#don Bosko
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schrijverr · 2 months ago
As Eddie processes Bobby’s words, he can suddenly understand Bosko’s aggression from earlier and the need to cuss him out extensively. “What the fuck do you mean, I’m off the field? That’s bullshit,” he demands much like Bosko had.
“Eddie,” Bobby levels him with a look, “the two of you are family. You’re partners on and off the field. You’re not going to be able to make rational decisions and it’s going to put people in danger. I can’t have that.”
“I’m not compromised,” Eddie seethes. “In fact, we had a whole internal investigation to see if me and Buck could work together. And guess what? We can. So, you can’t do shit right now, Cap.”
Bobby takes a calming breath, obviously trying not to lose his cool. “Yes, I can. You’re not acting rational right now, just like Bosko isn’t about her Captain. I can make judgment calls in the field and I’m making this one.”
“Like hell you are,” Eddie yells. “You’re not making me sit out when my husband is out there!”
“You have your son to worry about,” Bobby roars back, losing the fight against his temper.
“My son needs both his fathers,” Eddie shouts, not afraid of Bobby’s temper and more than ready to fight back.
“And he’s going to have none of his fathers if you don’t listen to me, Firefighter Diaz,” Bobby says forcefully, jabbing Eddie in the chest with his finger. “You’re gonna get yourself killed with the head space you’re in, then where will Chris be, huh?”
At that Chris bursts out in tears again, all the yelling and mentions of people dying getting to him as he sobs: “I don- I don- I don’t wan’ you or papi to die.”
-check out the fic this is a snippet of-
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ppiotrr · 22 days ago
Vesperae solennes de confessore KV 339 Mozarta
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Vesperae solennes de confessore KV 339 Mozarta
Nieszpory uroczyste wyznawcy - oczami wyznawcy. Wyobraź sobie: Salzburg, 1780 rok. Wolfgang Amadeusz Mozart, 24-letni geniusz z fryzurą jak po burzy elektrycznej, wciska klawisze kościelnych organów tak gwałtownie, że aniołowie na freskach zasłaniają uszy. Nad nim stoi arcybiskup Colloredo – surowy jak szwajcarski zegar, który nakręca się sam sobie. A Wolfgang? On już wie, że to jego ostatni akt w tej sakralnej klatce. Zanim rzuci papierami na biurko biskupa i spierdoli do Wiednia, by pisać opery i pić wino z Beethovenem, zostawia po sobie bombę: Vesperae solennes de confessore KV 339. To nie nieszpory. To muzyczny molotov, który wciąż wybucha w uszach słuchaczy. Aria, która złamała kościół (i kilka serc) Wystarczy pięć minut z Laudate Dominum – tej bosko bezczelnej arii sopranowej – by zrozumieć, że Mozart grał tu w swoje zasady. To nie modlitwa, to power ballad dla Boga, napisana na skraju artystycznej depresji. Gdy izraelska sopranistka Talia Or wjechała tym kawałkiem na finał Festiwalu Mozartiana, nawet ateiści w publice mieli łzy w oczach. Jej głos sunął po katedrze jak dym z kadzidła, a chór w tle brzmiał jak tłum fanów na stadionie. Mozart by klaskał, pewnie z butelką szampana w drugiej ręce.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tO2XGYWNAoAJuż pisałem wcześniej o Nieszporach, lecz w innym kontekście... Zapraszam tutaj Salzburg: więzienie z złotymi kratami Rok 1780. Wolfgang to już nie cudowne dziecko, tylko sfrustrowany gość w garniturze służbowym kościelnego kapelmistrza. Colloredo – jego szef, arcybiskup-zabójca marzeń – każe mu klepać msze dla grzecznych mieszczan.Ale Mozart? On chce krwi, operowej dramaturgii, oklasków, skandali! Vesperae to jego ostatni projekt w korporacji „Katedra Salzburg”. Psalmy? Formalnie tak, ale posłuchaj Confitebor – tam są trąbki, które grają jak na koronację rockowego króla. A Magnificat na finał? To czysty dramat, jakby Don Giovanni wbiegł do zakrystii z pochodnią. Tajne operowe passusy i inne herezje – Proszę, niech ksiądz nie zauważy, że wrzuciłem tu duet z niedopisanej opery – pewnie myślał Wolfgang, pisząc Laudate Dominum. Ta aria to przecież czysty vocal porn dla sopranu. Gdyby w XVIII wieku były kluby jazzowe, grano by to po północy przy burbonie. A całe Vesperae? To majstersztyk podwójnego życia: liturgiczny sznyt na wierzchu, pod spodem – dzika tęsknota za wolnością.
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Pożegnanie z przeszłością, czyli „Wiedeń czeka” Gdy Vesperae trafiły do katedry, Mozart pakował już mentalnie walizki. Colloredo? Niech sobie zostanie z tymi psalmami. Wolfgang leci na wolny rynek, gdzie będzie komponować Cosi fan tutte i umierać w biedzie jak prawdziwy artysta. A KV 339? Zostało jako testament: „Kochani, Bóg jest cool, ale opera to mój prawdziwy bóg”. Dlaczego to działa? Bo to MOZART, ludzie! Dziś, gdy Talia Or otwiera usta w Laudate Dominum, słychać w tym cały ten przekręt: sakralny tekst, ale w głosie – bunt, ekstaza, życie. To muzyka, która przetrwała arcybiskupów, wojny i nawet Spotify. I gdy ostatni akord ginie w eterze, masz ochotę krzyknąć: Wolfgang, ty pojebie, zrobiłeś to again. PS. Chcesz poczuć wolność? Włącz KV 339, podkręć volume i zamknij oczy. To nie nieszpory. To Mozart, który pali się do ucieczki.🎻🔥
Jestem PpiotrR serdecznie dziękuję, ze doczytałaś, doczytałeś ten wpis aż do tego miejsca ❤️
i chciałbym zaprosić cię
do lektury Pozostałych miejsc
Na tej stronie
o mnie
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Być jak Zawisza, Zadania wykonywać bez zbędnej zwłoki, Szanować czas, używać głowy i serca...Przez ostatnie 8 lat (prawie 8 lat), byłem razem z demokratami by przyczyniać się do normalności w naszym kraju). Dziś kiedy Polska staje się znów częścią europejskiej rodziny państw demokratycznych, mogę powróci�� do tego co kocham najbardziej czyli swoich muzycznych Pasji. By wreszcie móc pogłębiać swoją wiedzę o muzyce i dzielić się nią... >> INNE STRONY Read the full article
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newcountryradio · 28 days ago
New Country 28e jaargang  #T1269 (S828) (C68) van 24 februari 2025  (wk 08) uitzending op Smelne fm & Crossroads Country Radio
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Album van de week:  The War And Treaty - Plus One             
Classic album:  LeAnn Rimes – Blue        
Maandfavoriet : Josh Ward – There’s A Drink for That   
Maandartiest : Dierks Bentley   
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Dierks Bentley – She Hates Me      
Wade Hayes - Old Enough To Know Better    1995
Tim McGraw  - My Best Friend       2000
Larry Fleet - Hard Work And Holy water
Tigirlily Gold – Forever From Here
Sabine Carpenter  feat Dolly Parton - Please Please Please
The Mavericks - And We Dance.
Joe Nichols - Annie Bosko - Better Than You.
Jelly Roll – Liar          #1 
The War & Treaty – Leads Me Home  .  *Album vd week  I
The War & Treaty  - Carried Away . (album)
Kenny Chesney – Everybody Wants To Go To Heaven *Entertainer 2008
Don Henley – Bramble Rose 2015
Sammy Kershaw – She Don’t Know Shes Beautiful
Brooks & Dunn –    How Long Gone   
Josh Ward – There’s A Drink for That  . favoriet 
Dierks Bentley - Gonna Get There Some Day (sofi )  
LeAnn Rimes – One Way Ticket (because I can)
Leann Rimes - Blue   (classic album
Thomas Rhett – After all The Bars Are Closed .
