#dog duo but straight
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leviackermanstoes · 3 months ago
jayvik x reader plsplsplsplspls
Everyone in piltover knows the three of you. Known for his attitude and sarcastic approach, viktor was usually the one people were cautious talking to. He may look small, too, but he was hiding a hell of a punch behind his bony body. Jayce is like sunshine on legs. Everyone loves talking to jayce, and he takes care of the business that he prefers you and viktor need not worry about. But he too is hiding something, jayce is absolutely terrifying when he's got a reason to be. Although he looks like a teddy bear, he could tear a man apart with two fingers and walk away smiling. So he's a guard dog.
And you are their loving and doting partner of 2 years. You are a scientist, but you have long since taken a break after an explosion shattered your arm. You haven't been able to work on much since. You started dating viktor and jayce a little bit after they joined together as partners In the hextech project.
They indoctrinated you into their duo and took pride in knowing they could take care of you, and secretly, after a short time of being your small trio, it was jayce who announced he had feelings for you. At first, you didn't know what to say back because you did indeed like him too, but you liked viktor as well.
And so you proposed to them the idea of a poly relationship. And like children who had been offered stacks of candy, they immediately smiled happily and nodded. And since then, your life has been peaceful and perfect alongside your partners.
You were taking a stroll through the square as three. Despite the fact that jayce had a meeting to get to, he would not rush viktor as he walked slowly beside him. Rather, he enjoyed walking at this pace in comparison to the constant speeding down the halls that the other councillors always seemed hell bent on doing.
"It would be nice to get lunch, don't you think?" Jayce turnt to look at you both.
You nodded. "I agree that would be lovely"
Viktor shrugged his thin shoulders. "Yes, that would be." his sentence was interrupted by a harsh cough into his handkerchief. "Lovely indeed"
You and jayce looked at each other worriedly. "Are you alright, vik? We can go home if you would like?" Jayce stopped the three of you and put his hand of viktors shoulder.
His hand engulfed his bony shoulder, and your brows raised still shocked at just how large jayce was. It's quite terrifying when he stands up straight.
"You need not worry about me, jayce. I am okay" viktor nodded.
"Perhaps it may be best if we go sit down somewhere," you stated.
"Sounds like a bad idea, love, viktor's bony butt might hurt when he sits down" jayce chuckled at his own joke.
Viktor glared at his partner. "Remember, i might be sick, but I am not weak. I will fight you talis, "
That made you laugh.
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simplydm · 2 years ago
Why Double Life was my (personal) favorite:
-it’s straight up just a soulmates fic trope shoved into a Minecraft server like clearly someone read the fanfiction and just ran with it lol
-BigB putting dog ears on his skin to match Ren🥺
-the ONLY two women on the server were both somehow attached to the only gay man
-Jimmy and Tango, the unexpected paring of cringefail guys that we all adore to this day
-BigB was that bitch. Everyone (grian) wanted him forreal
-That Grian stalactite kill was insane
-the girls and gays were all in one big divorcee group, somehow
-desert duo happened, by some force of nature
-the world’s most romantic summer fling, as demonstrated by two married 40 yr old men (homewreckers you will always be famous to me)
-the whole episode with tango and the warden and how tango kept disconnecting
-Etho and Joel, another unexpected pairing that just matched crazy with crazy (and they built a relation ship)
-5am pearl my beloved, my wet cat of a woman, how I love you forever and ever
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wandasaura · 1 year ago
summary — it’s been months since natasha’s submitted to her wife, but that’s about to change. you’re lucky enough to watch the entire scene unfold
warning(s) — established relationship, married wandanat, the chaotic duo of lucky and fanny, sub!nat, sub!reader, face slapping, pussy slapping, edging, cockwarming, face sitting, nipple stimulation, degradation, praise, dildo riding, dom/sub dynamics, teasing, begging, delayed orgasm, orgasm control, mentions of exhibitionism, oral, bondage, finger sucking, cum eating, threesome, aftercare, men/minors dni
authors note — we’re not even going to address the fact that this was meant to be an entirely separate fic and that now i have to write a part two because it got too long to add any more. this is literal filth, but there are some cute/goofy moments + mean wanda
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♥️⊹ ˚ . 18+, men/minors dni ⁺ 𓈒 ꒰💌꒱ ♡ ・ mommy maximoff ✧
It was bound to be a great day when Natasha got a phone call from Yelena asking if she could watch Fanny and Lucky for a couple of hours; some work conflict having come up on short notice and Kate was already out of town. Those couple of hours had turned into an overnight arrangement rather quickly, but you were just happy that Natasha agreed to keep both dogs for the night and hadn’t sent the excitable pups back through the door they came in at when Yelena dropped the bombshell. 
Wanda was less than pleased to have not one but two dogs running around her perfectly kept house, and had turned her glare on Natasha multiple times because of it. It turns out that Kate and Yelena let the pups run wild, furniture wasn’t off limits and wiping their paws at the door was entirely foreign. You had looked at Wanda in sheer amusement when she’d tried to get the two tail-wagging pups to understand the concept of drying their paws before stepping onto her hardwood floors. They’d merely shook their coats and trotted past her, muddy paw prints adorning the couch seconds later. It was safe to say that Natasha was beyond the point of simply being in trouble with the Sokovian. The Russian had been tiptoeing around for hours, her eyes filled with unbudgeable worry as she scouted each room for Wanda’s presence before even considering entering fully.  
When Natasha appeared again, hair tied up in a bun and blue light glasses slipping down the slope of her nose, that same gleam of hesitance brimmed in her calculated green eyes. You were curled up on the couch, Fanny’s head on one thigh while Lucky’s head rested on the other. Your eyes were staring straight ahead at the television screen, an old movie you hadn’t seen in ages holding your attention, but the dogs had decided that giving Wanda grief since their arrival had officially tired them out. Lucky snored, you found out rather quickly. Fanny was quiet, but your heart ached when she whined every so often and the little paws folded beneath her shaggy belly twitched and jerked like she was trying to run. You didn’t know much about dogs, had never had much interest in having one of your own, but you could appreciate their warm comfort. The Sokovian that was being searched for had gone out back an hour ago, a book in her hands that was already half finished but rather lengthy. As she’d passed you on her way out, careful not to let the dogs out with her, she’d told you she wouldn’t mind an interruption if you wanted to join her, but Natasha had pointedly been left out of that invitation. 
“Where’s your girlfriend?” Natasha asked cautiously, fixing the black framed glasses so they sat on the top of her head, no longer needing them for the work assignments she left behind in her office. There was never any shortage of work to be done, never any space between deadlines and start-ups, but the women found a balance easily, something you admired as more than just their girlfriend. They were never CEO’s first. They were wives, girlfriends, sisters, friends, people. Pursuing a career in computer science has shown you the harsher sides of corporate companies and the intricacies that running a successful business entails. You’d shaken hands with too many sour old men that devoted their lives to the office and were somehow surprised when their wives left them. Wanda and Natasha would never understand how easy they made it look, and how inspiring they are, being successful women in positions of power. 
“My girlfriend, is she?” You quirked a single eyebrow, an expression you had more or less adopted as your own since the start of the summer. Seeing you wear an expression that Wanda practically owned never failed to make Natasha weak in the knees. “Getting a divorce that I don’t know about?” 
“After tonight? We might be.” Although Natasha was merely teasing, playing into the game that you had set up, you frowned at the genuine concern in her simple words. Yelena had put her in between a rock and a hard place, even if it wasn’t entirely intentional. She had definitely left out the part about needing someone to watch the dogs overnight on purpose, but Wanda’s reaction to the news wasn’t her fault. Natasha always checked base with Wanda before she agreed to anything that involved more than just herself, Yelena had no reason to assume anything different of today, but in the chaos of receiving the phone call only minutes before a virtual conference, it had fallen away from Natasha’s mind until the doorbell rang.  
You smiled sympathetically at Natasha, wanting to kiss the creased skin between her eyebrows until it was smooth and soft with ease, but you were effectively nap-trapped by the Golden Retriever and Akita who you didn’t really want waking up anytime soon. They’d finally calmed down, there was silence over the house again, and disturbing the peace felt like initiating a war. “Wanda will get over it.” 
“Wanda hates dogs.” Natasha rolled her eyes like that was the most obvious answer ever, which it was, you knew extremely well how passionate Wanda was about not liking or wanting a dog, but she didn’t hate dogs enough to completely walk away from Natasha. You sighed, deciding that disturbing the nap the two pups were taking on you was less important than resolving the rising issue between your girlfriends. 
Fanny yelped when you shrugged her head off of your thigh, but Lucky remained quiet and merely resettled into the cushions that were warm from where your weight had sat. You grabbed Natasha’s hand without any explanation, not that you needed one, but still she let you guide her through the house without questioning where you were leading her. Her expression grimmed when she spotted Wanda lounged beside the pool, a recently published law book in her hands that was nearly finished as she turned yet another page getting closer to the official end. You didn’t spare the time to admire how fast she read, merely slipped through the sliding glass door and dragged Natasha along with you. 
The door was closed quickly, because although Lucky and Fanny were seemingly content on the couch for the time being, probably missing their Moms as the hours rolled by and the heavy sun became lighter with dusk, you didn’t fancy taking the risk of them wandering outside to find where you’d gone.  
Wanda peered over the edge of her book, sunglasses that were no longer needed now that the unforgiving sunlight had become crisp with wisps of orange, perched on the top of her head in the same fashion as Natasha’s. They were eerily similar, always so in tune with the other even when the tide got choppy. There was no question about how or why they worked so well together, they just did. 
“Please tell your wife that you’re not going to divorce her.” You deadpanned, not even sparing Natasha a glance as you firmly addressed Wanda, who raised both eyebrows in question at your demand. Wanda’s eyes, sparkling beneath the sun, looked between you and Natasha with something unreadable deep beneath them. “She’s being unreasonable. That’s my job.” You pushed further, sensing that Wanda’s silence was around for the long haul if you didn’t make the severity of the situation known. Natasha was uncharacteristically not herself in the moment, and you despised every second of it. 
Wanda sighed, allowing her hands to relinquish the grip she had on her book. It fell onto her thighs that were warm from constant sunlight, the only shadow thrown over her illuminating body. “Natalia, don’t be dense.” She rolled her eyes, accent strong as the day she’d learned how to say her first sentence. The air was thin around the three of you, Natasha’s grip on your hand tight and unnerving. This was not the way Wanda addressed things, for a second you stopped to consider that maybe Natasha had a point to be so concerned, but that fell away when a whimper so soft it sounded like another tale that the wind tried to tell reached your ears. 
Wanda wasn’t annoyed. No, that is absolutely not what was going on. You’d thought she was, had every reason to believe that she was, until a ghost of a smirk splayed across her lips tinted pink from how many strawberries she’d eaten beside the pool. Their dynamic had been only a whispered thing, soft stories and recounts of the nights where Natasha gave herself over to Wanda, but in the almost year that you’d been present in their home and in their lives, you’d never seen it play out. You had no reason to when you were merely around to be a release for Natasha, but now you were their girlfriends, and it dawned on you harsher than the unforgiving sun that it had been months since Natasha relinquished control. This wasn’t about her being paranoid, this was about her wanting to be reprimanded, wanting to let Wanda take over. 
Wanda stood from the lounge chair, bowl of strawberries and her book the only things that said she was ever laid out at all. She was close enough to smell when her feet stopped carrying her forward, and you noted that she must’ve gotten a new perfume because there was something reminiscent of grapefruit lingering around her. You held your breath when Wanda’s palm connected with Natasha’s cheek, the slap sounding harsher than it was. You’d grown familiar with loud echoes after soft slaps, your ass had been discolored by them too many times. There was nothing that could’ve warned you about the harsh treatment, but Natasha didn’t waver behind you. Her knees didn’t fold like yours would have and her shoulders never shook like she feared the next hit. Slapping was a hard limit for you, but Natasha merely sighed at the contact of Wanda’s palm hitting cheek. 
“It’s been a while since I’ve played with you, hasn’t it, kroshechnyy tantsor?” Wanda cooed, a glint of danger breaching her eyes. This was not how she handled you. You’d seen her be harsh, cruel even, but she looked downright mean as the sun glimmered against every inch of available skin that already held a lingering tan. Natasha was allured by the look in her wife’s eyes, and you noticed that she hadn’t yet spoken at your side. 
“Is that what you want? You want me to play with you, milaya? Want our little duckling to know what a slut her Daddy is?” Wanda pressed further, edging Natasha right into a state that was only able to be categorized as submissive. You could hear the stories of their dynamic a million times a day, but nothing would have ever prepared you for the sight of it to be unfolding right in front of you; unfiltered and perfectly easy. “You can speak, milaya. Tell me what you want.” 
“Please, Wanda.” There it was, the first utterance of Natasha’s gravely voice in the minutes that it had been since you dragged her outside. It was light, airy even, softer than a million seeds falling from the pappus of a dandelion. 
“Detka,” Wanda looked toward you, her eyes so much softer than they had been as she peered into Natasha’s soul and dared her to push back. You hummed, inclining your head to the side in an expression that radiated innocence and submission. Even if she wasn’t playing with you, Wanda was still your dominant, you still felt she deserved to be shown respect as she floated nearer and nearer to one of her favorite headspaces. You adored every shade of green that lived within the Sokovian’s eyes, but there was something so captivating about the shade of Juniper that attempted to drown her pupils when she let herself hold all control. “I am not going to be soft with Natalia. You are welcome to join us in the bedroom, but if it gets too much for you, I expect you to leave. Do not stay because you think you’ll be able to handle it.” 
