#don't even get me started on the others my bisexual ass can't handle it
buckleygracechan · 9 days
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there's many things I love about the clip they released from family feud but this is my favorite part. oliver literally has both ryan and tracie looking at him with their big brown doe eyes like he's hung the moon and the stars.
no idea how ryan survived filming the first few episodes with oliver because that haircut literally made him ten times hotter for some reason.
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sky-is-the-limit · 4 months
I saw that someone broke the bucktommy situation down in spn terms and I want to expand on that a bit further so that hopefully you can understand how deeply frustrating this whole situation is for buddie shippers.
So not just did a third of the destiel girls jump ship, they immediately started actively hating and destiel and calling anyone who is still a destiel girlie delusional and denying any possibility that castiel is anything other than straight, and like a third of your favorite destiel blogs and fic writers just completely abanonded destiel and completely rebranded for this new ship and started writing only for them. like some of the most passionate destiel shippers immediately left simply because they got dean being bisexual and that's enough for them and they never actually cared about destiel or how queer coded castiel is, they just wanted to see dean kiss a man and as long as dean stays with this new man they are 100% certain to have that. so they cling to this nothing ship with this bland ass character and come at destiel shippers for actually wanting a ship with substance and history between characters who actually have chemistry. and now that the destiel shippers are pointing out hints that point towards castiel being gay and destiel being endgame the new shippers are completely denying any possibility of it and are proving that they never gave a shit about castiel as a character or his struggle as a clearly gay man. they just wanted dean to be bi and kiss a man.
oh and also a bunch of new people joined the fandom after bi dean became canon and they simply don't watch any of the previous seasons because they don't actually care about the show, and then they start speaking about dean and cas as characters as if they know them at all when they have clearly never seen most of the show.
like i cannot express enough how nothing of a ship bucktommy is. almost everything about them is either made up by tommy's actor in paid cameos, or just fanon. they had very few scenes this season, only had two very uninteresting kisses, their chemistry is just really lacking and the vibe is kind of off. and i'm not saying that you can't like a ship that is mostly fanon, i know people base ships off less than this and i genuinely don't care, but it's weird to then completely discount a ship that has been brewing for 6 seasons and pretend that the people who have been following that ship for years are just crazy.
The more yall explain it in spn terms, the more I get sucked into it and I'm not complaining.
Yeah, I understand the frustration because I know I wouldn't even be able to handle Dean, towards the end of spn, dating anyone other than Cas, especially after all they've been through.
But making people feel crazy for it, especially when one is canonically bi, is insane.
What I said on that as an outsider, is that it'd be cool for once to watch the writers/producers take the most loved/popular ship between two queer*coded characters and make it canon.
The dynamics are also different when it comes to a new character being introduced as a love interest and a main character that a large part of the fandom ships with the other main character.
Now I don't know much about Bucktommy as a ship as I've only watched their kiss scene but I understand the frustration of Buddie stans.
I'd lose my fucking marbles if Dean came out towards the end, only to end up with a newly introduced character and not Cas 😭 and as a Cas girl having to watch people shit on him and Destiel just because Dean came out, nah. People would riot outside the CW offices.
Anyway, I'll keep watching the random s6 episodes they show on tv and hopefully that will make me watch the entire thing!!
Yall are making me want to read Buddie fics, stop it before I open a new ao3 tab
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xiaq · 1 year
what was alex's mom's reaction to him coming out since it's assumed that she didn't know and is religious
Alex's mom (and her whole family 2.0) more or less pretend that Alex doesn't exist since that's most convenient for them (less because he's gay and more because she'd prefer that she never had a wild youth and was the perfect housewife from day 1 with her perfect husband and kids who look just like him).
However, I do have a head-canon that Alex's baby half-sister Katie ("call me Kat or I will shank you") comes out as bisexual in high school and her parents had 0 prep and handle it badly, not in a "she's in danger sort of way" but in a "we're well-meaning but our response is deeply hurtful" way. And being a strong independent teenager, she's like well fuck that, I'm out.
So one day Eli opens the door and there's a furious teenage girl who's like, "whattup, I'm Alex's half-sister Kat, I've run away from home and I'm not going back and you can't make me; you have to harbor my fugitive ass because I'm queer and also sort of related to you. Do you have anything to eat?" And Eli is like, "how did you know where we live? how did you even get here?" and she says, with a degree of distain only a teenager can muster, "mom has your address so she can send her stupid Christmas card every year. And I got here on a plane, duh." And he's like, "well, you better come inside because the baby is going to wake up any second and also my southern upbringing dictates that I feed anyone who expresses the slightest indication of hunger."
It turns out she's crazy for itty bitty sleepy infants and he conveniently has one of those. So he gets her a healthy snack and leaves her cooing over their fresh spawn and franticly calls Alex from the other room (it's playoffs and he's on the road, naturally). Alex ends up having to call his mom for the first time in a decade. Long story short, Kat stays with them for a few weeks since summer vacation has just started and she's, you know, full of riteous fury. But after a couple weeks things simmer down and apologies are made. Because Alex's mom and her husband realize this isn't a phase they can talk their kid out of and they're going to lose her if they don't act right. So they actually start having productive, meaningful conversations with Alex and Eli and over the next several years their relationship drastically improves. Kat visits often and actually lives with them through college (she goes to the same fictional university Eli did in Houston) to save money on housing and help out with her nieces and they stay super close. So that relationship never fully heals, but it gets better. And it gives them Kat.
I also head-canon that during Kat’s junior year of college, when she's still living with them, Alex and Eli let a new rookie stay with them for a bit. Naturally, Kat and Rookie end up falling for each other which gives Alex a very fatherly existential crisis and nearly gives Rookie a heart attack when Alex catches Kat sneaking out of Rookie's bedroom one night.
Uh. Anyway. That was probably more than you were expecting.
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cosmicjoke · 9 months
I hope in the nearing future all Levi x Oc/ Levi x reader shippers see how mentally delusional you all are. I know for a fact your weirdo behavior will be frown upon soon. Also keep in your lane and shut your mouth up about Satosugu and other gay ships. We all knew your group of weirdos will start coming after every gay ship that makes y'all itch.
And that bullshit you all spew about not being homophobic because you have gay relatives is funny as hell. My Dad has a gay son and he's still homophobic so you all did nothing with that bullcrap
Even if you claim Levi isn't gay, it doesn't stop your friends from writing Levi x original male characters. But you guys don't because your homophobic asses can't handle the thought of him being bisexual even though isayama himself said he likes to see Levi with men by calling himself a Levi yaoi enjoyer. If he had said he likes seeing Levi with red haired women you all would have eaten that up. I think it was just fair that that anon called you all retarded. I was giggling so hard. Saying this as a Satosugu shipper btw. Again, tell your friends to not add us into your dumbass discord.
Oh. It's you. You're back, huh? Haven't had enough of getting your ass handed to you? Well, some people just don't know when to quit.
You "giggled" when "that anon" called us "retards"? Tell me you're a 12 year old boy without telling me you're a 12 year old boy.
You're accusing me of being a self-shipper, but everyone who follows me and pays even the most moderate amount of attention knows I don't ship Levi with anyone, including self-shipping. I make it a point again and again to reiterate that about myself. But then, that's all people like you have, isn't it? There's nothing to actually back up your deluded insistence that Levi is gay or in love with Erwin, but you're so deliriously obsessed with the notion, that any time anyone actually points it out, the only thing you can resort to is accusations of bigotry and the pitiful attempt to frame every other ship as "delusional" and "perverse", as if that somehow serves as proof of Levi's romantic interest in Erwin, or anyone else. The only thing it serves as proof of is your pathological inability to accept reality.
I don't claim anything about Levi's sexuality, one way or the other, because there's nothing in canon, or in Isayama's interviews, which addresses Levi's sexuality, period. Everything you say, everything you claim, every psychologically warped belief you hold about Levi, is based on nothing but conjecture, assumption, speculation and theory rooted in conspiracy. You literally have no foundation for anything you claim.
We don't know if Levi is gay, or straight, or asexual, or bisexual. And we don't know because it's irrelevant to his character. You and your ilk are the only ones who can't seem to accept that irrefutable fact, and you and your ilk are the only ones who are dumb enough, and pathetic enough, to reduce a character who's romantic life and sexual orientation have no bearing whatsoever on his actual story and person, and make it the only thing about him that you talk about or care about. You base your entire interaction and relationship to this piece of art on something that only exists in your head, and then you spend all your time online harassing people over it, bullying and insulting them, and accusing them of the very things you yourself are guilty of, all for the horrific crime of pointing out to you that your delusions, I'm so sorry to reiterate, aren't canon.
You aren't a Levi fan. You aren't even an Erwin fan. You aren't a fan of Gojo either, or of Geto. You're a fan of your own fantasies. Something which has zero relation or connection to Isayama's actual work, or to Gege's work either.
But keep trying. Keep making baseless accusations about people you know nothing about. It tracks for you, perfectly. After all, your entire fandom experience revolves around baseless, foundationless fantasy, so you might as well go all the way, and make your interactions with other people just as tightly wrapped in delusion and self-soothing lies.
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itsjaywalkers · 9 months
rumor has it if you say “fem jeggy” three times in a row you summon me to you inbox 🫶🏻
-i headcanon reg as having a preppy trust fund baby style even after she leaves grimmauld place (just less conservative) which tragically and much to regulus’ chagrin gets associated with being straight
-she and sirius both have those supermodel black genes which means lots of guys hit on her
-while regulus is great at her scathing dismissals she prefers when james intervenes (jealous james supremacist for LIFE)
-james will literally drape herself over regulus and give the cliche “is this guy bothering you babe?” speech all while flexing (she’s got the BEST biceps bars none)
-james is fully willing to fistfight a dude if he fetishizes or insults her girlfriend
-regulus is a horny lesbian who thinks james defending her honor is EXTREMELY sexy (she’s so right) and will fuck her in public places as a reward
-james is going to start intentionally provoking men at this rate bc godDAMN does regulus get frisky for protective james
-james is possessive as fuck over her girlfriend but regulus wants to be possessed so they’re perfect for each other tbh
MORGANNNN SO SORRY IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO GET BACK TO U life's been a bit hectic, even today, which was supposed to be a rest day..
-u know i loveeee ur fashion hcs and this one is PERFECT and suits reg perfectly, also as a bisexual woman i can confirm that that specific style usually screams straight girl to me so i can imagine reg's struggle.. and james' too, she must have been devastated until she found out </3
-not the guyssss hitting on them.. don't get me wrong it's absolutely canon considering they're both gorgeous but . damn . can't they see they're not the target audience???? smh
-ofcccc reg lives for james intervening, she always has this 'i can handle it myself attitude' BUT seeing her gf deal with annoying and overbearing men gets her all hot and bothered <3
-GODDDD JAMES FLEXING HER MUSCLES TO SCARE THE DUDES AWAYYYYY i just know reg drags her away the moment the intimidation does its job (bc it always works i mean look at james) and fucks james within an inch of her life!!!
