#don’t even try to claim that bc it’s false
sophfandoms53 · 2 years
Do people actually remember what Sonic looked like in his first movie’s initial trailer?? Bc ain’t no goddamn way y’all are comparing the leaked Mario design, and even claiming it’s worst (it’s not), to whatever the fuck that first Sonic design was.
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screeching-bunny · 9 months
Helloooo my fave yandere!character writer! I hope your having a wonderful day! Can i request yandere!jock with male!reader and he finds the reader crying bc someone was bullying them or said smth mean or smth like that? Ik he would be pissed but i was thinking something along the lines of this:
*Reader explains what happens*
*Yandere!Jock absolutely pissed and turns to go beat the shit out of them*
Then the reader would grab is arm to stop him and say smthing like: “wait!…please…..please just….stay with me….please?” Like EEEEEEE I LOVE YANDERE!JOCK SMMMM AND IMA PASS OUT IF YOU DO THIS! OKAY THANKS BYE
(Also plz ignore if your requests are closed rn)
Yandere! Jock x Male Reader
Asks 2
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Warnings: Obsessive Behavior, Yandere Thoughts, Bad Writing, Stalking, Reader is specifically going to be Male in this post!!!
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Asks 1
Yandere! Jock liked looking at you whether it be intention or not his eyes were almost always on you. He loved looking at every expression you made throughout your day to day life and practically memorized every fine detail on your face. So it was no surprise that he was instantly alerted when he saw a hint of sadness appear on your face when you came in for your afternoon class. Like a little leach he started attaching himself towards you with a concerned look on his face to find out what had happened to his little darling but alas his attempts reamied futile as you refused to give him an answer that he accepted.
“I’m just tired and just didn’t get that much sleep last night.”
Tired his ass. Yandere! Jock knew for a fact that you fell asleep early last night while watching an animal documentary. How does he know this? Well, he was stalking I mean watching over you last night. Anyways the sentence “The giant horse cock weighs over eight pounds” was still fresh in his mind but that's not the point! The point is something or someone made you upset! This is honestly so absolutely unacceptable!! When class finishes he ends up cornering you to try and figure out what has happened to you. Soon you start to give in and tell him the exact reason as to why with tears bawling out of your eyes.
When he finds out the reason he is beyond pissed. A bunch of npc bullies had the audacity to go and bully you! There is nothing he wants to do then skin those losers alive for making you cry like this. How fucking dare they. Yandere! Jock immediately decides that at that moment, he would go on a manhunt. He genuinely believes that it’d be a good riddance, no way in hell is someone going to miss them. As he tries to get up, he is immediately stopped by you as you grab ahold of his arm.
“Please stay, I don’t want to be alone right now.”
Holy shit! That sentence damn near put him in a coma. He just can’t believe how adorable you are. With that, he decides right away to bring you to his home in order to comfort you. The rest of the day is spent with just the two of you guys together while watching Netflix and ordering out to eat. All of his plans that he had before were canceled in favor of being by your side. He does his best to make you happy and laugh as much as possible. That smiling face of yours suits you better than a teary eyed expression. Although he can’t do it now, he vows to absolutely destroy the lives of your bullies. The mental and physical wellbeing of yourself matter more than anything in the world to him. Anything that causes harm to you he quickly deals with even if it means people. All that he wants is that you’ll be safe in his arms and by his side whenever he wakes up.
He makes it a point to prove the words of you tormentors were false and does his best to undo their claims. He’d be so appalled by the whole situation and just can’t wrap around his head at how someone could be mean to you. Like just look at you! You’re literally perfect what the hell were they smoking when they decided to verbally assault you. Yandere! Jock would be so overbearing and clingy towards you. Wherever you went he was close behind you. You’re going grocery shopping? Cool he’s right by your side. You gotta go to class? He’s right by you. Even if he doesn’t have the class he’s still coming. Showering? Move over and make room, he wants to shower as well. Is totally the type to throw a fit when you say no which causes you to relent and let him follow you.
In a few weeks after this incident there were missing people reports all over town of local college students. The same ones who coincidentally were vicious towards you. Everytime Yandere! Jock walks past these posters, he has a hidden smug look on his face. Justifies it by saying that he’s doing it in the name of love and that those people were the spawns of Satan. Besides, they're not even dead yet. They’re just trapped in a cabin in some random woods that only he has access to. Content with himself he spends his days by your side and pledging to himself that he’d never let anyone bother you ever again.
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feluka · 2 months
Hi, I don’t rlly know how to explain this but I’ll try haha.
I recently found out I have Egyptian and specifically Coptic ancestry, through family tree making, matching with cousins, gedmatch, dna testing, etc and now personal confirmation from family/ancestors.
The problem is idrk who was the Coptic ones in my family as my dad died when I was four and I’ve had no contact with his family at all since. I know it came from his mother, but I can’t even give you her name let alone where she was from, or anything. Although I want to learn more and reconnect and eventually find out who they were exactly. It’s just hard because my dad’s living family has no contact w us and since he’s dead, it’s been hard to get records as well.
I would like to learn more about Coptic culture and Egypt in general but I am worried about people considering me a ‘culture thief’ since I only recently. found this out a few months ago but didn’t really have 100% confirmation until like 2 weeks ago. And even though I can prove genetically I have ancestry Coptic I can’t really say who my ancestors were which would probably make some skeptical.
Especially because I am African American and there already exists a rift between Egyptians and AAs bc of hoteps who claim Egyptian culture/claim Egyptians are just Arabs who ‘stole’ Egyptian culture. I want to be respectful but I’m unsure how to navigate this.
I guess I’m asking if you have any idea how I should move forward, or if you know of any resources to learn more? I want to be respectful, but I would also love to start to reconnect even if I don’t know where my ancestors were exactly from other than ‘Egypt’.
Hello! First of all, this is both a very respectful and a very personal ask, so I want to thank you for trusting me with that. I hope my answer can help you find peace with the matter a little.
Instead of trying to figure out if the overall sentiment of trying to reconnect is harmful or not, because there's really no answer to that in and of itself, and instead stop at every individual action taken to reconnect and asking: could this be harming anybody?
For example, if you'd like to pick up Coptic language lessons, could this action possibly be harmful to anyone? Not really. Is reading about Coptic culture and engaging with what survived of it in modern day harmful? I don't think so.
The only possible thing that I can think of that might be harmful is, I have awful experiences with certain diaspora Copts who have never really engaged with the community nor know much of it, who suddenly butt in conversations about Coptic politics in Egypt like they're an expert on it despite never having been or known anything about it themselves, but from the way you've written this ask I doubt you're the kind of person to do that anyway, seeing as you're being very respectful and that you recognize that there's some dissonance in your experience (which there's no shame in, but the self awareness is helpful as a guide of when to participate and when not to!)
I don't know if I said this before on this blog but, to my knowledge, the matter of the hotep subculture entails far more than just questioning the Egyptian identity, and seeing as I'm neither African American nor Black at all, I don't think it's my place to comment on it. I invite any of my Black followers to contribue to intra-community discussion in the reblogs/comments for you to read, though!
