#this isnt a value judgment
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kaurwreck · 6 months ago
I'm sincere when I say I don't know how y'all have the energy to scrutinize Mori treating his successors like they're competent when the Port Mafia's skill users have been culled thrice over within seven years by men who can't act right (Rimbaud, Verlaine, Shibusawa, Gides, Fyodor), and the longevity of the tripartite framework relies on Mori not patronizing who's left.
Especially considering, like, there are foreign military police in modern Japan, British Somaliland appears to still exist, and Ango has seemingly kept Taneda in a medically induced coma for an irreversible amount of time so that he can unilaterally leverage Taneda's fictional authority within a very-historically-real cabinet in the Japanese government that hasn't existed irl since the Meiji constitution.
Like, I'm not asking anyone to engage with media in any other way than the way they enjoy most. It's just. Has anyone else noticed bsd!Russia appears to have annexed bsd!Abkhazia and bsd!South Ossetia.
All of this to say: you don't really have to beat the same dead horses if you don't want to. If you do, then by all means, lay into Equus with your whole chest. But, also. There's a lot in bsd the fandom scarcely, if at all, touches, and the incongruity between the work's layers and worldbuilding and even niche fandom engagement with the material is stark.
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kaurwreck · 6 months ago
I came into bungou stray dogs blind; I had 0 context and knew nothing about any of the dynamics, plot, characters, ships, etc. I didn't even realize they were literary references until season 3 (other than No Longer Human, which I recognized because Junji Ito adapted it— I didn't even recognize Osamu Dazai as the author).
so, after reading this post, out of curiosity, I dug into my discord archives to see if I could find any of my original impressions of skk — especially since I recall becoming obsessed with them on chuuya's first appearance (but could have been misremembering).
my live reaction to chuuya's first appearance (season 1, episode 9) ("multiple ex-husbands" refers to kunikida, i thought they had divorced energy at the time):
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my live reactions to the guild arc revival of soukoku (so, season 2, episode 9) (you can also see I'd re-married dazai and kunikida by then lmao):
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this is without any fandom influence. they grabbed me by my throat from the outset.
i actually think the average skk fan pipeline is fucking hilarious. first you see a bunch of people on the internet talking about how canon they are and how they are pretty much a couple and you see a ton of fanart. but then you watch the skk episodes in s1 and s2 and you’re like ok there’s def some tension but they literally hate each other what? where do people get all this shipping from? and THEN you read the lns and you’re like ok holy fuck holy shit. ok there’s smth here. you start reading into it, their relationship is insanely complex and they deeply care for each other but they also had their downfall and nothing will be like it was again even though at some point they were the closest souls on earth, connecting to a level beyond comprehension as true soulmates. and then every time you think about them or re-consume a part of the media they’re in, you read more into them and next thing you know it’s been years, youve gradually but certainly completed your descent into madness and you have a tumblr blog strictly dedicated to these two idiots, and 90% of your mutuals are just as insane about them as you are
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reonnex · 6 months ago
The infantilization of book!Wylan and show!Wylan really needs to be looked at.
This isnt a call out, or trying to hate on anyone, just an overall thing I've seen throughout being in this fandom
In the books while Wylan is a child he is also 16. People underestimate him into innocent and even younger. And while he is naive, this does not make him innocent. He has his own morals, own judgment that havent been ripped away from him yet. He is just trying to survive.
People use the "we could wake them up line" a lot snd I agree! But to also look at the full lines as well
Wylan gestured to the guards. "Is it safe to leave them, you know-"
"Alive? I'm not big on killing unconscious men."
"We could wake them up."
"Pretty ruthless, merchling. Have you ever killed anyone?"
"I'd never even seen a dead body before I came to the Barrel." Wylan admitted.
"It's not something to be embarrassed about," Jesper said, surprising himself a little. But he meant it. Wylan needed to learn to take care of himself, but it would be nice if he could do it without getting on friendly terms with death."Make sure the gags are tight."
This isnt him being ruthless. Its him being logical. He is taking what Jesper says to heart. Wake them instead of killing them unconscious becuase Jesper doesn't want to kill unconscious men. Which they do end up tying the soldier to a pole, not killing them!! Him having morals shouldn't contribute to claims of him being innocent.
Wylan is worried about hurting people but will do so if nessecasry to save his friends. We can see this in the show and books. In the show he does not want to make bombs for Kaz, but does so in the end because he acknowledges he has to survive. He is worried about Alby, but goes along with the plan still.
All these are what makes Wylan, wylan. It is his fundamentals, his morals and idels. They are not however claims to see how sweet and innocent he is and how he was corrupted.
Ontop of this, while it is never y it is hevaily implied that Wylan is also autistic. (Also, correct me if im wrong please, but im pretty sure Jack did talk about this.) Autistic people get infantilizated already, and I've had my own fair share of this as well. ( I am autistic and have a learning disabilitiy, as well a speech impedament that I still struggle with.) I have to work harder to make sure people treat me as a twenty year old. Because that is my age, and there is a significant difference in attitude in how people treat me when they know im autistic, and when they don't.
And for Wylan, I feel like its the same issue. While it may not be intentional, ive been people coo over the fact Wylan has done simple tasks or teen experiences. Him having Jesper read to him, getting flustered when talking to him, Wylan not understanding social cues as well as others and taking things to face value.
You can be excited for him and think it's sweet, but to also acknowledge that there is a line between "Thats adorable" and "He's adorable." Wylan is someone who is neurodivergent. He was extrmetly sheltred as a child and was never given the proper tools to help his dyslexia, due to this he has struggles that shouldn't be overlooked or seen as "cute" when he experiences outcomes due to the situation he was in. Whenever he doesn't understand social cues, i.e., "Whos mark." People giggling and saying it's silly or cute when he doesn't understand the cues. That's infantilizating! You are viewing things he struggles with in the lens of watching a child understanding the world. Which Wylan isn't. He is a teenager, no matter the circumstances. His age should be understood.
This infantilization also effects wesper in how people view the two of them. Many people view black people as "older, the man in the relationship, rugged" while the white person is seen as the "women, younger, more innocent."
Infact, I think the show only worsned it for Wylan. As now there are faces to names.
