#doha global
dohaglobalyatirim · 5 months
Doha Global Güvenilir mi?
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Doha Global Yatırım Platformu Hakkında
Günümüzde, finansal piyasalara erişim artık daha kolay ve küresel hale geldi. Birçok yatırımcı, farklı varlık sınıflarına yatırım yapmak için çeşitli platformları tercih ediyor. Bu platformlardan biri olan Doha Global, yatırımcılara geniş bir yatırım yelpazesi sunmayı amaçlayan bir platformdur. Ancak, bu platformun gerçekten güvenilir olup olmadığı konusunda bazı sorular ortaya çıkabilir. Bu makalede, Doha Global'in güvenilirliği hakkında derinlemesine bir analiz yapacağız.
Doha Global'in Geçmişi ve İtibarı:
Doha Global Güvenilir mi, finansal hizmetler sunan bir şirket olup, uzun bir geçmişe sahiptir. Şirketin kuruluş tarihi, faaliyet alanı ve önceki performansı gibi faktörler, platformun güvenilirliği hakkında önemli ipuçları sunabilir. Ayrıca, Doha Global hakkında yapılan kullanıcı yorumları ve bağımsız incelemeler de platformun itibarı hakkında fikir edinmemize yardımcı olabilir.
Lisans ve Düzenlemeler:
Bir finansal hizmet sağlayıcısı olarak, Doha Global'in lisans ve düzenlemelere uygun olması kritik bir öneme sahiptir. Platformun hangi yargı alanlarından lisans aldığı, hangi düzenleyici kuruluşlar tarafından denetlendiği ve güvenlik standartlarının neler olduğu gibi konular, kullanıcıların platformun güvenilirliği hakkında bilgi sahibi olmalarını sağlar.
Güvenlik Önlemleri:
Güvenilir bir yatırım platformu, kullanıcıların kişisel ve finansal bilgilerinin güvenliğini sağlamak için gerekli önlemleri almalıdır. Doha Global'in hangi güvenlik protokollerini kullandığı, kullanıcı verilerini nasıl koruduğu ve potansiyel tehditlere karşı ne tür önlemler aldığı gibi konular, platformun güvenilirliği açısından önemlidir.
Müşteri Desteği:
Bir yatırımcı olarak, ihtiyacınız olduğunda size yardımcı olacak etkili bir müşteri desteğine sahip olmanız önemlidir. Doha Global'in müşteri desteği hizmetleri, kullanıcıların sorunlarını çözmelerine yardımcı olacak mı, yanıt süreleri ne kadar hızlı ve etkili, bu gibi sorular platformun güvenilirliği hakkında önemli birer göstergedir.
Yatırım Araçları ve Getiriler:
Son olarak, bir yatırım platformunun güvenilirliği, sunulan yatırım araçları ve elde edilebilecek getirilerle de ölçülebilir. Doha Global'in sunduğu yatırım fırsatları nelerdir, getiri potansiyelleri nedir ve yatırımcıların risklerini nasıl yönetebilecekleri konuları, platformun güvenilirliği hakkında önemli birer değerlendirme kriteridir.
Doha Global, güvenilir bir yatırım platformu olup olmadığına karar verirken dikkate alınması gereken birçok faktöre sahiptir. Şirketin geçmişi, lisans ve düzenlemeleri, güvenlik önlemleri, müşteri desteği ve sunduğu yatırım fırsatları gibi faktörler, platformun güvenilirliği hakkında önemli ipuçları sunabilir. Potansiyel yatırımcılar, bu faktörleri dikkatlice değerlendirerek Doha Global'e yatırım yapmadan önce kapsamlı bir araştırma yapmalıdır.
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yatirimbilgileri · 9 months
Doha Global Travel
Doha Global Travel: Dünya Turunuzun Anahtarı
Doha Global Travel, tatil hayallerinizi gerçeğe dönüştüren uluslararası bir seyahat şirketidir. Sektördeki deneyimi, geniş küresel ağları ve müşteri odaklı hizmet anlayışı ile Doha Global Travel, unutulmaz tatillerinizi planlamak ve düzenlemek için ideal bir tercihtir.
