool it, Spot," someone catches my attention. I snap my eyes to them, seeing a skinny man in normal military attire. The brown shirt and camo pants.
"Where is Sam," I growl, disoriented as adrenaline fills my veins.
"The girl? Probably talking with the XO," he shrugs," should be back here soon." the man looks to his computer on his medical trolley. Feeling he is distracted I jump from the bed and bolt to the door. I can hear him shout but I'm too busy taking in the scents around me. I look left, nothing. I look right, I smell her.
Charging down the halls I turn this way and that as I follow her trail. I feel stressed and angry, to an unbelievable degree. I need her in my sight, in my arms. Her scent leads me to a door, the words on the sign not registering in my mind. I slam it open, spotting her immediately.
"Oh, hey," she smiles as she turns in her chair. She has more to say but I interrupt her. Plucking her from her seat I slam her against my body and bury my face to her neck. I take in her scent, assess her health and the environment. The smell of another makes me stiffen but her fingers scratching behind my ear makes me purr. I can feel my tail wagging behind me.
"Tamed the dog, how cute," someone says. I snap my head to them, nearly growling at my XO. He sits at his desk smug, but still intimidatingly powerful. Though I hold back a sound I can't help but bear my teeth to him.
"Let's not antagonize the pup, alright," Sam jokes. She guides me over to the seats, parting to take her own. Looking from her to the XO I feel the urges again, a primal need to get her out of sight of this male. I shake my head to put myself back into a normal mindset. Reluctantly I sit down.
"Now the excitement is over, Cadet Trevor Galius. You are relieved of training till further notice along with Cadet Samantha Backster," he says calmly. I stiffen at the dismissal, looking at Sam in clear worry. Will she be mad? This is exactly what I wanted to avoid, taking her choice away. Sam glances at me with a disarming smile. I remain wary.
"For how long," I ask.
"Till next January, that's when winter training starts. For now, I encourage you two to settle all that needs to be settled before then," he glares over to me," I'd hate to have a repeat of this semester." I wince, looking down at my lap.
"Will this put a delay on werewolves being allowed in the armed forces," I peak up at my XO. He smiles to himself, dropping it quickly.
"I admire your dedication to this cause but no, there be no delay for werewolves. I hope you don't mind too much not being the first one," he answers. Most of my worries melt off at his words. The only person I'm potentially holding back is Sam, no one else has to suffer for my lack of control.
"That won't be a problem, sir," I answer.
With no final notes, we are dismissed. I walk with Sam out into the hall, fidgeting all the while. We walk out of the main building in silence. Should I say something? Is she mad? I pass glances at her, looking for any signs of distress. She gives nothing away.
"Just ask, I know it's killing you," she bites her lip to stop her grin. I fall apart, reaching out and pulling her against me. I can't take not touching her.
"Please don't be mad at me. I didn't want to force you out of training like this but trying to hold back was killing me. I'm so sorry," I whimper into her hair. She awkwardly pats at my back as I apologize.
"I'm not mad," she answers," far from it. I'm rather excited about all this. Like, it's not every day something like this happens."
I recoil from her, confused," you're not mad?"
She shakes her head," no, I actually had some guesses around our second conversation."
I look at her bemused," you did?"
"Yea, I knew about the werewolf mate thing from my cousin. I went to her wedding about two years ago and she was mated to one of your kind. She wouldn't shut up about how they met and the utter romantic garbage she experienced from him," she scoffs," it was almost sickening how sweet they were but I got to learn some signs. You have been tense and full of energy lately. I figured that was normal but you perked up a lot when I showed up. It was really cute. Still, I had some guesses and when you came to the shed it was heavily validated. So in the end, I'm not mad. Lowkey a little happy you didn't do some over the top romantic gestures like my cousin's man did."
I listen to her rant amused and amazed. She knew? A part of me thinks she just had some hopeful thoughts and wanted the signs to be for her. Or maybe I'm not as good as I think at hiding this. Either way, it doesn't matter because she doesn't hate me. She wants me and I can't do anything but be thrilled.
With a snort, I pull her into a kiss, ecstatic with the turn of events. She smiles against my lips, pulling me close. As we kiss a few people walk back, whistling and making sly comments at us. We part, chuckling with one another at their jokes.
"So you aren't mad you have to join back next year," I ask just to be sure.
"Maybe a little," she shrugs," I guess your just going to have to make me forgive you."
I growl, leaning down and nipping at her neck. Her shriek of laughter makes me giddy. I have my mate, and she's perfect.
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marvel-sluts · 4 years
Christmas with the avengers
Tumblr media
pairing: avengers x teen!reader, Peter Parker x reader.
warnings: maybe some swearing?
summary: your first Christmas with both the avengers and with Peter, what could possibly go wrong?
a/n: merry Christmas everyone! this is absolute shit but I wanted to write something Christmassy, I hope you all like it!
you hadn't been part of the avengers long when you started dating Peter, causing this to be your first Christmas with the both of them.
you get dressed in the matching Christmas jumpers you and Peter both had, because apparently it was tradition in the avengers tower to wear Christmas jumpers on Christmas day, so you had both agreed to wear the matching jumpers. (see gif)
you pulled on a pair of jeans and tied your hair up in a ponytail, with a small peice tinsel wrapped around your hairband. you did light makeup with f/c (fave colour) of eyeshadow.
you walk out of your room in the avengers tower and bump into Thor and Loki, heading to the kitchen.
"hello lady y/n, you look ravishing. I love your jumper." Thor said smiling at you.
"thanks Thor, you look good too." you say smiling at him.
"I like the tinsel" Loki muttered to you on the way past. you and him had become quite close over the past few months you have spent at the tower, but it still shocked you that he would say something like that with Thor around. normally he was a lot quieter in the shadow of his older brother.
"thanks loki." you say cheerfully, getting into the lift with them.
when the three of you get to the living room and kitchen you go your separate ways. Thor to the kitchen, no doubt to raid the cupboards of poptarts and you and Loki to the living room. you take a seat next to your boyfriend and smile at him.
"you look amazing" Peter says, looking at you lovingly.
"so do you." you say giggling.
"I know" he said, pretending to do a hair flick. but failing miserably and accidentally hitting himself in the face.
you laugh at him, and he looks at you with those puppy dog eyes that you can never resist. "sorry love" you say before kissing his cheek where he hit himself.
both of you head to the kitchen and after collectively deciding on cereal for breakfast, you go back into the living room with bowls full.
just as you both sat down on the sofa at your previous spots, Tony came in with Morgan trailing behind him, also wearing matching Christmas jumpers. "Merry Christmas everyone!" he says, sitting next to Steve and Bucky on the sofa.
Morgan runs over to you and attemps to scramble onto your lap. after realising what she was trying to do you help her get up and she sits on you happily.
Morgan had begun to like you in the short time you had been here, you were good with kids and would often play with her causing you two to become immediate friends. she was your little partner in crime and the pair of you would often adopt Loki to help prank Tony and Steve.
"I know its Christmas but there is a lot to get done, Pepper, Wanda and Bucky are on cooking duty first and then we will rotate, check this peice of paper that was kindly provided by Bruce for the timetable. everything else should have been done already."
"I can't wait to see what I got from Santa!" Morgan squealed excitedly, eyeing the pile of presents under the tree.
"I'm offended" you say dramatically, "are you not exited to see what I got you?" you asked laughing.
"yep, I'm exited for all the presents!" she said before getting off of your lap and running into the kitchen to 'help' with the cooking.
after half an hour of chatting and crimes cookies Nat decided she was bored.
"who wants to play Christmas games?" she shouts holding up a box. you glance at the box before bursting out laughing.
"o-deer! really?" Sam said, laughing at what happened last time you played it.
"do you remember Rhodes last time, he looked like he was going to take off." Scott said laughing.
"erm, excuse me. but who won?" Rhodes said pointing to himself. "this guy, so don't get ahead of yourselves." he said.
"I personally think I'm gonna win this time" you say sticking your tongue out at Rhodes.
"not gonna happen doll" Bucky called from the kitchen.
"just watch me win" you say.
everyone comes in from the kitchen and takes a break from cooking to play.
you all take turns having the antlers and throwing the hoops, when both you and Peter had finished you both collapsed on the sofa. he put his arm around you and you nestled your face in his chest, breathing in his warm sent.
after Nat announced that the winner was Wanda (everyone thinks she used her powers, although she swears that she didn't) you changed around kitchen duty, next up it was you, Peter and Steve.
Vision had mysteriously disappeared from the cooking rota, despite the fact that Wanda had been helping his cooking skills he couldn't seem to get any better.
you got started on the brussel sprouts, how anyone could eat them was beyond you but apparently some people *cough* Sam *cough* liked them.
Peter had gotten started on the stuffing, making the mixture and rolling it into balls. whenever he would walk past u he would kiss you on the forehead, or whatever part of you that was facing him at the time. Steve was watching this behaviour and wasn't sure to find it cute or disgusting.
Steve was getting busy with the mashed potatoes and checking on the turkey every once in a while.
a gasp echoed through the kitchen as you burnt your hand on the oven attempting to check on the turkey per Steve's request.
"what happe-" pete asked trailing off when he say u nursing your hurt hand, "oh baby, are you okay? did you burn it? don't worry it will be okay. I'll get some ice for it" he said, completely freaking out.
you watching him frantically searching for some ice for a minute before saying "don't worry petey, it's fine. it's only a burn. and it doesn't hurt that badly" you say giggling at how concerned he was.
"but what if it gets infected? or if it swells up?" he asked finally managing to find some ice and putting it on your hand.
"honestly, you kids." Steve says rolling his eyes and chuckling. "are you sure you are alright y/n?" he asks, his eyebrows knitting in concern.
"yeah I'm sure" you say, smiling up at him.
"okay" he says checking on the turkey himself.
you checked the clock "our shift ended five minutes ago! those little fuckers didn't tell us!" you say taking off the apron. you go into the living room and find Morgan and Loki laughing on the sofa.
"I'm truly sorry Lady y/n, it was my shift next and I didn't want to do it." Loki said, smirking at you.
"your not sorry" you say.
"no, your right, I'm not" he said, grinning again.
you roll your eyes and resume your earlier position on the sofa, Peter sitting next to you.
"secret santa!" came a shout from the doorway, you looked up to see that it was Tony. he was carrying the secret santa presents in his arms and Clint and Rhodes were behind him also carrying armfuls of presents.
Morgan jumped up from her seat next to Bruce squealing excitedly.
"don't we have to wait for our special guests to get here?" Pepper asked eyeing Tony.
"oops I forgot, yes we do" Tony said putting down the presents bashfully.
"what special guests?" you ask, having not heard about this at all.
"you will see" Tony said, with a shit eating grin.
about ten minutes later a knock was heard at the door.
Vision gets up to answer it and you soon here a shout from the doorway.
"do not fear, Christmas is saved. for the overrated king of wakanda and his amazing and beautiful genuis sister is here!"
"SHURI!" you and Peter both yell in unison.
"it is I" she said flicking her hair (and actually succeeding) before running to hug the two of you.
"not that anyone has noticed but I'm also here" Doctor Strange says from the doorway.
Tony and Bruce look up from talking to T'Challa and go over to shake hands with Strange.
"presents now?" Morgan asks, tugging on Tony's trouser leg.
"yes sweetie, go over and open some of them." Tony says. patting her on her head and sending her on her way.
everyone gathers around the tree and watches Morgan open her presents from santa. when she has finished you give her a wrapped package with some art supplies in. she jumps up and hugs you with a massive grin on her face.
then someone (you guess Scott but your not sure) yells secret santa.
everyone gets the presents they had gotten for their secret santa, you had gotten Thor and after asking for help from Peter you ended up making him something. when it was time for you to give thor his present you presented a wrapped up package. it was a knitted jumper with tiny hammers and lightning bolts on it.
he opened the present with a massive grin on his face and pulled you into a bone crushing hug.
"thanks you Lady y/n, I couldn't have asked for anything better."
"your welcome Thor" you said, smiling up at him.
when everyone was done with the secret santa, you had received a few scented bath bombs and a silver snake ring from Natasha, some people trickled out to go and help in the kitchen.
you handed Peter a package wrapped in red paper, "here you go Petey" you say.
he takes it and opens it, you had given him a watch with the millennium falcon on the inside of it.
"thanks baby, I love it!" he says hugging you tightly and kissing you square on the lips. "you will get yours tonight" he says with a grin.
not even five minutes had passed when a yell was heard from the kitchen.
"you idiot, you were meant to take out the turkey while we were opening the presents!" Sam yelled.
"well its not my fault that the timer didn't go off!" Clint yelled back.
"FRIDAY, did you set the timer like I asked you to?" Sam asked.
"you never asked me to set a timer sir" FRIDAY replied.
"shit" Sam muttered kicking the table in frustration.
after a few minutes of chaos Steve managed to find a ham in the back of the fridge, everyone decided that the ham was the best thing to have so you cooked it up and it didn't get burnt.
everyone gathered around the table, the food was delicious, and you almost couldn't tell that there wasn't a turkey.
"hey Bucky, could you pass me the potatoes please?" you asked. piling your plate high with good food.
once everyone was done eating you all sat in the living room and put on a Christmas movie.
you and Peter wanted to watch the muppets Christmas Carol but you both were outvoted and you ended up watching the Nightmare before Christmas.
Tony got the movie set up and you curled into Peter. an hour later when the movie was finished you were still in the same position, you were very happy next to Peter with him stroking your hair lovingly. you buried your head further into his chest until you had to upstairs to bed.
Peter offered to carry you and you glad fully accepted, completely worn out from the chaos filled day.
when you had both gotten up to your bedroom he presented a wrapped up gift from his pocket.
"I'm not done with you yet y/n" he says with a grin on his face.
you open the package and inside find a box. upon opening it you find a beautiful silver heart locket. you open up the locket to find that Peter had already put a picture inside, it was a picture of you and him on Valentines day, on the date that he had set up for the two of you.
"omg, Pete I absolutely love it!" you say with a massive grin on your face, "can you put it on me?" you ask.
"turn around" he says, taking the necklace from you and clasping it up. "all done"
he spins you around and you land in his arms, he kisses you passionately and you kiss back just as fiercely. the kiss was filled with passion and promises.
that night you fall asleep in his arms, with a massive grin on your face.
you couldn't have wished for a better Christmas, even if it did include burnt turkey.
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mamabearcat · 3 years
Proposal fic + hair (braiding/brushing) InuKag
Ooh thanks Nonny 😘
Okay, I'm gonna revive an AU I've never actually written but it's been loitering around in the back of my head forever. I may even write it one day if I feel like doing a longer AU full of comedy fluff. The first bit was posted on Tumblr forever ago, but now it gets to be continued!
Inuyasha wasn’t quite sure how he fell into it; who would have thought you could make a career out of being a model for romance covers for fuck’s sake?! Apparently his half-demon heritage that had blessed him with his father's long thick white hair, amber eyes that glowed in the darkness and pointed dog ears gave him an edgy look, whatever that meant. His ability to retain a lean muscular build no matter what he ate didn't hurt either.
But, the money was very good, even if he had to fight off the occasional stalker, and hide from screaming female fans trying to stuff underwear in his pockets when he went out to buy milk.
His manager Miroku was a total letch, and Sango had been slacking on security - waking up to find a strange woman in his kitchen making coffee in nothing but an apron was more than a little surprising. He actually had more than a sneaking suspicion that something was going on between those two.
But the best part of being a model was Kagome. His photographer, his best friend. He'd known her for years now, and there was no one he trusted more.
Their first photo shoot three years ago had been memorable. He’d accidentally called her Kikyo, and she'd exploded at him. How was he to know? They looked kinda the same, and they were both photographers. It did kinda suck that her cousin Kikyo had possibly ruined her chances of having a serious career in photo journalism, but this gig she was doin’ paid the bills right?
Why did she have to be so serious anyway? He’d abandoned any thoughts of self respect long ago. When you knew what it was like at the very bottom, didn’t know where your next meal was coming from, you understood that self respect was a luxury.
Ah, but Kagome. He couldn't help but love her. Even though this wasn't what she wanted to be doing, she put her whole heart and soul into her work, wanting it to be the best. He knew all her little mannerisms by heart - the way she blew upwards into her fringe when she was feeling frustrated, the way she jiggled her legs under the table when she was feeling fidgety, the way her eyes lit up when she got a good idea for a shot.
He'd always said he'd do anything for her, would gladly take a bullet for her. He'd already blocked a knife attack for her, that had to count for something, right? He'd never been more terrified when she'd been threatened, and the thought of what might had happened if he'd left just a little earlier still broke him out in a cold sweat sometimes.
They'd been closer after her life was threatened, so much closer. He'd been hopeful, but pretty sure she still only saw him as a friend. I mean, how cliche was it for a model to fall for a photographer? He was pretty sure she'd think he was joking, and laugh right in his face. And then on the steps after the trial against that stalker she'd kissed him. And it had been like the heavens had opened and angels had sung.
Kagome had always wanted to be a photo journalist. She'd dreamed of it since high school, starting her career with the local paper, gaining notice when she won a world renowned travel photography competition. That was the chance that should have got her a job with a top magazine, the chance that should have made her career. But it had been stolen by her cousin Kikyo.
Kikyo, who had been her flatmate when they finished high school, so they could share their passion for photography and help support each other in their move to New York as they tried to achieve their dreams. Kikyo, who had taken the message about the year long internship she had been offered after they saw her winning photo. Kikyo, whose features were similar enough to her own that they were often mistaken for each other, if you didn't know both of them that well. Kikyo, who had turned up for that internship and somehow convinced them that she'd used a different name for the competition.
Her cousin had milked that experience for everything it was worth. And now she was the one working for a world renowned magazine, and Kagome was paying rent doing cover photos for romance novels. She may be the best one in her field, but it wasn't quite what she'd dreamed of. It's not like she'd wished upon a star when she was five and asked if she could be the one to discover the next Fabio.
The best thing about her work was spending time with Inuyasha. She'd been so angry at him the first day they'd met all those years ago. Fresh from a weekend at a family event where she'd had to hear once again that Kikyo couldn't make it because she was overseas, doing some big story, and they were all so proud of her. And he'd called her Kikyo, because he'd seen some article recently and mistakenly thought she was her cousin. After she'd calmed down, she couldn't really fault him. They had the same last name, same initial, even looked similar enough.
