#doesnt read instructions on the box..
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saturnniidae · 5 months ago
Modern/human au Jack would have the driest, crunchiest fucking hair. It would Not be soft. Like mf would use fucking volume 40 bleach to get it done fast, forget toner and accidentally make himself blond then have to get more to fix it and he uses so much fucking hair gel to style it. Repulsive.
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Almost got tripped up on a question made to trick bots
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b4tteryaciid · 17 days ago
Ghost likes to bake and cook food.
Its calming for him, no unexpected surprises. Sure he likes the spontaneous unexpectivity that comes with working in the military, but sometimes it becomes too much. When he's been in a contant stage of flight or fight for weeks and his limbs are so tense they're being held together by balls of rubber bands. When he's tired of eating bland and too crunchy and simletaniousy too squishy MREs. Sure he's taught himself to power through and had just been eating not for pleasure, just to keep himself alive but sometimes it gets to be too much. Sometimes the unpredictability and shit lackluster food makes those rubber bands snap. Then he's forced to take leave. When his body becomes so tired and he's been waking through water for months. Becoming increasingly miserable without realizing it that he's banished back to his dusty, unkempt flat by Price.
He knows that if he doesn't occupy himself with something he'll slip back into the depths again and won't come back up without Price dragging him back up. Back out of bed and out the front door. It happened before and he dreads for it to happen again, so he bakes cakes and cookies and complicated sweet treats and cooks big extravagant meals with so much food he could never eat it all himself. He loves the simplicity of it, or, rather, the predictability that comes with it. Reading the instructions on the side of the box or from a mom's blog online. Sometimes he doesn't even need instructions, he just knows what the outcome will be. And even if he doesnt, even if he's just trying something new, he knows he won't get in trouble for it. He knows it won't end up with someone being sent home in a box. He knows he'll just have to throw out the failed attempt and it'll all be okay.
He'd loved cooking from when he was little. Part of it might have been from his sorry excuse of a father forcing his son to make the family dinner because he was too drunk to do it. He didn't like to think of that though, it just made him angry again, but even back then, with everything going on in his life, he still loved the cooking. A part of it might have been that his father couldn't hurt him while he was cooking. Whether it be because he didn't want to disrupt his meal being made or because his son was holding a sharp glistening knife or armed with a sizzling pan, either was plausible. He cooked as much as he could because it kept him happy and he wouldn't be hurt while he did it. He didn't like to dwel on his introduction to cooking much considering why he cooked so much. He'd even taken culinary classes in high school before he ran away and he'd loved them. His culinary teacher saw this scared, violent kid in him and took him under her wing. She was the sweetest woman he'd even met and he hoped she was well. She even held him after school and helped him cook or had him help her clean. She'd even help him with his homework sometimes or she just let him sleep until she had to go home and so did he. She might not of known it, or, maybe she did, she was a smart woman, but she was saving his life. Saving him from his hell at home. She was the main person to thank for his love of the culinary arts, he would tear up thinking about her kindness even to this day.
When he and Johnny had gotten together, even not officially, he'd started making food for him. The entire 141 had bonded at this point and he'd even started making food for Gaz too, and, obviously, Price. One week they'd all managed to snag leave at the same time and Ghost had seazed the opertunity, inviting them all to his flat to spoil them rotten. He knew he was going to cook like a madman and would love people he trusted amd cared for to eat it, so, he made a huge meal. Even made some recipes from everyone's childhoods, learning to make some Scottish dishes and Gaz's favorite stew of his mom's and Prices grandmother's cookies. They'd all feasted and crashed in the living room around the TV with something playing. Soap and Gaz had picked it and he wasn't watching much of it anyways.
Hed gotten so many compliments that night that his face was a deep shade of crimson from them all. He was so thankfull that his stress hobby actually provided some joy to someone other than himself. They'd challange him with making different dishes and would ask him to make things for them sometimes and it made him feel so validated. So what if the 141 regularly scheduled leave together and stayed at Ghosts flat?
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hanzhen0506 · 9 months ago
~’Pepero Game!’~
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Hello! Its Zhan! Ever wonder how TWS would react on a Pepero game? Thank you for reading this, feedbacks are aloud, and I hope you enjoy 😉
“Pleaseee Yuyaaaaa” I beg my boyfriend play the pepero game and he sigh. “Fine, 1 round.” He said and I smiled hurrying grabbing a pepero. “You first,” I said putting the pepero on his mouth. I then start slowly biting the pepero, inching closer towards him as Shinyu looked at me in fondness. The eye contact was making me flustered and when our lips touch I panic and pulled back. Shinyu spit out the remaining and pout at how its still somewhat long. “My turn?” He tried to cheer up and I hesitantly nodded putting the pepero between my lips.
“Okay!” He said starting to bite the food off one by one. Even when our lips touch he continued, until he pulled back. I spat the pepero from my mouth. The size was probably around 1 cm and Shinyu smiled. “Guess I win.” He cheered and I smirk. “Ill best you on the next round.” “Your on.”
