#don't pretend you have a horse in this race
myersesque · 6 months
allistics pulling the "we're all TECHNICALLY on the spectrum!" card to excuse being weird and cruel towards autistics will never stop feeling uniquely evil to me
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edge-oftheworld · 2 days
happy birthday album of all time <3
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visenyaism · 4 months
jaehaerys administration dashboard simulator
🫧maidenpooled Follow
listen i know all kingsguard are bastards but jonquil darke put a cigarette out on me. i think i huave shivers
ok bootlicker. you know what she did
🫧maidenpooled Follow
boots not the only thing id lick
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🌸queencrowned Follow
this could literally be me and my brother if it weren't for my bitch mom trying to send me to the other side of the fucking continent
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doctrine of exceptionalism meatriders when someone asks them why 75% of dragonstone is blonde and me and half of flea bottom have gleaming amethyst eyes and/or beautiful delicate cheekbones
🥀maegorwife Follow
that's different...targaryens are literally divinely ordained by the seven to rule because they're stronger and better than us...that's why they have the dragons it is in their sanctified valyrian blood
cannot stand this fucking website. spending my last silver stag on tyroshi blue hair dye im not going to be associated with you people.
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oh so when maegor has seven wives he’s “aegon’s true son” and “cool” but when i have three boyfriends suddenly im a “whore”
🫀lustywench Follow
op i support you but they did call him “the cruel” for that it was a very important part of the story that he was in fact maegor “the cruel”
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doing all of this with a FAITH OF THE SEVEN URL...girl you better pick a hell and start hoping
#bring back the faith militant
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hey isn’t it weird that so many of the king’s children have suddenly and mysteriously died lately. under the care of the maesters. what if they’re planning something…,
ugh i wish🙄 speed that shit up fr
likes charge reblog cast
me when im in a being dead combination and my opponents are jaehaerys' whole army of childraeyn of the corn
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yoooooooo theyre quarrelling again.
alysanne targaryen if you're reading this i could change your life just give me one chance let me hit
there are gold cloaks outside of my house
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⚔️errantmaid Follow
kingsguard dick is good as fuck when you don't have a motherfucker in your ear saying it violates a sacred vow made in the eyes of the king and the seven😜
⚔️errantmaid Follow
the king chopped it off and sent him to the wall i fucking hate this place can't have SHIT in king's landing
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hey has anyone seen princess gael. it's been literal months and she seems to have up and disappeared with no official announcement from the palace? would be the third female relative to go missing in the king's custody after aerea and saera....
🐝beeeeeeeeeeeeesbury Follow
damn that's crazy. im sure shes fine though anyways i'm a big fan of this new road the king built theres a lot of nice new roads does anyone else like the roads
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🐦‍⬛cloakedinfeathers Follow
day 18262 of not fighting the brackens. this is boring as fuckkkkk what am i supposed to do. pretend to care about the triarchy?
kill yourself
🐦‍⬛cloakedinfeathers Follow doxxed. get your dumbfuck horse breeder knights ready because our strongest and noblest raven warriors are on the way to your nasty ass keep right now bitch
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kenziesimsblog · 11 months
hi guys! I decided to make my very own legacy for sims 3! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!
some traits are repeated because they fit!
you never really fit in when you lived in your small town so as soon as you became a young adult you moved to the bustling city where you began a new alternative band.
traits - over-emotional, loner, virtuous, shy, and night owl
lifetime wish-rock star
career- music
must fall in love with another emo. -must name kids after alternative band members / singers, albums or songs.
must have fun colored hair. -must have piercing (s)
dye hair at least 3 times during each life stage
must complete lifetime wish.
master guitar skill
start a band. -must be close to bandmates
perform every or most gig you get. -reach level 5 celeb status
you are the exact opposite of your parent but hey when you're the kid of a famous band member you're bound to be popular.
traits- diva, irresistible, social butterfly, party animal, and flirty
lifetime wish- super popular..
requirements must have 2 best friends. choose either being a mean popular or a nice one. throw tons of parties be in at least 3 relationships before finding the one. marry the nerdiest person. master the charisma skill. don't lose any friends. chat with friends at least once week have at least 1 boy and 1 girl
your parent always taught you to be yourself and to show how smart you are!
traits - genius, bookworm, socially awkward, eccentric, and loser
lifetime wish- perfect student
career- scientist requirements always have an "A" in school go to university. earn your degree with a perfect GPA. earn a scholarship. be a strict parent. if kid has lower than a yell at them meet your partner in university. make kids have daily chores. make kids have curfew of 7. master logic skill master inventor skill
your parent was super strict and you vowed to never be like them
traits good sense of humor, rebellious, easily impressed, inappropriate,and friendly.
lifetime wish- distinguished director.
career- director
requirements have a bad relationship with your parents. have a "D" in school. always pull pranks on school and home become a director for comedies (pretend) master street art skill have at least 1 girl steal partner from someone else
horses, horses, horses that's all you talk about traits - equestrian, loves the outdoors, ambitious, athletic ,and lucky
lifetime wish- the jockey
career- none all your time is spent with horses
requirements have a horse as a child. must be female. have at least 2 horses ride them every day. marry a cowboy/cowgirl. enter racing. live in a farmhouse. master riding skill have 1 kid that you have a bad relationship with.
your mom only paid attention to her horses and not you resulting in a bully
traits- evil, mean spirited , grumpy, brooding, and coward
lifetime wish- ceo of mega corporation
career - business requirements be hated by everyone. have one "friend" that is a sidekick. get pregnant or impregnate a one-night stand. have baby in your household. co parent with one night stand even though you hate it. marry one night stand at middle/end of adult life. have one more child/ or multiples before you reach elder status. at least perform two mean actions a day
your parents didnt care what you did they spent to much time hating each other so what better way to distract your self then video games
traits- couch potato, computer whiz, heavy sleeper, night owl and loner
lifetime wish- blog artist
career - video game developer
requirements attend university to master nerd social group. drop out when maxed nerd group. marry college sweetheart. cheat on college sweetheart with person you met online. have one kid with college sweetheart.
have more with new partner play video games every day. run a blog about games. master logic skill
you spent all of your childhood watching plays dreaming one day it would be you
traits- star quality, natural born performer , hopeless romantic , dramatic, and ambitious
lifetime wish- superstar actor.
career- actor
requirements name kids after real life actors woohoo 5 celebs. complete lifetime wish. get pregnant by 3 different celebs. have at least 3 kids have a bad reputation. ruin your reputation at least once. never get married. spoil your kids.
you lived in a booming town with a big gym where you spent most of your time
traits- handy, athletic, vegetarian, green thumb, and daredevil
lifetime wish- become a superstar athlete.
career- athletic
requirements master lifetime wish. be a vegetarian. have a garden of healthy vegetables. workout everyday max gardening skill max handy skill max athletic skill meet partner at gym. have a big family (4 kids)
traits- artistic, avant garde, adventurous, perfectionist, virtuoso
lifetime wish-master of arts
career- self employed artist
requirements master guitar skill master painting skill travel to different countries for inspiration meet partner in another country. perform for tips. sell paintings. at least always have one animal in house house is very colorful. do photography on the side. master lifetime wish. go out with family every holiday.
be sure to tag me in posts if you decide to play!
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thydungeongal · 16 days
What're your opinions on the new "OneD&D" stuff? With the limitless amount of money WotC seems to have to spend on playtesting and PR, how the hell did they manage to dig themselves even deeper into the totally misguided design hole of "Pretending to be rules lite while also not secretly keyworded and crunchy"? With thousands of people like you who actually care about these kinds of games, you'd think they'd have people who can actually help make their new edition of their game decent. Martial classes get meaningful decisions outside of combat (good) but they fundamentally changed classes to actually have LESS options (paladins ALWAYS get a horse and if you don't use it you're shooting yourself in the foot. There's only 4 wizard schools now. They backpedaled on the redesign of ranger they made and made their signature feature a spell from 5e.) I don't mind hyperspecific classes, but then why are they insisting on giving players more freedom for their race and backstory? Feels like totally different designers coming at the thing. From what I've seen the only actual robust change they added was lifted directly from BG3 (Weapon abilities). These guys have so much damn money, is it that hard for them to make a game that their community actually WANTS? It's not that hard to appeal to 5e players, I think, but even WotC gaslit themselves into believing that D&D is a Universal Roleplaying System with the new rules of the system fundamentals, (not to mention their more recent modules)while also making their character options even more hyperspecific. How do you even end up in that spot design-wise??
Obviously the WotC horse has been beaten to death and the full release of the rules isn't out to look at but you always have funny takes on these things. They seem to be lost in what they want the vision for their own system to be. What would you suggest for a system like this yourself?
I don't care about it one bit. I'm getting off the official D&D bandwagon and focusing my energy on other games.
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seat-safety-switch · 7 months
Down by where I used to live when I was a productive member of society, there's a nice steakhouse. Be aware that when I say "nice," I am primarily referring to the ambiance. Everyone in my friend group has jealously informed me that they could make a better steak on an abandoned charcoal grille under a highway overpass. The steak, it seems, is only so-so. You don't go there to eat.
When I went there, when I was the cream of the crop, you attended in order to cut deals. For whatever reason, our brains are hardwired to make it easier to find agreement with another person when we are eating together. It helps if that other person is buying you a moderately nice steak dinner.
This makes sense from a historical perspective: you weren't eating with your enemies. You were primarily eating with your ancient cavepeople bros, sis-es, and theys. Your family, extended family, and in-group. No vicious gorillas pretending to be one of you just long enough to take your money and not deliver on a big new deployment of sump pumps for your upcoming luxury-residential development. Of course, now that humanity is the dominant species on this planet, this mechanism doesn't work too well. I exploited it, because that's what you do when you work in sales.