All I can promise you is that even if the notion that the population of Egypt was displaced rather than converted during the Arab conquest of Egypt is false, there still are Black Egyptians and there always have been. Sadly I'm sure there will always be people who try to make you feel like a pretender, but that is true of so many things and regardless of what you do, so always remember thay Black people have always been part of Egypt's history, and that nobody is entitled to know your personal details or family history and you don't need to disclose anything you're not comfortable with to prove anything to them.
As for resources, there's always a lot on Egyptology in general, so the specific topics that would be helpful to be aware of are: modern history of Copts (or Copts post the Arab Conquest of Egypt), the persecution of Copts, the decline of the Coptic language and the efforts to revive the language. The last two are especially pertinent nowadays.
Lastly you can always ask other Copts! I may not have all the answers but I'm sure between me and my followers we can find something helpful for you if you're trying to find a specific resource of have more questions. (The scarcity of resources is something we *all* have to deal with, even us here in Egypt, I'm afraid, but it's not a lost cause! You'd be surprised how much is out there on internet archives.)
I hope you have a lovely day. ♥️
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ember-not-amber · 11 days
Jess posted a tiktok addressing the rumors about her and Jason’s age gap and the rumor that Jason made her change her story bc he was jealous of a character
Transcript of what she said below the cut
“Hey guys! Jess here, and it’s been like a minute, hasn’t it? Um I’m actually getting a lot more active on socials recently and I noticed on TikTok that there were like, a few- quite a few rumors that are going around that Iw anted to chime in on because they’re absolutely false and I wanted to give you guys some context behind them. So the problem that people have with my relationship with mine and Jason’s relationship is the fact that like, there is like a 3-4 year age gap and the time we met was when I was really young. Now I wanted to address this because this is like, this is completely my fault and I wanted to express that 15 years ago, when I met Jason, I lied to him for 3 years about my age. I was 15 but I told him that I was 18 and it’s something that- I was really young and really stupid and I like, really liked him so I wanted to be with him, I told him that I was 18 when I was actually 15 and this like, I didn’t realize how this would affect him later on in our future. I wanted to say that I am sincerely sorry to him for what I did and the fact that like, people are taking and blowing it out of proportion. Is something that he’s managed to forgive me for and let me tell you how that worked because a lot of you are probably like, “How did that happen?” Well, back in 2004-2005, the amount of communication that you have like FaceTime, with like, social media, that was not a thing, so it was very easy to get away with lies like that. And so I, again, lied to him when I was 15, told him I was 18, we finally decided after 3 years- we just like played games online for 3 years we just enjoyed each other’s company and then like, when we finally decided to meet um, I had turned 18 and I was like, “Okay, I can go meet him” so I had to tell him the truth. I told him “Hey, I lied to you about my age I actually just turned 18 and… yeah” and it took him a bit but eventually he decided to forgive me and he, to this day, still forgives me and I feel awful for it. But we decided not to say anything for a while because we know how, in this industry, women are treated, we know that any small mistake, like even if it was 15 years ago and it’s already been forgiven like, career’s over like that’s- that’s just how sometimes this industry works and so he has been taking the brunt of all these claims and I am getting active on social media seeing them back again and it’s just like… like I don’t wanna see him go through that or him be called anything that he’s not because of a mistake that I made. So I’m really sorry to anyone who had their heart in the right place, um, but again, please don’t assume anything about anyone’s relationship [odd editing cut] it’s like the best thing in my life and so I wanna clear that up, that’s just like a big thing that really means a lot to me. So Jason if you’re watching this, I am sorry. And to anyone who really was trying to help I am sorry that I worried you but please, please know that that’s not what I meant.
This next one is less serious, this one is more like, um, it’s the rumor that Jason made me change my story because he was jealous of a character? Which makes everyone who knows us giggle because that is COMPLETELY FALSE um, I wrote my story, I wrote the cheesy romance stuff, and I loved it and I kept writing what I loved! And no, Jason didn’t make me change anything in the story, we collabed together on certain parts I was like, “Hey I need your help” on but no, that’s never been the case and oftentimes that’s used to fuel the rumor that he manipulated me when I was younger, which is like, no that never happened, he’s been supportive of every story that I’ve wanted to tell. So I just wanna make it clear that he didn’t change a thing in my story because he was jealous and it’s just like, that’s- that’s super weird. The only time I ever changed my story was when I wrote like, the ending of Diaries Season 2 and fans were really harassing me so I um, I changed the story because of some Garmau fans- not everyone but a few that were really, really harassing me in real life and I did not appreciate it and it made me upset and that’s why I stopped Diaries completely so I just wanna let y’all know that that was a big thing back in the day that really hurt me. That leads into the reason a lot of these rumors started in the first place was because around 2016-2017 um, we had a stalker um, and that was not fun um, I’m going to leave it at that, it’s been handled appropriately I- and they basically didn’t like a decision I made, ended up going online and started to spread a lot of rumors um, and so that person I forgive them, it’s in the past um, but just want to make sure that a lot of you know why a lot of this started was because it was- it was a bad situation back then. So yeah, that’s basically the things I wanted to address um, again, I am sorry if I made you worry at all, um I’m sorry to people who genuinely had their heart in the right place and weren’t just believing rumors to believe them, um and most importantly Jason, I am sorry that my lie, 15 or so years ago, basically caused people to look at you as a terrible person because that is absolutely not the case and I would not be with that man if that was the case like, I would leave. I am not someone who sticks around people who are toxic like, let me just put that that way because whoo! Again, Jason, I’m sorry. But now let’s go into why am I bringing all of this up? Well because I’m planning on bringing a series back, THIS TIME if you don’t like how I write things that’s fine, that’s perfectly fine you’re allowed to have your own opinion, that’s great! It’s just I don’t want people to come for me, my family, my friends, or any of my colleagues like, we ain’t doin’ that this time please, no. One last thing, a lot of characters don’t have their bio information out there, like their familial ties, their age stuff so I don’t know where a lot of these numbers came from cause that’s not what I have written down but um, I just wanted to let you know, I’m still cookin’ I got something coming up, so please, let me cook, okay? Thanks, bye! I appreciate y’all.”
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princesssszzzz · 20 days
Team fandom fights has rotted the brains of some I fear. I’m mostly team green but that person is embarrassing! Loud and Wrong! A lot of people are projecting hard onto these characters to the point where they no longer understand the characterization or the relationships between everyone
Absolutely, it is projection bc they didn’t get it from F&B or even the show. Especially onto Aemond. Half the takes on the show are people’s headcanons they collectively decided to treat as canon while what actually happened on screen is ignored. It’s also people who have been in their own little fandom bubbles and echo chambers since season 1 so they feel comfortable saying bullshit and don’t think anyone will even question what they’re saying. Echo chambers where people tell each other every character that isn’t their fave is secretly a horrible person and their faves are perfect and should be defended no matter what.
The characters during the dance are not a monolith of a “team”, they are individuals. For example, Aemond and Rhaena are much different than Aegon and Baela. Totally different; each pair one on team green one on team black yet totally different characters and interactions with each other. First off Aemond is absolutely wrong in his interaction with Rhaena and that’s not the first time I’ve seen people try to justify the “ride a pig” comments seconds after acknowledging it as bullying when it’s said by one of the strong boys.