Riley Green – Worst Way . .
Merle Haggard – Branded Man
Merle Haggard – Sing Me Back home
Merle Haggard – I Threw away The Rose
The War & Treaty - Drink For Me .  album
Brett Kissel – Together
Charly Reynolds - Neon Moon.
Jack Elliott & Derroll Adams - .Weck On The Highway
Morgan Wallen, - One Thing At A Time
Kenny Chesney – Save It for A Rainy Day
Red Simpson - Black Smoke A Blowin' Over 18 Wheels . Truck song: 
Dierks Bentley – Beers On Me ft Breland  hardy  
Wyatt Flores – Habits *juweeltje
Backwoods Bluegrass - Fox on The Run.
Tim Knol & Bluegrass Boogiemen – There Ain't Nobody Gonna Miss Me When I'm Gone vw
The War & Treaty  - Save Me (album)
Willie Nelson – Imagine  
Country Trail band – Rodeo Preacher .
Dick van Altena – Ghost riders In the Sky.
Colonel Hammond’s Four – Till The answer Comes .
Alan Jackson – You Never Know   #5 2014
Willie nelson /Merle Haggard   - Django & Jimmy      #4 2015
Aaron Watson – Family Tree      #3  
George Strait – Cold Beer Conversation   #2 2015
Chris Stapleton – Daddy Doesn’t Pray Anymore
Chris Stapleton – Traveller #1 2015 in the new country music express
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xhemilbeharaj · 7 months ago
Plagosja te Don Bosko, policia jep detaje
Policia e Tiranës, me anë të një lajmërimi për mediat, ka dhënë detaje për të të shtënat me armë në Don Bosko. Efektivët e kryeqytetit shprehen se nga të shtënat me armë janë plagosur një 45-vjeçar dhe një 22-vjeçar, që janë shtruar në spital, ku po marrin mjekim. “Tiranë/Informacion paraprak Më datë 03.09.2024, në Don Bosko, në afërsi të OSHEE, janë plagosur me armë zjarri shtetasit K. E., 45…
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punster-2319 · 5 years ago
The “Disgruntled Ex-Disney Employees Forming Their Own Animation Studio to Compete With Disney” Starter Pack
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totalldonbosko · 6 years ago
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meidonbosko · 6 years ago
Gjate jetes njeriu ben disa blerje apo investime te rendesishme si shkollimi, makina, dasma etj, por asnjera nga keto nuk do te jete aq e rendesishme dhe emocionale sa blerja e shtepise suaj.
Ne shkrimin paraardhes ju fola per emocionin unik qe ndjen dikush ku blen shtepine e tij te pare. Por para se te shkojme te ky rezultat final kaq i bukur bleresit kalojne disa luhajtje emocionesh.
Per t’ju pergatitu me mire per procesin e blerjes do te shpjegoj 15 fazat emocionale per tu bere pronar shtepie.
1.     Vendose te blesh nje shtepi !
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Te ka ardhur ne maje te hundes duke hedhur parate e tua per paguar qirane, ose me keq akoma, duke jetuar me prinderit e tu. Pra ti e ndjen veten gati per te blere shtepine tende.....ose te pakten keshtu mendon ti.
2.     Ndihesh i emocionuar, nervoz, i shqetesuar.....e lloj loj emocionesh te tjera.
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Fillon duke bere disa kerkime ne internet. Pas ketyre fillon te ndihesh disi i zhgenjyer dhe konfuz. A te duhet nje apartament me 1,2 apo tre dhoma gjumi, pallat I ri apo I vjeter, me nje apo dy tualete.
3.     Nga i emocionuar shpejt fillon te ndihesh...nervoz.
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Nga te ndjerit euforik qe se shpejti do behesh pronar shpejt fillon te ndjesh nje lemsh ne stomak pasi ben konsulten e pare ne banke dhe kupton se sa borxh do te marresh.
4.     Me se shumti je i emocionuar.
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Por gjithsesi se shpejti do te keni nje shtepi, nje vend ku askush tjeter pervec jush te kete te drejte te beje cte doje, te hyje me kepuce ne shtepi, te rri zhveshur.
5.     Shume shpejt fillon te lidhesh emocionalisht.
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E si mund tja u shpjegosh te tjereve lidhjen e menjehershme emocionale qe ndien me dhomen e gjumit ten je shtepie qe sapo ke vizituar. Ate thjesht e ndien..
6.     Koncepti I “shtepise se endrrave” ndryshon ne menyre drastike.
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Sa me shume shtepi qe viziton aq me shume kupton qe “shtepia e endrrave” qe aqq shume keni imagjinuar sa vjen dhe behet e paarritshme. Ty te duhet te heqesh dore nga kriteret fillestare. E per cfare te duhet tualeti me dritare ne fund te fundit...;)
7.     E gjetet “te duhuren”
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Pasi ke pare shtepi te panumerta, me ne fund ti gjen shtepine e duhur per ty. Merr fryme thelle dhe pasi vendos qe e do, ben nje oferte duke shpresuar qe ajo do te pranohet.
8.      Merr vesh qe te kane nxjerre jashte loje.
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Oferta jote ishte shume e ulet dhe pronari ja ka shitur dikujt tjeter me cmim me te larte.. Atehere te gjithe endrrat e tua jane “shkaterruar”. Dhe ti kthehesh perseri te pika 1.
9.     Atehere kur ti mendon se nuk do te dashurohesh perseri, ndodh.
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Tashme trishtimi qe te shkaktoi mosblerja e shtepise se pare ka filluar te zbehet. Dhe ti fillove perseri te shikosh shtepi te tjera. Dhe pikerisht kur nuk e prisje gjen nje tjeter me te mire. Nuk e mendon dy here dhe menjehere ben nje oferte.
10.     Pataj ti rri dhe pret.
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 Dhe gjithe kjo pritje fillon te ben te ndihesh pak I tensionuar. Nga frika e nje “ndarje” tjeter ti fillon te jesh i vemendshem ndaj cdo opsioni te ri qe del ne treg.
11.     Por tensionimi yt iket kur te thone “Oferta u pranua!!!”
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Ndjehesh sikur ke fituar llotarine. Gjithcka eshte ne favorin tend,.
12.     Marrdhenia jote me agjentin e kredise dhe agjentin imobiliar fillon te behet serioze.
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Ti kupton qe je duke shpenzuar nje kohe te papare duke folur me agjentin e kredise dhe agjentin imobiliar Per te kaluar te gjithe procesin e kreditimin me sukses.
13.     Tarifat e ndryshme dhe banka jote bankare shkon “OUU”.
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Ato shifra papritmas fillojne te duken shume te medha. Erdhi koha ti thuash “lamtumire” kursimeve te tua.
14. Por shume shpejt ti harron gjithcka, pasi tani je Pronar.
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 Po po , eshte e vertete, eshte koha per te festuar. Ti ndihesh si nje femije i vogel vecse shume, shume me pergjegjes (kjo nuk eshte nje Monopoli).
15.     Dhe se fundi: KENAQESIA
Tani ti mund te marresh fryme lirisht pasi te gjithe kete proces e le pas. Tani ke ne dore celesat e nje vendi te ri qe ti do ta quash “shtepi” dhe bertet me gezim “UAUU” SHTEPIA IME E PARE.
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schrijverr · 1 month ago
I Didn’t Mean to Say I Do, but I Do. I Do. 46
Chapter 46 out of 50
Secret marriage of convenience buddie slow burn AU, where Buck and Eddie have been married for years so Buck could adopt Chris and no one at the 118 knows.
In this chapter, as they hear more tidbits about where Buck might be and what state he is in, worry creeps in, but Bosko’s injury and LAFD protocol is stopping Eddie from finding Buck. Is this how Buck will slip through his fingers?
On AO3.
Ships: Buddie
Warnings: injury
Chapter 46: Following Orders
As Eddie processes Bobby’s words, he can suddenly understand Bosko’s aggression from earlier and the need to cuss him out extensively. “What the fuck do you mean, I’m off the field? That’s bullshit,” he demands much like Bosko had.
