#don’t take this seriously i love the og designs lols
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crystalliumdaisy · 1 year ago
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redesigning star dresses part 1!
part 2 and part 3
notes and individual pieces below <3
keep this in mind i love the og stardresses! i just wanted to challenge myself and i’m an inspiring fashion designer!!! my goal was to create dresses that reflect the spirits and u could easily match them up.
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these were my initial sketches, i wanted every dress/outfit to have a different colour and silhouette to make them more recognisable.
aries ~
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- pink was the obvious choice for a colour. I didn’t want to use any major black like in the og design because aries design is so light and bright!
- i really think the og stardress hair is lacking. A fun fluffy 80s hair adds to the whole sheep aesthetic and creates a different silhouette to other designs.
- the 80s hair also inspired a more 80s look with fluffy legwarmers and big hoop earrings.
- i also wanted to bring in those pink pompoms on the side of aries dress so i made them star shaped and put them in lucy’s hair
taurus ~
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- why put her in a bikini if she’s a cowboy??? this haunts me everyday.
- I couldn’t put her in mainly black and white cos that’s virgo i comprised and landed on a brown.
- for inspiration it was pretty obvious to go with a cowboys and the wild west! i always disliked the one leg pants her og design has so i modified it to a cut out.
- her og design was a mix of the aquarius and scorpio one and it always didn’t stand out to me, so i think by exaggerating the cowboy aesthetic it stands out much more.
gemini ~
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- her og design is actually one my favs. so i really only made minor changes
- the colours stood out against other dresses and were easily identified as gemini. the dual colour symmetrical dress is a great way to reflect the double spirit.
- Gemini is a pretty symbol spirit so to reflect them i used circular shapes and organic lines. i changed the head piece mainly because i struggled drawing it but i realised it made the design too top heavy anyways.
- i extended the dress width and length mainly for silhouette reasons (she wears so many skin tight dresses) as well as to give a nod to the dresses the alternate geminis wear.
cancer ~
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- my issue with cancer star dress isn’t the dress itself. I actually love the dress in the manga. it’s the colour. WHY IS GREEN?!?
- if it weren’t for the symbol i wouldn’t be able to match this dress with cancers design, so it had to change.
- other than that there’s no major differences, the ribbon tie is meant to resemble scissors, i love the claw shape hair ties in the og design so i brought them back and i brought the stripes in cancers top to her bow.
leo ~
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- i was inspired by beauty and the beast, in the movie the beast kinda looks like lion.
- i swapped the yellow and black in the og design since it has a pretty similar colour story to virgos dress. The og kinda gets lost next to leo since the black doesn’t have variation and leo is in a deep black too.
- i wanted to make her hair bigger like a lions mane and curled around her face.
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kidstemplatte · 1 year ago
papas reacting to fnaf
this is so silly but i’m a diehard fnaf fan. also i started thinking about the parallels between the afton and emeritus family and got rlly emotional LMAO. please enjoy teehee
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-you’re sitting at your computer, losing your fucking mind. why is night 4 so hard???
“let me try.” he says.
-you know he won’t get far, bless his heart, but you’ll let him give it a shot.
-little do you know, he’s an absolute BEAST
-he takes a seat at your desk and starts clicking.
so i… stop them?”
“yeah. just don’t let them get into the office.”
“the power’s going down.”
“yeah, when you use the cameras, turn on the lights, or use the doors, it’ll go down. then it’s game over.”
he nods.
-he’s weirdly quiet, clicking away, until you suddenly hear the joyous chimes indicating he’s survived until 6 am.
“is that all?” he goes.
-your mouth is literally agape, you’re in shock.
-it doesn’t scare him at all
-he starts playing the game at his office whenever he needs a break. doesn’t flinch.
-lowkey sheds a tear at henry’s speech.
-he doesn’t like security breach, he prefers the repetitiveness of the old games
-he takes the lore very seriously, like it’s a piece of fine literature LOL
-the story of the afton family is heartbreaking to him and he relates to it a tad </3
-his favorite game is the OG and his favorite character is freddy. he’s a simple man.
-“this is stupid. what am i supposed to- FUCK! SATANAS! STAI INDIETRO, CREATURA DISGOSTA!”
-he clears his throat.
“i was caught off guard.”
-he doesn’t want to watch the lore videos at first because he thinks it’s “childish” but soon is sucked in.
-watches the lore videos with you and is specifically fascinated with william aftons character.
-he likes kids so he’s immediately disgusted by the cruelty of his actions
-he makes it his life’s mission to unpack the psychology of william afton
-his favorite is fnaf 4, he likes the nightmare designs
-HATES BALLOON BOY. wants to punch him in the face.
-he’s not very good at the games and curses so loudly when he plays because he’s so determined to make it through the night 😭
-“five nights at freddy’s? why are you spending the night with freddy and not me?”😏
-terzo hates mascots so he’s already scared shitless.
-when he plays the game he talks to himself like a maniac.
“no. stay, bunny. do not move. you too, bear. WHERE DID THE CHICKEN COME FROM? no, let’s NOT eat- eat by yourself, chicken!”
-loses his mind at the jumpscares, screams like a little girl.
-but he’s so interested in the complexity of the lore
-terzo goes down internet rabbit holes late at night LMAO so he’s more than willing to watch lore videos with you
-bro had to do a double take when he saw toy chica💀
-“purple man? he has good taste, no?”
immediately takes it back when he finds out what his deal is
-hums the theme song while he’s at work.
-his favorite game is fnaf 2 (and it has nothing to do with toy chica)
-take a shot every time i say this on my account:
copia is a big fat dork.
(but we all are too, and we love him for it)
-he doesn’t understand it’s scary at first. aww, look at the bear! clicks freddy’s nose on the poster over and over. “boing! boing! boing! boing! boing!”
-but as soon as he checks the cameras he’s like OH. i see what this is.
-he gets so stressed playing the game LMAO
-when you introduce him to the lore he’s so fascinated and deeply invested. it rattles his brain but he can’t get enough.
-the next morning after you watch a video with him he has deep eye bags. you find out he stayed up all night watching lore videos.
-soon he’s a diehard fan. he keeps merch in his office beside his comics and other collectibles.
-his favorite game is pizzeria simulator because he loves the non-scary part 😭
-he loves foxy because he’s “misunderstood”🥺
-and mangle, thinks it’s sad how the kids took her apart and put her back together :,(
-has all the plushies LOL
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m1dnitefloat · 3 months ago
hi!!! i just want to say i love your club penguin ocs so much!!! they have such fun designs <33 i was wondering if you have any lore for them??? or if they interact with the other club penguin characters :3
ohoho you have no idea how much I’ve wanted to ramble about my ocs .. ok i only really have stuff for two of them but yknow ..
(warning for probably horrible writing, this is the first time I’m really putting this stuff into words, and I’m not all that great at writing characters in the first place, so bear with me)
i’ll start off with skye since they’re the one i have the most info on lol
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skye is one of my oldest ocs! i created them all the way back in 2012, they were originally an epf agent based on one of the penguins used in some of the promotional material for operation blackout. i’ve written out the epf stuff out of their character since then, though they’ve retained most of their basic traits.
skye is one of the island’s local freelance artists, as well as a member of the stage society and the party committee. they often help with designing and creating sets, props, and decorations for events throughout the island! skye is known for their creativity among their peers, however they’re horrendously shy and dislike being in the spotlight, preferring to work “behind the scenes.”
as for character relationships .. I’d imagine they’d be pretty good friends with dot! canonically, dot has been shown to have a love for theatre, and I like to think she’s had a hand (or flipper?) in designing costumes for various stage plays, so I’d imagine she and skye would bond over that kind of stuff.
skye also eventually becomes good friends with rookie! he first approached them for help with planning the 2014 fair (thanks to a recommendation from dot lol), and skye, somewhat reluctantly, agreed to help out with the design and construction of the amazement park. I’d imagine rookie plays a key role in skye’s character development, helping them come out of their shell somewhat (they have a kinda ‘extrovert adopts an introvert’ thing going on). here’s some bonus funny doodles of them:
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some misc facts about skye I’ve had in my head:
- they don’t own any puffles or pets, but they do act as somewhat of a caretaker for the keeper of the stage, making the effort to check up on and put food out for it everyday.
- a bit too dedicated to their craft for their own good, they’ve pulled one too many all-nighters just to work on one of their various projects.
- their favorite artistic medium is painting, though they love to experiment and have dabbled into pretty much every medium at some point (with varying degrees of success).
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then there’s my kind-of-penguinsona, agent pinky! or sometimes just ‘pink.’ kind of a weird name I know, i derived it from my og username on club penguin, pinkyrose059, since that’s what I based pinky off of.
pinky is a laid-back, but somewhat jaded, tactical agent for the epf. they have kind of a ‘been there, done that’ attitude, leading them to not really take their agent role all that seriously (i can imagine them quarreling with their boss, jpg, sometimes cause of this) …. that’s all I kinda got for them rn, i haven’t really had much in mind for them compared to skye lol.
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heart-of-the-morningstar · 1 year ago
✨ Non-spoiler section ✨
I had such a fun time with this movie! There were a ton of Easter eggs I caught and I’m sure there’s a few that I missed! My best advice for anyone wanting to see this movie is don’t take it super seriously, you’ll enjoy it more! The makers of this film weren’t lying when they said that they made this movie for the fans, I do feel like fans will enjoy this movie way more than a general audience and that’s perfectly fine! It’s campy at some parts and funnier than I thought it would be, but that’s what made it so fun! Now for the nitty-gritty…
What I liked…
• First off, Matthew Patrick is a fucking LIAR! He does have a cameo in the movie, he says his iconic “That’s just a theory” line which was great! He’s a waiter at a diner, which leads me to my next point
• The diner was named “Sparky’s”, which I feel like only OG fans will get the reference. But for those of you who don’t know, back when FNAF 1 came out, there was a rumor of a secret/rare animatronic in the game called Sparky the Dog. There was a fake image floating around showing him standing in the door to parts and service. This was later confirmed to be fake. BUT! In the movie they also have a dog-looking animatronic in the parts and service room which absolutely took me out lol
• Acting was great! Everyone was fun to watch, Josh Hutcherson was a great lead as Mike and Piper Rubio was so sweet as Abby but I gotta give my props to Matthew Lillard towards the end of the movie, he looked like he was having so much fun being this unhinged monster! Speaking of…
• There is a spring lock scene!! It is real!! And God was it cathartic to watch! Obviously being PG-13, they couldn’t do blood and guts galore, but I think they managed to pull it off pretty well! Afton’s scene was definitely my favorite in the film hands down! And yes, he gets his “I always come back” line which put 5 years back on my life if I’m being honest lmao
• There is blood in this movie! Not a gratuitous amount, but it was enough for what they were going for I think! The kills of the people breaking to Freddy’s were more entertaining to watch than I thought! Especially Freddy’s kill…that caught me completely off guard lmao
• There aren’t too many jumpscares but that was fine with me! They do this repeat jumpscare with a little figurine of Balloon Boy like 3 times and I thought it was funny every time! They do a really good job with tension in this movie!
• The animatronics!!!! LOVED THEM!!!! They were so detailed and well designed, they were so fun to watch!! The Jim Henson company did an absolutely stellar job with the designs, I want to hug them 🥺
• So the story…I thought it was fine! They do stray from canon by making Vanessa Afton’s daughter in the movie instead of Mike being his son. They do confirm Afton was the one who kidnapped and killed Mike’s brother Garrett. The story is kind of left open ended as if they could continue the story (which I hope they do), but I think it leaves a more or less satisfying ending!
• There’s a minor mid-credit scene with Cory Kenshin and a secret message at the very end of the credits. I couldn’t hear it well but it’s spelled-out letters exactly like the ones from the death minigames in FNAF 2
• Yes, The Living Tombstone’s FNAF song is in the end credits, I felt my soul leave my body 😭
Minor Negatives…
• The story is slow at the beginning, it takes a little bit for anything super interesting to take place
• There are some plot points that don’t get explained or resolved (which is par for the course for FNAF) but that leads me to believe that they want to make sequels which I am all here for
• The Aunt Jane character wasn’t super important, she was fine, but she was there just to serve as an antagonist to Mike for a whole 5 minutes of the movie, if that
• I wanted so much more Afton/Spring Bonnie time, it was too short for me but I am happy with what I got. Also, he didn’t wear any purple in the movie which I think is a crime 😂
• Kind of wish there was an R rated version of this movie even though FNAF isn’t known for being bloody and gory, but some parts felt a little tame
• Also please correct me if I’m wrong but, they didn’t use the Toreador March music at all?? If I missed it, please tell me but I was waiting to hear it and it never came from what I remember
• So the biggest plot issue for me was that they never explained Afton’s intentions for killing. I think fans of the games know why he’s killing, but the general audience won’t. I’m sure it has something to do with the saw blade machine that tries to stuff your head into Freddy’s head. But it wasn’t clear. Vanessa never gave us a straight answer either even though she was in on it from the beginning.
• Towards the beginning of the movie, Abby is shown to be talking to her “invisible friend”, this is before Mike is hired as Freddy’s security guard. Turns out that friend is the ghost kid who possess Golden Freddy/Fredbear (again, isn’t clear lol). I wanna know why that kid showed up before Mike and Abby even went to the location??
• I may be reading too much into this, but when Mike goes in to get a new job after being fired from his mall security guard job, he’s talking to “Steve” and Steve does something interesting. He’s berating him for his inability to hold down a job, the he looks at his name on the file and just goes “…Mike S…” and just, doesn’t finish saying his name. He looks at Mike really weird like he’s trying to find something, and then just completely changes the subject. IDK, I’ll probably have to watch it again, and I think it would be a stretch to go the “Mike Afton” route especially since they established Vanessa was his kid. But ya never know with FNAF 😂
• Also the secret message that was spelled out at the end of the credits. If any of y’all know what they spelled, please tell me because I could not figure it out! I would love to know what it said!
I just had a blast with this movie! I wasn’t sure what to expect with this movie but I think Blumhouse and everyone who worked on this movie did an amazing job, you can tell they put so much heart and soul into this! I will patiently be awaiting the announcement of the next movie until then!
Rating - 8.5/10
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thejudgingtrash · 4 years ago
Can you explain to me how Rachel was annoying in the series?
Well, I’ll try to keep myself short for this one (lol no, this took an hour to write). Also, let’s not forget that they’re all kids, but I’m basing this off from when I read the series as a fourteen year old because my opinions haven’t changed much (for better or for worse).
I’m not the biggest fan of Rachel. I have to admit that portrayals of her by Simi, Kit, Logan, Apollo and all the others helped to shape her into something cooler than what she had been in my foggy memories but I actually went back to take a look in the books (well, TTC + BOTL so far) to refreshen my mind about events that have happened.
Also, you should browse through @blackjacktheboss's blog as she’s a) hilarious and b) says whatever I say in like a single sentence lol. But your ask is about me and my opinions so here we go:
What I didn’t like about Rachel was that she’s rude and bold (DON’T GET ME WRONG, I love that in female characters!!!), but she doesn’t have Annabeth’s excuse of survival of the fittest (literally running off as a traumatized seven year old) and introducing us into the world of the Riordanverse.
Percy was on his way, had shit to deal with and Rachel pretty much interrupted him from the get-go and thought getting her answers was more important than letting Percy just rush forward. Yes, this is Rachel’s entrance into the series and the net Riordan threw into the sea, to make us little fish adapt to her. But it still didn’t sit right with me, probably because I would never interact that way.
I get why she did that, but it’s the way how she did it that’s just making me go ???
Even if I was seeing weird things, I wouldn’t set out to distract/interrupt someone who is incredibly busy to get my way. Rachel’s dick move seems like a Karen boomer type of thing to pull off, but guess that’s up to you.
If I were her, I’d either film/try to photograph the monsters via phone (if that’s possible) or internet stalk enough to find the other person (note: despite Riordan’s stupid rule of not being able to use phones, demigods still can use computers/the internet, I guess). Percy was national news like a year or two ago in the timeline, so it shouldn’t be that difficult to find more stuff out about him, even in like 2008 or so. Let him have a spot on Perez Hilton's shitty gossip blog, for the OGs reading this.
Annabeth was used as a tool of exposition to introduce us to CHB, the demigod life and how things roll around there. She barged into Percy’s mission as a nuisance first but a necessity second in TLT.
However, in comparison to Rachel, Annabeth was transformed into a fully-fledged protagonist within a span of a chapter or two. Rachel needed another separate book after her first appearance, so we don’t just know Annabeth better, we know that she’s an important constant throughout the story as of Rachel seems… almost random? Is she truly necessary as a character?
This doesn’t come from a shipper perspective, this is coming from a character design perspective and adds to the feeling that the way she has been introduced to me as a reader just seems off.
Yes, BOTL makes sense with her as a reborn Ariadne, but technically Sally could’ve done the job as she’s a clear-sighted mortal as well lol. Then again, Sally is an adult, went to college, had a job, was unfortunately probably working it up with Paul, did the cha cha slide with him and had overall better shit to do.
