#don't forget to actually put my art in the tags TUMBLR
neverendingford · 8 months
#tag talk#seeing hornyposting on tumblr makes me realize just how insecure my last bf was about his weight#and how much internalized phobia he had about so many things (but thinking about the fatphobia specifically here)#which like. tragic because I deadass forget that people irl do have and perpetuate fatphobia#like. he was so good and chunky and I loved that but he was so wildly insecure and wanted to be skinny again and I was like noooooo#the amount of times he would make fun of fat dudes and then turn around and shame himself for putting on weight.#not very healthy and also it's like that thing how it's hard to compliment someone if they always deflect it and insist you're wrong#hard to let someone know you actually do think they're hot as fuck when they're always like ew I'm ugly I wish I were different#also... a fat guy isn't gonna use his chub in a sexy way if he's insecure about it.#like. yes pin me down with your weight and make me breathe it in. but if that just makes you insecure about your body then you're not gonna#kinda like how if you like dick but the trans woman you're with is dysphoric about it then you're not both gonna have a good time#anyway. fat people rule and chub is good and one of my many goals is to assure the people I sleep with that I think their bellies are hot#I showered with my gf a few nights back and like. honestly damn. she asked about what I thought and I was like girl you're serving classical#like. very heart shaped in the way the belly lines lead toward the thighs. idk it's very beautiful and I like it a lot.#I get that a lot of people prefer my hyper-slim body type and sure that's fair. but don't erase us who prefer heavier people.#like. I keep thinking about her.#I don't remember which art period it is that's got her specific body type I said Renaissance but I looked and they're thinner there#anyway. still figuring out how my sexuality relates to my own body because gender dysphoria forever. but I know how I feel about others
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daytaker · 7 months
The Gang's Tumblr Pages
Inspired by this and my own reaction to it.
Perfectly curated, perfectly formatted, and whenever there's a major change to the tumblr format, he simply leaves the website altogether in a huff of peacock feathers.
Lots of HD photography of nature getting reblogged.
Has an extremely complicated and specific list of tags he uses for every single post.
He only reblogs text posts that are sufficiently visually appealing. Very few meet his high standards.
You could look through his entire blog and not learn one single thing about him except that he's a perfectionist to the point of neurosis.
He has a lot of professional art blogs following him.
Oversharing oversharing oversharing!!!!
He regularly gets himself in trouble by shouting about the shit he's done into the void of the internet.
Tried to have a tagging system but forgets about 7/10 times.
Reblogs himself all the time to say "AND ANOTHER THING!!!"
He hates looking at the actual blog pages. The text is always so tiny and some of them start playing music and changing his mouse into a weird shape? No thank you.
He has very few followers and he doesn't really care. Who goes on tumblr for the social element? Weirdos, that's who.
He's insanely easy to troll with anonymous asks. Everyone has done it. Even Lucifer, though he wouldn't admit it.
Some of his best asks:
"did u just post that you're okay with the idea of ponies and unicorns breeding. like no shade on that conceptually but why."
"If you reblog another 'reblog this for good luck' post, I will personally break down your door and steal your skin."
"ur ugly" "yeah-huh" "ugly" "no i won't 'come off anon and fight u' whhy don't you come ON anon and fight me?" "'i don't know how' sounds like something a chicken would say"
He just makes a blog like one of us. Fandom stuff.
Except he's multifandom to the extreme. It's impossible to keep track of his interests because he always has so many simultaneously.
He has the most followers of the brothers just because he gets so deep into so many fandoms that they come rolling in.
He has blocked all of his brothers except for the twins. They're okay.
His blog is a chaotic mess but there is order within the madness. He has a masterpost of tags that explains everything if you care to look at it. (I don't recommend it.)
It feels stupid to even put this in writing but...cat pics. Endless cat pics. That's like 90% of his blog.
The other 10% is a mixture of book recommendations and analysis, Lucifer shade, and a comprehensive, ever-expanding list of shit Lucifer has done to make Satan angry. It's a very long list. It's organized by theme.
"Lucifer inflicts unjust punishments." "Lucifer makes unnecessary snide remarks." "Lucifer simping for Diavolo and MC (pathetic)."
His blog itself is very minimalist and clean.
He's another fastidious tagger. He tags the cat pics by color, breed, age, number of cats, setting...
He's not very into tumblr. It's like Devilgram but more complicated and less popular.
Sometimes he'll post or reblog 'aesthetic' things. Moodboards and the like.
In general though, he doesn't really 'get' tumblr.
People don't post selfies very often. Weird.
Food blog.
Just food.
Reblogging hot dogs.
Reblogging nachos.
Reblogging ice cream.
Nothing else. Ever.
"This minimalist Tumblr has no posts."
No posts.
Default profile picture.
Sometimes he'll like something.
Usually he just looks at it.
There is no order. Only chaos.
He hardly ever uses it, then he'll come online and reblog a million things that have nothing to do with each other. Then he'll go silent again.
He has no tagging system.
He has no custom theme.
He is very friendly to all anonymous askers though.
Barbatos would never have a tumblr. Don't be ridiculous.
He only posts very rarely. He prefers to lurk.
When he does post, it's something weird as fuck, like reblogging statistics about owl pellet contents.
He likes to keep people on their toes.
Reblogging inspirational quotes, pictures of nature, and general positivity.
That is, once he figures out how the website works.
That takes a really long time.
What is a queue? What are tags? Why is it called a "reblog"? How does he track activity? How does he navigate the homepage? Why does it post things in such a strange order? What is a "Blaze"? What is a draft? Custom URL? Custom Theme? Sideblogs? Mass Post Editor?
Someone please help him.
Solomon probably does that.
He uses tumblr for recipes and images of baked goods.
But tumblr isn't even the best place to go for that, so he isn't on very often.
He sometimes likes Simeon's posts, just as a show of support since he knows how hard Simeon works to post anything anywhere.
