luv-kakashi · 2 days
One of us is dead
chapter six - brotherhood
chapter five |
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Hues of red and gold danced over each other, as the evening sky dusked Konoha. A young boy ran through the streets, his hair glowing a golden wheat tone as he sought to find his best friend.
"Shisui! Wait up, Kami. You know me and my asthma can't keep up." Akira yelled, leaning on his knees to catch his breath after catching up with Shisui.
"What do you want?" Shisui snapped, his jaded eyes staring straight at Akira.
"Fight me and don't hold back this time." Akira pleaded as he dragged Shisui to the nearest training ground.
Both boys readied themselves: one eager to knock some sense into his disillusioned friend.
They started off sending and returning simple punches which soon unravelled into a series of kicks.
But by this point, it was obvious that Shisui had no intention of taking Akira seriously by receiving all the incoming blows, his face bruised and bloody. Akira was given no choice but to use the last weapon stored in his arsenal- The talk no jutsu.
"Why are you doing nothing, you coward?" Akira howled, becoming increasingly impatient with the deadened fight, "Cowards don't deserve to be called shinobi."
"You're right, I don't deserve to be called a shinobi." Shisui stated as he backed up onto a tree, falling to the floor. He untied his headband and held it in his hands for a brief second, before throwing it to the floor as if it were defiled, dirty and degraded. For a split second, you could see his eyes falter. They held regret, disappointment and shame. But the more he continued to open up, the harder the walls he so forcefully held up began to crumble.
"I'm a selfish coward who's cursed with this stupid Uchiha name!" Shisui screamed, "You don't understand what happened out there during the war. I killed. I killed the very comrades I swore to protect when I received that headband."
"What do you mean Shisui?"
Shisui raised his head to meet the gaze of his friend when he heard a small gasp escape his mouth.
A deep red shade danced over his pupils. But instead of the normal 3 tomoe pattern Akira was expecting, a new pattern branded his pupils: a pinwheel of 4 spiralling curves.
"Do you know why Itsuki never came back? During the war we were ambushed by kumo nin and cornered us. We were just chunin, and we didn't know how we were going to get out of there," Shisui screamed, pulling at his hair as tears streamed down his face, "Itsuki never made it. And it was all my fault! If I had only offered my hand, he didn't have to die. I could have saved him and I didn't!"
"Shisui, that wasn't your fault. You were left in an impossible position to get out of. Thank Kami someone found you, it isn't your fault."
"But it is! Our best friend is dead because of me! We promised we'd protect Konoha together, get put on the same team and now that will never happen."
"I still can't see how any of this is your fault."
"It is! He was blessed with everything, extraordinary skill far greater than the both of ours combined. He was always miles ahead of us, running in front of danger, never thinking twice to protect us. I couldn't get to him in time... I killed him. I killed our brother!" Shisui vented, "The overwhelming emotion caused my eyes to evolve into the Mangekyou Sharingan. It awakened from the regret of not being able to save Itsuki that day. Don't you see? I'm just a coward, a murderer! I don't deserve to be called a shinobi...
And look! Everyone praises me for this stupid eye! Shisui of the Sharingan! The boy who unlocked his mangekyo so soon! This cursed Uchiha name worships me for killing Itsuki!"
The red and gold hues darkened into a midnight blue as the night sky covered the corners of Konoha. The silence that followed Shisui's confession was thick enough to stifle any creature of the night.
Yet despite this suffocating feeling, it was nimbly sliced by the sound of a slap that hammered Shisui's cheek.
"You idiot! Don't you understand? There was nothing you could have done; you did everything that you could have" Akira yelled. "Are you really going to beat yourself up for what happened? We're shinobi Shisui. Do you remember what Itsuki told us when you two graduated?
'The life of a shinobi is only going to get harder from here on out. There may be a time where we are forced to make sacrifices for the greater good of the village so don't let those sacrifices be in vain. Honor the fallen shinobi!'. Don't forget the lessons he taught us Shisui!
He sacrificed himself for you to come back to the leaf, our home, and to protect it with the new visual powers you have been blessed with. You aren't a coward; you are a shinobi of the hidden leaf village." Akira said as he picked up Shisui's headband off the ground and passed it to him. He took a seat next to Shisui and stared up at the night sky adorned with glistening stars.
"It's our responsibility to protect the people and to bring peace to this world." Akira said, "The most honorable act you could do is to make sure Itsuki's name is not lost in vain. Honour him, remember him and continue to protect the Leaf."
"Thank you, Akira" Shisui muttered, tears streaming down his face.
"Well, we're brothers Shisui, never forget that." Akira said, "I don't like serious, bitch-face Shisui. I prefer the goofy version better."
"Heh, you're right. Being a bitch doesn't suit me at all." Shisui chuckled, wiping his tears.
"You managed to scare away the new girl Y/N. I think that's a first, no girl has ever been scared off by THE Shisui Uchiha."
"I was a bit rude to her. I'll apologise tomorrow." Shisui said, reaching his arm out to the night sky, "Thank you Akira. You're really smart when you actually use your head."
"Pfft, I'm always smart you cry-baby."
The Itachi Shinden novel states that Shisui unlocked his Mangekyo Sharingan after witnessing a close friend die on a mission and subsequently felt responsible for his death. I wanted to explore Shisui's feelings and how he processed his friends death, which is why he seems very out of character.
But fear not! I have been writing away and goofy, humble, cute, sexy Shisui Uchiha will return soon. (And turns out his flirt game is pretty strong too)
Loving you always,
Suri 🎀
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luv-kakashi · 2 days
i have just discovered dividers‼️ i love them so much @enchanthings 🎀
◦˚~ SPACE DIVIDERS ( colourful ) by enchanthings ~˚◦
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Info: these were all drawn & edited by me. please reblog/like if use!
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luv-kakashi · 7 days
One of us is dead
chapter four | chapter six
chapter five - practise exam
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Fun facts about Akira: He has very light brown hair and hazel eyes. He looks up to his father a lot and is immensely grateful for everything his mom does to support their family. His father unfortunately passed away when he was young. He has an older brother He's also incredibly passionate about changing the shinobi world so that the future generation doesn't have to go through what he did. He kinda basically looks like Kenya from Erased hehe :) (Edit: Just realised he also looks like sakuta too lmao)
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Anyways on with the chapter!
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"Why is Shisui back at the academy? Isn't he chunin? Didn't he just serve in the war?"
"I heard that he was the only one from his team that came back?"
"I wonder if Itsuki has come back too."
"Well I heard that Shisui let Itsuki die on the front lines. I'm not surprised considering he's an Uchiha."
It had only been 5 minutes since I took my seat next to Akira, and the entire class managed to stuff the room with talks of a shinobi named Shisui Uchiha.