Then Rachel as the oracle, which is just super weird in general. Wasn’t Apollo himself responsible for issuing prophecies in the OG myths? Or did he both, have the oracle of Delphi as his spokesperson and issue important stuff to Team Olympus? Am I mixing things up? I’m getting sidetracked, my bad.
Either way, this oracle gig might be the only time I’d say Rachel might be important in the future (badum tzz), but Riordan fumbled the bag in the follow ups series so there’s that. Did she even appear in HOO? Can’t remember and also don’t care.
Rachel is used as one out of three choices in regard to his love life that Percy can make. Calypso literally got introduced into BOTL and was admittedly Percy’s biggest what if… But the general gist doesn’t sit right with me. We have three possible routes with Percy and the others:
Rachel: somewhat normality in the mortal realm
Annabeth: the danger and thrill of the demigod life
Calypso: ambrosia and nectar. a hint of immortality
(On one hand, literally why but on the other hand, mad props for Percy who has literally three romantic leads in the same book.) I’d cancel one of them at least out and since Annabeth isn’t going anywhere, I’m taking Rachel. Sally could literally been Percy’s anchor to a normal mortal life as she had intended until it didn’t work out anymore when he became twelve and his monster alerting scent grew stronger.
Calypso and Annabeth would’ve been the perfect opposites where each of them had a strong case. The demigod life within the realms or mortal or the demigod life ascending to Olympus/immortality. Sounds cooler and is way simpler. Three people is way too much, this truly feels like a shonen anime harem thing and it’s defo not my cup of tea (and while some Annabeth sideships aren’t my thing (Lukabeth go cry in the corner, no one likes you, WTF, Connabeth you fugly), it’s super unfair that Annabeth solely has Percy (fuck off Luke) to rely on in regards of romantic endeavors).
Rachel almost feels redundant? The option to walk away from all of that… which isn’t really true as Rachel really tries to push and insert herself into the story the very first time we meet her? But that’s just me, I’m certain that others are saying they’d kill off Annabeth or kick Calypso (I mean yeah) into the curb.
Why does Percy need another white and uber-rich love interest?
I semi-joked on Dez’ post (@sawasawako) with this response about Annabeth needing to keep up with powerful Rachel, but the core still stands.
We already have an affluent Annabeth (granted, we don’t know exactly how the Chase’s riches are divided, whereas it’s clear that Rachel can just make anyone drop dead by saying who she is. Annabeth needed that weird lotus casino credit card to make that happen, so Miss Harvard Legacy doesn’t wield that Dare schmoney. Also don’t think Annabeth can just up papa’s money and go…? Idk).
Why do we need another person needing to upstage this?
Like Rachel has to triumph in regards to standard and prestige as if it were a badly written Jane Austen AU. For what reason…? Why not make Percy friends and acquaintances with someone who comes from a normal household for once, not super rich brats (Piper, Annabeth, Rachel, technically the Graces with their TV starlet mother amongst others).
Important question: why should Percy actually be impressed/attracted to that? He’s dirt poor and has been sent to (boarding) schools filled with stupid rich people since he’s been twelve, probably even younger than that. As if that’s the very first thing Percy would look out for or be wowed or something. He’s used to rich douchebags. I think he’s more surprised that someone used their money for his benefit for once and not to crash daddy’s new Mercedes again.
Like seriously… Rachel did that weird art project thing in BOTL with her covered in gold and posing like it’s a super normal thing to do? Even for rich snobbish kids standards? That sounds weird to me. I don’t know, maybe Riordan’s been streaming the new Gossip Girl reboot on HBO Max on repeat and thought this girl is on fiyah (performed by Alicia Keys).
Rachel trying to separate herself from her money just comes off as super hypocritical when she’s using the very same funds to finance her lifestyle. I get it, trying to make amends and make a difference with the damage you have done but... your father still doesn't give a shit about the environment or YOU, sweetie. Kick him in the balls for once! Then you can go out about your art projects.
The concept of Percy having friends in the mortal realm is cool, but why does Rachel almost have to compete with Annabeth with her wealth and art stuff?
No seriously, the comparisons are constantly there, out and about. Roaming freely on the finest grass, needing to be feed delicious locally sourced carrots and stuff.
Annabeth is Athena’s kid. Athena is the goddess of wisdom, weaving, justice, warfare yada yada and arts and crafts. So definitely something which would affect Rachel, right (someone write that Athena messing with Rachel because she can AU and tag me please!)?
Annabeth wants to become an architect which translates to fancy building designer who is driving engineers like Leonardo Eugenio Valdez Cortes insane irl because the maths and physics don't work like that in the working field trust me I'm an engineer, which could/should be considered an art form.
They even shared some common ground while talking about architecture and design in BOTL!
Furthermore, they both share broken homes with absent parents (granted that all demigods go through that). Wealthy families at that as well. Shitty fathers that don’t care about their daughters well-being. Rachel however, is super powerful and influential in an unseen level in the mortal world. She isn’t like Matt Sloan (?) who truly messes up by destroying shit to get his father's attention, but she’s still in that circle and can easily demonstrate that. Making deals with her father and what not. We rarely see Annabeth doing that. Did y’all forget the fucking helicopter Rachel brought along in TLO?
Pan saying Rachel is just as important as her father has multiple meanings to me…
(Sidenote: I do think it’s hilarious that Annabeth is jealous/annoyed of Rachel that her remarks were she’s cute right and Percy went??? Or when Tyson said Rachel’s pretty? Or that time when Annabeth actually defended Luke and his weird behavior (because Kronos was slowly taking over, don’t forget that kids!), because f that rich artist nepotism kid that Rachel seems to be, right?)
Another note: Percy thinks Rachel is annoying in BOTL for a while and it took a while for him to admit that and he spent way more time being annoyed/jealous (for once, Lordy) at Luke for him to even notice lol.
I guess it’s really hard for me to exactly pinpoint what’s bothering me. I believe Rachel's persona just doesn’t seem to hit right, because it feels like a knock-off Annabeth who just simply isn’t a demigod, yet has two cool powers, but in even richer who still needs to be part of the story for exactly what reason?
The jumping around from the richest in the series to the poorest in the series is kinda bothering me as if the middle class doesn’t exist, like I’ve stated earlier. Why didn’t Riordan mix it up with Rachel, giving her more nuance the minute they met, not towards the end? Have her be Percy’s platonic friend from the get go. No weird oh wait she is kinda cute in the middle bullshit.
This kinda drifted more into a Perachel vs Percabeth essay, which really wasn’t my intention. Don’t worry kids, I’m criticizing Annabeth (and her stans) enough already.
And I do think that others in the fandom have softened my views on Rachel as a person like I’ve stated in the beginning. So friendship!Perachel is popping! But I do think that there are some valid points that I’ve made.
Also not gonna lie, Rachel issuing the new prophecy in TLO kinda dampened the end of PJO series but that’s more Riordan’s fault than hers.
TLDR: I’m just not a huge fan of this overbearing, uber-rich, excessively flaunting being that Rachel sometimes displays. She’s flawed, she’s broken at times, has a semi-interesting background story (although it has been done over and over again throughout the series and should be changed up for once) which is great, but it is still annoying.
We don’t need an anti-Annabeth who feels like a weird caricature of the real Annabeth.
Also if this seems super incoherent, repetitive, or whatever, I'm sorry, massive headaches + mental health going down the goo lagoon does this to ya, I hope I made somewhat sense!
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icharchivist · 3 years ago
I LOVE MISUMI SO MUCH AND I WANT TO GIVE HIM A HUG. okay deep breaths now. uh. i went through captain sky's pirates! for the longest time i misread the play title and was CONVINCED they were like sky pirates like they were all in airships and stuff and honestly. i actually didnt realize they weren't in flying ships until i watched the play which was over halfway thru reading the event. um. clearly i was hoping too hard that i ignored everything else lol. but seriously... why else would the captain be named sky...
anyways gosh. its been a whole 3 months since clockwork heart! now that it's summer (fitting season for this troupe lol) im gonna go thru some more a3 though i think. let's see the actual event...
well first off the lil intro with part of the older summer troupe's play did make me go and read the first chapter of one piece haha. just for the Vibe. the paper airplane competition they had was so fun and i personally related w/ tenma prototyping his paper airplanes and having it absolutely suck because that's so me like taking something so extremely seriously that i forget that precision engineering isnt like actually feasible so all this theory is functionally useless and that i also don't know any aerodynamics theory in the first place. but also “don’t you know that paper airplanes fly farther if you put all your love into them!?” this is so funny i could never say that. pfft i just looked back to the notes i was taking and i was like "oh its paper airplanes because SKY pirates!!!!" i cannot read apostrophes.
i also was like "omg tsuzuru didn't faint immediately" only for everyone to also comment the same thing haha so i knew that wasn't gonna last... i mean i assumed he was trying not to faint bc he wanted to talk abt that original script paper thing but i also noticed that he faints very specifically after people compliment him on it so i like to think he was so relieved that his body gave out.
when they're discussing the play there's a part where yuki talks abt costuming and kazunari talks about like the design colors and the accents and stuff and i was just like !!! bc it's like! that's what sardine search started! with kazunari discussing design aspects with yuki... and now he feels comfortable enough to just talk about it! i loved how natural that was.
also it's been a while since i went through the og summer troupe bc i was sitting there like "wait did people not KNOW misumis grandpa did scripts?" like i didnt remember the script thing specifically but i remember he was an important mankai person for sure. bc its like.... well, why else was misumi living there huh.
i was very happy muku was the second lead in the play! although i am kind of sad tenma didnt play francoise lol... literally i was sitting up in my seat like. my fic idea of tenma saying he'd play a female role real??? but i guess the short jokes wouldn't have worked then.
and then for most of this event i felt Deeply Concerned for misumi and wanted to give him a hug. like it's all like it was a cute "tenma's scared of ghosts!" thing when they found him but also he was just living out there alone? he’s got great athletic skills but how long has he been living out there alone. I’m really asking how long. he's not that old how long was it. his grandfather died six years ago it how long has misumi been living alone how long has he been on the run. “gramps was the only one who didn’t abandon me. he was the one who made sure I wasn’t alone.” i am so worried about him. and misumi's whole thing with not being able to remember hakkaku's face Really got me! like that's just such a painful thing and like. idk. personally as someone who can really only visit some of my relatives very rarely i definitely get him.
anyways the treasure map! that was so cute. also i didn't remember how muku and kazunari's room looked,, it was so fresh feeling. oh wow! muku and kazunaris room looks so fresh and nice. tenma hiding a self help directionally challenged book is also so hilarious. yuki re: yuzo “how is that geezer always so free? does he really have a job?” how are YOU free, yuki??? you have TWO jobs (acting, costuming) AND ur a student!
when they couldn't find the last treasure box i immediately called it like "i bet what he liked most was being able to hear the troupe perform. bc those precious memories w/ his friends is what he treasures most" and i pretty much nailed it on that account i feel. i am so glad madoka is the one who showed up to meet muku and izumi bc he is actually a good kid which made me feel so relieved. the my master's mesmerized by mystery event made me cry because i felt so bad for homare and this made me emo but i didn't cry which is great. also when muku and izumi first try to talk to him i think it's so funny that muku's like "maybe tenma and yuki would have done better..." if u let tenma and yuki do it they would have gotten arrested 100%.
still i got extremely sad when madoka was like "“so he’s still alive…” like izumi’s inner voice is like oh! he’s smiling hearing about him! guess he doesn't hate him after all :) meanwhile fucking sirens going off in my brain like madoka had literally no assurance on whether his brother was alive or dead. what the hell. anyways the “…if I always hung around such a weird person, I’d start acting like one, too.” i want to engage misumi's parents in mortal combat. that's such a real feeling tho, i definitely remember growing up like madoka with regards to parents being like don't be like your older sibling AT ALL (though not to such a serious extent as him). even the way he immediately picks out st.flora by saying that's where smart people go...
after they got the final treasure box back i finally watched the play lol... moments that stood out to me. misumi's outfit is GREAT although i wish there were triangles on it. i think it is SO funny that blackbeard is not only a woman but their name is francoise. that's so funny to me. like they're not even elegant enough for that name when they're not disguised. also henry being like "ya u guys were too miserable to steal from so I hung around" is so funny to me. and misumi is like. not even that tall in comparison to muku and yuki which is so funny to me. so i like to imagine when sky is like "the smaller they are, the more famous they be" he like solemnly takes off his platform boots like it'll gain him instant fame somehow. also jonny gives massive unpaid intern vibes to me. also with the whole triangle island thing and the treasure box... are we sure tsuzuru is not like a precog or something because there's similarities to real life and there's this which is something else.
and the paper airplane coming back at the end was so cute! though... misumi's father works for mr.kamikizaka... that's the god troupe guy! god. also im squinting at when misumis dad is like do paperwork and im like. is this guy... profiting off of his kid's script labor? or is he perhaps repurposing hakkaku's scripts... evil. madoka please be safe.
some other minor notes i did NOT miss yuzo going "back then, he was still…” um sir. have something to say abt izumi's dad perhaps? i'm realllly curious as to why the whole mankai troupe went no contact. the ending with the fireworks was so cute! the whole summer triangle thing, too, like god. they are all just Best Friends and that is their treasure! it's so sweet. also the way summer troupe makes fun of tenma like very nicely bc tenma is just like so. bluffs all the time but is also stupid sweet to the troupe is like... idk. i love it when tenma and yuki bicker it just feels like something that grounds the team it feels so natural yknow? it's so nice. also i listened to the song for this play and the inst is so fun!
that's about all the thoughts i had... just three events between me and nocturnality now :)
it's already long so, my own reply/thoughts under the cut :3c
Misumi deserves all the hugs in the world and that's final! god. AND HELP THE MISREAD. To be fair there IS a pirates in spaceships play way further down the line (tho it was never covered by the EN server) so it's not THAT far fetched. I feel like "Captain Sky" works for Misumi in the sense of both, freeing himself from his family in a way that can be aiming for the sky, and in general the fact Misumi finds a lot of solace in the nightsky especially. We see it in this event with his love for the summer sky and especially the summer triangle, which, for him, equals his ultimate happiness, but also how he has a fascination with the moon as we see from his crossbackstage with Tsumugi. Angstily, i could imagine that at a time his loneliness was at its peak he found himself some happiness in looking at the Sky, so eventually this name can be an extention of that: of this freedom but also of this sense of belonging that he found there. But if any of that is to take for granted it also means we need to start considering that Tsuzuru is a witch for figuring it out. That's a thing.
BUT YAY welcome back, it's so good to see you again :3c it's always a pleasure to see you go through a3!
And omg for the vibe that's pretty sweet. And YEAH the paper airplane is so cute!! Also a call back to the fact a competition also happens in Misumi's base SR's backstage i think? and just, man the way it comes back to haunt us. But RIP on you relating to Tenma in that moment this is so funny. Tho it's really honestly pretty sweet especially to see Tenma being so… childish. I've rewatched the anime recently and by god, Tenma gets to be so silly and participate in so many childish things as time goes by that i forgot just how much he had to play the adult for his job and how he denied himself some happiness like this unless it was for acting in movies. So everytime he gets to have silly moment like that my heart melt. Sweet kid… (also if you want to suffer i have to let you know that the Stageplay of a3 has Misumi and Madoka have a duet about paperplanes: part 1 & part 2 )
HELP THE TSUZURU THING. Tsuzuru fainting best running gag, i'm sorry Tsuzuru for your suffering but we must all admit it's endlessly funny. Also i love that you pick up he collapses as soon as he's complimented. The relieve from the stress that was basically holding him awake for that time help.
AND YEAH GOD THE YUKI AND KAZUNARI THING. honestly this is what solds me so much on those events and that i can't imagine skipping directly to act 2's main story: not only the characters grow a LOT during those events but you get to also see the direct results of how it affected them. From Sardine Search we know Yuki was doing it all on his own and was overwhelming himself and Kazunari didn't feel like he could share his design ideas with Yuki, and in the end the two of them realizing they can lift each other up by being a support on that regard, and the fact that Yuki especially opened enough to let Kazunari have a place in his creative process, that the closed off kid opened up and that the kid who wouldn't know how to assert himself now find his place proposing ideas to Yuki and seeing the two of them discussing on tandem, and being so excited and building each other up… god!!! this is so good. I love to see them heal and grow after each event and keeping the lessons they learnt up. It's so touching.
And omg yeah i think Misumi mentions gramps but like, in a whisper? And even Izumi isn't sure she caught it. So the rest of Summer doesn't specifically get it, i think? i'm not sure, else Izumi heard it. I know the anime did away with it with just, not having Misumi bring it up at all DLKFJDLF but yeah! people didn't know! but yeah like, this is also the obvious thing as to why Misumi felt he could come living here help.