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jaimeski · 7 months
Ik this wasn't directed at me- but a guide to posting on Tumblr would be great actually
-Tumblr vet finally wanting to post art
no worries!
first thing you need to do is to set up your blog like making pinned post (what's your name, your pronouns, your art tag, can people use your art as pfp etc.)
then i recommend you have your own art tag whether it's "my art" or "[your name] art" or smth like mine (jrrart) go crazy with it don't forget to put it in your bio or you pinned
when you post if you want people to find your art easily tag "qsmp" or "qsmp fanart" they are commonly used when people want to find new art
tag your character(s) it can be "qsmp [character name]" or "q![character name]
if it's shipping art make sure to tag it as qsmp shipping or qsmpshipping for people to filter it you can also tag the duo/ship in case you want people who like that relationship to find it
tumblr does compress your image quality so beware of it lmao
turn on "Prevent third-party sharing" it's in your blog setting under the visibility section
one last thing, don't be afraid to reblog your art and other's art! they will never be found if you only like it
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factual-fantasy · 3 months
30 asks! Thank you!! :}} 🦷
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Leave comments on my artwork! :D Either in the comment section, in my ask box, reblogs or tags! Reading all the responses to my artwork is my favorite part of posting on Tumblr and is what keeps me posting! :}}
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<XD I wanted him to be. But the spawn rate for female Eevees is 12%!! Heck if I'm gonna run around for hours on end looking for a female!
Besides, drawing Sylveon in a more masculine and chaotic way is fun! And having his backstory be that he evolved out of love for his friends, despite being a man, is a fun origin story! :))
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Oh nono, art fight isn't for me 😅 I like to keep my characters to myself and don't tend to draw other peoples characters-
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I had this idea in my head that big Koopas like Bowser cannot retreat into their shell. But regular little Koopas troops can. But I'm kind'a rethinking that.. I'm considering making all Koopas unable to retreat into their shells :00
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Hmm... good question.. perhaps his citizens know, but other kingdoms do not.?
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..Are you alright-
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I'm sure I'm not the first person to come up with this idea, so I have no right to say you cant do it too. Go right ahead!
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Of all the food related Pokémon I can remember.. Alcremie is pretty cute :)))
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@kermit-ydafrog (Sent after this post)
.....For some reason I don't believe you Kermit-
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:0 A logo? Where would I put it?
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Aww! What a cute widdle fox.. 🥺💞💞
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(In response to an ask from this post)
No problem! Thank you for the asks! :))
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Today wasn't as bad as it could have been! Thank you! :)) I wish the same for you!
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I think you're right about this. And yeah, involving money with my favorite hobby probably just isn't a great idea.. 😔
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I haven't caught up with Octonauts recently, so I don't know who you're talking about.. <://
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<XD For me its the opposite. I get so caught up in the routine of my usual candle run path that I forget to go out of my way to snatch up the winged lights-
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I'd prefer a cold shower personally! <XD
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The baby..... 🥺🥺🥺🥺
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Oooo! Nifty! :00 Thanks for telling me about this! :))
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Ah nooo, I have no plans to do so! <:/
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Something about this baby looks oddly mischievous...
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AAAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! :DDDD I should totally draw them again sometime!! :000
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@teemhauntsSorry for the late reply! Tumblr ate this ask-- I use FireAlpaca! :)) Its free and easy to learn for beginners, but has a lot of tools for the pros! But be warned, it can be a bit buggy at times-
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Grizzly Bears! :DDD
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Awe, thank you!! :)))
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Man I haven't had pizza in a while- thank you! :))
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I would prefer to be frozen actually! <XDD I don't take the heat well 💀
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stranger-opinions · 13 days
maybe it's not a writers-block; maybe you just need a break
creativity is a muscle, right?
you need to exercise it to keep it in good shape, to have it ready when you need it and don't we all love those hyperfocused sprints of writing where the words just spill out of our fingertips...
but muscles get sore when you overuse them, will strain when you force them past their limits, they need nourishment to stay healthy and in shape
fandom today has a competitive atmosphere. many wouldn't admit that; it's supposed to be fun after all. just vibing with our mutuals, playing with the blorbos having a fun time online to scratch a few itches.
but the truth is that it can become a lot of pressure rather fast.
putting out several k of (edited) writing a month, setting up painstakingly formatted posts with the right tags and a fun header we spent hours on to look effortlessly cool and eye-catching just to hit post and then feel... nervous. excited too, sure...
but damn, when will the next chapter be finished? or the next one shot? will there be enough time to put a few blubs in between so that the few people who actually seem to care won't forget about us and move on?
writing for writing's sake is a nice notion. the myth of the self-sustaining artist who needs nothing more than a passion and their tools of choice.
but shit isn't just created out of nothing.
what has that all to do with the title of this post do you ask?
very few people can just keep going and going making art like that without needing any breaks and a good portion of those people very likely have very different conditions than most of us have with full-time jobs, families, school and so on.
For many of us writing is a main outlet, an important hobby and a safe space but that still doesn't change that it is a creative hobby, an outlet that demands energy: emotional, mental and physical (typing for hours is hard work if you want to believe it or not) and that sometimes makes it impossible to accept that we just need a fucking break.