Aemond and Rhaena barely interact, and adding up all their interactions, there is no normal person in this world that would say Rhaena is a bad person and not only that, but that Aemond or literally anyone would be justified in attacking her in any kind of way. There’s literally people in the fandom saying she should be killed by Aemond like wtf 🤨 Literally going off the characterization of them, Aemond is STILL pissed at the strong boys and there is absolutely no reason anyone should be falsely claiming he hates Baela and Rhaena at the end of season 1. Hence why the WRITERS of the show have him ranting endlessly about strong boys despite Baela and Rhaena being randomly added to the fight scene. He’s not mad because a younger girl hit him, he’s mad because he doesn’t like the strong boys and his eye was taken out. Aemond doesn’t give af about being pushed by a girl years younger than him, much smaller than him, and who isn’t trained to fight. And he’s not mentioning them in his little toast for a reason. Especially not Rhaena, when Aemond is a character that absolutely knows he was wrong in how he spoke to her and mocked her for not having a dragon, but would not admit it. That doesn’t mean he’s besties with them, that means they would literally just have a “cordial” relationship post time skip if the dance never happened. Even Baela is cordial with Aegon and calls him cousin despite not knowing that mf and this is after she’s hearing him be disrespectful for the first time.
This takes me back to the dinner moment where Rhaena raises her cup to Aemond after Viserys’ toast. Anyways, I just think it’s funny. I’ve also seen people creating fan art showing Baela and Rhaena flipping off Aemond and being antagonistic towards him when they literally aren’t like that whatsoever. This seems like the false characterization of Baela and Rhaena and their relationship with Aemond specifically that fans are constantly trying to push despite that not being on screen. Don’t even get me started that Aemond literally watched Rhaena clearly disagreeing with him and Jace fighting. Disagreeing with both Jace pulling out a knife and Aemond grabbing a rock.
People are not paying attention to this show and just seeing what they want to see atp.
Aegon and Baela interact multiple times and Baela genuinely can’t stand him. Then we add in the show interactions with him sexually harassing her, they have a fight and legitimately have no reason to give af about each other. Baela is not some mindless violent person despite what people keep pushing, she literally jumped in shock when Daemon killed Vaemond. Aegon is not a good person to Baela, and no amount of people saying Baela went to the rat pits is going to change that.
The interactions between Aegon and Baela is more obvious and it’s just impossible to misinterpret what type of people they are and their moments. The events of the dance and Aegon’s behavior leads Baela, someone who has never killed anyone, to risk her life attacking him. They are supposed to oppose each other. Their dragons names are literally Moondancer and Sunfyre.
That being said, despite what the chronically online claim, as of the end of Season 1 I’m absolutely under the impression neither Aegon or Aemond (or Daeron) hates Baela or Rhaena or want to kill them over Aemond getting pushed or simply because their father married Rhaenyra. Neither the show or the book is as simple as team black v team green and people need to start comprehending that sooner rather than later. I’m 99% sure Aegon on screen in the future will have an opportunity to kill Baela and will not take it. Baela and Rhaena are innocent, hence why so many things that happen purposefully don’t involve them. So much for these people and their “Baela and Rhaena are the villains and the green boys should go fight them” headcanons and wishes. People ignoring that these characters are related, and that does mean something. There is no blind “I want to kill them!!” going on. What’s not clicking 😭 Aemond didn’t even want to kill the kid that actually took his eye but you want to headcanon that he’s eager to kill Baela and Rhaena? Please go sit tf down 😂 Aemond and Aegon are not some mindless brutes trying to kill everyone on team black. How has this NOT been understood by someone claiming to be a team green stan. I don’t even like the show but I understand it better than it’s fans…..
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soleilnomoon · 2 years
supplicate ; zoro x reader.
2.4k words, fem reader (no pronouns), nsfw babey, 18+ mdni, a lot of angst bc that's the shit i like ok (feat. a bit of alcohol, fingering, etc. etc. etc. u get the gist). this took forever, but it's finally done, the long awaited sequel to "excessive" *washes hands*
previous ⤹
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fragmented moments accumulate over time, leaving bitterness and desperation in its wake. a path of destruction that you willingly walk in order to preserve what’s left of your pride. hours slip through your careless fingers. days coil themselves individually around your neck, tightly squeezing, sleep evading you night after night. weeks leave you with dark circles underneath your eyes that you don’t bother concealing anymore. it’s all the same. you, with ink-stained hands holding onto empty quill bottles, ripped pieces of parchment littered around your room — the pieces full of impalpable scribbles, doodles, and rants — crumbled pages tossed haphazardly on the hardwood floor, a bottle of wine you don’t remember drinking standing upright near the leg of your desk, your half-eaten dinner no longer appealing as you contemplate what to do.
 it’s futile — 
this search for absolution to a sin you don’t regret committing. 
guilt finds a way back into your heart all over again; with trembling arms, you welcome the pain in the hopes that you’ll finally find some form of freedom from it all. 
months pass and pass and nothing’s changed.
he’s made an impossible decision. respecting your space is the least he can do — he’s quite good at feigning indifference, at steeling himself to fleeting feelings, at ensuring that no one penetrates the walls he’s spent years building. 
at dinner he chooses the seat that’s the furthest from you, keeping to the far back wall, hoping the distance will do him some good — and, still, he thinks, it’s not far enough.
what he needs is a new continent, more oceans, possibly another planet or two. anything to stay away — anything to not have to look at you, to not have to bear witness to your slow descent into sorrow. if anything, he’s doing you a favor.
except, it doesn’t feel that way.
you do your best to feign interest in conversation with the others, try to offer lighthearted jokes and comments; sanji prattles on and on about a new recipe he wants to try, usopp regales everyone with tales of some false sea voyage he claims to have been a part of, luffy inhales nearly everything he can get his hands on, and yet—
you’ve never been so impossibly aware of another person’s presence. even though you don’t look his way, you feel his gaze on the side of your face. an itch underneath your skin, one you can’t ever hope to reach. it travels all over, rattling your bones, tugging on your heart, muddling your thoughts, blindsiding your reason — you have to count slowly to calm your nerves. on a whim, while the others are distracted, you chance it, swirl your wine in your glass and sip slowly, eyes drifting his way.
because life is ironic at the most inconvenient times, he catches you. the moment prolongs because you can’t seem to look away. too afraid to blink, too afraid to look away. is this it? is there nothing to be done or said? the glass of whiskey grows heavy in his hand, but it’s not enough to give him that sort of blind courage.
the wine is tart, somewhat sweet, clings to your tongue, loosening it as you go for a third glass. dessert is served but you don’t stay. you feign sleepiness, not able to bear the heaviness of his gaze any longer. with flushed cheeks and a head full of increasingly distracting thoughts, you make your way back to your room. the wine is long gone, the glass left somewhere long forgotten as you pad through the corridors, light on your feet, as if you don’t want to disturb the silence on this floor of the ship.
it’s not until you’re in front of his room that you realize you took a completely different flight of stairs, that you bypassed your room entirely, and while you have enough time to turn back around you hesitate.
why? the question sits in the back of your mind, fermenting slowly, the answer plain as day, you simply don’t want to acknowledge it.
after a minute of silent contemplation, you take a step back, only to find that you’ve collided with a much larger, firmer body behind you. there’s no need to apologize or to guess who it is, because you’re more in tune with him than you ever want to admit.
it’s not the whiskey that compels him to speak, but an absurd, yet resolute desire to know, “what are you doing here, y/n?” curiosity mixed with doubt douse his words, make you swallow back the lies that build on the back of your tongue. pressing your back against the door, you try again, hands nervously playing with the ends of your hair. 
