#don't want to bring up too many questions about money in the game
askagamedev · 2 days
In a previous post you mentioned that "the cost of development for AAA fidelity games is mostly too high now to be profitable on their own". And we have heard that it's more expensive now to make games than ever before. But we also hear that profits from games are higher than ever before as well. How do those two statements go together? If profits from making games have gone up (with a bigger market, what I presume is DLC bringing in extra money) why are game prices still rising from 60 to 70 USD, for example?
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We're not seeing profits from games being higher than ever before. We're seeing record profits from successful games and we're seeing a bunch of unsuccessful games pull the profits down because those unsuccessful games cost just as much as the successful games to build. Many are still talking about the failure of Concord, but don't forget there was also Lord of the Rings: Gollum, Forspoken, Marvel's Midnight Suns, Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League, Skull and Bones, Redfall, The Day Before, Saints Row 2022, Babylon's Fall, and so on that failed to recoup their investment costs.
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Games that succeed are earning more money, but most games don't succeed and the money spent to develop those failures is gone and isn't coming back. This is the main reason why we've had a record-setting number of layoffs in the game industry in 2023, only to be topped by a new record-setting number of layoffs in 2024, with a whole three months left to go. When profits are expected to rise, shareholders want companies to hire and increase production. When profits are expected to shrink, shareholders want companies to cut costs and improve their financials. It's the jobs of devs like me that are the costs that are being cut.
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tiarnanabhfainni · 1 year
i don't care about hurling
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benisasoftboi · 1 year
I am so happy with the conclusion of BBC Ghosts.
There were so many things I loved about the final series that I can't even keep it all straight in my brain, I'll have to rewatch it all (and the Christmas special, of course! Must remember it's the not the true end yet!)
But something I can immediately say I loved was what they didn't do. See, that line in the trailer that turned out to be from episode 5 - about there being a pattern to when they move on - worried me. One of the best things about the show, to me, is how there truly is not any reason at all to why the ghosts are there, or when they go. It's something the creators have said over and over, and that the show has always backed up; we saw so many times that, unlike in most ghost media, addressing unfinished business or achieving emotional resolution changes absolutely nothing. Pat hit some sort of emotional resolution three times. And Julian realised the importance of family, and Robin saved someone’s life, and Thomas discovered the truth of his death, and so on and so on. Finding closure isn't the end, and equally, the end isn't predicated by a climatic conclusion. It just happens. And the same is true for why people become ghosts. It just happens. And you exist, and fill your days, and then you’re gone. And no one knows why.
It's kind of the most agnostic television show I've ever seen.
I love that. Every other afterlife show I've ever seen has some kind of reward and punishment system. Or at least says that there's a reason for things, some kind of higher power at play, not necessarily a god but something like it. Even the American adaptation felt the need to bring Hell into it, which is why I need to specify that I'm only talking about the British version here. And I feel like a lot of fans wanted there to be reasons too, or felt like there simply had to be, that it wasn't even a question. I get why - it's not just because it's the standard for ghost narratives. It's really uncomfortable to think about the randomness of life and death. But Mary didn't go because of anything that happened before that day, and Cap was never going to go because he came out, and one day, when they've all gone, there won't have been a reason for it.
Because the real point of BBC Ghosts is that there is no point. You’ve just got to make it through the days, surrounded by people that irritate you, trapped in a confusing world where you’re mostly powerless. And it sucks, and you're angry, and sad, and bored as hell. And you also find happiness in the mundane chaos, and you get really good at chess, and watch the ants in the garden, and write bad poetry, and read terrible romance novels, and gamble money you don't have, and go camping, and play games, and learn French, and watch reality TV, and have sex with a decapitated Tudor nobleman’s body, and dance to old music, and look at the stars, and find that you actually really love all those annoying people after all, and that’s the point.
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Summary - Y/N Dursley had always been the ideal daughter, doting, loving and obedient. However, she gets a letter saying she's a witch and is invited to attend Hogwarts, her parents are quick to turn on her. All she has after her parents turn on her is her cousin Harry. But, she falls in love slowly with the friend of her cousin's enemy, Theodore Nott.
Word count - 1711
Warnings - Female reader, use of Y/N, Dursley's treatment of Harry, talks of Voldemort
Author's Note - Welcome to BLUE! I've been planning this series for a long time now and I've finally been able to sit down and start writing it! I currently don't know what house to place the reader in so if you want to be part of the decision head over to my poll to vote on her house! It's been a long time since I've last posted a fic but I'm finally back! I'm gonna try my best to stay on top of my updating and keep posting. I do have a lot of requests to fulfill so I'll start working on those as I wait for the poll results! Lots of love to all of you and thank you for your patience!
She has always been the ideal daughter and the ideal sister, treating her family with nothing but love and respect. She wished she could say the same for her brother, Dudley. Now Dudley was the most typical spoiled brat there was, he treated his parents like they were made of money and his sister as a servant. When it came to their cousin however, the poor boy was stuck under the stairs, being left out of many things because of who his parents were. Now she didn’t understand what was wrong with the boy, she was close with the boy, he was her best friend and she was his. 
They were close in age which aided in their closeness, her parents disliking her being so close with the boy but not saying anything in fear of upsetting their beloved daughter. The Dursley girl, who had a heart of gold, used any allowance given to her to get new things for her cousin who was stuck under the stairs. She shared whatever she could with him, whether it be food, clothes, books or toys. On her birthdays, she chose to celebrate with Harry, always making sure she included the boy in her special day.
On Harry’s birthdays, she was always the only one to get the boy a present, she would save up her allowance as well as any birthday money to get the boy new clothes, toys, books, games and whatever else she could think of. She never understood the animosity between her parents and her cousin but she never questioned it in fear of being yelled at by them.
It was Dudley’s birthday, he had requested they go to the zoo for the day. It was a nice change of pace, actually doing something everyone enjoyed on the spoiled boy’s birthday. She was squished in the backseat between her brother and her cousin, hating every second of it because Dudley kept trying to pull Harry’s hair and pulled hers on one too many occasions. “Stop pulling my hair! Mum, tell him to stop!” The girl complained to her mother.
“Leave your sister alone, Dudley. This is supposed to be a happy day, not one filled with complaining,” Her mother lightly scolded. The long necked woman’s last comment hurt her daughter but that’s what always happened when she would complain about Dudley.
As Vernon parked the car and the family walked into the zoo, Dudley ran ahead trying to pull his sister along with him. She pulled her arm away from him and stuck by Harry’s side instead. The day at the zoo was rather uneventful until the end of the trip when Dudley somehow got stuck in a snake enclosure and the snake got out. However poor Harry was locked into his ‘room’ under the stairs for a week. She would sneak the boy out at night so he could eat something and actually move around.
Now it was a couple weeks later, close to Harry’s birthday, she had already gotten him his present which was clothes that actually fit him. Harry was bringing in the post, handing his cousin a letter addressed to her, keeping a letter for himself and handing his uncle the rest of the post. “Harry, give me your letter, they’re gonna take it, we can open them later,” She whispered to her cousin. He handed over his letter and she hid them in the cupboard under the stairs. 
Later on that night, she snuck downstairs and unlocked Harry’s door to find the boy awake, holding their letters in his hand. “You first,” Harry said, putting her letter in her open hand. She let out a breath as she broke the seal and pulled the letter out. 
“Dear Miss Dursley, We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed the list of supplies needed for the school year. The term starts on September 1st, we await your owl until July 31st. Sincerely Minerva McGonagall, Deputy Headmistress,” She read the letter aloud, “I’m a witch? They’re real?”
Harry left her questions unanswered as he opened his own letter, “My letter says the same. I don’t understand.”
The two of them stayed up the rest of the night, rereading their letters over and over. They stayed awake until the sun rose and Petunia began to walk down the stairs. “What are you doing awake? It’s a Saturday, you usually sleep in,” Her mother questioned.
“Harry and I got the same letter in the post yesterday. It was strange, it was from a school called Hogwarts,” She explained to her mother.
“Vernon! Get up!” The woman shouted to her husband. The fat man came down the stairs at a snail’s pace.
“What is it, Petunia?” The woman ripped the two letters from her daughter’s hand, leaving a large paper cut on her palm as her mother handed the letters over. Her father’s face paled, ripping up the letters.
As the days flew by, the letters flew in by the hundreds, both of them receiving letter after letter until Vernon decided to take them to a remote island to get away from the letters. However, instead, at midnight on Harry’s birthday, a large man had knocked the door down looking for the two. Standing up to the adults and telling them that the two children’s names had been put down since they had been born. The girl was surprised to hear about how her aunt had actually died and about Hogwarts itself. Right then, Hagrid, who had finally introduced himself, brought the two to London.
They had traveled to a place called Diagon Alley, where Hagrid brought the two to the wizards bank to fetch money out of Harry’s vault before starting their shopping spree. They went to all of the shops, the last stop being Ollivanders to get their wands. Harry went first, trying out two other wands before finding his match. It was a little harder for her, trying five wands before she finally found her match. 
Hagrid knocked on the window, holding up a snow owl in a cage and a calico cat in another. They ended their day getting something to eat at the leaky cauldron, Hagrid finally telling Harry how he got his scar, how Voldemort killed his parents and tried to kill him even though he was a baby. That night, neither of them could sleep, staying up all night going through their lists and triple checking they got everything they needed for the first term. The next morning was the day they actually got to see the cryptic school.
Hagrid only gave them their tickets when they got to King Cross Station, telling them to follow their tickets before disappearing. The two cousins tried to find the platform and resorted to asking a guard at the station who was no help at all. That’s when they saw a family of redheads talking about muggles. They looked at each other with a nervous smile before choosing to approach the older woman.
“Excuse me, how do you get…” Harry wasn’t sure how to ask his question but the woman was quick to understand.
“Onto the platform, of course dear. It’s Ron’s first time as well. All you have to do is walk straight at the wall between platforms nine and ten. If you’re a bit nervous, it’s better to do it at a bit of a run,” The woman explained to the two. So together they jogged at the wall as the woman instructed, finding their way to the platform.
“Woah,” Y/N said in awe, taking in her surroundings. 
They were able to find a compartment containing the same boy they met earlier, asking if it was okay if they sat with him. “I’m Ron Weasley,” The boy introduced himself.
“Y/N Dursley and Harry Potter,” Her cousin introduced them both.
“You’re Harry Potter! Do you have the…you know?”
“The scar?” The girl finished his question for him. The redhead nodded and Harry lifted his hair to reveal the lighting bolt scar on his forehead. The three bonded on the train ride to Hogwarts, getting all of the sweets from the trolley and meeting yet another first year by the name of Hermione Granger. She was looking for a boy’s toad before instructing the three to change into their robes. They all did and just as they finished the train had stopped. All of the students had filed out of the train, meeting up with Hagrid who led them to the boats that would take them to the castle.