Your brain was a mess of spiraling thoughts, wondering the state that Natasha would be left in when Wanda was through with her, and the extent of which they played at all. There were so many unanswered questions that you hadn’t been at liberty to ask before, but now you had every right to know what turned your girlfriends on, and there was no way you’d be missing out on whatever the scene had to offer. Despite the heavy gears turning in your head that were effectively dampening your panties, you managed to nod your head albeit hesitantly and jerkily. “Okay.” You breathed out, earning a smile from the Sokovian and a tight squeeze of your hand from the Russian. “Are you okay with me watching?” You turned the question on Natasha, assuming that considering Wanda was the one who had extended the invitation she wasn’t opposed to your presence in the room as she unraveled all the tight knots Natasha had been putting into place. 
“Oh honey.” Wanda preened with an edge to her tone that had Natasha whining at your side, “Natalia is quite the fan of having an audience. My little slut thinks it’s quite the turn on to be the main attraction. Isn’t that right, shlyukha?” 
Natasha nodded quickly, her eyes clouded with lust and desperation that wasn’t unusual, but had never been so translucent. You wondered if you looked the same when Wanda had you beneath her thumb, pliant and eager to be ruined, but now was not the time for daydreams about your own submissive nature. 
“Oh.” A whispered response fell off of your tongue as your cheeks became hot with the presence of a blush that was a result of anything but embarrassment. Your stomach tightened at the information, imagining what scenarios had led to that discovery and how intensely they’d played into it. Natasha was not shy. She had no reason to be with her perfectly smooth and silky skin and tits that could win awards if there was ever such a competition to judge. She was breathtaking, you knew it and she knew it, but you’d never expected to hear that she was into exhibition. A sense of pride flooded your system when you could pinpoint the appropriate term on the tip of your tongue, Wanda’s mini lectures paying off. 
“Mmm.” Wanda hummed, a smirk on her lips that didn’t quite reach her eyes as she practically undressed Natasha. The woman was barely upright anymore, her knees weak as she readjusted her stance time and time again, and you weren’t oblivious to the way her thighs pressed together trying to relieve the ache in her core. If Wanda noticed, which she did, nothing was said about the vain attempts. “Detka, be a dear and help Natalia into the bedroom will you? I want her in a single-column tie before I get up there.” 
Natasha groaned beside you, her head as heavy as a ragdolls as it lulled back and faced the dwindling sunshine like a lonely sunflower would. The train of spiraling thoughts that had been running circles around your brain came to a halting stop at the request, a tinge of pink rising across your neck as you fumbled with your intertwined fingers, not even remember when you had dropped Natasha’s hand, or maybe she had been the one to drop yours, “I don’t– What is that?” 
Wanda, patient as always, merely smiled and inclined her head toward Natasha, an expectant hardness lingering within her sage stare that was darkening by the minute in tune with the depleting sunlight across the sky. It wasn’t cold by any means, still in the warmer months of summertime, but the air around you felt frigid either way. The only thing that could bring warmth back to your body was the touch of your girlfriends. “Natalia will show you. Won’t you, malen'kaya shlyushka. You’ll show our duckling how you like to be restrained to the headboard?” 
“Yebat.” Natasha whimpered, her eyes flickering toward you, filled with desperate longing that didn’t seem to be Wanda’s main concern at the moment. You gnawed at your bottom lip, your eyes hooded and dark, twinged with lust that was steadily growing. “Yes.” Natasha exhaled, eyes flickering back up to meet Wanda’s when the lawyer shifted her stance and inclined her head expectantly. 
“Good girl.” Wanda’s praise was curt and dismissive, not filled with warmth and satisfaction that you had grown so used to in recent months. You found yourself frowning, because even if the praise hadn’t been intended for you, you still hung onto her every word. Wanda, ever observant, didn’t fight the fond expression that slipped across her features as she turned her sharp gaze to you.  “You’re a good girl too, moya utenok. Now go help Natalia. I’ll make sure the ties are okay, Natty won’t get hurt. I just want you to try your best. Okay?” Despite not recognizing the anxiousness that settled in your belly amidst the desperation that brewed simultaneously, the proposition of being the one to restrain Natasha had worried you, but your shoulders relaxed at Wanda’s assurance that your attempt wouldn’t be the final verdict if she found anything less than perfect with the knots you bound her wife with. You nodded, a whispered response filling the air that separated your body from the Sokovians. 
Natasha grabbed your hand, whether it was to steady herself or to ground you, you weren’t entirely sure, but you laced your fingers together and set your course back toward the house where Fanny and Lucky were waiting at the sliding glass door. You’d forgotten about the four legged pups since coming outside, but their hot panting that dirtied the glass implied that they hadn’t forgotten about you. You didn’t try to keep them inside as you slipped in, figuring that keeping them away from the breakable indoors while the three of you were otherwise occupied was the best plan of action if you were going to save Wanda a heart attack. 
“Natalia!” Wanda’s voice was precisely projected as it reached both yours and Natasha’s ears, the thickness of her accent wearing slightly as she forced the words through her diaphragm carefully. It was still a wonder how many years the lawyer had spent in the United States, but it had been enough to ease the traces of home out of her tone naturally. “YA khochu, chtoby utenok byl na rozovom remeshke, kogda ya priyedu tuda.” 
Natasha’s breath stuttered in her chest, and though you were picking up on the simple terms of endearment that they uttered to you routinely, you understood nothing of the sentence that had been just loud enough to settle through the space you occupied. Natasha did however, and when she closed the sliding glass door and guided you deeper into the house, she whispered shortly against the shell of your ear, “Wanda’s trying to kill you.” 
You paled slightly at the confirmation that whatever Wanda had requested, had been in regards to you. Unable to predict what the lawyer could have wanted, you didn’t think to ask, not wanting any distractions that would interfere with the ropes you were instructed to bind. The bedroom was saturated in darkness when you entered through the door, curtains drawn and lights switched off. The only sounds that suggested the room was occupied came from yours and Natasha’s footsteps, but even they were softer than usual. The energy that Wanda possessed had taken its toll, and both of your bodies were eager for sensations that only the Sokovian had the authority to grant. 
Natasha reached for the light switch, drenching the room with artificial brightness that tore shades of cream from the pillowcases adorning the bed. Traces of you lingered across every expanse of space, the room no longer just theirs but yours. Yours to share gentle kisses concealed by darkness in. Yours to sing and dance in when rain pelted the widows and work had been forgotten. Yours to share these intimate moments. Yours. Just yours. 
Natasha tilted her head toward the closet, a space you had grown familiar with for more than just the necessity of needing an outfit in the morning. Your hands reached for the black case that you knew held instruments and toys for a scene like this, but you were stopped before your fingers could ghost against the smooth material. Instead, the Russian reached toward a shelf above the racks of suits and dresses, grabbing a red leather briefcase bound securely by a silver combination lock. Natasha placed it on one of the lesser occupied shelves, her fingers working at the black engraved digits with a practiced ease. 
Despite the submission that you had seen from Natasha minutes prior, she looked down at you with dominance that was familiar and welcomed. Her voice was stern as she spoke to you quietly, not even sparing a glance at the lock that she continued to work open. “We don’t want you in this case unless we tell you. What’s in here is not for you to be playing around with. The combination is our birthdays, I trust that you won’t go snooping around where you don’t belong without permission.” 
“Okay.” You whispered a response, finding that you were practically incapable of speaking at any other volume, entirely consumed with the weight of their presence and not wanting to disturb it. “Natty?” You peered up at your dominant, knowing that tonight was about her but unable to clear the lingering bliss in your head as you looked at her with nothing but sheer admiration. 
“Yes, dorogaya?” Natasha smiled at you softly, her hand reaching to cup your cheek though the tips of her fingers were chilled slightly from the metal she’d been grasping at. You didn’t shy away, leaning into her touch as she let herself be consumed with only you, not the promise of being tied to the bed and fucked into oblivion. “You still okay with watching? Neither of us are going to be upset if you need to leave. Wanda and I don’t have the same rules as we do with you.” 
You shook your head adamantly, wanting her to understand that their hot and heavy dynamic was not the cause of your soft question. “I’m okay. Just wanted to say I love you.” 
Natasha smiled, kissing you softly in the dimly lit closet. The only light that penetrated the space came from the bedroom, but you didn’t need additional light to see the affection in her eyes. “I love you too.” She murmured against your lips, but as quickly as your sacred moment had come, it fell away and your attention was on the case that Natasha pulled open with eager fingers. 
The case, although small, held toys and items that made your eyes bulge and your belly quiver. A collection of knives wrapped pristinely in thick black leather occupied a small fraction of the briefcase, beside it three half melted candles with wicks the color of coal. A pink dildo with a suction cup attachment at the base caught your attention, wondering why it had been displaced from the rest of the dildo’s and strap-ons that the slavic women owned. You didn’t recognize anything else in the case; a bundle of rope that you assumed would be used to restrain Natasha, multiple thin link chain attachments, and an instrument that almost resembled a pizza cutter but the blade was prickled with sharp nubs that looked rather dull. Your eyes searched for Natasha’s, but she was busy rummaging through the case for something unspoken about. Your breathing shuddered when she collected a small bottle of lube in her hands, passing it over to you with a wink. 
She grabbed the dildo and the rope next, closing the case just as quickly as she had opened it although the seconds it took her to find the objects she wanted felt like agonizing minutes. Her eyes, submissive and hazy, found yours in the dimly light brightness of the closer, a soft incline of her head pointing in the direction of the bedroom. “Come on.” You nodded jerkily, following her back into the master bedroom where Wanda’s presence still lacked to be. 
Natasha didn’t head for the bed like you’d been expecting, she headed for the single chair in the corner of the room that had never seen an ounce of attention from the women who preferred to hang around in the living room where sunlight bled in at every angle. You gasped when she stuck the dildo to the seat of the chair, almost a grimace in her face when she turned to look back at you. Although she proceeded to explain what Wanda expected of you, there was no need for an explanation. The bottle of lube in your hands wasn’t for her, it was for you. Another rush of excitement sparked in your belly like connecting live wires, and you barely concealed your whine when Natasha began to strip out of her clothes, leaving them in pristine piles on the nightstand. The lace panties were the last to leave her body, deep red and thin as they slipped down her legs and pooled at her feet with glistening wetness visible across the center. You swallowed thickly, eyes caught on the sight of her core that, although mostly concealed by thighs that you wanted around your head, glimmered distinctly beneath the overhead light. 
Your eyes trailed upward, drinking in the sight of her tensing abs that had only been so prominent last summer; the summer you arranged to be her submissive. Natasha found it easier to work out in the summer, when the weather was inviting and the workload lulled. Her hours spent in the home gym hadn’t been in vain, and the ripples in her muscles held your attention for longer then they should have. You didn’t want to pull your eyes away from her chest, where the sienna color of her breasts became rosy at her nipples that were pebbled and eager for stimulation. Another shuddering breath slipped into the space, but as easily as you’d lost your composure Natasaha was strapping you back into it and handing you the rope. 
She laid starfish on the bed, her swollen and glistening core fully in sight as her thighs spread to allow access to whoever pleased to touch her first. Wanda had said nothing about binding her legs, and the almost silky rose in your hands wouldn’t reach to tether them down. Natasha, head thrown back against the pillows and red curls spilling across them, looked at you expectantly with intense green eyes. Never had this much control been placed on your shoulders, but you wouldn’t disappoint either one of them. Your thighs straddled Natasha’s waist, your chest falling in front of her face as she raised her arms and instructed you through the process of restraining her the way both she and Wanda liked. A whimper fell from your lips when Natasha leaned forward to mouth at your nipple through the thin t-shirt you wore, her hips grinding upwards and forcing sensations of pleasure through your core. You faltered on top of her, panting for breath as you tried to keep your attention on the ties you were making across her wrists, though it proved difficult when her teeth settled firmly around your nipple and tugged. 
“N-Nat.” You whined, hips rocking with their own intention as you dropped your hands to the pillows and let yourself enjoy a single moment of the pleasure she was provoking. Your clit throbbed, your panties are drenched and clinging to your core. You were certain that if Wanda chose this moment to come up the stairs, the sight of you would be painfully erotic. Natasha fully naked, you fully clothed, hips grinding and thrusting and broken moans of pleasure echoing off otherwise silent walls. She could destroy you even beneath you and partially immobile, you were no longer blind to that fact. “S-Stop.” As much as you didn’t want her to, you weren’t sent upstairs to give pleasure and earn pleasure, and the thought of Wanda having a reason to punish the both of you was not a fire you wanted to start at the moment. 
Natasha did stop, but she hummed in disappointment as her head fell back against the pillows, framed by your wrists and hands that still braced the majority of your weight. The knots around her wrists were as good as you would be able to get them without any further instruction, but you had no idea if they were good enough for Wanda’s standards. You didn’t have the opportunity to dwell on the potential failure, able to hear the door sliding against the track and the softness of Wanda’s voice as she told Fanny and Lucky to stay. 
“Do they feel okay?” You checked in softly, peering down between your arms to assure that her face gave no indication of discomfort. The Russian didn’t respond, instead pulling at her arms and humming something that was inaudible with her teeth grinded together and lips pursed tight. “Nat, I need you to tell me if they feel okay.” There was panic in your voice that pulled Natasha back into the moment, eyes searching yours before she realized that the soft sounds Wanda made as her feet braced the hardwood were growing closer and closer. Her footsteps weren’t yet on the stairs that led to the room you occupied, but close enough to remind you both of how you weren’t in the positions she’d requested. 
