#don't fully like chloe's part
angelsfat3 · 2 months
ꮩ, 你伤了我的心。 ⸻[Everything, my everything...]
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Summary: "Even if there is another life, I hope I never cross paths with you. You make me sick." It was what you thought as you listened to him talk to his ex.
Genre: suggestive, fluff, against.
C/w: Heeseung being an jerk, confusion of feelings, cheating(?), story written from third person. ㅤ-ㅤTw: Curses, crying, unrequited love, virginity taken.
A/N: I don't even have words for what I wrote... I shed a tear while writing this. I hope you all like it + When “[...]” appears it is an improved version of “y/n”.
If you are interested in knowing more about this story, please read these two: ⒈ ⒉
[...] was flipping through a history book, his fingers absentmindedly sliding across the yellowed, image-filled pages, dictating to his partner, Jake, important parts which to write down in the notebook. They were in the library, finishing a project for school. The afternoon sun filtered through the windows, bathing the room in a warm golden glow.
"[...]?" Jake broke the silence, his voice soft but firm. "I think we could use this information for the presentation, I mean, to focus the idea from the beginning and attract everyone's attention."
[...] nodded, not really looking at what Jake was pointing at. His mind was elsewhere, lost in memories and emotions that he still couldn't fully understand.
Ever since he had kissed him, everything felt different. He clearly remembered the moment, two weeks ago, when Heeseung had kissed him passionately, mistaking him for Chloe. Later when he went to his house to apologize, an apology that had been clumsy, and although Heeseung had tried to explain that before Chloe, he had had feelings for [...], words had not been enough to heal the wound he had left.
Just then, a tall, thin girl with wavy blonde hair approached them. It was Minjeong, a mutual acquaintance he had with his former best friend, Heeseung.
"Hey guuuuys," she said with a beaming smile. "I'm hosting a party this weekend. Would you like to come?"
[...] took his eyes off the book, looking up, a little surprised. He hadn't expected an invitation to a party, much less from someone related to Heeseung. He looked at Jake, who looked just as bewildered as he was, but then nodded.
"Sure, Min. We'd love to go," Jake replied, trying to keep his tone enthusiastic.
The rest of the week passed quickly, but not without incident. [...] noticed Heeseung's possessive gaze following him through the school hallways several times. Heeseung had once tried to approach him while he was at his locker, but Jake had appeared just in time, grabbing him by the shoulders and leading him to chemistry class.
"Thanks, Jake," [...] murmured, feeling a mix of relief and frustration. Jake just nodded, his face serious, clearly determined to keep [...] safe from further confusion and pain.
The day of the party arrived. [...] decided to go to his room after school to change. He was looking for a suitable t-shirt when his friend appeared at the door of his room, spreading his arms as soon as [...] opened the door, making him laugh at how he raised his eyebrows in search of his approval—about the look.
"Do you need help?" Jake asked, with a mischievous smile.
[...] nodded and let Jake rummage through his closet. Finally, the brunette took out a dark blue t-shirt, with some letters and a drawing in the middle of it.
"This one would look good on you," Jake said, extending it to him.
"Thank you very much, my moon," [...] said with a smile, noticing the blush on his friend's ears but deciding not to say anything.
Ethan began to take off the shirt he was wearing, and Jake, seeing Ethan's naked torso, couldn't help but blush brightly. He turned around quickly, pretending to search for something else in the closet to avoid looking at him.
"Okaaay, I like what I see," [...] said with a smile, still noticing the blush on his friend's cheeks after he turned around. [...] put on the shirt Jake had picked out for him and looked in the mirror. "I think we're ready."
As they left the dormitories, night began to fall, covering the campus in a blanket of stars. The two walked along the street-lit path, their shadows lengthening behind them. The night breeze was cool and pleasant, and there was a sense of anticipation in the air.
"I hope the party isn't too loud," [...] commented, adjusting the shirt. "At least... I hope she don't make her neighbors call the police again."
"Meeting Minjeong and Karina when they're drunk, it'll be like last time," Jake replied with a smile and a soft laugh. "But maybe it would do us good to relax a little."
They arrived at the bus stop just in time to see their transport approaching. They climbed in and sat together in the back, watching the city lights flash past the window.
"Are you nervous about seeing Heeseung?" Jake asked, breaking the silence. His voice was soft, almost a whisper.
[...] shrugged, looking out the window as he thought about everything that had happened. "I don't know, Jake. Part of me wants to talk to him, but another part of me is afraid of what he might say."
Jake slapped him on the thigh. "I'll be with you. You don't have to face it alone."
The bus stopped near Minjeong's house, and the boys got off, grateful for the warm summer night that enveloped them. As they walked towards the house, they could hear the rumbling of the music and laughter coming from inside.
It was almost 9 p.m. when they arrived at the door of Minjeong's house. The party was already in full swing, with people dancing in the room and groups gathered around the drinks table. The colorful lights illuminated the living room, and the atmosphere was electric.
"[...], Jake!" Minjeong greeted them enthusiastically, opening the door for them. "I'm so glad you guys came!"
Minjeong's smile was contagious, and the boys immediately felt welcome. [...] exchanged glances with Jake, who nodded slightly, as if reminding him that he was there for him.
As they walked deeper into the crowd, [...] couldn't help but look for Heeseung, his emotions constantly shifting between hope and fear. He knew that tonight could change everything, and a part of him was ready to face whatever came, while the other wanted to run away.
The music pulsed around them, and [...] tried to relax, taking a drink Jake offered him and allowing himself, at least for a moment, to enjoy the company of his friends.
To tell the truth, he moved through the party with a naturalness that surprised even himself. At first, he had felt the typical tightness in his chest when arriving at a place full of people, but the atmosphere had enveloped him, helping him relax, just as the brunette said. The loud music encouraged him to move, to greet acquaintances and to let himself be carried away by the moment.
With a drink in hand, [...] approached a group of classmates who were talking about a couple of gossips going on on campus. Their laughter and light jokes alleviated the restlessness that had accompanied him since the beginning of the night. Little by little, he felt more in his element, smiling and laughing with an ease he had forgotten he possessed.
Jake, meanwhile, watched [...] from a couch in the middle of the living room. A part of him was happy to see his friend enjoying himself, but another part, smaller but impossible to ignore, He felt a pang as he saw how others also enjoyed his company.
He settled back on the couch, pretending to be more interested in his drink than [...]'s figure. But his eyes betrayed him, searching for him in the crowd, always aware of where he was and who he was talking to. His feelings for [...] were complicated; he loved him more than a friend, but he was also afraid of ruining what they had by trying something else, given the circumstances.
Jake noticed a change in the atmosphere of the party when he saw Heeseung at the edge of his vision, slowly moving towards [...]. The crowd seemed to open up for him, as if fate itself was conspiring to bring them closer. Heeseung had that inscrutable expression that Jake had come to know well, a mix of regret and determination.
As Heeseung approached, Jake felt his heart race, a mix of worry and jealousy coursing through him. He wanted to protect [...] from any further pain, but he also knew that there were issues between [...] and Heeseung that needed to be resolved. Still, a part of him wished that [...] wouldn't fall back into the arms of Heeseung, who had already caused him so much pain.
Finally, Heeseung reached [...], gently touching his arm to get his attention. [...] turned, and when he saw him, his smile faded a little, replaced by an expression of caution.
"[...], can I talk to you?" Heeseung asked, his voice barely audible over the music making him lean closer to one of [...]'s ears.
[...] hesitated for a moment, his gaze briefly meeting Jake's, who offered him an almost imperceptible nod, a reminder that he was there if he needed him.
"Fine.." [...] finally responded, his voice calm but filled with unresolved emotions. He followed Heeseung to a quieter corner of the house, away from the hustle and bustle of the party.
Jake watched them walk away, a feeling of helplessness settling in his chest. He wanted [...] to be happy, even if it meant letting him go with Heeseung. But, for now, all he could do was wait and be ready to offer his support if things didn't go the way his best friend hoped.
In the secluded corner of the house, Heeseung and [...] faced each other, surrounded by the dim light and the murmur of distant music. The tension between them was palpable, and [...] prepared himself for the conversation he knew he needed to have.
"Heeseung, what do you want?" [...] asked, his arms crossed in a defensive posture.
Heeseung swallowed, his eyes searching [...]'s desperately. "I just want you to know how sorry I am, sweetheart. Everything that happened... was a mistake, and I haven't stopped thinking about it."
"It was a mistake that apparently took you a lot to understand," [...] replied, his voice heavy with sadness. "I don't know if I'm ready to forgive you, or even want to see you."
"I understand," Heeseung nodded, his voice breaking. "But before everything got complicated, you were important to me, more than I wanted to admit. I want to try to fix things, if you let me."
[...] looked at him, his emotions a whirlwind. He remembered all the moments he shared with Heeseung, the good and the bad, and how he had always felt a special connection with him. But he also remembered the pain of hearing Chloe's name leave Heeseung's lips that night.
The way he leaned towards him looking for a trace of her, and the betrayal that had left a scar on his heart.
"I don't know, Heeseung," he finally said, his voice soft but firm. "I can't promise you that I will believe you, that day you made it clear that you are very good at lying."
Heeseung looked at Ethan with a mix of nervousness, fear, and determination. "We can go to a quieter room to talk better, the music is too loud," he suggested, his voice barely audible.
[...] nodded, although something inside him was hesitant. However, his curiosity and the need to close that chapter prompted him to follow Heeseung up the stairs to the second floor of the house. They passed through a narrow hallway before stopping in front of a half-open door. Heeseung gently pushed it away, revealing a small but cozy room.
Inside, the party music was just a distant murmur, providing a much more intimate setting for the conversation to come. Heeseung closed the door behind them and turned to [...], his expression a reflection of the internal struggle he felt.
"Hee, why are we really here?" [...] asked, crossing his arms in a defensive gesture. "Why did you want to talk now?"
Heeseung took a deep breath, his eyes meeting [...]'s with an intensity that made him shudder. "I needed to explain to you, [...]. I needed to tell you why I kissed you that time, and why it meant so much to me... It still sounds like a lie."
[...] kept his gaze fixed on Heeseung, his heart pounding. "Then speak," he said, his voice shaky but firm.
Heeseung took a step forward, the closeness between them increasing the tension in the air. "The first time I kissed you, yes, I did it thinking about Chloe. But the instant our lips touched, I knew there was something more. The way you kissed me, [...], was unlike anything I'd ever felt before. More real, more authentic."
[...] watched him, his expression cautious as he processed each word. "And Chloe?" he asked, remembering the pain of hearing the ex-girlfriend's name.
"Chloe was important to me, but I realized that I was clinging to an idealized image of what we had, of something that will never happen again," Heeseung confessed. "When I kissed you, I realized that what I really wanted was to be with you, [...]. It took me a while to admit it, but in the end, it was you I wanted in the first place."
As Heeseung spoke, he slowly approached [...], his hands rising to rest gently on [...]'s waist. The boy's eyes shone with a mixture of surprise and suppressed excitement, but also with a lingering fear of being hurt again.
In the hallway, just outside the room, Jake stood listening to the conversation, his heart heavy with the mix of emotions that overwhelmed him. He had followed [...] and Heeseung out of an impulse that he couldn't ignore, and now, the words he heard left him on the verge of despair.
Watching Heeseung approach [...], touching him with a familiarity that Jake wanted for himself, was like a stab. Jealousy burned inside him, mixed with deep sadness.
He knew that his love for [...] was stronger than he had admitted, and seeing Heeseung about to kiss [...] again was a painful reminder of his own position, of his cowardice for wanting to wait for "the right moment" to be honest with him.
Jake couldn't take it anymore. When he saw Heeseung lean in to kiss [...], he stepped back, feeling the world around you crumble. He couldn't stand there, watching a moment he wanted more than anything unfold.
As he walked down the stairs, the music and laughter of the party seemed dull compared to the tumult in his chest. Before leaving the house, Minjeong stopped him, grabbing his wrist, noticing his disturbed expression.
"Jake, are you leaving already? It hasn't been long since you and [...] arrived..." Minjeong said, her tone worried.
