#does a literal goddess count as a holy woman
nagaficat · 1 year
a kiss to make someone else jealous sorry sigurd!
Deirdre does not think twice when she notices another woman glancing in the direction of her husband. It is not the first time and it certainly will not be the last. He is a handsome man! Often she catches her own eyes drifting toward him--how could she fault someone else for doing the same!
But the woman approaches Deirdre and, with an arm about her waist, pulls her close. Startled, Deirdre does not immediately back away until after her lips are kissed.
The woman doesn't look at her after she pulls away. Her eyes stay on Sigurd and she smiles at him in a way that sends chills down his wife's spine.
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"Hey guys, it's 8r19h7 eYE2 here. Welcome to my first boss battle - a woman."
If you ask Bright Eyes - which no one is doing nowadays. Or talk to. So rude. - their ultimate weakness has always been hot women. Now you might be asking "Oh, does that mean you're Bi?" or "What's your body count?" or even "Holy fuck, Bright Eyes! When did you get in the shower with me!?" but that's not important. What you should be asking is what type of women Bright's heart explodes for like a car crash.
The answer? Preferably boss-ass bitches that can crush them with a pair of fuck-me-heels with daddy issues of the Frank Ocean level. Google it.
Oh and look! There's one here in Wonderworld! Shoes? Check. A scowl that can only mean the barista got her Starbucks order wrong again? Check. And when she steps away from the shadows, we hit the bonus round.
She's tall and her crown is pure platinum blonde. But like every white woman, she's hard to read but fortunately, Bright Eyes can so they check their text on Whatsapp (boomer apps gave them the hives) for any goddesses that are supposed to be on shift tonight.
Actually, let's go back a bit. Back to this morning when Sam accomplished the impossible and made Bright Eyes go 🕶️outside🌳.
"You know, I was counting down the days when you would finally kill me. I bet sometime this year. Vincent now owes me one of his Lambos. You think he'll be mad if I put some Barbie-friendly decals on it?"
"Bright, I don't mean now. I meant tonight at Wonderworld. Vamps in the Solaire Clan take turns patrolling the area."
Frederick pops into their head like an adorably fat mole. The Bright Eyes in their mind palace (it's actually more of a crack den but whatever) whack it with away because they know the unspoken reason why Sam approached them instead of his Progeny. And why he did so when Frederick was asleep.
But anyway, back to the present!
No hot white women were written in the text. Just a bunch of Vampires who form an anti-Bright Eyes committee™ as soon as they arrive. They ignore Bright for the most part which eventually leads the not-so-Newborn-anymore to the farthest end of Wonderworld where a babe is just chilling beside the vegetation-conquered carousel. Score one for the plants.
And the first thing that escapes from Bright's mouth is, "Good evening. May I inquire if you're a quirked up white woman that can bust it down sexual style so that I can get lost in the sauce?"
The scowl vanishes instantly. Like a father who went out to buy milk.
"Excuse me?"
Giddiness blooms like a weed (you know which ones) in Bright Eyes. She even has a Karen-patent tone! Could this night get any better -
Nevermind. Please wait for Bright's brain to reboot as an impressive set of badonkas-donkas is thrust in their face.
"Are you one of Sam's Progeny?" She didn't ask so much as demands. Like Bright and the world owes her something, everything. They wondered if they started panting because that's seriously hawt.
"I'm what you call a bastard of the magical kind meets with death via Vampiric jumpscare. And that's not a sentence I thought was possible."
Bright has to give blondie some credit; she takes their nonsensical answer in stride and with an eyebrow raised.
"I'll take that as a yes. You fit the rumours at least."
"You heard of me but I don't know who you are. You're hot but... sus. Do I need to eject you?"
"No surprise there. I bet Sammy did everything he could to hide you from me. He thinks he's protecting you, but all he did was made me curious."
"Aww shit, did the clapping of my ass cheeks give me away?"
"...Are you fucking high?"
"Probably. I had a shot of vodka with my honey milk boba tea with extra pudding and 100% sugar before I left. Fuck coffee when you can just meet god, amirite?"
The woman closes her pretty gold-ruby eyes. She exhaled and Bright could literally hear her mentally counting down.
"You're unlike any creature that I ever have the misfortune to come across."
"Uh, correction: you found me. And I still don't know if you're a quirked up white woman that can - "
"Enough. I get it. Are you usually like this when it comes to women?"
"Hey, I thought I would be holding in my rizz 'till the heat death of the universe! So who are you o' beautiful sour cream?"
"Careful, I can't tell whether that's an insult or a compliment."
"Sounds like a you problem, chief."
Apparently, magic does exist because despite the non-stop verbal trainwreck that's coming out of Bright's mouth, the woman's lips nearly twitch a smile.
"You're ballsy and stupid. I like that. The name's Alexis. A pleasure for you to meet."
Yes! Bright made it to Phase 2, bitch!
"They call me Bright Eyes, my IQ is the highest among the Redditors on the 'Am I The Asshole' subpage - "
"That isn't saying much."
" - And welcome to the ruins of Vincent's hopes and dreams."
Now that made Alexis burst out a gut. Seriously, she's clutching her stomach with tears in her eyes. It boosts Bright's confidence as a future stand-up comedian. Their 'flirting?' went well but Bright didn't sense the spark of interest within the older Vampire. Boo.
"Right. I've decided to kidnap you now. How accurately can you predict your... Grandmaker's reaction?"
"As accurate as my opinion on the Internet."
"Wonderful. I hope you like shopping and breaking the fabric of time and space on the highway."
And that, readers, is how Bright Eyes won against Alexis Getty-Solaire without getting Miyazaki'd.
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itsallyscorner · 4 years
okay so I love littlemix!reader x Tom holland??? the best pairing ever??? Anyways could you do something based of Holiday, like it’s obviously based off their lovers and maybe his reaction to the song & mv? Pls I’m in love with Baby Mix btw 😌❤️
Glad you’re enjoying the Little Mix member!reader x Tom Holland fics, I’m enjoying them too🥰 Thank you for the support on Baby Mix, btw, I appreciate it! Sorry for taking so long! Much love and happy reading💖
I completely forgot when the girls dropped the video so I’m making up a time. Enjoy:)
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Counting down the minutes to midnight, Tom continuously refreshed the YouTube app on your smart tv. The two of your were in his shared home with Harry, Harrison, and Tuwaine. You’ve been staying with the lot since the beginning of quarantine; London’s travel ban prevented you from catching a flight back home to your family, resulting in your boyfriend, Tom, begging you to stay with him and his mates. You didn’t have a problem with it in all honesty, the boys were great and respectful roommates. Though you were the only woman in the house, they provided you with entertainment and respected your alone time. They were a nice group of lads, letting you in on inside jokes and making you feel like you were part of the gang. By now, you probably were part of the gang. Harrison even considered on replacing Tom with you.
“Bubs, the video’s not gonna be up yet.” You glance at the screen that showed the previous videos the band’s channel posted. Tom huffed, nudging your arms apart so he can squeeze through them to lay on your chest. The two of you were currently in his room waiting for the release of Holiday’s music video. Tom had been anticipating the video all day, asking for hints about the music video’s concept and wondering how it looked.
With his body snuggled up against yours, he rested his head on your chest and wrapped his arm around your torso. His other hand reached towards the tv with the remote as he clicked the video for Break Up Song.
“I know it’s not gonna be up yet, but what if they accidentally uploaded it early? I wanna see the video already.” He whined. His fingers began to drum to the beat of Break Up Song on your stomach.
You laughed, fingers carding through his brown curls that have grown for the past months. He hums along to the song while you text the girls. He lets out a chuckle once he sees you on the screen doing the dance that he’s been helping you learn for the video. You had been struggling to get the choreography down and doing the moves on time. Noticing your desperate attempts at the moves, Tom offered to help you. Obviously in the end you perfected the choreography, seeing as it made the video, thanks to Tom.
“You are so cute.” He mused watching you dance around in the video. “Look at you dance, I don’t know what you were so worried about. You look so adorable when you dance and look at your face! Just wanna squish those cheeks together.” He began to tease you. You whine his name out as he reached up to squish your cheeks together with his hand. Your phone began to rang causing him to stop. He glances at the sceeen, “It’s my best friend, lemme answer it.”
“Go ahead.” You giggled handing him your phone. His head remains on your chest as he answers the FaceTime call. Jesy pops up on the screen with a giant smile but it drops once she sees Tom, changing into a playful scowl.
“Hi best friend!” Tom greets her loudly, a playful grin on his face. Jesy rolls her eyes at the boy.
“Hi Tom.” She greeted him sarcastically. “Give the phone to (y/n).”
“She’s right here, see,” Tom moved the phone further away so you were both in the frame. You waved at her, “Jess I miss you!” You cried.
“I miss you too darling—Tom give her the bloody phone!” Jesy scolded him through the phone. He let out a dramatic sigh before handing you your phone and snuggling into your stomach, mumbling something about “not being able to catch a break from the constant bullying of Jesy Nelson.”
“Right just a few minutes left, I’m trying to get the other girls on here.” Jesy explained as she tapped around her phone. Sooner or later. The two of you were joined by Perrie, Jade, and Leigh-Anne.
Perrie let out a squeal as she saw everyone on the screen, “You guys I miss you so much!”
“Didn’t we all see each other just a few weeks ago?” Jade asked sipping on a glass of wine as per usual.
“Yeah, on the set, but it’s a few weeks too long.” You pouted. You noticed that everyone was drinking except for you, “Wait, has everyone got a drink except for me?”
Leigh-Anne’s eyes scanned everyone on the screen, “You are, are you in bed already? It’s so early babe.”
“Leigh-Anne’s it’s literally about to be midnight, it’s late.” Jesy chimes. Jade makes a sound of disagreement, “I mean does time even matter anymore?”
“What day is it anyway? I’ve lost track.” Perrie thought out loud. You moved to get up from the bed but Tom stopped you. “Where are you going?” He whispered.
“I’m getting a drink, I’ll be back.” You patted his cheek before sitting up. He stops you once again and stands from the bed, “I’ll get you one.” He kisses your temple and leaves the room.
“Aww, was that Tom?” Jade asked leaning closer to her camera. You hummed, “Yup, being the amazing boyfriend he is and getting me a drink.”
Perrie smirked at you, “Gosh, there’s that smile again. She’s whipped for ‘im ladies!” The girls began “ooo-ing” like a bunch of elementary school girls. “Guys, stop.” You whine.
“Have you told him the part you wrote was inspired by him?” Leigh-Anne asked, chin in her palm.
“No, I’ll tell him while he’s watching. He’s been so excited the whole day, probably more than me.” You chuckle. As if on cue, Tom comes back in with a bottle of champagne and two glasses.
“Tom’s going to be so nerdy about it, like a cute nerdy, you know what I mean? All mushy gushy. Like how he gets whenever (y/n) kisses his cheeks.” Jesy said as the girls cooed. Tom peeks from beside you.
“Did I hear that correctly? Did Jesy just compliment me?” He asked everyone, looking back at you for confirmation. You shrugged as you looked at Jesy. Jade stifled a laugh at Jesy’s annoyed expression.
“Oh fuck off you div. It’s an observation. You could barely compose yourself whenever you’re around (y/n).” Jesy playfully jabs at him. You adored their friendship, it was like a brother/sister bond. Jesy being the older sibling and Tom being the annoying little brother.
“Jes, leave the poor boy alone, he makes our baby happy.” Perrie defended Tom. Tom smiles thankfully at her, “Thank you Perrie, at least I know some of you like me.”
Tom pops open the champagne and takes one of the glasses to pour the beverage in, “But I’ll take it as a compliment Jes. Cheers to that.” He raises his glass and clinks it with your phone screen. You and the girls continue to talk until midnight. When the video was finally released you all celebrated and took some screenshots of each other to post later.
When your FaceTime call with the girls ended, you turned to Tom, who already had the video up on the screen. He made grabby hands at you and pulled you to sit in between his legs. With his back against the headboard he made sure the two of you were comfy before asking you, “Can I click play now?”
You chuckled at him as his leg bounced, “Yup.” He pressed play, placing the remote down and wrapping his arm around your front to pull you closer to him. The intro to the video starts, the title of the song appearing on the screen in a water type font. Jesy pops up on the screen singing her part, Tom cheers yelling “It’s my best friend!”
Tom hypes each of the girls up while they appear on the screen, cheering their names. When the chorus comes, his brows furrow as he looks down at you. “Wait where are you? Why—why didn’t they show you yet?” He questioned you, visibly upset. You were about to answer but instead pointed to the screen when you realized your part was coming up.
Boy, have I told ya?
You give it to me like no other guy
We got that heat, yeah, like the summer (summer)
And that's why I'm so glad I made you mine
You appeared on the screen, body cladded in a white bikini that had gold straps for both the bra and thong. You bursted out laughing when you saw Tom’s reaction. His eyes look like they were about to bulge out his head while his jaw was slacked.
“Holy...shit.” He mumbled eyes glued to the screen as you sang. The scene was you in that blue hallway type set. You looked at the camera, bedroom eyes fully activated as your back slid down the wall. You felt his grip around you tighten, his breathing getting deeper.
The scene changed to the one with the planets, sculptures, and lounging chairs. You were seen walking towards a Chaise lounge, giving the camera a perfect view of your bum. While you sat sideways on the couch in the video, Tom couldn’t help but think about how gorgeous you looked in the video. You looked like a goddess, confident as you strutted around in that little number of yours in the video.
You turned to look at him once your part was done and pressed a kiss to his jaw. “You know my whole part was about you right?” His head snaps to look at you, “You wrote something about me in a song?”
“Tommy, I always do. Who else would I be singing about?” You asked him amused. He took a second to think before shaking his head, “I thought it was in general, like it was based on how you would feel if you were with someone that made you feel that way.”
You nod at his explanation, “Well yeah, the fans could see it that way. But when I sing it, it’s about you.”
A goofy grin made its way to his face before he giggled, “It’s about me.” He pulled you into a hug from behind and rested his chin on your shoulder. He turned back to the tv to see you all dressed as mermaids while you sang your part in the chorus.
“Wait what—you’re mermaids?” The look of confusion appeared on his face again as he tried to figure out the video. He looked at you then back to the screen, repeating the action a few times.
“I never thought I’d say this, but if you were a mermaid, I’d still fuck you.” He confessed with a shrug. You bursted out laughing at his confession, “How do you even fuck a mermaid, Tom?”
His hands gripped your sides, voice going down an octave, “You tell me, (y/n). Get the mermaid tail back and we’ll find out.” You looked at him shocked, “Thomas!”
He laughed dropping the act and went back to watching the music video. “Wait, I’m still cofused. I thought you guys were in space cause of the planets and stuff. Why are you guys also underwater? And mermaids?” You tilted your head trying to come up with an answer for him.