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Hizmet ve Çeşitlilik
Doha Global Travel, geniş bir destinasyon yelpazesi sunarak her türlü seyahat tutkunu için bir şeyler bulmayı amaçlar. Şirket, lüks tatil köyleri, kültürel turlar, macera dolu aktiviteler ve daha birçok seçenek içeren çeşitli tur paketleri sunar. Her türden gezginin beklentilerine cevap verebilmek adına esnek ve kişiselleştirilebilir tur seçenekleri ile dikkat çeker.
Yenilik ve Teknoloji
Doha Global Travel, seyahat deneyimini daha özel ve kolay hale getirmek için modern teknolojiyi etkin bir şekilde kullanır. Online rezervasyon sistemleri, mobil uygulamalar ve 7/24 destek hattı ile müşterilere sorunsuz bir seyahat süreci sunar. Ayrıca, sektöre yönelik yenilikleri yakından takip ederek, müşterilere en güncel ve özel tatil deneyimlerini yaşatmayı hedefler.
Uzman Kadro ve Güvenilirlik
Doha Global FX, alanında uzmanlaşmış profesyonel bir ekiple çalışır. Seyahat danışmanları, destinasyon uzmanları ve lojistik ekibi ile şirket, müşterilere güvenilir ve kaliteli hizmet sunmayı taahhüt eder. Her ayrıntıyı düşünen ve organizasyonu en ince detayına kadar planlayan ekip, müşterilerin tatillerini sorunsuz ve keyifli kılma konusundaki kararlılığını sürdürür.
Çevre Duyarlılığı
Doha Global Travel, turizmin sürdürülebilirliğine önem veren bir yaklaşım benimser. Doğa dostu turlar, çevre dostu oteller ve yerel kültüre saygılı gezi planlamaları ile şirket, doğanın ve yerel toplulukların korunmasına katkı sağlar.
Gelecekteki Yol Arkadaşınız
Doha Global Travel, müşterilerine sadece bir tatil değil, bir yaşam boyu sürecek unutulmaz anılar sunma misyonu ile hareket eder. Gelecekteki seyahat planlarınız için güvenilir ve yenilikçi bir yol arkadaşı olmaya devam ederek, dünyanın güzelliklerini keşfetmenize olanak tanır.
Doha Global Travel, sizin için sadece bir tatil değil, bir macera sunuyor. Hayalinizdeki tatilin kapılarını aralamak için Doha Global Travel ile dünya turunuza başlayın.
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defensenow · 4 months
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niveditaabaidya · 2 years
Russia Working With Qatar For Stabilizing Global Gas Market. #qatar #doh...
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rapeculturerealities · 3 months
Shutting Afghan women out of key UN conference to appease Taliban ‘a betrayal’ | Global development | The Guardian
Excluding Afghan women from an upcoming UN conference on Afghanistan would be a “betrayal” of women and girls in the country, say human rights groups and former politicians.
The Taliban are reportedly demanding that no Afghan women be allowed to participate in the UN meeting in Doha starting 30 June, set up to discuss the international community’s approach to Afghanistan, and that women’s rights are not on the agenda
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humanrightsupdates · 2 months
Gulf States: Inadequate Heat Protection Putting Workers in Peril
Migrant Workers Fainting, Vomiting in Summer Heat
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(Beirut) – Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries are failing to protect outdoor migrant workers experiencing dangerous, heat-related health risks as global warming-fueled heatwaves envelope the region, Human Rights Watch said today.
Migrant workers in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) interviewed by Human Rights Watch described symptoms of heat-related illness, including fainting and vomiting, and described feeling suffocated by the heat. Despite deadly temperatures, interviewees often lacked access to shaded rest breaks and cold water to hydrate and cool off.
“Gulf states like to be seen as world leaders on a range of issues, but on the critical global issue of heat protection, their record is lackluster at best,” said Michael Page, deputy Middle East director at Human Rights Watch. “As a result, migrant workers in countries like Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and Qatar who are trying to provide for their families back home are unnecessarily suffering every day, enduring long-term chronic illnesses, and even dying due to the suffocating heat.”