"writers-block", in my own experience, is my brain telling me that something is off and that it's on strike until I fucking fix that.
and sometimes it's just that I need a break.
that I need to recharge my creative batteries, take in things that inspire me, that make me happy and get me excited without having to make anything myself. to just be. take some walks amongst trees, watch a new series, read a new book, go into a deep dive of some random topic on wikipedia until I don't know where the fuck I started from.
sometimes I just need to log out, cut the overstimulation of a never ending dashboard, turn off what everybody else on tumblr is doing, how much everbody is putting out, get away from my frustration about "my flopped fic" or the latest fandom drama and reconnect with the real reason I am doing this.
the love for stories and the source material.
for some people those breaks can be as short as two days, for other is might be weeks or months and that is not only okay but totally normal.
sometimes you might realize that the reason you are not writing is that you actually don't want to. sometimes you just want to daydream without the extra work sometimes you're just not in a writing mood and it's not much deeper than that.
that doesn't have to mean you're done with your blorbos. it just means that there are more valid and fun ways to play with them.
don't worry, the fandom will still be there when you decide to pick up the keyboard again. maybe with less people, maybe with many different people but you will always find someone who cares. those who have moved on to different things not come back wouldn't likely have stayed if you had powered through.
fandom shouldn't be a you're in or you're out thing but a place you come to when you want to.
contentification of fandom has had a lot of negative effects on the way we create and so many people fade from their hobby because they simply burn themselves out to a point where it leaves a scar.
so. find something that makes you happy that does not require you to invest too much creational energy. rest those muscles as long as it takes.
nothing you can get on tumblr or ao3 is worth the sore brain, the frustration with yourself and the stress you add onto your mental health ontop of everything else in your life.
recharge, reevaluate, reconnect
have fun
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trobed fic recs?
i take my job as an armchair tumblr connoiseur of trobed content way too seriously so here's my giant masterlist of all my favorite trobed fanfics. i didn't cross check this with any previous lists so there may be some overlap but this one is more extensive and will include some older fics. also if it's not listed here that doesn't mean i don't love it, these are just the ones i specifically remembered to write about. please send the authors some love if you have the time to check their works out!
also i did go through all 87 pages of content on the troy barnes/abed nadir tag in order to find some of these. no, i haven't read them all, but i have read most of them.
fitter, happier, more productive by Toft: i've reread this fic so many times and i regularly forget it's over a decade old. if you haven't read any older trobed fics you are absolutely missing out
Advanced Cohert Dating by Aria: classic trobed fic, so cute and in character
Beginner's Relationship Detecting by KlavierWrites: in quite a similar vein to the last one, but i like both!
Fundamentals of Self-Awareness by Rainbowcat: a great lighthearted read, it's one of the most popular trobed fics for a reason.
Homosexuality and Homosociality in Queer Cinema by ama: this might be the first trobed fic i ever read? still so good and a must read for any gay troy barnes truthers
Annie, Abed and the Long Con by callmealvinandthechipmunks: know i've talked about this one before but it's just so great. the shrack plotline is genuinely one of the most canon things i've ever seen written for greendale
Introduction to Unconscious Bias by theimprobable1: i'm a sucker for the trope of troy thinking hes homophobic when he's actually just gay for abed
cardiovascular endurance and the art of recovery by clonetrobed: you guys know i love my abed h/c especially when it's to do with abed's bullying.
His Innermost Thoughts by LeetSpeak: my favorite trobed high school au, definitely inspired me while i was writing mine!
My Angel by orphan_account: trobed ghost fic that did make me genuinely sob
never could be sweeter by clonetrobed: this fic is just straight up a work of art.
Advanced Emotional Reconciliation and Anti-Clone Catharsis by Luuuna03: been a minute since i read this one but it's a great multi chapter reunion fic!
Fits Like A Glove by human_tennis_elbow: super cute trobed proposal!!
just you and i tonight (why don't you figure my heart out?) by r3medialcha8s: the day r3medialcha8s starting posting on a03... you just had to be there. their impact
the things we don't write in our autobiographies by fffggghhh: similarly to prev, the fic that put user troybarnesbabygirlconfirmed on my roster. god bless my insanely talented mutuals
Assignment Extension Rejected by ChrisSucks: speaking of talented mutuals this fic is criminally underrated
when it comes to a lot of the authors on this list i could put like every single fic they've have ever written, and there's so much i didn't get to, but this post took me ages so im gonna call it done.
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rukafais · 6 months
putting myself on anon for this so people don't try to explode me with their minds, but re: the likes vs. reblogs discussion. as someone whose main method of interacting with posts on tumblr is reblogging without liking (because i enjoy expressing my opinions on things and keep forgetting the like button exists once i'm done reblogging) (and when i want let OP know i liked their stuff a lot i just tell them in the tags) (also i already have a dedicated "bookmark" channel in my private discord server), i genuinely find myself refusing to interact with posts i otherwise liked which have a disclaimer along the lines of "likes don't do anything. either reblog or don't interact at all ^_^" even though they don't apply to me at all because it's like. guys i'm not going to subject my handful of mutuals and followers to someone who's being pushy about how they personally choose to use social media and possibly making them feel bad about it no matter how neat i think your art is
yeah i think the thing is that likes and reblogs can't actually capture the full scope of a post or who it gets shared by. Once it leaves the tumblr ecosystem it can be shared infinitely as long as the source still exists. I totally understand why the whole "you cant just LIKE my stuff you have to REBLOG IT otherwise DONTI NTERACT WITH IT" thing would be a turnoff, I wouldn't feel great about reblogging those either....
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mackmp3 · 1 year
mack-anthology-of-noise -> mack-anthology-mp3 -> mackmp3
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hello i'm mack :]
welcome to my blog it is terrible!
here i post about. things. that appear in my mind. and exit it in tumblr form. mostly music and art related! (hopefully)
i am a lesbian (possibly aspec not sure), she/her/his (they is okay if you forget). i am also butch! boydyke or something idkkkk but also not quite. boy in a girl way. or something <3
i am a teenager still! so please don't be weird yknow. i'm from aotearoa new zealand and am pākehā (white)
i am a musician! i play bass, guitar and sing in descending order of proficiency hehe. i can also do harmonica, thank you folk music phase, and i'll attempt piano. i write songs too! all audio recordings are under #musicking , hopefully they are cool :)
i also draw and paint! at the moment A Lot of it is of doctor who characters, so check out my other blog for that (linked further down), but all of other stuff is tagged under #my art ! i have actually improved quite a bit recently i think which is nice
i'm not really comfortable with dms but if you'd like to say hi or talk about / rec some music or just tell me something, please send an ask! I would love to hear from you! (if you've sent me a dm pls don't stress about it, i'd just rather not talk privately, thank you for your consideration)
it would be great if i wasn't followed by people over 30, for my own comfort - this is at my discretion, lots of you are chill. i intend no offense if i block you <3 also like. please no bigots not that any would listen to that. thanks.
