#don Bosco
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La Cisterna, Chile
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THE DESCRIPTION OF SAINT JOHN BOSCO (aka Don Bosco) The Apostle, Father and Teacher of the Youth Feast Day: January 31
"Enjoy yourself as much as you like - if only you keep from sin."
The founder of the Society of Saint Francis de Sales (popularly known as the Salesians of Don Bosco) was born Giovanni Melchiorre Bosco, to a peasant family in Castelnuovo d'Asti (Castelnuovo Don Bosco), Piedmont, Kingdom of Sardinia, twelve miles near Turin, Italy on the feast of the Assumption of Mary - August 15, 1815. He was the youngest son of Francesco Bosco and Margherita Occhiena, and had two older brothers, Antonio, and Giuseppe.
The Boscos of Becchi were farmhands of the Moglian Family, and John was born into a time of great shortage and famine in the Piedmontese countryside, following the devastation wrought by the Napoleonic Wars and drought in 1817.
In 1825, when he was nine years old, he dreamed of an army of youngsters, who turned from ferocious animals into gentle lambs. The Blessed Virgin Mary, with her hands on his head, said: 'What you have seen happen to these animals, you will have to do with my children.'
John started gathering the children of his town, teaching them catechism and bringing them to church. He would often delight them with acrobatic and circus tricks.
John was sixteen when he entered the seminary at Chieri, next to the Church of the Immacolata Concezione (San Fillippo). His parish priest was convinced of his vocation because John was able to repeat word by word all his homilies. After six years of study, he has ordained a priest on the eve of Trinity Sunday by Archbishop Franzoni of Turin in 1841 at the age of twenty-six.
John was assigned to Turin, where he energetically worked for the prisoners, the youth, and the street children. For them, he opened the Oratory of St. Francis de Sales, where they could learn a trade and the basics of Christian life. He chose this patron saint for his gentleness, and because in the hall of the house donated by a rich woman for his oratory, there was his portrait.
In his tireless apostolate, Don Bosco was constantly supported by his mother. In his effort to make honest citizens and good Christians, he opened workshops for shoemaking, tailoring, and printing. Don Bosco was so convinced of the power of the mass-media that he usually spent half of the night writing books and magazines. His motto was: 'Give me the souls and keep all the rest.'
In 1859, he founded the Salesian Society for the education of the boys; and in 1872, he founded the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (Salesian Sisters of Don Bosco) together with St. Maria Domenica Mazzarello, for the education of the girls. In order to support the work of both congregations, John organized the Association of Salesian Cooperators in 1876, who followed in their homes and state of life of the Salesian spirituality.
Don Bosco died on January 31, 1888 in Turin at the age of 72 due to bronchitis, and his funeral was attended by thousands. He is beatified on June 2, 1929 and is canonized as a saint by Pope Pius XI on April 1, 1934 - Easter Sunday. His major shrine can be found at the Basilica of Our Lady Help of Christians in Turin, Italy.
In 2002, Pope St. John Paul II was petitioned to declare Don Bosco the Patron of Stage Magicians. John Bosco had pioneered the art of what is today called 'Gospel Magic,' using magic and other feats to attract attention and engage the youth.
#random stuff#catholic#catholic saints#salesians#salesians of don bosco#society of st. francis de sales#john bosco#don bosco#john melchior bosco#juan bosco#juvenile delinquents#magicians#gospel magic
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Spent Saturday finishing over 100 pages of this!
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"Una casa sin música es como un cuerpo sin alma" - Don Bosco
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i'm not sure if sister emmanuelle qualifies but i'm giving it a try haha
also voting for mother teresa and don bosco. they're my mvp
Ahhh Sister Emmanuelle does not count for she has not been beatified, but she sounds like a perfect candidate for it!
More votes added for St John Bosco and Mother Teresa, BOTH MVPS HERE TOO ANON!
#st john bosco#don bosco#mother teresa#mother teresa of calcutta#st teresa of calcutta#catholic saint tournament
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Carnevale e Nuova Presidenza dei Commercianti: Febbraio di Festa nel Quartiere Cristo di Alessandria
Il Quartiere Cristo di Alessandria si prepara a un mese di febbraio ricco di eventi e appuntamenti imperdibili.