Several of the hottest days on record since 1940 were recorded in the region in the third week of July 2024, according to one scientific dataset, and the heat index in some Gulf cities exceeded 35 degrees Celsius (95 degrees Fahrenheit). Dubai and Doha were recently ranked as the top two cities with the most dangerous summer heat globally. Media outlets reported that Dubai’s temperatures on July 17, when factoring in humidity, felt like 62 degrees Celsius (143.6 degrees Fahrenheit).
Yet Gulf states apply inadequate midday work bans that only prohibit outdoor work during pre-defined hours in the summer months instead of using the wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT) index, a widely used index that measures occupational heat stress based on air temperature and relative humidity. Only Qatar uses the index as a threshold to stop outdoor work, but the work stoppage threshold is set too high to effectively protect workers.
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pattern-recognition · 4 months
i cannot wait to see the end of the dollar’s global dominance in my lifetime
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Lula trashes EU side letter, says WTO "ended"
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President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva on Friday called an EU-proposed side letter to the free trade agreement with Mercosur a “threat,” said the World Trade Organization (WTO) has “ended,” and renewed calls for new international institutions and reform of those mostly designed by Western powers in the 1940s, such as the United Nations and the International Monetary Fund.
At the Summit for a New Global Financing Pact in Paris, Lula said trade agreements must be “fairer.”
“I’m dying to make a deal with the European Union. But it is not possible”, he said, referring to the proposed EU-Mercosur free trade agreement. Earlier this year, EU negotiators presented a side letter that allows for sanctions if countries fail to meet environmental commitments under the Paris Agreement. Mercosur members are expected to present a counter-proposal in the coming weeks, with the aim of signing the agreement by the end of the year.
Lula added that the World Trade Organization (WTO) has “ended.” The last round of WTO-led negotiations, the Doha Round, began in 2001 and was never completed.
Continue reading.
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yatirimbilgileri · 9 months
Doha Global Group Holding
Doha Global Grup, geniş bir yelpazede hizmet sunan dinamik ve yenilikçi bir holding şirketidir. Şirket, kurulduğu günden bu yana farklı sektörlerdeki uzmanlığını ve geniş bir hizmet yelpazesini bir araya getirerek müşterilerine kaliteli çözümler sunmayı amaçlamaktadır.
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Vizyon ve Değerler
Doha Global Grup, müşteri memnuniyetini ön planda tutan bir vizyonla hareket eder. Şeffaf yönetim anlayışı, etik değerlere bağlılık ve sürekli gelişim, şirketin temel değerlerini oluşturur. Grup, sadece finansal başarı değil, aynı zamanda topluma ve çevreye karşı sosyal sorumluluğunu da önemser.
Hizmet Alanları
Doha Global Grup, geniş bir sektör yelpazesinde faaliyet gösterir. Finans, enerji, teknoloji, sağlık, inşaat, eğitim ve daha birçok alanda uzmanlık ve deneyim kazanmış bir ekip tarafından yönetilen şirket, müşterilere özel çözümler sunma konusundaki yetenekleriyle bilinir.
Finans: Doha Global FX, finans dünyasında sağlam bir varlık oluşturarak müşterilere yatırım, kredi, sigorta gibi finansal hizmetler sunar. Şeffaf ve güvenilir finans yönetimi anlayışıyla, müşterilerin mali hedeflerine ulaşmalarına destek olur.
Enerji: Enerji sektöründe sürdürülebilir çözümler sunan Doha Global Grup, yenilenebilir enerji projeleri ve enerji verimliliği alanlarında liderlik yapar. Temiz enerjiye olan taahhüdüyle, çevresel sürdürülebilirliği destekler.
Teknoloji: Doha Global Grup, teknoloji alanındaki hızlı değişimlere ayak uydurarak müşterilere en güncel ve yenilikçi çözümleri sunar. Bilgi teknolojileri, yapay zeka ve dijital dönüşüm alanlarında öncüdür.
Sağlık: Sağlık sektöründeki projeleriyle Doha Global Grup, kaliteli sağlık hizmetlerinin yaygınlaştırılmasına katkı sağlar. Modern tıp uygulamaları, sağlık altyapısı geliştirme ve sağlık teknolojileri konusundaki projeleriyle dikkat çeker.
İnşaat: Doha Global Grup, inşaat sektöründe büyük ölçekli projelere imza atar. Yüksek kaliteli konutlar, altyapı projeleri ve ticari komplekslerde uzmanlığıyla, şehirlerin dönüşümüne liderlik eder.