Jake forced a smile, trying to hide his true feelings. "Yes... I think it's better for me to go. I think a punch made me sick and I feel like vomiting."
Minjeong looked at him with understanding, although without knowing the real reason behind his leaving, Jake wasn't the best at lying. "Well, if you need anything, don't hesitate to call me, okay? I was glad to see you here."
"Thanks, Min," Jake replied, before quickly walking out the front door.
The walk back to [...]'s bedroom was a blur for Jake. Each step seemed heavier than the last, and his mind was a whirlwind of emotions. Upon reaching the bedroom, he had unconsciously fallen into [...]'s bed, the place that offered him a small comfort in the midst of his anguish.
Tears began to fall as he buried his face in [...]'s pillow, allowing the sadness and frustration to release. It was a bitter comfort, knowing that his feelings for [...] were real but not reciprocated in the way he wanted.
Despite everything, Jake hoped that [...] would come back, that he would see what he really meant to him. With that thought, he fell asleep through tears, longing for a future where their love was not a secret, but a shared reality.
On the other hand.
In the room, the air was thick with tension and expectation. Heeseung and [...] were alone, with only the soft hum of the party in the background. The closeness between them seemed to intensify every small gesture, every look.
Heeseung approached slowly, his eyes locked on [...]'s. There was a vulnerability in his expression that the boy had not seen before, as if all the barriers Heeseung had built had vanished in that moment.
"[...]," Heeseung whispered, his voice filled with emotion and regret. "I'm really sorry for everything I put you through."
[...], still feeling the weight of Heeseung's words, found himself torn between the pain of the past and the possibility of a new beginning. His emotions were a whirlwind, but there was a part of him that wanted to let go of the pain and find something real with Heeseung.
Heeseung raised a hand, gently placing his fingers on [...]'s cheek, tracing a tender path along his skin. [...] didn't pull back, instead he closed his eyes for a moment, allowing himself to feel the warmth of Heeseung's touch.
"I've missed you, prince," Heeseung confessed, his words barely a whisper as he leaned forward, almost brushing his lips against each other's.
[...] opened his eyes, finding Heeseung's just inches away. Time seemed to stop as they both immersed themselves in the moment. With silent decision, [...] closed the distance between them, his lips meeting Heeseung's in a slow, gentle kiss.
The kiss was a delicate touch at first, a cautious, fearful exploration. But the built-up tension and unexpressed feelings quickly transformed it into something deeper and more urgent. Heeseung's lips moved against [...]'s with a fervent intensity, as if they were trying to convey everything that words couldn't express.
[...] responded in kind, his hands finding their way to Heeseung's hair, pulling gently, allowing himself to fall into the intimacy of the moment. It was as if every touch, every whisper between them undid the pain of the past, replacing it with something warm and new, something pure.
Heeseung wrapped his arms around [...], pulling him closer, as if afraid the moment would fade. The heat of their bodies melted into a palpable connection, and with each shared kiss, the barrier between them crumbled a little more.
[...] found himself backing away, his legs finding the edge of the bed. They sat, their lips still joined, gently exploring each other's every curve and corner. Heeseung let his hands wander, tracing a path down [...]'s back, exploring the familiarity of the body he had missed so much.
The outside world faded away, leaving only the soft intimacy between them. Heeseung, feeling the weight of the moment, paused, pulling away just enough to look [...] in the eyes.
"Are you sure of this?" Heeseung asked, his voice soft but serious. There was a sincere desire to make sure this was what they both wanted.
[...], breathing slightly hard, nodded, his eyes shining with a mix of determination and longing. "Yes, I'm sure, with you I will always be willing to do anything."
With that permission, Heeseung continued, leaning in to kiss him again, but this time with a tenderness that said more than any passionate statement. His hands moved carefully, gently guiding them to a more comfortable position on the bed.
Clothes were set aside with deliberate care, as if each piece removed was one step closer to the truth of who they were to each other. Their bodies met, skin against skin, sharing warmth and silent promises.
The atmosphere was filled with a mixture of longing and nervousness. While their lips remained united in a deep kiss, [...] felt the outside world fade away, leaving them alone in their little shared universe. A bubble.
Heeseung, with an almost reverent tenderness, began to let his lips wander past [...]'s mouth. With each kiss, he traced a slow, passionate path along his jawline and down to his neck. [...] let out a soft sigh, his eyes closing as he surrendered to the new caresses and sensations that Heeseung caused him.
Heeseung's kisses were like delicate flames, lighting up every part of [...]'s body they touched. They ran down his neck, leaving a trail of heat that made [...] shiver. When Heeseung's lips reached his collarbone, [...] let out a small moan, surprised by the intensity of the desire he felt.
Heeseung smiled against his boy's skin, enjoying the power of each touch. "I want you so bad, baby," he whispered, his voice hoarse and charged with emotion. There was a fervor in his words that left the other boy breathless.
[...] opened his eyes, meeting the burning gaze of Heeseung, who was watching him with a mix of adoration and desire. "Me too," [...] replied, his voice barely above a murmur as his heart pounded in his chest.
Carefully, Heeseung continued to explore [...]'s body, his lips leaving a trail of kisses down his chest and stomach. Each touch was a reminder of the deep connection they shared, of how much they had both longed for this moment.
[...] found himself panting, his back arching as the caresses intensified, his breathing quickening as Heeseung continued his stroke. It was a mix of desire and vulnerability, knowing that he was giving up a part of himself that he had never shared with anyone.
When their lips finally met again, it was as if the world had disappeared, leaving only the warmth and passion they shared. [...]'s moans mixed with Heeseung's, creating a soft symphony that filled the room.
As the passion between them grew, [...] allowed himself to get lost in the moment, letting go of all doubts and fears. With each touch, he felt the pain of the past fade away, replaced by a deep, authentic connection.
Heeseung, feeling the boy's complete surrender, hugged him tightly, their bodies fitting perfectly as if they had been made for each other. "You're so... fuck, tight. You're all I need," Heeseung murmured against [...]'s lips, his voice full of sincerity.
[...] looked into his eyes, seeing in them a truth that filled him with hope. "And you are everything I've ever wanted," he replied, allowing their lips to meet once more in a kiss that was both sweet and passionate.
As the night wore on, they gave themselves completely to each other, their bodies and hearts intertwined in an intimate dance that was both a discovery and a reaffirmation of what they truly meant to each other. It was a moment of purity and connection, where passion and love were in perfect harmony.
Thus... in the refuge of that room, Ethan and Heeseung found a new beginning, a place where his fears and doubts faded away, leaving only the promise of what could be.
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The next morning.
Heeseung woke up early, the morning light softly illuminating the room. There was a serenity in the air, a calm respite after the storm of emotions that had occurred the night before. Beside him, [...] was sleeping soundly, face down, with the sheet barely covering his hips. Heeseung smiled as he looked at [...]'s relaxed figure, admiring the curve of his back and the softness of his skin.
Carefully, Heeseung let his fingers roam over [...]'s bare torso, slowly tracing the contours of his skin, remembering how that same skin had felt under his hands the night before. There was a peace in the gesture, a tranquility that made him feel complete, like everything was finally in its place.
[...] began to wake up, his senses taking in Heeseung's gentle caresses. A lazy smile appeared on his lips as he kept his eyes closed, enjoying the warmth and affection emanating from his lover's fingers. He stretched slightly, his muscles relaxing, preparing to turn and meet Heeseung's face.
But just as he was about to do so, a voice interrupted the stillness of the morning. It was Heeseung's voice, speaking in a low tone to someone on the phone. [...]'s curiosity was piqued, and he decided to stay in his position, pretending to be still asleep while listening to the conversation.
"Chloe, you know how much I miss you," Heeseung said, his voice thick with emotion and nostalgia. "You don't know how much I wish things were different."
Heeseung's words fell on [...] like an icy wave. His body, which minutes before had felt warm and relaxed, began to tremble, first with surprise, then with rage. He felt his heart constrict, each word piercing his skin like swords of boiling silver stabbing into his back.
"I went to the party last night expecting to see you... but instead I got a big surprise" Heeseung continued, not realizing the damage he was causing. "I still think about you all the time, you just drive me crazy."
The feeling of betrayal washed over [...], and the pain was so intense he could barely breathe. The night before, the surrender, the vulnerability he'd shared with Heeseung, it all felt like a monumental mistake.
He regretted having slept with him, feeling exposed and cheated. Every word that came out of Heeseung's mouth hit him hard, filling him with a bitterness he had never experienced before.
Tears began to fill his eyes, blurring his vision as he struggled to maintain control and silence. He felt small and dirty, as if everything he had meant to Heeseung the night before was nothing more than a cruel illusion, again he felt like an object, a sexual one. The love he thought he had shared had turned into bitter mockery, and the pain he felt now was indescribable.
[...] could imagine Heeseung's face, smiling into the phone while he was probably looking for a way to hide him. That girl's voice, her laugh, everything about her caused you rejection. Why she? Why couldn't he stop last night? Was there such a need to get excited again?
Finally, he heard the click of the phone being hung up and felt Heeseung roll over in bed, facing away from him. That was his moment. Heartbroken and his emotions overflowing, [...] carefully stood up, trying not to make a sound as he quickly dressed. Every movement was an effort, as if his body was resisting accepting the truth.
He managed to leave the room without being noticed, his hurried steps taking him away from the source of his pain. He ran, not stopping until he reached the safety of his own bedroom.
When he walked in, the first thing he saw was Jake, who was asleep in his bed. But the sound of the door closing woke him up, Jake quickly sat up, his expression changing as he saw the anguish on [...]'s face.
"[...]," Jake said, his voice filled with concern as he stood up to go over to him.
Ethan couldn't take it anymore. He collapsed to the ground, tears flowing uncontrollably as he sobbed with a despair that shook him completely. Jake rushed to his side, kneeling to hug him tightly.
"What happened, my sun?" Jake whispered, wrapping [...] in a warm, protective hug. His lips rested on [...]'s head in a gesture of comfort, gently kissing that area.
[...] clung to Jake, hiding in the shelter of his neck as the tears continued to fall. He felt like his heart was breaking into a thousand pieces, each one a reminder of the unrequited love he had given to Heeseung. The pain was so intense that it seemed like a physical force, a tightness in his chest that left him breathless.
"I loved him more than anything in the world," [...] said between sobs, his voice shaking with pain and rage. "Why did he have to do this to me?" he shouted between cries.
Jake held him tighter, his own emotions stirring at seeing [...] so broken. "I don't know, [...]. I don't know," Jake replied, his voice soft but firm as he tried to offer him much-needed comfort.
[...] sobbed in Jake's arms, his body shaking with each ragged breath. Jake held him firmly, gently stroking his back, trying to calm him down. Time seemed to stand still while [...] vented, but Jake knew they needed to talk about what had happened.
When [...]'s sobs began to subside, Jake pulled back slightly, just enough so he could look him in the eyes. [...]'s were reddened and filled with a sadness so deep it broke his heart.
"[...]," Jake said softly, choosing his words carefully, "what exactly happened?"
[...] inhaled deeply, trying to put the words together as he felt his chest tighten again at the memory. "Last night," he began, his voice shaking a little, "Heeseung and I…we were together. I was so stupid. I thought there was something more, that he really cared about me."
[...]'s words were an echo of his most painful thoughts, and as he spoke, he felt exposed and vulnerable. It was as if every word he said opened an even deeper wound.
Jake felt a pang in his chest as he heard the confession. His heart sank as he imagined [...] and Heeseung together, beyond a relationship or a kiss, together, in bed, sharing sighs and promises. The image filling his mind with a mixture of sadness, jealousy and anger. How could someone be stupid enough to hurt him.
Although he had witnessed their connection at the party, hearing it from [...] was an unexpected blow, a reminder that her own feelings for Ethan were, for now, an unrequited love.
Despite the sadness that washed over him, Jake knew that his pain wasn't what mattered right now. It was [...] who needed comfort, who needed to feel loved and supported. So he suppressed his own feelings and focused on [...], on being the friend he had always been...