my music i am normal about
pj harvey // radiohead // patti smith // joan baez // bob dylan <- my top five ever. i think. maybe. subject to change.
post punk // industrial // 90s indie // shoegaze // 60s & 70s folk & folk rock // garage rock // psychedelica // goth // dunedin sound // new wave // no wave // electronic
currently listening to more goth music & the i saw the tv glow soundtrack
pleaseeeeee talk to me about music i can and will make you a playlist on any vibe if you would like <3
media yippee
doctor who has taken over my mind! if you want to see generally mildly unhinged thoughts about the show & random bits of the eu & 1271927 art reblogs i will direct you to @butchtwelfthdoctor which is 98% doctor who atm hehe. i put my fanart there too.
you can look at my letterboxd if you so desire but i will admit i don't watch nearly as many films as i would like
the starless sea (favouritest book ever) // we have always lived in the castle // this is how you lose the time war // salt lick //m train (any of patti smith's books honestly) // bob dylan's chronicles // vampire science
the sideblog is @mackerel-like-the-fish for stuff that's not as on theme - if we're mutuals feel free to follow that! i mean anyone can follow it if you like but don't expect quality content lol
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apuff · 8 months
he/she just use whatever you think is most genderfuck in any given situation
you can call me puff or apuff
i am a minor
i block liberally and dont really have a dni, but PLEASE do not follow me if you are a terf or post nsfw 🙏🙏🙏🙏 seriously
i post art and writing and some assorted shitposts, it's usually about mcr (my wife michael romance 😇😇😈) i do like other music and webcomics and videogames tho
@apuff-rb is my reblog blog
@apuff-comics comic blog
i tag for most common triggers, and i use just the word (eg, blood not tw blood), and usually tag both bright AND flashing things as "eyestrain"
please donate or reblog this fundraiser, verified here :
i have a few different tags for various things in my blog, like:
art (some old art of others' is on here, but it's mostly my art)
apuff's inane ramblings (inconsequential text posts)
mcr (My Chemical Romance is an American rock band from Newark, Ne)
dungeon meshi (you know what this is you're on tumblr)
art save (things that are pretty, i'm trying to keep tutorials out of this now but i might forget)
save (like..general useful stuff, good websites, not very specific)
things i want to draw (self-explanatory, more for text posts that inspire me than images, which is "art save")
picrew (picrew chains. i reblog the picrew of people that i tag in these because otherwise i can't find them ever)
long post (posts that are long, this is mostly for blacklisting)
free palestine (self-explanatory)
remember this (desperate plea. i don't even know what i use this for)
art tutorials (TAG I JUST MADE UP NOW!!! i probably won't retroactively tag things as this)
ok so for starters for trigger/blacklist tagging i'm using the format of just the thing in the tag, not "cw" or "tw" before or after it. for example, something with blood would just be "blood" not "tw blood."
for bright colors, i'm doing "eyestrain." i'm tagging things with flashing/strobing colors, lights, or light n darkness "flashing lights" if you're sensitive to that, please make sure you have it blocked since i can't cover the absolute myriad of the unstandardized tags for that specific thing on every reblog with it.
let me know if there's something i need to tag on a post, i forget a lot of stuff/autoreblog plus there's fears i don't know about and things
now palestine/gaza related posts are sort of a whole different beast in terms of tagging? i'm trying to put down "free palestine" on every post i reblog about the topic (cause you actually need to do that to get tags to trending) (plus overall blog sorting is good)
now obviously, the entire GENERAL CONCEPT of the current genocide is dark and upsetting, so know that i really can't tag every possible thing that could be upsetting. but, i'm trying to make a system of particularly upsetting things, especially pertaining to images & videos
ok so. for images/videos of children being actively harmed, as well as graphic text descriptions, i'm doing "child harm" this does not cover statistics of children killed or general comments on the fact
things like videos/images of gunfire, shooting and bombing, i'm doing "violence" like the other one this doesn't cover descriptions of those things happening.
"injuries" is self-explanatory- burns, bloody injuries, face trauma, etc, you get the drill (even blurred/pixely censored ones)
"dead body" is also self-explanatory, doesn't include body bags except if they have visible body part sticking out
tags that could mostly apply to anything (like "gun" or "blood") don't have any special tags, i just use the generic ones like i said above
still thinking of a tag for people being distressed about their situation/ their dead loved ones since things like "death"' are too vague and would cause overfiltering but i can't think of something accurate. if you have any suggestions, let me know.
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jackoshadows · 2 years
can you tag your sansa stark posts as anti sansa stark? I’m not telling you to remove the main tag but just add the anti one
Just block me and move on.
It’s weird how fans of the character feel that canon Sansa quotes from the books is anti Sansa.  Meanwhile Arya and Jon stans have to deal with murder baby Arya and incompetent Jon or unrelated quotes randomly put together to rewrite relationships. Maybe that's why the Arya and Jon tags are so full of headcanon Sansa that most of the time feels like an unrecognizable OC.
And then in the comments there is someone who has ‘not read the books in years’ telling me that I lack reading comprehension  😂
And this is while there is so much racist Arya fanart from Sansa stans on the Arya Stark tag despite repeated requests from poc to stop doing this.
It's honestly so depressing to go on the Arya Stark tag and see fanart on the tag or sidebars - because racist art is so popular in fandom!! - where canonically white Arya is differentiated from her more classically beautiful sister by simply drawing her in darker skin tones. At this point it's clear that artists are aware of the racist implications of doing this and still continue to do this because they don't care.