“Eddie,” Bobby levels him with a look, “the two of you are family. You’re partners on and off the field. You’re not going to be able to make rational decisions and it’s going to put people in danger. I can’t have that.”
“I’m not compromised,” Eddie seethes. “In fact, we had a whole internal investigation to see if me and Buck could work together. And guess what? We can. So, you can’t do shit right now, Cap.”
Bobby takes a calming breath, obviously trying not to lose his cool. “Yes, I can. You’re not acting rational right now, just like Bosko isn’t about her Captain. I can make judgment calls in the field and I’m making this one.”
“Like hell you are,” Eddie yells. “You’re not making me sit out when my husband is out there!”
“You have your son to worry about,” Bobby roars back, losing the fight against his temper.
“My son needs both his fathers,” Eddie shouts, not afraid of Bobby’s temper and more than ready to fight back.
“And he’s going to have none of his fathers if you don’t listen to me, Firefighter Diaz,” Bobby says forcefully, jabbing Eddie in the chest with his finger. “You’re gonna get yourself killed with the head space you’re in, then where will Chris be, huh?”
At that Chris bursts out in tears again, all the yelling and mentions of people dying getting to him as he sobs: “I don- I don- I don’t wan’ you or papi to die.”
“Look what you did,” Eddie glares at Bobby, before turning to Chris and rocking him gently as he shushes: “No one is going to die, mijo. We’ll find papi, yeah? We’ll find him.”
“Pinky promise?” Chris asks, holding up his pinky after he wiped at his face to clear the tears from it.
“Yeah, pinky promise,” Eddie says, intending to keep it. He sends Bobby a meaningful look, as if to say ‘see, I pinky promised my kid, you can’t take me off the field now.’
Bobby sighs and goes for a reasonable voice when says: “Eddie, I’ll make sure everyone knows Buck is missing. The whole LAFD will be looking for him. We will find him. You just need to focus on Chris. Take these people and Bosko to the VA hospital and when we find Buck, you’ll be the first one to know.”
Eddie is gearing up to argue again, but Bosko is quicker. “You’re totally right, sir. We’ll do that.” It seems like Bobby finds her change of tune just as weird as Eddie, because he sends her a look. She elaborates: “Seeing Diaz, makes me realize how stupid I was.”
“What!” Eddie exclaims at her hypocrisy, but before he can go on, she elbows him in the side, shutting him up.
Bobby gives them a suspicious look and Bosko puts on an innocent expression he has never seen on her and never thought she’d be capable off. “I’m serious, Captain Nash. The adrenaline is wearing off and my ribs are hurting like a mother-” she glances to Chris “-uh, like a lot,” she corrects.
Chris has definitely heard fucker multiple times, in fact Eddie can still clearly recall him repeating a variation of the word with much gusto when Eddie first met Buck. The memory sends a stab through him and holds Chris a little tighter as he waits, curious to see what will happen now.
“And I can trust you to keep Eddie on track?” Bobby asks, clearly not buying it.
“Yeah, course, don’t worry,” Bosko assures him. “I got a lot of practice in Diaz wrangling when he was serving in my house. I can keep him out of trouble and get him to Sawtelle.”
“I wasn’t that bad,” Eddie says darkly. “And I don’t want to go to the VA hospital.”
“Eddie, shut up,” Bosko hisses. She almost never calls him Eddie. He’s pretty sure she has something planned, so he shuts up.
Bobby looks between them and quirks his brow. He sighs deeply and shakes his head, before giving Bosko a look. She nods back almost imperceptibly.
Then Bobby says: “Alright. I trust you two to escort these people to the VA hospital safely. I’m ordering you two to take them there, then stay there. If I find out that you two have disobeyed, I’ll have to take disciplinary action. Am I understood?”
There is something weird about his inflection, but Eddie can’t place his finger on it. However, Bosko is saying: “Understood, sir.” So he copies her, albeit a little more moodily. “Yeah, okay, Bobby.”
“Good,” Bobby gives them both a nod. “I’ll rendezvous with Chimney and Hen and leave you two in charge here. Don’t do anything stupid.”
With that he walks off. Eddie watches him go, before turning to the group of people in front of them, for whom they are now responsible. He doesn’t really know what to do. He knows he can’t just abandon these people to their fate, but he doesn’t want to let Chris go to help them, nor does he want to lead them to the VA hospital instead of spending that time looking for Buck.
“Is anyone too injured to walk?” Bosko calls out to the crowd. There is a negative response and she nods, before yelling: “Alright. Follow me.”
“What are you doing?” Eddie hisses. “You really agree with Bobby?”
“Of course not,” Bosko rolls her eyes. “I had to give him a reason to leave so we could go rogue and find Ronnie and Buck. He knows we’re not going to listen to him. Didn’t you hear how he said that?”
“No?” Eddie replies, confused.
“He has to take disciplinary action, if he finds out we disobeyed. If he doesn’t know, he doesn’t have to do anything, so he gave us a task away from him to a place he’s probably not going to be much today,” Bosko lays it out for him. “We bring these people to Sawtelle, then we come back out here to look.”
“Oh,” Eddie says, kinda dumbly, before grinning. “You’re a genius.”
“I keep trying to convince you, but you never listen, do you, Diaz?” Bosko grins back.
“Excuse me,” Marissa interrupts them. “The hospital is on Sawtelle?”
“Uh, yeah.”
“I know the way, I can take everyone, so you two can start looking,” she says. “I mean, I don’t know Ronnie, but Buck – if I heard the name right – saved us. If my husband was out here, I’d want to go look too. I’m sure everyone here will be more than fine to let you two go.”
The kindness of the offer overtakes Eddie, especially when more and more people start nodding, assuring the two of them that they can make it just fine. To go.
“What do you think, Superman?” Eddie asks Chris, bouncing him lightly. “Want to go look for papi together?”
“I do!” Chris cheers.
“Alright,” Eddie smiles.
Behind him, he hears Bosko say: “I think I can flag down some transport for you guys. Are you sure you’re going to be okay? Because we can go with you, before starting our search.”
“No, no, you go,” the other woman, who’d spoken earlier says.
“Yeah, Buck made sure we were okay, now we’d like to help him,” the man says.
“Thank you so much,” Eddie tells the group sincerely.
Marissa shakes her head: “No, thank you. And thank your husband from us when you find him.”
“I will,” Eddie promises, before it registers that they all think Buck is his husband-husband. It’s the first time someone assumed that since Eddie found peace with himself. It feels weirdly nice. Yet it saddens him deeply too.
Eddie holds so much love for Buck that even strangers can see it. However, he’s been leaving Buck behind, because he’s too scared for him to find out. It feels unfair, though he can’t pinpoint why.
He shakes his head. He doesn’t have time for this, for existentialism. They check the group over and take care the worst injuries, before they wave the group of people goodbye
Once they’re leaving, he turns to Chris, asking: “Can you tell me what clothes papi put on this morning? So I know what to look for?”
“Uh, he’s wearing pants and a white shirt with the red-pink shirt over it,” Chris answers.
It says a lot about how well Eddie knows Buck that he immediately knows what outfit Chris is talking about. “Good job, well done, thank you,” he praises Chris. “And the two of you went to the pier, before the water was gone, then to the fire engine, right?”
Chris nods. “Papi saved me. The water took me and I couldn’t hold onto the street light anymore, but he caught me and got me onto the fire engine. Then he saved everyone else. He said I helped, we’re a good team.”
At the recount, a wave of affection and love for Buck washes over Eddie. Even in the middle of a disaster, he’s still the best dad their kid could have wished for. He couldn’t have asked for a better partner.
However, right now he’s trying to retrace their steps, so they can figure out where Buck might have gone. So, he asks: “And what happened then?”
“The water started moving again and everything was shaking. Papi told me to hold on, because there were people in the water that needed saving, but then it shook really hard and I fell off. And I couldn’t see papi anywhere. I held onto the building there,” Chris points. “Then the water went down and I found you.”
