#don't interject in a joke im making
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pierrelucdisaster · 1 month ago
I made one joke about how I think something the NHL is doing is dumb and I got two people on me reaching for shit I didn't even say like the joke is I don't even watch the NHL! I have better uses of my time babes!!
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shinningdance · 21 days ago
Washed clean
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Trying angst for the first time, tips are very welcome!!
warnings: waterboarding, flashbacks, nudity (no one sees or does anything), let me know if i need to add more
summery: After a bad mission when the enemy took you for information, they waterboarded you which left Memorys. After your team got you back, you're still having troubles.
words: 1755
The restrainments are hurting.
You keep pulling to try away, trying to get away from the water that's being poured over your face.
Your throat hurts.
The water getting down your throat results in gagging, which hasn't stopped yet.
It feels like you're drowning.
Which isn't right, it's way too little water and you're currently dodging that.
They keep talking, they want Information. Information you're not giving them, they'd have to kill you.
Every day for the last week they have been pouring water over your face, trying to get you to break.
They keep going for what feels like hours but realistically are only a few seconds up to barely a minute. But in that very moment, it can only be described as hours.
At this point, they should just end you. It would be mercy. No. No, you can't think like that, your teams gonna get you. Safe and sound.
With too much force they throw you on that stupid chair, ropes going around your arms and legs. Your head is yanked back by your hair, a cloth over you mouth and nose.
Almost immediately they throw water over your face, making you choke on it as you somehow try to dodge it. Head going left and right as the water follows.
Your eyes snap open, starring at the white door fro where the voice came from. You look back and see the safe house's bathroom.
You're safe, you've been safe for the last 3 months. They saved you 3 months ago.
Water has been a touchy subject. While they understand what happened and how it might have affected your mind, they don't actually know how to help.
"Dove..? Are you alright?" The voice, Kyle, is followed by a small knock after you don't answer, again. "I'm opening the door.." He warns and very slowly looks inside.
You're sitting on the floor again, towel around your dry body and the shower is on. He doesn't need to ask what happened, he already knows.
He sits down next to you, back pressed against the marbel tiles. His arm goes behind your back and very softly grabs your waist, pulling you towards his side.
"Another flashback?" He asks, rubbing your arm.
You hum in responds, head dropping on his shoulder.
"You don't have to shower, there are other possibilities..." Kyle offers.
"My hair stinks." You counter, pointing at your hair.
"hm.." he huffs, smiling. "Think you can put your whole head under water?"
"..." You know the answer, yet you have to try. "..Maybe."
"Maybe what?" Johnny asks, stepping into the bathroom.
"Maybe i'll finally be able to wash this bird nest." You hum, watching as he flops down onto the ground next to you, leaning against the wall.
"It's not that bad..." Kyle interjects, his hand petting your head.
You stare at him, not believing him one bit. You have seen yourself, it's bad. Yet you couldn't bring yourself to step under the shower, the water on your face only bringing up bad memory's.
"He's wrong, dinnae trust 'im." Johnny whispers into your ear, earning himself a smack to the head by the other sergeant. "'ay!" He nags, rubbing the spot on his head.
"If something goes wrong just scream, yeah?" Kyle smiles, rubbing up and down on your arm.
"We'll save you from the water monsters." Johnny claims, wrapping one arm around your shoulder to pull you to himself.
You can't help but smile, nodding along to whatever they're saying. "My knights in shinning armor, hm?" You joke, shaking your head in disbelief.
"Yup." Kyle nods, standing up to give you some privacy.
You watch him leave, only for him to re-enter 2 seconds later. "Johnny, get your ass out and give the lady some space."
It's funny watching him almost bolt out, flashing you another grin before closing the door behind him.
With shaky knees you stand up, towel still around your body from your earlier attempt. The water is still running and you carefully reach out, checking the temperature. After making it's warm, you take baby steps and get in the bathtub. Washing your body isn't a problem anymore, with some help at the very start you could take small showers again. This isn't a small shower anymore, the water would be over your head, recreating the feeling you loath.
You drop the towel after getting in, making sure it stays dry. With a shaky breath you step closer, the shower head close to your face. Closing your eyes would only make it worse so you force them to stay open, making sure no one's forcing the water over your head.
It's touching your hair, a lot of the water it. One small step back and it's touching your eyebrow. The small bit of water that streams down your face is enough for you to step back out and wrap your body in the towel. Immediately walking to the bathroom door and opening it, you're face to face with the same men from earlier. With a sheepish look on your face you mumble. "I couldn't do it..."
You don't bother to look at their faces, already imagining their disappointment.
The two men look at each other before smiling at you. "Would you like some help?"
You think you misheard, how would they help you? You lift your head, looking at their determinated faces.
"I'm scared to ask but...how?" You mumbles and watch as they both start smiling.
Kyle softly grabs your shoulders and brings you back inside the bathroom, Johnny is already starting to fill the bathtub and...taking off his shirt.
"Easy." Kyle smiles and forces you to sit down on the floor again. "One will be in the water with you and the other will be washing your hair, that sound good to you?"
It takes you a small moment to process this words. In the tub. with you. One of them, not both. They would do that just so you can have normal hair again. With a small nod you watch as they prepare everything.
Kyle is grabbing your hair brush, Shampoo, conditioner and a leave in mask.
Johnny is putting stuff in the tub, lots of bubbles appearing within seconds, he keeps putting in his hand to make sure it's not too hot for you.
After a few minutes he gets in, shorts still on, and spreads his legs to make room for you. "I'm not peaking, swear!" he smiles puts both his hands in front of his face, Kyle is turning around, giving you a bit of privacy.
Slowly you let the towel drop and get in as well, back to Johnny's chest. You gather some of the bubbles and hide your body with it. Almost immediately you can feel his hands around your waist, holding you in place. You melt into him, head dropping to his shoulder.
"ay think I'm comfy" Johnny claims, his chest shaking slightly from his laughing.
"Very." Kyle affirms.
You might need to question how he would know that if you're leaning against him, but that's a question for later. Kyle slowly starts to brush your hair, adding a bit of water every now and then. He's careful to not get it anywhere near your face for now, you hardly notice, too busy chatting with your pillow.
"thank you..for doing this." You mumble, nose pressed against the side of his neck.
"Dinnae worry...we'll always help you out." Johnny smiles, one hand slightly squeezing your waist.
Kyle keeps working on your hair and every now and then you tense up, feeling the water close to your face. He places his hands by your Forehand, even if the water ran down the opposite side, it wouldn't get in your face.
You get a small warning from Kyle and a gentle squeeze of encouragement from Johnny before a bit of water streams down from the very top of your head to your ends. This repeats a few more times before you can only feel soft hands massaging your head. You hum and close your eyes, going very limp against Johnny
"Don't fall asleep now.." Kyle warns with a small chuckle, hands leaving your head to grab your towel and dry your hair for you.
"But it's no comfy..." You mumble, head pressing further into the side of Johnny's neck.
The water is still comfortably warm but the bubbles are slowly disappearing.
Kyle stands up and turns around but still holds the towel out for you. You turn your head, staring at the Scot who's eyes are already closed. You smile and slowly stand up, grabbing the towel and wrapping it around your body once more.
"Thank you again...means a lot." You mumble, drying yourself off while the guys avoid looking at you.
"Of course, no need to thank us." Kyle counters, lips turning into a small smile as he feels your form pressed against his.
"Ay, so i dinnae get a hug?" Johnny mumbles, standing up from the tub. He's completely wet but doesn't seem to care.
"Why are your eyes open? What if i was naked, huh?" You challenge, smiling as you clutch the towel to your body.
"Then i would have enjoyed the sight." He shrugs, smirk plastered onto his face as he grabs his own towel.
"Stop being a pervert." Kyle mumbles, already walking outside with the other man following.
You shake your head in amusement and start changing clothes, something comfortable.
After that you find the two men in the common room, watching some random movie. Without words you sit down between them, they don't seem to mind with the way they get closer to you.
"This is trash." Kyle groans crosses his legs.
"What?! Take 'at back!" Johnny shouts, fully offended his silly little drama show was insulted.
"There are so many better shows." Counters the other man
"nu uh. This is the best show." Johnny remarks, crossing his arms.
"What do you even like about this? Everything is so obviously fake."
"Fake like your personality-"
"What am i looking at?" John mumbles, starring at the three sleeping people before him.
"No idea." Simon replies, equally as confused as his captain.
They were called because of some people fighting and cursing and what not and now they see this.
Kyle laying on his back, leaning against the couch.
You on top, back against chest.
And lastly, Johnny sleeping on his stomach and using your stomach as a pillow.
All three knocked out, hard.
"Tea?" offers John
"please" confirms Simon.
a/n: i've been sick since last week monday so you're going to take this and never talk that i didn't post this on the weekend :)) also not proofread!!!
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viennacherries · 1 year ago
May I humbly request more breeding kink Rolan being absolutely desperate? Just going absolutely feral for Tav? Maybe with some knotting 👀😫
okay listen this one is complete and utter filth. there is no plot. tav walks into rolan's office and gets absolutely obliterated by him. hope you like it anon
i am a breeding kink rolan truther til i die and im not sorry for it
read on ao3 here!
You don't spot Rolan when you come through the portal, which is unusual. He's normally busy organising the contents of the tower. You find him instead in his study, curled in on himself where he sits at his desk, his knuckles gripping the wood tightly.
"Tav." His tone is low and growling, and you make an effort to ignore the rush that sends through your body. He hasn't looked up, so you're not sure how he knows it's you. "What the fuck are you doing here?"
You gulp, "I just came to drop off some books I found. They're about evocation, and I know that's your specialty-"
He's across the room before you can finish your explanation. Up close, you notice he looks slightly haggard. There's sweat on his brow, bags under his eyes, and his breath comes out in pants above you. You have to tilt your neck to meet his eyes, and you see his eyes flick down to your lips. You suck in a breath.
He swallows hard, his adam's apple bobbing, and takes a deep steadying breath as he closes his eyes. "That's very thoughtful of you," his words are slow and careful, "but now isn't a great time."
"What's wrong? Can I help?"
He barks out a laugh. "Trust me, Tav. You do not want to help with this."
The arousal in your gut withers away into concern. Over the course of your journey you've come to think of Rolan as somewhat of a friend, though you doubt the sentiment is shared. The thought of him being in trouble isn't a nice one.
"I do! Whatever it is, whatever I can do, tell me. I'd like to help."
He sighs, and his eyes are firmly locked onto the floor. You reach out a hand and place it on his arm in what you hope is a comforting gesture, but he flinches away and hisses at the contact as though it burns.
"Are you hurt? I have healing potions, I can-" As you turn to rummage in your bag he interjects again.
"No, Tav, it's not..." He sighs, and it's incredibly strained. "How much... How much do you know about tiefling biology."
The question gives you pause. You try and think.
"Not much, really. I know your tails are sensitive? I found that out by accident when I grabbed Karlach's one time as a joke. And I know you can feel pain in your horns? At least some of you can? Dammon smacked his one time when he was-"
"So fuck all."
You huff. "Fuck all."
He groans, and takes a step backwards, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Gods, I do not want to have to explain this. It's really best if you just leave."
"Rolan, seriously, what's going on? I know we're not, like, super closer or anything, but I still consider you a friend and-"
"I'm in rut, Tav."
You pause. "Um. Okay? What's that?"
He groans louder, rubbing a hand down his face, and it's really embarrassing the way the sound makes you feel. You feel a flood of arousal in your stomach and his eyes snap up to yours at that exact moment. He looks pained.
"It's a tiefling breeding cycle. Male tieflings go into rut, females go into heat. All I can think about right now is cumming. And every single time you get turned on around me I can fucking smell it, so I need you to leave before I bend you over my desk and fill you with my knot."
You take a hiss of breath in through your teeth. If his goal is to stop you getting turned on, he's absolutely going about it the wrong way. "What-uh. What's a knot?"
He moans, loud and lewd, and you clench your thighs, which has the muscle in his jaw clenching. "It's- hells. Tav, you need to leave right fucking now or I'm not going to be responsible for whatever I do next."
You step closer without thinking about it, drawn in to him like a siren song. "What's a knot, Rolan?"
He hisses, and shuffles minutely closer to you as though he's trying and failing to hold himself back. " Gods . This is the most awkward conversation I've ever had, I hope you know that. It's. It's a growth on the base of my dick. It swells up when I cum, to stop any of it... leaking out."
You gasp minutely. The image is... intriguing.
He hangs his head, panting, "Tav, I swear to all the Gods, you need to leave. I can fucking smell how wet you are. I can't... I can't..." He takes a small step closer to you, whining as he does so.
"How can I help?"
The moan he lets out is closer to a sob, "it's not- it's not that simple."
"Explain it to me."
He hesitates, so you step closer to him again, and he grits his teeth and whines. You're close enough now that you could read out and touch him. You feel your core pulse, and see his nostrils flare before he groans.
"Fuck, Tav." His eyes are wrenched shut. "It. It gets better after a few days. It's easier with a partner. It makes it less painful."
You nod, despite the fact he can't see you. "Well. I'm here, aren't I?"
He lets out a choked noise. "Fuck. It's not that simple, Tav, it's not- I won't be-" You step closer again, your breath fanning out over his chest, and he keens. "I won't be gentle. I won't be able to control myself. I'm fucking desperate for you."
You groan at that, and you see him grip his thighs tightly with his hands, his claws causing blood to bloom through the fabric.
You close the distance, putting your lips on his.
The response is immediate. It's like all of his control has gone out of the window as he grips your upper arms with his hands and holds you against him in a bruising grip. His tongue finds its way into your mouth and you moan around it, which has him groaning loudly down your throat and rutting his hips against you with abandon.
He pulls away from you only as much as he needs to so he can speak, "last chance to walk away."
Instead of answering verbally, you grind your hips against his. You aren't expecting his responding growl.
All of a sudden everything is moving. His tail lashes behind him and clears everything off his desk, and he spins you around and pins your hips against it with his, grinding against you without restraint. It's intoxicating.
"Hells, Tav, I can fucking smell how much you want this. You want me to breed you, hm? Want me to fuck you til you're full of my knot?"
You can't help the moan that escapes you, and in response he's growling and stripping you unceremoniously. The buttons on your shirt are undone hastily as he pulls the fabric aside, and rather than unclasping your bra he just pulls the cups down to free them so that he can latch his lips around your nipple. The scratch of his teeth against the sensitive skin there is borderline unbearable with how good and how much it feels.
His lips don't leave your tit as he scrambles to undo your belt, and as soon as it's loosened he's pulling your bottoms and small-clothes down in one rapid movement before spinning you to face the desk. He plants one hand in the centre of your back and forces your face down into the wood, you ass up in the air presented to him, and he growls at the sight of you.
"Look at you, my little breeding mount. Gonna make such a perfect little cock-sleeve for me. Gonna fill you up so good." He barely even sounds like himself anymore, his tone is low and feral, full of lust and pure need. You're a whining, whimpering mess underneath him even though he's barely touched you. You can feel your own excitement dripping down your thighs.
He notices it too, and you hear the thud as he drops down to his knees behind you. He buries his face in your cunt, taking a deep breath, and the noise he makes is absolutely debauched. It's the sexiest fucking thing you've ever heard.
"You smell so good. So wet and ready for me already. You're going to take me so well. Aren't you, darling? Going to take my cock and my knot like a good girl? Yeah you are, baby, fuck."
His tongue licks a stripe up your folds and you tremble as you shout out at the feeling.
He groans low in his throat, "Hells, you're fucking ripe for it. You taste fucking amazing. Gonna feel so good around my cock, sweetheart. Such a good mount for me."
"Please, Rolan." You can hardly think. You hardly even know what you're asking for.
"Well I can't say no to that, can I? Not when you're asking for my cock so nicely, hm?"
He runs his hands up your thighs and over the globes of your ass as he stands, and you feel him come to stand right behind you. You feel the ghost of his hands against your ass as he frantically pulls apart his robes and pulls out his length, and finally you feel his cock press up against your entrance.
One hand around the base of his cock, he rubs himself up and down along your slit and groans, his other hand coming up to clutch your ass and spread you apart. He massages your asscheek in his hand, moaning to himself. "Gods, you're so fucking soft. Feel so lovely under my hands, taste so good on my tongue, gonna be feel so perfect around my knot, darling." And with that he's sinking his length into you.