Sometimes, I think about going back in there and having a nice dinner, just to sell myself on the lie that things are working out. Eat a steak sandwich, bring in a pocket mirror to tell sweet untruths to. Sign a contract telling myself that I'm going to try harder to bring myself success in the future. It sounds pretty good, the kind of thing that might even be worth the money that could better be used on batteries or oil.
Even so, I can't go to the restaurant. The valet can't park my car. It's not that he can't drive stick. It's not even that he can't drive a Lenco sequential drag-racing transmission ratchet-strapped to the inside of a fifty-year-old Mopar unibody made partially of road signs. It's because the restaurant's health insurance does not cover hantavirus (which is fake) or tetanus (which is even more fake) for its part-time employees.
Until I get back on the horse, career-wise, I'll be perfectly happy cooking this stolen dumpster steak on my exhaust headers. The char that you get from a good cast-iron hotside is simply the finest, and if you don't believe me, we'll eat it together and then you can give me a ride to the steakhouse. You're buying.
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bruhstation · 9 months
I really adore your Casa tidmouth designs! Who was the hardest to pull off? (If there was any designs that you had any trouble with)
thank you very much! to be honest, I never really had any MAJOR difficulties in designing my gijinkas, but if I have to pick some, I'd say one of them is james. I was thinking about how to make a design that's so james-like. so extravagant, like he's saying "look at me!", over-the-top to the point it's a bit ridiculous, but also pleasing to the eyes and kiiiinda doesn't make it hard for him to work. at the same time, I also have to incorporate his canon self's liveries and underpaints.
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so in his current design, he wears a mostly red outfit (engine color) with pink undersides (underpaint, still sticking to his red coat, and his black dress shirt is underneath (previous livery, hence it's underneath everything).
I don't really have a hard time figuring his body shape and face shape, though. he's a bit thin and slightly curvy, and his face is round-ish with striking eyes (do not forget his crow's feet! important!)
other characters that I'd also mention I had a bit of trouble with are spencer and duck. when I designed spencer nearly two years ago, he had coat collars that I eventually gave to gordon (spencer looked a bit funny) and traded for a coat collar with fur. since his engine's nickname is silver link, I gave his coat chains (link. hahah), same goes for the logo on his hat. his belt buckle has an engravement of a horse (horse --> racing horse --> name basis for most of his cousins --> I just want him to look obnoxious)
duck's coat has lots of little buttons and zippers and anything that makes him look like he's someone from a well-off family. I wanted his coat to look like something noblemen from the 19th century would wear. the dual colors of his coat represent his family ideals being challenged by his ideals that's been influenced by his coworkers/environment, something like that!
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also funny how most of my characters wear coats with long sleeves, scarves, and even gloves in the middle of summer. let's just pretend the weather on cstm's sodor is more forgiving or that sudrians are just built different
basically most of my designs boil down to "okay they wear coats and overalls but they have to look as ridiculous as possible like they're going to testify at an ace attorney court". thank you for your question, and have a good day!
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pumpumdemsugah · 6 months
I think where at this point where everyone needs to stop being so deeply dishonest about Black womanhood and transphobia because it doesn't seem anything we experience is an expression of racism or misogyny but people trying to force solidarity without understanding what they're talking about and ending up causing problems like furthering the historical problem of racism and misogyny not being seen as something Black women experience or when we experience it, it's distraction from actual racism and sexism ( how black men and white women experience sexism and race )
Black womanhood being seen as the opposite of white beauty and femininity isn't transphobia but the legacy of slavery, we had to be the opposite of whiteness to justify us being made for slavery. People don't talk about the masculisation of black women as something done to abuse and rape but as a biological fact of our bodies and this vague expression of transphobia because you want it to mirror the issues around transphobia and ends up doing race science when you talk about Black women's bodies.
Now people are pretending Black women as a group have interchangeable issues as trans women. My body is hypersexualised and desexualised, people do not question my gender. A big chunk of why people talk about Megan the stallion that way is because a stallion is a male horse and people love to ask questions about beautiful women they think is disrespectful, her being a tall thick Black woman makes reaching for disrespect more natural.
Being masculinised to be abused or treated harshly ( the way Megan is treated ) isn't transphobia that's racism. Something very similar happens to Black men because they are Black. Blackness is seen as rough, animalistic and masculine because of slavery.
Why am I being encouraged to internalised something that isn't my issue ? Why encourage Othering Black womanhood more? That's not how you build authentic solidarity.
Men can say I'm not treated like a man and we understand he's talking about gender roles but everyone is pretending for Black women we're not expressing the same fucking thing ? So now white trans women regularly overstep when talking about Black women like we're best buds. There's a reason some Black women are doing on a Femininity journey and not a gender one. The issue is the perception of femininity ( and internalising racist stereotypes), it's not searching for a new gender identity. These women are not confused about being women but they want to swap misogynior with the sexist experiences wealthy typically white women by embodying what they see as a Femininity that will allow them to move up social class and get married . It's very much a class issue and the legacy of slavery but some of you are very very liberal with what you mean by gender to the point of obscuring the main issue
If you lot keep talking about Black women in this way you're going to lose them and with the uptick in Black femininity, you are ( I've seen many of those women point to this as why they're disenchanted with this discussion )because sure, maybe for some there's an issue of hatred but fundamentally you're not actually talking about them or our history anymore. People do not like being talked past , even if they can't express why. Someone knows what they have experienced
When femininity is linked to softness or protection and Black women have such a high femicide, rape and domestic violence figures, some will come to the conclusion they need to embody a femininity that will save them from the brutality of black womanhood. At its core, these women do not want to be hurt anymore. They want to be seen as valuable.
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layla4567 · 9 months
OPLA (Monster trio) WILD WEST AU
The hat rule (nsfw drabbles, fem): Sanji, Luffy, Zoro
Warnings: well smut, p in v sex, suggestive (the smut is just at the end), everyone is of legal age, beta read, I don't know much about cowboys or the wild west so don't expect this to be very accurate.
wc: sanji- 1.606, zoro- 1.583. luffy- 1.917
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You entered the saloon with your chaps on well and a red scarf around your neck. Upon entering the double door collided with the walls and the noise caught the attention of those present. A boy with green hair hidden in his beige hat was sitting at the bar drinking beer, he turned his head and when he saw you a frown crossed his forehead and he wrinkled it slightly. You were Zoro's declared enemy since you were the daughter of a famous rival gunman of the green-haired man's father. You rejoiced at the looks of fear and respect that were directed at you, you looked everywhere analyzing the local people until your eyes met Zoro's, at which point he rolled his eyes and looked away. You were thinking of having fun today and that consisted of making the cowboy angry, so you confidently walked towards the bar and sat down next to him. He ran you up and down with a raised eyebrow.
"Hello pretty boy, did you miss me?"
In response he snorted and drank his beer, ignoring you.
You laughed softly, shaking your head. "I see that you are still a man of few words as always."
“What do you want Y/N?” He finally said, looking at you a little upset.
"Aww don't pretend you're not happy to see me Zoro, it's adorable"
Zoro rolled his eyes again in annoyance and your smile widened, you loved making him angry.
"And apparently you're still as irritating and talkative as always, or am I wrong? Look, if you don't mind, I'd rather be alone and keep drinking, I don't want to fight."
"Ooo the cat took out his claws" You said raising your hands in surrender without stopping smiling "Easy cowboy, I just wanted to chat with you"
"And what made you think that I want to talk to you?"
You rested your elbow on the table, approaching him and put your chin in your fist "Well, I think you'll want to talk to me when I tell you what I heard out there…"
Zoro still wasn't paying attention to you so you decided to double the bet.
"About you..."
This seemed to pique the cowboy's curiosity because he stopped drinking and stood still holding the glass suspended in the air. You smiled from ear to ear
"I'm not interested, they must be rumors anyway" he said downplaying it
"Mmmh okay, but then don't say I didn't warn you when they call you chicken"
You stood up from your seat to leave when a hand grabbed you firmly and quickly by the arm. You jumped a little but then looked at him trying to hide your smile. Zoro's look was more serious than usual.
"What's that chicken thing, huh?"
You sat back down, raising an eyebrow mischievously. "Oh nothing, it's just that people comment that I'm not only a better gunfighter than you, but I'm also a better horseback rider, and that you are a chicken for not daring to challenge me"
Zoro's hand squeezed the glass until his fingers turned white. Your satisfied face said it all, you had set a trap for him and he had fallen like a rabbit. Zoro pretended to look at the contents of his glass.
"For me, let them say what they want.."
"Oh, are you sure? Because I think they're right. Now that I remember, you've never challenged me to a horse race."
The green-haired man closed his eyes and pursed his lips, he was trying with all his might to control his frustration. Then, as if nothing had happened, he opened his eyes and raised one corner of his lips in a small smile.
"If I haven't done that before it's because I know I'm guaranteed victory." he said looking at you
You shrugged your shoulders. "That's what those who don't dare to lose always say. Anyway, it's a shame, I think you'll have to get used to the nickname."
Now you got up from your seat without him stopping you. You turned your back to him and although you couldn't see him you felt his eyes on you. You were heading towards the exit when his voice called you.
"Wait, not so fast"
You turned around and saw Zoro stood up and walked towards you. His walk was similar to that of a hunched and angry gorilla. When he was in front of you he gave you a look cold as steel.
"How do I know you don't say those things just to make me angry?"
You giggled. “Oh so it really bothers you? Is your ego so fragile?”
