#dogs follow me around the house
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andrewpeterson1516 · 2 years ago
Why Does My Dog #labrador Follow Me Everywhere? | Kristy the Labrador
Discover the intriguing bond between humans and #Labrador dogs! Uncover the reasons behind your loyal Labrador's constant companionship. From loyalty to instincts, explore the captivating connection that makes your dog follow you everywhere. 🐾🐶 #DogCompanionship #labrador #dogvideo #shortvideo #dog #labradorlovers #doglover #followme #doglove #labradorlife #cute #cutedog #LabradorLove #LoyalLabrador #DogBehavior101 #CanineConnections #PetBonding #ManBestFriend #LabradorInstincts #DogDevotion #FurryFriendship #youtubetrends #VideoContent #TrendingNow #ViralVideos #WatchThis #ContentCreators #Entertainment #YouTubeVibes #PopularVideos #SubscribeNow #VideoProduction #YouTubeChannel #TrendingTopics #MustWatch  @kristyythelabrador ​
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beargirl2 · 10 days ago
any billionare woman here who wants to spoil a sweaty unattractive uninteresting self concious smelly woman
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sca-nerd · 2 years ago
One day, someone will ask me what my greatest accomplishment in life has been, and I will look back on the many things I've done, and reflect on those things I am most proud of. Then I will gesture to my dog and answer, "I was loved unconditionally and been allowed to love in return."
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arashi-no-saxlphone · 5 months ago
I don't like dogs cause they're needy and annoying but the thing is like, if you're mean to dogs I'm the first one to get violent about it. Because dogs are very good animals. They give out affection so relentlessly just for a crumb of that affection in kind. Loyal and full of love. Wolves decided that they would give up so much of themselves for safety and love and they're considered our "best friend" as a species all this time later. If you're mean to dogs I'll kill you. I get emotional about this because my dog annoys me so bad but I look at her and it's like "you're so unconditional with your love in a world that is cold and cruel, and in this moment I understand why you're always waiting at the window for my return - I wish people were like that too." I'm like the dad that goes "absolutelt not no pets we are not getting a dog" and then is the most attached to said dog. You have to be fucking nice to dogs.
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It'd be really cool if my roommate would stop trying to hide my dog from me
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ruabadfishtoo · 2 years ago
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sigery · 1 year ago
Finally made a path to bring my 7 llamas home... had all 7 at my 'checkpoint' (spawn area), lost at least 1 since I found it still packed when I went back to spawn for Chester. And I murdered a traveling trader because my llamas kept trying to follow his train even when I had them on a lead.
Anyway I have 9 llamas now; White, Orange, Purple, Pink, Light Blue, Magenta, Yellow, Lime, and Brown. White is the mvp with 15 slots and brown is the baby with 3 slots... not sure what I'm going to do with all of them but they have a big-ish pen to chill in for now
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burnhamandtilly · 2 years ago
having a manic episode today and I'm about to make it everyone's problem :)
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silly-bus · 1 month ago
I love my cats more than anything and this will always be true if notning else is
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weaselle · 9 months ago
had an interaction with a cat at my mother's friend's house (we dropped by to feed her while my mom's friend was out of town) and my mother said "i was surprised how much that cat liked you, she doesn't usually let people pet her but she followed you around and let you pet her a lot"
and in explaining to her my interaction with the cat i put into words a thing i'd never put into words before, having always automatically understood what i was doing. But once i put it into words my mother said she'd never thought of that and it felt like something worth sharing here.
This cat did a typical cat thing where she sniffed my fingers i was holding out, and then acted like she wanted me to pet her, but then when i started to move to pet her, moved her head away slightly to prevent it.
I instinctively understand this interaction, and stopped trying to pet her and moved back to a neutral position and waited to see if she would re-initiate an interaction.
Because this is basically a consent test. This is how a cat can assess "how closely are you paying attention to what i'm telling you" and "how respectful of my boundaries are you".
If i am responsive to her yes/no game, moving to pet her when she indicates i can, stopping immediately when she seems to change her mind, then she knows she can trust me to understand her, and also to respect her choices. That's what i did, so then she knew she could trust me and relax around me and enjoy my company. She was actually a very friendly and social little cat, who clearly wanted to make friends with me.
But if i had insisted on trying to pet her when she seemed to change her mind instead of simply understanding that she didn't want to be pet in that moment, she would have known she couldn't trust me to understand or respect her, and she would have treated me like she has to treat 90% of the people who visit that house, evidently.
I work mostly with dogs these days, but i grew up with cats too, and am generally good with animals. Many shy animals will also do this same "sniff sniff okay touch me nope just kidding" routine, especially if they've had experiences with people that make establishing that kind of communication and trust important to them.
