#domestic sephiroth
sephirthoughts · 1 month
I wish you would write a fic where... actually, I don't got anything weird. I've just been thinking about Rude/Sephiroth domestic fluff lately because I think Rude is probably a skilled cook and Sephiroth wants that normal life and he could wield a broom as well as he does Masamune. I don't have anyone to tell this to lol
HELLO THANK YOU FOR THE ASK!! Alright, this is probably not exactly what you had in mind, but it is the madness that came from your ask, so if anything, it's all your fault. Enjoy! 😂
“What are you doing?” 
“Sweeping the floor.”
“You swept in here three times, today. You’re taking off the varnish.”
“I think this is vinyl.”
Sephiroth pouted, but he knew better than to argue with Rude when he was speaking his native language and using a wooden spoon to point, so he retreated from the kitchen, broom in hand, to seek out another spot in the house that he hadn’t polished to a blinding shine, in the past few hours.
Maybe the upstairs closets? He wavered for a moment, then decided he may as well give the whole place an extra once-over. Better safe than sorry.
With his silver hair pulled up into a martial ponytail, and his weapon-calloused hands wielding a mop and feather duster like twin blades, he whirled through the living room, dining room, entryway, stairs, hallways, bedrooms, and all associated closets, in a blur, hellbent on eradicating even the tiniest molecule of intruding dust from his domain. 
A large, fluffy, white cat was impolitely awakened from a nap, during this maelstrom of domestic activity, and made her displeasure known by violently assailing the feather duster, from atop a bookshelf. Otherwise, the operation suffered no serious setbacks.
Thirty-three minutes later, Sephiroth had scooted the last of the area rugs back into place, and was standing back, imbibing deep satisfaction from his well-ordered house. Then his stomach let out a loud growl. 
Much like a member of a big-cat species, his ability to move at superhuman speeds demanded superhuman energy, and after the burst of activity, he was ravenously hungry.
It didn’t help that Rude was saturating the air in the house with the beguiling, come-hither aromas of meat and fat and spices, piquant and savory and ever so enticing, wafting from the kitchen to brush coquettishly against Sephiroth’s olfactory nerves.
Compelled by forces far stronger than himself, he slunk back into the kitchen, where he sidled up behind Rude and settled his hands on his hips, looking over his shoulder at the big, bubbling pot he was stirring. “What is all this? It smells wonderful.”
“Pozole, elotes, sopas, beans, rice, and tortillas,” Rude said, pointing at each pot, pan, and covered dish, respectively, as Sephiroth’s hands slid lower. “Don’t think I don’t know exactly what you’re doing.”
The hands stopped where they were. “Who? Me?”
“Don’t you try that, ‘who me’ shit. You always turn into a slut when you want food. You and that cat, both.” 
The cat in question, who had, indeed, padded into the kitchen after Sephiroth, to see if any treats were to be gotten, plopped down on her ample haunches and set about having a bath, like she had no idea what they were talking about. 
By way of reply, Sephiroth nuzzled the hollow behind Rude’s ear and then bit down on his warm, tawny skin, just hard enough to dent it, but not actually leave a mark. 
“No biting,” Rude scolded. “Use your words.”
“Starving,” Sephiroth groaned, against his neck. “For real, this time. I’ve got mere seconds left to live.”
“Tch,” Rude smirked. “If you have energy to bitch, you’ll survive till dinner.”
“It’s too late. I’ve died,” Sephiroth intoned, slumping heavily against him. “Have me buried at sea.”
“Dinner will be ready in a minute. If you go set the table, we can start eating sooner.”
This incantation miraculously resurrected the recently deceased Sephiroth, who sprang back to life and hurried away, tripping over the cat in his haste.
“Damn it, Cloud, stop trying to kill me all the time,” he admonished the deeply offended furball, who’d already had her nap and her bath interrupted by this dubious character, and was now being picked up and kissed on the head, of all insufferable indignities.
“I can’t believe you named the cat Cloud,” Rude groused. 
Sephiroth was the picture of innocence. “What’s wrong with Cloud? I think it’s a good name.”
“Yes. She’s white and fluffy, like a cloud.”
Rude arched an eyebrow. “Then explain why the dog is named Zack.”
“He’s named after the puppy I used to have, back in SOLDIER,” Sephiroth answered, with a completely straight face. 
Rude snorted out a laugh, which naturally meant Sephiroth had won the interaction. “Very funny. Go set the table, ass.”
Sephiroth put the fuming cat down and went to do as he was told. Just as the last fork was being set on the corresponding napkin, the front door banged open, and a voice announced, “Guess who’s here!”
Sephiroth cast a distasteful eye on the day-glow-red haired individual. “The Association for Homosexual Fashion Disasters.”
“You’re one to talk, Sephir-goth,” Reno retorted, taking the lollipop out of his mouth to gesture with it. “Are you seriously wearing leather pants and a band t-shirt to hang around the house?”
“These are the only pants I have, that are not currently in the wash,” Sephiroth answered, with a haughty toss of his head.