The view was breathtaking, the only lights coming from the lanterns on the boats and the castle itself. It was like a dream, she had to pinch herself to convince herself she wasn’t actually dreaming. When she winced she deduced that she wasn’t dreaming and this was actually real. Hagrid led them to one of the professors, the same professor who signed their letters. She was leading them up to the Great Hall for the sorting.
“There are four houses, they will be your home for the next few months until summer, they are Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin,” The professor explained to the group.
“There's not a witch or wizard from Slytherin that hasn’t gone bad,” Ron whispered to the cousins. 
“So it’s true what they say, Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts. Draco, Draco Malfoy. This is Crabbe, Goyle and Theodore Nott,” A blond boy interrupted from behind them.
Harry and Draco had a quite heated exchange before the lot of them finally followed the older professor into the Great Hall. The sorting ceremony dragged, Harry getting placed into Gryffindor along with Herminone, Ron and the boy who lost his toad, Neville.
“Y/N Dursley,” The professor called. She walked up to the stool on shaky legs before sitting, the hat getting placed onto her head. The hat coming to life spooked her a bit but she was able to relax for a second.
“Hmmm, you’re a tough one to place, you’re intelligent, brave, loyal and clever. Big traits of all four houses, but where to put you? You would do great things in all houses…Ahhh… I got it, better be…”
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snvffsoda · 5 months
some random/silly headcanons for Fox!!
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highly experienced knife fighter, and knows basic hand-to-hand combat with or without a karambit, don’t let his height and age fool you, years of using his wits and his strengths to his benefit have gotten him not only far in life but many many, many, victims nowadays he doesn't even need to do all the hard work, he can just point at whoever he wants to brutalize on his next stream and they're there, but his skills are no laughing matter, many have tried to fight back taking his height and age as a means to overpower him and while in very rare cases strength has won over skill (which is why he uses guards now) it usually ends with the victim being clawed out or unconscious by the end of it
locked away, in an old safe somewhere, ren still keeps strades old button up he just can't..let it go, no matter how hard he tries he hates the man, what he's done to him, the lies he fooled Ren into the belief that his torture was to become deeper, to have a bond no other could have, Ren knows to know it was just strades own selfish desires and its those desires that got him killed, he knows better to admire the man, but..even now, when he’ll sit in his penthouse and wonder, what could've been, he thinks if Strade would be proud of him, if he could see him now.
the reason he hasn't been streaming much as of late anymore is well, he's getting older. Don't get him wrong, he loves the thrill of it all! excitedly asking his chat and bidders questions to the highest seller like a twisted game of family feud, the blood rush he gets when he saws off the leg of a victim, or slices their throat all for the eyes of his viewers to see, he loves the thrill, the hunt, but sometimes, as much as he plans his schedules, and outfits, and ideas of torture, most days, he wants to enjoy the quiet, the sound of his favorite anime playing slowly while sipping coffee, the fun of taking a vacation simply because he can and he feels like it, he knows it's stale and boring but he likes it, and hopes eventually he can take some well deserved time for himself
always on time and on schedule with anything, and everything meetings, streams, handling his guards around, food, and doesn't like changing his schedule (he's a busy man) he doesn't like when he's late to something at all, or when someone else is, and will get irritated if someone or something, gets in the way of that, whether it be as simple as a scheduled limo being late, or a meeting that was postponed
even at the ripe old age of 47 (which he still denies being old) he still has amazing hygiene and grooming routines, but now he has the luxury of a hell of a lot more money than he did when he was younger, so his tail and hair is on a whole other level of soft, even when he isn't trying to, he's been told by not only his associates but his closer allies that being his guards that he always smells nice, never a smelly day for the fox, unless he gets too excited with a stream or two that is, then maybe with all the blood, and bile that gets spilled on him, he may not smell the best,
if he likes you, and keeps you to himself, he’ll spoil you rotten, whatever it is you want or desire he will make sure it's handled and given with care and affection, of course, some nights he may ask you to dress up for him, or maybe he’d bring his knife to the equation in sex or foreplay (he loves the way you bleed) but he's always sweet and comforting about it, sure you may see him be stressed due to a scheduling error, or his chat not being as active as they were a day before, but he always has a soft spot for you, even if he's angry.
loves rambling about his favorite anime to you and his affection towards the style of art as a whole, he loves just being able to be silly, watch his eyes light up as he talks about the newest episode of his anime and how he can't believe that character betrayed who and how much he loves this character, he's a weeb at heart, even now, and he accepts it, and is very passionate about it
has contemplated starting a separate gaming stream before, but knows that his type of content wouldnt work since it would be hard for a viewer to sped 1,000 dolars to see him gouge someone's eye out and then 2 minutes later that same viewer seeing Fox play genshin Impact, though he wishes he could just do it once in and while alas, he usually plays his games when off streams usually, but will occasionally forget to close them and it'll be left it on in the background while he does his snuff streams, the sound of peaceful anime tunes playing just subtly in the background for any eagle-eyed viewer of his streams to notice
since his job constantly has him being extroverted and charismatic to keep viewers and bidders entertained, when he's not working he is actually pretty quiet most times, of course, he’ll laugh and smile, and be joyful, he just naturally is, but there's definitely a noticeable switch in his personality when the cameras are on and when they're off, he just seems quieter, more likely to hum in response pleasantly to someone rather than give them a barking laugh with a smile, not that he's sad, he's just ‘recharging his social battery’ as he likes to put it
has an extremely keen scent and can recognize almost everyone he knows from their scent alone so if he's ever blindfolded (he could be for any number of reasons) his senses heighten even more and he can smell things perfectly and stronger, and when eating something really good that being his favorite raw meats or culinary dishes, his eyes will pinpoint and glow in excitement from the flavors and texture he can't help it when he does, and he’ll tend to make more animalistic growling feral sounds when he's eating something he REALLY LIKES whether that be chicken hearts, or your actual heart <3
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z3rinn · 1 year
# #. GROCERY STORE !! pt. 2
a part 2 to my grocery store post !! This time it contains scarabia - diasomania ! ahem- going grocery shopping is usually a mundane task, boring and usual. that is until the twst boys want to join you in your outing. you just hoped nothing would go wrong this time… for once…
Sorry this took so long to get out !! I hope you all enjoy !! ♡
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Going grocery shopping with Kailm is definitely an experience. Its basically like bringing a kid to a candy store. He is ogling at everything around him. That's when you realize he's probably never even been to a grocery store-
By the way he's running around and pointing at everything- putting as many things in the cart as possible- (which you would not be able to pay for) you would like to place him in the baby seat of the cart, but alas he can't fit. So you just settle for placing him in the cart instead. Its at times like this you can imagine where Jamil is coming from. But its ok because he's a cutie patootie and i love him w all my heart- Oh! And just know that he finds the ride absolutely delightful.
Kalim tries to take turns with you when riding the cart, pushing you around the store while laughing happily. He walks into aisles youve never even seen before, showing off weird things that are fascinating to the both of you. Like that self washing cup! Or those lava lamps that costs well over 5000 thamarks !! But he could easily pay for them. You never thought grocery shopping could be so fun- and so you can't help but smile back at his amusement, joining along as the two of you ran around target.
9/10 it's a little overwhelming at first, yet going with him just makes you happy beyond words. Plus he pays!
Jamil is obviously one of the best people to go grocery shopping with. He's a food expert, and he knows exactly what to get and do while there. Plus, he is most likely tagging along with you to get some things for the Scarabian kitchens.
As I said, Jamil's a food expert, and he knows just what to buy and get while out. Like I said in my previous post, Ruggie knows how to haggle with grocery store managers- and I think Jamil does too. He knows what products are the best, yet are also the cheapest, it's not like he's paying with Kalim's money. (Although he did offer to give you his card!) Jamil is also the type to not get distracted while out, so whenever you try to but something you definitely don't need, he'll snap you back in place.
While out with him make sure not to buy any frozen food, as it'll make him think your prefer that over his fresh and healthier food. And he'll give you a judging look due to it. Oh! And he's gonna cling to you the entire time. This is one of the only moments he'll be able to hang out with you without having to worry about any of his duties and Kalim. So don't question it if he holds on to you or if he's pressed up against you the entire time.
10/10, I'd go with him any day of the week. It doesn't even have to be to the grocery store smh.
Vil is taking you to some fancy ass grocery store. Like whole foods or sprouts, maybe even the mall. Or whatever the twst equivalent is. As if he'll you just go to some random grocery store- And with him- it's not gonna be all fun and games -_-
He immediately takes you to the veggie and fruits section, piling on good enough amounts of spinach, broccoli, tomatoes. He also buys fruit for his homeade smoothies, those will make your skin glow for days afterwards. It's annoying- you just want your chips- but you cant because of the preservatives. You just want some cookies. Yet you cant. Honestly you were this close to just falling to the floor and crying your heart out like a frenchman. "I JUST WANT MY JUNK FOOD" Shopping with him just seems like a chore instead of something fun tbh.
He's right in front of the cart, dropping only the necessities into it. You were this close to running him over the cart if he slapped your hand one more time for trying to reach out to the chips. He gives you a glare, and tries to resist your puppy eyes. With a click of his tounge he eventually does calm down, dropping a bag of Cheshire Chips into the cart. He might allow it if you come over to Pomefiore to do some face masks with him.
5/10. It's like going shopping with a mom or like a weight trainer or smth. You understand why he's doing this of course- But theres no funny business with him. Zero. Sigh. Well he pays at least. I LOVE HIM I SWEAR-
When Rook notices you walking out of the broken down building you were staying in, from the tree right above your house, he obviously offered to accompany you on your endeavor! Even when you told him you were just going to the grocery store a part of him just couldn't help but be overjoyed. Oh how he just loved being out with you!
Rook is notorious for loving the smallest of details- the simplest things in life. So going to a grocery store and seeing all the beautiful people surrounding him- along with the gorgeous displays of food made his heart practically smile. You watch as he holds an apple in his hands, raising it up to the sky with a glorious smile on his face. (You're this close to just walking away-) He's humming in joy as he recites a poem of the luscious, juicy, red apple to you. Very fun !!
Meanwhile- when Rook is not being a hopeless romantic for apples, the huntsman is all fun and games !! He's straight up singing in the store, admiring anything and everything. He watches as you shop for groceries, a smile on his face. Rook lets you sit in the cart whenever you get tired, pushing you across the store while humming to himself lightly. Just don't say you're getting tired while going back. He'll carry you all the way back.