Jack does have a youthful face, but still looks his age. I have a babyface and even now at 20 I look much older then I did at 16. The same goes for Jack. He cant control how he looks but because of his youthful features people only push for this racially hetaronormative mindset more between Wylan and Jesper (Even if its untitional).
Even Kit looks his age as well and has a baby face. He's 29 right now but was in his mid twenties during filming. Season 1 was filmed back in 2019 but due to covid post production got set back, and season 2 was filmed in the beginning of 2022. But why is it only Wylan who is infantilizated? Jesper struggles just as much with his ADHD and trauma as Wylan does.
Jack and Kit are only one year apart, the same in the books but still ive been Wylan be portrayed as the "poor innocent child who was abused." and Jesper as the "he needs to get over his addiction hes a grown man/ he's too mean to Wylan."
In society now so many black teens are seen as adults and treated as such, while white teens are seen as younger and not pushed so hard. The same can be seen for wesper.
Ive even seen people on Tiktok and other socials claim that Jesper was rude to Wylan and abusive. (WHERE???). Both Wylan and Jesper have said things that hurt the other, and they both apologized for it, and get grilled as well. In the show and books they learn and grow. The infantilization of Wylan doesnt hurt just him but plays into racial stereotypes and also microagressions. Why is it that when the white character is calling someone out its "deserved" but when the black character (who might I add had no idea) makes a side comment he is labled as cruel and abusive?
In so many shows and books the black character is usually portrayed as the joker character. Six Of Crows does this as well, which is something important to not ingore. Jesper is seen as the flirty joke character. However the only difference is soc also show more sides to his character by letting him be vulnerable. Letting Jesper show his struggles to the audience as well, how his neurodivergece effects him, letting him dress in skirts and bold colors that step away from the gender norm. So many times in media the black character is just there for shits and giggles, or is used as the villan/antagonist.
It believe its really important to understand this, and to acknowledge if your infantilizating him, or even using microagressions on Jesper unintentionally, then to learn to understand why and to grow from them.
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nasty-bog-boy · 10 months ago
critques of antonement that begin and end with briony are so annoying to me because they are so narrow ! the villain isnt a child but society ! robbie never stood a chance because of his working class position ! cecilia would never have persuaded anyone because she is a young woman ! paul marshall is a wealthy man he was always going to win ! the only chance for robbie and cecilia to be together depended on the massive social upheavel of WW2 and them becoming independeant adult ! but WW2 killed them ! briony may have made a life alterting judgment as a child based on her limited knowledge but things quickly spiraled beyond the world of a little girl into edwardian englands morals and values !!!!!
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bookishjules · 5 months ago
i think your reading too far into it. Percy has almost always see himself as less then most people especially Annabeth. It’s part of his insecurities through out all the series. He doest’t see himself as strong smart or powerful. He’s always made jokes about being stupid even tho we know he isn’t and he probably knows he’s not to but doesn’t have enough confidence to admit. He makes himself the punchline of his own thoughts. he always has
same way Annabeth jokes about him being dumb. She know he’s smart but she still jokes. I didn’t like wottg much but I didn’t see percabeth being negativ to each other
ps English isnt my first language and I’m on computer so spellcheck can’t save me. I’m also tired so yea
okay i totally understand where you're coming from, and i don't fully disagree. you're right, percy does feel insecure about certain things. but i think for the most part the things that might be conflated with insecurity are really a good amount of undervaluing himself and his abilities. yes, he feels stupid in school, and yes he has a tendency of making himself the punchline, but when it comes to life stuff or demigod stuff, it's always felt to me like he's more seen himself as not special, which isn't the same thing as inept. it's more of an 'i'm just percy' kinda of feel, if that makes sense. especially as he's gotten older. maybe that's a kind of insecurity idk but it definitely doesn't feel like it would manifest itself in the amount of clear reliance on annabeth to do the thinking he maintains in wottg, especially not at seventeen when he's successfully accomplished many things without her holding his hand and actively led the way as much as she has.
and honestly if it was just that, it might not have felt so out of place. i might have been able to credit all this to that insecurity and been lightly uncomfy but ultimately moved on.. but annabeth. okay, annabeth. annabeth makes jokes, yes. but, like you said, she ultimately knows percy is not an idiot. that understanding does not come across in wottg. she's actually surprised when he says anything intelligent or has good ideas, which is not the expression one would expect of someone who understands percy as thoroughly as she should, or of someone who has been through countless battles and quests etc. with him and therefore seen him in action.
ultimately, to me, wottg reads like annabeth is in charge, while before it always felt like they were on equal footing, except for the times when one or the other had a quest they were leading so the other ceded to their authority for the extent of the quest. and if i'm being honest, it almost feels like percy becomes something like a dog the way he's constantly seeking her approval, not knowing which way to go before receiving her direction, relying on her to be his brain. meanwhile, annabeth almost seems to function like she doesn't need him, and instead of challenging him to walk beside her (bc she values him and wants him to value himself), she readily takes up the guiding role, and in fact keeps him there by interrupting him when he's offering his thoughts or being judgmental about like the one solution him and grover come to when she wasn't with them.
maybe you don't see that as negative, but to me it definitely feels problematic, and not like the team we've known them to be for so long.
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uwanosorade · 7 months ago
agreed with the posts above and also wanted to add that, while I 100% understand that a lot of it is born from frustrations that neurodivergent people have navigating these interactions, something that makes me feel kind of uncomfortable with the way posts on this website sometimes frame "direct communication is good, indirect communication is bad" is that different levels of directness are considered the baseline of acceptability in different cultures?
It's always a little surprising to me because I will see posts written by white US Americans about how frustratingly indirect communication is in the (white US American) culture around them, and while again I get their frustrations it's kind if funny because most of my coworkers are from Japan, and I hear "American communication styles are very direct. This is because their culture is more individualistic and they don't care about being rude" all the time. I am very bad at being assertive by the standards of US American culture but I worry all the time at work about being 空気が読めない人、気が利かない人. On the other hand, I saw some tags on this post where someone said that asking for things very directly is considered polite in their culture, and they feel that a person tries to ask for something too indirectly is actually the rude one. To a lot of Japanese people typical WASP-y American communication styles are uncomfortably aggressive and pushy, and to a lot of people from other cultures they are frustratingly vague and distant. The baseline is totally different depending on what background someone comes from! So while I get that many neurodivergent people feel frustrated by what feels like the inability of others to communicate clearly, i think learning to handle some ambiguity and indirectness is part of cultural competence, and that's really important if you want to have positive experiences with people from other cultural backgrounds (and help them have a positive experience being around you)
I've seen a lot of "You have to communicate directly/don't expect other people to read your mind" posts going around tumblr lately and while I really do appreciate them because it's a skill a LOT of people need to work on, I do want to remind everyone to please meet people halfway sometimes.