Muku being second lead was SOOO good, i'm so happy with seeing him becoming more assertive and confident on that regard. He did shine so well after all of this! And DLKFJLDKFJ Be the change you want to see in the world, go write this fic! Tenma deserves it. But yeah alas they needed to mock Yuki on his heigh, typical. (Tsuzuru revenge fantasy of making fun of Yuki's heigh as payback for the Villager C thing)
And god yeah… yeah. Misumi's whole story is seriously so heartbreaking. I think a3 works the line between comedy and tragic very well in a way, where Misumi's introduction was really funny because it was burrying the leads of the implications of how tragic it is that he's there thanks to how silly the situation was, and then, when finally it addresses the tragic it's like oh. right. that was here from the start i forgot. For how long Misumi had run off, he does mention that he's been here since "before there started to be noise in the theater", which means he has been here for at least before Spring. Initially i would have thought it meant that he must have been here for a couple of months before Spring started to act there, if he can take this event as a temporal mark. But then thinking about it, Matsukawa mentions that the room has been haunted for a very long time and that's why he never came in and it makes me wonder if Misumi's marks aren't skewed by loneliness to the point it means nothing: could have been years since he's there. Which makes more sense as to why Madoka thought he was dead. If Misumi had been gone only for a year or so, i feel like this wouldn't have been Madoka's first thought, so……….. Personally i'm inclined to think he perhaps stayed one or two years after his gramps death with his family and the more lonely he felt + the grief, the more he felt he couldn't stand it, and eventually he came back to the one place that could make him think of the only person who made him feel like home: Mankai. This was my Detective Work™ of "trying to read between the lines but especially between my tears" But yeah man him forgetting Hakkaku was so sad 😭 poor kid.
The tresure map part of the event was adorable! I love the tidbits into seeing the other summer people being silly in that search, it was adorable. AND HELP at roasting Yuki there :sob:
And waaa you know their heart so well 😭 And oh boy Madoka. he's such a good kid…. I'm glad at least you kept yourself emotionally stable! this is a plus because this event personally just murders me in more way than one. ALSO HELP "i think it's so funny that muku's like "maybe tenma and yuki would have done better…" if u let tenma and yuki do it they would have gotten arrested 100%. " this killed me on the spot. you're 100% correct.
And GOD yeah. yeah Madoka's reaction raises a hundred of red flags about his parents this is terrible. AND YEAH let's engage Misumi's parents in mortal combat this is so fucked up. Like the implications of both how they isolated Misumi, making him know he was too weird for them, isolating Madoka from him, Madoka being too young probably to process it other than "i don't want to shame my parents so i'll do what they tell me even if i don't understand why" and only realizing how fucked up it was once Misumi was gone, but even so, the fact he thought he was dead probably means his parents are either telling him so, or that they just never bring him up at all and so he jumped to conclusion. It's honestly really fucked up.
As for relating to the situation, oof. I feel you for that. And yeah little tidbits about me but my elder sibling ran away from home when i was 6yo never to be seen again and yeah, so, this event did a particular amount of psych dmg to me in a way i could never anticipate. I related a lot to Madoka's situation on that regard, and perhaps project some of the uglier aspects of what a situation like this means on him, but by god. This is so cruel. And like, out of this experience, Madoka was having the "don't be like your brother" when he was still here which in itself was damaging, but with on top of that him running away it adds another level of pressure on Madoka of "not abandonning the family like my brother did". There's this type of pain that, even if you manage to process that it was for the best that they left because you eventually process how badly the family has treated him (and perhaps even you in the process), the absolute pain of the abandon, of being left behind, and especially feeling responsible on "if i wasn't a silly kid who pushed him away perhaps he would still be here, but also, wouldn't it have been more pain for him?" and therefore not wanting to put your family through that again, and just. Listen. Madoka is a mess. I'm claiming Madoka i'm giving him so many psych problem, my city now. So even if his family would be better off without Misumi, the idea, the social stigma, of the younger doing the same, would in itself be either a present or a subtextual pressure on Madoka and god this kid must be going through it. And on top of that "even if he manages to process it was for the best" is something he can only do NOW that he knows Misumi is alive. Honestly Madoka's relief made him take it in in such a mature and graceful way for such a kid. takes deep breath sorry this event touched on something extremely primeval in me and it makes me take it in all of the complex ways, and honestly it baffles me how well a3 did capture this experience. Because goodness it's an insane one, and for a minor character (at this point at least) i feel like they did such a good job to portray some nuances on that regard. And back to Misumi it's also just a nightmare for him as well, he had to sacrifice his little brother to be able to move on and be happier, but also with the belief his brother, whom he loves dearly, hated him. It must be so painful when he gets to think about it and it's just. god. so much.
aNYWAY, the play now. It's sUCH a fun play i love it so much. but yeah mood Misumi deserved more triangles. AND HELP THE COMMENTS ON FRANCOISE. Very true, very true. i LOVE Henry in this play, he's so so funny and honestly seeing pure and cute Muku play "Bloody Henry" was incredible. I love how we can still buy him. Innocent face to hide his bad intentions yeah? so good. Muku ever since he joined Mankai like "i want to play a prince, but if i can't i will be the biggest thug of the play", godspeed baby. "so i like to imagine when sky is like "the smaller they are, the more famous they be" he like solemnly takes off his platform boots like it'll gain him instant fame somehow." THIS IS SO FUNNY this is the only way i'll picture it now. And god right, such a good play. AND YEA LEGIT TSUZURU IT'S BECOMING TERRIFYING. Tsuzuru doesn't write, he gets possessed by the spirit of whoever is going to be the lead of that play and suddenly he writes something that will force you to face an intense buried trauma whenever you want it or not. Fucking terrifying.
The ending was really adorable as it is. And yeah oof the fact the father works for the God Troupe really makes it so sour. Even if Misumi and Madoka manages to patch things up they still have this thing separating them… how unfair. And yeah i read it that way too of, the father profiting of his son's writing. Whenever Madoka writes from Hakkaku's plays or are 100% original, he's clearly being exploited lol. but hey "don't disappoint me like your brother" must be a hell of a motivation. Dipshit. I will fight their parents myself. and Adopt Madoka. That's the least i can do.
And god yeah. yuzo still so mysterious… share your secret with us. Please. we need to know. I really want to know toooo. And YEAH THE FIREWORKS WERE SO CUTE. I'm so glad it's becoming a tradition for them, it's honestly so so adorable. And the summer triangle really pushed Misumi's obsession with triangle from cute to so meaningful i'm bawling everytime he talks about them. IT's such a sweet scene. And the fact he finds all of his friends to be his treasure is just. bites fist. it's adorable i'm so happy for them. And yeah god, re what i was saying at the begining i love to see Tenma just being silly and having a good time. I remember some Itaru's minichat where he also brings it up (try this link) and it's so soft to me. and yeah god mood, i love their bickering, i love this troupe, it has such a nice dynamic and vibe and you can feel them just. being much happier everytime they get to be together. It's so sweet. I love them. And the song for this play is SOOOO GOOd, Misumi's voice actor went off with it it's so pretty. Also i've seen it live and by god. He goes ham it's 😳 okay!
Thank you once again for sharing all of your thoughts, it's really always a pleasure to read them ❤❤❤❤ The a3 experience will always bring tears to my eyes truly.
And owo Nocturnality soon!!!! The very normal event that i can be soooo normal about. Normality. LEt's GOO
OH and the next 3 have some of my fav moments but also i feel like i've been saying this about every a3 events DLKJFDKLFJDFLK. At least the good thing with a3's event is that even when it's not about your fav you will always find something worth your emotions. So great. Can't wait to see your thoughts on what follows :3c
Thank you once again for sharing it all ❤❤❤ have a nice day!
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jippy-kandi · 5 years ago
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Digimon Adventure: 2020 – Episode 15: Zudomon’s Iron Hammer Of Lightning (Review)
Thoughts on the fifteenth episode of the Digimon Adventure reboot series.
I loved this episode. I’m predictable. So what? Warning: Major Sorato fangirling ahead. :P
The animation in this episode was truly horrendous. Yamato didn’t even look pretty in some shots! *cough*
I love that Jou, Sora and Yamato had designated roles for their strategy and worked together really well. Especially Sora and Yamato, who came up with the strategy and made Jou feel useless. Jou totally looked at them like #couplegoals ;) (I’m joking. :P)
Frigimon injuring Sora was really great. I’ve always wanted to see the kids actually get injured/sick by a digimon – and the others having to protect/take care of them . . . it usually only happens in fanfics! It was amazing to see, and I loved how Yamato took Sora to safety and protected her, while Jou was the decoy. Do you guys realise that this reboot is making little baby Sorato shippers for a new generation? And, when they hit their teens/adults, they’ll write fanfics about this exact situation? They'll also eventually watch the original show and its movies, and completely accept and embrace “old” Sorato as the standard because in “their” reboot version, Sorato was obvious. I LOVE IT. PRAISE TOEI 2020.
Mimi riding a kiwimon because she thought they were cute was COMEDY GOLD. Reboot Mimi really might be best Mimi.
Jou being a distraction for Sora and Yamato to get away safely was a good plan and actually made sense. It was the best of all the “excuses” the reboot gave for the other Ultimate digimon to not be needed. Learn from this, previous episode 14.
Yamato’s look back at Sora as they were riding Garurumon? A really nice detail to show his concern and cement Sorato as the OTP. ;) No, seriously, it was great for Yamato’s characterisation, and it definitely helped their friendship. It also reminds me of nuanced, subtle OG Sorato. <3
Gomamon/Ikkakumon is such a good cheerleader of Jou. I really like their partnership, even if Jou is a bit too pathetic.
I liked the Mammathmon freezing the river to make an ice bridge, and then crossing it with all the Frigimon. It was a nice throwback to Frigimon doing the same for Taichi in the OG. That episode has a special place in my heart, because Yamato nearly freezes and Gabumon had to take care of him (and here, Sora is injured instead and needs to be thawed out). I like how they rework things.
Ikkakumon: “Let’s protect everyone by ourselves, Jou.” Jou: “I’ll . . . protect . . . [Sora-kun]” Yamato: “This is Yamato. Is something wrong? I’ll head over if things seem bad.” Jou: “No. Don’t worry. There’s no problem. Right now, Sora-kun can’t be left alone. Please stay with her!” Pretty amazing moment for Jou, it made my heart swell. I also like that Yamato offered to help as well. And Jou clearly ships Sorato. XD;
Ikkakumon’s super evolution to Zudomon was the most interestingly animated, outside of MetalGreymon and WereGarurumon. But why is Zudomon so buff in this reboot, and with such an innocent face? He looks like a guinea pig who lifts 24/7. But him being Thor-like with the hammer was pretty cool. I also never noticed the dolphin on his shoulder before, lol.
Jou definitely “redeemed” himself for me this episode. And . . . I think his super evolution worked the most to me out of all the kids. (Mimi comes close, but I still have an issue with Palmon being useless for half her episode.) I think this is because Jou was depicted as being so utterly pathetic so far, that when he stepped up to protect his friends (who actually needed be to protected – the stakes were high with Sora’s injury), it actually seemed to matter instead of just being another fast-forward to Ultimate. I didn’t expect Jou’s super evolution to be the most organic, but I liked that it was.
Having said that . . . I think I changed my mind shortly after thinking I preferred reboot Jou (for being hilarious). I prefer OG Jou because he was grounded in reality. Reboot Jou is a bit too hysterical and ridiculous. I would almost ship reboot Jou and Sora in that moment he musters up the courage to super evolve Ikkakumon, if not for the fact that Sora would never respect/admire him enough to be attracted to him. Reboot Jou is not boyfriend material. :P
The #TrainTrackChallenge back in power-less Tokyo was a nice touch to add some “2020” into the show! I lol’ed.
Gomamon: “I’m glad you’re better now!” Sora: “Yeah! Thank you! It’s all thanks to you and Gomamon.” Sora . . . what are Yamato and Garurumon, pieces of meat!? :P But that’s OK, because . . .
Gomamon: “Now then, will the leader give the word of command?” Jou: “All right, everyone . . .” Yamato: “Let’s go!“ Sora: “Yeah!” Yamato is the leader of Sora’s heart. ;)
This episode ended with a very nice cliffhanger, with Taichi’s group walking through a cave and ending up in Tokyo.
Overall, I thought this episode was well constructed for a kids’ show. Oh, and Yamato’s group >>> Taichi’s group. ;) They just work so well together!
Fifteen episodes in (really only four: 8, 11, 13, 15), and I’m 100% sure the reboot team know exactly what they’re doing with Sorato. It doesn’t matter that Sorato won’t “hook up” at the end of the series (they’re 11, guys) – the foundation for their possible future relationship is definitely being laid. Toei are making sure that if the kids today go back and watch the old series and see the 02 epilogue, that it’ll make more sense to them than most of the OG crowd. And as a Sorato fan? I really can’t ask for more.
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redxblueihateloveyou · 5 years ago
Will there be Free! Season 4 cause i’m so looking forward what Albert dude is up too ?? And oh god i laughed so hard when Rin and Ikuya fought over Haru in the movie lmao don’t worry Rin Haru is yours no one can take him from you esp when our protagonist has his eyes only on you lol !
I really think s4 is going to happen, because they designed way too many new characters that appeared just by the end and I don’t think they’re just for the “olympic” movie. Plus way too many plotlines that just begun.
Yeah, tbh Albert is the only interesting thing about these new ppl (he seems very nice but very sad), I think it’s gonna be really cool to see this whole “swimming bc you love it” vs “swimming bc you’re forced to” thingy. I’m curious how they’ll play it out. I just hope it’s gonna be smth more interesting than the usual now we’re all have fun and love swimming. Imagine how fun would be if Albert actually thrashes water, cause he fucking hates it so much bc of his coach, that he wants to poison the water for everyone else too lmao. I’m half kidding of couse, but idk, I want smth new.
But did you guys realize the Albert poisoned the water for Haru and he couldn’t swim after that, but then when Haru got in the water with Rin, he broke a record. I knew the Rin gives Haru wings in the water, but the power of their love broke this Odin’s curse or whatever the fuck that was and I’m laughin. Btw, when they said Haruka Nanase is 1st and Rin Matsuoka is 2nd I literally screamed, I mean, I knew that’s gonna happen but still it made me so happy to hear that. My flawless babes took all the spotlight.
LMAO Imagine Albert and Haru get in the water and Albert makes the water all horrible for him, but Rin like walks to the pool and puts his finger in it and is like “I got you, babe.” :D
Yes, the Rin, Ikuya and Hiyori scene lmfao I’ve waited for this.
Tbh, he funniest thing to me was the fact that when they said “this is Rin Matsuoka” Hiyori immediately went “so you’re the Haruka Nanase’s guy”. They might’ve as well put it like this (bc I fucking know what u meant, Hiyori)
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LMAO Since that 3x04 episode I was thinking... what are his files on Haru and Rin look like? “Nanase Haruka. In love with Matsuoka Rin. Weaknesses: Matsuoka Rin.” and “ Matsuoka Rin. In love with Nanase Haruka. Weaknesses: Nanase Haruka.”? xD I’m dead.
I also love how its not even the 5th time when ppl think of us as a first special person for one another. Like I know that all our people already know this, but it’s good to know that now all the new ones have been informed, too :D
And I don’t even know what’s funnier, the fact that everyone knows that we’re involved or the fact that Rin himself introduces himself as “My name is Rin Matsuoka and I’m Haru’s.” and “My name is Rin. Have you heard about Haruka Nanase?”. I already feel like Haru’s is his life specialty, you know, how ppl usually go “my name is smth-smth. I’m an engineer.”, but this guys goes “Rin Matsuoka...:
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But I also kinda loved that even though it was before Haru told Rin that relays with everyone else can’t even compare with a relay with him, I’m guessing from Rin’s confidence that he knew that already. Cause even though he marked his territory immediately, when Ikuya told him “I swam with Haru too” with that serious face, Rin started smiling and that Natsuya comment was definitely a “you’re still wet behind your ears.” It seriously looked like this:
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It was also really funny how Ikuya kept genuinely serious face during this talk like he really thinks he can compete with what Harurin has. Man, idk if it’s Hiyori and Natsuya’s fault but Ikuya turned out such a baby. Don’t let him hear what Haru said to Rin or he’ll cry lmao.
Btw I’ve said it back then in s3, but in this movie it was even more obvious. The fact that Haru, Rin, Sousuke and Makoto don’t seem the same age as Ikuya, Hiyori and Asahi. Like idk why they wrote it like this, but the OGs behave so much more mature, the newbies and their tantrums actually look embarrassing at times. Like I feel like we were more adults in s1 than these guys in university.
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xenoredux · 5 years ago
Balto but its been rewritten 24 years after its release
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Okay so here's the Balto rewrite lol. It's quite a bit different then The Actual Thing but the plot itself is much the same, as are the major beats of the story. I dropped a lotta goofy shit in there just because it made me laugh, but try and imagine this stuff happening as if it's from an actual 90s movie made by a studio on its last legs.