8/10- he's a bit over bearing at times. But its Rook so like what can you say about it? I love Rook yall.
Epel is tagging along for two very important reasons! Firstly, his family has branched out to stores all across twisted wonderland- and he obviously has to make sure the quality and presentation were absolutely perfect! Secondly, he gets to hang out with you!
Epel makes his way to the fruits aisle first, dragging you along with a bright smile. His excitement is slowly seeping into you, causing you to laugh yourself. The two of you make your way to the fruits section, the both of you gawking and jumping up and down happily. After that little moment its basically a normal shopping spree. He has experience in going out to the grocery store with his family- so he helps out with practically everything!
He tries to show off as much as he can. He'll help out with the water packets, and baskets carrying them if your hands get tired. He will jump up to grab the snacks you need- that might be too high for you reach. Speaking of snacks - Being out with you lets Epel get junk food and snacks that Vil would NEVER allow- so maybe the two of you can sneak them in the middle of the night.
10/10 !! One of the best to go with! He doesn't bother you whatsover and is very helpful. Guys I love Epel so much KDHDVFTSSKS
Uhhh- your more likely going to a electronics store- and then maybe stopping at the grocery store on the way back. There's NO way Idia would ever go out to a grocery store on his own. Especially if Doordash exists. But if you stop by an electronics store first, and you need a handsome firey head boy to show you around the store. How could he ever refuse??
He felt like a prince, leading you through his castle while showing off all his prized possessions. While in reality he was just walking through Best Buy or something, and was being an unemployed clerk. He probably pays for your electronics- or maybe he says he'll just make them for you! His designs are 100 times better obviously. However on your way out, he doesn't expect you to point out the whole foods or twst version is across the street.
He basically just sticks to you like a shadow while out. The poor dormleader can't help but be scared that people are gonna judge him for being blue all over. That is until you tell him this was your little shojou moment. Walking out in a supermarket together, inspecting what brand of eggs or milk you should get. It's the whole package! Well obviously now he can't complain. But now he might be just a bit too excited to be here.
6/10 Honestly if you needed groceries that badly you could've just asked him to order from online. Doordash is sooo much easier that doing it the plain (and scary) way.
Ortho probably tagged along to experience the "real" life. He's seen families on TV before- and he can't help but crave that domestic lifestyle. So when you ask if he wants to tag along- how could he ever refuse?
He's buzzing with excitement! Hovering around the grocery store with stars in his eyes. Usually he orders groceries from the comfort of his brother's dorm- it's a lot easier that way- but going outside is just so fun !! Ortho might even switch to his P.E form, as it'll make it easier for him to walk around the store like you! Although, he does want to try riding in the cart, it's something that everyone wants at least once in their lives- so how could you say no?
He's very helpful too, it's common courtesy since you took him out in the first place. He's able to reach high places and doesn't have trouble carrying the heavy things. Another plus is if your shy (like his brother) he's able to scan the store and find whatever you're looking for- without asking any employees for help! Sweetie pie fr.
10/10. He's one of the best to go with! Plus no complaints here (like his older brother)
Malleus? Why does he go??? He just wants to hang out with you. And maybe see how human grocery stores are nowadays. But its mainly the first one. Perhaps when the two of you are out on one of your nightly walks- you suddenly remember that, "Oh no! You forgot to get groceries!!" And now you have to take a menacing dragon man out with you.
Like others, Malleus tags along behind you, inspecting the many products and items in the aisles. He asks questions about products he finds interesting, he'll inspect all the different kinds of fruits (dragon fruits especially), and he'll find different products to try out. He'll always ask you for help too, asking if something is good enough to get. Like that tamagotchi in the corner !! He should get a bunch of friends for Roaring Drago...
He's so oblivious and confused it's kind of funny. Just imagine being a little kid and seeing a giant- like a literal GIANT- standing in the ice cream aisle inspecting the icecream sandwiches. Kinda silly ngl. Wait- what this- your phone is buzzing now? Who? Sebek? Wondering where Waka-sama is? Uh oh.
7/10! It's like going out w a kid whose never been to the outside world- but in a fun way. It would be higher if he told Lilia or Sebek he was tagging along tho... hopefully you don't go deaf from sebek yelling !
Did you bring him along? No! Of course not! Should you have noticed he was trailing behind you? Yes! But you didn't because he's an old fae that has experience? Right again! Does that excuse you? No. Obviously not. It's a rule by almost everyone in the dorm. Never bring Lilia grocery shopping. But your dumbass still did.
Well as long as he didn't feed you the food it was fine- right? So you'll let him tag along i guess. Lilia is the type to sit in the cart as you drag him around the store, and he only really gets out when he needs something. You guys probably stop by the spices aisle like 10 times- you feel bad for those in diasomania who are eating that mush. He tells you about the stores in Briar Valley and how he would take silver out when he was but a boy.
It's nice to listen to him as he drops another (that's 15) box of noodles into your hands- again, you feel bad for the people who are going to eat this. You guys probably bulk up on food while there- I mean it's totally not like Lilia has a butt load of money from being an old ass general right? And of course hes not gonna spoil you because your the best right? Yeah of course nottt. Just be careful at the end of your trip. As compensation for taking him with you he might offer to make you something.... and it might be a bit rude to say no....
9/10 ! It's nice listening to him talk- but uhm like many before this- you won't make it through his ...amazing... cooking skills.
Silver had spent most of his life living with fae and not many humans. Briar Valley doesnt have many grocery stores- instead being filled with various farmer markets and merchant's. Meaning he'd never been to a grocery store!! So obviously you had to invite him.
Silver is straight up just following you. He's wandering silently like a little cat, trailing from behind. He's looking around with a hint of curiosity. The store was very different from Sam’s- bigger and more luminous. It had a certain vibe to it. He liked it though, it was oddly comforting. Silver usually sticks to himself, but you can tell when something is confusing him. Take the dragon fruit for example, when he saw it a slight chuckle escaped his lips. It looked so different compared to the dragons and longs he’d met before. You couldn't help but laugh yourself- It’s fun watching him experience something new.
Silver is a very reliable man, if you ever need any help he won’t hesitate to jump in. He will help with the cart, the heavy groceries, the water jugs that weigh a mountain load. As you all know- Silver gets tired (and omg he's so pretty thats not fair) and wont hestiate to fall alseep on you if he ever gets tired. So easy solution: just put him in the cart and bury him in food. It’s easier to drag him that way. (instead of him sprawling on top of you)
There's no way in wonderland Sebek would ever go with you! He has duties to attend to! He has a beautiful, mystical, enchanting prince to protect!! Malleus was of the upmost importance, why would he ever go with a dumb human like you? You didnt matter compared to his leige-- Lilia is making him accompany you.
At first Sebek will grumble to himself, upset he couldn't stay with the majestic Malleus. Yet he soon remembers (you reminded him) that Lilia was the one to tell him to accompany you. So he immediately assumes this is a type of training for him !! Oh and now he's bragging that he got to join you on this trip instead of Silver- oh boy-
Like others, Sebek will help. Uhm. But like- loudly. As he carries the bags he will ask if you notice how strong and capable he is, a smirk on his face. And then he goes on a rant about Malleus. Whenever you need something you can't reach he will help, with a "human" comment on the tip of his tounge. And then he goes on about Malleus. It's kind of funny though not gonna lie- seeking a giant man boasting while getting groceries of all things. Very fun!
3/10. But a nine in my heart. He's so silly. Anyway. GRAAAHHH- I WANNA PULL HIS HAIR OUT (in a loving way !!)
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l0velynalani · 1 month
summary:Your a famous singer who met a drunk Chuuya at a bar you two make conversation and exchange numbers a day later he calls you and arranges a date at a cafe to which he regonizes you as the famous singer you are when your song plays on the radio.
pairings: Chuuya x famous singer!reader
Warnings:Alchol mentioned,mild swearing,slight OOC
Y/N-your name | L/N-last name | S/N- Stage name
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^^he's so adorable (✿˵•́ ᴗ •̀˵) 
I like to imagine Chuuya met you not knowing you were a singer cause he doesn't care whether you can sing or not he just likes YOU
But in order for him to not recognize you he’d probably be drunk or at a bar when he gets your number and starts talking to you before he slowly but surely realises you look a bit too familiar not like a “do I know you?” but as in “have I seen you somewhere?” (IFYKYK)
So when you two meet up at your usual bar and YOUR SONG starts playing on the radio he’ll be confused as to why your embarrassed
Also yk how most signers have a stage name? (Ex.doja cat,megan thee stallion,nicki manji etc) I like to imagine he realises and is so impressed by your hidden (not so much..) talent!
It was around 11pm on a friday when you opened the door to a dimly lit bar where a redhead who looks like he's had one too many,but then again you came to drink too not to judge.
Sitting down at the poseur table beside him you flag down the bartender and order a shot gaining (drunk) Chuuyas attention “woahh you don't look like a drinker~?” his speech is slurred due to the alcohol but you can't help but find it adorable.”you come here often?” you question him as he laughs he was an oddball when he was drunk “nah I'm a busy man with busy stuff to do. Name’s Chuuya Nakahara and you aree-?”
You chuckle as you cut him off “names Y/n L/n I like your fedora reminds me of a video game character” you compliment him but he doesn't quite get it “you think my hat looks fake?!” he's appalled (it's not that deep Chuuya) you wave your arms out in an attempt to defend yourself “WHAT NO? I just meant your hat looks cool” you get defensive trying to explain yourself as you hear faint giggles “well thank you” again I repeat Chuuya is NOT Chuuya when he's drunk.
Eventually, your small talk turns into conversation which blooms into laughs and giggles which then transforms into exchanging numbers.Unfortunately, it's cut short when one of the port mafia limos come to pick him up “I really like you Nakahara,call me when you're sober if you want. We can arrange a date so I can get to know you more.” you say walking with him towards the car door “I’ve got your number I’ll make sure to call.” he winks at you before getting in the backseat of the limo and driving off.
About a day later around 4pm you're on a walk in a park, gold rays falling on your E/C pools as your hair gets caught in the wind. Your thoughts zoned out anywhere but in your head but you’re soon snapped out of it to a ringing phone, it was your phone. “Hello” you speak to the other line, stopping to sit at a park bench “It’s Chuuya, you still down for that date?” he can hear you giggling from his pov “alright pretty boy,where do you wanna go?” you decide to entertain this “meet me at a cafe at 8pm i'll send you the location,Oh and it's all on me you don't need to bring any money” then he hung up ,kinda mysterious???