You didn't get a chance to look as his dick, but with every inch that sinks in you realise it's big. It's thick, and it must be covered in ridges because you feel it catch against you as he slides deeper inside you. You're writhing around with your face buried into the hardwood desk below you but you can't help it, the slow drag of his shaft against your walls is absolutely heavenly.
As he finally sheaths himself fully, he moans loud and clear. "Fuck, Tav. You're fucking tight. My knot might not even fucking fit."
The reminder of his knot has you moaning. You feel so full already, you can't even comprehend anything more.
The noise you make sets him off, and suddenly he's drawing back all the way to the tip before thrusting himself back in to the root. You wail at the feeling as he pounds into you, hard and fast and rough as anything but if feels so good that you aren't registering anything except how he feels inside you and the lewd things he's saying.
He can't seem to stop talking. "Holy shit, Tav. So fucking tight. Such a tight fucking hole. Fuck. Fuck, you take me so good."
It's not long before his thrusts are becoming messy and you can feel him twitching inside you, close to his release.
"Fuck, I'm so fucking close. I'm gonna fill you so good, darling. You're gonna be full of my cum. Gonna stuff my knot in you and make sure you get fat and round with my kids. You want that? Wanna be my little breeding whore? My little toy who pumps out babies for me? Fuck-"
His words are completely obscene but you can't help the way you clench around him at them, and suddenly without warning you're climaxing. You wail and cry, tears pricking in your eyes, as the orgasm rips through your entire body.
"Fuck! I'm gonna fucking cum, Tav, I'm gonna come. My knot- my knot is gonna- you need to relax-"
He can barely get the words out as he groans around them, and you feel what must be his knot starting to catch against your entrance. It swells with every thrust of his length into you and suddenly it's so large you can't help but cry out in pain. You're stretched around it, so completely full of Rolan in every way and you feel like your body is going to tear in two but it keeps going, keeps getting bigger.
All of a sudden you feel it stretch even further and you cry as it slots into place inside you, and with a final shout and set of curses Rolan is spilling inside you, praising you and speaking gibberish as his cock throws rope after rope of hot seed into your body. You've never been so full in your life, full of his still hard cock and his knot and more and more of his cum every second that passes.
His cock gives a final pulse of spend and he collapses over you with a loud groan. You feel the skin of your back stick to his chest, sweaty and hot. There's a long period of silence save for the both of you panting and moaning in the aftershocks.
Rolan finally speaks again, after what feels like forever, his voice coarse and somewhat tentative.
"I'm sorry. I- I told you it's hard to- I hope you know I wouldn't have-"
It's funny he's so awkward now, clumsily stumbling his way through an apology that you don't at all need. You tell him as such.
"Still. I hope I didn't hurt you?"
"Only in ways I liked."
He moans at that, his hips stuttering, and you realise his cock hasn't softened yet. You make a noise of surprise at the feeling.
You feel him grin into your shoulder blade and he grinds himself into you, still unable to thrust due to his knot locking the two of you together.
"Oh, you thought it was over? Sweetheart, I'm not even close to being done with you. I told you I was gonna fill you up. I intend to."
You can't help the shiver that runs through your whole body.
"I hope that's a promise."
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doumadono · 1 year ago
Hiii~ how are you?? Can I request some fluff comfort with a bit of angst, where reader are felling like she's the problem, but her therapist had told her many times that anything that is happening it's not her fault, but she's doesn't believe it..? Can be with Katsuki, Shinso or Sero, im just needing something like this, im passing for some shitty problems rn and want to take my mind off that... thank you for your time 💕
Katsuki, Shinso & Sero with s/o feeling anxious
A/N: first and foremost, please accept my apologies for the delay in meeting your request. I've been under the weather lately, making it challenging to concentrate on writing. Wishing you a speedy recovery, and please, be gentle with yourself.
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Katsuki Bakugo
He becomes increasingly concerned as he observes your struggle.
Katsuki notices the tension in your shoulders, the way you hesitate to speak. "Oi, what's with the brooding? Spit it out already."
When you start blaming yourself, Katsuki grabs your shoulders, forcing eye contact. He doesn't beat around the bush. Katsuki confronts you head-on, telling you to cut the self-blame nonsense. "Stop acting like you're the problem. If anything, it's those idiots around you."
Katsuki starts showing his concern through small acts of kindness. One day, after a particularly tough day, you find a plate of your favorite dessert on your table. Katsuki grumbles, "I made too much. Take it, dumbass."
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Hitoshi Shinso
Shinsou observes your struggles during daily tasks, remaining silent but attentive. He's perceptive, picking up on the underlying issues you're hesitant to voice.
One time, he sits beside you, saying nothing. After a while, Shinso murmurs, "Sometimes, silence speaks louder than words. Open up when you're ready."
Shinsou shares a bit about his own experiences, admitting that he, too, used to feel very bad about himself and his inner struggles, but he learnt to deal with it.
Your skepticism doesn't faze him. He smirks and says, "If you're the problem, then we're all screwed. But I don't think that's the case."
He introduces you to mindfulness and meditation techniques. "Close your eyes. Focus on your breath. In this moment, you're not the problem. You're just you."
As trust builds, late-night talks become a regular occurrence. Shinso is an excellent listener, and these conversations become a safe space for you to express your thoughts.
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Hanta Sero
Sero notices the signs of your internal struggle and decides to address it with a light-hearted approach. "Hey, you've been acting weirder than usual. spill the beans, what's up?"
He listens attentively as you share your doubts, interjecting with occasional jokes to lighten the mood. "Come on, you're not the problem. The problem is you thinking you're the problem."
In casual conversations, he slips in affirmations. "You're doing great," or "I believe in you," become his mantras, gradually sinking into your consciousness.
Slowly, you begin to embrace the positivity Sero brings into your life. His easygoing nature and unwavering support become crucial in helping you believe in yourself.
Sero introduces creative outlets to distract the reader from negative thoughts. "Ever tried making origami? It's impossible to be sad while folding paper cranes."
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delulujuls · 1 year ago
fuck, marry, kill | lh44, gr63
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hi! im sorry for not being on time but hey, no surprise to having the best ideas when its already too late. anyway please enjoy!
summary: the mercedes trio is getting ready for halloween party, lewis is being a total babygirl as always, georgie boy being unbothered king as always too
warnings: none, they are pure goofballs
pairing: lewis hamilton x fem!mercdriver x george russell
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George scrunched his nose, feeling the first stamp of paint on his cheek.
"I already don't like this."
Y/N rolled her eyes, putting more paint onto the sponge.
"I've just started, so please cooperate and let me work."
He squeezed his eyelids as he felt his face gradually being covered in white color. The atmosphere at the Mercedes headquarters that afternoon was very exciting, all due to preparations for the evening Halloween party.
"Is it at least vegan?" George asked again, nervously adjusting himself in his place.
Lewis sitting next to them couldn't help but laugh, tearing his gaze away from his phone.
"Give me one reason why makeup paint wouldn't be vegan" he asked.
"I have no idea, that's why I'd rather make sure."
Y/N shook her head and returned to covering his face with paint.
"And you, Lewis, do you have any ideas yet?"
She asked, glancing at the man who had been searching for inspiration for his costume for the past few minutes.
"I'd advise against anything with white paint and it's not just because it could be seen as racist."
George chimed in, trying to scratch his nose for which he immediately received a tap on the hand.
"Men in Black? The Weeknd?" the man shook his head while scrolling through Pinterest. "Everything is too simple and obvious."
"We could have some matching costumes," Russell suggested, feeling relieved as the girl put down the paint and reached for powder. "I'd feel better knowing that you guys are going through this as well."
"That's actually not a bad idea," Y/N nodded, looking at her friends. "The only question is, what kind?"
Lewis exhaled and focused on his phone again. The trio remained silent for a moment until the man showed them a photo with an potential inspiration.
"I think I have a favorite."
Y/N furrowed her brows, looking at the photo he showed. It took her a moment to decipher what the trio of girls in the picture was dressed up as.
"Fuck, Marry, Kill! Oh God, that is brilliant!"
"Let me be 'Kill' because I might as well kill myself if I have to wash this off" George said, adjusting the headband holding his hair.
"I'm fine with that" the girl assured, taking a brush, black eyeshadow and starting to paint skull elements on his face. "And what about you, Lewis?"
"I can let you have the first choice."
The man replied, resting on his hand and watching as George's makeup slowly began to take shape.
"Everyone thinks 'Fuck' when they look at you, so I guess we know the answer."
The girl said, giving him a meaningful look.
Lewis looked a little flustered, trying to cover his reaction with laughter. The three of them had been friends for almost four years, but Lewis was very easy to embarrass, even in jokes.
"You'd look good as the groom though, but I'm sure that everyone would probably point out that Y/N is being objectified for letting her being "Fuck", what about woman rights and all the other shitty nonsense," George added "PR people would have a busy evening."
"Geez Georgie boy, just say that I'm not attractive and no one would want to fuck me," Y/N interjected with feigned seriousness, struggling to hold back her laughter.
"Don't provoke me into this conversation, especially not now when I'm not at my best," he replied, trying to remain still as she painted his eyes.
Lewis returned to browsing his phone, this time with a clear idea of what he was looking for. When he found a specific photo, he hesitated for a moment about presenting his idea.
"Do you have red lipstick, Y/N?" He asked uncertainly, glancing at his friend. She nodded, not breaking her concentration. However, when he didn't expand on the topic, she looked at him.
"But what do you need red lipstick for, exactly?"
Lewis wordlessly showed her his phone with a picture where a guy was covered in red lipstick kisses. Y/N raised her eyebrows in shock, while George nodded approvingly.
"The idea is great and I truly love you, but don't count me as the one to give you those kisses,"Russell replied.
Lewis looked at Y/N, unsure if this suggestion wasn't too much and could potentially offend her in any way. However, she didn't react negatively at all; instead, she nodded and smiled enthusiastically.
"People on Twitter are gonna shit themselves."
When George's makeup was ready, the rest of the preparations went smoothly. Even getting the wedding accessories for Y/N wasn't as problematic as keeping Russell in one place with his mouth shut for more than five minutes during his make up. When the girl was ready, she took the red lipstick, which was the highlight of the program and found Lewis, who was already dressed in his dark red suit pants, perfectly matching his shirt. The man smiled at the sight of his friend, who had done a great job finding her costume at the last minute.
"How do you feel about the party?" the girl asked, opening a small mirror and painting her lips.
"I'm okay, and you?" the man replied, nervously adjusting the cuffs of his shirt.
"Me too, I must admit I like these kinds of parties."
Y/N closed the mirror and glanced at her friend, signaling him to sit down. He followed her command, getting nervous almost as if it were his first interaction with a girl ever.
"Do you have any specific idea about how to arrange these kisses, or can I improvise?"
"I trust you completely."
The girl nodded and without thinking too much just leaned toward him. Just then George entered the room, also dressed and ready to go.
"Thank goodness I found you in time," he said, closing the door behind him. "Now no one can accuse you of deliberate kisses."
"You're definitely taking this too seriously," Y/N laughed and leaned toward Lewis, pressing her lips to his cheek. The man smiled involuntarily and looked at her, slightly taken aback when she moved away and examined her work.
"One down, about twenty-nine to go," George commented, sitting in a nearby chair. "Don't fall in love with each other during this time."
Lewis sat still, even trying not to breathe too loudly. Y/N left kisses on his cheek, neck and chest like stamps. When she finished, she nodded approvingly.
"It turned out better than I thought."
"We all look awesome, but now get rid of the evidence and let's go because I'm starving."
The girl wiped her lips clean and the three of them headed to the company's party. Y/N secured seats, Lewis went for drinks and George immediately greeted the snacks. Toto holding a champagne glass took a big sip when he noticed Lewis's rather original outfit.
"I guess you're not the author of those kisses."
The man stated more than he asked, when he approached George.
"Come on, boss, I used my best lipstick for this. Huda Beauty," George said with utmost seriousness and holding three plates of snacks he returned to his friends, ready for the next adventures of the Halloween night.
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urf1lterr · 2 years ago
lovesick | pedro pascal [2]
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"and on this night and in this light i think im falling, im falling for you."
next chapter: [3] previous chapter: [1] series masterlist
summary: in which a 1975-obsessed film student accidentally falls in love with an older man she can't have.
pairing: actor!pedro x intern!reader
genre: acting world!au, big age-gap!, strangers to friends- maybe lovers?? au | angst, mature, awkward, love- eventually
word count: 6.7k
status: in progress
author's note: this chapter was for fun- i have the 1975 on repeat so i had to lmao. i kinda wanna do a slow burn because i don't want to make anything happen so fast. and pedro was at the oscars a few hours ago so why not post another chapter for him :) not edited.
You hated working weekends.
Something about waking up extremely early on a day that was supposed to be your day off irks you. Why have a scheduled rest day if you're just going to be scheduled to come in? It made zero sense, especially since you were only given a two hour notice before while sleeping.
No pay, clothes, gifts could ever make you happy after being called in at 5am for a 7am shift-
"Venti iced white chocolate mocha with oat milk, vanilla sweet cold foam, caramel drizzle, and light ice as always," Pedro listed as he handed you the coffee.
"Oh my god, I think I love you," you blurted out, staring at the cup in awe.
"That was fast, I see now why you're single," Pedro replied, giving you the side eye. "And soon diabetic."
Rolling your eyes, you take a sip of the coffee before shaking your head. "Not like that, you moron," you scoffed as he glared at you. "I love coffee too much- and who says I'm single."
"Think of it as your reward for waking up to the call," he joked as you just stared at him annoyed. The one time you turn off your do not disturb and this happens. "Your loneliness says otherwise."
"I am not lonely!" you gasp as he shrugs. "I'll have you know I am dating-"
"If you dare say Matty Healy I will personally push you in a bush-," Pedro declares, stopping you as you try to interject. "-and won't help you back up."
Huffing, you cross your arms as he laughs at the sight of your defeat. He knows you too well considering the fact you only met two months ago.
In fact, these two months were probably the best ones you have had all year. Not only did you experience some awesome moments you're sure you'll never get to witness again, but you got along with a lot of special people.
What made things even better was the fact that you got along with your boss because who knows where you would've ended up if Finn was a total douche- which he wasn't. But he did have his moments where he took your kindness for weakness- like asking you to come in for shift on a Saturday.
One thing that definitely advanced would have to be your relationship with Pedro. Nearly best friends is what you two were typically called on a normal day on set by how close you've become.
The nearly part added because nothing could ever come between his relationship with Bella, or Bellie in his own words. And because Jules always made sure to tell the jokesters that she was not giving up her position just yet.
But when it came to work, Pedro was always there for you. Considering he's been in the industry since before you were even born, which he yelled at you once when you joked, he was the best support.
He would even ask you what you were assigned to do and tell you specifically what was wanted without you even asking- even finding ways to physically assist before being caught and sent back to his actual job.
There were also the constant times where he would spam you with iMessage game requests to 8 ball and ignore you after beating him three times in a row, claiming his phone died despite your messages being sent through.
The only thing that made today better was that he was here because who knows how boring the day would have been if you were spent hanging with the technicians who; in fact, did not appreciate the countless times you dropped a mic.
"Why didn't Jules get called in?" you questioned as he turned up the computer brightness you were using. "That girl never wakes up early but I kid you not, she was playing minecraft on her computer when I was leaving."
"I love minecraft," Pedro sighed.
"I do too, but Jules always sends the creepers to my house," you complain. "They always destroy my garden."
"I could only imagine the devastation in your eyes," he dramatically exhales as you nudge him. "But I think it's because you're more...attentive? Not saying that she isn't, but she sure loves to talk about Jersey Shore in between takes."
"She's been binge-watching all the seasons after work."
The conversation ended once he was caught again by one of the producers and lured out of the office you were in. Initially, he searched around the studio and found you to gift the coffee, but he stayed because he did not want to sit on the makeup chair for another round of a drastic look being applied to his face- especially if you weren't there to pester him.
As for you, once clocked in Finn managed to have you scan after emails as a way to apologize for the call in. Apparently, one of his assistants called out so he decided to use you as their replacement since he couldn't find the time to sit down in a cozy office and do so.
But you were totally not complaining.
That only lasted you about two hours before you were finished and terribly bored.
Throwing the empty cup of coffee in the trash, you decided to walk around in hopes of finding something better to do or else you would've fallen asleep on the desk.
You would've if you weren't scared of the thought of a director finding and; consequently, firing you.