And in fact, a lot of animals will do some version of this kind of consent test in a whole variety of situations. When well socialized dogs do that thing where they are rough housing and then they both stop suddenly for a moment until one of them play bows or makes a little pouncing motion and then they fly back into rough housing mode, that's what they are doing, they are doing a consent check-in, like "whoah this is getting wild, are you still in? are we still playing, is this still a good time for you?"
anyway, that's why this lovely little cat followed me around asking me to pet her the whole time we were visiting that house, because i showed her that i understood her signals and respected her boundaries, which is something i see a lot of both men and women not doing when interacting with cats and dogs.
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bookalicent · 6 months ago
there definitely needs to be some sort of exam people need to take before they own pets bc jesus christ some of you should not be owners
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kilopascals · 7 months ago
i fucking LOVE having a cat. ive never had a pet that every night, without fail, stands guard in front of the bathroom door while i shower. she does this every night, even if she’s feeling standoffish that night and waits at the end of the hallway instead. she watches and waits and usually trills at me when i come out
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ahdkshax · 7 months ago
just saw a post and was reminded of the two greatest dog encounters ive ever had:
1) i was on a tour with a few other folks (maybe a total of like. 25 of us) and this small dog comes out of this house in the little farm we're touring. the guide calls out to the little old dog and she responds so im confident shes. Not a Wild Dog.
so i see someone else in the group try to beckon the dog to come closer but this old girlie doesnt really care for such trite things as kissy noises. instead she waddles up to me and turns her back to me, pushing against my shin. of course i indulge her with a few moments of petting and she wandered back into the house. she was quite soft.
2) last semester i took a film photography class, and one person in this class had a working dog. now this dog loved to stare at people but he was working and very stoic about his job so he would stare and thats about it. it was all work for this dude.
one day i go into the photography lab to find the girl and her dog at the sink developing some film. i ask if i can also use this time to get work done and she says sure, so i start developing my stuff. her dog is laying off to the side taking a small nap. alls good. im very careful not to bother him while i have to move around him
like half an hour later or whatever im hanging my film up and i ask her if i can help w her developing, since shes got like 5 cans still ready to be developed. she says Absolutely i can help her so we sit around the sink and talk for a couple hours. we both are moving around awkwardly and the dog cant find a nice place to lay so hes laying just in the general area around us
at some point in this talking, though, i felt a slight pressure on my foot and look down for see this hard working dog, always focused on his job, napping with his head on my foot. his owner tried to apologize for this and that he got comfortable with me talking w her he decided i was good enough to sleep on. but i was just so honored in that moment
i never pet him, though. he may have been napping but he was on the clock.
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the-best-bagel · 10 months ago
free roaming outdoor dogs a la cats are not a good idea and are just asking for injuries and conflict but unfortunately i've only ever had great experiences growing up in a neighborhood with a handful of those dogs and i miss themmmmm
#there was this one huge golden named riley whod just lay in the road all day and make cars go around him#he'd find me and my sister and we'd fuck around all day with him#on halloween he'd follow us trick or treating#he was dumb as bricks and completely unbothered by either of our reactive ass gsd mixes we'd invite him in to hang play with them#and when he'd had enough he'd politely wait by the gate to be let out#there was also cocoa he was some kind of aussie mix#he stayed by his house mostly and people watched but he'd always come say hi and walk around this undeveloped lot ppl wore a trail into#he was also good with our reactive dog#there were three? yellow labs that would come around too.#one had giant balls and would walk around with a tennis ball looking for ppl to play fetch with#there was also a younger one i dont remember well and an ancient old girl who just liked being pet#i forgot to mention riley would also find my sister and i in the mornings to wait for the bus with us#when i was in highschool there was a husky for a few days id see in the mornings#he probably just got out on accident lol but he was nice too#i like to think im good at reading dog body language and respecting boundaries but i have zero fear of strange dogs ever#i've only ever been close to being bit once and it was as a mailman#a little pittie jumped a fence from its backyard when i started up to a porch and came right up to me barking and growling#literally on my hand like i felt teeth while it barked it just didnt bite#i just stood there and a few seconds later the owner came out and i very slowly and smoothly handed them their package#as this fucking dog told me to gtfo#that shook me up a bit lol i got very lucky#every other dog i met was lovely though#idk what the point of this post is i just have a soft spot for driveway dogs#do not let ur dog do this though same as outdoor cats
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xoxo-sarah · 5 months ago
My Wife
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Part 2 | part 3
↝a/n: 2,605 w/c... I like this one, guys.