“Hey, wait a minute…that’s my shirt!” Reno accused. “It’s the tour edition you could only get at the shows! Take it off! You’re gonna ruin it!”
Sephiroth looked down at his shrink-wrapped torso. “Ah. I wondered why one of Rude’s shirts would fit me so tightly. Since he isn’t the size of a teenaged girl.”
“Look what you did! Your huge tits are stretching it all out! Mick Jagger’s face looks like it’s melting! Or…wow, that’s just how his face looks. Still, it’s mine! Give it back!”
“If you care about a clothing item, you shouldn’t leave it lying around in other people’s homes.” 
So saying, Sephiroth pulled the t-shirt off over his head, and held it out to Reno.
“What the—you can’t just—naked!” Reno sputtered, pointing the lollipop at him. “Rude! Your boyfriend is stripping in the living room!”
“Busy, take pictures,” Rude’s patently unconcerned voice called back, from the kitchen.
Meanwhile, Sephiroth had snatched the shirt away, just as Reno reached for it, and was now holding it high above his head, while the much smaller man tried in vain to jump up and grab it.
“Why am I not surprised to find you two half-clothed and fighting, like a couple of children,” Tseng sighed, as he stepped in the front door, followed closely by Elena. 
“Leave it to me, sir! I’ll defuse the situation!” Elena declared, reaching for her sidearm.
Tseng held up a hand to stop her. “When has your interference ever defused a situation? And I told you on the way here, no guns in the house.”
“R—right, sir. Sorry, sir,” Elena said sheepishly, withdrawing her hand from the concealed holster. 
“Welcome, Tseng and…colleague,” said Sephiroth, who had his hand on Reno’s head and was still keeping the t-shirt away from him. “Please, make yourselves at home. Dinner is almost ready.”
“And colleague?” Elena pouted. “Do you even know my name?”
“How rude of me. Of course I do. You are…uh…Cissnei?”
“No, I’m—” She broke off and her shoulders slumped dejectedly, as Reno nearly expired laughing. “Ugh, forget it. Enjoy your dinner, everyone. I’ll just wait in the car.” 
“Alright, that’s enough,” Tseng announced, in that calm, paternal tone, that made people instinctively want to obey him. “Reno, shut up. Elena, sit down. Sephiroth, give Reno his shirt and go put one on. Now.”
Looking like chastised school children, Reno stifled his laughter, Elena went and sat down on the sofa, and Sephiroth relinquished the shirt before vanishing upstairs. 
“Hey, at least wash it first! I don’t want your stink all over it!” Reno shouted after him. Then he sniffed the shirt and his expression changed. “What the fuck, this is what you smell like?! What is that, cedar and sagebrush? And…rain? Elena, smell this!”
“Gross, I’m not sniffing some guy’s—oh, holy shit that smells amazing! He should bottle this and sell it!”
“Keep that thing away from me,” Tseng warned, as Reno brandished the rumpled t-shirt and advanced upon him. “I already know how wonderful Sephiroth smells, I don’t need a cat-hair covered reminder.”
“Oh, there is cat hair all over it. Damn it, it got on my suit.”
At that moment, Rude stepped out of the kitchen, wiping his hands with a towel. “Dinner. If you’re all finished sniffing my boyfriend’s dirty clothes, that is.”
“If I could just—one more. Yes, all done,” Elena said, letting go of the t-shirt, which Reno was forcefully tugging away from her. 
“The food smells great, too, partner!” Reno grinned, which expression collapsed back into a scowl, as Sephiroth reappeared, wearing the exact same t-shirt as before, only several sizes larger. “If you had Rude’s the whole time, why were you wearing mine?!”
“I just found it, now. You whine a lot, for an adult man. Are you certain you’re not a teenaged girl?”
“Wow,” said petite Elena, whose head wasn’t even level with the huge former SOLDIER’s spectacular pectorals. “I’ve never seen you with a shirt on, general. You look really nice.”
Sephiroth smiled. “That’s very kind of you. Thank you, Cissnei.” 
“I’m not—ugh, whatever. You’re welcome. Let’s eat.”
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soggy-fishsticks · 6 months
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crisiscutie · 1 year
It's does remind me this one song, Christmas Kids. Yandere Sephiroth tried babytrap his s/o for not leaving him. Christmas kids represent the triplets. Which is Yan!Sephiroth tried to make his s/o pregnant. They tried best to escape hell away from their own prison house. Even, they're change their name and move other country, Sephiroth will find them no matter what.
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Yandere domestic Sephiroth AU? Yes, please. I've listened to the song, I really like it. Something about sad songs with happy beats always gets to me. I may have heard it before in some YT shorts... Anyways, it fits a domestic Yandere Sephiroth and a Pregnant!Darling very well. Just imagine the darling coming back to her new home and finding Sephiroth waiting...
Companion fic here.
Content Warnings: Slight NSFW, Emotional abuse, Pregnant Darling. Long headcanons under the cut.