"Hey," Jake said, his voice soft and comforting as he placed a hand on [...]'s cheek, wiping away a tear that was still glistening. "You're not stupid. You went with what you felt, and that's brave, not stupid."
[...] looked at Jake, his eyes reflecting a mix of gratitude and pain. "But I was wrong about him, Jake. He used me…he's still in love with Chloe."
Jake nodded, understanding the weight of betrayal [...] felt. "So? Heeseung just doesn't know how to appreciate what's in front of him," Jake said firmly. "But don't let his mistake make you feel less. You are an amazing person, [...]. You deserve someone who values you completely, you deserve to be loved."
Jake continued to caress his arm, his fingers moving in small comforting circles. "I know this hurts now, and it probably will for a while. But I'll be here, by your side, no matter what happens."
[...] nodded slowly, absorbing Jake's words, allowing himself to feel a small relief at his loyalty and unwavering affection. "Thank you, Jakey. I don't know what I would do without you," he murmured, his voice thick with gratitude.
Jake smiled, trying to instill some hope in [...]. "You don't have to worry about that, because I'm not going anywhere. I'm here, I'll always be there for you, my moon."
Ethan leaned into Jake, allowing himself to rest in his embrace, finding comfort in the certainty of his friendship... yeah. He felt that even though his heart was broken, there was a light in the darkness, a hand that held him when he needed it most.
As the sun moved across the sky, filling the room with its warm light, Jake and [...] stood there, side by side. [...]'s wounds would take time to heal, but with Jake by his side, he knew he would find the strength to keep going, one day at a time.
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메모 ! 📌ㅤ⸻ㅤ I won't lie, I was mostly inspired by the song Margaret (lana del rey) and like I said in my other account, I would make you suffer.
아이디어 !ㅤ⸻ㅤI'm very short of ideas lately, so feel free to leave me any requests! <⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠>
ㅤㅤ All credits to @angelsfat3 / @foschiamara.
160 notes · View notes
Do you agree that Chloe only cared about Adrien cause of his social status ? Cause that's what Astruc has said on Twitter regarding how Chloe viewed her friendship with Adrien. Do you believe this intent of their relationship was portrayed correctly in the show ?
I think that this statement accurately describes the way that Chloe was written in season one. She never read as Adrien's close friend and we got scenes like these two from Dark Cupid where she wanted his autograph to show off for some reason:
Chloé: Hi Adrien, sign here please. Adrien: (sighs) Oh, come on, you know I hate signing autographs, Chloé. Chloé: Oh, that's not what this is. This is a petition against cruelty to hamsters. Have you seen some of the ugly sweaters they are forced to wear? It's appalling. (Adrien begrudgingly signs the poster. Chloé hugs the poster and Sabrina smiles before they notice Marinette who is digging through a trash can as she pulls out a sheet of paper.)
[Scene change]
Chloé: Keep dreaming all you want girls but the boy is mine. (Sabrina nods before unrolling the poster, the girls gasping) Aurore: "To Chloé, the most awesome girl in the world and the love of my life. Signed, Adrien." (All the girls begin to cry, then Chloé looks at one girl who tries not to burst out crying) Chloé: Uh, she's not crying enough.
However, much like Alya's obsession with Ladybug's secret identity and Adrien's ability to leave his house, this part of Chloe's character disappeared after season one, making it feel like something they tried and then decided to discard. While that's not a sign of great writing quality, it's also not a neon warning sign. It's not unusual for formula shows to have these kinds of growing pains. First seasons often have random things that contradict later seasons such as everything about Nathalie's season one writing.
So while season one backs this read, I don't think it's fair to say that Chloe read this way any time after season one and season one is full of things that got discarded, so it's not grasping at straws to say that season one Chloe wasn't fully formed. This is especially true because of the way the writers reintroduced her in both Origins and season two.
Origins introduced many new elements such as Adrien's social isolation and the wish that was driving Gabriel to terrorize Paris. In other words, it's the episode that lays the groundwork for the entire show. If a thing is in Origins, then it matters because the writers only had 40 minutes to establish every important element for how they want these character to be read. This is a problem because Origins didn't make Chloe a vapid mean girl who clung to new boy Adrien. Instead, Origins had Adrien walk into school, see Chloe, and call her by name, leading her to reply with a dorky childhood nickname:
Adrien: Hey, Chloé! Chloé: Adrikins! You came!
She's also the only person who knows that Adrien will be starting school this year because, for some reason, Origins made the choice to elevate Adrien and Chloe's relationship to close childhood friends. That is NOT the kind of move you make if you want Chloe to feel like someone who only cares about Adrien for his fame. While that may potentially happen in real life, this is a story. The writers have full control over the characters' backstories. Who in their right mind picks a childhood friends backstory to complicate things if they don't want Chloe to really care about Adrien as a person?
Despair Bear only further contradicts this "Chloe doesn't care" idea by having Chloe break down over the idea of Adrien ending their friendship:
Jean: Mademoiselle does not look very happy, today. (lifts up a plate of luxury chocolates and offers them to Chloé.) (Chloé grabs the chocolates all at once and eats them, concurrently, and then weeps) Chloé: Adrien says I have to be nice to everyone or he won't be my friend anymore! How can he do this to me, Jean-Michel? Jean: Uh, my name is... hm, never mind. Ah, perhaps Mademoiselle can see comfort with Mr. Cuddly? (Chloé is delighted and grabs Mr. Cuddly, her teddy bear, and hugs it)
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[Image description: Chloe crying and eating chocolates because Adrien said they can't be friends anymore]
This is not the kind of reaction you give a character who doesn't care about Adrien on a personal level. She comes across as caring about him deeply. If she didn't care, then she'd probably just brush him off and say, "Your loss." But she doesn't. She reacts with the same sort of sorrow that we see when her parents are akumatized or when her mother refuses to acknowledge her.
We also see her go out of her way to try to appease Adrien by throwing a party and forcing herself to play nice so that he stays her friend. She only stops playing nice when he promises that they'll stay friends:
Adrien: That was a great idea of inviting Marinette's dad! Chloé: I know. This way, no one can be mad at me for calling the fire department. I'm really nice now, did you notice, Adrikins? Even Ladybug said so! Didn't she, Jean-Pascal? Adrien: I'm proud of you, Chloé. I think you've proven that you're capable of making an effort to be nicer to everyone. Chloé: Aww, Adrikins! So we'll always be best friends, forever? Pinky swear? Adrien: Pinky swear! Chloé: (Exhales and saunters off) (To Kim) So, those macarons are dreadfully ugly. (Kim sighs.) (To Mylène.) Those are so greasy, you can see yourself in them. (Mylène cries and faint.) (To Marinette.) Urgh. Too disgusting for comment. (To Rose.) Those look horrible. (Rose faints.)
That is more effort than Chloe has ever put into anything on screen and that's a problem because - once again - this is not how you write a vapid mean girl who doesn't care. This is how you write someone who actually cares about Adrien. They even chose to show us young Chloe and young Adrien being cute during Chloe's "flashback" to getting her teddy bear:
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[Image description: Teen Chloe surrounded by drawings of important childhood memories with her teddy bear. We see her getting the bear from a faceless figure, holding the bear as her mother walks away, sleeping with the bear, holding the bear while she cries, and excitedly showing the bear to a young Adrien]
There's also the issue that, after season one, Chloe doesn't seem to actually care that much about social clout. At that start of this post, I used a scene from Dark Cupid specifically because it feels kind of out of character for her. In the later seasons, Chloe may flaunt her social status and think that it makes her better than others, but she doesn't do things like the poster thing because that requires her to care what random people think and that's just not how she reads. Chloe reads more like someone who doesn't care what most people think because she thinks that she's better than them (or, at least, she wants to think that. Chloe has the potential to be a fun little ball of self-hatred and doubt, but either way, she is acting like she doesn't care what other people think outside of a very select group.)
I think this really shows when we compare Chloe to Lila. Lila reads like someone who cares about social clout. Someone who is desperate to be seen in a certain way. Someone who sees dating Adrien as a status symbol and nothing more. Chloe reads like someone who sees Adrien as the only person of her caliber, so of course they'd get together. That's a subtle, but very important difference. It's the difference between someone who doesn't have social clout and needs Adrien to get it and someone who already has social clout and therefore doesn't need a popular boyfriend to prop her up. She just thinks dating an unpopular boy is beneath her.
I've mentioned before that Chloe reads SUPER aroace to me and this is actually why. To me, it comes across like she does actually care deeply about Adrien, but she has no true romantic or sexual feelings for him or even any clue what those feelings actually feel like. Given the way her parents' relationship is written, I also don't see Chloe having a healthy idea of what a romantic relationship looks like. I think she sees it as a way to show off how much better you are then the nobodies of the world because love is for fairytales. Marriage is about alliances of wealth and power and Adrien is both wealthy and her childhood friend, so of course they'd get married! They already know that they can at least tolerate each other. Why look for a different match?
In summary: the writers may have wanted Chloe to be a vapid mean girl who didn't care about Adrien as a person, but they completely failed to write her that way after season one, so she comes across as genuinely caring, but unable to express those feelings in a healthy way because of her own issues and poor childhood.
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arcadiabaytornado · 13 days
About how sapphic Max's journal is: I feel like so many people don't read the journal... because on reddit and twitter right now lots of people have decided Bae will have a friendship option for those who didn't romance Chloe and I'm sitting there like have people not explored the journal even if you don't 'romance' Chloe by going for the kiss dare Max writes about wishing they kissed several times. Her journal is so sapphic for Chloe no matter your choices.
Your choice is making Max brave enough to act on her feelings. To me that's the heartbreaking part of the Bay ending. If your Max wasn't brave enough to kiss Chloe, Chloe is left feeling like Max doesn't feel the same way about her that Chloe does and Max is left feeling like there's no way Chloe would like her anyway. And so Max doesn't kiss Chloe and when she doesn't save her, they remain as just friends in her death. But on Bae she saves her and Chloe promises her always and Max promises forever. So many fans don't understand sapphic romance
I agree!
Like you pointed out I'm pretty not everyone read the journal. However, there's another aspect I want to point out which is....people who don't want to romance Chloe won't, and therefore won't see how little it changes the narrative.
By "how little it changes the narrative" I mean the fact that Max is equally insane about Chloe on either route, and like you said, not kissing Chloe is more of a indicator on Max's confidence rather than a denial of her feelings for Chloe...I mean, the journal literally says that.
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She says that "She would have" but she "didn't like being dared like it was some big deal," and says that she was scared. Why would kissing Chloe scare her? Well, I think the above screenshot is showing a queer women who isn't ready to fully stick her foot in that pool yet. Because Max does imply that she likes Chloe from saying "I would have" and implying that one of her reasons for not kissing her is "I think I'm too young for marriage."
Then there's also the journal entry where Max says she regrets not kissing her and that if Chloe had double dog dared her she might have.
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Then there's also the fact that the scene where Chloe asks Max to kiss her shows up in the "important memory dream sequence" regardless if Max kiss Chloe or not, and also the fact that Chloe is flirting with all those people in the nightmare sequence and it clearly bothers Max regardless if they've kissed or not.
So, yeah, I do read Pricefield as romantic regardless if Max kisses Chloe or not. I think Max kissing Chloe is more of a confidence indicator than anything else, and in either a "romanced" or "best friend" timeline, Max has some feelings for Chloe. Those feelings are just more realized if Max kisses her.
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ruewrote · 3 months
𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑖𝑛 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑠𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛.