An Uchiha. We learned about the major shinobi clans in the Kirigakure academy. A clan known for their visual prowess allowing them to visualise chakra, mimic jutsus and induce a deep hypnosis more potent than any normal genjutsu.
In the Byakuya, we were given strict instructions to retreat if we made contact with a shinobi that the Byakuya considered to be 'blacklisted'. The name Shisui Uchiha made frequent appearances in the blacklisted books, his speed and deadly precision were legendary.
"Bakakira, who is this Shisui everyone seems to be so infatuated with?" I asked, poking his sleepy head.
"Oi will you stop that! Shisui was a classmate and a friend who graduated a few years earlier than us. He was promoted to chunin and just served in the war. Now stop bothering me." He whisper-yelled before resting his head in his arms.
"Quiet down class! Today we're having an exam to prepare you for graduation exam." Kisuke sensei said, causing groans to interrupt him. I zoned out from whatever he was saying as Akira leaned towards me.
"This is the 6th 'exam' we've had this week. I swear to Kami if it's another written test, I might just jump off the hokage stone faces and drag Kisuke sensei to the grave with me." Akira whispered to me, causing me to giggle – not so loudly- in front of the entire class.
"You find exams funny, now do you Y/N chan? Well, we'll see if you're laughing when it's your turn to spar." Kisuke sensei retorted, "Stay behind after class."
I sent a not-so sarcastic smile his way as Akira chuckled at me.
Just wait Akira, I'll get you soon.
Kisuke sensei continues with his lesson, explaining the values of taijutsu and the details of the exam.
"It's a taijutsu exam then. FYI everyone here is pretty mediocre apart from the kid at the front who no one talks to, Shisui and yours truly." Akira boasted, pointing his thumb at himself.
"I won't believe it until I see it Bakakira." I said just as the lunch bell rang, "Kisuke sensei talks too long, I'm sure we could have had 3 pairs spar by now."
"You haven't even had the worst of it. I've had him for the past three years." Akira groaned, "I'm heading to the bathroom then the tree, meet me there if you want."
"Okay, I'll see you there."
"Oh, and enjoy your scolding from sensei."
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After a ten-minute scolding from sensei about respect and patience, I finally started making my way to the tree; it was mine and Akira's favourite place out of the entire academy.
Jeez, he really talks for too long. No one gives two shits about respect and patience. Well, patience can perhaps get you somewhere in this shinobi world.
But respect is completely unheard of. It gets you nowhere, not when you're just used like a tool, discarded the moment you're no longer needed.
I hadn't even made it half way through the corridor before I slammed into something, more like someone and fell yet again on the cold hard ground.
I think Kami haunts this academy and loves to trip me up for fun. Or maybe I just have a natural affinity for floor.
"I'm sorry." I said, my face turning a bright red.
"Watch where you're going kid." A stoic voice snapped as a pair of onyx eyes glared down at me.
"I said I was sorry, jerk."
"What did you say?" He asked, raising his eyebrow. His eyes flooded with a deep red tone as he continued to stare down at me, looming many feet above my body.
The sharingan
I got up and dusted my legs and stared straight back at him. So, this must be the Shisui Uchiha everyone's talking about. And that must be his sharingan.
"You heard me. Do Uchiha's not know how to accept apologies?" I retorted as I turned my back on him. I started to make my way to the tree where I was supposed to meet Akira, but before I could a certain black-haired, onyx-eyed Uchiha tightly held my wrist, squeezing it hard and turning me to face him.
Start the water works now Y/N, Start them real quick. Can't let him suspect for even a second that I'm also a shinobi and not just a child in the academy.
"You're the one who bumped into me and now you're going to cry. Seriously? You're in the academy, training to become an elite shinobi, yet my grip has you on the verge of tears. The leaf doesn't need a cry-baby to protect them. Grow up or give up." He spat as he shoved my wrist and walked away.
Are all Uchiha rude bastards?
Lunch break sponsored by kirby itadori yuuji!
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"Alright, for the first part of the exam, I'm going to pair you up with one of your classmates and I want you to spar.
You know the rules, no weapons, no ninjutsu and avoid the groin. I can't believe I have to reiterate that.
The battle ends when one individual is unable to get back onto their feet. Understood?" sensei asked us as we all nodded in agreement before he looked back down at his clipboard.
"Great, Y/N Uzumaki and Katsumi Aikawa are up first." He said as the girl, Katsumi, and I stepped forward to the sparring spot.
"Are you two ready?" Kisuke sensei asked as we nodded in unison before starting our match, "BEGIN!"
Surely people expect a kunoichi from a shinobi clan to know some sort of taijutsu, so it must be okay for me to defend myself and even hop onto the offensive. They shouldn't suspect anything.
I charged towards Katsumi and we began throwing a barrage of jabs towards each other, all whist blocking the others hits. The longer the match went on, the more gasps filled the air. I noticed the Uchiha stare at the match in front of him, making me smirk right back at him
'Yeah, you watch Uchiha.' I said to myself as I finished off the match with a roundhouse kick, sending the poor girl to the floor.
I pounce on her back and hold two fingers near her neck as my other hand tightly pulls her left arm, pinning her to the floor.
"It looks like Y/N wins, that concludes this first match." Kisuke sensei applauded, as I made my way to Akira.
"Looks like the donkey has skills." Akira scoffed
"Haha you're funny" I said, rolling my eyes at his remark, "I'm not some helpless girl I'll have you know."
"I never said you were, donkey."
"Akira! Stop disrupting my lessons, in fact, you can go next! Your opponent is Shisui, now hurry up and get here!" Kisuke sensei barked, clearly annoyed at our little conversation.
"Well good luck, and do me a favour and knock the Uchiha off his high horse." I whispered
"Since when were you all fiesty about Shisui?"
"Ever since lunch. Stop asking and go fight him." I said, shooing him to the spot, "Good luck Bakakira."
Akira made his way to the spot and charged straight towards Shisui, going in for a kick which was soon blocked by Shisui. The entire class was captivated by the barrage of kicks and punches thrown by Akira, evident by the series of "woahs" and "wows" which followed every move.
But something was off about the match. More like something was off about Shisui.
He dodged and dived each of Akira's attacks lifelessly, swaying side to side with no vitality, refusing to even make contact with Akira. His eyes held the same, still, stoic look as he dodged each punch and kick.
A look I'm all too familiar with. A look that never disappeared from my face when I worked for The Byakuya.
A look that may look apathetic, cocky and inanimate at first, but after penetrating past its defences, you find yourself staring at a bottomless abyss which stares right back at you with one word plastered over its eyes.
Akira, being the idiot he is, grew increasingly impatient with the flow of the uneventful fight and attempted right hook at Shisui.
"Stop holding back and fight me coward! This isn't like you!" Akira yelled.