“They’re perfect, detka.” Natasha smiled encouragingly, bucking her hips beneath you once more, though this time the action was a reminder to shuffle off of her and settle yourself on the fuschia toy that was admittedly an eyesore within the neutral toned room. Your clothes came off in sloppy movements, not folded neatly like Natasha’s as they piled onto the floor and became wrinkled. The bottle of lube was unneeded with the thick ropes of arousal that clung to your inner thighs, a whine ripping from the back of your throat as you eased yourself onto the toy but forced your hips to remain still, not having Wanda’s permission to ride it just yet. You felt exceedingly full, each groove amongst the shaft pushing against the sensitive interior of your tight channel. Your eyes fluttered closed when you sucked in a breath, jostling your body just enough to earn a sweet sensation of pleasure within your velvet walls. Your eyes had been closed when Wanda entered, but they snapped open at the sound of Natasha mewling on the bed. 
When your eyes found the Sokovian, she was leaning overtop of Natasha, both knees digging into the mattress beneath her though it barely sunk with her additional weight. Her fingers were adored with glimmering rings like they always were, though now they threaded into the intricate knots you had made with the beige colored rope and pulled tightly. She hummed her satisfaction when she found nothing wrong with the structure of the ties, juniper eyes searching for yours as she smiled proudly. 
“Good job, little duckling.” She praised sweetly, though the words dripped with danger as she possessed that same glint of passion in her eyes that had appeared beneath the sunset. “I didn’t know my sweet girl would be so skilled at tying her Daddy up.” Your core pulsed around the toy in your core, wetness seeping into the smooth faux leather beneath you. A whimper fell off your lips before you could keep it in, and Wanda’s lips twinged into a smile of fake sympathy. “I bet that pussy’s so full, malyshka. Why don’t you tell Natalia how good you feel, this poor little pussys aching for the same treatment. Isn’t that right, slut?” You gaped at the resounding slap that echoed off Wanda’s palm as she let her hand fall across the Russian’s hot cunt, wetness glistening beneath the light as the Sokovian pulled her hand back to inspect, toying with the arousal that remained on the expanse of her tinted pink skin. “So wet. Did you enjoy having your little girl tie you up, Natalia?” 
Natasha moaned desperately, her hips chasing after Wanda’s hand that wasn’t willing to repeat the former action. Her head bobbed against the pillows, curls becoming frizzy and wild from the frantic  nod that became the only answer she provided. Wanda, seemingly satisfied with Natasha’s chosen silence, turned her gaze back to you, the demand to share your experience heavy in the silence.
Your cheeks, pink and flush, became hotter at the premise of vocalizing the sensations that were admittedly dull with lack of any major movement. “You’ll learn very quickly that I do not ask twice, milaya. Use your words before you earn the same rules as Natalia.” You didn’t know Natasha’s rules, they’d never been discussed, but her silence was enough to guess that she wasn’t allowed to speak without permission. 
“It feels g-good. I feel so full, N-Nat.” You cried out, hips twitching for movement that you wouldn’t allow. However short your explanation was, Wanda seemed pleased as she turned her attention to Natasha, who up until this point, had received the bare minimum. 
Wanda’s fingers sought out Natasha’s nipples, and although yours remained untouched and entirely fine, you winced at the force behind her synchronous tugs. Natasha’s back arched off the bed and into Wanda’s hands, either an attempt to seek more or to lessen the sting entirely. The wanton moans that fell past her lips like a symphony were indicative of the pleasure the action had provided, and although her legs weren’t bound, you didn’t miss the twitch of her muscles as she strained to remain still. 
Your core pleaded for more, walls fluttering around the intrusion of the toy that you hadn’t quite gotten used to yet. The stretch felt intimidating, and so eagerly you wanted to bring your hips upward only to sink back down and accept the presence again. Your nails dug into the arms of the chair, knuckles white from the strength of your grip. Across the room, Wanda was tongue deep in Natasha’s mouth, the only sounds that existed around them being the wet smacks of lips losing suction and gasped breaths. Natasha, with her hands bound, fought against the restraints trying to reach out and touch Wanda, but her efforts failed each time she pulled, the knots unwilling to loosen enough for her hands to slip through. Wanda pulled away with a pleased hum, her fingers back at Natasha’s nipples as she twisted them harshly in tune with the other. 
“Please.” Natasha cried out, writhing on the bed as her legs closed tightly, slick thighs rubbing together in an attempt to bring even an ounce of pleasure over her desperate body. Wanda wasn’t pleased by her efforts, hearing the slap land on Natasha’s cheek before you could process seeing it. Wanda was quick, efficient and cruel, but Natasha wasn’t backing down. The lawyer wriggled and thrashed on the bed, a symphony of Russian falling off her tongue as she kept her eyes wide and on Wanda. 
“Do not make me remind you of the rules, Natalia.” Wanda growled lowly, her voice thick with traces of an accent that suited her well, but only worsened your fate as you tried not to let your restraint crumble, wanting desperately to be good for her. You whined on the chair in the corner of the room, unable to stop yourself as you watched Wanda strike Natasha a third time, the Russian a moaning mess beneath the Sokovian as her cheek took on the faintest handprint of pink. “Is there something you need, moya utenok?” 
“C-Can I– Please–” Your desperation had finally won over, and even without Wanda’s permission your hips grinded and thrashed against the leather beneath your thighs, guiding the dildo into that perfectly spongy part of your walls with ease. The sounds of your arousal were embarrassingly loud in the otherwise quiet room, and you could feel Natasha’s eyes on you as she laid stiff and still beneath Wanda. “Please?” 
Wanda hummed thoughtfully, but when she spoke, your blood ran cold with dread and shame. “It seems neither of you need my permission anymore.” She gave you a pointed glare, and your hips stuttered to a stop, no longer searching for pleasure as you shrunk beneath her glare. “Is that what you’d like, moya utenok? For Mommy to let you do whatever you please?” 
Frantically you shook your head, eyes wide and brimming with tears that had no reason to fall but gathered against your waterline anyway. You hated the mere idea of that ever happening, and you were in no mood to test the truth behind her implication. “No! No Mommy!” You pleaded with her, aware of how pitiful and distressed you sounded as your cries shattered the silence. Natasha, though still beneath the fog that had gathered at the forefront of her mind in the face of Wanda’s brutal ministrations, nudged her knee upward, shaking her head at Wanda when the attention fell back down to her. 
When Wanda’s eyes returned to you, they were softer, greener, filled with a gentle affection that had been impossible to find second earlier. “Do you want to ride the dildo, moya lyubov’?” Her voice was softer, kinder, taking on the tone she’d always devoted to you alone. It was a complete turn around from how she’d been addressing Natasha, but the presence of her accent hadn’t wavered. 
“Please Mommy!” You cried out, unsure of how many minutes you’d been impaled by the thick toy, but enough for the sun to have completely settled beneath the moon and taken its warmth with it. The window was open beyond the pulled curtains, a lingering breeze sweeping past your naked skin before it fell short of the bed where Wanda and Natasha remained entangled. The Sokovian’s hands were braced on the Russian’s abdomen, thighs around her waist squeezing tightly and restricting movement. 
“Go ahead, dorogaya. Let me hear those pretty sounds whilst I see how many edges my little slut can handle before she’s begging for mercy.” Wanda smiled eerily sweetly, casting her eyes back down to Natasha who was flush with arousal and the beginning of a grimace. “How many was it last time, hm? Ten?” 
“Eleven.” Natasha corrected, her eyes wide and pleading as she maintained eye contact with Wanda, her fingers twitching as she remained bound to the headboard that you’d thought was going to snap with the might of her struggles. “Wands, I want–” 
“I don’t care what you want, Natalia.” Wanda quipped before the rest of the sentence could ever exist outside of Natasha’s scrambled thoughts. The Russian nodded frantically, swallowing thickly in complete submission but even her reclaimed silence wasn’t enough to satisfy Wanda who pinched the skin of her thigh until she winced and moaned needily, entirely unmade and pliant to be shaped into something new; something a little bit like you. “What do I keep you around for?” 
“To please you.” Natasha’s voice was breathy and soft, the willingness to fight that had begun to swarm within her eyes that tinted a shade similar to evergreen entirely dismantled, replaced by a desire to submit without hesitance. 
“Dumb little sluts do not get to decide how I take my pleasure. Do not make me regret not gagging you.” Wanda scolded, and Natasha was eager to nod her head in understanding, whimpering into the near-silent room when her obedience was rewarded with a single finger circling her pebbled nipple. 
Your hips grinded against the dildo buried deep within your pussy, guiding it across your slick walls near perfectly each time. Wanda’s eyes were transfixed on Natasha, but every few minutes she glanced back at you, and when she did, you could only whimper. In the minutes that it had taken to accomplish such a satisfying pace, Wanda had eased her mouth down to the spot where Natasha needed her most, tongue not daring to be kind as it circled and flicked at the throbbing bundle of nerves that had pleaded for attention since the start. Shattering moans and whispered pleas fell off of Natasha’s tongue, but each time the Russian grew too close to the edge, Wanda pulled away and her hand slapped harshly against Natasha’s cunt. 
At the seventh edge, you’d never seen Natasha so beside herself. Pear shaped tears fell down her perfectly rosy cheeks and dampened the pillow cases when they eventually dripped off her unblemished skin and landed silently against the cotton covers. Her wrists had grown red from the relentless writhing and pulling, but her attention was solely on Wanda who offered no break. Three fingers worked the Russian open and scissored her wide, never fully pulling out before they slammed back into her at a pace so brutal it would be no surprise if she felt the aftermath for days. Your own orgasm was drawing closer as you watched Natasha submit and Wanda claim, and each snap of your hips only further invited it along. 
The eight edge had Natasha wailing, throwing her head back as her hips jerked upward and chased after Wanda. Like every time before, the Sokovian voiced no sympathy, and her hand came down heavy and punishing against the swollen skin that adorned ropes of arousal. Natasha yearned for more, her face begged for Wanda to repeat the simple action of slapping her cunt, but just like the seven times that had come before, her unspoken request was denied. 
“So pretty when you cry for me. Moya khoroshen'kaya malen'kaya shlyukha. Is that what you are? My pretty little whore?” Wanda teased cynically, juniper no longer a shade amongst the blackness of her eyes entirely dilated by lust adorned pupils. She looked entirely ravenous with her hair tousled and chin glimmering with Natasha’s arousal. 
“Y-Yes.” Natasha cried out desperately, her voice scratchy now as it reached your ears. Your hips continued to stutter against the dildo, but without permission to cum, you forced away the growing tension that pulled at every muscle in your belly and begged for relief. 
“Let me hear you say it.” Wanda pushed further, the tips of her fingers tracing the softest shapes into the slickness across Natasha’s inner thighs. 
There wasn’t an ounce of hesitation that crossed Natasha’s face before she was desperately crying out, “I’m your pretty little whore! P-Please Wanda! Please!” 
“So fucking desperate.” Wanda tutted, a single finger sweeping through Natasha’s folds, though she pointedly avoided the Russian clit that throbbed for even an ounce of attention. Wanda was off the bed in seconds, coming straight at you with her glistening finger outstretched. You didn’t need to ask what she wanted, leaning forward to accept the arousal soaked digit into your mouth with eyes as wide as saucers the second she was close enough. 
Wanda hummed, pleased with your desperation, a fond smile pulling at her lips. “Good girl, malyshka.” She groaned at the feeling of your tongue sucking her fingers clean, your tongue lapping across the expanse of her knuckles as she pressed against your tongue, not hard enough to force you to gag, but enough to make your brain fill with static pleasure. You jumped when hot breath tickled the sensitive skin of your neck, leaning into her despite your skin not yet touching. “I know you want to cum, sweet girl. You’ve been so good waiting for Mommy’s permission, I didn’t forget about you. You can cum whenever you want, but that’s it. You don’t need to keep up with Natalia.” Wanda whispered so softly against the shell of your ear you questioned if she was even real. The harshness that she had addressed you with before entirely dismantled. You leaned your forehead against her shoulder, panting as your hips hadn’t stilled on the toy saturated with your arousal. Although the dildo was suctioned to the chair, one of your hands forced it to remain at the perfect angle between your thighs, and each time you drove your hips against the toy, your clit caught on the knuckle of your thumb only spurring you further into a frenzied state as you chased the orgasm you were finally allowed to have. 
Wanda’s touch was gone far too soon, but your eyes traced her steps as she retreated back to Natasha. The redhead was beside herself as she wiggled and squirmed, chest heaving breaths that weren’t quite full. Wanda didn’t hesitate to restart her efforts at working Natasha toward relief, though this time she was much less graceful. Her fingers provoked squelching sounds from the tight cunt they occupied, her arousal coated tongue flicked unforgivingly and quick. Natasha looked like the rawest depiction of beauty as she cried out and whined, desperate to tangle her fingers into Wanda’s hair but to no avail did she succeed. 
It had taken you only minutes to reach a high that had your toes curling and your thighs trembling. Without the grip of either of your girlfriends steadying your hips as you came crashing through your orgasm, your body jerked and writhed for more and less simultaneously. A melodious whine fell off the tip of your tongue before it was overshadowed by a moan that had your lips vibrating at the reverberations. Every muscle in your body tensed before it became nothing but jelly, leaving you a heap of sweat and arousal on the chair suddenly feeling very naked and exposed before the rapidly cooling breeze that snuck in through the open window behind you. Natasha’s eyes were locked on you, her head turned toward the side as she took in the sight of your self-inflicted orgasm. In the year that you had been involved with the Russian, she’d never allowed such a thing. You’d nearly forgotten what it felt like to pleasure yourself in all the best ways, but that wasn’t really what happened anyways, you’d followed all of Wanda’s instructions, you’d waited for permission to fall over the edge, even without the touch of another, you’d never really been in control. 