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PAIRING: chloe price x fem!reader WARNINGS: PURE DEPRESSION (sorry in advance) GENRE: ANGST SONG INSPIRATION: astronomy by conan gray WORD COUNT: 563 CHAPTERS: one, two
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you regretted the way you left things… the way you left her. feeling guilty, but that soon turned to anger as you remembered how she’d previously made you feel. it was beyond unfair.
you were never one to be self conscious, whether that had been in yourself, more specifically within your relationship.
it wasn't until rachel came along that had changed, chloe ended up making excuses for missing previous planned dates to hang out with her. it was never said out right, but you knew it was because of her.
even thinking about it now you could count on both hands the amount of problems she’d caused between you two. you tried to keep convincing yourself that their friendship was strictly platonic. but there was a line when it was getting to the point of where you had felt like the third wheel in your own relationship. 
the way chloe had acted with her going missing kind of just made you fully make sense of it all.
so as terrible as it made you feel, you distanced yourself from her.
the days go by and so do the multiple messages that she sends you. not having the patience to write her back, truly worried you won't be able to hold back on saying something that you’ll know you’d regret later.
the school bell rang out for the last time, a sigh of relief escaped you as you made your way to the parking lot, your body fatigued with the stress of school and chloe.
the no contact soon broke when she cornered you, your headphones slipping out of your ears as you were pushed up against a brick wall, groaning, wincing at the feeling.
opening your eyes to be met with hers, “hey babe, did you miss me?” she nervously chuckled, you scoffed, pushing her away from you.
“i'm not doing this with you right now.” you whispered before walking past her to your car, she followed close behind.
the silence was loud as you turned to her, she was anxiously biting her lip. 
“i can't believe i was stupid enough to think i knew you.” your voice is quiet, but she heard you. 
“what are you talking about?” she asks, her eyebrows furrowed as she crossed her arms.
“don't play stupid with me, chloe! you know exactly what i'm talking about.” 
“let me jog your memory. your little friend rachel? i know something’s going between the two of you. god i should've known it from the beginning.” the look of guilt rushes over her, she starts biting her cheek.
that was all the confirmation you needed.
“wow, you're not even going to deny it? fuck you.” you go to turn to get into your car but abruptly turn back to face her again with tears in your eyes.
“the worst part was that i saw it coming, i knew you’d hurt me, hurt us, but i still kept you around because believe it or not i loved you.”
even knowing deep down something was off was awful, but having your suspicions confirmed felt like someone had just ripped your heart out of your chest, leaving you completely helpless. 
you sniffled as you opened your car door, before slipping into the driver's seat.
“we’re done, chloe.”
“you can't do this to us! i won't let you, please!”
“there is no us, not anymore.”
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comments and reblogs are appreciated ♡
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© ruewrote 2024.
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corgiplays · 1 month
What if the time travel is just a weird dream?
Red wakes up disoriented with her mom gasping and rushing to her side. Her words drowned out by the roaring in her ears.
"Mom?" Red grumbles rubbing her temples.
"Rosebud I was so worried. I thought this was a declaration of war by Auradon when you and Chloe suddenly collapsed-"
"Chloe? Is she okay? I have to see her-"
"My rose, breath with me. Your Chloe is alright she's being watched over by Chad and Charming. She lost control after the two of you collapsed and had to be sedated for a bit before you two both stayed asleep for four days." Her mom's voice seemed so foreign, but familiar. A part of her was expected anger and coldness, but she didn't know why. "Can you tell me what happened miele?"
"I- you were evil. And you started a coup, beheaded Aunt Ella and me and Chloe went back in time to stop you from being pranked and-" Red cuts herself off, her breathing erratic as she felt wrong.
Her skin was smooth, why was her skin smooth?
She should feel raised scars and her mom shouldn't care for her- she can't- this is wrong-
Why were the walls closing in?
Her throat was so tight it made it painful to breathe, it was like the air was chocking her and there was something cold on her face.
A soft and warm pressure was applied around her shocking Red enough to stop breathing and then being able to breathe normally again. A small part of her was yelling in her head that this was wrong, that she didn't know this curly fur that surrounded her, but a larger more rational and calm part knew exactly who this was, who always comes to her rescue. Red buries her face into the fur, gripping it tightly as she silently sobbed.
Why was she crying?
A protective snarl echoed in the room, making the voice stop. The warmth shifted slightly to fully envelop her. The weight was grounding and after a few hicks Red feels herself calm down full, a building headache starting.
"I'm okay amore." Red whispers, her voice hoarse as a noncommittal grumble comes from Chloe, her cold nose pressing into Red's cheek while her concerned burnt orange eyes scan her over.
"Red, Chloe." The voice can from her aunt as Red shifts slightly to look towards the voice. Chad and Charming are both in relaxed clothes and clearly out of breath, probably from chasing a panicked Chloe, Ella was standing next to Bridget looking concerned, but relieved. "While I'm glad you're both awake I do think we need a conversation which doesn't involve snarling at our host." Ella's voice is clearly ment to scold Chloe who huffs and puts her head down with her ears flattened. Red giggles a little as her hand rubs behind Chloe's ear.
"I agree with Ella, although I do understand why you reacted the way you did. Do you two feel like you can talk about what happened later? I don't want you to have another panic attack so quickly tesoro so we," Bridget makes sure to send a quick look to the Charmings. "will let you girls relax and understand what happened before we bombard you with questions." With those words The Queen of Hearts shuffles the Charmings, except Chloe out of the room closing the door as they left.
The soft snapping of bones and recession of fur a telltale sign that Chloe is shifting back. Red leans into Chloe's embrace, resting her head in the crook of the girl's neck breathing in the amber scent with a hint of citrus.
"You seem taller than dream you." Red teases feeling the vibrations of Chloe's laughter.
"And you seem softer than dream you." Chloe teases back pressing a kiss to the crown of Red's head. "This doesn't seem real, waking up I was a giant wolf, I never remember being able to do that and then feeling your panic. It was so out of body." Chloe murmurs as she wraps an arm around Red to keep her in her lap.
"I woke up to a loving mom, no scars, and had a panic attack because of it. I think I would prefer waking up as a wolf." Red teases as her finger taps against the back of Chloe's hand.
"So...was it a dream? Or was that our reality?" Chloe asks softly, confusion lacing her voice.
"I-I don't know. Maybe it's Auradon trying to force us to join, maybe we did truly change the past, I don't know..." Red mumbles into Chloe's neck. The crying and thinking of if they are from a different timeline is making her headache worse.
"Don't think herz, like your mom said let's rest and figure this out when emotions aren't running high." Chloe offers, shifting them so that they're cuddled in Red's bed. Red's head resting on Chloe's chest wrapped in her arms as they lay in silence.
Sleep comes surprisingly quickly even though their bodies were asleep for four days. Their dreams seem to try and tell them something, but it's too blurry to understand.
This wouldn't leave my mind, so I'm combining my two Aus into one. Enjoy while I try to figure out how to write the next chapter of ODYWS.
Bye 🥰
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bridellashiper · 17 days
Dark Glassheart: ''I don't know how to love.'' ''Maybe I can Teach you''
Part 1 of/?
This is my take on Dark Glassheart, a slow burn trope with a shit lot of angst.
Chloe cannot stand Red. She thinks Red is too loud, too mean, and too… red. She hates the way Red calls her "princess," and she hates the way Red always finds some backhanded way to give her a compliment that never fails to bring heat to her face.
But what Chloe hates most about Red is how recklessly stupid she can be—how she'll find any way, no matter how big or small, to get the two of them into trouble. Red is a bad person. A villain.
A recklessly brave villain.
Chloe hates how she follows after Red, how she tries to convince the red-haired girl with smoky eye-shadow to—just once—not cause trouble.
At first, Chloe didn't know why she cared so much. She shouldn't. They were on opposite sides of a war. But they were also like two sides of the same coin. One was a rebel—a cunning, troublemaking, rude, and brave rebel. And Chloe was your typical knight in shining armor—kind, sweet, optimistic, and good in every sense of the word.
They were different in every way possible: Chloe had friends; Red didn't. The only person Red might consider a friend, besides Maddox Hatter, would be Chloe. Chloe was sweet and open; Red was closed off and distant.
Though Red would never admit it, Chloe didn't like her—and the feeling was mutual.
Even if Chloe would never consider Red more than a nuisance, Red often found herself drawn to the noble girl, even if she didn't understand it herself.
But Red pushed these feelings—whatever they were—aside. Chloe, for her part, was confused to some extent. Her heart wasn't supposed to pound so loudly in her chest that she was sure Red could hear it. She wasn't supposed to blush at Red's snide comments, nor was she supposed to feel her heart flutter whenever Red genuinely smiled.
And the more time they spent together, the more they both realised that maybe—just maybe—they weren't so different after all.
Today, Red had done something she'd never done before.
She beat the shit out of a girl because of the way she spoke to Chole.
Who did she think she was to hurt chole's feelings like that? To say she was too caught up in a fantasy, a fairytale to see that not everything was rainbows and sunshine.
(Even if what she said was true.)
She had no right to talk to Chole that way. And she thought she could get away with it? No, no, no.
Before any of them could fully process the words redhead already launched forward at her with full force.
Tackling the laughing girl to the ground Red's first had already made contact with her face.
''Red, stop!''
And again,
''Red, are you listening to me?! I said stop!''
And again,
And again until she was forcefully pulled away from the bleeding and trembling girl.
Red's hands shook with little what restraint could muster as she began to realise what she had done.
She beat someone, brutally.
And it was for Chole, as the adrenaline began to wear offer Red suddenly realised what she had done and with a shakly breathe she slowly lifted her hands up.
Knuckles bruised and battered with the blood that was not hers and she gasped softly as her eyes softened ever so slightly when they met Chole's confused, enraged, and somewhat grateful gaze but they soon narrowed at Chole's harsh whisper.
''What the hell was that for?! why didn't you stop?'' Chole urged, slightly shaking Red's shoulders with little force.
''What? oh, so you're just gonna stand there and let people push you around? God, you are such a goody goody.''
Red's voice was sharp, a brittle edge to her words that only made Chloe's frustration bubble over.
Chloe wanted to yell back, to demand an answer that made sense, but instead, she found herself searching Red's eyes, looking for any hint of why she had done it.
Why had Red gone this far for her?
''You don't get it,'' Chloe whispered, her grip on Red's shoulders tightening as if to anchor herself to reality.
''You can't just go around hurting people like that. That's not how—''
''How the world works?'' Red cut her off, her voice dripping with sarcasm. ''Because the world is full of sunshine and rainbows, right? Because if you're nice, people will just be nice back?''
Chloe's breath hitched. This wasn't the first time they'd clashed over their different views of the world, but this felt different—more intense, more personal.
It was as if Red had crossed an invisible line, and Chloe didn't know if she could pull her back.
''It's not about being nice!'' Chloe said, her voice trembling. ''It'...It's about doing what's right.''
''What's right?'' Red echoed, her tone softening just a fraction. ''You think letting people trample all over you is what's right?''
''What? I...No! I think… I think there's another way,'' Chloe insisted, though her resolve was beginning to waver.
She looked at Red, really looked at her, and saw the raw emotion in her eyes—the fear, the anger, the confusion.
And something else, something that Chloe couldn't quite name. ''Why did you do it, Red? Why did you…?''
Red looked away, her jaw clenching as if she was holding back something. ''Because she deserved it,'' she muttered.
''You don't just go around beating people up because they 'deserved' it,'' Chloe pressed, feeling a strange mix of desperation and hope. ''There's more to it, isn't there? You don't just hurt people because they deserve it. You… you were protecting me...''
Red flinched at that, her eyes narrowing as if Chloe had struck a nerve. ''Don't be ridiculous.''
But Chloe wasn't about to let this go.
Not now, not when they were so close to something real. She stepped closer, her voice barely above a whisper. ''You care about me, don't you?''
Red's breath caught in her throat, and for a moment, Chloe thought she saw something flicker in those dark, guarded eyes—something vulnerable, something that scared Red as much as it intrigued her.
But then Red scoffed, pushing Chloe away with a sneer that didn't quite reach her eyes. ''Don't flatter yourself, princess.''
Chloe felt her heart sink, but she refused to let it show. Instead, she took a step back, giving Red the space she clearly needed. ''You...don't have to pretend, Red. Not with me.''
Red looked at her, really looked at her, and for a moment, Chloe thought she might say something—something important, something that could change everything.
But then Red turned on her heel, her voice cold and detached.
''Just stay out of my way, Chloe,'' she said, walking away without another word.
Chloe watched her go, her heart heavy with confusion and something that felt too much like longing. She didn't understand Red, not really.