Geleceğe Yatırım: Doha Global Grup, sürekli değişen dünya şartlarına uyum sağlayarak, müşterilerine ve topluma değer katmaya devam eder. Geleceği şekillendirmek için inovasyon, sürdürülebilirlik ve sosyal sorumluluk alanlarında öncü bir rol üstlenir.
Doha Global Grup, çeşitlilikteki gücü ve hizmetteki kalitesiyle, müşterilerine, ortaklarına ve topluma sürdürülebilir bir değer sunmaya devam edecektir.
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mariacallous · 5 months
Qatar, the small emirate on the Persian Gulf, has long enjoyed unmatched influence over Hamas, the ruling power in Gaza. It is now threatening to withdraw its services as a mediator between Hamas and Israel unless Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ceases what Doha considers to be a smear campaign against it. The fate of the remaining Israeli hostages in Gaza could now hang in the balance of this new diplomatic dispute.
Last week, Qatari Prime Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani said that the mediation process had been abused for “narrow political interests,” and that Qatar will make “the appropriate decision at the right time.” It was a message intended for Netanyahu, according to an Arab official who spoke to Foreign Policy.
Qatari officials reportedly believe that Netanyahu is deliberately delaying a possible release of hostages to prolong the war and stay in power. By threatening to walk away from the negotiations, they believe they can pressure Netanyahu into clarifying whether negotiating a hostage release is a priority for him at all. “We only negotiate when both sides want us to,” said a Qatari official who spoke to Foreign Policy on the condition of anonymity considering the sensitivity of the matter.
Netanyahu knows Qatar is necessary to the negotiations owing to the leverage that it gained over Hamas in the years prior to the current war. Qatar sent $1.3 billion in aid to Gaza between 2012 and 2021, at a time when Israel had otherwise largely cut off the territory, and it lent Hamas international credibility by giving its representatives airtime on Al Jazeera.
Qatar is well aware of its unique diplomatic position and is enjoying the limelight on the global stage. And yet there have been valid questions around Qatar’s intentions. There is strong suspicion in Israel and in parts of the U.S. government that it is biased in Hamas’s favor and pushing for its agenda. Doha, they say, could more effectively compel Hamas if it threatened those of its leaders who have taken residence in Qatar with expulsion, or with extradition to a country that lists Hamas as a terrorist organization.
Qatar started to host Hamas in 2012 after the group ran afoul of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and claims to have opened its doors at the behest of then-U.S. President Barack Obama. But Foreign Policy has learned from the aforementioned Arab official who is aware of the negotiations that despite bipartisan pressure from both Democratic and Republican lawmakers, Qatar has not yet asked Hamas to relocate.
Last week, U.S. Rep. Steny Hoyer accused Qatar of blocking negotiations, essentially abusing its role as a mediator. He was the fifth lawmaker to urge Congress to scrap Qatar’s status as a major non-NATO ally granted to the Arab nation in 2022 for supporting evacuations from Afghanistan. Any such demotion would not only be a global embarrassment for Qatar but would relegate it below Egypt and other competitors in the neighborhood who also hold the same designation.
“Qatar needs to make it clear to Hamas that there will be repercussions,” Hoyer said in a statement. Earlier this month, Republican Sens. Ted Budd, Joni Ernst, and Rick Scott introduced a bill that would require the United States to conduct a review to “terminate the designation” if Qatar didn’t expel or extradite Hamas’s leadership, “including Ismail Haniyeh, Khalil al-Hayya, Khaled Mashal,” its biggest leaders.
Orly Gilboa—the mother of 19-year-old Daniella Gilboa, who has been held hostage by Hamas since Oct. 7, 2023—said that the United States’ pressure on Qatar could work. “Qatar supports Hamas, but they want good relations with the U.S., so they will do what the U.S. wants them to do,” she told Foreign Policy over Zoom.
But some U.S. lawmakers said the move to scrap the status was premature and unwarranted. That has encouraged Doha to stay the course. But the Arab official believes that those who asked to strip Qatar of the designation are perhaps pro-Netanyahu lawmakers and do not speak for the Oval Office.