“Um—it’s a spa, on a another planet, which also has an ocean I’m guessing, and that’s why we’re also mermaids?” You explained, also questioning yourself.
“I like the concept, probably the most random video you guys have had, but it’s sick.” He approved of the video with an impressed look on his face. When the video ended, he immediately pressed replay. Though when your part came up this time he let out a “GOD DAMN” before his eyes scanned you up and down. When he finally felt like he’s processed the music video, he let it play in the background and paid attention to you.
He leaned down to kiss your lips sweetly, “Love, that was amazing. I’m proud of you.” He was quick to add on, “And thank you for writing a part of the song about me, I never thought someone would write a song about me, not even a part. But thank you, I love you so much.”
You giggled shoving your face into his neck as you both moved to cuddling. Suddenly you remembered something you and the boys promised to do.
“Tom! We were supposed to watch the video with the other boys! Remember we promised to not watch it without them?” You leaned back to look at Tom who was already shaking his head.
“Oh they’re not allowed to watch the video.” He muttered. Your brows furrow at him. Tom motions to the tv, the part where your bum was facing the camera on the screen.
“Because of that, I don’t need them seeing that, that’s mine.” One of his hands trail down the length of your back to grip your ass. He rolled over so he was on top of you, dipping his head into your neck, his lips ghosted fluttery kisses along your skin. You let out a content sigh, running your hands through his soft hair. When his lips reached your ear, he whispered, “But seriously though, you should think about investing in a mermaid tail.”
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excitedlysuffering · 4 years
Green With Envy
It’s past 2am and my eyes hurt so it’s unedited for now sorry y’all😅
Original Request (from Wattpad account): What makes the boys jealous, if possible?
Guest stars: Sasori and Sai!
Oh, this boy… he’s too oblivious sometimes he doesn’t even know to be jealous. He was at a hot spring with friends once and someone says, “(Y/N) is so hot…” Naruto just grinned and said, “Yeah, she really is.”
But that doesn’t mean he won’t protect your honor. If someone says something a little too… risque like ‘Yeah, I’d tap that’ for example, get ready for more Narutos than you can count all charging you with a Rasengan.
He will not stand other guys cozying up to you. He’s the one who should be blessed with your hugs and cuddles. Won’t hesitate to cause a scene and yell to the entire world that he loves you and won’t let any other guy make a pass at you.
“Naruto, you didn’t need to go that far! You blasted him through three walls!” He’s endearing, really.
Is jealousy an Uchiha thing or just a Sasuke thing? One of life’s many mysteries. Anywho, unlike Naruto, the second your name is brought up in conversation, he goes on guard and he’s listening closely.
If anything is said that he deems inappropriate, whether it be disparaging or otherwise, Sasuke had better be held back or he just might punch you into next week.
“Sasuke, calm down! He just said I had good taste in clothes!”
Even though he can easily get jealous, he knows the importance of freedom and he trusts you. He won’t come guns blazing (or sword slashing rather) and drag you away unless you need it of course.
The last thing he wants is for you to feel like you’re dating your dad or something. He’s very blunt and if he becomes uneasy with the way another male is talking to you, he’ll let said male know. Maybe after scowling with his Sharingan activated, however.
Neji doesn’t really get jealous per se, more like offended on your behalf. Because of his upbringing, which taught him manners and the utmost respect, he really can’t understand talking about girls like they’re objects? Will never refer to a woman as ‘hot’ or anything like that.
If someone even dares speak of you like that, (even if you’re not necessarily together yet) he will fight them, and they will experience the 64 palms technique.
He especially hates people in your personal space. He really does trust you, just not others. Is not afraid to embarrass someone on your behalf. Half the time his glare is enough to scare them off, but some people are just clueless. (They wake up in the hospital)
“Neji! You can’t just throw me over your shoulder and leave! And that guy looked like he had seen a ghost?!” Needless to say, even cool, calm, and collected Neji has his limits.
Shika is too laid back to get jealous over little things. Somewhat like Neji, he doesn’t get jealous. He might feel threatened on your behalf, but never jealous. He can trust you with his life why shouldn’t he trust you with your relationship?
However, if someone is clearly harassing you or just generally making you uncomfortable, he will not hesitate to step in and make them leave. He won’t resort to physical violence (too much work), but he will intimidate them or put his genius to use and play some kind of trick on them.
He honestly has endless patience and at the same time no patience? Patience with you if you’re having a pleasant conversation with someone, but will go from 0-100 (or 50, really, anything more is a lot of effort) real quick.
“Shika, that guy thought he was really paralyzed, thanks to your shadow possession!” Being jealous is a waste of time, but clever revenge is always a treat for Shika.
So. Jealous. So. Easily. Kiba is naturally animalistic (in the best way) and just like a dog, can be very possessive. If explicitly asked, he will try to tone down his jealous fits, but will still be protective. If he does have free reign, however, oh boy…
No chill at all, whatsoever. Whether it’s absolutely destroying the object of his rage or just simply making out with you right there. No matter how annoyed he may get, he respects you with every fiber of his being and would never tell you to change or try to control you. He wouldn’t ever embarrass you (unless Kiba and Akamaru pummeling a room full of guys is embarrassing).
Just let him FIND OUT someone is making you feel the slightest bit of unease. One second, they’re chatting you up and then BAM! There’s a flash of white and a huge dog ready to maul them.
“Kiba, what do you mean they all looked at me for too long?! We walked in the door, of course, they turned to look!”
Gaara is a bit of a conundrum, but in a way that makes sense? Like, he doesn’t feel the need to get jealous of guys because when you leave, he’s going to be kissing you goodnight, and he’s the one who gets to spoil you.
However, he will get jealous of little things. Oh, you’ve spent a good amount of time playing with an animal/pet? Be prepared to walk in on Gaara giving them a stern lecture on stealing you from them. Gaara knows he has any potential suitors beat, but tiny adorable animals and children? In his mind, he can never be too cautious.
He gets a little pouty but that can easily be cured with cuddles, sometimes with that evil little pet that stole your affections from him. He can never stay jealous for long, he views it as an unproductive waste of time. He could be actively trying to get your attention, but instead, he’s going to be sulking in a corner? Yeah, no.
“Gaara! Stop scolding my cat, that’s not doing anything!”
On the rare occasion that this cinnamon roll gets jealous, he’s confused and shocked. Like just imagine the surprised Pikachu face and that’s him. He knows what jealousy is, he can identify it just fine, but he doesn’t know why he’s jealous.
You aren’t doing anything, all you did was laugh at someone else’s jokes, but still… do you find them funnier than him? Are you going to leave him because he’s not that funny?! Cue the slow onset into insanity… Poor Sai is losing his mind to paranoia and made-up scenarios.
Will most certainly drag you away (gently) from whoever is taking your attention and leave. He doesn’t even bother with a fake smile, they don’t deserve it. He’ll explain to you calmly even though he’s panicking on the inside. Once he is back to normal he’ll show you his nearest artwork.
“What the-! Sai, you can’t just draw caricatures on people’s car!” You don’t even want to know how he figures out which car is theirs...
Too cocky to be jealous. He has the right to be though because one glance at him without his face mask can cause instant pregnancy. Anywho, he knows you love him and some guy trying to hit on you like some high school douche isn’t going to change that.
He does like to intervene, however, just to flex like ‘yeah, I’m the boyfriend, now get lost’.
He’s not big on PDA, so he won’t start kissing you to ward off strangers, but he will wrap on arm around you or hold your hand and ask who your ‘friend’ is.
When there’s that one stubborn person who won’t take a hint, Kakashi doesn’t mind rocking someone’s world or getting kicked out, he needed to perfect that one offense technique anyways. He’s pretty laid back though, so it has to be somewhat drastic for this though, plus he knows you can handle yourself.
“A thousand years of death?! Isn’t it weird to be poking old men in the butt?!
Pfft. Who does he have to be jealous of? He’s a god among mortals, after all. To him, you’re a goddess and as such you belong with someone like him, not the peasants around you.
But on the offhand chance that someone doesn’t heed his godly status, he will not hesitate to pull you into his side and yell ‘Almighty Push’ and totally obliterate that loser. (A/N: Holy crap I think that needs to be a one-shot cuz, wow, Pein being all protective is making me swoon?)
If it’s not a big deal, he’ll easily let you take care of it. If you’re strong enough to catch Pein’s attention, you’re more than strong enough to deal with some lowlife. That doesn’t mean, however, that they won’t feel his wrath too.
If you ever want to witness a true royal rumble, dare someone to mess with Pein’s S/O. It’d be an epic tag team match (slaughter, really) for the ages. One would d be surprised how quick he can lose his cool when it comes to you.
“Pein, that’s the fifth time this month! Kakuzu is going to murder me if I ask for money to fix this wall!”
Need I even say it? Jealous boy all the way. You’re his favorite masterpiece so why should let an uncultured swine who doesn’t even understand your worth touch you? Rhetorical question, he wouldn’t.
He is not above fighting or placing a bomb on someone who gives you one too many glances. He’d make sure they knew it wasn’t art, they weren’t good enough for that, before blowing the offender up.
No one and he means no one gets to talk bad about his S/O. If someone insults you in his presence they might as well as swallowed one of his explosives and trusted him not to blow them up.
Will one 100% hide you from view if you look too appealing. He thinks you look ravishing, but he’s the only one who should be able to think that, in his opinion. Don’t worry, no one’s ever gotten close enough to harass you with Dei around. His one-eyed scowl is a great deterrent.
“Deidara! You blew up my favorite restaurant! He didn’t even say anything to me!”
Would rather die before admitting he was jealous. As adamant about not being jealous as he is about art being eternal. That’s not to say that he won’t take action though. He will use chakra strings to make the perpetrator walk away, meanwhile making them bump into literally everything in the general vicinity.
The two of you don’t leave the base all that often so it’s unusual to see an envious Sasori action, but it’s a real treat when it happens. After he deals with whatever idiot crossed him, he’ll be a bit more affectionate that day/night.
Not huge things, but instead of working on puppets all night, he’d be more apt to hold you that night. Average people hitting on you make him insecure because he realizes he’s not that great at normal relationships but he still doesn’t want to lose you. That feeds into his jealousy and he figures the only way to get rid of it is to make sure those other guys can’t offer anything he doesn’t have.
“Sasori! If you wanted a hug, you could’ve said that instead of treating that guy like a ball inside of a pinball machine!”
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thedevilsmemes · 3 years
                         Change pronouns as / when needed to preferred pronoun.
“I do not do justice, I do damage. I do not do empathy, I do damage. I do not do forgiveness, I do damage. I do not do mercy, I do damage.”
“Like, you can boss me around in sexual situations but you better not try to tell me what to do in regular life.”
“I’m fine, I’ve had worse.”
“I’m meaner than my demons.”
“If I cannot bend Heaven, I will raise Hell.”
“Well, aren’t you a little ray of pitch black?”
“He was like a storm.”
“You want to play dirty? Fine, let’s play dirty!”
{ feels an emotion. } “Who the fuck authorised this?!”
“What the fuck? What the fuck is this? What the fuck?”
“Judge if you want. We are all going to die. I intend to deserve it.”
“Goddamn right you should be scared of me.”
“They wanted a monster; I decided to give them one.”
“Seduce and destroy.”
“What the fuck is intimacy? How does that work? Letting… people be close to you? What the fuck?”
“You couldn’t kill me if you tried for one hundred years.”
“I’ll do this my way.”
“I am severely emotionally unstable.”
“What, from the bottom of the heart, the fuck?”
“I’m sorry, I don’t take any orders. I barely take suggestions.”
“I send my best regards from Hell.”
“I like my coffee how I like myself: Dark, bitter and too hot for you.”
“Me and God, we don’t get along.”
“Be brave, Angel.”
“Self care is drinking three pots of coffee and getting into a knife fight with God.”
{ takes gulp of vodka straight from the bottle } “My day was fine.”
“Have I stabbed you? No. Then I am being nice.”
“Holy Shit! I’M the demon living in my house.”
“Sir, that’s my emotional support knife collection.”
“I want an ancient elaborate dagger with my name engraved into the blade as a gift. The only romantic gesture.”
“ ‘Are you a top or a bottom?’ I'm a threat!”
“Stop being so defensive! I’m just trying to hit you with weapons.”
“The more knives you have the more valid you are.”
“She’s strong but she’s exhausted.”
“She loves moonlight and rainstorms and so many other things that have soul.”
“My darling, you can’t see it can you? How like the moon you are. Both of you so timid in yourselves; hiding pieces from the world. Then, there are those rare moments when you are both full, and it becomes hard to look away. You are beautiful.”
“Calm her chaos but never silence her storm.”
“She wears strength and darkness equally well. That girl has always been half Goddess, half Hell.”
“She has been through Hell, so believe me when I say, fear her when she looks into the fire and smiles.”
“She’s proof that you can walk through Hell and still be an angel.”
“She is both hellfire and holy water. And the flavour you taste depends on how you treat her.”
“Even the mountains can not hold all you have been carrying.”
“Storm with skin.”
“She’s thunderstorms”
“Kindness is a language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see.”
“Sometimes it takes only one act of kindness and caring to change a person’s life.”
“You have a heart of gold.”
“Butterflies are the Heaven-sent kisses of an angel.”
“She who is brave is free.”
“Clever as the Devil and twice as pretty.”
“Shut up. I wear heels bigger than your dick.”
“Girls who run in heels should be feared.”
“Family is everything to me.”
“She’s an old soul that believes in chivalry, romance, and love.”
“I hate getting flashbacks from things I don’t want to remember.”
“I run on coffee and grace.”
“I’m glad I’ve got boobs… the last thing I need is people making eye contact with me.”
“Tell me to put on my big girl panties one more time… and I’ll take off my thong and strangle you with it!”
“Please read all my posts in a sarcastic tone. You know, for full effect.”
“I have one nerve left and you’re dry-humping it, go away.”
“If I offend you, cry me a river. I’ll bring snacks and a raft. I will literally float down your tears, eating chips and working on my tan.”
“When she is happy, she can’t stop talking. When she is sad, she doesn’t say a word.”
“Music becomes my best friend when nobody else understands me.”
“Act like a lady, think like a boss.”
“I know I have friends but I feel I have no one to talk to about the shit that goes on in my head.”
“She was special. She combined a mean angel and a kind devil.”
“So much pain for someone so young.”
“She’s one of a kind.”
“Red lips and wine sips.”
“Brave girl, it’s time to love again.”
“She is intelligent.”
“Sometimes, when I say ‘I’m okay.’ I want someone to look me in the eyes, hug me tight, and say, ‘I know you’re not.’ ”
“Because I’m not the kind of girl guys fall in love with.”