The next series of moves happened so quick; it had the entire class, including Kisuke sensei, in awe. Shisui ducked and avoided Akira hook, leaving Akira open. Shisui took this moment to kick straight at Akira's chest causing him to fly straight into our lunch tree.
"And the winner is Shisui. Akira, Shisui, come make the unison sign." Kisuke sensei asked as everyone cheered for him but me.
Akira made his way to Shisui and the two had a stare-down: one with his sharingan blaring the other refusing to blink. Before the stare-down could go any longer, Kisuke sensei interrupted them both.
"Now boys, we don't have all day."
Both boys raised their hands, the entire class expecting them to perform the unison sign but what came after was (to say the least) unexpected.
Akira and Shisui raised their fists, and not a second later, they punched each other right in the face. Noses bleeding, they stumbled back, each clutching their face in shock and pain. For a brief moment, they stood frozen, staring at one another with wide eyes, before Kiuske sensei interrupted.
"Shisui! Akira! What is the meaning of this? I thought the class honour students might be able to stick to the basic shinobi rules! Yet, the both of you can't even make the unison sign!" Kisuke sensei bellowed, "You two used to be so close, I thought that just maybe this would promote some healthy competition between you two."
"Bastard, why did you hold back?" Akira asked, disregarding everything Kisuke sensei just said as he yelled at Shisui.
"Whatever, I'm leaving right now. I have real chunin duties to do, I don't have the time to be playing around with children." Shisui said, before turning his back on the whole class and making his way out of the academy.
"Akira, stay behind. The rest of you are dismissed, now go!" Kisuke sensei said. I mouthed Akira a quick bye and took off with the rest of the class.
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Sigh. Was the only thing that came out of the Jonin's mouth as he leaned against his desk, looking at the young shinobi infront of him.
"Well, what was that all about?" He asked.
"Sorry Sensei. I didn't mean to lose my cool, but I'm sure you saw it too." Akira said, his head held between his hands, tugging at his hair in frustration
"I know."
"When he came back, he looked at me as if he didn't even know me. And that's not even the worst part. That isn't Shisui. That's not the brother I promised to protect this village with. His eyes looked so empty; it was like I was staring at nothing."
"This is the harsh reality of being a shinobi. We see and do things in the name of 'justice' but when in reality we just commit crimes to protect those in a mirage we call peace and stability." Sensei said ruffling Akira's hair, "But kid, your generation has the ability to stop these unwanted deaths and violence."
"I can't imagine what he must have seen to make him go from the humble goofy idiot we all knew to this lifeless stranger."
"Akira, you are going to go through many hardships as a shinobi and whatever's happened to Shisui may happen to you or your peers. But don't forget, shinobi are human too. I think Shisui is torn between his loyalty to being a shinobi and just being human, he's trying to lock away the very things that make him 'weak'. Talk to him, let him vent his emotions."
"Thank you, sensei. I'll bring back our Shisui." Akira smiled; determination painted across his face. He was sure to bring his brother back into the light.
.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- Looks like Y/N has some moves of her own! Just what could have possibly happened to Shisui for him to become so unrecognisable to Akira?
Sorry if Shisui seems OOC, there is an explanation! Stay tuned to find out in the next chapter! I have just finished editing Chapters 9-11 and they are long but I'm so excited for you, dearest reader, to read them!
Loving you always, Suri 🎀
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luv-kakashi · 13 days
One of us is dead
chapter three | chapter five
chapter four - academy
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"A genjutsu has blocked parts of her memories we're unable to navigate through them," said a blonde-haired ninja, "Though everything she told you so far checks out with the memories she has Lord Third."
"So she truly is an Uzumaki. She mentioned she moved to The Hidden Mist Village. Is this true Inoichi?" asked the Hokage.
"Her memories show her and a few clan members moving from Uzushiogakure to Kirigakure when she was young. However, there is about a year or two's worth of memories blocked from us. The furthest I can see too is her being taken to a room or a lab... Could it be that the Uzumaki is blocking us from seeing her memories?"
"I doubt that she can complete such a refined and powerful jutsu at such a young age," Kushina spoke up, breaking the very still silence, "Regardless, she is still a child, we must-"
"Do not let her age be an oversight Kushina. Children can be capable of anything. Look at that retched Uchiha. Shisui was it? The one who murdered his fellow teammate on the front lines. Do not talk of children as innocent beings. They are just as capable of destruction as we are," an elder spat with a look of disdain painted in his expression.
"Now, now Danzo. You mustn't judge our respected ninjas on baseless accusations," the Hokage remarked, "What else can you see in her memories Inoichi?"
"Y/N Uzumaki... she's a deeply damaged child," Inoichi admitted, "Her family, her experience in the academy in Kirigakure..., none of it is fitting for a child."
"I see," sighed the Hokage, "Regardless, she needs to be monitored whilst she is here in the village. Not to mention, we still do not know if there are any other Uzumaki's in the same position as her, or if they're alive even. And we still don't have a definitive reason as to why Y/N Uzumaki is on the run, more specifically who captured her and why."
The room becomes enveloped in silence. It was almost stifling as the suspicion settled in their minds.
"I'll see to it that an anbu member is dispatched to follow her, dismissed." The Hokage exclaimed as he dismissed the jounins from the meeting and sat back in his chair, leaving a single red-haired kunoichi with him.
Just who was Y/N Uzumaki? Who took her captive? Why are her memories blocked? 
"Lord third, is it okay if Y/N gets put on my team? We're one member short, you know, and I would love to give the poor girl some closure. She's an Uzumaki! And besides I refuse to-"
"I understand Kushina," the hokage interrupted, "I planned for her to join your team, being with another Uzumaki might give her some closure."
"Thank you Lord Third!"
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By the time I made it to my apartment after my run-in with Zetsu, dawn had already broke in Konoha and sleep crept its way over my body. But that doesn't matter as long as I am with her.
Sumire leaned back in her chair, eyes half closed, letting her memories wash over her as she played with my hair.
"Do you remember," she began, her voice barely louder than a whisper, "the summer before I started at the academy, when we played in the attic pretending like it was our own world? We thought we were so smart, hiding from everyone, like no one could see us.""
"Of course I do! We used to drag every pillow and blanket in sight just to make a fort. Stay up late with a flashlight and you'd tell ghost stories, and I would always end up too afraid to sleep." I remarked as nostalgia filled the air around us.
Sumire chuckled at the memory, shrugging with a playful grin as she pinched my cheek, "I don't think I ever scared you. You were always the braver one."
We fell into a comforting silence as we listened to the evening cicadas hum their songs.
"I quite liked our little attic world," she said after a while, her voice soft and gentle as though the precious memory would shatter at any moment if she uttered those words any louder, "you, me and our little attic wor-."