Budd’s legislation argues that if Hamas is refusing “reasonable” negotiations, then there is no reason for Qatar to continue hosting Hamas’s political office or members, parroting the viewpoint of many in Israel’s security community. But “reasonable” is being defined differently by the various parties concerned.
While Israel expects Qatar to convince Hamas to release hostages and then intends to resume the war to eliminate the group entirely from Gaza, Qatar finds merit in Hamas’s demand of a permanent cease-fire. This is the crux of the disagreement between Qatar and Israel.
“I don’t think it’s an unreasonable request,” said an Arab official familiar with the negotiations. “If they release all hostages, they want an end to the war.”
However, the Israeli security community suspects that’s not all Hamas wants. They argue it could have achieved an end to the war had it agreed to disarm and leave Gaza. Israelis fear that Hamas wants to return to Gaza, victorious, and carry out more attacks that match the cruelty of Oct. 7.
“We can’t hand Hamas a victory,” said Eran Lerman, a former Israeli deputy national security advisor. “After what they have done, we refuse to live with Hamas as our neighbors. And it’s not just Netanyahu, but there is wide support for the policy to eradicate Hamas.” Israel is ready to offer only a temporary truce until Hamas has been vanquished.
Doha makes the case that since the war has limited its ability to send aid to Gaza, it simply doesn’t have the kind of leverage it once did over Hamas’s leaders holding the hostages inside Gaza.
“Sinwar will rather die inside Gaza than agree to a deal to leave,” said an Arab official aware of the negotiations, referring to Yahya Sinwar, the Hamas leader within Gaza who was behind the Oct. 7 attack. “This is the mistake—this is what Israelis are not understanding.”
He said that threatening to kick out Hamas’s political leaders from Qatar will not bring the desired pressure on Hamas. Sinwar, who is making the final decisions about the hostage negotiations, doesn’t care about his group’s political representatives or where they live, “whether in Qatar, Turkey, Oman, or Iran.”
Israel also doesn’t care where Hamas’s leaders reside and has already declared that it will hunt them down wherever they may choose to hide. But Israeli leaders say that in the short term, they are focused on bringing back the hostages and eliminating Hamas.
Lerman said that Egypt has already been partly involved in negotiations, noting that it could become a single point of communication with Hamas if Qatar doesn’t succeed in mediating the release of the hostages in exchange for a temporary truce not a permanent cease-fire. “It’s not like we won’t be left with a channel of communication,” he said. “If Qatar cannot live up to its claim, that it has leverage over Hamas, then what’s the point?”
Some in the Israeli security community believe that once the long-expected Rafah operation has been successfully carried out and all of Gaza brought under Israeli occupation, Hamas’s leaders and members would be in for a run for their lives and more inclined to accept a deal on Israeli terms.
“Hamas will feel a very different kind of threat than they feel now—that will change their minds,” Lerman said.
It’s a tricky gamble. If Qatar walks out, Israel risks losing a mediator with more influence over Hamas than any other Arab state, and if Doha fails in ensuring safe hostage release, it may damage its ties with the United States. Thus far, neither side is willing to concede, and negotiations will likely go down the wire, further procrastinating the homecoming of the more than 130 Israelis believed to remain in Gaza.
Families of hostages have said that they want their loved ones released “despite the difficult price,” but they also don’t want Hamas to live next door, preferably.
“I prefer if there is a solution,” Gilboa said. “Maybe Hamas’s leaders can move to Qatar and live there.”
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my-vanishing-777 · 1 month
The 19 young women, who are now studying in four of the UK’s best medical schools – Edinburgh, Glasgow, Dundee and Aberdeen – are here because of the determined efforts of a small Scottish charity, the Linda Norgrove Foundation, which brought together the UK and Scottish governments and others to make the impossible possible. The charity was set up by John and Lorna Norgrove after their daughter Linda, an aid worker, died in Afghanistan in 2010. Since then, and without any fanfare, it has raised £3 million to support women and girls in the country their daughter loved. Previously, it provided scholarships for young women to study at university. Now it supports women and girls simply to survive, with basic supplies like warm clothing for the harsh Afghan winters and training so that women can work from home. And it has just given 19 young women the chance of a new life.