Once you're finally ready you go outside and walk up the sidewalk to the cafe where Chuuya is already waiting “hey gorgeous ready for our date?” He says smirking like he just won an award.He opens the door for you as the familiar smell of coffee and baked goods flood your senses,it's warm, you already like the location choice as Chuuya makes it better by pulling your chair for you to sit down.Once you two get to chatting a familiar sound reaches your ear playing from the radio,its a song,It’s YOUR song.The read on your cheeks made it obvious you were somewhat embarrassed as soon as the song played which brung Chuuyas banter to a halt trying to find out what was wrong with you. Did you not like the food? Or..did you not like him “Hey..so uh you like the music it's from my favourite artist S/N..hah-” he gets nervous his insecurities taking over.”Oh yeah just kinda awkward hearing a song I sang” hes dumbfounded “what.?” it takes him a few minutes of brief silence before realising “WAIT A FUCKING SECOND.. YOU’R S/N????”
Lets just say you became more than just his favourite artist that day.
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imaginemcyt · 2 years
living with the dream team, part 2
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^^ ask and ye shall receive <3
appearing on stream
sometimes you'll bring them food if they've been working a while and they'll be like "wait y/n stay"
so you end up joining stream for a while
you answer chat's many many questions or sometimes you play games with them
usually it's george asking you to join stream because he's bored
omg i just had a thought
they get so mf chaotic
y'all will get into debates about what the best type of pasta is at four thirty in the morning in front of 10k listeners
watching football games with dream and sapnap, even if you don't care about football
you will wear the sooners hoodie and you will like it
but you like game day because that means FOOD and spirits in the house are high
unless your guys' team loses, in which case dream and sapnap will be HUGE fuckin babies the rest of the damn day
if dream and sapnap's teams are against each other, you are expected to pick a side
george is in the firm camp of "doesn't give a shit and you guys are idiots" (when is he not tho)
if you cook or bake them food they're like "THANK YOU Y/N YOU'RE THE BEST WE LOVE YOU"
same goes if you give them a ride somewhere
they spoil you omfg
they got that streamer money and they're gonna use it on you because you're their bestie and their roommate
dream is the worst when it comes to this. you said you liked that hoodie? it's yours, what size you want? those headphones? they're sick, here you go! that necklace? already pulling out his wallet
george would rather buy you video games because it gives y'all something to do together
he loves gaming with his friends and if he buys you a new game then either he can teach it to you (maybe on stream!!) or y'all can learn together :)
sapnap loves to come home with your favorite snacks and drinks just to make you smile
or even better, he takes you to the store himself at 1am so you can pick out your own snacks, then y'all go on a late night drive with music blasting and windows down
and he ALWAYS pays.
he's from texas, he's a southern gentleman and he WILL pay for you <3
if they're being too loud on stream, they'll apologize
usually they forget and go back to screaming in about five minutes but hey, it's the thought that counts, right?
they feel so bad if they wake you up tho
they will end stream if it gets too loud while you're sleeping
honestly they just all treat you so well
they're the sweetest
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archiveikemen · 7 months
『 The Past Records 』 Collection Event: Chapter 6
Jude Jazza & Ellis Twilight
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This is a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes with no guaranteed perfection. I do not own any of the original content. Please support CYBIRD by buying their stories and playing their games. Reblogs appreciated.
❥・• Warnings and FAQ
Ellis: … Because of a promise.
Harrison: A promise?
Ellis: Yeah.
– Flashback Start (Ellis’ Memories) –
< Ellis’ POV >
We met each other four years ago.
On the night I arrived in London and was wandering around town in search of accommodation, I was crossing a bridge when I saw him there looking up at the moon.
Looking at his vacant facial expression from his side profile as he finished smoking a cigarette, I thought he was going to fall into the river below.
So, I asked him a question.
Ellis: Are you happy?
Jude: Huh? … So what if I am?
Ellis: I’ll make the happiest moment in your life… last forever.
Jude: Hah? What was that? You’ve got a screw loose.
I was used to being treated like a joke.
But that person was different, he gave me a serious answer.
Jude: The happiest moment in my life, huh. Perhaps… it’ll be when I go to the moon.
Ellis: The moon?
It sounded absurd, but I could tell from his tone that he was serious.
Go to the moon, huh.
I once heard the same thing xxx years ago, a very long time ago.
With that thought in mind, my words came out naturally.
Ellis: … I want to go there too.
Jude: … Are you really a nutcase?
He meant that in a serious sense, or maybe he was just casually saying it, but either way he poked me in the forehead.
In an instant, I lost consciousness — and when I woke up, I was still on that bridge.
The moon’s position had moved lower, like it was about to disappear behind the buildings.
That person was still there.
Ellis: How many cigarettes have you smoked?
Jude: No idea. How long did you sleep?
Even after he finished smoking his cigarette, he didn’t fall into the river.
I felt relieved.
Ellis: By any chance, do you have strange abilities? I do too… look.
Jude: Huh? Ah!? What the fxxk are you doing!?
He didn’t seem to like what I showed him.
Jude: You made me drop my cigarette! Don’t do that again!!
He was fuming, but for some reason he invited me to his home because I didn't have a place to stay.
Because the way he laughed when I said “I want to go there too” was amusing, I felt like I wanted to see that face again.
– Flashback End –
< Third Person POV >
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Harrison: … Ellis?
Ellis: Oh, uhh… right, the promise.
Ellis: I’ll support Jude until the happiest moment in his life comes.
Harrison: Do you even gain anything from that?
Ellis: Yeah, … I do.
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Jude: …
Harrison: Hmm… oh well, as long as both of you are agreeable, I don't really see any problem.
Alfons: There’s something I’m curious about too.
William: Why don’t we all ask any questions we have?
Alfons: How much money was Jude given to convince him to join Crown?
Elbert: On the topic of money…?
Victor: Not much different from what everyone else got.
Victor: Ah, but there was an additional condition in Jude’s contract — which was for his trading company to receive continuous funding.
Roger: That’s a smart move.
Jude: Of course.
Victor: BUT, BUT, the reason why the contract signing went rather smoothly was because you liked me, right?
Jude: No way in hell.
Victor: Ehh? Didn’t you very readily sign this contract?
Ellis: Wow, I’m getting nostalgic.
William: Do you have everyone’s contracts on you, Victor? Insecure, aren't you?
Victor: I’m not! I just happened to bring it along with me today, I wasn't expecting the conversation to go down this direction.
William: So, this means that Jude didn’t trust Victor when he signed the contract?
Jude: He’s some random guy with money, power, and high social standing.
Jude: When someone like him presents me with a contract that benefits only me, of course I’d think he’s got a shady hidden motive.
Victor: EHH!? You signed the contract while having suspicions about me?
Jude: Did you think I’d trust someone like you at first meeting? You’re too naive.
Victor: W-Wha…
Jude: I have no idea what you're planning to do, but I already prepared myself to eventually deal with whatever hidden agenda you may have.
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Victor: T-Then, did Ellis also…?
Ellis: I signed it because I was told “write your name here”.
Victor: That’s a relief… NO, THAT’S NOT OKAY AT ALL! You should always thoroughly read the clauses in your contract before signing!
Alfons: Life would be so much more simple if we could trust others so easily.
Roger: I have nothing to say to the people who had so much distrust in Jude and Ellis, they had to resort to writing such a report.
William: Ahaha, indeed.
William: Through this “observation” process, I can see that the two of you have become well adapted to Crown—
William: I’m looking forward to what's to come.
— The night wears on. Today as well, two busy shadows left Crown’s castle.
Ellis: Now that the issue with Wilson has been settled, I guess it’s about time we do our first mission as members of Crown.
Jude: I guess. I don't know.
Ellis: Jude, are you happy right now?
Jude: Obviously I feel like shit because I’m forced to act all chummy with those guys.
Ellis: Hmm.
Jude: … What?
Ellis: Nothing. … Although I’m not making anyone happy, I’ve kind of been having a little fun ever since we came to this castle.
Jude: … Nothing wrong with having fun without making anyone happy.
Ellis: It’d be nice if you could have fun too.
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Jude: Leave me out of this.
Ellis: Maybe I’ll get to see you look happier than before while we’re in this castle.
Jude: Enough with your creepy expectations.
Ellis: Everyone said that it’s natural to not easily trust someone you just met.
Ellis: But you trusted me from the time we met, right?
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Jude: Ah? That’s too long ago, I already forgot.
Ellis: You’re lying. I know your memory is good.
Ellis: Say, why did you think to make such a promise when we first met?
Jude: … No reason. I must've been out of my mind.
Ellis: Hmm.
Jude: … What?
Ellis: I was just thinking that being trusted without reason might be the number one most pleasant thing.
Jude: Shut up.
Their footsteps echoed in the dark night alongside each other’s, neither getting closer nor drifting away.
Ellis: … I think I’ll buy some souvenirs on the way back.
Jude: … Do whatever you want.
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blissxjj · 7 months
can u do how the om brothers would react to a mc that is like. (for lack of better words) EXTREMELY dumb ..... like karen smith level slow💀 very oblivious too.
I am so sorry for not responding early but here i am to make your request :3
(Hope it's not too late :D)
• This man is fed up with your slow mind and oblivious nature.
•It's ok to be slow...
•But NOT that slow.
•He always tries to not get mad at you or yell when you don't get him because it's not something you are doing on purpose.
•He is a prideful and respectful demon on top of that very professional so it's already hard for him to flirt with you.
•He once made it so obvious that he wanted to be more than just friends but you really are slow to catch on and he ends feeling down.
•You really are gonna force him to do a full on confession.
•At first he thought you were playing dumb or you are making fun of him.
•But no he is very sure now that you are just slow.
•He tried to keep his feelings on the low because he was not ready to face you
•But really he could shout them and you would be oblivious to them.
•Mammon does not hate your nature in anyway but sometimes it's...too much.
•he once asked you to hold on to his cash while he dealt with someone
•1 second after he left, you managed to lose it all to dumb things like wind, falling down drains.
•But despite it all gosh! he loves you so much.
•He thought you were dumb.
•now he knows you are dumb.
•you spent all his hard earned money on the wrong Ruri-Chan figures and he wouldn’t trust you with it again.
•He wanted to play duo games with you and surprisingly you weren't that bad.
•Still bad though.
•he hates it when you feel out of place, he was in your shoes before and he wouldn’t want you to go through that.
•despite all the chaos you bring plus being oblivious to it.
•He can relate to you in many things.
•I really have nothing to say about him but....
He has anger issues don't test him.
•he really wants to be patient but there is no saving you.
•sometimes he reads books for you and you ask stupid and unpredictable questions.
•sometimes you miss the whole point of the story.