The morning songs whistled by the birds drew me back to reality. I am no longer the innocent, naïve girl who can run up to her attic and pretend that this sick, twisted reality doesn't exist.
Oh well, this is going to be harder than I thought but for now all I can do is play the part of a girl on the run from a kidnapper whose missing her parents.
How ironic.
"SHIT! I'M GOING TO BE LATE!" I yelled as I tried to shove my shoes on, tripping whilst doing so.
I rushed out of the door before hitting the railing of the apartment sidewalk. Sprinting down the stairs, I prayed to Kami that with some divine intervention I'd make it to the academy on time.
I ran through the halls and stood outside my classroom, listening in on the chatter and gossip between the other kids.
Perhaps this is my chance to start anew. A chance to have a normal childhood.
Taking in a deep breath, I slid the door open as the teacher greeted me, "Hello, I'm Kisuke sensei. Everyone, meet your new classmate."
"I'm Y/N Uzumaki. Please treat me well and I hope we can all get along." I said a bit too excitedly as I bowed down in front of my classmates.
I hoped on making a good impression them yet it must seem that the stars do take enjoyment in my failures as I tripped on the first step towards the desks.
Kami, just eat me alive.
At this point I'd rather be 7 feet under the ground then at the academy.
And of course, luck just wasn't on my side today.  The stifling silence was ripped by a multitude of laughs and jeers.
"Oh Kami, she just tripped!"
"How did she miss the step that's right in front of her?"
"Good luck becoming a shinobi with those reflexes." The children jeered, mocking the way I fell over, pointing out every single insignificant detail about the way I look and talk.
Kiri kids were nothing like this; they were much worse. Had I done this in Kirigakure, I would have been physically tormented. Just thinking about it makes my scars ache.
"IDIOTS! You all act as if you've never tripped before in your lives and besides did you just not hear who she is? She's from a famous shinobi clan. And to think you're going to graduate and become successful shinobi. You might just have more luck becoming a mute donkey but that would be an insult to all the mute donkey in the world! So shut it! You're ruining my sleep!" a voice yelled, annoyed by his petty classmates.
"Now, now Akira, no need to insult your peers like that. AND STOP SLEEPING IN MY LESSONS!"
Before he could yell a string of profanities, the Akira boy held his tongue before letting out a barely audible 'Hn'.
What a bipolar child.
He shouts snarky remarks yet his vocabulary seems as broad as a toothpick. Interesting.
"Apologies Y/N-chan. And for that lovely public display, Y/N chan is going to tail you for the rest of the day so she gets a feel for academy life." Kisuke sensei retorts as he points to a now sleeping Akira, who has his head between his arms, "Don't you dare ignore me young man!"
"Whatever." Akira yawned as he waved his hand lazily.
"Please take a seat by Akira Kuran whose over there, Y/N chan." Sensei said pointing his finger to a now sleeping boy.
I slowly made my way to the sleeping child. His demeanor was amusing to say the least but I can't break out of character; remember who you are, a runaway, a nothing. As I took my seat next to the very clearly disinterested  Akira, I heard him mumble something into his arm loud enough for the both of us to hear.
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The academy -to say the least- was uneventful. Children learning about chakra, its natures and control. Children were only learning them now at age 12. Did kids in Konoha have it this easy?The village hidden in the mist subjected every young child to violence and pain. The village was  heralded as the 'blood mist village'.
By age 8 I was forced to fight against the children I spent the last 5 years of my life with. Forced to mercilessly kill my friends for the prospect of graduating the academy.
"Psst Akira! It's time for lunch." I whispered, chuckling at his half sleepy state.
"Huh? Guess it's time to go sleep under the tree then" he muttered as he sluggishly dragged his legs down the steps, stopping a few centimeters into the corridor. I followed him through the academy halls before I knocked onto his back, falling onto the floor during the process.
"You know, when I called you a donkey, I didn't think you'd take it to heart and start following me like one."  He chuckled before turning around to give me a hand.
"Jerk! You're supposed to be my guide." I said as I turned my head away from his gaze, pouting towards the wall.
"Pout any longer and your lip will reach the floor, donkey." he laughed, still holding out his hand for me. I reluctantly took his hand and stood up. We made our way through the academy training grounds until Akira stopped and lied down on the grass under the tree.
"What are you doing?" I asked
"Learning how to fly. What do you think I'm doing? I'm watching the sky."
"I can see that Bakakira. Why aren't you eating lunch?"
"Meh I'm not hungry."
"Well, let's see why you enjoy watching the sky." I said as I lied down, letting the soft grass cushion my back, "I must admit the skies here are much prettier than the skies back in the hidden mist village, whether it be the blue skies of the day or dusk or dawn or even midnight, the skies always make me feel at peace."
"I used to watch the skies with my dad every day when I was younger and I love to still do it now. I feel like I can connect with him this way."
"I think that's quite admirable, Akira-kun.  Watching the skies gives me some sort of comfort, it is constant which gives me hope that things will get better."
"I'm glad you are staying hopeful during this. I heard what had happened, my mum serves as an elite bodyguard to the hokage, I hope you find your family soon."
"That means a lot Akira-kun, thank you."
"Of course, nothing I wouldn't do for a friend." He said as he turned his head to face mine and smiled.
"Who knew Akira-kun had a lil soft side to him." I chuckled
"Way to ruin the moment donkey."
Suspicion brews amongst the elite shinobi as Y/N Uzumaki starts Academy life.
And although the floor naturally calls her name, Y/N has found company with the ever-so sarcastic Akira.
How will she adapt to her new life?
(I hope you are enjoying the story so far!) Loving you always, Suri🎀
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luv-kakashi · 14 days
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I made a lil book cover for my fanfic ‘One of us is dead’
I’ve heard that it’s good, you should give it a read 😉
Suri 🎀
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luv-kakashi · 16 days
One of us is dead
chapter two | chapter four
chapter three - konoha
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"Aren't you guys supposed to be guarding the gates? I can't believe we're letting Konoha's biggest sleazebags guard our village, you know," a red-haired kunoichi retorted as she whacked the two gatekeepers awake.
"Oh good morning to you too Kushina. Besides, it's not like anyone's attacking the village or anything," one of the guards mumbled as he slowly raised his head, still half-dazed from his sleep.
"Oh sorry, it's not like the Third Shinobi War is happening right now, you know. Get it together! I'm going to scout the surrounding area and you two had better be awake by the time I'm finished!"
"I'm sure Minato will be back soon Kushina, and congrats on the Jounin promotion!"
Kushina left the two deadweights as she went for her normal morning. Her morning usually consisted of the same old; scout the surrounding area and report back to the hokage. 
Today had been no different until she reached the west gate.