↝pairing: Season 1!Daryl x wife!reader
↝warning: usual walking dead stuff, angst, animal death (mentions blood. No details), reader being sexualized?, creepy men, harassment, the creepy guy getting punched (he deserved it), cursing, protective Daryl, Merle (ew), crying, moody and soft Daryl, sassy Daryl (it's season one, what do you expect?), slightly proofread
|| Disclaimer: I do not own Daryl Dixon, or any character from The Walking Dead. I only own y/n and any characters I create with my own brain. ||
↝⎙ 10.2.24
Daryl Dixon masterlist
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Before the apocalypse, you'd say your life wasn't bad. You had a decent job that paid well. A husband, a dog, and a house you owned all on your own, without any help from your parents.
You had met Daryl fresh out of college. He was staying with Merle at the time. In a rush to get away from your parents, you found a rent-to-own house on the outskirts of Atlanta. It wasn't extravagant, only having 2 beds and one bath. It was still a house-your house.
The first time you went to the grocery store to stock up before you started work since the big move, an old man had hit on you. Daryl listened from afar, not wanting to cause any more trouble for you. He knew you hadn't been in these parts of town before, he hadn't seen you before.
After many attempts at shooting the guy down, Daryl had to intervene. The guy had grabbed your arm, and before you knew it, the guy was backing away from you.
“She said she's not interested.”
“My bad, man. Didn't know she was yours.” He raised his hands, grin still on his face. It was a game to him.
“So you only take no for an answer if I 'belong' to someone?” Venom laced your voice, disgust painted into the wrinkles between your eyebrows and frown lines, glaring through the guy. A chuckle rumbled out of his chest, followed by a smoker's cough that told you he had more tar in his lungs than he had sense in his brain.
“Ma'am, will all due respect-”
“I doubt anything respectful comes out of that raunchy mouth of yours.”
His grin dropped, eyes slanting in your direction. “This one sure has a mouth on her,” his attention moved back to Daryl. “She have that mouth in the sack?”
You scoffed, glancing down at the floor, collecting the words you wanted to shoot back at him.
In the time you looked away, Daryl had put the 12-pack of beer down and swung. You snapped your head up at the sound of a fist colliding with a cheek. Daryl glared, spitting at the man as he held his cheek in shock. “Give the lady some respect, prick.”
“Damnit, Dixon!” An elderly man came running down the aisle, a manager tag clinking against the pins on his shirt. Safe to say both men had been kicked out.
After checking out, you caught sight of Daryl hunched over, looking at his bruising knuckles.
“Here's for helping me.”
Daryl's head shot up, eyes flickering to the 12-pack in your outstretched hand. “Ya didn't have to.”
“You didn't have to.” He shrugged, taking the box from you.
the rest was history.
You eventually got together, then, moved in together. He supported you in your job, making jokes about you “bringing home the bacon”. The only downside was his brother.
“Damnit, Merle.”
An intoxicated Merle flopped on your couch, cackling up at Daryl. You watched from behind the couch, arms folded across Daryl's shirt draping over your form. Daryl's own top half was bare, his muscles flexing when he folded his arms in disappointment, glaring down.
“What? Did I interrupt you 'n your housewife duties?”
You scoffed, turning around to walk back to your room, the dog Daryl had gotten you for your birthday following after you. Merle watched your movement, lowly whistling. “I'd be a housewife for that piece, too.”
Daryl grabbed the collar of Merle's shirt, bringing him to eye level. “Don't talk about my wife like that.” He threw him back against the couch, “You're out by the mornin'.”
The world had gone to shit right in the middle of your workday. Everyone was running around, yelling and panicking. You tried making a beeline for your car, getting pushed and pulled every which way. The traffic was the worst you had ever seen, when you had finally made your way onto the road.
When you finally got home, the door was open.
You rushed in, looking in every room. There was no sign of Daryl besides the place being completely trashed, in a rush to leave. He wasn't there. You had no clue where he was, if he was safe, if he knew what was happening.
You cracked the backdoor open, nearly falling to your knees. A body laid on the back porch, blood dried on its way down the person's forehead. A lump of fur and blood was right beside it. A sob racked your body on your way back to your car. Your knuckles were ghostly white as they gripped the steering wheel, as you made your way out of town, away from the life you worked hard to get and worked harder to keep.
You eventually got stuck in even more traffic. Everything only got worse when your car ran out of gas.
You had to hide in the city, which was run with zombies. Luckily for you, you had found a few bodies that hadn't turned yet, stealing anything that could be used as a weapon. You were able to stay safe, hiding in an empty office building. Living off of the vending machines and what was left in the break rooms.