The other people gathered in the saloon were now paying attention to their conversation, some soft laughter and murmurs could be heard. People smelled the fight and now they didn't want to miss anything. Zoro looked around now without hiding his discomfort. You decided to play with him a little although you knew you were taking too much risk. Zoro wasn't stupid and he was really good with a gun (although you would never tell him that) and if he wanted he could threaten you. But the game had started and it was too late to back out.
"What's wrong? You don't like being called chicken?" You said and then shamelessly imitated the sound of a chicken while you waved your arms pretending to be wings.
The people began to laugh louder while Zoro's frown grew until his gaze darkened.
"Hey, enough is enough"
You didn't obey him and continued making fun of him, laughing while the others looked at you funny. You only stopped when his fingers closed on your arm, firm enough that you couldn't escape but not so tight that it hurt you. The cowboy's face had gotten very close to yours and his eyes fixed on yours were intimidating.
“Y/N I said stop.”
His voice was deep and brooked no reply, your smile faded a little and you became serious. But you wouldn't let him threaten you or make you afraid. Roughly you broke free of his grip and moved closer to him until your noses almost collided.
"Fine, then what are you waiting for? Challenge me to a horse racing duel, and you'll see who wins." you said under your breath, sliding your gaze from one eye to the other.
He tilted his head slightly without flinching. "I won't do that, I already told you."
There was a boo from the crowd and a shout "What are you so afraid of?" But the green-haired boy ignored him, he only looked at you.
"Ok then I'm the best at riding…" You said with a shrug and walking away a little.
"No, I am" he said irritably
You rolled your eyes in frustration, he looked like a 5 year old throwing a tantrum. At this rate neither you nor he would agree. Suddenly you had an idea that will surely leave him speechless. If you couldn't beat him by making him angry, you would beat him by making him nervous. You took a step forward, smiling proudly.
"I'm the best at riding and I'm going to prove it to you" You said, slapping off his cowboy hat and putting it on your head.
The people at the bar gasped, but the best reaction was the one in front of you. Zoro had turned red and swallowed loudly. His face was so deadly serious that you wanted to laugh. You placed your hands on your hips, looking at him victoriously. He noticed your impudence and smiled sideways, hiding his embarrassment. He was also willing to play that game so he approached your ear.
"Are you sure? I can't guarantee your safety, I'm a bit wild"
Now the one who swallowed saliva to calm the confusion was you. You looked into his eyes whose pupils were now dilated. You nodded several times and he smiled walking away. And that was the beginning of everything, it will be a long night, you thought.
Just as you predicted that night in your bed Zoro was sitting up and you were straddling him. The green-haired boy hungrily kissed your neck, causing the temperature to rise.
"Zoro~ ohh.."
He smiled against the skin of your neck. "We haven't even started and you're already melting like butter in the sun."
As best you could, you grabbed the hat that was resting on the mattress and put it on your head. "We'll see who melts first."
You grabbed onto Zoro's shoulders and began to move your hips back and forth, making the cowboy grab your waist tightly, digging his fingers into it. You let out a moan as you felt his hand squeeze your flesh. His face was in the crook of your neck near your shoulder, that way he muffled his gasps and moans.
"Keep it up, ngh d-don't stop" he gasped against your shoulder
But it was difficult. Zoro wasn't lying when he said he was wild. His fingers on your skin would surely leave a red mark the next day. And from time to time he moved his own pelvis upwards to sink you deeper into him. Your nails dug into their shoulders and their torsos were beaded with sweat. But at no point did you stop or drop your hat. In the end they both collapsed exhausted on top of each other. It seems like there were no winners or losers this time, but Zoro's satisfied moans and sweaty face were your consolation prize.
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Sanji was outside the saloon taking care of his horse. With one hand he groomed the animal's head while with the other he brushed its back. His fingers traced soft scribbles on the horse's skin. You were waiting from afar for your father to finish unloading the suitcases full of clothes and belongings from the carriage, and you took the opportunity to see the cute cowboy. Almost without wanting to, you started playing with your braid, wrapping it around your finger. The blonde boy was focused on taking care of his horse but he was not stupid and he felt a look of intense eyes on the back of his neck. When he turned to see you, you looked away, biting your lower lip in embarrassment. For his part, Sanji just smiled amused and returned to his task.
You turned to see your father struggling with the luggage, you thought it would take him a while to get all the suitcases out so, nervously wrinkling the hem of your dress, you headed towards where the blue-eyed cowboy was.
"*clears throat* Good afternoon, sir."
The cowboy with a bright smile and tender gaze turned his head to see you and found a little girl with a sweet and affable look. Soon he couldn't help but let his gaze slide over your figure. Your tight skirt and corset marked your best attributes.
"Well, well, good afternoon to you missus"
His voice was even better than you imagined, syrupy like honey and soft like a feather pillow. Suddenly your legs felt a little weak.
"What's a cute little princess like you doing talking to a cowboy like me?"
You swore that your cheeks began to color and to hide it you covered your mouth slightly with your fingers and smiled while you looked at his horse. Would he always talk like that to all the women he saw? Sanji knew he had hit the nail on the head so he kept looking at you with that flirtatious smile of his.
"Umm, I just wanted to admire your horse more closely, if you don't mind, gentleman"
"Oh, so you're attracted to horses?"
"Very, sir. I always wanted to learn how to ride one."
The blonde cowboy laughed at your good manners.
"Please, my name is Sanji. And you must have a name too..."
"I'm Y/N"
You held out your hand to him and he kissed it gently on the knuckles. His lips against your skin tickled your lower belly.
"If you want, I can teach you how to ride Crystal," he said, stroking the horse's mane.
"Oh, Crystal? That's her name? it's adorable!" you said smiling pleased and caressing the animal
Sanji couldn't stop looking at you and smiling, you seemed cute to him.
"So? What do you say Y/N? Do you want me to teach you how to ride?"
You were about to answer yes with a big smile but suddenly your father screamed calling your name, he seemed upset. You turned around and saw that he was walking towards you, clenching his fists.
"I'm sorry but I can't now, maybe another day-..!"
Your voice sounded disappointed but you couldn't say anything else because your father had already reached you and grabbed your wrist to pull you away from Sanji. The blonde boy watched with some annoyance and disappointment as you left, but not for you but for your father who didn't think it was right that he dragged you like that just because you had moved a few meters away from him. And it made him even more angry when he heard the exclamations he threw at you "Y/N, what did I tell you about talking to strangers?! Those filthy cowboys only flirt with girls and then leave them stranded!" The days passed without Sanji hearing from you until one day he had taken a walk in the countryside and saw you there alone and looking at the forget-me-not flowers and then collecting some. He got off Crystal and approached you, when you turned around you had a big smile that made his heart melt.
"Hello princess, have you decided to ride Crystal yet?"
You blushed to the roots of your hair and said shyly "I'm not a princess.."
Sanji loved to make you nervous "Really? But you do have a very pretty face, a sweet voice and good manners. Yes, I think you are one…at least for me"
You lowered your head, trying not to look at his perfect smile that seemed to mock you. "T-thank you, but you're right, I want you to teach me how to ride."
The blonde boy smiled satisfied and took you by the hand to get you closer to the horse. "You'll see, you'll learn quickly. Crystal may seem intimidating at first but she's a good girl."
The warmth of his hand sent shivers down your spine, you tried to hide it as best as possible, smiling confidently. Suddenly Sanji grabbed you by the waist firmly to sit on the horse, in surprise you let out a moan that made the blue-eyed boy laugh. Already on top of the honey-colored horse, Sanji told you to find a comfortable but upright position, he guided your hands towards the reins of the animal and told you to hold them firmly but without pulling. After several more explanations to which you listened attentively and looked at her beautiful dreamy eyes trying not to drool, Crystal began to walk. Sanji was at your side all the time with one hand on the horse's back to give you courage. After you had mastered Crystal, she began to trot until you were riding faster. After walking around a few times you came to Sanji who was applauding you happily.
"Bravo doll, that was perfect. You have a natural talent" He said grabbing your waist to make you get off the horse, completely ignoring your rosy cheeks.
"Well, give Crystal credit, she was very good to me" you timidly tucked a strand behind your ear.
"Oh and you're also modest, how adorable."
Damn, why was he flirting with you so much? Did I do it on purpose? It was making you nervous and making something grow in your belly that you didn't want to find out what it was. When you saw him again he was staring at you biting his lip with a smile, oh so he did it on purpose. Hiding your embarrassment you directed your gaze towards his brown hat.
"I like your hat, it's pretty" you pointed your finger
He took it out and looked at it "This one? Really? Oh but it's quite old… do you want to see it?"
You nodded excitedly and grabbed the hat in your hands. It was a little big and the fabric was worn on one side. You happily made a gesture to put it on your head when Sanji interrupted you, smiling mischievously.
"What are you doing?"
"I just wanted to try it on"
He laughed shaking his head "I wouldn't do that if I were you…"
You frowned in confusion, you didn't understand why he was laughing. "Why not? What's so funny?"
"So you don't know the hat rule?" Sanji said, coming a little closer to you, with slow steps.
You shook your head, somewhat intimidated, you felt that this rule was something important…or something that would humiliate you.
He laughed at your confusion "Then it's better that you don't know, forget it."
You put your hands on your hips in frustration. "Oh come on! Tell me, I want to know!"
The blonde cowboy leaned close to your ear and whispered "Wear the hat, ride the cowboy."
Sanji moved a little away from you just in time to see your eyes looking down and your face turning red. You didn't expect it to be something like this, with an innocent mind you could say that you had never been intimate with someone like that. But Sanji really seemed attractive to you, what if this was the time to complete something you had been thinking and feeling for a while? Somewhat hesitantly, you slowly placed your hat on until the brim covered your eyes. Sanji looked at you surprised and now he was the one feeling a little nervous and blushing. Even so, he smiled confidently again and took your chin to lift it and see your eyes that were covered by the hat.