Your peace was shattered by a sharp and exceedingly needy while falling off of Natasha’s lips, her gaze snapping back toward where Wanda was perched between her thighs as another orasgam ended before it even started. You almost felt bad, almost. Although you weren’t even able to imagine the kind of torment that came with being edged in the same room as your girlfriend that had permission to cum whenever she wanted, Natasha wanted this. It was hard to feel sympathy for a woman who walked herself into a trap and had been the very one to close the door. A smile splayed across your lips when Wanda slapped her cunt, and you couldn’t help the giggle that came soon after when Natasha rattled off the long list of curses she knew in English. Your orgasm had brought a new sense of clarity over your once hazy mind, and now the actions that had seemed so cruel and ruthless, merely resembled affection and mutual trust. Natasha was a strong woman, but she was seemingly a slut in the same breath.
Wanda’s eyes met yours, glimmering with something sharp as a smirk replaced the permanent thin line that sat on her lips whenever Natasha was the focus of her attention. There was amusement clear in her eyes, something twisted lingering beneath the surface that you longed to know the reason for. “You find something funny, malyshka?” 
Revived from the pliable state that you’d fallen beneath at the first instance of Wanda’s unfiltered dominance, your eyes lingering on Natasha’s face for barely a moment before you returned your gaze to Wanda and feigned perfect innocence. “Natty bit off more than she can chew.” You stated simply, aware of how you were betraying the woman that you yourself had bound to the bed, but more aware of the fact that Wanda seemed pleased with your admission. 
“That she did.” Wanda hummed, her fingers toying with Natasha’s sopping entrance that begged for more, but she wasn’t willing to give in. “Come here, my little duckling.” Wanda inclined her head toward where she was perched between Natasha’s thighs, and although your legs felt like jelly beneath you, you didn’t hesitate to comply with the demand. Your breath stuttered when the dildo finally slipped out of your pussy, the veiny grooves rubbing against every hypersensitive inch of your walls. None of the other dildos had such prominent veins, and although it was admittedly one of the smaller toys you’d taken since beginning a relationship with Wanda especially, you felt painfully empty without it inside of you. 
Your steps were wobbly and slow, reminiscent of Bambi if you remembered correctly, but Wanda was in no rush to have you at her side and so she waited with an encouraging smile on her arousal drenched lips. It was warmer beside the bed, that was the first thing you noticed when you’d finally reached where Wanda laid. The wind didn’t dip so far into the room that Natasha felt the chill cold, yet you wondered the response she’d have to being encased by the soft breeze. She was responsive as it is, a shift in temperature was certain to have her mewling for something that wasn’t allowed just yet. 
“Since you find Natalia’s position so funny, detka, I want you to edge her while I ride her face.” Wanda smirked, and suddenly you weren’t finding Natasha’s position so funny anymore. Being allowed to eat either one of them out was the ultimate privilege, something you almost always had to beg for, but now it was being offered without bait, yet it came with a price that felt too steep to pay. Having to deny Natasha an orgasm sounded absolutely horrible. All you ever wanted to do was make her cum quickly and effectively. Wanda was aware of how eager you always seemed to be at the proposition of feeling either of their orgasms on your tongue, and either she’d forgotten that, or she didn’t care at all. 
“But– Wanda!” You whined, desperately hoping that you’d change her mind, but you knew the reality of your situation; either you got on your knees and complied with her request, or she carried on doing it herself. No matter your decision, no matter if it was your tongue or hers, Natasha wasn’t seeing an orgasm until she’d surpassed her last record. 
“Not so funny now is it, milaya?” Wanda grinned like the cheshire cat, and you properly felt like a scolded child beneath her wild stare. You shook your head adamantly at the question, a smile no longer ghosting across your bitten lips as you looked between her and Natasha’s pink and swollen cunt. It was properly abused, fucked out and dripping onto the sheets yet still begging for more of what she wasn’t yet allowed. “What’s your choice, utenok? My little sluts running out of patience.” Her word was true. Natasha looked ready to crumble at any minute, her eyes bouncing between you and Wanda with nothing but desperation in her heavy gaze. 
“Do I have to edge her?” You whispered timidly, looking pleadingly up at the Sokovian. Wanda didn’t respond, merely quirked an expectant eyebrow down at you and shifted her position. You sighed, shoving her out of the way in a manner that was less than graceful, but thankfully it went unreprimanded. 
“Good choice.” Wanda hummed, already standing beside the bed and stripping eagerly out of her clothes. Her skin was tinted with lingering traces of the sun, thin lines adorning her shoulders from where bathing suits had forbidden the kiss of daylight. She looked entirely ethereal as she shimmied out of her own black panties, letting them pool around her ankles for merely a moment before she kicked them away and took her place overtop of Natasha. Her thighs framed the Russian’s face, individual freckles adorning her shins and thighs begging to be kissed and fawned over, but no such thing would happen tonight. With a sharp request for Natasha to stick her tongue out, she sank herself lower and lower until her pussy made contact with the hot and ready muscle. “I’ll tell you what, moya lyubov’,” Wanda began, a cynical smirk on her lips as she grinded her hips against Natasha’s face, dampening the flush skin with her arousal. “if you can get Natalia close with only your fingers, I’ll allow her to cum when I do. If you can’t, we add four more edges.” 
“B-But I want to taste her!” You cried out, looking at Wanda with wild eyes that begged her to fold, but she wouldn’t. This was the kindest she’d been all evening and yet it was still so painfully cruel. 
“Well that’s a shame, sweetheart.” Wanda pouted, but her words were anything but sincere as she rocked against Natasha’s tongue and drug her clit against the textured surface, falling into bliss the longer she kept up with her ministrations. 
You whined, settling on just using your fingers, not able to bring yourself to edge Natasha even further, or at all. Even if she was merely your girlfriend in this moment, all you ever wanted to do was cause pleasure, not be the one to take it away. Your fingers brushed through her folds gently, but Natasha still flinched away and tried to close her thighs. Your body between her legs forbade her from doing so, leaving her entrance easily accessible. You winced yourself, knowing that your fingers were frigid against her hot and worked up cunt, but you didn’t give her the chance to grow accustomed to the feeling. Wanda wasn’t slowing down, and you knew she’d be cruel enough to force you to stop if she were to cum before Natasha grew close. You set a brutal pace, not sparing pleasantries like you’d typically do. Your fingers curled against the softest spot of Natasha’s walls the way you knew she enjoyed, and you committed the sound of her squelching pussy to memory. You’d seen her wet before, you’d gotten her wet before, but you’d never taken the time to unravel her the way Wanda had. She was properly soaked, sheets drenched and darkened beneath her trembling thighs. 
The pad of your thumb found her clit when her walls tightened around your fingers, rubbing skilled circles against the sensitive bud that begged for release you hoped you could provide in time. You didn’t offer praises, didn’t let encouragement slip into the silence filled by only Wanda’s moans as hers became muffled against the cunt riding her face. You were certain they’d fall on deaf ears at this point, entirely positive that Natasha was too far gone into Wanda to even hear you utter her name. Instead, you encouraged her with the pressure of your thumb against her clit and the punishing speed at which you pumped your fingers in and out of her cunt. You had her right on the edge, right at the point of coming apart completely, but Wanda wasn’t close. In your overzealous attempt to match the pace in which the Sokovian had set, you walked not only you, but Natasha into a trap. 
“Stop.” Wanda demanded, and you had no choice but to comply, your fingers coming to a halting stop within Natasha’s cunt that was so desperate for something sweet. You whimpered at the feeling of Natasha’s velvety walls fluttering around your fingers, her clit throbbing beneath your thumb as her hips squirmed wildly on the bed. There was no way you’d be sleeping here tonight, not with Wanda’s insurance that you never sleep on sheets that aren’t perfectly clean. “I’ll give you another chance, moya lyubov’, do not let it go to waste again.” Your eyes snapped up to hers, unsure of whether it was yet another game she was playing, but when her head tilted the the side and her lips pursed, whether it was to hold back her own moans or to intimidate you, you weren’t entirely sure, you knew she wasn’t. 
You nodded frantically, all attempts to get Natasha to the edge resuming, and it wasn’t a hard feat. The Russian was sensitive, so slick your fingers had almost slipped out, but she was already climbing that hill of pleasure again beneath your thumb and around your fingers. It took seconds, mere seconds to have her at that perfect place again, but unlike the last attempt, Wanda was right along with her. The Sokovian moaned as her head fell backward and her hips stuttered, Natasha’s binded hands unable to provide support like she otherwise would’ve. You didn’t wait for permission to fall from Wanda’s lips between her broken moans and breaths, tripling the efforts you’d already set in place to get Natasha thrown off that cliff and into bliss. Your tongue found her clit the second she toppled over, soothing the harsh sensations that you’d previously provided. You moaned at the first taste of her on your tongue, licking and sucking at every expanse of sensitive skin until she was writhing beneath you for an entirely separate reason. 
Your fingers fell away from her cunt at the first indication of oversensitivity, but your tongue kept up its pace, licking her out until you were certain that not an ounce of arousal clung to her skin anymore. That wasn’t enough for you however, and your tongue lapped at the arousal that dampened her thighs, licking it away with eager swipes. At some point, Wanda had eased herself off of Natasha’s face and had begun to undo the binding around her wrists, but you hadn’t realized the Russian was free of her restraints until calloused hands gently reached for your face and pulled you up to see her eye to eye. 
You looked absolutely ravaged with her arousal clinging to your chin and lips, and a blush across your cheeks from your own orgasm. Eagerly you crawled up onto the bed fully, only faintly aware of the ache in your knees and back from the position you’d been laid in as you unraveled her completely. You straddled her lap when she guided you into doing so, your arms twisting around her neck before you dug your face into her shoulder, hiding away from the light. 
“What can I do for you?” You asked softly, voice muffled by her shoulder but she’d understood you perfectly, her hand coming up to stroke along the back of your head as she held you in place. You were vaguely aware of Wanda walking back into the closet, but you didn’t question what she was searching for, content to just be back in Natasha’s arms.  
“Just let me hold you, malyshka. You did such a good job for us.” She praised you quietly, her voice scratchy and raw from the hours of screaming she’d done. You hadn’t realized how much time had slipped away since she’d guided you into the closet by your hand, but the clock on the nightstand hadn’t lied to you yet, and the illuminated numbers indicated that two hours had been devoted to breaking Natasha down. 
“I should be telling you that.” You huffed, curing further into her body, desperate to encase yourself in her warmth. Natasha didn’t mind, letting you curl around her like a little koala as she held you sweetly in the center of the bed. “I never wanna edge you again.” You mumbled against her neck, turning your head so you were pressed directly against her, your soft breaths tickling the sensitive skin of her ear. 
Natasha laughed at your admission, and a gentle finger guided your chin up so your eyes could meet fully and properly for the first time in hours. “You ever edge me again, your ass will be over my lap before you can even say your sorry.” There was no bite to her words, but you never wanted to find out if she was being serious, so you merely nodded quickly in response. “I know Wanda scared you earlier. She gets lost in her head sometimes, she didn’t mean it.” Natasha soothed, but you’d already figured that her words from hours ago weren’t honest. They’d assured you at least a hundred times that the only way you were ever getting away from them, is if it was your own carefully thought over decision. 
“I know.” You whispered, leaning in to brush your lips against Natasha’s in a soft kiss. It was the softest touch she’d felt in hours, and eagerly she leaned into it, giggling at the taste of her own arousal when your tongue brushed against hers. “Ya tebya lyublyu.” You murmured against her, giggling when her lips curled into a grin and she peppered kisses across every inch of your face that she could reach in this position.
“Ya tozhe tabya lyublyu.” She mumbled back, her eyes dancing behind you when Wanda reappeared from the closet. You settled against Natasha’s chest, not wanting to leave her embrace anytime soon, and it didn’t feel like she wanted to let go either. Your eyes fell upon Wanda, who at some point, had thrown a t-shirt on and tied her hair back up into its once occupied messy bun. You made grabby hands at the woman, an action that you had recently learned she could never deny. 
“Privet, moy sladkiy malysh.” Wanda smiled fondly, coming to join both you and Natasha in the mess of sheets. You hadn’t noticed the clothes in her hand before, but you watched as she sat two t-shirts down on the pillow cases that were still damp from Natasha’s tears, and a bottle of cooling lotion quickly joined the pile. She snuggled close against Natasha’s side, her fingers tangling into the Russian’s hair in the same soft and tender way you’d grown accustomed to. “What do you need, Natty?” She asked softly but received the same answer that you had, Natasha just wanting the both of you close for a while. 
Wanda sighed softly, already beginning to detangle herself from Natasha’s arms. “Let me put lotion on your wrists, then I’ll give you both all the cuddles.” 
Natasha groaned, her stubborn attitude already peaking through the surface level haze that twinkled within her eyes. “They don’t even hurt that bad, let me hold you.” 
“You say that every time, and every time I listen to you, you make me get out of bed at three in the morning.” Wanda rolled her eyes, but affection was clear as day in her tone as she didn’t fight the smile that tugged at the corners of her lips. “Hug your duckling, she deserves some cuddles for being such a good girl.” Wanda winked at you, and you blushed beneath her smothered praise, hiding your face in Natasha’s chest much to both of their amusement. 