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Grocery shopping for the week wasn't easy, but it had to be done. The boys won't be happy that their mother went shopping without them, but school must come first.
Plus, the darling wasn't in the mood to hear Loz and Kadaj arguing and begging for certain foods that week. But regardless of their squabbles, they are her precious gifts. Her Christmas kids, as they were born on that day. The happiest day of her life.
The darling opened the door to her new home, taking a deep breath and feeling the exhaustion from the errand. The ache in her swollen feet, aching back and sensitive milk-filled breasts was overwhelming.
But the pain and discomfort she felt in her pregnant body was a small price to pay for the freedom she and her boys gained.
The young, naïve triplet boys were confused of why their mother wanted to move suddenly, but they obeyed her with little hesitation, anyway.
The darling didn't want them to turn out like Sephiroth. His possessiveness and control were too much to bear. When he took to killing innocent people in the misguided attempt to "protect" her and the boys, that was the last straw. She knew she had to leave that fucked up place called "home" behind...
She grabbed her young boys and left their prison house when the stars aligned...
Despite her unexpected pregnancy by Sephiroth, her journey brought her here. She kept pushing forward, and the reward was a peaceful, cozy home for her and her children. Until today.
As the darling placed items on the shelves, she felt a cold, eerie sensation, as if something was watching her from the darkness.
She forced herself to ignore the eerie chill, opening the window blinds slightly as she resumed her normal stocking pace.
Even though the sun was shining brightly on this beautiful day, the eerie chill still lingered in their new home.
But it has nothing to do with what happened in their past. Definitely not. It's probably just a cold flash from her pregnancy getting so close to the end.
As she tippytoes, she strained her body to place the last few items.
As a response, the backache from her pregnant belly intensified. She could feel her baby's sporadic movements, ranging from gentle kicks to violent jolts. Maybe the darling should've invested in a step stool...
A wave of heat washed over her, a heat that was neither comforting nor from the sun, but a heat that was harsh and oppressive.
Now she's having hot flashes? Oh, the perils of pregnancy. At least this little one inside her should be much easier to have than the triplet boys.
The darling softly smiled as she recalled the adventurous banter among the triplets during their journey to a new home. They were debating the sex of their new sibling.
Loz longed for a younger brother to wrestle and play games with, knowing that he would have a better shot at winning against him, unlike his other brothers.
Yazoo, with his level-headed and composed outlook, predicted it would be a girl, welcoming the possibility of her tempering the wildness of his brothers (what a hypocrite).
Kadaj didn't care either way, as long as they didn't challenge his position as the leader and his status as his mother's (self-proclaimed) favorite.
The darling let out a deep groan as she paused her stocking. Her unborn child ended the sporadic fetal movements with the hardest kick yet. Something just isn't right... Perhaps she will see someone later this week after she and the boys finish moving in.
Suddenly, the dark, icy chill behind her shifted to a menacing heat, like a furnace blazing from the shadows. It felt so familiar, like… No! It's impossible! That chapter was a distant memory.
The darling is just imagining things. It should be no surprise that the human brain likes to play cruel tricks like this.
Like how Loz kept running to his mother, crying about seeing mysterious dark feathers around his school, the grocery store and other places their family would visit. He would complain that Sephiroth was too good at hide and seek.
The darling figured the strange dark feathers were simply a product of his mind, missing his father in his own way...
But it became alarming when Yazoo began to murmur and point out the smallest details of every single dark feather as he brought them to her.
Kadaj was getting frustrated, beginning to wonder why their father wouldn't help them finish moving in.
The darling refused to believe the boys. It could just be the ravens shredding their feathers, right?
With trembling hands, the darling slowly reached out for the final item. When she completes this simple task, she can lie down and relax. All of her stress, and the aching in her back especially, would soon be gone.
Just before she could grasp it, a large, gloved hand appeared and delicately placed the last item on the top shelf.
The darling felt a strange, unwanted sense of relief as she felt the slow and gentle strokes of another hand on her back.
...His presence could not be denied any longer. She felt his chest expanding and contracting against her head, and heard the gentle thump of his heart.
Sephiroth… No matter how many miles they traveled or how many times they changed their names and minds, he still had the determination to find them. He'll always know.
His silver tresses brushed against her skin as he hummed his sinister lullaby, pressing his lips to her ear.
His free hand grazed one of her sensitive, milk-filled teats. His hand then slowly descended, aiming for the treasure below.
His darling's swollen belly, where the new life within her stirred and grew.
He rested his hand on the center of her large belly. Warm, twisted happiness now radiated from him. His plan worked.
His darling refused to turn around. Struggling to contain her sobs, His darling averted her head from him and wept in silence.
His fingers glided over the stretched skin of her stomach, while his other hand moved lower to caress the small of her back.
As he opened his mouth, his warm breath tickled her ear.
"A touching reunion."
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I wasn't sure if the prompt ask had the darling pregnant with triplets or already had them and was pregnant with a spare child, so I just combined a little of both concepts, but regardless, thanks for the great inspiration.