But he'd grown on her. And it wasn't just his good looks - he had those in abundance, but he didn't really seem to care about that. He was rough around the edges, a little rude, definitely obnoxious, but very funny, charming, brave, and also... kind of sweet?
That day she'd had that terrible cold but had still come to work because they'd had a deadline, he'd given her his jacket and then rushed out to the supermarket at lunch time so he could make her a sure fire cold remedy his mother had taught him. It had tasted absolutely feral, but surprisingly, she'd felt a lot better the next day.
Just a few weeks ago, they had finalised the court case with Inuyasha's stalker. For some reason, Jakotsu, one of Inuyasha's most ardent fans, had bizarrely seen Kagome as a threat, even though it was obvious they were only friends.
At first it was just strange letters delivered to her workplace, which she'd ignored totally. She'd only begun to be worried when weird notes appeared in her own letter box at her apartment. And then the late night phone calls had started.
She'd managed to keep it from Inuyasha until Jakotsu had slashed her tyres, and then he'd been furious. Angry at her for not telling him what was happening, and incandescent with rage at the stalker.
After that he'd been there for her whenever she'd been afraid, so protective and caring. When Jakotsu had snuck up on her late one night in the parking lot, he'd blocked the attack, stepping in front of her in the nick of time, taking a slash to his arm that was originally aimed at her face, then knocking out Jakotsu and holding him until the police arrived.
He'd been the one injured, with nearly 20 stitches in his forearm, but he'd been worried about her. Thank goodness for swift youkai healing. She'd been devastated that he'd been injured, but he'd just shrugged it off, telling her he was glad it was him and not her.
After that, she'd finally admitted to herself that her feelings for him were more than just friendly. Had been for such a long time now. He was gorgeous, but she wasn't the kind of girl that slept around. She needed to be friends first, be comfortable, and there was no one she was more comfortable around than Inuyasha. He was her first thought in the morning and her last at night. But wasn't that a little cliche, a photographer falling for a model? She'd thought he'd probably think she was joking and laugh in her face.
But that moment after the trial and they'd been standing out in the sunlight, she hadn't been able to help herself. She was just so happy, so grateful that he hadn't been injured worse. So she'd practically crash tackled him and kissed him. No tentative pecks. No warning. She couldn't bear to let another day pass without him knowing how she felt. And when he'd kissed her back, with Miroku and Sango cat calling in the background, yelling at them to get a room, it had felt like heaven.
"Where's Yura this morning?" asked Inuyasha, glancing around the make up room, as if she would suddenly appear out of nowhere with her ever present combs and scissors.
"She's called in sick, so you've got me on double duty today. Aren't you lucky?" Kagome teased, poking her tongue out at him.
"So, you gonna model with me too?" he grinned, wrapping his arm around her waist and holding her close to rub his nose softly againt hers. "Who's gonna take the happy snaps?"
"You wish. It's a new model today, Tuva, we haven't met her before. This is for the viking one, so we needed someone with fair hair and pale skin. The photos in her online portfolio are gorgeous. And the agency recommended her, so she should be fine."
Kagome gave him a quick peck on the cheek, laughing at his pouting face, then patted the chair in front of the mirror. "Sit down already will you? I called her earlier to let her know what was going on and she offered to get her own hair and makeup done at the studio there, so now I've just got to do you."
Inuyasha couldn't help the flutter down low in his stomach at her statement, even though he knew she'd meant it innocently enough. She began by brushing his long hair and he closed his eyes, feeling the regular pull of the brush on his scalp, her fingers gently protecting his ears from the rough bristles.
Damn that felt good. If he were a cat he'd be purring, and it took every inch of self control to not let out a deep rumbling growl of pleasure when she ran her hands through his hair, pulling the top back and securing it in a rough pompadour with a ponytail behind his head.
Then her nimble fingers were making small cornrow braids near his temples, adding little leather thongs and silver charms. The gentle tugging of his scalp felt so good. He squirmed in his seat a little, keeping his eyes closed.
"Sorry, am I pulling too hard?"
"Nah, feels so damn good. You're a natural at this. Wanna change careers and become my hairdresser?"
She pretended to think a moment, then giggled.
"Maybe. You're hair is fun to play with. It's much prettier than mine."
He opened his eyes, watching her as her deft fingers twisted his hair together.
"Nope. Untrue. Have you ever seen your hair in the sunlight Kagome? The way it shimmers almost blue? It's beautiful."
Her cheeks pinked, and she glanced at the mirror, her eyes fluttering downwards again when he caught her eyes.
"Stop. You're the one that's the freaking model, Inuyasha. Let me concentrate on this or we'll be behind schedule."
"So Ms. Higurashi can take a compliment about her photography skills but not her person? That's kinda weird don't you think? Especially when you're so pretty."
"C'mere", he said, tugging on her arm to move her into his lap, ignoring her squawk of protest. "Why can't my pretty girl take a compliment from me, huh?"
"I can! But we're at work right now Inuyasha!"
"Alright, prove it. Look in the mirror and say what I say, and then I'll let you go." She squirmed but he tightened his arm around her waist, pinning him close to her. "Gotta do what I say Higurashi. Gotta keep the talent happy!" She smacked his arm, still trying to wriggle out of his hold, doing her best to hold in her smile, but failing miserably.
"So, how should I keep the talent happy Inuyasha?" she smirked. "You were pretty happy when I left your apartment last night."
He moved his head to rest on her shoulder, looking at her reflection in the mirror.
"Ah, but that's where you're very wrong pretty girl." Kagome's face fell.
"You didn't enjoy last night?"
"Oh I did. Very much", he grinned, bucking his hips underneath her, then kissing a path down the arch of her neck onto her shoulder. "But then you left. And I was in that big empty bed all alone, with no one to keep me company."
"Oh, poor you. You know why I left Inuyasha. You needed to have a good night's sleep before the shoot today, and you know what would have happened if I'd stayed longer. There wouldn't have been much sleeping going on."
He nuzzled into her neck. "Maybe not, but this talent would have been much much happier. I don't want you to leave anymore." Kagome froze.
"You... you want me to move in with you?"
"I want you to move in", he said, his teasing face now serious. "I want you to be with me always. I know we've only been going out for a month Kagome, but I love you. I've loved you for years. And that's not going to change."
She turned on his lap so they were now facing each other, cradling his cheeks in her palms. "I love you too", she whispered. "So much."
"Would it be crazy if... if I said I wanted even more than that?" he asked softly, his eyes searching hers. "Would it be crazy if I said I want to be more than just your boyfriend, that I want more than you moving in. That I want us to belong to each other? And tell the whole world about it?"
Kagome's eyes widened, and her heart began beating wildly in her chest.
"That sounds an awful lot like a marriage proposal Inuyasha."
"That's because, maybe it is. We wasted so much time Kagome. I don't wanna waste another second. Please say yes."
"How could I say no to those puppy dog eyes of yours?" she giggled wetly, her eyes filling with happy tears.
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buckleysjareau · 4 years
double vision wrapped in last night’s party clothes
"I have always been honest with you." When Eddie's voice cracks, Buck's composure almost cracks with it. "Why can't you just be honest with me?"
When Buck is let in on a long kept family secret, he doesn't know what to do. He almost ruins things with the one person that keeps him from feeling like he's floating away with no way to land, but it ultimately turns out okay with help of a little communication.
for @cirrius-akiyo
Read on AO3
TW; descriptions of anxiety, emetophobia to be safe, car accidents and death of a very minor original character
From the moment he woke up with a pounding headache and an arm wrapped around his waist, Buck knows he fucked up. It’s not an unfamiliar feeling, waking up hungover in someone else’s bed, not being able to remember a thing. The feeling of knowing he fucked up, it was nothing new. 
But that wasn’t him anymore. He doesn’t drink until he can’t remember anything except the sensual touch of whoever’s finger tips, not anymore. He doesn’t do one night stands anymore. That was all Buck 1.0. That wasn’t who Buck was anymore, so before even opening his eyes to see what kind of room he’s in and who he’s with, he feels enough shame to make him nauseous. 
Dread consumes him when his eyes flicker open to the all too familiar plaid blankets and the toned, tattooed arm around him. 
Eddie Diaz. Eddie fucking Diaz. Edmundo Diaz. His best friend. His partner. His entirely platonic other half. Oh, fuck. He truly did fuck up. Eddie didn’t do one night stands, ever, so maybe this was an entirely platonic and clothed cuddle. He doesn’t have to freak out just yet. 
Then his eyes fall on his boxers on the floor and—
What the fuck happened? 
He swallows down his need to vomit and winces slightly as he tries to lift Eddie’s arm off of him without waking him up. He can’t believe he’s sneaking out of his best friend’s house, a house that he’s never really felt like a guest in. The thought sends a shock of pain through his heart, realizing how truly bad he fucked up. 
As he quickly and quietly dresses, his phone buzzes on the floor loud enough to make Eddie stir. He cringes and grabs his phone as quick as possible, letting out a breath of relief when Eddie doesn’t wake. 
The second he catches sight of the multiple missed calls and texts notifications on his phone, he freezes as everything comes back to him. 
“Nothing I ever did was good enough… now I know why.”
Bile rises to his throat as everything rushes back to him and he books it out of Eddie’s house, barely making it to his car before he empties his stomach of all the alcohol and absolutely none of the shame. 
He’s in his car and on the road by the time he realizes it’s hard to catch his breath and tears are blurring the road ahead of him. 
Name five things you can see, he hears Eddie’s voice in his head. Eddie is one of the sources of his anxiety right now, but he’d helped the last time so Buck goes through it in his head as he pulls over.
Five things you can see. The red truck he’s parked behind. A woman walking her dog. House with pink shutters. Halloween decorations. The pool in someone’s backyard. 
Four things you can feel. His steering wheel vibrating under his hands.  The air from his vents. Sweat soaking his back. His head against the headrest.
Three things you can hear…
By the time he’s through with listing things, he can breathe normally and his vision is cleared enough to drive the rest of his way home. He’s not very religious, but he prays that no one is waiting for him when he enters his apartment.
His heart clenches when his phone buzzes with a text from Eddie and shuts his phone off before he can see what he had to say. 
“Buck? What are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be at Chimney’s with your parents?” 
Before Eddie can ask anymore questions, Buck shakes his head. “Do you have any alcohol?”
“You came here for a beer?” Eddie asked incredulously, eyebrows raised. 
“I was thinking something stronger.”
His head pounds as he makes his way into the station, a half hour before his shift, and he immediately wants to leave.  He knows Eddie is going to walk in any minute now, and Chimney, too. He doesn’t know if he can look at either of them right now. 
“You knew?” Buck spits out at Chimney, the betrayal he’s feeling so strong he steps back as if he was physically struck. 
“No… don’t…” 
“Have a good morning, Buck?” Bobby asks as Buck enters the loft. What does he know?
“Why?” He asks defensively, causing his captain to sit up a little straighter with his eyebrow raised. 
“You okay?” 
“There’s something I need to show you…”
“What is this? Who is this?”
“Yeah, of course.” He tries to smile but he knows it’s a grimace. He’s usually okay at faking smiles and acting like everything is fine when it’s not, but now absolutely nothing is okay, he realizes. Everything that he found comfort in when things were falling apart has been tainted by this secret now.
Chimney had known something about Buck that he hadn’t known about himself and continued to look him in the eyes like he wasn’t keeping something huge. He feels nauseous all over again at the thought of seeing him today, and he’s not even mad, he’s just hurt. 
Eddie should be walking in right about now and Buck’s heart is in his throat when he hears footsteps coming up the stairs and he’s just not ready for the Eddie confrontation so he’s the tiniest bit relieved when it’s Chimney instead. 
“Oh, thank God you’re alive,” is not what he expects to come out of Chimney’s mouth but Buck’s heart clenches in a way that hurts.
“I told him because I was trying to protect you,” 
“That doesn’t make it any better!” 
Eddie just reaches the top step when Bobby starts the beginning of shift announcements and Buck thanks his lucky stars that there wasn’t time for a confrontation between announcements and chore assignments. 
He looks up for one second to meet Eddie’s eye before averting eye contact in less than a second. 
“Buckley, you’re with me on getting lunch started!” 
He’s relieved he’s not with Eddie or Chimney, but he has a feeling he knows why Bobby is assigning him to lunch duties, and that was so he could pry whatever out of him. He’d done it a few times, and normally Buck didn’t mind but this wasn’t something he wanted to even admit, let alone tell his Captain about it.
“Don’t you dare walk out that door!” His dad’s voice boomed around the apartment, reminding him of all of the times talks about his grades and his future turned into screaming matches. 
“Buck!” His head snaps up at the sound of Bobby’s voice.
Bobby gestures with his eyes at his hand that was currently covered in the tomato he didn’t realize he was squishing in his hands. 
Bobby clears his throat from behind Buck as he rinses off his hands. “Alright, what’s going with you? Where’s your head at? Is it the bomb threat call that’s got you so bothered?”
Buck shakes his head. “It’s nothing, Bobby.”
“It’s not nothing, Buck. Is it your parents?” Bobby knows he’s onto something when Buck tenses. “You don’t have to talk to me about it but you do have to let me know if you’re not in the headspace to—”
The alarm blares and Buck jumps into action before Bobby can even finish his sentence. He’s fine to go out on calls, he has to be, he cannot sit there at the station with the storm that’s raging in his head. He needs to do the one thing he can’t fuck up.
Bobby gives him a look as he gears up but he just gives him a thumbs up and hops into the truck.
Eddie is across from him, trying to meet his eye yet again but Buck continues to stare out the window. He knows he’s being a coward, he does, but his stomach drops whenever he thinks of meeting Eddie’s eyes, dreads seeing the ‘it was a mistake' eyes. He dreads seeing the inevitable. 
“What do you want, Buck?” Eddie pants above him, eyes dark and searching.
“Make me forget.” He sounds desperate and he is, he’s desperate to forget and he’s desperate for Eddie. 
“Make you forget what?” 
“Just make me forget, please, Eddie. Please.”
“Will you look at me?” Eddie’s voice filters in through the headset. 
Buck takes a deep breath in and releases it before he looks to Eddie. Brown eyes meet his blue and Buck immediately sees the frustration in the way his eyebrows scrunch, but he can also see the fear and he did this.
“Are we okay?” 
The grimace returns. “Of course, Eds, why wouldn’t we be?”
“You left before–”
“Buck… please don’t leave. We can talk about this.”
“You didn’t talk about it for twenty-nine years, why do we have to talk about it now?”
“Buck, let’s go!” Hen shouts as she shuts the door and Buck really needs to get in the right head space because if Bobby benches him now, after quite literally everything in his life is falling apart, he might not be able to recover from this.
His heart is beating erratically as he uses the K-12 to get the door off of the T-boned car, Eddie by his side with the Jaws. The girl in the driver’s seat, probably not even eighteen yet,  is hysterical and Eddie tries to calm her down but the door won’t budge with just the Jaws. 
Her screams get louder the second the door is pulled off and when a name tears through her gut wrenching sobs, Buck notices Hen about three feet away giving CPR to a middle aged woman. 
“Ma’am, I need you to stay still for me while I get this on you,” Eddie’s controlled tone echoes through Buck’s ears.
“Please don’t let her die, please, this is my fault!” 
Buck swallows the lump in his throat before he focuses his full attention on the girl. “Miss, listen to me,” he tries so she won’t turn her head to him. “Can you tell me your name?”
“Samantha.” She chokes out but it seems like she’s calming down enough for Eddie to put the C-Collar on while Chimney keeps her head stabilized. “Please, you have to save her, she–”
She starts shaking her head again, as best as she can between Chimney’s hands and Buck is so worried she’s going to cause more possible damage to her spine so he blurts out the first thing he can think of to keep her calm. “Tell me about Julia.”
“What? You have to save her.”
Buck sighs. “We’ve got the best paramedic in the LAFD working on her right now, okay? Can you tell me about her?”
Samantha sniffles. “I- I don’t know anything about her. She’s my b-birth-” she chokes on a sob. 
“She’s my birth mother.”
“Maddie… who is this?”
“It’s you… with your birth mother.”
Of fucking course. 
His heart stutters a beat before his eyes glance up at Chimney in the back and meets his eye before focusing his attention back on Samantha who’s still talking. 
“...and I was just giving her a ride home. I thought that was the nice thing to do and now she’s dead. She gave me life and I killed her!”
“Hey, no, you didn’t kill her. This isn’t your fault.” Buck promises vehemently, because he can. The accident wasn’t her fault, it was the drunk driver who had T-boned them and tried to flee the scene. 
“I… I found the records when I was cleaning out the garage during quarantine. My parents don’t even know I was meeting with her and I should have listened to them because she’s-she’s-”
“It’s okay, Samantha. We’re getting you out of here now.” Buck keeps his tone calm and controlled even though his emotions are tearing him apart from the inside out. 
They get her on the ambulance when Bobby calls it on Julia. Hen falls back to sit on her haunches and defeatedly sighs, wiping the sweat away from her head.
Buck feels numb. 
The ride back to the station is one big blur and before he knows it, he’s out of his gear and walking to the locker room when he’s stopped.
By Chimney.
“Buck, can we please talk?” 
Buck clenches his fists and takes in a deep breath before shaking his head. “No.”
“Buck, c’mon–”
“I can’t right now, man. I said no.” He starts off weak, his voice catching, but ends strong. Putting his foot down. 
He lets out a breath he didn’t even know he was holding when he hears Chimney walking away. He grabs his work out clothes from his locker and slams the locker door shut, too many emotions coursing through him that needed to be let out somehow. 
The punches to the bag start slow, controlled, but soon, the hurt takes over. The anger takes over. 
A particularly hard swing echoes through the station, following the growl that rips loose from his throat. Buck pays no attention to the footsteps sounding from the staircase behind him.
He gives a quick glance at Eddie as he plants himself against the wall to the side of Buck but leaves it at that and continues to swing. 
“You wanna tell me what the hell is going on with you, Buck?” Eddie’s voice is tinged with concern, frustration, and desperation and Buck doesn’t know what to do with that. He doesn’t know what to say, how to get the words out. Like Dr. Copeland pointed out, he hides his true feelings from people and he thinks nothing’s ever been more true. 
“Nothing’s going on, Eddie.” 
Eddie huffs. “Right. You promised me we’d talk last night and then when I woke up, you were gone.”
“Eds, please, hurry up. Make me-”
“Forget, yeah, I got you, Buck. Just… promise me we’ll talk after?”