“I fear I will spend my life, waiting for a love story that doesn’t exist.”
“You’re a woman, use it; bring every man you meet to his motherfucking knees.”
“She denies it but, the truth is, she’s falling in love with him.”
“Hearing your heels click on the floor sounds like power.”
“She loves deeply, regardless of the love she gets back in return and it’s both her biggest strength and biggest weakness…”
“Experience raised her. Hurt taught her. Neither defined her.”
“She was not fragile like a flower was, she was fragile like a bomb.”
“Life is short; make every hair flip count.”
“I’ve always been someone who looks ‘too deep’ into something or someone. That’s because I realised from a young age that there’s always more than what meets the eye.”
“If I say ‘first of all’ Run away because I have prepared research, data, charts, and will destroy you.”
“Underestimate me, that’ll be fun.”
“You think I’m sarcastic? You should hear what I don’t say!”
“She’s a combination of sensitive and savage.”
“Stay classy, sassy and a bit bad assy.”
“She’s battling things her smile will never tell you about.”
 “Ain't you ever seen a princess be a bad bitch?”
“I was told I was dangerous… I asked why? They said ‘because you don’t need anyone.’ That’s when I smiled.”
“She’s been through hell and came out an angel. You didn’t break her darling, you don’t own that kind of power.”
“Watch me. I will go to my own sun and, if I am burned by the flames, I will fly on scorched wings.”
“Her messy hair is a visible attribute to her stubborn spirit. As she shakes it free, she smiles, knowing wild is her favourite colour.”
“She’s strong. But in the back of her mind she doesn’t think that she was meant to be this strong for this long. And she wonders if there is a man out there, somewhere, who understands this.”
“She’s not for everyone and she knows it. People find her different and strange. She dances in the rain, she laughs when she cries and loves through her pain. People fear the unknown and they never knew a girl like her.”
“Don’t tell a girl with fire in her veins and hurricane bones what she should and shouldn’t do. In the blink of an eye, she will shatter that ridiculous cage you attempt to build around her beautiful bohemian spirit.”
“You provoke her until she roars and then get upset at her for becoming the monster you created.”
“Rip out his ego with your fresh nails.”
“She isn’t the sunrise; she’s the fucking sun.”
“You can’t touch a woman who can wear pain like the grandest of diamonds around her neck.”
“Watch your tongue around her. She will bear her fangs and tear you apart with all the grace of a Queen.” 
“If you won’t embrace her madness, then you’ll never taste her magic.”
“Beauty may be dangerous but intelligence is lethal.”
“She is water. Powerful enough to drown you, soft enough to cleanse you, deep enough to save you.”
“Heavy is the crown and yet she wears it as if it were a feather. There is strength in her heart, determination in her eyes and the will to survive resides within her soul.”
“I wish that I could say that I am a light that never goes out, but I flicker from time to time.”
“Spoil me with loyalty. I can finance myself.”
“Shoutout to all the people with brown hair and brown eyes! We basic as fuck but we cute!”
“I feel a nap coming on.”
“Is horny an emotion?”
“I just really like thigh-highs.”
“Even though she looks innocent, she is really a perverted demon.”
“She didn’t sob or wail. Her pain was horribly discreet but as persistent and almost as silent as bleeding from an unstitched wound.”
“I don’t rise from the ashes, I make them. I’m the whole fucking fire.”
“Beautiful but destructive.”
“I’m aiming for the ‘she’s a badass and cute as hell but I wouldn’t touch her without asking’ look.”
“Loving me must be so fucking hard and I’m so sorry.”
“Some women are lost in the fire. Some women are built from it.”
“You glow differently when you’re actually happy.”
“She’s magic, that one.”
“Kicked out of Hell.”
“Red hair: the crown you never take off.”
“You’ve got a fire inside.”
“She doesn’t need a warrior, she is one. What she needs is a devout heart, and strong arms to hold her after her battles are won.”
“You are the love that came without warning: You had my heart before I could say no.”
“You want battle? I’ll give you war.”
“True evil is, above all things, seductive.”
“The Devil’s got nothing on me, my friend.”
“Haven’t I fallen far enough?”
“I’m not like them, but I can pretend.”
“I don’t like being told what to do.”
“Now I grow wings and rage, and learn how to kill.”
“Life is tough, my darling, but so are you.”
“Though she be little, she be fierce.”
“I know what this is; It’s just myself, talking to myself, about myself.”
“You underestimate my power.”
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mamamittens · 3 years
Long Awaited LoZ Thoughts
I’d like to start this off by explaining my background. I have a BA in English with a minor in Humanities. I have lived all my life in the Bible Belt of America, so my PoV of this series is inevitably going to be, at least in part, from the perspective of a Western-centric, Christianity-influenced woman. I have grown up with a deep interest in folk tales and mythology though, and took several classes on ancient cultures, so my base knowledge of religion all over the world is broader than what you’d probably expect. I am not religious myself, I’m actually agnostic. And this is just an in-universe look at the very strange religion of Hyrule. So, to make things easier, let’s just put aside the obvious meta issues with this world. The wonky timeline, complex lore changes between said timelines, and the fact that the whole series has clearly grown wildly over the course of its development without an overarching plot. The game mechanics being game mechanics. All of it. This whole thing will just be me trying to make sense of the world without the ‘it’s just a game, bro’ crutch. I will be drawing on what I know from the many games I’ve played myself, so if I don’t mention a big piece of lore from a specific game, it’s because I didn’t play it. Go ahead and rule out the early games before Ocarina of Time, as that’s the first game in the series I can remember playing. I was legitimately too young to have ever played anything prior to that, having been born in 1996. Now let’s get started, shall we?
 So, obviously everyone knows that the LoZ world is said to begin with the three goddesses. Din, Nayru, and Farore came together to create the world and before they yote themselves out of the narrative as direct players, they created the Triforce. A powerful artifact capable of granting a wish and giving their respective bearers undefined power. This is directly from Ocarina of Time and we see their symbol, the Triforce, all over the many games with very few exceptions. Now, to be clear, having a polytheistic religion with three main gods is hardly new. Hinduism has three main gods after all (Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva), and depending on your flavor of Christianity, you have the holy trinity (God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit). There’s even the Celtic goddesses that come specifically in threes (collectively called The Morrigan; Eriu, Fodla, and Banba). This isn’t an exhaustive list of three divine beings, by the way, just know that three is a weird trend in western-centric stories, including religion. But what’s different about the three Hyrule Goddesses? Well, they’re weirdly small for big shot gods. Let me explain.
        So, the three Hindu gods I mentioned earlier each handle a specific aspect. Creation, destruction, and preservation, not necessarily in that order though (which god does what isn’t the point, so just roll with me here). These are very broad and powerful subjects. Christianity is much the same, even though it’s a monotheistic religion. God is literally an all-powerful, omniscient, omnipotent deity. Jesus is his son who gave his life to basically forgive all sin. And I’m not totally clear on the Holy Spirit, but these three are clearly Big Deals with Big Ideas behind them. A good rule of thumb for old religion is that the older the deity, the wider the scope of their job or what they represent. Which makes sense. If you had to personify the forces of the universe, you’d probably start with the sun instead of like… whatever god is responsible for the creation of rice specifically. The bigger and scarier the natural force, the bigger deal that god usually is, putting aside politics and cultural trends. Egypt is a good example of this, as their roster of gods tended to change a lot depending on who was Pharaoh at the time and wherever the city center was. Horus is the god of the sun, or at least one of them, and is generally considered king of the gods. Which makes perfect sense for a land largely made up of a desert.
But what are the three goddesses’ rulers of? Power, Wisdom, and Courage. Each with clear elemental associations and people that are obviously affiliated with them. Nayru, Goddess of Wisdom, is clearly associated with water and likely has a close connection with the Zora. Din, Goddess of Power, is associated with fire and has clear connection with the Gerudo (unclear if the same goddess as the one present in the desert temple in Ocarina of Time). Farore, Goddess of Courage, is associated with all things green and of the earth, including the child-like race of Kokiri who perpetually inhabit the forest. Sure, these are broad topics, but not really… the first thing you’d think of for creators of the universe, are they? And it raises the question about the Hyrule people, who are said to be able to hear the gods due to their pointed ears… let’s put a pin in that and move on.
So, we know there are many gods in this universe, primarily because we meet them. For example, Zephos, God of Winds, in Wind Waker. But he’s clearly a fairly forgotten god, as he shares a shrine with Cylcos, God of Cyclones, which is about as bare as it can be. Just what appears to be a Tori gate with two stone monuments with the simple notes to summon them, almost completely out of the way. Which… I mean, I don’t know many gods with their extension number written on their monuments. That would kind of like going to church on Sunday and seeing “Hit me up if you need me, J-Boy 555-TAKE THE WHEEL” written on the podium. And remember, this is a world and game where the gods actively flooded the world and would therefore hold or have held enough power to directly interfere with Hyrule.
And Skyward Sword clearly has divine beings, one of which even flooded a whole area, though they’re subservient to Hylia. Who we will get back to later, I promise. The three dragons (again, that magic number), capable of divine power, though where that power comes from in unclear. The dragons are of a high status though, as evident by their servants and clear reference to high-class dress of their clothes. These dragons are revered, but clearly not worshipped, much like nobles in that regard. A curious note is the parallels to the three goddesses, and how the symbols are muddled and mixed for these dragons.
Lanayru clearly has the symbols associated with the Zora, and by extension Nayru, but is yellow. He also is saved by time travel used to grow a magic fruit, which Link often uses (time travel) in many games to advance the plot himself (and wouldn’t you know it, but mixing blue with yellow does produce green. Weird). Faron is the water dragon who flooded an area, and she is almost entirely blue (as well as unsettling to look at), surrounded by a species clearly related to the Zora though closer to octopi. But her name is Faron, which is weirdly close to Farore’s name, not Nayru. I mean, they are close to locations that resemble their names of course, but it’s still an interesting note. Finally, there’s Eldin, clearly bearing a symbol associated with the Gerudo without any strange mixes of symbols for the series. Oddly, he’s also the most open of the three dragons, especially considering the Gerudo’s traditional stance of being a ‘no-sausage’ club. Not terribly relevant, but I just thought it was interesting to point out. You can consider the Giants in Majora’s Mask on the same level as them, though their status is unclear (Since they’re summoned by a song and can stop the moon from falling, they probably straddle the line between mortal and divine).
Now, spirits also exist in this world, both as the ghostly variety and the more pseudo-divine. Not to be confused with actual divinity. Divine being can be spirits, but not all spirits are divine. In this context, spirits can be defined more as being of power capable of granting aid in return for something. Zephos can change the winds if called upon, but you don’t need to feed him, for example. But the spirits in Twilight Princess need aid before they can help you. And they’re also not very independent and are able to be fooled easily, which isn’t usually a god-like quality. While more physically present than the three goddesses, they’re also not strictly tangible, and seem to be extremely limited to their location. At best, these spirits could be classified as minor deities below the gods we see in Wind Waker. They also share the same abilities in keeping the realm of Twilight from falling over the land of Hyrule, as well as their weakness to parasites of undetermined origin. An interesting note is that they all seem to live in bodies of water. Let’s put a pin in that one too.
Someone that also counts as a spirit would be Fi and her counterpart, Ghirahim. Literally two halves of the same coin, these two are both very limited in power and function. They don’t represent anything on their own and are very dependent on others to achieve results. How or why they were made is unclear, but it is obvious that both were forged at some point, and clearly gained sentience. Even their personalities and allegiances are a bit odd. Fi for her sci-fi appearance and calculating personality in a fantasy land, and Ghirahim for his… well, everything. I don’t know why the root of all evil would make his weapon a full-tilt diva, let alone on purpose. Ghirahim always struck me as odd since his bombastic personality seemed to clash with his ultimate fate of just being a weapon for Demise.
Okay, so the Great Fairies are weird, okay?! Like, really weird. They act as spirits (I can’t think of any that aren’t restricted to a body of water in some form), but are very independent. They also don’t necessarily need anything from Link to offer assistance. Sometimes, just opening the fairy fountain is enough to gain items needed to progress. And there’s also the fact that fairies heal you upon ‘death’, though with a limited heart capacity. Sometimes they need you to do something though, like the Breath of the Wild fairies need rupees to function or items to upgrade equipment. They also usually look human, like Majora’s Mask Great Fairies are clearly just… giant women with color coded accessories. But like, they float. Where Great Faires come from, or even just regular fairies, is unclear. Until Wind Waker, Great Faires were adults. But when you finally meet the real Great Fairy in Wind Waker it’s… a child. With a doll that looks just like the ‘Great Fairies’ you’ve seen along the way. This sort of implies that Great Fairies age and die, though clearly with a different lifetime than most races in Hyrule (the child Great Fairy also only looks somewhat human compared to other Great Fairies, so make of that what you will). And it also implies that all the adult Great Fairies are dead (you’re welcome for that depressing thought), with the last one trapped in a hollow tree only accessible by the power of a God.
In Breath of the Wild, the Great Fairies are both diminished but more powerful. They literally are stuck in a giant flower with water in it, with few fairies around them, and require riches to get stronger. The connection to their new restrictions to this need for material wealth is unclear. It’s also interesting to note that their fountains are no longer places that appear to be man-made holy temples and they seem to be out of the way… well, for a given value of ‘out of the way’ (looking at you ninja village). These fairies can accomplish more tasks, but certainly won’t be doing it for free or with minimal effort. A far cry from their first appearances (no, I don’t consider using explosives a difficult task).
But Fairies are also companions with nebulous tasks, such as in Ocarina of Time, where Tatl follows Link until the end of the game. And Kokiri have their own fairy as a sign of whatever accounts for adulthood in their race. The Skull Kid in Majora’s Mask has two fairy friends who seemed to have been either lost or abandoned. Who or what gives them purpose and life is unclear, though the Great Deku Tree from Ocarina of Time can give commands, it doesn’t seem to be something he does normally? As a side note, it’s really not clear what, if anything he can actually do. Though the relative safety of the surrounding area is clearly tied with his wellbeing in all iterations, he doesn’t seem to directly influence it, or be capable of self-defense.
Now, onto the elephant in the room! Hylia! Who the hell is this?! A more recent entry to the series, her divine roll is unclear (though she clearly guards the Triforce in some capacity). It can be assumed that she’s somehow a goddess tied directly to the Hylian people, but when she appeared is up for debate. Timeline wise, it’s almost like knowledge of her was suppressed for some reason, giving rise to the Triforce mythos we all know and love without hide or hair of her seen. We know that she favored the original Link greatly, enough to shed her divinity to be reborn as a mortal and assist him. How or why is also unclear, though it wouldn’t be unfair to assume she loved him, as divine ladies holding an affair with a mortal isn’t uncommon in mythology (or even male gods doing the same, before anyone brings up Zeus). But she makes a resurgence in Breath of the Wild, with statues and everything, with the three goddesses left to only vague references in the background. Which is super weird, though not uncommon for places like Ancient Egypt. The fact that the ruling family was literally descendant from a goddess is what makes it weird though, since any monarchy worth their salt would milk that until the peasant folk revolted and made a new religion to justify killing a god.