I recently read a story on Reddit about a guy's pregnant wife texting him "I'm craving donuts but we don't have any in the house 😔" and he DIDN'T stop to pick up donuts on the way home from work. Everyone was taking his side because "she needs to communicate" and "he's not a mind reader" and "How was he supposed to know she wanted him to get donuts???" People, ffs, why on earth would she text him that while he was at work if not because she wanted him to get donuts? I was flabbergasted everyone was taking his side. "How was he supposed to know??" What? Like yeah it's true she didn't say "I want you to get me donuts" with those exact words in that exact order but the reason why people get upset if they hint they want you to do something and you don't do it is because they feel like you don't care about them and aren't actively thinking about their feelings. Especially in a marriage or LTR they are in a situation where the assumption is you care about filling the other person's needs.
Someone who loves and cares about someone will get the donuts "without being asked" just because their partner expresses a want or need. That's what someone is fishing for when they say "Aaaah I'm craving donuts 🥺🥺🥺" It's less about the donuts and more about feeling cared for. Sometimes straight up asking "Can you get me donuts?" defeats the purpose.
Also, women are typically socialized to communicate this way because they're punished socially for being too direct. I've heard that people of color, especially black people, often do this too because they're likely to be branded as "aggressive" if they're too direct with white people. So it might be a good idea to be a bit intersectional if we're trying to encourage people to be more direct.
Take the stereotypical example of a wife gets a new haircut and then gets upset that the husband doesn't notice. She's not literally mad at him for not saying the exact words "I like your new haircut." She's upset because she feels like he doesn't look at her and appreciate the efforts she's putting in anymore.
Obviously this will vary widely depending on the nature of your relationship with someone, but especially when it comes to intimate partnerships, there are certain things your significant other should not have to tell you directly. It's probably safe to assume your wife or husband wants a birthday present even if they don't ask for it. It's probably safe to assume your bf or gf would appreciate a valentine's day present or a compliment without them having to literally ask for it, unless they explicitly say otherwise.
This is difficult for a lot of neurodivergent people to learn manually if it's not instinctual and they didn't learn it growing up (lord knows I didn't) and yes, it's true that most people (especially NT people) should learn to communicate more directly. But also, your relationships would probably benefit from learning to read indirect cues and just pick up the donuts on the way home because you heard your wife is craving them. Sometimes what someone wants is for you to think about what they're feeling and what they want and do it without them asking directly. It's up to you whether or not you do that, but sometimes that is asking. I think this is what people generally mean when they say their partner is "thoughtful."
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Okay so i know everyone isnt chatgpt's biggest fan, but sometimes when i want to fangirl over one of my hyperfixations without the pressure of judgment and i want an immediate answer, i write it all down for my new buddy chat and ask for a response.
This was in answer to a long meandering opinion about Louis' relationship to humanity and its evolution throughout the two seasons of the show. And i wanted to share it !
"Louis’ journey with his humanity and his refusal to fully embrace vampirism in AMC’s Interview with the Vampire adaptation is one of the most compelling and layered aspects of his character. Your observations are sharp: Louis’ actions and choices reveal a nuanced and evolving relationship with killing, which ties directly to his identity, his trauma, and his conception of morality. Let’s unpack this.
Why does Louis hold onto his humanity so tightly?
1. Shame and guilt:
Louis is introduced as someone deeply invested in living according to moral and societal codes, even before his transformation. The shame he feels about his sexuality (in 1910s New Orleans), his business dealings (involving exploitation and violence), and the racial tensions of the era are compounded by the guilt of being turned into a creature that must kill to survive. Killing represents the ultimate loss of control and descent into "monstrosity," something Louis both fears and despises. His reluctance to kill isn’t just about the act itself but what it symbolizes—fully embracing the predator Lestat believes him to be.
2. Clinging to identity:
Early in the series, Louis' ties to his humanity are grounded in his family and his role as a businessman. As those ties fade, he struggles to replace them. His refusal to embrace killing is a way to maintain a sense of self—a tether to the man he was. In contrast, Lestat revels in vampirism, seeing it as liberation from human constraints. Louis sees it as a curse, and abstaining from killing is his rebellion against that fate.
3. Moral absolutism:
Louis' Catholic upbringing (even if largely unspoken in the show) and personal values drive him to see killing as inherently wrong. For Louis, morality isn’t fluid, even as a vampire. His attempts to go “vegan” by feeding on animals, his refusal to partake in massacres, and his eventual pride in finding a “no-kill” solution in the modern era all reflect a stubborn adherence to his belief that taking life—even to sustain his own—is abhorrent.
Why does he kill when he does?
1. Moments of despair or survival:
Louis’ violent acts often coincide with moments of intense emotional distress or necessity. For example:
The jaw-ripping scene you mentioned is a breaking point for Louis. His abstinence and repression build to a moment of rage-fueled catharsis, where he gives in to the violence inherent in vampirism.
The 1973 killings, as you noted, feel like a form of self-harm. Killing becomes an outlet for his internalized anguish—a way to punish himself or dull the pain of his existence.
2. Influence of others:
Louis’ dynamic with Lestat and Claudia often drives him to kill. Lestat pushes him to embrace his predatory nature, while Claudia reminds him of his responsibilities as a maker and partner. Louis’ kills are frequently motivated by external pressures rather than his own desires, underscoring his internal conflict.
3. Hallucinations and mental fragility:
The hallucination of Lestat in the park exemplifies Louis’ fractured psyche. Killing in this context feels less about pleasure and more about his inability to escape the pull of his vampiric instincts, even when he consciously tries to suppress them.
Why doesn’t Louis enjoy killing?
