#dollzone luna
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bunnyscribblesbjd · 6 months ago
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luna repaint from a while ago (last september). she needs new eyes lol
luna is a dollzone luna in yellow resin
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absurdollies · 11 months ago
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my new littlefee luna! she’s adorable :)
ranting below…
my first fairyland bjd, a complete impulse purchase.
she is very cute, but i think i do regret her a bit. i paid about $340 for her impulsively bc denver doll had her in stock and i live in the area so i could just go pick her up. i wanted a little doll to take around with me places so i picked her up.
she’s about the same price as my dollzone msd boy was, and i’m disappointed w the fitting of the faceplate and the seam lines! i wasn’t aware that fairyland is known for having such exaggerated seam lines. arm, torso, neck.
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obviously you can’t tell the faceplate is ill fitting w a wig on i just never noticed anything like this in any unboxing video i watched!
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anyways, she’s cute! just have a few grievances with her… not sure if i love the faceup but i do love her sculpt. i’ll definitely enjoy her more when i can pick up some clothes and maybe a different wig i feel fits her better. maybe something dark, and eventually get rid of the blue eyeshadow. i think i want to try sewing her some things, and work on a faceup for my yosd boy.
in other news, still waiting on my supia girl. obviously. it’s literally been like less than a month LOL. i couldn’t resist from getting a new doll i had money burning in my pocket and aGhh now i’ll have 4 dolls 2 girls and 2 boys. definitely won’t go crazy and buy any more for a while bc some gift buying events are coming up.
the rant concludes!
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stillness-house · 2 years ago
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Limhwa Luna or Nakana Panya open eye to go with my Limwha To.m?? 🤔 (not the sales photo for the first luna pic, appologies to queenofsquids, the listing on the MP doesn’t have any wigged photos) I like the Panya sculpt most, but the NW body is more girlish looking vs the more grown up Limwha 57 body, idk... plus they’re both potentially a little short with the Limhwa 65 boy body, but it’s hard to get a sense, there aren’t a lot of pics.
idk i want a more mature looking girl doll or two to go with my bigger, more realistic guys (dollshe classic saint and rosen, limhwa tom, dollzone licht, leeke rihael dreaming mod on a 65cm body), and it’s strangely hard to find in the right not-too-pinheaded scale, esp if you think iplehouse girls won’t necessarily aesthetically fit in.
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beedaleebjd · 5 years ago
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wig making party part 1 of... ?
I always feel so bad for everyone looking like this. 😂 I ended up redoing mana’s wigcap because it ended up really short, but I’m not suuure I’m loving the progress of her wig... we’ll see. Chase is side-eyeing the hell out of me over how long they’ve been waiting for a wig, hahahaha.
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siniirrphotography · 8 years ago
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izasfaceups · 4 years ago
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Simply Divine Thomas in Venetian Luna Sunrise color matched to Dollzone Normal Yellow from 2015. Val is finally perfect...
Want to see more of my work or commission me? Then please check out my website at www[dot]IzasFaceUps[dot]com!
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sbslink · 5 years ago
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Just a quick group shot and some pics of my girls :D
And yeah I am down to 4 as I sold my Zuzu Delf Corni. I had bonding issues with her for a while now. And she went to such a good home :D
Still awaiting the arrival of Junebug my @nyxyscreations Luna in a few weeks/months.
The other girls are still here: Isis the Rose mage (Dollzone Moon), Briala Izetta (Fairyland Realfee Pano), Hylia Mipha (Fairyland Realfee Ena) and Vlindrel (Dollzone Scorpio) <3
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queenofsquids · 5 years ago
Two weeks since the last tracking update on the Dollzone body coming from Spain. :( I'm mcfreaking losing it.
So here's a thing. Despite being rather a revolving door of dolls myself, I really love when people obviously cherish a doll and keep posting about that one. Or a crew of dolls that makes regular appearances. It feels good man. John's Wataru posting obviously made me think of this (happy birthday-ish Wataru). Charlie (the skonk) is another main one I just love to see on the regular, with the jellies & group.
I have a few dolls that are permanent, myself (Limhwa Luna, Ratleigh), and I need to post pictures of them more often. Makes me ponder which other dolls I have currently are going to survive my periodic purges and go on to be more or less permanent. The circle exercise the other day helped begin to clarify.