"It seems that you are not as shy as I thought, Missus." he purred
That night without your father knowing, Sanji invited you to his house, he was so considerate and kind to you, he made sure that you were comfortable at all times and calmed you down when you didn't feel safe doing so.
"You don't have to do it if you don't want to, sweetheart" He told you compassionately
In response, you held the hat with one hand and leaned over Sanji's body to kiss him lovingly.
"I'll be fine, do not worry"
You settled your pelvis above his. From his position Sanji enjoyed the view of your body bouncing on top of his and how your eyes turned white as you held the hat with one hand and with the other you touched his well-formed abs.
"Ohh~you feel so good..." The words slipped out of your mouth like pomaded butter.
"That's it, gorgeous. You're doing incredible"
The blonde couldn't stop praising you and guiding your movements by holding your thighs and raising his pelvis. And your moans of pleasure and satisfaction were his best reward. Without knowing it, he had not only taught you how to ride a horse…
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Luffy was in the tavern sitting at a table playing poker, although he tried to keep his face serious in his mind he was celebrating and jumping since he had been dealt a good hand of cards. Sitting in front of him was you, you weren't that good at hiding your facial expressions as you were frowning slightly because you didn't have such good cards. From time to time Luffy looked at you and smiled, he knew you were about to lose. The brat would even stretch out his arm to tickle you or push you with his foot under the table making you laugh. After a couple of minutes Luffy put his cards on the table, being the clear winner. You pouted and threw your cards on the table in anger. The boy, laughing mischievously, grabbed his chips and his prize, happy. You crossed your arms around your eyes and smiled. Since you were children you could never beat Luffy, you were inseparable friends and he had taught you how to play and in turn Shanks had taught Luffy how to play.
Luffy stood up from the table with his bottle of sarsaparilla and his dried meat. A smile crossed his face from ear to ear, he looked like a child. You looked at him and laughed happily, it was impossible to get angry with him, you loved him so much. Luffy approached you with his food.
"I promise to share my food with you… at least a little"
You laughed, patting his shoulder, if something characterized the brown-haired boy it was his gluttony. You grabbed the bottle and bringing it to your lips, you took a few sips while he looked at you. When you finished you sighed contentedly and wiped your mouth with the back of your hand.
"Hey, what do you say we go shooting practice?" You said giving him the bottle back.
He chuckled. "You mean YOU practice shooting."
You laughed. It was true, he didn't know how to use the gun very well but you always offered to teach him, but he preferred to see you and that's it (and if he could eat while looking at you, the better)
"Ok little cowboy, you'll watch me practice and you can also bring your food" You said pointing to the bottle and the beef jerky.
He smiled from ear to ear and gave a small shake of happiness. He hugged the meat and the bottle of sarsaparilla and followed you like a puppy towards the exit. They both rode until they reached an open field where only dry, yellow grass could be seen and a few oak trees casting shade. On one side there was a wooden board with a few bottles ready to shoot, you always went to that place to practice. You two got off the horse, leaving them tied to a nearby tree. You stood a few meters away from the bottles and Luffy stood next to you adjusting his black hat. You took out your gun and while the boy put a dried meat in his mouth, looking at you, you smiled and looked at the first bottle, winking. The first shot had been successful, the bottle had shattered as Luffy looked from you to the bottle in amazement and admiration while still chewing. With the other subsequent bottles it had been the same, just a little concentration on your part and the bottles would fall into pieces. Only one was missing
“Wow Y/N you are so good at this!!”
I smiled warmly, thanking him for the compliment. Suddenly you looked at the last bottle and when you were about to shoot you changed your mind and looked at your friend who was looking at you expectantly.
"How about I teach you how to break that bottle, huh?"
He looked at you doubtfully thinking about an answer, before he responded you said "Don't worry, it's easier than it seems, I'll help you."
Luffy looked at the bottle for a while and then looked at you "Okay, if you say it's easy, I'll do it" He said smiling.
Smiling, you offered to take care of his food and gave him the gun. You placed your hand over hers to guide her fingers and lock them over the trigger. At the slightest touch of yours on his skin, Luffy smiled widely and stared at you while you dedicated yourself to explaining the movements he had to do to avoid missing the shot. When you finally looked at him you found his gaze penetrating yours and you blushed slightly.
"Alright I hope you understood, come on shoot the bottle" You cleared your throat nervously.
The cowboy nodded and winking while sticking out his tongue in concentration, he pointed the gun and fired. The shot wasn't perfect but he managed to break the glass bottle that fell to the ground. You brought your hand to your mouth shouting and cheering him on.
"See? I told you you'd do it right!"
He blushed with joy and smiled "Well that's just because I have a good teacher."
You rolled your eyes in amusement and gave him a gentle, loving blow to the jaw with your fist. He laughed and suddenly hugged you tightly and spun you around lifting you into the air. You opened your mouth in surprise, squealing and laughing happily. So you spent a long time playing and chasing each other like cats and dogs, playing hide-and-seek or tickling each other, until the sun went down over the horizon and it became dark.
"How about we go to my house? It's too late to go to yours, and we can have dinner too if you want"
You laughed thinking that he was always eating, but he was right. Your house was further away from his so you nodded and riding away from the place. Along the way they were chatting happily and commenting on childhood anecdotes. When you arrived at Luffy's ranch you saw that there was a light on, he lived alone but he always left a light on just in case. You both entered, the interior was cozy, there wasn't much but it was comfortable, it had just what was necessary. Luffy put his food on a table and you took off your jacket to place it on a nearby coat rack. As you did so you couldn't help but admire a painting that had hung on the wall. It was a passage where you could see a cliff and a river. Everything had a perspective from the heights and distance, in the background a beautiful sunset full of purple and pink colors.
"It's pretty, isn't it?"
You gave a little scream and jumped in place when you heard Luffy's voice so close to you. When you turned your head the brown haired boy was standing right behind you, so close that he could almost put his chin on your shoulder.
"I'm sorry, what?"
"The painting, is pretty, isn't it? I won it at an auction. I don't know who painted it and I don't know much about art but I liked this one."
While he was talking he looked at the painting and you couldn't help but see his brown eyes, they seemed prettier than you remembered. When he finished speaking he looked you in the eyes with his typical happy smile. Oh, you felt like the world around you was freezing and only you two mattered. You stayed like that for a few seconds until you found the courage to turn around and face him completely.
"Yeah I, uh..!"
You couldn't finish your sentence because when you went to take a step your foot got tangled in the leg of the coat rack and you tripped and fell on top of Luffy. The blow was so strong that he ended up with his back to the floor and you on top of him with your cheek on his chest. Luffy began to giggle softly that grew until it ended in laughter, you raised your head embarrassed and confused while he looked at you laughing. You frowned and blushed heavily. He touched your cheek with a finger.
"You look like a red apple, you look cute like that" he said laughing
You looked away embarrassed, Luffy made fun of everyone in a friendly way and sometimes said things innocently without bad intentions. But your shame was so much that you became angry at his words. You were going to respond with a mild rudeness when he opened his mouth before you.
"But I think you're missing something…" And then he took off his cowboy hat to put it on. "There! Now you look like a cowboy apple!" He said smiling and laughing innocently
Oh no. Didn't he know? It seemed not. Was he so naive as not to know the hat rule? Luffy thought his action was innocent and happy, he didn't mean anything bad by placing his hat on you but you knew that meant something else and now he really wanted the earth to swallow you.
"Uhh Luffy? Do you even know what the hat rule is?" You asked cautiously, controlling your nervousness.
He frowned in confusion and then his face changed in a few seconds to one of raised eyebrows and wild eyes. He quickly walked away from you and sat on the ground a short distance from you.
He covered his hands a little embarrassed while you smiled shyly. It made you laugh that he was more embarrassed than you. At least he knew what it meant after all. You crawled closer to him slowly and removed his hands from his face, looking at him amused, you gave him a kiss on the cheek to which he looked at you surprised, who was the red apple now?
"We don't have to if you don't want to-"
In response Luffy gave you a kiss on the lips. It was fast and tender but that was the beginning of everything. Later, at night in his room, Luffy was lying face up on his bed and you were straddling him, leaning over and kissing him while you grabbed his cheeks. You asked him if he was ready and he nodded several times, quite excited you could say. You stood up and he placed his hands on your butt, squeezing and kneading your buttocks as if you were sourdough and he was the baker. You gasped in surprise and he smiled. It doesn't matter, you'd give it back. Because when you started bouncing on him, Luffy dissolved into purrs and gasps, he was a mess. You thanked heaven that Luffy lived alone because soon the room and the entire house were filled with moans.
"AhHh Y/N~ keep moving like that…"
The naughty cowboy liked to touch, too much. Now his hands were clinging to your breasts, trying to hold on to something and not crumble like a block of ice in an oven. A couple more bounces, some more moans from there and you two had ended up exhausted. You wrapped an arm around his torso as he circled your shoulders and caressed them. You smiled happily and were about to close your eyes when you suddenly opened them and looked at him worried.
"This won't ruin our friendship, will it?"
He laughed "Of course not, bad apple."
“Oh shut up you whiny brat” You rolled your eyes smiling.
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hazzybat · 4 months
6 bokris pleasee 🩷🙏
...on a falling tear
I went for teenage BoKris for this one. I don't think I've ever written them as teenagers and I was absolutely a bit drunk writing this but I actually kinda love it. Enjoy!
Technically all of them had drunk before. They'd gotten drunk several times in fact even before Kris had turned 18, although he wouldn't tell his parents that. But there was something about tonight, as he was laying on his bedroom floor on the night of his 18th birthday that felt different.