Hearing a loud noise, you quickly averted your eyes where your ears were signaling where the noise came from. Lightly jogging behind a curtain, your eyes widened to a sight of a desk on its side and a man hovering over it.
"Joon?!" you exclaim, running over to find him lowly panting, trying to remain his coolness as you began inspecting him to find any injuries.
"I'm fine," he calmly replied, using his dimpled smile as a way to reassure this but you didn't believe him. That was a loud drop.
"Why in the world are you lifting a desk that surely isn't less than 30 pounds?" you glare as he chuckles at the fake anger you poorly tried displaying.
"One of the technicians asked me to bring it out."
"And did you forget that your back would disagree?"
He shuts his mouth for a second, loss for words at your comeback. "I couldn't say no," he shyly replied. "I didn't want to have to pull out my medical forms explaining why I can't lift a table."
Feeling your face sink, you helped him stand straight as he glanced down at the fallen table. "You should have called for help then- everybody would need help for a gigantic table like this."
He only nodded in response, making you feel bad. You felt like you were lecturing him, technically you were, but you didn't want to find out in the future the reason he stopped attending work was because he pulled his back again.
"I'll drag this out," you declare as he tried slapping you hands away from it.
"It's too heavy for you!" he argued.
"Which is why I said drag," you countered back, ignoring his pleas as you somehow managed to lift the table back to its standing positioning.
Walking around it, you bent your back as you began pushing it around the curtain as Joon followed your position, crouching next to you for the extra support.
If it wasn't for the film crew being around the floor, you were sure you would have passed out right then and there. But you couldn't let them know how weak you were.
"And that's how teamwork makes the dream work," you announce, causing Joon to giggle before giving you a high-five as the two of you stand up from your bent posture.
Joon was another person you got along with incredibly well. For one, you guys were the duo out of all the interns. Every job you had that included another person, he was always there.
There was also the many times the two of you, and Jules of course, would carpool together to get home. It turned out Joon was also friends with some of your college classmates so he was always the only person from work who joined you guys for the random nights of cheesy movies and boring games while eating takeout with your other friends.
Despite hanging out for so long, you felt dense when someone called him Namjoon one time, even turning your head around for this Namjoon, completely oblivious to the fact that Joon was connected to Namjoon.
To be fair, he never went by his full name claiming that his nickname sounded more 'chill,' or whatever that meant.
Other than that, you were sure he was your other best friend. Well, after Jules and maybe Pedro. They were probably on the same level if you had to arrange them- not that friends had to ranked.
"Are you ready for this afternoon?" Joon called out as the two of you walked off the stage back to the curtains.
"For what?"
He sent you a surprised look, scaring you because is there something crazy happening that you had to prepare for? "Do you have your phone?"
Patting your back pocket, you shook your head. "I think I left it in my bag. Why? I'm about to cry if you don't tell me," you impatiently whine.
"What kind of fan you are," he simply responds, causing you to widen you eyes.
Immediately jumping on him, you shake his shoulders repeatedly. "What is the 1975 doing?! You must tell me or I swear to the gods I will bust your kneecaps and make you crawl for help."
He bursts out laughing at your threatening begs, trying to calm down your jumps by grabbing your shoulders to hold you. "You're violent."
"And you'll need surgery if you don't hurry it up."
Tapping your shoulder to calm down, you slowly do so. "3 o'clock is when their tickets go on sale for their upcoming tour, one of the dates being in New York City."
You could have sworn you were about to faint if it weren't for Joon pulling out his phone to show you you still had time to mentally prepare for the combat you were about to enter.
That's what ticketmaster was, a war zone.
"How was I not aware of this?!" you cry out, internally panicking about what you were going to do. You can't miss out on this concert, you just had to see these British people in person in order for your life to be complete.
"They did just post the news half an hour ago," he admitted. "Good for you for not being addicted to your phone."
Scowling at him, he quickly closed his mouth as you went over all the things you needed to do to prepare. "Wait, can we go together? None of my guy friends like them."
If you weren't in your own world mentally planning how you were going to beat all these teenage girls online, you would have noticed Pedro walking up to the two to you. But you didn't because your mind couldn't stop thinking about Matty Healy singing 'She's American' because you were indeed American.
"Why does she look deranged?" Pedro questioned, standing a few feet away from you. "Oh no, did Matty Healy die?"
Glaring at him, you ignore his irrelevant comment and face back to Joon. "You and me, my place straight after work. Got it?"
He nods, already in game mode because he knows how bad the two of you need to witness this concert.
Pedro exchanged a crazed look between the two of you, assuming his own ideas as to what you meant. "You're having a party and didn't invite me?" he tried joking to understand the conversation a bit more.
"No time for fooling around, Pedro," you state, grabbing Joon by his arm and making your way back to the office to search for your phone. "We have important business to settle, see you around!"
He watched the way Joon and you walk away hurriedly and wonders if you have a thing for the boy. It would make sense right? Joon was around the same age and he saw you guys work together all the time.
Shaking his head, he walks back to the stage trying to not overthink whatever was flowing in his head. But he couldn't help but question why he was never invited to your place? He instantly rejected that idea, he was twice your age. There's no way that was realistically appropriate.
However, you were friends- so wasn't it hypothetically okay?
No, there was no way he was really debating this. It's completely understandable why he didn't need to be invited over and Joon could.
But how many times did Joon come over?
Stop. His thoughts were confusing him and he needed a distraction. He wasn't going to let another man make him envy of where his friendship stood with you because there is no way he's jealous Joon might take his close friend status.
Because that's who you were to him, a close friend.
After another hour of working with Joon secretly about the tickets while emailing more people who Finn ordered, you two were finally cut for the day.
And luckily you still had two hours before the tickets went on sale.
"I need to grab my coat I left backstage, meet me outside?" Joon asked and you nodded, waving him off as you put on your own coat and bag.
Sprinting out of the office, you didn't expect to fall on the floor by the the person who ran into you. Well, the person fell to the floor while you comfortably landed on top of them, their arms wrapping around you.
"If you missed me that much you should've just texted me sooner to drop by," you heard the culprit chuckle, immediately making you shake their secured hands off your waist to stand.
"That was definitely not the case," you laugh, sticking a hand out to help him get up.
He raises a brow while staring at your hand before taking it, instantly pulling you back down with him. Falling over again, you slowly slip into his arms before finding your balance and giving up on helping him.
"How adorable of you to think you can lift me up," he grins, pulling his own weight up.
"I would love to stay and chat," you start, before looking past him and back again. "But I have something very important to do."
Trying to move around him, he stops you by grabbing your shoulder. "That's why I came to be a generous person and offer you a ride- so you can be home faster and do whatever you needed to do with Josh."
"His name's Joon."
"That's what I said," he ignores you're doubtful glance. "I can take you guys to your apartment."
Thinking it over, it would make it easier and faster to get home and prepare for the sale. If you would've taken a cab and subway it would have been an hour, with him it'll be half that.
"Fine," you spit out and watch as his face lights up. "But I am not owing you anything, you offered."
"Love how two months ago you would've begged the world for me," he placed a hand over his heart. "Oh how comfortable you've gotten with me."
"I don't want to hear it," you shun him, walking past him as he makes a silly face behind your back. "I can feel that!" He immediately stops, surprised you sensed it.
Maybe the two of you gotten a long too well.
"He's gonna drive us to my place, it'll be faster," you quickly explain to Joon who just nods, happily smiling at Pedro who sends him a fast greeting.
Right as you walk through the parking garage and see the familiar black car, Pedro unlocks it before quickly pushing you into the passenger seat, ignoring your protests and slamming the door before you could slip out.
"Not cool," you utter once he buckles inside the driver's seat.
"Don't make me cry," he fake cries before pulling the car out and hitting the road back to your place.
Due to it being the weekend and everybody wanting to be social and outside for some reason, the streets were packed.
It didn't help that Pedro thought starting a deep conversation with Joon about why electric cars annoyed him, knowing damn well Joon loved the environment, was a good idea.
And Pedro's defense being because he loved the smell of gas made you want to slap him.
As if the heavens felt your annoyance, your wish was granted. You were finally in the front of your apartment complex with Pedro pulling up along the red curb. You would've fought him, but you were desperate to get inside as you barely had an hour left.
"Thanks, see you Monday!" you exclaim, jumping out of the car and slamming the door shut. "Let's go, Joon!"
Barely stepping a foot out, you heard Pedro begin talking. "Wait, what are you guys gonna do?"
"Very intense work," Joon stated before turning to you. "But we got this in the bag."
Pedro squints his eyes, curiously scanning your body language because he does not know what this very intense work meant.
Working out? Making out? What the hell was it?
"Of course we do, love has no limits," you declare, making Pedro cough as you grabbed Joon's arm. "Now, let's go!"
"What are you two going to eat?!" Pedro called out, making you heavily sigh and turn back around.
Faking a smile, you gritted your teeth. "Don't know. Maybe we'll cook or make Jules' grab food as we work."
He makes a face, not convinced he wants to let you guys leave. Now that he was here and his day was over with, he didn't want to be alone.
But he also didn't want to tell you he wanted to stay. He wanted you to invite him- but you weren't getting the hint. Or maybe you were, but you couldn't have him in the room while working with Joon.
"That's cool, did you know I make a killer chicken alfredo?" he speaks out, making you pull an interested face as you were very much not. "Especially with garlic bread."
"Make sure to make that once you get home, safe travels," you wave, trying to turn away but was once again stopped by his voice.
You could feel your kindness slowly leaving your body. Was this the day you would be arrested and charged for murder?
"You know what's the secret with making the pasta?" Pedro questions as Joon replies back a curious, "What?"
"The sauce!" he exclaims as you try to control yourself. He was definitely pushing your buttons but you had to stay calm- you had to.
Joon was too interested in the conversation Pedro was beginning, trying to ask what was in this mysterious sauce. You knew you had to interject or you would both be ticketless.
"Maybe you can tell us about this secretive sauce on Monday, when we next see you," you force a laugh, trying to slowly take a few steps back to inch towards the entrance doors. "We really have to g-"
"Why wait till Monday when I can tell you now?" he claps, getting reading to explain his recipe. "For starters, you need a thick, sauce that can sp-"
"Oh my god!" you squeal, causing both men to jump and stare at you in shock as you rambled on. "The parking structure is around the block, my number is 912- just park and come up! Let's go, Joon!"
With that, Joon and you ran inside and Pedro smiled to himself. His planned worked. He guessed the only way to get to you was by speaking nonsense until you gave in- he'll remember that in the future.
Rushing through your door, you took your coat off as Joon pulled his laptop out if his backpack and set it next to your desk.
You looked at it confusingly before asking, "you carry your laptop with you to work?"
"Duh, an intern should always be prepared for computer work," he replies as if it was the obvious rule we should all know.
Shrugging, you turned on your PC and immediately went to ticketmaster, finding that the tickets weren't going on sale until 35 minutes from now. "We still have time to breathe." That was until you heard light knocks on your door. "Spoke too soon."
Walking up to your door, you see that no one was out there.
That was until Pedro decided to jump out from the side and scare the living shit out of you.
"I'm not doing this," you glare, trying to slam the door on his face, but he forced his way in while laughing at the scream you exhaled before.
You stared at him with no expression as he fell to the floor, continuing to laugh as if your fear was the funniest thing in the world. Joon was even silently giggling in the corner, stopping when you made eye-contact with him.
Trying to find a bowl to fill with water so you could throw at him, your plans were interrupted when you heard your roommate's voice boom across the room.
"Who the fuck is making so much noise?! Some of us are trying to sleep- ah! Why is Mr. Boss here?" Jules' gasps, jumping behind the hallway wall and peeking only her head out, too embarrassed to show off her hello kitty pajamas.
"He's gonna make us some pasta with his secret sauce," Joon happily states as she just gives him a confused look.
"Plus, it's almost 3 in the afternoon...," Pedro adds, giving her a baffled look as to why she is barely waking up.
She just gives him an awkward glance before running back to her room, shutting the door. Saturday's were her day off, of course waking up after 5pm was normal.
"The time limit just turned green! Refresh to join the waiting room-" Joon began screeching, doing so on his computer as you jumped around Pedro to do the same on your PC.
Slowly walking up to where Joon was, Pedro began examining the situation you two were in. Reading over your computer screen, his face fell. "The 1975 2022 World Tour...were you guys seriously trying to buy concert tickets this whole time?!"
Joon and you exchanged innocent glances to one another, not sure if he was judging you for your dedication.
"No, we still are trying to buy tickets," you simply reply, pushing him away from your computer.
His negativity was bad luck.
"This is why you were rushing to get home? All for-"
"Be gone, pessimist. Your energy is not it," you frown, moving your game chair to block his view from your screen. "Joon, block your computer, we can't afford his cynical attitude to ruin our chances of making out with Matty Healy."
"Making out with Matty Healy? You still want that? How is he gonna notice you?" Pedro asks, trying hard not to laugh in your face.
You were quiet for a minute. It was just a crazy thing you said because of all the videos you had seen online whenever it was somebody's birthday or they were just a lucky fan in the front.
You weren't actually dedicated to kissing him, but you did wish.
Joon slowly raised his finger, pointing at Pedro. "You're famous, right? Maybe if you went he'll notice us?"
Eyes widening, Pedro quickly shook his head as you placed your hand over your mouth. He was right, maybe he wouldn't kiss you, but he would for sure meet you if he found out a famous actor with over a million followers on Instagram attended his show.
"Not a chance," Pedro declared, ignoring your puppy dog gaze as you just hoped doing it for long would make him so uncomfortable he would give in.
Nudging Joon, he followed your actions with the sad stare, the two of you in front of the poor actor, leaving him really no choice. You were even thinking about calling Jules out to help, but she probably wouldn't appreciate it by her state of looking homeless.
But if it were on a work day she would totally be in.
"You just look like a deformed bull terrier," he says, pulling a disgusted face. "It's kind of unattractive."
"What is that?" you urge, watching Joon hold a laugh.
"The target dog," Joon answers for you.
Shrieking, you smack Pedro in the arm. "My god, woman! You always hit me."
"You're coming with us to the concert," you announce, watching him roll his eyes. Before he could reject your demand, you beat him to it, "if you don't I'm never talking to you again."
"Please, I've been wishing for that for weeks now," he cheers. "Plus, I'm pretty sure I am busy the day they come."
Pulling yourself close to the computer, you check to see the day they were arriving. "So you're saying you aren't free November 7th?"
"Kid, that's basically a year from now. I can't guarantee anything."
"Damn, you're right," you frown, your mood going down. Joon's idea was pretty amazing, but just wrong timing since the concert was so far away. "You can leave now."
"And what about that famous chicken alfredo?" Pedro chuckled, finding your change in demeanor amusing. You must really love these indie boys.
You were about to reply when Joon intervened. "Oh my god! We are in the queue!"
Twisting your head, you could see the clock had hit 3 o'clock exactly. How did time go by that fast?
"Holy shit! Everybody disconnect from the house wifi on your phones! We can not have anything disturbing us!"
Pulling out your phone, you did what you ranted on and made sure Joon did the same. You even ran to Jules' door and banged on it until she confirmed she did so.
Running back to the computer, you could see there was still 983 people in front of you while Joon had 754. "Why is your computer going faster?"
"This laptop-," he sheepishly smiled. "-cost a fortune, but works like a charm."
Turning back to the screen, you saw the purple line move closer. Not even three minutes in and you only had 534 people left while Joon had 312.
You don't know what you did, but God was certainly rewarding you.
"You're honestly really weird," Pedro confessed, staring at your computer screen. "And sad."
"You would be if you were about to buy tickets to see the love of your life."
"I wouldn't pay anything, money can't buy love," Pedro insists, pulling a chair from your table and placing it in between Joon and you.
"That's very romantic," you swipe an imaginary tear from your cheek. "Save it for the cameras."
His jaw drops as you return back to your computer. In a few moments you were about to be inside the room and you were beyond scared. If you did not get these tickets you don't know how much longer you'll have to live.
"I'm in!" Joon shouts, causing you to jump to his screen.
Great, the two of you were going together anyway so it works out.
"Fuck, what's the presale code?!"
Placing your hands on your head as he begins to panic, you die inside. What the fuck were you going to do now? "Go on Twitter and check!"
To say Pedro was not intrigued would be a lie. It was very fascinating seeing how strongly engaged you were just for a damn ticket. To be honest, he thinks you would be great on a reality tv show- your expressions were just off the roof. He wonders if other people genuinely acted like you.