And yet using a Sansa book quote is supposedly 'anti Sansa' and needs to be tagged as such. I guess the tags should only be used for headcanons of racist caricatures of ‘ugly’ Arya and beautiful blue eyed, whitey white Sansa being the best sisters ever and nothing else.
I think the problem for many Sansa stans is that they stay in their echo chambers with their made up headcanons so that when they do venture outside that chamber to posts by other readers on the tag using the books, they are shocked and think there is some sort of unfair crusade going on against their fave.
I am not saying staying within fandom spaces is totally wrong btw. We all curate our fandom experiences on Tumblr. This app in particular allows us to block out ships or opinions we don’t particularly like. I am sure my group of mutuals and fans, including me, who reblog and follow posts have a similar kind of groupthink.
However, what’s fascinating with Sansa stans in particular is that Sansa is so much of a self-insert at this point that 90% of the character is headcanons. Her most popular ships are crackships, her relationships with her siblings has been re-written, she is now the underdog and outcast etc.
This has happened to me so many times -  I make a post, a Sansa stan responds saying I am wrong, I don’t know how to read, I am a hater etc., I respond with book quotes and ask them to read the books, I am called uncivil and then immediately blocked (they just have to get that last word in!) Rinse and repeat.
Take the post that got me the above message for example.
“I’m not like Arya,” Sansa blurted. “She has the traitor’s blood, not me.”   - Sansa, AGoT
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This is really not what happens in that chapter at all. Sansa does not really think of Arya, admits to forgetting about her at the end and it’s only in the next chapter she thinks that Arya may have gotten away on the galley Ned had arranged for them (Which does not happen thanks to Sansa’s tattling of Ned’s plans and Cersei placing Lannister guards on the galley).
At this point Arya is still trapped in KL trying to get out and it’s only been 3 days since Ned has been arrested. However, as per this person, Sansa is begging them not to torture and kill her and therefore names Arya, who she thinks is already safe in Winterfell, 3 days after the Starks and their men are taken down....
In the OP, I have used the most basic quotes, but in the actual chapter it’s far worse. Sansa is actually still dreaming of marrying beautiful prince Joffrey when she is taken to meet Cersei:
That night Sansa dreamt of Joffrey on the throne, with herself seated beside him in a gown of woven gold. She had a crown on her head, and everyone she had ever known came before her, to bend the knee and say their courtesies.
“Sweet Sansa,” Queen Cersei said, laying a soft hand on her wrist. “Such a beautiful child. I do hope you know how much Joffrey and I love you.”
“You do?” Sansa said, breathless. Littlefinger was forgotten. Her prince loved her. Nothing else mattered. (---)
“She is a sweet thing now, but in ten years, who can say what treasons she may hatch?”
“No,” Sansa said, horrified. “I’m not, I’d never … I wouldn’t betray Joffrey, I love him, I swear it, I do.” (---)
“And yet, I fear that Lord Varys and the Grand Maester have the right of it. The blood will tell. I have only to remember how your sister set her wolf on my son.”
“I’m not like Arya,” Sansa blurted. “She has the traitor’s blood, not me. I’m good, ask Septa Mordane, she’ll tell you, I only want to be Joffrey’s loyal and loving wife.” - Sansa, AGoT
And then at the very end of the chapter:
It was not until later that night, as she was drifting off to sleep, that Sansa realized she had forgotten to ask about her sister. - Sansa, AGoT
So yes, Sansa is scared of not being able to marry Joffrey anymore, frightened of being accused as a traitor like her father and therefore throws out Arya’s name as the traitor - when as far as she knows Arya is in KL and Lannisters could have Arya, the same as her.
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This is the funniest part! - ‘I haven’t read these books in a few years, however, it’s you who is very much lacking reading comprehension’ 😂😂😂
Make it make sense please. And then we are back to the usual Sansa is just a child, she’s 11 goddammit! She’s a teeny tiny baby! It’s totally justified for her to throw her even younger 9 year little sister under the bus as a traitor to be tortured or killed by the likes of Joffrey and Cersei instead of her.
And then finally, the predictable conclusion:
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And block! 
Because of course made up headcanons are ‘alternative interpretations’ and if we point out it’s fanfiction then we are being uncivil.
I can only say that I am glad that my side of the fandom don’t engage in this much fanfiction, projections and headcanons. It’s frustrating as a book fan to be told that I lack reading comprehension because I don’t accept their ‘alternative interpretations’ of how Sansa thinks Arya is safe in Winterfell three days after the Lannisters massacred all the Stark men and imprisoned Ned stark. And while Arya herself is still stuck inside KL unable to leave.
At this point I really do think there is no point in engaging with these stans because they are not doing this in good faith. Just block rather than waste time discussing. They seem to think that we need to accept their headcanons as book canon and if we don’t then we are simply anti Sansa posting anti Sansa stuff on the tags. It’s certainly a fascinating fandom aspect of a self insert fan favorite. It’s the reason she wins polls above more complex and well written characters in the books, the popular version of her is entirely about what fans project onto the character rather then actual written version in the books.
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oultima · 1 month
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Hello! I'm SAMMIE and I'm 35 years old, a lady weeb who works full-time as a custodian. I love anime, games, and manga and have been roleplaying since the old days of MSN Messenger and SKYPE. Down below are just a few rules when interacting with me and my muse.
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I won't follow anyone under the age of 21. This is for my own comfort. I'm an old gal in fandom years and I would like to interact with people who are a bit older. It's nothing personal.
Please reblog memes from the source and not from me. I just like a clean activity. I'm always open to memes, so don't be afraid to send some in. I'll try to do the same.
I tend to like to roleplay plot-driven threads and slow burns. I tend to like to plot out a lot of the ideas. If this isn't your cup of tea then you may not want to follow. I tend to spam my rp partners with ideas through DMs, again if this isn't appealing, then please don't follow. I get overly excited sometimes and I apologize in advance for it.