Zelda in every incarnation is literally descendant from the original and still held at least a fraction of that divine power. So much so that a cornerstone of a powerful religious artifact inevitably ends up in her hands (or on the back of her right hand, as it were). But what is Hylia a Goddess of? We don’t know. It’s never said. Anywhere. And that’s super weird, even for a ubiquitous deity. Sure she’s a Goddess of Hyrule but… what does that mean? That can’t be all she is? Her reincarnation is literally locked in a generational struggle against the forces of darkness! What can she do as a Goddess? Well, she makes Link stronger in return for items, but that seems to be it. In Ocarina of Time, Zelda was capable of sending Link back to the past, but that was with a magic item. And we know Hylia isn’t the Goddess of Time, because Zelda references her in Majora’s Mask (sequel to Ocarina of Time, therefore implying that there are more gods unmentioned at that time), when Hylia should be mortal or at least fragmented (because Zelda exists at the time with powers and a Triforce piece). The Guardian of Time in Hyrule Warriors also fell in love with Link before splitting into Cia and Lana (and was unable to fuse back together again), so it’s unlikely that she’s the Goddess of Time Zelda was referring to, though that detail is interesting to note. No, I will not discuss if Hyrule Warriors is canon (either game), as this is already long enough as it is.
So, that brings us to Ganon, or in his original form, Demise. Which… what’s up with that? Who is this guy? He directly opposes the gods and just… gets away with it! Repeatedly! Sure, he loses most of the time, but still. It’s unclear where Demise came from, or even what he is, though judging by Ghirahim’s ‘Demon Lord’ title, it can be assumed that he is some type of demon himself. And that the many monsters we see are also considered demons, which makes sense with how they always work for Demise (or his many iterations) in some form or another. Considering how much it takes to simply seal him away, he can’t be just a demon though.
        Demise obviously pulled the same trick Hylia did, which directly sets him up as a counterpart to her, but what does it mean? Why would he do that? What is Demise that he can’t be beat with the power of a Goddess alone and needs not only a brave knight but a blade literally made to counter him? Within the context of religion, the best guess I can make is that he’s some form of a God of Darkness, possibly also Temptation, Greed, and Pigs Corruption. It fits within the narrative since power is often the strongest form of temptation and we know that demons capable of opposing the gods exist. The Horned Statue literally takes Hylia’s blessings in exchange for wealth, and was turned into a statue for it. What it stands to gain from any of it is unclear, but interestingly enough, Hylia doesn’t mind that it closely resembles her own statues. So, this raises the question… why isn’t Demise a forgotten statue somewhere along a dusty road? How did he curse(?) both a reborn goddess and a human in an eternal struggle for the fate of Hyrule?
        Being a god is about the only explanation for why he can do the things that he does. It explains why, in every incarnation, he ends up a rule (like Zelda). How he controls so many different species with ease. He corrupts the conflicted as easily as breathing. An interesting note is how Demise in his many forms usually ends up corrupting once good forces in some way, typically with parasites or evil spirits. And with this context, Hylia must be a Goddess of Light, and possibly some form of Will and Purity to oppose Demise’s power. It would also make her a good candidate for looking after the Triforce in that case. And yet we don’t know any of this for sure either, which is, again, very strange considering their presence from the very beginning. Literally.
Now, I want to mention the temples as a last point before wrapping this up, because it has bothered me since I was a wee little whipper snapper. For a place of worship, they sure are hard to navigate, even when they’re empty of monsters. And it’s not like Hyrule doesn’t get this, because the Temple of Time in Ocarina of Time is straight up a church. Just… without pews, so clearly not perfect, but it is possible for people to come in and… worship time, I guess. And no, not the Goddess of Time, because there’s no statue for that. I mean, I know it’s secretly hiding the Master Sword, but it is definitely a church otherwise. What a normal service looks like I can’t say for sure, but it’s definitely not like literally any other temples we see.
        Now, I know it’s a little hard to remember, but temples are usually places where one goes to worship the gods (or even just a god). And we know gods exist in a very real way in Hyrule! They still manage to name Zelda the same thing despite having seemingly buried their divine origins, so some knowledge of gods walking the mortal realm exists. But the temples/dungeons we see usually don’t have much in the way of religious iconography, with a few exceptions (interestingly it’s typically the desert area that actually has statues and could feasibly have had a real capacity for worship). You want to be a devout follower of a god anywhere else? Well, fuck you. Hope you brought a sword and a good pair of boots. If you’re allowed inside at all, since it’s usually the local leaders that are only allowed inside for some reason. And most games don’t seem to have very religious people, despite all the references to divinity. Not like we’d expect them to, at least. And I personally can’t blame them. If I tried to join a religion but found only a wall as an entrance, I’d be pretty disheartened too. Then I’d be pretty pissed to find out I needed not only a royal instrument handed down the monarchy, but their freaking lullaby to even get in to the place of worship. But we know they pray to the gods at least semi-often, since that’s one of the inciting incidences in Wind Waker. And they have offering to statues of Hylia.
        The temples suggest the bar to impress the gods is pretty high, and not in a ‘sacrifice your eldest child’ kind of way. To even get the chance to reach the inner chambers you better hope it’s been kept well and that you didn’t skip leg day recently. Something I didn’t really mention before is that usually, the less involved the gods are, the more independent the people are from worship. If you worry that your local deity will flood your fields, you’re probably leaving regular offerings at their nearby shrine or temple. But if you know that the gods don’t care about literally anything you do, why worship them at all? Why make statues, art, or temples? Why bother with any of it? The answer is you don’t. So these highly selective temples are pretty weird unless you go with the idea the gods are just really done with people and never want to talk to them unless absolutely necessary.
So, I’ve rambled for over twelve pages now. What’s the point? What does any of this mean? I’m honestly not sure, but I have a sinking feeling that there’s some serious shit going on in the Hyrule pantheon. Mortals have been mostly abandoned to their doom. Gods cast out and forgotten entirely. And somehow advanced civilizations keep forming and getting destroyed with only remnants left behind with zero explanation. Assuming the original gods are even alive at this point, which I’m not entirely certain of. Their death certainly explains how Demise/Ganon keeps getting stronger, looking less and less Hylian as time goes on, if he looks humanoid to begin with.
I wouldn’t even assume it’s entirely voluntary at this point either, as Ganon clearly doesn’t have the same motivations in every incarnation (see my previous post about Wind Waker). I’m rather excited about Breath of the Wild 2, as the implications of dehydrated husk Ganon is compelling. Particularly in light of the character development Link and Zelda have received in the first Breath of the Wild. I wouldn’t be surprised if Ganon/Demise turns out to be a fallen god trying to get back home (a nice parallel to Wind Waker, actually), cast out as a scape goat. Blamed for every form of corruption and greed that naturally follows in his wake. I think I said this before, but it is interesting that he is always reborn among the Gerudo, a race famously all females. Sometimes thieves, but nearly always in a position that would naturally crave power to take control of their lives compared to Hylians. Regardless of the consequences.
Is it true? I don’t know. Probably not, but the fact that I can draw these conclusions in three hours of writing is pretty neat. I have a lot of feelings about this franchise, having grown up with it, but I eagerly await what comes next. And I should probably go to bed. Make of all this what you will.
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peachyteabuck · 4 years
♡ calm after the storm ♡
summary: post-wedding day bliss, a commission for @bravevesperia01​
pairing: natasha romanoff x reader
words: 5,010
trigger warnings: sickening fluff, strap ons, vaginal fingering, light allusions to carolnat, overstimulation
ask box / masterlist / commission info / ko-fi
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The wedding was perfect, everything you had imagined. You had the perfect dress, the perfect flowers, the perfect guests, the perfect catering, the perfect venue, the perfect wife.
But, even as you celebrated and beamed and cried happy tears and held hands and kissed and exchanged vows, the best-day-of-your-life was completely and utterly exhausting – all the dancing and smiling and photos and pure unadulterated happiness left you stumbling to the hotel room Nat and you were going to share for a few days before you left for your honeymoon – scheduled for a rest Mexico where the sun promised to shine and your phones were to be turned off for the longest in either of your careers.
“You okay, babe?” she asks once you’re both in the elevator, watching you closely as you use her for balance while you take off your painful heels.
You groan in pain as your feet – now able to flatten and breathe and finally not stuck in stuffy plastic – hit the cold material of the floor fancy, dark marble flooring. “Define ‘okay,’ would you please?”
Natasha just snorts, holding you close as your eyes droop and your legs threaten to give out. “Oh, darling. We’re almost there, I promise.”
Natasha isn’t lying – you’re only forced to travel about five more floors and a short walk to get to your grand suite before you can collapse into the giant bed, something you had thought about all day with its obnoxiously high thread count sheets and mountain of beautiful, plush pillows.
Each of you had both been in there, in what now sounds like paradise, that morning. You both needed to drop off your luggage and whatever else you’d think you’d need for the Honeymoon (the visits were perfectly timed, though, so that you avoided seeing one another). Despite this, you yourself had no idea how long and treacherous the journey would be.
(In reality, was it fifty feet? Probably. But does that mean you’re not going to complain about it? Absolutely not.)
You nearly scream with relief when you step into the room, allowing yourself to slouch and burp and groan in pain.
Natasha puts the two bottles of champagne she’d taken from the reception on one of the end tables by the door, never letting go of your hand.
When she turns back to you she sees you, struggling uncomfortably in your dress as if you were one of the small children that attended the ceremony – stuffed into fancy clothes for hours as their parents mingled.
Natasha opted to wear a well-tailored suit, something you became incredibly jealous of about ten seconds after you were stuffed into the wedding dress.
“C’mere,” Natasha murmurs into your skin, hands rubbing into your shoulders. “Let me help you out of this thing.”
You don’t deny the help, moving your perfectly done hair to the side so she can access the complicated lace-up back that held your strapless dress to your body.
“You looked so beautiful tonight,” Natasha tells you, assassin hands making quick work of the expensive, intricately woven ribbon. “Like a goddess in a dream.”
If you had more energy you’d blush wildly, stutter through a “thank you” and do your best to compliment her back. Now, though, all you can seem to manage is a small smile and an equally tiny “thanks” as the dress falls to your feet, Natasha helping you step out of it – leaving you in the fancy lingerie that costs spent God knows how from some fancy designer you .
It’s pretty, a deep orange that compliments your skin exceptionally well – a pre-wedding gift from Carol.
“I know she likes,” she says with a wink, handing you the bag as you got your hair done that morning. You know she’s referring the numerous threesomes you and Natasha had had with her and it makes you bark out a laugh.
The hairdresser glares at you for messing up her flow, and you apologize meekly before giggling once more.
“Wow,” Nat mumbles, eyeing you up and down. “That looks fucking amazing on you.”
You smile, weak but genuine as you let out a small yawn. “Thanks, Carol of all people thought you would like it.”
Your wife barks out a loud laugh, rolling her eyes and shaking her head. “Oh, of course she did.”
Natasha gives you another once-over, another lingering glance, before she grabs your hand - leading you to the table where she had your make up mirror set up, along with your large collection of post-make up necessitates. Next to the several large make up bag’s worth of stuff is the fluffiest robe you’ve ever seen, and as you press your hand to it to pinch the cloth between your fingers, you can feel it had been warmed.
God, you love your wife so much – almost as much as you want to wrap yourself in that robe for the next one thousand years and never, ever take it off.  
“Now,” Natasha tells you, coming behind you to leave a kiss at the base of your neck. “Get comfortable while I run us a nice, hot bath so the both of us can properly destress from the day. Got it?”
You nod as you sit down, taking it all in as Natasha eases herself away.
“I love you so much!” you call out to her. “You’re the best wife ever!”
A beat passes before you hear a response. “I know!”
After pulling the robe on and nearly crying at how good it feels, you work on taking your thick make up off while Natasha does her thing in the bathroom – faint music playing from a Bluetooth speaker she had remembered to pack.
Natasha, your wife. The woman you’ve loved for years, the woman you’ve known was the one since you saw her at that fashion show Tony made her go to because Bruce (the one most susceptible to Tony’s extroverted nonsense) bowed at to deal with some “nuclear-fission” related stuff.
You were a model, another person stepping in for a friend when another friend had more important things to do. Natasha was taken with you when you first stepped out of the runway, insisting that she meet you backstage.
Luckily, Tony allowed to use her connection to him to get there, flashing the Stark Industries part of her invite in front of anyone who tried to step in her way. You were there, undoing the tight ponytail at a well-lit mirror while wearing sweatpants and a crop top and flip flops – a fantastical contrast to the deep maroon ballgown you were stuffed inside for the show.
She was awestruck, as were you, and while you both stared at each other, wordless, the designer you were doing a favor for had the good sense to step in and introduce you.
It was horrible awkward for you and Natasha, exchanging numbers and introducing yourself like dumbstruck preschoolers meeting new friends on the first day of school. Eventually you had to leave, torn from her gaze by another model insisting you get drinks.
Natasha was pulled in the other direction by Tony, who wanted to go clubbing like his life depending on it.
Needless to say, you were texting the entire night, next morning, and the day after…plus the week after that…
The rest, of course, is history.
You smile as you rub the last of your professionally applied eyeliner off, taking out your serums and creams to be used next.
You’re on a moisturizing thing for your under-eyes when Natasha calls for you.
“The bath is ready!” she yells, suddenly appearing in the doorway. You smile at her in your mirror before joining her in the-
“Holy shit, this bathroom is fucking huge!”
Natasha laughs, stripping you before she replies. “Well, we sure are paying enough for it.”
You snort. “Actually, Tony’s paying for it.”
Natasha rolls her eyes as she guides you to the tub, pushing your clothes aside with her foot. “Of course, how could I forget?”
Tony – a man who was likely more excited about the wedding than anything else – had insisted from day one that he should be the one to pay for the honeymoon and anything else one would call “expensive.”
Once you mumbled something about the container store being a possibility of where you would register, and after a rough draft list he bought everything you desired.
(How he got that list, you don’t know, since the only people you sent it to was Natasha and Wanda. In all honesty, you try not to think about it, as you had much more pertinent things to worry about when it came to your wedding.)
Natasha steadies you climb into the bath and you sink into the hot water with a deep moan, already beginning to rub into your sore muscles.
