Red Rabbits Season 2: The Case of the Newark 9
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redrabbitspod · 3 months ago
who is Charlie Daniels?
Literally no one. -A
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redrabbitspod · 7 months ago
hi guys! Have you read angels before man? I'm about to start it, and I'm scared I'm gonna be emotionally destroyed
Do you mean Angels Before Man? If so, yes. Not so much emotional destruction but I was thinking about it for weeks after. -A
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redrabbitspod · 8 months ago
OOC: I just finished reading the first season of RRP, and I just wanna say WOW the amount of effort you all put into this is insane. The writing, renders, the blog design, the ask answers?? Just wow. Excited to start season 2!
Thank youuuu! It's always so nice to hear people are still reading it after all this time. I wish we had the time and energy to continue it (ngl I have like 5 chapters of Wish You Were Here written as a follow up that will never see the light of day) but to know it lives on is pretty awesome!
-The Creators
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redrabbitspod · 8 months ago
Have you guys ever watched Banana Fish?
No. My trauma would never allow it. -A
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redrabbitspod · 8 months ago
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redrabbitspod · 1 year ago
Same anon from HFWU here.
I am SOOO excited to read TSBIT!!! I’m deciding if I’ll wait until they translate it to my main language or if I will buy the original in English.
I’m also excited for “Compound Fracture” that comes this year. White said he wrote a scene with “Party in the USA” and I am looking forward to see what he came up with this time.
Ngl, I burst out laughing from the similarities between you and him. Blondies, both of them being AJ, two menaces. I can relate A LOT.
Anyway sorry for the info dump I just loved the book very much shdbdhhdkdhdkddh hope you and Neil have a great day.
Don't apologize for talking about your favorite books. So many people talk about the dumbest fucking shit - like exy, for example. This I can stand. -A
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redrabbitspod · 1 year ago
Hey, Andrew
How are you?
Have you read “Hell Followed With Us” from Andrew Joseph White?
Just in case you didn’t, I’m just here doing a silly recomendation
I have and there's nothing I love more than a book about feral queers. Make sure you also read their follow up The Spirit Bares It's Teeth. More feral queers and so much that mirrors issues today with reproductive health. Also, big fan of the author name. -A
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redrabbitspod · 1 year ago
Hey Andrew have you ever read the poppy war series? It’s currently my new favorite books
I have and I fucking loved the end. If you haven't read Babel by the same author, I 100% recommend. -A
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redrabbitspod · 1 year ago
Neiliooo how are chickens?
I would love to know about that than deal with our messed up world for a while. I need some good news. Please.
The girls are fantastic, tbh. Andrew wanted me to tell you they SHOULD be fantastic because I'm ridiculous and that they live better outside than we do inside 😌 -N (contributions from A)
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redrabbitspod · 1 year ago
Guys how are you ???
Mad and angry and annoyed and fucking over the state of the world.
But other than that we're great. Took Bella and Dylan trick or treating and it turns out Dylan is very good af Halloween.
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redrabbitspod · 1 year ago
is Andrews hair still long?
Yes. He's trimmed it here and there but it stays just past his shoulders. If he can't have a swishing ponytail he doesn't want it. -N
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redrabbitspod · 1 year ago
Neiliooooo can you tell us a funny story 🥹
Okay so I don't think this is funny but every once in a while Andrew will stare off into space and let out a lil Andrew giggle and I know this is what he's imagining 😔
So a few weeks ago I was asleep on the couch. It was Andrew's fault because he basically forces me to nap by putting on episodes of Parks and Rec and scratches my head which he 100% KNOWS will have me catatonic in less than 5. He says it's for the quiet but I'm not even loud so whatever.
Anyway so I'm asleep on the couch and in my dream I keep hearing this squeaking sound. It sounds like a sneaker on a hard wood floor so I'm like dreaming about Exy like normal. But it keeps squeaking and so I finally wake up when it's like a really loud squeal. I'm immediately on alert bc idk if you heard but someone tried to rob us and Andrew stabbed him so I thought maybe this guy is back for the fine China or some shit and I'll have to stab him this time but he wasnt. It was so much worse.