“The best girl.” Natasha pressed a kiss into the top of your head, her lips lingering for longer than necessary, though you weren’t complaining. You settled against her chest, watching Wanda unscrew the cap on the lotion and squeeze a generous amount onto the palm of her hands. Tentatively, you reached your own hand out, wanting to help ease Natasha’s pain in any way possible. Wanda didn’t question your action, squeezing the tiniest pea sized dollop onto your fingers and instructing you to be soft, but make sure that it was all evenly applied. 
Natasha gazed down at you with tender softness in her eyes as you gently took her wrist into your hands and rubbed in the lotion. She couldn’t help the tears that glimmered in her waterline as you eased yourself into her aftercare routine without hesitation, just another part of their life that you so easily integrated into. You beamed up at Wanda when you were done, giggling when the Sokovian kissed the tip of your nose and praised you softly. 
It wasn’t until you heard Lucky bark through the open window that you remembered about the dogs that were still outside and probably hungry by now, the sun having faded into darkness hours ago. You looked between Wanda and Natasha, a crease in your brow as you asked, “Um, do we even have dog food?” 
malen'kaya shlyushka – little slut
ya khochu, chtoby utenok byl na rozovom remeshke, kogda ya priyedu tuda. – i want the duckling on the pink strap by time i come in
privet, moy sladkiy malysh – hi, my sweet baby
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dweeb-central · 1 year ago
yuu cooked too much ft. heartlabyul, floyd, malleus, & ruggie
guys i entered a fugue state & wrote angst?? hcs
mc is used to cooking for a big family & accidentally mistakes recipe proportions, leaving them w way too much food. scenarios of them asking diff twst boys if they'd want some, mentioning why. a bit downtrodden with no family to share it with...
trey, cater, riddle... are touched. trey & cater both have big families, & their eyes soften at the mention of yours. trey especially empathizes with you, before he began cooking and baking for the majority of his dorm he cooked & baked for his family. he identifies with the habits of buying groceries in bulk & the need to keep the house stocked with anything five or more people could ever need (just in case). cater's interested to see what kinds of foods you'll cook. make him something from your heritage! he'll magicam it <3 or just save the memory in a photograph if you'd prefer. he'd love to listen to you talk about recipes & regional preferences & tastes. that goes for riddle too! his mom kept him on a strict diet for his childhood, but now that he's got the opportunity he'd love to learn about your heritage & culture! as he grows more outgoing he's learned more about the cultures of his peers & he'd probably be one of the most qualified (& excited) to answer any questions or point out any similarities with twisted wonderland cultures.
floyd... blinks his big wide eyes once, twice, & then launches himself towards you to wrap his arms tight & pick up straight up off the ground. "awwww, shrimpy misses their troupe! shrimpy's aaalways welcome to bring me dinner! we can play house!! i'll be the dad, you'll be the mom, azul will be our baby, and jade... he can be the dog and go play outside or something." ('- , -) you better stop him before he gets ahead of himself. least likely of octavinelle to bother you about selling the recipe to azul ((he'll give you a cut of the profits!)). still makes you cook in the mostro lounge kitchen, but only because he wants you to grow to feel more at home with him & in an environment he's used to... that way when he gets serious about his & shrimpy's relationship....
the adeuce duo... both go... quiet, at the mention of your past. it wasn't something you avoided talking about when you were reminded of something relevant, or things you enjoyed or saw, but... you don't talk much about your family. they don't ask much about your family. deuce feels a twinge of guilt—he doesn't shy away from talking about his mom, & he loves her too dearly to be ashamed or shy. he wonders if they make you feel as loved as his does. ace wonders if he should ask you about them more often. he's not exactly shy about his own family, but he doesn't exactly ever seek to bring them up in idle conversation. he wonders what your siblings are like. they give each other a resolved look above your head when you're not looking, & now they regularly (as much as they can) come over for dinners at ramshackle! if you're comfortable with it, they invite all the first years too. you hope they feel as familiar & familial to you as you feel for them. they hope you know they do.
malleus... feels a twinge in the back of his throat—maybe behind his eyes? his truest friend feels alone, something he recognizes deeply. he hasn't lost anyone close to him like that—at least, he doesn't feel like it. his lonely was a different sort, where he's never really known family like you have. but, he considers, maybe no one at this school has had to sacrifice more than his prefect. he wonders what dinners were like with that many, & you tell him. the bickering, the debates, the movie nights & commentaries, the nights spent making s'mores(?) over the fireplace. he wants dinners like that with you. you invite him to.
ruggie... might invite you to spend some time over with his family. not immediately, no way, but the thought lingered in his head long enough for his throat to burn with the words (& his cheeks to burn in embarassment). in reality, he grins a big wide grin & laughs his mischeivous little laugh. "i'll NEVER say no to free food. feel free to keep it coming! shehehe." he ends up coming over to help you cook a few times a month. it's a good excuse to spend time with you over a dinner he knows was cooked with love.
i had to google what a group of shrimp is called lol. could've actually been troupe OR run OR colony. i wonder if it's ooc that floyd knows this.... i mean, he is a fish man, so 🤷
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trashland-llamas · 6 months ago
Fork in the Road
x gn reader
Plot bunny/ramble based off the one Cells! At Work episode where the rbc tries to navigate the circulatory system & wbc follows her, making sure it goes well. Instead it’s the batfam w/ their vigilante identities and Reader.
Reader who tends to be easily taken advantage of by Gotham locals, what with being a transplant to the area. But one day they decide they want to learn how to navigate the city, as in go through all the train and subways lines. And then at the end, figure their way back home. It starts with Dick in Bludhaven, riding on top of the train in his Nightwing attire with a clear view of Reader sitting in an aisle seat. Showing their ticket to the conductor, smooth sailing ahead. He’s noticed by a few Gothamites who just hope that his presence doesn’t make them late to work.
‘You’re being a creep. I don’t know how Reader hasn’t spotted you.’ Jason tells him, coming to take the next shift as they had started to encroach on Jason’s patrol territory. ‘I just want to keep them safe.’ Once again, everything goes well as the ghost that was the Red Hood lurking close by. No one dared bother Reader with their scary guard dog privilege equipped. They get spun around a few times and Jason has to stop himself from helping or comforting them. Dick strictly said they only could if it was life or death. So he instead watches from the shadows as Reader pulls out their phone and successfully corrects course. ‘Tag, you’re it.’ Is all he says to Damian after exiting the subway.
Damian helps them get to the edges of the city so Tim can then do the dutiful job of supervising them on their way back to the center. Damian isn't nearly as watchful as Jason or Dick. Oddly defending their choice. Getting into an argument over the phone with the others, 'You all told them to be more self-sufficient. That's why we taught them self defense. For fucks sake, have a little more faith in them.' Hanging up, he places a tracker on their backpack. A last ditch effort in case they did end up lost and unable to find their way back. At the very least to keep his brothers from breathing down his neck.
Tim has the easiest job as Reader's able to apply everything they've learned up to that point. He's not even dressed in his usual Robin attire when he walks straight up to them. The weekly family dinner taking place at the manor and Bruce told them to invite Reader. An invitation that they had agreed to, dressing casual. It wasn't a gala, they reasoned. The duo is two stops away from their destination. Making light conversation, 'heading to the manor?'
'Oh, hey Tim.' While it wasn't out of the norm for him to take public transport, he was a known figure. Wouldn't it be better to travel via Bruce's private car? 'Having a good day so far?' Reader lets out a long 'eh' sound, exhausted by their travels. But ends up yapping all about their adventure into the city. Tim perfectly acts as if he hadn't been following them for the past few hours. By the time they finish, they're at the manor's door with Alfred to greet them. They happily sigh at the thought of a nice, hot meal surrounded by familiar company.
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deckedcards · 7 days ago
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──── PROLOUGE 𓈒 𓈒 𓈒 (name) kusuo, psychic teen! I JUST WANT ONE NORMAL DAY !!
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⌗ SUMMARY: (name) kusuo, a psychic teenager born into a world filled with “normal” people has the desire to live an ordinary life by keeping their abilities a secret. however, even with the attempts of doing so, their patience is constantly being tested everyday by their abnormal classmates and unusual surroundings leading them to use said quirk.
⌗ THIS WORK INCLUDES . . . lowercase intended, mixed pov(s), gender neutral!reader, saiki kusuo!reader, sfw, crack, comedy, a bunch of dumb stuff, not super serious, fluff, teenage!reader, platonic relationships, romantic relationships ( but there’s no actual love interest(s) for reader ), original characters, supernatural elements && themes, semi-inspired scenes that follow the story of the anime/manga along with the live action, light swearing, whatever the fanfic equivalent of fourth wall breaking is, reader gets called “kusuo” but (name) is still regularly used, fixed grammar and wording mistakes ❨ edited ❩
“italics” is reader speaking telepathically
Ψ — masterlist ╱ next
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━━━━ CHATTER FILLED the classroom once students heard the final bell ring, various amounts of teenagers flood the halls eager to get home as they talked with their friends. quickly stopping at the lockers near the front to change their mandatory shoes into regular ones as they left.
steady steps clicked against the floor, the stoicism of someone’s expression didn’t change; various amounts of loud conversations filling their head. lips set into a straight line heading towards a specific scenario happening near them, blinking a few times hearing it play out—
“such a cute dog!”
a man exclaimed approaching a random woman walking her canine, gushing and cooing in adoration at it. seamlessly flirting with the owner at the same time; using a pet to get closer to a girl, such a cliché prompt used in every romantic media. “i’m a huge dog lover!”
his thoughts said differently, ‘this dog stinks! i’m way more into girls, wonder how long i’ll have to fake it till’ i get her number..?’
the dog barked wiggling out of the man’s grasp, running away from the two towards the street. “ah, pochimi?! come back! pochimi!” the owner yelled following after it, her eyes widened hearing the sound of tires squeaking as she saw a white van slowly inching closer. “POCHIMI!!”
like magic, the vehicle lifted up into air, avoiding said dog before plopping back down into the direction it was headed; both being stunned, watching it drive away like nothing happened. the man walked up to the woman with shock covering his face, words barely leaving him, gaze still stuck on what happened prior—“that van just… flew didn’t it?”
“it did..”
a teenager with (color) hair walked past them, digging the hand they used to raise the van back into the pockets of their school uniform, not taking mind of the duo since they were more focused on going home anyways. it was the start of summer break, which meant they’d have more time to spend with themselves and not worry about their classemates.
don’t worry too much about it, they’re just not the biggest people person. for someone like them, being alone is something they barely get to experience.
‘my name is (name) kusuo, and i was born with psychic superpowers.’
sixteen years ago, an ordinary couple gave birth to a not-so ordinary baby. when i was ten days old, i was already able to speak in complete sentences — without using my voice. soon afterwards, i started walking when i was one month old — in the air. and when i was a year old, i ran my first errands by helping my mom with ‘groceries.’
you’d think with how weird all of this was, my parents would be worried — but, my folks are kinda weird themselves. my parents are two obsessive lovebirds who compliment each other at every given moment, along with choosing to take everything in stride; including me and my powers. and my b— well. actually, we haven’t gotten to that yet. you’ll just have to wait and see for how long this story goes on for.
i became the person described now, a high school student attending pk academy. as you read in the previous paragraphs, i still have my abilities—and they’ve only gotten stronger as the years passed. the ability to bend spoons at will, reading cards that are faced down during solitaire, plus being able to win tons of money whenever i gamble.
surely, this life sounds like a dream; someone who was blessed with everything perfect from the moment of their birth. that’s what you think, right?
what a joke.
i’m the world’s most unhappiest person to exist. so what, if i was born with abilities no normal individual can have? that doesn’t automatically mean i’m glad to have them. this power makes me incapable of experiencing anything regular.
the feeling of achievement after accomplishing something through hard work and celebrating with happiness, any type of romance scenario, and being shocked after your friends throw a surprise party for your birthday. i have nothing! these powers are more of a curse than a gift.
sure i don’t get sad or angry about it, but that only means there’s no thrill or joy happening in my life. even with this, i try to look on the bright side of things, having none of this means no drama and i get to have a peaceful lif──
“kusuo! welcome home my lovely child! heh… do you mind helping out your pops for a sec?”
a middle-aged man stood up from his crouching position infront of (name)’s house the moment he saw them approaching. his eyes glittered as small bits of nervous sweat dripped from his forehead, readjusting the glasses on his nose; (name) kaori, obviously if you couldn’t tell with the similarities of last name, he’s (name)’s father.
(name) internally sighed, brows furrowing with annoyance realizing the situation. “good grief. don’t tell me you got locked out, again?”
“i got locked out again…”
their father whispered with slight cracks in his tone, slouching in sorrow as he pointed his finger towards the door. pursing their lips — (name) tossed their school bag to him, opening the gate of their home and walking to the front; right hand hovering over the handle with focus, white sparks illuminating around it with hair sticking up at the sense of breeze passing through them.
a soft click was heard, indicating the door unlocking from the inside. (name) twisted the handle showing to their father that it was open as he thanked them with golden stars clouding his pupils. “y’know, i love those psychic powers of yours—they’re just so sneaky, aha!”
“don’t call them sneaky.”
“kusuo, with those kind of powers, think of all the stuff you could do..”
“keep those weird thoughts to yourself, dad.”
“ku, is that you? you’re back!” a feminine voice called out to them, making their father gasp and stiffen. he threw the crumbled bag into (name)’s chest—rushing into the house as fast as he could, making himself slightly blurry as he left (name) on their own.