Some things to know going into it:
I cut out the live actions segments because they seriously didn't matter at all. Like, who cares. The plot is fine without them and I don't think that one line from Rosie at the end makes a huge difference. I guess it's nice to see the statue but even than it's like..... whatever
In my fantasy world, Balto was a standalone movie that didn't spark any sequels. Eventually I'll write out my version of the sequels if they'd actually been good, but in the universe of this rewrite for this film, a Balto "franchise" never existed, hence why the ending is sorta different
It's still a "historical" fiction that holds very little relation to the actual events. There's a touch more actual history in there, but c'mon. You're not reading talking dog movie fanfic to learn anything. Pick up a book if you care about the actual serum run and don't get on my juicy ass about it if some things remain inaccurate
Please also note that I didn't baby this as much as I should have, so some major plot elements that are kinda stupid are likely still in there (I'm not a good writer lbr). I don't believe this is necessarily "better" then the OG, I just tweaked some stuff that always pissed me off about it. I also re-included cut content I thought was more interesting and made more sense then what we ended up getting. 
There's also a handful of fake screenshots throughout for shits and giggles, and I'll likely have at least one or two more to share later this month. Some links to past character designs are also provided for easy reference so you can make up scenes in your head but with Brand Spankin’ New Designz.
So here's Balto v2.0!
The year is 1925, and it's wintertime in Nome, Alaska. Two dogsled teams are participating in a race. A malamute named Steele leads his team against a powerful, but older and more experienced mutt named Wild Joe. Steele, despite being a decorated and much beloved champion lead dog, is a massive dick, and he snaps at a critical moment at one of Joe's teammates. Joe's team wipes out, his chances of winning are in shambles, and Steele is waaay in the lead.
A flare is shot into the air to let the enthused waiting townsfolk know that Steele's team has passed the race's 3 mile mark. Meanwhile, watching from his perch on the balcony of a house, a wolfdog named Balto excitedly bounds back and forth, unable to contain his excitement. He simply cannot sit still despite the protests of his closest friend Boris, an old Russian-Jewish goose who isn't a fan of all the excitement. Balto drags Boris around the roofs of the houses, ignoring his chiding all the while, until he can see the finish line of the race.
Back down on Earth, a young girl named Rosie is inside a woodworker's shop. She's receiving a gift she adores: a beautiful handmade sled, perfectly fitted to her size. The sled includes a harness in front that also perfectly fits her dog, a purebred copper Siberian husky named Jenna. Rosie's parents playfully lecture her to not lose the sled like she loses her other belongings. Almost as quickly as she receives the sled, Rosie and Jenna are trotting down the street in their new getup.
Jenna comes to rest in the race's sidelines among a group of other female dogs. The smallest of them all, a Pomeranian named Dixie, chides Jenna for allowing herself to be made a sled dog, even if it is in the spirit of make believe. After all, a canine of her slender frame and social standing shouldn't be performing manual labor. Jenna sighs at her friend's internalized misogyny and eugenics talk, rolling her eyes as if to say "oh you!"
Nor should someone of her persuasion be meeting up with any strays, Dixie continues while going on to show her racist side, for Balto and Boris have just plodded up to the group. The other girls scoff and huff at Balto's arrival, but Jenna and Rosie both are glad to see him. Rosie gives the wolfdog a hug, telling him to keep outta sight of The Parental Units. Just then, Steele's team rounds the corner, and Rosie waves her hat at them as if it's a foam finger and this is the most arduous baseball game in history. A sudden gust of wind picks up her hat and sweeps it into the path of the oncoming team. Rosie begins to panic and, while Jenna soothes her, Balto runs out alongside the advancing sled team to retrieve it.
Balto manages to snag and deliver the hat before Steele passes the finish line, which visibly upsets Steele. His owner speaks to the man who leads Wild Joe's team. He seems unimpressed with Steele's performance, enough so that Wild Joe's owner admits it's likely time that Joe was retired. The two imply that if a sled dog can't even outrun Steele, it's time for him to hang up his harness, even if he is wearing a bitchin' little number they speak in awe of called "A Golden Collar", a veritable necklace of medals awarded to sled dogs who have proven they don't suck. As one can imagine, this pisses Steele off something fierce. He gazes into the reflection of his face in his own golden collar, getting a bit of anger-saliva on it in the process.
The important thing, of course, is that Balto managed to save Rosie's hat. Jenna thanks him and playfully teases him about how nuts he'd have to be to do something like run alongside a car made of dogs, to which the quiet Balto just smiles. Rosie's dad isn't smiling very much, though, because all he saw was the town's favorite punching bag running wild with his daughter's hat. He swears at Balto and kicks snow his way, spooking him into running off down the street. Rosie's dad herds his child away, scolding her for playing with wild animals, while Jenna tries to follow her friend. Unable to recognize where he's not wanted, Steele blocks Jenna's path and starts flexing about his elite gamer/sledding skills. The other girl dogs can barely contain their ovaries around him, but Jenna just politely excuses herself as Steele begins spouting off insensitive remarks about "the howler from the cannery".
But Balto's not going home just yet. He knows exactly how to navigate the neighborhood and find his companion. Boris complains about the cold and how much he's walked around today, so he pisses off back to to their place. Balto simply shrugs and wanders until he finds Jenna again. He trails behind her, hiding in various places along the street as Jenna follows her masters home. Jenna talks passionately about how she'd love to do something big and hella just to show up guys like Steele. Balto encouragingly comments on how he's sure she'd be the best at whatever she did, and she smiles at him in a particularly heterosexual way.
Eventually the two part ways, and Balto decides it's time to go home. As he trots along, he notices a glove that Rosie dropped. He smiles and rolls his eyes as he picks it up and turns to head to Jenna's and give it back. Unfortunately for him, Steele's ego bruises like a banana and heals just about as well, so the meat-headed malamute has dragged along his team to harass the town's token minority once he was alone. The only dog on the team who seems against harassing someone for something they can't control is Star, Steele's smaller, weaker, more cowardly little brother. Steele jeers at Star for being too much of a puss to participate in the g-rated hate crime before rolling a barrel in Balto's direction. Balto's bowled over by it and falls face first into a bucket.
Steele's team howls with laughter, then literally howls in an effort to insult Balto. The words "howler" and "feral" are thrown around a lot as Balto struggles to free his face from the pail. He never manages to, and before Steele can harass him some more, his musher calls out for him and the rest of the team. Steele calls his men to his side and makes his way out. The only one who trails behind is Star, who gingerly pops the bucket off of Balto's head. The two stare wordlessly at each other for a moment, the stunned Balto dwarfing the underdeveloped Star, before Star gets too scared to stay any longer and books it. Balto looks around himself for Rosie's mitten, but he can't find it. He sighs and begins heading towards the harbor.
As Balto walks through the cannery, the other stray and unloved dogs take notice of him and begin jeering at him. Despite how pitiful-looking they are, almost all of them feel the need to tell Balto in livid detail about just how shit he is in comparison because of his wolf heritage. Those who don't jeer hateful words hole up and hide from him as he passes them by.
Boris takes notice of Balto returning home, and he goes to wave to him with his one good wing before noticing something peculiar on the hill by the shoreline: wolves! A small pack of wolves take notice of Balto. They even begin howling to him. It's clear that they're inviting him to join their DnD party, and for a tense moment Boris is afraid Balto will run after them. But Balto simply shrinks away, shaking his head. His shoulders slump and he makes his way to the wrecked boat he and Boris live on.
Boris attempts to cheer Balto up with some wAcKy SlApStIcK cOmEdY before having to realize that harming himself is increasingly silly ways will not cure Balto's bigotry induced depression. He slumps against Balto as the two notice a flock of geese flying overhead. Balto asks Boris what it was like in "the old country", and Boris soothes in the most Russian voice ever conceived what are likely concerns he's heard many times before by assuring Balto he came to Alaska for good reason because the old country sucked. He also assures Balto that the busted wing he has was the best thing that ever happened to him, because it meant he got to live in Nome and find that lonely wolfdog kid those several years back. Balto can't help but crack a smile.
When the sun has gone down, Balto begins to leave the hovel he calls home. Boris reminds him to be careful on his nightly excursion to find food, to which Balto merely smiles and nods. He pads past the sleeping cannery dogs and back towards town.
Meanwhile, Jenna is sitting outside of the hospital doorway. She watches as her masters lead Rosie inside. Rosie's gotten a nasty cough, and she makes an odd wheezing noise when she breathes. As mom and pop speak to the very busy doctor, Rosie gazes out the window at Jenna, waving and smiling at her. Jenna stands up excitedly, but feels her heart sink into her stomach as Rosie has the sort of coughing fit a Flintstone's chewable can't fix. Her parents come to lead her away from the window. Jenna tries her damnedest to find a way to peer inside from around the back. There is a window, but she's unable to reach it, even as she's standing on her hind legs.
Balto, dirty from digging around in garbage, spots Jenna's vibrant red coat from across the way. He calls out to her softly, and though she does acknowledge his greeting, she barely responds. This concerns Balto, and he comes to join her under the window. She explains that she wants to see in, and Balto allows her to climb up and stand on his back to do so. She obliges, too worried about Rosie's well-being to thank him, and gazes longingly inside.
She climbs down from Balto a beat later, saying how she wishes she could understand what was happening in there. Most of what went on was just the doctor talking. Balto pauses and thinks for a moment, and then tells Jenna he has an idea. He leads her around to the boiler room placed adjunct to the hospital where the doctor's dog, a St. Bernard appropriately named Doc, spends his nights. The two make their way inside.
Doc is in fact there, snoring like a buzz-saw on crack. Balto gently wakes him up, and at first he's both annoyed to be woken and offput by The Wolfdog being in his face, but when Jenna explains the situation to him he becomes much more amiable. He leads the two over to the crawlspace under the hospital, stating there's far too much of him to love to allow him to fit under with them. Balto and Jenna thank him and go inside.
The two creep through the creepy underside of the hospital until they find themselves under a grate beneath the doctor's desk. The doctor discusses with the nurses how the children of Nome have diphtheria, a fast acting, aggressive disease that causes fatal epidemics. The anti-toxin he was able to treat the first few cases with has run out, and without it, all infected children will surely die within two weeks' time.
Jenna is unsurprisingly distraught at the idea of her favorite person on the planet dying a slow, painful death, so she scrambles out of the crawlspace and begins crying. Balto follows close behind her to see that Doc has already begun to comfort her. He apologizes for bringing Jenna here, to which Jenna states she's glad he did. Aside from Jenna's gentle sobbing, all is silent for a moment. Suddenly, a loud crash can be heard outside. Everyone turns to see Steele and his dogs have come back to ruin another scene. Doc becomes upset at the sudden influx of uninvited guests crowding up his personal space, so he goes to alert the doctor and get them all the fuck outta there. Meanwhile, the team menaces Balto while Steele tries to impress Jenna by pulling Rosie's missing mitten out of his collar. He offers to walk Jenna home to deliver it to her family as the team, lead by a pitifully unintimidating Star, back a snarling Balto into the corner.
Jenna's obviously not interested in Dog Gaston's posturing, but she's also got an IQ higher then 6 and understands that he's not going to go away simply because she asks him to. As Balto watches from out the corner of his eye, Jenna flirtatiously backs Steele into the glowing red boiler. She mutters something about meatballs under her breath as Steele begins to howl and shriek in pain. The smell of burning dog ass and the cries of a defeated jock archetype alert people to the scene, and all the dogs begin to scatter. Balto and Jenna try to join the reverse flash mob, but Steele flings himself hard into Balto and forces all of them to stumble. Lanterns shine in the literal dogpile's direction. Steele refuses to get off of Balto, so Balto insists that Jenna get away. She forgets about Rosie's mitten, which Balto snags to keep away from Steele's posturing self, and the men finally descend upon the dogs.
Someone pulls Steele off of Balto, and he begins making as if he's injured, intentionally limping and stumbling melodramatically around. The men start to make a fuss about the wolfdog injuring the town's best runner when one of them, Rosie's dad, notices his daughter's missing mitten in Balto's mouth. He begins yelling and kicking at the dog, going on about how he's dangerous and he'd better not go anywhere near his child ever again. Balto tucks tail and barrels out of town, and all the men stroke a miraculously healed Steele to compensate for the trauma of being attacked by a dog half his size.
As Balto pounds pavement, he passes the telegraph office, wherein an important message is being sent. A request for more anti-toxin to treat the epidemic is being relayed, and in it are the details of why this situation is uniquely urgent: the Alaskan winter is doing its worst, bringing blizzards severe enough that ships and planes alike cannot manage to deliver the medicine. Nome's best bet becomes obvious: use a train to deliver the medicine as closely to Nome as they can, then set up relay teams of sled dogs to receive and deliver the anti-toxin.
The morning after the message has been sent, the town organizes a race to test which dogs in town have the highest stats in stamina, speed, and agility. Almost every husky in town is lined up to race... all except a very upset Jenna, who keeps insisting the other dogs make room for her. Some dogs look at her with concern. Others laugh. But most of them seem convinced that her place is here in Nome, keeping her people company and not chipping any of her nails. Dixie tries to lead Jenna away from the race, but Jenna's so pissed that she angrily stomps away from the race altogether.
Balto, who has been hiding around town this whole time, slips out of the shadows to meet her. She vents loudly to him about being disallowed to participate because of the snot-nosed chauvinists running the race. If Balto didn't know the depth of her conviction before, he certainly does now; she begins to cry angry tears over what will happen to Rosie.
Balto can't stand to see a grown womandog cry, but he's worried about what will happen if he tries to line up with the other dogs. Everyone believes he attacked Steele, after all. Nobody would tolerate him joining the race... at least, not while they're all there. He wordlessly slips away from Jenna, assuring her he has a plan. In a moment he's disappeared. The race is about to start, and Boris has hobbled into town. He goes over to Jenna and begins complaining about how Balto didn't come home last night. Jenna tells him it's a long story, but that she's sure he'll turn up again soon. Maybe. Hopefully.
The starting gun is fired off, and the dogs take off with the speed and accuracy of drunken Nascar drivers. Just as soon as they've all bolted, Balto boltos past the starting line right in tow, which causes some reasonable upset among the crowd given word of Steele's definitely-real-not-made-up scuffle with the wolfdog has spread fast.
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Despite the jeering Balto is faced with, he continues on. By this point, Jenna and Boris have noticed him running, and they begin to cheer him on as they scramble to keep up with him. Turns out wolves and their relatives are pretty fast.
In contrast to the other dogs, Balto's saving grace isn't just his speed, but his ingenuity. Balto breaks off of the track as he begins advancing on the dogs in an effort to avoid their snarling and snapping at him. He shows his cleverness by traversing obstacles like frozen ponds, hanging pulleys, and crumbling wooden beams that bridge buildings, all while maintaining pace with the other dogs. Any townsfolk who are capable of seeing him are too impressed with his abilities to remember his alleged attempted dogmurder.
To the surprise of literally nobody reading this, Balto manages to cross the finish line before anybody else, which includes an especially tilted Steele. Unexpectedly, several townsfolk cheer for our parkour-loving protagonist, and Balto's face lights up in pleasure, having never experienced praise from basically any human person.
Steele and Wild Joe's mushers come around to give Balto the once over, discussing how he'd be an invaluable asset to any team. Joe's musher believes he'd made a good replacement for Joe now that that dog's been laid off of his animaljob. Balto ingratiates his coy self with a gentle tail wag, and Steele has literally never been more angry in his life. His ego as sore as a freshly kicked-in face, Steele looks around for some way to prove Balto is totes nasty. A toothy grin spreads across his face as he spots Jenna leading a hobbling Boris over, and he quickly rushes the goose and snags him up, carrying him away.
Balto doesn't like seeing his surrogate feathered father being doghandled, so he snarls and chases after Steele, startling the men. The men follow Balto, who is following Steele, who is following his own evil agenda. Steele tosses Boris off the nearby harbor, and the bird struggles to collect himself in the icy water. Balto rushes Steele, still snarling. This spooks Steele's musher, and he begins throwing rocks at Balto. The man tells the wolfdog to stay away from his animal, and he states to Wild Joe's musher why Balto would be useless as a sled dog: he can't manage to get along with other canines. He's too wild. The two men collect Steele and depart as Balto similarly collects Boris, who is little more then a honking popsicle by now.
As Balto begins carrying Boris home, Jenna stops him and asks what happened. Balto gruffly states that Jenna's master would be angry to see her speaking to him. After all, he doesn't get along with other dogs given how wild he is. Jenna is so surprised by her friend lashing out at her that she can't speak, and she watches solemnly and wordlessly as Balto and Boris make like Rosie's health and disappear.
That night, the relay teams are being dispatched. The electric cross hanging on the church steeple is turned on - the pastor says that so long as there's hope for the children, the light will stay lit and the electric bill will stay high - and a handful of teams are sent out, including Steele's. The sick children watch from inside the hospital. Jenna watches from her new favorite spot just under one of the hospital's front windows, her face contorted in worry. From his ship, Balto ignores Boris's cacophanic snoring as he watches the teams head out. He gives a sigh.