“itsss daily pepero game!” Dohoon excitedly said. “Your on!” I excitedly said.
“Me first though.”
“But you already did last time.”
“And I won, so I get to choose.” He said putting a pepero on my mouth. He start to bite off the pepero while I try to distract him by making a kissy lips. He was definitely flustered at my action and pulled back stopping the game. “Ha!” I said spitting the pepero out my mouth showing a more than half bitten pepero. “Hey thats cheating!”
“my turn!” Lets just say, you guys were gonna have multiple rounds to have a proper winner from all the cheating antics hehe.
“Pepero?” Youngjae asked, a mix of shock and confusion was evident on his as I put the pepero on my mouth. “Just ome game!” I excitedly said to him as he chuckles. “Alright,” he then lean closer to me and start to bite off the pepero, one by one. Each time he bit, our lips were getting closer and closer and soon our lips touch. Youngjae pulled away with a peck on my lips and I spat to my head on whats left. “I thinks it’s obvious who won this.” He said, but as competitive as I am I said back. “Im gonna beat you” I situated the pepero on his mouth and he laughs.
He may act calm on the inside, but the blush on his cheeks and the smile on his face definitely give away his excited towards the game. Maybe he would make it monthly thing?
“So how you do in this bepero game?” Hanjin asked with a pepero between his mouth. “Like this!” I said biting the pepero one by one, and our lips touch as I pull away, My length of the pepero was surprisingly short. “Oh! I get it now,” Hanjin exclaim. Putting a pepero between my mouth. “Im ready,” he said starting to bite the pepero off. Soon our lips touch and he continued till the very last bit, then with a loud “Muah!!”
I was surprise at his action that I accidentally let the pepero inside my mouth, choking on it. He panic and pat hard on my back. “Y’N!” (Lets just say Hanjin doesnt want to play the game anymore until you give him many reassuring kisses as payment).
“Pepero? You? Want to play a pepero game?” I ask in disbelief at his proposition. “I think its romantic~”
“Hah! You? Being romantic? Thats new!”
“Just play with me!” He said putting a pepero on my mouth and start biting, I blushed at the sight of Jihoon’s lips, and when I thought our lips were gonna touch. He moved away. “Hey!” I whine and he just laughs. “I hate you” I said turning around, facing the other way.
“Wait babe, im sorryyyyy.”
“Sweetie, do you want to do the pepero game with me?”
“Pepero game?” I ask looking at the pepero box on his hand. “Sure why not.”
“Yes!” He whispered putting the pepero on his mouth. “Oh! Me first?” I hesitantly ask. “Do you want me to be first? Here bite the other side.” He instructed pointing the pepero into my mouth. I put the pepero on my mouth and Kyungmin start biting the said food. Surprisingly he was able to make the pepero so short without kissing. “Your turn!” “U-uh alright,” I said, as I start biting of his pepero on his mouth. Once our lips touch though, Kyungmin hold the back of my head and pulled me in to a kiss.
“Like that trick huh?” He said pulling away, and I hit him in the shoulder. “Not funny..” I said, red as a tomato.
(Please do not steal my works!)
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coquelicoq · 2 months ago
if im reading instructions in french on the outside of a box and it doesnt even say veuillez im like what the fuck is this. cant trust these instructions anymore they dont even have veuillez.......
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bi-writes · 4 months ago
cat owner and used to work in a clinic as a kennel tech. please keep your future kitty indoors or harness train them from a young age and remember their flea meds if you take them out because i remember one of our client's old little ladies was either taken or killed because she was an indoor/outdoor cat. make sure you keep an eye on their water intake/pee in litter box because they don't drink as much and they can get dehydrated. wet food is a friend! and please avoid meow mix at all costs. if you can't afford expensive brands, just make sure to read the ingredients and avoid a lot of fillers and artificial stuff. i really like cats.com because they helped me a lot when i started. also they can get overweight and diabetic really easily and need a lot less food than dogs. like a lot. i'm so bad at it but just follow the instructions for the weight your cat should be at and talk to a vet with any questions. i really like feeding my guy from a puzzle feeder, but even like spreading it around or having some active way for them to eat it is pretty good! also look into the breed your cat is or is mixed with, because i did not realize my lil man was going to be a TALKER because of his breed. people will definitely normalize some of the behavior you're stumped with and have some tips. a personal but big one: hurricane/museum putty EVERYTHING you don't want knocked over. i'm talking vases, computer monitors, candles, etc. cats are really amazing and i'm excited for you! i love him just as much as my dogs and it's not too much different as long as you keep an eye on them and keep their litter box clean so it doesn't smell.
oh yes true about cleaning the litter box :)
i clean mine every other day, cause she doesnt go that much, but more than one cat or a larger cat might need 1-2x a day. if its dirty to your cat, they will not go in it :(
i also don’t buy super expensive cat food, but i just make sure the first ingredient is chicken/salmon, not chicken by-product. 🫶🏼 i can afford more expensive food, but she literally won’t eat anything else but what she’s gotten used to ):
ooooo that’s cool about the museum putty! my cat does not knock things over like that. im blessed lol.