‘that’s one thing in my life that isn’t as peaceful as i wish it was.’
entering the house, the sounds of arguing filled their ears. moving to the kitchen, catching the sight of their father fighting with their mother — (name) kanami — who had a peaceful look on her face. posture straightening as she caught sight of her beloved child, ignoring the man yelling at her for changing the locks on him, again.
“i hope you’re hungry ku ku, i’m making you breaded pork chops for din din!”
“hang on, now you’re choosing to ignore me?! besides, i told you i wanted steak for dinner!”
“oh, i’m sorry! i seem to have forgotten but if you want, i can boil you a leather shoe instead! since that seems to be something you enjoy.”
that would be my parents current relationship. i’m not really sure what happened with them, they used to be so admirable towards each other and now they hate it if one of them even breathes the wrong way. guess that’s just how marriage works, you can’t always be able to tolerate the person you’ve decided to spend the rest of your life with.
“dig in guys, i made a ton!”
(name) entered pieces of rice inside their mouth, the chopsticks in their hands dwindling between their fingers at every bite. the smell of pork mixed with burnt leather went through their nostrils as they stared blankly at their father and the cooked shoe on his plate, not stopping their chewing at was happening. “hey… hey! hey?! HEY!!”
their father slammed his hands on the table, pointing at his ‘meal’ with confusion in his cries, eyeing his wife—the smile she had never faltering as she looked over at (name). pressing her hands together near her face with coos, “is it good, ku? i’ll be happy to give you more if you’d like!”
“why can’t i get what they have?!” kaori questioned, mouth agape shaking the platter in his hands infront of kanami’s face. “oh honey, would you like something else?”
“no, cause i’m pretty sure it’d just be the other shoe!”
kanami walked back to the counter, crouching down to bring out a steamed blue sneaker with gravy drizzled on it from one of the cream-colored cabinets — placing it on the table leaving kaori with a larger shocked expression, his jaw unhinging in anger. eyes twitching as they stared at each other, “as the french would say, ‘bon appetite!’ ”
they continued to draw out words at the other, constant back and forth debating of how gross this was—“hey… kusuo?” kaori pouted his lips, leaning over to (name) with the plate in his hands. interrupting them as they ate, an idea glossing over his iris, something that (name) could obviously see through. “do you mind using your powers to change this into a steak for your daddy?”
‘don’t call yourself that…’
(name) refused to respond, ignoring him by continuing to stuff their mouth in. kaori dejected his exterior, brows curling in heartbreak seeing his kid silently take their mother’s side. his teeth grinded against each other with defeat, looking between his family members realizing there was no point in arguing since he’d already lost the fight. “alright, i’ll eat it!!” he cringed at the taste, shoving the amounts down his throat with tank. “it stinks! WHAT DID YOU DO TO THIS SHOE, ARE YOU TRYING TO POISON ME OR SOMETHING?!”
‘pretty sure that’s how they always are.’
they lifted their hand flat in an attempt of using it before their mother placed hers ontop of it. that bright beam she had still permanent on her face, “ku, remember what i always say, okay?” the sweetness in her voice was always authentic, you could tell she truly cared for them and wasn’t just putting on an act like someone we know. “you must never use your powers for evil, only if it’s to help those in need or for people you know who are genuinely nice.”
she’s the whole reason for my powers still being kept in check. without her, i’d probably would’ve converted to the dark side or worse — destroyed the world already. she was born with a caring soul and i admire her for that.
“but don’t forget you’re always free to hurt your daddy!”
well…. to me at least. she already has a small darkside herself.
noise of desperate munching made itself prominent to them. kanami shifted her eyes to see kaori eating the leftovers (name) had left during their conversation. smile finally turning into an angered scowl, darkness filling her iris as she grabbed at the shoulders of her husband, “STOP EATING KUSUO’S DINNER YOU THIEVING SON OF A BITCH, THAT’S IT WE’RE TAKING THIS OUTSIDE!!!”
in truth i could break this fight up if i wanted, but i choose not too since it’s free entertainment and it’s more so something they’re gonna have to work out themselves. i don’t really enjoy stepping into the quarrels of my parents love lives, or anyone’s love lives for that matter.
their eyes stared over an unopened cup left on the table. ‘coffee authentic coffee jello’ plastered over the colored label. a silver spoon was just to the left of it, begging to be eaten by someone. it wouldn’t hurt to try something new.
they hummed, the caffeinated sense soothing over their taste buds with enjoyment. the sweet treat helping them ignore the sounds of their parents fighting sumo-style behind them, a luscious piece of temptation; there’s nothing more i could ask for in my desser—
kanami threw kaori off of her, unintentionally hitting (name) in the back causing them to drop the utensil. jelly falling down at a slow speed, chucking themselves to the floor as they caught it in their mouth—preventing it from hitting the wood. intently chewing the sticky substance as kaori hovered over their planked body, “you wanted to eat jelly that bad?! forget that, we have bigger problems on our hands! YOUR MOTHER HAS TURNED INTO A MONSTER!!!”
he yelled tugging at (name)’s school blazer to focus them onto the shadow looming over kanami, watching her lift up the dinner table they were sat at prior as her voice echoed with warning. “YOU GOTTA HELP ME KID, YOU’RE MY ONLY HOPE IN DEFEATING HER! DO IT, SLAY THE DEMON!!”
she threw the furniture at him making him cower with fear, holding up his arms around himself to shield his body from the incoming force waiting for him. “huh—what?” his cries quivered opening an eye seeing the table floating above him, letting a sigh of relief leave him. “ahhh…. kusuo!”
i’ve got the worlds weirdest parents. i really don’t care about ending another one of their countless arguments, but i can’t help myself. without me, they might’ve ripped off each other’s heads by now. i don’t think i need to worry that much though, they’re fighting is pointless, especially when they say stuff like this—
“so now you’ve decided to take your dads side?! but i even made you pork chops, ku!! i want nothing to do with either of you again!” kanami exclaimed, sweatdrops running down her cheeks at the statement.
just wait.
‘that’s a lie, truth is i love both of them more than i love myself!’
no matter how much they try, the voices buried in their hearts will always reveal how they truly feel. in other words, all of these arguments are nothing but an act they’ve put on.
“alright, well i hate both of you as well then! there i said it!” kaori followed up with stern. ‘just kidding, you guys know i love both of you! i wanna snuggle, aha!’
like i said, another pointless arguement. the only person who should be angry is me! these weirdos interrupted my hour of dessert, guessing only a psychic is able to fix a mess like this.
“i love you!”
the duo expanded their eyes making contact with simultaneous gasps, brows lifting with surprise. “wait, did you just say you loved me?!” kaori questioned, ‘could it really be possible she loves me back?’
“what? no it was you who said it!” kanami defended, ‘oh no, i thought i just thought that! but did i say it?! and what does “she love me back” mean?! DOES HE ACTUALLY LOVE ME?!”
“so you do love me! you just admitted to it, out loud!” he conferred, ‘is it possible, i love her so much i’ve started hearing things?!’
‘he loves me…. so much?!’
‘huh, she can hear me?!’
“what—of course i can?” kanami replied, ‘he did say it!’
‘not out loud… what—’
obviously it was me.
forced shared telepathy. i used my powers to link their minds together at the neuron level to make them hear each other’s every thoughts. in other words, because of me now they really know how they actually feel about each other.
the duo crowded towards them, faces flushing as they asked them in pleas to get rid of this — in a flash and like a cheesy offical art of a romance anime from the 2000’s, imaginary red roses seemed to appear behind them once they embraced each other in a caring hold. pupils sparkling as they gazed into the eyes of the other.
“i love you, dear.”
“i love you, too!”
cool, the end.
they apologized with tears and sobs, holding themselves close like they were going to be lovers separated because they weren’t allowed to be with each other in a few minutes. (name) let a small smirk grace upon their lip corners, taking back the seat they were in with the coffee jelly placed into the palms of their hands.
‘at least now i can finish this in peac—’ the glass got ripped away from their grip, peripheral catching their mother feed it to their father with content. internally twitching hearing him repeat the exact same monologue they were saying about it a few minutes ago. “—how delicious!”
blue fire engulfed them, their brows creasing themselves as they made all the windows in the house shatter following with a loud clash. thousands of shards breezing away to the outside; the final straw to end this outlandish night.
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“thank you, come again!”
the voice of a store clerk followed (name) outside of the convenience store. automatic doors chiming, giving them access to the rest of the city filled with various amounts of markets and stuff. white bag filled with different snacks crinkling alongside their movements as they made their way down the sidewalk.
y’know that last scene would’ve been a good way to end this chapter, but unfortunately the author’s planned out something for me and i can’t say i’m too…. happy about it. i think we can all guess what that is exactly—
why don’t we just enjoy the little time we have left with each other. i feel like that’d be beneficial for the both of us.
the little man on the cross-sign beeped with green, giving everyone the signal to cross. (name) was halfway there, face stoic with nothing to show how they were feeling as usual, trailing behind a slow woman infront of them going the same direction. a monologue coming from someone specific flowing through their head; like a narcissist and speaking really full of herself, if you asked them.
conveniently, red seemed to come faster than expected as they watched cars drive past infront of them. staring at someone from across the street with patience—the looming figure only came closer and closer the longer they stood there, waiting….
slowly eyeing the signal, character finally flashing as their hearing picked up the repeating words that gave access to the people standing by. they barely had the chance to take a step foward before—
“(name), hi!”
and there she was.
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a/n: how are we feeling guys, haaaa😽👉👈
🃏 — TAGLIST 𓈒 𓈒 𓈒 @idontwantoeatspicy ( please let me know if you’d like to be added! )
© @deckedcards 2025 all rights reserved ☆ i do NOT give permission to repost, translate, copy or share my work on other platforms.
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elizais · 11 months ago
arguments and make ups
when he realises he fucked up,, -dazai x gn reader warnings: nothing too specifically mentioned that you are arguing over
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proper fallouts with dazai were uncommon. little bickers were bound to happen yet this had spiraled a little from something you just wanted to ask about. you were asking a genuine question over god knows what, it had been a long day for the both of you and sarcastic answer after sarcastic answer had put you both on your last straws.
stood in the kitchen, he was still joking around and it was frustrating. he's a man too smart for his own good, yet he hadn't realised that you were tired and didn't want to drag anything on. sighing, you pinched the bridge of your nose for a moment and looked at him.
"no, osamu, it's not-" you spoke, yet he only heard those 4 painful words. you don't call him that. you don't call him osamu. you call him 'samu or something sweet only he can hear. he became instantly lost in his own thoughts, staring off into space and you saw he wasn't listening to your point.
groaning, you walked into the bedroom. neither of you even remembered why or when this started. he stood there, knowing his sweet nothings wouldn't get him out of this situation. he should have just given you the answer straight up and not wind you up like he would for amusement any other day.
nobody ever called him osamu, at work he was dazai, chuuya called him an array of insults and at home he was 'samu. for someone so clever, and who always has a plan, he would have never planned to upset you. his mind began a competition of what voice inside his head could say 'no' the loudest to every possible solution he came up with.
if he was thinking rationally, he would have known you just wanted two peaceful minutes after a stressful day. he waited until he could hear you turn the shower on before quietly leaving the house after taking some leftovers out of the fridge for you to see when you come out to eat.
he wandered up and down yokohama's streets a little, feeling regretful. he knew you wouldn't hold a grudge but he wasn't going to forgive himself. you always treated him so well, never making him feel like a 'demon prodigy' or half of the 'double black' duo, and you unknowingly proved odasaku wrong. he always thought of how oda's words that claimed "there is no place in this world that can fill your loneliness" died the moment he met you.
osamu checked the time, thinking he should head back. he knew it would take more than a silly keychain of toro inoue to save his case yet he still bought one as he passed a corner shop.
arriving back home, you walked out of the bathroom door as he took off his shoes. he quickly shrugged off his coat and rushed towards you, pressing a chaste kiss to your hairline with a whisper of "give me 5 minutes, love." and hurrying to the bedroom and bathroom to get changed and have a shower - knowing it will boost his chances of getting you to cuddle with him as he apologises.
scrolling on your phone on the couch, you heard soft footsteps plodding over. a man who resembled an ashamed dog with his tail between his legs carefully sat down next to you. not looking up from your phone, you could feel his sorrow radiating off of him.
"darling, you know i-" you cut him off, "'samu, it's just been a long day." you responded calmly, looking up at him before a faint smile tugged at his lips. he could tell you were feeling better and wrapped his arms around you. falling down so that his back was laying on the couch and holding you on top of him.
"i'm sorry" he sprinkled in hundreds of times through peppered kisses on your head. giggles filled the room as he wriggled you around, smiling and forgetting about a silly frustration.
whoops!! accidentally forgot this is a blog with silly little fanfictions - consider this an apology pretty pleaseeee also: sorry for not chatting with my mutuals recently! life got in the way and shit hit the fan for a second!!
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soul-controller · 8 months ago
Chris Gets Collared
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Beyond his wife, there was no one that Chris Evans loved more than his dog Dodger. Ever since he got the mixed-breed Boxer back in 2017, his furry friend had been with the actor through the several ups and downs of his post-Marvel career – which was something that Chris was eternally thankful for.
So when Dodger began to behave strangely and avoid eating his food entirely, the actor spared no expense going to any vet or specialist that could get him better. Yet no matter where he went, no one could give Chris answers as to what was going on with his dog. With himself running out of options and fearing the worst for his dog, the 42-year-old actor was left with no other choice but to enlist the help of a self-proclaimed “animal whisperer” named Sean Cunningham.