A day passes as the relay teams power through the awful weather. Steele's team receives the medicine from another team who just had it delivered to them by train. Now Steele's gang is intended to deliver the medicine once again to the team of a dog named Togo. Unfortunately, Steele's unwarranted self-importance prevents this, as he dislikes the idea of not being the guy to deliver the goods to town. He tells Star that he doesn't need to follow the rules of the relay - he knows the way home and he can do this himself. He intentionally ignores the path to Togo and drags his team helplessly onward, and none of them but Star are any the wiser.
The governor's dog calls a meeting in the boiler room for all the other dogs in town. It's been longer then the townsfolk expected it to take for the meds to arrive, and everyone is getting ants in their collective pants. Balto watches the meeting from outside a window to maintain some discreetness. Doc tries to calm everybody down once they begin panicking, but they're all too much in a tizzy thinking about what will happen to the kids to hear him. Suddenly, the rabbling of the crowd is halted when a sharp, reverberating bark cuts through the noise. Everyone turns to the door.
In the doorframe stands the tall, bulky silhouette of an unknown beefcake. The dog steps into the light, and Wild Joe finally announces his presence verbally and not just cinematically. He informs the dogs that he's had a lot of time to wander since being unharnessed, and tonight he wandered by the telegraph office. He's a gifted enough fella to understand Morse code and the hopeless sighs of an old man sending 1800s text messages, and he informs the dogs that Steele's team broke the relay chain. Nobody knows where they are, which means, more importantly, nobody knows where the medicine is. Wild Joe suggests that the dogs make peace with the passing of their childfolk before he steps back outside and disappears into the snowy night.
Whatever the dogs inside the boiler room are saying, Balto can't hear it. Not just because their voices are drowning each other out, but because he's stricken with too much grief to care. Rosie has only been getting worse. What's going to happen to her?
Meanwhile in the hospital, the doctor is managing as well as one can to explain to the parents of the sick children that their one hope of salvation may or may not be lost to the elements forever. This barely registers with the horribly ill Rosie who, despite being in the same room as a doctor forcing her parents to confront her mortality, is now too sick to lift her head from her pillow. In an effort to afford their child a sliver of comfort, Rosie's folks allows Jenna into her room. Jenna pads loyally over to her girl, and for just a second Rosie's eyes flutter open. "Jenna?" is all she can manage to wheeze out before passing back into unconsciousness. Jenna gloomily rests her head on her owner's chest, whimpering softly.
Balto pads through town. Nobody is really out at night anymore. They're all crowding the hospital to keep close to their children. Balto's main goal is to find Jenna, to discuss this horrible thing with her, but he's distracted as he passes by the woodworker's shop. The same jolly man who had made Rosie her bitchin' new sled was now hunched sadly over a new, much less bitchin', much more morbid project: tiny coffins, each no bigger then 4 feet tall. A small collection of them has formed in a corner of the room. Balto shakes his head and gasps, breaking out of a stupor he was not previously aware he was in. Something has to be done.
The morning sun is peaking out over the horizon when Balto begins to depart from his home. He trots down from the harbor and along the shoreline, aiming to enter the forest the teams left through. Boris is plodding behind him, slipping around on frozen patches of sea water and flopping around in puddles of slush. He's going on and on, trying desperately to convince Balto not to waste his efforts on a town of people who'd be perfectly happy if he were dead. Balto doesn't reply, instead flashing Boris a solemn look. His eyes light up with new intention, and he grabs Boris by the beak, dragging him along as the old goose honks angrily.
Balto releases Boris as the two come to the back of the hospital. Jenna, who had once again settled out front, hears the commotion of the intensely pissed off bird wailing and honking. Balto wordlessly releases Boris, and just before Boris can complain further, Jenna comes over to the two. She and Balto share one miserable, knowing look before Jenna begins to cry. She presses her face into Balto's neck, weeping softly into his fur. Another child is herded into the hospital by a concerned parent. The girl wheezes and shakes violently as the door closes behind her. Boris looks on, all anger having subsided. 
Instead, he says in a very business-like tone that Balto needs to hurry up if he's going to find the lost team. And he shouldn't keep Boris waiting. Boris is an old man who hates waiting more then he hates traveling. Boris begins to waddle off back towards the forest, and Balto can't help but smile. Jenna presses the pause button on crying long enough to ask what Boris means, to which Balto states that neither he nor his old man can stand idly by any longer.
Jenna understands, and she insists that the two allow her to come with them. It pains her to leave Rosie, but the child is barely ever awake at this point, and inaction won't make the situation better. Balto's smile grows wider, and the three take off to find the missing team themselves.
Hours pass. The three haven't ceased their journey, nor does it seem they've given up hope. Boris certainly has got a lot to bitch about, though. And he does this loudly and frequently as Balto and Jenna lead the way, exchanging words. Jenna vents about how it's ludicrous that Steele, a gloryhound who loves the smell of his own farts, was even selected to do the relay given how hard he is to handle. Balto agrees, if a bit softly. Jenna interrogates him gingerly, asking what happened the day of the race. Balto admits that the townsfolk have gone even more sour on him as of late, and that he's been genuinely afraid to be around anybody now... except for Jenna, of course. Jenna reassures him with the same viciously heterosexual smile as before that she'll stand by him no matter what. Balto can't help but smile back.
Meanwhile, elsewhere in the frozen over Hell that is Alaska, Steele is blindly trying to redirect his team onto the trail, but the trail has long gone from his sight. Star, exhausted and growing antsier by the minute, suggests turning around and going back; it's totally obvious now that they're lost. Steele buckles for just a moment before snapping at his brother about how he knows where he's going and, having just told the worst lie in history, begins running directionlessly through the blizzard.
Expectedly, this sends his team careening down into a gully he failed to notice on account of the whole reduced visibility thing. The sled tips over - though it seems the anti-toxin is still secured and unbroken - the musher falls out and hits his head on a rock, and the dogs tumble into a heap. Some of them are bruised. Some of them are worse. But nobody is dead, not even the flame dancing inside the musher's lantern. The only thing that looks dead is Steele's spirit. He stares wide eyed and panting as he realizes the team truly is lost. "What are we gonna do now, Steele?" Star asks hopelessly. Steele doesn't respond.
Night has fallen. It's cold as shit out in the forest, but the three musketeers haven't ceased their journeying yet. Boris, effectively feeding into every stereotype about old men ever, complains about how long this road trip has lasted. Neither Balto nor Jenna have the energy left to respond to him, so they don't. Boris gets huffy and says the kids can keep going if they want, but it's time for him to sleep. He decides to set up a nest on a large snowdrift, and Balto finally gets frustrated and turns to explain to Boris that there's no time to stop now. And then the snowdrift stands up.
A polar bear, hulking and powerful, is standing on its hind legs in front of the dogs. A screaming Russian goose is flapping around on the crown of its head, and the bear immediately begins trying to attack its winged hat. Balto leaps to his grandhonk's rescue, but the bear lands an easy hit on him and sends him flying. The goose isn't nearly as threatening as the wolfdog, so the bear turns to Balto, ready to tear him to pieces.
This understandably displeases Jenna, and she flings herself headlong into the bear to save her friends. She's more lithe and agile then Balto is, which makes it easy for her to dodge most of the bear's swings, but she's not as quick as Balto is, so she still ends up taking a pretty nasty blow to the legs. She flies across the forest floor and strikes Boris, knocking them both to the ground. Meanwhile, Balto's trying to deal with the bear situation on his own. He's not doing so hot, though, as the bear makes like a 90s sitcom bully and starts wailing on him. This sends Balto careening down a hill and across a frozen lake.
The bear quickly follows him. It doesn't seem to notice the ice below it cracking like splintering glass as it walks towards Balto, but Balto sure as hell does. And so do Jenna and Boris, who, despite their injuries, are scrambling to reach Balto before the ice gives. But they're too little too late. The bear takes another step and the busted ice snap crackle pops apart, taking the bear under as it shatters. Balto stumbles away from the gaping icehole that's growing larger and larger.
The bear is thrashing wildly around, foaming up the water and swinging its claws around in the air. Boris thinks fast and grabs Jenna's bandanna to toss out to Balto. As the bear struggles to grab both Balto and the edge of the ice, Balto snags hold of the bandanna and hangs on as his friends drag him from the freezing water. As Balto collapses to the ground, the bear's struggles begin to subside, and finally it drowns.
Balto is badly shaken, but ultimately unharmed. Jenna, however, bit total shit, and now that Balto is safe her strength has left her. Balto and Boris drag Jenna off the lake and lay her down. Balto lays down beside her, shivering hard from his time in the water. Without thinking about it, Jenna pulls herself on top of him, murmuring about how cold he is. Balto tries to argue she should go easy given her injury, but the two go silent instead, smiling gently at each other. Then Balto's eyes light up as he turns to Boris. He thanks the bird for not just saving him, but for coming along in the first place. Boris absolutely beams.
But his grin disappears when the dogs get up... and Jenna falls back down. Balto insists she's too hurt to continue the journey. After all, who knows when they'll find the team? Jenna tries to argue, but falters when Balto insists that without her help he'd be dead now, and he'd be devastated if something happened to her out here. Jenna asks Boris to take her back to Nome when she notices that he's waddled a short distance away. He's gazing intently at something, looking worried and guilty. Balto pads over to where Boris is staring into space to see what the fuss is about.
Turns out the fuss is about two hairy little things: twin polar bear cubs. One is slightly bigger then the other, though he may just be bigger boned then his brother. The two are huddled close to each other, whimpering and cooing. It's obvious they're very young, toddlers at most. "Oh no," murmurs Balto. The cubs gaze up at the two with wide, frightened eyes. Nobody has to guess what happened to their mother, and Balto feels himself overwhelmed with guilt too.
The cubs follow Boris closely as Balto goes back to Jenna. He tells her that he's sorry she can't continue the journey, but that she can help by keeping the bear cubs safe until they know what to do with them. Jenna agrees and the two smile warmly at each other. Jenna offers up her bandanna to Balto "to keep him warm" despite how small it is as Boris helps her onto a large tree branch. Boris begins instructing the cubs on how to help, going demanding grandad on them in record time, and Jenna wishes Balto good luck. Boris pulls Balto aside and, out of obligation to the source material, tells Balto that a dog cannot make such a journey alone... but maybe a wolf can. The group depart, leaving Balto by himself in the snow.
It's a snowy night in Nome. A somber mood hangs so thickly in the air that one can almost taste the chunky sadness. The streets are empty aside from one stray black mass. It's Wild Joe, makin' his way downtown. He passes the hospital and sees a child who is obviously ill but not in bed. Joe's face crinkles in pain as the child, a boy, coughs so hard he wracks his body in great tremors. Joe pulls himself away from the sight and, face to the ground, starts walking faster. In a moment he passes the telegraph office. His ears perk rhythmically to the beeps of the morse code. He whispers sweet nothings to himself like, "Cannot send more antitoxin. Weather too severe. Lost sled team only hope. Our prayers are with them."
Meanwhile, in a somehow less depressing part of the Alaskan tundra, Balto has finally caught sight of a glowing pink light. The wind is too hard for him to smell properly, but as he mounts a rise in the path, he can see clearly what rests at the bottom of the slope. It's the team! The pink glow is the light from the sled's lantern. Balto's so beside himself with joy that he throws himself headlong down the slope, previously unaware of how slippery the embankment really was. He only just manages to gain his footing at the bottom of the hill. The sled dogs look up at him in amazement, unfurling themselves from the miserable balls of fur they'd tried desperately to wrap themselves in. "Balto!" is heard in a wave of gasps.
Balto begins asking a slew of questions. What happened, is the musher okay, etc. etc. Everyone does their best to answer. Everyone, that is, except Steele, who has been sulking wordlessly since Balto arrived. Once he's gotten a satisfactory amount of info on the situation, Balto picks up one of the now empty harnesses on the sled and tells the dogs he can lead them home. Steele is none too pleased with this, and he steps on the harness, jerking it out of Balto's mouth. Steele insists the dogs will be able to find their way home by themselves - after all, he's leading them.
Everyone immediately becomes uncomfortable as the tension rises. Balto shrugs, assures Steele that he can do as he likes, but that the kids need the anti-toxin and they need it now. Balto knows the way back for certain, so he'd be happy to just take the medicine. Steele just about goes batshit at the suggestion, crouching over the crate of medicine like a wild animal, snarling at Balto. He threatens to rip Balto to pieces if he so much as tries to touch the crate. Someone tells Steele to lighten up, and Steele just about shits himself.
He flings himself headlong into Balto, telling him to get out and leave them be. In the scuffle, the medicine crate is tipped over, where it begins sliding down a tiny incline towards a cliff's edge. Balto eyes it nervously and tries to get to it, but Steele continually throws himself at Balto, snapping and snarling and threatening. The other dogs begin telling Steele to stop, that Balto isn't worth it. Star suggests that maybe just this once the howler might be useful, so the team might want to listen to him. Balto looks Steele dead in the eyes and tells him that children are going to die if everyone can't be all kumbaya for a second.
Steele sneers eerily and simple states that he doesn't care. And with that, he outright flings himself into Balto, tearing into him viciously enough to send him whimpering in pain. The fight halts for just a moment as Steele looks down at the wolfdog, who is now battered and bleeding. Steeles give a triumphant huff and bares his fangs before he notices something. The other dogs are advancing on him. They've stopped their gawking long enough to realize that Steele's intentions haven't just soured. They were never good in the first place. The medicine crate continues its gradual trip down the incline.
Steele is spooked by the dogs encircling him, and he demands they get away from him and back into their harnesses. Meanwhile, Balto, despite his injuries, has wormed his way over to the escaping crate of anti-death juice, finally securing it between his paws. Star turns and notices this, praising him. The other dogs gaze over at him too, finally realizing he's probably an okay guy actually. If Steele was angry before, he's furious now. He leaps over the hoard of dogs that had formed a tight circle around him and barrels at Balto and the medicine, screaming for the wolfdog to let it go. Balto quickly shoves the medicine away from the cliff as Steele snags him by the bandanna. The two dogs teeter totter on the side of the cliff before the bandanna rips in half. Steele unceremoniously falls off the cliff's edge, tumbling down into the valley below.
Balto cringes at the sight as Steele refuses to get up from his epic fail landing. Still, there's no time to lose. Balto hobbles over to the sled, surprised to find the other dogs are securing themselves in their harnesses. All except three, that is. One dog, a Chinook by the name of Kaltag, notices an especially icky wound on Balto's leg, and he uses what remains of Jenna's bandanna to wrap it. Another dog, a chow mix named Nikki, is placing the musher in the sled. The man's in rough shape, but he's still alive. Finally Balto takes his place at the head of the team, where Star is holding the harness up for him. Balto slips into it, and it fits like a glove. He takes a moment to breathe and marvel at the situation.
The dog sled takes off again. As it departs, a couple of white paws grapple their way up the cliff's edge. Steele hoists himself out of the valley. He's bruised all over, but he's alive, and he's none too happy. He wastes no time. He tucks the remains of Jenna's bandanna into his collar and begins rushing after the dogs. The guy may be bulky and injured, but he's full of enough rage adrenaline (ragedrenaline?) to overpower an elephant's higher thinking, and he's not slowing down til the sled has stopped.
It doesn't take long for Steele to catch up to Balto. He tells Balto to stop the sled and leave the team alone, but Balto insists Steele doesn't know the way. The other dogs all but tell Steele to fuck off given they've seen what kind of person he is, but Steele doesn't care. He pulls out a handy dandy trick he's been itching to repeat since the beginning of this summary and snaps at Balto's legs, tripping him up. Balto regains his footing quickly enough so as not to slow down the team, but oh no! A moment later, Steele snaps again, this time grabbing Balto's injured ankle.
The wolfdog can't recover so easily from that, and he falls over. The team goes tripping and spilling across the icy forest floor. Steele allows himself to fall behind and watch the destruction unfold. The team is barreling towards another cliff's edge, and Balto's meager frame isn't enough to cancel out the laws of inertia. Balto slides out of his harness as the other dogs try to stall their descent, finally bringing everything to a standstill as the crate of medicine teeters on the cliff's edge.
Balto dives forward and snags the crate, and the team praises him... seconds before the cliff's edge starts to crumble. As the rock breaks to pieces beneath his feet, Balto and the antitoxin fall into the snowy abyss below. "Aaaaaa," is how Kevin Bacon put it.
The next morning, everyone is abuzz is Nome. The people even pull themselves away from their sick kids in the excitement, curious to see what's happening. Something has arrived, though it's not the medicine. The dogs are equally riveted, huddled in the boiler room to discuss their own canine-centric news.  Turns out Jenna returned home the previous night, aided by two polar bear cubs and a goose. The dogs prattle on excitedly, asking a weary Jenna all about her journey. But, in all honesty, they seem most concerned with how - and further, why - Jenna would ever be brave or foolish enough to pair with a howler while on a wild goose/dog/plot chase.