Kushina watched as a girl collapsed in front of her, causing her to pull out a kunai, gripping it tightly before cautiously stepping towards the child. She knelt down and brushed long strands of red hair away from her face before inspecting her worn out, fatigued state. Dirt and sweat smeared across her skin and many shades of purple and blue decorated her neck, underneath her zipped-up jacket. The kunoichi turned her over to notice the child was clinging to a scroll, tightly wrapped against her chest with her bruised, bloody, blackened arms.
She couldn't help but bite the inside of her mouth at the state of girl, no older than her partners students, grasp onto the slightest bit of life left in her. Carefully picking her up, Kushina cradled the child to her chest and took off to the leaf's hospital.
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The sunlight poured into the room, cascading through the curtains as it filled to room with its warmth. I slowly reached my hand out, hoping to feel anything that would indicate where I was.
Crisp sheets hugged my body as I laid in a bed full of soft feathers. It was soothing to say the least. 
But, where am I? The last thing I remember is running straight to the Land of fire. Had the masked man taken me away?
I jolted up out of the bed, panicking at the foreign hospitality I had been offered. 
Holy shit, where am I?
"Oh, good morning. Hey, hey, easy there. You have some nasty injuries, be careful" said a gentle voice from the corner of the room.
I turned to meet the voice and I was greeted by the prettiest kunoichi I had ever seen. Long locks of red hair cascaded past her shoulders as her amethyst eyes shone in the sunlight. 
"I'm Kushina Uzumaki, I found you out cold by the gates. Could you tell me a bit about yourself and why your here?"
An Uzumaki. I didn't think I'd run into a member of my clan so soon. 
Longingly, I stared at her as I took in everything I had just learnt. I hastily shoved my gaze onto my hands as I fiddled with my fingers.
I had to make up a good story-a believable one at that- explaining why I suddenly turned up here. 
It's not like I can just say 'Oh hey yes I'm running away from a bounty-hunting organisation who will kill me on sight. Oh, wait I forgot to mention that a masked man has blackmail material on me and told me to spy the village.'
I'm certain that these Konoha nin will look intently into any information I provide leaving no room for anything but the absolute truth.
"Whatever you do, do not reveal your identity"
"Um, I'm Y/N Uzumaki and my papa told me to run here if anything happened to him or the village." I muttered keeping my gaze stuck to fingers. 
If I were to make this somewhat credible, I'd have to start the water works real fast.
"My village. It was destroyed down many years ago, but then we moved closer to the Village Hidden in the Mist, but then I was taken away from my family!"
Hopefully this will lead to a dead-end if they decide to investigate my past. 
"Hey its okay you’re safe now Y/N," Kushina said as she ran to the side of my bed. My eyes burned as I forced them open and I sat there and sobbed. 
She whispered ever so gently as she coiled her arms around my fragile frame. She patted me on my head and smoothed out my tangled hair. 
The warmth and compassion she held me in felt comforting to say the least. But I didn't deserve an ounce of her love. I'm merely here acting as a pawn just so I find some way to survive in this hopeless world. I selfishly clung to her embrace but quickly retracted myself from her arms.
Wait. Where did the scroll go? Oh, for the love of Kami, I can't get caught. This is my only way to a brief freedom. I immediately started patting my body down hysterically but stopped after hearing a soft raspy chuckle come from the door.
"Looking for this?" a man clad in a long white robe says before handing the scroll back to me, "We found you clinging to this scroll for dear life. Can you tell us a bit about what happened and the scroll you bought with you?"
The Hokage. He must be the Hokage. 
"I was taken from my family and they kept me hostage for so long. I don't remember much from my captivity. But all I have is that scroll which my papa gave me. My parents, they might still be alive! I have to find them!"
"All in due time, you'll need to get strong first! That's why I've made arrangements for you to stay here in Konoha and you could join the academy if you would like. The medics have tended to your injuries and you're free to leave today. Kushina will see you to your new home."
"Thank you for letting me stay Lord third." I said as I bowed my head before he made his way out of the hospital room.
"Come, I'll show you to your new home."
Guilt slowly started creeping up on me as I walked down the streets of Konoha. I can't allow myself to get attached nor get swayed from my initial goal. 
Get the information for the masked man and leave as soon as possible. I won't allow myself to soften up to this village, it'll make saying goodbye easier if I don't. 
My thoughts were swayed as soft fingers interlaced mine.
"I don't want you getting lost in the crowd and besides you keep sighing, you know." Kushina said as we slowly parted from the morning crowd and onto a side street, 
"I promise you that we'll find your family in no time. We're Uzumaki's, that means your family is my family, you know! So cheer up! A sad look doesn't suit your cute face Y/N, you know!"
"Thank you, Kushina-san." I replied. 
Her words were wasted on me. Going to such lengths to avoid my true identity from being found. Lying to the very people who just saved me, forming fake bonds with those willing to offer me a home. 
It all left a sour taste in my mouth.  
"I'm sorry I wont be able to check up on you tomorrow, I have a mission early morning. But remember, you start at the academy tomorrow, so make sure to get there on time and to sleep well, you know!" Kushina said as she ruffled my hair, "If you need anything, just ask me, I live down the street there in that house."
"Thank you, Kushina-san. Have a good day." I said before making my way into my new apartment. It was furnished with basic necessities but that didn't matter.
After checking no one was in sight, I climbed out of the apartment window and jumped onto the street and sneaked out of the village with ease, considering the two jonin guarding the gates were fast asleep.
I found an empty area, secluded by the trees. Surely whatever is in this scroll can't kill me, the masked man seemed determined to get me to Konoha. 
I pulled the scroll out from my pocket, and braced myself as I flowed my chakra through the scroll.
"Blood manipulation: blood edge."
The scroll ripped open, and my vision was blurred by a POOF!
"Ah so you're finally here then," a voice emerged from the smoke.
My vision cleared up and Zetsu materialised in front of my eyes.
"Oh its you. What do you want?"
"Leader-sama wants you to keep an eye out on the nine tails jinchuriki, Kushina Uzumaki. The next time I see you, I expect a report Y/N chan. Or should I say Kunoichi Thirteen?"
"Where is Sumire, Zetsu?" 
"Patience is a virtue Y/N chan, it wouldn't kill to have some," Zetsu chuckled, "Besides she's living in a hidden cabin 40km north-west from here." 
"I hope you trip and break all your branches Zetsu." I spat, before turning my back to him as I made my towards Sumire. 
"Don't kill the messenger Y/N chan!" he said before seeping back into the earth, "Say hi to Sumire chan for me!" 
The way he seeps into the earth always sends a shiver down my spine, like watching something unnatural and unsettling disappear into the shadows. Even after he's gone, the creeping unease he leaves behind lingers in the air. I turn in the direction of Sumire and run with no thought but one; Sumire.