-i fully believe reg sometimes escalates the situation and makes it seem worse than it actually is just to see her gf kick an asshole's ass
-I LOVE ME SOME JEGGY EXHIBITIONISM KINK they both get off on the risk of being discovered, besides they're too horny and impatient to wait, they go for it whenever and wherever
-and yes, just like reg exaggerates the situation to watch her gf in a fight, james also pushes a bit bc she knows the reward is gonna be so WORTH IT
-YOU FUCKING GET ITTTTT they're both so possessive and jealous and love to belong to each other, they're absolutely obsessed, I LOVE MY HORNY LESBIANS
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isawken · 1 year
so the thing is
the thing is i think about my sorry 20 year old ass taking dozens of mgs of stolen barbiturates in my one bedroom apartment luxuriously paid for by an excess of student loans playing spyro the dragon on my 11 year old playstation 2 slim living the young artist's dream just me and a cat and and memory loss skipping class to make mediocre art too high to self harm in the old fashioned "burn or cut myself" way so i didn't think the other stuff i was doing was all that bad and trying really hard to be a mediocre waitress at a mediocre faux-high-brow restaurant and finally after a month being honest with my therapist and her recommending, not telling, me to self admit to Forest View Psychiatric Hospital and i actually did because i didn't know what else to do and i got in there and they took my shoelaces and i cried for about 36 hours straight because what the fuck did i just do, until they finally gave up on the trazadone that just straight up was not working and gave me seroquel and i finally slept for a while and then just sat in the bedroom i shared with an 18 year old anorexic (who would soon ask to get transferred to the minor ward and they'd let her for reasons i'm still not clear on other than the assumption of empathy on the part of her assigned psychiatrist which is frankly hard for me to believe) because they didn't actually care if you went to the group therapies as long as you were somewhere visible for their regular 15 minute check ins but after the 3rd day of now-intermittent crying and 6 new medications and mediocre forced sleep i asked if i could take a nap in one of the quiet rooms and they let me and it was one of the best naps i ever had in my life and when i woke up i was in a great mood and my whole perspective had somehow shifted and suddenly this was a good thing i was okay with being here (i still have no idea how this happened) and i went to group therapy and i tolerated the others in therapy telling me the solution to my immense self hate was to trust that god loves me and i went to the art room and drew in coloring books with the others and chatted and a 19 year old taught me about the chemical compounds in mucinex that get you high and i got a new roommate who was also my age also bisexual and she was an opera singer and she knew danish and we chatted up a stereotypically intimidating-looking biker man who had a voice as beautiful as my roommate's and he told us as he was waiting for the single-shower room about the benefits of MDMA for trauma and how the best thing you can do when you're rolling is "the airplane" and a 48 year old pill popper mother of 4 taught me how to jam a plastic spoon into the shower button in your room so you don't have to keep pressing the button for water and a guy named zander told me a bunch of pun jokes and we started sitting together at lunch and one day it was chicken wings, like actually decent chicken wings, so he ate a bunch and then left the bones piled on his plate as he left to get another round and the woman sitting across from us leaned over, eyes honed on my face, and very gently asked if it would be okay if we could cover up the bones on our plates because it reminded her of her captivity by two men and subsequent torture, specifically when they shoved a broken handle through her foot and
and my reaction was, of course, to say yes yes, of course, it's no trouble at all, zander won't mind either, and he came back as we were talking, and i simply told him let's cover up our bones as i unfolded a napkin and draped it over his plate, and he nodded in immediate understanding, and i switched conversation topics to something light like oh where are you from what did you do before this what drugs did you take and it was an otherwise fine lunch as we all commiserated over our substance abuses and
and ever since then, even during subsequent life-changing mental breakdowns, it's never been as bad as that first one, because i think of her (i can't remember her name i wish i did she deserves me to remember her name) and i am grateful that i can look at a pile of chicken bones and be okay
as far as psych ward experiences go mine was pretty much as positive as one could get and i'm so lucky and i'm so grateful but
it wasn't until way after my experience that i learned that other psych wards gave their patients fun grippy socks.
i never got grippy socks. and even worse than that.
i never got my fucking shoelaces back.
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my-daily-life95 · 2 years
November 14, 2022
So I started my morning like normal. Stopped at Starbucks before work and sat in the parking lot for a few minutes just relaxing. I always order a venti cafe misto with coconut milk. The other drinks are fine but sometimes it's too sweet. Sometimes I'll get an impossible breakfast sandwich. Those are so good!
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Anyways walking into work I bump into my work crush. I wanted to turn around so badly and walk the other way. I couldn't do that! He would have thought I was rude and there's only one way to the employee locker rooms! I always come to work dress in different clothes and today I did not look my cutest. Yesterday I did look like a whole snack but he was off!! Today I look like a troll that was dragged from under their bridge and straight into a wind tunnel. I come to work and hour ahead of time to get dressed and to enjoy my coffee. I didn't think I'll see him this early in the morning! I looked so ugly! Oh God, I'm so embarrassed. I like him a lot! His name is Sage and he's a quiet person. He's really nice and has given me rides to and from the office to my building. When I was training as coordinator he even told me that I was doing a wonderful job. He even said yes to do guest calls for me even though the other coordinators told me he doesn't do it for them. You have no idea how much I was blushing from that! Even now thinking about his cute smile makes me want to scream!! He is really cute and I feel like I'll die when I'm close to him. I haven't felt this way about someone in such a long time. My bisexual ass doesn't know how to handle this! I can talk normally with the other guys but with Sage I can't. Even when we're next to each other I can't bring myself to say anything. The few times we have talked I start the conversations. Now it's getting harder to do that! I haven't told my work bestie about this crush of mine. If I do I know she'll force us to hang out together and I'll combust into flames in front of him. I don't know much about him. I only know his full name and I know I can access his phone number as a coordinator. That's creepy so I won't be doing that. It would be nice if he was the one to give me his number himself. I know he knows more about me. He knows that I'm 27, bilingual, and that I'm the oldest of my siblings. He's been on the same room as I had conversations with others. So I don't fully know what else he knows about me. I don't know what he thinks when he sees me. Now I just want to scream! I can't since I'm at work so I'll just laugh it off and take some deep breaths. Ah fuck he's so cute!!! I need to stop looking like a goblin before work.
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robin-the-enby · 3 years
Hey! I love your matchups and I really want one with on the black butler characters.
I am ISTJ and even though I was born in America I come from a Mexican family. So I am fluent in Spanish and English. Along side of Mandarin Chinese (still learning) and Japanese (still learning)
Appearance wise, I have olive skin, long wavy/curly hair that reaches my tailbone (i like putting it in side braid). I also have long bangs that quite often fall over my glasses. And just too lazy to move them. I also have dimples when I smile. I will bite anyone who try poke them.
Personality: I can get hard to know at first because I have trust issues (my heart has been broken okay) . Not too mention people don't try to get know me because of my major Resting Bitch Face. They think I am judging them or that I am scary. But I am not... I am attentive so I will stand up for myself and anyones else. I am patient. Also, after you get to know me you will realize I am a chaotic crackhead with a melodramatic persona. Like "your star is here!" "The stage is calling for me. Move out of my way" "the spotlight is on me so could you move you crusty face?" I like to tease and flirt with the people I am close to. I zone out or daydream a lot. And in the worst times. It could be a serious meeting and I am chuckling because of something in my head. Which have scared people. It could be during a conversation and I will stop listening. But I will always feel bad and apologize.
I also like to scare people. Like tell them the unsolved cases or horrific cases that I know (I love unsolved cases) . This is also why my little siblings hate me. Turns out talking kids murder cases and disapperinv cases was not appropriate for bed time story... woops.....
I like to pop out of nowhere and either flick or playfully punch my friends and say boo. I do accidentally roast people. I don't think before I say things. And don't realize until hours or days later. And I am like "shit"
I am sarcastic and that has gotten me in trouble before. My friend asked for my advice and I didn't know she was being serious. So I gave her a sarcastic advice and she came back to me mad. I was like "shit you believed me?"
Likes/hobbies: i like my anatomy class and I like to read, write, meditate (because I get stressed a lot). I really like to dance and listen to music. Which my music taste is everywhere: Kpop, classical music, jazz, jpop, Spanish songs, rock, metal. Every music genre except for country. I like to play the violin.
My passion lies in the arts and crafts. I would like to do illustration and photography. More specifically street fashion photography and and event photography. Like weddings and funerals. Yes funeral photography does exist and I will like to do it. Since it is also special event. I draw a lot of portraits and landscapes. I have been told that my art is either scary or mysterious. Though I can get a little caught up with my passion. I practice to get better with no rest.
Flaws/toxic traits: I am not empathetic or sympathetic. People always thought I didn't care about my friend's issues. I do i just don't understand them. My compassion does make up for this and will give advice. My other flaw, is the high walls I build to protect myself. I am there for other people. But people were never there for me. People have manupliated me and that cause me trust issues. I don't know how to handle negative emotions like depression, anxiety, self doubt, procrastination. So I just isolate myself in these moods. They really take a toll on me and make me think I can't do my passions. I am afraid of commitment because of toxic relationships i had before.
Love language: I am not obvious with affection. (Because no one ever gave me it). I show it through my teasing and flirting. My love language is however Act of Service. I will help my s/o with anything they need. Chores, work, advice, etc. Sort of the mom of my friend group. But a Savage mom as I have been told. "Stop crying, here I made you a cookie" "do I need to hurt someone" "don't worry I can get coffin with a lock in it". I am also an aggressive supporter. Like "No YOU are beautiful. YOU are gorgeous!" (This happened when someone gives me affection and time try to turn the attention to them as way to hide my fluster)
I will call my s/o like "stupid" "idiot" but in a endearing way. Okay. Occasionally I will use "beloved" and "Cariño/cariña"
I am not good receiving verbal affection or physical affection. I was never given affection so I am not used to it. I will start blushing and stop working. I will also probably say "idiot" or turn the attention to them like "no.. u" but I think fails because I am terrible at hiding my blush. I get easily flustered with affection okay. But I won't ever admit that I like it. Though it is obvious.
Sexuality: i am bisexual so it doesn't matter what gender I am paired up with.