“I had plans with Chimney.” He huffs out the lie.
“Really? That’s funny, because Chimney says he hasn’t seen you since last night.” Eddie’s voice raises just a little but it’s enough to make Buck freeze. He blinks, takes off the gloves, and turns to leave. How hypocritical he is, talking about how everyone always leaves, when here he is, literally running away from every little problem.
He makes it to the locker room before he realizes Eddie followed him.
“If you think it was a mistake then please just tell me instead of lying to me and shutting me out.” 
The hurt in Eddie’s voice is so strong Buck completely freezes. When he goes to take in a deep breath, it gets caught in his throat and he can’t bring himself to move or try again. 
“I have always been honest with you.” When Eddie’s voice cracks, Buck’s composure almost cracks with it. “Why can’t you just be honest with me?”
The tears Buck tried to keep in started to fall and he should really breathe, he’s getting dizzy, he should breathe but he’s scared of the sound that’s going to come when he tries. 
The sob erupts from the back of his throat before he can stop it and the force of it has him gasping for a breath he can’t quite catch. 
“Shit, Buck?” He hears before Eddie’s in front of him. “Hey, man, it’s okay. It’s okay. Just, talk to me, Buck.”
Another breath gets caught in his throat and the only thing Buck can think to do is bring his shaking hand up to his chest as if he could rub away the agony. 
Eddie goes to catch him before he even realizes he’s keeling over, his hand still trying to clutch at his chest, and Buck can only imagine how scary this must seem to Eddie. He tries to calm himself down for the sake of Eddie but breaths just keep getting stuck. 
“Is this another panic attack or is something else going on, Buck? Do I need to call Hen and Chimney down here? 9-1-1?” He can tell Eddie’s trying not to panic for the sake of not freaking Buck out even more.
“Don’t g-g-get Chimney,” He stutters out, he can barely get the words out of his mouth. “I- I don’t need med-medic-medical attention.”
Once Eddie believes that Buck is just overwhelmed, he jumps right into the only grounding exercise that ever seems to work for Buck and once he can feel something other than the mind-numbing pain that came along with the secret, he turns to apologize.
“You don’t have to apologize for that, you already know this.” Eddie reassures.
Buck shakes his head. “No… I’m sorry for leaving. I just, Eddie, I- I love you, and I felt like I’d just messed up the only place I’d felt at home in. Everything came rushing back and- and I couldn’t face it when I was being forced to face everything else. I’m sorry.”
Eddie smiled as Buck admitted he loved him, cheeks tinged pink, but listened intently to the rest.
“Hey, you didn’t mess up anything. I love you, too, Buck. So much. You’re always going to have a place in our home, last night didn’t change that. I actually kind of thought it solidified that, but I guess I didn’t do too great of a job showing you just how much you belong there.”
The knowledge that Eddie loves him back both thrills and scares him. 
“Eddie. I-I, you have to know, I’m not ready for anything ri-right now. I love you, shit, I love you so much. I’m just a mess right now and I don’t even know who I am, not anymore, not ever and I feel like I’m just floating with no way to land and I can’t… put that on you. I can’t- I mean, before I came to you last night…”
“Hey, it’s okay, we can talk through everything later. I’ve still got your back, ready or not.” He sees Eddie hesitate and the nausea comes back. Please don’t take it back. “Can you tell me why you came to me in the first place?”
It’s tense, quiet for a minute, as Buck decides to tell his best friend, his person, the secret that came into his life like a bomb to blow up everything he thought he knew about himself and his life.
“They told me I was adopted.” 
It’s so quiet in there, he could practically hear the crickets chirp. Though, he’s pretty sure that might be his heart.
“I, wow, Buck.” He clears his throat. “I don’t even know what to say. What can I do? To help, I mean.”
Buck, ever the one to deflect, smirks sadly at Eddie’s wording. “There he is.”
Eddie raises an eyebrow. “Excuse me?”
“You’ve been too good with your words, I was starting to think alien possession made its way into our 2020.” He snorts. 
Eddie feigns offense. “Man, you know when it comes to you, I’ve almost always been good with words. You, on the other hand?” 
“Hey now,” Buck tries to fight back the first real smile since his parents had gotten into town, but gives up fighting it. “To answer your question, you’ve already done the only thing that can help me now.”
“Oh yeah? What’s that?”
“You stayed.”
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jilytho · 4 years
and they were roomates
Jily/Marauders roomate thing just for fun. Happy Jilytober!!!! 
Read below or on AO3 of FFNT
Moving in together had always been the plan. The Marauders, out in the real world. Throughout Uni they were always forced to split up into different apartments in groups of two, usually ending with Sirius and James in one apartment and Remus and Peter sharing one down the hall. Remus insisted it be that way because he insisted he wouldn’t be able to focus on schoolwork if he had to deal with his idiot of a boyfriend 24hours a day but separate apartments in no way made them spend any less time together. James swears he spent more nights on the floor of Remus and Peter’s kitchen than in his bed. Still, once they were done with school and off in the Real World having an apartment for all of them to live in was the ultimate goal. 
They set out to look for a spot that was nice enough to fit the bizarrely high standards of Sirius, while still not breaking the bank for Remus or Peter who insisted on paying their own way without any help. 
It was Remus who ended up finding their place, somewhat dodgy area of town but right down the street from his favorite Thai takeout place, three coffeeshops with adequate reading vibes within a four block radius, and a seven minute commute for Remus to get to the lab everyday. 14C was a once cute three bedroom apartment now covered in years of dust and grime and now officially theirs.
Sirius and Remus claimed the master with its very own ensuite so James could stop having to pick Sirius’s hair out of the shower. It wasn’t a perfect set up but they all found ways to mesh together and make it just right and just theirs. Peter was immediately made interior designer and found a couch and two armchairs off of craigslist so that they could stop sitting on the floor in front of the TV. James was in charge of the kitchen and bought real utensils and bowls so Sirius would stop pouring his cereal onto frisbees. Remus developed his very own homemade cleaner filled with bleach and alcohol and was likely poison in a bottle but it somehow made the beige counters white and sparkling. 
Technically James and Sirius were the only names actually on the lease, a Sirius suggestion, so that if they were ever late on rent it wouldn’t impact the credit Remus had spent so long building up. It had the added benefit of Peter and Remus not having to worry if their paycheck was being delayed and they had to pay Sirius or James a few days late because the boys were always good for it. 
Being adults in the real world never stopped any of them from still behaving like children. Sirius refused to take out the trash so James took to dumping the trash on his head while he was sleeping, and accidentally got day old noodles onto Remus’ pillow. They broke two TVs during two separate games of indoor football and Peter was a world class baker but was the worst at cleaning in the whole flat and left flour everywhere, constantly. But still, they were happy. They ate dinner together almost every night and had movie nights on Thursdays. Peter and James invested in heavy duty ear plugs within three weeks of moving in and realizing just how thin the walls were. 
After a full year of making Apartment 14C home, the lease was up they unanimously decided to resign because this was their place. But then one day they wake up to find that Pete has his bags packed and is all “I got a job across the country bye”. They want to fight him and Remus, always the logical one, brings up that they literally just signed for a whole year and are only 20 days into this new lease. And Peter, the little slimy rat, smirked and said “Not my name on the lease, not my problem” and just left. 
They learn from Facebook that he was working for some politician that stands for everything the boys do not. The kind of politician who would actively root against the happiness and togetherness of Sirius and Remus. Once they learn that, they are officially done missing him. 
At some time in the middle of the night all the pictures that Peter was in from school are mysteriously replaced with pictures of James’s cat. 
Sirius wants to keep He-Who-We-Do-Not-Talk-About’s bedroom empty and make it into a yoga studio/library combo but Remus says that it's ridiculous to pay that much extra in rent and he refuses to let Sirius pay for the room and so the roommate hunt begins. 
Everyone they met with was either too sweaty or too loud or was great on paper but had a super distinct death like scent so the room sat empty for almost a full month. James was content to let it stay that way and just keep finding reasons because it was good with just the three of them. They weren’t the same and James was sometimes a third wheel but these were his brothers, he didn’t need anyone else. 
It stays empty until one day, Remus comes home from work one day saying that he has a friend from class, a nice well mannered and smart girl who would pay her rent on time but is in urgent need of getting off of her sister and terrible brother in laws couch before she “sets it and the house on fire”. Sirius isn’t sure he wants someone willing to commit arson moving in across the hall from him but a quick look from Remus shut him up and he was suddenly all for the mystery girl coming in. Remus said she would be moving in in three hours and would James be available to help her carry in her bags? James felt slighted that he wasn’t even given a vote or a chance to meet the girl, but that was mostly because despite Peter leaving and betraying them, James is loyal to a fault and still saw the room as Pete’s room and Pete’s stool in the kitchen despite the fact that the lying bastard just took off with no warning and changed his phone number and was a traitorous little bastard. Still, he couldn’t argue the point too much or he’d look stupid so fine, let the new girl move in but “Remus I swear, make it clear that this is just temporary until she figures it out and we find someone else we can all agree on”. He decided he just wouldn’t hang out with the new girl. They’d be apartment mates but they wouldn’t be friends.
She shows up with seven boxes and three bottles of wine to her name. James’s mouth is full of pasta when she introduces herself to him and he is so startled by the green of her eyes that he swallows without chewing and starts hacking noodles up while waving hello as she watches, green eyes wide with concern and amusement, hand still held out to shake. 
The first week after she moves in, he avoids her like the plague. He mentally insists that he has no need to get to know her because this is just temporary and she is going to find a new place and it doesn't matter how green her eyes are if he just doesn’t look at them. 
By the start of the second week, it stopped mattering if he didn’t directly interact with her because she was still everywhere. The living room was transformed from a bare bones TV and couch room to completely cozy with scented candles and fuzzy blankets and fun, colorful throw pillows that James instantly became obsessed with. He couldn’t lie and say he didn’t love the lemon scented soap in the kitchen or how she always made sure there was coffee in the pot for him or how the scent of her rose body wash somehow fills the whole apartment everytime she showers and is amazing or how the whole apartment just felt warmer and better now that she was there. 
He stopped getting surprised when she found ways to just fit with them. He always thought Peter worked well with them, they were brothers of course, but now he couldn’t help feeling like Peter had been a square peg squeezing into a circle hole. He fit but it was also just a little tight or tense or unequal. Lily, on the other hand, clicked in just right. She was instantly just one of them, even before James had accepted it. On her 10th day of living with them (a celebration Sirius insisted required an ice cream cake) all reservations about her completely imploded because there was no arguing that she belonged with them and they belonged with her. When he woke up in the middle of the night to get a glass of water, he wasn’t at all shocked to find her and Remus reviewing chemical formulas at 3am on a Tuesday. Like of course they were, why wouldn't they be. It felt even less surprising that he just walked himself over and sat on the ground in front of her and stole her flashcards so he could quiz them both. It felt only natural when he saw her and Sirius getting ready to go to spin class together, even though Sirius never brings James to spin class with him anymore because of the one time he fell off his bike and caused a ruckus. He’s barely even confused when he ends up at a sunrise yoga class with her even though he had never been awake to see sunrise a day in his life. He’s even less surprised to learn that he enjoyed it immensely and had never been so happy to be up that early. He tells himself that it's just the impact of the yoga that he is in such a good mood but knows it has a lot more to do with the laughing goddess in the downward dog next to him. 
They get glared at all through the class because he keeps whispering things to her and making her giggle and then he becomes so transfixed by her laugh that he loses his balance and falls out of his pose, almost toppling the woman next to him. She laughs so hard her face matches her hair and giggles every time she looks at him for the rest of class. 
And then it’s Sunday and Blokes Brunch easily becomes “Lily, let’s go time for brunch” and when she pops the champagne (which had always been James’s job but he couldn't’ even fight her properly for it) he sees the sparkle in her eyes so much clearer than the sparkle in the drink and he lets himself actually see her and oh my god did she look good.
It still hurts when they see a picture of Peter on facebook or in Snapchat memories but slowly their memories start to fill up with green eyes and red hair and lovely smiles. It is no surprise when just the suggestion of her moving out became criminal. It was no surprise to any of them except for James when she stopped sleeping in her room and started sleeping across the hall with James. None of it was how the Marauders expected their lives to be at all but there was also more joy and warmth and love than any of them could have ever predicted. 
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flowers-creativity · 4 years
Fic: The One Bed Job
Fandom:  Leverage
Characters: Eliot Spencer, Parker, Alec Hardison
Warnings: None
Summary: A rainstorm forces Eliot, Parker and Hardison to take shelter in a cabin in the woods. There is only one problem ...
Notes: Written for Spud (@callipygianspud) for the @leverage-secret-santa-exchange with the prompts “Parker/Hardison/Eliot, oh no one bed?!?!, slice of life bickering”.
There are a lot of firsts in this story for me, most notably that it's my first Leverage fic ever! It was a lot of fun working on it - thanks to the mods of the Leverage Secret Santa Exchange for organising this 😊.
I’m late in posting it because I missed that the authors had been revealed but finally, here it is on my blog, too.
AO3 link
Eliot threw the truck into park and stared out the windshield at the desolate view: a cabin in the middle of the woods, looking small and forlorn in the wind that had been picking up speed over the last hour. Rain was driving diagonally across the picture, and he didn't want to make any bets on how long it would be until it was going fully horizontal. “Damn it, Hardison, that's the best you can do?”
“Hey man, you wanna try finding a place to stay in the middle of nowhere during a rainstorm, with no advance warning?” Hardison twisted in his seat and stabbed a finger at him. “I'm not freaking clairvoyant, couldn't have known it woulda hit so hard!”
“Yeah, well, always actin' like you are,” Eliot growled as he unbuckled his seat belt. There was no use arguing, they were out of other options. Not that it would stop him from doing it anyway. “C'mon, let's look at that rat's nest you found for us.”
“No appreciation, man,” Hardison mumbled. He took off his seat belt, then twisted around and nudged the lump that was Parker on the backbench, just a shock of blonde hair peeking out from under the blanket she'd wrapped herself in. “Hey mama, we're here. Time to wake up!”
The lump protested sleepily but finally uncurled to reveal the thief who stretched and yawned mightily. “Where's here?” she asked.
“Cabin in the woods,” Hardison said. “Storm's getting pretty bad, so Eliot wanted to stop driving. Never mind that we're in a Faraday cage,” he added, raising his voice so the hitter just about to close the driver's side door could hear him, “but apparently the only thing frightening big bad Spencer is some lightning. Can't hit that, eh?”
“Hardison,” Eliot said grumpily, pulling the door open again, “you wanna wrap the car around a tree 'cause you can't see with the rain comin' down so hard, be my guest.”
Parker snorted and leaned forward to give Hardison a quick peck on the nose. “He's got a point there,” she pointed out.
Eliot flashed her a quick look of thanks, fighting down the incongruous urge to have a corner of his mouth tick up. It wasn't a smile; it wasn't. And it wasn't a problem that his face constantly wanted to do that around those two lately. He finally slammed the door shut and switched on the heavy-duty flashlight he kept in the truck's cabin at all times. He more sensed than heard the passenger side's door opening and the other two hustling after him as he made his way towards the cabin, the rain soaking him down to the skin within moments.
The door was locked; he contemplated it for a moment, then stepped aside. “Parker, do your thing,” he commanded, directing the beam of light onto the lock. She gave a quick sound of delight and dove forwards with her lock picks appearing in her hands like magic. That lock wouldn't take her more than five seconds, he knew, but even that was probably a treat for her after an exhausting job that had her do most of the grifting. No matter how much she had grown and learned since they had become a team, coming into her own in both the grifter and the mastermind role, she would never love it as much as she did the jobs where she could be what she really was, a cat burglar and safecracker.
It was maybe eight seconds until the lock clicked and Parker stood back up. She frowned a bit at the door as she pocketed her lock picks. “Sorry, I'm off my game,” she said.
Hardison huffed and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “Don't be ridiculous, babe, you're fine. A bit tired, that's all.”
Eliot nodded and gave her a quick pat on the back before he pushed open the door and went ahead into the cabin. “Stay here,” he told them as he swept the flashlight's beam through the room.
Hardison rolled his eyes so hard Eliot could hear it even though he had his back turned. “No need to unpack the guard dog routine, El,” he said, and another flashlight beam joined his. “It's a cabin in the middle of the woods. If there's anything dangerous, it'll be a bunch of spiders or a raccoon at best. C'mon, I wanna get inside and get dry.”
Eliot flashed him a nasty grin over his shoulder. “You're the geek, tell me how many horror movies there are that look just like this,” he said. “And how the black guy usually does in them.”
“Damn, man, don't you use pop culture against me, that's just wrong,” Hardison complained.
Parker snorted a laugh, still leaning against Hardison's side. “We'll protect you, Eliot and I,” she told him earnestly, then slipped from his arm and had his flashlight in her hand a blink of an eye later. “I'll help him make the security sweep, and you find out if there's electricity.”
Hardison sighed in defeat and waved them off, shaking his head. “Then go do what you gotta do.”
“Nice to know we have your approval,” Eliot said with a smile that was all teeth and very little warmth (no matter that he wanted to put a lot more into it). Nevertheless, he didn't further protest Parker's joining him and sent her off to check one of the two doors leading from the main room while he finished sweeping its meager contents – a small table with two rickety chairs, a wood stove and an old cupboard that held a little bit of crockery, a battered pot and a few cans of soup. He left Hardison to poke around near the stove, mumbling to himself about barbaric conditions and using his phone as a flashlight, and headed for the second door.
It didn't take much time to determine that this was the bathroom, such as it was, and little more to check the shabby toilet and sink – they worked, which was probably the best they could hope for. When he emerged back into the main room, he found that Parker had just done so, too, and was now perched on the table. For once he could not fault her for her propensity never to sit on a chair like a normal person; the table looked like a much safer bet.
“That's the bedroom,” she reported immediately once she caught sight of him coming back, pointing at the room she had checked. “Nothing there but a lot of dust and spiderwebs.” She grinned brightly. “Only one bed, though. We'll have to snuggle close, it's not very big.”
“Wa---” Eliot was vaguely aware that he was standing there gaping like a moron but his mind was stuck on Parker talking about snuggling in one bed.
“Huh, what was that, Eliot?” Hardison had abandoned whatever he had been doing with the stove – couldn't have been lighting a fire, he severely doubted Hardison could do that – and came over, leaning against the wall next to the table with Parker on it, both of them weirdly illuminated by the display light of Hardison's phone.