Kris and Jan were sharing a bottle of Jack, at this point in the night taking sips straight from the bottle. Kris was already a bit past buzzed, his speech sloppy and head fuzzy.
He looked up at his friends on the bed, Bojan laughing too loud at a stupid face Jan pulled. He looked so pretty, his hair looking soft, his shirt mostly unbuttoned and his laugh carefree.
Kris felt his chest tighten. He wanted him. Wanted all of him so badly. Normally he could control it, control the way his heart raced every time Bojan glanced at him, that cheeky, jokingly flirtatious smirk on his lips. He could control his thoughts as they asked how Bojan tasted, what noised Kris could pull from him if they were alone in his bed.
Tonight though it was too hard. The reality of being 18, of being an adult and having to think about his future felt to scary. All he could see was Jan and Bojan. All he knew was he wanted them in his life forever and he wanted Bojan so much it hurt.
He sat up, his head spinning slightly as he dragged himself up and stumbled out the door and into the kitchen.
He poured himself some water and tried to ignore the thoughts in his head, the thoughts about kissing Bojan, about holding his hand and calling him his. He jumped when he heard a knock on the wall, spinning around to see his best friend standing in the doorway.
"What's up?" Bojan asked concerned, even if he was swaying slightly and his eyes struggled a bit to focus.
He couldn't stop the truth from pouring out of his. Couldn't hide the pain in his heart.
"I can't keep doing this."
"Doing what?" Bojan asked, stepping closer, his hand reaching for Kris but faltering at the last minute.
"I can't pretend I don't have feelings for you." Maybe it was the alcohol. Maybe the late hour but Kris couldn’t make himself care anymore. He needed Bojan to know. He couldn’t keep dancing around him, pretending every touch was platonic, pretending he didn't fantasise about growing old with him, having a family, having a life with him.
"I can't keep pretending I don't love you, more than anyone else." He felt hot tears escape his eyes and stream down his face, his voice thick with unshed tears. "I can't keep doing this so either tell me you love me too or reject me so I can get over you".
Kris couldn't make himself look at Bojan, couldn't bare to see his reaction. He didn't look until he felt lips on his cheek, kissing away the tears still falling. Bojan moved to his lips, pressing softly against his own, then harder, wrapping his arms around Kris’s waist, pulling him close.
Kris’s head spun. He didn't know if it was the alcohol or the feeling of Bojan's lips against his that did it but he kissed back, his hand in Bojan's hair, unwilling to have his warmth leave him for even a moment.
"I love you Kris, so fucking much," Bojan said, voice horse and his own tears now falling freely. "I want you so much."
They kissed and kisses and kissed until Kris’s tears were dry and he felt drunk from a different, addicting chemical.
(Bonus bit?)
Kris had almost forgotten they had another member of their friend group until Jan burst in and threw up into the sink next to them.
He rinsed out his mouth and looked up at them, still in each other's arm against the counter.
"Did you finally confess your feelings?" Jan asked, a lopsided smile on his face.
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wackapedia · 1 year
Maybe Another Day
Aemond Targaryen x reader Plot: Aemond gatecrashes your time at Dandelion Bay, You don't know why he's here but you're not complaining (This is a sequel to Just One Day) Wordcount: 2,464 Warning: none :)
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Aemond huffs out several exhausted breaths as he dismounts his horse. His hair is mussed, sweaty, and tangled from being jostled around on horseback. The prince is still catching his breath when he stands in front of you. 
"Well, if it isn't the stranger himself!" You jest, a reference to one of your previous conversations.
"That's a bad joke, you almost died." He responded.
"Mhm! And you thought I fainted for your attention! The nerve, really!" You toss back, pretending to be offended. You conversed with the prince of the realm like you were the best of friends. Aemond had never had a best friend before, but this one felt so right, so natural. He enjoys looking at you, happy and fully healed. The prince suddenly felt shy under your gaze. He begins to toe on a pebble beneath his riding boots. The prince turns to look around the vast sea of dandelions, the place you talked about so often back in King's Landing. 
"W-would you like to take a walk?" Aemond stutters for the first time in his adult life. You nod, comfortably taking his arm.
"You know,..." You started, "the last time we took a walk like this, I almost died."
Aemond lets your words float through his mind. He can't help but feel guilty. "It's really not funny, y/n."
"Aw, Aemond! You're too serious..." 
"It's not a laughing matter!" He argues.
"It is! Aegon cried laughing, when I told him. At least he's good fun..." You continued walking next to your former betrothed, your arm comfortably over his.
"Wait, you talked to Aegon?!" Aemond sounded quite agitated.
"Yeah, we spoke before I left. He's great fun, your brother!" You added the last sentence just to get a reaction from the prince.
"Hmmm..." He huffed. Aemond sounded so insulted. Although all he did was hum, you knew he felt differently about it. You were almost tempted to take it back. 
"Are you staying for supper? I'm sure my father would be pleased to see you despite showing up unannounced..." You asked. Aemond gives you a tight-lipped smile and moves to fetch his borrowed horse.
The prince awkwardly saddles up on his horse. You figured he was more used to mounting his dragon.
Aemond marvels at how swiftly you get on the horse despite the many layers of your skirt. He thinks you'll fare well riding Vhagar. His train of thought however, fizzes out at your close proximity. The warmth of your chest on his back seeps through his vest and tunic, your arms wrap around his slender waist like it was made to be there, your breath tickles ever so close next to his neck-
"What? Are you going to ask this horse to ‘Sōvēs’?" Your teasing voice next to his ear tickles him from the inside. Aemond thinks your Valyrian is perfect. He can't wait to teach you more.
"Hey! Are we going to stand here or what?!" You snap your fingers in front of him. Aemond jolts back at your movement, kicking the horse into action. His eye widens at the horse's speed, and the closeness of your bodies does not help his panic calm down.
The prince doesn't remember how he made it to your family's castle. It was all a blur of his heart racing, your hands on his waist, and your occasional chatter. By the time he ungracefully dismounts his horse, he is beyond flustered.
"My prince!" Your father greets him, immediately noticing his flushed face. "Are you quite well?" The older man asks in alarm.
"Careful, father! He might pass out!" You teased, motioning to carry Aemond like a bride, before laughing with the small crowd who flocked to greet you and the prince.
Aemond seems to have forgotten how to speak as he scowls at your jokes. He hated to admit how you and Aegon would be absolute menaces if you two happened to band together.
At the dinner table, Aemond sits on one of the cushioned seats, his princely posture stiffened by his nerves at being around you and your family. There was no one else in the room yet, save for a few servants and your older sister's husband, whom he attempted to chat up with small talk. Despite this, the prince felt anxious at being surrounded by members of your family, remembering the possible dishonor he had brought when your betrothal was called off.
The dining room seats slowly fill with your parents, your grandmother, and your older sister. Aemond's anxiety rises as he greets every one of them accordingly. Your younger siblings cause a ruckus as they enter the room, hitting their wooden swords at each other and yelling like seasoned warlords, and finally, in comes-
"The dragon!!“ the children scream in faux fear. Aemond was alarmed anyway, catching himself halfway rising from his seat. A woman, who was very obviously you, enters the room, growling underneath a paper mache dragon headmask.
"Dragon-whisperer, please save us!" The four children gather around Aemond, clinging to his arms, two on each side. The prince turns his gaze from the "dragon" looming towards him to the elders at the head of the table. The prince was surprised to find that they were somehow enjoying it? like it was a normal occurrence in the household. Your grandmother even grips the edge of the table, seriously paying attention to the impromptu play.
The children, three boys and a little girl, gather around Aemond excitedly to watch the "dragon" dramatically march toward the silver-haired prince. You were stomping your feet in slow motion, imitating the giant beast's walk. Aemond sees the playfulness in your eyes through the large eye-holes of the dragon headmask as you gradually get closer. You were laughing and playfully growling when you took a large leap to be directly in front of him as the dragon maskhead fell from your head, revealing your face.
It takes all of Aemond's self control to not kiss you where you stand. He smiles, for he feels his insides tickle with excitement and love.
Love? Is he in love? His mind questions itself. He gets his answer immediately.
"I love you, Y/n." Aemond declares.
Your parents, your sister, and your younger siblings all gasp in surprise. Your grandmother, however, tries to keep up with the theatrics and asks your sister's husband sitting next to her: "How could he be in love with the dragon?"
You, on the other hand, try to control your emotions. Your lips parted mid-laugh when the paper dragonhead hits the floor. And then Aemond speaks. You weren't sure if you heard him correctly, but judging by everyone's reactions, he really did say it. It wasn't a daydream.
Aemond's forehead shimmers with sweat. Why did he say that?! It's not like he didn't mean it; he did, but it just wasn't the right time! He was about to blurt out an apology when one of the children giggled and adds: "But you broke off with her!"
Your father finally recovers, senses their esteemed guest's discomfort, and asks everyone to be seated for dinner. 
The conversation between your family was joyous and wholesome- something Aemond rarely, if ever, experienced back at home. You would help your younger siblings with their steak, your parents still made flirty remarks to each other; and grandma never ran out of stories from her youth. The entire table was busy with pleasant chatter, a complete opposite of Red Keep family dinners- normally taken alone or, when forced to come together, would end in a screaming match.
Aemond almost forgot his earlier blunder when he finished his first course. Your mother, whom Aemond discovers is actually your step-mother, pleasantly offers him more of the roast lamb. He was already quite full and was hesitant to refuse your family's hospitality.
"Then you must have some dessert, son!" Your father bellows from the head of the table. No man has ever warmly called him 'son' before. It was a strange thing to hear, but he found himself smiling and nodding as he received a plate of pudding. He stares at it for a while, and the sound of lighthearted chatter fades while he contemplates the last hour spent with your family.