There will be dark themes present in my roleplays. It will be tagged accordingly. I don't have any triggers that I know of but I will speak up if I feel uncomfortable with something. I expect my roleplay partners to do the same. Please, just speak up and tell me.
I have dyslexia and ADHD. So sometimes my writing may not make sense at times. I have a very hard time with grammar so I used an extension to help me with it. If you need clarification, please just ask me and I'll fix any mistakes.
There will be NSFW (Smut and spice) on this blog. It will be put under readmores and tagged accordingly. I tend to tag ships and shipart.
I am MUTUALS ONLY. This means we have to be following each other. If you wish not to interact with me any longer, then please block me. Soft blocking doesn't work because I always think tumblr is glitching. Hard blocking makes the message clear. I'm also quite selective about who I follow.
Lastly, please tell me if you have an issue with me or something in the thread. Most times misunderstandings can be fixed with a simple conversation. I know it's not easy but it's better to try to find compromise than just letting ill feelings fester. So please tell me so we can fix any problems that may happen.
sideblog to: @sammiethemoogle
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[ Mortal Main Verse ] [ Mortal Verse Tag ]
Important Info
Ultima's mortal verse will be the default one unless stated otherwise. I do this as it's much easier to interact with various other muses as Ultima in Canon stays out of sight. If you'd like to roleplay as close to canon as possible, just let me know and I'll be happy to do that. His face claim is Viserys Targaryen from Game of Thrones, who happens to be his actual voice actor. My mortal verse is EXTREMELY HEADCANON BASED with my own personal theories about Ultima and his people. Little is known in canon about Ultima and I'm winging it. I'm sorry if things don't line up completely with Canon. I tend to forget details easily. Thanks for reading!
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[ RP MEME ] [ My Art ] [ Headcanons ] [ Starter Calls ] [ Mun Posts ]
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arcticsilver · 6 months
How many I'll do? That's for time to decide
Hello, Hi, I'm Silver! Silly little artist guy that is constantly creating! I cosplay, draw, write, game, and more! I'm 19 and taken by my wonderful honey biscuit @its-fucking-draggo
Interact in any way you feel comfortable! I'm not much for learning algorithms so if it gets out to you and you enjoy, that's all I hope for.
Feel free to redraw my designs! I love seeing interpretations however I do ask you credit me ^^;
Be kind, I'm fairly sensitive to negative comments however I don't mind criticism as long as you state that beforehand!
Use tone tags! If the tone is questionable, use tone tags
/lh(light hearted)
Credit me when showing my work! This also means don't use it for AI or you may have an unpleasant surprise...
Steal my work! Obviously dont edit out my signature(i sometimes forget so if you notice theres no "JJ Art" signature let me know please) and if I was an inspiration in writing or cosplay please credit me!
Don't bring up shit about CC!Wilbur/William, I'm fairly triggered by it because I'm a S/A Survivor to someone who used manipulation to keep me quiet
If you know where I live due to being a fellow cosplayer, please for the love of fuck don't dox my exact location(I do constantly state I'm a Texan critter so that's fine)
Do not color over my work to make it some other character or make fun of the character used in a /gen/neg way... I know this sounds silly but I've seen this happen to other artists and it's very disrespectful to the work they've put into it
Don't compare my work to yours(if you're an artist, cosplayer, or writer) whether your more or less experienced, I do not want to hear anything negative about your work or mine in that sense, as said before, critiques are fine but do not give criticism that cannot be fixed.
Taglist cus I also need a reminder to use them and what I had set for them
#my love <3 is @its-fucking-draggo
#CatGoBrr is @cats-thoughts
#ryemacncheeze is @ryemackerel
#ChocoStarMilk is @starrixle
#septiccesarsalad is @septic-salad
#vinegarjesus is @someone-named-rod
#pastelcucurucho is @pastelpurpled
#emilibrarian is @emi-writings
#jaybringsjoy is @jayysnotjoyful
#lilwarvet is my cat Mei Mei
#lilshitpooper is my cat Pearl
#weirdlookinsquirrel is my cat Susu
#hotdogdoggo is my dog Piper
#jaysmp - a silly little smp I'm on :3
#anon - will be used for anonymous asks or requests
#reply! - is for user asks or requests
#ArcticSilver / #art / #animation / #writing - Past works may or may not be actually what they are because but should be finished works in the future
#art help / #animation help / #writing help - I use it for helping me decide how I'm gonna get there but in the past I've used the ones above ^^;
#personal reblog - something i want y'all to look at again that's already on this blog or look at that was posted on my reblog account
Main Carrd
Tumblr centric carrd
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vidawhump · 3 months
I was daydreaming again and then the characters in my head (they normally look like an idealized version of my art style) became creepy
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I drew them and they kinda look like Mandela cataloge alternates meet that one sentient mask scp thing
Anyway, status update (verry long)
For artfight: I have realized that I don't know what the fuck I'm doing and the site as a whole is kinda confusing and scary so while I am gonna set up and link my artfight acc, I'm probably just gonna "attack" yall by making a post and tagging you lol (EACH MUTUAL WILL BE ATTACKED AT LEAST ONCE. THERE MAY ALSO BE A COUPLE TARGETED DOODLE DUMPS. IF YOU ARE A NON AUTHOR/ARTIST MOOT I WILL SIMPLY DRAW YOU INSTEAD. I'M LOOKING AT YOU, FINLEY. I'M GONNA GET YOU /silliy/pos)
For Whumpmas in July: Things actually aren't going terribly, but I am a bit behind. Definitely going to work on that a LOT more during the last week of June. I also renamed Brilla and Nilalang's story if anyone noticed that. Name change or not, they're still the main focus for my Whumpmas in July.