Eliot finally marshaled his thoughts enough to grind out: “I'm sure you'll be fine for one night. I'll take the floor.” Parker must have been talking about herself and Hardison anyway, no reason to assume that she wanted to snuggle with him – even if his traitorous heart had done just that.
Parker frowned. “What? No, you won't,” she said with a shake of her head. “Not when there's a bed and no reason for you to be on watch. We'll fit in there the three of us.”
“Wha-- Dammit, Parker, you can't just get into bed with any man!” Eliot protested.
“Fine, then Hardison and you can take the floor.” She folded her arms over her chest and stared at him, the challenge more conveyed by her tone than by her expression he couldn't see too clearly in the gray light on her face. Next to her, Hardison made an outraged sound, just as Eliot sputtered:
“What? No, why should Hardison sleep on the floor?”
“Well, if I can't get in bed with any man, then I can't get in bed with you two, since you're both men,” she said with a shrug, in that tone that clearly said that she thought she was being perfectly reasonable.
“But he's not any man,” Eliot pointed out, “he's your boyfriend.”
“Okay,” she said, cocking her head to the side in one of those moves that made her look sort of like a bird, “but you're not any man, too. You're Eliot. My--” she broke off, gave a short sideways glance to Hardison and then continued: “Our-- You're Eliot. So you can come, too.”
Eliot sputtered again, and how did she always manage to have that effect on him? He was Eliot goddamn Spencer, he was always in control, but she stole it from him as easily as pick-pocketing a watch was for her, with nothing more than a few words and looks. He desperately looked to Hardison. “Back me up here, c'mon, man!”
Hardison, the son of a bitch, just shrugged, his teeth white in the dim light as he grinned. “You heard the lady,” he said, “you're not any man, so you can get in bed with her, I mean, with us, any time.”
“I-- But--!” Eliot raked his left hand through his hair, casting around for the right thing to say, to make sense of these words in a way that didn't make warmth spread through his chest and … somewhere else that had made a very specific sense of it and was sitting up and taking notice. In the back of his mind, another part was busy pointing out that in a way, any man was probably better to have in your bed than Eliot Spencer. It was surprisingly easy to disregard this voice, though, just as Parker and Hardison disregarded his words whenever he pointed it out to them. He had told them so a hundred, a thousand times, even had shown them glimpses of it a few times – the swimming pool, probably even the warehouse, despite Nate's promise not to tell anyone – and they had always sailed past it without the slightest worry despite what he had been, what he still was. And he knew it was true: whatever danger he presented, it never was a danger connected to his past. Only to a present that he held sacred in his heart like a talisman, like he had held preciously little since he had lost faith in God and the American flag and whatever else he had believed in once upon a time.
“Helloo-ho!” Hardison suddenly loomed up in front of him, his face just inches away from him. “Earth to Eliot!”
Eliot honest to God flinched and took a step back. “Dammit, Hardison!”
The hacker raised an unimpressed eyebrow. “You back with us, man?” He looked him over seriously. “Honestly, I'm starting to think you're getting sick. You're usually more with it than that.”
Eliot took a deep breath and ran a hand over his face. “I'm fine,” he gritted out. He let his shoulders slump down. Sleeping in one bed it was. “You had any luck with that stove?” he asked Hardison in a bid of hopefully redirecting the conversation.
Hardison shrugged. “Not really, there's some old ashes and half-burnt wood in it but I don't have a lighter. I'm sure you can get it going, right? Don't tell me you haven't been a Boy Scout, too.”
“Nope.” Eliot hoped the relief and eagerness with which he fell into their banter was not too obvious. “Army boot camp's better than that, anyway. Plus, y’know, spending lots of time in the actual wilderness, not some parent's backyard.” He dug into one of his pockets for a lighter and wandered over to the stove, angling the flashlight beam into the open compartment.
Parker had her chin in her hands as she watched him with her usual Parker intensity. “Backyards sound boring,” she agreed. “But you should take us camping some time! We can throw Hardison off a cliff instead of a building!”
This time it was Hardison who was sputtering, and Eliot couldn't resist, he laughed, a bark that reverberated deep in his chest. “That's a great idea, darlin',” he drawled, grinning at the hacker.
“Now that's just unfair! Two against one! And no one's throwing Hardison off any cliffs, are we clear? Are we clear?”
Parker pouted at him. “Aww. You went on that fishing trip with Eliot, didn't you? I want to do something like that with you, too, with both of you.”
Eliot scowled at the reminder of how their fishing trip hadn't happened after that stand-off with a white supremacist militia. “Not exactly like that, preferably,” he growled under his breath. Louder, he said, “I think Hardison had a problem with the cliff thing, not with going on a trip with you, Parker. We can keep that in mind, okay? For now, just let's get through the night.”
In the meantime, he had kept working on the stove, pushing the old ashes to the side and rearranging the partly burnt wood into a neat pile. He looked around for some old paper to start the fire, then reconsidered. The small fire would be pretty useless to heat or light the room.
“Any of you hungry? There's some soup in cans.”
Hardison and Parker exchanged a look, then shook their heads.
Eliot sighed and stood up, brushing off the knees of his jeans. “Then we don't need to bother with the fire. We'd need some candles or a torch for some real light. Don't think it would produce much heat to get the room warm, either.”
Parker shrugged. “I don't have any candles.”
Hardison grinned. “I guess if we're cold, we just need to snuggle close in our bed,” he said, and Eliot's belly did another backflip at the thought of the three of them in one bed together.
Parker laughed and dropped down from her perch on the table, grabbed Hardison's hand, then lunged and did the same with Eliot's. “Come on, I'll show you,” she said brightly and pulled them over to the door she'd discovered the bedroom behind earlier.
“Parker, that's --- Parker, I can walk on my own,” Eliot protested but it was halfhearted at best. He turned towards Hardison but found little sympathy there.
“Just go with the flow,” the hacker told him. “Relax.”
Eliot bit back a retort and instead just took a deep breath, his feet automatically following where Parker led. Relax. As if that was a thing he could do when he was about to get into the same bed as his two best friends. As the two people he-- He-- His thoughts kept stalling but he knew the word that should go there.
In the small bedroom, Parker let go of his hand, and he took in the room and the furniture occupying it, which was just one more of those rickety chairs, with Parker's flashlight on it casting a beam through the shadows, and the bed itself. It was small indeed, and short enough that Eliot guessed Hardison's feet would hang over the edge. Parker and he should be fine – for a certain measure of fine when he was intruding where he didn't belong. Never mind that they seemingly didn't see anything wrong with it, even though they were the couple…
Meanwhile, Parker had taken possession of the bed, pulling back the covers. She looked back at the two men contemplatively, then shrugged and quickly pulled off her shirt, sending it flying toward the chair. At Eliot's spluttered “Parker!”, she shot him an annoyed glare. “What? It's wet,” she explained as she unzipped her pants and shimmied out of them, then threw them after the shirt. Eliot averted his eyes and prayed for strength.
When he looked back, she had slipped under the covers, and Hardison was sitting at the edge of the bed, taking off his shoes and socks, his phone on the quilt next to him. Hardison looked up at him, and his dark eyes were soft in the beam of Eliot's flashlight. “Eliot, man,” he started, then stopped, then started again. “Look, man, you don't have to if you don't really feel comfortab-- Ouch, Parker!” The thief had straightened up and slugged him in the back of the shoulder. “C'mon, he should only do it if he really wants to!”
“But he does!” she hissed at him, then turned towards Eliot. “You want to, right? You want to be with us. Like, here with us.” She gestured between the two of them and then the bed as a whole, and Eliot's heart constricted in his chest. Yes, God, how he wanted to.
“Because we want you, too.” She looked at him hopefully, not bothered in the least that the blankets were pooling in her lap and she was only wearing a simple black sports bra in the cabin's cool air. He tried to look away but couldn't, not when her eyes were holding him captive like that. They wanted him? Just for snuggling in a small, unheated cabin in the middle of nowhere? Or… for something more?
Eliot pushed that thought way back in his mind. He needed to stay in the here and now. And maybe, just maybe, he could just be selfish tonight and take what they were offering. If that was all it was, he would deal with it. Would it be better or worse than never having had any of it? He didn't know.
Hardison was looking at him steadily. “Your decision, El,” he told him, “but we're here. Whenever you're ready, we'll be there.”
And that—that did actually sound like this was more than just a night of snuggling close for warmth. Eliot took a deep breath, closed his eyes and released it. When he opened them again, he nodded. “Yeah,” he said roughly. “Yeah, I'm--” He stopped and decided to give up trying.
Instead, he put his flashlight on the chair next to Parker's, then bent down to untie his boots and quickly stripped off his jeans and his soggy outer layers, leaving him in a mostly dry T-shirt and boxers. A few more steps brought him to the bed where Hardison had joined Parker under the covers, his torso bare. Both of them were looking at him with so much hope that it was the easiest thing in the world to lift the edge of the covers and slip in after them. He smiled at them and said softly, “Hey.”
“Hey you,” Hardison said and as if it was nothing, he put his arm around Eliot's shoulders and pulled him close. From his other side, Parker put her arm across Hardison's body until her small, strong hand rested on Eliot's chest. “I'm glad you're here,” she told him. Then she gave him a short whack. “So now, snuggling and sleep,” she ordered. “The rest can wait until tomorrow.”
Eliot felt his smile grow into a grin and turned it into the crook of Hardison's neck. “Yes, ma'am,” he replied seriously.
And as he crowded closer to Hardison and reached for Parker with an arm across the other man's stomach, Eliot did as any good soldier would do and followed the order given by his leader. It was probably his favorite order of all time.
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spaceskam · 4 years
From A Whisper To A Scream (6/10)
Summary: Michael has a support system whether he likes it or not.
Word Count: ~4k
Warnings: toxic people bein’ toxic lmao
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
Michael woke up to a hand on his forehead.
He jolted awake at the feeling of someone touching him, only for it to be Sanders sitting on the edge of his bed and looking insanely worried. It took a few seconds of heavy breathing, but Michael settled back into his mattress and balled up more in his blankets that were cocooning him. He felt a little less like he was going to explode with power than the last time he woke up, but he was still uncomfortable.
Then again, he would probably be uncomfortable for the rest of his life.
“In all the years I’ve known you, I’ve never seen you lose control like that,” Sanders said. Michael squeezed his eyes shut and bowed his head. It was too early for that conversation. Technically, he didn’t know what time it was, but it felt too early. “You passed out on the floor.”
“I’m sorry,” Michael said. Sanders didn’t say anything, but the bed creaked as he moved.
“Sit up, drink some water.”
“I don’t want to.”
“You’re going to drink it,” Sanders said, not room in his tone for argument, “And you’re going to eat. You need to flush whatever’s in your system out somehow.”
Michael peeked up at him again. So he knew something. How much did he know? That was a question Michael constantly found himself asking when it came to Sanders. He always seemed to know way more than he was actually willing to say.
“You’re not going to school. You’re going to stay here for a couple days until your system clears,” he said. Michael shook his head.
“No, I-I have practice and‒”
“Michael,” Sanders said, “I know you won’t tell me what’s goin’ on, but you ain’t goin’ anywhere. If your mama saw the way you were last night, she wouldn’t let you out of her sight, so I ain’t either. Not until I figure out why you feel like you’re gonna die.”
“My mom did let me out of her sight.”
“For your own good,” Sanders insisted.
Michael couldn’t help but disagree. Even if she had thought it was, he couldn’t imagine how the life he was leading was better than the time he didn’t get with her. It wasn’t fair at all and it never would be. He just wanted her. He wanted her more than he ever had before.
They were quiet for a moment before Michael eventually sat up a bit and drank the water he was forcing on him. Then he laid back down and Sanders didn’t leave. After a few more seconds of sitting in silence, Michael realized Dog was laying on his bed behind him, both Dog and Sanders seeming to have no intention of leaving him alone as if guarding him.
If only they knew that he wasn’t worth guarding.
“Michael,” Sanders said. Michael looked up at him again. He never used his name like that. “Is it a person?”
“What you think is tryin’ to kill you, is it a person?” Sanders asked. Michael didn’t answer, but that seemed to do all the speaking for him. “We can grab a bag and go.”
“I got people across the country that know too much, Boy, I say I need a safehouse, I can find one,” Sanders said. And, once again, it was saying more than he ever really had before. Sanders didn’t talk about those years in between losing his makeshift family and coming back to Roswell to find him. Michael had just assumed he’d stayed angry and alone everywhere he went.
Apparently that wasn’t the case.
“No, they can track me and I don’t want to put you in danger,” Michael admitted. Sanders huffed a little laugh.
“Boy, you ain’t thinkin’ if you think I’m not already in danger,” he said simply. Michael balled up more. “Didn’t say it was ‘cause of you.”
“We can’t just leave.”
“How are they trackin’ you? If it’s your phone, we can trash that. If it’s somethin’ else, I know a guy up in Montana.”
Michael laughed softly, but it didn’t come without a wave of tears in his eyes. He didn’t know what was the right thing to do. Maybe he should just leave, but what would happen if Eff found him? Or if one of the many people Eff worked with? Or, worse, he took it out on someone else that he’d run away? 
“I can’t leave Isobel and Max.”
“Well, I can’t do much about that, but they ain’t my responsibility,” Sanders said. Michael sniffled and shook his head.
“I can’t leave, but you should. I-I don’t want you to be collateral damage,” Michael insisted, rubbing his eye with his fist. Sanders laughed bitterly and his hand gripped Michael’s shoulder.
“I don’t usually like you thinkin’ I’m old, but I am. I promised to keep you safe and if somethin’ happens to me doin’ that, then I ain’t collateral damage. I’m just doin’ my job,” he said like it was simple. Michael sniffled and shook his head.
He hated this. He hated this so fucking much.
“I need to go back to school Tuesday and act normal, go to my games and practice and pretend it’s not bothering me,” Michael said, wiping his face, “It’ll buy me time to figure out what to do. I just, just have to be on my best behavior.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, I’m sure,” Michael said, taking a deep breath, “But can you do me one favor? Don’t let Alex come over.”
Sanders looked at him in confusion for a moment, but something akin to understanding dawned on him and he nodded. Michael wasn’t sure what exactly he got from that, whether he assumed Alex was at fault or if he jumped to the idea that he was protecting him. Somehow, it was both and neither at the same time.
“Alright, Boy, I trust your judgement. I’mma go make you somethin’ to eat, stay here.”
Michael had no desire to move.
Alex liked having Flint around, he really did, but the silence outside of the clink of silverware was deafening.
He kept looking between Flint and his father, waiting for something to happen. He knew they wouldn’t speak about the business in front of him, but he thought they’d do something. Instead, it seemed to be full of just them staring at each other and angrily eating. If it was anything other than father and son, Alex would’ve assumed he was intruding.
Hell, part of him still felt like he was intruding.
“So, Alex,” his dad said, still not looking away from his brother, “You’re eighteen now.”
“Yes, Sir,” he said, nodding his head. 
It was weirdly formal, but his father hadn’t actually acknowledged his birthday on the actual day. He never really did, especially after his mom left. It seemed like he viewed it as a very rude reminder that his wife had left him. Alex was fine with not celebrating as long as it meant he didn’t have to deal with any backlash.
“Dad,” Flint said, voice stoic, “No.”
Their dad tilted his head as he looked to Flint with nothing but sheer contempt. Alex shifted uncomfortably in his seat. The two of them stared at each other, seeming to hold a silent conversation all about Alex. He wasn’t a fan.
“In a few weeks, you and I are going on a trip,” his dad said, turning to Alex again. Alex nodded.
“Yes, sir.”
“Dad,” Flint said.
“What, Flint? You were 18, Gregory and Clay were both 18. Alex is 18, it’s time. He’s a grown man now,” he said. It was the first time he’d spoken like Alex had any agency at all and it was still involving his own decision about what Alex needed to do. Alex didn’t know whether to be excited or not.
“I can handle it,” Alex assured his brother, smiling softly. Flint didn’t smile back. All of his light excitement from the day before was gone and he nodded once before getting up from the table.
“Flint, get your ass back here and pick up your plate,” his dad instructed. Part of Alex expected Flint not to listen, but he still came back and picked up his plate. He rinsed it off in the sink and went to head back to the hallway. “Aren’t you forgetting something?”
Flint took a loud breath and turned again, picking up their father’s plate and rinsing it off just like Alex had done every night they had dinner together since his brothers moved out and he didn’t have anyone to share the duty with. It was a respect thing, his dad insisted.
However, as much as he loved his brother, watching Flint wash his father’s plate forced Alex to realize just how much his brother was still under their father’s thumb.
Alex couldn’t make himself eat anymore and, thankfully, it wasn’t a night where he was going to be forced to sit at the table the whole night. He pretty quickly finished up and made it back to his room where he immediately pulled out his phone. He hadn’t been able to talk to Michael all day‒it was torture.
Alex: i miss you :(
He tugged his pillow under his head and watched his phone, waiting for a response. However, as the time ticked by, he never did. Which was extremely out of character. He clearly hadn’t been feeling well yesterday, so maybe he’d been sleeping. But he hadn’t texted him all day…
Maybe Alex was being clingy. Liz and Maria were both so sure that he was moving too fast, so maybe he was. They were allowed to go a day without speaking to each other. Even if they hadn’t since they began hooking up… Well, that didn’t matter.
He waited and he waited until he got tired of waiting. He clearly wasn’t going to get a response.
And that was… fine.
Michael kept falling asleep.
He didn’t know how the hell he was even managing it when he was so stressed. He should be unable to do anything but stay awake and worry, but it seemed he just kept passing out. He wasn’t entirely sure Sanders wasn’t drugging him to make sure he slept it off.
Still, it felt good to be somewhat rested by the time Isobel came knocking. He didn’t even get the chance to sit up and properly greet her before he was climbing into his bed. She didn’t speak or scold or question him like he expected. Instead, she crawled beneath the covers and pulled them over both of their heads. He felt young again.
“I wasn’t just paranoid when I thought someone was watching me, was I?” Isobel asked in the safety of his blanket. Michael shook his head slowly and let the two of them sit in silence for a long stretch of time.
Michael didn’t really know what to say to her. He wasn’t going to say it had anything to do with Alex, that simply wasn’t an option. Isobel would blame him and Michael was pretty sure Alex had no idea. Eff seemed convinced that Alex had no idea and wanted to keep it that way.