Yandere Domestic AU chronology: Christmas Kids | The Reunion is Nothing to Fear | Wait for me | Homecoming | The Crowning Moment
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sephiroths-stuff · 3 months
So I moved to KY awhile back and my roommate turned out to be an abuser (physical and verbal) and while I HAVE kicked him out, I am in need of funds to help offset his share of bills in June/July.
Part of why I was assaulted was due to being a trans man who doesn't present the way my assaulter and former partner thinks I should so there's that fun bit.
If you want additional details feel free to DM me. Please share, reblog, etc.
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catboyidia · 1 year
cloud and zack going to gongaga together and sitting under a tree with clouds head laying on zacks lap, exchanging stories and memories before falling asleep and taking a nap together as the leaves fall around them on a warm spring day
alternatively, genesis and sephiroth trying to do the same thing in banora with sephiroth falling asleep in genesis’ lap while genesis reads loveless for like the millionth time but genesis starts falling asleep too, causing him to drop the book on sephiroth’s face, with the spine of the hard cover book hitting sephiroth just right and giving sephiroth a black eye (and that was also the first and only hit genesis ever truly landed on sephiroth, and it was on complete accident which absolutely infuriates genesis)(even more infuriating to genesis is the fact that shortly after he accidentally gave sephiroth the black eye, a dumb apple fell from the tree onto his head)
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case-of-traxits · 11 months
tell me we both matter (don't we?)
This was supposed to be fluffy. I feel like that's my constant refrain for everything I write though, so I can't be surprised.
Day 5: Memory
[SephirothWeek] [Master Post]
Word count: 1291 words. Content Notes: Hair brushing/braiding/washing, softness, mild angst. Characters: Sephiroth, Tseng. Soundtrack: "I Will Wait," by Gavin Mikhail. Summary: Three times Tseng took care of Sephiroth's hair, and one time Sephiroth did it himself.
The first time Tseng's fingers ended up in his hair, they were in the bath, in that obscenely large tub that Tseng had in his apartment.  Sephiroth had been half-asleep in the too-hot water, and Tseng, laying in his arms, had been tracing circles in the water.
(For all that Tseng could hold himself almost unnaturally still and often did when he was on the clock, he seemed to always be in some kind of small motion when he was in his own space.  Never anything obtrusive, nothing that would have made a sound, but there was a ceaselessly shifting sense about him, as though that fluid grace demanded an outlet after having been denied all day.)
( Posted on AO3 )
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queernoctis · 2 months
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relationship and transition timeline
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myfandomrealitea · 2 years
I've been on a Harringrove fic spree lately so;
Billy Hargrove exists without Max Mayfield and Billy Hargrove deserves to exist without Max Mayfield.
Billy deserves to live, to recover, to heal without it being tied to Max. Billy deserves to discover who he is outside of a victim, outside of Neil Hargrove's shadow and abuse, outside of the violence and fear and anger without it being tied to Max.
Billy has value that is not solely deadbolted to being Max's brother. To protecting Max. To doting on her in a way that, in some of your fics and posts, borders on unhealthy, obsessive, and everything Billy should be moving in the opposite direction of.
'Billy redeems himself by being Max's brother' is a trope I am sick to the back teeth of coming across in fanfiction, especially when its just thinly veiled character bashing designed to continuously put Billy down while elevating Max.
Victims do not have to throw themselves into benefitting someone else in order to be deserving of healing, closure, growth and recovery. Victims do not have to 'redeem' themselves by becoming someone else's guard dog. A guard dog that, frankly, Max doesn't actually need.
Billy was already the barrier between her and Neil, anyway. Billy already spent years of his life being the shield between her and Neil. His abuse was, on some level, tied to Max. He deserves to be set free of that for his recovery.
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asfarion · 5 months
me pushing sephiroth around in a pushchair bc hes my binky baby boy. a googoo gaga. he shakes his rattle and spits out his dummy and cries. i desperately feed him porridge and he makes an awful mess in my kitchen. he breaks my favourite vase. he flushes my keys down the toilet. i put him in footy-pyjamas with little ducks on them. sephiroth is a little doll for me to play dress-up with all day long. i put him in the barbie convertible and make him get smoothies. i make him go scuba diving in the bathtub. i make him go on dates with barbie and she robs him at gunpoint every time.
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ariseur · 5 months
I’m the sephiroth hc anon, yea I was referring to the sfw and nsfw, sorry for not specifying :0
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sephiroth (n)sfw hc’s 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
sephiroth (ffvii) x reader
┊ ˚➶ notes 。˚ 🎼
guys the motivation is coming back to me TRUST ME i’m slowly but surely working on it.. 🙏🙏
┊ ˚➶ warnings 。˚ 🎼
post nibelheim sephiroth being jealous, possessive, a little toxic and manipulative, mentions of sephiroths touch repulsion and touch starvation, nsfw will have a warning before it, intended lowercase, lmk if i missed anything!! 💕
. ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄
❥ soooo!!!1!1!1
❥ let me start off with pre-nibelheim headcanons because i miss a more domestic and ‘normal’ sephiroth rather than.. crazy seph lol
❥ so now let’s get into the actual thing!!