1. Empathy and alienation:
Unlike Lestat, who delights in power and domination, Louis retains a deep empathy for human beings. His struggle with killing stems from his inability to fully dissociate from humans and see them as mere prey. This empathy isolates him from other vampires, who often see humans as disposable, making his existence even lonelier.
2. Self-loathing:
Killing reinforces Louis’ self-hatred. Each life he takes is a reminder of what he has become and what he has lost. This self-loathing is central to his character, and it prevents him from ever finding joy or satisfaction in killing, even when it’s framed as necessary or justified.
3. Fear of losing himself:
Embracing killing would mean accepting the darker aspects of his nature, something Louis actively resists. To him, killing represents a point of no return—a full acceptance of the monster within. His reluctance to kill is less about the act itself and more about what it would mean for his soul, his identity, and his ability to see himself as anything other than a monster.
What does Louis’ humanity represent in the present day?
By the modern era, Louis’ humanity has evolved into something different. It no longer represents his ties to his mortal past but his ability to choose. He has found a way to sustain himself without killing, a compromise that allows him to reconcile his vampirism with his moral beliefs. This choice represents:
Control: Louis’ abstinence from killing is a reclaiming of agency over his existence. After centuries of being at the mercy of his instincts, his trauma, and others’ influence (Lestat, Claudia, Armand), Louis has found a way to live on his terms.
Hope for redemption: By refusing to kill, Louis is able to see himself as something other than a monster. It’s a way to believe he can still retain a shred of goodness, even after all he has done.
Final Thoughts
Louis’ refusal to embrace killing and his complex relationship with humanity are central to his character. They reflect his deep empathy, his moral rigidity, and his enduring struggle to find meaning in his existence. In the AMC adaptation, these themes are richly explored through his choices and the consequences of those choices. His humanity, or his clinging to it, is both his greatest strength and his deepest source of pain—a duality that makes him one of the most fascinating characters in the show."
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maxknightley · 1 year ago
'its problematic to play cozy games' isnt a take I thought I'd ever see but here we are
"any critique of a work or genre I enjoy is a value judgment of me as a person, no matter how many times the person writing it says 'I'm not saying Playing These Games Makes You A Bad Person'" is a take I see on a regular basis!
and yet it still annoys me when people repeat it in my inbox
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ophelia16stufff · 4 months ago
Persona 5 Royal MBTI types
made a self-indulgent mbti typing of persona 5 royal characters. i did this by going through different cognitive stacks, and double checking if the corresponding mbti 16 personality types kinda mapped with the actual characters.
so basically, the dominant and auxiliary functions have to be a pairing of the perceiving function and the judging function.
the perceiving function is how the character takes in the world, and the judging function is how the character affects the world.
Nx and Sx are both perceiving functions, Tx and Fx are both judging functions.
furthermore, the introverted and extraverted attribute isnt necessarily about whether the character is an introvert or an extrovert, but rather about the nature of the functions itself.
so if a function is extraverted, it is sourced from the external world. if a function is introverted, it is sourced from the internal world. perceiving and judgmental functions can be sourced from both worlds.
so, these are the interpretations that i have taken about the cognitive functions, that ive treated as the base rules.
Ne vs Ni: connections made from the present environment vs long term understanding of the world
Se vs Si: awareness of material reality vs reality processed by past experience treated as fact
Te vs Ti: objective logic vs subjective logic
Fe vs Fi: objective value vs subjective value
below ive mapped the characters with an MBTI personality type and corresponding strengths and weaknesses that i feel match the character pretty well.
akechi goro - ENTJ || dom - Te || aux - Ni   
Te - Ni - Se - Fi Strengths: Efficient, Self-Confident, Strong-Willed, Strategic Thinker, Charismatic  Weaknesses: Stubborn, Dominant, Intolerant, Arrogant, Poor Handling of Emotions, Cold, Ruthless
kurusu akira - ENTP || dom - Ne || aux - Ti 
Ne - Ti - Fe - Si Strengths: Quick thinker, Original, Brain stormer, Charismatic  Weaknesses: Ego-centric, Dislikes practical matters 
sakura futaba - INFP || dom - Fi || aux - Ne 
Fi - Ne - Si - Te Strengths: Empathetic, Open-Minded, Creative, Passionate  Weaknesses: Self-isolating, Self-critical 
kitagawa yusuke - INTJ || dom - Ni || aux - Te
Ni - Te - Fi - Se Strengths: Informed, Independent, Determined, Curious, Original  Weaknesses: Dismissive of emotions, Overly critical, Socially clueless
takamaki ann - ENFP || dom - Ne || aux - Fi
Ne - Fi - Te - Ni Strengths: Perceptive, Enthusiastic, Excellent communicator, Easygoing, Good-natured, Positive Weaknesses: Unfocused, Disorganized, Restless
makoto - ISTJ || dom - Si || aux - Te
Si - Te - Fi - Ne Strengths: Honest and Direct, Disciplined, Responsible, Practical, Organized and Effective  Weaknesses: Stubborn, Always by the Book, Judgmental 
ryuji - ESFP || dom - Se || aux - Fi
Se - Fi - Te - Ni Strengths: Bold, Positive and enthusiastic, Hands-on and observant, People skills  Weaknesses: Sensitive, Easily bored, Poor long-term planner, Unfocused 
haru - ISFJ || dom - Si || aux - Fe
Si - Fe - Ti - Ne Strengths: Supportive, Reliable, Observant, Enthusiastic, Hardworking, Humble Weaknesses: Represses her feelings, Reluctant to change
sumire - INFJ || dom - Ni || aux - Fe
Ni - Fe - Ti - Se Strengths: Principled, Passionate, Altruistic Weaknesses: Sensitive to criticism, Perfectionistic, Prone to burnout
alrighty, so i did struggle for some of the characters, so ill just drop explanations for the ones that i feel are maybe controversial:
kurusu akira
so this guy is heavily debated, and i think he's the character most left to interpretation, therefore maybe being the hardest to type, but i do think i have a solid argument as to why i think hes an entp. entps are quite rebellious, and the whole point of the game and the protagonist of it is to be rebellious. challenging the status quo, refusing to accept that 'this is how things are meant to be' is how he unlocks his persona. hes the character with the biggest rebellious streak, in the sense that he will always be the contrarian. i mean, his final persona is literally a demon lord, shooting the god of control in his face. cant get more rebellious than that, methinks. furthermore, when the PT kinda lose sight of what they are supposed to stand for before the mementos boss and facing maruki, i feel that its canon that joker refuses to accept what society deems as reality. he is the leader, and he decides that the PT decides its own justice- justice that goes against gods made from the wishes of the masses. when it comes to his personal life, one may argue that he has to be a feeling type, cuz of the many confidants hes got. but i think joker is more of a thinking type- hes definitely not a saviour or saint, he makes deals with his confidants. its a give and take relationship, something that both parties initially agree to, before it becomes something more personal. ive also noticed that his responses that are logical counter arguments as opposed to emotional words of comfort, tend to be the best response. many of his confidants prefer challenging words and different ideas of thought, and i think its safe to assume such words are canon, or atleast a facet of his canon cuz i do like to think his crack responses are canon lol. another thing that i feel is entp behaviour is his competitiveness. this is most expressed with akechi, a character that he has intellectual debates with and games where they keep score of victories. i like to think that in the metaverse and in matters related to the metaverse, he leans more into entp behaviour. but outside, he tends to tone it down, which is why its a bit harder to type, but i do think the entp kinda shines through. i disagree with the theory/idea that joker is the mask akira wears in the metaverse. akira is the mask that joker wears in the real world, and the whole point of the true ending when akira removes his glasses is his acceptance of his true self, his reflection that is joker. this is not to say that he is that one dimensional leader character whatsoever, akira is a really interesting 'silent protagonist' with his many masks. also, his mbti type's weakness being ego-centric might seem pretty harsh but keep in mind that the game's bad endings- him accepting both Yaldabaoth's deal and Maruki's deal is pretty much a consequence of that characteristic.