“i…,” you lick your lips, unsure of how to proceed, your heart pounding loud enough to drown out your thoughts and whatever else zoro says to you. everything about his presence commands your attention, so you’re unable to look away from him. there’s something about the way he looks at you, like you’re complicated, an enigma, and a blessing all at once. 
you wish you had a fourth glass of wine.
“i’m waiting,” he says patiently, and somehow this rattles you even more. he’s waiting? what about all of the waiting you’ve done? the thought alone pisses you off, forces you to forget whatever demure attitude you were touting previously so that you can place a hand on his chest and shove as hard as you can.
“don’t bullshit me.” you regard him coolly, face burning — from the wine, the proximity, your misplaced anger, you’re not quite sure — hands balled into fists. “is that all you have to say to me?”
his confusion invades every crevice of his body, but it gives him time to come up with what he deems is an appropriate enough response. 
succinct. in bad taste, perhaps. and not exactly what you want to hear. the hand you so boldly placed on his chest is now cradled in his. rough, calloused fingers touch the inside of your wrist, move to your palm and stroke once, twice, three times. adagio; the only tempo that you both seem to excel at. eyelids lowering, you don’t waste time asking why, your hand simply curls around his fingers, halting his movement entirely. 
if he continues like this, you might not be able to function properly in front of him.
“please,” you say, voice soft enough to rouse something suspiciously close to affection deep within him. “please, i just can’t—” a single tear cascades down your cheek; whether it’s due to sorrow or want, you’re not sure.
possibly both at this point.
not inherently cruel by nature, he obliges. once, he tells himself, just once. once is all it will take; one time to get it completely out of his system, to get you out of his head; maybe if he indulges, he’ll be able to finally move on. except, it won’t really but just one time, will it? you both know that, the truth putting you in a daze, one that is tricky enough to hold you hostage; rather than delay the inevitable, he gives in. 
you’re still pleading with him when he gingerly kisses the center of your palm, still pleading when he brushes his lips against yours; his kiss is warm, firm, debilitating. your pleas drown in the midst of a revitalized surge of adrenaline that pumps through you when his teeth graze against your bottom lip — a nip, a tug, a pinprick of pain. a sense of urgency claims your common sense; avarice, gluttony, lust; a kaleidoscope of sensations, all compel you to kiss him again.
he tastes like whiskey — smoke and spice; intoxicating and forbidden. you remind him of an elusive, recurring dream, the wine still sweet on your tongue, his fingers thread through your hair; an attempt to ground himself as he consumes you in the only way he knows how. there’s nothing tender about any of this, but you take each bruising kiss of his, each caress of his tongue, the sinister way your legs give in would be comical if the situation wasn’t so dire.
there’s a flame growing within you, one that matches his; if you pay attention carefully, you’ll find that they’re nearly identical. 
when he releases you, it’s only so he can reach around and open the door; a thick haze coasts around your mind, you make your way into his room with little issue, which pleases him immensely. he hates having to waste time explaining things. as a reward, zoro is on you again, foot kicking at the back of his door to close it, his hands exploring the curves along your body as he places kiss after kiss down your throat, tongue gliding along the skin. insatiable and troublesome — that’s what he is.
but, that’s not what comes out of your mouth when he sucks on your skin. you moan his name, quietly at first, hands working to rid him of his clothes as he does the same for you. his body is far from a work of art — it’s an immersive experience. feverish and possibly delusional, you wrap a hand around his cock, pumping slowly, his thick length hardening even more under your touch. he’s kept it together for so long, he’s at his breaking point now.
pre-cum trickles out of his slit, your thumb swiping at it absently; you lick it off, enjoy the slightly salty taste, the look on his face only tells you one thing — you’re in for a ride.
zoro pushes you onto his bed and follows suit, hovering over you as he kisses you fervently, tongue brushing against yours, your hips lifting as an ache settles deep between your legs. he pushes your legs apart, fingers dipping in between the folds of your pussy, your arousal greeting him like an old friend. your moans give him all the incentive he needs to slip his fingers inside of you; you relish in that delicious pain, inhaling deeply as he pumps his fingers in and out of your pussy, the pace setting your skin and soul on fire. he scissors his fingers, your hips buck up against his hand. you’re warm and tight around him, just how he expects you to be — and while he wants to take his time, while he wants to taste you more, while he wants to see you slowly unravel, he can’t. his need for you is too great, he’s wasted enough time playing the role of a jaded ex-lover, despite not actually being your lover. yet.
you don’t mind, though; after he pulls his fingers out of you, you rub your pussy against the length of his cock, and earn a quiet moan from him; his grip on your thighs is firm enough that he might actually leave bruises once he’s done— but you’re far too concerned with having him inside of you to care. and when he rubs his tip against your needy entrance, when you arch your back, whine, scratch his chest, pleading over and over for him to stop teasing you, zoro finally slips inside of you, burying his length in one go.
he pulls back only to slam his cock inside of you again, setting a devastating pace as he fucks you. his lips latch onto your breast, tongue flicking against your nipple, your moans increasing in volume as your hips roll against his. if this is a dream, you never want to wake up; the sheer power behind his thrusts is enough to have you roll your eyes back, nails digging into his skin along his upper back, legs wrapped around him in an attempt to keep him close to you. he’s never felt the need to be this rough with you, but the way your pussy keeps clenching around him, the way your moans grow breathier with each passing minute, the way you arch into him, as if there’s no other place you’d rather be than here with him.
it’s almost too much to handle; but he soldiers on, he has his pride to consider, after all.
you drop kisses along his jaw as his thrusts grow wilder, a little ferocious, every bit as maddening as you thought they’d be. your pussy is the closest he’ll get to heaven, and he has no intention of turning back. he grabs your legs, drapes them over his shoulders, and angles his hips so that he can fuck you deeply.
if you thought you knew pleasure before, you were wrong; so very, very wrong.
this, you tell yourself, this is all i’ll ever need.
it’s a half-truth you don’t mind admitting. your voice grows hoarse, he doesn’t bother shushing you, and you know that your crew mates have probably all heard the lascivious way you keep calling out his name — the way you keep telling him to fuck you harder, the way his balls loudly slap against your ass, pussy making impassioned, lenocinant noises. the sound makes your skin flush, but it all feels so damn good, you can hardly stand it.
it’s when he gives you another toe-curling, highly indecent thrust, when he moans your name in your ear, muttering filthy praises right after, that pushes you over the edge. you cum  loudly, messily, and with a lot of vigor. he’s actually impressed, even as his cock keeps plunging into you, wanting to prolong his own release for as long as he can.
your orgasm feels never-ending; even after he gives you sloppy tongue kisses, even after his own orgasm nearly blinds him, his cum spilling inside you, thick and hot. you’re both sweaty by the time you finish, breathing heavily, your own heart threatening to leap out of your chest with how fast its beating.
is it possible to faint from happiness? you’re quite sure it is, because it’s almost as if a weight has been lifted, that uncertainty and unease you felt for months has diminished entirely. on impulse, you kiss him, hands cradling his face, the intimacy making him pause only briefly, but he keeps kissing you slowly, pulling his cock out of your pussy’s tight embrace, wanting to savor whatever this is for as long as he possibly can. you know things will only become more complicated as time goes on, but at the very least, you can say that it wasn’t one-sided, that he wants you just as much — if not more — as you want him.
it’s a comforting thought, to say the least; one that will rest inside of you for years to come. you’re in too deep to want to go back to how things were, and, maybe it’s a bit of wishful thinking on your part, but you’re sure it’s the same for him too.