Eddie looks in the direction Chris is pointing at. It’s a very generic direction downstream, but it’s a place to start. He nods: “Alright, then we’ll go look there first.”
“Lead the way,” Bosko speaks up, reminding him of her presence.
Surprised he looks over. He half expected her to already be gone. “You’re coming with us? What about Ronnie?”
“My plan had been to tag along with you and Bobby while looking for him as we went. Now it’s you and Chris, but the plan is the same,” Bosko shrugs. “Besides, I wasn’t lying when I said you looked stupid. Someone here has to make sure you don’t do anything too idiotic. I practically half promised your Captain too.”
“Can you believe that, mijo? Bosko thinks daddy needs supervision,” Eddie says mock indignantly, directing himself to Chris in the hope to cheer him up a bit.
Thankfully it has the intended effect, because Chris giggles at that. “But, daddy, you do need supervision.”
“Oh, really? And who told you that, huh?” Eddie asks, playing up his offense even more.
“Well, papi, Abuela, tía Pepa, Hen,” Chris lists.
“Okay, okay, I get it, I get it, you little rascal,” Eddie laughs, before swinging Chris onto his back so he’s easier to carry.
Without his crutches and with all this water, Chris is in no state to walk, but Eddie has no problem carrying him for as long as necessary. He’s not letting Chris out of his sight, not until their family is safely back together on dry land.
It’s slow going, however. Bosko’s broken rib makes wading through high water even more difficult than it already is, and despite the fact that they’re defecting, they are still firefighters in uniform, so people do ask them for help.
Since they are carrying Chris and seem to be going somewhere, they look busy enough that most people let them pass without comment. However, it does happen that Eddie needs to put Chris down for a moment – getting Bosko to hold his hand to prevent him from getting lost, since she can’t hold him with her broken rib – so he can help where necessary.
When Eddie picks Chris up after the third time they’ve stopped, he realizes Chris is shaking. It’s not a surprise, he’s absolutely soaked and has taken multiple dips in the cold sea water. He looks at Bosko and says: “We need to get him a blanket.”
Bosko nods, lips pursed. They have seen as much from Ronnie as from Buck. They’re both keeping their eye out for any sign of a uniform or pink shirt, but no luck yet.
She’s probably feeling about as disheartened as he does right now, so maybe the break from searching to find a blanket will help reset their mindset. They’ve already heard of some places handing out supplies from the few encounters they’ve had, so they change course to swing by the closest one.
It’s clearly a small place, set up by people from the area who’d been hit themselves, but are trying to do what they can. They look confused for a second when Bosko and Eddie arrive, since they likely assume firefighters would have supplies from outside the disaster zone. Eddie turns sideways, so they can see Chris, who is clinging to his back. “He needs something to warm him up,” Eddie explains.
Understanding dawns on the woman’s face, before she smiles gently and goes to reach for a blanket, while Eddie puts Chris down again, so he can take it and start figuring out how to organize it all.
When she turns back to them to hand them the blanket, she does a double take, before calling out to a man, who is sitting on a plastic chair a further down the wall: “Hey, Earl, wasn’t there that young lad looking for a boy in that outfit a while ago?”
Earl looks like he gets startled awake by the sudden shout, but looks over to the little crew of three, before his eyes fall on Chris. “The tall fella? Yeah, he looks pretty similar.”
“You saw Buck?” Eddie asks eagerly. This is the closest they’ve gotten in forever now.
“Well, I don’t know his name, but if he’s a tall man with the mark on his face looking for a little boy wearing that outfit with CP, yeah,” the woman says.
Eddie nearly drops his phone with how quick he gets it out, showing her the same picture he showed the other woman earlier. “Is this him?”
“Yeah, that’s him. Came to see if that boy had been here, but it was the wrong kid,” the woman says. “You missed him by an hour and a half. He went that way. You know him?”
“He’s my husband, this is our son,” Eddie explains, before confirming. “You said he went that way?”
The woman nods: “He did. The poor dear looked horrible. I says to Earl it’s a miracle that boy’s still walking, I did. Didn’t I, Earl?” Earl makes a vaguely agreeable sound. “He your husband? A mighty coincidence you finding your son out here, or were you together when it hit?”
“No, I came in later,” Eddie says, bypassing her coincidence comment. He would have believed it was coincidence on any other day, but now it feels like a sign; he has to find his husband. He has to bring their family back together. “Thank you so much for the blanket and the information.”
“Of course, of course, I hope you find him, he was a nice, polite young man,” the woman tells him.
“Me too,” Eddie says, before turning to Chris and saying: “Hear that, Superman. Papi was here. Come, I’ll wrap you up and we’ll go after him.”
“Yay,” Chris says half-muttering. His eyes are struggling to stay open, but he’s fighting the exhaustion with shivering.
Eddie bundles Chris in the blanket, fashioning it into a sized up sling, baby carrier thing, so he can carry Chris on his back without having to hold up his legs with his arms. While he does that, Bosko tries to see if they happened to see Ronnie too. That answer tragically remains no.
They thank the couple profusely, before setting on the path Buck followed an hour and a half ago, hoping they can catch up with him.
The further they go, the closer they seem to get and the more worried Eddie becomes. They encounter more and more people, who have seen Buck pass, most of them commenting on his help and the state of him, which had been horrid. All of them recognize Buck from the picture and they all correct their course, so they hone in on him more accurately.
He can’t imagine what kind of head space he must be in for him to go on with the way he’s looking to people. Eddie already knows he’s overexerting his leg, because most people noted him limping on his weak side. However, he also seemed exhausted to everyone, maybe even concussed. Why he’s not heading to a hospital, Eddie wouldn’t have understood, were it not for the fact that every single person tells them he’d been looking for Chris.
God, Eddie can’t imagine being in this mess and not knowing how Chris is or where he is, just that he’s somewhere out there.
Buck must be out of his mind with worry and pushing aside any sort of pain to focus on finding Chris. It only makes Eddie love him more, but he also feel so goddamn guilty. Chris said they’d been out here because Eddie hadn’t been home. Buck is out there, because Eddie wasn’t home. If he’d just been home, Buck would be okay right now. Chris would be okay, instead of sleeping off the exhaustion in the sling.
It’s his fault they were out here and it’s his fault that Buck is still out there. Maybe he couldn’t have asked for help, because most people broke their phone, but there are first responders all over. He could have asked them to radio Eddie, he knows he’s working today.
But Eddie’s radio hasn’t gone. Buck hasn’t called. He hasn’t called, because Eddie made him feel like he couldn’t. Like he had to do this alone. Eddie abandoned him and now Buck is hurting himself for their son.
He doesn’t know how much Eddie loves him, how much he trusts him, how much Buck means to him, even apart for all he’s done for Chris.
Fucking dammit, Eddie loves Buck for being Buck! And here the idiot is, trying to find Chris by himself instead of calling Eddie for help. They’re supposed to be a team, Eddie is supposed to have his back, but he hasn’t been.
Eddie needs to tell Buck that he can always count on him, that Eddie is still here for him, that he’s not going anywhere, no matter what happens. That Buck is important to him. That Buck is important, not just his co-parent, his partner at work and at home, but Buck. Buck his best friend, Buck the love of his life.
Without meaning to, he speeds up, determination washing over him to find Buck, before he works himself into an early grave.
“Wait up, Diaz,” Bosko gasps, clutching her side.
She’d been lagging and he’d been slowing down imperceptibly to accommodate without pointing it out. He knows Bobby had been right and that she shouldn’t have been out there, but he understands that she wants to be and he’s not going to be the one to send her away. Not when it still seems like they’re gaining ground on Buck.
However, with the setting sun, she’d been flagging more and more. There hasn’t been a sign of Ronnie anywhere and her breathing sounds very wrong now.
“You need to get to a hospital,” Eddie says, worried crease between his brows.
“No, I- I’m fine,” Bosko insists haltingly.