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corvidcall · 2 years ago
sometimes i see posts with sweeping generalizations about neurodivergent people, like that only neurotypicals think bugs are gross and neurodivergents love them (i think bugs are gross!), or that we autistics love bland textureless foods (eating stuff like boxed mac and cheese where theres no crunch or texture or tasty little breadcrumb topping makes me feel like im eating paste), or that autistics don't get it when people give an instruction or request that sounds like a suggestion (when someone says "do you want to go to the store with me?" i just assume they actually mean "i would like you to join me", and when they point out something like a window being open even though its raining, theyre pointing it out because they want me to do something about it)
and all of this sometimes makes me feel like. idk maybe im not actually autistic. maybe im just a broken person due to. idk. my inherent sinful nature
but also last night i read a blog post from an author talking about how a romance novel doesnt actually have to be about a couple getting together and i got so incredibly mad about people sorting things into the incorrect categories even though WORDS MEAN THINGS. that i was like "oh wait no i think i still might be actually"
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bigbroemen · 1 year ago
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沼・山・海・谷にいる numa・yama・umi・tani ni iru
4人の人たち・・・はやく yonin no hitotachi ・・・ hayaku
ココに・・・連れてきて・・・・ koko ni ・・・ tsuretekite ・・・・
沼 numa - swamp
山 yama - mountain
海 umi - sea, ocean
谷 tani - valley, canyon
に ni - location marker; in x に y, y is located in or on x
いる iru - to be (of animate objects); to exist
4人 yonin - 4 people, "yo" being 4 and "nin" being the counter for people
人 hito - person
たち tachi - pluralizing suffix, primarily used for people and other animate things w behaviors
ひやく hayaku - adverb conjugation of はやい hayai - fast, quick
ココ koko - here, this place
(again) に ni - location marker; in x に y, y is located in or on x
連れて tsurete - te-form conjugation of 連れる tsureru - to take (someone) with; to bring along. te-form conjugation is being used to tack this verb onto another to create a compound verb
きて kite - te-form conjugation of くる/来る kuru - to come, to arrive. te-form conjugation is being used to convey the verb as a request/instruction
swamp・mountain・sea・valley in
4 people... hurry
here... come and bring them
the text is split up in a way that makes the sentence read a little more broken, heres reading it again without a line by line translation
4 people in swamp・mountain・sea・valley...
hurry here... come and bring them
お久しぶり its been a long time since ive done one of these!!!!! i stopped for a long time because 1. they take so long to put together and i think i was just burnt out, despite how much fun i was having, and 2. i hit a point where i was able to fly through a Lot of dialogue without having to stop and learn new pieces, so a good portion of dialogue in games started becoming a lot less like new adventures and a lot more mundane and normal feeling!! that has actually been a very special feeling and ive just been letting myself enjoy it, without jumping to make a breakdown post every 30 minutes
im definitely not at a point where i can play through games like final fantasy tactics, or like. 999. that would be the god mode of practicing japanese i think, thats like. you have to have a developed home-born and raised high school level understanding of japanese. like you dont NEED to be born and raised but thats the level of exposure you should expect to have in order to match that level
it HAS been a long time!!! i stopped playing games in japanese for a while. in the same way i got burnt out on making breakdown posts, i also got burnt out actively play-reading in japanese for at least a few months. at the time, it felt too wrong to just passively play-read for that period of time in retrospect though, i think thats wrong. input thats only getting passed through and not getting committed to memory still does more for your exposure than input that doesnt go in at all. i DID play a ton of kirby air ride in japanese in that period of time, so at least i like. REALLY know what まっすぐ means from all the drag race predictions
im playing majoras mask right now. i started playing on the switch in english and i got the energy to play in japanese, so i started a file on the computer (apparently the system language change doesnt work for the roms on the switch??). joeys playing fallout 4 a ton on the computer and im letting him since he gets less free time than i do and his work is a lot more physically taxing, so im a lot more ahead on the switch vs the computer (also the computer is just taking longer by virtue of me looking up words and shit in the jp dictionary every 20 seconds); i just got the lens of truth and the goron mask in english while im Still on the very first 3 day cycle in japanese
i dont know how many more of these ill be doing in the near future!! they DO take a long time. if i find a box of dialogue or boxes of dialogue that really Grab me, ill be here
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torchiiko · 6 days ago