❥ i do not think that sephiroth is familiar with love whether it’s pre or post nibelheim, and if you read up on my angsty / comfort sephiroth fics you’ll see how i love the portrayal of where he’s so beloved by his fanclub and the public due to being a, “war hero” despite not feeling any close love like how you’d love him. the closest he’d get to developing emotional attachments would be his relationship with genesis and angeal (and maybe zack).
❥ it’ll take a while for sephiroth to fully trust and put his faith in you, but he’s actually very mature about romance. he doesn’t get very jealous and he’s very confident in your relationship and bond, if you read up on my jealousy hc’s i explain more there!!
❥ and when he really trusts you.. he’ll even let you perform his hair care routine on him when he’s too tired to do it himself. as you’ve seen, his hair is absolutely gorgeous and while he spends like an hour in the shower on just his hair— he spends more time when he’s out the shower as well with all the after product 😭.
❥ he enjoys having you brush his hair in the mornings and if you have long hair, he’ll return the favor. nothing’s better than sephiroth’s gentle hand cradling your head as he softly brushed through your strands, trying his hardest not to snag too hard on any tangles. if you’re comfortable with it, he’ll even hop in the shower with you and wash your hair for you. he’s not ashamed of nudity, he finds it a very normal and humanizing experience— knowing you can still be so vulnerable and not have it be sexual. he loves when you wash his hair for him too tho, it’s just super long so it’ll take a while lol.
❥ i cant see him as a morning person. i saw a post that he said, “sephiroths not a morning person, he’s a ‘im up because I have to be but if anyone talks to me, there will be murder’ person.” and i totally agree with that. you’ll wake him up, mentioning how he reminded you to wake up him bright and early tomorrow yet there you’d be, shaking his shoulder gently and he mutters a plea of five minutes more before pulling you closer.
❥ i definitely think that you guys would have to keep your love life private considering his job unless you’re like.. around angeal or maybe genesis. possibly zack, but you guys would have to make him promise that he wouldn’t tell anyone because he’d literally be so shocked. otherwise he’d go run to kunsel and brag about his knowledge or be so jaw dropped that he runs to angeal and is even more shocked when he already knows??? like, was he the only one who didn’t know about this whole thing??
❥ it’ll take a while for sephiroth to get comfortable with physical touch. although he secretly yearns for it, he’s also touch repulsed sometimes. it’s not that he’s appalled by you or your touch, it’s just that he’s gone so long without it that it’s foreign to him. once he gets used to it, he’ll eventually search for it and come looking for you in need of just some head massages or even just to rest his chin on your shoulder and view whatever you’re doing. he kinda does what cats do when they nuzzle the sides of their heads into your chest and like rub their noses into you.
❥ i’d like to think sephiroth’s very meticulous, so if you ever invite him in doing an activity such as baking or art or something, he WILL have to do it right or else he’ll get frustrated.
❥ as aforementioned, seph isn’t well versed in healthy love or adoration so if you even do a small task for him such as doing a chore he planned to do or cooking him pasta when he comes home— it will make him feel all gooey inside even if he won’t show it. he’s always calm and collected but, “even the coolest of people try their damndest to be alright,” as i mentioned in one of my headcanons for cloud lolol. he’s appreciative of even the small gestures, always making sure to thank you for your efforts as he knows they’re filled with love.
❥ for post nibelheim, though.. he’s lowkey manipulative. if you knew him before he found out about the jenova project, i’m assuming you’re only with him in hopes that he has some humanity within him that you can restore— well, that or you just like crazy men lol. he will definitely use that against you as a way of making you stay, always promising he’ll change after completing his plans with you by his side.
❥ if you met him post nibelheim though, he’ll be utterly fascinated with you as you’re basically his new toy. and he’ll follow you, regardless of when you met him. he’ll never let you leave his side after he’s gone crazy as he’s constantly reassuring you that his mothers legacy will be fulfilled, and that he can only do that when you’re beside him with support. it almost feels like it’s a shell of sephiroth. he never does any of the things he used to do before he was aware of who he really was, he’ll barely even let you touch him. he’s constantly on guard whenever you two are out, always keeping a hand around your waist or shoulder so that you don’t run off.
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈ 。゚
❥ id like to think of pre-nibelheim sephiroth as a soft dom. always being gentle, even when you’re sucking him off so nicely that he can’t help but grip your hair— he always makes sure not to pull it too hard and instead bites on his hand until there’s marks. he’ll always cater to you too, treating you like a pillow prince(ss) and is literally at your beck and call. he will not tolerate brattiness though and will definitely punish you if needed!! he’s just so kind, it’s only fair that he reciprocates the same words you give him :(((
❥ i don’t think sephiroths that experienced, but i don’t think he’s a virgin either. he doesn’t have the time to pursue intimate relationships, but he’s definitely experimented with one or two of his fangirls or something. he sort of regrets it now, considering it wasn’t all that intimate.