"It's probably something super simple, try 'thesound,'" you exclaim, watching as he typed right away but frowning when it denied it. "try 'somebodyelse.'"
After each attempt of every famous song they had, it was still wrong. What pissed you off even more was that fans were gatekeeping the code no matter how many times Joon and you tweeted for help.
Greedy little shits.
Eventually, your screen allowed you into the room as well. It was no use, you didn't have the code. "I think I'm going to have a panic attack," you clutch your chest as you felt your lips quiver from sadness. "We were so close."
Pedro just stared at you not believing how miserable you suddenly became. Is this how easily young people let concerts take over themselves? Do people really idolize artists that much to the point where they feel depressed if they don't get tickets?
He shivered imagining how BTS fans dealt with this pressure.
"Let me try," Pedro speaks up, pushing you to the side as he began typing away on your keyboard.
It never hurts to try, right?
Innocently clicking away, your face fell as the check mark appeared, unlocking the room for you. "He got in!"
Hurriedly jumping to the screen, Joon urged Pedro to do the same as you began searching through the seats. Instantly clicking on the floor, you hit the continue button for 2 seats.
Feeling your nerves kick in, your hands begin to shake as you typed in the needed information in order to complete your order. But once you pressed 'place your order," your world stopped.
Ignoring your surroundings, you only focused on the screen. Quietly praying, you're sure Joon and Pedro could hear your desperate requests to the ruler of the universe to grant you your biggest wish: these tickets.
You Got The Tickets To The 1975!
Feeling weightless, you screamed so loud you were sure your neighbors were going to call the cops. Joon looked over, doing the same cheers once he realized you two were set for the show.
Jumping out of your chair, you practically tackled Pedro to the ground as you wrapped your arms around his neck and planted him numerous kisses all over his cheeks.
For once, you were happy you managed to outlast his annoying-self.
"I will forever be grateful for your existence!" you cheer, squeezing his poor body in your arms as he tried to remain in balance, laughing at how nice you suddenly became.
Planting a big kiss on his forehead, you turn to Joon and jump together in happiness. You couldn't believe you managed to score tickets, especially floor seats.
"Wait, what was the code?" Joon asked, pulling away from you and turning to Pedro who tried containing his grin.
"The 1975."
You dropped you arms, feeling incredibly stupid. How could you not write their name as a code attempt? It was shorter than 'it's not living if it's not with you.'
"Joon, we are officially the two dumbest people in New York City," you confess as he slowly nods before stopping.
"Not dumber than Jules though."
You heard her door open before her loud yelling appeared, "Well fuck you too!"
Ignoring her, you jump to Pedro who had his gaze on you already. "Welp! Since we got that out of the way, why don't you make some of that chicken alfredo with your sauce."
He smiled before realizing what you were asking. "What sauce?"
You roll your eyes before hitting his side. "The secretive one you were bothering us about."
Pedro bounces up once he understands what he had mentioned earlier. "Oh, right. That one," he chuckles. "I was kidding, I just wanted to see what you guys were dong."
Your face falls as Joon lets out a sad sigh. "Man, I really wanted to taste how thick and creamy that sauce was."
Pedro just tilts his head to Joon before pointing at the door. "It was great hanging with you guys though! Hey, at least we all worked together for those tickets! I'm gonna head out now, have a good rest of your evening!"
With that, he awkwardly backs away and opens the door, quickly running out before you could argue why he would lie about such a thing.
Before you could process what had just happened, he quickly opens the door again and peeps his head inside. "By the way, you don't actually like a deformed bull terrier," he clarifies. "I was kidding, maybe a cavalier king charles spaniel, those are precious."
And again, he runs out. This time, your face was pretty noticeable when it came to how much redness was present. You cringed to yourself, the littlest of compliments always made you blush- it made you sick.
Joon and you exchanged confused looks to each other. Pedro was a very interesting man.
"What is a cavalier king charles spaniel?" you lightly question.
"The dog in the arms of an angel commercial," Joon simply replies.
Reaching his car, Pedro quickly unlocked the door before jumping in. He felt his heart beating fast, not sure why it was doing so.
Was it because he adored how committed you were for those damn tickets? Maybe. Or how your eyes sparkled once you realized you got the right code? Possibly.
How you kissed him and pulled him in close? Most definitely.
But he would never reveal such a thing to anyone. People would take it wrong and believe he had feelings for you. All he had were feelings one would have for another close friend like you.
His heart was beating because he was excited for you, that's all.
Walking around the studio Monday morning was exhausting. Not only did you pull an all-nighter Saturday night because you were too happy to fall asleep, but you only managed to gain a few hours of sleep on Sunday as you were too busy trying to finish homework due that same night.
"Are you alright? Do you need water?" you heard Bella worriedly ask as you pulled a hoodie over your head and walked near the snacks table.
"I need a pill that can wake me up."
"That could be arranged," she joked, stopping when you sent her a serious look. "Not by me, of course."
Bella managed to wake you up a little once she suddenly pulled out her phone and turned the flash on, flashing it all around your face. "Are you trying to make me blind?!"
"It's supposed to wake you up, is it working?" she grinned, still shoving her phone up your face.
Grabbing her wrist, she stops. "No."
"Damn, that sucks."
Somehow you managed to pull yourself together, walking to where the rest of the interns were once you heard all the directors call out for an urgent meeting.
Probably wanting one of you to run to the coffee shop for coffee as usual.
Seeing Pedro waving at you from the side of his cast's group, you smiled and returned it. He then proceeded to make a confused face, wondering why there was an emergency meeting being held.
You sent the same look, adding a shrug because you were feeling the same. You weren't aware about what was going on, but noticing how many people were present- it must be a big deal.
Finn walked in and stood near the director, sending you a smile that didn't look natural.
If anything it looked fake and...sad?
"A lot of you are probably wondering why I called everyone down here on this early morning," you hear one of the directors begin, making some people nod while others just patiently waited for him to continue. "Starting with wonderful news, we have just been given access to explore our visuals and proceed to try out different surroundings in regards to our planned perception for the series."
Hearing a few people clap, you do the same. You were glad that the set was upgrading, but what did they have to do with everyone?
"Unfortunately," you heard him begin, causing your breathe to hitch. "with locations being held in various places like Canada, we are going to have to make cuts."
Feeling your heart drop, you already knew who he was planning to remove. A big series like this can't send interns they don't care about out of the country for help and you sure as hell couldn't afford to pay for the travels yourself if it came down to it.
You didn't want to make eye-contact with Bella or Pedro and feel their condolences through their expressions. All you wanted to do was be cut already so you could go home and cry at home.
To cry over a job was pathetic, but considering how much you learned and loved to manage it for the past couple months, it was sad to let it go.
As the director went down the list of small departments he planned on letting go, he finally made it to yours. "As for the interns, we are especially grateful for the hard work you brought to this set and trying to fill not only our needs but the casts. If we have any open positions in the near future we will make sure to grant you priority, and if you ever need letters of recommendations for your future activities, I am sure Finn would be able to handle that behind closed doors..."
You zoned out after that, not really caring what else was being said. It was the typical its not us excuse, claiming the company couldn't provide for all of their workers yet were able to spend millions of dollars on each location and its visuals.
The meeting was over when you noticed the directors and producers giving a final sympathetic look to the crowd, bowing their heads before walking back to where their offices were located.
"I feel like crying," you heard Jules sniffle, patting her under eye with her sweater. "But I took time on my eye makeup so I can't!"
Rubbing her shoulder, you tried to distract her from her tears coming out as Joon stood next to you guys, telling her funny spongebob jokes that she did not understand.
"Uh oh, Mr. Boss is coming. He's gonna make me cry, I can't hear his sorrow," Jules' explained, turning her back the other way.
"Hey, kids," you heard Pedro lightly say.
"The tears are coming out!" Jules' exclaimed, running away to the nearest bathroom while Joon and you looked at each other, feeling extremely bad for her.
"Sorry about that," Pedro awkwardly started, continuing once you shook off his unnecessary apology. "I just wanted to talk, see how you guys are handling the unfortunate news."
Joon was the first to speak, sounding surprisingly calm for someone who just lost his internship. "It sucks, but at least it was for an understandable reason. Traveling costs money. Plus, we go to school here, we can't just leave."
You nodded, agreeing with what he said. It was true, you should have known this job would've ended sooner than later, there was only so much you could have done inside a film studio.
The series was an apocalypse that needed feature more outside and environmental sets that looked deadly than a building that was only useful for inside takes.
"How about you?" He questions, sincere eyes following yours as you shrug.
"I am sad but that's the industry," you force out a small chuckle. "If you aren't cut at least once, you aren't gaining the full experience."
Right after you said that, you felt tears lining around the inner corner of your eyes. Looking down, you tru to contain yourself. "I'm going to go check up on Jules."
Reaching out for you, Pedro tries to console you but you were out of his reach in seconds. He hated the tears in your eyes and his job being the reason behind it.
He felt as if it were his fault for your departure when he knows he shouldn't.
It also didn't make him feel any better that Joon followed straight after you once you walked away. He knew he had to do something but he wasn't sure.
All he knew was that he would rather see you smile than cry.
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wren-dy-flowergarden · 2 years ago
So... um... I'm kind of sick and am in desperate need of Sebek Zigvolt fluff.
How about a Fem!Reader who takes care of Sebek when he's sick, please?
I've read your other works and I absolutely love them 🫶🫶
*ੈ✩‧˚₊⁀➴ A/N: HIHI! Im crying' over here Im so happy you read my other works too even though they aren't twst fandom. I just love writing. ALSO SORRY THIS IS SO LATE. Ya know I was just going to make it head cannons but here is a whole ass story cause it's super late and I could not stop on this one while writing it. I really hope that the characterization is right, I don't know that much about Sebek. BUT I hope you enjoy and thank you for being my very first request! ✧.*✦ *.✧.* *ੈ✩‧˚₊⁀➴Sebek x f!Reader *ੈ✩‧˚₊⁀➴Word Conunt: 2.3k <- yes 2k more so pls enjoy *ੈ✩‧˚₊⁀➴ Tags: sickies in bed, indirect kissing, ungodly thoughts and confused feelings, slightly hidden fluff, in denial about feelings
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The moment there is enough peace on campus to hear your inner thoughts you know something was out of place.
The first couple of periods rushed through with mild amusement. Grim snoring on your left and occasionally a new note would come from Ace across from you making comments about how 'boring' the lecture is.
The usual, but someone was missing in your day.
Next, lunch went with a suspicious calm. No major fights, a couple forkfuls of food splattered in glory across the table from missing its targets, casual conversation, and nothing more.
Usually, lunch is more...
You couldn't find the answers until you saw Lillia who taps your shoulder out of your daydreams. You let out a small gasp waking up to reality, "Lilia! Don't do that- you scared me half to death."
A small fang pokes out of his smile, "Why I'm only here to deliver a message." He puts his hands up in mock surrender, "The small one Sebek is out with a cold right now. Tucked right into bed."
It was like a lightbulb going off. The boisterous energy that would usually interject into your day leading to ridiculous jabs at each other, Sebek, was missing.
No wonder you felt so off.
"He wouldn't keep quiet when I told him to rest. Saying things quite out of place-" he leans closer to you whispering into your ear in a small voice, "' Where is she? Where is (Y/N)?'"
You can feel the tips of your ears burn but you hope your face doesn't give anything away as Lillia breaks away a little happy smile on his face, "Why it seems he is quite fond of you."
Before you could even retort he quips in, "He's up on the second floor at the dorm. Passed out after I cooked him my famous soup!" He waves walking down the hallway, "Keep well!"
He disappears around a corner and you take a deep breath. Sebek sounds delusional, and you can imagine it has to do with something he ate, especially since Lillia cooked it up.
You hear the warning bell and you scamper off to class.
Later today you give him a visit…
Just to make sure he was alright.
Wallet slightly lighter and a fresh chicken noodle soup you step into Diatom's lounge. You're thankful there is barely anyone here right after school, you are even more thankful Jade didn't even bat an eye when you asked for the rushed order before the kitchen was even open. In fact, he just smiled…calmly…
There was more to dissect on that another day.
Winding up the stairwell, you come to a hallway filled with similar wooden doors all facing one direction. The only difference was a small name plate etched into each forehead of the door. The back of your heel clicked down the cobblestone.
"Sebek, Sebek- ah there, Zigvolt."
A knock for life, you hear a groan like one of those zombies in the movies.
"Hey Sebek we uh-" you think about your words before they spill out how much today actually felt off without him, "I heard you were sick!"
You joke raising the bag of soup up as he could see through the door, "I brought you something a little 'better' than Lilia's cooking!" It was more to test how healthy Sebek was and you did not even hear a response.
Wow, he really must be dying.
You crack the door open peeking your head through. Clumps of tissues were littered on the floor along with some plastic bottles and a different assortment of cups and medicine on his nightstand. What you could assume is a mound of a person was huddled into a little ball underneath the sheets.
You walked through carefully avoiding the snot-filled tissues on the ground, "Sebek, hey. How are you feeling?" You tug the edge of the sheet just to let him know there is a healthy presence of life here, "I brought some soup. Really cost me an arm and a leg (yet),"
A shift of the blanked and another groan escapes him, full of snot he lets out a sneeze. He shifts his body to barely peeking out of the blankets, "You cough you're here?" He says it with no bite, but more of wonderment.
It makes your heart melt just a little.
The two of you have been playing this game recently… where he would make an effort to find you and "train mentally" against you. For what training, you still never understood, but it is a usual constant 'noisy' flow of Sebek. Sometimes he brings you extra lunch saying his enemy couldn't give him an easy win when you weren't having a good day. Other times, he might come to do his homework prideful when gets a question right before you and indignant when you need to teach it to him.
…It was obvious you were playing a game. The shy looks went as you both glance over each other, the constant quarrels that you two would get into and it would slowly fade to each other's company. It was even apparent to Silver, yes Silver that you two have been dancing around each other's toes! He said, 'You two are like the old couples in the valley.'
No, you weren't, this development was by Sebek only! It had nothing to do with you and you became a little closed off and a little more cold and you ignored what was hurt on Sebek's face because how could you recognize that emotion if you did not know him well.
A creak breaks you from your daydreams, "(Y/N)…how cough a human like you is going to get sick." You give a soft laugh sitting by the edge of the bed, "Well, it's pretty incredible you're this sick with your genetics, though maybe it's a blessing that I am human- got to have a better immune system than you."
A gaggle of annoyance, "Not- cough true. You're really cough weak."
You roll your eyes, "Obviously since I'm sick in bed right now. Here you should eat." You step near the nightstand to make some room for the bag gently cracking the tape around the lid of the soup. It smells fantastic.
"Here sit up so you can eat."
He doesn't move or at least maybe he tried to because you hear a grunt. What a baby. You place the soup on the nightstand and reach for the covers of his bed pulling it just to be met by resistance.
"Sebek, come on you have to eat."
"I- no hack la-later would be fine."
"But it's going to get cold!"
"Its! It's fine! I cough like it cold…?"
What a liar. He may be able to lift eight chairs but you have the power of surprise on your side. Your hold lessens on the sheets.
"Alright…then I'll come back later."
He relaxes underneath the sheets, "…really?"
Your grip tightens against the sheets again, "Pshhh NO!"
Sheets wave in the air with also a couple of tissues and oh no was that his phone? It's alright though because you won this one and you look down to hopefully see indignation on Sebek's face but…he's- oh completely naked from the top up.
Strongly lined abs with traces of sweat falling down the lines of etched muscles, the way his pecs were peaking due to the sudden rush of cold air, and his collars dipped nicely really painting the picture of a perfect man. Your eyes meet with Sebek's and he has red forming around the edge of his face from the fever! It's the fever…
The sheets slowly cascade down and messily cover his perfect body his shoulders and head now peeking through.
Was it hotter in here your throat feels more dry as you chide him in fake authority, "You- you should really sit up and eat." You glance at the soup the steam still leaking out, "I'll help you!"
It's only a ten-second break to calm your thumping heart as you balance the soup in your hands reaching for a spoon inside the remnant of the bag. You face back and Sebek is now sitting up slightly against the headboard, sheets tucked in like a modest princess above his chest, the face still red.
You make a place facing him, he won't meet your eyes and to be honest, you really can't meet his. But it's not like you haven't seen guys at the beach before, or even at home when it was too hot of a day. The soup swirls in its paper-like container as you lift the spoon up.
"Here say ah."