Women’s rights across the globe are under attack, from the draconian abortion laws in the USA to India, where women are at serious risk of sexual assault, but there is no question that the situation in Afghanistan is the most serious women’s rights crisis in the world. The country is ranked last on the Women, Peace and Security Index. Yet earlier this year, when the international community met with the Taliban in Doha to discuss Afghanistan’s future relationship with the rest of the world, women’s rights were not on the agenda – at the behest of the Taliban. Speaking at the time, Habiba Sarabi, a former minister of women’s affairs in Afghanistan, said the international community was prioritising engagement with the Taliban over women’s rights. She said: “Unfortunately, the international community wants to deal with the Taliban, and that is why their own agenda has always been more important to them than the women of Afghanistan, democracy, or anything else.”
But if a small charity with only one employee, based in the Isle of Lewis, has the negotiating skills and determination to rescue 19 young women from the clutches of totalitarian rule, then surely the international community must be able to find ways to better support Afghanistan’s 20 million women and girls? According to global charity IRC, three-quarters of the country’s public spending is subsidised by international donors, and more than half the population is dependent on humanitarian assistance for survival.
The Taliban may try to silence the voices of women and girls, but the international community must not be allowed to ignore them too. On Tuesday, I was privileged to meet 19 young women of courage. The international community owes it to them, and to the memory of Linda Norgrove, to show the same courage and stand up for our sisters in Afghanistan.
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knuckle · 11 months
Israeli tanks close in on a Palestinian hospital. Doctors and medical staff are warned that they must leave — with or without patients in need. Artillery assaults follow, even if thousands of people are still inside.
On Monday, it was the turn of the Indonesian Hospital in Beit Lahia, Gaza. At least 12 people have been killed in Israeli attacks on the facility, even as armoured vehicles edge closer and closer to the hospital.
But it was only the latest medical centre to face the wrath of the Israeli army.
Six weeks into its war on Gaza, Israel’s attacks on hospitals have emerged almost as a motif of the conflict, even though refugee camps, schools and churches have not been spared either. At least 21 of Gaza’s 35 hospitals — including the strip’s solo cancer centre — are completely out of service, and others have been damaged and are short of medicines and essential supplies. . . . On Friday, Israel’s military extended its approach in Gaza to the occupied West Bank, where armoured vehicles surrounded at least four hospitals. The Ibn Sina Hospital, one of the largest in the West Bank, was raided. And in early November, Israeli forces arrested some patients and their attendants from an East Jerusalem hospital.
But why does Israel target Palestinian hospitals given that this also brings significant criticism from leading human rights organisations, which have accused it of war crimes? . . . Israel claimed Hamas was using al-Shifa as a command centre, for instance. But Hamas has denied that claim, and days after taking control of the facility, Israel has been unable to provide strong evidence to back its assertions.
The real reason Israel targets hospitals is different, according to Omar Rahman, a fellow at the Doha-based Middle East Council on Global Affairs. It is a form of psychological warfare, he said.
“Attacking hospitals tells the population that nowhere for [Palestinians] is safe,” Rahman told Al Jazeera, adding that Israel acts with “total impunity”.
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Evidence that Hamas’ Goal is the Global Eradication of All Jews:
"The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, (evidently a certain kind of tree) would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews." (related by al-Bukhari and Moslem).
From Article 7 of the Hamas Charter (1988).
"The Covenant of the Islamic Resistance Movement, referred to as the Hamas Covenant or Hamas Charter, was issued by Hamas (the Islamic Resistance Movement) on 18 August 1988 and outlines the organization's founding identity, stand, and aims.[1] A document often described as their new or revised charter was unveiled by Hamas leader Khaled Mashal on 1 May 2017 in Doha, although without explicitly revoking the old charter.[2][3]"
From Wikipedia: 1988 Hamas Charter
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agentfascinateur · 11 months
The real reason Israel targets hospitals is different, according to Omar Rahman, a fellow at the Doha-based Middle East Council on Global Affairs. It is a form of psychological warfare, he said.
“Attacking hospitals tells the population that nowhere for [Palestinians] is safe,” Rahman told Al Jazeera, adding that Israel acts with “total impunity”.
No. It only shows that Israeli leadership is sick in the head.