❥ like i said, it’ll take a while for sephiroth to even get used to physical contact let alone initiate it, but once you guys do finally have sex, he is literally the sweetest. he’s probably a little rusty lol but he’s a very quick learner!! guide him and teach him how to make you feel good, it makes his chest swell with pride once he gets you making those cute little sounds :(((
❥ let me tell you this man is huge though. he’s around nine to ten inches in length and he’s a big girthier than average. he has like two prominent veins, one on the underside of his shaft and one on the left side. when he cums, it’s a pretty pearly translucent color and right before he blows it beads at the tip as he tries to hold it in.
❥ sephiroth would like to think that there’s a possibility that you two could have kids, although his duties and reputation (and future events..) kind of prevent that. so i think there’s a breeding kink in there somewhere, but if you’re not okay with it then he’s totally fine!! it might sting a little if you don’t want kids, but in the end its your body, your choice— and he will respect that!!
❥ if you’re a virgin, he’d like to make your experience worth while and makes it very clear to you that he’s beyond honored to have been your first. he’ll even place you on the softest satin pillows while he gently thrusts into you, interlacing fingers and slowly pinning them against your head while he watches for your expressions. if you get shy or look away, he’ll always let go of one of your hands to redirect your chin back to him with a soft, “look at me, darling.”
❥ he relishes in the soft sounds of your giggles, watching as you look over the display he set up for you with roses and a meticulously made bed for you, a trick he had learned from genesis once when sephiroth had been too worried of not being able to satiate your need for intimacy. seph would lift you gently, giving you a small kiss and carefully maneuvering his way to the sheets before ceremoniously laying you down beneath him. he savors these lax moments during sex, not just the serious ones.
❥ post nibelheim is a little iffy, he’s definitely more possessive and aggressive when he’s having sex. he’s also very condescending with his words, i can sense a dumbification kink somewhere..
❥ as i’ve said before, post nibelheim seph won’t let you out of his sight most of the time. so he’s so possessive that if he sees you talking to someone else in public, once you find your way back to him, you’ll have wished you never greeted them. he’ll mercilessly press your face against the mattress or table or whatever you guys are on, and talks about how silly it was for you to talk to someone so casually when you clearly knew he was watching.
❥ i don’t think he’d let you top him that much, maybe once in a blue moon would he let you act like you have control over him— but the moment you get too cocky, he’ll remind you of who really has the most control once he grips your hip dips and flips you over, catlike, vindictive mako eyes glinting in the shadows of his body.
❥ again, i’m sorry but it’s the truth, also a little manipulative. post nibelheim sephiroth would accuse you of talking to other men or wanting them to satisfy you instead. he’d grit his teeth and roll his hips even harder— claiming he’d just have to show you how much he’s ruined you for other people. they are but boys but he, he is a man. and he’ll make sure you know that by the time the day ends and the sun seeps through curtains.
❥ pre sephiroth makes love, post sephiroth fucks. there’s a huge difference.
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crisiscutie · 9 months
So, I really like the idea of the remnants trio being sephy and reader's sons. Any hcs about their lives while living in the village?
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Sure, here some Domestic AU headcanons.
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The triplet boys are practically attached to the darling's hips whenever they go on a visit to the village.
They will gladly do whatever she needs, whether it is getting or carrying things for her. Not to only compete for her affection, but they also genuinely want to help their precious mother.
Grocery shopping is almost always a breeze because of the many helping hands for the darling.
Now with Sephiroth? They can get pretty mischievous but yet, life wouldn't be nearly as interesting if they weren't.
Kadaj believes he can go off on his own because he's the leader of the bunch and leaders have the power to do as they please! At least until Sephiroth reminds him that as long as he's around, he'd always be the man of the house.
Loz's desires hinged on his ever-changing mood, and he CONSTANTLY begs Sephiroth to buy him treats from the village bakery. And of course, Sephiroth always tells him that there's treats at home. Except for rare times he caves because he's so tired of his crying.
Yazoo would put his mind game skills to the test, as he quizzes his father's knowledge of the world (and his patience) during their shopping trips.
Also, expect him to embarrassingly ask Sephiroth if he'll buy that pretty lingerie for darling during their clothes shopping while a bunch of other villagers are around. Darling's village girl friends told her about this funny incident later.
Sephiroth still treats the boys to occasional outings, despite being driven insane by them.
He knows his boys love Chocobo riding, so he'll motivate them to improve their skills.
The boys made a bet, staking their claim as the "man of the house" if they ever won the races so naturally, Sephiroth couldn't go easy on them.
And he never stopped being a hardass, anyway. It's a trait from his SOLDIER upbringing that he couldn't rid of even if he wanted to.
Whenever they come home, Sephiroth faceplants into the darling's lap, like a tired kitty. It's his way of claiming her before any of the boys can.