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rockanroller · 10 months
ani_callout saying they intentionally made up reviews about spindlehorse in the animation review doc is infuriating. ironically it reminds me of the same reason i became a viv critic in the first place.
it was bc years ago i was seeing so many haters making *bold* ass claims about viv with no receipts. it motivated me to do my own research. what i learned proved to me many claims were either false, over-exaggerated, or out-dated. however, some had truth, and in the process i learned other things about viv, both old and new, that concerned me, but i gave her the benefit of the doubt, only to see over the years up to the present she was still showing signs of the same shit that concerned me, all which led to me becoming a critic.
let it be known that making false statements, even if you think you’re bringing attention to an issue, helps no one if it’s false. it only makes it more likely for ppl to doubt the issue even exists, and ignore any *real* victims who try to come forward. it makes abuse (if any is taking place) and poor behavior more likely to continue, and it emboldens deniers.
the proof provided by ani_callout’s claim is that *some* of the bad reviews are genuinely fake. even then, some of the fake reviews they put in were real things taken from erin frost’s genuine testimony of her real personal experience.
even tho this mess casts doubt on the doc, remember there may be some victims who can only afford to come forward anonymously, and this doc could be their only chance to be heard. that doesn’t mean you have to believe every review as 100% true (bc until further notice we don’t have proof whether the rest are or aren’t) just remember to keep an open mind until more info comes out.
that goes for fans and haters alike.
if ani_callout can falsify bad reviews, others can also falsify good ones.
there’s also a possibility ani_callout is lying that they did this, in an effort to discredit the victims speaking out. it’s perhaps less likely, but isn’t impossible.
remember to take the doc with a grain of salt if you weren’t doing that already, the reviews can be treated with caution in either direction, but should not be treated as absolute fact until more concrete info comes out.
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high key voting haruka guilty
Hullo hullo! It’s Mercury! Haruka’s album dropped and I was finally able to listen to his VD and Android Girl! Many thoughts are occuring.
like a lot of Haruka stuff TW for mentions of suicide
First off,, Android Girl!!!! It sounds so crunchy??? /pos I def think I like it more than the original. I high-key was just listening to the original imagining Haruka’s cover lol.
now for the VD,,,, it’s not looking good
Mini summary if yall haven’t listened to it:
Haruka is more confident when talking to Es, only ocassionally going back to his weaker, nervous tendencies. Haruka first explains how Shidou and Kazui negotiated a ceasefire with Kotoko, for now.
He moves on to state how he has two saviors: one is Es and the other is later revealed to be Muu. He says Es is one of his saviors bc we voted him innocent. He’s taken it to the extreme thinking we have completely forgiven him for killing. Es states how the innocent vote is a temporary verdict and how what he did is still morally wrong. This causes Haruka to start throwing a tantrum, throwing things and screaming that what he did wasn’t wrong. He eventually charges at Es intending to choke them, but ofc the magic barrier prevents him from harming them. It even rebounds onto him so he starts choking a bit?
Haruka calms down a little bit, enough for Es to try to explain how we voted on him. This really only confuses Haruka and makes him start screaming again, saying a good-for-nothing like him could only get noticed by killing (yeesh) and asking if it was good his mom gave up on him (double yeesh).
Then out of no where Haruka says that Es isn’t his mom. Es is like “girl yea I’ve never been your mom.” Haruka then says Muu is his mom bc she pays attention to him and praises him unlike his actual mom (who he now doesn’t view as his mom anymore).
Last and most important bit: Haruka’s ultimatum
Haruka says Muu is scared of Milgram and we have to stop scaring her and vote her innocent or else he’d kill Es. Es then scoffs saying “you literally can’t kill me.” Then Haruka says “Fine, if you don’t vote her innocent, I’ll kill myself. That’s not against the rules right?”
In conclusion, if we want to vote Muu guilty, we’d have to vote Haruka guilty as well, but there really is no winning here.
Haruka innocent & Muu innocent
continuing to affirm their actions and maybe make them more likely to kill again if released back into society
Haruka innocent & Muu guilty
..... bye Haruka
Haruka guilty & Muu innocent
theres honestly a lot of things that could happen with this one. Muu would prob get super pissed, Haruka might get jealous and violent, or Muu might not even care and move on from him (not very likely tho imo)
Haruka guilty & Muu guilty
Haruka can’t do anything... yet but would def break his trust in Milgram, Muu would likely reject the verdict and continue to deny fault
How it’s looking right now is the fandom will want to vote Muu guilty, and the safer way to do that would then be to vote Haruka guilty. Even on the off chance we vote Muu innocent, I really don’t want to run the risk of Haruka committing suicide. He’s definitely not making false claims here, knowing his personality, I don’t doubt that he's serious ab this.
We don’t know how a suicide would impact the rest of the prisoners either, but it def wouldn’t be good. Likely, it would cause a widespread panic amongst the prisoners and overall make everyone more afraid of Milgram. I also have no idea what it would do to Muu either. I really doubt she asked Haruka to do this, it's likely just his way of showing how much she means to him. But he kinda didn't think this through??? How is commiting suicide going to help not scare her????
These are just my thoughts,, feel free to vote however you want lol im not your mom 🤡 (unless secretly im Muu and youre Haruka then ig i am your mom) BUT BY ALL MEANS PLEASE DONT KEEP HIM ON 50/50
genuinely it is a VERY bad idea. Mr. “Please Notice Me and Give Me Affirmation” getting no verdict? I cant see that turning out well for a n y o n e
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sammygender · 2 years
to be perfectly honest i don’t know if i fully believe that the scripts are fake. it just doesn’t make any sense. 8flix is a refutable service cited by like film students for years which still claims to get scripts from sources as opposed to writing them and has been around longer than stranger things even has. what’s more likely… some guy spends hours and hours making detailed fake scripts for like thousands of shows (or even just stranger things…. like that’s still hours), or even has some official scripts but gets in over his head and decides to fake more for money, OR the stranger things netflix account are pissed that some of their s5 plot twists got spoiled (byler, will recognising brenner/will and eleven’s ‘bond from another world’) and are doing damage control wherever possible, possibly including cutting a deal with nick/paying him off so that his career isn’t ruined by their potentially false and obviously purposefully ambiguous statement.