Jenna tiredly begins to explain what happened, why the goose and bears were there, etc. when a ruckus can be heard outside. The dogs all look up, but nobody gets up. Not yet. A few moments pass, and then the door, which has been only halfway open up to this point, swings open in full. Standing in the doorway is Togo's team, along with an exhausted looking Steele. Togo remarks that they found the dumb jock wandering delirious through the cold. He was just lucky enough to meander past their relay station. Togo shrugs and leaves the room.
Everyone immediately starts flipping shit again, asking a new flurry of questions so loudly they drown each other out. Finally, Steele breaks the silence by asking "Where's Jenna?" Everyone goes quiet and looks over at the token girl husky. Steele pads over to the middle of the room, looking at Jenna but speaking to everyone, as he explains in a voice so sincere it's sickening that his team died in the cold. Balto did in fact find him, the last dog alive, but all he cared about was taking the anti-toxin away. Balto never meant well, Steele asserts, his chest heaving with every passionate word. All he wanted to do was get back at the town for turning its back on him! Everyone gasps except Jenna and a stoic figure sitting in the corner of the room.
Steele says that Balto took the anti-toxin and, in a desperate effort to get revenge on Nome for never accepting his boorish, violent ways, threw it and himself over the edge of a cliff. The medicine, and presumably every bone in the wolfdog's body, shattered on impact. Why, Steele even tried heroically to stop Balto from this suicide mission by grabbing him by Jenna's bandanna, but... He punctuates his speech by handing Jenna the remains of her neckerchief. She gapes at it.
Steele says that this has been a tragedy for certain, but all the dogs must band together and be strong. Heck, he even generously offers to be a shoulder for Jenna to cry on in her time of need. Such a noble guy, that Steele. Except Jenna has a finely tuned 6th sense she uses solely to detect bullshit, and it's going crazy right now. She tells Steele to his face that she knows he's lying. Balto isn't violent. In fact, the primary reason he left to find the team was to save the children. To save Rosie.
The dogs in the crowd begin to murmur among themselves, but Steele casually states that it's such a shame the wolfdog managed to manipulate Jenna so efficiently that she honestly never saw him going feral, never considered his more selfish motives. Steele reminds the room of dogs that Balto attacked him several times before the relay teams were dispatched. Everyone seems a bit swayed by the reminder.
Everyone's trains of thoughts are prevented from actually leaving the station by the dog in the corner clearing his throat. Surprise surprise, the mysterious guy in the shadows was Wild Joe, resident lurker. Steele almost looks intimidated as the dog pads over to him. Joe basically goes off on Steele, detailing how it's hard to believe a dog who has proven himself violent for the sake of winning, is mysteriously the only dog out of about 15 to survive, and thinks himself a hero despite failing to bring back even one ounce of medicine. Everyone is silent as Joe and Steele glare daggers at each other.
Steele huffs at Joe and leaves the room, stating that he won't be insulted this way after having had such a traumatic experience. The dogs watch Steele go, then look at Joe and Jenna, then awkwardly begin to file out. There's nothing else of importance to be said, and damn has it gotten awkward in here.
When the two are alone, Jenna quietly thanks Joe for believing her. Joe snorts and states that he knows what Steele is like and he knows when he's lying. Then Joe tells Jenna plainly that he doesn't have much hope of the anti-toxin arriving, and that even if it did it's too late for his fallen boy. Taken aback at the realization, Jenna expresses sympathy for Joe, but encourages him to keep his chin up. Balto is a dependable dog who won't let the town down, because despite everything he's faced, he understands how important this is. Joe smiles for probably the first time in 50 years, then asks Jenna where the goose and bears she mentioned went.
That night, the electric cross on the church steeple turns off. Rosie's mother notices this from the hospital window, and her husband hopelessly wraps her in a hug. Rosie's condition continues to worsen.
While this is happening, Jenna abandons her post under the hospital window and leads Wild Joe to Balto's boat. Some of the dogs at the cannery ogle Jenna, but Joe sets them straight with a well directed glare and a scolding about the male gaze. Boris and the bear cubs are understandably shaken when they are met with a sentient hunk of muscle, but Jenna assures them that Joe is a friend. Joe makes himself comfortable in Balto's home and asks the goose if he can wait for Balto to come back with him. The two cubs remain anxious around the old dog, who playfully teases them by asking if they think he's gonna turn them into mukluks.
As all this is going on, miles away at the previously mentioned snowy abyss, the snow in the depths of the gorge begins to shift. In a few labored, measured movements, Balto manages to pull himself from the snowbank. He collapses exhausted back into the snow, realizing how dire the situation has truly become. God only knows where the medicine has fallen, let alone whether or not it's shattered. "Kids... Rosie... I'm sorry," is all he can manage to mouth as he begins to weep.
Soundlessly, a large mass moves across the snowy terrain towards him. The world is a void of white, and the figure is too, but when he looks up, Balto can just make out the dark features of a canine face. A majestic white wolf, large enough to dwarf any dog, is gazing down at him with vibrant amber eyes. The wolf howls, then pauses as if waiting for Balto to respond. He doesn't, instead shrinking away in embarrassment. The wolf gives him a strange look, then gazes past him for a moment, then finally withdraws, quickly disappearing from view.
Balto allows his eyes to wander. Suddenly, those wandering eyes widen. The medicine. It's sitting unharmed no more then 10 feet away. And after offering the cliffside its own glance, he believes it might be possible to get it back up.
Balto rises slowly but surely to his feet. He eyes the tracks the white wolf left behind as it departed. He reaches out a paw to touch one, and quickly realizes that his paw fits inside it perfectly. His shame melts away. He raises his head up high, nose aimed at the moon, and lets loose a howl.
As if by magic, the white wolf reappears in the fog. Balto continues to howl, feeling as if it's the most natural thing he's ever done. The wolf rejoins him, and it fills the air with its own howls. The blizzard rages on around the two, but for just a moment it feels as if the world around them shimmers with a newfound clarity.
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Up on top of the cliff, the sled team is huddling close together. Their spirits all seem to have been broken by what they presumed was Balto's death and the lose of the medicine. The dogs straighten up, however, upon hearing... the howling of wolves? Everyone huddles in closer together, suddenly terrified. A second later, though, they realize the howling has stopped, effectively being replaced with the sound of shuffling snow. Wait, huh? Everyone peers over the cliffside.
It's Balto, very much not dead, and very much pulling the unharmed crate of anti-toxin behind him. The dogs yap with joy, cheering Balto on as he mounts the cliff. The moment he's within reach, several dogs lift him and the crate the rest of the way up. Balto collapses in the snow, absolutely pooped. He lies there for just a moment, beaming coyly as the dogs praise him for his feat. Is this what it's like to be respected? When Balto can stand again, the dogs go through the motions once more: musher in sled, lantern on crate, crate secured, Balto up front. And nothing can stop them now.
Well, they figure as much, anyway. But they're proven wrong a short while later. The team enters a deep valley, surrounded on all sides like a great white bowl made of high pale mountains. The air is eerily still. And then, breaking the silence, someone sneezes. The sound reverberates around the cereal bowl that is the mountain range. A moment later, a cascade of snowfall begins barreling down the steepest mountain. An avalanche! The team runs for cover in the nearest cave.
As the team enters the cave, the sled thumps loudly against the ground. The dogs hazard a look up as the tinkling sound of ice on ice becomes apparent. To their horror, they see a barrage of icicles begin to plummet down towards them. One severs the handles at the back of the sled, only inches away from the musher's head. Another slams down just beside the medicine crate, causing everyone to promptly flip shit. The team rockets forward as quickly as they can, just managing to clear the cave as the worst of the icicles shatters behind them. Okay, NOW it's gotta be over, right?
Dawn is just about to break. The cannery dogs are all struggling to rest in the cold weather. One of them, a shabby, long nosed creature, gently lifts an ear in his sleep. Some sort of sound is reverbing in the distance, so far away that it can't reach the true populace of Nome. But it's there, and it rouses him awake. Other dogs begin to take notice as well. On Balto's boat, the twin cubs follow Boris to the railing as they listen. The sound starts as a very low bellow, but soon it becomes clear...
Someone is howling. It's a foghorn! It's a train! No, it's... Balto!
Balto lets out another very primitive howl as he and the team advance towards the cannery. Everyone is overcome with joy. They're so close! The cannery dogs begin running to meet the team, eyes bulging in surprise. They didn't expect this because they really only skimmed the story up to this point. The sled team keeps pace, everyone acknowledging the cannery dogs with excited yips, as they continue towards town. Boris and the cubs climb out of the boat to greet Balto.
But the team is brought to a halt as a dog steps directly in front of the sled, unmoving. Everyone rams into one another, but at least the medicine isn't being flung off a cliff this time. The dog who stopped them is, of course, Steele. His bi-colored eyes shimmer menacingly as the sled's lantern's light reflects off of them. He says he's amazed that the dogs made it home, sarcastically giving Balto in particular a "Bravo". Very cute, very heroic.
But what does Balto expect to happen? Does he think all the townspeople are just going to accept that some guy they've always hated brought the medicine back? Balto has no idea what he's gotten himself into. His only choice, obviously, is to slip out of the harness and allow Steele to lead the team back into Nome. Now.
Wild Joe leaps out of Balto's ship, finally coming to see what all the hubbub was about. He pushes his way through the crowd of stunned cannery dogs and glares daggers at Steele, telling him that he never deserved to be the lead dog and now he's still so greedy for glory that he's holding up the cure for a child killing illness. Steele snarls at Joe, clearly not caring about his opinion. Then the other dogs in the crowd begin jeering "Yeah!" and "You tell him!" and various other cliches meant to show solidarity.
But the real surprise comes when the only dog who actually does slip out of his harness is Star. "Steele doesn't deserve credit for this!" Star spits at his big brother. "In fact, he doesn't even deserve the golden collar he's wearing! All he's ever done is boss everyone around. He's bossed me around since we were pups." Everyone's eyes drift towards Steele's neck. The golden collar and all the medals adorning it shimmer dimly. "You're the hero here, Balto," Star continues. "You deserve that collar. And you're gonna wear it."
He steps towards a stunned Steele, looking as frightened but unflappable as a weeaboo asking out a girl he likes, and lunges at Steele's throat. He yanks the collar off in one swift tug, stepping back and letting it fall to the ground at Balto's feet.
Everyone looks equally amazed at the sight of Star standing up to the guy who's shat on him his whole life. Balto looks at the collar before him, then at Star, then at Steele. "Thank you," he says awkwardly, "but he can keep it. It obviously means more to him then the kids do."
Now Steele is Peak Tilted. The team moves forward again, bypassing Steele and stepping on his collar as they do. Steele stands, chest heaving, for a moment's time before he loudly snaps "no" and drives himself at the team. He shoves cannery dogs out of the way left and right as he plummets towards Balto. Balto notices and comes to a stop beside a coal shoot. The team warns him to LOOK OUT BRUH and Steele flies at him, mouth agape and ready to bite. Just as Steele is about to land on Balto, Balto rolls over, sending Steele tripping over him in the process.
The coal shoot's hatch opens as Steele lands against the lever behind it. Steele tries to claw his way up out of the slowly opening hatch as the other dogs watch horrified. Balto tries to reach out to him, but it's too late. A load of coal drops down from another hatch above the ground. Hundreds of hunks from hell hit the hedonistic Steele as his grip slips. He screams as he falls down the shaft below, a 2 ton torrent of coal following right behind him. Eventually all that can be heard is the sound of stray chunks of coal bouncing around in the shaft. The sound fades as both hatches close. Steele is gone.
Wild Joe walks over, gazes at the closed hatch, and gives a low grunt. He laments on how it couldn't have happened to a nicer dog, then turns to Balto. He says that Balto can't stand around all day when he's got medicine to deliver. But first there's something he needs to do. Star was right, Balto does deserve a collar. And to make sure he has one, Wild Joe slips his own golden collar off his neck, effectively stripping naked in public, and puts it on Balto. Balto is awed. Boris comes up behind him and wraps a wing around him, complimenting him on his new look. Joe tells everyone to hurry into town, and so they do. Balto lets up a torrent of howls once more.
The team FINALLY enters town, and already a whole slew of townsfolk have gathered to see what's going on. They can't contain their relief and their joy upon seeing the medicine has honest to God arrived. Balto brings the team to a stop right in front of the hospital, and immediately the doctor and several other people pry open the crate. A wave of people descend upon the dogs of the team, petting and hugging them. Balto is no exception to this, as people he never expected to respect him begin rubbing his ears and stroking his back.
One of those people is Rosie's father. He hesitates for a second before stroking Balto's head, then leans down and wraps his arms around the dog's neck. Balto withdraws for a moment, but then allows himself to be held. When he's satisfied with the amount of wolfdog hugging he's done, the man coaxes Balto into the hospital, where the staff is already going about administering the anti-toxin to the children.
Balto is brought in to meet Rosie. It's been some time since he's seen her, and she's just been given her injection of the medicine. She's still too weak to lift her head, but she smiles at him all the same. She reaches out her hand to stroke his muzzle, and he licks her. "Balto," she cooes half asleep, "I'd've been lost without you."
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She gives a sigh and begins to snore gently, and Balto considers this an appropriate time to head outski. As he turns to leave, he sees Jenna in the doorway, her face scrunched tight in a misty-eyed grin.
The two dogs throw themselves into each other, romping in the doorway. Jenna allows herself to weep, and even Balto's eyes get a little wet. Part of her had truly believed she'd never see her closest friend again. As the two pause and settle back down, she goes to git it and plants a kiss (or the dog equivalent of one I guess) on his nose. He returns the gesture and the two lean into one another. They sit in an embrace as the town continues its celebrating.
A year has passed. Balto, Joe's golden collar still adorning his neck, runs across the cannery harbor to the boat he used to live in. Boris can be seen teaching Luk how to sweep the deck with a poorly held together broom. Muk watches in amusement. Balto calls to Boris that it's time and that he and the kids are invited if they'd like to come along. Boris, overjoyed, leaps onto Muk's back and tells the cubs to pretend they're Paul Revere and hurry up. Everyone who lives in the cannery greets Balto as he rushes by.
Balto passes Dixie on the street as everyone hurries along. Dixie's owner is offput by the presence of the polar bear cubs hi hello what the hell, but Dixie nonchalantly asks Balto what all the fuss is about. Balto explains that it's time, and Dixie congratulates him. He continues his trek, and it goes very much like it did when he was competing in the trial race before the Great Race of Mercy took place.
Finally, Balto reaches the hospital's boiler room. Inside huddle a small crowd: Rosie, her parents, Wild Joe (who is looking a little green), Doc, the actual doc, and, of course, Jenna. Jenna's the center of attention, and she's clearly exhausted. But she's not so exhausted that she can't look up at Balto with a smile on her face. Wild Joe grabs the blanket that she's tucked into and pulls it off of her as Balto and his friends gaze over her.
A litter of 6 puppies whimper out complaints as they reorganize themselves against their mother's warm belly. They're sickeningly precious, squeaking and huddling together. Most of the little ones are varying shades of red like their mother, but the smallest newborn looks remarkably like her father. She lifts her tiny, trembling head and lets out quite possibly the smallest howl any living thing has ever uttered. Everyone chuckles, and Balto leans his head into Jenna's cheek. Their faces are awash with pride.
So there you have it, Balto But Not Balto But Still Balto. Happy 24th year of existing, you trashfire of a movie you. I genuinely love this movie more then I should, and this has been fun to work on. Later this month I'll dump some more Balto stuff here, but it's just about time for me to start a new project for this blog. Hope yous guys enjoyed the wolfdoggy content. Cheers.
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nodesiretogrowup · 5 years ago
alrighty, let’s recap this bitch!
I looked up when National S’mores Day is (because I’m a nerd) and it is August 10. So either the photo later was mislabeled or, more likely, Launchpad got the wrong info
Huey with the little baby scouts is TOO CUTE!!
I wonder if Violet’s there. Probably not because she would have been hanging out with Huey if she was. Or this episode was meant to come before Challenge
It’s a baby beagle boy! I wonder if he’s there of his own will or if it is part of some plan
He scared away most of the kids! Now they won’t get to enjoy s’more-y goodness
His s’more sounds DOPE AF, though it probably would give you INSTANT DIABETES
“Aw, not even a modern robot.” MY SWEET SON!