“Bosko, Lena, don’t-” Eddie doesn’t know how to go on, but he’s trying.
“I know, okay. I know,” Bosko says, returning his look with one of her own. “But I can’t just leave him out here.”
“If you keep going, it’s going to be the two of you out here,” Eddie points out to her, the words hurting him too, but he tries to give it a positive spin. “We’ve been out of contact with everyone for hours now. Maybe he’s been found. You can check the patient records while you’re there. I promise I’ll keep looking for him.”
Bosko looks torn, her side must hurt like a bitch, even worse than when she’d first admitted to having the injury. All the movement has been making it worse and she knows that as well as Eddie does.
“Come on, we’re so close, it’s in the same direction Buck went. I’ll take you there and if we hear news on the way, I won’t make you go,” Eddie sweetens the deal.
“Fine.” It sounds like it physically pains her to say that, but she’s reached the end of her rope. She can’t keep looking, no matter how badly she wants to.
“Thank you,” he says, because he knows what a sacrifice it is for her. She’s pushed through so much pain already, to give up now must sting.
“You too,” she shoots back with an exhausted smile.
They start walking again. It’s painfully slow, but Eddie isn’t about to leave a man behind, no matter how badly he wants to run, to catch up with Buck. He knows he needs his energy too. He has no clue what state Buck will be in when they find him. If he has to drag him to a hospital, he’ll need the energy. No use sprinting in a marathon.
To lighten the mood a little, he says: “Ironic, but I think the hospital we’re close to is the VA one on Sawtelle. Looks like we’re listening to Bobby’s orders after all.”
Bosko snorts, before groaning: “Ugh, don’t make me laugh, Diaz. That shit hurts.”
“Don’t swear in front of Chris,” Eddie scolds without really meaning it.
“I’ve heard you swear in front of Chris. Today even.” She gives him a look. “Besides, I’m pretty sure that the little guy is out like a light.”
Eddie can feel the consistent puffs of air against the back of his neck. It has been a great comfort all throughout the track, along with the fact that Chris is no longer shivering and starts to feel warm against his back. “It’s about the principle of the thing,” he sniffs anyway, just to play his bit.
“You’re a dick,” Bosko informs him.
“So you’ve said before,” Eddie grins, before letting a companionable silence fall. She looks more lively than a few minutes ago, which was the goal anyway.
Together, they make their way through the wet streets towards the VA hospital. They can spot it a few blocks away, since it’s the only place covered in lights, both brights and emergency ones. It looks like a haven.
Eddie hopes the haven won’t try to keep them for too long. He’s not going to make Bosko walk in there alone, but he still needs to find Buck. The last people they encountered that saw him were already quite some time away.
The longer he waits, the colder the trail will get. A reality where he won’t find Buck, is not one he wants to consider. The only reason he’s still somewhat sane, is that Buck is confirmed to be alive by eyewitness accounts.
He greets a nurse with a clipboard who is clearly part of the organization – trying not to immediately think of how gleeful Buck gets when he is handed a clipboard – with a: “Hey, my friend, she has a broken rib and she’s showing signs-”
“Can I get your names for the list, please?” the nurse asks.
“They have a list,” Bosko says excitedly. “Give me the list.”
“Excuse me!” the nurse frowns as Bosko tries to take the list from her.
Eddie stops her, saying: “That’s Lena, Lena Bosko. I’m Eddie Diaz, this is Christopher Diaz. Have you seen a Ronnie?”
“Ronnie Cooper,” Bosko adds. “Fire Captain, station 136?”
The nurse has to break the bad news, pulling a sympathetic face. “I haven’t. Head on inside and someone will be with you.”
Bosko nods, defeated and Eddie squeezes her shoulder reassuringly. They both turn to go their own way, when the nurse frowns: “Where are you going?” Both Bosko and Eddie pause in surprise at the question.
“Oh, I’m still looking for someone. Evan Buckley, he’s not on the list, right?” Eddie asks. Knowing Buck, he probably isn’t. That idiot won’t sign himself in when he hasn’t found Chris yet… though maybe he’s checking to see if someone brought Chris here. It’s not outlandish and suddenly he’s pretty interested in the answer.
“No, no Evan Buckley,” the nurse shakes her head. “But I can’t let you go either. First responders are collecting people at points like these so they can be evacuated. We don’t want people wandering out there, especially not in the dark.”
“I am first responders,” Eddie says, taken aback. He points to his uniform.
“What unit?”
“Uh, the 118, but we got separated.”
“Then you can wait until they come back, so you can rejoin. No going solo,” the nurse informs him.
“And you can leave the kid to be checked out. You can’t take him back out there.”
“Like hell I can’t! That’s my kid and it’s my husband. You can’t keep me here when he’s out there and injured,” Eddie frowns angrily.
The nurse crosses her arms: “And this is a natural disaster, Mr. Diaz. Everyone has people out there, but we’re working with a protocol to keep people safe. I can and will ask LAPD to restrain you, if you do not listen.”
Eddie looks back to who she’s indicating. Behind him, Athena is arriving from the darkness with a stretcher. The nurse seems smug, but Eddie just feels relief. “Athena!” he yells, just as Bosko exclaims: “Ronnie?”
Idk why I’m explaining myself, bc this is an AU, but I’m not following canon exactly, but I am keeping elements :D
Also sorry I haven’t been responding to comments as timely as I used to, but I got my thesis grade back and I passed!!! Like with a really good grade and I’m now set to graduate cum laude, so yay me. However, that also means I am now looking for a job, which is time consuming, so thanks for understanding <3
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ducktracy · 4 years ago
177. dog daze (1937)
release date: september 18th, 1937
series: merrie melodies
director: friz freleng
starring: mel blanc (police dog, spitz, russian wolf hounds), billy bletcher (st. bernard), berneice hansell (puppy)
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around this time, friz freleng left warner bros. to reconnect with his former co-workers and friends, hugh harman and rudolf ising, over at MGM. he’d serve a relatively short stint as director there, coming back to WB as soon as april 1939. the backlog of friz cartoons would trickle out until early 1938, where he would then be replaced by ben hardaway and cal dalton. friz has seniority at the studio, going as far back as animating for the 1929 pilot bosko, the talk-ink kid. while this isn’t his last cartoon, it remains an intriguing talking point! he’d make his biggest splash upon his return, directing a number of great black and white porky cartoons and making other little-known characters such as yosemite sam and sylvester, to name a select few. let’s not get too ahead of ourselves, now: here, we’re treated to a number of spot-gags involving dogs—including a drunken st. bernard.
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patrons stream into a theater advertising the local dog show. it’s not a ‘30′s cartoon without a celebrity caricature of some sort--a lumbering caricature of humorist/author irvin s. cobb moseys along down the street with his identical looking bulldog. he’s followed by william powell and his pooch asta, both featured relatively prominently in speaking of the weather just 2 shorts ago. and, furthering the connection to the aforementioned cartoon, we get another gag implying that the dog took a leak on a nearby pole: powell marches past a spare pole, when suddenly his leash is yanked from behind, leaving the audience to read between the lines.
another gag that is more reminiscent of the early days of animation: your stereotypical “fat lady” gag, underscored by a rather sardonic rendition of “oh, you beautiful doll”. the woman, in an attempt to fit into the seats, ends up shoving the entire row out of the way. not much to add here: fatphobia funny, right? (eyeroll)
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cue the dog puns as we get a look at the line-up for the dog show. a bird dog (as in, dogs who hunt birds) is taken to its literal meaning, perched in a cage and whistling like a bird. the next pen over is an irish setter (sitter, get it?) perched on top of a nest. mama crawls out of the nest to reveal a line of eggs. one by one, they all hatch to reveal a trio of energetic, yappy puppies. points for surrealism. 
next up, a disembodied voice cries “RAIN BLOW THROUGH THE MOUNTAIN!”, curtains withdrawing to reveal a police dog donning a mountie uniform, howling (its howls, of course, provided by mel blanc). this is a reference to the ever popular renfrew of the mounted, a ‘30′s book and radio series about a singing mountie--frank tashlin’s porky in the north woods even served as an ode to it. after that features a spitz hound, chewing on a glob of tobacco and lobbing it at a spitoon. amusing at first, this gag quickly wears its welcome as its featured in a number of other cartoons. spitting gags themselves were more along the lines of the earlier ‘30′s cartoons, right at home in the cruder days of the early harman and ising films.
 a st. bernard booze hound is next to be revealed, drunkenly singing a wordless rendition of “how dry i am”. billy bletcher’s deep bellow is a perfect match for such a big dog: the dog, rather pluto-esque as we’ll come to recognize, will return throughout the picture. the animation of it is rather nice--the physics on the floppy jowls are great. after a fit of hiccups, the dog giggles bashfully.
so, to counteract that high of the dog, our next pooch?