Funt fact i guess?: I love small plants, plushies, and banana milk. Like I have hundreds of different kinds of plants and they each have their own name. Like GGmo, Lily, Melody, Edward. I love Banana milk as I said. I drink it every evening. It always get me happy so when I am sad or had a bad day. I drink banana milk and I am happy. It is also to make up for my coffee addiction. I am addicted to coffee. My friends said no coffee and I was like fine banana milk then :)
This is getting long now... bye.
I'm glad that you like my matchups, I'm trying my best tbh😅 I match you with:
Sebastian Michaelis
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Sebastian is very curious in nature, so he definitely wants to know what you're really like, not the front you put on.
He's also very charming when he wants to, he makes it very easy to open up to him and get comfortable around him.
Sure, he, as a demon, doesn't really care much for humans, so when he doesn't have to play the polite, kind butler, he probably has a RBF as well, however, I think that changes when he's interacting with someone he loves.
His sweet words may have been a mask at first, so he could see the real you, but the closer you two become, the more he means every word of praise, encouragment or comfort he utters.
He would most certainly be amused by your crackhead self once you do get comfortable around him, but it's not really his vibe. He wouldn't scold you for being loud, brash or inapropriate, like he does the other servants.
If he's in a really good mood or when the situation calls for it, he can be dramatic as well. Sometimes he'd do it just to get on Ciel's nerves XD
One big pro of being with Sebastian is that he lets you off the hook a lot. If he was talking to anyone else and they'd space out, oh honey, he would stare them down so hard, it's sending chills down my spine just thinking about it. But if it's you it's like a complete 180, Sebastian can't possibly be mad at you, everyone spaces out sometimes, those things just happen.
The other servants make sure to be on your good side so that you could intercede with him on their behalf.
You can't scare him with your true crime stories, but you sure as hell can scare the others. And you can bet your ass Seb's gonna help! The plan is: You tell the story and then he's gonna pop up out of nowhere behind them, giving them mini heart attacks.
If you try to scare him though, you'll need to be on guard 24/7 until he gets you in return. And even if your on guard all the time, he finds a way to scare the life out of you.
Your humor is practically the same, I mean, Sebastian is great at off handed remarks/roasts and sarcastic comments that you have to look for to really see them. You two could be talking shit about anyone and everybody would be like "Oh yeah, normal conversation, yes"
Sebastian would love to dance with you. And trust me when I say this, he is good at any type of dance. If you two are ever at a ball, prepare your feet, because he's not gonna let go of you the whole night (unless his master is in danger of course).
He would be your #1 supporter, he'd go with you out to take photos, and if you asked him to look at some, he'd take a good long look at each and every one of them and describe in detail how he feels about them. Also would go to any art shows you'd host if it came to it.
When it comes to sympathy and empathy, Sebastian also has a hard time showing these feelings. He's been alive for far longer than any human on Earth and he's a demon. He's never had any of the problems humans have, so naturally he doesn't kniw what it feels like to have them. Plus, before you came into his life, he didn't care much for them either.
However, he's gonna be there for you whenever you need him, emotionally or practically, even though he doesn't get your feelings.
You both have walls put up, you because of bad past experiences, him because as a demon, he has major issues with being vulnerable in any way. And I'm not talking just emotionally here, but demons are almost undestroyable, yet they have very few weaknesses that they just need to hide away.
It's rare Sebastian has a problem, but even if he had, you wouldn't know, because he thinks you, as a human, wouldn't understand and so he won't burden your mind with it. However, he's very perceptive and so if your behaviour changes, be it due to anxiety or a depressive episode, he'll know.
Now, he's not the type of person to try and break down your walls by force, but in situstions like these, where he's not sure how to help, you gotta talk to him and he won't leave you alone until you tell him how he can help.
He's not above carrying you around and doing everything for you until you're embarassed enough to tell him
He is very appreciative of your help around, since the other servants are good at everything but what they're supposed to do.
You with your tough love and Sebastian with his teeth rotting compliments and affection, it'd be honestly really funny to watch. He adores how you show affection, because it's different from most people he's known. But on the other hand, you can't expect him not to spoil you afte all the hard work you do every day?
He would really shower you in love and affection, because you deserve it and because it makes you flustered XD
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keiscait · 4 years
Hi! Hope you're doing okay. I saw your matchups were pretty intriguing so I decided to request a bedroom matchup if that's okay. (I would also like to request a living room matchup so should I resend my application?)
I'm a 5'3" bisexual (male lean) female. Golden brown wavy hair till my mid back. Reddish brown eyes. Caramel complexion. Full lips. I also love a little mole on my lower lip on the left side. Lean hourglass.
The only sport I do is swimming (not competitive all the time. Sometimes I do it for the heck of it or for exercise) and I love it. But that's about it.
I'm a Pisces and a Slytherin. INFP-T (Turbulent Mediator). I'm an introvert so I tend to be a little shy at first and opening up to others takes me a while. But once I actually like a person I would literally kill for them. I also don't trust easily. I have been diagnosed with depression so I don't even trust myself when the going gets rough. Although I have been trying my best to get out of it. I'm also claustrophobic so I tend to avoid crowds and cramped places. Also spiders and I just don't get along. I woke up to the feeling of something crawling up my arm once and I opened my eyes to see it was a spider and since then I can't stand to be in same room as those bugs. Seriously I'll cry otherwise.
I'm a huge astronomy nerd. Stargazing is the second love of my life. I love reading and listening to music. Music is the first love of my life. I listen to almost every except for heavy metal. Don't really have anything against it just that I end up with a headache after listening to it. My favourite type would either be alternative or pop, depends on my mood.
I'm not into gossiping. More of the deep-conversations-at-3am type of person. Offer me dark chocolate and I'll be your loyal servant of the rest of my life (just kidding... mostly). I love learning new things especially about art and culture. I grew up on the coast so I love nature.
I guess I'm drawn to people who have a good sense of humour and are respectfully of other people's boundaries and opinions. Seriously to me the manners that "maketh" the man appeal more than the genes.
I'm not the confrontational type so I seriously can't stand to argue with the people I love. Also I am a tab bit on the sensitive side (perks of being a Pisces *yay*). Like I don't mean to get overwhelmed by the slightest of things but after a hard day if I come back home to see my favourite snack (ramen) and movie (Tangled) ready, I'm probably gonna spend the time meant for "relaxation" on crying because I just get overwhelmed over unexpected things, I'm sorry. That's about it I guess. Thanks!
Hello and welcome, darling! Thanks for paying me a visit. I hope you’re well, I want you to know that this is a safe space for you. Please make yourself at home (⌒‿⌒) I understand you’d like a bedroom matchup, but unfortunately, there isn’t enough info on here for me to deduce a good one (and I don’t want to half-ass your matchup) 😔 But I’m glad you mentioned your interest in a Living Room matchup, so let’s make our way over there! ٩(◕‿◕。)۶
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For you, I’ve invited...
Akaashi Keiji! (Runner up: Kozume Kenma)
Akaashi has proven time and time again that he knows how to handle people. His understanding of the different ways people think is possibly his biggest strength, and he knows exactly how to adapt to various personalities. The exact reason why I matched you with him. He’s laid back and incredibly pulled together, so there is no way for him to overwhelm you and will never cross any boundaries you’ve set. He seems like a no nonsense type of person, but is used to chaos, and knows how to resolve it because of Bokuto.
- Your relationship with Akaashi would start out with him observing you first. He’ll notice your little quirks, and will be able to detect any non-verbal cues and signs about your mood
- Even when you guys aren’t together yet, he can tell if you find yourself starting to spiral
- The first time he catches it, he won’t push you to talk about it if you don’t want to (and he can 100% tell if you don’t want to), but will still do what he can to make things less overwhelming for you, even in the smallest ways he can
- In return, he will appreciate the fact that you like deeper topics and interests, as he constantly surrounded by chaos and shallow conversations. Totally seems like the type to prefer having a glass of wine in a quiet place over a bar/club
- Another thing he’d love about you is your bluntness and honesty, as he shares the same qualities. You two would be a team!
- Your relationship would be built on the foundation of trust, as you both let your walls down around each other 
- Once you two are together, he just has to be taught once, then he will have mastered navigating you down to an art form
- He can tell when you need space, or gifts, or words, or a day out, or an evening walk, or silence, or warmth - as long as it’s within his capabilities, he will give it to you
- In return, just love and respect him, and make sure he knows how grateful you are for everything he does!
This turned into a mini fic askjdhf I hope you like it! (warning: angst, but with a happy ending)
It was dark.
Somehow, you have made friends with the dark - you’re well-acquainted with the way it envelopes you in its quiet. It is an old friend you’ve had a of topsy-turvy relationship with. It shows up in so many different forms - a cup of your favorite hot chocolate; the coast in the nighttime; a confidant when your music blasts from your bedroom speakers. Sometimes, it’s dusted with stars; this is when it loves you most. 
But tonight, it was not kind to you. You lay there and feel yourself sinking, cries clawing up your throat with no signs of making it out, so they come out in the form of silent sobs. You wonder why the dark allows you no comfort tonight.
Your phone lights up, a message - but you’re submerged in the company of your old friend, too focused on its bellowing silence.
After a few more moments of trying to swim up, something cuts through the vastness of the night, and you’re back on your bed, in your room, now illuminated with light pouring from the hall. You look back and see a figure standing in the doorway - your boyfriend, Akaashi, brings you back to reality.
He observes you for a few more moments, assessing the situation. Nothing he’s unfamiliar with, but he still has a concerned look on his face. He reached for the lightswitch but stops in his tracks. His voice, sweet like caramel, breaks the silence.
“Should I keep the lights off? I don’t want the light to shock you.” You nod, then he makes his way to you.
He sits on the edge of the bed and places a hand on your figure, his movements all taken with immense care and gentleness.
“I brought you ramen. I figured you haven’t eaten yet.” 
You were about to ask how he knew, but he interrupted, “Last thing you texted me was that you were on your way home. That was hours ago.”
“I’m sorry,” was all you could manage. Akaashi just shook his head with a reassuring smile. His hand stayed on you the whole time.
“Please let me help you, my love.” 
He held out his hand for you to take it. Suddenly, you no longer felt like you were swimming up - you were back ashore, and right there stood Akaashi Keiji, like a lighthouse in the night. 
I CLEARLY GOT A BIT CARRIED AWAY BUT I HOPE YOU LIKED THAT, DARLING! Remember, you have a home here, please feel free to pay me a visit anytime.