like… i personally think the latter option makes the most sense, but i can feel my personal bias of me wanting the scripts for at least s3 to be real (i’ve been quoting WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED HERE? for like the past year) leaking through, so i’m unsure how accurate my judgement is. that being said when i look at just the facts the idea that the scripts are fake just doesn’t seem to hold up - ESPECIALLY not all the scripts. i’m like ninety nine percent sure the s2e9 script was official - it spoiled wills feelings for mike years early off a direction that wasn’t actually in the show, and featured the original song that was going to be played but ended up being changed. at the very least, it comes from an inside source. so then…. why would nick risk his reputation so hugely by making fake scripts for s4 and referencing them as real production scripts (bc he did do this; a lot of details of the website have been changed, but there are posts with screenshots of the old version. i don’t necessarily think this is particularly suspicious bc he’s probably just trying to cover himself. it does however prove we’re not just delusional)
i suppose the obvious answer is that nick’s source is giving him fake scripts, which would explain how 8flix’s usual reliability coexists with the st writer account’s declaration that any scripts are fake. but it feels a little more iffy than that to me?? that also brings into question which scripts are fake - are the s3 and s2 ones (thatve been out for years) fake? again i think at least the s2 one isn’t… idk much about the s3 ones though. so did his source randomly start supplying him with fake s4 scripts?
no matter what i think it’s pretty shitty of netflix/the st writers to leave everything so vague like this, and it makes me trust them a hell of a lot less. basically they’re capitalising off the confusion no matter what - bylers can still be fed by the s3 and s2 scripts and believe they’re real, milevens can insist they aren’t, and the duffers get to insist that any potential plot twists in s4 are faked. the writing is intentionally ambiguous when, if it was as clearcut as 8flix producing/distributing fake scripts, they could simply say that, and if the scripts are fake and have always been fake (or at least the s4 ones have been)… why the hell did netflix not speak up sooner??? is it REALLY just because the fandom liked them??? bc jesus that’s a low if so and only proves my point
this whole thing is just. A Mess
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calzonekestis · 2 years
No but the way ST is the biggest project so far that Grace has been a part of… that she got to work with actors she respected and who respected her… play a character and dynamic that left such a resonance despite being limited to a single episode…
She is absolutely allowed to enjoy that and the fact people have tainted the experience by being so fucking heinous and despicable is something I’ll never forgive.
Because like yes she is loved and knows she is loved, but the fact people are just. So dedicated to trying to tear or down and make her seem like a bad or creepy person.
When she is literally just the sweetest and probably most unproblematic person who just wants to live her life and play her games and cuddle her cat and eat noodles.
And enjoy the success and acclaim and fan following that she has absolutely earned and deserved.
That people make false, seriously horrifying claims about her character… while she out here just trying to vibe.
Like I know we should choose Love over Hate, don’t stoop to their level, but no fuck that I hate y’all.
If you dedicate your day to trying to tear down someone and run a smear campaign again against then - idc if they’re a celebrity or not - because you can’t stand to see them happy and living their best life? The life they deserve?
No, go fuck yourself.
If you prioritize fictional characters relationships over treating someone with just basic human decency.
Bitch I’m unhinged. Like don’t go calling me ableist, bc I legit have mental health struggles and like… that’s no excuse.
I don’t even know what the hell these people are.
A pathetic and broken excuse for a human being, I guess.
It doesn’t matter how much love, support, and solidarity is thrown Grace’s way. It doesn’t erase the abuse and bullying.
What should be one of the highlights of her life and career is forever tainted bc no matter how fondly she remembers it or loves the fans or has pleasant experiences with them - she won’t forget the absolute bullshit the twitter demons have put her though.
All this over fictional characters. Who are fucking dead within the canon, anyway.
Meanwhile her costar is even louder these days with his praise for, both her and for the ship… yet he’s infantilized and needs to be protected from his friend because she’s some sort of creepy stalker fan for being proud of the work they did together.
The man is out here with his whole chest talking about how his character had a crush, how those feelings informed his arc and how he played the character. You treat him like an infant who is babbling nonsense.
The woman shares cute fan art. She’s the antichrist, apparently.
I’m mad as hell.
Honesty, I’m glad she and Joe aren’t on the show anymore - because while I love their characters, this is the most Extreme fandom I’ve ever seen. The lovely people are so lovely, angelic. The bad apples are just.. demons. Literal actual demons. I can’t say I’m sad the show is ending, because Jesus Christ on Fire.
The way some of you people treat the cast.
Y’all making gross claims, throwing around the word “p*do” at people for shipping two high school seniors who are legally old enough to consent. Their is nothing illegal or immoral about that fictional relationship. There is no power imbalance.
The maximum age difference is 2 years… between two people who would both be adults by the time graduation came around in like two months.
Meanwhile, y’all been sexualizing Millie and Finn since they were like 13 years old.
Somehow Grace is a stalker for hanging out with a co Star a few times nearly two years ago.
Yet having notifications on for someone you hate, screenshot thing her story, and dragging her on twitter all within the span of 2 minutes of her posting it… that’s completely normal human behavior.
Again, go fuck yourself. With a cactus.
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How do you deal with an internet cyber bully/stalker?
It’s very difficult not responding at times but I’ve learned not to the past few days I haven’t responded and I just block every account I believe is theirs or know is theirs. They keep starting rumors about me and rallying other users against me to abuse me out of the trauma tags and luckily nobody fell for the smear campaign but it’s getting a bit obsessive and too much. Like they’re DMing me from multiple accounts tagging me on other accounts they have and claiming I posted bad things in the past on my account that I know I would never post….bc it’s not like my character to do the things they claimed I did. They’re saying I deserve the abuse. I’m scared and it’s caused me an anxiety attack already but I’m refraining from posting about them, refraining from responding, and simply blocking every time. It’s not like I sent nudes or anything so they don’t have anything to like threaten me with… I ignore them so idk what they’re doing bc I try not to look at any of their posts so idk everything they’re saying about me other than the threatening messages. I don’t post about them ever, like I don’t bc the one time I did post about them to prove to people I was being harassed I deleted it bc they threatened me with fake evidence against me…. So I post nothing publicly and never answer DMs. but I do DM friends online and tell them not to post anything public about it bc I don’t wanna piss my stalker off. They do claim they know things about me which is creepy. Idk that’s all. Get to this when you can no rush. Thanks for listening.
- Amanda
Hi Amanda,
I'm so sorry that you're dealing with this. The best options are 1) continue to ignore/block, 2) report their posts/blog for harassment, and 3) get authorities involved if it continues. As frustrating as it is to see entirely falsified things being spread around, it can help to remember that anyone who falls for it lacks critical thinking skills, and as long as the accusations are truly false, you don't have much to worry about. Some people have too much time on their hands, and it sounds like you're dealing with one of them.
There are some people that are worth talking it out with, and some people that aren't. One time I was getting repeated hatemail from the same user who was upset by something I said but didn't express that. Instead, she told me that I deserved everything that happened to me and that her abuse is worse than mine, so I have nothing to complain about. When I blocked her, she made alt accounts and spammed my DMs. I'd block her, she'd make another alt, etc. I ended up blocking 12 blogs and I just thought it would go on forever, so I texted back saying "Wait, can you tell me what happened, what did I do to upset you" and then she explained that I said something that personally offended her. I apologized, she apologized, and I never heard from her since. But of course, there are people that double down even when you try to communicate and sort things out. But perhaps it's worth a try.