But she wanted to.
More than anything, she wanted to understand what was going on behind those dark eyes, what drove Red to be the way she was, and why—despite everything—Chloe couldn't stop caring about her.
As Red disappeared into the distance, Chloe made a silent promise to herself. She wasn't going to give up on Red. Not now, not ever.
Even if it meant breaking down every wall Red had built around herself, one by one.
Because maybe, just maybe, Chloe could teach her how to love.
A/N: credits to : @xdarkxxredx for the idea, wasn't the first one I wrote but I kinda liked this one better. idk, you guys judge🤷🏽‍♀️
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venusvity · 1 month
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Chloe is the only member with a SoundCloud account, and even then, she's not very active on it nor makes it publicly known she has it. It's a public secret among constellations; either you know about Chloe's SoundCloud, or you don't.
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This song had actually been online for a couple of months before constellations found it. Even then, they questioned if this was actually Chloe as it sounded nothing like her typical style of music, using much heavier and darker themes than anyone expected from the bubbly idol. Despite this diverging greatly from her idol image, many of Chloe's fans greatly appreciated "you were born backwards" because to them it felt like a look into the "real chloe" not the image presented to them.
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HE WILL NEVER CHANGE garnered attention for the album cover as well as this being the first song Chloe publicly claimed and promoted. She posted a link to the song on her Instagram story, saying, "I made this all by myself :)" but fans would be more interested in the unreleased photo of then Cicada member Hyojin, silently confirming the rumors that the two were dating at the time. Though fans did find it peculiar, she confirmed their relationship through a song about a toxic and co-dependent relationship.
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GIRLHOOD, WOMANHOOD is about the very human state of dissatisfaction and the fact that Chloe is always chasing something, which has been all her life. This song is about the feeling of not being able to fully control your life. Shockingly, this was the song that got fans worried about Chloe's wellbeing, as if all the other songs before this weren't a clear sign of something going on, but the concerns were mainly directed at the company mistreating Chloe instead of her mental health.
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GOOD MEN DIE QUICK is Chloe's thoughts about toxic masculinity and masculine norms in society. The lyrics can be interpreted as representing how men view women as objects, as well as depicting beauty standards and the pressure on women to always appear pleasant. This song would get Chloe the "feminist" label and have her receiving backlash for months, though she never publicly responded to it or claimed to be a feminist.
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What is called her most disturbing song, IN THE BACK OF HIS CAR, is described by fans as a horror movie experience from its haunting sound production to its horrifying lyrics. You're either in awe of it or concerned for Chloe's well-being. This would be another song she promoted on her Instagram story, many constellations deeming this a cry for help from her, with the caption, "i'm very proud of this one :) i composed, produced, and wrote it all by myself" this is also the song that gained Chloe her "coquette" status on Tumblr and Tiktok.
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WORD VOMIT is another one of Chloe's songs that just makes you worry for her. There's something about how abuse, especially childhood abuse, often makes its survivors believe that with love comes pain. That love laced with pain is what they deserve, so they subconsciously seek it out. It's what feels familiar despite how destructive it actually is. Though the song is beloved by many, some interpret it as Chloe glamorizing abuse, which her fans will dox you for saying.
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After a year of nothing, CYCLECYCLECYCLE would hit Chloe's SoundCloud, taking a much softer and more raw production than her previous releases. The song has been interpreted as releasing old fears and accepting that they will always be a part of you instead of closing the door. It's a song about healing that leaves you feeling hollow due to its melancholic and bare instrumental. This song would have brief virality on Tiktok for its heart-jerking lyrics, making some of the saddest edits you've ever seen.
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After another year of forgetting the password, Chloe would log back into her SoundCloud to release her most well-known track there, OBSESSED. Being a relatable Pop-Rock banger about being too invested in your man's past relationships, many people demanded an official release, which Chloe has yet to give. Fans were happy to see Chloe release something on her SoundCloud that has them dancing instead of worrying about her well-being.
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A Spark Ain't Never Felt This Good
(S/n: I OG had How Does It Feel by Chloe & Chris Brown as the song when I first started but changed it as I felt Jeans fit better once I finished the last leg of it today.)
Shuriri x Masc Reader
Summary: Shuri and Riri have been together for almost 3 years and start to feel as though they've hit a plateau in their relationship. In comes Masc Reader who gives them just the spark they were looking for.
Stem Shuri, Fem Riri & Masc Reader.
Warnings: Smut, Threesome, NSFW.
Never thought I would post this but thanks to @desswright29 and an Anon here ya'll go. 🫣 I'm kind of nervous because when it comes to masc writing I feel awkward like I don't fully grasp the personality, and air they have around them even though I'm currently writing two fem x Stud/Masc books in RL.
I OG had other plans for the end of this when I'd first wrote it but quickly abandoned it. Maybe if ya'll like it I'll add a part 2 with the OG smut idea I had for them. (DP, Triangle Oral and Anal) my mind was going to very smutty places 😭
"Yo, can you take your shit off of my work table?" Riri hissed, she was beyond tired of Shuri tossing her shit around everywhere.
"Don't talk to me like that, Ri..." Shuri snapped, her eyes narrowing at the shorter girl. At times she wondered why she still bothered. It seemed anything she did got under Riri's skin.
"Then pick your shit up and stop fucking littering my space!" Riri rolled her eyes, crossing her arms and waited for Shuri to remove her stuff.
Shuri took a deep breath trying to calm herself. She wasn't one to disrespect others but Riri made it hard at times to keep her composure.
She gathered her kimoyo beads she'd been tinkering with and her tools and moved them to the other side of the work room that was hers. Once she'd finished she turned back towards Riri and watched her.
"Sthandwa, how about we go out for dinner?" Shuri suggested. It'd been a while since they'd done anything together let alone for each other, not for Shuri's lack of trying.
"I'm good. I don't feel like going out." Riri declined, not in the mood for anything.
"What if I ordered something?" Shuri tried to compromise.
"If you want, but as I said I'm good." Riri shrugged.
Shuri sighed before heading out of the work room. She was starting to become fed up with Riri's attitude and actions. They hadn't had sex in months. They hadn't even slept in the same bed in almost as long. It felt as though they were roommates rather than partners.
She often wondered if there was someone else, or if Riri just simply stopped caring about her. She hated feeling like this. She hated feeling as though Riri didn't give two fucks about her. And it was slowly starting to wear her down as she agonized over their rapidly declining relationship.
A knock on the door broke her out of her thoughts. She shook her head and went to open it, staring in shock at who was there. She hadn't seen you in a long time and she sure hadn't been expecting you.
"Y/n?" Shuri gasped. "What are you doing here?"
"You sounded off on the phone, so I decided to pull up." You shrugged, looking her up and down. You bit your bottom lip as her eyes dilated. You and Shuri had been friends for years and friends with benefits for a while before you'd moved away.
You both kept in contact with each other, not letting distance come between your friendship. You'd been happy when she'd found Riri. She was hot, with beautiful chocolate eyes and a devious smile. You were content in knowing Shuri wasn't alone any longer.
"Now's really not a good time--" Shuri frowned, thinking of her current predicament with Riri. She'd told you how trying Riri was at times and refused to have a more dominant attitude towards the small girl.
"It's the perfect time." You insisted, pushing past her and heading inside. You weren't stupid. You knew Shuri was begging for your intervention, Shuri wasn't some meek girl if she wasn't forcing Riri to submit it was because she wanted you to do it and she wasn't going to ask because she was too prideful at times.
"Nice crib, It looks better in person." You say as you place your suitcase by the sofa.
"I'm heading out." Riri said, and Shuri looked over to see Riri had showered and changed. She had on one of Shuri's oversized sweaters that stopped mid thigh and some heels.
"Where are you going?" Shuri questioned, not understanding how she could be going out when she'd just said she wasn't interested in going out. The with her part silent.
"Out, do I need to give you a run down itinerary of my plans?" Riri scoffed.
"Alright, enough!" Shuri declared, staring Riri down. "I've had enough of your behavior and attitude. I've been patient, I've been loving, I've been understanding and all you've done is spit on every attempt."
Riri stared at Shuri in shock. She'd never seen Shuri get so angry before. Like a flip was switched she felt her body shiver.
You watched Riri's body taking note of the way she responded to Shuri. You smirked, realizing just why she was acting so bratty. You'd had too many women in your bed to know exactly what was going on.
"I see you haven't learned anything from me, Entle." You clear your throat, raising a brow at Shuri. "Have you forgotten how to tame brats like her?"
Riri finally noticed you and her eyes narrowed. She'd seen many pictures of you before, and she knew all about you and Shuri's phone calls. She couldn't help the envy that emerged at seeing you in their home. She'd spent months being angry at Shuri for being able to talk to you about things she didn't talk to her about. Angry at the way Shuri's face looked whenever she talked to you, or about you.
"Don't talk about me as if I'm a child." Riri hissed, glaring at you.
"You're certainly not one." You grinned, taking in her figure. Even in the oversized sweater, you could tell she had a beautiful body.
"Y/n..." Shuri warned already seeing where you were going. She knew how you looked when you were being mischievous or when you were aroused.
"Maybe little miss brat needs some reminding just how good a girl she's got." You say, walking towards Shuri and kissing her. You felt how Shuri melted in your hold, as your tongue roamed her mouth.
Your hold tightened as you gripped her hips, relishing in the way she moaned for you. As much as she loved being able to lead, she loved being able to submit to you.
As the two of you kissed, Riri's core started to react. She felt confused as the sight of the two of you had her jealousy replaced with lust. She watched you with interest. You had on a white long sleeve top, with gray joggers on. Your neck was adorned with two chains and your hair was covered with a durag.
You pulled away allowing Shuri to catch her breath. Her eyes were hooded as she tried to control her breathing. Fuck, she's missed this.
"Brat, strip your clothes and let me see you play with that pretty pussy." Your eyes still locked with Shuri. You expected some attitude or snarky response, but received neither as you watched Shuri's eyes widen.
You turned to see Riri fully naked, and heading for the sofa. To say you were shocked would be an understatement. You'd expected more mouth from Miss Williams after what Shuri had told you about her.
"It seems she does know how to stop talking and listen." You said to Shuri, your eyes glued on Riri's form as she sat on the sofa with her legs spread. You watched her glistening pussy, your mouth starting to water as she ran her nails through her slipper folds.
"Fuck!" Shuri groaned, she'd been sexually frustrated for months. Yet the thought of having Riri and You was causing her mind to go crazy with different positions she'd fantasized about.
This was a hidden desire she had never thought would have happened. The thought of how you fucked her so good with your strap she'd personally created for you was constantly on her mind. She couldn't help thinking of what it would be like if you all linked up and threw down. She knew you were a wild card. You got bitches, it was a fact. You were more experienced, as you were the one to start her sexual journey.
"Ssssss..." Riri hissed as she slid two fingers inside herself, it'd been so long since she'd had a release that her pussy was sensitive.
"Look at the way that fat pussy is taking those pretty fingers." You praise her, pulling Shuri over to the sofa and pushing her down beside Riri. You sit on the coffee table opposite Riri, eyes glued to her pussy sucking her fingers in. The wet, squelching sound like music to your ears.
"How long has it been since this pussy was touched?" You demand, urging her to look you in the eyes. She bit back a moan as she continued fingering herself.
"6 months..." She cried out, her chest heaving as she tried to fight her impending orgasm.
"6 months?" You repeated. You hummed to yourself, then grabbed her hand that was giving her pleasure and moved it away from her juicy hole. You tsked, shaking your head. "You've been denying Shuri this pussy for 6 months? Denied Yourself Shuri's sweet pussy?"
Riri swallowed back the rage, she was frustrated. She wanted to cum so badly, her pussy was throbbing and you were toying with her. She wanted to cuss you out so bad but knew you wouldn't allow her to cum if she had. Shuri had told her about some of your exploits with other women and she knew you enjoyed punishing stubborn women.
"Look at her." You laughed, tilting your head. "She's all quiet and submissive after all that trouble she gave you."