•he will be there boiling red with anger and you still are oblivious to it all.
•he would never blow up in front of you.
•you sometimes ask stupid questions but sometimes you ask deep questions that make Satan think for hours and hours to come up with an answer.
(I really don't know what to write for him so so so sorry :()
•he is happy to meet another slow person like him.
•he enjoys spending time with you because it makes him relax.
•not having to worry constantly about his looks because you would not care to notice anything.
•he thought you were playing hard to get at first but it all changed once he understood you.
•your dumb questions are entertaining for him.
•he thinks you look cute with that confused look.
•He couldn’t care less.
•All he wants is peace and quite so please leave him alone.
•the more you don't talk to him the more questions you have for him for when he wakes up.
•he loves how excited you are to see him awake and he loves it too.
•untill you say "so i was wondering...?"
•he glares at you then back to sleep he goes.
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warsofasoiaf · 7 months
On ceasefire negotiations related to how Israel-Hamas is operating. Israel demanded to know how many hostages remain and who is alive, and apparently Hamas is refusing to provide the names and count. Is this a normal thing to argue over and is it normal for a country to sacrifice military campaigns for a comparatively small number of civilians? For example would the United States act similarly if it were in Israel's situation? Would another Western country?
This is actually something I can talk a great deal about, because it deals with negotiations, game theory, and applying economic concepts to non-economic subjects. This will be pretty clinically heartless, so I'm going to throw a cut down.
A hostage negotiation is, at its core, taking prisoners to extract some form of compensation for their safe return. The hostage taker wants something, and trades in human lives to get it. This can be money (ransom), an exchange of prisoners (a prisoner swap), or to exert pressure to enact political change (terrorism). The negotiation is largely an argument over price - how much is it worth to return the hostages safely. We'll get back to this in a bit.
It is typically standard practice to declare the name, number, and status of hostages for a few reasons. One is verification, to prove that the organization has the hostages in question. The second is to establish good faith that the negotiations can be conducted, that the hostages won't be immediately executed. If there is no good faith, the other side does not negotiate and instead attempts rescue (or in Russia's case, just mows them down indiscriminately). That's the same reason why hostage takers can release hostages as a show of good faith that further negotiations are fruitful.
At the end of the day, a hostage negotiation is an argument over the price of the hostages' lives. In any negotiation, information asymmetry is the name of the day, and the more advantages you have in that category, the better price you can command. Hamas is incentivized not to declare the name and status of the hostages for both benign (relatively) and malign reasons. By refusing to name the number and status of the hostages, it forces uncertainty into the Israeli negotiations. If Israel doesn't know how many hostages it's "buying" then it's liable to offer more than Hamas is willing to settle for, which makes Hamas come out ahead in the exchange. If Israel offers too low an amount, Hamas can simply demand more - there are no downsides unless Israel refuses to negotiate.
Of course, the malign reason is that the hostages are not in the best shape - they're either the victims of torture or are already dead. In this case, Hamas is disguising the status to up the price of the negotiations. Typically, negotiators don't pay for dead hostages, so in the event you have dead hostages, it's advantageous to disguise that status to extract something for them (typically money because once you have it in your hand, it's tough to go backsies). It's not good business in the long run, because no one does business with you again, but Hamas likely doesn't believe it's going to be in a position to negotiate again so that threat is less prescient. Similarly, Hamas likely believes it's insulated from the inevitable blowback that it would bring. Support for Hamas, either from their Iranian backers or Western groups, doesn't typically go down even in response to perfidy, torture, or other crimes. So in that sense, being a habitual bad-faith actor doesn't hold the same animus - they're still going to enjoy support from their backers regardless of what they do, which are prime conditions for reinforcing bad behavior. It's similar in Israel, where the Netanyahu government largely doesn't care about foreign political pressure - their reaction typically to international condemnation is to close ranks and accuse their critics of wanting them dead, or at least not caring whether they live or die.
Typically, governments don't like to negotiate ransoms for hostage taking for the all-too-logical reason, it incentivizes other hostage taking attempts. Private citizens often pay ransoms because for them, it is a singular iteration of game theory - there typically isn't a second instance of hostage taking unless the individual is quite unlucky. Governments however, frequently interact with terror groups and are thus less likely to negotiate directly save in the event that the hostage in question is extremely important.
In that sense, hostage taking is usually an attempt to force private citizens to enact domestic pressure on a government, not to pressure the government directly. In the sense of the United States or any other Western countries, this is more effective than in autocracies such as Russia or China, which both are relatively resistant to domestic criticism and are more willing to accept civilian casualties. So to answer your question of what would the United States or another Western nation do, the answer is "it depends on the willingness of the public to place domestic pressure on the government to free the hostages versus their desire to punish the perpetrators."
Thanks for the question, Cle-Guy.
SomethingLikeALawyer, Hand of the King
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phoenixcatch7 · 19 days
Unrelated to the last post but MAN I wish I could make a list of characters view the canon fics that do it so well across fandoms but I really don't want to risk opening them up to deletion. It's only recently that these sorts of stories have been allowed to stay up, as only a few years ago they were considered 'too close to canon' and could - would - get forcibly taken down from just about every site.
I've lost too many amazing cvtc fics to staff deciding they were bending the rules too much to just post a list of links but... I wish they were more popular because there's some absolute gems.
Here, I'll talk about a few things they did:
Killed the protagonist and everyone had to rewatch his memories to bring him back. This was very controversial in universe and it made it work so well.
The protagonist was oblivious to the reading, not part of it. This meant everyone could theorise and debate between themselves and actually REALLY solved the pacing and dramatisation issues common to these fics.
The protagonist actually replaced a villain in canon; the reading was done pre canon and the villain believed he had gone insane was the one acting like that. It was mortifying but seeing his body make friends and get a happy ending when he believed he was beyond hope and vicious about it was heart wrenching.
The young protagonist accidentally wished to be understood and a villain took advantage of it. It switched between the reading and reactions and the protag desperately trying to defeat the villain and make plans to run away to prevent his revealed secret getting him killed by the government.
The very large cast was split into groups, but could contact each other via texting. This enabled each group to have wildly varying reactions and theories without having to constantly argue and fight. It made it more fast paced, and added tension as the villains plotted unsupervised.
A very small cast were on a road trip and found the protags audio diaries of his adventures in the glove compartment. This was a Percy Jackson one, and it built off the books' first person format brilliantly.
The protags purposely wrote down their adventures in books and sold them on the market to fix their reputation and earn some money doing so. It involved people frantically trying to verify the books and evolved into a pr nightmare.
The orphan protag somehow time travelled back to when his family was in hiding with his books. His parents and uncles read the books and got to know their currently infant kid in the process. (This was a Harry Potter one, and both the series and author got permanently banned from ffn years ago and it had gotten all the way to deathly hallows 😭. It had been in progress for over a decade and was immaculately written, I miss it so much. Author if you're out there ily.)
Midway through canon a group of the protags friends combined all of their memories in a crystal ball and shipped it to a conference where just about every important figure was in attendance. They did not tell each other of the memories they included. They did not tell the exiled protag what they'd done. Many unexpected revelations and betrayals happened during the viewing. It also made it so the only scenes that appeared were ones where other people were there, which was so creative and well done.
The protag was a powerful psychic brought in for questioning and made it everyone else's problem. It was hilarious.
For a video game canon a handful of trusted allies (and villains before they went insane) were secretly delivered the games by THE TIME TRAVELLING GHOST OF THE PROTAGONIST IN DISGUISE and played them. The main focus was the main villain finding out a) how to even play video games (there was an ongoing joke about ridiculous video game logic) and b) the reasons he went insane, in excruciating detail, c) his victim's perspective including his own history that future him died not knowing about. One of his friends got a spinoff video game about how all his other friends died tragically. Many people saw their own traumatic deaths on screen with about twenty pixels.
A group of next gen kids accidentally fell into their parent's memories (of a war they'd been lied to about).
The protag was the 'child' of an omnipotent being who got sick of them being a self fulfilling prophecy (which ended horribly in canon) and locked them all in a fourth dimensional cave. In the same fic, the protag was using illusions to maintain the appearance of on-screen canon while fleshing out canon scenes and implications. Really well written and the character relationships were 👌.
The characters parents got the books, and had to reverse engineer the events that led up to canon and also which character was whose unborn kid.
A villain made a wish to publicly expose the main group's 'lies', accidentally exposed them as telling the truth and themselves as the corrupt liars. Whoops!
Traumatised side character time travelled back to pre canon from an apocalypse (that wasn't in canon), demanding the canon be viewed to understand and prevent the events that led to the apocalypse.
Characters broke after the events of canon publish their stories as fantasy books to the unknowing civilian public. The fantasy people accidentally get hold of it and everything goes to pot. I swear this is a totally different fandom to the other one.
Dead villain ghost secretly witnesses a viewing, time travels back to adopt the protagonist and change history to his image.
Crossover where one character was revealed to be a character from the other fandom in hiding with a fake identity.
Protag lost his memories and everyone uses a magical device/ritual to restore it, becoming witnesses themselves in the process.
Characters were forced to watch amvs of each other and had to try and extrapolate the order of events and the symbolism of the song. No one walked away with the full picture, but they got the main problems sorted.
Someone made an uncannily accurate play and the characters had to track the creator down to sue them (and figure out how they'd done it) without revealing that the portrayal was accurate.
A travelling seer took severe umbrage to the body stealing protag and exposed him with receipts. He spent basically the entire fic curled in a ball of mortification.
The protag on trial for many crimes got the magic viewing device used on him in front of everyone in the courtroom.
One fic was pretty normal but every time someone on screen got hurt or sick, so did their 'irl' counterpart. It sped up the fic a lot as no one wanted to linger on the worst bits. Also the author used canon implications, that the protag was oblivious to, to low key scare everyone who noticed them.
Crossover where the adults of one fandom fought over adoption rights of the other fandom's teen protag.
The author only used cherry picked moments of canon to massively streamline the fic, which worked! All the high moments you want a fic to cover - epic fights, dramatic reveals, important conversations, silly moments, developing relationships. And absolutely NOTHING else, there was very little context. Made for some excellent moments of people frantically trying to explain themselves lol.
Character stared too long into the void, broke the fourth wall to watch their own media. They spent most of the fic about to cry.
Protags patron deities hosted a viewing to try and get him a gf/bf from their other avatars. He wasn't looking for romance but did eventually end up in a poly relationship.
Prophet reluctantly revealed his own version of events with the help of his sentient house. This was about a movie so it was pretty fitting thematically lmao.