Thanks for dropping by! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚
9 notes · View notes
tomishaped · 3 years
Archive Warnings:
Graphic Depictions Of Violence • Major Character Death
Dean Winchester!Izzy Hlton
Dean Winchester • Izzy Hilton • Sam Winchester • Asmodeus • Dagon • Demons • Hellhound • Ellen Harvelle • Jo Harvelle • Hunters • Crowley • Charlie Bradbury • Bobby Singer • Ruby • Death • Pestilence • Famine • War • Castiel • Angels • Cain
Additional Tags:
Demon Dean Winchester • Demon Sex • Kidnapping • Gay Sex • Blood • Blood Kink • Hate Sex • Love/Hate • Major Character Injury • Major Original Character(s) • Character Death • Past Child Abuse • Past Rape/Non-con • Past Sexual Abuse • Past Torture • Past Violence • Canon-Typical Violence • Violence • Protective Dean Winchester • Bisexual Dean Winchester • Top Dean Winchester • Dean Winchester is Bad at Feelings • Izzy is too • Emotional Hurt/Comfort • Emotional/Psychological Abuse
Summary: After being pulled out of hell Dean realizes quickly that the four months he had been gone made way for a lot of changes in the lives of everyone he knows, including the life he had known for himself before he died. Nobody was treating him the same, and there was seriously something going on with his brother that he could not figure out. He was spending most of his time alone nowadays, not really hunting anymore since Bobby and Sam were against it for him, and spending most of his time drinking instead to try and forget. He was angry, pretty much all the time. That anger really worked in his favour though when walking back to the impala he came across a freaking hoard of demons getting ready to attack some blond chick. He didn't know who she was or what the hell all the demons wanted with her, but there was no way he could just walk away. Maybe if he had any idea what trying to save this person was going to lead too he would have just walked away, maybe if he had actually given any thought to the situation before him he wouldn't have put himself in the middle of it, but even before hell he made impulsive and rash decisions... so maybe not.
Previous Chapters
• Chapter One •
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Chapter Two: Welcome to the Batcave
Part One
When they had reached the car Dean made quick work of the door locks and got them both inside before he punched it, only leaving squealing tires and smoke behind them as they took off. Dean didn’t start to relax till they were a mile or so away from the group of demons, still keeping an eye on the mirrors though just in case. “You really pissed someone off," he said with a grin as he glanced over at the other while he drove.
Izzy did manage to force himself to relax once they were in the car, though Dean still happened to look tense with the way he was looking out his mirrors for someone. Honestly, it probably helped the demon to relax with the fact that Izrael couldn't feel Dagon as close anymore. She was either losing interest or losing track of them for now, either way that worked for him. "Huh?" He was honestly confused at first when Dean said that, "Why would you think I pissed some- oh! Because of all that? Right. Yeah. They don't seem to fond of me, do they? I should probably stop crashing into their parties like that." 
Izrael shifted in the seat a little and rolled his eyes when he saw the man look out his mirrors again, "You can stop doing that now. We're fine, mommy lost us," he said with a shrug, leaning back in the seat again, trying to get comfortable. He was ready to get out of the Winchesters car now, and he would really like to do it without having to kill the hunter next to him in order to keep him from following or trying to track him. Even if he didn't have an issue with killing humans, he didn't know which way Dean's soul would go now and having it back in the pit after he killed him could possibly become… problematic. "So uh, yeah, you can just drop me off whenever now and can go get back too… whatever the hell you were doing before joining me at that lovely party tonight. I'm actually supposed to be at a different party right now anyways, so anywhere is good."
Dean snickered when the other said that they had crashed a few parties, it made sense. He did raise an eyebrow when he was told that the horde had backed off of them. Granted he hadn’t noticed any one but still, he never trusted demons to give up. “To be honest, I was out looking for a good time… guess I found it,” he said with a wicked grin, still feeling a bit of an adrenaline high from the fight and sprint to the car. “Rest of my evening is open if you want some back up,” he offered the blond. “Not saying you can’t handle yourself, I saw your moves back there but… twenty to one is a bit much,”  he said while giving him a bit of a doubtful side look. 
This is what Dean thought of as a good time? The human was either suicidal or crazy. Sure, Izzy did have fun doing shit like this too, but he was a demon- he was fucking crazy. "Mmm, yeah… it was a bit much till you showed up. Definitely would have ended up losing this jacket," Izrael laughed a little at Dean and shook his head, "See, I haven't gone and learned my lesson yet it seems since I'm definitely gonna be crashing one of their parties again. Gotta find it first though, and I can't do that in a strangers car."
Dean raised an eyebrow when the blond mentioned that they weren’t done yet and was looking to start a similar party to where he just found them. Ok sure he had been doing stupid stuff since he got back but he had an excuse. He was trying to repress what felt like forty years of Hell - literal Hell. So what was this kid's excuse? She might be crazy, but her crazy was also kinda hot and hunters like this don’t tend to stick in one place long because of the next big hunt. Besides, too often if they stayed in one place for long then all the enemies they made along the way had a tendency to catch up to them. “I can drop you off wherever your next party is so you don’t get jumped on the way again…” Dean trailed off a little as he drove, “could at least tell me your name before you get yourself killed.”
Izrael smiled at the hunter. "Why would I give someone I've never met in this life my name? Doesn't sound too smart. Besides, I don't see you passing over that information either."
Dean grinned. “Sorry, thought you picked it up before things got hairy. Names Dean, Dean Winchester," he said as he held a hand out to shake as he drove, glancing at the blond but mostly keeping his eyes on the road. “You know demons can’t keep their big mouths shut, if your next party is anything like that one, they’re going to be ready for you and you’re going to lose more than your jacket, sweetheart," he said in a matter of fact tone. “Might be a better idea to show up with back up and armed to the teeth,” he offered with a mischievous grin. “Lucky for you I know the perfect place.”
His excuse? His absolute only memories were of hell. Turning into a demon the way he had had wiped out all his human memories and the little demon only knew the last sixty years he had spent in hell training to do just this. He wasn't trying to repress hell, why repress when it was all he knew? He was just doing what Asmodues sent him off to do, and with the youngest prince of hell being the closest person to the blond and having nothing else to really do… he listened. He enjoyed killing other demons, it was a task he found fun. But when your job is to kill any demon that stands against the man you're working for, you don't exactly make any friends. And being alone only gave him more time to hunt down Asmodues's enemies. It was a vicious never ending cycle that wasn't going to change anytime soon as far as Izrael could tell. Hell either hated him, feared him, or admired him from afar - very afar. No one was brave enough to chance getting on Izzy's bad side. And those that were like the hoard tonight that actually tried to kill him were just too stupid to stay away and deserved to die anyways as far as he was concerned. 
Of course he knew who Dean was once he heard his name. But the hunter didn't need to know that Izrael had heard of him. He eyed the other’s hand for a moment before he sighed and half gave in to the man, though didn't reach his own hand out, "Izzy Hilton," he said, using the name that Asmodues had given him for when he had to pretend to be human. Though he had no idea that it actually was his name. That Asmodues called him Izrael to see if any of the once nineteen year old’s memories would spark with little clues like that. It never did. "They're always on the lookout for me… wouldn't be anything new…" he said with a little shrug, getting the gut feeling that this hunter was not about to let him go off on his own anytime soon. The last thing the little demon needed was to do spend time with a fucking Wincester, especially the one that spent all that time in hell. "No offense, but I don't really work with others. Thanks for the help back there and everything, but you're Dean Winchester… so you and I working together is a bad idea. Trust me."
With both hands back on the wheel, Dean snorted when Izzy said that demons watching out was nothing new. He understood that, that's what made the Bunker so beautiful. It was the definition of a safe house for spooky shit and basically everything else. He sucked some air between his teeth when it seemed the other knew who he was by name, having heard some of the stuff hunters thought of him while he was putting in time at the Roadhouse. “Fair, I mean we did just meet and I also just saved your ass from a fucking gaggle of demons, but okay,” he said, half joking. “We don’t know each other, and inviting you to my secret Men of Letters bunker can seem a little Silence of the Lambs but I promise, imma damn puppy dog compared to your normal party guests,” he said,.  Ane yes, he did just name drop the Men of Letters to see if that helped his case. Dean wasn’t a creep and if Izzy wanted out he’d drop them off wherever they wanted but all horn-dog habits aside, he wouldn’t rest well if he did. He’d probably end up asking around and looking into this pretty Izzy Hilton to see what her story was about. “Again, I know bunker can be off putting, but this place is huge, over twenty bedrooms to pick from. It’s armed to the teeth so nothing is getting in. I have one of the few keys to get in but you can get out whenever you like,” he added, trying to seem a little less kidnappy and rapey. “That and there's a hundred year old whiskey collection.”
Izzy had absolutely zero ideas of what other hunters thought of the man he was currently sitting next too. Up until now, he had done a really good job at avoiding them in his travels and work. Sure, to be on the safe side he did do some research on hunters who seemed to be the biggest threats but until now he hadn't actually met any of them. So, right now he couldn't figure out if it was just bad fucking luck that Dean Winchester happened to walk in on his ambush, or some weird good luck to get him out of it unharmed. Even after over fifty years as a demon, almost sixty now maybe? He honestly had never actually hurt a human. So did he deserve this kind of bad luck? On the other hand though, can demons actually have good luck? It was really confusing. 
Fact was, Izzy only knew of Dean Winchester from the mouths of other demons. His research on hunters in general was by word of mouth in hell. It wasn't like there were any books he could read on them. So he knew the man was obviously a good hunter, and not just when it came to demons. He knew the idiot sold his soul to save that dumbass brother of his that was hanging around one of the main demons on his own hit list. It was just really hard to get to the bitch when she was being protected by the hunter drinking demon blood. He only knew that from actually running across her once, he could fucking smell the demon blood radiating from the human she was with and it didn't take long to figure out who that human was and what fucking Ruby was doing with him. Little Sammy Winchester. Lovely. He also knew the man next to him spent what was like forty years in hell, being tortured for most of them by fucking Alastair. It had come as a surprise when he heard that there was some sort of angel watching out for him. Well, the angel part wasn't really known when he figured it out. It was just known that the man was pulled out of hell and Izrael knew that an Angel was the only way the man could have escaped hell and returned to his body the way he had. And really, he would prefer to avoid angels. Most demons weren't really that much of a threat to him. They could likely hurt him but Izzy was not easy to actually kill. Not that they had quite figured that out yet. But he had no idea what an angel might be able to do to him. 
Izrael couldn't remember his own torture. He actually had no idea it even happened. Ever since the day Asmodues found his newly turned demon in that cage he kept his pet in, the youngest prince acted as though that was the first day of Izzy's life. He didn't even know that he was in that cage because of that man in the first place. "I'm not afraid of you, Dean, even though I'm pretty damn sure you're no puppy dog," Izzy told him with a little roll of his eyes, the man who had spent his last few years in hell torturing other souls was far from a puppy. But he had caught Izzy's attention mentioning the Men of Letters. He vaguely remembered Asmodues mentioning them decades ago. Something about them being all dead now… about them holding knowledge no one else had. Going to this bunker… could prove useful if the knowledge thing was true.