I know it was the bully saying it, but Huey should chill a bit when it comes to doing things EXACTLY and PERFECTLY. It’s just gonna cause stress
“Would you like to be friends?” “Sure. Wow, that was easy.” If only it was always that easy
I don’t know if Huey has the JWG as memorized as he thinks, going by Challenge and Quack Pack
“We’re just kids.” “Definitely!” *uses laser eyes to light fire*
This episode does a good job showing what a trigger word/phrase is like, though I’m not sure if that was the intention
I like that a squirrel with a burnt tail scurries out of one of the trees. It’s the attention to detail that helps elevate this show
Instead of jumping out of the way or hiding Huey jumps straight onto Boyd to try and help him. Huey already sees Boyd as someone worth protecting
The kid that just runs across the screen while his hat is on fire is great
Not sure why they took the time to change before going to Gyro but whatever
“I’m more than an intern, I’m a scientist.” I feel like this might be hinting at Fenton’s arc for the season, possibly wanting to be seen more as a scientist than a superhero
I’m gonna pretend that using sunglasses on someone who is shooting lasers out of their eyes is a Cyclops reference. And they look pretty dope too
At least Fenton knows when he is in over his head...this time
Gyro trying to climb up on the table to avoid Boyd was kind of funny. And then him protecting himself with Lil Bulb
“Which one?” Manny is DONE with this shit
“Boyd? What idiot called it that?” Even when he’s not there, Gyro can still burn Mark lol
I figured 2-BO was a reference to something but wasn’t sure what. Apparently it’s a bit of a play on the name of Astro Boy’s in-universe creator’s son. Neat
 Huey stays in between Gyro and Boyd to protect Boyd
Fenton’s face cracks me up. There are NO THOUGHTS in this man’s head lol
“You were an intern like me?” “Nothing like you.” Damn Gyro, why so salty?
I don’t know why Fenton is so surprised that Gyro was an intern. I feel like that’s a pretty standard thing
It make me sad when Gyro mentions how many times Boyd’s core programing was altered. Poor baby doesn’t really get a say in what happens to him
“ROAD TRIP!” Huey, you do these kinds of things ALL THE TIME. I feel like he should be used to this by now
“YOU’RE not going. GIZMODUCK is.” Does Gyro see Fenton and Gizmoduck as separate entities or is this just a no, but yes type of joke?
Huey standing up for Boyd is so sweet. They barely know each other but Huey trusts him
When the episode doesn’t have the theme song you KNOW shit’s ‘bout to go down
I wonder who’s flying the plane. My guess is Launchpad because Della would have been cooing over Huey making a new friend and go into embarrassing mom mode. He probably went of on his own adventure or did tourist things like buying collectables. Or maybe Gyro flew them there. Who knows
As many people have said, the art direction and animation for this episode are BEAUTIFUL. I love the pink tint the lighting has in most of the episode
I bet Mark Beaks is a Sailor Moon fan
I like that the in-universe Sailor Moon is a bunny because Usagi is Japanese for rabbit
I love that going incognito nowadays means you wear a hat, a hoodie, and sunglasses. Boyd looks good in red (though red is my favorite color so I might be biased)
Gyro-takes one step and the fuzz shows up. NOICE
I like detective lady. She has a cool design
Huey and Fenton are awful at acting casual
“Crimes?” Oh my sweet Hubert. I’m pretty sure most if not all of Scrooge’s employees have had run ins w/ The Law
Gyro is like, move I’m gay
I wonder what it actually says
Fenton just watches as the inspector chases Lil Bulb
Seriously though, Fenton does a bunch of silly stuff in the background and this episode warrants a rewatch SOLELY for him
How did Lil Bulb know where to find them? And how did he shake off the inspector? I want to see his little adventure
“Blah!” *arm armor attaches* I want this joke to come back
Fenton and Huey INSTANTLY nerd out. I love them
Fenton being a Gyro fanboy is ADORABLE
“AH, DUST IN MY EYE! The dust of GENIUS!” What a dweeb lol
I like that Fenton keeps the arm on for the whole scene
Poor Boyd, he looks so scared
Huey going into protective big brother mode
Doofus continues to be equal parts hilarious and disturbing
Where are their parents? Like, someone should be looking after these kids! ESPECIALLY DOOFUS!
“Do you need a hug?” I SURE FUCKING DO
Mark is such a prick lol
“Seems like the little guy’s had it tough.” MY POOR BABY
Lil Bulb gets SO PISSED he blew a fuse
You really shouldn’t have left them alone, Gyro
Why does Fenton automatically jump to superhero for Boyd? I mean the theme of the episode is letting Boyd choose who he wants to be so of course Fenton would have his own idea of what Boyd should be, but why go straight to superhero? Do you want superbros, Fenton?
Huey already realises this might be a bad idea, because he’s more concerned about Boyd as a person rather than Boyd as a machine
Dr. Akita’s setup made me laugh. I DIED when he “enhanced” the image
I recognized the character on the chips though I don’t know their name. I’m more of a western animation fan, so many of the references probably flew pass me
I also have a key on my laptop that flies off (it’s the u key)
I LOVE BABY GYRO! It’s so cool they went with his og look (minus the red hair) to show him younger
Huey is so DONE with Fenton
Such a polite boy
“My bones are metal!” This line and Boyd’s catchphrase of “Hi, I’m Boyd/2-BO, a definitely real boy!” reminded me of Olaf. The end of the episode gives Boyd even MORE Olaf parallels
Gizmoduck sliding by those boxes was cool
How did Gizmoduck get himself unstuck from that alley?
I loved the double take the female outlaw does
I legit thought Boyd was gonna light the oil on fire the first time I watched and I was like that won’t help
“So, what do we do now?” “I...don’t know.” This is why you don’t leave babies alone to fight criminals
Boyd reminded me of Calculester from Monster Prom when he asked the lady to return the money
“Why do we always fight when we’re on vacation?” Because this is Ducktales and there is no such thing as a normal vacation
Lil Bulb just kicking his lil feet
The “lab” safety poster made me chuckle. Then I remembered Akita is also a dog and I laughed more
LITTLE BABY GYRO GRADUATING! My guess is his professor/dean/principal influenced him on a personal level and is partially the reason Boyd is a parrot
Lil Helper blueprints. Nice reference to the og series
Has anyone talked about the poster with the cogs and the dogman in old-timey clothes that says GIZMOS on it? I think it’s a Dr. Who reference
How did he NOT notice the second hole in the wall?
That is a surplus of handcuffs. Do you think she uses them for...fun times?
“I’m just a guy! With very bruisable skin!”
Poor misunderstood Gyro inventions
Boyd just politely waves at everyone
Huey is WAY calmer than I would be if I got lost in an unfamiliar city
Boyd says FUCK WORK
 I love Huey stimming. Really hope Disney will let them confirm in words that Huey is autistic
Is it more common for two kids to wonder around by themselves in Tokyo? Because as an American I find it super stressful and would want to find their parents so they could be safer
Do cats just take buses on their own in Tokyo?
“And I know what you’re thinking, what about ninjas?” I am ALWAYS wondering about ninjas
I like that Huey finally has a friend who shares the same interests and doesn’t mind info dumps
“Boyd, I don’t think you’re a killer robot. You’re just a kid.” “Aw, that’s the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.” T_T
I like Boyd’s motief
Akita is us after the quarantine
When he complained about being stiff I was like mood
I like his Green Goblin disc thingy
The other people don’t give a shit about Boyd just FLYING DOWN WITH HIS ROCKET FEET!
Gyro shows up *dramatic wind*
His tablet has a duckie on it. I wounder if they have a Mac/PC thing going on with Waddle and what brand the duckie represents
When the adults argue and Boyd gets all sad and scared I FELT THAT
Huey doing his best to keep Boyd calm and defend him SO PURE
“Because of you I’ve become an outcast.” I feel like you did that to yourself
ngl, that shit was TERRIFYING
“You don’t have to do what Akita tells you. Do what I tell you.” So close
Huey must weigh NOTHING if Gyro can pick him up
Akita’s tail looks like a cinnamon roll
Huey always finding that hidden info
The gibberish Gyro says is great
“You’ll never invent anything worthwhile.” LIL BULB HAS ENTERED THE FIGHT
Are doggos recyclable?
Blue eyes=good robot
Be Only Yourself, Dude
I like that basically Gyro admitted that he was like Fenton if Fenton hadn’t had support
“That’s not technically how doctorites work, BUT I DON’T CARE!” Do you think Gyro doesn’t have his doctorate or do you think he assumed Fenton already had one?
“The hugging is a ‘just for today’ thing.” YOU CANNOT STOP THE HUG TRAIN!
“Leave. Now.”
Are they gonna go to the plane?
This season has been consistently knocking it out of the park! I’m a SLUT for backstory episodes, so I enjoyed this one a lot. I loved seeing Gyro when he had hope and faith in the world. It SUCKS that Akita took that away from him. Hopefully Gyro will see things slightly less cynical now. Fenton was a dweeb the whole episode and I love him for it. Boyd is SO SWEET AND PRECIOUS and in NO WAY deserved the treatment he got. I have a feeling there is more to Boyd’s creation/Dr.Akita that we’ll get later on. Huey was ADORABLE this episode. It’s really sweet to see him hangout with someone who gets him. Everyone deserves to have at least one friend like that. The fight scene was GORGEOUS! SO FLUID! I really loved this one and I hope we get more Team Science episodes because these characters play really well off each other. 
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redrabbitspod · 6 years ago
OOC: Updates!
Hello everyone! So, we wanted to make an entire post on the future of RR, since we’ve been getting lots of questions about whats coming next, etc etc! I know we’ve brushed up on a lot of these things at the end of the last chapter, but we wanted to post it here too, just in case!
So, first off, and most important, Creators Claire @seabearthirteen​ and Emily @fuckyeahdisreputablekibeth​ are going to be taking a step back. Claire will be going to graduate school, and Em has a busy schedule, so please please PLEASE go send them all the love and thanks and good luck!!!!! Because seriously, this fic would be nothing without them! They’ll still be hanging around to beta here and there, though! So it’s not goodbye forever! 
I think the easiest way to do this is just explaining our timeline? Because we have a general idea with what we want to do and our timeframe, because we know a lot of people are wondering!
First and foremost, we’re taking a break. We’ve given ourselves a week (lol), because we want to work on other projects ( @jeni182​ we DEMAND WAVES DAMNIT) and to just relax, tbh. We’ve been going every week, writing nearly 20k and sometimes over that, and we just want to remember what its like to have a week stress free lol! BUT
We have oneshots lined up! Starting next week, we will start writing Andreil’s time in the Colorado Cabin! That will hopefully be up by the end of next week or the week after. We already have Dan/Matt and Wymack/Abby written! They only need to be rewritten and will be posted after the Cabin is finished! So get hype for those :)
Which brings us to requests!!! We have some things that we want to write oneshots on, but we also want YOU to give us some ideas! What do you want to see? It can be time already passed, or things in the future. First times, Renison, some completely made up scenario, etc etc. We want y’all to be involved, so please let us know! It can be anything, get creative and send them to the inbox so we can start compiling a list of what y’all want to see most :D
Now onto part 2. Alright. So, Jeni is pregnant and due at the end of September. That means that she will OBVIOUSLY BE BUSY with the sweet bub for October!!!! So! Our projection date for the drop of Pt. 2 will be the very beginning of November :) We’re dedicating the entire month of September for plotting, then October for writing and getting the website in order. 
SPEAKING OF! The Website. We were debating for quite a while on whether or not to make a new blog. But, we have such a dedicated audience here already, we don’t want to make anything difficult for y’all. However, we want to make sure that those just starting RR, will be able to find everything regarding pt. 1, without being spoiled by part 2. With that being said, THIS blog, redrabbitspod, will go through an entire design overhaul. Things will be updated, colors may change, pictures will be new to accommodate the evolving story. BUT
We will be making an entirely separate blog, dedicated to Pt. 1, for new readers to explore! That’s with old propaganda, photos, etc. So they can explore at their leisure, without being spoiled by the new case. 
New case??? Okay, so some of yall have ideas on what the new case would be. Which is really cool. We love seeing everyone’s speculation! With that in mind, in the coming weeks, we’re going to make a post calling for evidence! Some of the og fans of RR will remember, but we were asking for y’all to send in leads WAAYYY back when. We’re not exactly sure how we’re going to do this yet, but we definitely want you guys involved! That means we want you all to get excited and come up with ideas and be creative! So, start coming up with ideas now and brainstorming, because we are looking to reach out to y’all very soon! 
PLAYLISTS ARE STILL COMING THROUGH. Andrew is currently making one for Neil (so if yall have any ideas specifically for Neil, send those in too!) and Seth is still compiling playlists for the rest of the members!
We will still have things about the world being posted as well. That includes News Articles, Podcast Reviews, TMZ pap posts, etc! So y’all will get to see whats going on with the world, in real time, and really get submerged with us even while waiting for content. 
OH! I know a lot of you want to see Seth’s backstory. Or more Seth. So, he will be making a blogpost at some point explaining everything he’s been through. Honestly, Seth is my baby and I love him so much and I’m literally so glad you guys like him too. I kept seeing him being hc as black way back when. And we just wanted to give him the redemption arc that we think he deserved. Especially as a hc black man/character. So watch out for that :)
I think thats it?? I’m sure I’m missing something, but yeah! So, TL;DR for what yall can do!
Send in requests for oneshots! Remember, it can be anything!
Start brainstorming ideas for what kind of involvement you may want in RR! Got any ideas for cases Andrew and Neil can look into? Start thinking now!!!! Remember, we want yall involved!!! 
Send in songs for Neil’s playlist that you think ANDREW would think of. We’re pretty well versed in Neil-ish music, but we definitely want to expand our horizons!
We’re excited to see what you guys come up with!!!! Especially for requests. We’re hype to see what sort of scenes and relationships y’all want to see!
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shikai-the-storyteller · 5 years ago
CYBERVERSE WATCH: S3 Episode 17, 18, 19, 20
Episode 17
Oh nooo Windblade u good??? LASERBEAK AND WINDBLADE OMG!!!
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Beaky please don’t peck my girl (that is kinda cute though)
Windblade she isn’t a pest!!!
Laserbeak watches her fly off like “I get no respect and no thanks???”
HECK YEAH GET THEM FLIERS!!! Jetfire please be careful bud, Starscream has some old beef with you
The only downside to knowing all these characters and getting excited about cameos is it’s that many times more likely that a character I like will die 8(
Megatron, a million universes away: My “Optimus is in trouble” and “Starscream is being a menace” senses are tingling, gotta go back to Cybertron
FRICK that was a cool entrance
Oh man what happened to his eye--HOLY FRICK HE LOOKS HOT
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Oh my gosh when Starscream started to say “You’re too late to save your--” for one very frightful minute I thought he was going to say something about Optimus like “partner” or something and I felt every muscle in my body tense up lmao, I should’ve known better but RATS
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Starscream you’ve sentenced them like five thousand times what’s new about this OH RIGHT I FORGOT ABOUT THAT GLOB STUFF
Starscream: NO ONE CAN STOP ME *CUTS TO WINDBLADE* wanna bet nerd
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I LOVE my beautiful girl
Oh that is some nasty looking Quintesson tech
Uh oh u good Windblade???
Croaton can you please slap Starscream out of the sky before you leave it’d save us a lot of time
Aw man I wonder what Megatron saw that made him sorta regret the stuff with Starsc
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Ok but what the heck did Astrotrain do???
If you get along with someone you don’t like the universe probably won’t end pfft, thanks Kup
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Megatron please take his hand :(((
IM LOSING IT MEGATRON REALLY IS A HUGE KID *takes out a piece of chalk and draws a line between them* this is MY side of Cybertron, this is yours
guess galavanting through space didn’t change him TOO much
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Guhhh these opposing sides shots always break my heart I WISH THEY COULD OVERCOME THEIR DIFFERENCES AND BE FRIENDS AGAIN SOMEHOW....
Dang Astrotrain is HUGE compared to the rest of the bots, I wonder what he looks like in bot mode
SO MUCH HAPPENED IN THAT EPISODE (and I had to take a break in the middle of it) I FORGOT I STILL HAD THREE LEFT thank the stars
I genuinely can't believe Megatron essentially drew a line between him and Optimus and went "This side of Cybertron is MINE, the other side is yours" 
*cue shenanigans of Autobot and Decepticon buddies trying to secretly cross the line to visit their friends in the other faction* 
gosh fanfic always depicts Megatron and Optimus sneaking around meeting each other for smoochies I'd LOVE to see their subordinates being the ones doing the sneaking around while Megatron and Optimus are just like "GUYS....". Fingers crossed for the next episode!
Episode 18
oh my gosh they actually built a wall
Well it took all of 30 seconds to confirm my theory lmao man I frickin love this show
Man I can’t believe how quickly they beat the Quintessons, I REALLY THOUGHT THE AUTOBOTS AND DECEPTICONS UNITING AGAINST THEM WOULD BE THE BIG SEASON FINALE I’m thrown for a loop now lol
ew those colors remind me of Sentinel Prime I hope that’s not him
PRIMA???? OH?????
Grand Imperium?????
Omg did Rack’nRuin switch sides too? I thought they were Decepticons
Croaton city!!!
But where is Soundwave!!!!!
I’m with you Bee, those insects are creepy
“And WHO rescued you from that tyrant” OH??? ANOTHER UNIVERSE’S MEGATRON MAYHAPS???