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oh, sweet hilarity!
time to make room for more puns, this time plastered on the curtain. the curtain advertises groaners such as “come see our itchings -- canine art galleries”, “are you in the dog house? get a new leash on life supply co.”, and so forth. the spotlight takes its sweet time to roam around each pun, allowing it to really sink in. complete with close-ups! i’m watching the newly restored version on hbomax (which looks gorgeous, by the way), and so i don’t know if it’s the fault of the restoration or if the original print had this issue, but the close-ups are a bit blurry, as if they were having some problems with the double-exposure effects. 
with eye-rolling puns out of the way (and i say this as a shameless pun lover), the audience is treated to a variety of k-9 vaudeville acts, starting with a pair of scottie dogs, who perform the highland fling. personally, i like the camel’s version better in porky in egypt. the spacing of the animation isn’t well distributed here--the movement feels too mechanical. 
the scotties are replaced by a pair of russian wolf hounds, who look like sticks when viewed from the front--a common place gag. animation of the hounds doing the hopak fares better than the scotties, and the barks at the end of the musical phrases are at least passably amusing. as the performance wraps up, the ushankas worn by the hounds turn out to be little black dogs curled up in a ball--once more, a tried and true gag that calls back to the days of the harman and ising era. 
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just when we think we’ve had enough groaners: the next act, titled “dog eat dog” features a... wait for it! a dog eating a hotdog. at least the ironic commentary by the sarcastic, pitchy, violin rendition of “where oh where has my little dog gone” alerts us to some self-awareness regarding how lame the gag is. thankfully, the next gag at least got a polite chuckle out of me: the act titled “little man you’ve had a busy day” (in reference to the popular song of the same name) showcases a dog panting and flashing a guilty smile, a line of poles in the backgrounds. two piss jokes in one short! that must be a record! 
what could be considered the song portion of the short follows next, a group of prarie dogs singing “my little buckaroo” with alternate, dog-inclusive lyrics (mentioning pedigrees and the like). the drunken st. bernard from before cringes at the act, howling and carrying on. a hand off-screen shoves a muzzle on him to shut him up (don’t tell PETA!), prompting the dog to force it free. 
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instead, the dog accidentally ricochets himself into an open trunk (labeled johnson skating act, a reference to background artist johnny johnson, most commonly associated with tex avery). and, as to be expected, the dog emerges from the trunk slipping and sliding on a pair of roller skates. the animation of the dog on the roller skates is certainly the high point of the short--even the dog’s emergence just slides like butter. definitely worthy of a frame-by-frame watch. 
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the prarie dogs finish up the remainder of their song (once more bitten by the double-exposure bug, still wondering if that’s the restoration or the original print?), just in time to allow a shanghaied skating pup to slide across the stage. more great animation of the dog struggling on his skates as he slides into the other wing, his struggle animated on ones (you’ll also note the sign in the background advertising a gross of anvils). he eventually topples over, the barrel on his chest keeping him going until he crashes into a wall. the few smear frames leads me to believe that this is ken harris at work, though i’m far from confident on that claim.
even more great animation as the dog, pluto-esque in his struggle and frustration, struggles to get back onto his feet, his drunken hiccups sending him falling each time. i love when he resorts to grabbing his ass by his teeth to lift himself up, giving a self-satisfied grin at the camera before falling right back down again. frustrated, the dog grovels in his humility, a welcome burst of comedic timing as he shoves the lower half of his body down in frustration, free to mope and ponder in peace. 
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next up serves as a rather deliberate callback to one of friz’s most monumental pictures (in notoriety, not quite in quality)--his 1935 entry i haven’t got a hat, that most famously marks the debut of everyone’s (okay, MY) favorite porcine. a shy little puppy timidly pokes her head out from a cardboard standee, clearly in no rush to get out on stage. ken harris’ animation of her resisting the push of the disembodied arm is full of character: her facial expression creased with worry is relatively scribner-esque, another bonus. 
finally, she’s thrown out on stage... facing the wrong way. a whistle summons her to turn around, where she recites “mary had a little lamb”, her squeaky vocals provided by none other than berneice hansell. she starts off... and, in an avery-esque break of character, growls to stage left “awww... this is SILLY!” a book is thrown at her in response. 
in the midst of the puppy’s recital (which is cleverly underscored by “puppchen”), the drunken dog from before still engages in his battle to get up. once more, the animation is more than a treat to look at: the dog, fueled with fury, scrambles to his feet with a running start. the animation glides as effortlessly as the dog, but something off-screen catches his attention: a trunk containing a flea circus.
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as you can surely guess, dog crashes, and the fleas miraculously fly (suspension of disbelief!) out of the trunk, ready to cause trouble. in another ode to i haven’t got a hat, where porky was the one mixing up two poems in a recital, the reciting puppy mixes up her nursery rhymes (”mary had a little lamb, the mouse ran up the clock. and anywhere the lamb would go, hickory dickory dock!”) while watching a flea buzz dangerously close to her vicinity, eyes rotating 360 degrees and all.
inevitably, the flea strikes, and the puppy gives a strained remainder of her recital, itching all the way. the main ode to i haven’t got a hat stems here--the puppy’s voice grows exceedingly higher in pitch, the animation of her pacing from side-to-side and eventually off stage directly reused fom the short. it should be noted that, in the original scene, another hansell-voiced animal (little kitty) was giving the same recital of mary had a little lamb. this scene has the benefit of better animation and a little bit more humor, but it’s an interesting callback to such an important cartoon.
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fade out and back in to the remainder of the fleas, who are having a hell of a time sopping up the spilled alcohol from the st. bernard’s barrel. one flea fishes in the liquor, another swimming, one more even licking it up straight from the source. the short comes to an end on a quartet of drunken fleas, singing a shrill, obnoxious, hiccup-ridden rendition of “how dry i am”. iris out.
i will admit that, as i reviewed this, the cartoon slowly warmed up to me. i wasn’t at all charmed by the first half: the puns are rather lame, the timing is bloated and slow, and it lacks direction, even for a spot-gag cartoon. it feels overwhelmingly half-hearted: when a director or its crew lacks enthusiasm, that absence is certainly felt. yet, the second half of the short definitely thawed my otherwise cold review. the animation of the st. bernard on roller skates is some absolutely gorgeous stuff. it’s very smooth, very funny, and very tactile. moreover, the puppy’s recital of “mary had a little lamb” was very fun and amusing--berneice hansell never fails to win me over with her vocals. with that said, however, i wouldn’t really recommend this cartoon: there are too many other good friz cartoons to check out. it lacks enthusiasm and conviction, and feels more like a relic of the past, from the prevalence of billy bletcher and berneice hansell (who dominated the pre-blanc cartoons) to the harman and ising-esque gags to the deliberate callbacks to i haven’t got a hat. mainly, i would persuade you to check out the second half for the animation of the roller-skating dog, and maybe add the recital sequence as an extra incentive. but, for now, this is a largely unremarkable cartoon that you can skip without feeling too slighted.
yet, with that said: the short is available on hbomax if you have it, where i got the screenshots from! if not, you can check out a lower-quality version here. better than nothing! 