reddit feedback can be very important sometimes, as it seemingly gets ppl to realize severe red flags in their relationships & saves them from experiencing anything worse. even rarer, ppl actually admit when they were wrong & go on to make amends with the ppl they upset
but more often than not it seems they just completely miss the mark & overreact in the wrong direction. op of a post, who has adhd & has trouble with instructions, accidentally ate his wifes cookie, while tired & hungry. her instructions were essentially "i got you & daughter a cookie, daughters looks like xyz so dont eat it, yours is in the bread bag, its x flavor"
he looks in the bread bag & finds the cookie box, which contains 2 cookies. he sees his daughters cookie & goes "oh, this other one must be mine" & eats it but notices it isnt quite what his wife said itd be
later, she flops on the couch & sighs that he never listens, bc it turns out his cookie was actually not IN the box with the others like one might assume, instead Underneath it in the same bread bag. despite her having never even mentioned a 3rd cookie to look out for. he then offered to buy her another one if she told him what kind & she refused. for some reason reddit kept grilling him with things like "oh you shouldve noticed it wasnt the right flavor, you shouldve looked harder"
no one even stopped to question why his cookie was separated & not immediately visible, or why his wife didnt point out her own cookie so hed know not to eat it either, or why she gave the instructions that she did Knowing he might have trouble with them!! the narrator of this story said it came across as a setup so the wife could prove herself right to be upset with him for "not listening"
like to me this rlly doesnt seem like a man just being totally ignorant, he made a reasonable assumption with the information he had, & his wife got upset bc the information she provided wasnt thorough enough. if youre only told abt 2 cookies, you arent going to think "oh there must be a 3rd hidden somewhere" you would probably make the more reasonable assumption "oh maybe they got the flavor mixed up" instead of manifesting an additional cookie in your mind
anyway if you guys read this all tell me ur thoughts
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the-snake-and-the-statue · 10 months ago
*it appears to be some kind of note. unlike the sticker on the box, the note looks handwritten.*
"Hi! If you're reading this, then you're in luck! You've now received my first origami dragon! I've been practicing making new creatures, and I made this on with the intention of it finding its own home. I'd explain how that works, but that would take more than this single piece of paper.
The dragon is in the smaller box. The notecard actually has instructions on how to safely customize your friend without accidentally killing the magic. That is, if you want to customize it. That's up to you.
One more thing. You'll probably want to destroy this note after you're done reading, since I'm about to tell you something that could be used to hurt you emotionally or your dragon physically. NEVER UNFOLD YOUR DRAGON. It will kill the magic that is in it. If it gets unfolded, don't panic too much. You could put it in the box it came in and wait for about an hour or so, and I'll fix it. So, keep the box somewhere where it won't be destroyed, and be careful with your dragon.
I hope you love your little friend! Enjoy!"
*its signed with a fancy, cursive "O" that doesnt look like any handwriting hed ever seen before.*
............... wait......... what?
*He rereads it. Then rereads it again. Samuel reads the note about 5-ish times.*
(...... is this a sick joke from Hexe???)
(.... fuck, she totally knows about this, doesn't she.... she's gonna get me attatched to... whatever this is... and then kill it to hurt me.)
*His mind immediately fills with fear as he reaches for the smaller box and opens it.*
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miikoos · 3 years ago
honey pie
featuring itadori yuji
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a/n: i know his room doesnt have a kitchen but for the sake of the plot it does ok ?!? Thx and Good Bye .
you and yuji were lazing around on the bed in his dorm, bored out of your brains. you were propped up against the headboard with your legs crossed while your boyfriend was sprawled across it horizontally, his head and legs hanging off the edges.
"i'm booooooredddddd...." he whined, prompting you to chuckle. "anything you wanna do, 'dori?" you asked, leaning forward. he looked up at you and closed his eyes in thought. "hm...." he started, "i wanna do something together... like maybe make something... but i don't know what!"
you pondered for a second, and then it struck you ‒ "honey pie!" you exclaimed. yuji hummed. "yes, my love?" he responded. you facepalmed. "i- when have i ever called you that?" you asked him. he sat up and shrugged. "i dunno. maybe it's a new one?"
you shook your head. "as cute as that is, no. i meant we should make some honey pie! i've been meaning to try out this recipe i found." you explained, finding the interaction like something out of a cheesy rom-com.
it was like a lightbulb lit up in your boy's head. "oh my god!! yes!! let's do it!" he said excitedly, hopping off the bed and offering you his hand. sure, his kitchen was only a few steps away, but he couldn't go without you, could he?