“I must know if the barrier holds!” OH!!!! Oh no is the final battle gonna be against all the other universe’s people who Megatron burned as he gallivanted through the multiverse??? I SURE HOPE SO
Gosh not to be predictable but that new armor looks so frickin good on Megatron
“During wartime, decision-making came so easily” MAN....THAT HURTS.....
oh he’s looking for Windblade!!!
“I know better than ANYONE what it’s like to be left broken on the battlefield. I did what I could” MY HEART JUST SWELLED THREE SIZES FOR SHADOW STRIKER....I LOVE HER....(ALSO THAT HURT)
Bee it REALLY seems like you should’ve had a plan / backup team for this!!!
Wow that wall does a crummy job of keeping out fliers
Thank you Whirl
SKYWARP!!! (I say while being super scared for my faves)
Whoa Megatron actually backed down
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Episode 19
Ohhh are we gonna get to see Caminus??????
omg they’re gonna have to collect Windblade’s mind like they collected Bee’s memories
Chromia that doesn’t sound too convincing (you’re super cute though so I forgive you)
IT”S A  JET!?!??!
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OHHH mirror selves!!! Scary but pretty!!
My first thought was “Someone got their Warriors Cat oc into Transformers” and that cracked me up
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I like this dude but something tells me they’re gonna have to fight / kill him later
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Bee’s smile is so cute!!
lmao nice lore-speak Chromia
They should just blast through the walls of the maze
“That sounds like a nightmare” “Scrap that!” THEYRE SO CUTE omg way to break the rules you two
oh shoot many crystal windblades
I love the little “tink tink tink” sounds her feet make
Just her arm???? Jeez louise are the rest of the episodes gonna be about collecting Windblade?
Oh it’s Thunderhound
Optimus is just like “PLEASE leave me alone”
Petition for Optimus Prime to just get a frickin vacation
Episode 20
Man I’m so sad this series is almost over
Everyone in Mac’s bar without Mac..... :( Cute to see Percy as the bartender though
Man Cyberverse is so frickin weird, I love this cartoon
Oh there’s my boy Soundwave
Megatron looks so cute...
“This is Autobot territory! You can’t--oh guess you can” pfft
I can’t believe Transformers is a western now
Optimus is the sheriff around these parts lol
Aw man Optimus JUST put that thing in there
WILDWHEEL? Oh my bad, guess that’s not Wheeljack
“No one ever tried to find me” :(((( I wonder how many other bots felt that way
“I was one of the good guys! But you left me on that planet!” OW....
Pretty terrible shot Wild Wheel
OH NO....Innocent civilian got hurt, now Optimus is serious
Wild Wheel Optimus has been through a WAR your cowboy training aint gonna cut it
WELL THAT WAS A. WEIRD EPISODE. ALRIGHTY THEN I can’t wait to see how Wild Wheel is going to pop up in future episodes
Me: haha evil cowboy robot Wild Wheel: I felt abandoned because no one searched for me and I was forced to do horrible things in order to find my way home Me, tears streaming down my face: Haha....cowboy robot
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emystic-a · 3 years ago
1, 2, 6 and 8
Meme for Roleplay Muns / Anonymous 
1. What is your favorite trope to rp?
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Hmm I don’t know I need to think about that, maybe fish out of water sort of stuff? It is so many ocs I made with the concept they’re somewhere they don’t belong or new to. I love aliens and fantasy characters having to deal with modern Earth society.
Also found families when comes to relationships, I love dynamics like “well I’m adopting this child” especially when it comes to these “fish out of water” characters. Like explain to Mika what the heck school is or Null that it isn’t normal to eat five plates in one sitting.
2. Name 3 things you admire about OCs.
Anyone that ever roleplayed with me in the past knows that OCs are my life, I love making and interacting with original characters so much. 
Being proud of what you wrote and who you made, man I love people that are so proud of their OC and can talk hours about them. Tell me everything.
They came from out your noggin space from nothing, from a concept, or designed to be existing in a property you love. That’s awesome alone, someone just sat down and said “you know what would be cool this”.
OCs deserve so much more respect than they get, it is so many in the past I seen that turn their noses to interacting with a OC. Which I am like bruh why? That canon character you love in whatever anime, show, cartoon, book whatever was someone’s OCs once upon time.  Remember that everyone.
6. Name 3 things you love most about your muse/muses.
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First thing LUCY I love Lucy (haha get cause it was a show...okay I’m out). She was like a break out character for me in a way, in past blogs when I first introduced she was pretty much a joke character. But I started to take her seriously overtime. She feels like someone I know or is even related to because of her mannerisms, Also, the fashion. A lot of y’all haven’t seen me draw but I like to and she is my fashionista.
Mika is baby and that’s all the reason I need to love him lol. He actually was my OG muse when I first started using Tumblr as a rp medium. Seriously, this little tyke was my OG and he changed over so many years. But he always been the sweetest little snookums ever and I want to pinch his cheeks so bad!
Despite Elliot in my past blog kinda taking a backseat a lot of times, despite the original blog he was from he was meant to be the center focus. I still really like him and love the fact that he is like one step away from being a supervillain to me. Cause I love having a “evil” character that is developing and isn’t exactly there yet.
8. Do your friends outside the internet know your roleplay?
My boyfriend does and that’s it really.
0 notes
dailymashu · 7 years ago
What about Berserkers?
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OG Zerker. Strong and wholesome. I used to think he was ugly, but now I realize that I was the ugly one for thinking that.
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Cool. Screamy. One of my favorite parts of Fate/Zero. I wish his ascensions were a bit more distinct, but he’s awesome. Also his NP is just using a chaingun and that is fucking hilarious to me. I wish he would get an update that would change his cards. Three Buster cards is really bad for a Quick NP.
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I only semi-ironically like him. I legit like Spart’s character, even if he’s gross looking and a meme machine.
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GOLDEN. An excellent boy. A global, golden, fine fellow. Best titties in Fate. I wish that one of his ascensions slicked back his hair like his rider variant, but that’s literally my only complaint. Why does he dress like a modern day Yankii? Who cares, he’s cool.
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Dad III. I really like his character, but he kinda sucks as a unit. His NP takes forever to charge and I wish he was a Lancer. Nevertheless, he is one of the Chaldea Dads, so I love him.
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MY FLUFFY SON! I love Asterios, even if I never use him. He is precious and the opposite of a monster.
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Caligula was way crazier in history than he is with madness enhancement. He’d be better if Nero wasn’t a girl, so they’d make him just crazy instead of a poorly written Yandere.
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Age 3/10
I literally only care about Darius when it’s about “Little Darius, Age 3″
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MY WIFE. Kiyohime was the first servant I ever cared about. I ignored D’Eon and Orion for her. She was my first Servant who got Grailed. She was my real starter Servant. She is easily in my top 5 Servants, just behind Shishou. I wish her final ascension art matched her third sprite, though. Also DW, give us a Kiyohime Bride. Make her a Caster. DW hire me.
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Fun, but not that useful. Her design gets worse with each ascension.
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Wild guy. Crazy bastard, I like him.
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I love Beowulf, but the Servant is really forgettable. His design is alright but doesn’t change enough. His NP is kinda meh, even if it’s cool.
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Her art is bad, she dies too quick to be a good healer, and the camera during her animations gives me vertigo. She’s really only good in the story.
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Finally, I can fuck Cu Chulainn and Godzilla at once.
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I burned her on JP. I don’t like to be the kind of person who complains about anime tits (”I’ll bet her back hurts, lol”), but her design is straight-up in the uncanny valley. Her design is horrible, her art makes her look ugly, her ascensions are kinda dumb, her fixation on Kintoki is creepy, her voice sounds like she’s in pain, and she just overall misses every mark for a good MILF character.
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A nice goblin.
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I really love her first two ascensions designs (since I’m a big fan of common clothes urban fantasy and sci-fi) and I enjoy how stupid her concept is in the first place. Also her glasses are cute.
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He’s hot, but I’ve never used him or even seen anyone else have him on support.
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Seriously, who are you?
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Cute, but at her best in her first form.
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Nobu, but with awesome casual wear or a cute swimsuit with a jacket cape? Sign me the FUCK UP. I love summer Nobu and can’t wait for her on NA.
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I like her. Dangerous girl.
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book-pirate · 7 years ago
Goblet of Fireeeeeeeee
- I was never really clear as to how pettigrew and voldy hooked up but w/e not a question that needs answering i guess - Fuck I wish they’d put in that scene where Dudley’s tongue grows like thirty feet - Gang’s hair on point! - Ah Edward Cullen. Yes. The vampire. - Arthur Weasley taking care of Harry YET AGAIN - Fun fact: I am wearing a 422nd Quidditch World Cup shirt! - Long and luscious locks galore - Reason #9 why harry isn’t a ravenclaw? he though all them weasleys could cram into one little tent - Harry and the Gang are actually supposed to be in the Minister’s box too but w/e continuity has just been decimated by this point - Aww Ronny’s in love - I can’t believe the Doctor is a death eater - The French are pretentious af - Look at those Pirates - Today in Unnecessarily Character Design Changes, with an extra side of Unnecessary Gendering: Beauxbatons and Durmstrang! - Krum is a good man and I hope he finds happiness - Wow. Moody really did That™ - It’s sad watching all these movies knowing my sons Fred and George only have a few more years together - Ooooo Hermione getting those Looks from Krum - Yeah let’s be MANLY MEN and PUNCH EACH OTHER IN THE FUCKING CHEST - Three guesses whose name that is - You best learn you can never have a normal year Harry m’boy - HARRY DID YAH PUT YAH NAME IN DA GOBLET OF FIAH fucking hate this movie - Lol Harry’s face is all ‘fuck me’ like same - I stan one (1) teacher and her name is Minerva ‘Bad Ass Mother Fucker’ McGonagall - Ron not believing in Harry is so sad and so 14 - Rita Skeeter can fuck right off. #ProtectMyChildren1994 - Side note: All Hogwarts Students are my children - Harry hanging out with the owls is so Pure - Megan and I just had an argument about Ron so that shows you how serious (ha) I am about how much I love him - Speaking of Sirius, that is not how floo powder works - “no one stops being a death eater” um my son, Draco Malfoy (although I guess he wasn’t really a death eater by choice) - Hermione doesn’t dress like she’s 14 but I support it - Ginny, on the other hand, does - “you might like to try the same thing now and again” damn hagrid alright - MY FORGOTTEN SON, CHARLIE WEASLEY, IS MENTIONED - I would wear a Potter Stinks badge tbh, and I think Harry should wear one too, you know, subvert the trope - Edward The Vampire, a true hufflepuff - GO OFF HARRY DAMN - Lmao ferret Draco - Ooh in the pants I had forgotten that - “we never use transfiguration as a punishment”, well maybe you should - I have never related to Harry more. I would wing it too - Rita Skeeter can eat a bag of dicks - Oh Krum, he’s my favorite - I think Harry keeps his mini dragon. I hope he does anyway - Reason #10 why Harry’s not a ravenclaw, he keeps forgetting his wand EVEN THOUGH IT’S IN HIS GODDAMN HAND - You’d think they’d have better safety measures in place than JUST A FLIPPING CHAIN - I would definitely get motion sickness - Rubeus Hagrid, A+ Dad - The Patel twins are in the same house and it irks me - “i suppose i was a bit distraught” MY HEART - HARRY IS SO AWKWARD I LOVE IT - “bulgarian bon bon” amazing - man gryffindor is tiny - oh god minnie you need to cool it with the metaphors - NEVILLE MY SON - gross gross gross Hagrid and Olympe need to stop - KRUM SERVING LOOKS - “you’re a girl” oh my godddddd - the one (1) moment I like snape - “i like it when they walk” oh ron oooohhhhhh ron - oh hermioneeee my little girl all grown up - RON IS JEALOUSSSS - you know what filch and his cat are cute - FLITWICK CROWD SURFING. AMAZING - who the fuck would want that as their tombstone - Myrtle’s thirst is real - man they did Dobby dirty too - BE NICE TO MY SON NEVILLE - “I’VE KILLED HARRY POTTER” well you’re off to a better start than voldemort for sure - Reason #11 WHERE’S YOUR FUCKING WAND - “outstanding moral fiber” what kind of phrasing - they about to find a dead body - THEY FOUND IT - you know they could’ve at least tried to find an actor that looked a LITTLE like the OG dumbledore - What kind of medieval cage is Igor in - Hello mother, here i am, a death eater, i was the doctor, and now i’m not, da da dada da dada da da da - i don’t understand why draco stans krum if he’s dating hermione - LAST TIME AMOS IS GOING TO SEE EDWARD - GET A FUCKING MOVE ON - why is krum’s wand bent this is bothering me - Fleur is struggling big surprise - where’s the flipping sphinx - DUN DUN DUN surprise portkey! - Voldy baby! - Alas poor Edward, I knew thee somewhat - Did it have to be a whole hand? I feel like it could’ve been a finger or some shit - oh this is so gross - you know it’s always bugged me voldy doesn’t have red eyes - #LetMyBabyBoyRest1994 - my poor baby. look at him. he’s got ptsd. - Reason #12 clearly that is not someone you want to trust harry like seriously - surprise doctor! - you know it’s really considerate that voldy waits for the end of the school year to pull shit - “i set them on fire in my fourth year” sir you were in slytherin we know stop the lies
Movie: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
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It's leaked the Megaman Man of Action's poster with the Robot Masters included. Check the protodude Rockman's Corner. I want to know what do you think about the Megaman's Robot Masters design and the poster. Tell me the thoughts...
I have talked to Pen Pen about Man of ACtion before, and despite our…individual design choices, we’re choosing to remain optimistic. When Mega Man gets shit on with cancellations after cancellations, fans become starved for more, or rather, more “quality content”. When Mega Man 11 came out, we were both excited for different reasons, and mine was “MORE NET NAVIS!” (lol)
But if you want me to go off on every individual design, get ready, things are about to get controversial.
Fire Man: Dude, this dude looks so goddamn cool. I hope he doesn’t become Ruby Spears’ Guts Man, all brawn and no brain. I love that despite the body overhaul from working out at the gym so much, they kept his head design. I didn’t know his mouthpiece was removable ala Hitoshi Ariga (MegaMan Megamix), but I always loved it to death.
Ice Man: He…uh…dude looks like Leisure Suit Larry. The thing with Ice Man was that in all incarnations, even EXE, EXCEPT Captain N or whatever, he was like the cutest. Like the tiny brother. THis guy looks like he’d want to get with my girl depending on the actions you take. 
Wave Man: Is that a…a kappa? He looks kinda like Mega Water S to me. But he still looks the same to me, just taller and lankier. YEah, looks more like Mega Water S than his original.
Drill Man/Crash Man: I’d say this is probably Crash Man because he’s orange, but you never know. I think Drill Man is Cossack’s thing iirc. That said…you can’t really tell if this is supposed to be Drill Man because he’s got Drills for DAYZ, or Crash Man because not only does he have Drillz for dayz but also he orange. Hard to tell. Problem is that I actually thought at first this was Magma Man. Body-face type Robot Masters is a common design throughout the years, so it’s a bit…weird to see a human-type Robot Master become a body-face type. Still, this is my second favorite next to Fire Man.
???: WHO THE FUCK IS THAT?! *Arin’s Zelda voice* Is that a FAIRY?! (And you wouldn’t happen to have the green stone from the forest, would you? If you had that, I’d blow you right now!) Seriously, who the fuck is that? It’s like someone took Moira’s head onto Mercy’s body and turned her into a robot master. She looks pissed. Or he? I can’t tell if that is a man or woman.
Mega Man: Smug ass piece of shit he look huh mate? Not gonna lie, I hate the face. Love the armor. They really tried to keep it close to his original design, but changed the coloring and the accents. This is a bold new take compared to super cylinders with spandex or…whatever the fuck Captain N is. Honestly, I’m so down to clown with this.
When I first saw the poster appearing on my dash, I had mixed feelings. But at the same time I thought, “oh shit it’s getting closer, huh?” Recently, I tried to play OG Mega Man again and realized HOW MUCH I SUCKED. I tried to get myself to watch the Ruby Spears cartoon and realized HOW MUCH IT SUCKED. Truly, all I have to Mega Man is just Battle Network nowadays…oh, but I was pretty okay with everythnig else, like X, Zero, Legends.
So tldr; some of these designs are hit and miss. I love they introduced a seemingly-new character in the poster on its own, but I hope it doesn’t go the Transformers Animated route (I don’t give a shit about humans, just give me the robots vs robot fights). I’m choosing to remain optimistic since Mega Man has been my idol and hero since I first started watching the cartoons back in the 90s, coming home from preschool to watch this shit.
I can’t speak for everyone in the fandom, but a reminder not to judge a book by its cover. Not everything that glitters is gold, but it’s still fucking pretty, right? SOnic Boom may have been a shit game, but the cartoon has been one of the most enjoyable I have ever watched. Give this show a chance, and you’ll find that everything always has its own redeeming qualities. Take off the nostalgia goggles and look at these things…subjectively? Objectively?…With an open mind. THEN formulate your own opinion on it.
This is Kaji M., signing out.
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