#dogs are conspiracy theorists
orangewsunglasses · 4 months
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this should not be the face of a centuries old man who just admitted to creating a godlike power using literally everyone in the world while simultaneously gaslighting them about a world war that was apparently never a thing
excuse me???????
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spacemancharisma · 1 year
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kaurwreck · 3 days
I'm sincere when I say I don't know how y'all have the energy to scrutinize Mori treating his successors like they're competent when the Port Mafia's skill users have been culled thrice over within seven years by men who can't act right (Rimbaud, Verlaine, Shibusawa, Gides, Fyodor), and the longevity of the tripartite framework relies on Mori not patronizing who's left.
Especially considering, like, there are foreign military police in modern Japan, British Somaliland appears to still exist, and Ango has seemingly kept Taneda in a medically induced coma for an irreversible amount of time so that he can unilaterally leverage Taneda's fictional authority within a very-historically-real cabinet in the Japanese government that hasn't existed irl since the Meiji constitution.
Like, I'm not asking anyone to engage with media in any other way than the way they enjoy most. It's just. Has anyone else noticed bsd!Russia appears to have annexed bsd!Abkhazia and bsd!South Ossetia.
All of this to say: you don't really have to beat the same dead horses if you don't want to. If you do, then by all means, lay into Equus with your whole chest. But, also. There's a lot in bsd the fandom scarcely, if at all, touches, and the incongruity between the work's layers and worldbuilding and even niche fandom engagement with the material is stark.
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creature-wizard · 1 year
Conspiracy theorists will claim they aren't antisemitic nor targeting Jews, and then:
Claim that Kabbalah is about dark magic/mind control.
Talk about how some so-and-so has a Jewish background but their ancestors changed their family name in the US.
Claim that Judaism itself was created by the global satanic conspiracy in order to deceive and mislead Jews away from the Truth.
Claim that wealthy Jewish families are part of the "satanic bloodlines."
Claim that said wealthy Jewish families are demonically possessed, or possessed by reptilian aliens; and that they have a genetic predisposition for such possession.
Claim said wealthy Jewish families aren't even real Jews because they're actually descended from Jewish converts, rather than genetically Jewish people.
Claim that Israelis are working to bring the Antichrist into power.
Use antisemitic dogwhistles like cultural marxists, bankers, Kabbalists, Talmudists, and Khazarian mafia.
Note that conspiracy theorists' current "acceptance" of everyday Jewish people is largely contingent on their belief that these Jews are potential converts to Christianity, New Age, or whatever they personally subscribe to. Once they stop seeing them as converts, they will almost certainly start calling for further marginalization and violence, because this is how it's always gone in the past.
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luvfy0dor · 7 months
How are you feeling after the latest chapter
Bro the conspiracy theorist I have become these past 48 hours is bonkers, I've come up with so many theory's about Fyodors ability that I've lost track, but my wife is probably alive so it's okay. How are y'all feeling about it because I'm just like in shambles (positively)
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I have just now realised that Verlaine's relationship with Chuuya and Kouyo's relationship with Kyouka are parallels and I'm feeling both very smart and incredibly stupid
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jichan05 · 6 months
Eka's Portal the special interest website that literally nobody uses.
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Has anyone ever noticed how every writer character in Bungo Stray Dogs doesn’t have a face?
At least in the anime they have no facial features - in Odasaku’s memory, the writer of the mystery novel and even the person who wrote on the page have little/no identity.
The only one who has confirmed to write a book is Poe, and that’s part of his ability.
Am I grasping at straws? Probably. Is it possible this has no connection? Most likely. Will I overthink this to the point of insanity? Definitely!
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heroesriseandfall · 2 years
It is really frustrating that the characteristic of Bernard Dowd that has become popularized is literally just the antisemitism his creator wrote him with.
I don’t know how much this part of his character will be brought back in new comics but I really don’t want Tim’s new boyfriend to be antisemitic, so can y’all please learn at least a little bit about antisemitism in conspiracies before writing a new post about Bernard making what is literally just an antisemitic conspiracy theory but with Batman. His creator already wrote him being pretty clearly antisemitic, I really don’t think we need more.