"okay... next... we add the cream mixture to the eggs!" you stated, reading off of your phone. the two of you had finished making the pie crust and were in the process of finishing the filling. flour dusted yuji's face and hands, and you'd be lying if you said you didn't find that adorable.
the two of you followed the steps as the recipe instructed, and as soon as you put the pie in the oven, yuji high fived you. "we did it!!" he exclaimed, pulling you into a hug. you laughed and kissed his cheek. "as long as we don't burn it!" you responded, wrapping your arms around him.
he put you down, and the two of you cleaned up (how did he even get that much flour on his space) yourselves as well as the kitchen, and while you waited for your pie to bake, you cuddled while watching tv. of course, the two of you had set a timer. yuji wasn't about to sacrifice his delicious pie, after all.
when the alarm went off, yuji ran to the oven. "it's ready!! it's ready!" he said, almost like an excited puppy. you laughed and ruffled his hair, putting on your oven mitts and turning the metal box. you opened the door and carefully took the pie out, setting in on the counter to cool.
yuji was almost drooling at the site, and you could tell from his expression that he was ready to dig in. "it needs to cool down, baby, not only for the protection of your mouth but also so that it sets firmly." you stated. he looked dejected, but listened to you anyway.
when the pie finally cooled down, your boyfriend was more than happy to cut a slice out for each of you. he handed you your plate and plopped down beside you on his bed, a dorky grin adorning his face.
the two of you dug in, and the pie was... surprisingly good. you each finished your slices, and yuji had two more after that. when he was done eating, you two washed the utensils and then collapsed onto his bed. who knew baking was so tiring? well, at least you got cuddles and a nice pie out of it.
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hyunllx · 3 years ago
Flopbb’s 2022 BBSIM Week 3
Disclaimer: So like a dumbass I was editing the sim week by week and the sim got mad and reset. So I rigged to get back to where week 2 left off. I saved the whole season this time jdhfkj
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@ashlynbuggy bathroom-sand @bisexyasami @bitterjurorssavetheday @charlchen-moonves @chumchunom @julieeexcheeen @kemi-fucking-fakunle @lavenderkaty @leotheeworld @maxdoesbb pyrrheposts @skyhawkstragedy @whoblewboobear 
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Last week ended in chaos as the house erupted due to the lies of @whoblewboobear and bathroom-sand. Their target @maxdoesbb along with HOH @ashlynbuggy @lavenderkaty and @skyhawkstragedy exposed the lies to the rest of the house resulting in a massive fight that ended in bathroom-sand walking from the stress of the game. As always with a self-eviction, the eviction vote was cancelled. With that news, Julie instructs everyone to gather in the backyard for the next HOH competition.
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@leotheeworld manages to hang on the longest and wins this week’s Head of Household, good for him as his F2 was on the block last week with a target on his back as well. 
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@ashlynbuggy seeks to make amends with @bisexyasami after the HOH after putting her up on the block last week. There are no hard feelings as they both recognize that it was strictly a game move and nothing personal. They leave the conversation feeling closer and more comfortable with each other. 
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However, after hearing their conversation, @charlchen-moonves expresses annoyance in the DR as @ashlynbuggy also put her on the block but hasnt approached to make amends. She concludes they must have formed a deal or an alliance last week and are only just starting to hang out together more in public. She takes this information to her F2 @leotheeworld.
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After a night of plotting together with @charlchen-moonves @leotheeworld gathers everyone into the kitchen for the nomination ceremony.
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@leotheeworld begins his nominations speech by saying he respects competitors that are here to play the game like him. He points out @bitterjurorssavetheday has so far been coasting out of the spotlight and its time to step up and fight for your spot in this game. @bisexyasami however IS a good competitor, and that is indeed a threat to his game as he knows she is working in an opposing alliance.
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While picking players for the veto ceremony, @bitterjurorssavetheday​ manages to pull the HOH’s closest ally, @bisexyasami​ pulls @julieeexcheeen​ who is closely alligned with the first veto winner @skyhawkstragedy​ and @leotheeworld​ pulls former HOH winner @maxdoesbb​. @bisexyasami​ is nervous about having to beat out both members of the public F2 deal that is targeting her, though she feels confident new ally @ashlynbuggy​ could convince her friend @maxdoesbb​ to use the veto on her if he were to win.
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With a quickness @leotheeworld​ secures himself absolute power for the week, reinforcing his words at nominations that he a strong player and is here to compete.
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With such a simple veto set up the day before, Production doesnt take long to clean up the back yard and opens it up to the houseguests for the day. @leotheeworld​ is summoned to the DR and told to go upstairs to his HOH room. Upon entering the room, he sees a large question mark sign hung on what was previously believed to just be a production access door. He opens the letter waiting for him near the door and reads it aloud to the cameras, revealing the door will open Pandora’s Box, a twist long forgotten in the game of Big Brother.  After several minutes of contemplating the best choice for his game, @leotheeworld​ chooses not to open the door, reasoning that its only Week 3 and the risk of unleashing a punishment on the house is too great when next week he will have no power.
As expected, @charlchen-moonves​ joins @leotheeworld​ later that evening to discus strategy. @charlchen-moonves​ is still interested in sending @bisexyasami​ home, which @leotheeworld​ agrees is the best decision, however, she starts to push for him to use the veto on @bitterjurorssavetheday​ and put up @ashlynbuggy​ in her place. @leotheeworld​ very much disagrees, saying the house will be more likely to get out the stronger player on the block, and putting up a former competition winner would not only make that more difficult, but would mean one of them is gunning for their alliance starting next week. @charlchen-moonves​ is focused on revenge for last week, insisting they can win the comps needed if they do end up on the block. After the first week exposing pyrrhepost’s comments to the house, she thought @leotheeworld​ would be on board for the dramatics. He’s clearly not.