"Aemond! Are you alright?" You whisper from across him, the dining table in between. You kept your voice low so as not to draw attention because the prince looked like he was sobbing? You calmly head over to sit next to him. "Is dessert not to your liking, my prince?" you inquired, gently steering him to face you and away from the rest of the table. You asked if his patched eye was bothering him, but that wasn't the case.
"It's just, all of this is so beautiful; I've never, it's all just so... different from what I was used to..." He tries to collect himself, taking a deep breath and holding it in before exhaling. "I'm sorry, that was-"
"No, It's alright; I understand." You carefully reach for his hand, hoping to bring him comfort. Your family graciously averts their attention from the both of you.
"I'll take you to your chambers if that's what you like?" You smooth a thumb over his large hand.
"I'm alright." Aemond, exhales. "I wouldn't want to miss out on a moment with you." He turns his hand over to catch yours in his warm palm. "you and your family. A moment with you and your family, of course." He rushes to add
You grant him a kind smile, which he returns just as sweetly.
The rest of the evening is light and full of cheer. Aemond begins to loosen up and laughs a little too loudly after having quite a few refills of your father's best wine. You return to the dining hall after checking with the servants to find Aemond playing kickball with your younger siblings while listening to your grandma talk about history. The prince enthusiastically pays attention, even adding his own thoughts from what he's read in the books. In the brief months you stayed with him in King's Landing, you have never seen your former betrothed this calm and laid-back. He looked so at home, happy, and carefree.
When the younger ones are ushered off for bedtime, they bid Aemond goodnight, asking if they could play again tomorrow. Of course he agrees, and gives them a genuine smile, which you thought was dazzling. He should smile more.
Aemond continues to talk to your father and your sister's husband in the sitting room, having a drink and occasionally petting the dogs who were comfortably nestled by his feet. It seems like everyone in this house enjoys the prince a little too much.
"How long is he staying?" Your mother asks, spotting you eavesdropping outside the sitting room.
You blow a raspberry and shrug. "No one invited him here, so I guess he's staying for whenever?"
"I'd let him stay forever!" Your grandma joins in, announcing rather loudly and calling the attention of the men in the room, mainly Aemond, who rose from his seat to check if you were around.
You were about to sprint away when Aemond respectfully nodded at the elders by the door, and then closed it.
He doesn't spare you a glance when he shuts the door. Your jaw slackens at his audacity. Shutting the door in your face? In your own house?!
"He's leaving first thing in the morning." You state this to your mother and grandmother as you march up the stairs to your quarters.
You stomp your way up the stairs, grumbling under your breath about how that audacious prince treated you in your own home. After he shows up unannounced? After everything that happened in King's Landing? He doesn't even laugh at your jokes! 
While you sulk in your bedroom, Aemond is having a very crucial discussion with your father inside the room at this precise moment. There is a choice at hand that might drastically alter the course of your lives.
You were still annoyed when you woke up the next morning. A consecutive knock wakes you.
"What!" You yell, sounding more like a statement than a question. A servant peeks in, and you immediately feel sorry.
"Your lord father wants you in the council room, lady."
You sigh as you slip out of bed and get dressed. You hoped that Aemond had left, or else your mood was about to swing for the worst.
As if the universe was teasing you, Aemond was inside the council room. His magnetic presence drew your eyes to where he stood, next to your father.
"Good morning, My lady." He greets her with a nervous glint in his eye and a teasing smirk on his beautiful lips. You were confused, so you ignored him. 
"Y/n..." Your father begins. There was a certain look on his face. It was the same look when that letter from King's Landing arrived by raven, asking for your hand in marriage.
"So which one is it?" You ask, glancing at the papers in front of him, scattered on the table.
"Which what?" Aemond's smirk dissolves into a worried frown.
"Which loser am I promised to?" You ask, and you receive two answers.
"He's not a loser." Your father warns
"I'm not a loser." Aemond fails to stop himself from answering.
Your eyebrows meet in confusion, and your lips part, but you're out of words. You look like a fish out of water as you open and close your lips, trying to form a coherent thought.
"Y-you again?" You put your arms on your hips, facing Aemond. "Are you in love with me or something?" 
"I am." Aemond answers rather quickly. He steps up, holding your hand in his. "And it was almost too late when I realized it. I was so scared watching life fade from you that day in the Sept's tower. I was too proud to tell you how much I truly cared, how much I loved, and how much I still... love you."
His words make you feel dizzy. Was this what Aemond and your father talked about last night when he shut the door? He was asking your father for your hand?
"So you want us to be betrothed, again?" Your mind soars a hundred leagues, and your heart skips several beats. You can't wait for him to say yes.
"No, I want to court you first. No strings attached this time; no responsibilities to the crown, no political arrangements."
You did not expect this at all. You look to your father, who was giving you and Aemond an encouraging nod.
The prince's hand trembles, still holding yours. His jaw deliciously clenches, and his eye pleads with yours for an answer.
"I accept."
---------------- A/n: So sorry this is so overdue T_T Can I please get a reblog? Thank you for reading! :)
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 7 months
I love all your analysis! Could I ask you to chime in, if you have the time and the inclination, on my pet theory?
Here it goes: Meghan found it harder than Catherine to be succeed in the Royal family because she's not athletic.
The Aristo crowd is sporty. It's a good marker of privilege - one you cannot fake - to be able to ski, play tennis, row, sail, ride, dive. All these things require lots of leisure time, and money, and the confident, cheerful ease of the amateur sportsman.
Catherine is a good minor athlete - her reaction to the 2007 breakup was to enter a rowing challenge with her girlfriends (she went clubbing with Pips too, sure, but she was out there most mornings in her wetsuit, being healthy and determined). It's hard to explain the mindset of the "amateur athlete in friendly competition" if you've never been one, but it gives you confidence, emotional regulation, and the bone deep knowledge that small constant steps are key to achieving progress and success.
Meghan just knows that "rich people go skiing", and she gets photographed on the slopes in an unsuitable coat, thinking it's the same thing. She looks for the shortcut - and she may fool some of the non-skiers, but it's just a house of cards. It works for an influencer who will quickly move on to the next thing, but the Royal family thinks in decades, and the persona their PR builds for you must have some consistency.
And there would have been nothing wrong with saying outright "you know what, I didn't grow up with that kind of money, I can't ski or row" - she would have got lots of sympathy.
Don't you love "training montages" in movies? She could have had years of upbeat training montage PR! Or she could have gone with an "outsider perspective" PR strategy, where she would have represented the slightly ironic common man faced with the BRF.
But Meghan the Narc can't stand to acknowledge she doesn't know something. She should have been herself, and instead she tried to be Catherine and failed.
It's a good theory, but i don't think it holds much weight when you really dig into it - for exactly what you pointed out: Meghan wasn't herself.
Kate was unabashedly and genuinely herself. Long before St. Andrews or William entered the picture, and she stayed that way after everything with William. The aristo crowd probably prefers that, and Kate doesn't strike me as someone who's impressed by all that. She probably cared more about their art collection than whether they were Duke So-and-So or Earl Whozitsandwhatsits, and that's impressive on its own. (I'm reminded now of the story with Cillian Murphy; he doesn't like it when people fawn all over him and he shuts down when that happens, so a seat-filler who sat next to him at one of the recent awards shows pretended she didn't know who he was and had the most incredible conversation wtih him.)
Whereas Meghan was always playing a role, and badly at that. So it was pretty easy for the aristo crowd to see right through her and know that she was bad news. Especially once she stop pretending to be aristo-like, with the cursing and demanding to sit next to Harry/switching place cards at the dinner parties, the screaming at staff, policing what everyone was saying and confronting them when it wasn't PC (according to her).
I think being sporty/athletic helped Kate, but the vibe I get from the aristo crowd isn't necessarily a sporty set. As a whole, they seem more outdoorsy to me with the skiing holidays, the shooting parties, the horse racing, the sailing. I think William's side of the aristo crowd (like his friends and Anne's family that he's closest to) is sporty because that's what they've connected over, and Kate fits in well with that crowd so it was easier for her to be accepted by them. But there's also the "city" side of the aristo crowd like the Yorkies and the Spencers where they're more known for their holidays, artsy/culture-type activities, and spectatoring sports.
Not to say that the two can't blend - they do, obviously, and everyone is probably really good at code-switching to navigate between the different segments of the aristo world (William and Kate especially as the future King and Queen, who have to be both representational and aspirational to all segments of the populartion, not just the aristos). And maybe the more culture set are sporty too (like how Diana danced and the Yorks skiied) but sport isn't how we think of those aristos. The latter crowd is what Meghan expected because that's the world Diana inhabited and as we all know, Meghan views royalty through Diana exclusively, so when she saw Kate in that sphere, she tried to emulate that side of Kate (the evening-gown wearing, gala attending, world-traveling, tennis-watching, polo-wifeing Kate) not knowing that it's just a small piece of who, and what, Kate actually is.
It's why the role she tried to play fell flat; Meghan didn't know the whole character, she just had the PR version of Kate to work with. Or, in acting parlance, Meghan had the character notes for Kate the Bit Player. She didn't get the character profile for Catherine, the Duchess of Cambridge, a main character.
Going back to what you originally said, that Meghan didn't integrate as easily as Kate did because of the athletics, I'd say it's bigger than that. It's because she didn't have any hobbies or interests. Everyone in the aristo set has hobbies and interests. Meghan didn't/doesn't have a single hobby and that made/makes it hard to connect with people on any level. She didn't need to have the same hobbies or interests as everyone else, she just had to have something. But she didn't. She had nothing.