Izzy finally looked over at Dean again, tucking hair behind his ears, "Well whiskey is always a very good and tempting offer," he said, chewing on his lip a little as he thought it over. "If you're all armed like you say you are… Do you also have books and shit? Like, books on demons and shit." Izzy knew he had been turned differently than almost every other demon that existed, he had to have been to have his own body and no ability whatsoever to jump from one meatsuit to the next, but he had no idea what happened to make him this way. And no book he had found since being set loose on the world had been able to give him the answer he was looking for. If this bunker had hidden knowledge it might be his best bet to find out how he turned, because Asmodues wasn't telling him anytime soon. "And I really wouldn't have to just stay if I don't want to. I can just walk out? Seriously?"
Dean just grinned when the other said he was pretty sure he wasn’t a puppy, calling him out like that. And he believed them when they said that they weren’t scared of him, he did find her in the middle of a demon infested alleyway in the middle of the night. His grin grew when Izzy seemed to be mulling the thought over. He raised an eyebrow and chanced a longer glance at the other when he was asked about books. That he hadn’t been expecting, didn’t peg her for a book type. There might be something they were looking for specifically that the old bats had locked away. He would definitely be doing an inventory check but hey it sounded like they were coming around to the idea. A new face and alone time might do him some good, even if they don't get handsy and this Izzy turned out to be a gigantic book worm. 
“Like I said you need a magic key to get in but getting out isn’t a problem, locks behind you but I gotta warn you the cell service sucks,” he said with a smile. He altered his route and started out of town and toward the bunker. The long ride was pretty much silent after that, Dean was honestly a bit too nervous to say something and have the blond change her mind about coming. He couldn't help wanting to help her, wanting to figure her out at least a little. From wanting to protect the little thing and knowing that he would just worry about them at this point. “Just don’t take anything, alright? Not really supposed to take people to the BatCave but…” he trailed off with a shrug after he parked by the bunker, obviously making an exception for the blond right now. 
Izzy shrugged when he mentioned cell service, that meant pretty much nothing to him. Of course he knew what a cell phone was, he had been in this world long enough. But he never felt the need to get one. Who the hell was he gonna call? "No big deal, no cell phone. I was serious, I've never worked with someone else before. Never felt the need to get one," he shrugged, as little like it was normal or something to not have a cell this day and age. He honestly didn't actually know either way though. "And I don't plan on taking anything. I've got my own weapons and shit. Just… looking for a little info is all. If you happen to have a book with what I want to know, well, then I won't really need it anymore once I read it." He ignored the Bat Cave comment for the moment, not wanting to let the hunter next to him realize he actually understood the reference. He especially didn't want him to know he found it amusing.
Dean decided to leave Baby in a little hidden knook they made for when they didn’t plan on staying long and putting her in the very nice garage. He just grinned as they walked up to the old green doors after grabbing a bag from the trunk and he pulled it open for the other. Once past the first threshold Dean unlocked the second doors and stepped through, holding it open for the other. “This is the legacy of the Men of Letters, a bit old and dusty but we’re still fixing the place up.” he said as they made their way down the spirling, metal staircase. He walked past the light up map table and tossed his bag on the first long table in the library. “Wanna tour?” he asked as he turned to the other, smiling at them.
He just wanted a fucking book that explained how humans became demons. Without their souls spending hundreds of years tortured in hell. Asmodues had no choice but to tell him that he turned differently than everyone else when he realized he couldn't just jump from meat suit to meat suit like everyone else could. His soul never left his body, something in him changed while he was still a human. But that was all Asmodues would say on the subject. Honestly it was the one thing about the man who called himself Izzy's master that drove him absolutely insane. He didn't care so much about whatever his human life was since he couldn't miss what he didn't remember or had any sort of idea what it might have been like, but he did want to know why he turned into a demon. Was he evil in his previous life? Is that how it worked? He remembered someone once saying that he must have cracked to change the way he did, but cracked from what and how? He just wanted to know how the fuck he came into existence. What made him so different from other demons. Why even Dagon, who knew that Izzy couldn't kill her without that oh so special gun, feared him to some extent. And nothing he had found so far explained any of that shit. Was he a bookworm? Mmm, debatable. Ask any demon who knew him they'd say no,, but Izzy was really good at keeping things about himself pretty damn secret. The less people knew the less they had on you and the safer you were. But the truth was that he did love books, loved to read and learn. And now that he wasn't under Asmodues' thumb at all times and had a mission to carry out, he was able to use research for said mission as an excuse to read. Sure, he was actually doing research but for so much more than anyone actually knew. 
Izzy was a bit unsure following Dean into the bunker when they got there. This could be a really, really stupid idea. But on the other hand… he was going to have info on the Winchester's no one else could possibly dream of having and he might get a few other answers out of this as well so he followed along. He looked around as Dean led him through the place, tilting his head and letting a confused little look cross his face as he tilted his head back to see the ceiling, "Uh, sure, if you want. So, do you keep the bats in some special room or something? I kinda just pictured them all over the place."
Her not havung a phone probably should have set off more red fags then it did because even if you were a loner it was useful to have one since pay phones were all but extinct. He tilted his own head when Izzy had mentioned bats, that had been a reaction he might have expected from Cas but really? “It’s not really a batca-... never mind. This is our fortress,” he said, just trying to get past what he felt was a painful moment. He turned on his heel and held up his arms out on either side as he gestured to the books. “This is the library. Nothing says stuffy bookworms like having a library right at the front door right?” He said with a laugh, turning completely to face the other as he walked around one of the tables. 
If Izrael actually cared much about completely blending in when he was going by Izzy he probably would have gotten a cell phone. But truth be told, he didn't actually care what humans thought about him and despite Asmodues having insisted he play the part on earth he could probably count on one hand how many times he had ever used the name Izzy before. Since he usually avoided hunters he rarely ever felt the need too. So really… What was the point of carrying around a little electronic box used to call people? The only person who would ever actually want to get ahold of him had his own ways of doing so. But even Asmodues left Izzy to himself for the most part nowadays as long as he kept doing what he was told and continued to work his damnedest to keep Lucifer in his box. Though if he had realized how odd it actually was to not have one, he wouldn't have mentioned it. 
Of course it wasn't actually a Bat Cave. It almost annoyed him that the hunter found it so easy to believe that the batman reference really meant nothing to the blond. Sure, part of him was glad too because he didn't want the fact that he enjoyed those comics to be known by anyone, but still… how stupid did this hunter think he really was if he believed that Izzy? He was pretty sure that Batman was popular among humans. It was the Winchester thinking he was dumb that bothered him more than anything though, because that was just not true. Izzy had always been rather smart, even before he turned, he had a near photographic memory. But with all memories of humanity gone, and those memories being from close to sixty years before anyways, all that was left was hell and the supernatural. And he figured that shit out quickly, easily. Humans, not so much. Humanity and what they were like and what they did like were never on his list of things he needed to learn about. Humans weren't his targets. "No offense, but you don't exactly strike me as the bookworm type," he said, moving around the table to go and look at the spines of the books, fingers running lightly over them. Yeah, this would definitely be his best bet at finding answers. Some of these were obviously old as fuck. "The kill first and ask questions later type. Though I suppose since all you hunters go after everything supernatural, you need the lore books, huh?" He personally didn't bother with any other supernatural beings, just the demons on Lucifer and Dagon's side. Which was probably a good thing for them, if this little demon were to ever start working as a real hunter with someone like Dean… they wouldn't stand a chance. As they had proved earlier… the two of them working on the same side had some pretty nasty consequences for those fighting against them. 
Dean chuckled when Izzy said he didn’t seem like the book worm type, oh hell no that was Sammy’s department. “Yeah no, that's more my brother's thing,” he said as he walked over to the opposite wall, towards the small table with a few bottles filled clear, brown liquid and a few glasses. “I at least wait long enough to see what I'm fighting so I know how to kill it.” Dean poured them a few glasses and headed to the closest main table to the blond. He leaned against it on his hip and took a sip from his glass while he held out the other to Izzy. The other’s wording did strike him as odd though and he raised an eyebrow a little. The way he said it was just off, but Dean wanted to think Izzy was just into demons, and therefore could know some pretty useful stuff. That or maybe he was really green and thought of himself being different from regular hunters. His gut was telling him something was still off though, but he wasn’t sure what.
Izzy was glad his back was to the hunter when he mentioned his brother so he didn't see the little demon roll his eyes and scowl at the mention of that junkie who was seriously getting in his way with that bitch he was attached to. He was pretending he didn't really know much about them… which wasn't a complete lie, but he had a serious suspicion he knew something about the younger Winchester that Dean didn't. He might know about the demon bitch Sam hung out with but he highly doubted this man knew about the blood and psychic shit that boy was playing with. The psychic shit was honestly the main reason he hadn't gone after Ruby yet, he wasn't like other demons, he had no idea how Sam's little exercising shit would affect him. 
“You know, you never mentioned what you were looking into. I’m guessing something demon related,” he mentioned to the other. There wasn’t much small talk on the car ride over.
He didn't say anything for a bit while Dean spoke and walked around the room, more interested in looking through the shelves of books for anything that looked promising. But he never let his guard down really, constantly aware of where Dean was around him or how close he was. He stiffened a bit when he felt Dean closer again and he asked that direct question. Izzy didn't really want to answer anything he was asked, but avoiding taking to him too much might just seem more suspicious. Fuck. He really should have paid more attention to the humans around him the last decade, he was really bad at trying to be one. "Yeah, demon related," Izzy finally said as he turned around and saw Dean holding out the whiskey he had promised. Alcohol didn't really affect him as much as it did humans unless he drank an ungodly amount so he wasn't worried about drinking at least. 
He took the glass offered to him and leaned against the bookshelf behind him, shrugging his shoulder a little, "Don't know if you picked up on it during that whole ambush shit, but I kinda hunt demons. Apparently I'm pretty good at it since they don't seem to like me much at all." He took a drink from the whiskey he was given, relishing in the burn that goes down his throat. As a demon, the little blond didn't need to eat. The few times he did were few and far between and it was always for some reason he couldn't figure out, but knew he just wanted whatever the hell it was that he was trying. But he did like to drink. Alcohol that is. He liked the burn. 