For Library Lockdown: I'm not quite sure where I'm going with the current plot, and I'm kindof falling out with the story I'm working with. Don't get me wrong, I love Reese (/p). They're my lil guy. But I don't really know what I'm doing with it anymore. I'm probably going to go in and start scrapping pieces, and reworking the entire plot. It's still going to be CYOA academia whump, but I'm making a genre change to domestic/urban fantasy and dark academia. Or maybe light academia. I'm still working out the vibes on that. Anyway, I'm going to make a post later (later being anywhere from two days to this time next year lol) and I'm gonna tag everyone that was on the original taglist to see if yall still want in on it. No hard feelings if you don't hop on the taglist, I just want to rework Library Lockdown into something I'm much more enthusiastic and passionate about. (It's probably gonna get a name change too)
For Featherbound: I SWEAR I haven't forgotten about the blorbos but between all the other shit going on and the big pile of laundry on my dresser that is staring at me menacingly from across my room as I type this, I don't have the spoons or general motivation to work on Featherbound :/. What's gonna push me over is probs gonna be something like I make a cool ass art of them or I see something that reminds me of them and I motivate myself to get over the tedious shit and get into the plot heavy stuff and also the whump. Especially the whump.
For general stuff (both paragraphs are going to have 0 continuity and be very disorganized but I need to dump out the words somewhere. And that somewhere is Tumblr aka. the one diary my brother can't snoop through) down here
Relevant stuff: Between all of the above and just the general batshit lack of routine or motivation, I am pretty burnt out. I am very much tied up between the need to be creative and the need to relax and recover (I might manage to do neither). I'm trying to hold my shit together but it's still kinda rough :/
Not so relevant stuff (warning: 0 continuity. 0 organization): I'm reading Angels Before Man right now and it's soooooooo good I love it (crep i think you write the religious trauma type shit, right? I think you'd like this book :3 /nf). I ordered a green crossbody bag on amazon and its gonna come in sometime between july something-teen and august 5th and the hunt for one that's good was hard bc my laptop is big as shit and it needs to fit in the bag and most of them are teeny tiny but I found one that I think will work!!!! I'm excited for that :3333 The laundry pile is still staring at me I'm scared but I don't wanna put it away but it keeps building up I don't like this :((( Jay I meant to message u abt this earlier but I kept forgetting and i didn't know how to bring it up but remember the one crossover drawing I made with Dew and Hell Followed With Us (another very religious trauma one)? Another book by the same author, The Spirit Bares Its Teeth by Andrew Joseph White, has a lot of the same vibes as Blood Runs Cold, at least in terms of mechanics. One of the main things in the story is the existence of "the veil" which is the barrier between the alive people and the ghosties and that reminds me a lot of what's going on with Aspen, if u wanna check it out! /nf :333333 Uhhhhhhh what else. I have an XC long run (probs 30 minutes for me) tommorow. Idk what I'm gonna do when I get home tho. Might make another poll for that. Its like 8;30 over here I should probably go asleepy haha. My bday is july 27 btw :333333333 definitely have to make some sort of art for that. There's probably also a couple character bdays in july that I dont remeber off the top of my head but I know they're there. Ok I go alseepy now byeby :3333
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millermenapologist · 2 months
I know you usually don't do this here but it's wip wednesday and I've seen other tumblrs do it today and *snif* reminded me of your fic🥺👉👈
Hehe I usually don't do them because I have a really crappy perception of time and completely forget when it's Wednesday lol. But if you want them, just send an anon or tag me or whatever!
So, snippet for Ch. 5 of Shoot for the Stars:
Brandmoore is... impressive, for a lack of better words. Not even the descriptions Sarah offered over the months had the power to actually give Ellie an idea of just how ridiculous the place is. On the outside, it's three floors of gray stone topped by dark, steep roofs, the yard that surrounds them manicured and well-kept even if they're in the dead of winter; on the inside, classrooms with hardwood floors and hallways of checkered stone tiles, paneled walls, tall windows of thin glass. The lockers don't have a single speck of rust on them, and the trophy display cases shine with glittering prizes -- spelling bees and swimming competitions, tennis tournaments, New England debate contests. A world away from the dorkiness of Mathletes and the like. Their little tour is led by the principal herself, a woman who introduces herself as Mrs Gilmore and whose heels tic-tic-tic on the floor. She greets Joel affectionately, as if he were a beloved member of the school board, but makes no mention of the fact that, for the three years Sarah was a student here, neither of the two ever mentioned that a girl named Ellie was also part of the family. They’re shown the gym, the science lab, the library, the art studio. After they see the latter, Joel tries to nudge her in the friendliest manner he can manage, gives her a sheepish smile, as if their relationship was repaired and the perspective of spending a couple of hours a week in an art studio could change her mind about attending this place. She rolls her eyes and takes one step to the right.
Below cut a snipped of my next Sarah x Ellie fic! I put it there for pretty mild gore.
To Be Consumed:
Dad says he understands. He says he understands her lack of control over it, her impossibility to deny the compulsion that tells her to eat, to feed. He doesn’t get why, but he knows she cannot fight the unspeakable hunger that gurgles in her stomach. On the day he comes home and finds her in the kitchen, blood and gore smeared over the lower half of her face and along the front of her striped shirt, he grips the back of one of the chairs and through gritted teeth mumbles that he loves her — always has, always will. As he does, his eyes remain pointed to the table. Sometimes, Sarah wonders if Dad’s love is true and honest, the rightful devotion a parent carries for their only child, or if that too is caused by a primordial survival instinct, a tiny voice in the back of the head that reminds him he has to love her, because if he doesn’t, she’ll know and will eat him too.
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ghooostbaby · 2 months
was tagged by @muigiel ^^
nine albums or songs I've been listening to lately x nine people I’d like to get to know better x tag game with no name
1. why did you choose your url? i heard "ghost baby" could be a translation of wei ying (from mdzs) and i really loved that vibe
2. any sideblogs? if you have them name them and why you have them. @revengegarden which i use to put art inspiration in.