There is so much potential!! There's so many ways to do it, branch out, give these sorts of fics a try! Don't get stuck in the rut of the same methods as everyone else, even in this genre there's all sorts you can do with it! Use some of these examples if you want! Get creative and don't forget you're writing a story!!
Of course, if you recognise or are reminded of these please don't link or name them*, but you're more than welcome to guess which fandom each belongs to XD!
*Except that Harry Potter one, please I need closure, it's been a decade-
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axailslink · 2 years
What's so special about dating girls?
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Summary: You have never dated a girl ever well and Riri has been trying to get your number for the longest you're unsure because you don't want her to think you're "bi-curious" and trying to use her as some straight girl experience.
Snippet from the fic: "Riri's smile spreads on her face immediately "so do you like me like me or are you just feeling me?"
You can't help but watch Riri as she's looking at the coffee options at the cafe where you happen to work at. You've noticed she goes here damn near every day too you don't know what's so special about it you wouldn't drink this coffee if someone offered you money to do so. Riri looks at the list behind you and then at you "hey Y/n" you smile sweetly of course like you always do but with her, it's not that whole fake customer service smile. With her, it's genuine your eyes get those little creases in the corner and your smile shows all of your teeth. To Riri, it's contagious causing her to smile too "when are you going to let me take you on a date? You're always smiling so prettily at me it's like you're teasing me with this beauty of yours." Riri has been feeling you for a while now and she's not one to hide her emotions if she wants something or someone she does everything in her power to get that thing or person. Now that you think about it could you possibly be the reason she's always at this cafe? "C'mon now Riri what's your order?" She smiles "you know what I want I get the same thing everyday mamas" you nod "yeah you right" you know Riri's order by heart it's not hard to remember because she's one of the only people that comes into this cafe and asks for herbal tea. It's not even much of an order. She watches as you grab a glass you usually throw in a free croissant or something but today you're feeling a little more energy you grab a muffin carefully and hand it to her she smiles when your hand carefully places it on her own. "Oh I feel special I get a muffin today? You might as well say you want to kiss me while you're at it it's that easy."
Whenever you give her something "free" you pay for it because you know she's busy and her studies take up most of her time. "Kiss you?" Aight ma'am you holding my line up next" Riri looks behind her "girl ain't nobody back there I came early for this exact reason for some me and you time" you laugh as you walk from behind the bar and carefully to her table which is the one closest to the window. You've noticed a lot of things about Riri though she comes in every day and orders the same thing when she's not looking at you she's drinking her tea and reading a book. She enjoys when it rains more than when the sun is shining and she's always tired her eyes say it however when she's talking to you her whole face lights up like some expensive light bulb when you first buy it.
"Me and you time?" She nods as she gently grabs your hand and pulls you to her "Riri girl get this damn tea before I drop it" she grabs the tea with her other hand and sips it before placing it down. "Yeah, some me and you time you've got to let me know what it is... Why won't you let me take you out? Because it's not you ain't feeling me because I can tell you feeling me" you nod slowly you knew this question was coming especially after the many times she's asked if you wanted to catch a game with her, go to the fair, or the movies... You just knew this was coming.
"I've never dated a girl Riri what if I'm just curious and not serious?" Riri hums slowly pulling her hand away to grab her tea. "See your whole demeanor just changed" you shake your head and walk off but she grabs your hand again bringing your body to a halt "no it didn't I'm still interested it's just I'm tired of the whole 'i don't really do girls but you're cute thing' I want someone who sees past that." "I do see past that Riri that's the thing I just don't want to lead you on because I'm curious. You know what I'm saying? I like you Riri a lot but I don't know if I like girls like tell me what's so special about dating girls?" Riri hums "I mean I've never just thought about it like that for me it I just like you no matter gender there was never the whole she's such a pretty GIRL wow I like her because she's a chick and I'm not attracted to dudes. If you're only thinking about me being a girl and everything being different because of that that's being curious but if you're genuinely interested in me for me that's attracted. So which one are you Y/n are you curious or are you attracted?"
This conversation has gotten too serious for your liking. With Riri conversation comes easily you don't even think about your words so to be having such a meaningful conversation right now that actually causes you to think it's a lot it's unexpected. Riri lets you think as she sips her tea seeming to calm herself down a bit when you turn around you give your answer "I'm attracted to you" the words come out as soft as a whisper but it catches her attention causing her to stand. "What?" When you go back to repeat your answer a customer comes in calling your attention first. Riri just stands there staring as you take the person's order she so badly needs to hear the answer you mumbled only minutes ago but this customer is being so hesitant about her order. Riri is slowly getting annoyed as the woman constantly changes her order after a while you start suggesting your own order to the woman. When she is finally happy and you attend to her needs you return your attention to Riri. She checks her watch and looks at you impatiently.
"Are you curious or do you like me?" You're confident this time you don't look down or turn to avoid her gaze you stare straight at her "I like you." Riri's smile spreads on her face immediately "so do you like me like me or are you just feeling me?" She approaches you and you roll your eyes. "Aight see now you done got cocky" she laughs "I mean a little bit I can't help but feel a little cocky I mean my words must really speak to you or is it my face?" You smile as you come from behind the counter again this time approaching her "Nah it's your intelligence you're mad smart you don't be doing what these other idiots do you going to school you using that brain of yours it's beautiful but there's also your pretty ass smile and I guess the way you look at me" she smiles and watches as you talk about her "oh really? How do I look at you?" You return the look she's currently giving you. So you're looking her up and down right now but it's not an "I'm checking you out" look it's a "damn I want her to myself" look. She nods "okay so maybe I'm not too subtle with my heart eyes." You nod "since we're pointing out what we're not too subtle on let's talk about them damn croissants you be gifting me" you laugh as she walks back to her little table in the corner "let's keep the croissants out of this they did nothing." Riri laughs to herself "hm mama did say the quickest way to ones heart is through the stomach I should have known you was trying to get me." You can't help but laugh as the next customer comes in.
Finally you let Riri take you out to that bulls game that she kept asking you on.
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yaggy031910 · 1 year
A fun little ask: the Marshalate is informed there is cake in the break room. How do each of them react?
Who ever you are, thank you for this sweet little question and I apologise for my late response. 🙈💕
I have ideas for some of them, however I am **not** aware of the maréchals eating habits so any input is welcome here. Also, I don't know all of the marshals well enough but I will try to include as many as possible. Don’t expect any historical accuracy in this.
See this post as a very big headcanon and as one ongoing story where I am going to try to mimic the marshals characters and miserably fail.
Shall we begin? :D
Les Maréchals and cake
Berthier would hear about it and quietly get excited by the idea of having a nice little piece of cake, just for him to be too busy with everything so that he isn't able to leave his desk. Either this or someone (probably one of his adcs) would be nice enough to get for Berthier his piece of cake.
Murat: You bet he is one of the first ones to look at this cake. His reaction might depend on how the cake looks. If it's a huge cake with a lot of golden details, Murat will carry it around so everyone admires this phenomenal cake because it deserves to be looked at.
Augerau and Masséna wonder why there is such a fancy a cake in the break room in the first place and who might have put it there. Augerau asks Masséna with a low voice: “How much money do you want to bet on the cake being poisoned?” Before Masséna is able to answer, Lannes enters the scene.
Lannes runs after Murat with the cake knife demanding to finally get his damn piece of this cake while Murat can't make himself to cut it because this cake is “so damn beautiful that it would be a waste to eat it.” This little game goes on for a minute or two until the other marshals grow impatient, one of them being Ney.
Ney who is known for his hotheadedness tries to save this cake from a disaster aaaaand fails. :) The three of them dispute over who is the actual culprit of this mess.
L: Murat, what have you done? M: I have done nothing. You followed me with a knife. N: You let the cake fall. M: You intervened in my business with Lannes.
The cake has fallen to the ground as Davout, Suchet and Macdonald watched. “Aaand here goes the cake”, Macdonald says; “At least the floor was able to taste it.” Suchet asks: “What do you think was its flavour?” ”Chocolate vanilla.” Davout answers. After a moment of silence, he adds. “Soult has a good recipe.” Mortier walks in, seeing how Lannes, Murat and Ney are loudly disputing while Masséna and Augerau get themselves black coffee and Davout, Suchet and Macdonald talking. Lefebvre who was walking right behind Mortier gestures him to move away from the door so he can get into the break room: “What is going on?”
Suchet: “We found a cake-“ Davout interrupts him: “We found a chocolate vanilla cake which we don’t know how it got here or if it was poisoned and now it’s inedible because his royal highness, the King of Naples, made it fall.”
Murat shouts from the back: “I didn’t let it fall.” Lannes: “Oh, you did.”
Lefebvre offers a solution like the good fatherly figure he is: “Do you still want cake? We could bake a new cake, messieurs.” Davout replies: “This sounds like a smart idea, Monsieur. Maréchal Soult knows an excellent recipe.”
Lefebvre: “Ahh, excellent. Where is our maréchal?”
Mortier: “He is in his office.”
“Then this where our journey goes next.” Lefebvre slams the door open and accidentally hits Oudinot. “Ah, Monsieur, my apologies. If I had known you were there, I wouldn’t have slammed the door as hard as I did. Are you alright? Yes? Until the next time then.”
Davout walks up to his friend to make sure how Oudinot is doing and explains to him in the meanwhile what is going on and also promises Oudinot to bring him a piece of the cake they are going to bake.
Lefebvre takes the lead and walks straight to Soult’s office while Davout and Mortier follow him. Suchet decides to stay behind while Macdonald thinks about it. Lefebvre knocks on Soult’s office door: “Monsieur, le maréchal? Are you here?” *Lefebvre knocks again with his energetic manner.* “Monsieur, le maréchal, it’s me, Lefebvre. Open the door!*
Soult opens the door with his usual unimpressed demeaner: Hm? Lefebvre: “Excusez-moi, mon maréchal, I heard you have a recipe for a delicious cake?” Soult: Cake? What cake? Davout: The chocolate vanilla one… the one you baked for your daughter Hortense’s birthday. The delicious one. Soult: Ah, yeah. That one. What of it? Mortier: We would like to bake this cake, which is why we want to ask if you mind us borrowing the recipe? Soult stares at his co-maréchals for a second, he shuts the door, opens it again with a piece of paper in his hand which he gives to Lefebvre. “Here. Is there anything else you need?” Macdonald who decided to join the baking group walks up to them and asks Soult: “Would you mind to lend us your baking equipment?” - “No. Have a nice day.” Soult shuts his door while Lefebvre shouts: “Thank you for your help, Monsieur Soult.” Macdonald asks: “What are we going to do now?” “We are going to bake the cake now, my good friend”, Davout answers. Mac: “Where? Where do you want us to bake the cake? Do we have the right ingredients?” D: In the kitchen and I don’t see why we shouldn’t have the ingredients. Macdonald looks at Davout with suspicious eyes about the matter if they are going to manage to bake this cake… The group of maréchals appear in the imperial kitchen where they start to gather the right ingredients. While the group is busy with the preparations, les maréchals Pérignon and Sérurier appear, wondering what is going on. As Lefebvre is explaining these two their baking journey up until now, Pérignon and Sérurier decide to join them: “A cake made by maréchals for maréchals.”