“You shouldn’t be around me,” Michael said, “For your own safety.”
“What about your safety?”
“Not important.”
“Shut up,” Isobel said, scooting closer. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and tugged his face into the crook of her neck. She was nothing but protective as she cradled him close, shielding him away from the world.
It’d been too long since he’d spent time with her, too long since he’d had his sister. Was a guy really worth all of this? Because he shouldn’t be. No one should be worth all of this. It should be easy to cut Alex off, to go back to just handling Eff and dealing with life. So why was it such an impossible thing to grasp?
“I need your help,” Michael murmured into the soft fabric of her shirt.
“What is it?”
“I need you to keep me from talking to Alex,” he said. Isobel froze for a moment. “It’s to keep him safe. I just… need reinforcements.”
“Okay, I can do that,” Isobel insisted. She held him still as she reached over to grab his phone. She fiddled around on it for a moment and he was pretty sure she blocked his number.
He should really talk to Alex to his face and tell him they couldn’t be together, that would be the right thing to do. But, really, was anything about this right? It didn’t feel like it. It was unfair and cruel and miserable, but he did this to himself. Michael had been reckless and this was his punishment.
Besides, he had Isobel and he had Sanders. He had no room to complain.
“Can I help with anything else?” Isobel asked cautiously. Michael shook his head, taking a deep breath.
“Just, when I go back to school, make sure I don’t do anything stupid,” Michael requested.
“God, Michael, I didn’t say give me a hard job,” she said, teasing to lighten the situation. He smiled and, though it didn’t last long, it was still welcome. “I’ve got you, don’t worry. I’ll do what I can.”
“Thank you.”
Walking into school was hellish.
Michael kept his head down and stayed close to Max and Isobel. Any time he was near Alex, he avoided him. In times when Max and Isobel weren’t around, he chose to stick by his teammates who welcomed him into the group without a thought. He just couldn’t be around Alex. He would cave and that would do no one any good.
But whatever Eff had put in him was now gone and he felt somewhat normal. Or, at least, not like he was a ticking time bomb. So that was good. It also helped that Eff hadn’t shown up to take him to the shed. That part, however, made him more paranoid than anything.
He was able to ignore Alex for a few days, but he should’ve known that that time was limited. This was Alex Manes he was dealing with‒he wasn’t stupid and he wasn’t oblivious either.
He showed up in his Calc class, his normal bored expression on his face. He never showed just anyone that pretty smile. That was sacred and special.
“Michael,” his teacher called, “Mrs. Doyle needs you, take your things.”
And Michael couldn’t exactly say no, could he? With a stifled sigh, Michael grabbed his bag and followed Alex out of the classroom. This was bound to happen anyway. They needed to talk.
Alex didn’t spare him a look over his shoulder as he led them to their spot. They hadn’t really hooked up in there lately, finding themselves much more reliably in Michael’s bed instead. But here they were, back in the dimly lit, abandoned office. And Alex didn’t show him his pretty smile which was probably a good thing.
“You blocked my number,” Alex said, not even bothering to beat around the bush. Michael’s eyes stayed on the ground. “What the fuck? Can’t even say you don’t want me to my face? You have to block me?”
“That’s not…”
“What? That’s not what? That’s what happened. And, look, feel free to fill in the blanks on what I did that pushed you away so fast. I mean, seriously? How do you go from building me a fucking car to blocking me in two days? What kind of bullshit is that?” Alex demanded. Michael closed his eyes and fiddled with the hem of his shirt. Okay, so maybe he should’ve prepared for this conversation more.
“I just… Need space,” Michael said slowly.
“See, that’s what I thought too, at first. Oh, he just needs fucking space, cool, fun, fine,” Alex said, “But then I was like, no, my boyfriend wouldn’t do that without telling me. Then you blocked me. That-that’s not asking for space, that’s cutting me the fuck off.”
“Isobel did it.”
“Okay, and? You didn’t undo it or stop her,” Alex accused. He stopped sounding like he was going to rip Michael’s head off. He had about two seconds to think it was a good thing before he realized Alex had switched over to sounding like he was about to cry.
It was significantly worse.
“What did I do?” Alex asked. His voice didn’t crack, but it wasn’t exactly comforting. “You won’t even look at me. I hate to sound clingy, but, fuck, Guerin, you’re being a dick to me. I get it if you don’t wanna be with me, but have the balls to say it to my face.”
But that was the problem, wasn’t it? He couldn’t say that. It was so remarkably untrue.
Michael reluctantly forced himself to look up at Alex and he took in the sad expression he wore so plainly. It was honest and raw and it hurt. 
“I want to be with you,” Michael said‒because he was so, so stupid. Alex, thankfully, didn’t lighten up.
“Then why are you being so mean to me? I thought…” Alex trailed off, looking at him and then the wall, “Did Flint say something to you? Because this changed after  you met him.”
“No,” Michael said firmly, “I’ve just… I’ve been training and stressed and, and I won’t get scouted if I’m out. I thought it would be easier if I just…”
“If you just treated me like I’m garbage and won’t even have a conversation with me?” Alex said. Michael closed his eyes and tilted his head back. “Fuck you.”
“I deserve that.”
“Why would you build me a car and meet me brother? Why would you do half the shit you’ve done if you had no intention of being with me for longer than a few months?” Alex demanded. Michael swallowed and laughed softly. Where was Isobel when he needed her to whisk him away?
“Because I didn’t know that this would be an issue. I didn’t know being with you put so many people at risk,” Michael admitted. It was probably too truthful‒he was making it sound like it was more serious than football. Because it was.
But maybe he could convince Alex that he was extremely shallow.
Part of him wished he could simply be honest. If he was around Alex, Flint would find out and he would be completely and utterly fucked. But Alex loved his brother. He was a lot of things, but mean enough to use Alex as a weapon wasn’t one of them. He would just have to push Alex away himself.
“Then talk to me! Be my boyfriend!” Alex snapped, “Don’t just fucking ghost me! We didn’t need to go public. I didn’t want to in the first place and we barely have anyway. I was perfectly content doing nothing but being with you privately.”
Michael kept his eyes on the ceiling. He needed to be rude. He needed Alex to not want him anymore. Hate me. Call me an asshole. Break up with me. You’re better than me, say it.
“You should’ve talked to me,” Alex said.
Alex was quiet for what really felt like an hour, but was more likely just the worst 30 seconds of Michael’s life. This truly wasn’t fair. In a perfect world, he would get to be miserable and have Alex hold him and make him feel better about this whole shitty situation. They could take a nap together and Alex could shield him from all the bad in the world. Or, actually, in a perfect world he wouldn’t be miserable at all.
“Be nice to me,” Alex demanded. It was in the same tone of voice that he used when he said ‘touch me’, like he was telling Michael to do something that he knew Michael already wanted to do. It almost had him laughing. “I know you. I know you’re not an asshole. That guy who built me a car and let me paint his nails and dreams about being close to me just to keep himself calm is who you are. You’re… You’re not this.”
“And what if I am? What if I’m just really good at pretending to be charming?” Michael asked.
Alex kicked his shin. Not hard enough to hard, but enough to make him look at him in the eyes.
“Be nice to me,” Alex repeated, “Unblock me and be nice to me. If that means breaking up with me to my face, then do it. If it means apologizing to me and working your ass off to make it up to me, then do it.”
The thing about Alex Manes was that his eyes were insane. In a good way, of course, but they were impossible to lie to and impossible to deny. He knew he needed to reject him, that was the safe way to do things. That’s what would keep him and the people he loved safe.
But he wanted Alex.
He wanted slow kisses and warm cuddles. He wanted flirty texts and a place to nap. Alex was everything he wanted and everything he couldn’t have. But, maybe if he was careful…
“We can’t be seen together,” Michael said. Alex shrugged.
“You deserve someone you can be seen with.”
“Why are you telling me what I deserve? You think I can’t make my own decisions?” Alex asked. Michael sniffled and looked around the room, trying to find the courage to deny him. He needed to. It was the right thing to do. 
“We’re going to get hurt,” Michael said. I’ll probably die, he didn’t say. Maybe if Flint was feeling nice he would leave Isobel and Max and Sanders alone. Maybe he could beg. He wasn’t above begging. 
“I want to be with you,” Alex said like it was easy, “I’m not afraid of saying it to your face, I don’t care if you think I’m clingy. Either say you don’t want me or act like you fucking do. I’m not here for this passive aggressive shit.”
“You’re a hard man to lie to, Alex Manes,” Michael said softly, shaking his head as he took a step forward. Alex scoffed.
“Then don’t lie.”
Michael took a deep breath and knelt on the ground. Alex didn’t ask what he was doing, simply let him move in close and rest his face against his stomach. Arms went around him and held him there. And, god, it was stupid.
But he felt safe for the first time in days.
“Alex, are you okay?”
“You haven’t spoken about Michael in days.”
Alex rolled his eyes and threw a fry at Maria who dodged it with a laugh. For the days that Michael had been vehemently ignoring him, Alex had kept his mouth shut. Liz and Maria had both made it pretty clear they didn’t really approve of them moving so fast, so he kept it to himself when it seemed they were right.
And, well, now that they were going back to keeping it silent, he didn’t know exactly what to say. He really didn’t want to prove them right. But he liked Michael and there was clearly something going on that he wasn’t saying. He could pull the football card all he wanted, but that wasn’t what was actually going on.
Alex didn’t plan on letting him go that easily when he was hiding something that was fucking him up so badly. He’d eventually get him to speak. When he did, he wanted Michael to know that Alex wasn't going anywhere.
“We’re being lowkey,” Alex decided to say. Both girls shared a look that made him want to bash his face into a wall.
“Lowkey?” Liz asked. Alex shrugged, dipping his fry into his shake. 
He felt a little bit better about the whole situation after Michael climbed into his bedroom window the night before. Any question on whether he should actually break up with him or not vanished. Michael was shaky and had lost weight, new scars dawning his skin from the last time Alex had touched him. Something was going on. He wasn’t going to let them convince him to change his mind.
“Shit came up, we’re being lowkey.”
“Nope, not letting you talk me out of it,” Alex insisted, “I don’t want to hear it. If I wanted to, I would bring him up.”
They went through their whole routine anyway. “We don’t want you to get hurt” and “we just care about you” all of which were totally valid, but they didn’t have the full story. They weren’t understanding that something was wrong and he couldn’t tell them because he didn’t know what it was yet. He wasn’t going to just abandon him. Michael had known nothing but abandonment for most of his life and he wasn’t about to be another person on the list.
“It sounds toxic, Alex,” Liz said, “Especially if he’s suddenly trying to force you back into the closet.”
“He’s not forcing me to do anything, it was a mutual agreement. We want to be more lowkey, we liked it better that way,” Alex insisted. It wasn’t even a lie. He preferred being quiet. It was nicer.
And it made it easier for him to scope out what the fuck was going on.
“If you say so…” Maria said. 
“I do.”
They lapsed into silence and Alex couldn’t help but feel a little guilty. They were just trying to watch out for him and he was pushing them away. He really just had to stick it out until he was able to help Michael with whatever was fucking with him.
And, more importantly, he just had to hope it was worth it.
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athela-3 · 4 years
crushing defeat
1.7k words; gen/comedy; hints of shipping if you blink, look here, and look away again; if everyone gives aspec vibes that’s my bad, I have no idea how allos work; 3 am nonsense is practically its own genre; mild language (canon-typical); no content warnings.
Yuki’s never had a crush before. Normally that’s not a problem, but now that he really needs to know what it’s like, nobody else in Mankai can seem to give him a straight answer. And what does cake have to do with anything?
“You. Elite Swindler. What's it like to have a crush?”
Itaru looks up from his phone and finds himself face-to-face with Yuki's inquisitive eyes. “Um.” He blinks, stalling for time while he forces his brain to take a U-turn from his game. “Why do you ask?”
Yuki sighs, swatting aside a strand of hair and tucking it behind his ear. “My character's supposed to be in love, but no matter how many times I try saying my lines it never sounds right. The Director said I should try asking around to get an idea what it's supposed to feel like, and you're sitting right here. So are you going to tell me or not?”
“Huh.” Well, that sounds like something she would do, Itaru concedes. He sits up, placing his phone face down on the sofa next to him. “If I have to describe it, I'd say it's inconvenient. Just because you like someone doesn't mean you'd like liking them. It's kind of like pulling a gacha and getting an SSR. If it's your favourite character, cool, but if it's a character you don't like and you already have three other copies of the exact same card, and now you have to grind all over again… not cool.”
Yuki rolls his eyes, and for a second Itaru thinks he's about to be on the business end of his trademark sarcastic zingers again. “But what is it like? It can't be as sappy as it looks like in Muku's manga.” Beat. Slowly, with dread creeping into his voice: “Is it?”
Itaru opens his mouth to answer, only for a better idea to spring into mind. He cranes his head to look into the kitchen, where Homare is nursing a cup of some fragrant tea blend with a complicated, bougie name. “Hey, Homare? How would you describe the feeling of falling in love?”
There's a brief pause, filled only with Yuki's wide-eyed Oh-No-You-Didn't stare, which Itaru diligently avoids. Then Homare places his teacup on the saucer with a gentle plink and replies, with the absolute certainty of an astronomer looking at the night sky: “Devotion astride with every doki doki… a sugary somnambulism, nefelibata's mazurka of watchfulness, feather-light fingertips painting patient litanies!”
“Exactly.” Itaru grins. “See? It's not that hard.”
Yuki's expression is flat, but Itaru thinks he can see the gears turning inside his head. Eventually he sighs. “Fine. You've made your point.”
“Look, that's all I've got,” Itaru shrugs. “Besides, why don't you ask someone who definitely knows what it's like? Have you tried asking Muku?”
“Duh. He tried to hand me a bunch of romance manga for reference. But that's fiction. If I want my acting to be realistic, I need to look at real life examples.”
“Why not ask Masumi then?”
“And listen to him babble about the Director for the next three hours?”
“Mm. Kazunari?”
“I'm not an idiot. I already asked everyone in my troupe.”
“I would, but he's not home. Tasuku says he's out tutoring. And before you start, I already asked the Muscle Freak. He mumbled something about high expectations and ran off.”
“You've got to be kidding me.”
“The Dumb Dog? That's… a good idea. Plus I needed to check on his sewing anyway, he's supposed to finish them this—”
“Yo, Taruchi, where are you? Don't just go AFK on me like that!”
They turn to see Banri emerging from the stairwell, phone in hand and an annoyed look in his face. Itaru waves him over at once, relieved to find a potential back-up partner. “Banri! You gotta help me out, man. I need you to describe what having a crush is like.”
Banri stares slack-jawed, caught totally off-guard. “A crush? It's distracting, that's what. I mean, they're all you can think about, right? No matter what you're doing or where you go, you just keep thinkin' about 'em.”
Itaru snaps his fingers. “Right! And you know you've got it bad when you keep finding excuses to be around them. Or when you do weird stuff to get their attention, like giving them things or teasing them or picking fights with them—”
“Why would you pick a fight with someone you like?” Yuki squints, thoroughly unimpressed. “You can't expect them to fight with you and then magically like you back afterwards. That's just stupid.”
“Well,” Itaru grins, “it is.”
“Ah, but such is love!” rejoins Homare, his sentence punctuated by a neat clink as he places his drained teacup in the sink. “Even the greatest of geniuses are fools when it comes to love. Perhaps I should write a poem about that… the overripe ache of tenderness, rotting one's mind even as it enriches the soul…”
Banri shakes his head sharply. “Yeah, whatever. Just get the interrogation done with so we can start the next match.” With that, he marches off into the kitchen, brushing past Homare without a word to fetch a glass of water.
As the poet leaves, still murmuring fancy thesaurus words under his breath, Itaru turns to Yuki and raises his eyebrows. “So? Think you got a better idea now?”
“A little,” Yuki admits. “You're not so useless after all.”
“Huh. I don't know what I expected. Guess I'll take what I can get.”
At that moment, the front door swings open, and in walks Juza, carrying a bag full of groceries in each hand. Behind him is the Director, bearing an identical bag in her arms and pulling the door shut behind her with her foot. “We're home!” she shouts.
“Welcome home, Director, Juza. Whoa, that's a lot of loot today.”
She laughs. “Turned out there was a sale, and since it's important that we save money I thought we might as well stock up ahead. I was lucky Juza came along to help, otherwise I couldn't have carried all of this back alone.”
While she stops by to talk, Juza keeps heading for the kitchen to unpack his groceries, only stopping when he realises his roommate is blocking the way. When it becomes apparent Banri has no intention to step aside, a scowl clouds over his face. “Move.”
A corner of Banri's mouth quirks upward. “Or what? You can't touch me, your hands are full.”
“Don't have to. You can stand there if you want, but the Director won't like it.”
Begrudgingly, Banri inches aside just enough for Juza to squeeze through. When he sees the topmost layer of groceries, he makes a small wolf-whistle. “Three bottles of strawberry milk? What d'you think this is, Hyodo, a damn onsen?”
“Ya gonna stand there babblin', or ya gonna make yourself useful?”
“Nah, I'm good.”
“Oh, Banri? Since you're already in the kitchen, and you're not doing anything,” the Director chimes in, industrial-grade cheerfulness dripping from her every word, “why don't you help me make dinner?”
Itaru snorts. “Curry duty? Ouch. I'll press F for you later.”
“Actually, tonight is sweet and sour pork. I got a deal on bell peppers, but they have to be eaten quickly,” she tells him, before calling out to Banri: “You can start by washing and chopping them, by the way.”
“The Currian chooses not to make curry?” If Yuki's eyebrows rose any higher, they'd completely disappear behind his fringe. “Did you hit your head on the door coming in?”
“I'm sorry, we can have curry tomorrow if that's what you want,” the Director smiles sweetly, and Itaru wonders if this is what she's like in the office. He tries picturing her giving instructions to her juniors and suggestions to her superiors, all in that inhumanly saccharine tone of voice. The mental image alone gives him the chills. “Oh! How's your role study, Yuki?”
“Eh, it's a work in progress.” He pauses, eyeing her with a slight squint. Oh, no, Itaru thinks, here we go again. “But now that you're here, why don't you tell me what you think a crush is like?”