sakura futaba
[TLDR at the end] umm ok being an intp myself, im really surprised by the number of people who have typed her as an intp? hopefully im not wildly incorrect about her being an infp, lmao. but i feel like many people went off by stereotypes to type her as an intp? like the fact that shes very techy and is like a genius hacker, she finds social situations to be quite hard to navigate, her typical intp-ish interests ig are kinda misleading and...dont really have that much to do with her character. i think interests and personality types can be just correlation and not causation. now as to why i think shes an infp, when i looked at the cognitive stacks, i really felt that Fi and Ne fit her. for starters, ill address why i think her judging function is feeling and not thinking. this is simply because of why she decided most of her actions in the game. her starting medjed, her isolating herself after her mother's suicide, her becoming a phantom thief. infact, ill compare it with the actions of another character whose judging function is thinking, with similar circumstances: akechi goro. both characters are prodigies in their own fields - goro being a supernatural assassin at 14, and futaba being the founder of medjed when she was around the same age. both choosing their respective paths for enacting justice. they are both characters who have suffered to being blamed for their mother's deaths, and from child abuse. however, when their methods of personal justice compromised moral values, they reacted very differently. goro chose to sacrifice his morals, while futaba stopped associating herself with the international hacking group she had founded when it strayed from her morals. the difference is in what motivates both characters' decisions. goro chooses to sacrifice his morals of what is good and what is bad, justifies his alarming bad moral choices by his logic that it has to be done to entrust his position as shido's loyal hitman. meanwhile futaba is scared, paranoid and drives herself into suicidal guilt that she an unforgivable person. she is so distraught by the notion that she is an awful person, and condemns herself to lie in a tomb of her own making. a lot of other of futaba's dialogues and actions also just make sense to be of a feeling type. she tries to express her emotions and be empathetic of others. her social awkwardness does not come from intrinsic values, but rather the fact that she is unused to social situations due to abuse. she genuinely enjoys hanging out with her friends, and seeks them actively. TLDR basically, when we consider Tx vs Fx, i think she is less likely to go along with a decision if she doesnt feel right about it, even if its logically correct.
takamaki ann
for ann, i dont think her being an enfp would be wildly incorrect, i just want to explain the reasoning behind her weaknesses. unfocused, disorganized, restless, all come from the rather callous and laid-back attitude she initially has towards modelling. not wanting to be an expert in a hobby is perfectly fine, but ann herself seems to be unsatisfied with her own attitude towards modelling after interacting with mika.
i would be hella surprised if anyone read this, if anyone does, its much appreciated <3
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biggestsimp12 · 5 months ago
Hello. I have another request! :D
Can I get Kuroko Kamenaga with a female or male reader that is similar to her? You can choose which, I don't mind. Surprise me. :)
Anyway, the reader could be a foreign student or a transfer one. She/He surprisingly isnt talked about much because She/He's really quiet and closed off. Perhaps the reader is old-fashioned in both her/his lifestyle but also clothing. You could tell by the slightly longer skirt(if female) or more coverage of the reader's form with a longer school jacket(can be applied to both genders)?
To summerize it, a quiet, reserved, and calm reader who is focused on doing her/his responsibilities.
PS. The reader definitely's not as tensed up as Kuroko, which is why when she/He gets close enough with her, the reader tries to help her relax more in private? I imagine the reader taking care of Kuroko while trying to understand her wishes and discomforts and it's so so cute.😭
Thank you again!
Kuroko Kamenaga x reader who is like her --–—
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The reader and Kuroko first met when the reader politely asked her for directions to their classroom. Surprisingly, Kuroko didn't mind helping, and their conversation lasted longer than expected. The reader's calm demeanor and their friendly nature left an impression on Kuroko, and the two formed a small but meaningful friendship. Kuroko found the reader's simplicity refreshing and appreciated their genuine nature, unlike the other peers who often annoyed her.
The reader's calm demeanor and their knack for taking responsibility intrigue Kuroko, and she appreciates the reader's old-fashioned lifestyle and style. In private, the reader takes it upon themselves to help Kuroko relax more, recognizing the stress she carries as the student council vice president. Kuroko finds comfort and care in the reader's presence, appreciating their understanding and willingness to help her unwind. Despite their quiet nature, the reader takes the time to listen to Kuroko's complaints and offers a comforting presence for her.
Kuroko can't help but admire the reader's manner of dressing, as their clothing is always elegant and appropriate, both within the school grounds and beyond. The reader's adherence to tradition pleases Kuroko, as it aligns with her own values of decorum and responsibility. She admires how the reader carries themselves with grace and simplicity, and finds their traditional style refreshing compared to the modern and flashy clothing she sees on a daily basis.