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radiotelevizionishqiptar · 8 years ago
Operacioni antidrogë te “Don Bosko”, lihen në burg dy prej të arrestuarve
Lexo të plotë www.rtsh.al
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gazetatema-blog · 8 years ago
Kushtetuesja rrëzon Vatikanin, "Don Bosko" i kthehet pronarëve
Kushtetuesja rrëzon Vatikanin, “Don Bosko” i kthehet pronarëve
Gjykata Kushtetuese rrëzon padinë e ambasadës së Vatikanit në Tiranë për pronësinë e qendrës sociale “Don Bosko”.
Report Tv ka siguruar një kopje të vendimit të Kushtetueses e cila më 5 dhjetor 2016 ka vendosur të mos kalojë në seancë plenare kërkesën e ambasadës së Selisë së Shenjtë, e cila kërkonte shfuqizimin e vendimit të Kolegji Ppenal për mos pranim rekursi.
Por si nisi konflikti dhe…
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xhemilbeharaj · 2 years ago
Pamjet e operacionit: Një polic dhe një ushtarak në grupin e vrasësve (vidio)
Pamjet e operacionit: Një polic dhe një ushtarak në grupin e vrasësve (vidio)
Pamjet që shihni tregojnë momentin nga aksioni për arrestimin e 14 personave, mes tyre një polic dhe një ushtarak, të skeduar për vepra të rënda kriminale. Paraprakisht dyshohet se grupi i vrasësve me pagesë u godit pas marrjes peng të dy vëllezërve Indrit dhe Gentian Beqiraj në autostradën Durrës-Tiranë. Grupi kriminal dyshohet edhe për një ngjarje të ndodhur në Don Bosko me një të vrarë dhe…
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thrilling-thrifter · 3 years ago
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lignes2frappe · 3 years ago
Le 15 décembre 1995, ce classique parmi les classiques sortait dans les salles obscures….
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1. Heat est le remake d’un précédent téléfilm réalisé par Michael Mann, L.A. Takedown.
Après avoir écrit une toute première version de Heat en 1979, Mann ne trouvé aucun acheteur. En 1989, le succès de Miami Vice aidant, la chaîne NBC se montre intéressée pour lui confier les rênes d’une nouvelle série.
Mann retouche ainsi son script pour tourner en 19 jours ce qui doit être le pilote d’une saga sur la rivalité entre un flic et un braqueur. Ce dernier ne convainc cependant pas. Décision est alors prise de le sortir indépendamment sous la forme d’un téléfilm intitulé L.A. Takedown.
2. Il existe de grandes différences ente Heat et L.A. Takedown.
Parmi les plus notables, notons l’addiction au jeu de Chris, la tentative de Roger Van Zant de doubler le crew de Neil McCauley, le personnage de Lauren (l'adolsecente jouée par Nathalie Portman), celui de Don Breeda (le chauffeur engagé au pied levé), ou encore les meurtres de prostituées de Waingro.
L’un dans l’autre, Heat dure ainsi près de deux fois plus longtemps que L.A. Takedown – 170 minutes contre 92.
3. Seul un acteur est vu à la fois dans Heat et dans L.A. Takedown.
Xander Berkeley interprète Waingro à la télévision et Ralph au cinéma, l’amant falot de Justine.
4. Le scénario de Heat s’inspire d’une histoire vraie, celle du détective Chuck Adamson et du braqueur Neil McCauley.
Ami de Michael Mann, Adamson a traqué de longues années McCauley, à tel point qu'il fil du temps qu’une forme de respect mutuel a fini par unir les deux hommes.
La scène où Al Pacino et Robert De Niro partagent un café s’est d’ailleurs réellement produite. Après qu’Adamson soit tombé par hasard sur McCauley en sortant d’un pressing, il l’a invité à prendre un verre – « Je ne savais pas si je devais l’arrêter ou lui tirer dessus, alors je lui ai proposé prendre un verre. »
5. Le face-à-face entre De Niro et Pacino reprend en partie la conversation qu’ont eue Neil McCauley et Chuck Adamson .
Après avoir demandé à McCauley « pourquoi il n’allait pas causer des ennuis ailleurs », ce à quoi ce dernier lui a simplement répondu « qu’il aimait Chicago », Adamson l’a prévenu qu’il « risquait de faire face à lui ».
McCauley lui a alors rétorqué : « Okay, mais il y a le revers de la médaille, peut-être devrais-je alors t’éliminer ? »
Sur le point de se séparer, Adamson lui a confié « être certain qu’ils se reverront un jour ». Un an plus tard, Adamson descendait McCauley sur le parking d’un supermarché qu’il venait de braquer.
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6. Le personnage de Vincent Hannah n’est cependant pas basé uniquement sur Chuck Adamson, trois autres policiers ont également été pris pour modèle. À ce jour, Michael Mann a toujours refusé de divulguer leurs noms.
7. Aussi étonnant que cela puisse paraître, Mel Gibson et Harrison Ford ont un temps été considérés pour les rôles de Hanna et de McCauley.
8. Keanu Reeves a failli remplacer Val Kilmer (Chris Shiherlis). Engagé en parallèle sur Batman Forever, Michael Mann n’était pas sûr que Kilmer puisse mener de front les deux tournages la même année.
9. Amy Brenneman a beaucoup hésité avant d’accepter de jouer Eady, la girlfriend un peu malgré elle de McCauley.
Elle n’aimait ni le scénario, ni les personnages qu’elle trouvait « méprisables » – « Il y avait trop de sang, aucune morale et je ne voulais rien à avoir avec ça ».
Mann l’a alors convaincue d’accepter en lui expliquant que c’est exactement pour cela qu’elle serait parfaite dans le rôle.
10. Ted Levine (Bosko) s’est au départ vu offrir le rôle de Waingro. Il a cependant décliné par peur de se retrouver stéréotypé, lui qui plus tôt avait incarné le tueur en série Buffalo Bill dans Le Silence des agneaux.
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11. Le sans-abri se baladant avec son chariot rempli d'électro-ménager qui au début du film est témoin du braquage de fourgon n'est pas un acteur, il a été engagé pour jouer son propre rôle par Michael Mann après que ce dernier l'ait repéré lors des prises de vues.
12. Pour plus de réalisme, de nombreux figurants vus dans Heat vivaient et travaillaient à Los Angeles : les policiers qui examinent les lieux du braquage de fourgon sont pour la plupart de vrais policiers, le personnel du restaurant dans lequel Hannah et McCauley taillent la bavette étaient employés par ce même restaurant…
13. Le rôle de Justine Hanna a initialement été proposé à Gong Li, qui a refusé. Elle acceptera toutefois de travailler avec Mann onze ans plus tard sur Miami Vice.
14. La gare filmée au tout début de Heat est la même gare que celle filmée à la toute fin de Collateral (2004).
15. Toutes les scènes de Heat ont été tournées en extérieur.
Désireux de filmer Los Angeles « comme jamais Los Angeles n’avait été filmé », Michael Mann a chargé ses équipes de trouver des lieux de tournages inédits. Ainsi, sur la soixantaine de locations, seules une dizaine à peine avaient déjà été vues auparavant sur grand écran.
Seule exception : la scène où Neil et Eady prennent un verre en terrasse.
« Los Angeles est une ville magnifique lorsqu’on a la chance de la voir en hauteur la nuit. Malheureusement, à l’époque les caméras haute définition n’existaient pas, et pour obtenir l’effet que je désirais nous avons dû utiliser un fond vert. »
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16. Pour préparer le rôle de Charlene, Ashley Judd est allée rencontrer au préalable d’anciennes prostituées devenues femmes au foyer.
17. Autre possible info dont il n’est nulle part fait mention dans le film, Hanna serait accro à la cocaïne.
C’est en tout cas comme ça qu’Al Pacino a interprétée le personnage : « Il n’en prend pas comme dans Scarface, mais il en tape à l’occasion. C’est suggéré à certains moments. »
18. Interrogé récemment sur le préquel de Heat qu’il compte sortir prochainement en livre, Michael Mann en a révélé plus sur le passé de Vincent Hannah.