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@charlchen-moonves​ leaves the HOH room with a lingering sense of distrust.
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As @leotheeworld​ gathers the houseguests in the living room for the veto ceremony, @bisexyasami​ says she recognizes he likely will not use it on a strong player but congratulates him for winning the power anyway. @bitterjurorssavetheday​ also congratulates him but says he should use the veto on her because if he truly thought she hadnt played much game yet, he should allow her the chance to prove him wrong.
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@leotheeworld​ chooses not to use the veto, leaving the nominations the same.
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After the veto ceremony, @charlchen-moonves​ confides in me about the betrayal of her former F2 member. We devise a plan to flip the vote and keep @bisexyasami​ as she will likely target @leotheeworld​ if she were to stay.
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After working together last week @ashlynbuggy​ and @maxdoesbb​ continue to talk and spend time together. @ashlynbuggy​ comes to feel comfortable enough to tell him about her personal life back home, solidifying their friendship.
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Its finally Thursday again and Julie gathers the houseguests in the living room.In her speech @bisexyasami​ makes it clear if she stays she’ll be going after @leotheeworld​ and if he thinks hes such a strong player then clearly another strong player is needed to take him down. @bitterjurorssavetheday​ reiterates her veto speech, saying she should have another chance to prove she is playing the game and that theres more to being a strong player that putting a target on your back.
One by one the houseguests vote.
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@bisexyasami​ 0 - 3 @bitterjurorssavetheday​ 
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@bisexyasami​ 2 - 5 @bitterjurorssavetheday​ 
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Julie announces to the houseguests that there is a tie, much to everyone’s surprise. @leotheeworld​ is instructed to stand and cast the final vote.
With a vote of 6-5, @bisexyasami​ you have been evicted from the BBSIM house.
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milftalia · 4 years ago
Can you rank the batfam on how building a piece of furniture from IKEA with them would be? Who would cry or scream? Give up halfway thru? Weirdly good at it? Takes 12 hours?
OOH YES this is fun sichsuc
bruce: would be effective, would get it done in 20 minutes BUT. would insist on adding unnecessary shit. keeps complaining about the quality and sturdiness. you have to keep telling him it's fine. he doesn't think it's fine. you wanted a simple bookshelf and now you have a revolving, complicated, way too extra nightmare. 6/10
dick: actually very easy to work with. loses one of the screws but jokingly insists that either you lost it or that it wasn't in there to begin with. "it probably wasn't that important anyway." you believe him. you finish building the shelf. the shelf collapses once you put the first book in. the screw apparently was important. 3/10
jason: insists on doing everything. kind of an asshole about it. you're not allowed to help, only hand him the tools. afterwards he claps you on the shoulder a little too hard and says you were a great team. you wanted a bookshelf. he somehow managed to build a table. you're too exhausted to say anything. 4/10
idc abt tim enough
cass: uses the box it came in as a bookshelf. insists it's good enough. "why do you need the whole shelf. you don't even have that many books. you're gonna buy books you're not gonna read to fill the space. use the box."
has a good point. you still want the bookshelf. 5/10
duke: "who needs instructions?" throws them away. he's sure he can do it without them. how complicated can it be? very, you try to tell him. he doesn't listen. he hits ur finger with a hammer. he says sorry. does it again. six hours later you're still not done. you fish the instructions out of the trash. you manage to build the bookshelf together. at least you got the bookshelf. 7/10
steph: surprisingly very easy to work with. you manage to build the bookshelf in short time. you try to thank her. she's gone. she left the whole mess for you to clean up. 6/10
damian: insists that this bookshelf is stupid. it's too small. like his father, complains about the material. you leave the room to get some water. you return to him hunched over the instructions and already on step 6. he doesn't notice you came back. he seems to have fun, even though he keeps muttering under his breath when something doesnt work out. "do you need hel-?" "no." you don't help him. the bookshelf gets build. he says it's still stupid. but you got a bookshelf. 10/10
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f1enthusiastsstuff · 4 years ago
teaching the lads how to cook (ft. tubbo, tommy, ranboo & jack)
- you hit your sub goal of 5000 and the cooking stream you promised
- 3/4 know how to cook
-> jack surprisingly knows how to cook a little bit (beans on toast) , ranboo only knows how to make whacky american burgers and tubbo knows how to make a cake (from a box mix but i mean a cake is a cake so...)