What could possibly go wrong with two additional heads in the kitchen? As it turns out: Everything. Pérignon and Sérurier manage to overdo the cake by confusing salt with sugar. The cake tastes salty, the icing itself is fine because it was made by Davout who religiously followed Soult’s directions. In addition to that, monsieur Lefebvre manages to mix up usual paper with baking sheets.
Bernadotte walks into the kitchen as he sees his fellow maréchals working on their baking project. He comments on the scenery: “This is just pure chaos without any discipline, a chaos which can’t possibly create something edible.” Davout replies “Well, have you ever baked anything in your miserable existence which you so call your life?”; to which Bernadotte says: “wELL, no, BUT-“ Davout continues: “Then get out of this room and give me my peace back or shut up.” Bernadotte decides to leave.
As Bernadotte is leaving, Jourdan walks right into the scene with an apple in his hand. A fire starts to break out in the oven and Jourdan, like the team player he is, turns and leaves this mess to his co-maréchals without saying one word.
Nothing is going as Davout had it planned. He sits in a corner, mourning this beautiful chocolate vanilla cake he had in mind. Macdonald sits right next to him with a spoon, telling him: “Well, at least the frosting you made yourself is delicious.” Davout, completely shattered by the fact that he wasn’t able to make his desired chocolate vanilla cake, puts his face into his palms until a surprise visits the kitchen: It’s maréchal Soult. With a cake. A chocolate vanilla cake. A chocolate vanilla cake which is neither burnt nor oversalted. A chocolate vanilla cake according to the recipe. Next to Soult is Oudinot who cuts two pieces of the cake: one for himself and one for his good old friend, Louis Nicolas Davout.
After Soult, Ney and Lannes enter the kitchen. Ney silently takes a piece of Soult’s cake, saying nothing except a simple “thank you”. So do Macdonald and Mortier. Soult tolerates Ney’s presence. Lannes on the other hand goes straight to the oversalted and burnt cake which the older maréchals made and are also eating. Kellermann and Grouchy, as late to the party as ever, also go for Lefebvre’s bad cake while Soult’s good cake is still sitting there. Soult can’t hide his look of disgust.
At some point, Bessières and Murat join or rejoin retrospectively the scene, walking up to Soult’s cake. Bessières, as well mannered as he is, takes one piece of a cake to which Murat comments: “I know how much you like this lovely type of cake, Bessières, take a second piece.” - “No”, Soult replies: “That’s not your cake. Take your piece and leave.” Murat adds: “For whom are the other pieces then? I don’t see anybody who would possibly want to eat this gorgeous baked good. We want to eat your delicious creation of a fabulous cake.” - “One piece each. You can give him your piece if you like to.” Bessières interrupts the two: “I am content with my piece.” Murat doesn’t listen to what Bessières says and continues his conversation with Soult: “My fellow maréchal, I don’t understand, why do you struggle so much with allowing somebody to have one additional piece of cake than the other ones?”
While Murat and Soult continue their dispute which leads to nowhere, one adc enters slowly the kitchen. He looks at Soult who recognises this man as one of Berthier’s adcs. He came to get a piece of cake for his marshal. Soult lets him take one of the few pieces left. All of a sudden, Kellermann seems to be chocking on his salty cake piece. All the maréchals are gathering around him and in the chaos, the last few pieces of Soult’s cake fall to the ground. Soult looks at his cake or what’s left of it. One could argue that everyone who wanted to eat it was able to eat it. One could argue that these fallen pieces can be ignored and Soult could go on with his day never ever thinking about the pieces again. However, we are talking about maréchal Soult here who sees the art in baking. The love, the accuracy of it. Today he didn’t just bring cake to his fellow maréchals. Today he witnessed how some of them have no sense of dignity for what it means to be able to eat good food. Good cake. Soult is leaving the room, not bothered about Kellermann as he wouldn’t be able to help anyway. He is going to his wife, his Louise Berg, who asks him about his day. He tells her the whole of it. How he was surprised by his fellow maréchals who wanted to bake a cake. How he knew that they are going to mess up his recipe. How he baked that cake properly and how a part of it went to waste. “Some of them ate oversalted and burnt cake. Who eats bad cake? Who likes bad cake???”
Davout on the other hand was thankful for Soult. With a smile on his face, Davout enjoyed his so desired chocolate vanilla cake, unbothered by the event surrounding him. The end. :)
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yourlocalghoulette · 7 months
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Part One ~ Grand Opening
Series masterlist~ Main masterlist~ Meet the horsies~
w/c- 3k
warnings- eventual smut so MDNI, this chapter is pretty much fluff, language, reader has riding trauma but not explained in detail (yet), Joel is a softie for horses and Sarah, he's so sweet he'll make your teeth ache!
lmk if you want to be on the taglist!
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horses used to be a favorite past time.
a place in your life where you could feel alive, feel comforted, feel free. an escape from reality. home.
happiness doesn't last forever, and you found that out quick. being the best in your hunter/jumper team didn't mean you had it good. hell, it made it worse. more stress, more demanding work, more pressure from trainers to hold up the team and win the gold medals. but one thing led to another, and after a few mentally and physically abusive trainers and a bad fall, you decided to quit.
quit the one thing that made you happy.
sometimes you wish you could go back in time, to when you were five and sat on a pony for the first time at the fair. your mom always smiled at the memory, saying she wished she could see that light in your eyes once more.
living in Austin, Texas, the land of cowboys, wasn't exactly helpful. horses were everywhere, from hunter barns to trail riding stables. although horses are practically shoved in your face in Texas, you've done pretty well with staying away from them. they bring back too many unpleasant memories.
little did you know that a tiny new stable across town would change your life forever.
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Joel Miller adores horses. his life, heart, and soul, or at least some of it.
his daughter Sarah takes up most of his everything. she's his sun, moon, stars, and his rock ever since he woke up in an empty bed eleven years ago. well, the horses too. sometimes the only time he would feel grounded was when he was mounted up in the saddle. it's a strange comfort, knowing that you can trust the 1,000 pound animal with your life. most of the time, of course. he's had his fair share of accidents, as would anyone that's associated with horses.
after years of working double shifts for a contracting company with his brother Tommy, he finally saved enough money up to build his own riding barn.
he doesn't want to be like the showy, expensive barns that are found all over Austin, Texas. he wanted his barn to be a safe house, an escape from reality for whoever walked into his barn. he had grown up in the dressage barn his parents owned, and the toxicity among the members was palpable. everything was a competition.
Joel didn't like that at all. he thinks horses should be a man's best friend, not a ticket to a gold medal. which is why he is opening the new stable. he knows it won't compete with the larger barns around it but at least it will be a home to the few people that come to find it.
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your mission to stay away from horses is hijacked when you get a call from your best friend, Sōl, while you're driving home from the coffee shop you work at.
"hey, girlie pop!" you answer the phone, jumping as her voice comes through the car speakers loudly.
"hey, babes!" you hear her cheery voice on the other side of the phone.
"Jesus, Sōl. you're connected to AirPlay and about made me cause an accident," you laugh, turning the car volume down. "what's up?"
"ok, you're not gonna like this," she starts out slowly.
"girl, just tell me," you sigh knowingly, hearing her attempted compelling tone of voice.
"I know you don't really want to be around horses anymore butttt there's a new barn opening in Leander and the grand opening sounds super fun. horse rides, food, and games. you wanna come with me?" she questions slyly, using her sweetest voice to convince you.
you let out a long sigh, running a hand over your face as you stop at a red light. "I don't know, babe. i...I haven't been around horses since...since like high school. I don't know if I'm ready for it."
"come on girl, it's gonna be a good time! and it's not like the other barns you rode at, or like Cedar Ridge." Sōl rides for Cedar Ridge, a large jumper barn outside of Austin, and is one of the best on the team. "listen. I'll send you the website and you can look at it, then decide. okay?" you can hear Sōl's grin through the speakers.
"fine. but it's only a maybe, okay, babe?" you let out an exasperated breath.
once you're back home and settled on the couch in your apartment with a bag of cheddar popcorn, you open the link Sōl texted you and scroll the website. the description catches your eye and you click on the read more button.
Sarah's Stables is a small, family-owned barn located just outside of Austin. our goal is to make people comfortable around horses and to bond with these amazing creatures. we aren't about competitions and gold metals at Sarah's Stables. we believe horses should be a second home, a place to rest your head. we also believe that the privilege of being around horses should be available to everyone, so we have affordable prices and volunteer-to-ride programs as well. come to our grand opening on July 26th!
below the paragraph is a picture of the owner, Joel with his daughter Sarah. you look closer to see that he is undeniably handsome. his dark brown eyes crinkled at the corners as he smiles widely in the photo. brown curls frame his forehead, streaked with a few silver hairs. his jawline is specked with salt-and-pepper scruff. his daughter is beautiful as well, with light brown skin and tight curly hair. you can see the resemblance in their eyes.
you sigh deeply. it doesn't look like the barns you're used to. it looks more relaxed, more fun. and it was only a small plus that the owner is easy on the eyes.
you give in and call Sōl. "i read the website. I'm in," you grin.
who knows, maybe it'll be good for you to see horses again.
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July 26th dawns bright and early for Joel. he wakes up with a start to the sound of Sarah knocking on his door.
"Alarm!" she calls into his room.
"shit," he mutters, hitting the top of the beeping alarm with his palm. when he remembers what day it is, his hands turn clammy with nervousness. he glances at the alarm clock. 5:40; he has twenty minutes before he has to go to the barn to feed the horses. he rolls out of bed with a grunt, stretching his limbs. he throws on a worn t-shirt and a pair of jeans and walks downstairs.
he finds Sarah in the kitchen, scrambling eggs over the stove. "mornin', kiddo," he grunts, ruffling her hair as a small smile plays on his lips. "how'd you sleep?"
"i didn't," Sarah grins. "i was too excited and scared. scare-cited... scexcited...?"
"scare-cited sounds right to me," he chuckles, pouring coffee into a red mug.
"i was gonna make pancakes for the big day but you forgot to pick up mix. you're gonna have to settle for scrambled eggs," Sarah hands him a plate, grinning knowingly.