“Me? I haven't had a crush since…” her voice trails off. She walks to the kitchen, places her groceries on the counter, and starts unpacking them alongside Juza. “I don't remember. What I do remember is that when you've fallen in love with someone, you want them to be happy. You remember the little things they like and don't like, because there's no feeling like seeing them smile and knowing it's because of you, or something you did. If they're happy, you're happy. But if they're upset about something, then you feel bad too, even if it wasn't your fault.”
Yuki hums a wordless acknowledgement, face scrunched in thought. “And you?”
Silence. After a few seconds, Juza looks up from the cabinet he is currently stuffing with raw pasta. “…Me?”
“Yeah, dumbass. Who else?” Banri snorts. “Oi, gimme the pineapple. I can't find it in this mess.”
“Didn't get any.”
“What, so we're making sweet and sour pork without pineapple? Who eats sweet and sour pork without—” Realisation dawns in his eyes. He blinks, as if startled, glances at the Director, and looks away again. “Oh. Huh. Well, that's interesting.”
“Whatcha talkin' 'bout, Settsu?”
“None of your business. Now answer the damn question already so we can cook in peace.”
“We ain't cooking, you are,” Juza points out. “An' I dunno.”
“You don't know?” Yuki presses impatiently. “Or you're not telling?”
“Dunno. Never had a crush.”
“Tch. Of course you've never liked anyone. All you like is cake.”
Itaru nods comprehendingly, shooting up in his seat. ”Banri's got a point, you know, the cake does kind of give it away. Bet you also like dragons.”
“Wait,” Yuki interjects, “what's cake got to do with anything?”
“You don't know?” Itaru twists to face the boy completely. “Aw, man. I thought you of all people would know. Do you like cake?”
“What does it matter?”
“C'mon, it's just a yes or no question!”
“They're OK? I'm not that big on sweets, but I like the really pretty cakes. Especially the ones with edible flowers on top.”
“The real question is,” Banri looks up from the cutting board and points the knife at Yuki, “would you rather fall in love or eat cake?”
“What kinda stupid question is that?” Juza mutters, still playing grocery Tetris with the cabinet and therefore completely missing the death glare Banri sends his way.
“Shut your cakehole, nobody asked you.”
Yuki's brows furrow, and Itaru notices his eyes flickering to Juza before he settles on a reply. “If I had to choose, I guess I'd choose cake. Having a crush sounds so exhausting. Besides, I know what cake's like, so I know what I'm getting myself into.”
Itaru claps his hands together, triumphant. “See? Congratulations, you're Team Cake! Don't worry about the dragons, we'll get there when you’re ready.”
“But what does any of it have to do with—you know what, forget it.” Yuki throws his hands into the air, mere millimetres away from clocking Itaru's head. “I should've asked someone who knows what they're talking about. You guys are hopeless.” With that, he turns on his heels and makes his exit, presumably off to interview the next hapless sap to cross his path.
“Good luck!” the Director calls out.
Itaru shakes his head. “And here I thought we'd get more affinity points than that,” he mutters. “Talk about being hard to please.”
“Don't blame him, it is a tough subject to crack,” she points out. “Oh, does that mean you're free right now? In that case, can you please make some rice while I get the pork ready?”
“Welp. Is this a mandatory quest?” She nods, and he sighs, slowly stretching to his feet and pocketing his phone. “All right. But you owe me cake. All this talk's got me craving a slice.”
“I'll grab you some tomorrow, how's that sound?”
Banri's head snaps up again. “Hey, if he gets cake for helping, then how come I don't?”
“You don't even like cake,” Juza grumbles.
“I’m just sayin’, it ain’t fair. And don’t pretend you don’t want some.”
She reaches past them to grab the packet of pork on the table and laughs. “All you had to do was ask. You know what? I'll get you cake. Both of you.” She pauses to scratch her chin. “Come to think about it, maybe I should just get a nice big cake for everyone to share. I've got a feeling we're all gonna need it come tomorrow.”
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The rise and fall of our love
part one | part two
playlist: broken by jake bugg
no.1 party anthem by arctic monkeys
pairing: james x reader, james x lily 
warnings: language, angst, fluff 
A/N: sooo im back with part two!!! thank you for the fantastic feedback and appreciation you gave me on the first part, and i hope this lives up to your expectations!!!! sending all the love xoxo
(moodboard made by me)
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"How is he?" 
"Y/N…" Remus began, putting down his quill. Your gaze never left the essay in front of him, refusing to see the pity that his stare held. Because that - that glint in his eyes, the way the right corner of his mouth lifted in a poor attempt of a smile - that was pity. 
You shook your head softly. How did it get here? 
"Am I not allowed to know? He won't speak to me or look at me. I almost feel guilty even though I know I haven't done anything wrong." 
"James is…"
"A fool." 
You knew he was trying not to smile. "Yes, that is the obvious answer. But he is still with Lily." 
Of course he is. What he said that day - or rather what he smelt - has been the talk of the school for weeks. People were staring at you in the halls, pointing behind your back - so much that you stopped hanging out anywhere else besides your dorm and the library. 
And James - he never bothered to say anything to you. It hurt more than you expected to, but you didn't let it show. I am fine, you said every time one of your friends asked. Then, you would smile kindly and change the subject. You would see them exchange worried glances - you pretended you didn't notice. Soon they stopped asking, and you stopped pretending. 
"Do they love each other?" Something in your pathetic heart broke at the quiver in your voice. Love.
Love. Never in your life have you heard a more overrated word. So much loss, so much damage made for love. Was it really worth it? The way your stomach dropped and the slight tremble of your lip, the ache that would just not go away - were these the cost of love? 
You lifted your head, meeting his gaze. He watched you in awe - as if he read the truth in your eyes. You felt the tears roll on your cheeks, hitting the parchments sprawled on your desk. You let them fall. He opened his mouth, then closed it. 
"I understand." you whispered. 
You got up, but Remus caught your hand. 
"Do you…?" 
You smiled softly. "Does it matter anymore?" 
He let go of your hand and you walked away. 
"Hogsmeade, today?" Sirius asked as he plopped down next to you. He took a big bite of your sandwich - and noticing your icy glare, he put his hand over your shoulder and pressed a sloppy kiss on your cheek. You pushed him off you and wiped your face. 
"Bloody hell! You even kiss like a dog!" you retorted. 
"No, I don't." 
"No, he doesn't." Marlene smirked and you rolled your eyes. 
"Hogsmeade, you were saying?" 
"Yes - Remus and Lily are busy with their important top-secret prefect duties and James has quidditch practice, so it'll be just us. I guess you don't mind third-wheeling for a bit." 
"Can't wait!" you feigned excitement. 
It was freezing, to say the least. You were glad you had two pairs of socks on, otherwise you might have had to postpone the trip and pay a visit to the hospital wing instead. 
"I don't sound like that!" Sirius whined, handing you and Marlene your butterbeer - you've decided to stop at The Three Broomsticks. 
"Of course you do, darling. And may I add that you look ravishing." you purred in your best impression of Sirius' voice. Then, you turned to Marlene and winked. "You are the most gorgeous person in here."
"Careful, that's not true." a voice caught your attention. No, no no no.
"Oi - Prongs, mate! Thought you had quidditch practice!" Sirius clapped him on the shoulder. 
"Got cancelled because of the snow. Hello." he nodded and smiled towards you and Marlene, then pulled a chair at the table. It was the first time he's talked to you in weeks. 
You didn't bother to answer. In fact, you didn't even look at him. The rest of your stay at the pub passed in a haze, with careless answers and quick nods. 
Before you knew it, you were left on a bench with James, waiting for the others to "buy some quills from Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop", as they were in big need of "quills" and "didn't have any left to write the Transfiguration essay we had due Wednesday". Oh, if only you had Transfiguration on Wednesdays! 
"So… how have you been?" James trailed off, rubbing his neck. Ah, so that's how he wanted to play this game.Too bad. 
"Why, James?" you ask, gazing at the shops in front of you. "Why did you ignore me? What happened that day?" 
He sighed. "I don't know. I- I made a mistake. You shouldn't have found out, not like that." 
"You have some guts, don't you?" you spat. 
"Excuse me?" You faced him. That face - the face you dreamt about, the one you kept telling yourself you hated - you missed that face, you missed him so much that you were glad you were sitting down, for you might as well have fallen to your knees. 
"Do you know how it is," you started, feeling the tears pooling in your eyes, "to feel so alone that you find yourself crying without a reason? Do you know how it feels to spend your nights wondering why you weren't enough - what you did to deserve this? Even if you did nothing wrong?"
"Do you know how it's like to watch the person you love drift away from you? To watch that person become a stranger? Do you know how it felt to know that you wouldn't even look at me?" You were now shouting. "Tell me, James! Look me in the eyes and tell me!" 
Silence. You watched him trying to find an answer and you silently begged him to say something. 
"Do you love me?" he whispered incredulously. Not that. 
"Would it change anything if I said I do?" 
"I don't know."
"Do you still love her?" You couldn't say her name. 
"I don't know." He let his head fall in his hands. For the first time in weeks, you laughed. You laughed until your vision went blurry, until you felt the salty taste of your tears. 
"You know nothing, James Potter." you sneered, then got up. 
You made your way back to the castle alone. 
"Guys guys I have the most amazing idea." Sirius came rushing in the Great Hall, managing to trip and almost fall. He quickly regained his composure and continued running as if nothing had happened. 
"That's new." Remus said while reading the prophet. 
It's been weeks since that night in Hogsmeade, weeks in which you've avoided James at all costs, despite his numerous attempts at conversation. 
"I'll choose to ignore that." Sirius glared at his friend, then continued. "Don't you all want to go for a dip?" 
"I think I speak for all of us when I say that I do not intend to die in the freezing lake on a lovely day of winter." You scowl, munching on your pastries. You loved pastries. (mood) 
Sirius smirked. "I'm glad you are all so joyous so early in the morning, but for your knowledge, I wasn't talking about the lake. My dear, smartass friends, I was thinking of crashing the Prefects bathroom!" 
That got your attention. You looked at Remus full of hope and he shrugged. 
"And how exactly are we going to do that? "
"Well, this is where our prefect friends come in handy."
"Lily would never help you do this." James cuts in. 
"That's why I wasn't planning on inviting her." Much to your surprise James didn't object. "You forgot about our other prefect friend - and I'm looking at you, Moony." 
You all looked at Remus who seemed a tad bit uncomfortable. "I guess - alright? But if anyone catches us, it's your fault." he pointed his finger at Sirius. 
"I solemnly swear." He put his hand over his heart, then winked. 
"Looks like your plan to ignore James isn't gonna last." Marlene said while stuffing all the towels she could find in her bag. 
"I'm aware of that." You really were. You've mentally prepared yourself to spend the night in the same room with him for the past week. "Ready? The boys are waiting." 
"Yeah, let's go." You were to go to the bathroom in groups of three using the cloak, then spend the night there. 
"Alright," Sirius' head popped from under the cloak "we'll go together - Remus, James and Peter are already there. Come on." he whispered. 
You got to the bathroom in no time and you could feel the butterflies in your stomach. You felt pathetic - you were all going to hang out as friends. 
Marlene's hand squeezed yours - everything will be alright. It was your thing; back in the day, you used to do this every time the other would be anxious about something. You looked at her and smiled, squeezing back twice - I know. 
You entered and your mouth flew open.  You've never seen a more luxurious bathroom before. The "bathtub" was easily the size of a medium sized pool. Greek caryatids held the archways, and the stained glass windows reflected their patterns on the marble floor tiles. 
"I suddenly feel bad for not working harder to be a prefect - if I had known this would be my bathroom, I would've gladly learnt the entire History of Magic coursebook by heart" Marlene said, with a small pout on her face and her arms crossed. 
"Same here." Your gaze followed the sculptures on the ceiling and slowly fell on him. He looked angelic - the way the coloured moonlight caressed his face, the faint blush on his cheeks - made him part of the setting. 
There was no point in lying to yourself. You liked him, despite everything he's done, everything he's said, you continued to like him. All those comforting lies you've said were trying to cover the inevitable truth, the truth which had been well hidden somewhere deep inside your soul. Until now. 
You stripped out of your clothes, fully aware of his impertinent stare. You stepped into the pool, sighing in pleasure at the warmth of the water. 
"Wanna play anything?" you asked no one in particular. 
"Oh, we should play shoulder wars!" Sirius exclaimed excitedly.
"I think I'm gonna skip this!" Peter announced from his chair. 
You looked at James, then turned to Remus. You rose your eyebrows inquisitively, and he smiled kindly. 
"I guess imma skip this one as well." James said, slightly disappointed. 
"Come on, Marls, we gotta kick some ass."
And so did the games begin. 
You were trying, and failing miserably to keep your balance on Remus' shoulders. 
"Haha- losers!" Marlene laughed. It was your sixth time losing.
"Y/N, I think I'll give up now, before this becomes too humiliating." Remus said while getting out of the water and pulling out his book. 
"No Remus, you can't give up now! I know we can do this!" you saw him sit comfortably in an armchair, and something clicked into your mind. "You ditch me to read? And sabotaged me? Remus John Lupin, I'm disappointed."
"Take Prongs instead, he's far more competitive than I am." he smiled innocently. So this was his plan. 
You turned to James, and he got up excitedly. You got on his shoulders, and his hands tentatively touched your legs. You saw Marlene and Sirius smirking and you glared at them. 
The score was close. It was the match point. Marlene was desperately trying to push you when you came up with the winning idea. You splashed some water into her face, obstructing her vision. Then, you tickled her and she fell. 
"And that's how it's done!" you shout, raising your fist. Marlene's head appeared from under the water, clearly mad. 
"That was not fair!" 
"There's no such thing as fair!" Marlene smirked, as if she was saying oh, really? and pushed James with such brute strength that he fell, taking you with him. 
He caught you before your head could hit the bottom. He lifted you up bridal style and you put your left hand around his neck and moved the other one from your nose to his shoulder. You stayed in his arms, not wanting to let go. You were gazing into each other's eyes, breathing heavily, when it hit you. 
You loved him. 
And he was still with Lily. 
You pulled away from his embrace, breaking the stare. "It's not right - Lily…" you mutter, getting out of the water. 
The others seemed all deeply interested in Remus' book. You could even hear Sirius asking questions about the plot. You turned away; James was still in the pool, in the same place, trying to make out the meaning of what happened. 
It wasn't fair. 
Life wasn't fair. 
stay tuned for the next part and lmk what you think❤️
taglist: @futurewriter2000, @puppycat714, @booksbeforebois, @slytherinquill, @screennamealreadyused, @fific7, @with1love1anu @slytherinwriter618 @angelinathebook @mischiefsemimanaged @remibarnes22 @hxfflxpxffs @approved-by-dentists @hss20052313 @pregnant-piggy @marauderswhisperer @lumoscharlie
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doof-doofblog · 4 years
"He's My Brother?!"
Tuesday 16th March 2021
Part One
Hello again everyone, hope you're all doing well! I wanted to share some personal news with you, I received my first Covid-19 vaccine yesterday, we're slowly on the path on getting things back to some form of normality! Who knows, maybe soon EastEnders might be able to go back to its original 30 minutes, even though I'm enjoying it and don't care how long the episodes are, it'll just feel normal, right? Anyway, I've seen a few spoilers regarding these two episodes, I'm really intrigued to write about these episodes. Tuesday aired two episodes of EastEnders so I'll be doing two posts to review each one.
Monday's episode ended on such a cliff-hanger, it's only right that I start this blog with mentioning Lucas and Chelsea first. The episode opened right there Monday left off, Chelsea and Lucas are at the airport preparing to go to Ibiza with suitcases full of drugs. Chelsea's suitcase is currently being checked, she's stood in absolute panic about what the security guard is going to find. Only when he reveals a bottle being over the correct amount she's allowed to take, I got really confused! I was completely and utterly convinced that Lucas had given Chelsea the drugs as a way of teaching her a lesson, and not in a bad way but in a cruel-to-be-kind kind of way. But as soon as Lucas begins to walk through with his suitcase, Chelsea hears commotion from behind and Lucas is surrounded by armed guards. The interesting thing is, Lucas doesn't hesitate, calmly and willingly, he drops the suitcase, opens it up to reveal the amount of drugs stored inside it, Chelsea watches on in dismay as her Father basically gives up on the whole job. Lucas looked over at his daughter, but the look on his face, I couldn't quite tell what he was doing? Was he doing this to save his daughter?
Frantically, Chelsea later arrives home, informing her Mum that Lucas has been arrested and he plain and simply gave up the drugs as if he'd planned it. Denise is visibly shook to hear but she's more relieved to know that Chelsea is safe and no harm has come to her, as far as she's concerned, Lucas can look after himself, whereas Chelsea needs her family around her. However, Chelsea seems to think that Lucas has given up the job on purpose, and now because the job hasn't gone through, Chelsea and the rest of the family could be in danger.
Returning to the airport, Lucas has been taken to side room, there he is begging the officer to allow him one phone call. At first the officer seems to think he's part of a drug gang and is wanting a call to let his comrades know about his arrest, however when Lucas mentions that it's to do with his family and that they could be in danger, it looks as if the police officer suspects he could be telling the truth and allows the phone call. As Denise and Chelsea are at home, Jack is there trying to keep them calm and discuss what actions could be taken due to Lucas's arrest, but of course his main concern is to keep Denise and Chelsea safe, if Caleb finds out the job hasn't been done, he knows that the Fox family could be in huge danger, he instructs them to not go on their phones and don't answer any calls or answer the door to anyone but himself. It's then that he receives a phone call from Lucas, pleading to for his help. What on Earth could Lucas be asking of Jack? Will Lucas be okay? (Of course some of you may have already seen the second episode, but as I haven't, I'm going to be speculating, please no spoilers, thank you!)
The next thing I want to mention is Bailey and Bernadette. The sisters are still deeply saddened by Bronson's passing, but as they sit in the park with Mitch, they continue to discuss Bronson's personality and his favourite foods. Always the best way to remember a happy doggo! Unfortunately, as the family reminisce about their beloved pup, Mitch has devastating when he hears a job opportunity had fell through, which he was hoping would keep him going until the winter. Are the Taylor family falling on hard times? Are they really struggling for money so much right now?
Bailey however tries to reassure her Dad, informing him that he has to keep positive as something will come up eventually, but she also drops the bombshell that he wouldn't have to pray for Astronomy Camp for her as she didn't win her competition, both Bernie and Mitch voice their disappointment for Bailey as she begins to feel sorry for herself.  But suddenly a little surprise makes the young girl begin to smile, a little dog approaches her as she holds food in her hand, it appears to not be wearing a collar and no one is around to claim the dog, must be a stray. Happily Bailey interacts with dog and smiles to her Dad that it's a sign from Bronson.
