224 posts
Star Wars independent RP blog -borderline NSFW warning- Tor founded the infamous splinter faction known as the Death Watch during the Mandalorian Civil War, and after Jaster Mereel’s ascension as the Mandalore. Brutal, narcissistic, and egomaniacal, Tor - and his followers - were widely known for their vicious atrocities. Has history with Jango Fett. [ death watch members ] skira vizsla • dred priest • bo katan • deadpool • kotorar
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tor-vizsla2 · 12 years ago
I've decided to switch the sideblog to a main one, so please follow this one instead.  My apologies for the trouble, but now I can follow everyone back.  ;D
This will likely be the last post on this specific URL.  It's been fun times.
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tor-vizsla2 · 12 years ago
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Open Seasons - Summer
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tor-vizsla2 · 12 years ago
doctor-demagol started following tor-vizsla
Now you, I've heard.   What brings this bad boy to my turf?
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tor-vizsla2 · 12 years ago
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Vizla’s body :/
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tor-vizsla2 · 12 years ago
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That they did, Vizsla.
I was poking around in my old sketches and rediscovered this reaction art from back when it was leaked that the Mandalorians in the CW series were going to be pacifists. Made me laugh so, who knows, maybe it can get a lol out of others.
Idfk why I decided to have the afterlife/limbo/wtfever versions of Jango and Vizsla with their causes of death, but I do remember that I was requested to omit Vizsla’s scars. So that’s why he isn’t a scar face like he was when those dire-cats killed him.
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tor-vizsla2 · 12 years ago
And here you just said a while back that you weren't that stupid.  Dearie, you're either the ballsy kind of stupid, or the clever coward.   What's it gonna be, eh?
What I am does not matter to you at all and I would keep my mouth shut if I were you. Unless you want to end up with holes in your chest.
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tor-vizsla2 · 12 years ago
sidious started following tor-vizsla
What d'ya want, old man?  It ain't safe around these parts - too many villains around here.
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tor-vizsla2 · 12 years ago
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Best idea I ever had, bar none.
Jango's boys never knew what hit 'em.
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tor-vizsla2 · 12 years ago
Hah, and yet yer bunch fell for the party trick at Galidraan.  That was really too easy to organize - just as predictable as the auretii, it seems.
- a brief pause - 
Don't tell me you're one of those shabla peaceniks.  
We’re generally the non-stupid ones.
I have no intention of working with you and there is nothing you can say that will convince me of otherwise.
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tor-vizsla2 · 12 years ago
And here I thought you Mando girls were supposed to be the feisty ones.  
Hey, don't get all huffy on me - at least there's some shabla sense in you.  I could use that in my crew, yanno?
Aww, you hurt my feelings, dearie.  For shame.
- abruptly laughs - 
What’s the matter - you going to try offin’ me, now?
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tor-vizsla2 · 12 years ago
Pah, it’s your kind of reasonin’ we need more of.  It’s what our old Empire was based off of - total war.
I take it you’re familiar with Satine’s dogs, eh?
-Kot nodded, lifting his gun and putting it on his shoulder. He was ready. He was always ready.-
Fine by me al’verde. Aru’e of the Kyr’tsad is mine as well. Just one thing… if I go, there’s no survivors. No one who asks for mercy will get it. So think about it before you send me. 
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tor-vizsla2 · 12 years ago
(( anyone want to start a thread with Tor? )) 
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tor-vizsla2 · 12 years ago
Aww, you hurt my feelings, dearie.  For shame.
- abruptly laughs - 
What's the matter - you going to try offin' me, now?
That bastard Jango tried, but turned out to be a weakling in the end.  They all do.
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tor-vizsla2 · 12 years ago
The silence was so profound one could hear a speck of dust drop - only punctuated by the ragged and raw pants of Blondie - and the other faceless Death Watcher beside him.  They knew what dead looked like.   Lived it, artfully, and in ways that most civvies would sooner shoot their brains out than rather have to live with the images in their minds - and the merc had been fucking dead.
Had been.
Tor wouldn't have given two shits to their word if he hadn't shabla seen it with his own eyes - but the ... things under Wade's skin were still writhing, tendons and muscles knitting together in a matrix that was soon indistinguishable from real human flesh.
The implications were enormous, but he was still unable to take his eyes off of the very not decapitated head, even as Wade smirked and picked up his blade again.
In the beginning, God created pain, and it was delicious.
Wade was for all intensive purposes dead; his head attached only by skin, his body in a crumpled heap, enough blood to paint a small house pooling around his prone form. He hated this part the most; decapitation was a pain in the fucking ass -not literally since it was more a pain in the neck- but it was almost his least favorite way to get “offed”. He could hear the murmuring voices of the Death Watch around him, grunts of approval for their brother in arms, and a few slaps on what sounded like armor. And Tor’s voice, calling for someone to “mop it up”.. Nerves were tender as shit, but he wasn’t about to get thrown out. 
Not when the fun was just starting. 
He waited until one of the men came over and leaned down to grab his shoulders before he opened his eyes and smiled. “Boo bitch, boo.” The sight of the fully geared up Mandalorian scrambling away sent Wade into a fit of belly clenching laughter. He managed to get his body to sit up, his head lolling to the side as he tried to align it. Those damn chunks of skin though.. he ripped his head completely off, snapping the last bits of skin and realigning it on his neck, waiting for the healing to fully kick in. 
“Oh man, blondie that was just vicious of you. I mean I approve fully, I’m a huge fan of kicking ass and taking names, but honestly, you’d lose some points for sloppiness. Not clean at all.. the French judge is gonna dock serious numbers for that. Not that the French have any room to talk about clean.” 
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tor-vizsla2 · 12 years ago
Come along then, chakaar; we don't have all night to be dilly-dallyin'.
Your arse ain't too shabby either.
- smacks -
Drinks? Check. Marshmallows roasting over the village of burning bodies? Check.Lovely lovely hair with which to nestle in? The screams of said burning villagers? Check.
Best evening ever.I think I might love you.Your hair.
Some things money can buy, for everything else there’s DeathWatch. 
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tor-vizsla2 · 12 years ago
Nothin' wrong in indulgin' a bit, yanno? 
Some nice Corellian bottles, a warm village fire by yer feet, and the screams of the tortured as you so kindly put it ... we got bitchin' taste.
Oh Tor, sweets, you do care.
Corpses are fine, kittens are welome, but let’s be honest toots, as long as there’s booze I’m happy. 
Bloodstains for me, scorch marks for you? Oooh, but we’re a classy pair hmm? 
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tor-vizsla2 · 12 years ago
Rose petals are a bit of a rarity over in these parts, but wouldn’t artfully arranged corpses do?  Bugger me if bloodstains aren’t such a lovely complementing color to yerself.
Will there be tea lights and rose petals and the sounds of the dying and tortured for when I get the urge to dance?
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