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dolledupworkshop · 6 years ago
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Luna, all finished aside from some bodywork that will happen later! Her faceup, eyes and hair all ended up matching really well! I also made her eyes! 👁👁👁
Doll: Flower and Junior Mizi.W on a Dollzone B45-016 body
Faceup: @dolledupworkshop  
Eyes: @dolledupworkshop  
Wig: Monique Gold Adorabel in Jade Fairy
Leggings: Glitter Girls
Top: Secondhand
Socks: made by a friend
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funnylori · 6 years ago
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Some @seed.arts Starling comparisons for the crowd. In the first photo there's a Pure Neemo Aoto, Starling, Dollzone Wendy, @batchix Clever Little. In the second photo @nyxyscreations Luna and Volks YoSD Eddy bookend the group. https://www.instagram.com/p/B0EtMkpJZsR/?igshid=1joxi52xn5hnb
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nyxypixie · 7 years ago
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In other exciting mail news, Celestia's body is here! It's a super old Dollzone single joined body. It is white skin, or was :P I requested it shipped unassembled, so here's just the torso and mix matched hands XD I'm going to mod the ever loving daylights outta this sucker 😈 Later though because Luna and Silk's leg and faceplate take priority right now.
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bunnyscribblesbjd · 2 years ago
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I had said that I was going to mod my dollzone luna’s eyes closed, but I figured I would give her regular face a shot with an anime style faceup. her eyes are just so huge lol
i think it turned out okay, the sculpt itself is very small and asymmetrical so I struggled a lot, and i kept pressing too hard with my watercolor pencils and scratching off the msc. i do think she looks pretty cute though so for now I'm happy :))
version without edited in eyes below the cut
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sightdoll · 7 years ago
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Luna and Babette, are they cute or are they cute?!?! DollZone B27-005 Body Hybrids👌 Also finished the last bit of hand sewing on this new tiny corset. Really pleased with the shape! #BJD #BallJointedDoll #LillycatCeriseDolls #DiM #DollZone #BJDhybrid #LegitBJD
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beedaleebjd · 4 years ago
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BJD End of Year 2020 tag!! Fashionably late as always, but hey 🤷 All sculpts and a short questionnaire under the cut.
1. End of year doll family photo: shown above!  In the photo we have... my 3 msds in the back row, from left to right: Void-Hime (Loongsoul Wanwan), STARCHASER (green Doll Chateau Bella) and Yellow Jacket, my partner’s muscular Model Delf LUTSDOLL body waiting on his head to arrive. The next line starting from the far left is my still-around 21cm obtisu Hye-Rin (Nano Haruka) and 36cm Pisces (Doll Chateau Wanda). The rest are YOSDs! Pyxis (green Gem of Doll Cia), Mana (Dollzone Niuniu, who I need to dye), Olivia (Dollzone Candice, so nice to see her together ;_; ), Unnamed (Bobobie Isabella on a DZ youth body), and Cecilia (Doll Family A Bibi on a Littlefee body). Last row is all my bitties and floating heads! Skipping hye-rin, we have a triad of LUTS tiny delfs: Cassidy (Jack), Luna (Mytyl, she’s a Tiny20), and Pollyanna (Tyltyl). Then curled up next to her is March, my Dollzone Ivy, and Nova, my Pukipuki Cupid3. Last but not least are my two floating heads who are waiting on bodies this year- Naelia, Doll in Mind Laia (dreaming/half closed eyes) and Honeybee, my Unoa Sist Bully with a buffdolls headback. 
2. How many dolls did I buy this year? I acquired 5 dolls, one head, and one body. Isabella's new body + Pyxis (October), Olivia's new shell (June), Luna (May), Honeybee's head (April), Mana (march), and Nova (January).
3. Tell us the best thing that happened to you in the doll hobby this year. Despite how messy 2020 was I still managed to score two grails (Nova and Honeybee) within months of each other. That was a little stressing, but also delightful?? +//_//+;;
4. Tell us the worst thing that happened to you in the doll hobby this year. The earthquake in April really freaked me out and now I have a hard time deciding where to display my dolls.. or anything fragile for that matter. 😰 The only other thing I could think of is managing money when sudden releases/sales/discontinuations happen, that’s always a drag no matter the year //laughs
5. Show us your three favorite things you got this year.  pyxis’ silver sneakers, chases’ iridescent jacket (and the silver one they’re wearing tbh), and the cutest halloween skirt for mana.
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6. What is your new year’s resolution? I’ll make a whole separate post for this, but the gist of it would be... to continue finishing everyone’s main looks, defeat the wig monster, give bodies to the headless, and layaway the last few wishlist dolls as soon as I am able. And sew as much as possible! (•̀o•́)ง
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siniirrphotography · 8 years ago
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sbslink · 5 years ago
I am still hoping I can sell my doll before the end of the month. But my husband said he is willing to help me out to get my blue Luna if I don’t. I can pay him back when I do sell my doll ^_^
I really hope she will fit in nicely with my Dollzone Scorpio and Zuzu Delf Corni ^_^ so I don’t know if you have dolls of those sizes?
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Silk and Luna together!
Luna is about 14cm and Silk is usually around 12 but she can get to 14 if she's on the very top of her spidery toes.
Don't forget that these little critters are on pre-order until the end of the month 💞
Feel free to ask me any questions and see my previous posts for more details!
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