“Baby, don’t do that yet,” Natasha tuts, throwing another handful of bath salts into the large tub. Too tired to disagree, you watch her with hooded eyes while she undresses before pushing you forward to make room for her behind you. “Let me help you.”
Your head falls back to lean against her shoulder as she massages you with nimble, callous fingers.
“You’re really good at this,” you whisper, kissing what little skin you can reach.
She starts at your feet, easily working her way up your ankles, calves, knees, thighs.
Your breath hitches when she moves to your hips – but it calms when she brushes over them and moves to your shoulders.
“Better?” she asks as she works out knots the size of Thor from between your shoulder blades.
You nod, leaning back against her. “Yeah, much better.”
You can feel her smile turn a little wicked as she speaks. “Then this should be amazing.”
Before you can question her, both hands move to your chest, massaging your breasts – sore from the corset of the dress and the beautiful (but uncomfortable) lace lingerie.
It feels so good; a breath of fresh hair after being choked (both literally and metaphorically), stepping into the sun after weeks of rain, touching the skin of another after being kept alone for so long.
“God,” you whisper, leaning into her hands. “Fuck this is the best.”
You can feel Natasha smile into the skin of your shoulder. “Yeah? You like that?”
You giggle as you reply. “Very much so.”
Only then does she stop, moving to grab at the basket of nice-smelling objects you can’t identity until Natasha brings it in front of you, holding it above the water and close to your face. You can see bathe bombs and salts, essential oils, bubble bath.
“Pick one,” Natasha tells you, whispering.
You take one shaky hand from the water and dry it as best you can, grabbing a pale pink sphere that smells vaguely of peaches and a summer breeze.
Natasha nudges you and you drop it into the water, watching silently as it fizzled and dissolved into the hot water.
Behind you, you can hear her grabbing something else – popping what you think is a lid open and squirting its contents into her hands.
You suck in a breath, hoping her hands will go back to your chest, but to your dismay she simply goes back to your shoulders.
“You carry a lot of tense energy here,” she teases playfully. You can’t tell if she’s mocking you or the massage you two had gotten a few weeks back when Wanda noticed how much wedding planning had taken a toll on the both of you.
They were good, the massage therapists that she had hired were well trained and knew what they were doing, but one of them had this stereotypical voice and vocabulary and both you and Natasha had turned her into some sort of inside joke.
“Now,” she told Natasha as her elbow was inches-deep in the woman’s spine. “You carry a lot of stress around your spine, so you need to be mindful of that…”
Natasha nodded along, as did you, despite not a single clue what that meant. You both quoted when the other got stressed again, reminding the other person to relax that furrow in your brow just a little.
Regardless of intent, you giggle and let her work out the knots that have made homes along your shoulder blades and spine, your hands resting on her knees that rest near your sides in the hot water.
“What was the favorite part?” you ask, wanting to hear the voice of your wife instead of the sleep-inducing silence. You wanted to be awake, wanted to experience this with her.
You can somehow feel Natasha smiling softly. “Oh god, you were – obviously, but it was just so nice to see everyone there, everyone I love being there and celebrating with us…”
The feeling of her fingers digging into your muscles lulls you into a semi-unconscious state, listening to her stories from the best day of her and your life.
“I think Thor bringing that ale was only a good idea, because seeing Steve and Bucky drunk was…” she laughs, and if you could live in that melodic sound, you would. “It was fucking hilarious. Who knew Bucky was a giggley drunk and Steve was a horny one – I don’t think I’ve ever seen two men grind on each other so hard for so long in one night in my life!”
You let out a soft laugh with her, hoping she continues.
Luckily, she does.
“Your mom was horrified! But everyone else thought it was hysterical. Even your Dad was a little into it…”
You snort a little, as does she.
“It was also so good to see Pepper let go for a minute, too she’s been so busy with Stark Industries shit, and watching her dance with Morgan after that adorable little thing ‘caught’ that stupid thing at the bouquet throwing.
“And I hope you know everyone was crying with us when we finally said, ‘I do.’ Even your Dad, but Thor especially…I had no idea that man could so sob so loud…”
It all lulled together after that, white noise as you found yourself floating on air and caught in an indefinable cloud of contentless.
Natasha brings you back to reality, eventually, easily turning you around and leaving kisses along your eyes, nose, cheeks, then your lips.
“You good?” she asks, watching as your eyes flitter open.
You nod, voice weak. “Yeah, yeah. I’m…good.”
Natasha gets out first, drying off while keeping an eye on you in the tub. With your blurry vision from just waking up and the bright lights that line the large mirror behind her, she looks angelic, like she just fell straight from Heaven into your Honeymoon Suite.
As you watch her, you expect large, heavy wings to sprout from her back – eclipse the LED lights and burn your eyes, blinding you for all eternity.
But, if the last thing you ever saw your beautiful wife naked…you wouldn’t mind, all that much, never being able to see her again. This image, now, would be enough.
Luckily, though, you aren’t going blind, and you’re able to see as she pulls her hair into a loose bun before grabbing two large towels and previously discarded robe.
Natasha helps you out of the tub, making you stand as she dries off you off – paying special attention to your center and chest and ass.
“Stop teasing me,” you mumble as she works your way to your spine.
She just smirks. “My dear, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
You just roll your eyes as she wraps up your hair and pulls you into the robe – silent as she carries you bridal style to the large bed where she leaves you, sitting, before going back to the bathroom.
You stay there, positioned with a towel around your body and wrapped in your hair, listening Natasha drain the tub, turn on the faucet, and do other things you don’t have the brain power to listen to.
She returns with your hairbrush and a glass of water, pulling you into her lap facing away from her.
You sip at the cool water as she undoes the towel in your hair, carefully undoing the tangles and leaving occasional light kisses across your exposed shoulders.
“Do you want your hair up or down, babe?” she asks, pulling a hair tie from the end of the brush.
You blush as you respond. “Could you, uh, do those braids I like?”
Natasha just smiles, grabbing a small, opaque, black matte box you hadn’t noticed before.
“Of course,” she says, opening it with a small click and pulling out a few bobby pins. “Of course, I can, my love. I’d do anything you asked of me.”
You sit there, patient as the youngest girl at a sleepover desperate for the acceptance of her older sister’s friends, as she makes two braids and wraps them around your head, letting small tendrils frame your face.
Natasha grabs a small compact from the spot bed where the box was, holding it in front of you to show off her precise work.
You sigh deeply, happily, tucking a bit behind your ear as you admire it. Your wife has beautiful, precise handiwork in all she does, in all she touches – especially when it comes to your hair.
Each morning you’ve had the privilege to wake up next to each other, Natasha had taken the time to do your hair – even if it meant propping you up in your sleep. It was a silent, artful way that she told you that she loved you, an easier way for her to express her feelings without having to voice them directly.
Seeing her to this now, while you’re awake, without the sleep in your eyes or the impending stress of the day…it all nearly brings you to tears.
You turn to face her, pulling her in for a deep kiss. “I love you so much,” you tell her, a few tears falling down your face – the taste of salt spreading on your tongue.
Natasha smiles, waiting to break away until your lungs scream for air and she gives you a moment to grant them the oxygen they desire.
(Sometimes you forget she’s learned how to hold her breath for a simply ridiculous amount of time – great for some things, bad for others).
Once you’re back to breathing like the normal ole civilian you are, Natasha pushes you back into place in her lap, the only thing separating you being the slightly-damp but still-quite-fluffy towel.
With your hair dealt with, though, Natasha makes the decision to pull it off.
You hiss slightly as your skin becomes exposed to the cool air of the spacious suite, pressing yourself further against Natasha’s steadfastly heated skin.
“Oh, baby,” Natasha coos. “Let me warm you up…”
For a minute you think she means she’ll put you in a sweatshirt, but as her hand trails between your breasts and down your stomach you – you understand what she means.
Her fingers spread your folds easily, other hand teasing at your sensitive inner thighs. You moan unabashedly and press your back more firmly against her chest, digging your heels into the bed for purchase as a single finger enters you.
“You’re so pretty when you’re like shit,” Natasha murmurs in your ear, leaving a kiss on the shell of it. You can feel her smile as you tighten momentarily around her fingers. “So beautiful when you let me have all this power over you.”
You swallow the thick lust in your throat, trying to clear path for a coherent answer.
It never comes.
“You looked so beautiful when you walked down the aisle,” Natasha says, pushing another finger inside of you while the hand at your thigh moves to your breasts, just like in the bath. “I didn’t know what to think – whether I should be the sobbing bride to-be or if I should pick you up and find the nearest bathroom and just take you there.”
She crooks her fingers just so, eliciting a deep, guttural moan from you.
“God, and then the reception,” she says into your throat, leaving bruising kisses there. “You looked so happy, and I was so happy, and-“
You grab onto the wrist of the hand that’s driving into you, keeping her close as her free hand palms harder at your tender breasts, groping at them as she continues.
“Then it hit me,” she tells you, bringing you closer and closer to your release as each second passes. “It’s you, you make me happy, my beautiful wife.”
A third is added, coaxing you to release.
“That’s right,” Natasha moans into your ear. “Come for me, my beautiful wife.”
And, God, you do – reaching your peak with a shout, your legs shaking and hands gripping whatever skin you can reach.
Natasha works you through it, fucking her fingers in and out of you in time with the bucking of your hips. Even as your legs shake and you throw yourself against her, she doesn’t let up until you beg for her to cease her actions.
“Are you sure, love?” Natasha coos into your ear. “Are you sure you don’t want me to your peak over and over and over again? You don’t want me to bring you pleasure until you can’t take it anymore?”
You scream something unintelligible – hoping the expensive wallpaper and rich fellow hotel goers can’t hear you as you babble, mind frying as the coil in your abdomen tightens again.
More less more less stop don’t stop please I want you I want everything Natasha I love you I love you Natasha I’ll do anything you want me to Natasha-
Your brain short-circuits as you come once more, vision going to nothing but bright white for what feels like eternity.
Eventually Natasha lets you go, allows you to slump against her as you pant and attempt to regain a foothold in reality.
“Good?” Natasha asks once your eyes have recovered their focus, glaze receding.
You sigh happily. “Very much so.”
“You tired?” she asks.
You shrug, letting out a light yawn. “A little.”
Natasha just laughs. “You too tired for more?”
You shake your head, beaming. “Never.”
She lays you gently onto the bed, and leaves a kiss to the side of your mouth before retrieving her (and your) favorite strap on, putting it on and adjusting it with ease.
It’s average-sized, glossy, and black, showing off Natasha’s expertise. You sigh happily when she comes into view, climbing on top of you with ease.
You’re pliant under her rough hands, allowing her to push your knees to your chest and bend you in half to give her easier access to your pussy, still soaked and desperate from before.
“So wet for me,” Natasha murmurs as she aligns herself with your center. “Always ready for me, aren’t you?”
Your nod is cut short when you slam your head against the pillow, skin on fire as she fucks in and out of you.
Wait, scratch that.
This isn’t fucking, there’s no way something this beautiful can be qualified as something as crude “fucking.” No, no – this is making love; you wife is making love to you.
The realization hits you like a train, wiping your lungs of their capacity and making your blood ring loudly in your ears. It’s enough to make you feel too far from her – from the woman currently on top of you. In a heartbeat it’s like she’s a million miles away and a few lightyears away, and no – that simply will not do.
You tangle your fingers in Natasha’s hair, messy bun long dissolved into a field of her beautiful red hair as you pull at her roots, making her moan as you wrap your legs around her waist to pull her impossibly closer to you. For a second you hope her skin becomes yours and vice versa, soldering you together like two pieces of a sculpture. Maybe then she’ll feel close enough, like she isn’t back in space and saving the world for the thousandth time.
“God, I’m gonna come,” you moan, “Fuck don’t stop! Please, God, don’t fucking stop!”
Natasha smiles as she watches your blissed-out face, reaching between you to rub at the most sensitive part of you, using your slick to rub sharp, tight circles there.
You come with her skin pressed harshly to yours, her murmuring sweet nothings into your hairline as your fingernails nearly draw blood.
Natasha doesn’t stop fucking the strap in and out of you, chasing her own high. She reaches her peak just as the waves of pleasure are subsiding – allowing you clear vision of her cursing out of her breath and screwing her eyes shut and her jaw tensing then going slack.
Just as she never ceases, you continue to fuck yourself on the toy as she grinds her clit into its base, soon making her twitch as it becomes too much for her.
After a minute she stills for just a moment, coming down from the last of her high as you pull her down for a heated, sloppy kiss.
Her lips taste like you and you moan as it hits your tongue, kissing anywhere you can reach as she pulls out of you – leaving you feeling empty.
You’re about to whine but she shushes you with another kiss, silencing you.
“Just a moment, love,” she whispers. “Wait just a moment.”
She hastily lays down next to you, pulling you on top of her effortlessly.
That’s when you begin to understand – being to instinctively grinding down onto her strap as her hands form a death grip on your hips.
“Fuck yeah,” she moans. “Grind down on me just like that.”
You align her with your center once more as you begin to ride her, one hand on the headboard and the other planted in the sheets next to her head.
One hand moves to your ass, digging her nails into the supple flesh while the other goes to your hip – guiding you forward and back.
She watches you closely, watches as your eyes roll back and head falls to the side; watches as your muscles tenses in your stomach and feels it in your back.
“You’re so fucking beautiful like this,” she tells you. “Look so fucking beautiful on top of me, fucking yourself on my cock.”
The hand on your hip moves to brush lightly against your clit, making you nearly scream once more from how oversensitive you are.
“F-fuck, Nat!” You’re almost there, so fucking close, all you need is a little more-
“Stop,” Natasha commands.
Regretfully, caught under the spell that is Natasha fucking Romanoff, you do. You still and you stay there – inert  as you wait for whatever it is she wants you to do that requires you to resist every carnal impulse that’s telling you to keep going don’t stop please don’t stop it feels so good I never want to stop please don’t stop!
Silently, she readjusts, keeping you close to her as she moves, smirking as you gasp when she not-so-subtly “accidentally” bucks her hips.
She pulls you with her as she leans against the lush pillows, folding her hands behind her head as she makes herself comfortable.
You’re confused, almost mad, not understanding what’s going on until Natasha tsks. “Come one, babygirl. Give me a show, won’t you? Don’t you want to give me something good to watch?”
You nod furiously and gulp, suddenly feeling very small and needy as you plant your hands on her sternum, using her for balance once more as you fuck your hips down onto her strap.
You’re still close, so close, and carefully you remove one hand to rub at your clit, desperate to find your high once again as your eyes flit between watching the toy slide in and out of you and watching her intently – determined to commit this moment to memory.