Il Quartiere Cristo di Alessandria si prepara a un mese di febbraio ricco di eventi e appuntamenti imperdibili. Domenica 23 febbraio 2025, la Piazza Ceriana ospiterà la 19ª edizione del Carnevale, una festa che porterà allegria a grandi e piccini con tante attrazioni, spettacoli e dolci tipici. Inoltre, il 27 febbraio sarà una data importante per il commercio locale: si terrà infatti l’elezione…
#Alessandria#Alessandria today#animazione bambini#associazioni di quartiere.#associazioni locali#attrazioni#baby dance#Calendario Eventi#Carnevale#carnevale 2025#Carnevale Alessandria#Carnevale in Piemonte#Carnevale per bambini#Carnevale per famiglie#Centro Incontro Cristo#Commercianti Alessandria#commercianti Quartiere Cristo#Commercio Locale#comunità alessandrina#coriandoli#dolci di Carnevale#Don Bosco#economia locale#elezione presidente#Eventi Alessandria#Eventi febbraio#Eventi Gratuiti#eventi per bambini#festa di quartiere#festa in maschera
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Don Costantino Vendrame, un salesiano in India
Costantino Vendrame nacque a San Martino di Colle Umberto, in provincia di Treviso, il 27 agosto 1893 da Pietro ed Elena Fiori, gli insegnarono ad amare il lavoro e il sacrificio, e soprattutto a pregare. Fin da piccolo Costantino si fece notare per la sua intelligenza e bontà, nel 1913 entrò nel noviziato salesiano di Ivrea. Continue reading Don Costantino Vendrame, un salesiano in India
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An ihren Früchten sollt ihr sie erkennen - By their fruit you will recognize them
(English below) Von uns für Euch: Amanda (Ruanda) – Voice (ein Patenkind, 2021) Dieses Zitat aus Matthäus 7, 16 gehört zu den Klassikern unter den Zitaten aus der Bibel. So wahr es ist, so bedient es auch die Neugier der Menschen – und in gewisser Weise sogar ihre Sensationslust. Denn es gibt gute und faule Früchte. Ich schreibe hier aber nur von den guten Früchten. Von denen gibt es in den…
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#Africa#Afrika#album#artist#ausbildung#Banker#Bildung#Bildungspatenschafts-Programm#CD#charity#Children#church#Deutschland#Don Bosco#donation#Dritte Welt#Education#Eine Welt#engineer#erfolg#Förderung#ff0000#gospel#independency#independent#Information#Ingenieur#Künstler#Kinder#Kinderarmut
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La Cisterna, Chile
#chile#chile tumblr#original photogrpahy#original photographers#la cisterna#don bosco#fiestas patrias
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Artémides Zatti: el enfermero santo de la Patagonia y su santuario en Viedma
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Bouw van Kindcentrum De Terp klaar
Lokaal nieuws: 'Bouw van Kindcentrum De Terp klaar'
WIERINGERWERF – Op dinsdag 7 mei 2024 zetten de drie schoolbesturen, Kopwerk, Surplus en Sarkon, en het bestuur van kinderopvangorganisatie Kappio met veel enthousiasme hun handtekening voor de oplevering van Kindcentrum de Terp. Nadat in maart 2023 de eerste heipalen de grond in gingen, is het gebouw nu klaar. De schoolgebouwen van basisscholen Don Bosco (Stichting Sarkon) Het Baken (Kopwerk) en…

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#Campus de Terp#Don Bosco#Het Baken#Kindcentrum De Terp#Kopwerk#OBS De Triangel#Stichting Sarkon#Stichting Surplus#Wieringerwerf
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Don Bosco: Useless armies
“All armies are useless unless assisted by God.” —Don Bosco.
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#youtube#manipur#community#northeast#children#kukis#relief camps#don bosco#Childrightsfoundation#tribal#mosquitonets#blankets#campassion
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