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humanrightsupdates · 2 months
Gulf States: Inadequate Heat Protection Putting Workers in Peril
Migrant Workers Fainting, Vomiting in Summer Heat
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(Beirut) – Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries are failing to protect outdoor migrant workers experiencing dangerous, heat-related health risks as global warming-fueled heatwaves envelope the region, Human Rights Watch said today.
Migrant workers in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) interviewed by Human Rights Watch described symptoms of heat-related illness, including fainting and vomiting, and described feeling suffocated by the heat. Despite deadly temperatures, interviewees often lacked access to shaded rest breaks and cold water to hydrate and cool off.
“Gulf states like to be seen as world leaders on a range of issues, but on the critical global issue of heat protection, their record is lackluster at best,” said Michael Page, deputy Middle East director at Human Rights Watch. “As a result, migrant workers in countries like Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and Qatar who are trying to provide for their families back home are unnecessarily suffering every day, enduring long-term chronic illnesses, and even dying due to the suffocating heat.”
Several of the hottest days on record since 1940 were recorded in the region in the third week of July 2024, according to one scientific dataset, and the heat index in some Gulf cities exceeded 35 degrees Celsius (95 degrees Fahrenheit). Dubai and Doha were recently ranked as the top two cities with the most dangerous summer heat globally. Media outlets reported that Dubai’s temperatures on July 17, when factoring in humidity, felt like 62 degrees Celsius (143.6 degrees Fahrenheit).
Yet Gulf states apply inadequate midday work bans that only prohibit outdoor work during pre-defined hours in the summer months instead of using the wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT) index, a widely used index that measures occupational heat stress based on air temperature and relative humidity. Only Qatar uses the index as a threshold to stop outdoor work, but the work stoppage threshold is set too high to effectively protect workers.
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abr · 2 years
È chiaro a tutti ormai che, in larga misura, la crisi (Qatargate) è ormai fuori dal controllo dell’Ue: “La democrazia europea è sotto attacco” (Roberta Metsola, presidente del Parlamento europeo) (...).
Giovedì 15 dicembre, i presidenti e i primi ministri europei si sono riuniti a Bruxelles per l’ultimo vertice dei leader dell’Ue nell’anno 2022, battezzato “il vertice dell’orrore”. Il presidente, Charles Michel, in evidente imbarazzo poiché (...), all’apertura della nuova ambasciata dell’Ue a Doha a settembre, ha parlato della necessità di impegnarsi in modo costruttivo con il Qatar (circa le stesse parole usate dall’arrestata Eva Kaili) (...).
Dalla Germania, il ministro dell’Economia tedesco Robert Habeck ha detto che Berlino (deve) mantenere le forniture di gas dal Qatar nonostante lo scandalo. (...) L’agitazione del presidente francese, in caduta libera in casa, è tutta finalizzata ad un recupero di ruolo internazionale; la sua nazionale di calcio con 8 su 11 giocatori della Franceafrique, (è al contempo) simbolo ed emblema dell’impero europeo superstite (e dall'altro dei mantra del wokismo accogliente, quello che da "faro della civiltà nel Mondo" ha reso l'Europa un retroporto degradato tutto putas e pusher, ndr).
(...) È probabile che la crisi sulla presunta “corruzione” sia prodromica e funzionale ai passaggi che seguiranno (...). Sul piatto della contesa si trovano le reti finanziarie: quelle woke (attualmente al potere) promotrici del mantra della anti-corruption (il classico "poche mele marce, noi siamo parte lesa"); quelle variegate ma convergenti della post-finanza – science&tech, trans and post-human, crypto – che intendono sostituirsi al blocco di potere woke; quelle dei detentori di petrodollari che non potendo colpire direttamente gli Stati Uniti (come avvenne nel 9/11) partecipano alla spartizione dell’Europa (loro obiettivo plurisecolare); quelle alter-finance, capitanate dalla Cina, prima detentrice assoluta del debito americano, attraverso le galassie Brics e Sco, in ampia espansione, che mirano ad un ruolo riconosciuto a livello globale.
via https://www.ilsussidiario.net/news/scenario-qatargate-cosi-loffensiva-russa-mettera-fine-al-partito-unico-europeo/2458614/
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