"Just curious what kind of people become demons and how. Always good for a guy to know everything he can about his enemies and all, yanno?" It wasn't a lie. He had actually been avoiding actually lying to the hunter. Izzy didn't like to lie, it was too hard to remember the fake information he had given to who. So the only thing he had lied about was his name, but that wasn't that big of a lie as Izzy did sound like a nickname for Izrael. Mostly, he was just leaving out details he didn't think Dean needed to know. Like the fact he was a demon and really just wanted to know how he, himself, had turned. How demons like him were made. Because as far as the books he had found about demons elsewhere knew, Cain was the only other person to become a demon this way. And almost nothing was fucking known about that man. As a matter of fact, he was the one demon who no matter how hard he tried Izzy could not fucking find. Not that he had really looked into how to find him. He didn't want to kill Cain like he did with everyone else he hunted down, he wanted answers. But even so, he knew Cain wasn't exactly like him and probably didn't have the answers he wanted. So that had just been another fucking dead end. The little blond didn't do a whole lot of shit that he actually wanted to do or something anyways, ninety percent of his time was spent following Asmodues' orders to hunt down Dagon's followers and make sure Lucifer didn't get out of that cage. 
Dean nodded a little when the other confirmed that it was demon related, easy guess. “You don’t pick up that kind of attention without being a major pain in their ass,” he said with a snicker. The man's shoulders stiffened when he took another drink when Izzy said what he was looking into. What kind of people become demons. He forced back a smile and shifted a little as he tried to keep his mind focused on the task at hand and not let it run off with the flashbacks and nightmares he has. It felt like every time he blinked he was hit with a flash of something he’d seen or had done. He told everyone he didn't’ remember any of it and refused to talk about it and self medicated with liquor like any good hunter.
Well duh, obviously he was a pain in their asses. Two dozen of them had actually gotten together without someone in power telling them what to do to try and take him out. They failed, miserably thanks to the hunter near him right now, but it didn't negate the fact that Izzy was a huge threat to them and their plans. Really though, if the whole fucking lot of them just fucking stopped trying to set Lucifer free Izzy would have no problem leaving them alone. But until that happened…. He had a job to do. What the hell would he do with himself if Asmodeus actually managed to take the crown and this mission was over? He'd actually never thought about that before. Every single memory he had had something to do with him having to keep Lucifer in the cage. 
“Well demons are mostly twisted and tortured souls. You get twisted up so much down there you turn into something else,” he said, rubbing at his brow as he fidgeted a little as he spoke. “At the end of the day they're a spirit, just nastier. You don’t normally catch one running around before they possess someone but the same tricks apply, salt and iron,” he told him, running off a few things off the top of his head, mostly from first hand experience. “I’m sure you know all about devils traps and all that,” he said, waving his hand and finally looking over at the other. It was probably a good thing Dean had been so caught up with that Izzy was looking into that he completely missed the suspicious pronoun.
Izzy couldn't help but roll his eyes at Dean when the man just told him shit he already knew. Was he actually under the impression that someone he thought was a legit demon hunter didn't know that shit already? Also. He was wrong. While holy water did have the same effect on him that it did to most demons, salt and iron actually didn't bother him for some reason. Every single voice in his head was screaming at him to keep his mouth shut for a while, to not get sucked into this conversation. But the thing was… he actually wanted to talk about this shit. He never talked with anyone about shit he actually wanted too. Demons avoided him unless they were trying to kill him, he avoided humans and hunters, and Asmodues pretty much just told him what to do. The little demon didn't actually have any memories of just talking with someone about something he was interested in. And this happened to be the biggest fucking intrest he really had right now.
"See, right there just proves you really have no fucking clue what you're actually dealing with, do you? Obviously being tortured in hell is going to fuck up any soul in some way, but not every soul in hell becomes a demon. This world would be fucked if they did. There are millions and millions of souls in hell." He only just stopped himself from pointing out that despite Dean's own torture and escapades with Alastair he didn't actually turn into a demon. No, a fucking angel actually came and pulled him from the pit. So what the hell was it that made some souls twist the same way he had even though he hadn't gone through that die and be tortured shit and made others just… well, be tortured for all eternity. Or torture as was the case with some. "Yeah, most of them are just nastier twisted spirits, and you don't normally see one walking around without someone else's meat suit… but they can. It's apparently super fucking rare for it to happen, but a human can just wake up a demon somehow. In their own skin and everything. So I want to know what makes the souls that twist that way different from those that don't. What kind of person they must have been. And what happens to those people who turn? How does that happen? But unfortunately, because it's so fucking rare, I haven't been able to find a single book in the last ten years that actually explains that shit." He sighed a little in frustration at the thought before just shaking his head and finishing the rest of his own drink before he turned his back to Dean again to start looking through the books again, waving his own hand in dismissal of the subject. Dean wasn't going to have the answers he wanted obviously. "But yes, of course I know all about devils traps. I just don't use them." He couldn't if he wanted too, not unless he wanted to get stuck inside one himself. Besides, even if he could… with the way he hunted, it would be pretty damn useless and time consuming to try since it was usually a sneak attack/ambush of his own on their own grounds. Wasting time with a devils trap when it was just so much easier to kill them just seemed stupid. "Do you have any sort of order with these books or am I gonna have to look through all of them to find the ones about demons?"
Dean was a little taken back when Izzy said that he had no clue about demons. He felt anger rise up in his belly and his face tightened some. His pride didn’t like that but the built up emotion subsided the more Izzy spoke. He did have a point, if that’s all it took then Hell would be nothing but demons. He never really focused on the fine details, he just killed them. His face became a mix of surprises and doubt when Izzy kept going and told him about the type of demons that keep their bodies. What the hell? He’d never heard of something like that before, what the hell could it be capable of? It was a worrying thought. “This keeps getting better and better,” Dean muttered under his breath. He couldn't stop his brain from thinking about his younger brother on his road trip with his little demon buddy. What if that was Ruby's plan, twist his brother into one of them? He’d fucking gank that bitch before she could try. He wanted to call and check up but that hadn’t gone so well last time. 
He made a small face when Izzy asked about an order to the crazy amount of information. He finished his half glass of whiskey and pushed off of the table, setting the glass down before walking away. “I have a feeling what we’re looking for isn’t in here, come on,” He said, motioning the other to follow him with a head nod. He led the blond down the hall a bit, through another doorway and down some stairs. He pushed one of the two heavy doors open and held it open for the other hunter. “When we started going through the stuff that was left here we found that most of the heavy reading books are in here,” He told him. The room was about 25 by 25 feet, metal shelving lined all the walls filled with books and some jars. There was a decent sized table in the middle of the room under the only light, taking up a good chunk of the free space. 
Dean just nearly kidnapped the little blond he helped out that he knew nothing about other than the fact he could kill demons pretty damn well and brought him to his secret bunker and he thought anything that came out of this idea wouldn't be completely fucked? Hell. He was pretty damn sure that Dean didn't even realize yet that he hadn't stepped in to help a pretty little girl, but actually a boy who just happened to look a lot like one. Add on to that fact that this boy was also one of those freaky ass demons he was just talking about and you could see clearly that this man definitely hadn't thought this through. "You have no idea," Izzy mumbled back, not sure or honestly even caring if Dean heard him. 
Izzy set down the glass still in his hand before he shrugged again and followed Dean through the bunker. Fuck. This place really was huge. Izzy couldn't help but grin a little when he looked into the room. Dark. Enclosed. No way for anyone to try and sneak up on him again. Exactly the kind of rooms he liked and usually worked in when he was looking for a party to crash. "Awesome," he said as he walked in the room. Creepy jars and big old books lining the walls on top of everything else, Izzy had instantly and probably noticeably relaxed more when he was in the room that was so much like a place he would actually want to be in. He didn't say anything else as he started scanning the books on one of the shelves, his eyes widening some when he saw what he instantly felt like he had been looking for for years now. It was smaller than any of the other books in here, but that wasn't surprising considering how little information there probably was at all on demons like him. Humans Turning Demon. 
Izzy grabbed the book off the shelf and took a few steps backwards to push himself up to sit on the table, just remembering that Dean was there as he went to open the book. "Uhm… thanks," he said, forcing himself to remember that he was supposed to be a human and actually used to having someone around and even weirder for him- that someone helping him. "Hey… uh, why are you being so like… nice and normal to me? As far as I've seen, people aren't just nice to strangers. Especially when said stranger is a pretty boy who can shove a knife into a human skull."
Dean noticed the small change in the others' demeanor when he showed them the room. The room didn’t bother him or his brother too much but ‘awesome’ wasn’t the normal reaction to this stuff. Though in this line of work, who’s really normal? You see a lot of weird and horrible shit fast and you pick up a few quirks along the way. He had half turned when  the other called out to him and thanked him, he was going to leave Izzy alone to do their digging. He raised an eyebrow when he was asked why he was being so helpful. He opened his mouth with a grin to say it was just the right thing to do for a lady when Izzy said that last part, his words luckily getting caught up in his throat. BOY!? WHOLY FUCK!! Dean’s back straightened as he looked the other over again. It took him a second or two to catch himself and he cleared his throat out a little. “Well you want demons dead and I want demons dead,” he said with a shrug, his brain still trying to absorb this enlightening new detail about the blond. “And I learned about a new fleshy kind of demon, win win,” Dean chuckled. Hell all of Dean seemed stiff. Right now, he honestly didn’t know what the fuck to do.
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Okay, hear me out
The Outlaws re-form but it's just Jason Todd and Harley Quinn running around like chaotic bisexual messes working on their unresolved trauma and identity issues, while Poison Ivy is the Tired Lesbian Mom Friend™ trying to keep them all together.
So here's the set-up:
Via Roy's connection to Killer Croc (and yes Roy is definitely alive in this one, fuck you Tom King) Roy and Jason end up working with Harley and Pam.
It's supposed to be a one-time thing, but when Roy hangs up his quiver to be a Hot Single Dad™, Jason finds himself in need of some help, and he doesn't really have anyone else to ask.
This ties into the idea that Jason combats his social isolation by somewhat accidentally forming teams (eg Outlaws 1.0 and 2.0) that are meant to be short-term alliances but inadvertently become like family.