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jothb · 1 month
The DPRK is literally an totalitarionist tankinist authoritarian regime. According tot he Burger Eagle Institute kim jong un personally feeds yje dissidents to starving dogs. Here's a map I just found
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As you can clearly see on this map of the Sou Northern Korea's Republic living there sucks. You can trust me because I have a map that clearly labels the super prison camps (it's bad because they're prison camps nad not prisons like in the god blessed US of A) and the execution chamber where they feed you to dogs (they're starving)
This is why it's sad that the Olympic hcmpions are going back. I think I've never heard of them so that means they kill the old ones and bring new ones everytime. We need to invade South No Sou the bad Korea to get them free. Here's another map i found
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as you can clearly see the olympic silver medalists get fed to dogs when they come back. And then the dogs get eaten by starving rats. And then the rats are hunted down by starving children because they have nothing else to eat (kim jong un ate all the food because he's SOOOO fat ahahaha am i right? im body positive btw before you say anything so it's okay for me to say that). all these "tankis" will tell you that the Burger Eagle Institute is funded by the CIA but they are just conspiracy theorists because I dont think the CIA does that stuff. Here's another map I found
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This one is extra bad
In conclusion I believe that we should invade North Korea and impose Democracy on its citizens (with nukes if possible)
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marisatomay · 1 year
not from the us, whats going on with the speaker?
So back in January when the new Congress was sworn in it the republicans had a very slight majority in the House so by majority votes they get to confirm the Speaker—who is the leader of the House of Representatives and third in the Presidential line of succession—but a small-ish faction of those Rs are wacko nutjob conspiracy theorists because of course (those will be the wackos you see bloviating on TV) and they wanted their own idiot in charge or at least to get assurances from R leadership that they would bend to their will and they wouldn’t give it in so many words so it took the (now former) Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy FIFTEEN (15) votes for people to fall in line and finally confirm him as Speaker (deeply embarrassing—usually it takes 2 votes at most to confirm a Speaker).
Anyway his Speakership lasted for pretty much exactly 9 months until yesterday when, in a bunch of things coming to head—McCarthy’s refusal to impeach Biden for some reason at the request of the wackos, the currently-delayed shutdown of the government over a refusal to pass a new budget, his former ass-kissing to Trump even at the near-cost of his own life, his general unpleasantness—one of the wacko republicans (who may or may not be a sex trafficker but that’s for another time) put forth a motion to remove McCarthy as Speaker which, for the reasons listed above, found enough votes on both sides of the aisle to pass.
So, currently, we have an Acting Speaker of the House (which essentially means the person in charge only exists to bring order to the chamber and can’t be counted in the line of succession or anything), we still don’t have a new government budget, Biden is NOT being impeached but the wackos don’t seem to understand that, and the wackos ALSO don’t seem to understand that as much as we all hate McCarthy they have just shot themselves in the foot for no reason. But, on the bright side, Kevin McCarthy—an absolutely odious, slimy man who spent the Obama years doing racist dog whistles and the Trump years kissing his ass until it, quite literally, almost got him killed upon which he had a brief moment of moral fiber before once again bending to Trump’s demands despite, again, almost being murdered by an angry mob that stormed the Capitol—had the shortest Speakership since 1876. A fetus spends more time in the womb than Kevin McCarthy spent as Speaker of the United States House of Representatives. He has been completely humiliated. You can see it in his eyes. Delicious.
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adoribullpavus · 5 months
snorpy fizzlebean is literally the most character ever. he's a paranoid conspiracy theorist. he's an engineer who's considered the dumb sibling. his nose is pear shaped. his full name is snorpington. he believes in and deathly fears the illuminati. he's british. he's voiced by sonic the hedgehog. his sibling is a non binary cannibal. he's openly gay and has accidentally been in a relationship with his best friend for years without realising it. he makes charts. he has a sweet tooth because he thinks the government are using sweet snax to spy on him. he regularly forgets to bathe because he's scared of leaving the house. he has a corkboard linking every single conspiricy in the world. he owns a tinfoil hat with antenna sculpted into it. his nickname is basically snoop dog. the government has a smear campaign against him. he uses hugs to place tracking devices on people. his boyfriend lifted his crib, dawg. he has crippling anxiety. he stays hidden forever once scared. his favourite tv show was cancelled. he confessed his love to who he thought was his chandlo but was actually beffica in a costume, and the only reason he didn't know was because he wasn't wearing his glasses. he cleans his glasses at the same time every day. he battles a giant birthday cake.
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creature-wizard · 2 years
Just in case anyone didn't know, "Khazarian mafia" is an antisemitic dogwhistle. It refers to the belief that Ashkenazi Jews aren't real Jews, because they're allegedly descended from Khazars who converted to Judaism. Not only is there no evidence for this mass conversion, even if it did happen they'd still be real Jews, because that's how Judaism works.
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stoat-party · 1 year
The Courier could not have picked eight worse people to room together in a cramped apartment.