Kuroko finds that, out of all the peers around her, the reader best understands and compliments her nature. Their calm demeanor, focused attitude, and responsible approach towards life align with Kuroko's own values. The reader provides a comfortable space for Kuroko to express herself without judgment and offers a steady presence that helps calm her thoughts. It's in moments like this that Kuroko understands the value of having a soulmate who mirrors her own characteristics and supports her like the reader does.
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mothric · 11 months ago
I apologize, in my blind rage I forgot about the word "foal" and indeed my horse knowledge in general. however as not all horses are ponies I still maintain the distinction matters.
I also forgot to mention Ken Goodman doesn't think dyslexia exists
So now we know why reading comprehension is piss poor: the education establishment refused to listen to linguists and neuroscientists about how learning to read an alphabet actually works.
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37q · 9 months ago
i think that "but shaking my head to signal that i disagree" meme could start a good conversation about discipline and performance. like this isnt a rational holistic integration of values greater than yourself its a recuperative moral theater. this isnt some revolutionary hegemony youre just building a nu panopticon. falling into line just means more judgment and more conformity and more social control. and when your fear of persecution outgrows your desire to walk the walk you lose the ability to put radical change into action let alone conceptualize a social upheaval that doesnt just affirm your psychological comfort and lifestyle status quo
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simothys · 3 months ago
2, 15, 16, and 24 for Soul-Steady!! :3
oc questions!
2. How does their social personality differ from how they act when they’re alone?
honestly.. i think it's quieter. more still. its more... distant, when alone, for lack of a better term. when interacting with people, its very lively! moving, ears twitching as it listens, watching and clearly present even when silent, and generally friendly when it speaks! but... when its alone... that liveliness doesnt leave, but a stillness enters
15. How do they act around people they don't like?
it doesn't tend to try to hide it. itll play nice, but like... he knows he's physically intimidating to most people, and if he doesnt like you? you will feel small and be frequently reminded of its fangs
16. Do they easily rely on others to help them out, or prefer doing everything themselves?
so. this is so interesting for him honestly. cuz it depends. it easily relies on people back home! it knows exactly who to ask for which task, and readily will call to the other room for Tranquil Loam's assistance, with anything. but. i think its lost the instinct to do so as it moved? it shouldered the responsibility. Marrow still asks for assistance when it feels it can, but... it knows that help isnt strings-free in Alkenstar. so, it does as much as it can alone. if someone offers, he'll take the help, though, easily
24. How hard it is for them to not allow their emotions to cloud their judgement?
HARD. IMMENSELY HARD. its emotions ARE it's judgment. it isnt typically quick to act, but it will always carry its emotions with it for decisions. kholo value the lives and wellbeing of the pack over most things, so its emotions usually center that. safety and security. Soul-Steady isnt an impatient woman. it isnt usually rash. but it is emotionally driven, above all else
thank u :D ive wanted an excuse to talk about Soul-Steady for a while ehehe
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wondermentishere · 6 months ago
i am once again completely friendless. this is a cycle ive been thru many times in life, except this time i have no family around either. stepping away from toxic people isnt a regret that i hold. although, i do toy with the idea of going around my family again. i just dont know how im gonna do it without feeling like a complete shell of a human.
i just feel like ive made a series of decisions that has driven me into a hole. and now im trying to clean up the mess of my life and move forward while keeping all of the lessons ive learned close to me.
ive never really had friends as a kid because i never really connected with anyone. im sweet, but i also am kind of a mean person. like i can be messy, shady, judgmental and i find humor in it at times. but i also value integrity and am uncomfortable with not trying to better myself and become a more loving and accepting person. so ive been attracting and accepting friendships with people who reflect the same energy of being nice but also.. just not very kind. and the unkindness inevitably is projected onto me. and my poor boundaries and fear of confrontation has granted permission to people to treat me in a way that i hate. i always end up being super fake to my friends... like ill be cool with them in person, but still have this whole dialogue in my mind about how much i dont like them. dont get me wrong i do speak up for myself, but people never take it well. or they pretend like they do then end up on the same bullshit again.
i accept poor behavior for too long, and allow people to think theyre super close to me. now im stuck with a shitty friend because of my dishonesty and refusal to make room for other people in my life. 2022 i tried to be different. i was in therapy, i went out alot by myself, and honestly befriended alot of people. i had to block a few of them bc they turned out to be toxic, but the rest straight up just moved out of state. its been hard to keep in touch and ive lost interest in partying so here i am... alone again. also learned building friendship off drunkenness/nightlife isnt a good foundation for a genuine connection.
i want to meet new friends from volunteer connections or other artists out doing their thing. im open to meeting sober ppl off apps who genuinely just want a friend too. sometimes i get discouraged thinking whats the point of opening up to anyone, but honestly my trip to austin showed me cool, sober, down to earth ppl are out here with open arms wanting to meet people. starting next week i want to make it a goal to go out to a volunteer meet up to see how the experience is :)
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selflessanatta · 1 year ago
The Toll of Anger: Why Getting Angry Isn't Worth It, http://selflessanatta.com/the-toll-of-anger-why-getting-angry-isnt-worth-it/
New Post has been published on http://selflessanatta.com/the-toll-of-anger-why-getting-angry-isnt-worth-it/
The Toll of Anger: Why Getting Angry Isn't Worth It
Overcome anger by recognizing its many faults and practicing patient acceptance.
Whenever I get angry, I recognize it immediately. Most people do. Anger leaves little doubt when it arises, and it manifests in obvious ways.
Many people become angry, but then do little or nothing to manage it, believing it’s a natural reaction that should be allowed to run its course.
Unfortunately, anger behaves like fire, and a wiser choice is to put out the flame when it’s merely a spark.
Anger grows and spreads like fire, and once it becomes a raging inferno, it’s much harder to extinguish.
Most people erroneously believe anger is caused by other people or events as if they are helpless victims of their own reactions. In truth, anger is always a reaction, and the angry person has the ability to choose not to be angry—if they learn how to control their own anger.
What is anger?
The following is adapted from How to Solve Our Human Problems by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso.