The house stands in eerie silence, a derelict relic of a forgotten past. The roof sags in the middle, with the odd tile missing or shattered, exposing the underlays and rafters. Windows that were perhaps clear and welcoming are now covered in grime. Vines and weeds claim their territory around the rotting wood, choking the paint underneath. 
Inside the air is thick with the scent of damp wood, the floorboards creak with every step and cobwebs drape the abandoned furniture.
Yet the suffocating air and the fading wallpaper fade away in the warmth of her embrace. 
"I'm home," I whispered, entering the dimly lit house. 
"Welcome back Y/N. It took you long enough to find me." Sumire said as she wheeled out of the kitchen to the entry way where I stood. 
"Sorry, I got caught up in some business. I missed you Sumire," I whispered as I kneeled to her so she could do my favourite thing ever. Play with my hair. 
Sumire hasn't always been like this. She hasn't been able to walk since I was in the academy. 
"I missed you too Y/N. Does that mean you will stay here with me?"
"I'm sorry Sumire, I have something to do here in Konoha, but I promise after I'm done we can leave like we always dreamed of." 
And with that, the Uzumaki siblings have been reunited.
However, much still hangs in the air as confusion clouds Y/N's thoughts. Just how did Sumire end up in Konoha? It all seems so convenient that the masked man desperately needed Y/N to infiltrate Konoha, where she finds her sister.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter! As always you can find this fanfiction on wattpad (if you prefer wattpad formatting). Let me know what you think so far. Is it interesting? I'd love to hear from you dearest reader.
Loving you always,
Suri <3
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luv-kakashi · 17 days
bad week. need to be dicked down by an uchiha
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luv-kakashi · 18 days
One of us is dead
chapter one | chapter three
chapter two - burn
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Two hours into the journey to Hidden Rivers Village, and with only an hour and a half left, I started contemplating my options, both of which yielded their benefits and their doubts.
The Hidden Rivers Village is a small and remote village between the Land of Fire and the Land of Wind. An area unoccupied by a shinobi government where my clan relocated after many years spent in Kirigakure.
Running back to the Hidden Rivers Village means I get to see my sister again. But then I would have to face the rest of my family who would sell me back to The Byakuya without hesitation. But, how long can I keep running? How long until The Byakuya catch up before it's time for me to run again?
The Byakuya. An organisation known for being dogs of the shinobi world, carrying out the dirty work for the higher-ups without any legalities or formal paperwork.
The organisation consisted of shinobi, ex-convicts and those on the edge of society who took any measures to complete their missions, ranging from provocative and seductive to ruthless and cold-hearted.
It didn't matter how they did it. As long as it was completed, you got paid an amount that pales in comparison to what the ordinary ninja system paid you. Once you're in The Byakuya, you're bound for life.
And they'll do just about anything to dispose of any strays that escape.
Running through the Land of Fire, I was closing up onto the village as the view of the village gates emerged on the horizon. A smile plastered across my face at the thought of being re-united with my sister after two years.
But before I could relish the sweet image a moment longer, the gates soon came to full sight and the scene before me had certainly locked and sealed my fate. I continued to run, ignoring the burning sensation in my legs as I clenched my chest, waiting for the pounding to subside.
The village was in flames. Everything: the trees, houses, the surrounding nature was engulfed by black flames. Black flames gnawed at its victims, showing no mercy as it devoured everything in its vicinity, with no sign of stopping. The screams of the clan members drowned into each other, relentlessly ringing in my ears as I frantically search through the burning corpses for my sister.
"Sumire! SUMIRE!"
"Awh what' s wrong? You can't find your dear Sumire?" a voice chuckles from behind me.
As I turn to see the voice behind me, lo and behold the masked man and his dog toy Zetsu walking towards me as they clap their hands.
"I told you Y/N not to do this the hard way," the masked man says as he makes his way towards me as he steps on the burning bodies of my clan members, "Oh but don't worry, Sumire is fine."
"DAMN YOU! Where is she? Tell me where she is!" I shout.
"All in due time. But first, take me up on my offer Kunoichi Thirteen"
"Fuck you and your offer. I don't need you to find her. I don't need you at all. My name is enough for me to survive," I gasp, my fingers blistering at the touch of the burning corpses.
"Foolish little girl. Your plan to run to the hidden leaf village won't work Uzumaki." The masked man retorts, "Do you really think Konoha will take you in considering your recent mission."
"Your attack on The White Fang and his team left quite the impression on them. Shame you didn't finish them all off," the masked man added, "Now word of a red-haired kunoichi with the number thirteen branded on her neck is famous in The Village Hidden in the Leaves, especially for her blood manipulation jutsu."
"So tell me now Y/N Uzumaki, how do you plan to enter the Land of Fire?" The masked man chuckled.
I look down at my hands in shame. The dried up blood tainting my fingers reminded me that even my Uzumaki name cannot provide me with my last hope of escape. My last hope relied on the diplomatic relations between Konoha and the Uzumaki clan.
Yet my actions hang heavy on the clans name, dragging it to the deepest depths of sin.
Holding my head up against the shame of my sin, I met the masked mans gaze as I succumbed to my only option at this point.
"I'll do it. I'll do whatever you want. If you tell me where Sumire is."
"Don't get ahead of yourself." the masked man exclaimed, "Infiltrate Konoha and then I'll tell you."
"Deal, but how do I get in without being recognised?" His terms seemed safe enough to gamble with. If I take up this offer, I'll have a level of freedom and safety greater than I've ever been givem before. All I have to do is do what he says.
Anything at this point is better than running with no end, constantly looking behind, fearing assassination from all points around you.
The masked man kicks the corpse underneath him as he marches towards me. And with a few swift hand signs I was swept into a genjutsu.
What felt like hours in my mind, only mere seconds passed in reality.
"With this, the branding on your neck will be covered from any shinobi. It'll take an incredibly skilled shinobi to see through it," the masked man answered, "Once you hit the village, the interrogation corps will investigate you and any memories of your bounty hunting with The Byakuya, anything associated with the 'Thirteen' branded on your neck and any memories of your kekkei genkai will be hidden from them."
I eyed him quizzically, wondering who on earth he was. He knew my name and it was safe to assume he knew who I was affiliated with and why I'm on the run.
"What's in it for you?" I asked, as I slowly got up from the ground.
"As I said, I need intel that's it."
"What kind?"
"Take this scroll with you," the masked man said, as he tossed a scroll towards me, "Once you hit Konoha, open the scroll with your blood manipulation, It will also tell you where she is."
"Uzumaki... Whatever you do, do not reveal your identity," the masked man remarked, before slowly departing.
"Looks like you have yourself a deal." I mutter, as I headed out for the Village Hidden in the Leaves.
.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- Sorry this chapter is a lil short!
Fun Fact -> the name Sumire means violet in Japanese. Mama Uzumaki named Sumire after her deep purple eyes which Y/N also has!