Shuri bit her lip, she was sure you could get Riri in check. She didn't have the heart to punish Riri the way she deserved for her behavior. Instead she'd been trying to cater to Riri but she knew Riri needed someone who could put her in her place.
You lifted slightly to push down your joggers and tapped the kimoyo bead on your bracelet Shuri had given you to activate your strap. You watched as both women stared at the black strap.
"Shuri come suck my strap." You ordered, watching as she quickly got on her knees and took your strap in her mouth. You groaned as you watched her deep throat your strap.
Shuri had designed the strap so it would vibrate at the top against your pussy so only you'd feel the vibrations. You watched Shuri suck the strap, taking it as far as she could.
"Damn..." You sighed feeling the sensations, you'd missed how good Shuri was at this. The sight of her taking your strap all the way down her throat, spit and drool leaking from the corner of her mouth as she sucked the damn near soul out of you.
You clenched your pussy as you heard Riri moan, your eyes snapped to her and you watched as she stared at Shuri's moving head in a trance. You could see her pussy leaking, soaking the couch as she clenched her fists by her side.
"Entle, up." You demanded. Shuri removed her mouth from your strap, a string of spit following her. You grasped her neck and brought her to you and kissed her roughly. "Tell me what you want."
Shuri swallowed, taking several shaky breaths as her mind raced with all the thoughts she had. There were so many things she wanted to try but she was more interested in seeing You turn Riri into a whimpering, screaming mess. She needed her Riri back.
"Do what you do best." Shuri pleaded, her eyes begging for you to help her. You nodded, hating to see that look on her face.
"I'm only going to ask this once." You spat towards Riri. You could see the defiance in her eyes, in her body the way it was tense. She wanted to argue, to fight but she was trying to keep quiet. You knew she wanted you. You knew when anyone wanted you. It was obvious.
"Do I have your permission to have your body?" You stared her down, watching as she tried to fight her instinct to be a brat.
"Yes..." She whispered.
Shuri was unsure of what happened to Riri. She had never seen Riri so quiet, so submissive. Everything was a fight with her, even sex. She was sure she'd fight against you a bit and yet she seemed to be listening, acting and open to everything you were doing and had yet to do.
"Let's take this to the bedroom." You say, as you removed your clothing tossing them along the way. One look at Shuri had her doing the same.
You laid on your back and gestured for Shuri to climb on top of your strap. You had no plans of giving Riri the strap at the moment. You wanted to push her buttons and sexually frustrate her.
As she sunk on you both moaned simultaneously. The strap curved at the head to rub against her g-spot instantaneously. You gave her free reign to do as she pleased, watching as she bounced on top of you, her perky, small tits bouncing as she rode the strap.
Your eyes were focused on where the strap met her pussy, watching as it went in and out. You could already see her cream lining the strap as she fucked herself on your strap. Fuck, you wanted to eat that creamy pussy so bad. But you had a lesson to teach.
"Riri sit on my face." You said, to which she quickly joy obliged. She didn't seem shy about it either, she placed her pussy right on top of your mouth. Her pussy smelled heavenly. You stuck your tongue out and licked, savoring her taste. She had a tart but sweet taste.
You started licking her pussy, your tongue drawing different designs into her pussy. You were skilled at making a pussy flutter and Riri was getting first hand experience in it. She rode your face as you ate her pussy with fervor.
Shuri watched as you ate Riri out, her stomach clenching as she felt the strap stretching her walls and hitting her spot. She was so fucking close, she felt the familiar warmth as you started to thrust up to match her thrusts.
"Ohhhh! Demethi, Undenza ndizive kamnandi sana....(Damn, you are making me feel so good baby). " Shuri cried out as she felt herself getting closer and closer to orgasm. Riri feeling bold, turned so she was facing Shuri as you licked her pussy painstakingly slow.
Riri leaned all the way forward and started licking and sucking Shuri's clit. She watched as you slammed the strap up into Shuri, her tongue slurping the cream leaking from her pussy and swiped her tongue along your strap. You twitched as Riri, pressed her pussy into your face harder trying to force friction. Fuck you wanted to make her pussy gush all over your tongue and face but you weren't going to give her an orgasm so quick.
"Oh.... Fuck, Fuck, Fuccccckkkk." Shuri cursed losing her filter as you hit her sweet spot inside of her. She couldn't handle the tongue on her pussy and the strap drilling her at the same time. She groaned as she squirted all over your strap.
Riri gasped as Shuri's fluids hit her face. She slurped at her pussy, as you continued to pound into her still splashing pussy. The sight had her so aroused her clit started to pulsate against your tongue. You bit on her clit, not hard enough to hurt her but enough to set her body on fire. She arched her back as she felt the urge to cum. You moved her off of your face, stopping her orgasm before it could happen. She was pissed.
"You don't get to cum yet." You informed her. "You have to earn that right."
You could see her wetness spreading over her thighs as she clenched them together. You maneuvered yourself so Shuri was lying on her back and you were on your knees. You bent your head to get a taste of her succulent pussy and sighed. You rubbed her creamy nectar over your strap as you sucked her pussy.
Your tongue was swiping over her clit, as you licked from her clit to her rosebud. You moaned as her hips jerked to get closer to your face. You licked her ass, enjoying how crazy she went as your tongue swiped along her tight hole.
Riri watched im frustration. She couldn't help how wet she was getting at the sight of you and Shuri together. She never thought she'd feel like this. She'd spent so long angry at how close you and Shuri were and it got to the point she couldn't have sex with Shuri without wondering if she measured up to you.
Seeing how you had Shuri writhing and moaning, it was more than obvious she clearly couldn't compare to you sexually. Yet instead of the envy, anger and self consciousness all she could feel was lust. She felt like she could cum from not being touched at this point with the way her pussy was aching.
You pulled away from Shuri's ass and grabbed her legs pushing her knees into her chest. You loved seeing her in this position, and you could hit her so deep. You thrust the strap into her without warning, hearing her cry out.
You couldn't help the smile on your lips as you pounded her sweet pussy, every inward thrust damn near hitting her cervix. You were so deep and she loved it. Her eyes were closed and her mouth was open as she screamed out. You loved when Shuri let you fuck her like the needy little whore she was.
You paused and took one of the kimoyo beads off of your bracelet and placed it on Riri's clit.
"Griot, make that bead vibrate. Keep it between a low and high setting. The moment she starts to pulse against the bead, stop then once she's calmed down continue." You ordered Shuri's AI. Shuri had never used him to aide her in the bedroom so when she heard your words the look on her face would have been comical if you weren't so aroused.
"As you wish Y/n daughter of Wakanda." Griot said.
As the bead started to vibrate against Riri's pussy, you started back fucking Shuri. You gripped her throat in your hand and slammed into her as you choked her. You loved the way her pussy clenched as you squeezed her throat.
"Uhhhh...." Shuri groaned as you fucked her so deep. You watched as her pussy sucked you in, and went faster.
"Please...." You heard Riri beg, as the vibrating stopped. You knew she was desperate for a release.
"Tell. Your. Little. Brat. Just. How. Good. I. Make. You. Feel. Entle." You slammed into her hard with every word, squeezing her throat tighter. Drool was falling from the corner of her mouth as you beat her pussy.
The vibrating started again and you felt a smug satisfaction Tun through you as Riri cried out. You'd seen just how needy her fat pussy was, you knew she was going out of her mind. You placed a second bead on her clit beside the first one all while pounding into Shuri.
"High speed Griot, and once she starts pulsing stop again." You ordered and listened as the vibrating got louder.
"Y...You.... m...make... m..me... f..feel... ssss...sooo... f..ffffuuuccckkking... g..good." Shuri screamed, her voice hoarse. She was slick with sweat and her legs were shaking as you continued to fuck her.
"Fuck!!!!!!" Riri shouted, she was shaking. As the two beads had her vision becoming hazy. Just as she was about to cum, the beads stopped simultaneously and she let out a gut wrenching cry. "Please....."
"Hmmmm. Sthandwa should I give her what she wants?" You ask Shuri. Shuri's eyes opened and she stared at Riri who looked pitiful. Her body was glistening with sweat, she had tears in her eyes and her poor clit was swollen and larger than she had ever seen it.
"Yes..." Shuri folded, not having the heart to see Riri so distressed and needy. You kept the rhythm until Shuri came, gushing all over you and the bed. She looked exhausted as you removed the strap from her pussy, watching as the hole gaped a bit.
"Riri if you want to cum, you need to make me cum." You declared. You made the strap disappear to reveal your soaked pussy and watched as she pushed you beside Shuri on your back. She climbed on top of you and started to rub her swollen pussy on top of you, sobs escaping her as your pussies slid against each other.
You were already wound up from fucking Shuri. The pleasure you got from scissoring with Riri was like nothing you'd ever experienced. Her pussy fit perfectly with yours like no one's ever had. A warm mouth on your nipple had you staring at Shuri's head covered in curls. You moaned as she sucked on your nipple with her skillful tongue, while rolling the other nipple in her mouth.
"Shit..." You hissed as you came quicker than you thought you would. Riri's pussy clearly had the magic touch because scissoring never got you off that fast. Riri feeling your gooey fluid, moved faster. Her pussy was throbbing and her eyes were rolling into the back of her head as she felt the coil snapping inside of her.
"Yesssssssssssss." She screamed, as she gushed on top of you.
"That was so hot..." Shuri muttered watching as Riri collapsed beside you, catching her breath.
"You're such a softy." You teased Shuri. You'd planned on letting Riri suffer a bit longer then when she felt like she was losing her mind, you would fuck her with your thicker strap until her pussy was swollen and sore for a few days so she'd be reminded NEVER to put Shuri through what she had again.
"You love it." Shuri smiled, placing a kiss on your lips.
"Riri..." Shuri started, but she stopped not sure what to say. She wasn't sure she could continue the way things had been. And after what had just happened, she couldn't fathom things going back to the way they were.
"I should give you both some space to talk." You said, knowing they had a lot to figure out. You climbed off the bed but froze as you felt a small hand grasp your wrist.
"Stay..." Riri whispered. She never thought she'd ever utter those words to you but after the night you all had just experienced she didn't want you to leave.
"Shuri loves you..." Riri muttered, her voice low. You could tell she was struggling to say what she was saying. "Shuri's in love with you, and up until today I was jealous and angry but... something happened. I don't know what. But I'd like to explore it."
"Oh Ri.... is this why you've been acting the way you were acting." Shuri sounded sad. You didn't dare turn around. You'd spend years trying to pretend you didn't feel much for Shuri other than the love of a friend, pretending you didn't lust after Riri.
"I love you both equally. There's no competition, You both have my heart. I tried for so long to ignore this because I figured Y/n wasn't interested in anything more and you seemed so put off by her.... I never considered this a plausible possibility.." Shuri admitted and you turned, wanting to see both their faces.
"I'd like to try a relationship." Riri fumbled with her hands. She was nervous of what you'd say. Shuri had said you were a player, you never took anyone serious and the thought of you touching other women after being with them had her stomach turning.
"Are you sure?" Shuri wanted to be sure Riri was 100% ok with the idea of trying a relationship with Y/n. It was half the battle in her eyes, she wasn't completely sure you'd want that. You'd never done relationships, stating they were messy and you hated commitment.
"I want you both... I think deep down I've always thought about it even when I felt jealous or even angry." Riri wouldn't look up as she admitted what she wanted.
"I want to try too." You said, shocking the pair in front of you.
Riri's eyes met yours and she launched herself into your arms. You grasped her tightly as her legs locked around your hips.
"Make me yours..." She begged.
And like that. You'd done exactly what the little brat wanted, giving in as Shuri had. Making love to her, slow and full of passion.
As the three of you slept in the spoon position, you could only think that you all fit together perfectly. From tallest to shortest. You, Shuri and Riri.
Until next time 💥
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misseviehyde · 1 year
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"You know Nancy - you'd be surprised how easy it is to transform a nice kind boy like your loving brother, into a mean, slutty, spoiled bully like me - especially with the resources my family has.
There's too much big Alpha dick in this town for me to suck on my own - I decided I needed another slut to help me out. I could have chosen a girl and corrupted her into being like me - but it's even more fun to take some beta loser and totally enhance him.