It drives you, nearly makes you choke as your lungs and heart and stomach contract and constrict and your muscles scream for air as they throw you off the proverbial cliff, throwing your head back and clawing at Natasha’s skin once more as you’re lost in an ocean of fire, of electricity that jumps across your skin as you fall to the deep sea below, tumbling and dropping into a vat of the best fucking thing you’ve ever felt into your entire life.
You shake, oh do you shake and bare your teeth and arch your back and think is this what Heaven feels like? Is this what angels all become harpists for? If you fell at the hands of the instrument, could you feel the same way forever?
You scream louder than a banshee as you come, falling on top of Natasha as you do so, panting and sweaty as Natasha leaves kisses wherever she can.
Eventually you roll to the side, allowing her to remove the toy and toss it in the open drawer of the side table to be cleaned and used later as you reach for a $7 bottle of water that had been strategically placed by housekeeping.
You cap it once you’ve downed half of it, placed it back gingerly as Natasha speaks once more.
“Another round, wife?” she asks, smiling ear to ear.
You give her a small laugh before turning over to curl up into her chest, thumbing at your new ring as you speak. You and Natasha had elected not to get engagement rings, and you knew this small act would become a newfound habit of yours.  “Maybe after some rest.”
She smiles, kissing the top of your head as a large menu across the room catches her eye. “And some room service?”
You look up, grinning wickedly. “How about a lot of room service?”
Natasha laughs as she imagines Tony’s face when he gets the bill from the hotel, sighing and rubbing his face and asking one of his robots to make him a drink.
“Oh yeah, a lot of room service.”
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creampuffqueen · 4 years
Elide x Lorcan baby headcanons
Elide and Lorcan also have many kids. Read about them
-Ok. Wow. Here we go
-So, accident is the wrong word for their first child. Elide and her husband had a long talk about their future in Perranth. They knew as Lord and Lady they'd be expected to produce and heir or two, and they both expressed that they were open to the idea of children. So they wanted a kid.
-But like,,, not really this soon.
-They've both been sporadic with their contraceptives, because they're busy rebuilding and all, and it's not the first thing on their mind usually in the morning.
-It's not like it's just one person. Neither of them are very good at taking it. They joke about it a bit and try to do better, but it's difficult. And they also think that since Lorcan is demi-fae, it will take a while for it to happen anyway. Plus, unlike Aelin, Elide is very mortal and therefore on a biological timer for having kids.
-But seriously. She's quite young. An adult, yes, but young nonetheless.
-It all starts maybe two months after Aelin announces her pregnancy, meaning the queen is around four-five months along.
-Elide wakes up one morning feeling... off. Weird. Not herself.
-She tries to dismiss it, but can't. Especially when she sits up and feels a roiling in her gut.
-Recently she's been more and more exhausted, which she credits to rebuilding and getting in the swing of all her new duties as Lady. So it's odd she's up so early, even more odd when she realizes that Lorcan is still asleep beside her. He likes to let her sleep in the morning (much to her displeasure, she has work too) so he's usually already getting ready/already gone.
-She's busy being puzzled when suddenly, her gut clenches, and she runs for the bathroom.
-And that's how her husband finds her. Puking her guts up in the toilet. He rushes to her side and holds her hair back and rubs her back and is just a doting husband in general.
-When there's nothing left in her stomach she just miserably curls into his side and lets him hold her. She hates vomiting, it's one of her least favorite things ever. And she doesn't know why she feels so terrible.
-Lorcan helps her back to bed and tucks her in, leaving the waste basket by her side just in case, and promises to be back with some tea and possibly a healer. Neither are sure what's going on, it could just be a simple stomach bug, but its better safe than sorry. And Lorcan isn't taking any chances with his wife.
-He comes back with peppermint tea, as promised. And a healer.
-Elide sips her tea to calm her stomach and tells the healer everything she ate in the past twenty-four hours, where she went, etc. Nothing out of the ordinary, those foods had never made her sick before, she wasn't in anyplace where she could have picked something up.
-The healer decides to finally go in with her magic. She gently touches Elide's stomach and lets her magic do it's thing.
-The woman looks up to the Lady of Perranth with a large smile.
-"What's going on? Is something wrong?" Lorcan asks nervously.
-"No, everything is going perfectly smoothly." The healer replies. "You're about two months pregnant, dear."
-Both of the Lochans just stare in shock for a minute before Elide says, "I'm pregnant?"
-The healer nods. "Yes. You might want to stock up on peppermint tea; morning sickness isn't fun."
-Then she leaves. And so Elide is just looking at her husband, at the love of her life, and trying to read what he's feeling. But for the life of her she can't figure it out.
-He takes a deep, shuddering breath in that seems to steal the very heat from the room.
-He looks at the ceiling for a moment. He won't meet her gaze. Elide can feel tears pricking at the back of her eyes.
-"Oh gods." He whispers, so softly that she isn't completely sure she heard him.
-But when he looks at her again, instead of the anger or frustration she was worried about, he looks at her with as much tenderness as the day he proposed.
-"I can't believe it." He says softly. Those are tears in his eyes. He strides over to her and takes her gently in his arms, careful of her upset stomach.
-Elide isn't sure what she's feeling, mostly shock. But at the same time she's happy, and excited, and nervous, and already she's stressed. Is she going to be a good mother? She only had a mother in her life until she was seven, her nursemaid doesn't really count
-"Are you happy?" She breathes. And he murmurs onto her hair, "Beyond happy, my love. I'm ecstatic." Then he pulls her closer and kisses her softly, even though she tastes just a bit like vomit
-The next month is hard, but compared to how Aelin was in her first trimester, Elide's is a walk in the park. Morning sickness isn't great, but it lets up quickly. And she doesn't have weird taste buds, either, which is a blessing to her husband.
-She announces it at the next meeting of all the lords and ladies, and is met with nothing but congrats. Rowan gives his congrats and nods to Lorcan with the :/ face because he feels for his brother-in-arms; he also has a pregnant wife after all.
-After the first trimester it's smooth sailing. Elide is a pregnancy goddess tbh. Even though neither she nor Lorcan expected to be parents this soon, they're over the moon. Now they have to work on building a nursery as well as rebuilding their city.
-The people of Perranth are super happy for them, they get tons of gifts from citizens, even though they have no need for them. It's great. Everything is great.
-Yrene hears, of course, and offers to deliver the baby. Elide says yes, obviously.
-Lorcan is a very doting father-to-be. Elide doesn't have to lift a finger. It's very sweet, but she eventually tells him that she is still capable of doing things herself, she doesn't need him to help with everything .
-They set up the nursery together when she's six months along, in the room that Elide herself slept in as a baby. They're not sure if they're having a boy or a girl, but they'd be happy with either. Though Elide admits she would really like a girl.
-Normally Lorcan is just this stone cold male, showing no emotions ever except around Elide. That doesn't change, not really, but he's more affectionate to her in public and also he's just so sweet. He doesn't talk to the belly, but he does like to feel the baby kick and sometimes he'll just lay his head on his wife's chest so he can hear her heartbeat and also feel the baby kicks.
-It's adorable
-Aelin insists that Lorcan isn't allowed to be that cute
-Elide is like,,, exactly on her due date when she goes into labor. Yrene arrived a bit before, and she's a little surprised that Elide is having her baby on her exact due date. A little weird, but cool.
-Having only recently delivered the Crown Princess Lyria, Yrene expects this labor to be quite long and hard, since it is technically a Fae birth. Haha nope.
-Elide is in labor for about ten hours, which is pretty short for a first baby. It's a very typical labor, no complications whatsoever. Lorcan is there the whole time and holds her hand. It's painfully romantic.
-Many of the servants are nervously walking around the castle, because they love their Lady and don't want anything bad to happen to her or her child. Many congregate in the kitchen downstairs to wait.
-After ten hours of labor, Elide gives birth to a baby boy who screams so loud the servants in the kitchen downstairs can hear him. All the men and women cheer and drink to the cries of the new Heir to Perranth.
-Yrene cleans the baby up for a moment and hands him to his parents with a huge grin. Elide is smiling so wide her whole face hurts but she can't stop. Lorcan has tears in his eyes as he looks at his newborn son.
-He has dark hair, like both of his parents. A lot of dark hair. So much it gets a little on his face. Elide brushes her son's hair aside-
-Holy shit
-His ears are pointed
-Both parents' eyes widen. What??? He's like only a quarter Fae, how?
-It doesn't matter to them, of course, but like, wow.
-Content that Elide is doing well and the baby is healthy, Yrene leaves to give them some alone time with their newborn.
-Both Elide and Lorcan are crying now, out of joy. Lorcan never thought he would cry from happiness in his whole life, and look at him now. Holding his wife and looking at his newborn son.
-They'd been bouncing names back and forth for weeks, and none felt good. But looking at him, they decide on his name.
-Folas Cal Lochan, after Elide's father.
-Lorcan claims he looks more like Elide, but she insists he looks like both of them. After all, both of them have hair as dark as night. But his skin is the same pale shade as his mother's, and he has freckles dusting his little face. He looks up at them with huge black eyes, and holds his father's finger in his tiny fist.
-Elide insists that her husband go and announce it to the servants while she takes a bath. Yrene comes back in to help her.
-Lorcan goes to the kitchen and finds all the servants waiting patiently for some kind of news.
-He just cracks a half-smile and says, "it's a boy."
-And despite the fact he's a literal terrifying death warrior, he lets the servants embrace him and clasps arms with the men, and even accepts a drink.
-But he can't stand to be away for too long, so he quickly makes his way back up to his family.
-Elide is bathing, and she gently cleans her son as well, it's so tender and loving it takes Lorcan's breath away when he sees. So he lets them be for a minute. Yrene just nods knowingly from where she sits quietly in the corner of the bathing room.
-Eventually they finish and Lorcan helps Elide into bed again. He lays beside her and watches their son, and there's so much emotion in his eyes Elide nearly starts crying from it. She's also still like,,, on an emotion high tho, which is part of the reason she's crying at the drop of a hat.
-Elide hands her son to his father, and he looks so tiny in Lorcan's giant hands. Even though he's a normal sized baby he fits in both of his father's hands and it's so cute she cries again.
-They planned to have the baby sleep in a bassinet for a while before they moved him to the nursery, but neither can stand to have him not in their arms so they decide to co-sleep instead. Baby Folas falls asleep on Lorcan's chest, and Lorcan falls asleep holding his son, and look at that Elide's crying again
-About a week after the birth their friends come to see them. Lyria is about four months old at this point and she's super cute just lying next to the new baby and playing with her feet while he sleeps. Aelin is enchanted, and jokingly says it's impossible that something that cute came from Lorcan. Evangeline is enchanted, Lysandra thinks he's adorable, it's just a good day.
-So, it's hard to have alone time with a new baby, but they make it work as soon as Yrene gives the all-clear.
-And ok, maybe they were a little too enthusiastic. But it had been several good months since they were intimate and
-Elide doesn't think it's that strange when her cycle decides to just,,, disappear. It does that a lot. But she does think it's strange when she wakes up one morning when her son is about four months old and is very, very sick. This is giving her a weird sense of deja vu.
-She tells her concerns to Lorcan and he's like 'shit' because what if she's upset if she's pregnant again so soon?
-The healer confirms it. They're having another baby.
-Well, in her defense, Aelin is in the exact same situation so there.
-It's true. Aelin is pregnant with her second (Sam)
-And here's the kicker: Yrene is pregnant too.
-Not so nice, however, when they realize the closeness of their pregnancies mean Yrene can't deliver their babies. Not a problem, they can get other midwives, but they would rather their friend do it.
-Elide's second pregnancy is smoother, which is good, because her baby boy is getting bigger and she has a lot of stuff to do.
-Folas doesn't show any signs of powers other than being very fast for a baby. It doesn't matter, they love him no matter what.
-Folas walks when he's about ten months old. He stood when he was nine months, but one day he just,,, toddles over to his mom. She's only a few feet away, but still, he walked!!
-He says his first words when he's eleven months. His first word is 'mama', soon followed by 'uh oh' and finally 'dada'. Aelin will never get over Lorcan's son learning to say 'uh oh' before he said 'dada'.
-Elide goes into labor three days before she's due, and has a baby in her arms eight hours later. It's the dead of night, she's bone tired, but she's happy. It's another boy.
-Lorcan is over the moon. He like, already was, but he's so happy to have another baby it's really precious. Folas sit's on his father's lap and holds his baby brother. Elide wishes she could paint because she wants to keep this moment forever, all her favorite boys in one place.
-They name the baby Sabron. He doesn't have a middle name because neither of them have any other guys to name him after.
-And guess what. He's human. Weird af lol. So now they have a Fae-ish child and a human one. Oof
-Everything is smooth sailing, Elide is rocking it being a mom, Lorcan is literally an incredible dad? Like nobody expected him to be a good dad, not even himself (except Elide of course) but this whole parenting thing comes naturally to him. Maybe it's because he's doing the exact opposite of his own parents and he's also super old
-Elide cannot fathom how much she loves this male, like she loves him so damn much especially seeing him with their kids?? Melts her heart every time. So like seventy times a day
-Baby Sabron is six months old when it happens again.
-Elide's cycle is late. After having kids it got way more normal, so she knows what's going on.
-She supposes she could have been better at taking her contraceptive tonics, but hey, she's not upset. Neither is Lorcan when she tells him. He's happy, but worried that she'll be too stressed. She says not to worry, but he does, because he's a territorial Fae bastard and can't help himself.
-This time Yrene promises to deliver the baby.
-When both of her kids are walking, it does get a bit stressful. Especially when Folas proves to be a troublemaker.
-But everything goes smoothly, even better than last time. And boom, Perranth receives another heir.
-It's another boy. Elide loves her boys, but man would she like a daughter at some point.
-She decides not to worry, and just focus on loving her boys.
-This one is named Amias. As expected, he has dark hair and eyes, and the signature Lochan freckles.
-But Amias is also Fae, like Folas
-Folas is happy to have another little brother, especially a Fae one.
-Now picture this: a terrifying Fae warrior who's power is actual death, walking around the castle grounds with two toddlers clinging to him and holding a baby.
-That's what the gardens look like every morning, Elide thinks it's hilarious.
-Elide thinks she's done having kids, she has three wonderful boys, and she loves them with all her heart.
-But when the kids are 3, 2, and 1, she wonders what it would be like with a girl.
-She talks to her husband, and they decide to try for another baby in hopes of a girl. Of course, they wouldn't be upset with another boy, but they're aiming for a girl.
-The next Lochan child arrives when his brothers are 4, 3, and 2.
-That's right; his
-It's another boy. And... he's Fae as well.
-His name is Caeda, and he's arguably the cutest of his siblings. Nobody knows why, but he's the cutest.
-Now, around this time Folas is begging to be trained.