I'd hope you enjoy this chapter!
Loving you always, Suri🎀
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luv-kakashi · 18 days
One of us is dead
.ೃ࿐ author note .ೃ࿐
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Hello dear reader, I hope this note finds you well!
Three years ago, I published my first ever Naruto fan fiction named Delilah. It follows much of the same story line in this story.
Yet the immature, childish drive in my mind started overthinking and became embarrassed and took it down.
And it only took me a good three years to reboot the fiction again. How silly of me.
Now three years wiser (I hope!), I wish to make the inner child in me happy by reposting the fan fiction with a few tweaks here and there.
So here it is. One of us is dead.
One thing to note when reading this story: I switch between the Japanese and English names for the villages a lot. The main village names which appear in this story are:
Kirigakure - The Village Hidden in the Mist Konohagakure - The Village Hidden in the Leaves Uzushiogakure - The Hidden Eddy Village
Another Village also makes an appearance in this story: The Village Hidden by the Rivers. I am unsure if this village is a fragment of my imagination or if it's a canon Naruto village.
Allow me to set some context about the Uzumaki Clan. A clan that you, the reader, will find yourself part of.
The Uzumaki Clan resided in the Hidden Eddy village, located in the Land of Whirlpools. Just before Kushina is taken to Konoha to become the next nine-tails jinchuriki, the Hidden Eddy Village is destroyed.
The surviving clan members relocate to Kirigakure for some years, before ultimately moving to The Village Hidden by the Rivers.
Apologies if this is all too confusing. Please let me know if you have a preference regarding the village names.
Finally, I hope you have a fun time reading this fan fiction. It certainly was a lot of fun to write.
I will try to upload within a respectful timeframe. Unfortunately three years later, I am now a busy uni student :/.
Loving you always, Suri 🎀
(Let's pretend that I posted this note before any of the chapters)
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luv-kakashi · 26 days
One of us is dead
masterlist | chapter two
chapter one - running
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Deep down, I've always been reaching for a hand. A hand to save me from drowning in this criminal underworld.
Kill. Collect money. Kill. Collect money
An endless cycle of bounty hunting, killing shinobi over and over again. The cold, unyielding leather of my seat sent shivers down my spine. A relentless echo of decisions made and paths taken, leading me to where I am right now.
My blood-stained fingers trace the rim of the tea cup I held. Its warmth burned into my cold hands.
My hands: a constant reminder of all that I am—a cold-blooded murderer whose hands could never be cleansed of sin.
I'm sick of it. I'm tired of being called Kunoichi Thirteen, The Byakuya Princess. Being born into this world with no clear understanding of right from wrong. Killing those around me was all that I was taught.
My entire purpose was to be moulded into a perfect weapon for my father to take his revenge on the shinobi world. Revenge on those who abandoned the Uzumaki clan during their time of need when the Hidden Eddy Village was destroyed by shinobi.
Hatred and disdain poisoned the clan, who wished for the downfall of the Senju clan, and all those in Konohagakure.
Yet somewhere along the road to revenge, greed blinded their eyes.
2 years ago, I was sold to a bounty hunting organisation which goes by the name "The Byakuya". All so that my sad excuse of a father could line his pockets from my blood stained hands.
My father. The rest of my clan. They don't care that I am missing. As long as I wake up everyday and make money, they couldn't care less.
Each tick of the clock echoed in silence and with each tick the image of those I have massacred reverberated through my mind. The images of my most recent mission haunted my mind.
I had one job, an ambush mission. S-ranked Konoha ninja were commissioned to assassinate any Hidden Mist Village ninja who infiltrated the neutral area between the two Hidden Villages. Unknown to both, the neutral area was occupied The Byakuya.
My Job? Simply ambush both Konoha and Kiri ninja so that they do not discover The Byakuya headquarters and retreat.
But the Konoha nin were too stubborn for their own good.
One of them even went as far as abandoning the mission just to save his comrade from being hit from one of our assailants jutsus.
We watched as the Konoha shinobi retreated, now with one fewer among their ranks than when they began.
I don't even recognise myself. No matter how much I try to hide my actions. I'm still a killer.
But I don't want to kill anymore. I don't want to be used as a tool for revenge.
That's why I find myself in my cold and dingy room revising my plan to escape the Byakuya for good.
The clock ticked incessantly; each second felt like hammer on my nerves. It's 8.45 pm.
Most of the bounty hunters will have retired for the evening, leaving the corridors all empty. The fewer the people the eas-
"Boo! Earth to Y/N," a voice shouted down my ear, startling me from my thoughts. "Here," the man said as he placed a bowl of gray goop infront of me.
"Kakuzu?! What are you doing in my room?!"
"Eat or you'll be just bones, princess," Kakuzu said as he took a seat on my bed.
"I would rather starve than eat... that," I said as I watched the gray substance fall from the spoon like slime, "and please don't call me that Kakuzu-san."
"Still formal as ever princess. Anyways, what's got you so busy?" he asks with a hint of concern across his patchwork face.
"I think... No I will do it, I'm going to run."
"Y/N..." Kakuzu says as a sigh leaves his throat, "The Reaper will be pissed when she finds out."
"It's almost like that's the whole point," I chuckled rolling my eyes at him.
"Do you even have a plan? Where are you going to go? You don't even have any money, I swear all of your bounty money goes to your clan or something?" he rambles, his face becoming increasingly panicked.
"Do what you want Uzumaki," he scoffs.
"Awe Kakuzu-san you big softie, I know you don't mean that," I tease as I know he really wants me to be safe, "That being said, do you think I have time do one last petty thing? The byakuya has done nothing for me but rob me of my life."
"You gonna piss off The Reaper, princess? I'm listening," Kakuzu says with a shit-eating grin plastered on his face.
"You think I have time to steal some precious weapons from Leader-sama?"
"What are you thinking?"
"The Swords of the Mist. We have three, no?" I pondered.
"Mhm... They'll surely go for alot. Enough for you to get on your feet and support yourself," Kakuzu calculates, "You're becoming greedy Y/N."
"What can I say, you've rubbed off on me," I say with a chuckle...
"Kakuzu, why have you stayed in the Byakuya for so long?"
"Money," he says without faltering, "I have nothing outside here, no family to run back to, no village, nothing. You are just a child with much left to live and experience. Whatever you do, don't do anything stupid out there."
"I'm not stupid!"
"I never said you were stupid, I said don't do anything stupid," Kakuzu says as he gets up from my bed and walks towards my door, "Good luck Uzumaki."
"Kakuzu... ," I whisper under my breath.
I get up from my desk and search my room for the nearest empty scroll.
I will no longer be a prisoner of the Byakuya.
I swiftly slip from my room and head towards the storage unit, where most of the prized weaponry belonging to the byakuya was kept.