I got my Daddy to kidnap your brother off the street and hook him up to a machine that turned him into a total slut. Knowing it was another way I could bully and humiliate you just made me so fucking wet as I watched my Daddy's men strap Charlie in.
It's such a wonderful machine of my own design built by my Daddy's people - a kind of a cross between an auto-surgeon and a VR machine.
I'm the DNA donor the machine uses - so it began to inject him with new hormones and my superior genetic code.
Watching the physical changes was hot. His body was so receptive to my DNA - his hair turned blonde just like mine and his tiny dick shrivelled away to nothing till he had a tight pussy for all the boys to use. Watching his C-cup titties swell up was so hot and even his internal organs have changed! Charlie is fully female now loser... but that's only half of it.
The most fun part was fucking with his mind. My machine plugged directly into his puny male brain and allowed me to subject him to constant brainwashing and simulations.
I used my memories as a basis and made sure you were always the victim. I trained your brothers body to get horny and aroused by acting slutty and mean. I made him suck cock after cock in the simulations and bombarded him with toxic femininity.
Time passes differently in VR - your brother has had thr equivilent of twenty years of neuro-reprogramming in a matter of days. I deleted and destroyed his old memories and totally replaced his personality.
Charlie is gone loser. Your sister Chloe is your sibling now. I got my Daddy to pay off your parents and sort out all the I.D and stuff she needed. Now Chloe has totally replaced that loser boy you used to care about so much.
Now I have the bestie I always wanted and if I need to I can make her even worse in my machine. Maybe you'd like a go too? We could turn you into a femboy and give you a micro-penis. I'm not sure someone as pathetic as you deserves to be a girl.
Haha - maybe later. Chloe and I have some boys coming over and we're gonna be busy sucking and riding big cock. You can stay and watch if you like.
Don't you wanna see how nasty I made your brother?
Oh... that's too bad."
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deathonthe · 5 months
mona lisa's smile | 1418
pairing: fernando/lance
rating: teen and up
word count: ~7000
tags: pre-relationship, 2021 season, non-driver lance au
Two-time world champion. Robbed from his third. A villain’s making—a slow descent from glory, trajectory fixed on an unfulfilling end. Back from his sabbatical. Fernando Alonso.
director's cut:
don't let my ramblings influence ur interpretation of the fic!
these are my notes/reflection on the fic. they don't have to be urs. different minds can come to different conclusions that are equally fantastic!
mona lisa's smile is supposed to disappear when u view her directly, but out of ur peripheral, she is always smiling mysteriously (eerily). i thought it was fitting given the characterisation of lance and the facade he kinda keeps up in the fic
my obvious issue is that since it is an incomplete fic, the focus on lance and esteban's friendship overshadowed his developing one with fernando
i thought the risotto scene was corny, i'm glad people liked it
yes, it's written so that u can't really tell if someone's talking about something or somehow implying it or thinking it
i'm impartial to when people portray lance as having daddy issues and lawrence being a bad father. obviously i don't know jackshit about lance's relationship with his dad, but i wanted to depict it in a positive light this time around
whether or not scotty was going behind chloe's back with daniel is up to u. i couldn't decide whether he would or wouldn't so i left it vague
i don't know shit about ice hockey. i had to google who the canadiens were. they're not mentioned more because i couldn't be stuffed doing more research
i back read way too many articles about lawrence buying racing point, because i thought the dts portrayal was a bit inaccurate
lance and esteban do speak french when they're together so i'm glad i at least got that part of their characterisation correct
i actually started taking duolingo lessons for french because of this fic
the style is choppy on purpose because i hate grammar and tense
the line of 'offers security physically in the only way he knows how' is not implying that lance fucks este. i think lance often grabbing parts of himself to kinda subconsciously reassure himself, i tried to transfer that vibe into his friendship with esteban
to be clear, fernando does not give a shit about lance really until he meets him again when lance is like 20/21
the part that goes 'lance had watched from the grandstands that day. the crowd roared. he hadn't thought much of it' was actually regarding fernando's abu dhabi retirement donuts, and not him winning in spain in 2013
if misappropriating classical writing in my trashy fics was a crime, i would be on death row
at this point, it is not clear whether fernando is approaching lance as part of his El Plan or if he's genuinely interested in him
re: esteban and pierre possibly both being in renault. hindsight is a beautiful thing
fernando's "we are like lions. podiums soon" is another reference to the iliad. i wasn't sure if the implication was strong enough
i was originally going to scrap the 'must've misheard italian for indian' line because i wasn't sure if it would offend people
in the risotto scene, sebastian is actually oblivious as to what's happening. he's not pretending to be. he is fully unaware
my most despised line in this fic is: a son of a billionaire he may be, but a waster of food he is not. i think it's too cheesy and doesn't fit with the style of the fic. looking back now, i'm not sure why i kept it
i think the 'lance's lack of passion' character choice stems a lot from how f1 fans think lance is somehow detached from the sport and doesn't really care for it as much as, let's say, fernando or max, who are always very clearly enthusiastic about racing. it's probably also got something to do with lance's 'monotonous voice' that people like to complain about. it's ok, though, because lance is plenty expressive in his face and body language
fernando's post-race interview after his bahrain dnf is an amalgamation of some of the actual post-race interviews he's given
my favourite line in this fic is: Un jour, vous en ferez l'expérience. Cela fait battre votre cœur pour la première fois et votre cœur ne cessera de battre après. too bad it had to be in french
the ass-tap was inspired by the video of fernando congratulating lance after lance got p3 in the wet qualifying for brazil 2023 (i believe, need to double check on that)
the aston engineer is 100% suspicious about lance and fernando
thanks for putting urself through all of that!
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imthepunchlord · 5 months
Don't know if you still write for Miraculous Ladybug, but if you do what are your thoughts on having Adrien die? Not even in an Adrien salt way but in general I think that killing him off could lead to so many interesting paths for a ML fic to go.
It's gradual. Some WIPs I'm trying to figure out how to continue. It's just one of those things to let it stew/come back later.
As for the topic, my gut response is that it feels unnecessarily dark and it feels like angst for Gabriel and/or Marinette, potentially Chloe, Felix, and Nino too. Angst I'm not really interested in writing myself.
I will say, I did have one thought relating to Adrien's death: a reason for Sentidrien's existence.
Idk how a majority feel about the Sentikids, the little I've looked into people seem to just accept it, but I'm not crazy about these rich couples deciding they'd rather have magical feather babies they can fully control than having a kid by any other means that they can easily afford.
So Adrien's death was my answer to this choice of what Adrien was and to try and roll with it better. Adrien Agreste did exist, but died tragically and desperate, grief stricken Emilie just couldn't bear the loss and used the broken Peafowl to recreate her "perfect son".
Emilie got sick, Gabriel doesn't know how to feel about this "Adrien" who looks like his son but isn't and is the cause of Emilie's state. Meanwhile "Adrien" is being the perfect son he was made to be, is confused and hurt by his father's coldness, finds he has fragmented memories of his life and the people he supposedly has known his whole life.
And as I'm not sure a Miraculous should have a power to make actual life (especially as they can snuff it out with a snap of their fingers), I'd say "Adrien" becomes a real boy by being near the two most powerful Miraculous. Cat gradually destroys his connection to his item, and thanks to the Ladybug, it creates something new to replace it.
And it leads to a whole thing of "Adrien" starting to rebel against Gabriel, becoming alive vs the complacent doll he used to be. And "Adrien" learns he's not the true Adrien, that he's a clone made out of grief and love, and has to deal with the reality that he's a fabrication, but he's not like other Sentis either, and wonder if he's truly Adrien or does he like who Adrien used to be, does he even want to be Adrien? And you got Gabriel getting more aggravated as wtf is going on with this doll?
Part of me even thought of him deciding to rename himself Felix to establish a separation better.
But that'd be my answer for what if Adrien did die, it'd be my way to roll with Sentidrien's existence and how I would've made it work.
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What do you think about Sabrina? Are you like her, dislike her or neutral?
I don't have strong feelings about Sabrina beyond a general distaste for her "redemption." Sabrina was played as way too much of a willing bully for me to absolve her of her past actions without some serious apologizing on her part. Just look at these matching smirks from the Derision flashback!
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[Image Description: Chloe and Sabrina smirking evilly while plotting to hurt Marinette]
That was the episode that blamed Chloe for all of Marinette's problems while showing Sabrina doing all the actual dirty work, which is very much a running theme in this show. Most of the things that Chloe gets blamed for should see at least part of the blame going to Sabrina, too, but that's not what we get in canon. Sabrina spends multiple seasons helping Chloe torment people only to be welcomed on to team Miraculous before she even reaches her "redemption" moment (see: Penalteam). Now that Sabrina has done her one good dead, she's redeemed and is a permanent holder as a reward for that single good act, I guess?
The whole thing makes me deeply uncomfortable when I compare it to the way that the show handled Chloe. I only bring that up because, when it comes to Sabrina, I can't avoid thinking or talking about the Chloe thing because you never see Sabrina without Chloe! They're a matching set! They even have similar base stories with Chloe's parents influencing her behavior via their abuse and encouragement just like Chloe influenced Sabrina (which could have been a great discussion about abuse leading to abuse if this element of their writing had been even remotely intentional). Redeeming one and not the other invites you to make the comparison and it's unfortunately a comparison that's deeply lacking on multiple fronts.
If Chloè didn't earn a redemption - and I really don't think that she did, her redemption never truly stated - then neither did Sabrina. A sob story doesn't undo the harm that you've caused. A redemption doesn't even undo the harm! You can fully "redeem" yourself and still be rejected by those you hurt because your victims don't owe you a relationship. (Side note, this is where Chloe and Sabrina fall for me. In the early seasons, you could redeem them onto the team. Now? The writers took these two way too far to the point where they feel like totally different characters and even break early canon episodes because Marinette's treatment of them doesn't match who they supposedly always were.)
If they really wanted to redeem Sabrina, then they needed to highlight what makes her story different from Chloe's. As is, it feels massively hypocritical to welcome Sabrina onto the team after all that she's done to cause harm and after how little she's done to right that harm. At best, canon Sabrina should have just gone off to a new school to get a fresh start without Chloe. At worst, she should have become someone else's minion. Either way, she should not be treated as one of the "good guys."
Outside of that mess, Sabrina is just your standard minion character who gets minimal development, so it's hard for me to have a strong opinion on her. I think she's used well in the first few seasons, but she's still one of the characters that I'd cut or at least cut back on if I had my way with canon simply because she's not really necessary for the show to work and the cast needs to be cut down significantly. It's not that I hate her or anything like that. I just don't see why Chloe needed a minion or what Sabrina adds that another character can't.
For example, you could give Sabrina a solid character arc around developing healthy friendships and letting go of Chloe's influence, but why give that to her when you could give it to Mr. I've-never-really-had-friends-before-and-I-really-should-have-a-character-arc-around-that who also happens to have grown up with Chloe as his only friend? (That's Adrien by the way. Why go with Sabrina when you've got him unless you're using Sabrina to contrast Adrien in some way?)
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arcadiabaytornado · 5 months
Why do you think so many people hate Chloe when so many of other characters in the game are way worse than her? Is it purely cause she’s a teen girl or do you think they’re more to it?
I think there's two major factors as to why Chloe is such a controversial character. A: Misogyny. B: Chloe's flaws are very realistic, and media is inherently very personal.
As for the Chloe's flaws are realistic point: Sometimes I see people ask "Why do people hate characters that are bullies, but forgive and even love characters that are killers?" And I think the answer to that is pretty simple: "Most people have met a bully. Fewer people have met a killer." It's hard not to apply your lived experiences to fiction, and though most people like to think they engage with media through an unbiased lens, in reality, it's impossibly difficult to fully do so because of the way our brain's process information.