3. how long have you been on tumblr? i think i first joined when it was in beta in like 2009! i didnt really know how to use it though. i used it intermittently over the years to post silly poetry and save stuff from the internet i enjoyed. i never really interacted with anyone or understand how that worked. i made a new account in 2020 when i got interested in fandom stuff during pandemic lockdown times..
4. do you have a queue tag? no
5. why did you start your blog in the first place? well i answered that above kind of ... i've always sort of gotten weird obsessed with whatever i'm watching or reading, no one else i knew really had the same level and that i remember during the first weeks of lockdown searching stuff on what i was watching instead of bothering uninterested people about it and ended up on tumblr looking at fan art of zuko and sokka :P and all these people losing it over fictional characters i was like ... i think i'm home? so i got a tumblr to participate in it more.
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp? my name is from wei wuxian so i wanted a pic of him! he was sort of my main blorbo at the time making this account, and he truly captured my heart when he was all red-eyed insane with rage playing his demon flute
7. why did you choose your header? i don't know what my header is haha
8. what’s your post with the most notes? i'm not sure exactly, but i think the last 'annual stats' thing tumblr shared was a feverish cumplane head canon i posted. i also get notes every day on a recent post about wu ming fanon vs canon. but actually my looooong ranting meta about wei wuxian and lan wangji is probably the most notes. but reading that meta makes me want to hide under a rock encountering my past self
9. how many mutuals do you have? a couple
10. how many followers do you have? o.o
11. how many people do you follow? a few hundred i think?
12. have you ever made a shitpost? *looks up definition of shitpost* no
13. how often do you use tumblr each day? probably an hour a day just scrolling on my phone when i'm too tired to do anything else... i've had a job this summer that has been brutally long hours and tiring so i'm not in the mood to sit at my computer much
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? sometimes haha. listen, sometimes people have takes that are so bad i have to say SOMEthing. then i get so terrified of being yelled at i delete everything or ignore tumblr for 2 weeks or ask @muigiel if people are being mean in my notes hahaha
15. how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts ummmmm
16. do you like tag games? it's nice to be tagged! atm i usually don't have time when i receive them and then the notification passes and i forget, this one i put in my drafts though
17. do you like ask games? love to be a part of one one day T.T idk maybe more people would send me asks if i turned on anon but a year or so ago i started getting all these terfs harassing me in my asks (must be doing something right?) so i turned off anon. one actually was mad enough to send me a death threat (?!) from their account so i was able to report them
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous? haha i don't have many, just all of us small fish swimming together.. but i think a lot of people in danmei fandoms really love what @baiwu-jinji posts :) although i think they're not super active rn or we're not on at the same times
19. do you have a crush on a mutual? no but if you're in love with me let me know! i wouldn't be opposed to a tumblr romance :P
20. what is the last song you listened to? hmmmm i think i was listening to a Grouper album last
21. what are you currently watching? i wanted to find something new to watch that had perfect gorgeous visuals of beautiful outside places and ended up watching Orlando last night
22. sweet/ savoury/ spicy? all!
23. what is your current relationship status? single
24. what is your current obsession? tgcf, he xuan, yin yu, maurice (film & reading the book)
25. what are nine albums/ songs you've been listening to lately?
maurice soundtrack !!
80s dancey music bc my taste definitely gears towards lyricless and traditonal/folk music but i've been working with kids who all want to listen to justin bieber all the time so trying to get some fun pop music i can also enjoy (i just hate the sounds of contemp pop music sorry, somehow it feels so... digital? data-driven? written by AI?) - and actually have found madonna is soooo good.
and then relistening to old favourites... yesterday i was enjoying my rock n roll romance playlist which has david bowie, bauhaus, wanda jackson (tunnel of love), suicide (cheree), roy orbison, dead or alive
if you want to take a look inside my brain https://www.nts.live/shows/cantus-orbis
tag 9 people.. uhh. how about just @unfotp @marloviandevil @baiwu-jinji but no obligation!
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inky-thoughts · 1 year
"not reblogging posts slowly kills this site and discourages artists and writers from creating and/or sharing their work" and "you can use reblogs and likes however you want" can exist silmulatenously and can both be true.
yes, if you only want a specific type of posts (political, art, aesthetic gifsets, idk) on your blog, you do you. there is, however, the option to create sideblogs and a lot of people use them! hell, my main blog is where I post my art and reblog works by fellow artists. I also have a sideblog where everything else that I enjoy, find important or funny, gets reblogged to. I even have a blog I specifically created to collect resources, tips etc so I have an easier time finding posts again that I find good to have at hand.
don't get me wrong, receiving a like as an artist is nice. it's a sweet notion. however, especially on this site for a very long time, likes have been not much more than a private bookmark for the user. there's a multitude of ways to utilise the like function, but the artist won't know what you personally use likes for. a lot of us use this site for a decade or more, so only leaving a like always has the implication that the work isn't considered worthy of sharing around, and it stings after a while. it even makes creating art harder because is the time and effort you put into it even worth it?
yes most artists create for the sake of creating! but it is still disingenuine to ask of artists to create and especially share their work for virtually nothing in return. most often an implied "deal with this later only to forget it even exists".
yes you can do whatever you want with your blog. we don't even ask you to reblog every single post that comes across your dashboard. tumblr is about curating your experience.
but please be empathetic towards artists and writers. it hurts to read "why doesn't your stuff have more notes?!?!?" while nobody follows through and reblogs your stuff, the single most best way to give posts notes on this website and share them around.
it's nice that you find cool stuff on your "for you" page, the thing that is actually influenced by likes. but, realistically speaking, how many use the "for you" page, especially on a regular basis? how many go into art- or writing-specific tags instead of fandom-specific ones (yes imagine that, there's a bunch of people on here who don't majorly draw fanart or write fanfics)? how regular is that?
if you truly want to help creative people on this website, please consider reblogging their work. it's hard enough as it is.
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