« J’ai écrit sa biographie complète, de son enfance dans l’Illinois où son père conduisait des camions pour des contrebandiers, à ce moment où, plutôt que d’aller dans une université de seconde classe, il s’engage chez les Marines et se retrouve au Viêtnam. Ce qu’il voit là-bas le pousse à étudier le droit, puis à rejoindre la police de Chicago. »
« Ce qu’il désire plus que tout, c’est trouver sa quête. Comme il est le dit à Justine, il est ce qu’il poursuit. »
19. Nate, le personnage interprété par Jon Voight, est inspiré d’Eddie Bunker, un ancien criminel (trafic de drogue, vols à main armé…) reconverti en romancier et acteur (Mr. Blue dans Reservoir Dogs).
Mieux, Bunker a officié comme conseiller technique sur le tournage.
20. L’un des plans les plus célèbres de Heat rend hommage au tableau Pacific du peintre Canadien Alex Colville (1967). Il montre un homme qui regarde avec mélancolie l’océan à travers une vitre, un pistolet posé sur la table au premier plan.
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21. Quand McCauley abandonne le braquage d’un l’entrepôt simplement après avoir entendu un bruit suspect, ce n’est absolument pas exagérée : Chuck Adamson raconte dans les bonus du DVD qu’il s’agit d’une véritable anecdote.
22. Si vous vous êtes toujours demandé pourquoi Alan (Hank Azaria, l’amant de Charlene) tressaute quand Vincent se met à hurler que cette dernière a « UN CUL DE DÉESSE ! » (« Because she’s got a GREAT ASS! » en VO), c’est parce que Pacino a complètement improvisé la réplique.
23. Val Kilmer était tellement impressionné par la performance d’acteur de Robert De Niro qu’il venait sur le plateau lors de ses jours de congés pour l’observer jouer.
24. La fameuse scène où Al Pacino et Robert De Niro jouent l’un en face de l’autre n’a pas été répétée, et ce, afin de retranscrire au plus près la sensation qu’Hannah et McCauley apprennent à se découvrir.
25. Sitôt Heat sorti, le Kate Mantilini, le restaurant dans lequel Pacino et De Niro ont tourné cette scène, s’est transformé en attraction touristique.
Situé à Beverly Hills, l’établissement proposait même de réserver la fameuse table 71. Il a malheureusement fermé ses portes en 1994.
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26. Contrairement à ses camarades Robert De Niro, Val Kilmer et Tom Sizemore qui, pour se familiariser avec le passé de leurs personnages, se sont rendus au pénitencier de San Quentin dans le but de rencontrer d’anciens détenus, Danny Trejo n’a pas eu besoin d’accomplir ce travail d’immersion, lui qui dans ses jeunes années a été incarcéré de 1966 à 1968 dans ce même bâtiment pour avoir vendu de l’héroïne à un policier en civil.
27. Tous les acteurs vus une arme à la main ont participé à un camp d'entraînement. Sous la supervision d'anciens militaires, ils se ont exercés jusqu'à que « le maniement d'armes devienne une seconde nature ».
28. Le tournage de la fameuse fusillade s’est déroulé sur plusieurs semaines, la production n’était autorisée à filmer West 5th Street uniquement pendant les weekends.
Notez cependant que si le braquage a bien été tourné à l’intérieur d’une vraie banque, l’entrée est celle d’un bâtiment d’affaires.
29. Particulièrement impressionnants, les sons des coups de feu ont été enregistrés live.
Tandis que les bruitages sont traditionnellement rajoutés en post-production, pour accentuer l’immersion du spectateur et conserver l’écho provoqué par les immeubles aux alentour, Michael Mann a fait poser des micros un peu partout sur le plateau.
À chaque prise, entre 800 et 1 000 balles à blanc étaient tirées !
30. En 2002, les instructeurs d'un camp dans d'entraînement de Marines de San Diego ont pris en exemple cette scène pour montrer à leurs nouvelles recrues comment se positionner, comment couvrir leurs arrières et comment recharger dans une situation similaire.
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31. Lors de la fusillade, les armes des policiers sont réglées en mode semi-automatique, tandis que celles des braqueurs sont en mode automatique.
Dans le premier cas, un seul coup est tiré à chaque fois que la détente est pressée, l’objectif étant de protéger les vies des civils. Dans le second cas, les balles partent en rafale afin de créer un maximum de dégâts.
32. Sans Heat, aurait-on eu droit treize ans plus tard à Dark Knight de Christopher Nolan ? Le réalisateur de Batman ne s’est en tout cas jamais caché d’avoir pris en exemple son aîné pour filmer en ouverture le hold-up du Joker.
33. Le fait que Van Zant regarde un match de hockey sur glace à la télévision dans son salon avant que MCauley ne vienne le liquider est tout sauf un détail : il un renvoie en effet au braquage du fourgon au tout début du film, lorsque MCauley et ses hommes portaient tous des masques de hockeyeurs.
Criminel en col blanc, Van Zant pensait pouvoir regarder les évènements au loin dans sa tour d’ivoire, sans avoir à subir les conséquences de ses actes… jusqu’à que McCauley fasse voler en éclats la baie vitrée de son domicile. Brisant-là symboliquement le quatrième mur, il lui rappelle que les règles de la partie dans laquelle il s’est engagé s’appliquent à tous sans exception.
34. Entre le moment où, sur le point de rejoindre Eady, Neil aperçoit Hannah à ses trousses, et le moment où Neil échange un dernier regard avec Eady, il s’écoule précisément trente secondes.
Ce laps de temps fait bien évidemment écho à la devise de Neil : « Si tu veux faire de vieux os dans ce métier, sois libre comme l’air. Tout ce qui a pu prendre une place dans ta vie, tu dois pouvoir t’en débarrasser en trente secondes montre en main dès que tu as repéré un seul flic dans le coin. »
35. Michael Mann a choisi que le duel final entre Neil et Vincent se déroule à l’aéroport de Los Angeles LAX pour une raison bien précise : « Je voulais un décor qui soit tellement dans l’entre deux que ça en devienne surréaliste. »
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36. Entre la toute dernière réplique de Pacino (« Gimme that shotgun ») et celle de De Niro (« Told you I’m never going back »), il se passe six minutes et trente-deux secondes sans aucun dialogue ou ellipse.
37. God Moving Over the Face of the Waters, le titre de la chanson de Moby qui clôt Heat renvoie au second verset du premier chapitre de la Genèse.
�� Au commencement, Dieu créa les cieux et la terre. La terre était informe et vide : les ténèbres couvraient de la surface à l’abîme, et l’esprit de Dieu se mouvait au-dessus des eaux. »
38. Michael Mann a un temps envisagé que McCauley et Hannah meurent tous les deux à la fin, aucun ne survivant pas aux blessures infligées par l’autre.
39. Jamais les visages d’Al Pacino et de Robert De Niro ne sont cadrés dans le même plan.
Lorsqu’ils prennent un café ensemble, ils sont face-à-face. Lors de la scène finale, quand Pacino tend la main à De Niro, ils sont côte à côte.
40. Condamné à 18 ans de prison pour vol à main armé en 1998, le français Redoine Faïd s’est en 2009 rendu à une projection de Public Enemies à la Cinémathèque française à laquelle assistait Michael Mann.
Lors de la séance de question/réponses post-film, il a pris le micro pour lui dire ô combien « Heat demeure la référence absolue du grand banditisme », et qu’il considère le réalisateur comme « son conseiller technique, son prof de fac, une sorte de mentor ».
Quelque peu désarçonné, ce denier lui a avoué « ne pas savoir quoi répondre » – la séquence en intégralité ici.
Depuis Faïd a renoué avec ses démons, lui qui notamment été condamné en 2018 à 25 ans de réclusion criminelle pour avoir organisé un braquage ayant abouti à la mort d’une policière.
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Publié le 24 décembre 2021 sur Booska-p.com.
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totalldonbosko · 6 years ago
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