When I run into the kitchen there's definitely blood on the floor and Mads is definitely involved because he's just THERE and he's giant and fluffy like normal but he has...something. And that something was a mouse. A bloody and mangled MOUSE. That he MURDERED.
So immediately I'm horrified. I start screaming and panicking because this mouse is DEAD dead and there's nothing I can do and Andrew runs downstairs and sees it and is like MADS GOOD BOY.
The way my phone jumped in my hand to dial Abby to start divorce proceedings 😔
Before I can petition to change my last name back, Andrew's like you can't scold him for this, he's protecting our family, this is a GIFT. And like...he's kind of right. This is Mads just catting and he is a fursome beast who was making sure this mouse didn't murder us in our sleep.
So Mads is standing there now, very regal and proud with this poor mouse between his paws and I'm like literally gagging at this point. Im like MADS *hurk* GREAT JOB *uek* SO *gurgle* STRONG.
Andrew is literally guffawing at this. It does not phase him. After he sends me into the other room and cleans up the mouse he's like Neil. My love (jk he would die before saying that out loud). Why is it that I stab a guy and you're casually talking about blood in the grout but Mads kills a mouse and you're screaming like it's the most horrific thing you've seen? And this is a great question because I've seen some SHIT. I was HEIR to a THRONE OF MURDER okay but it's just how it is. A bloody person in distress is 100% fine. Find me some dental floss and a needle and I can probably fix it but an animal?
A teeny mouse?
I still see that little guy. He was so young (probably). He had so much life to live (if the chickens didn't get him).
Anyway, Andrew still thinks it's hilarious and I'm trying to just forget.
THE END -Neilio
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redrabbitspod · 2 years ago
Guys how was your summer so far ?
Hot. So fucking hot. It's like 100 degrees here during the day and it's humid af and I can't even run in the mornings without feeling like I'm swimming in soup.
But yeah it's been fine. -N
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redrabbitspod · 2 years ago
Does Neil ever collect from his mom's stashes of cash after he becomes a real person? I feel like after Frankie he deserves that.
I really just want you to know, that between us @bloodydamnit and I have 1 brain cell. Information filters in and out like a stream in a forest where the stones are completely smooth. So, what I'm trying to say, is that our memories are complete shit and we had to go to the RRP discord and ask if Mary had stashes of money in this fic bc we couldn't have remembered if ones of Andrew's knives was at our throat.
But the answer is yes! She did have stashes! And yes, Andrew and Neil went abroad for Andrew's 30th and we mention Mary having stashes in Europe so I think they would've stopped to get some even if it was just nostalgia on Neil's part. BUT I also think in this alt universe they would've done something with it to piss someone off instead of keeping it. Like we've mentioned they have a Trump supporting neighbor so I'd love for them to donate it to some queer charities in his name to make sure the guy always received mail from them 🥰
- @jeni182
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redrabbitspod · 2 years ago
andrew I just picked up baking as a hobby finally (I.e. after spiraling into listless apathy and realizing I need to do Something, Anything At All) and let me tell you, I made some scones that are fucking DELECTABLE. like holy shit I know I’m good at things but like… goddamn, apparently I am a baking genius and scones are my art form. it’s honestly so calming like slap some noise cancelling headphones on and just work for like an hour and BAM, instantly better mood and also now you have baked goods
I'm convinced the more fucked up you are the better you bake. Here's to all the emotionally unstable chefs. 🥂-A
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redrabbitspod · 2 years ago
Question for the creators!! :) so I just re read the whole series again and well did Aaron and Katelyn do their wedding get together with everyone? And did Andrew do a best man speech? What did he say? If it did happen and what was he reactions? Anyways love you guyssss take care
Idk we should prolly write that, huh? -The Creators
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redrabbitspod · 2 years ago
Nelio-delio do you have a playlist ???
Idk how to do that lol -N
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