- today's stream is rlly just teaching tommy how to cook but also not letting him touch anything dangerous like a knife or the oven, so teaching him nothing at the same time
-> streaming from tubbo's kitchen cause they're the coolest w/ letting 5 teens make a mess
- you're making choc chip cookies per chat's request
- jack's measuring 2 cups of flour into a bowl and that's when all hell breaks loose
-> ranboo is on the side reading the instructions when tommy chucks a bag of flour at him
-> tubbo is laughing so hard he's crying, ranboo is coughing after inhaling flour, you're just standing there & jack had to jump onto tommy to stop more flour from being spread
- chat is losing their minds over the flour toss
- after a quick break of ranboo wiping the flour of himself and jack talking to chat to distract them from the chaos happening in the kitchen
-> back to the scheduled programming, only for you to notice that there's zero flour left thanks to tommy
- cue tubbo yelling to his parents that you ran out of flour and need to go to the groceries
-> chat is like thriving with the amount of chaos thats occurring and sending dono's for you guys to buy some flour
- streaming whilst in jack's car on the way to Sainsbury's
-> almost swerving off the road cause tommy shoves the camera in Jack's face
- when you arrive at the shops, debating who's going in to buy the flour
-> ranboo stays in the car cause he's still covered in flour with tubbo, whilst you and jack haul tommy into the shops
-> one of you to watch him so he doesnt cause trouble in the car & the other to actually buy the flour
- stream ends for 30 minutes after an employee tells you that you cant film in the shop & letting chat know that you're gonna take a quick break
- you ended up buying flour and pre-made cookies cause it's easier
-> getting back to tubbo's house you told chat that you bought cookies cause it was a lot easier than teaching tommy to cook
-> cooking with tommy might come at a later date tho (maybe)
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blookmallow · 3 years ago
Can you do a rating on child animatronics like you did with the clowns
i sure can
welcome to animatronic nightmare preschool
theres a trend ive discussed about spirit before where all their female animatronics tend to be either the “old hag” type, or “creepy little girl” - and now that im thinking about it i actually couldn’t think of any boy characters ive ever seen. i dont know why this is exactly. theres something to analyze there but im not really sure what it is. i found a few but almost ALL of them are little girls. i dont know what to say about this but i did notice it 
there IS a boy in this group though: 
ring around the rosie
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enter the ritual 
just some nice kids having a fun time. it may be cliché at this point but i love the “spooky nursery rhyme” trope anyway (and y’know, ring around the rosie was already creepy to begin with. im not sure if the theory that it’s really about the black plague is actually true but its still highly questionable to include the line “ashes, ashes, we all fall down” in a childrens rhyme with no explanation either way) 
for some reason the fact that none of them have hands and its just their sleeves tied together is really funny to me and i dont know why. they also dont have feet and im not sure if its a technical limitation for convenience purposes or if they’re supposed to be little ghost children but it definitely comes across like they’re little ghost children who tied their sleeves together to try to feel like they’re holding hands which is very cute. 10/10 big fan of this one 
i already mentioned harriet hustle in this post, shes fantastic 
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i LOVE this one shes SO cute
i dont really understand how she's supposed to be scary, the description is like "she'll scare the lights out of your guests" or w/e but like, she's just. a kid who can see ghosts. she herself isn't even a ghost. i like her id adopt her i think she'd be a fun addition to a graveyard scene 10/10
abandoned annie
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ok technically this one is a doll but im counting her anyway, shes one of my FAVORITE spirit animatronics bc A) i love creepy dolls B) shes cute and most importantly C) her entire fucking face unhinges i need y’all to watch the video on this one its so good 12/10 ive said this before but animatronics that do something completely fucking unexpected are my absolute favorite 
broken girl 
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completely batshit. horrifying. shes actually initially standing upright and then snaps backward and screams and the image does not do it justice i highly recommend the video for this one. not much there as a Character but as “really effective way to scare the shit out of someone” its, i would imagine, incredibly effective. 9/10
there’s also menacing molly who looks similar and has the same kind of “facing away from you but then snaps backward” scare but is on a swing and sings “I see dead people, I see ghosts 💖i see the things that hate you the most” before she does her jumpscare which is incredibly funny to me 
double trouble
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creepy little girl trope meets creepy twins trope, at first glance i thought this was just like, discount grady twins (which it looks like they also have, in blatant knockoff form. they’re uh, not good) but it looks like their description backstory is that they killed their mother and disappeared with their rumored-insane father so its slightly different. one of their phrases is “daddy says we have to play outside :( he doesnt want any more blood on the floor” and i love it 
they have a pretty good sense of personality and character to them even if its not necessarily groundbreaking. 7/10
ellie hatchet 
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i love this one bc so many of the creepy little girl animatronics are just pretty much standing there being creepy but not ellie. she’s fucking DONE with all of you. you come near her she will swing an axe at your face. 6/10 not really a big stand out but i appreciate her undying rage 
lunging lily 
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shes spooky. she jumps out at you. thats about it. i dont really have anything to say about this one. that sure is a creepy little girl that jumpscares you. i like that she goes “help me... help me...” before she jumps out but i feel like it would be hard to get the timing right for that to actually work as a lure to make guests curious where the sound’s coming from since most of these are motion activated. anyway 6/10 shes just not very interesting 
johnny punk 
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one of the rare boy characters, i have actually seen him in store and just completely forgot about him because he was that uninteresting. he doesn’t really do much and his backstory on site is just like, “He's got a nice house, loving parents and a severe attitude problem.” 