All she had was Harry but Harry assumes the personality of whomever he's dating...which is the same thing Meghan does; she assumes the personality of whomever she's dating. So when there are two people being each other, they end up with nothing. Or they end up being his mother. Which isn't that much better either.
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quitealotofsodapop · 1 year
I want to ask what the Monkie Kid crew relationship with animals is? I know Sandy loves/is loved by cats, and there is a funny theory that I seen that Wukong is just an animal magnet. But what are your thoughts on this?
Wukong has Disney Princess-level animal magnetism. But especially towards Horses. Sun Wukong is barred from most derbies/tracks cus if he walks in, all the race horses will immediately trot over happily cus "The Bimawen is here!!" And he'll happily jump the fence to give every horse a petting. And yeah almost all wild animals (save apex predators) just feel happy around him.
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("Havok in Heaven" 1961)
Macaque, despite his foreboding aura, often ends up swarmed by younger/baby animals. He pretends not to know why. It's cause he has shameless mom instincts. Even if he was considered an Outsider to the original Monkey demon troop, he was adored by the infants he cared for. Those said infants are now grown immortal monkeys who see him as their many-times great-grandmother. If Sun Wukong is the honorary "Grandfather/Yeye/Waigong Sun" (as said in JttW) to all monkey demons, then Macaque is "Grandmother/Nainai/Zumu Liu'er". A similar effect occurs in rabbits (decendants of the wild moon rabbits he knew when he lived with Chang'e).
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Sandy ofc loves cats and has similar Disney Princess-energy towards wild animals as seen in "To Catch a Leaf". Also tarantulas - you know why.
Pigsy claims to hate animals, but he folds if a cat or dog even headbutts him. Makes a million excuses why he doesnt run off the alley cats the hang out outside the restaurant. ("They're good for pest control.", "Leftovers gotta go somewhere.", "Tang you're petting one right now." Etc).
Tang loves animals like cats, but its a 50/50 if they'll even indulge him. I hc that he's a little scared of dogs and large birds (cicada instincts), but will pet a friendly good boi if they make a good first impression. Thinks pet bugs are really neat and underrated (Pigsy has banned him from getting any).
MK loves dogs. He is pure dog loving energy. Will look at an immortal celestial warhound and ask "Who's a good boy?" and he'll most likely get a tail wagging. Also thinks turtles are mega cool.
Mei I hc wasn't allowed pets in the Long/Dragon household, so she can be over-enthusiastic when meeting new critters, and gets sad when they scurry off startled. Wukong has been teaching her some of his old Bimawen tactics though, since she really loves horses (literal horse girl energy) and was def the little girl who asked for a pony every birthday.
Red Son is def a lizard/bird parent. I love the hc that his fave animals are chickens, and could def see him having a loose hen in the palace (wearing hygenic birdy pants ofc). He also seems like he'd vibe with desert/hot climate reptiles who see him as a heat lamp. Towards cattle and big farm animals tho? His territorial bull instincts flare up and starts picking fights.
Nezha likes snakes. Don't look too deep into it. (They remind him of Ao Bing). Thinks cats and dogs are overrated.
Bai He. Cats cats cats! She loves them in all their forms. Big, small, fluffy, sphinx! Like Mei she can be over-enthusiastic, and often gets scratched/bitten by street animals she tries to befriend. Big cats seem to like her for some reason.
+Bonus au character: Chenxiang loves birds. Especially water birds. They remind him of his very early childhood when ducks, geese, and crane would follow him and his mother while lotus harvesting. Will not stand for goose slander. Will get swarmed by flocks of birds if left alone in a public park.
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iolaussharpe-24 · 2 months
When was it decided that Wednesday would be the older kid? In both the 60s series and the 90s movies, she's the younger one. But then in the 2019 movie and the Netflix series, Pugsley is the young one.
On that note, how is Fester related? He's not Gomez's brother in the old show. Both Gomez and Morticia call him 'Uncle'. I googled it, and it came up that he's Morticia's uncle here. But, she makes a comment about an Addams ancestor and that blood being in Fester's veins so... is he Gomez's uncle? Who's mother is Grandmama?!
I also want to point out, just because I thought it was funny, that Wednesday doesn't have a phone in the modern versions but there's a season one episode of the old show where they have a computer in their attic. Their own computer. In 1964. It looks like a Star Trek setpiece, but that's kind of what old computers look like to be perfectly fair. And they did exaggerate it a little to be funny. The thing even has manners. Gomez does a calculation on it (he wants to know how much it would cost to go on vacation to the moon) and when it gives the number, Morticia thanks it. It replies with a page that says "You're welcome". AI in the 60s. They proceed to use the computer to bet on horse races. There's also another episode where it's stated that Pugsley is years ahead of the space race. Gomez talks about "We could land on Mars in just three years" and Morticia says that "Pugsley will be there long before then."
Wednesday has a boyfriend in one episode. Woodrow, the invisible man's son. At first, you think she's playing pretend. She is not. He trips over Gomez and then walks himself out the door.
Wednesday is traumatized by fairy tales. It comes up in the first episode, where she comes home from school crying because a knight in shining armor slayed a dragon, and then it comes up again when she runs away from home and a police officer offers to read her some stories just to keep her occupied. Her response is to tell them who she is and where she lives.
Morticia wanting to donate things to charity. She's upset that people don't see the value in their things, but refuses to just hand over junk they don't want. She actively goes around the house looking for good valuable things to give away. "We must all give till it hurts." When they give up Pugsley's favorite clock and upset him, Gomez and Morticia go into a bidding war against each other to try and get it back for him.
Lurch cries over his harpsicord when it's donated to a museum. A lot. Gomez and Fester have to make him a new one. That is only one example of how surpisingly expressive he is in this version. Another is the 'what the actual fuck is that?' Look he gives Cousin Itt the first time he shows up.
On that note, Lurch talks. Quite a bit, actually.
Gomez fights a carnivorous plant when he thinks that it ate Pugsley. He's strangling the thing screaming for his son until he pops up behind him. "Thank goodness you were indigestible!"
Gomez is incredibly horny for Morticia. It actually catches me off guard sometimes. Like when they plan to go to "Lover's Leap" and Fester asks what he'll do when they get there. Gomez tells him, "We'll make love; you leap." Or the countless times he's kissing her and either Morticia or Fester have to be like, "We have company" to try and stop him because he was in the middle of a conversation with said company before he stopped to get freaky with Morticia. Or the time when she says "C'est la vie" in conversation and Gomez excitedly screams "THAT'S FRENCH!!" I'm surprised he didn't jump her right then and there. French is his kink.
Fester is trigger happy. Every time he gets mad he pulls out a musket and shouts "I'll shoot him in the back!" And he'll repeat it multiple times until someone either calms him down or removes him from the situation.
Wednesday does ballet and tried to teach Lurch. She had a little tutu and everything. He lifts her at one point (Dirty Dancing style), and then she goes to lift him the same way and Gomez and Morticia panic. They do not go through with the second lift.
I've always wondered if the Addams Family was supposed to be Latino or not, and there are a lot of references to Gomez's Spanish ancestry in the series.
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whitecreekvalley-if · 8 months
Do we get to pick the color of our horse?
Naw, sorry! They're all predetermined and set, like any regular NPCs :) But there's a few to choose from!
I was gonna post this just as that but instead imma share some of the available horses here too.
On to the sneak peek list! (Don't ask me if I have made up registered names for them because I admit to nothing)
Sesame, a buckskin quarter horse mare. She's docile, she's nice, she can be bribed with snacks and pets. Calm in every situation, might only have one braincell bouncing around. Cons? She's stubborn and a bit lazy. You won't be racing to the finish line, but she'll get you where you need to go. Eventually.
( Image for color reference. )
Armani, a dapple gray quarter horse gelding. You wanna go fast? Armani can go fast. He can go very fast. Riding this horse from place A to B feels like fast traveling, and he could go for miles if there was no one to stop him. Downsides, actually stopping. He doesn't want to slow down and throws tantrums, thus showing what a good bucking bronc he could've been.
( Image for color reference. )
Blue, a black overo paint horse gelding. Fearless, confident, and distrusting of strangers, a guard dog in a horse body and could probably fight off a tank. It takes time for this big guy to warm up to people, and he might even be plotting to sacrifice you to the horse gods, but once he sees you as a friend he'll literally break through fences to protect you. Whether you need it or not.
( Image for color reference. )
Dulce, a bay clydesdale mare. She's tall and imposing, a mountain of a horse. Luckily for everyone involved, she's very much a cuddle bug and wouldn't hurt a fly. She might be a bit skittish and afraid of things like leaves and a soft breeze, but she'll show you affection like no other. Just tie her up properly when running errands or she'll wander off to ask for cuddles from strangers.
( Image for color reference. )
There's also the horses of the ROs that you'll get to meet!
Alice's gelding is a cremello Lusitano named Romeo, and he's spoiled, extra, and dramatic, he's practically perfected the hair flip. Will bite as a warning and pretend it wasn't him. ( Ref ).
Like Memphis, Mace's blue roan quarter horse stallion, exceptionally trained bucking boy who behaves immaculately most of the time, sometimes he's just a big puppy. ( Ref )
Judge owns a black Percheron mare who is pretty much just like him; calm, collected, and doesn't flinch for anything. He calls her Delta, but some townsfolk like calling her Jury. ( Ref ).
Sadie doesn't have a horse but she does share a house with a calico cat named Gordo, a big chonky boy who likes to scream, and a much more agile supermodel Siamese named Tiburon (Or Tibs for short). ( Ref Gordo ) ( Ref Tibs ).