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sephiroths-stuff · 3 months
Hey, I updated my GFM. I'm in desperate need of support as my insurance is refusing to help me rn due to a screw up on their end. My car badly needs repairs and I need to buy food that my stomach can handle and I need to pay my bills. Please help a disabled, Jewish, queer POC if you can!!
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catboyidia · 1 year
genesis and sephiroth “fighting” and hurting each other (nothing serious just small scrapes and stuff) just to homoerotically tend to each others wounds afterwards, calling each other dumb and other small childish insults while doing it (mainly genesis but sephiroth chimes in sometimes too), but they’re both awful at any form of first aid so angeal has to step in and actually patch them up. he used to scold them for it but he has since given up, now he can do nothing but sigh and shake his head at his stupid boyfriends antics while covering them in cute chocobo and cactuar print bandages and kissing their little wounds to make them feel better. genesis and sephiroth always try to do the same for angeal when he gets roped into their “fights”, and while the gesture is sweet and its the thought that counts, they fail miserably every time at the first aid and get into petty little “arguments” on who gets to kiss angeals wounds better
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rottenpumpkin13 · 4 months
we need more Tseng content
Out Of Context Things Tseng Has Seen Around The Shinra Building
• Reeve walking into a board meeting with a paintball gun, going "This is no longer a safe space."
• Sephiroth and Chadley playing darts with cutout of Professor Hojo's head as the target.
• Rufus, Cissnei, Zack and Lazard playing soccer with the decapitated head of the President Shinra statue.
• Cait Sith and Sephiroth wearing matching friendship bracelets.
• Zack Fair screaming, hanging onto Dark Star's leash, being dragged around the Skyview Hall after a failed attempt at walking them.
• Reno and Rude attempting to domesticate a raccoon that had collar with the name "Princess" on it.
• Lazard beating Heidegger with a rolled up magazine, also during a board meeting.
• Angeal, panicked, heading into the elevator holding a fully grown cannabis plant while going "shit shit shit shit shit shit shit"
• During an interdepartmental meeting in the auditorium, the turks and SOLDIERs sitting on opposite sides, trash talking each other. What shocked Tseng was Sephiroth flashing Reno the middle finger.
• Cloud Strife braiding Sephiroth's hair. Genesis approached and began teasing them for being childish. Cloud calmly finished the braid before beating Genesis with it (repeatedly).
• Lazard and Rufus carrying a coffin at either end. Fearing the worse, Tseng intercepted them and demanded that they open it. Inside he found Sephiroth (alive). When asked what he was doing, Sephiroth replied "serving as a practice dummy"
• Scarlett walking in Genesis' direction, followed by Genesis diving under a nearby table, followed by Sephiroth pointing at said table and telling her "He loves to play hide and seek."
• Sephiroth happily coming back from Reeve's office carrying a box of legos.
• Cissnei holding Zack's legs while Angeal holds Zack's arms. They're carrying him to medical while Zack squirms and and shouts: "RELEASE ME! I DON'T HAVE THE FLU! I JUST DRANK ORANGE SODA TOO FAST AND THREW UP! WHAT'S THE BIG DEAL?"
• Reno standing at a corner selling brownies. Fearing the worst, he intercepted, but found out that they were just regular brownies and Reno had just recently gotten into baking as a hobby.
Zack was standing in line and was very unhappy.
Zack: Aw, man. They're just regular brownies? This is false advertising!
Reno: What about the advertising indicates that they're edibles?
Zack: The fact that you're selling them.
• Cloud dropping down from the vents, followed by Zack, followed by Angeal, followed by Genesis, followed by Sephiroth. They're all wearing glow stick necklaces. When asked what they were doing, Sephiroth replied "friendship"
• The turks and SOLDIERs were made to put on a theater performance to promote interdepartmental bonding. Tseng was made to supervise the practices. Tseng gave up after he walked into the first practice and saw:
1) Cloud suspended from the ceiling, reciting Loveless boredly while a group of people panic, trying to get him down.
2) Reno and Zack fighting (loudly) over who gets to play the role of Tree #4. This argument quickly turned physical.
3) Genesis sitting in a director chair, shouting at Sephiroth through a megaphone, instructing him to sweep the stage better. Sephiroth grew impatient and thwacked the chair legs with his broom, breaking it. Genesis fell (violently).
4) Rude wearing a wig.
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cloudluvrrr · 1 month
give some fluffy sephiroth headcanons and my life is yours (i’m not sure where to put requests so i’ll just do it through inbox)
notes - YAYAYAY ofcc mathing userrs 😍 💗💗
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-- ♡
sweet- lana del rey
-- crisis core
- He’d be very gentle, since he has a lot of strength and is fucking huge
- He’d be very gentle hugging and cuddling you (he thinks he’ll crush you like a bug)
- From all his missions he’d bring you a small souvenir
- I also feel like he wouldn’t be much for pda, but he does lead you places. and sometimes holds your hand and kisses the back of it.
- On his days off he’d spent the entire day with you. Either shopping or in your shared apartment.