Ideas I have about this AU:
- Harley and Pam are absolutely canon. Not just queerbaiting where they're a bit too close to be friends. They kiss, they call each other "girlfriends" and Jason is absolutely beating the shit out of anyone who says anything remotely homophobic
- Harley and Pam definitely encourage Jason to admit his feelings for Roy (which they know about before Jason does), and eventually there's a lot of Jason and Roy being perfect gay dads
- Harley and Pam definitely babysit Lian at some point when Jason needs Roy to come out of retirement for a mission that only he can do (which also doubles as an excuse for a whole lot of sexual tension, e.g. "I miss spending time with you"-type stuff), and although Roy is incredibly skeptical, it actually works out really well
- Not only are Harley and Pam great babysitters, Roy feels empowered to start working on tech for the new Outlaws and he works as their own version of Oracle; gathering intel, sending them on missions, etc. This is kinda similar to the role he took on in Red Hood/Arsenal (2013), and it allows him to feel a sense of purpose and connection to his superhero days without feeling like he's neglecting Lian. (It's also a great excuse to spend a lot more time around Jason, if you catch my meaning)
- I know some people really don't fuck with the idea of Harley and Jason interacting, but I actually think it would work really well. We already saw somewhat of a precedent in Red Hood/Arsenal (2013) when Jason was trying to connect with Duela Dent (AKA Joker's Daughter). He's able to be compassionate towards her and connect with her despite the fact that she's literally wearing the Joker's rotting skin as a mask
- I think a similar relationship between Harley and Jason would be really healing for both of them, because it allows them to be people who form relationships that aren't necessarily decided by their trauma. I think there were absolutely points in Jason's life where he couldn't have been friends with Harley, and points in Harley's life where she couldn't have been friends with Jason, because of how much they remind each other of Joker. But Jay and Harley being able to have that friendship, and find common ground in other aspects of their identity (in the case of this AU the fact that they're both LGBT+ and don't adhere to Batman or the Justice League's moral standards), means that they've moved beyond their trauma and don't always see the Joker in everyone
- Obviously there'll still be initial growing pains, but I don't think the focus of this story should be on the Joker or any clown-related trauma. At a certain point, trauma just isn't a personality trait and it certainly shouldn't make up the majority of either Harley or Jason's personalities. They're both so much more than that
- At some point later in the story, however, there would be a situation were Harley and Jason come across the Joker and have to fight him. There's an unspoken tension because Jason is worried that Harley is worried that Jason can't handle it; and Harley is worried that Jason is worried that she's going to go back to the Joker. But they're in such an intense situation that they have no choice but to trust each other and trust the friendship they've built, and in the end they save the day because they were able to do that, which strengthens their friendship even further
- Pam routinely makes good points about radical environmentalism, and there are throwaway gags about how -- while the Outlaws primarily do the vigilante work that's too dirty for the Justice League -- they also occasionally break into animal testing facilities or sabotage coal mines/big businesses/other environmentally-damaging institutions
- There are regular cameos from other grey-area vigilantes (e.g. other former Suicide Squad members) and this story really tries to delve into the complexities of morality and why people do things that appear "criminal". It's mainly about dispelling myths and reducing stigma surrounding things like criminal behaviour, mental illness and addiction
- There's a cameo appearance from Killer Croc that deals with addiction and redemption, especially through Roy and KC's friendship
- KC is just so fucking proud that Roy is a dad, and there's probably a cute moment at some point along the lines of, "I may be a croc, but these sure aren't crocodile tears"
- Because this is my AU and I can do anything I want, I'd also like to see this story involve Dr Victoria October. I love her so much, she's one of the most underrated characters in all of DC, and I feel like a snarky, middle-aged trans woman would really round out the gigantic queer mess that this story is
- They come to Dr October for advice in a case that involves biomedical science of some kind, and it's meant to be a one-off. But then Jason gets injured a couple weeks later and Harley and Pam don't know where else to take him
- Victoria and Basil (Clayface) are definitely still dating in this one, and occasionally the Outlaws will team up with Basil for a case (although he's mostly in retirement while Victoria tries to figure out how to stop his powers from causing his brain to deteriorate like in Detective Comics (2016))
- Between Roy and Dr October the Outlaws end up with better tech than Batman a lot of the time
- Victoria is absolutely horrendous with kids but regularly finds herself having to discuss plans and gadgets in person with Roy, so she ends up sitting in his living room surrounded by children's toys, sipping tea and resisting the urge to glare at the adorable, gurgling baby in front of her
- She gets left with Lian at one point while Roy runs off to save Jason's ass, and it basically goes down like this:
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- Croc loves babies and the first time Lian sees him she cries (Croc probably sneaks up from the sewers to talk to Roy about something while he's out for a walk with Lian in one of those cute chest harnesses you use to carry babies). Croc is so hurt that she's scared of him
- As she grows older she stops being scared and ends up fascinated by his shiny scales and big pointy teeth
- I'd also like Lex Luthor to be involved in this at some point. I'm thinking that maybe this could slot into the New 52 canon pretty well. Maybe the Roy in this story is the "real" Roy and the one that died at Sanctuary was a LexCorp clone. I'm also just really into this idea because I like Roy's robot arm and I think portraying those types of disabilities is really important and cool. Plus, it separates him from the other archers in DC and kinda epitomises the fact that he's the "tech" guy
Okay that's all I can think of right now, but this AU is basically my OTP + my other OTP + my other favourite characters
... Guess this is another fanfiction I gotta write lol
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80s-roger · 5 years
a night to remember 2.2 - roger taylor {two females}
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summary: tonight Roger would bring another female after the deal you both made when Freddie joined your sex life. Now you're the one who doesn't like to share her man with a girl. He low-key wants to take revenge.
warnings: FMF, f receiving, scissoring, pl, dt, swearing, face sitting, oral, protected sex (we don't want accidents!)
word count: 2475
note: it was requested, however i was thinking if I should make a pt two or nah. but since you liked it, here it is! thank you for the unholy support! we're the best fandom and I say it on my experience, I was at the little mix fandom for many years, it was toxic af.
After that remarkable night you spend with your boyfriend and Freddie, it was about time to return Roger's favour. A female joining you this time. You didn't want another girl fucking your man, he's literally one of the most attractive men in the world; every female would like to spend a night with him. Your jealousy surpassed the limits.
He'd bring Jess, the girl with the big tits he was telling you about. You couldn't handle the competition. What if she's better than you on everything at sex? What if he just wants to sleep with another woman but he's throwing it like a favour after your request. Many questions bombed your head. Many insecurities came after your doubts. Aren't you good enough? Is he looking for a woman with big breasts, unlikely you? What if she's thin? Supermodel's height and weight? You wouldn't know until he would bring her home.
You didn't dress sexy, just some pyjamas, you didn't care. You would also leave these two in the bedroom do the dirty to avoid any body insecurities. You sat in the living room, watching tv until he opened the door and Jess walked first, looking at the house decoration impressed.
"Hey baby." He greeted you, placing a kiss at your lips.
"Hi." You greeted.
"This is Jess!" He was so excited, more than you were with Freddie and him. Jess came next to Roger, giving you her palm to introduce herself.
"Yeah fine, it's Y/N." You impolitely ventured.
Jess looked at Roger triggered. Roger tried to save the unsaved. You walked inside your bedroom, closing the door, unsure about everything. That could be abuse. Roger walked a few seconds later, closing the door, leaving just you two inside.
"Why are you being like this now?" He questioned, removing his black leather jacket; that one you love tearing off when you're both drunk.
"Because I don't want to do it!" You firmed.
"But you agreed with it!" He firmed back.
"Yeah because I wanted to do that! It wasn't some kind of revenge! What are you trying to prove me? You're a good fucker? I trust you!" You barked annoyed.
"I am, Y/N! But deal is a deal! And you have to accept it whether you like it or not!" He hissed.
"Fuck the deal! Just think about it; a woman I don't know is going to touch my privates! Do you have any idea how uncomfortable this makes me feel?" You stuttered.
"But she's a female, female body is the most attractive thing in the world." He moved his shoulders.
"That doesn't make sense Roger. You want me to touch her but you didn't want Freddie to touch you. That's unfair." You mocked him.
"Yes because that's not up to my standards. Its easier to get along with a female." Your voices got lower than it already was before. "Please, love, give it just one chance. Just one." He begged. "She's waiting outside." He whispered kissing your lips and later moved to your neck.
"I'm doing this because I love you." You consented, hugging him. You didn't tell him a single thing about your body insecurities. She must have the body.
"Jess, come inside!" Roger yelled at her. "Take off these pyjamas, they hide that fine body of yours." His voice got deeper. You let him undress you, leaving you at your lingerie. "I love that ass of yours." He bit his lip and squeezed your butt cheeks.
Jess walked inside wearing only her red lingerie. She was taller thank you, close to Roger's height. She was thin, having big tits, an average ass, a small waist, blonde long hair and juicy lips. Of course he would bring a woman like that.
"Hey beautiful." Jess smiled at you, hugging you provocatively, getting you away from your man's hug. She placed her hands at your cheeks and her lips at yours, kissing you gently and slowly. She smiled after your kiss. "I hope you'll like this. For your information, I'm bisexual, if that makes you feel better. I won't steal your man." She stated and that made you feel really better. You looked Roger relieved.
He removed his clothes, staying on his underwear, watching you two making out in front of him. You liked kissing her. Her hands caressed you everywhere. Roger was laid at his pillow, teasing his dick. He was in heaven right now.
"Y/N, don't be shy." Jess said between the kiss smiling. You weren't shy. Just the first time with a woman and your boyfriend watching. You had to overcome the obstacle of awkwardness so you just moved your hands at her back, removing her bra. Her breasts were now exposed to you. You looked at Roger, watching his reaction or if he'd like to see the rest.
"Fuck my baby, go on." He moaned.
You had her tits on your mouth, sucking them and licking them. She was softly moaning when her hands finally removed your bra too. You were both just on your panties' now both of you kissing and touching.
Roger stood up, facing you two. He gently grabbed your head kissing your lips while Jess sucked your nipples.
"You're so dirty when you want it." He whispered in your ear and moved to your neck biting you.
"Your dick is inside me tonight, I don't care." You provocatively said, grabbing his hair.
"Fine, you are so good already I can't say no." He closed his eyes when his hands touched your panties. "And wet too." He added.
Jess took off your panties, being the first of you all naked person. She gave kisses at your thighs, until she reached your pussy.
"Lay down beautiful." She smirked at you and Roger helped you get laid on bed.
Jess was between your legs, spreading them and revealing a wet pussy ready to be eaten out.
"I know you're liking it, already." Your boy whispered in your ear and walked behind her, removing her panties. She didn't really pay attention to him but to you. Her tongue began moving like crazy at your small lips and reaches your favourite part; your clit. Her two fingers were already inside you, thrusting inside-out. Roger was back at her, licking her pussy but you didn't bother as soon as she was more interested in you.
"Fuck..." You moaned biting your lip and your hand was pulling her hair, closer to your core.
"And you were hesitating..." she giggled and laid on top of you, kissing your lips and finally receiving a taste of you.
Roger was sitting right there, watching you. He already took his protection, ready to get inside you, standing between your legs while Jess, was sitting on your face.
"I really want to know how good you're going to eat me out." she grabbed your hand, and began moving her hips back and forward. Your other hand, grabbed her hip, squeezing it gently as your tongue started moving at her pussy. You couldn't deny how hot it was. You enjoyed that moment, you enjoyed sucking her.
"Baby, you're getting it right now, don't lose your tempo." Roger caressed your stomach, destructing you from the moment you shared with the model. You moaned as a sign of agreeing with him.