You regularly walked up to the roof, getting fresh air, wondering where Daryl had gone and if he was thinking of you. Sure, a part of you wanted to be mad at him for leaving without you, but you knew he had to have his reasons. Merle had to of made him run away with him when the news first got out.
While you looked over the edge, watching as dead bodies herded together, feasting on whatever had run into the city on your way up here, you saw quick movement to your left. Swirling around, you held your gun up, pointing it at the kid in front of you.
“Woah, Hey! I'm alive- I'm alive! Not going to hurt you.” The poor boy might as well have been shivering in his boots. His hands shook in the air. He was probably the third person you've seen, alive, since you squatted in the top floor. He didn't seem like the guy to kill you just to take your stuff. “Look, there's a guy in the tank down there. I'm just trying to help him.” You thought back to the sounds of pained neighing you heard when you first stepped onto the roof, but you had shrugged it off, figuring you were going insane already. No sleep and being isolated will do that to you. “C'mon, dude.” He was practically begging you to not shoot him in the head.
What would Daryl do in this situation? He wouldn't just trust anyone when it comes to survival. You reluctantly put your gun down, watching as he sighed in relief. You hid the shake in your hands when they fell to your sides, not wanting him to know you didn't want to kill him even if he were dangerous.
“We have to get down there to help him.” The boy leaned over the edge, at the tank and the 'geeks' that surrounded it.
He looked back at you, then to the tank. “The extra help would be appreciated.”
Somehow, you followed after him, climbing down fire escapes and counting the amount of bodies in each alleyway. He was quick, but you kept up with him with ease.
He led you down the alleyway, hiding behind the trashcans and gate separating you and a painful death. “You have good aim? I need you to shoot that big guy closest to the tank.” He whispered, fixing the hat on his head.
You glanced at him, watching as he awaited your next move. You whispered back, “it's empty.” You held the gun up in emphasis. You weren't going to tell him that when it was pointed at him. He huffed, throwing his head back. “I only have a knife.”
He shrugged off his backpack, grabbing the empty gun and throwing it in there. It was useless with no bullets, and it only took up a hand, making it harder for you to climb.
“Alright, change of plans.” He grabbed the walkie, bringing it to his mouth before pressing the button. “Hey, you alive in there?”
A frantic voice broke through the static, “Hello? Hello?!”
The next thing you knew, you were running downstairs with the young boy, Glenn, you had figured out, and the guy you nearly died saving, Rick. Glenn led you two to another alleyway, before the door to the building in front of you busted open, 2 people filing out with gear and helmets on, attacking the walkers wondering in front of you.
“Lets go!” Glenn jumped over the bodies on the ground, running through the door, you and Rick following. As soon as you were through the door, you were pushed to the other side of the wall, before Rick was pushed back, a gun aimed at his face. “You son of a bitch! We ought to kill you.” A blonde woman was seething, ready to put a bullet in Rick's head.
“Just chill out, Andrea. Back off.” One of the guys who bashed the walker's head in pulled off the armor, glaring at the blonde.
“Come on, ease up.”
“Ease up? You're kidding me, right? We're dead because of this stupid asshole.” The gun was pointed at you next, “And her.” Her finger twitched on the trigger, but you were at a loss of words.
“She helped.” Glenn was ignored.
“Andrea, I said, back the hell off. Or pull the trigger.” The same guy from before stepped forward, closer to Andrea. It was silent for a second, before Andrea dropped her hand, lips quivering with oncoming tears. You took a breath, having the room to do so when a gun isn't pointed at you.
“We're dead,” Andrea sobbed, “All of us.” Her gaze moved back to Rick, “Because of you.”
You wondered after everyone as they walked through the old building, listening as they scolded rick for firing his gun.
“No signal. Maybe the roof.” The man, who was introduced as T-Dog, said, holding the walkie. Before anyone else could reply, a gun shot fired, echoing from above.
“Oh no, Is that Dixon?”
Andrea stopped her movement, looking back at you. “Yeah. What, you know 'em?”
Sadly, you were met with a distasteful Merle on the roof. He refused to tell you about Daryl-about how Merle had to drag in out of the house. About how Daryl wanted to pick you up and take you with them. About how Daryl had gone back, against Merle's wishes, and found you nowhere in the house. But you weren't told that, so the nerves in your stomach still fluttered, making you feel like you were going to vomit any minute. The only thing he told you was that Daryl was with the rest of the group by the quarry.
The nerves still fluttered even on your way to the said quarry. The thought of Merle being trapped in the roof was at the back of your mind, the thought of seeing Daryl for the first time in God knows how long, being front and center in your mind. Your leg shook with nerves as you sat in the back of the van, hitting a bump every once in a while, and knocking into one of the other people.