-He may only be four, but he's very strong, very fast, and has the same heightened senses his father has. No signs of magic.
-After discussing it with Elide, they agree to train him, but only a bit.
-With centuries old Fae warriors Lorcan is the worst trainer. But with his son he's gentle and patient and hardly ever gets frustrated.
-Rowan and Fenrys constantly joke about it, asking why he couldn't do that with them. Lorcan only growls in response.
-Caeda is six months old when his parents receive another surprise.
-Elide says that after five, no more kids. She's going on contraceptives and never coming off. Lorcan agrees. He loves his large family but seriously, they have a lot of kids
-The fifth Lochan boy arrives in the dead of night.
-They have five boys
-What the hell.
-They name this one Dalias, and he looks like all the others. There's like no variation in their kids whatsoever, it's kind of funny.
-True to her word, Elide goes on contraceptives. Lorcan does as well to make extra sure.
-Since they're sure she's not having any more kids any time soon, when Dalias is one Elide finally gets her ankle healed.
-It's a huge ordeal, and she sends all her kids away to Orynth so they both stay out of the way and so they don't have to hear her screaming. Because even with Yrene keeping the pain at bay the best she can, it's still incredibly painful. Elide can't stand the thought of her kids having to hear that or see her so weak. Lorcan stays, of course, to help her. The kids come back a month later when it's all done and Elide is learning to walk again. She has to have a cane for several months, in addition to Lorcan's usual brace.
-But eventually it's done, and she can walk and run and jump and do everything again. It's so freeing she happily chases her children around for a day.
-The years go by, and everything goes smoothly. All of the children get trained by their father and tutored by Elide so they are both honed warriors and scholars. I forgot to mention that sometime between all the kids Elide learns to read and it's soon one of her favorite things.
-But yeah, everything's great.
-But,,, they kind of feel like something's missing.
-Not a pet, because they have a dog, but something else.
-When Folas is twelve, they decide to try for another baby. Even if it's another boy.
-Years go by, and nothing. Elide begins to lose hope, they were too late, her mortal body is already too old for more kids even though she's only in her mid-thirties.
-But then,,
-It happens.
-The whole family is overjoyed.
-Yrene delivers a healthy baby girl as the sun rises on a winter morning.
-It's a girl.
-Elide bursts into tears when she hears it. She adores her boys, she loves having so many boys, but she really wanted a daughter. Lorcan too.
-They name her Marion Finnula Lochan, after Elide's mother and her nursemaid who helped her in those terrible years she was locked away.
-She's fully human, like Sabron and Dalias, but that doesn't stop her from doing anything.
-She crawls when she's seven months old and walks at nine, because she wants to run with her older brothers.
-Marion is more territorial than all her brothers and her father combined. It's hilarious, her snarl is better than that of an actual Fae.
-Marion looks exactly like Elide. All of her brothers have some resemblance to their father, but not her. She looks like her mother.
-Marion is a feisty little thing and loves training with her brothers. Elide often complains that her house has turned into a barracks.
-But she loves seeing all her children growing to be so strong and smart.
-The Lochan brothers love their baby sister, but she's honestly more protective over them than they are of her. And they are very protective of her.
-Marion is willing to beat her brothers up 24/7
-It's great
-Perranth is honestly chaos with six kids running everywhere, but it's wonderful chaos. Elide and Lorcan couldn't have it any other way.
-The story Worlds of Fire and Darkness takes place when Folas is 20, Sabron is 19, Amias is 18, Caeda is 16, Dalias is 15, and Marion is 5.
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Platonic!Billy Batson X Reader X Platonic!Freddy Freeman
Warning: Nothing I can think of? Negative thoughts, small talk of bad foster homes
Word Count: +6,500
A/N: Hey y'all, this is the first fanfic I've ever posted on Tumblr so, I hope you like it! I got the inspiration for this story from @stxn-the-mxn 's story "Runaway". I got permission to write this story, and I urge you to go read their work! Hopefully if it does well I will write a second part! And now, on with the story!
"So, Ms. L/N, you're last foster home not working out too well for you?" Your social worker asked.
You rolled your eyes. "Sure, you could say that."
She sighed as she looked down at her desk before leaning forward towards you. "And what exactly was wrong with this one?"
You stared down at her desk, folding your arms over your chest. Your last home wasn't the worst you have seen, but anyone could tell it wasn't going to work out. The kids all acted as though you were some kind of vermin infesting their home, going quiet whenever you walked into a room, and making sure to exclude you from almost everything. The parents hadn't noticed, always too busy at work or with their real children.
It had only been a few days before you had decided to take anything of yours, and theirs that you knew wouldn't be missed, and leave. You lasted about two days before the police caught you sleeping against a heater outside someone's house. This house was the final straw. You couldn't take going to another foster family.
"Ms. L/N, you have run from five families in the past three months. I'm sorry to say that we are almost out of options," she sighed, leaning back in her chair.
"That's okay. I'd rather no family than a fake one," you muttered.
"Y/N, I want you to know that I care about you getting into a good home. The last thing I would want would be for you to live out on the streets." Her voice sounded sincere.
You looked up at her, her eyes pleasing for you to listen. You turned your gaze back down to her desk. She's just saying that to try to get you to stay in a home, she doesn't really care.
"I can't go to another foster family," You told her, repeatingly kicking the foot of the desk lightly.
"That's fine," You glanced at her, surprised by her agreement. "I set up for you to go to a group home."
You sat up straight, "Wait, what!?"
You had just run away from a house filled with attention hogging kids and busy parents and now you're getting thrown right back into it? Great, now I know for sure this place isn't gonna work.
"They are just down the hall, waiting to meet you. They're a lovely couple, Rosa and Victor, and have had many kids similar to you in their care," your social worker smiled at you. 
You scoffed, collapsing back into my chair.
"Y/N," she called your name quietly, something in the back of your mind forced you to glance up at her, "Please give these people a shot, you don't know how it will go until you try it."
She stood up from her chair and walked around her desk, stopping in front of you. For the first time since you came into her office, you looked her in the eye.
"I know this is hard, but if you feel this home really isn't the best, or right, or you don't wish to stay for any reason, please call me. I will get you out at any time, if you want. Just, don't leave for the streets." She held out her card. You stared at it for a moment before grabbing it.
She smiled before walking towards the door.
"Let's go meet them!" She opened the door for you.
You sat silently, watching the lights of the city pass by through the window of their van. It smelt slightly of peppermint and bubblegum. Better than any other van you've been in, having usually smelled like booze or cigarettes.
"We're almost there, Y/N!" Rosa sent you a smile from the passenger's seat.
"Okay," you mumbled, not turning away from the window.
Sure enough, you soon pulled up to a two-story house alive with light. You stared up at it, worry filling your gut as you thought back on one of your previous foster homes. They had four kids who loved to use their foster siblings to benefit themselves. The eldest had threatened to break an expensive lamp in the living room and blame it on you if you didn't do all of their chores for them. You ran away the next morning.
Victor opened your door for you and held his hand out for you to take. You grabbed your backpack and dropped it into his open hand before snatching your duffel bag off the floor and hopping out of the van. You offered a small smile as a thank you before you took your backpack back, quickly pulling it on.
You caught the small glance Rosa sent Victor before he walked around the side of the van towards her. You slowly trailed behind him as you stared up at the house. Only about a ten foot drop from the second floor. You noticed most of the windows had their lights on which meant there were either a lot of people in the house or these guys really liked to leave their lights on.
"Y/N?" A voice called. You turned and saw Victor and Rosa already on the porch.
"Right. Sorry," You muttered, gripping the handles of your duffel tighter as you quickly made your way towards them.
"So, we know it's a little overwhelming at first, coming to a new home, but we promise everyone is nice and happy to welcome you!" Rosa promised, wrapping her arm comfortingly around your shoulders as Victor opened the door, leading you in.
Your attention quickly went to the large pile of winter clothes and shoes near the stairs. Yup, definitely a lot of people. You looked around the house but didn't spot anyone.
"Kids! We're home!" Victor called out into the seemingly empty house.
Before you knew it, the house jumped alive as people slipped down the stairs and through the rooms.
"Jesus!" You muttered when the group of people finally stopped growing. You counted about six or seven people, not including Victor and Rosa.
"Guys! This is Y/N! Y/N, this is the gang!" Victor introduced you.
You gave a small wave before the smallest one broke out of the group, bringing you into a hug.
"Hi, Y/N! I'm so glad you're here! I'm Darla!" She introduced herself.
You laughed awkwardly, your free arm patting her on the back, not comfortable enough to give her a real hug.
Once she finally pulled away, the tallest in the group stepped forward.
"I'm Mary! Nice to meet you," she held out her hand, which you carefully took.
She pointed out the smallest boy, who gave a small wave, "That's Eugene- '' after hearing her say his name he walked off to the next room, pressing unpause on his hand-held game.  Mary pointed out another boy, who looked a bit older than you, "-and that's Pedro!" After being introduced, he quickly made his way back upstairs, similar to what Eugene did.
Mary turned to Rosa and Victor and quickly engaged them into a separate conversation.
"I'm Freddy," a voice pulled your attention from the two women, and Victor, to the guy who stood in front of you. "That's Billy," He stated, pointing to the other guy who stood near the stair.
You held out your hand for him, "Nice to meet you." You offered a quick smile. 
You glanced down at his hand as you let it go, noticing his opposite arm in a crutch that helped him stand. You quickly looked away, not wanting him to think you were staring.
You turned to the other boy, Billy, and held out your hand just as you had done for Freddy. "Nice to meet you," You gave the same small, fake smile.
"Same here, welcome to the family. You're gonna love it here." He smiled.
You nodded, holding back the stupid remark that nearly came out. "So, any idea where I can put my bags?" You asked.
Freddy smiled, "Yeah, we'll show you! The only rooms left were with Darla or Mary, so we just assumed you'd rather have Mary as a roommate."
You nodded in understanding as you followed the two boys up the stairs.
"Watch out for the trip step!" Billy warned as we went up, you quickly stepped over it.
Freddy and Billy started down the hallway towards Mary's room. You were about to follow them but something in the room across from the stairs caught your attention. You glanced at the boys, who were busy talking, and quickly went in the room, dropping your duffel outside the door before going in.
The room had a computer at the desk, bunk beds, and way too many Superman mementos. On the wall hung at least three framed newspaper articles about Superman. You felt a smile creep onto your face at the sight. These guys were complete nerds! You thought.
As you turned to look at a different article, something flashed in your eye. You quickly turned and saw a batarang sitting on top of the dresser. 
"Holy shit!" You whispered, reaching out to touch it.
"There you are!" You heard someone say at the doorway.
You stepped away from his dresser. "Sorry! I didn't take anything, I swear." You promised, not wanting him to get the wrong idea.
Freddy made his way towards you, Billy close behind. "It's all good. That's actually just a replica but it looks and feels real!" He told me, pointing at the batarang.
"It's really cool," you smiled at him.
"Personally, I think Batman is a little over rated. Now, Superman? He's a real hero!" Freddy told you, pointing out the newspapers on his wall.
You laugh, "Yeah, I can tell. Both are pretty good, but I think we all know the real superhero is Wonder Woman." I told him.
Billy quickly interjected, "Come on, Batman is obviously better than both of your over glorified heroes!”
"She is literally a goddess, that plus her perfect track record equals the best hero." You smiled at him. "Besides, didn't Batman kill Superman just for being from a different planet? Sounds pretty racist to me." You said the last part in a sing-song voice.
"Yeah! Plus, Batman has had a million sidekicks, who he forced to all share the same name, for some reason, while Wonder Woman and Superman don't need any sidekicks!" Freddy joined in on my bashing of Batman.
"You know what? Superman sucks!" Billy yelled.
Before Freddy could yell back, Mary interrupted from the doorway. 
"Boys! Have you shown her to her room yet or were you just bickering the entire time?" She asked. The two scrambled to answer only for it to come out as jumbled yelling.
Mary sighed before turning to you. "Come on, I'll show you to our room."
You nodded, side stepping the two boys who looked ready to start their yelling match all over again. Mary picked your duffel bag off of the floor on your way out and started down the hallway to the last door.
Mary walked across the room to the empty bed with the desk at the foot of it. She placed your bag on the bed before turning to you with a smile.
"This one is your bed, feel free to unpack," Mary pointed out the dresser next to the desk, "The drawers on the right are all open for you. I'm going back downstairs, but if you need anything just ask."
You nodded and gave a quick thanks before she slipped out of the room. Frowning at your roommate's quick departure, you began looking around your new room. Two beds, one dresser, and a desk fit surprisingly snugly in the average sized space. Must be the paint color, you thought.
Before sitting on the bed, you pulled your duffel bag onto the floor and your backpack off of your back. You rested your backpack into your lap before zipping it open and digging out an old, beaten up notebook. You flipped to the next page before quickly snatching a pen out of a purple mug that sat on the desk at the end of the bed.
You sat down back down on your bed, placing your backpack next to your feet on the floor, before I started to scribble out the basics about your new home.
     House #16- Group Home #1
*Dad- Victor Vasquez
*Mom- Rosa Vasquez
*Child 1- Mary
*Child 2- Pedro
*Child 3- Freddy
*Child 4- Billy
*Child 5- Eugene
*Child 6- Darla
You made sure to leave plenty of lines between each name for when you found out more about then, and put the date at the top of the page with a dash for the date when you leave.
You clicked the pen closed and quickly shut the notebook, throwing them both into your backpack before kicking it under the bed.
"Dinner!" You heard Victor call from downstairs.
When you got to the dining room, everyone was already in their seats, waiting patiently as they talked amongst themselves. When you walked in, all conversation stopped, making you suddenly feel very self conscious as you walked to your seat.
"Sorry," You muttered as you quickly sat down in the only empty chair, which sat between Freddy and Eugene. It was a tight squeeze, obvious that they had forced the chair to fit uncomfortably with the rest at the table.
"It's all good," Victor smiled as you finally settled into the chair. "Now that we are all here, all hands on deck!"
Everyone placed their hand in the middle of the table, piled on top of each other. You glanced at everyone, unsure if you had to too, but quickly had your question answered when Victor started speaking.
"Thank you for this family, thank you for this day, thank you for this food and the new family member who we hope will stay." Victor said before everyone pulled their hand away and quickly started grabbing food.
You felt like sinking down into your chair. Did they all think I was going to try to leave on the first day? He wouldn't say it if he didn't think so, would he?  Now if I decide to leave, I might feel obliged to stay. If I do want to stay, will they just think of me as a flight risk?
Once everyone looked close to being done piling food onto their plates, you started taking small portions of everything, wanting everyone to get what they wanted before you got any.
"Y/N, would you like some more? You barely grabbed anything." Rosa offered, holding out the bowl of green beans.