He doesn't, mouth still shut, ears tingling red. You knew this look it was when you got the question right first when you won.
But that really didn't matter right now.
You lower the spoon, "Alright. Fine. I'm sorry I took your sheets from you." You don't think about how hot he is and continue on, "It's really yummy soup though. I think that you should have some."
To prove your point you blow on a spoonful and dip it into your own mouth, you try not to think of why his eyes won't leave the spoon. It pops out of your mouth, "See better than Lilias."
His eyes furrowed, "You- you can't say anything about cough Lilia-sama." He nodded towards a half-empty bowl on the nightstand, "See! His food is hack delicious." He really must be delirious because the bowl is caked on black with thick goo hardening in it. You don't fight him though, because this is the first real response you got out of him.
You nod, "Yes yes, then you should be able to finish this too?" Another dip into the mixture, "Say ah."
He looks so reluctant like a cat being sprayed with water, but slowly he opens his mouth, "..ah"
You place the spoon in his mouth and you see the way his teeth are a little sharper than yours clink on the spoon, mouth closing around it before a little pop as you pull out.
Your ears start heating as well, you hope you're not getting sick also.
It's almost done when you can touch the bottom of the soup bowl and Sebek has been quite well-behaved the past couple minutes. After the last bite, you pack the trash and a couple of the tissues are littered around in the bad crinkling it shut.
The air was tight.
"I…I should get going." You try to find any excuse to get out, "Grim- he um- need to be fed! Yeah, so I should go back to Ramshackle."
Sebek knew you well enough to hear a shifty excuse so you believed that was the reason he grabs your hand before you can leave, "Wai- Wait!" he hacks into his other arms elbow, "I want- I-." He takes a deep breath his voice becoming less choppy, "They say I need to say "sincerities" when it's my loss…so cough for a small human like yourself coming here I- hack thank you…"
It's the first thank you he has ever given you and you feel this is more than just a 'thanks for taking care of me'. It felt more about the two of you. In truth and honesty, you were the ones who took the first step away from him, even though you may have something more akin to 'feelings' than the general source of friendship you have with your other friends.
You needed to take the first step.
You gave a small smile, "Oh, the great Sebek is thanking a 'small human' like me." You walk up to his bedside, him still sitting in the same position as before. You're close as you lean down only inches away, "Well then, you're welcome Sebek."
You give a small kiss, right on the side of his cheek, just a peck before Sebek has time to process in his foggy brain.
You are already out the door the time you hear a loud holler from his bedroom. Your face was burning red but it felt nice to finally start exploring these feelings.
A couple days later and Sebek was back in action.
Though, he was with you almost 24/7. Even in the evening, he stayed for extra study lessons, more than usual. It went on like that for a couple weeks.
Of course, you are a little slow to the advances of Sebek and it took Lilia (again) to really make the pieces fall in order. It was just a casual conversation
"I'm glad the dear is a little more open about you, why he was such in denial that he even made the excuse to see you as "mental training"!" Lilia laughs and you do your best to add on the conversation.
"Well he's getting better at math now so maybe he will be teaching me about potions soon."
Lillia laughs even harder now at your response and you tut, potions were difficult alright? He seems to read your face with the knowledge of a sage and wipes a nonexistent tear from his eye, "No you are mistaken dear. He said something across the lines, 'My heart keeps thumping around (Y/N) and I need to fix it!'." He grins, "Why he was such a cutie saying that, so in denial back then- you ask well."
Your face is flush, cheeks a rosy red. And comedic timing comes when you least expect it because Sebek is racing down the halls toward the two of you. He grips your face between gloved hands, your face squished together, "Your face is evenly red… ARE YOU SICK!?"
Your words are muffled together, "Nomhrooo mmmmh fhhine Sebrekkk!" You pull his hands away from you, "I'm fine!"
Lillia looks completely amused by this and just has to open his mouth, "Why Sebek, (Y/N) was just telling me how she felt a little under the weather today."
"What no! I'm fine Sebek, really."
He doesn't believe you of course and that day you're carried in his arms to the infirmary him muttering how a pitiful human like you should be more careful all through a crowded hallway.
God, what were you going to do with the both of you?
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phneltwrites · 6 months ago
be the place you call home ✂️🩷
hiiiiii 💜
I am like details obsessed so im cheating with a list of fave minor details:
wilhelm being bad at football <3 because it's part of his personal growth to do stuff without the expectation of being perfect
fighting for my life to not use pronouns for Petter, why is English so hard
wilhelm was crown prince "like in real life?" lmao
simon having a full time dilation incident while listening to a boring story. been there
plant dads wilmon
(honourable mention to all of the ways wilhelm is fighting off panic attacks that simon isn't noticing: running in his ridiculous cold weather athletic outift, doing All The Chores, outfit choreography, carefully drinking water)
✂ I really wanted to put in a scene where Simon and his university friends go to karaoke!! if I had any brain now would be the moment to write it but just imagine along with me for now. Purpose of the scene was to show again that Simon is disconnected from this group and having to rethink how he's defined himself cause their music choices do not overlap (there's a Carola v Karol G joke in there). Songs that he never thought much about turn out to be Spain Spanish and they don't know them at all. There's a brief agreement about Shakira but even when it's songs he knows, he doesn't have the vibe. He doesn't dance! He doesn't clap on time! They try to fix his hip work but it's hopeless.
I thought maybe I could bring it back later in the fic where he could be like fuck you i know who i am and sing Ella by Bebe which I picked out as a song that Linda might have loved back when she was pregnant and played for the kids growing up. But I couldn't make either fit.
It goes a bit like this:
"What do you mean you don't know Selena?" Carlos looks absolutely gobsmacked.
Simon squirms. He knows music! He does! But he doesn't know everything. When it comes to Spanish music he knows the stuff his mom played and he knows things that come out recently - he stays on top of it, okay? He listens to Rosalia and Bad Bunny. He won't win any obscurity competitions but he is reasonably au courant. He thinks. He hopes.
This is none of that. This is some weird void where nothing is familiar to him.
"What about Juanes?" That's Marco. Simon also doesn't know.
"I like Bebe," Simon interjects desperate to prove he knows things. Who is he? He's not like this. What does he care what they think, he knows what he knows. And yet.
There's a pause. At least he can claim the victory of throwing them off their argument.
"Like Bebe Rexha?"
Simon gives up.
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anonauthorsworkshop · 2 years ago
Prompt; mc, 035, and 049 sneak out, and 079 helps out.◇ im so unbelievably bored I don't know what this is but enjoy I guess …!!  - 🪐
“Stop pushing me!”
“Then walk quicker, damn it!”
“It's pitch black! Do you want me to levitate!?”
“Maybe, can you?!”
“No you shithead! Why would you even ask?”
“Why would you even suggest it, then?!”
“Cause –”
“Enough! Be quiet, you two…”
“... They started it.”
“Oh, shut it, Rat.”
“What did you just call me –”
“I said, be quiet..! You are going to attract unwanted attention.”
“Fine. Only for old time's sake, doc.”
“... Old time's sake? You mean the times you were chasing him across continents?”
“How dare you – I cannot believe this audacity. Can you believe it, doc?”
“... Doc?”
“Let's not idle chat until we've arrived.”
035 muttered something with a glare at 049 before turning away, crossing his arms. Boy, he could be such a big baby sometimes. Like right now. “Hey, you can hold on my arm if you don't want to get lost,” came 035's hushed voice, and you paused mid step. Was he playing, or genuinely trying to help you right now? You didn't trust his intentions, so you opted to pretend you didn't hear that. Only, that made him more persistent, offended that you outright ignored him. “Hey!”
049 slapped the back of 035's head, turning to you calmly. “Here,” he murmured, holding out his arm. “You can hold on mine, if you'd like.”
You sweat dropped, laughing nervously. “I'm.. Good. Yeah. Thank.” hell, you couldn't even finish your sentence. “You. Thanks.” you promptly walked past them, and 035 hurried to your side again. It seems he's in a better mood. Probably because you rejected 049's offer. He started humming, as 049 cast him a funny look before continuing ahead.
Realizing that he was going to sing on the top of his lungs (again), you hastily grabbed onto his arm to distract him. He stiffened, slowly looking down at you. “.. Ah?”
“Oh, was your offer not on the table anymore? Sorry –”
“No!” he nearly yelled, securing your arm. “I mean – of course, since I'm so gracious, I'll take pity on you this time. Hmph.”
You glared at him in the corners of your eyes, holding back your insults. 049 was right. You shouldn't be making too much noise, lest you get caught. “All quiet now, hmm?” 035 taunted, grinning wickedly. You sighed loudly, pinching his arm. He yelped slightly, looking like he was about to throw you across the room. Thankfully, 049 interjected before things could escalate. God bless this man. “We're here.” he announced in his usual calm, deep voice. You instantly unlatched your arm from 035's, not noticing the way his shoulders sagged a little.
“First things first, snacks.” you said decisively, going straight to the cafeteria's kitchen. 035 followed after you, with 049 standing on guard behind.
“Ew, what is this?” 035 said in a disgusted voice, holding up a piece of pizza. You tried not to groan. “It's pizza.”
“Pizza,” he repeated, throwing it away. It landed on the ground with a pathetic slapping sound. “Sounds as gross. Haha.” he chuckled heartily, as though telling an inside joke. You sighed at his comment, pulling out cupcakes just as he started to roam around. “You know what they need? Some real old –” his voice cut off with a squawk, and a loud thud followed.
You face palmed.
“Damned pizza! It must be a cursed thing, for it to come after me like this.” he blabbered, shamelessly waiting for your help. He even had the nerve to pose on the ground – as a comeback to the pizza's schemes.
You held back your anguished tears, helping 035 up from the ground. He continued to insult the interior of the cafeteria, pushing things off the counter. You were already tired.
But really, what were you expecting when you decided to sneak out with him? at least 049 had more manners…
“We're back!” you said, stepping out of the back of the cafeteria to find 049 hunched over slightly. Your brows furrowed. “You alright?” you asked, holding snacks and capri sun in your arms. He jolted slightly, standing to his full height as he turned to face you with a little more light in his usually sharp eyes.
“I am well, thank you for asking.” then, he paused. “Where is 035 –”
“Ah, were you worried about me?” came 035 from behind him, about to wrap his arm around 049's shoulder when he stepped away. “I knew you cared about me in the depths of your heart, I can tell! Just look at how pained you look without me.”
049 looked at him in mild indignation. “Cease your nonsense, 035.” before the other could speak again, 049 turned to you. “Well, should we go find a spot to sit now?”
You nodded, grateful. “Yeah, it would be awkward if someone found us just sitting in the cafeteria – after hours.” you left out the fact that it would look bad no matter where you three decided to chat in, especially with the array of random stolen snacks in your arms. 035 raised his chin, like he is about to explain another horrible idea before the sound of speakers made everyone pause. “I know where you can eat peacefully, [Name],” came 079's voice, the cameras turning to your spot with a tiny red light.
You tried not to squeal and climb on the walls to hug the camera. You missed 079 quite a lot…
035 groaned, glaring at the cameras. “I have a better plan.”
049 hummed, lifting a gloved finger. “We may as well hear it, little computer.”
You blinked at 049, mouth hanging open. 035 slapped a hand on his porcelain lips, turning away from the scene to desperately hold back his giggles.
The camera turned to him very, very slowly. “Did you just call me little?”
“Okay, okay, ignore him, 079,” you said, and the security camera turned to you again. Thank god. “Could you lead us please, then?” you added the extra 'please' to make sure he forgets about 049's off handed comment, though his finger drooped altogether with his hands to his sides, turning to you in confusion.
“Very well, [Name].” 079 said, in a more mollified tone. You sighed in relief as 035 wiped his black goo from his eye with an already gooey finger. “I was going to only lead you, anyway.” he added snarkily at the two. They pretended to be busy staring at the ground.
“Well, let's go then!”
It didn't take you too long to reach your destination, definitely not long at all with 079 slamming the doors in 035 and 049's faces every second, making them trip and get a fabric of their clothes get stuck in the door. Though, 079 knew better, and opened the door, knowing that 035's dramatic complaints would only get worse and put you in trouble. He just wanted you to enjoy yourself. And maybe take a revenge on 049 for calling him little.
049 seemed a bit distraught and disheveled somewhat, holding a gloved palm to his forehead as though wiping a sweat. At least he learned to treat 079 with more respect now. You snorted.
035 waltzed in the spacey room no one used, putting down pillows that you didn't even notice were in his hands this whole time. “Come, sit [Name],” he demanded, patting the spot next to him.
You plopped down, opening your capri sun and leaning against the cold wall. 049 sat in front of you, taking s strawberry cupcake. You tried not to balk at the sight, averting your eyes as you sipped your capri sun. 035 leaned on his palm as he watched you, a softer look in his eyes. 049 coughed loudly, just as 035's chin slipped from his palm. 035 patted down his shirt, raising his arms, and you realized with a twinge of panic – he was about to go off.
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fictionfolk-safehaven · 20 days ago
Okay this is just a thing that I find funny that seems to be happening but also I'm unsure if it IS happening or if I just misinterpreted the signs, so your own experience would actually be nice to hear as well! But basically nobody in the system is capable of handling social situations in a way that isn't either super insecure or way too verbally aggressive/defensive (and even the aggressive one isn't confident), and when I say it like that it sounds like a mild thing but we're like...regularly unable to function due to it and we do have trauma associated with social situations. And I was kinda chatting about it with a different Part (we prefer to call ourselves Parts) when we were co-fronting like "Hey isn't that weird? If _Character_ was here with us at least I wouldn't have to constantly consciously try to stop myself from folding like a stack of cards and instead ask 'What would _Character_ do?'. Honestly I think him being here would be funny in a way." And like the thing is...people generally don't like the character in question and consider him awful, but like...if our brain was to generate someone to be assertive and handle social situations, he'd be the best possible choice.
So I just kept joking about it every time we felt really awful due to such a situation. And um anyway. I'm...not sure about it because I've never noticed a split before...but I think what I joked about might actually be happening lmao. Someone said that when a fictive is getting split, you might kinda...feel a sense of knowing they'll appear. Which makes me wonder if I subconsciously sensed that our brain decided to generate that guy in our brain and I made the jokes because of that, not the other way around dhdjjdjd. Either way, funny situation. Will update if guy actually appears. Also I have no idea what to expect because we are at a stable number of Parts and have no fictives.
This is wildly relatable if I'm honest. We've had situations of a similar vein, albeit not with clear predetermined roles for them. But we've most definitely had situations in which we joked that it would "be really funny if x were here!" And then. They ended up being here. We're still not sure what one of them is even here for other than to be vaguely ominous in headspace. /Lighthearted (it's at least amusing.)
OH MY GOD ANON IM SO SORRY??? This post got fucking eaten somehow??? What the hell-
Anyway yeah I'm agreeing with whoever the fuck wrote the above bit^ personally for us most of our like... Jokes about if [name] were to be interjected come from a place of "They're likely here but due to internalized ideals it's uncomfortable to admit it, so hahahahahaha WHAT they're not it's just funny to think about!!" So like. When someone makes a joke everyone else in the collective sorta goes 👀
-Keeper Tommy
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sunkibae · 3 months ago
DECODE; eli moskowitz | chapter III
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Pairing: Eli Moskowitz x fem!oc
Warnings: bullying, some swear words, mentions of sex
Word Count: 2031
A/N: it's a bit angsty, and there are some mentions of Kellys past but nothing specific yet
-> previous chapter
I don't consent this work being copied, translated or reposted !!
"Cyberbullying is no joke," Ms. Blatt's loud voice echoed through the cafeteria, but most of the students seemed completely unconcerned. "Sending someone hurtful messages is just as damaging as saying it to their face."
Kelly looked around the cafeteria and the only thing she noticed was Kyler and Brucks snickering at Blatt's speech. She sighed, glancing at Sam, Yasmin, and Moon, who didn't even look up from their phones.
"I won't give a name, but a certain mother called me because her son was crying after kids laughed at his facial scar on the internet," Kelly's gaze fell on Eli sitting next to her, the boy hunched over, covering his mouth with his hand. Whispers spread through the cafeteria, and a few people started pointing at him. Griffiths sent the boy a reassuring look, placing her hand on his shoulder in a gesture of support.The blonde merely flinched at her touch, unable to lift his gaze to her.
"But we want to make this school safe for all students," The teacher continued her monologue, even though everyone had once again stopped paying attention to her.