Anger is a focused mind that identifies an animate or inanimate object, finds it unattractive, exaggerates its bad qualities, and wishes to harm it.
Whenever people become angry, they instinctively meditate upon it.
They think about who or what they believe makes them angry.
They find other confirming thoughts and feelings that strengthen and reinforce their anger.
They negatively characterize the (incorrectly perceived) outside source of their anger.
And they want to do something about it—usually something bad.
For example, if a driver cuts me off, I get angry.
I find that driver’s behavior unacceptable because he or she endangered me.
I imagine they are a rude, careless, and inconsiderate ass.
I want to let them know how awful they are, even at the risk of escalating the incident to violence.
Actually, I used to react that way, but I don’t behave that way anymore.
With proper mental discipline, I cut off the angry thoughts, and remind myself to feel compassion for the driver who is suffering due to their selfish behavior. That simple technique works quite well.
My anger subsides.
I’ve become so well-practiced due to my frequent commuter traffic experiences, that the entire process happens in a nanosecond. The spark of anger finds no dry tinder to ignite.
Why does anger arise?
Have you ever wanted something and not obtained it?
Anger arises.
Have you ever obtained something you did not want?
Anger arises.
Have you ever lost something you valued?
Anger arises.
As should be obvious, the above conditions happen thousands of times per day with things both large and small.
Anger has little concern for scale or magnitude.
There is always ample opportunity to become angry, and many people are angry nearly all of the time. Their only respite is in the brief moment when they obtain exactly what they want, exactly when they want it, and they don’t lose it.
Of course, that satisfaction is fleeting as their mind will naturally move on to obtaining the next object of their desire.
In addition to the major causes identified above, several additional factors contribute to the emergence of anger:
Ego-Centrism: The strong identification with one’s self or ego can lead to anger when one perceives a threat or challenge to their self-importance or self-image.
Grasping at Permanence: The misconception that things should remain fixed or permanent can lead to frustration and anger when confronted with the impermanence and change inherent in life.
Judgment and Criticism: Holding harsh judgments or criticizing oneself or others can generate anger, as it creates an environment of negativity and hostility.
Impatience: Impatience and a lack of tolerance for delays or obstacles can trigger anger when one’s desires are not immediately fulfilled.
Unrealistic Expectations: Unrealistic or overly high expectations of oneself or others can set the stage for anger when these expectations are not met.
Fear and Insecurity: Fear and insecurity can underlie anger, as individuals may use anger as a defense mechanism to protect themselves from perceived threats.
Anger serves a purpose—or so people think
Many people form habitual patterns of responding to challenges or frustrations with anger, often due to past conditioning or learned behaviors.
People are prone to form resentments and keep anger alive because they believe expressing their anger gets them what they want. This is the dark art of manipulation.
People sometimes express anger when their lover doesn’t please them, especially if their anger coerces their lover into doing what they want.
People sometimes turn their anger into determination to get what they want, no matter the effort or the consequences involved.
If people are continually rewarded for their anger, it becomes a hammer they use to bludgeon their way through life.
Anger is a scorched-earth approach that ruins interpersonal relationships.
Anger is often simply clueless
A lack of mindfulness or awareness can prevent individuals from recognizing the arising of anger in themselves, allowing it to escalate unchecked.
Even professional psychologists recommend techniques like distraction, humor, or exercise to manage anger rather than actually stopping it.
This merely allows anger to run unchecked in your subconscious mind. When the humor comes out, it often takes the form of biting sarcasm with the hidden intention of inflicting emotional pain.
Sometimes, individuals may find it challenging to identify and express their emotions accurately. They may use anger as a catch-all emotion to cover various underlying feelings, including sadness.
Anger masks sadness
Anger can often mask underlying feelings of sadness.
Anger can function as a defense mechanism to protect individuals from the vulnerability of experiencing sadness.
Anger can be a more immediate and outwardly directed response to a distressing situation.
Some people perceive anger as a sign of strength or control, whereas sadness may be associated with weakness or loss of control. While this may be true in military combat, it’s a poor strategy for frustrations in their interpersonal relationships.
Societal and cultural norms often encourage the expression of anger over sadness. This is the herd mentality of weakness disguised as strength. Strong men cry when they are sad.
Anger can serve as a mask or protective layer over underlying sadness, making it less apparent to others. This can be especially true in situations where individuals want to avoid appearing weak or dependent on others for support.
Why no one should become angry
Anger is a destructive emotion. Buddhist practitioners are instructed to stop anger the moment it starts. It’s wise for anyone to consider doing the same.
The primary technique Buddhists employ is to remember the many bad qualities of anger and the regrets caused by acting with an angry mind.
The faults of anger can be broadly categorized into spiritual, psychological, and social consequences.
Relationship Consequences:
Distorted Perception: Anger clouds judgment and leads to distorted perceptions, causing individuals to see situations and people in an overly negative or hostile light. Anger narrows one’s perspective and makes it difficult to empathize with others’ suffering or show compassion.
Impedes Rational Thinking: Anger impairs rational thinking and problem-solving abilities, making it difficult to find constructive solutions to conflicts.
Interferes with Communication: Angry outbursts hinder effective communication, preventing individuals from understanding and resolving issues with others.
Destructive Actions: Anger often leads to impulsive and harmful actions, both in thought and behavior, which can have serious consequences for oneself and others.
Damages Relationships: Anger erodes trust and damages relationships, as it creates an environment of fear, resentment, and hostility.
Leads to Regret: After the anger subsides, individuals often regret their actions and words, causing guilt and remorse.
Cycles of Suffering: Anger perpetuates cycles of suffering by leading to more conflict and negative emotions.
Individual Consequences:
Harm to Health: Chronic anger and hostility are linked to various health issues, including high blood pressure, heart disease, and weakened immune function. Tibetan Buddhism recognizes the interconnection of mind and body, and thus views anger as harmful to physical well-being.
Waste of Energy: Anger consumes mental and emotional energy that could be better used for positive purposes.
Reinforces Ego: It strengthens the sense of ego and self-importance, as individuals often believe their anger is justified.
Obstacle to Inner Peace: It obstructs the cultivation of inner peace, which is a central goal in Buddhism.