Seeing the little pup bring a smile back onto his daughter's face, he later approaches Karen about the possibility of keeping the new found dog. I also just want to mention how adorable the new dog is, I know not many dog last for long on the Square, but it would be nice for them to fill the void of Bronson. I don't think EastEnders have ever had a better dog since Wellard. They need a pet who's going to become memorable, and with one as adorable as this new pup, it could really work. Karen unfortunately is against the idea of getting a new dog, mainly because they can't afford it. But something tells me that maybe she's just not ready to get over Bronson, maybe? I feel if you've been able to afford a dog before, there's no reason why you can't get another one after? Right?! Mitch really wants to cheer his daughter up, I'm hoping Mitch will go and find the new dog, adopt him and bring him in to their family.
The next thing I have to mention is Ash and Suki, after finding her daughter at home alone with Peter, Suki takes it upon herself to confront Ash about the fact that she's been suspended from work, of course she has no idea why, but we all know it's because of Peter begging her to give him pain medication whilst off duty. As the ladies begin to argue, Ash tries to reassure her Mum that everything will be fine when she attends the hearing, she'll be able to explain and she'll get her job back. But Suki begins to fret, considering how much she cares for her family, and more so their reputation, I reckon?
Peter takes it upon himself to interrupt, informing Suki that Ash wouldn't have been suspended if it wasn't for him, this makes Suki realise that it's all Peter's fault, but the devastating blow is that her daughter could potentially lose her job because of a boy! Later on, as things begin to cool off, Suki is alone at the family business as Ash visits her, without Peter in tow. She begs her Mum to not worry and let things slide as she and Peter have a plan of way of getting her job back, but Suki seems to really struggle as the realisation sinks in, she voices that the reason she's so upset is that was she so proud of her daughter for getting so far with her career, for the job role she took on in life, how she has become successful in life, and now she fears that because of Peter, everything could be taken away from her! For me, I found it interesting to see this side of Suki, we know she loves the idea of power and success, but to actually hear that she's proud of one of her children, seems that maybe she really just wants the best for her family.
Okay, now the main event! After hearing the news that Gavin has passed away, Kathy and Sharon are discussing whether to attend the memorial. Of course, Sharon isn't interested in sharing memories of her biological Father, needless to say she doesn't have any fond memories of him, Gavin did have a bad reputation after all. Kathy however, considering as she was married to him once - I'm assuming, we know for sure she loved him and/or dated him, is considering going, whether Sharon joins her or not. As far as Sharon is concerned he can "Rot in hell!"
However, after a few wise words from Callum about Dad's in general, regardless whether they were pigs or not, it's always best to be the bigger person, Sharon then decides to tag along with Kathy and attend the memorial. As the arrive Kathy realises that she recognises a few faces, where of course Sharon knows nobody. Sally, Gavin's sister approaches them and thanks Kathy for coming, regardless of the awful things Gavin did, she makes the valid point that she did love him once.
As they look around the room, there is one bloke in particular who seems to be downing a lot more alcohol than others, he seems to be banging to people and knocking into the bar, eventually this man decides to make a speech, but it's not one of the speeches you'd expect. But however, to Sharon's interest, he seems to be saying things which she would actually agree with. Gavin was the scum of all scumbags. This speech however doesn't sit well with other family members and the young man dashes over chairs and tables to escape the angry mob!
As Kathy and Sharon make their exit, they watch as everyone gathers in the parking lot. However Sharon seems to have somehow managed to get her hands on Gavin's urn, without a second thought she simply dumps it into a litter bin, much to Kathy's shock. Looking for the drunken, suspicious man who rudely corrupted the memorial, both Kathy and Sharon seem to notice that their car has been left un-open. Realising that the young man could be hiding in their car, they make a subtle entrance and sit in the front seats. This scene looked like something out of a comedy, the young man appears between them in the backseat, shushing them not to give away his hiding place. Unfortunately, for the young man, the angry mob begin taking their anger out on his sports car - I did find this pretty comical as Kathy and Sharon both describing the damage being made to his car as he hides on the backseat. After the angry mob seem to finish off the last of their damage and head back into the building, Kathy asks the young man his connection with Gavin, how did he know him? Why was he at the memorial? Were they business partners or something?
But then as he walks away, he drops the big bombshell, introducing himself as Zack and that Gavin was in fact his Dad! As he walks away to his damaged car, both Kathy and Sharon look at each other in their shock as they come to realise Sharon has a brother she never knew existed!
Now I just want to say, most of us recall what happened when Sharon found out about another long-lost brother, however, I have to make the valid point that Dennis was in fact an adoptive brother. Den Watts was her adoptive father, so technically Sharon and Dennis were never really blood related, which I guess is why their romance can be looked to one side, however, Zack would be Sharon's Half-Brother! People might think history will be repeating itself if Zack was to become Sharon's new love interest, but I'd hope that EastEnders wouldn't go down the route of incest. It would be interesting though to see how Sharon will come to terms with knowing about her secret brother, will she want to build a relationship with him? Will he want to know her? Could they bond knowing that they've both had such a horrid man for a Father? Who knows?
I'm really looking forward to seeing the second episode following this one, I will be posting about it tomorrow, but in the mean time please no spoilers for me. I'll look forward to blogging about it tomorrow! Thank you again for reading! Love you all xXx  
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gumnut-logic · 4 years
The Fight (Bit 16)
Bit 1 | Bit 2 | Bit 3 | Bit 4 | Bit 5 | Bit 6 | Bit 7 | Bit 8 | Bit 9 | Bit 10 | Bit 11a | Bit 11b | Bit 12 | Bit 13 | Bit 14 | Bit 15 | Bit 16
Dashing out the door again.
Gordon held out his hand over the top of Anna and grinned. De frowned with a ‘what the-?’ expression at Anna before shaking that hand.
“Pleased to meet you.” It was said in preference to a number of sentences, none of them polite. Her sister could restrain herself when necessary.
Anna had to smile. “He’s harmless.”
That earned her an inquisitive but somewhat miffed glare. “Harmless? Hmph.”
Her smile became a grin.
His glare only increased. “So, Ms K, how did I not know you had a twin sister?”
“Hmm, perhaps because I never mentioned it.”
“Why not?”
“Because it isn’t in the curriculum?” She was getting sick of peering up at everything. It was time to sit up.
She was stiff from lack of movement and De was there immediately, helping her shift position and untangling the IV line. A few grunts and finally the world was better aligned.
Gordon was wearing a purple tracksuit.
Interesting choice. And he had the nerve to comment on De’s hair?
“How is Alan?”
That sobered him and she almost felt sorry for bringing it up.
She had to know.
Carnelian brown eyes darted to hers, to her sister’s and back. “He’s awake, as I said. Swathed in bandages.” She lost eye contact as he looked down and her duty of care flared. Gordon was still a kid and his brother had been attacked and seriously injured. He hid it well under bluster and humour, but in that moment, she saw through it all.
She reached out and grabbed his hand.
But then what could she say? She didn’t know anything. She couldn’t say Alan was going to be okay...she didn’t KNOW.
But there was something she did know. “He’s strong, Gordon.”
Those eyes flashed a vulnerability that broke her heart. Gordon had lost his father just as much as Alan had. He was still a kid.
But it was hidden almost immediately, a sparkle appearing in its place. “Oh, I know he is. Especially after eating Grandma’s baked beans. I’ve shared a room with the guy.”
Anna smiled just a little and squeezed his hand.
Those eyes held hers in smart-assed defiance.
Quiet. “I’ll take your word on that one.”
He grinned. “Always a wise choice, Ms K.” And he turned to grin at De. “So, Ms K’s Sis, any embarrassing stories you can share? Alan needs cheering up and I would love to oblige him.”
De straightened in her seat. That baffled expression returned to her face. “You taught this guy?”
Anna snorted. “Tried to.”
“She did an excellent job, if I may say so myself.”
Anna rolled her eyes and lay back on the pillow, surprised she felt so exhausted already. She hadn’t even done anything.
“Anna?” De stood up.
Anna held up a hand. “I’m just tired. I’ll be fine.”
“They said you had a nasty concussion and that it would take time to right itself.”
“How much time?”
“They don’t know. It varies, apparently.”
Great. She was an impatient patient. Hated sitting around. She had too many things she wanted to do.
“You can come and stay with me and Deni, if you like.”
Deni and the dogs. Could be fun. She adored her sister and her partner.
But there were issues. “I’ll think about it.”
Gordon was eyeing the both of them. “I guess I’ll let you two work things out.” He stood up.
She let his hand go, but then something occurred to her.
He turned to her.
“I’ve got a funny story for you.”
Curiosity took him over. “Yes?”
“Guess what ‘De’ is short for.”
He stared at her before turning to De. “What?”
Anna grinned at her sister, grabbed her hand and clearly indicated she wasn’t allowed to tell. “You have to guess.”
His eyes widened. “How? Why?”
“Because it’s funny.” To watch him squirm. “And no cheating. No asking your brothers or looking it up. You have to guess. Consider it a learning experience.”
For a second there she thought he wouldn’t bite, but sure enough that glint appeared in his eye. “Okay. What’s the prize?”
“What do I get if I guess correctly?”
“Oh, satisfaction.” She grinned. He was well and truly hooked now. Add a bit of mystery and Gordon couldn’t help himself. She had used this technique so many times to get him moving with his studies. In fact, it was his father who had first suggested it many years ago. The key to Gordon was the need for discovery. He always needed to find out.
It didn’t take much.
“Deanna? Deidre? Dena?”
De was smiling and shaking her head.
“Detroit? Dexter? Danielle?”
Anna grinned madly. This was going to be fun.
It quickly became annoying. Gordon was very determined and eventually De had to kick him out of the room to the sound of every name starting with ‘D’ the boy could think of.
She slept after that. Which apparently was a good thing because when she woke, she was feeling much better. It wasn’t until that point she had enough brain to ask how long she had been in hospital.
“Three days?!” She was sitting on the edge of the bed preparing to get dressed.
“You’ve been a bit out of it, hon.” De’s expression hinted at what her sister had been through during that time.
“I hardly remember anything. I thought a day, maybe?”
“John called me the moment you were rescued. I met the ambulance at the hospital. You don’t remember?”
Anna shook her head.
“They hit you almost as hard as they hit Alan Tracy.”
“I want to see him.” She was ambulatory. The IV had been removed. She was leaving today.
She had to see him.
“He’s next door.”
“We’re in the secure wing of the hospital. International Rescue’s security has been checking in regularly. You’re under some serious protection, Sis. I’ve had to show ID and run my hand through a scanner to get in to see you every time.” An indrawn breath. “I have to say I would never want to get on the bad side of Scott Tracy. The man is a hovering storm cloud. At one point he thought I was you and started ordering me back to bed. You do not want to piss him off, trust me.”
Her last memory of Scott was him picking up his little brother from that dirty bed. His tenderness had been heart breaking.
Quiet. “They hurt his little brother.”
De visibly swallowed. “Yeah, they did. And my sister, too.”
Anna grabbed De and hugged her. “I’m sorry.”
Muffled against her shoulder. “Not your fault.”
“I need to see Alan.” He wasn’t her little brother and she didn’t want to intrude, but he was her student and...and...the last time she had seen him, he had been so hurt.
De lifted her head from Anna’s shoulder and frowned at her. “Okay. We can knock on his door and see if he is awake.” The frown deepened. “But you tell me if you feel woozy. And sit down. It is only pure luck you didn’t end up as bad as him. You have two contusions on the back of your head. Apparently, you wouldn’t go down with just one.” She reached over and brushed hair Anna’s hair back behind her ear. “They hurt you so badly.”
“I’m okay, De.”
“Yeah, well, I’m not. That guy better not step in front of my car. He won’t live to regret it.”
Anna drew her sister into another hug. “I’m okay.”
De grunted, obviously with some disbelief.
“I will be okay.”
“Yes, you will.”
“I will.”
De’s arms tightened around her. “The Tracys are going to crucify that guy and I’m going to watch.”
Her sister’s tone was almost savage. But then you generally didn’t want to piss off De any more than a Tracy. She had a temper.
“I need to see Alan.”
De sighed and let her go. “C’mon, then, let’s go see the billionaires next door.”
It took two layers of security. The one outside her door and the one outside Alan’s.
The black sash with the IR symbol had her pausing, staring. The man wasn’t Kyrano, but the black...
She was holding her hand above the hand scanner, frozen. “Uh, sorry.” She placed her palm flat on the glass surface. The laser flickered across her skin and the machine beeped.
The security officer nodded and opened the door.
Inside was a room similar to hers, except this one had two beds in it. Her eyes latched onto Alan, sitting up in one,
The lights above him lit up the remains of his golden hair.
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ratmonky · 5 years
Lovers After Midnight
Strangers After Midnight
Nothing will make me happier than wearing sundresses indoors while blasting LDR on the speaks and sipping on Prosecco.
AO3 Link
PS: This fic is related to Behind Closed Doors
Warnings: drunk sex, clothed sex, Smelly Bastard Gin
Word Count: 2.2K
Tumblr media
 Working at Shinsengumi was exhausting. There wasn’t a single day where you didn’t have nothing to do. Most of your days went with investigating the rebels and trying to locate them down to capture their leader, Katsura.
 At nights, no matter how much you wanted, you couldn’t leave the headquarters, nobody could unless it was related to work. Because of the new regulations vice commander came up with after the mission on the mountains, you were obligated to sleep in the Shinsengumi headquarters and you were on duty almost every day except Sundays.
 Everyone hated the new system but the vice commander said it was necessary to stay in the headquarters at night considering if the government wanted a quick response from the force when they called for help.
 In short, you had become a literal dog of the government, you had no social life or friends outside of work.
 The work was stressful enough but ever since you had started dating the Yorozuya’s boss, you have been having it extra difficult to have time for yourself. Nowadays, you couldn’t slack off from work to see Gintoki so you always spend Sundays with him whenever you could.
 He often complained about your new work schedule and kept insisting on you letting him sneak into your room at night so you two could be alone together. But you refused his wishes since if the vice commander were to spot him in the headquarters, both of you would be in trouble for real this time.
 Considering how busy your new schedule was, a Friday night out with your friends was all you needed after working non-stop for months now. Today was important because it was your first day off from Shinsengumi in months and you had been yearning to see your friends for so long.
 You were catching up with your best friend in the bathroom as your friend’s boyfriend was buying drinks for everyone.
 “Let me see it!” you clung to your friend’s wrist to look at the bracelet she got from her boyfriend. She showed it off with a big smile on her face, as expected it was an expensive piece. With a sigh, you retrieved your hand.
 “Jealous?” Your friend was the only person who knew about your relationship with the useless and unemployed samurai boyfriend. She knew that Gintoki wouldn’t be able to afford anything her boyfriend bought her.
 “Yes,” you giggled, fixing your hair as you talked, “but not jealous of the bracelet. I wish Gin was here.”
 Your friend patted on your back, grinning from ear to ear. “Break up with that guy.”
 “You’re so supportive, thanks!” You pushed her hand away. “It’s not funny, I haven’t seen him in so long.”
 After a moment of silence, she changed the subject. “How’s it living with over a dozen men in a compound?”
 You fidgeted your fingers while she fixed her dress. “You see, they’re all very friendly but the vice commander is so brutal.”
 Her expression changed, “Hijikata?” she spoke while laughing. “He’s so damn handsome, it cancels out every bad thing he does.”
 “Ah, well… he’s handsome but he won’t let my boyfriend see me or let me go out to see him even for five minutes.”
 “Well, dump him then.” Your friend wasn’t surprised. “Sakata didn’t join us because of what? His terrorist friend is in town? He’s useless, he’s not worth your time.”
 “You’re so mean,” you pouted, crossing your arms over your chest.
 It wasn’t Gintoki’s fault he couldn’t be here. If only Katsura wasn’t injured, surely he would have joined you to have fun with your friends.
 (But then why had you heard from Otae that Gintoki’s old friends were at his place and how they were planning to hang out?)
 “That’s just the truth,” she murmured.  “And won’t his terrorist friends get you in trouble? You could lose your job if your boss found out about how close you are with his friends and all.”
 You didn’t answer her because she was right. If someone found out about your connections to the enemy, you would have to commit seppuku.
 Five rounds of drinks were all you needed to forget about everything though. Your friend and her boyfriend were already dancing on the dance floor together. You had promised to join them once you were done with your drink but somehow with each sip you took from your drink, you wanted to go home.
 It was a first. You had never wanted to go home this early before, you weren’t sure if it was because of how tired you were or your friend’s harsh comments about your boyfriend but you weren’t having fun.
 This night out was supposed to help you loosen up and enjoy yourself yet you weren’t even enjoying your drink.
 Decidedly, you went home once your friends returned to the booth you were sitting in.
 The street was mostly empty, and it was freezing cold, you had planned on walking back but as cold the weather was, it was better to take a cab. So you frantically waved your arm to hail a taxi off the empty city street. Slowly a yellow taxi cab rolled to a stop and you sunk in.
 “Where to, ma’am?” came a suave voice. You rubbed your temples, “Uh, to…” you tried to remember. “Yorozu-” you stopped yourself from finishing the sentence. Gintoki was with his own friends tonight, you didn’t want to disturb him. “Shinsengumi headquarters.”
 He hummed in acknowledgment as the car rolled forward. Not more than five minutes, you were in front of the main entrance. You took out your purse, paid the cab driver and thanked him before going inside, trying to look sober to tonight’s guards by the door.
 You laughed to yourself once they let you in. Kicking off your shoes, you stumbled around until you made it to the main building’s hall.
 Swinging around and trying to be quiet, you walked down the hall, making your way to your room.
 Cheerful voices coming from the meeting room echoed through the hall. Now, you had to be extra careful to not make a noise. If you were caught sneaking around, those who were partying in the meeting room would drag you in to join them. And although you enjoyed partying with them, you didn’t want to ruin the mood with your current problems.
 Your stomach wouldn’t stop growling and rumbling, aching to have something to digest, other than the alcohol you’ve been drinking. Your head started spinning, you had to get to your room before you passed out in the hall.