You’ve got a dog that hates hats and 3-4 people who refuse to remove their hats
You’ve got an adorable robot, a guy who wants to murder the robot, a dog who wants to murder the robot, and a woman who hates robots in general
You’ve got a Brotherhood scribe and a guy whose father was probably killed by the Brotherhood
You’ve got an NCR soldier and a woman whose parents were definitely killed by the NCR
You’ve got 2-4 people whose parents were involved in the conflict of Fallout 2, and none of them were on the same team.
You’ve got an anarchist conspiracy theorist and the guy who did Waco
You’ve got two lovesick romantics and a bisexual(?) flirt and not enough beds
You’ve got the guy who hates crime enough to support Team Slavery, and four people who loathe Team Slavery like you wouldn’t believe
You've got the entire array of mental illnesses and a doctor nobody’s going to listen to
You’ve got I-will-be-your-grandma-whether-you-like-it-or-not, mask-the-tears-with-my-moxie, stay-away-from-me-i’m-a-monster, too-old-for-this, self-medicating-in-every-horrible-way, and i-have-to-hide-every-detail-about-my-life-or-i’ll-die
And that’s not including any drama the Courier brings to the table.
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Obscuary's monster catwalk
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Obscuary ghouls as cats
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Wc: ~700
The sleepiest chartreux ever. He is always on the cat tower or in his bed.
Maybe it's because he is older than the other two and you see the contrast, but when Rui and Lyca chase each other or play he prefers to lay in your lap and make biscuits.
He used to play fight with Rui but once he acted really hurt to go back to sleep and Rui now feels guilty and still licks him to ‘make up’ for it.
His laziness is such that if you make him walk to his food and not carry him there/ serve him closer he will act as if he has a limp or meow as if he was pained enough for you to feel sorry. Either you or the vet are sure if he is in any real pain but you give him supplements for his bones and joints either way. You do notice he doesn't meow sadly while walking until he sees you and starts the whole melodrama.
What gives him away is how quickly he jumps up the platforms on the wall when Lyca tries to play with him and how smug he looks down on him when he can just meows him to go down.
Either way he is so sensitive to your emotions! When you cry in bed he will hop on your chest and lick your tears. (totally not him liking the salt in them)
Just like Ren you have to control his screen time, he might not like playing but he does stay totally still and has his eyes wide when you put on a conspiracy theorist on the tablet or TV.
A blond American shorthair.
The sweetest cat that purrs and meows so sweetly and contorts his body trying to ask for cuddles and kisses but as soon as you step a little closer and attempt to catch him he starts sprinting to the hideout. It isn't only you, the few female cats that seemed interested in him made him retreat too.
No matter how many times you chime at him and even spritz him he keeps biting pieces of your plants and flowers and keeps them ‘hidden’ in his hideout.
He is such an innate hunter! And he always brings you his victims, still when he brings you a dead ladybug or bird his appearance is closer to that of an apologetic child than a prideful hunter. It's almost as if he wants you to fix his mistake and return the little thing's life.
He seems to meet up with Romeo and Haru every night on your dining table as they meow (principally Haru, he is such a whiny baby)
He has a habit of picking up small pieces of clothing like socks and underwear and bringing them to the laundry room, even if it's helpful to already have them on the floor when you go load the machine, he sometimes opens your drawers and grabs clean ones to feel he is doing something productive. He did put Ed there once when he was nasty enough for him to refuse to help groom him.
A messy and stiff haired Lykoi.
He was a rescue found between wild dogs that you fostered but decided to keep as his forever family.He still has some dog-like mannerisms, like wagging his tail when happy.
He is in kitty confinement jail (cat carrier) until he stops swatting and hissing at you or his brothers. Luckily Subaru was brave enough to stand beside him until he calmed and he behaved enough for you to free him under parole.
The first few days, even though he wasn't hitting anyone, nobody dared to approach him unless Subaru was besides him.
Speaking of, Subaru is the one who took it upon himself to teach him how to behave like a cat again, teaching him how to groom himself and jump high, much to Ed's chagrin.
He likes to stalk Ed, wanting to imitate what he thinks is the leader of the pack. He even annoys him trying to fight him but he just huffs and climbs up furniture or up the cat tree.
Unlike Rui, he is good at hunting and proud of it. He might be one of the few, if not only, who will bring you dead rats to show off. Once you even got a baby bunny that luckily was still alive even if scared.
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mysharona1987 · 1 year
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Not a conspiracy theorist but it’s feel how all of Biden’s dogs only ever go after Secret Service agents.
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