"If you're tired of it, my dojo is looking for students," Miguel turned to Eli, who surprisingly nodded and didn't look like he thought it was a terrible idea at all.
"Sure. Did you hear Eli?" Demetrie interjected, in a mocking tone. "Learn karate and you'll kick some major ass."
"I'm serious," Diaz straightened up in his chair, now addressing everyone at the table. "My sensei is cool, I'll get you all discounts. You too, Kelly."
"Sounds interesting, but we prefer to spend the afternoon playing games instead of getting punched in the face," Demetrie didn't sound at all interested in his friend's proposal. However, Kelly could see that Eli didn't completely agree with him. She sighed heavily, realizing that even now the boy was unable to stand his ground.
"Kelly?" Miguel looked at her expectantly.
"I'm not doing karate anymore," she stated briefly, then cursed under her breath as she realized what she had just said.
"Wait a second," the boy leaned towards her, with a considerable curiosity painted on his face. In fact, the whole trio was looking at her expectantly. "Do you know karate?"
"I used to do it," She emphasized the ending of the word, then sighed upon seeing their faces, realizing they wouldn't let up until she said something more. "My mom is a black belt, she taught me since I was a kid. I used to train a lot when i lived in Boston, went to some competitions sometimes."
Kelly ograniczyła swoja wypowiedź najbardziej jak mogła, na ten moment nie miała ochoty tłumaczyć im niczego więcej na temat swojej przeszłości. Ogólnie nie miała ochoty w żaden sposób o niej myśleć.
"Wow, Kelly, that's amazing," Miguel clapped his hands. "Please, you have to join Cobra Kai. Sensei Lawrence would be thrilled to have someone who already knows something and isn't just another loser."
"Miguel, no," she said firmly, then took a deep breath and added. "I have my reasons, and please respect that," after her words, the boy fell silent, retreating to his place. He didn't want to pressure her, but he desperately wanted to gain new students and help Johnny in any way he could. Miguel wasn't going to give up completely, he was sure that with small steps, he could convince Kelly to return to karate.
"And one more important thing!" Ms. Blatt said even louder. "We are all looking forward to the Halloween ball, but let's not let our costumes offend others. Instead of dressing up as a sexy nurse, dress up as a gender-neutral hospital worker."
"Maybe I'll just go as a nun," Kelly laughed.
Kelly touched up her lip gloss while looking in the mirror in the school bathroom, listening to the muffled music thumping from the gym. She had come there alone. Yasmin and Moon had been giving her disgusted looks for a few days, which she didn't really care about, and Sam still wasn't talking to her either. At least not at school. Larusso had texted Kelly a couple of times, but she stopped when her friend replied that since they weren't talking in person, they wouldn't be texting either.
The brunette adjusted the last bandage she had wrapped around her entire dress to imitate a mummy, tossed her hair back, and headed toward the gym. She had previously texted Eli about when him and Demetrie would show up at the party, so she was sure they would already be there.
As she entered the gym, she immediately felt the stuffy air, a bunch of sweaty students in one place were doing their thing. She looked around the sides of the gym, knowing that she wouldn't find her new friends among the people dancing on the floor. Just as she thought, Eli and Demetrie were literally leaning against one of the walls, and in front of them stood a boy in a skeleton costume, so she assumed it was Diaz.
"Demetrie, did you dress up as some kind of druid or what is that?" she asked, resting her elbow on Miguel's shoulder.
"I can't believe it. You didn't watch "The Amulet" too," the boy scoffed. "I'm a necromancer," he explained, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
"Whatever that means," Kelly said, then glanced at Eli, sending him a slight smile. "For that, I bet a hundred bucks that Eli is a plastic surgeon." The boy looked at her surprised but nodded, conceding her point.
Kelly was bored to tears. For half the evening, she tried to persuade the boys to go dance with her, but unfortunately, none of them were eager. The three of them just stood by the table sipping punch, until soon they all went to the bathroom together. The girl felt terrible, catching eye contact with Sam, who was sending her apologetic looks.
She felt sorry for their relationship, deeply hurt that the girl still couldn't stand by her side. She knew that LaRusso was waiting for her to reconcile with Yasmin and Moon so that everything could return to normal, but Kelly wasn't even considering that. When she finally distanced herself from them, she saw the whole picture of who Sam's friends were and had no plans go back to them. She wasn't going to make the same mistake twice or even thrice considering her past in Boston.
Kelly was about to go look for the boys when she saw Aisha leaving the room with her head down. Out of the corner of her eye, she also noticed Yasmin, who was proudly watching the girl leave, laughing to herself. She glanced at Samantha, who was just standing next to her with a grim expression. Griffiths couldn't believe it, she hardly recognized Sam and started to wonder if she even wanted to call the girl her friend anymore. She turned around, tense, and quickly left the room, hoping to find Aisha somewhere. She met the girl once before, when they were kids and Kelly was in town visiting the LaRussos.
"Aisha, wait!" She shouted after her when the girl was almost at the school exit. Robinson stood and turned uncertainly toward Kelly, looking at her with furrowed brows.
"Come on, finish off the downed Kelly," Aisha said bitterly, then blinked several times to keep from crying. "It can't get worse than Yasmin anyway."
"Aisha, calm down." Kelly took two steps toward her and placed her hands on her shoulders. "Yasmin is Sams friend, not mine," she explained, seeing the complete lack of trust on Aisha's face.
Kelly was starting to realize the situation she had landed in. People she had hung out with the whole summer had bullied half of the school, and she was selfish enough not to see it earlier. No wonder people still saw her in their category, even if she didn't talk to them. By associating with them before, she had given her approval to their behavior and supported it.
"Kelly, since you moved here, I have seen you on every photo they posted. What do you think that looks like?" Aisha's nervous voice sent chills down her spine. Kelly was so mad at herself at this point, she promised she would never let things like that happen around her ever again. And she didn't keep the promise.
"I was too busy with myself to notice," she muttered, lowering her head. "I never really got close to them, I only spent time with them because of Sam. I'm sorry, Aisha. I should've reached out to you, even when Sam didn't."
"It's okay, I understand," Aisha calmed down a bit, nodded and gave Kelly a slight smile. "I've known Sam since childhood, I get why you thought everything was fine since they are her friends. After all, you didn't know many people here."
"But now I know, and I made my own decision about who I want to spend time with," she said, also smiling at the girl. "But I wish Sam would open her eyes. I've tried to explain to her several times over the summer that something is wrong with those people, but my words just bounced off her."
"She's rich and pretty, she fits in perfectly with them," Aisha shrugged, then chuckled softly. "There's still just the matter of her really getting together with that idiot Kyler"
"I'm sorry to inform you, but she already did." Kelly said, making a typical sour face like Yasmin's, after which both she and Aisha burst into loud laughter.
"Well, what does that mean? No more karate?" Demetrie asked, sounding very unsure of himself.
"Probably," Miguel's lack of emotion broke Kelly's heart. She knew that feeling well, she missed karate too. It was something she was truly passionate about and even this was taken away from her.
"It'll be better this way," Alexopoulos stated. "You were getting too confident."
"And since when is that a bad thing?" Kelly furrowed her brows, glaring at the boy.
"Since always," Demetrie said confidently. "If he gets too cocky, they'll give him a black eye and throw his backpack in the trash."
"I liked that you stood up to Kyler," interjected Eli. Kelly was about to agree when Demetrie spoke again.
"You guys have lost it!" he almost shouted. "Tell me, what's the best superpower to have?"
"Super strength," Miguel answered without hesitation.
"Wrong. Invisibility," Kelly shook her head disapprovingly at the boy's words. "Or maybe super speed, so you can escape quickly."
"Escape from whom?" Kelly looked up, hearing a stranger's voice. She took a deep breath upon seeing Kyler, who grabbed Eli by the neck, leaning over the table at which they were sitting.
"We'll be leaving now," Demetrie commanded, and everyone stood up, turning towards the exit. But before Eli could leave, Kyler grabbed him by the neck again, turning the boy towards him.
"Where do you think you're going? Look at this weirdo," the boy laughed, grabbing Eli by the face. "Seriously. What girl would want to kiss that shit?"
"Piss off, Kyler," Kelly snapped, pushing her way in front of Miguel and Demetrie. Park abruptly released the blonde and approached her, laughing under his breath.
"Oh right, I forgot." The boy raised his hand toward her face, but Kelly immediately swatted it away. Kyler scoffed and continued. "Don't worry, Kelly, Yasmin explained everything to us. Did he already fuck you for standing up for him? It's a bit disgusting to let someone like him touch you, even for a whore like you."
"Kyler, shut up!" Miguel lightly pushed Kelly back, seeing the growing anger on her face. But Kyler didn't even let him approach, immediately pushing him on the bookshelf.
"Haven't you learned your lesson Rhea?"
He laughed, looking Diaz straight in the face. "Get the hell out of here."
The boys left immediately with Kelly following them but something stopped her. Samantha was standing between the shelves with a book in her hands. Kelly scanned her from head to toes, and took a deep breath.
"That's what I was talking about Sam," Kelly laughed sarcastically. "What a nice boyfriend you have."
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nikossfwfics · 1 year ago
Tis the MFing Season
Total word count: 3490
46 words 
 Set in  1994. Duff is 30 and Izzy is 32. I changed Duff’s family dynamic to where Duff has an older brother: Bruce, 43, and two older sisters: Tina,35, and Christine,40. his mom’s name is Alice and there is no father figure in the picture
Part 1  - Holidate 
789 words 
Duff couldn't believe he had stooped this low, but here he was sitting next to Izzy on the beat-up couch in their beat-up apartment. “Please Iz,” Duff pleaded, “I already told my mom I was bringing someone to Christmas this year, I can't go back on that now.” Izzy rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, “get Axl to do it,” Izzy shooed away the blonde.
Duff cringed at the thought, “You don't understand, man-” Izzy cut him off mid-sentence, “I do understand; you are desperate and begging me to accompany you to Seattle for your family’s Christmas party. Well, guess what? It's not happening”
Duff knew it was stooping low but if this were what it had come to he would just have to pull out the puppy dog eyes. “Don't look at me like that,” Izzy said plainly, “you look stupid.” despite his friend's words he continued to press, “Please. Please! PLEASE!”
Izzy stood up from the couch and sighed. “Fine,” he said, giving up, “I'll go with you, but I'm not going to enjoy it!” he accused. Duff jumped up in excitement, “Trust me, there's never a dull moment with my family.” he joked before walking away to pack his bags. 
Izzy felt a single moth flutter in his stomach. He cursed himself for letting his stupid feelings get in the way of his morals. He was 32 years old, damnit. He shouldn't let his childish crush get in the way of his rational decision-making. Izzy had no idea how this was going to go.
I mean, fake dating? Really? What was he, a middle schooler?  He retorted in his mind. He must be half out of his mind to have agreed to this. nonetheless, he did… and he had to go pack his bags as well. This will go swell! 
The plane ride to Seattle was less than terrible. First, he forgot his walkmen, secondly, he had to sit behind a guy who obviously did not care about his legroom, finally, Duff slept on his shoulder the entire time. ‘Why would that be such a problem,’ you ask. Well for one, Izzy sat completely still for a 3-hour flight, going absolutely insane. That wasn't even the least of it when they got to Seattle, it was 40 degrees outside. 
As they stepped off the plane into the piercing cold air, Duff sighed happily and Izzy groaned. “How are you so happy?” Izzy grumbled. “It's colder than a polar bear's toenail.”  
“Im home,” Duff replied with a warm grin that brought a tinge of heat to Izzy’s cheeks.
When they stepped off the airport grounds, they saw a group of people with signs saying their names. Duff chuckled at the signs and ran up to hug the older lady of the group, who Izzy assumed was Duff’s mother. 
After a couple of exchanges of “Welcome home,” and “I'm glad to be here,” they caught a glimpse of Izzy standing nervously a few feet away. They all shared a look of equally perplexed as they were excited. Duff got wind of their confusion and decided to properly introduce Izzy to his family.
“Guys, this is Izzy,” he said to his family members, “Izzy, this is Bruce, Tina, Christine, and my mother Alice.”
Izzy nodded in acknowledgment and extended his hand out to Alice, “It is very nice to meet you, Mrs. McKagan,” he smiled kindly and genuinely, “You’ve raised up a very lovely person.”
Alice accepted the compliment and shook Izzy's hand, “it's wonderful to meet you as well, Mr Stradlin”
“Please, ma'am, call me Izzy” Izzy requested. now it was Duff's turn to swoon over his best friend. He shifted his weight from side to side wondering if anyone noticed the slight blush that crept upon his face.
 Bruce looked at Izzy, then to Duff, then back at Izzy, completely addled “Hold up,” he interjected, “Izzy is a dude?” 
Both Duff and Izzy were taken aback by this question, “Of course, Izzy’s a dude. Why wouldn't he be?” There was an uncomfortable pause and the air was thick for a second. Then it dawned on him. Duff chuckled and scratched the back of his neck, “I guess I didn't specify if Izzy was a girl or a boy. Sorry,”
“Duff I didn't know you were gay,” Tina spoke up. Duff laid his head in the palm of his hand. “Tina,” he sighed, “I came out when I was 16.”
this wasn't news to Izzy because, duh, Duff was gay. Why else would he ask Izzy of all people to be his “date”? But at the same time, why not slash? They're pretty buddy-buddy. Could it be, maybe, Duff actually likes Izzy? No, that would be absurd.
Part 2 - Sleepy Drive Home 
533 words 
The steady beat of last Christmas by wham! Flooded the ears of the passengers. The car ride to Duff's childhood home wasn't the worst, but Izzy was exhausted. So exhausted, in fact, he was falling asleep while sitting up.
“Iz,” Duff whispered, calling the attention of the crow-haired male; there was no reply, “Izzy! Wake up, we’re here,”
Izzy hummed and popped back to life “What?” His voice was groggy and filled with sleep. Duff couldn't help but chuckle at Izzy's sleepy nature; Needless to say, it was adorable. He was so sound and peaceful that Duff dreaded waking him up. 
“Let’s get you to bed, sweetheart,” Duff spoke softly as he propped Izzy up, slinging one of his arms around his shoulder. “God, you're heavy!” he exclaimed, knowing Izzy wasn’t in the mind to snap back. 
Once in the house, Duff struggled to help Izzy take his coat off and get him into bed. Duff turned around to his family who were all watching the scene unravel, “im gonna get this one to bed he’s had a long day.” they all mumbled quick okays as the two boys retreated to the guest room.
At this point Duff was also extremely tired; too tired to give a hoot about how there was only one bed for them to stay in for the next week. Duff threw Izzy down on the bed, soon following suit. 
The room was silent, the only noise being Izzy’s soft snores. But Duff couldn't seem to fall asleep there was so much on his mind. “Izzy?” Duff turned to the side to face him, “Izzy, are you awake?” 
Izzy also turned to his side so that they were face to face, “I am now,” he grumbled. Duff let out a sigh of relief, he wasn't alone. 
 “It's Christmas Eve tomorrow…” the blonde stated. Izzy nodded in acknowledgment, “I know…” 
“You don't seem excited. what's wrong?” Duff pressed.
“I dunno…” Izzy breathed, “I guess I just never really liked Christmas time.” 
duff looked taken aback, how could someone not like Christmas?! He said in his mind. He placed a reassuring hand on top of Izzy's. 
“You see, I didn't have the best childhood,” he went on to explain,  “when I was born I was a crack baby, but her own son coming out an addict didn't stop my mom from quitting. Not at all. When I was 13 she overdosed, leaving my dad to take care of me and my two younger brothers, Kevin and Joe.  My dad worked three jobs just to provide for me and my brothers. I remember scrounging up as much money as I could to buy them at least one gift on Christmas because as far as toys went that's all they had. So when I think of Christmas I think of absent parents and loneliness.”  When he spoke Izzy's voice was barely above a whisper, full of sadness and regrets. 
“Iz…” Duff felt apologetic for bringing up the subject, “Iz, that's terrible, I'm so sorry.”
“Don't be,” Izzy gave Duff's hand a squeeze, “it's not your fault. Now go to sleep.” And so they slept, hand in hand, Feelings bubbling about in their hearts. 
Part 3 - Christmas Eve morning 
548 words 
The next morning Duff woke up like, well, a kid on Christmas Eve. He was quick to notice his and Izzy’s sleeping arrangements; with Izzy spooning Duff in his sleep- You'd think with how tall Duff is he'd be the big spoon, but I guess not- A familiar heat spread to Duff’s ears as he rolled over to be face to face with the crow haired male. 