Chloe is realistic. She has the flaws of a real person. She's passive aggressive, she's outwardly aggressive, she's reckless to the point it effects the people around her, she's self-destructive in so many ways. You can know easily know a person who has Chloe's flaws...and I think that's why quite a few people who don't like her say "She reminds me of an ex friend/partner who wasn't good for me," because Chloe's flaws are common. You can see them in friends, family, past partners, neighbors, and if you see those realistic flaws in them, that will shape the way you view Chloe Price, and sometimes your lived experiences are going to led you to have a more negative view on characters who have traits that have caused you problems in the past.
More Undercut
As for the misogyny point: An unfortunate part of our society is that we are often taught to be more harsh on women then men. If a man has a bad temper and is blunt, then he's "assertive," and the world should walk on egg walks not to set him off. If a women, like Chloe, has a bad temper and is blunt, then she's a "bitch," who should have learned self-control a long time ago. Chloe was always going to be hated to a certain extent because she's a female character with enough flaws to fill a small dictionary, and, what's even worse in the eyes of the men who hate her, her flaws are improved by her love for a women...not by her love for a man. That's unforgivable to someone who views women only as a accessory who's not to be flawed in any way, shape, or form.
I think those are the two main reasons people dislike Chloe Price. One of those reasons is nuanced and understandable...and the other is dumb and soaked in years of bigotry.
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zoe-oneesama · 2 years
So, independant of the quality of the actual villain used- do you have a favorite PLAN, of Hawkmoth's, for obtaining the Miraculous?
I think the only time I was ACTUALLY impressed by him was Heroes Day - using an akuma to boost his own abilities in turn was smart, using Volpina to create an illusion that put all of Paris in distress ahead of time was smart, and making use of certain Scarlet akumas that continue spreading negative emotions was smart. I mean shoot, he took out Ladybug's entire team.
Of course he didn't factor the actual citizens of Paris getting in his way, but considering they've very rarely if EVER at this point have interfered in a normal akuma fight (except giving away the heroes' positions) I can't even fully blame him for that one.
But he only got away in Heroes Day because Mayura stepped in to save his butt at her own expense, so it's also the closest to losing. Even at his best he nearly lost.
His other plans don't impress me because he loses sight of the small victories he could've made because he's hell bent on his main goal. He HAD the miraculous box in Miracle Queen, if he just took it back when Chloe was deakumatized instead of letting her try as Queen Bee and being more focused on Fu, he wouldn't have needed a whole season to get the box back. Then they want me to think Optigami is a threat when it's 14 episodes into Season 4 before he makes use of his knowledge of the heroes identities.
Or his other plans, like in "Ladybug", when he intended to akumatize Marinette and do his Scarlet Akuma thing again, he abandons this plan because Nathalie has a sick fit - and then abandons when he has Chat Noir in his grasp for Mayura later. If you're not going to commit, then you need to stop, sir.
Even Sentibubbler, which was the first time since Heroes Day that I thought he had a decent plan (though mostly through the happenstance that he had unknowingly captured Ladybug as Marinette), he would've lost EVERYTHING if Pennybug went for his Miraculous instead of Sentibubbler's amok! That's not brilliance on his part, that's the writer's stretching things out.
There's a reason we laugh at him for being dumb. Because if he was smart, he would've won in any of the several times he had victory in his grasp. Like in "Lady Wifi". Or "Copycat". Or "Princess Fragrance". Or "Troublemaker". Or "Zombizou". Or "Despair Bear". Or "Mega Leech". Or "Silencer". Or "Antibug". Or "Dark Cupid". Or "Puppeteer". Or "Pixelator".
You know, all those times his akumas had Ladybug or Chat Noir pinned or under their DIRECT CONTROL?!
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purplerakath · 2 months
Descendants 4 - Purpose vs Plot
Going to go into Spoilers for Rise of Red as I unpack what this movie was. I'm going to cover a lot, but the biggest one is 'what this film is doing' vs 'how this film does it.' As my teaser earlier suggested, the concept is good, the execution is... not so much.
First though...
Descendants is Kind of Weird
Descendants works far more than it has any right to. It is a quick merch cash grab on the part of Disney that through cast, costumes, and director is a much better film. It still doesn't fully work, but it just shouldn't work at all. But more than that each film has a handful of ideas that are just amazing. Never explored further, but amazing.
Audrey's explanation for why she thinks magic is bad is a very good temperature test of Auradonian self-importance and refusal to let others become nobility through pure hearted goodness. Forcing everyone not already in the uppercrust to stay out, and that's horrifying as a concept. Which we don't really explore later.
So that said, what's the good stuff here?
So I don't feel the plot of Rise of Red was ever the priority, the priority was Red and Chloe, Chloe and Ella, and Red and Bridgette. The whole thing exists to do a look at our new leads learning how their mothers became the women they love.
These are where the film shines, when any two of those four are interacting we're good. Chloe's rules vs. Red's actions. Chloe realizing Red isn't a villain, so she can tell Red that. So Red might believe it. Ella's pragmatism vs. Chloe's idealism, when compared to Chloe's mother being the bastion of lawfulness that is Queen Cinderella. And then Red's skepticism with Bridgette's earnest nature. Which in turn is mirrored by the Queen of Hearts being a calloused tyranny.
That's what this film is about, and when it's doing this, it's pretty great. I have very few notes about this.
Fun aside: Red and Chloe are doing sort of a mix between Mal/Ben and Mal&Evie. Which means I don't think the plan is romance for them... but they feel pretty romantic as they do a lot of the Ben and Mal plot beats.
The Other Characters
Outside of those four, the rest of the cast is fine. Nothing sticks out as 'bad.' (Maly feels underused but the past VKs are there to serve looks and that's all. Which they do, very well.) Uma is very on the ball for her characterization prior. I expected to see more of Past Fay given how hesitant present Fairy Godmother was about Red, but nothing here is wrong.
They feel hollow because they aren't truly the point.
The Plot AKA Cowardice and Anti-Subversion
So the main comment I've seen is 'this film feels unfinished' which I can fully see. But I think it comes down to two significant issues. The first of which I've summarized up there as Cowardice.
The first Descendants the things that almost ended Auradon were almost always systemic issues in Auradon pointed at the VKs (making things worse). Jane's insecurity wasn't made by Mal, Mal exploited what was already there (because she's an 'ordinary' girl when she isn't allowed to learn magic). Jane wanted her mother's wand because of the ideals espoused by Audrey. And what saved Auradon was that Ben and Lonnie treated the VKs like people, and they choose to stand against their parents over that.
The second one toes a line between 'Uma is the villain' and 'Uma is right.' You can't extend this to Gil (a moron) or Harry (chaos incarnate), but when Uma and Ben talk, Ben realizes he is wrong and that's a pretty subversive take. Uma's methods are bad, of course, but her motives are great.
The third one, in spite of it's problems, has the final messages of 'fear is not the answer' and 'you don't sacrifice the future of nine people just because the tenth might be dangerous.' So it's still a message of breaking systems that are, by nature, cruel for cruelty's sake. Another pretty subversive answer.
...and here our villain is the villain, her act was meant to be cruel, and there's nothing further to it. It lacks the moral greyness of the other three films. That room between black and white they each need. That message is there, it's what Chloe learns from Ella about Red. But it isn't the plot.
Which is the first problem.
The Plot and Narrative Flow
So in the climax of the first film we see someone grab the wand and break the barrier. We assume it's Mal, because we're expecting Mal. Mal is struggling between her mother and Ben all film.
And it was Jane, who just wanted to be pretty and special.
The second film's twist come from Uma spelling Ben, shifting the dramatic weight away from 'Uma is right about Auradon' to 'Uma did that thing Mal did but she doesn't feel bad about it.' It switches gears and takes the momentum out of things.
The third film doesn't have any zig-zag like this, being the most narratively weak, but it also has like six plots going on vying for attention so it does shift gears every so often.
Having your first suspect for the big bad of your film be the correct suspect without any change in momentum feels wrong. So a lot of people picked that up, even if the girls did beat the bad guy, it feels too easy (because it was).
Equally, the ending feels like it's missing the... chaos, that comes with changing time. At the End of Teen Beach 2 there's a huge shift in everything after the timeline resets. Which poses a lot of questions the film can't answer, but it does make those questions obvious and visible.
This film? Not so much. Fundamentally changing the Empress of a walled off kingdom is a drastic change to the world and the final scene didn't suggest anything came of it. That's a pretty glaring omission on the plot.
Which paired with the lack of the plot shifting gears, and the lack of subversive message, all comes down to a hollow feeling at the end. Even if a lot of the film was good.
The End...?
And I want to be clear, I enjoyed this. Every practical set, prop, and costume felt good. The songs were great. It felt more musical-y than the previous three. It's a good ride except for that huge problem it has.
The special effects also felt really good, especially compared to the previous three. The lack of the previous characters (other than Godmother and Uma) didn't feel like a hole, it felt like just the story. A lot of this worked, and worked pretty well.
Just... wish they could do the stuff that worked, and give the plot a better ending.
Aside 2: Rotten to the Core is a better song. Red is a better character intro. It firmly sets up who Red is and her conflict far better than Rotten to the Core does for Mal. It also allowed Red to do far more crime and make her feel more proactive as a hero.
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whimsicalcotton · 4 days
Hi it's me the mf with the polluted marrow brainrot, and I bring you semi-coherent rambles about Marrow Max that were brought on by a song I recently found that just fits her like a glove IMO.
(CW: mentions of suicide & suicidal ideation. Just to be safe.)
The other day I discovered a song called Gifts For The Earth by Deafheaven and idk if it's just me but it gives HEAVY marrow max vibes to me. It's a metal song & the vocals are VERY screechy, so I don't know if you'll like the song itself? Although I think the music itself is really good, but the vocals are still a bit distracting to me even after like 20 plays lmao
ANYWAY yeah my main point is the lyrics feel so fitting to Marrow Max's mental state at her lowest point. The song itself is basically about someone giving up their life and surrendering to death through suicide, depicting images of an angel of Death comforting them as they sink to the bottom of the ocean to become one with the Earth once more.
These metaphors make me think of Marrow!Max so much, like I can perfectly imagine her looking over the cliff during the storm at the start of the fic, feeling drawn to jump into the ocean, as Chloe had done once she found out about the time loops. Feeling beckoned to end it all just like her; to let the ocean waves take her in so she can finally stop the suffering.
(Hell, maybe she actually does in a nightmare she has later on, when she thinks she's gonna lose everything in the new reality… Of course she wakes up, and the terror she feels over losing everything might just make her realize how much she needs Rachel and Chloe, and it pushes her to stop running from them. Or maybe they find her and wake her up from her nightmare, as she sees a figure appear through the darkness of the ocean waves, and then Max wakes up, and realizing they're there, eyes filled with concern for *her*, she fully breaks down in sobs)
It could also be read as a metaphor for Max drowning under the weight of all the responsibility she's thrust onto herself, to save Chloe and the others. Plus the ending lines about the flesh disintegrating into consumption for the earth fits how she can no longer see any benefit to her existence beyond what she can do for others, and how she can save or help them. Completely divorced from any sense of self-worth, she gives herself entirely for the sake of others with no concern for her health.
There could also be a read of the song where it's about Max basically killing off/shedding any part of her that is irrelevant to saving Chloe & Rachel, as everything she once was is drowned in the ocean of her subconscious, letting her become single-minded in her purpose. I guess the angel of death in this case would be Chloe, whose safety she puts above everything else? This one is a hell of a stretch but I find it fascinating nonetheless sfhsdfjkshdl
Anyway uhh sorry about the rambly essay in your asks 😅 I just love this AU & fic and cannot stop thinking about it and wanted to share some of the brainrot with you while waiting for the next update; hopefully you enjoyed reading! & if you like the song too even better!
i see what you mean abt the vocals but i am Also a big enjoyer of good percussion/tonal whiplash music/songs that go on for a Really long time so i had a good time w this one actually! thanks for the rec ^^
also don't even worry about it i dearly dearly love reading ppl's rambly essays about this AU sjdkhfsjhfk <3 (that goes for anybody btw never worry abt being rambly in my inbox bc i am probably sitting here uncontrollably happy-stimming abt it)
👀👀👀 to all of these scenarios/readings also. good fucking food
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