Obstruction to Spiritual Progress: Anger is seen as a major obstacle on the path to enlightenment. It directly opposes the cultivation of compassion and loving-kindness, which are central to Buddhist practice. Anger can destroy the merit accumulated over long periods of spiritual practice in just a moment of intense rage.
Reputational Damage: When one frequently succumbs to anger, it can harm their reputation and how others perceive them. It might lead others to see the individual as unstable, untrustworthy, or dangerous.
Creation of Negative Karma: In the Buddhist view, actions driven by anger create negative karma, leading to future suffering. This is particularly significant in the context of the belief in rebirth, where the consequences of one’s actions can affect future lifetimes.
Impairment of Wisdom: Anger clouds judgment and impairs wisdom. It can lead to impulsive, irrational decisions and actions that one might later regret.
In summary, anger is a deeply harmful emotion that affects one’s spiritual journey, mental and physical health, social relationships, and moral integrity.
Whenever anger arises, Buddhist practitioners remind themselves of the many problems of anger as outlined above. Usually, that is sufficient to prevent anger from growing stronger and leading to rage, spite, resentment, aggression, or harmfulness.
Practice patient acceptance
Overcoming anger fully involves the practice of patient acceptance, an attitude that allows individuals to navigate life’s challenges with grace and equanimity.
Patient acceptance involves embracing reality completely and wholeheartedly, exactly as it is, and not wanting anything to be different.
Instead of resisting or rejecting anger, patient acceptance encourages individuals to face it directly. It involves not struggling against life’s difficulties but learning to coexist with them.
Equanimity is a mental state of balance and calmness, regardless of external circumstances. It requires mindfulness, the practice of being fully present in the moment and observing thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations without judgment.
Patient acceptance involves refraining from reacting impulsively to difficult situations. Instead, individuals are encouraged to pause, reflect, and respond with wisdom and compassion rather than reacting with anger or aggression.
Patient acceptance involves recognizing that difficult situations, like all things, are temporary and subject to change.
Patient acceptance encourages letting go of rigid attachments and allowing things to unfold naturally.
Like the Serenity Prayer, patient acceptance involves acknowledging that some things cannot be changed and learning to work with the circumstances as they are.
Ultimately, the practice of patient acceptance leads to inner transformation. It allows individuals to develop resilience, emotional stability, and a deeper understanding of themselves and the nature of existence.
With patient acceptance, even the most challenging circumstances need not lead to anger and its many harmful consequences.
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calloftheuniverse · 1 year ago
One of the WORST things to come out of a patriarchal, christian, capitalistic society is the way it has damaged nearly every member to their core...
By making them feel not good enough.
By reducing their value to money and appearance...
And making sure nobody ever feels quite good enough or worthy.
Not enough money, not handsome/pretty enough...
Too different,
Too weird,
..... Worthless.
The truth is... The energy of Divine IS love.
There is no space for judgment or condemnation.
And Divine mourns, grieves for those who have sunk beyond the reach Divine love...
Those who live in shame and self loathing and self-disgust.
And..honestly, I feel that too. More so than I would usually admit to, as people already don't know how to take me or perceive me most of the time.
Because the reality is the religion they sell you (Yes. I said SELL, look at the profits last year and tell me it isnt a business, and a hugely wealthy one?) is nothing more than to control your mind, keep you stuck in shame and judging yourself and others.
And it is set up by design to target and devalue women, who over time may grow into something shamanic, or sagely ....
Because the feminine aspect is the aspect that is by default wired for spirituality, and a true connection to Divine.
Christianity, and patriarchy both specialize in devaluing feminine qualities in both genders, labeling women as seductive, sinful, labeling men who display fem qualities as less masculine, weak.. "Pussy" "Bitch" "Simp".
And we are also going to graze the subject of how every woman who ascends, evolves, and finds enlightenment as anything OTHER than Christian is labeled as a witch.
Lucky the Bible already has a way to deal with anyone who threatens their mind control, eh?
"Shall not suffer a witch to live."
And that pretty much takes care of the competition, doesn't it?
After all, they killed a whole lot of people in the name of that control, and forced conversion at sword point and under threat of crucifixion and being burned alive....
Google says anywhere from 2-6 million.
Wouldn't be able to KEEP the control they killed to get without a way to silence and intimidate opposing perspectives...
And what better way to silence a whole group then by calling them evil, and essentially justifying murder.
But the truth is this... God is within you. As is the devil. Heaven and hell are mindset...frequencies of thoughts. You can think of them as "love mindset" and "fear mindset" if its easier to see it that way.
If you lie and manipulate others, you will live in fear and anxiety of being caught and held accountable. Same if you steal. Choices will literally leave you in a living hell if you choose selfishness, greed, and lust. Because hell is a mindset. And no amount of scapegoating a great teacher who tried to teach everyone this will free you from that hell.
Spoiler...the same bunk religion Jesus spoke against and flipped tables about is the same religion, reskinned that told you that he died for our sins... truth was they killed him for threatening their system of control. Then stole his words, his name, and rebranded their oppression, destroying whole cultures by forcing them to convert.
And no amount of following their false promises and destructive methods will get you to heaven.
That only comes when you silence your fear, realize that all is provided in Divine grace and timing, and quit idolizing a great teacher and an ascended master as your Creator.
Because I have great faith...Jesus himself would be horrified at how he has been scapegoated for an entire planet for the last 2 millenia. Especially when that let's them fully off the hook to continue hurting themselves and others, unrepentant. It allows them to focus on him, and never look within, effectively blocking them from the ascended mindset he was trying to teach, that would allow them a personal and close relationship with ACTUAL God, rather than the vengeance driven, blood-sacrifice demanding, dark deity of the Bible.
I know what I believe. I know what he believed. I know why he was actually killed, and I also know if he came again today, he would likely be crucified all over again, or mown down as a cult leader.
And I think it would be a good time for people to examine what they thing is right, and why.and ask themselves which team they really serve.
Do you serve love, peace, growth, creation, and abundance?
Or do you serve fear, hatred, oppression, judgment, blood sacrifice, systematic murder, and intimidation tactics?
And are you listening to the pull of Divine and doing what you know and FEEL is right?
Or are you just going with the crowd, because they told you what to think, never taught you how to think for yourself, and shamed you for asking questions or deviating..
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