His dick, was inside you, moving in and out slowly. His hands were caressing and squeezing your hot curves and he was nothing but a moaning mess, seeing you in a middle of this explosive threesome. He sexually liked you even more than a week ago when Freddie was with you. "You're so tight baby, I can't stop moving inside you." He moaned.
"Fuck me Roger..." You said back, when your fingers began fucking Jess's pussy. She was up there, on top of you, rubbing her clit.
"Ah yes y/n, you're so good!" She loudly moaned and laid next to you, still rubbing her clit while watching Roger taking the entire control on you. He was standing on top of you, his face on top of yours, kissing you and biting you while he was still inside you. It was just you at the moment. He grabbed your thighs and his thrusts were more intense and slow against you.
"Fuck baby, I'm cumming." He said at your ear while your hands  were scratching his flawless back.
"F-Fuck, shit..." You gasped as he removed himself from you. Both of you breathing fastly. Jess got at him, jerking his dick off fastly, she was intensely looking at his eyes and put his size inside her mouth.
"Ah fuck... Fuck me." He moaned closing his eyes. She sucked his entire size like it was the easiest thing in the world, unlikely you, ready to be choked by the lack of air and the thickness of his penis. Instead, you got behind Jess, eating her out again. You got obsessed with that action.
She finally blew him off, and he just laid himself at the bed ready to see more. Jess was masturbating after the second orgasm you gave her, next to Roger as you got on top of him. Your tits were bouncing up and down at the beat you were moving around him.
"I want to taste you baby, I want you to cum on my mouth." He provocatively told you and bit his lip as you got up to his face. Enjoying the view, his tower. Jess took the chance and sat on his dick, moving at the beat you got to fuck him seconds ago. Roger was living the dream. Two women on top of him. Jess was playing with your nipples as you moved your hips on Roger's head.
Roger rubbed your clit as he found out you were on the edge of cumming again. He knew, you didn't have to tell him. When you came on his mouth, you sat at his stomach, making out with Jess when she was still fucking your boyfriend's material. "You enjoy fucking my boyfriend, don't you dirty slut?" You finally said a word, Roger didn't expect to.
"Wow fuck baby, that was unexpected." He moaned, unable to move.
"Get off his dick." Jealousy took over you and she laid next to you, watching you taking his size inside your mouth, accepting the challenge.
"Holy shit y/n... Ah..." He shouted when he pulled your hair, closer to him. "That's... f-" you stopped him by biting some of his skin down there. You finally got his entire size inside your mouth, reaching your throat until you couldn't stand the air lack. He looked at you proud and pulled your hair behind your ear. "You wanted another female to do that before you?" He smirked at you.
"No." You foretold. "I was awakened." You added winking at him.
"I knew you'd like it babe." He leaned in kissing you.
"But there's something more to try out." Jess opened her legs. "Just sit there and watch Roger. Jerking off is highly recommended." She implored.
"I'm so ready for this." He shook his head in anticipation.
You followed Jess's lead. She had your one leg on top of hers, sitting on top of her pussy.  "Move your hips baby..." She softly said touching your moving hips.
You did as she told you. Your pussies moving together, mixing your liquids that came out of them. Roger couldn't stop seeing you moving so harmonically when his dick was around his hand. He enjoyed watching you doing things with another female, especially scissoring.
"Ah fuck Jess..." You moaned when heat was about to take over your body.
"You eventually like this dirty whore?" She moaned, pulling your hair back and both of you moved faster.
"I can't do this anymore." You loudly said, when pleasure took over you. "Fuck." You said laying next to Roger when he cummed with you.
"That was perfect." Roger commented kissing you. "Good job my baby. You have to agree it was better than the previous time." He kissed your hand.
"Yeah because you had to fuck two females." You answered.
"Don't be petty, girl. He's a lady's man. What do you expect from him?" She genuinely asked looking at both of you. "I better get going. It was a hot night." She stood up, wearing her lingerie from the floor.
"Let me get the door for you." Roger said, wearing his underwear. "I'll be here in a minute." He turned his gaze at you.
"Enjoy the rest of the night." You greeted her when she vanished from the bedroom with your man.
"I could tell she's bisexual. So opening to the positions." Jess laughed when putting her clothes in the living room.
"I thought she'd literally leave when you stepped inside our home." Roger jested.
"Same but I changed my mind when she walked towards your bedroom." She wore her coat and opened the door.
"It was nice having you Jess." Roger smirked.
"Same Rog. Tell your girl, she had some good mouth skills." She laughed.
"Oh you better be sure about it." Roger bit his lip. "Goodnight." He held the door.
"Night Rog." She left and he closed the door returning to you.
"Where were you hiding these mouthing skills?" He laid next to you, destructing you from daydreaming.
"In a place called competitive department of mind." You ironically asserted.
"You've got a big mouth, don't you, young lady?" He grabbed your chin.
"I do have a big mouth." You raised your eyebrow, staring at his eyes.
"Do you think we should tighten it a bit?" he bit your lip within a short kiss you shared.
"No, it's not beneficial for your size." You mocked him but laughed on the joke.
"After praising my size, I won't tighten it." He laughed and pulled you closer to him. "I think I can happily die now. I had a threesome including a bisexual model and my future wife. I can say I did that with you." He said looking proud. Of course you wanted to marry him and have kids with him, you literally wanted to jump from happiness but you had to keep a low profile and probably jump on him another time, when he actually proposes because his words go with the flow.
"You would marry me when I'd let you bring a female in our bed? You can be an asshole from time to time." You shook your head annoyed.
"I'd marry you anyway. You just give extra credits." He boasted and both of you, turned opposite sides to sleep. "Oh. And I'm always an asshole." He bragged about it like it was an achievement.
"Fuck you and goodnight." You closed your eyes ready to sleep.
"Sure, with you tomorrow morning." You heard him murmur and rolled your eyes.
What a sex animal. He's never tired.
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uncanny-accuracy · 6 years
Time to spill the tea, y'all
For those of you who know what's going on, cool. That's cool. I don't need to explain. For those of you who don't, you'll find out soon enough if you keep reading.
Now let's not get our panties in a bundle. Redrose is an amazing person and fucking GREAT addition to this fandom. But because of one thing she said, that's not even an opinion, it's FACT, y'all decide to go after her.
So let's spill the tea on me. Yes, me. You read right. I'm gonna tell you why, if anything, you should be attacking me. Because Redrose put up with my shit, and she did it marvelously without anyone but the two of us knowing.
This damned Hell-bent world has a decent human being and y'all are really starting to push her over her limits. After all my bullshit, which is proof Redrose is a good-hearted person, maybe y'all can sit back and let me explain what she meant and why this whole post is relevant. It may not seem so at first, but the beginning of this post DOES further my point later on.
For those of you who remember on Redrose's Instagram, she got an anonymous ask on her tellonym awhile back. Essentially, it said something along the lines of, "Uhh don't mean to be rude but there's already an RA Amino so :/ That's kind of a kick in the dick."
Redrose posted a photo on her story of an Amino invite card to the second RA Amino. But guess who's a leader on the first? This bitch!
I thought it rude or whatever. I was stupid and honestly? Dead fucking wrong.
Here's the screenshot:
Tumblr media
That's me. Want to know how Redrose handled this? Fucking beautifully. Wanna know what I did? I was a dick. I went on my art account on Instagram and messaged the Amino invite card to her, no explanation. I don't think she ever put it up. And you know what? Good. Because then I continued to kiss her ass after I realized my Instagram name could be tracked to the watermark on the art posted on my Tumblr account.
Redrose couldn't have missed that watermark. But who know what she did? She didn't say a word. She made the connection of uncanny-accuracy to LowReihn. But like a mature, responsible adult, she didn't say shit.
Next up, we have my main Insta account! Who has no connection to any RA related stuff. But Redrose posted on Instagram a picture of John Flanagan's United States tour dates. I saw one of them was close to me so, because I couldn't find any info, I asked her if SHE could take time out of HER day to help me. I don't know if she was busy, but she did hunt down the info and she posted it for me, no complaints.
It's because of her that I'm meeting Flanagan on the 28th. Without her, I would've never known he was so close. She prioritized me. And yeah, sure, my main Insta has no connection to LowReihn, but she still did it.
Redrose is always answering asks, responding to comments, not just posting RA content to entertain but RA content to help others. Wanna learn about the Ranger knives? She's got you. Wanna know tour dates? She's got you. Wanna know more about a meetup or larp group? She's got you.
So let's move onto the Middle Ages stuff. Redrose made a comment that she didn't find Trans Alyss realistic because the stories are set in the Middle Ages. My opinion? She's right. That's not even an opinion. She's right. She's speaking fact. But that's not to say she's going against the LGBTQ+ community, because she's not.
Speaking as a nonbinary pansexual, I'm going to basically repeat what Redrose said. And y'all can't tell me I'm homophobic or transphobic or whatever, because I'm literally a part of the LGBTQ+ community.
Ranger's Apprentice is set in the Middle Ages. Yes, it's fantasy, but it is still set in that time. LBGTQ+ was not openly expressed because it was wrong back then. Honestly? You would've been killed. Alyss being male to female isn't realistic, but I’m not against it. Redrose isn’t either. If RA was set in more modern times, then yeah. It could work well. But the fact remains that it's in the Middle Ages. Alyss would've been killed if she was trans. The same goes for anyone who's found to be gay, lesbian, bisexual (not that they knew what that was), etc.
Sure, characters could be a part of the LGBTQ+ community. Redrose isn't saying they can't be. I'm not staying that either. Will could be pan. Crowley could be gay or ace. Halt could be demi. Who knows? Only Flanagan! But they'll all written as straight because it's the Middle Ages.
Redrose is not against the LGBTQ+ community. And coming from someone who is a part of that community, I don't see why y'all are butthurt. I like headcanoning the characters as a gay or pan or trans or whatever. Both of us are just saying that it’s not really that accurate, but that doesn’t mean you can’t do it or that we’re going to attack you. Because frankly? I’ve draw Halt x Crowley before. Redrose is a fan of Cralt and Will x Gilan, last I checked. I’m sure Crowley x Duncan is one she’s mentioned too.
Redrose has dealt with my shit on multiple occasions and continues to be nice to me whenever I reach out. And if she sees this and knows all my accounts now, then good. Because it isn't gonna change the way she responds to me. She'll continue answering when I ask questions. She'll continue being a decent human being, because she is a decent human being. Just like nothing happened, she'll be mature and honest and marvelously patient. She's a beautiful person inside and out.
Unlike you guys who attacked her. So let's sit back and think.
Who's the real monster here? Because it sure as hell ain’t Redrose.
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