After only five minutes alone with the dog, Chris was surprised to watch Sean exit a nearby room and reveal that he had already discovered what was wrong with his dog. Upon being asked if he would be willing to do whatever it took to make his dog feel better, Chris wasted no time nodding his head and saying that he would without a doubt. In response, Sean simply turned on his heels and exited out of Chris’ mansion to grab something out of his car. Upon returning, Chris’ eyebrows raised in confusion at the sight of two red dog collars in Sean’s hands. As Chris asked what was going on, the dog whisperer simply told the man to trust him and put the collar around his neck. Believing that simply the embarrassment of wearing a dog collar was the only concern, the actor complied and quickly placed the collar around his neck. 
Instantly, Chris’ eyes rolled back as the entire world went black. The man returned to consciousness with a jolt, gasping as he opened his mouth and took in a deep breath. But as he did so, the return of his senses revealed several bizarre things – firstly he felt as though he was head-to-toe wrapped in a cozy blanket. In addition, the man couldn’t help but feel as though his tongue wasn’t fitting in his mouth correctly as he could feel the now-long body part hanging down past his lips and teeth. Most importantly though was the sight of his new perspective – beyond his apparent low height he could also see straight across from him that Sean was standing there with his own body!
As the man attempted to scream and demand answers though, only a series of growls and barks escaped from his throat which only emphasized his new fate – he had swapped bodies with his dog! With his eyes and now floppy ears, the man-turned-dog could only watch in disbelief as Sean explained that he realized that Dodger was tired of being a dog and wanted something more. As a result, the only solution was to give Dodger the chance to be a human owner.
The dog-turned-man initially had a struggle navigating his new gift of English, with his words slurring for a while as he eagerly thanked Sean for the opportunity to become human. Yet as Sean began to discuss the concept of the duo swapping back to their original species, Dodger wasn’t too eager to go back. Luckily for him, he was aware of the immense wealth and success that his new life possessed so he couldn’t help but smirk as he turned towards Sean.
Across the room, Chris’ heart began to frantically beat and a whine escaped from his lips as he heard his former dog ask how much Sean wanted to keep them like this. As he stood up and realized his new status as a four-legged creature, Chris Evans was left with no other choice but to begin walking around as it seemed like he’d be having to get used to being a four-legged creature…
Eager to read more stories like this? Head over to my Patreon to discover tons of hot transformation fiction including monthly mini-stories like this one!
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ace-writer-lani · 3 months ago
Reyna and Jason: The Chaotic Duo pt 2
Jason: Rey...what is that
Reyna [with a straight face while cradling something wrapped in blankets]: A puppy
Jason: I—why?
Reyna: Why not?
Jason: Don't you already have two dogs?
Reyna: Yes, are you jealous?
Jason: No...
Reyna [handing the blankets over]: You can have this one if you want then
Jason: Sweet now I don't have try and steal Argentum and—wait. Rey. Rey, this is a wolf
Reyna: Is it?
Jason: Yes. We can't keep a wolf as a pet!
Reyna: Why? Don't you speak wolf?
Jason: Just because I've lived with Lupa for multiple years doesn't mean—
Reyna [raises an eyebrow]:
Jason: Okay yes, I do, but that's beside the point. It belongs in the wild
Reyna: You could train it to terrorize Octavian
[The next day]
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nat-20s · 5 months ago
Now I honestly don't think that Shawn+Gus are that similar to JD+Turk as people. However I DO think they occupy a similar enough Duo Niche that if they encountered each other irl they'd straight up have a "who is that other dog" moment. I also think they'd steal each other's bits
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jnnephm · 6 months ago
Okay hear me out cus I'm a sucker for papa!sylus.
I was texting with my friend and suddenly we came up with a headcanon/idea which is Kieran and Luke are our babies. Yes. You don't read it wrong. And I mean it.
Like the theory is a bit lame and there's no evidence to back it up, but we all think it's cute so it now becomes our inside joke. Basically, Kieran and Luke are MC and Sylus's children, but then something happened to all of them. So Luke and Kieran lost their family. They tried to go back in time to save their parents then got stuck in the current timeline.
And! They knew that if their parents weren't together, they would disappear. That's why they did their hardest to matchmake MC and Sylus.
We also discussed another idea: there're an universe in which sylus and Mc have their happy ending. However, because that universe is too perfect, it isn't allowed to exist. the only "trace" of that timeline ever took place is the presence of Luke and Kieran. The twins longed for their once happy family, and they came to Earth and tried helping Sylus and Mc got together.
Tell me that they aren't mischievous twins who caught their parents being flirty with each other and instead of how normal kids behave (saying eww to their parents), this duo straight up got ignored by us 🤭.
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I love these two babies.
Okay I admit that I only post this since I need someone to write about four of them being silly with papa sylus has to endure the battlefield (consist of toys and dirt) that MC and the twins (as kids) cause (on his expensive carpet, no less).
I'm in need of domestic fluff and I swear those breeding fics ya all have written recently don't help at all! I blame it on ya all lolol.
I can hear papa!Sy-sy call the twins 'kiddos' or 'brats' and say "you two make me age." He will send them Mephisto like a guard dog, "not to watch the twins, but watch over the poor soul who came in contact with them." He says, but we all know he worries sick for Luke and Kieran. Like in canon universe, dude barely gives them any task, that's why they have time to fool around like menaces of society while Sylus taking care of his business behind the scene. Imagine if he's actually the dad of the twins. Lmao.
And I just think that canon!Sylus would save them as Clown 1 and Clown 2 on his phone. He might be mean about it "well that's the only thing they are good at." Yet the truth is they are the bright light for his dull days before he met MC (again).
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convito · 1 year ago
Blasting Off To The Past: Chapter 1: The Customers Are Used To This By Now
Finished chapter 1 of my fanfic based on @yamujiburo's Jessie/Delia Pokemon comics. The fact that it's just the first chapter is a development that materialized roughly 5 minutes ago when I realized this thing is getting way too long to write all at once. It's just a fun little day-in-the-life story because I wanted an excuse to write these characters.
Here's the AO3 link.
Below is the full chapter text. Enjoy!
“Meowth, I demand to know why you just kicked me!” James yelled dramatically.
“Don’t flatter yourself, I wouldn’t waste my time kicking you!” Meowth
The lunch rush took its toll on everyone in different ways. For Delia, the strain kept her too busy to notice anything outside the restaurant. For Jessie, it meant Delia wasn’t looking at her.
In the case of James and Meowth, it was dealer’s choice. Today, that meant each blaming the other for the table leg they each routinely tripped over. Meowth’s thimble-sized temper had reached a boiling point. James was mad by association.
Delia had been holding down the kitchen until the commotion piqued her attention, prompting a peek around the corner into the dining area. She saw Meowth seething as his serving tray clattered to the ground, trading leers with James whose serving tray remained pristinely perched atop his fingers.
Then time stood still as she saw Jessie burst in with a face that gave her conflicting feelings, making a Beedrill-line for the bickering duo. How she heard the noise from across town would remain a mystery. The love of Delia’s life was a lit fuse heading straight for a flamboyantly colored powder keg. The focus now needed to be heading off the stormfront before it turned the restaurant into a restauNOT (she took a second to chuckle at that).
“Jessie. Babe. Sweetie.”
The red menace continued undeterred. Delia raised her voice.
“Jessie, stop! Jessie! Honey!”
Still nothing. Delia was desperate.
Jessie screeched to a halt, bringing the universe with her. She and her two partners in something or other all turned their heads toward Delia, three identical faces of exaggerated shock. Though Jessie’s sported a tinge of crimson.
“I… buh…” she attempted.
“Delia made a swear,” Meowth whispered.
James simply covered his ears.
But whether through shock or sheer force of Delia’s long-bided power, the situation was defused for now. The residual fallout kept things together until the restaurant finally slowed down. James and Meowth lost their abrasion around each other, more or less back to their regular selves give or take the occasional shared look towards Delia. Granted, not unlike their usual behavior.
Jessie, meanwhile, had stuck around to help however she could. At the moment, she was employing her puppy dog eye technique to try and soften Delia’s mood every time her wife looked her way. Despite coming across more like bewildered Magikarp eyes, which had Delia desperately suppressing a snort laugh at every turn, it probably would have worked even if she actually had been angry.
Eventually, closing time arrived. Jessie had finally released Delia from her fishy look and was taking a break from cleaning to watch James and Meowth. The other two former Rockets were Taurosing around with each other as they took the garbage out back. Delia noticed a wistful look in her wife’s eye. It was one she’d been seeing a lot of lately.
“You miss the adventure, don’t you?” Delia asked warmly.
Jessie gave a slight start at this before nodding. They’d grown to know each other well enough that it was no surprise Delia could read her so intimately.
“I know we weren’t the good guys going after the twe- eh, Ash and Pikachu like that,” Jessie seemed just a bit embarrassed, “but getting out there and traveling around really got my juices moving.”
“Even more than our little battling vacations?”
“W-well, I wouldn’t say…” Jessie hesitated, but she knew she never needed to hide anything from Delia, especially after all this time. “Kinda, yeah.”
Jessie’s regular trips out into the region with Delia to explore and battle gym leaders had very quickly begun to rank among the highlights of her life, and she wouldn’t trade them for anything, no matter how shiny. But…
“I just miss the camaraderie with James and Meowth,” she found herself gushing. “I miss the cartoon-level plans we came up with together, I miss the big Meowth balloon, I miss James’ camp cooking and Meowth’s snoring, not to mention-”
“I’m sorry, what was that about Meowth?”
“Oh, right, you never heard his outdoor snoring. Only happens when he’s camping. Real conker of a wavelength he could belch out, which you wouldn’t expect from a little fart like him. I think he developed it as a defense to make predators think a Snorlax is sleeping nearby or someth-”
“What?” Delia had trouble getting a word in edgewise sometimes, a trait of their relationship she oddly treasured. She liked seeing Jessie excited. “No, why would I ask to hear about…? Never mind, I meant the balloon thing.”
“Ok, yeah, that makes more sense,” Jessie admitted. “It was a thing of genuine beauty. A huge hot air balloon in the shape of Meowth. We even used official Team Rocket funds to commission it. They seemed cool with it.”
“I’d like to point out that they did very much fire you.”
“Oh yeah,” Jessie said with a guttural giggle. “Wow, things are definitely starting to make some more sense now that I say them out loud. But anyway, we used to go everywhere in that balloon. It was our own little home where we never had to deal with property tax. We’d sleep up there, have some fun by spitting off the sides, do… other things off the sides…”
“Honey, I love you but oh my god.”
“Hey, if you can think of other ways to handle being up in the air for days at a time…” Jessie’s old smug nature crept in, which she caught before going any further. “Th-the point is I just miss the balloon. It was sort of a symbol of that complete freedom we used to have. Nothing tying us down, literally. No rules. No responsibilities. No bosses or authori-” she paused, her expression that of a system reboot. “How did we not get fired sooner?”
“I didn’t realize how much you thought about that time,” Delia started to feel just a touch of guilt. Or was it jealousy?
“Not 'all the time' or anything. Some things just remind me of that past life. Like how James and Meowth have been sniping at each other a lot lately,” Jessie said with a look of dawning realization. “They must be feeling homesick too. Or, I mean ‘homesick’ I guess,” she made some halfhearted quotes with her fingers. A glance over at Delia dropped the fingers immediately as Jessie read her wife’s expression, as subtle as it was.
Jessie wordlessly walked over to Delia, not rushing, not holding back, simply going. She took her hands in her own and clasped them.
“I am happier now than I’ve ever been,” Jessie answered a wordless question. There was no need to explore the topic further. This is the most she’d talked about the old days since, she realized, that awkward time when she, James, and Meowth had shown up on Delia’s doorstep completely out of options. It was enough that she got it out.
Delia just smiled. It was a genuine smile, but one that obscured hidden depths. Depths that ironically flew right over Jessie’s head.
Once they finished closing, Jessie and Delia stepped out of the restaurant hand in hand, following James and Meowth who had apparently regained their passion for griping. Jessie paid little attention as they fired quips back and forth, sounding to her like synthesized speech from a Nintendo 64 game. She was content where she was, blissfully strolling home with the love of her life. No thoughts, just vibes.
If she’d only opened her eyes, she’d have seen the poorly-hidden look of sneaky determination emblazoned on Delia’s face.
-the next morning-
“Ash!” Delia burst into her son’s room. “We’re making a balloon!”
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dandysworldhcs · 18 days ago
I know the craft siblings HATE to see me coming 😭
anyway I think that goob has had to cycle through a lot of handlers, both due to how he’s seen as “higher maintenance” due to his lack of coordination and physical capabilities and also bc I imagine gardenview didn’t have the best staff..
scraps always had the same handler, and she never approved or liked most of goobs, they were always dismissive of him or close to straight neglectful. scraps handler practically raised both of them
also due to this, scraps grew just a bit overprotective of her brother. stray cat and emotional dog duo. explodes
sorry I needed to get this idea out it’s been rotting in my brain for like a month hhh
-musical anon !
hi musi…
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meangirls-imagines · 11 months ago
Welcome to the Poly!Plasticsverse!
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collab with: @yungpoetfics (my fav bubs in the world)
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Regina George
@queenbgina/@callmereginald (she/her)
North Shore's Queen Bee
Soft for her girlfriends
The mom of the group
Basically a sugar mommy for her girls
Lifehack Geek
TikTok hater
Has rational fear of werewolves
Will fight a bitch
Victoria's Secret girly
Female rapper stan (Doja, Cardi, Megan, etc.)