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Legend of Da Yu'er / Legend of Xiao Zhuang (2015)
In my desire to watch everything Liu Xueyi has been in that I can find, and mixed with a dash of "I watched this so you don't have to", I'd like to introduce you to Ezhe, the biggest asshole on the Mongolian plains. When looking for more pics from this show I came across a weibo post where someone said "all the worst things a man can do in a drama was given to him", and they're not wrong. This is him.
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The basic premise of the show is the life of Da Yu'er, the most beautiful woman in all of Mongolia who lives an unfortunate parallel to Helen of Troy in that she is desired by men who go to war over who should have her. Ezhe is one of them.
(Trigger warning for abuse & sexual assault)
We first meet him at the marriage tournament of our female lead, princess Da Yu'er of the Khorchin tribe. Ezhe is the prince of the Chahar tribe who is confident he will win the horse racing and archery contest, but doesn't hesitate to threaten his fellow competitors for good measure. And for most of the tournament he is winning! Until the Jin Emperor Huangtaiji who has been a spectator thus far, decides to throw his hat into the ring and beats him in the last race, claiming Da Yu'er as his concubine. Ezhe claims that this was all set up ahead of time and is an insult to his tribe to be played like that, setting himself up as an antagonist for both the Khorchin tribe and the Jin Emperor.
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(Dont let the wispy lock of hair fool you, things are about to get BAD)
The Khorchin leader offers Ezhe a marriage with Da Yu'er's cousin which is accepted by his father, but Ezhe is HORRIBLE to his new wife for the sole crime of not being Da Yu'er. He strangles her, threatens to torture her for his own amusement and kills her blind mother by pushing her headfirst into a wall. Eventually she has to pretend to be crazy just to get him to leave her alone.
But a truce marriage isn't enough for Ezhe or his father, both of whom think their tribe should be at the top, so they lay siege to Khorchin, only to eventually retreat when the Emperor sends reinforcements.
He disappears for a few episodes only to come back and attack Khorchin again, this time taking their leader (Da Yu'er's grandfather) hostage, and will only exchange him for Da Yu'er, regardless of the fact that she is now the Emperor's favourite concubine. He settles for initially exchanging her grandfather for the male lead Prince Dorgon (the Emperor's brother and the man that Da Yu'er actually loves) to be his hostage instead, threatening to kill Dorgon if Da Yu'er isn't handed over in 3 days.
Ezhe also knows about the weird love triange between the Emperor/Da Yu'er/Dorgon and taunts Dorgon about it at every opportunity. When the deadline is up for the exchange/execution, Da Yu'er shows up at the last second and agrees to his demands only to trick him and run off with Dorgon, leaving Ezhe with a knife to the hand and an even bigger rage boner.
Several episodes later it is now 6 years since Ezhe lost the marriage tournament (and we know this because he keeps harping on about it). Da Yu'er is travelling through the region to escort a new bride back to the palace when their carriage is ambushed and they are kidnapped by Ezhe. Even Ezhe's father thinks this is a dick move but can't convince Ezhe to release them.
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(Dad saying what everyone else is thinking)
Ezhe threatens to kill the extraneous woman plus Da Yu'er's cousin who had tried to help them flee, forcing Da Yu'er into tearfully agreeing to marry him. They have a quick wedding offscreen before he drags her to the marriage bed, but he is thwarted by too many layers of clothing which allows enough time for Dorgon, Da Yu'er's brother and some guards to rescue her, and Ezhe is forced to retreat again.
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(Have some insufferable smirks for getting this far)
After the death of his father, Ezhe becomes the leader of the scattered Chahar tribe at the same time the Jin Empire is in the process of fighting back the Ming Empire. To save having to fight wars on two fronts, the Jin Emperor sends Dorgon to make a truce with Chahar, inviting them to surrender and assimilate into the Jin Empire. Ezhe naturally refuses and battles with them instead, even poisoning the lake to weaken the Jin army, but in the end is still outnumbered. Ezhe agrees to meet Dorgon to surrender but uses the meeting as a last ditch attempt to kill him, but is captured and his mother surrenders on behalf of the Chahar.
The Jin Empire is successfully rebranded as the Qing Empire, and as the leader of the Chahar, Ezhe is given a title and a ministerial position. He can now mock Dorgon with impunity and waltz around the palace and follow Da Yu'er to his smirking little heart's content. He doesn't even care that his first wife has become the Emperor's newest concubine, or that the Emperor had betrothed him to another princess for the sake of unity, he only cares about Da Yu'er. He looks for every opportunity he can to point out that she is technically his wife since they had a wedding and invites her to run away with him. When that doesn't work he sneaks into Da Yu'er's palace and tries forcing himself onto her, chased off by her maid smacking him over the head with a paperweight.
The next time he attempts to forcibly consummate his dubious marriage, Ezhe drugs Da Yu'er and manages to get shirtless before the Emperor and all of his guards descend on the bedroom and finally drag him off to prison. Even in prison Ezhe is defiant and mocks the Emperor to his face for wanting to only exile him and not kill him, declaring that he is happy to die for love. But he doesn't go without a fight, breaking free from his restraints and fighting the Emperor's bodyguard before turning his blade on himself to insist on Da Yu'er's innocence.
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(Totally understand the desire to chain him up and strangle him.)
Ezhe: "It is distinguished and admirable to die for love. I will be elegant and unconventional if I die this way."
(It was here where I stopped watching because I thought he was dead and then wrote the following:)
Can I make any case for positives? He genuinely mourns the death of his aunt and his father. He obeys his mother when she surrenders, and appears to treat his sister well when they're in the palace. And despite never caring what Da Yu'er wants, when the Emperor catches them together and sets to punish her for adultery, Ezhe takes full responsibility and pleads to the Emperor not to punish her.
So... he's a romantic, if in a very twisted way? Oh good gods this probably the way people romanticize real life serial killers. At least Ezhe is a *fictional* asshole.
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But this behind the scenes picture of Liu Xueyi in a costume I hadn't yet seen prompted me to watch further and lo and behold, the Emperor called for the imperial physician to save Ezhe's life, and he was in a coma and being cared for by Dorgon (of all people). When he wakes it is 9 months later (to coincide with the birth of Da Yu'er's son and the rumours of his parentage). Ezhe is weakened so much that he has lost his martial abilities and the Emperor chooses not to punish him any further in order to keep the peace. Ezhe relays his gratitude to Dorgon for his caregiving and his apologies to Da Yu'er for hurting her. He even tries to turn away his fiancee, calling himself a "wicked sinner" but she sticks by him and he begins to reform his ways.
For the next 14 episodes he disappears off the screen until it's 6 years later and the Emperor is dead. Dorgon (now the Regent for Da Yu'er's Emperor son) comes to visit Ezhe, who has been living a quiet life outside the palace with his wife and son, spending his time reading holy books. Dorgon invites Ezhe to join him in battle against the last of Ming army to which he readily agrees.
Under Dorgon's command, Ezhe leads an elite team of soldiers to pretend to be allies and mislead the enemy, helping the Qing army close in the ranks around them. Side by side with Dorgon he fights the last Ming General into retreating into the woods. Ezhe protects Dorgon by diving in front of the general's guandao/polearm, spitting up blood but not conceding. The enemy general slices off Ezhe's right arm at the shoulder, but Ezhe grabs the polearm with his left hand and proceeds to beat the general back with a series of mighty kicks until Dorgon captures him once and for all. The adrenaline of the fight gone, Ezhe hits the ground like a fallen tree, and Dorgon cradles him in his dying moments. Ezhe has finally paid back Dorgon for saving his life and is happy to die a dignified death on the battlefield after being weak for so many years, with one final request.
With his last breath, does he ask for Dorgon to say goodbye to his wife for him? To look after his son? To bury him next to his father in the Chahar plains? No, Ezhe's last dying words, true to form, are "Take good care of Da Yu'er for me."
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(Thats the end, congrats, have some battle scowls.)
Notes on his reform: Ezhe does end his arc in a lot better form than he began, but it was still very self centered. When he woke from his coma, his gratitude and respect was for Dorgon to whom he apologised for the hurt he'd caused. It was only after Dorgon pointed out that he'd hurt Da Yu'er the most that Ezhe asked Dorgon to pass on his apology to Da Yu'er too. No mention at all of the torment he put his first wife through, or how he endangered his own people on many occasions for his own desires. He throws the fish back into the pond when fishing because the fish "is a living thing", but is still wishing he had the strength to fight back when the Emperor's son insults his pride. Although his wife and son appear to have a happy life when we briefly see them, Ezhe refers to his domestic life as his time "being weak" and eagerly riding off into battle. And his dying words? Take care of Da Yu'er "for me." She's the bloody Empress Dowager at this point, but he's still thinking of her through the lens of his association with her.
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Would I recommend watching?
For the story? It's a palace drama with a very soap opera vibe, which got a little much for me so I only skimmed through it to keep up just enough with the plot. I liked the main characters but was not as invested in them to keep watching after Ezhe died, but it certainly wasn't boring at any point.
For Liu Xueyi? If you've read this far then you're at least aware of the godawful shit Ezhe does and if you want to see him glare and smirk and fight his way through the show with a curly wig and some big jewellery then go for it. He's a great antagonist and his fight scenes are really quite good. (And if you only want to watch the episodes he's in, I can give you a list).
This was a surprisingly bigger role than I expected it to be for his second drama, and could very well be his OG Asshole character (I haven't found his first drama yet so can't attest to his character in that) so if you've ever wondered why he gets cast as assholes as often as anything else then this might just be the reason why.
This show is listed on MyDramaList as The Legend of Xiaozhaung, but I found it with English subtitles on YouTube as The Legend of Da Yu'er.
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