He shook Izzy awake, “Izzy!” he exclaimed softly, “Izzy, you've got to wake up. It's Christmas Eve!”
Izzy grabbed onto Duff's waist, unconsciously searching for warmth, “No, it’s not.” He grumbled. Duff couldn't help but chuckle, lovingly. Abruptly came Duff’s entire kinship, along with his mother holding the camcorder. 
Great, duff thought, this was somehow getting back to Axl, so that he could torment them for the rest of their lives.
“Awe!” his mother cooed, as Duff stood up trying to find clothes. He'd have to talk to her about personal space later.  A mass of messy black hair shot up off the pristine pillows, “what the hell is going on?”  he queried. “Merry Christmas Eve, sleepy heads!” Christine honed in.
Now that Duff was fully dressed he strung the blind open, letting the sun stream through. Izzy groaned, sitting up in bed and glaring up at Duff.  The family members started getting bored of watching the two “lovers” scramble to get themselves together and started leaving one by one. 
“What time is it?” Izzy asked, rubbing the sleep out of his eye. “It's early enough for my whole family to catch us cuddling,” Duff teased, a small smirk playing on his lips. 
“We were not cuddling,” said Izzy, 
“You were literally spooning me!” Duff snapped back playfully. 
“Shut it, Mckagan!” Izzy stepped closer, all in good nature. 
“Make me, Stradlin.” Duff also took a step closer, their warm breath mingling. It was an unspoken challenge to see who would back away first. It was Izzy. He couldn't take the tension anymore, not when real feelings were behind it. 
“Ha!” Duff said, victoriously, “I gotchu!”
Izzy just smiled, rolled his eyes, and walked out into the living room, where the family sat in a circle on the couch. “What did we miss?” Duff raised an eyebrow.
“Oh, boys!” Alice spoke gleefully, “Perfect timing, I've got a job for you two.” 
Duff looked at her intrigued, while Izzy… not so much. “Of course! what is it, ma?”
“You two boys will be in charge of my last-minute Christmas shopping!” she said as if it were the greatest gift to be given this holiday season.
“I love Christmas shopping!” Duff squealed with delight
“I hate Christmas shopping,” Izzy muttered under his breath so that only Duff could hear. 
“It's settled then,” Alice clapped her hands together, handing Duff the list, “you boys go out to town and get all these things from the market,”
“Will do!” Duff gave a quick sweet smile to Izzy as they slipped on their heavy coats. He loved causing izzy agony, but this time that wasn't the case. This time he had a mission; a mission to make Izzy love Christmas- along with other things along the way. Hearing about why Izzy didn't like Christmas shattered Duff's heart to pieces and he was determined to change that fact.
Part 4 - Holiday Market 
234 words 
By the time they got to the market, it was already dark. if you ask Duff, it was the perfect time because they got to see the lights. If you asked Izzy he would probably say that it was loud and he wanted to go home. He could barely hear the soft piano playing over the hundreds of people talking, shouting, and yelling. 
Duff took notice of Izzy's nervous behavior and looked at him concerned, “Are you okay?” He spoke quietly and softly. Izzy shook his head ‘no’ and sighed. 
The blonde looked at Izzy with uncertainty, showing brief hesitation, before grabbing ahold of his hand. Izzy snapped his head up, “is this better?” Duff asked, looking concerned. Izzy nodded and smiled coyly. And just like that everything was fine, they could enjoy the holiday market together. 
About halfway through the list, Duff stopped in his tracks, “you good?” Izzy looked at him puzzled 
“Yeah…” Duff said shyly, “Listen, how about we split up for a bit, yeah?” 
Izzy gave him a knowing look, “no,” he said bluntly, “you're not getting me a gift, duff.”
“Whaaaaat?” Duff said, his tone giving away his lies, “I’m not- I just- uh- I-” 
Izzy snorted, “I guess I should get your gift too…” 
Duff's whole demeanor changed, “great! So we’ll meet back here in an hour?” 
“Yeah,” Izzy sighed and they went their separate ways. 
Part 5 - Gift Exchange 
   [im screaming at this part, it's so cute ^_^]
  373 words
They made it back to Duff’s mom’s house after going way over budget- it was all Duff’s fault, I swear. People chattered happily and announced it was time for a Christmas Eve tradition where you open 1 gift from someone else. Duff was ecstatic; he liked receiving gifts but he loved giving them. They all settled down in the living room, in a circle. went down the line opening gifts and Duff made sure he and Izzy were last.
It finally came to their turn and Duff smiled warmly handing Izzy a very neatly wrapped box, izzy smiled even wider and accepted the gift only to hand one back to Duff. It was extremely messy, so messy that im pretty sure it had more tape than wrapping paper. Duff’s eyes went wide and socked Izzy's shoulder.
 “Ow!” Izzy interjected.
 “I told you not to get me anything!”
“Well I did,” Izzy said, turning up his nose, “so open it. “
“Not until you open yours!”
“No, you first!”
they went back and forth until Bruce rolled his eyes “God, you are children! Open them at the same time.” He suggested. The two boys looked at each other and just like that an agreement was made. Once they tore into the gifts they both paused in shock. They had just essentially bought each other the same thing.
“How much did you pay for this?!” Izzy inquired, looking down at the shiny ring.
“How much did you pay for this?” Duff replied, a small smirk playing on his lips. 
Cristine peered over to the boxes and shouted out, “OH. MY. GOD. DUFF IS PROPOSING!” The entire room gasped in unison and Izzy's face suddenly felt hot. He looked at Duff with an ‘Are you serious right now?!’ look. 
“No, no, no, no!” Duff tried to explain, but his mom had already pulled out the Polaroid camera, “it is not a proposal! See, he doesn't even have it on his right finger!” Duff lifted Izzy’s hand to show his family. He did have it on the wedding ring finger. Whoops!
“Why would you put it on that finger, iz?”
“I dunno which finger it's supposed to go on, I've never been proposed to before!”
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^ These are the rings ^
Part 6 - Missile Toad
“This eggnog is great,” Duff slurred his words, “Iz, you should try it.” he held up the glass to Izzy’s lips.
“Thanks, but no thanks,” Izzy said, denying the glass  “I’d like to keep my sobriety around your family.”
“Awe,” Tina cooed, “The lovebirds are under the missile toad!”  
“Pardon?” Izzy gave her a puzzled look as if she were speaking another language, “the what now?”
Duff gasped dramatically and looked above their heads, “The missile toad!” 
“Don't you mean the mistletoe?” Izzy questioned, starting to think they all drank the spiked eggnog. 
“No, silly,” Christine piped up, “it's our family tradition, when two people stand under the missile toad they’re gonna fall in love… look like that's already happened,” she chuckled, gesturing to Duff who was bent over clinging to Izzy's arm. 
“Yeah…” Izzy looked at Duff wistfully, placing a soft kiss on his forehead, “he sure is something, isn't he?”
Duff looked surprised by Izzy action, “you missed,” Duff whispered. Izzy looked at the blonde, slightly confused but when he puffed out his lips and stared down at Izzy’s, he got the idea. 
Izzy scanned the room to see if anyone was watching, and when he saw they weren't he leaned over placing a sweet kiss on Duff's forehead. After a couple of seconds, Izzy pulled back, “Duff, you're not in the right mind.” 
Duff gave him a small pout “Yes I am!” he attested.
“No, love,” Izzy sighed, “let's get you to bed it's late.”
“But-” Duff tried to object, but Izzy interrupted him with an offer he couldn't turn down, “I'll let you watch Die Hard,” said Izzy. 
 Duff’s smile widened, “okay!”
As they retreated into the guest room alice, Duff’s mom, followed after them, “Hey, izzy?”
Izzy turned around at the sound of his name “Yes ma’am?” 
The older lady sighed and smiled, “please be careful with his heart,” she requested with sorrow painting her voice, “it's just… he’s had it rough.”
Izzy smiled completely understanding what she was talking about, “Of course, I could never do anything to hurt him,” he said knowing every word was the truth, “ever.” 
And with that note izzy and Duff went to their room to watch the world's most action-packed Christmas movie.
Part 7- Big Brother 
The moment Duff’s head hit the pillow he was out, but for some odd reason, izzy couldn't seem to settle the thoughts in his head. He walked out of the guest room and into the kitchen where he found druce, sipping on a hot cup of tea. 
“You couldn't sleep either?” izzy asked trying to create small talk. 
“Yeah…” Bruce’s mouth opened and his brow furrowed slightly as if he were going to say something important, “listen,” Izzy looked up, preparing himself for the ‘big brother’ talk.
Bruce shifted his weight from side to side “You know I know you and Micheal… I mean duff arent really together, right?” 
“No…” izzy said wide-eyed, “I thought we were doing pretty good at keeping up the act”
“No, yeah, You are. I can just see past it all,” izzy nodded, “but i can tell how much you care about him and how much he cares about you.”
Izzy wasn't quite following, “What are you trying to get at?”
“I just want to say thank you.” izzy looked at him confused 
thank you? His thoughts buzzed, why is he thanking me?
“You see,” Bruce continued, “Mikey is my younger brother; my only brother. And, well, he hasn't had the easiest life. When he is with you I can see all the love and excitement in his eyes that I haven't seen in a long time.” Brue patted Izzy's shoulder, “Keep it up… and uh… he’ll keep  you around.”  
Izzy nodded in agreement “You want some coffee?” Bruce offered.
“Yeah, thanks,” Izzy said.
Part 8 - Santa Baby (I ran out of names) 
Duff woke up on Christmas morning with his head pounding, but the worst thing was that he was alone and cold. duff stumbled into the living room where he saw izzy sitting by the fireplace wearing the single most ugly Santa sweater he had ever seen. Izzy didn't seem to mind though. The usual scowl on his face was replaced by a genuine smile and, boy, was it contagious. Izzy noticed Duff standing by the doorway and made his way over to the blonde. 
“G’morning, sleepyhead!” izzy said softly, placing a small kiss on Duff’s cheek.
“Morning.” Duff groaned.
“You ready for Christmas, dear?” izzy asked.
Duff grumbled a tiny “my head hurts…” and izzy was already handing him a pain pill and a glass of water. 
“You're an angel,” Duff chuckled as he glanced down at Izzy’s lips. Izzy raised a brow, smirked, and then held a missile toad above Duff’s head. A small heat crept on Duff's face as izzy leaned in. Duff leaned in slightly, his eyes flickering from Izzy's lips to his eyes. 
“Is this okay?” izzy asked in a whisper.
They were so close to each other that their breaths mingled. duff nodded as izzy closed the gap between them, placing a comforting hand on Duff’s cheek. Duff felt his eyes flutter shut as he melted into the surprisingly passionate kiss. izzy smiled against Duff’s lips as the room roared with cheers.
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down4clownz · 1 year ago
Its so scalding, like a brand to the skin screaming you used to be here, you still should be but never will be again.
I know what it means to stand still with the kind of pain that makes you think you could be dying oh how I wish I was actually dying, watching your brain break every glass case of comforting happy memories and holding the broken shards of it all until your hand are weeping blood just trying to remember it correctly feel the way i felt but its all broken now, the little bits of glass and a life that you thought would never go away stuck in your palms no great fate is written there.
So you keep walking but its sits with you, a pit of needles in your stomach, some yarn is choking my heart strings trying to remember her laugh, her jokes, her opinions and passions and her soul and I fear I will bleed out every bit of you if I don't keep trying to remember but I'll keep trying to stitch myself up for you even when I'd rather just lay here, not moving, nowhere to be, nothing to be.
I know how it feels to live with the reek of death smeared over loving memories that used to make me proud and honored to know you, to be a part in your life and I don't want a life here without you, everyone expects me to be normal, palateable, tolerable, one stupid fucking foot in front of the other, empty words to thank the im sorry for your loss uncomfortable interjections reminding me how I lost you, how lost I am without my bestfriend.
They always need me to always consider them in their condolences, comfort them but could never do the same for me but its alright, I left my soul in that spot with you Margie and I don't think I can go back to retrieve it, doesnt feel right so I guess it can only stay with you, so you will never get cold and always have someone to call when you're lonely
best friends are forever and I better see you waiting for me at my death bed when its my turn to go.
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murdertoothpick · 2 years ago
i'm taking this moment—
Silco x fem!Reader | w/c: 2070
Warnings: some jealously, oral (f receiving)/cunnilingus, fingering, closet sex, biting, 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT.
A/N: yes im back but no promises with what im back with. this has been in my drafts for ages. not fully proofread bc i just wanted to get it out there. for now have this.
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Your face hurts. Your body too—with the heavy dress weighing on your shoulders, and the scratchy faux jewels that embellish said dress—and your feet, strained in these god-awful heels that threaten you within an inch of your life every time you step forward. Fortunately for you, Silco has proven to be very effective in helping you maintain your balance by offering his arm for support, as well as being good company. Unfortunately, he seemed to have disappeared, and you're stuck talking to some topsider that doesn't care what a wink you say so long as you keep smiling and laughing with him. Yeah, your face hurts a lot.
And it doesn't help that this man has the most punchable face you've ever had the obvious displeasure of looking at.
Behave. Silco's reminder rings in your head. You're here so that he can keep good graces with the Piltovans—taking their greatness as his, and making sure that they do not intervene with his control in Zaun. So why is it that you're having the unpleasant conversations, batting your eyes at men who have far too much bravado for their brains to know what to do with. It's a surprise you haven't downed your entire glass of champagne yet.
'Say, what's a pretty girl like you hanging around sumprats for?'
You had forgotten that you also grew out your nails for this event. Your fist balls at your side, manicured fingertips digging into your skin as you refrain from yelling obscenities at this man and his audacity. You're appalled by his Piltovan-hubris and further baffled by the ignorance of this man - far too privileged to know that people cannot move to Piltover as they please, not that you would want to. But still, surely the council has more to offer than the man that doesn't seem to know the regulations he has a hand in approving.
Gritting your teeth behind a feigned smile, you respond. 'I'd hardly expect you to be a better company,' you joke, though there is no lie in your quip.
The man raises his arms in mock surrender, receiving your words the way you concealed them. He grins disgustingly, only emboldened by your attitude. 'Now there,' he laughs almost tauntingly, 'I only meant it as a compliment.'
That earns him an eye roll. 'Can't say the same,' you return, raising your glass to the jest and smiling into its narrow rim as you take a sip. But as you pull the drink away from your mouth and feel his fingers slide against yours around it, it takes everything in you to not smash the glass over his head.
Again, the audacity.
You don't protest as he takes the glass from your hands, but your mouth falls agape as he downs the rest of your drink and discards your cup. Is he expecting you to swoon at his bawdiness?
'What th—'
He offers his hand to you. You stare at it blankly. 'Let's start over. Salo, and you?'
—are about to tell him to shove his slimey fingers up his frivolous-looking a—
'Silco, charmed,' he interjects, an arm crossing the space in front of you to shake hands with your company. The other loops behind your back, squeezing your waist in a silent greeting. 'Darling,' he drawls, both eyes regarding Salo with no sign of impress or genuine intrigue towards your companion, 'You didn't tell me you've already made friends.'
'It's been a pleasure,' you retort coldly, not caring to stroke the man's ego any further than you apparently have.
Still, Salo doesn't get the hint and is rather emboldened by Silco's presence. 'Your lady has been keeping me very entertained,' he responds, a painfully obvious attempt to look you up-and-down paired with his words.
'Oh? Has she now?' Silco, smug as ever, raises his eyebrow at you, 'Have you been holding out on me, dear?'
You can feel your jaw clench under the pressure of the smile you are maintaining.
'Well, I—'
'I sure hope not,' Salo interjects, cutting you off rudely, 'Gods know how many men - or women! - I don't judge'—he winks at you and you roll your eyes when his returns to Silco—'are dying to get their hands on something like her.'
'You know, I really think we should get going,' you urge irritably, tugging at your date's sleeve. Your eyes meet his in a silent 'help me out here' and then widen to communicate a threatening urgency to him. As if to say that if you don't leave this instance, you will be dislodging your nails into Salo's eyes. Silco gets the message.
'I'm afraid she's right,' he smiles dashingly, eyes full of fondness. 'We have a little one at home,' he begins to apologise to Salo, excusing the both of you from the conversation and hopefully, the rest of the night.