Gretchen Wieners
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@thegretchenw/@greatgretsby (she/her/it (only if ur special))
The second mom of the group
Softest human
Loves playing with her girlfriends hair
#1 Twilight hater
Has a letterboxd account just to leave bad reviews
The level headed one usually, but will snap when she needs
Cuddly as fuck
Loves Fleur du Mal lingerie
Stubborn as Fuck
Wine drinker/expert
Loves vintage music (Elvis, Elton John, etc.)
Karen Shetty
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@karebearz/@karensheetty (any pronouns)
Loves Spongebob
Plant Parent
Knows Britney Spears and Lady Gaga choreo
Kpop girly (Blackpink, BTS, etc.)
Lettering expert
Has Funko Pop collection
Squishmallow lover
Cady Heron
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@cady_heron/@defnotcaddy (she/her)
The third mom of the group
Whispers when angry
Carries bandaids at all times
Always has snacks
Lactose Intolerant (but LOVES cheese)
Cries at Rom-Coms
LOVES hugs
Cannot handle spicy food
Sleeps with a teddy bear
Happy to be here
Friends with everyone's parents
Token vanilla of the group
Has diary (with a heart shaped lock)
Aaron Samuels
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@aaronsammy/@atomicaaron (he/him) or (ho/mie)
1/3 of Terror Trio
Y/N's best friend
North Shore's resident Himbo
Will do anything if someone says "I dare you"
Impulsive buyer
Has one brain cell (shares it with Y/N)
Overuses 💪 emoji
Usually confused
1/2 Golden Retriever duo
Can skateboard
Uses Axe body spray
Co-founder of Stuntmares
Dreams of grabbing a teddy in a claw machine (bucket list item)
Ass man
Owns too many grey sweatpants
Kisses his homies (homiesexual)
Has never watched Harry Potter
Watches lifestyle coaches on YT
Can play the ukulele (really badly)
Loves Eminem and Harry Styles (would fuck Harry Styles)
Writes Larry Stylinson fanfics
Kissed Y/N once (regretted immediately)
Damian Hubbard
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@hubbarddamian/@damianishubby (he/him/they)
Learned how to sew from Janis
Does drag and has a YT channel (Anita Dick)
Huge Adore Delano stan
Will fight anyone who hurts Janis
Doesn't like Rupaul as a person, but is a religious Drag Race fan
#1 Poly!Plastics fan
Has an 8 step skincare routine
Cameraman for Stuntmares
Lies about having curfew to go to sleep early
(Lowkey wishes he was a Slytherin bc it's the "cuntiest house"
Him and Karen watch The Bachelor
Fav movie is Dirty Dancing (did the lift with Janis)
Learned how to twerk from Y/N
Janis Imi'Ike
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@janiisimiike/@imiikenough (she/they)
Secret Barbie girly(live action and animated movies)
Will go straight for Ryan Gosling
Feral chihuahua of the group
Hozier stan
Pain in Regina's ass
Anger Issues™️
Secretly loves Olivia Rodrigo
Mentally Ill friend
Emotional Drunk
Karaoke Queen
Tits girly
Leather Jacket lesbian
Getting piercings > therapy
Has a suit collection
Loves her friends
Dog person (secretly)
Quotes niche memes
Kinky af
Middle Child
Y/N Y/L/N (FC: Chrissy Costanza)
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@thisbeyn/@reginaslefttit (she/he/they/it)
2/3 Terror Trio
2/2 Golden Retriever duo
Has matching fried egg tattoo with Aaron.
Co-Founder of Stuntmares
"Hi, I'm Y/N and welcome to Stuntmares" *jumps off roof into pool*
Cuts her own hair
Blooper Reel Queen
North Shore's resident stoner
AUDHD (autistic + ADHD)
Playlists range from Beethoven to ashnikko
Plays electric guitar
Has slight speech impediment
Gremlin of the group
D&D Dungeon Master
ALWAYS falls asleep during movie night
Power Nap Addict™️
Monster Energy Drink Enthusiast (collects the cans)
Oddly good at Origami
Tweets everything she thinks
Has been banned from Fortnite and Roblox
Married to Gretchen on The Sims (regina and karen were sad)
Anger issues
✨Spicy✨ Latina (do not fuck with her people)
Matching rings with her gfs
Def had one night stand with Cady
Shane Oman
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@shaneomann/@omantastic (he/him) or (dumb/hoe)
Loves Old School Rap (Biggie, Tupac, Snoop Dogg, etc.)
Hates Y/N at first but comes to love her like a sister.
Only person who can outsmoke Y/N.
Has a dropped truck with red LED lights under it.
Blasts music walking down the halls.
Always has the zoomies.
Orange cat friend.
Has elevator music playing in his head 24/7.
Challenged Damian to a dance off. (He lost. But he had girls simping over him)
Posts thirst traps on TikTok. (Regina's mom is his #1 follower)
Has a frying pan tattooed to match Aaron and Y/N.
Always on Stuntmares trying to create new world records.
Or eating a bunch of weird combos.
"Oman! Not again!" *proceeds to eat a marshmallow and spam sandwich*
Ralph Lauren man
Whenever the polycule argues, he's a "fuck this shit, I'm out" person.
Professional party crasher
Dine and Dash expert
Has nipple piercings (Aaron and Y/N dared him to get them)
Curses like a fucking sailor (Half of his lines on Stuntmares are just censor beeps)
Talks way too fast.
Knows Italian and Spanish (Him and Y/N talk shit in Spanish)
His ringtone for Aaron and Y/N is the remix of the Windows error sound
Loves t-shirts with offensive prints (Regina tries to make him dress normally)
Has gc with Aaron and Y/N called "Hoemies"
Would fuck Aaron
Major gossip (Him and Gretchen meet once a week to talk shit)
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skunkox · 1 year ago
Darlin's Jacket Headcanon
Been sitting on this for weeks , so just hear me out rq.
Dalrin's jacket was a gift from Asher. It was a present to cheer them up while they were on punishment when they were young. Possibly a birthday? Grades? Faught a kid? Embarrased their parents in front of the pack? Havent worked out the details.
It's a letterman jacket from a band they were really into. But the issue? It's a gooddam Unisex XXL, and the twerp of a Tank is like, barley 14 with not real muscle mass yet. My Tank at least is 13 when they make the move and join the pack in Dahlia while the main shaw pack kids are 14.
"Ash. Remind me again why you dragged us to Hot Topic." Milo asked, reluctantly following a brace faced Asher into the cramped, and dim lit store.
"Cause Half-pint, your comrad in short arms has been looking miserable. Or at least, more so than normal." Asher snickered, slowly getting more, and more side tracked as he wandered farther into the store. It wasn't long before David grabbed the boy by his collar and dragged him to the back of the store. Milo flashed him a cocky grin while Asher stumbled behind David.
"We got a problem. You said it was this one, right? It's too big." David released Asher to nealty pick up the jacket. "I mean, I know it's the thought that counts, but it's just not practical, Ash."
Asher was already looking through the piles. Wanting to be 100% sure they weren't missing anything. Starting to feel defeated. There was no way Asher was going to ask the clerk if there would be another shipment. Nor would he be willing to wait for a possible restock. Milo looked at his friend. He could tell those puppy dog eyes were gonna start bulging soon. A huff escaped his lips, and he stood straight with his hands on his hips. Trying to seem cool and a little bit taller.
"It's not like they're done growin'. And a jackets a jacket. If it's coverin', it's good." Milo couldn't stop the noogie barreling his way.
The handoff was swift. Just as the troublemaker was mounting their skateboard outside their middle school's gate, a familiar truck rolled up. From the truck's bed, Asher gave a quick "Heads up!" Before giving the equivalent of a basketball pass with a heavy black bag. A cackle could be heard, and the truck road off. Leaving them bamboozled.
It wasn't until Tank got home that they viewed the contents of the bag. The biggest, and goofiest smile spread across their face. They couldn't give two fucks about the size. It was from their favorite band. It was a gift. Someone cared enough to gift them something. Anything. But the fact that the few times they did speak, they were actually listened too. It nearly brought the runt to tears. It did. They won't admit it though. That's just embarrassing.
Really embarrassing. They were given a jacket by a boy. An upper classmen boy. A boy who was a part of their pack. Who they'd have to face on a regular basis. They did the jacket at the back of their closet. Still in it bag.
The disappointment in Asher's face really couldn't be hidden. Mostly for the fact that though the week of quick pass bys,they didn't wear the jacket. But he noticed at their next pack meeting, they'd give small waves now. Small smiles were attempted. This continued until Tank would inevitably start sitting near Asher during meetings. Or willingly go on group outing. This snowballed to the occasional video game or movie hangouts.
Still mostly lingering around Ash, or him leaning on them. When he did so, Tank would get flustered. But in true Tank fashion, would give his sides a punch or his legs a kick. Never hard enough to leave heavy bruises. What can I say? They play hard.
As oblivious to this Asher was, it was almost too embarrassing a site for the other second gen pack members. Cristian would poke his fun while Asher was away before Amanda could put him in check. Milo genuinely wanted to see how things would play out. David called them the "Disaster Duo" for a long while.
In true 2008 middle schooler cringe, Tank was convinced that the might have had the tiniest crush on Asher. But they denied it. Denied it so much that the others couldn't be convinced it wasn't true. There were lots of little arguments that summer. But Tank would immediately shut up when ever Asher came around.
Freshman year was something......
The teasing started to get out of hand. Asher would definitely hear the snickers and teasing. Especially now that it was directed towards him by his classmates. Asher would deny it during classes and lunches that they were just his "Lil Buddy." It's not like he really helped the situation. Hitting a growthspurt over the summer, it was easy to see him from down the hall. He'd wave and call Tank's name out into the crowd. His little buddy was drawing in a sea of students.
He'd elped them get to their classes by becoming a meat shield. Tank was just barely able to keep up. Asher once thought I'd be funny if he could heave them over his shoulder like a cheap, stringed gym bag. Tank was flustered but kicked and punched all the same.
The teasing one again grew when Tank finally decided to wear the damn jacket during school pictures. Not wanting to be remembered in the preppy outfit their parent picked out for then, they stowed the jacket away in their backpack.
The little smile on Asher's face couldn't have been bigger when he saw them in it. He was on his way to take pictures, and Tank was headed back to class. He pulled them off to the side of a couple half functioning vending machines.
"Sooooo? How're liking the jacket? I know it's too big but you said you like listening to the band. That, and I've never not seen it in your discman. I'm sorry I got it so big. It was t-." Asher's lip got stuck on a braces bracket, and he began to fumble his words. Quickly second-guessing if Tank even really liked the damn thing.
Giggling could be heard from a couple kids passing by. A light shove was made by another to Ash. A quick "Dork." was thrown his way. Heat rose in his face. In Tank's too. But out of frustration. Asher didn't do anything wrong. He was just trying to be a good friend.
And it clicked for the freshman. Why overthink and cause trouble for Asher if they could be a friend? That could be comfortable. They wouldn't have to avoid him like an unwanted puppy. He'd been their friend. Or at least trying to be. Shit didn't have to be weird.
"Hell yeah, bro! It really saved my ass today. My parents wanted me to look like some sort of outstanding citizen or some shit. Can't wait till I can bulk up some, though. I'll totally be able to take on David one on one." Tank beamed and jabbedAsher in the arm with quick fist. This was the loudest they had ever been as far as he knew. His goofy ass grin was back on his face. Before Asher could get out a word, Tank ran past him.
"Thanks dude!" They called out from the crowd, not looking back and focusing on making it through the herd of upper classmem.
The following years, Tank continued being bro-y with Asher. He laid off of a lot of physical contact in turn. But this was comfortable for them. Not real close like he was with the others but it was what Tank wanted. They seemed happier that way.
Tank absolutely wore the jacket every chance they got. Around their waist if need be. Ruined absolutely every single yearbook photo. Every pack meeting. Every fight. Even when they felt there was no one to run to for comfort. That jacket had been through hell and back. However, you can only stich fabric so many times.
It looks ratty, but there is no way they're giving it up any time soon. Even if hugs are always offered or dare I say mandatory.
Tank was now yelling at Asher for kicking their controller from their hands during their match of Mario Kart. Hands were thrown, but carefully so. The group of 8 were hanging out at David and Angel's after all. There was no way either of the two were willing to take beating from David. At the very least, another ban from the house. Laugher roared in the home from all sides. Of course, Sweetheart, being an opertunist, took first place of that round.
David and Sam had been in the kitchen, taking a break from the roundy bunch. He had asked Tank about the jacket on multiple occasions, but never gave a straight answer. He'd at least wanted to get it professionally fixed up. Tank had gotten used to all the stains and tears. Saying it was like "The scar that protected their scars." And was proud of it for always being there.
David was willing once again, shed a little light on the troublemaker. Sam let out a chuckle. The next round was starting, and he wanted to make sure he wouldn't be playing doctor that night. The two men returned. David taking his corner seat next to Angel. Same made his way to the recliner. His Darlin' not missing a beat, taking a seat on the beanbag they claimed earlier in the night between their mate's legs. All the while, raspberries were exchanges between them and Asher from across the room. His own mate laughing at their childsh antics.
This was all the comfort they could ask for.
Jacket really be a security blanket, tho. Sorry for the shit grammar. Caught some kind of cold, and my vision is absolute shit.
Bromance anyone?
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