If anyone has other suggestions, feel free to add on. Otherwise, I hope I could help and please let us know if you need anything.
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Hey I’m also queer and I use it as an identity label. I don’t agree with people excessively trigger tagging it when it’s not necessary, but I’d really suggest you educate yourself on its history as a slur. I am a gay trans man, so this is absolutely not terf rhetoric from me. But I was called queer in a derogatory way my entire life because I lived in a rural area where it was absolutely used as a slur. Maybe consider that ppl asking for trigger tags are also LGBT and not your enemy lol
Like go ahead and isolate yourself from other queer ppl all you want but just bc some ppl are genuinely triggered by the term doesn’t mean they’re attacking you for using it, lmfao
I know you probably mean well by this ask, and I see where you're coming from. I disagree, but I will give a good faith answer in return.
To understand where I'm coming from, let's compare the words queer and gay. Both words originally referred to general sexual deviancy in a pejorative sense, only later being reclaimed as proudly worn identities. Both words have been used as slurs for a long time afterwards, queer being more popular in the mid 20th century and gay gaining popularity as a slur in the later 20th into the 21st century.
I know way more queer people in real life who have a complicated relationship with the word gay than the word queer because gay was the word that was slung at them as an insult and a weapon their entire childhood. Gay was The insult of the 80s, 90s, and 00s. Anything bad, or weak, or stupid was "gay". There were whole campaigns to try to stop the use of gay as an insult, that's how bad it got. It's given a lot of people a lot of pain connected with the word.
But I have never, ever, seen someone tag a post "g slur". Why? Two words, both initially pejorative, both reclaimed, both continuously used liberally by those who hate us as a slur and an insult. Isn't it interesting how the more inclusive of those two words was targeted in a concentrated effort that started just a few years ago in terf communities? Isn't it interesting how the more narrow, less inclusive word, despite being the one more recently used as a slur and insult, despite the people in the community who still flinch when they hear it, was simply left alone?
To be clear, I don't think that we should be trigger tagging gay, or starting some "gay is a slur!" movement. I'm just pointing out parallels and questioning why the attitude towards two words with similar histories are so vastly different.
Educate myself on its history? I know it was used as a slur. So was gay, so was lesbian, so was every goddam word we have ever used to describe ourselves because it is not the words they find disgusting, it is us. Queer has been reclaimed and used in a neutral or positive way for decades and decades.
Context matters. "you dirty queer" = slur "I went to the queer student group meeting last week" = not a slur "ew that's so gay" = slur "I came out as gay when I was 16" = not a slur
No one is denying that queer has been and can still be used as a slur. But this specific "queer is a slur in any context!" movement legitimately did come out of terf communities in the last few years. I'm not accusing you of being associated with terfs. But "queer is a slur and triggering no matter how it's used" is terf rhetoric, and they've managed to spread it beyond their community. To claim that a word that has been reclaimed for decades and used in a neutral-to-positive context is a slur is disingenuous, and they know it, but they've successfully gotten other people to parrot it by hiding it under a layer of false concern.
One final thought: I have literally never seen anyone ask for queer to be tagged because they personally are triggered by the word. It's always people speaking on behalf of some hypothetical person who can't stand to even see my identity written out in a neutral-to-positive context. And if anyone really is so genuinely triggered by the term that they can't even stand to read it, they can just filter the post content, tumblr lets you do that.
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lemonhemlock · 10 months
I was on Twitter and Will Bowers posted that he hoped the Aegon scene was a fakeout. Given that we know now that Dyana will be returning next season it does beg certain questions.
Twitter seems to think she may be out for revenge and team up with Mysaria for 🩸and 🧀, perhaps being in league with Talya the whole time who makes fake moontea. Which idk why that would be righteous thing, team black utterly baffles me at times.
Yet given the honest confusion on Aegon’s face when confronted with the accusation by Alicent do you think such a scenario is possible.
Would be bold of hotd to have a woman make a false rape accusation and I really don’t know how that would go down but part of me really wants it to be the case. I’m sick to death of debating with team black stans that Aegon not only has a claim to the Iron Throne but in fact a stronger one than Rhaenyra, only to be called a rapist defender.
Which is not at all my argument but these comments slowly push me toward just outright claiming Egg2 would be a better king out of spite.
The show runners claimed they wanted to make Aegon gray and yet make TGC a rapist in his first appearance. Nothing gray about that my friend. So if it all turns out to be a lie what do you think the fall out will be ?
Love the blog 💚
Anonymous asked: did you know that Dyana from episode 8 is coming back and will be in 4 more episodes??? apparently actor's own agency confirmed it. I'm speechless...... what role can she possibly have that requires so many episodes? are they trying to bury the greens for good in the eyes of the audience? every leak is a disaster, and worse than the previous one
hi, guys, i already talked about this topic in the dyanna tag and i have an entire other tag where i make my stance on leaks speculation. likewise, i spoke many times about how i don't like and don't agree with this writing choice of straight-up turning aegon into westerosi satan from the get-go. but what's done is done, there's no point in denying what was shown on screen. he's written as a rapist and the scenes are made to be interpreted as rape, not as some smear campaign that'll later turn into a gotcha moment. IF we ever get out hands on the scripts, it would be very interesting to compare what the original plan looked like and what they changed on the fly / if they changed anything at all / if aegon was always meant to be this awful from the very beginning etc
as much as i would like them to retcon that in some way, idek if it's worth it at this point, bc portraying women lying on screen about rape is much more damaging than losing fictional civil wars involving flying lizards. we need more nuanced media surrounding sexual assault and women's issues and perhaps hotd is not the appropriate medium for this as the writers seem incapable in many ways of handling a delicate subject like that. yes, i think it was a mistake that compromises the quality of the narrative and, no, i don't think hotd is necessarily going to offer us groundbreaking feminist commentary, but dyanna the fake rape victim is really bottom of the barrel stuff - like, even they could & should do much better than that.
also, to be honest, i don't think the writers are particularly interested in making aegon a complex character, unfortunately. maybe they'll compensate with this characterization in some other ways, though; i am not excluding the possibility of redress. we'll live and see.