'Nonsense!' he exclaims with a laugh, 'It was a pleasure mee—'
'Pleasure was all ours,' you rush, already pulling yourself and Silco away from that pretentious douche as fast as you can—not caring for your insincerity, not that Salo knew any better. Your feet scurry out of the ballroom, pulling you and Silco into an empty hallway.
'Darling,' he begins, 'Might I say—'
Silco grunts with the sudden impact of his back to the wall, the rest of his sentence morphing into a low groan with the way you push him backwards with forceful lips on his.
He entertains your eagerness for a moment, pushing back. 'C'mon darling,' he groans against you, mouth refusing to fully separate from yours. 'Let's get out of here.'
You're absolutely giddy with your ungraceful escape, hands snaking down to tug at Silco's belt with intent and refusal against his suggestion. 'Nuh-uh,' you chide, 'We can have fun right here.' Your hands fumble at his hips clumsily, as if you were teenagers both horny but unable to stop giggling.
‘Surely we can have fun in behind one of these doors,’ he suggests, knocking just to the side of the wall behind him, where there conveniently happens to be a door. ‘And look!’ he gasps dramatically, hand twisting around the handle, ‘It’s unlocked.’
You roll your eyes as he opens the door, walking past his outstretched arm in an exaggerated show of chivalry. 'We do this all the time at home,' you sigh, 'Can't we do something a bit more...indecent.' While you love the rendezvous you have with Silco at The Last Drop, this gala presents you with a fine opportunity to be naughty.
The door closes, prompting you to turn back to Silco as he makes use of its lock. When he faces you, his eyes narrow, capturing yours as he stalks over to you. He chuckles darkly.
'I'd be happy to defile you on every surface of this building—the whole fucking city—if you can prove to me you can be quiet.'
You inhale a steady breath as Silco lowers himself.
Ah. Only behind closed doors are you given the pleasure of seeing the Eye of Zaun drop to his knees so willingly. It's really a testament to your power over him.
He brushes slender fingers up your bare leg through the slit of your dress, your heart rate picking up against his unhurried movement towards your arousal.
'That pretty boy—What was his name?'
'Salo,' you grit, drawing in a shallow breath.
'Salo.' He tastes the name on his tongue, a bitterness in his tone. 'He's been gawking at you all night.'
'Hmm.' So he noticed.
His hand stops, too close to where you want him but not yet there.
'But he's not your type? Is he?' You shake your head at his question but he pushes on, not satisfied. 'Why not? He's pretty. Rich. Powerful—'
You scoff, cutting him off. 'He doesn't know power.'
He seems to be in agreement, though wants to hear more of your stance. The hand that presses against your thigh becomes a slight indication for you to continue as it remains unmoved.
And the timbre of that voice. Yeah, that too.
'He's arrogant. Salo holds no true power—none over Zaun or even Piltover. Rich, sure, but he's never worked for anything. He might have a pretty face—'
A pinch to your thigh, your leg jerks at the pressure.
'Careful,' Silco warns.
'But you...' you can't conceal your grin as you hold Silco's upwards-turned gaze, knowing that this is how you get what you want. 'You... are devilishly handsome...'
'Wicked girl,' he comments.
'Rich. Powerful. Striking. And you know what else?' He quirks a brow and you drop your voice, a smirk tugging at your lips. 'He could never satisfy me like you do.'
A beat of silence. You swear the temperature rises. And then—
It's the sound of your yelp that cuts through the air of the closed space as determined hands separate your legs, forcing one of them over his shoulder. The skirt of your dress parts with your thighs, allowing Silco closer access to where you need him as he comfortably settles in between them. While the change in pace has you startled, you are not complaining.
'Hush, darling,' he croons, splaying a hand over the exposed thigh resting languidly over his shoulder, 'we wouldn't want to be kicked out of this fancy party too soon, do we?'
Well, not before you get off.
'—Not before I get to defile you on every surface in here. Like I promised.'
Oh right. Definitely not before that.
You shake your head at him, pointedly not responding with a sound but instead grinding your hips in a silent plea.
'Patience, girl.'
And then he inhales. You shudder as his nose presses against your panties, earning him a whiff of your cunt as he balls the fabric of your dress in his long fingers.
'Please...' you whimper, though it's barely above a whisper.
He flattens his tongue along your still-clothed cunt, then presses harder, as if your panties weren't soaked already with your arousal alone. Salivating. Tasting you.
It's not enough. For you or him.
A forgotten hand of yours snakes itself through his hair, parting the gelled strands, mirroring your dishevelment. Then, a tug.
Again, a silent plead. Please.
A hum in return. Okay. A tug of your panties, then a snap against your skin. A contained yelp from you. A 'you asked for this' as he frees you of the scrap of fabric.
There is no teasing this time when he pounces on your cunt. No warning as two fingers breach your opening and slide in with ease. None as his tongue, wet and wanting, separates your folds, lapping at the arousal already spilling out of you, and you—despite his desperation matching yours—aren't allowed to make a single noise even as he groans shamelessly against you, indulging in your sex.
You try to stay quiet, you really do. But for every dart of his tongue, every push of his fingers, every grind of your hips against him, there is a gasp, a squeak, an apology to every tug on his previously elegantly styled hair.
A beg for more, more, more.
And he is the one to indulge you. To make you cum as his tongue finally latches onto your clit; grinding, pushing, sucking on the delicate bud. A sensitivity that makes your toes curl in those absurdly uncomfortable shoes, numbing you in a state of euphoria rather than the strain of Piltover's exhibitions.
The obscene noises caused by the man between your legs are more telling than your whimpers; those high-pitched noises becoming echoes of your suppressed moans. And the noises echo, unwavering almost as his tongue laps and laps again, pushes against your clit, between your folds, even teasing your entrance despite the two fingers slick with your arousal with every push against your walls. Pushing and pushing until you're falling over the edge, only able to stifle your moans by sinking your teeth into the flesh of your own arm.
Well, nothing you can't survive.
And even if you do make a sound, Silco will just have to punish you. In which neither of you are particularly averse to. Especially not with his promise to take you on every clean Piltovan surface, leaving his mark as the king of its underworld with his queen at his side. More likely, you under him.
If you thought the night was long before, it's about to get delightfully longer.
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onehyperfixationatatime · 3 years ago
Best friend!Eddie x Reader On the Run
Word count: 1,167
Authors note: I’m thinking of making another one of these… thoughts?? This is part one. You can find part two here.
You laugh as you pass the joint back to Eddie, looking at the boy with your eyes full of love. It warms your heart to see him feeling a moment of peace right now. Lord knows he needs it… Eddie’s smile fades almost immediately when he hears something outside the shed. He sits up a little more, ready to jump up and fight if he had to.
You both watch the door anxiously as the knob turns and in comes Dustin and Steve. Both you and Eddie relax, letting your guards down again slightly. “Jesus H Christ Henderson you scared the shit out of me!” Eddie remarks.
“Sorry about that.. Food delivery?” Dustin says with that bright smile of his as he and steve come in and shut the door. “You guys are life savers!” You instantly shoot up and scramble over to Dustin, grabbing the bag of snacks right from him before returning to your seat next to Eddie.
The entire shed reeks of marijuana, and smoke hangs in the air from the joints you and eddie have been passing back and forth. Steve and Dustin quickly take note of how stoned the two of you are.
“You have got to be kidding me. YOU GUYS HAVE BEEN SMOKING? Does this SEEM like a good time to be getting high off your asses? Unbelievable,” Dustin complains, running his hands over his face to show his annoyance. “Listen Henderson, after what Eddie has been through in the last 48 hours, I think he has earned the right to take the edge off a little,” you say with your mouth now full of chips. Eddie points a finger at you and smiles and nods. “What she said.”
“No Dustin is right. You guys this isn't the time to be doing drugs! Eddie is a wanted man, he needs to be clear headed! You both do,” Steve interjects, glancing over to you at the end of his sentence. It had been months since you and Steve broke up, but he would never stop protecting you. If he’s honest with himself, he doesn't think he will ever stop loving you either. He doesn't much approve of your friendship with Eddie, and it was always a source of jealousy for Steve during your relationship. Of course, he protested when you decided you were going to stay with Eddie at Reefer Rick’s.
“Y/n can I talk to you uh.. Outside for a second?” Steve asks you. You nod and pat Eddie’s knee letting him know you will be right back. He just saw someone violently murdered by an invisible monster from the upside-down. He needed his best friend now more than ever. You follow steve outside, coming to a stop just a few feet from the shed. He gives you a concerned look, “I don't think it's such a good idea for you to be crashing here with Eddie… He’s a fugitive! You could get in serious trouble for helping him. We all could, but this is risky. What if the cops find him, and you're with him when it happens? I just.. I just want you to be safe y/n..” “You're joking, right? You don't seriously think im going to leave him here all alone. Steve he needs somebody right now! After what he saw last night, he shouldn't be alone. He’s my best friend, I refuse to let him sit in that dark shed all alone with his thoughts and his memories of last night. You saw how scared he was..” you try to reason with Steve. “Yeah, yeah I did. But this is dangerous. I’m just trying to protect you.” You rolled your eyes. “Steve you aren't my boyfriend anymore. I don't need you to protect me. And when have we ever let danger stop us? I’m doing this. You can either support me or you can sit and pout”
You look at Eddie, and as soon as the two of you make eye contact you both burst into a fit of laughter. “We’re fine Harrington, don’t worry about us,” Eddie says when he's finally able to catch his breath. It makes you so happy to hear Eddie laugh. He can’t stop thinking about how lucky he is to have a friend like you. He only wishes it was more than that. But you would never look at him that way. You and Eddie have been friends for years, so he assumes you probably see him more like a brother than as someone you would actually go with. He had always been jealous of Steve because of his relationship with you, but he would never let you know that. He’s just happy to have you in his life, and he doesn't want to confess his feelings and ruin what the two of you have. And you had the exact same feelings he did.
Although, anyone with eyes can clearly see that the two of you are in love. Even Steve could see it, that’s what made him so jealous. When the two of you broke up, it was a huge fight. You were drunk, he was angry. You had just gotten home from hanging out with Eddie at his trailer. The two of you had gotten drunk and watched a new horror flick.
“Steve NOTHING happened! We are just friends! F R I…E.. N….D S!” you grumbled drunkenly at the boy, needing to really think about how to spell friends. “Please, I see the way he looks at you! The way you look at him, your chemistry! And he's always doing shit to piss me off, he KNOWS exactly what he is doing y/n! Just admit it. Just once, admit that you have a thing for him!” You scoff, shaking your head. “I don't deserve this… These accusations, this is bullshit. I'm leaving. I’m done” You storm out of your room, steve following after you. “Y/n this is your house!” You only respond with flipping him the bird as you toss on your shoes and jacket. “If you walk out that door, I am done. Do you understand me? Done.” Steve says as his eyes well up with tears. You give him one last look, letting a tear fall down your cheek as you turn around to walk out. “Okay yeah whatever! Go find comfort in the arms of that freak!” Steve hisses, met only with the sound of the front door slamming in his face. “God damnit!”
“Right.. Okay well, this was fun. See ya at the car Dustin,” Steve says, unable to look at the two of you together. It’s still too painful for him. He leaves the shed and Dustin rolls his eyes. “You two seriously need to get your asses in line! Let me know if you need anything else, or if something bad happens,” Dustin is interrupted by the sound of steve blowing the horn in his car. “I’ll keep you updated on any new developments!” he shouts as he shuts the door, leaving you and Eddie in silence…
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hanzajesthanza · 2 years ago
i thought to make a list of "things which tell me if im reading a fanfiction or if im reading professional fiction"...
i feel like i always see "fanfiction quality" of writing joked about as being like my immortal or by describing eyes as "orbs" and other memes about cringe-worthy writing, but there doesn't seem to exist a lot of standards beyond that. it seems that fics are either categorized as trashy incomprehensible fic, or that the author should have their own publishing deal already, which isn't true. sometimes fics aren't that badly written, but could also just do with some ways to improve, but there is rarely any actual advice in trying to improve fics to engage the reader as the source material does.
disclaimers for this post:
this is not a post with the intention of putting anyone down. i'm really all of this out for the benefit of my own personal writing process. because for me, although i may be writing fanfiction, i want to write to a certain standard of quality. this post is just a list of things i'd like to be able to do in my fic.
this isn't about any author in particular, and in this list i'm also including things that i myself have done as a fanfic author
if you've read fic that includes these things, then good for you, but the majority of fanfictions which i've seen seem to immediately fall into these traps and the point of this post is to list out the mistakes i've seen so i can begin to avoid them
i know that not all fanfiction writers are intending to write to a professional standard, fanfiction by nature is a hobby and fics don't have to be written to be good, they can fulfill a personal creative desire
i don't really read fanfiction anymore but you know i've crawled through ao3 sometimes in desperation before giving up the quest
this post is one hundred percent witcher-centric, so it's literally fanfic writers VS sapkowski, so let's go.
so i'm just going to start:
i think the main thing is the author's ability to just... handle the world in which they're writing.
this means thinking from the perspective of more characters than just the ones you're writing from the perspective of or the ones in the scene. the character which the fanfic is from, if the fic is "good," usually seems to have a really complex inside world, with a lot of thoughts and considerations... but the characters they're interacting with feel like cardboard cutouts, who only interject or respond in the coversation out of the convenience of the author. they don't really have their own developed voice or personality if it's not in their perspective, or, alternatively, if they do, it's an exaggerated and one-dimensional personality that's completely unrealistic.
this means having more characters than just the ones you're writing about. the minor characters and background charactersmake the world feel alive, so they not only have appearances and names, but they also have their own professions, stories, motivations, drama... if they're in a scene, they feel like they completely "exist" in the world just as much as the main characters do, but we're just not seeing it through their eyes right now. it feels like a lot of work, and it is, because you basically have to make OCs for everyone involved. but it doesn't have to be difficult and twisted for every single background character, just do the basics. answer who are they with what is their relation to others in the scene, where are they from and what is their profession, what is their main motivation in this scene, what do they look like, and what are they called or what does the writing call them.
how to describe what a character looks like. i'm not talking paragraphs upon paragraphs of description, just be specific. "a pox-marked man with hands darkened by soot, eyes glistening from narcotic use" is ten times better than "a peasant"
edit: also sapkowski always comes up with the best character names for background characters or doesn't name them at all and just refers to them as a physical trait they have (like "pox-marked", "beanpole", "bear") so if you call your background characters some random shit like "gage" that's an immediate red flag
using specific references in lieu of being vague. for instance, having characters in the dialogue name the monarch in power by their name (e.g., "ethain" rather than "the king of cidaris").
describing the setting and locale, and distinguishing them from one another, and establishing a specific atmosphere or mood. you have to create an environment for the characters to live in. imagine if aedd gynvael was simply described as "the town". if novigrad was simply described as "the busy city." if angren was simply described as "the marshy wilderness."
but i think the biggest thing i see is lack of message.
so what's the overarching themes of the writing? is there a message beyond the in-universe implications, is there something which can be understood outside of the writing - such as family, sacrifice, or something more specific like authoritarian government, crime and punishment... essentially, what's the point? how is that achieved? is there symbolism, motifs? something needs to happen that is more than just "these two characters are in love" or "this character was sad." that's fine, but what was the meaning of that.
this relates to the author's ability to handle the world and be specific in that they need to have a good memory of what they've written and be able to weave it through the writing, creating things which reoccur or are brought up later. and that relates to the ability to plan out your writing and have a clear idea of not only what you want to happen but WHY. why do things happen. what are you saying about this, as a subject BEYOND the characters and the world involved.
which brings me to the last thing... planning.
idk how to explain this one really... but you can tell when writing was not planned out thoroughly.
i'm not talking about something more specific like plot holes or contrivances, but something like, do characters' motivations compared to what they achieve at the end of the story make sense? or do characters have to deal with the consequences of their actions (either deal with it internally through remorse or reflection, or externally through conflict with others?). (or, if they don't deal with the consequences, is there a point to that?)
there's some leeway here because stories can really go anywhere you want them to, but there's a kind of fic where the author just didn't know what they wanted to do with it in the first place and kept adding new chapters on whims. which, see disclaimers, isn't inherently a bad thing, a lot of fic is just for fun, but it isn't professional writing.
writing is really hard and good writing is even harder and takes soooo long so i think the expectation for fic writers to be prolific is a difficult thing, because if you are just churning out fic chances are it's not going to tick the boxes above. if you want to make it good it's unfortunately going to take a lot of forethought and really interpersonal soul-searching considering what your goals and ideas are as the author.
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