 Sliding open the door to your room felt so refreshing and promising since your head spinning had worsened from when it first started. Walking carefully, you tried to find the light switch in the pitch dark of your room. Finally, with a soft click, you turned on the lights.
 A surprised gasp left your lips when you saw your futon that was supposed to be in your closet, prepared on the floor with someone sleeping in it. With the silver fluffy curly hair sticking out from under the sheets, it was easy to tell who it was.
 “Gintoki?” you called out.
 He didn’t respond.
 You walked over to him, crouching down and pulling the blanket down. He was asleep.
 You had no idea how he snuck inside or why he was here. But he had to go back. Gintoki being here meant trouble for both of you.
 “Ugh,” you grimaced, he reeked of alcohol and tobacco. Although you didn’t smell any better, Gintoki smelled nastier than usual. After covering your mouth with your hand you shook him. “Gintoki, you need to go home.”
 He suddenly pulled you in his arms. You squeaked in surprise but kept it quiet when you remembered how thin the walls were.
 “You’re not even happy I’m here, what kinda bullshit girlfriend are ya?” So, he was faking to be asleep just to play around.
 “I’m happy to see you but you can’t be here.” you struggled in his strong arms, argh he was too strong. “And I need to take a bath. I reek of sweat and alcohol.”
 Gintoki laced his fingers with yours and quickly took you under him, slamming your hands down to the futon over your head.
 You gasped softly when he buried his face to the crook of your neck. “You smell good to me,” he brushed his lips against your pulse point.
 “Stop sniffing me!” you snarled at him nervously. “Now, get off me. Someone could find out you’re here-”
 Gintoki clicked his tongue. “Honestly, don’t you think it’s more exciting that way?” he asked. Then he pulled himself back to watch your reactions.
 Finally getting a good look at him you noticed that he was wearing the Shinsengumi uniform. Not the one you wore. It looked more like the-
 “Vice commander’s uniform?”
 “Ah, this?” Gintoki smirked. “It looks much better on me, right? I thought we could roleplay as the commander and his underling who needs to let him fuck her to keep her position as-”
 “That’s too specific!” you snapped. “Hijikata will kill us, you have to take it off!”
 Gintoki’s smirk grew wider, “Oh? So you want me to strip?”
 You made a small noise of embarrassment, which was all Gintoki was looking for to continue.
 “Gotcha!” He let go of your hands, leaning over you to peck on your lips. He used a hand to pull you closer and fondled your tits over your shirt with the other. You arched your back, wrapping your arms around his neck almost immediately.
 He pushed his tongue inside to part your lips. Luckily he didn’t waste too much time kissing you on the lips. His hands moved south, one hand groping your ass and the other decidedly going inside your shirt.
 “I’ve missed you,” he whispered, earning a silent chuckle from you. “Did you miss me too?” he moaned into your ear as his fingers teased your nipples, hoping to get some cute moans from you.
 When that didn’t work, Gintoki pressed his growing bulge to your groin, rubbing himself shamelessly onto you.
 “Gin, it hurts,” you whispered. The pants’ fabric was too rough, the friction gave him pleasure but possible skin rashes to you.
 “It hurts,” you told him again, trying to politely suggest that he should stop but he chuckled and started humping you more roughly.
 His cock underneath his pants was hard enough for you to be able to feel it throbbing against your clothed sex.
 “Asshole.” No matter how thick the fabric of the pants was, you had managed to soak it up with your own juices. You lifted your hips to show him exactly where you wanted him to grind on.
 “I can’t hear you,” he laughed. Given the new position with you lifting your hips up for him, it was easier for him to grind you down onto the futon with a little too much force.
 “It fucking hurts dumbass!”
 Gintoki covered your mouth with his hand. “Too much.” he whispered, “You’re letting your voice out, someone will hear.” He kept the fast pace going, though. “Or could it be that you want that guy to find us again?”
 You gasped to his hand covering your mouth with Hijikata’s image coming into your mind and Gintoki responded with a long, pleased hum. “You do?”
 Shaking your head, you spread your legs wider. It felt good, his thrusts and the friction of the fabrics now felt amazingly good, weird, it could be because of you remembering what had happened in the mountains.
 Gintoki let out a low hiss. His hips started to move more jerkily and his pace faltered entirely. He pressed himself onto your clothed pussy as hard as he could before his entire body stiffened.  
 You tried to ignore the feeling of the warm yet sticky wetness soaking up your pants along with his own. From the way, he grinned you could tell he was unbothered by the fact that he came inside the pants. Hopefully, he’ll wash them and leave them to dry so vice commander wouldn’t notice-
 He threw himself to your side, closing his eyes as if he was about to fall asleep.
 Or not.
 “You’re hopeless,” you sighed.
 “I love you too!” He wrapped an arm around you to pull you closer. “We should do this often. Next time you should come to my place in your uniform and we’ll roleplay as the anti-foreigner rebel and Shinsengumi-”
 “What’s up with the oddly specific roleplays?” you laughed. The stickiness and the ugly stench were unbearable but you chose to ignore it as you snuggled up to Gintoki. “Did you pick that up from Sougo?” you asked since Okita used to ask you extremely specific questions like this.
 “Soichiro? No?” Gintoki pressed a kiss on your lips, still trying to catch his breath. “It’s definitely Soichiro who’s copying me.”
 “It’s Sougo,” you corrected with a giggle. “Ah, I’ve missed you.” Unable to keep your eyes open, you put your head on his chest. “Goodnight.”
 Gintoki smiled to himself, you were efficiently telling him to stay.
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onlydarylnormanfic · 4 years
You’ll Start Again [Teaser]
A/N: Alright. I am finishing up the next BDS piece and working on All of You Part 9. BUT this is one of my own that I have just started that I need to write right now for me. Hilltop. Yes. Healing for me. Yes. I am loving the feel of this so far. Personal piece teaser... Daryl x Reader. S.9/10
You wiped your tears away as you nodded.
“Okay. It’s over,” you said, taking a deep breath as you tried to hold back more tears from falling from your eyes.
Jake looked back over at you and nodded in agreement.
“Alright. I just think it’s the best thing,” he said, looking over at you with hard resolve, not showing an ounce of emotion.
This man you had thought you had known so well. This man you had thought of as your best friend, even before the world went to hell. This man you had loved so damn much was ending it with you.
You gulped and nodded, not sure what else to say, so you stared vacantly ahead of you as a few tears fell from your eyes.
Jake nodded again with understanding and walked over to the entrance of your trailer.
“I’ll come by and pick my things up tomorrow while you’re on duty,” he said matter-of-factly.
He said it as if the past years together had meant little to nothing to him.
You rolled your eyes and nodded, avoiding his eyes for fear that you would breakdown, which was the very last thing you wanted to do in front of him right now.
He looked over at you for a few seconds longer before turning and exiting the trailer you two had shared since you had found the Hilltop a few years ago.
You looked over and watched the door swing shut, bouncing back and forth a few times before finally closing. You got up and walked over to it, looking out of the screen door with sadness as you watched the only man you had ever loved walk away from you.
You took a haggard breath and then looked down at the lock. You brought your hand over and watched your fingers click the lock shut, as if you were watching someone else’s motions. Right now, you felt like all you could feel was the heartache running through every part of you. And your mind was racing with questions about how it had all went so wrong. When? Where? How? Why?
You were an exhausted mess. The two of you had spent the last few hours yelling, crying, and arguing with each other over all the things you two had to say that you had pent up over the years. And then it happened. He told you what you had been dreading to hear him say for a while now.
He was in love with someone else.
Her name was Lena and she worked with him on security detail. She was everything you weren’t. She was tough and resilient. She could hold her own with any walker or human. And you were just you. You worked here as a school teacher for the children. And truth be told you didn’t think you could protect yourself or anyone else from any sort of threat.
You shut the other door and locked it, walking over to your bed and flopping exhaustedly onto it. You looked up at the ceiling as you thought about what a failure you really had become in this new world. Not that you had asked for the world to go to hell. But it had. And all you could do was teach the kids how to do their arithmetic and write.
You got lost in your own minds for hours, too sad to sleep, yet too tired to move. A few hours later, you heard a dog barking and the sound of a motorcycle revving into the town.
You forced yourself off of the bed and looked out of your window. You watched as Daryl sped over to the barn with Dog in tow. You watched the strong man stop the bike, put down the kickstand, and swing his body over and off of it with ease.
He shook the hair out of his eyes and looked dutifully around the place, looking like he was making sure the town as at peace as it should be. When he was sure things were good and quiet, he patted the side of his leg, beckoning Dog to follow him up into the barn’s hayloft for the night.
You smiled, breathing a sigh of relief now knowing that one of the best protectors of this community and the rest was sleeping here tonight. It set you at more ease.
You walked back over to your bed and slumped down onto it, running your hands through your hair as you tried to assure yourself that you would be alright. You forced yourself to blow out the candles by your nightstand and settle into your bed and under the covers. You laid your head down onto your pillow, looking sadly over at the spot next to you where Jake used to sleep, not that he had been sleeping there much lately anyway anymore.
This was your new normal. A life alone. You tossed and turned as you tried to fall asleep, thinking only of everything you two had been through and how horrible it had been for you two together lately. Maybe this was all for the best. Still, you didn’t know how you were going to survive this life alone.
Your mind then wandered back to Daryl. He had done it. For a long time now. Even after Rick.
If he could do it, maybe you could too.
You turned to your side and snuggled into your blankets looking up at the window next to your bed with determined wonder. Maybe he could show you how to do just that, survive without Jake. You forced your eyes shut, telling yourself you should get some sleep before tomorrow.
Tomorrow you planned to approach the protector Daryl and ask him to teach you how to survive on your own.
You finally fell asleep into the wee hours of the early morning and awoke a few hours later to the sounds of everyone in the town getting to work for the day.
You squinted your eyes and looked up at the sun shining through your window with distain. You stretched, trying to awaken your tired body.
You then heard a knock on the door.
“Ms. Y/N! Ms. Y/N!” you could hear a few of the children call, tapping on the metallic door as they beckoned you.
You Forced yourself out of bed and walked over to the door, trying to fix your hair and face before you opened it.
You took a deep breath and opened your door, forcing a happy smile to your lips.
It was three of the children from class, Johnny, Lacy, and Margret. They were looking up at you with excitement in their eyes and happy smiles now that you had opened your door.
“It’s time for class, Ms. Y/N!” Margret said with excitement as she gripped onto her notepad and pencil, bouncing slightly up and down on her heels.
You smiled down at her and the other kids who were so excited to start their day of learning.
“I’m sorry everyone. Ms. Y/N had a hard night’s sleep. I’ll meet you all in the library in 15 minutes,” you said nodding over to them with another smile, this time more genuine.
You loved how much the children loved to learn. It gave you so much hope for their future and their kids after them.
“Why don’t you all run along and tell the others to start reading the story we are working on together until then,” you kindly instructed.
The kids all nodded in agreement and then went sprinting off to the main building to do just that.
You smiled genuinely to yourself at the sight, for a second forgetting the pain that was deep in your heart from your heartbreak last night. But once they were gone you were reminded of it again. Still, you had a job to do and it wasn’t the kids’ fault that any of this had happened to you.
So, you took a deep breath and went about your morning. You quickly brushed your teeth and hair. Then you changed your clothes, throwing the ones you had been wearing on the floor and looking at them in disgust. You never wanted to see them again. You picked them up and brought them to the garbage. You looked at them for a few seconds before dropping them in the trash.
You took a deep breath and turned to walk out the door.
Your feet hit the grass beneath you and you made your way through the trailer park city that had been created. Everyone nodded and greeted you with a friendly hello was you made your way out of the park and into the open space beyond. You looked over at the big building you were headed to and then glanced to your left at the barn, up towards the hayloft.
You saw Daryl sitting at the edge of the hayloft, legs dangling on the side as he pet Dog’s head and looked over the place with a look of satisfaction on his face. His eyes came to yours and you nodded a polite hello, trying to ignore the spark it created in your heart to have him focused on you.
He looked back over at you with hard curiosity for a moment before nodding back at you, keeping his eyes glued on you.
You forced your attention and focus forward and walked to work…
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janeyseymour · 4 years
Anne Boleyn: Captain of the Chaos Squad- pt3
pt 1. pt 2. 
Title: Stay With Me While I Sleep
It wasn’t uncommon for Anne to fall asleep in strange places, this much was known between the queens. Her sleep schedule was almost as unpredictable as Cathy Parr’s. Her sleeping spots were also just as unpredictable as Cathy’s. While Cathy tended to fall asleep by herself though, Anne Boleyn almost always found herself curled up around another queen. 
The second queen made her way into the first queen’s room around 2:30 in the morning. She simply opened the door, made her way to the bed that Aragon was currently sound asleep in, and made herself comfortable. The next morning, Anne woke up to shrill shrieks. 
“Anne! What are you doing in my bed?” The golden queen looked at her successor. “And what are you- Are you snuggling with my bible?”
“I couldn’t sleep by myself, but Jane had Katherine in her room, and you were closest.”
“You couldn’t have joined your cousins?”
“Kat kicks in her sleep.”
Christmas time was Jane’s favorite time of year. Having reason to make all of her favorite foods brought her immense joy. It was different than cooking a turkey and a ham at Christmas time rather than in July for her birthday. Having a reason to bake enough sweets to fill a bakery was her dream. The blonde had just finished preparing cookie dough and had stepped away for a few minutes to gather laundry as her first batch baked to golden perfection in the oven. 
Anne Boleyn, known cooking and baking disaster, made her way into the kitchen, ready to beg Jane to allow her to eat “just one spoonful of cookie dough Jane! Please!” When she wasn’t kicked out of the kitchen right away, she was astonished. This was going better than she could have planned for. She grabbed a spoon from their drawer and took a big scoop before popping it into her mouth. 
When Jane Seymour came back to the kitchen mere minutes later to take out the cookies in the oven, Anne Boleyn had two bowls next to her: one bowl of roughly half the amount of cookie dough that was in there when she left, and another empty bowl with what Jane could only assume was cookie dough remains. The green queen was not in a chair though, no- she was laying on their kitchen table asleep. 
“For heaven’s sake,” Jane muttered as she picked up the sleeping woman and carried her to the couch. “If you’re going to fall asleep, please don’t do it where I’m clearly working.”
Anna of Cleves liked to play video games. This was a known fact in the house. If she wasn’t out at the dog park or working out, it was a safe bet to say that she was in the living room playing any sort of video game she could find. 
It was 10:30 on a gloomy Saturday morning when Anna decided Call of Duty might be a fun game to try. It was 10:35 when Anne Boleyn came trudging down the steps, blanket and pillow in hand. 
“Boleyn, did you not sleep at all last night?” 
“It’s not my fault I got distracted watching a movie.” 
“It absolutely is.”
“Leave me alone.” Anne had settled her pillow on Anna’s lap and promptly fell asleep. 
“Anne Boleyn, wake up! I’m not staying on this couch all day with you!” She poked the green queen’s cheek incessantly. 
“Cleves... comfy...” Anne mumbled as she stretched and tightened her grip around the fourth queen’s waist. 
When Aragon and Jane came in from weeding the garden together, they found both Anne and Anna fast asleep, the dark Call of Duty music playing in the background.
“We really gotta make that girl sleep at night,” Aragon whispered to Jane, who had now begun to take pictures of the sleeping queens. 
“At least she’s not asleep on my kitchen table this time.” 
Katherine Howard’s bed was covered in stuffed animals. Wherever they went, the pink haired queen was sure to pick up yet another fuzzy animal to lay on her bed. It shouldn’t be a surprise that every once in a while, if the queens couldn’t find their youngest friend, she was asleep on her bed covered with stuffed animals. Anne Boleyn was also known to do this. 
When the queens weren’t able to find their favorite gremlin 10 minutes before they were meant to leave for their show, logically the first place they should’ve looked was Katherine’s bed. Unfortunately for them, that wasn’t the case. They spent 15 minutes searching the outside of the property. She was nowhere to be found- not sitting under their deck, not laying on the ground looking at the clouds, not even up high in the trees that she loved to climb so often.
“Annie?” Kat singsonged. “Where are you?” 
“Anne Boleyn, do not think I won’t leave you here to walk to the theatre yourself!” Both Aragon and Jane threatened. Now usually, when this was a threat, the green queen came bolting down the stairs knowing they really would leave her; she learned that the hard way. 
“Do you guys think she’s asleep?” Cathy pondered.
“She’s not in her room,” Anna sighed before lighting up. “Did anyone check Kitty’s room?” 
Instantly the five were on their way to the bright pink room. The room was silent for the most part, well except for soft snores coming from under the mountain of stuffed animals on the bed. 
“Anne!” Kat jumped on her bed and began to disassemble the pile of plushies. 
“Huh?” Annie turned onto her back. “What’s goin on?”
“We just spent 20 minutes looking for you. We were supposed to leave for the theatre 10 minutes ago!” Jane grumbled. “Why weren’t you in your own room anyway?”
“I thought the stuffed animals would keep me warm.” Anne sat up and grinned before announcing, “I’m happy to say that I was right.”
“The first and only time Anne Boleyn will ever be right,” Aragon deadpanned. A stuffed animal was thrown her way. 
Catherine Parr was almost always still awake late into the night. Anne Boleyn took advantage of this.
“Hey Cath,” Anne sauntered into her room at 1:45 in the morning. 
“Hey. You’re more than welcome to hang out here, but I really have to finish this idea tonight, or it’s never getting done.”
“That’s fine. I’ll be back.” Anne exited, only to return a few short minutes later with her favorite jumper on, a bag of chips, a plastic bag, and her phone. 
“Do you care if I eat on your bed?” 
“I’d- prefer you n-”
“I’m going to. But don't worry; I’m going to eat over the bag so there won’t be any crumbs on your bed.”
It had been awhile since Cathy finished her writing for the night. The two were now huddled together watching a movie on the second queen’s phone, both happily munching on the chips- bag long forgotten. Midway through, Anne fell asleep, leaving Cathy to finish the movie herself. After it was over, Cathy set the phone along with the chips on the floor by her bed. Finally, the two with the least amount of sleep had given into dreaming.
The next morning, Anne woke up on the floor.
“Why am I-” the second queen took in her surroundings. “On the floor of Cathy Parr’s room?” She mumbled to herself. 
“You kept rolling onto me in the middle of the night. I can't believe you didn’t wake up when I kicked you off the bed,” Cathy replied, not even looking up from her place at her desk. 
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