"Was I....I was. sorry, kiddo. I'll pick some up later. I've been a bit stressed lately, obviously." Joel sits down at the table and starts quickly eating the eggs. he picks something out of the eggs and holds it up to Sarah. "shell," he says gruffly.
Sarah grins widely with a mouthful of eggs. "calcium."
"lovely," Joel rolls his eyes. "well, i best be off to feed the horses. Uncle Tommy will be by in a few hours to pick you up. love you, kiddo." he plants a soft kiss on the top of her head before discarding his plate into the sink. he grabs his wallet and phone before sliding on his black Ariat boots.
"love you too, dad. good luck," Sarah sticks her tongue out as he slings his backpack over his shoulder.
the short drive to the barn is quiet, with Long, Long, Time by Linda Ronstadt crackling through the old truck radio. Joel pulls into the barn driveway just as the Texas sunshine starts peeking through the darkness, a sight he'll never get tired of. he can already hear the six horses banging against their stall doors from outside, impatient for their morning grain.
he fishes the door key out of his back pocket and opens the door. he's met with a chorus of snorts and nickers as the hungry horses wait impatiently for their grain.
"mornin', ya little glue sticks. you gonna behave well today?" he grins playfully, stopping at Whiskey's stall, the one-eyed, cinnamon-colored Tennessee Walker gelding. he pets the front of Whiskey's face gently, tracing the long white blaze that splits down his face. "guess what, little man? you get to give pony rides," Joel smiles, his eyes soft and full of admiration for this horse. he know Whiskey loves the kids. he's the sweetest horse, always giving you kisses and loving nudges. though he is missing one eye, his other is very expressive.
Joel parts with his favorite horse to go make feeds, scooping a variety of different grains and supplements into the six color-coded buckets.
once the feed is distributed and the horses are happily munching on their food, Joel gets to work. he sweeps the stall aisles clean of hay and manure, then shovels it into a wheelbarrow. while he's dumping it outside, he sees his younger brother Tommy's truck pulling into the driveway. When Tommy and Sarah come inside, Tommy grins, giving his brother a firm hug.
"Ain't this a sight for sore eyes," he whistles lowly. "it's okay big bro. we'll help you get ready."
Joel rolls his eyes. "fuck you."
"da-ad," Sarah grins. "that's a quarter in the swear jar!"
"you're right, kiddo, sorry," Joel mutters, shaking his head.
"alright, big bro, we gotta get to work," Tommy nudges Joel in the shoulder.
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back at your apartment, you're awoken by the sun peeking through your floral-patterned curtains. you groan, shielding the light from your eyes with the back of your hand. you pick up your phone, glancing at the time. 10:23. shit. 40 minutes to get ready. a text notification pops up on your phone from Sōl 😜.
Sōl😜~ morning bb! u ready for today?? im picking you up at 11!
morning girlie! just woke up lol. I'll b ready for u! ~you
you turn on your morning playlist and climb out of bed and into the bathroom, where you dance to Take On Me by A-ha while brushing your teeth. you get dressed into faded blue bell bottoms and a yellow tank top with white flowers. you even pull out your blue cowboy boots that you'd stored away in your closet for so many years. you leave your hair down, knowing you'll probably have to wear a riding helmet later.
it's 11:05 when Sōl knocks on your door, and you answer it quickly. She squeals excitedly, pulling you in for a hug.
"babes, you look so goddamn cute! maybe there'll be some hot cowboy at this here grand opening," she smirks.
"as do you, babe! I know one's gonna be there for sure," you grin as you walk out with Sōl and into her car. "did you see the picture of the owner? whoo-ee."
Sōl nudges your shoulder across the center console. "told ya. this was meant to be."
the car ride is full of laughter, Disney songs, and off-key singing, and you finally pull up to the stables along with a few other cars. the barn is a quaint, white wooden structure with periwinkle blue trim around the open barn door and windows. yellow and white flowers hang from around the overhang over the entrance, where a big banner is posted that reads Sarah's Stables in curly cursive handwriting.
"this place is so cute! this Joel guy sure knows how to decorate," Sōl says approvingly, admiring the small concrete horse figurines standing guard outside the door.
you walk into the clean, homey barn to see Joel Miller in the flesh. God, he's even more handsome than he was in the picture.
"welcome in, darlin'!" Joel smiles warmly, shaking your hand. "the name's Joel. so glad to meet you."
you smile widely as you tell him his name. "I'm excited to be here. this place is gorgeous."
"why, thank you, darlin'," Joel grins proudly. he tries to push the thought of how pretty he thinks you are away. "do you ride?"
you bite your lip for a second before nodding. "used to. haven't really been around horses since high school."
"how come?" his dark brown eyes soften, studying your face. Sōl has ran off to see the horses at this point.
"I rode at a few hunter jumper barns on a high level," you explain. "you....probably know how those trainers can be. I didn't exactly want to go back after how they treated me."
Joel nods understandingly. "I know exactly how it is. my parents owned a dressage barn for my whole childhood. everyone's always after everyone's ass and trying to be better than the other and such. it wasn't a healthy environment for me as a kid." "dressage, huh? you seem more like a cowboy to me, Joel," you smile infectiously. "it's the accent, believe me. don't let it fool ya." he chuckles. "oh, there's some new guests. I gotta go introduce myself. there's pony rides, games and drinks outside through that door."
"thanks," you stare after him as he walks away, admiring the way his broad shoulders fill out the sleeves of his navy blue t-shirt. you walk out the door Joel had directed you to, immediately spotting Sōl who is already talking up a storm with a tall, younger blonde man wearing a cowboy hat. you grab a sparkling raspberry lemonade can from the cooler and walk over to them.
"hey, girlie! bout time you made it out here," Sōl grins. "this is Chase. He rides at Cedar Ridge on my team."
he tips his hat to you as you politely tell him your name. you gently nudge Sōl's shoulder. "wanna go look around?"
"sure. see you later, cowboy," Sōl flashes a wink towards Chase, who blushes slightly.
you and Sōl walk the barn aisles, admiring the cleanliness of it. you inhale the mixture of horse, hay, and manure, an odd smell you always found oddly comforting. you take in your surroundings, admiring how beautiful the simplistic decorations are. you peek in the tack room, which is unsurprisingly clean and organized. each intricately stitched saddle sits on its own stand, polished to perfection.
"this place feels...different," you say thoughtfully, peeking into a stall and smiling at the sight of a little chestnut shetland pony.
"different how? awww, look at this cutie." she scrunches her nose up at the shetland, giving his muzzle a little boop.
"I don't know. it feels comforting....like home." you stroll down to the next stall to find a tall black percheron. the small handwritten sign on his stall reads that he's an 18 year old gelding named Amadeus, and he was rescued along with the Shetland from an animal hoarder.
"I see what you mean. feels a lot less fancy and...sterilized than the other barns we've ridden at."
"and the trainer is nicer," you say quietly, tracing the white star on Amadeus's forehead. Sōl raises a knowing eyebrow.
"is someone developing a crush?"
you shoot her a pointed look. "no....no. it's just... refreshing for it to feel like the owner actually cares."
"someone's developing a crush?"
your eyes widen as you hear Joel's voice behind you and you spin around to face him, a flustered expression on your face. "no one," you grin. "just Sōl being a bit of a menace." you try to laugh it off.
Joel smirks and looks over at Sōl who just shrugs innocently. "anyways, I wanted to talk to you before more people come. I'm in dire need of some extra help, having the barn just startin' up and such. you seem to know your stuff, and-" he gestures to Amadeus's calm expression as you pet him. "the horses seem to be relaxed around you."
you purse your lips, taking a deep breath. are you really ready for this? after so long not being around horses....no. you push that thought out of your mind. this place feels good. feels natural.
"of course. i...this opportunity will be good for me. I need to gain confidence around horses again." Joel's eyes crinkle as he smiles, obviously relieved.
"thank you so much, darlin'. you're truly a blessin'. I'll pay you of course. looking forward to see you around."
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Do you have any material on artist/writer collaborations - either on the collaboration process, or on how to find a collaborator to begin with?
This is a great question, and not always one with a straight-forward answer! While many webcomic projects are solo projects for long-term logistics reasons, some webcomics follow a split of roles between writers and artists (or maybe further split for inkers/flatters/colorists/letterers). Collaborative teams like this can form in many ways, both formally or informally:
Comic creators may find more members for their team to hire from boards like Reedsy, communities like @cartoonistcoop, or hashtags events like PortfolioDay on social media
Writing and comic Discord servers can be good gathering places to make friends, learn about other peoples' projects, and get recommendations when someone has availability and interest for a collab. (Note that most creators you meet in these place will have their own projects, though, so don't go in expecting folks to immediately invest time in your work! Be respectful of their time and show interest/help out with their work too!)
RP or fan groups can be hotbeds for learning the storytelling styles of other people, and that may take comic form somewhere down the road!
Events with a deadline like anthology projects, NaNoWriMo, or Itch.io Game Jams, which often host forum and community spaces where creators can connect and collaborate for a short time and be done if it doesn't work out
Friends, spouses, and siblings often team up when they're into the same things
Some things that factor into whether or not potential collaborators will want to work with you on your comic project:
The scope of the project. Comic projects can take years, and short, deadline-driven projects can be easier to commit to than long-term ones.
Your experience. If you haven't ever finished a comic, collaborators may be cautious to work with you if they can't see concrete proof of what you're bringing to the table, or if they suspect they're going to be doing most of the work. For writers, be sure to have your ideas fairly fleshed out, and your plans as clear as possible. For artists, keep samples and portfolio pieces handy of comic work, not just illustrations. Show you know what your part entails and that you've done it before!
How compatible you are. Many great collaborations come from folks who know each other, enjoy each others' ideas, and work in a compatible way.
How much of a role they have in the creative process. Are you just looking for someone to draw your ideas? Or give you ideas to draw? Or are you interested in building something together?
Money! (though this isn't always a guarantee that the creators you talk to will have time, even if offered financial compensation)
Our best recommendation if you want more collaboration opportunities to come into your life is to see who's vibing with what you're doing in your circles, and see if there are small ways you can collaborate to test the compatibility of your work styles and get experience communicating with each other. Keep expectations clear, be ready to offer your labor to help others, and be flexible with adapting to others, adjusting your plans, or possibly contributing to projects that don't take off.
We also highly recommend this blog post of questions to ask when reaching out to hire someone. While this advice is written specifically about letterers, a lot of it applies to any member of a comic creator team!
And for more of our thoughts about the roles of Writing and Art in webcomics, check out our Jam Session podcast episode about Artists vs. Writers!
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