I opened the scroll and placed it over the Swords of the Mist owned by the byakuya.
Samehada. Nuibari. Kabutowari.
"Sealing Jutsu: Storage Seal," I chanted as I watched the three swords become imbued with my own chakra. Just before the swords became completely sealed within the scroll, I bit my finger to inscribe the last parts of the jutsu with my own blood.
Blood Manipulation. It's a rare trait found within the Uzumaki Clan.
Since we have such large chakra reserves, reinforcing our blood with chakra creates sharper and more reinforced weapons.
Not to mention, the reserves of chakra can even be used to form more blood.
Now the scroll cannot be opened without my blood. I placed the scroll in my pocket and I continued my way to the back-exit of the hideout.
There really shouldn't be any-
"Halt! Who goes there?" a voice echoed throughout the dimly lit halls.
Shit, stupid Leader-sama and her patrol men.
"It's just me," I say as I slowly turn around to be met with a man in mask, painted with an eerie smile.
"Princess, what are you doing up so late?"
"Just carrying out some checks for Leader-sama. Don't worry yourself, I'll keep watch over this wing!" I say cheerily, mentally begging the patrol man to leave any minute now.
"Are you sure princess? Promise you won't tell Leader-sama?" he asks.
"Of course I won't silly!" I reassure him with a smile. As much as I hated the nickname, being heralded as the Byakuya princess comes with its perks. No one dares to suspect anything I do since The Reaper holds me in such high regard for my blood manipulation.
Now the only obstacle in my way are the door guards. I could cause a distraction but that would bring too much attention to the scene. My only choice is to deal with the guards myself.
Prying the door ever so slightly, I slip out into the outside.
"Wind style: smoke dome." I chant and thick wall of smoke emerged between me and the door guards.
"Who's there?" one of the guards chokes out.
"Blood Manipulation: Chakra Spear." I say, as I aim the blood spears towards the guards as it impales them.
My blood slowly seeps into their circulation compressing all of their vessels, from small capillaries to the carotid and aortic arteries, causing the guards to fall to the floor gasping for air.
The jutsu shouldn't kill them. But they certainly won't wake up anytime soon.
Gathering my composure, I run straight through the densely packed forest contemplating my options once I find safety.
"Child, that's a lovely kekkei genkai you have there." A man said as he perched on a tree branch behind me, stopping me in my tracks. "I don't think I've ever met a ninja who can use blood manipulation."
Alarmed and now panicking, I tightened my grip on my kunai, wondering where on earth this person came from. A hybrid of a walking venus flytrap and a chewed dog toy looms above me, lurching on a tree.
"Who are you? And why are you here?" I retorted.
"I'm a nobody and I was wondering what a talented girl like you is doing. Are you going somewhere?"
"I don't tell strangers shit and stop avoiding my question, You don't work for the Byakuya so why are you here?"
"My, my, you sure are a feisty one. I'm here to simply recruit new members for my organisation and we could do with a kunoichi of your calibre."
"Well that was straight to the point, but surely you're not stupid, Y/N Uzumaki."
"Oh wow, big scary tree thinks I'll join his clique just because he knows my name. Go away please."
"It's clear you have no intention of joining but let me offer you a proposition instead." Said a new voice.
A voice sharper than any blade I've ever wielded. A voice which penetrated my body like a force of a million needles piercing my bones.
"There's nothing worth any value you can offer me." I turned around to meet this daunting voice, to be met with a masked man leaning against the tree t he venus flytrap man emerged out of.
"Oh I think you should hear me out, Kunoichi Thirteen or should I say Byakuya Princess."
My heart sunk to the pit of my stomach as a million thoughts raced through my mind. How does he know about my name from when I was in the academy, or about my life in the Byakuya?
"You're clearly on the run from the Byakuya but where will you go?" the masked man added,
"Surely you know you are quite well-known throughout the neighbouring regions as the red-haired kunoichi with the branding 13 on her neck. The kunoichi who can manipulate her own blood. Tell me where will you go? Back to the family who sold you off?" he chuckled as he spat in my face.
I was convinced that all life ceased to thrive after hearing his words. If I hadn't felt scared before, I certainly did now. This stranger whose known me mere minutes, knew everything about me.
"Maybe I will go back, why do you care?" I said defensively, my hands trembling as I tried to maintain my grip on my kunai.
"I think you should hear me out. You don't want to do this the hard way."
"What baseless threats. Excuse me, I have to make my way back to my family," I spat, as I watched the masked man turn his back to me as he walked into the dark abyss.
"Say hi to your sister for me!" the venus fly-trap chuckles.
Whoever they were, they weren't good news. How did they know I was running back to my sister?
Whoever they were, they knew too much about me. It was suffocating.
Regardless, It's not stopping me from returning to the only place I have ever called home as I continue running in the direction of the Hidden Rivers Village.
.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- Here's the first chapter my lovelies!
As I was re-reading this chapter I started to overthink a lot of what I have written. Overthinking is a bitch 🤚🏽.
Let me know what you think! I'd really appreciate the feedback.
Loving you always, Suri🎀
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luv-kakashi · 26 days
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.ೃ࿐ masterlist .ೃ࿐
One of us is dead
author's note prologue chapter one - running chapter two - burn chapter three - konoha chapter four - academy chapter five - practise exam chapter six - brotherhood
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luv-kakashi · 26 days
One of us is dead
"Deep down I've always been reaching for a hand."
Kill. Collect Money. Kill. Collect Money Sold to a bounty hunter organisation, Y/N Uzumaki has known nothing but murder and assassination all her life.
Yet all she wishes for is peace. A world in which she has a purpose. A paradise in which Y/N is stripped of the names Kunoichi Thirteen and Byakuya Princess.
Fleeing from the criminal underworld, a masked man offers her a proposition she cannot refuse. An offer she cannot decline.
Y/N Uzumaki finds refuge in Konoha where she joins Team Two accompanied by Kushina, Shisui and Akira
But, what happens when this very proposition forces her to betray those who have shown her nothing but love and compassion.
Will she follow through with this plan?
Follow this story filled with betrayal, love and heartbreak which is over come with the power of friendship!
(and a plot to do Shisui Uchiha some justice!) (there might even be a little ✨spice✨)
I do not own Naruto or any of its characters. (Except for Akira)
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luv-kakashi · 3 months
to anyone interested in a shisui x reader / shisui x y/n
fic, i’m currently working on one rn and i’m trying to figure out what to actually name the fic. i feel like it’s something so small that not much people will care about but oh well lol
would appreciate it if you could tell me which you prefer! it would mean a lot :)
the fic will have a bit of angst, betrayal, lovey dovey stuff and ofc THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP
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luv-kakashi · 4 months
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comms are still open!!
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