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menalez · 10 months
while bisexuals who claim to be "ex-gays" are a problem, and contribute to the erasure of natural ssa (both bisexual and homosexual) these people are also. literally involved in homophobic religions that praise them for this behavior and punish them for exhibiting ssa. so I don't understand why these bisexuals (who are being victimized) are to blame for this. heterosexuals impose this behavior on bisexual and homosexual people. homophobic religious freaks don't want any ssa to exist, whether you act on it or not (bc sinful thoughts are as bad as sinful actions to them), which is why they don't call these people bisexual either. they are "ex gays" or "reformed gays." not bisexuals who have come to the light or anything like that. being bisexual is not a preferable thing to these monsters. it is deeply depressing that homophobic heterosexual religious people can strip others of their most basic identities like this, and I don't understand why you think these bisexuals are just having a good time being repressed like this. these aren't bisexuals who ended up in an osa relationship and are claiming to still be "soooo gay" (which is absolutely wrong and stupid), they are no longer allowed to talk about their full identity. a heterosexual woman with 14 kids by age 35 is obviously being subjugated. her telling other women and girls that this is good and what they were "made to do" is wrong, but these ideas didn't spawn in her head from birth, she was groomed to think that, and deserves a certain amount of compassion if we hope to get her out of that situation. please offer compassion to bisexual people too
don’t get me wrong, i don’t think they’re the root of the problem and ofc they’re the symptom of an existing problem and are then used as tools to promote these things. they allow for themselves to be tools to promote conversion therapy, homophobic rhetoric, “corrective” rape, etc. my point, though, wasn’t “look how evil bisexuals are and how they’re the root of all gay ppl’s problems!”, my point was that someone pretending to be gay while FULLY AWARE that they are bi is not equal to someone pretending to be bi while fully aware that they are gay. gay people faking being OSA on top of being SSA, deliberately, are not then used to promote the idea that bisexuals should undergo conversion therapy or pray to satan or w/e to cure themselves of their opposite sex attraction. it’s not used to promote the idea that if bisexuals try with being the same sex enough, maybe they’ll stop being bi and become gay instead. on the other hand, bisexuals who pretended to be gay are absolutely used as prime examples of conversion therapy “working”. they even are the primary people you’ll see in the countless propaganda videos about “ex-gays” and “ex-homosexuals” and “ex-lesbians” etc. the harm done is more than just validating homophobes’ beliefs that homosexuality is a choice.
also tbh yes the ppl who promote conversion therapy rhetoric are to blame for their own actions. even if they’re also victims. if a woman, for example, uses her platform to promote misogynistic rhetoric, no she’s not the root of misogynistic rhetoric nor is she the main problem in the situation but she absolutely is to blame for her own actions ie the promotion of prejudiced ideals.
the claim that “sinful thoughts” are equal to “sinful actions” to religious people is purely false. go watch many of the ex-gays and you’ll see them talk of sometimes “struggling” with same sex attraction but being praised + praising themselves for not acting on it. you’ll see plenty of “ex-gay” movements place emphasis on not acting on SSA more than on reducing the “thoughts” of SSA. religious people absolutely do view acting on one’s same sex attraction as worse than just having thoughts. they say so repeatedly.
so yes, they are victims in their own right, as are gay people who promote this shit. but no, that doesn’t justify them literally promoting conversion therapy and corrective rape and homophobia. i think you missed what my point was tho because you’re arguing things i wasn’t talking about, i was saying pretending to be bi as a gay person does not have equal harm to pretending to be gay as a bi person, not that bi ppl are the root of all evil or something.
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dulcewrites · 2 years
omg you're so right about people blindly putting up book!laenyra's relationship on the pedestal and falsely claiming it as a better wlw representation, this has been driving me nuts for Ages!! they looooove to bring up rhaenyra's and alicent's book ages and their stepmother/stepdaughter status any time they're asked to explain their reasoning, completely disregarding that in the show canon they've never had that sort of dynamic and that she obviously had been rhaenyra's friend first before being forced to marry viserys. which was of course tragic for both of the girls (more for alicent for obvious reasons) but then they talk about it as if it was a conscious choice she had made to specifically ruin nyra's life hfjjdjf as if she could have gone against the KING and refused??? like baby, that's a whole victim you're talking about.
they're so blinded by their hatred for anyone in the five meter distance of team green they're jumping through hoops to make something out of nothing, even going as far as calling alicent abusive 💀 i can stomach them calling rhaenicent a bad ship and a rulebook queerbait because they're allowed to their own opinions (and i know most of them are just coping) but when they try to pull stuff out of their asses in favour of their 'lesbian' rep consisting of a guy preying on his two younger blood relatives oh my blood just starts boiling. anyway sorry for ranting about this in your ask box but i just have a lot to say about this, especially as you've said most of them could care less about laena in any other setting 😭
They use the dig of “oh it will never happen on screen” as if we aren’t talking about two medieval women, one of which being the queen regent and the other being the princess and supposed heir. The last canonically gay character we had on screen was miserable to the point of literally leaving his family… DUH we know it probably won’t happen. The fact that the writers and multiple actors see rhaenicent is enough.
The “oh I can’t ship rhaenicent bc Alicent ruined Rhaenyra’s life” argument is hilarious bc it’s not like Rhaenyra was a perfect angel towards Alicent. We have to fill in the blanks bc there is no scenes showing this but it’s assumed that Rhaenyra begins to pull away after Alicent is forced into that position. I don’t blame Rhaenyra for that, she’s young but it truly spirals from there. Its the same logic of them being like “they are step daughter and mother” while shipping the people who are actually related. Just pulling shit out of thin air bc they hate Alicent, and can’t stand they still care about each other. I know they are gonna be sick to their stomach when she pardons Alicent 💀
It really pisses me off when people only talk about laena and her kids to uplift daemon and or Rhaenyra. Either come correct or let my girl rest easy
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giant1956 · 1 year
Hi! I've recently become a Rock Hudson fan and I love your blog. But there has been something bothering for a few days: I'm reading Mark Griffin's biography of Rock, "All That Heaven Allows", and in Chapter 9, he quotes Troy Donahue and two of Rock's best friends, George Nader and Mark Miller, as saying that everytime they say some blond hunk in his films, they knew that it was probably not his dramatic abilities that had landed him the part. From this, Griffin seems to infer that Rock held his own "casting calls" (Donahue says that Rock saw him as a "score" but he denies that he was intimate with him, and Mark Miller insists that Donahue personally "auditioned" for Rock). I don't know if the implication is that he took advantage of the casting couch, thus perpetuating the abuses of power and sexual violence he had suffered at the hands of Henry Willson, or if he simply got bit parts for guys he found attractive. It's troubling the hell out of me because I enjoy his work, but now I can't stop thinking about it and focus on the film I'm watching. What do you think?
hi, as i'm sure you're learning there's not many things that can be corroborated about rock’s life. he was deeply private--even w close friends, chunks of his life are forgotten to time, most sources of information about him are completely untrustworthy or dead or both, and like him his partners were often closeted and died that way. he might've engaged in casting couch harassment or he might've just gotten people parts bc they were together/he was attracted to them or it could be that neither is true. if you find one person telling a story about rock as fact you'll usually find another claiming it’s completely false. ik that kind of ambiguity can be difficult to accept, and i'm not trying to be blasé, but it’s wholly up to you on how you let that effect your viewing experience.
i want to include this as an addendum bc its important for the critical reading of any gay biog: you should try to be skeptical about how people word things about homosexual behavior from 60 years ago. biographers will often repeat things that perpetuate homophobic stereotypes bc of prejudicial sources without knowing that's what they're doing (or they’re fully aware and don’t care). an example: multiple biographies on monty clift have repeated this story: he liked bringing "young boys" to film sets so they could watch him perform <- a pretty gross implication until you find out it started bc one biographer used highly prejudicial phrasing to tell that story and monty was actually bringing his fully adult partners to set. people just cited the original phrase, implication and all, without ever bothering to dig any deeper. it's only been corrected over the years bc monty has a motivated and loving family looking after his legacy. not many gay people have that privilege.
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