- He’s very cuddly
- He’s a little dumb about simple things since he spent a lot of his childhood in a lab so it’s bound to happen
-he'll read lifestyle books with reading glasses
- Whenever he has the chance he talks about retiring, living in a small town and living a domestic life (and potentially finding his mother)
- He’ll get into whatever your interests are even teach you new things about them
- He lets you play with his hair while he looks through paper work or if he’s in a really good mood do his makeup
-he'll let you brush it, braid it, put it into bows.
- I also feel like he’d fall in love with Someone from a small town rather than someone from midgar
-potentially bringing them from there to midgar.
- He likes animals, I feel like he’d be very happy if his s/o had a cat (bonus if it looks like him 🤓☝️)
- I feel like he lives in a big fucking apartment with no furniture cause he sees no point, but eventually when he started to court you he’ll slowly add more furniture. (His hearts flutters when you compliment it)
- I feel like he can cook nibelheim doesn’t count) he’ll often cook, it’s simple but they’re yummy (like him)
-He'll do most of the chores, since he's always does them anyways.
-He wears a pink cat apron
-hes so cute i wish he wasn't fucking insane
he sat in bed reading one of his cook books, as the bathroom light was on. Meaning you were of course getting ready for bed, eventually getting into bed with him. You read along with him making a few comments at the dishes that were pictured
Till he put it away and got comfortable with you.
"I think I'll retire after this mission" he began burying his nose into your freshly washed hair.
"oh? so soon" you asked playing with a few strands of his hair
"yes.. perhaps it can help me find my mother.. nibelheim has intersting history i hear"
"oh.. when do you leave?"
"ah, tomorrow afternoon, this will be our last night together for now"
he adds with a small chuckle. and a sigh.
"goodnight my love" he said softly kissing your hair and turning off the lamp
this was short but hopeu liked 💞
im tryingto be serious but i fear im too funny
Also when u make first class u can choose ur uniform WHO MADE HIS SLUTTY OIFIT
im so nor mal about this game
feel free to request more for ff7 😈😈😈
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sephifrog · 4 months
First class soldiers and their love language/blurbs
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I feel sephiroth would dislike public displays of affection unless it’s hidden.
Holding hands/linking pinkies under the the table.
Small smirks when he knows no one is looking.
He has to initiate any type of kiss but that’s rare, if you try he will get upset really only because he doesn’t want hojo or (god forbid) the silver elite to find out.
He is really touch starved so he loves cuddling when your in the safety of his apartment.
He’s the type to hold you close and kiss the back of your neck softly, wishing he could never let go, wishing he could stay by your side and forget shinra, forget his past and just start a future with you
He definitely enjoys cooking with you, I feel he would enjoy being domestic with his partner, watching them when he finished his tasks
He can get a bit stiff when you grab him out of nowhere but it’s not because he doesn’t want it (he craves it) but because he’s not used to it
If your first class he would feel his fingers reaching for you when getting assignments but won’t let his hand move
He’s possessive, at first in a “this is my first love I have to keep them safe” way
but as he starts to spiral it’s a
“their mine and no one can take them away from me, I won’t let shinra take away the one good thing in my life”
If you make him a charm bet your arse it’s on his sword/ phone honestly anywhere it’s close to him, if it gets damaged he would flatten the battlefield (Genesis once almost damaged it in training and almost lost an arm)
All in all I think he’s an inexperienced partner but tries his best when he finds someone, he’s hard to win over but once you do he’s with you until the end
like sephiroth he wouldn’t be fond of pda however he’s much more lenient holding your hand when he can
He would flush and chuckle when you kiss his cheek, muttering how you missed
The only time he would flat out refuse is when zack is around he loves the boy but he would never hear the end of it
He would hold your waist when your both chatting to the firsts and genesis teases him later
He would love cooking with you and looking up puppies online
He’s the type to plan for after the war, he wants to settle down with you and two dogs maybe on a ranch.
He would send letters home to his family and gush about you- he gets a letter back with a set of rings and almost passes out
If your first class he would sneak you into his room to have date nights he’s a romantic I feel
Angeal would love to be a father he wants a pigeon pair that he can show off, he knows his mother wants grandchildren.
Man doesn’t care he wants to be close to you no matter where you are.
His fondness for pda can sometimes be to much, he would never force you to show affection but he likes feeling your warmth, hand holding kissing cuddling he wants it all and is delighted when people see
He’s not afraid to pull you aside for a sloppy make out
However he is a soldier and takes his role seriously so he won’t touch you at all on missions if your a soldier
He would quote loveless to you asking you to watch the play
He enjoys the finer things so he would wine and dine you, however he still loves simple dates just being with you
He would call you a goddess and smirk at how you fluster.
Loves holding you when your doing anything, you cuddle on the couch and read, or just listen to him recite loveless out loud while you do something else
Genesis wants to be the hero and you will forever be his goddess, he hopes one day he can prove that he’s worthy of such a person, his beloved
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