like this isn’t an undead child back for revenge against those who wronged him or a crazed circus runaway or anything. he’s just a bratty kid. hes like a 13 year old who just saw Joker and has decided to make it his entire personality. this comes across less as a threatening figure and more just like some shitty kid who thinks he’s cool. i glanced at the comments on the wiki page and it turns out absolutely everyone hates him which is completely hilarious to me 
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2/10 nobody likes you johnny go do your homework and apologize to your mother 
i also found limb eating zombie boy, who is considerably better 
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gross. bloody. would probably be pretty effective if you had him like, placed among some boxes or something so people dont see him at first and aren’t expecting him there. pretty standard zombie. i dont have much to say. He’s Fine. 6/10
mommy’s favorite
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ive seen this one in the stores several times, I think we have her there now, and i just don’t. get it? she just moves back and forth with the “shhh” gesture and it’s like, ok, she’s vaguely creepy, but what’s going on here. she just says “don’t wake my mommy! she’s been sleeping for a long time!” so i guess the implication is that her mother is dead and she doesn’t understand, which is just sad rather than scary. the description says she makes mommy’s tea just how she likes it with five drops from the special skull bottle, which could imply she killed her mom, which would make more sense as a horror character, but if that’s How Mommy Likes It that implies the mother instructed her daughter to unknowingly poison her, which is horrifying but in a way darker sense than a spooky halloween prop lmfao 
anyway if i have to go digging into descriptions to try to figure out what this character is or what shes supposed to be or anything i just dont feel like its a very effective character design. and i did read it and i still dont really get it. 2/10 i just feel like im missing something here 
anyway there’s a bunch more variations of “scary possessed child” that are all basically the same, so im just gonna close this out with:
swinging skeletal boy 
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allo there, guvna��
look at this dapper little victorian child im gonna cry he’s so cute 
he just swings but has this surprisingly endearing soft little voice which COMPLETELY contrasts the weird shit he actually says. hes this precious little skeleton kid with a sweet little voice who goes “your skin is so nice :) can i have it? haha. that’s okay. I’ll take it when you’re sleeping” 
absolutely love animatronics with that “wait WHAT did that thing just say” factor to them i love this guy 11/10 good boy my new son 
i would also like to mention that people are also continuing to dunk on johnny punk in this guy’s comment section too fsadkflj people hate that shitty joker kid so much their hatred has bled into other completely unrelated swinging children
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incorrect-coldwar · 4 years ago
How about... Naga living with an S/O hc👀👀❤
- he's quiet for the most part, sometimes he just doesn't really wanna talk. he won't bite your head off, he just has low energy sometimes and will speak a little quieter and be less rambunctious. he's cuddly when he's low battery, and this is just as good as talking.
- he likes gardens, so if there's one near or you're nurturing one in your yard, he looks after it diligantly. he's good with the plants, and he likes the peace and the ginger focus he calls into play.
- he's the type of person take the last candy or snack out of a box and put the box back in the pantry or fridge. sometimes he forgets, sometimes he wants to mess with you. he doesn't do it to stuff you really like though, which he dramatically stresses is because he loves you enough to "survive the hunger pangs."
- you can start singing anything you want, anything random or from any genre, and even if he doesnt know the song or the beat, he'll break out the air guitar or the table drums (smacking his hands back and forth). if you ask him to he'll stop, but he always looks like he's having the time of his life- and it's actually pretty adorable.
- he's messy on a busy day, if that makes sense. his pants or shirt will end up on the floor and sometimes they stay there for a bit if he's got too much to do during the week. if you help him with the laundry he'll talk about stuff like astronomy, wild frogs, what kind of politics the north pole would have if there penguins were sentient. it's always this delightful bombardment of random questions. he also loves how warm his clothes are when they come out of the laundry. he hugs them to his chest and almost passes out right there.
- he likes to cook, and while he's not great at advanced dishes (he doesnt read instructions, he just wings it. which one should never do with an oven.) he'll make a meal on a day when you're out, so you've got something to come home to. and if you let slip your day's not going too great, he'll talk to you about it and find your favorite desert at the store or bakery.
- when he's home and you're both in the same bed, he sprawls the fuck out. he doesn't mean to, he goes to sleep on his side and wakes up spread eagle. there are time when you come home late and he's already asleep, snoring soundly. he detects you on the bed immediately and whispers a sleepy "i love you" before conking out again.
- on the topic of sleep, naga says the dumbest shit when he's barely awake. if you're coming home to bed, and not saying a whole lot, he's good, but don't ask him anything while he's conked out. he just starts babbling about horseshoes or transformers.
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