The van pulled up to the quarry, people piling out of the back, running to their families.
You were introduced to a woman named Carol. She was surprised when you told her that you knew Daryl. The short time she had known the man, she couldn't think of him having a soft spot for anyone, but here you were. She told you that he had gone hunting and that he should be back before dawn.
You sat around, getting to know everyone. As soon as Carol's husband raised his voice to her, you had kept an eye on him, instantly feeling protective of the woman. As she silently did for you. She kept an eye on you, making sure you felt comfortable among all of the strangers.
Night fell and there was still no sign of Daryl. You distracted yourself by helping Carol with whatever, or Dale with lookout. You hadn't told anyone much about you and Daryl. Mostly because you couldn't form a coherent sentence with Daryl on your mind. Where was he? Was he okay? Why wasn't he back? The band around your ring finger became a fidget habit. You spun it around any time the thoughts got too much.
The crisp morning air did little to wake you. You might as well have been a walker with how you sluggishly moved around camp, helping with anything, wanted to be helpful and pull your weight.
Carol handed you another pair of soaked pants, to ring the water out and hang it up to dry. While doing so, your eyes caught sight of Rick and Lori. They had been reunited. When was it your turn?
“How did you and Daryl meet?” Glancing back up at Carol, you cleared your throat to speak.
Before you could utter a word, a scream echoed throughout the camp, followed by Carl's screams for his mother.
Everyone stopped what they were doing, a few running toward the screaming, ready for the worst.
You walked behind the group, watching as Rick, Glenn, Dale, Shane, and a few others beat the walker that had made it from the city.
Dale swung down with his axe, cutting the head clean off the walker's body.
“It's the first one we've had up here.” He heaved, “They never come this far up the mountain.”
“Well, they're running out of food in the city, that's what.” Another guy, Jim, said, wiping the sweat from his brow.
Branches snapped, followed by more footsteps. The guys with the weapons moved toward the sound, weapons ready.
Your breath caught in your throat.
He hadn't seen you yet.
Daryl stepped over branches, slightly taken aback with everyone standing in front of him, ready to strike.
Everyone took a step back, “Oh, Jesus.” Dale's shoulders released the tension.
“Son of a bitch.” Daryl cursed, “That's my deer!” He walked to what was left of the poor animal.
He looked how he did when you first met. Frustration clear on his brow. You had helped him get rid of the constant scrunch of his brow and frown on his lips, and here it was, making its appearance in a dramatic manner.
“Look at it, all gnawed on by this-” He kicked the headless body that laid on the ground, “filthy,” kick “disease-bearing,” kick “motherless,” kick “poxy bastard!”
“Calm down, son. That's not helping.” Dale peeped, infuriating Daryl more.
“What do you know about it, old man?” Daryl walked closer, getting in Dale's face. "Why don't you take that stupid hat and go back to “On Golden Pond”?"
Daryl paused, his face dropping. He turned to the voice, his knees nearly collapsing from underneath him.
Before you could say anything else, his crossbow was dropping to the ground, followed by the string of squirrels on his shoulder. He rushed over, his body colliding with yours. His calloused hands pulled your face closer to his.
He didn't care if everyone was watching. Or if the scene made them think differently about his tough-guy thing he had going on. His lips moved against yours.
“I didn't know where you were.” He mumbled against your lips. “I tried looking everywhere-”
“I know, I know. Doesn't matter.”
Part 2
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•2021-2024 by xoxo-sarah on Tumblr•
•My work is not to be translated, copied, modified, and/or reposted on any other site without my permission. [I don't give permission!]
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bambeliowon · 1 year ago
modern technology gives me such weird thoughts. we are animals. humans started in the wild just like every other animal and then we made the idea of the wild and civilized and even though we weren’t wild like before, we live in tandem to. we were still drawn to it, it was still a part of our lives. we still sought the smell of the fresh air and the flora and when we looked at the fauna we still saw ourselves no matter how much we tried to act like we were made different. nature raised us like it raised everything else. we are animals and we are wild. like i’m still the same as the people that live in caves and the people who traveled for food and the people who made rudimentary farms and then learned and grew and developed. and we all were raised by nature.
and like sometimes i look at how removed just natural processes are becoming in our modern word and it feels weird because of much of a growing necessity its becoming. because i think about how societies existed before and we lived and those things weren’t even a concept and i don’t know what my point is but it’s just a feeling in me that’s just…
humans are animals. i’m an animal. i’m a child of nature. i wanna go touch grass now.
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