You quickly pulled on a smile and shook your head. "No, thank you. I'm alright, just not that hungry!" You reassured her.
She hummed, not looking completely satisfied. You watched as she shot Victor a quick look as she took a drink from her glass.
You looked back to your plate, feeling your appetite slip away. You instead listened to the others' conversation about their days, school, and work.
Mary was talking to Victor about college, Billy and Freddy discussed some new game that had just come out, which quickly caught Eugene's attention, and Darla was talking Rosa's ear off. Pedro sat quietly as he ate, but he seemed like the type to keep to himself.
Once each conversation began to bore you, you turned back to the little bit of food left on your plate. You were busy pushing a lone green bean around your plate before you felt someone nudge you. You turned in Freddy's direction only for him to nod to Rosa.
"Sorry, what were you saying?" You asked.
"I was just wondering if you had any hobbies?"
"Oh uh-no, not particularly. Uh, I like going out for walks and reading." You told her.
"That's great! There is actually a park close by, if you'd ever want to go. And Mary has a whole collection of books I'm sure she'd be glad to let you go through." Rosa offered. You gave a fake smile.
"That sounds nice!" You nodded, suddenly feeling the urge to eat, just to escape the conversation and go back to listening instead. You began eating again, thankful for Darla recapturing Rosa's attention.
It wasn't long before everyone started cleaning up the table and putting everything in the kitchen before heading into what you assumed was the living room.
After clearing off your plate, you planned to head straight to your room but stopped at the entrance of the living room when you saw the way everyone sat together in front of the TV.
They looked like most of the families you'd been with, only, they looked happy to be together as they watched the mindless program. The boys all sat on a long couch that hung near the wall, Darla and Mary sharing a smaller couch on the other side, and Victor and Rosa in the smallest chair directly across the room from the tv.
You watched them for a moment as they all enjoyed each other's company. Now, how in the world would you ever fit into this little world? They all were so different and yet got along so well. Even if you tried, you'd have no idea how to fit into this life and you definitely didn't want to change this for them.
Just before you could turn to leave, the tv switched to a breaking news report of a runaway train in downtown. Everyone gasped at the sight of a high speed train, racing down its tracks. The kids all glanced at each other and gave a small nod.
They all stood up and started towards the exit, you quickly stood close to the wall, acting interested in the tv. Now, where in the-
"Where are you guys all going?" Victor asked them, practically reading your mind.
They all yelled out different excuses. You, Rosa, and Victor watched as they all rushed upstairs.
"Oh, Y/N!" Victor noticed you in the doorway, "Would you like to join us? We're just watching a Christmas movie."
"Thank you, but I think I'm gonna just go up to Mary's room and... unpack," You quickly thought of an excuse.
"Oh, okay. Feel free to join us when you're done," Rosa said with a small smile.
"Yeah, of course," You nodded before turning and rushing up the stairs after the group.
All of the lights were off except the small sliver that managed to slip under Billy and Freddy's door. You heard multiple voices, assuming everyone was in there together. A strong voice in your head screamed to knock on the door and ask to join them but a different, stronger voice told you they wouldn't want you to. 
They all were so kind earlier, I doubt they would mind if I joined them. Besides, what could they possibly be doing or talking about that they would mind you being there for? After you quickly battled your brain, you finally came to a decision. 
Knock, knock, knock!
The room became dead silent. You waited patiently for any form of response, knots beginning to tie in your stomach.
After what felt like hours, a reply finally came. "Who is it?"
"Hey guys, it's me," you answered, grimacing at the sound of your own nervous voice, "I was just wondering if I could hang out with you guys! I didn't really feel like unpacking so I-"
Eugene's voice quickly interrupted me."Sorry, no! We're busy!"
You nearly took a step backwards at the quick rejection. The knots in your stomach suddenly morphed into humiliation, confusion, and disappointment.
"Oh-uh... yeah, okay. No problem!" You quickly faked a cheerful voice. "Sorry for bothering you!"
Your face suddenly started to feel hot as you hurried down the hall to Mary's room. After shutting the door behind you, you slapped your hand against your forehead.
Jeez, that could not have gone worse! What happened? I thought I was getting along with everyone well... or was it just me? Maybe everyone was pretending to get along with me because I'm new to the house. Maybe they don't really like me.
Your mind ran wild as you tried to come up with reasons why they were suddenly too busy to even come to the door and give a proper explanation of why you couldn't join them.
Overthinking is definitely not what you wanted to be doing right now. Maybe they really just were busy. Christmas is in like two weeks, maybe they were just working on a present for Rosa and Victor. Yeah, that's it. It probably has nothing to do with you at all!
You decided to just calm down, go downstairs for a drink of water, and watch the movie with the rest of the house. With one last deep breath, you left the room, climbed down the stairs, and headed straight to the kitchen.
Now, just get your water and watch the movie with everyone! the voice in your head encouraged. A smile unknowingly rested on your lips as you grabbed a cup from the cupboard and quickly filled it in the sink.
"You guys came back at just the right time, commercials just ended." You heard Victor say from the living room.
Your legs carried you to the doorway of the living room, only to stop you at the doorway. Most of the space on the couches were taken up by the kids who you, until now, believed to still be in Billy and Freddy's room.
"Where is Billy? He's going to miss it," Rosa asked, looking at the now empty spot on the couch.
Mary and Pedro exchanged worried glances and Darla quickly avoided all eye contact and stared at the tv.
"Oh, uh..." Freddy started but nothing came out.
"Darla?" Victor asked, knowing she would give the truth.
"Um, I-!" she started, but I quickly cut her off.
"Uh, I'm pretty sure he went to take a shower. I heard the water running on my way back downstairs," I quickly explained, giving her a smile.
Rosa smiled when she noticed me standing in the hall, "Oh, okay. Thank you, Y/N. Were you gonna join us?"
You looked around the living room. Everyone diverted their eyes from you, sending looks between each other. Maybe they really do don't like me.
"I still have some unpacking to do, I just came down to get some water," You held your cup up to show her, giving a weak smile.
"Alright, mi amor, feel free to join us when you finish!" She called after me as you quickly left and headed back to Mary's room.
"What are you doing?"
You turned to find Mary at the door. She rushed over to you and quickly closed the window.
"What?" You asked, confused by her sudden rush to close the window.
"Look, I can't stop you from leaving but, just so you know, that's a much bigger drop than you think it is," Mary warned you.
You lifted an eyebrow. "Really? You think I'm that big of a flight risk? Look, if I wanted to leave, I would walk out the front door, not risk breaking a leg by jumping out a damn window." You told her, plopping down onto your bed.
"Then, what were you doing?" She asked.
"Looking at the view, enjoying the night air, seeing if you have any flower bushes in the ground that I can enjoy during the spring," You list off.
Mary watched you carefully, looking for a lie. She nodded and turned away once she felt satisfied.
You laid down on the bed fully, not minding your shoes resting on the comforter. At least now you have some time to decide if you want to stay for a little while of leave and give your social worker a call.
If you did want to leave, you would have to leave then find a phone booth to call her from, just to ensure not having to see Rosa and Victor's disappointed faces when they are told I didn't want to live with them. You didn't really care about making everyone else disappointed, well, besides Darla.
Though, this has been the kindest place to live in a long time. Maybe a pros and cons list would help?
Pros: good food, nice guardians, okay children, warm place to sleep, people who possibly care for you, best home you have been to in years, would have a nice place to spend Christmas for once
Cons: crowded, kids possibly don't like you, little privacy, and there were no flower bushes outside
This place was much better than a lot of places you've been forced to live in, but that doesn't mean it is the right fit. If you did leave, maybe your social worker could get you into another group home, just with less kids.
If you did leave, you doubted they would be disappointed for long. Besides, it's a group home, kids must come and go all the time. And you'd think the other kids would be glad to have one less person in the house. If you did stay, they could come to like you… or not.
I guess my decision has been made then.
You looked over Mary's bookshelf, grabbing one or two books that peaked your interest. It's always good to keep a memento from each house you stay in. You quickly stuff them into your backpack before zipping it closed and pulling it on. You grabbed your duffel before sliding the window all the way open and dropping it down to the ground. You pulled the window closed, not wanting Mary's room to get too cold.
Now, you just needed to sneak out the back door, grab the duffel, find a pay phone and get a hold of your social worker. Simple. There must be one outside a gas station somewhere, if not, you could just ask the gas station attendant if you could "call your parents". Easy.
You tiptoed down the stairs, making sure to miss the creaky step. As you snuck past the living room, you saw everyone was happily watching the tv which looked to be playing It's a Wonderful Life. You rolled your eyes before continuing towards the kitchen.
"Billy?" Someone called out from the living room.
You froze in front of the back door, waiting to hear the sound of them turning back to the tv.
"Must be hearing things," Victor said.
You sighed in relief before slowly twisting the lock, stopping whenever you made any sort of noise and listening for the living room. Once the door was unlocked, you opened the door as quietly as you could, knowing they most likely would be too wrapped up in their movie.
Once outside, you closed the door quickly and ran along the side of the house towards your duffel bag. You smiled at the sight of your Wonder Woman duffel lying peacefully in the snow. The lock on the gate put a small damper on your night, climbing the gate definitely wasn't on the agenda.
You grumbled to yourself as you dropped your bag on the other side of the gate before stepping on the post and carefully jumped over. Thank god it was winter and the snow broke your fall, or your butt would be in a lot more pain that it was in right now.
You quickly grabbed your duffel and took one last look up at the house. Maybe in another life, you thought, before starting down the street with a rough idea where the last gas station you saw was.
Billy landed just outside his window before yelling "Shazam!" and transforming back into his usual self.
He sighed as he opened the window and carefully climbed through. Billy pulled off his jacket and beanie before starting to change into his sweats and sleep shirt. Before he could pull on his shirt, Freddy burst into the room.
"Billy!" He yelled.
Billy screeched, covering his chest with his shirt. "Dude!"
"Sorry, it's just-" Freddy was interrupted.
Darla ran into the room. "Y/N is gone!" She cried out, tears starting to form in her eyes.
"Yeah, she said she was going to her room to unpack but when Mary went to go check on her, she was gone." Freddy told him.
"Jeez, do Victor and Rosa know?" Billy asked, running his hands through his hair.
 "No, we were hoping to be able to convince her to come back before they find out." He tilted his head slightly.
"Uh, okay. Freddy, you and me will go find her while everyone else makes sure they don't know we're gone," Billy ordered. "Got that Darla?"
"Okay!" She sniffled before giving him a smile and running to tell her siblings of Billy's plan.
"Alright, let's go find her,"  Freddy nodded.
"Shit!" You yelled, hitting the phone booth with the base of your palm.
About ten blocks from the house, you found a gas station with a pay phone just outside. But, of course, with your luck, it was out of order and the gas station was closed.
You looked around the gas station for some kind of map, finding the last one in its slot. After unfolding it and getting your bearings, you spotted the park Rosa told you about. Only two blocks away. Perfect.
You refolded the map and replaced it in the slot, hoping someone else can find good use from it. Gripping tightly onto your duffel's shoulder strap, you start the trek to the park. 
It only took about ten minutes to get to the park, but you swore it felt longer. As you crossed the street, a car came speeding toward you. You ran to the sidewalk, narrowly dodging the car as it came to a screeching stop.
"Hey, watch it!" You yelled, kicking their tires before turning back and entering the park.
You glanced around at the empty park, glad to see no one else. You hurried to the closest bench and dusted off any snow or water before sitting down and opening your duffel. You pushed aside your hair brush and quickly pulled out your extra sweater and pulled it over your head. 
With one more look around the park, you put the duffel on the end of the bench and laid your head on it like a pillow. Allowing yourself to relax a little. Before you knew it, you were in a light sleep. Maybe you let yourself relax a little too much.
"I found her," a man in your dream stated.
Another man turned to you. "Cool, she has a Wonder Woman duffel bag!" He said.
"Dude, really?" The first one sighed.
You slowly opened your eyes, fully expecting to see police officers, or even hobos, but the last thing you experienced were two grown men in spandex next to you.
You screamed in shock, sitting up.
"Nice one, you woke her up!" The one in Blue punched the one in Red.
"Holy shit," you muttered, slowly grabbing your duffel bag.
"Hey, hey, it's okay. We're here to help!" The red one held his hands up in defense.
Wait, aren't these the heroes who used to have people pay to take pictures with them? What was his name again? Captain Marvel or something? You quickly went for your backpack, grabbing whatever cash you had and held it out for them.
"Here, it's all I got," you tried to hand it to the one in Red.
"What? No, that's not why-" he tried to turn it down.
"Don't you have people pay you or whatever? Just take it and leave me alone," you tried to hand it to him again but he pushed your hand away.
"We don't want your money. We're here to take you home," Captain Marvel told you.
You stared at him as you put your money in your pocket. "Okay, yeah, I'm gonna go," you told them, grabbing your duffel, standing up, and quickly started walking away from the bench you had previously been sleeping on.
"Wait!" Freddy yelled, grabbing your arm. You pulled your arm away from him and backed away quickly.
"Stay away from me!" You yelled.
"Hold on, Y/N, just wait!" Billy tried, holding his hands up again.
You stopped, staring at the two heroes before you. "Do I... know you guys or something?" They felt oddly familiar.
Billy glanced back at his brother. "No, you don't. We were, uh, sent…by your family to come find you."
"Okay, now I know you guys are lying cause I don't have a family. See yah!" You waved, turning to leave yet again.
The two heroes quickly joined you, one on each of your sides.
"Listen, Y/N, the group home you are staying at has people in it who care what happens to you." Freddy tried to meet your eye.
"Yeah, that's why I left the way I did," you muttered, the gears turning in your head as you tried to figure out why these heroes are doing house calls. "Wait, did they call you or something to come find me? How in the hell do they have your number?" 
Billy stood unsure of what to say, looking to Freddy for support, only to find him to have the same reaction.
"Whatever, doesn't matter," you muttered, continuing down the street.
Freddy quickly snapped out of his trance and joined you again. "What did you mean by that's why you're leaving?"
You sighed, "Look, they're a great family, don't get me wrong. It's just that there are eight people in one house, always in each others spaces- I mean, I barely could fit at the table with the rest of them. And I just think if I were to stay I would just be invading their home and what little space they have left."
Billy let out a small laugh, "You know things can be changed around to accommodate everyone."
"I don't want them to change for me. They are one perfect unit and I don't want them to have to change that." You looked around the street for another pay phone or gas station. "Not to mention they gave up their 'welcome' act pretty quickly."
"The 'welcome' act?" Billy proded, feeling like Freddy and him were getting closer to a point where they can soon convince you to come home.
"Yeah, you know, the 'we-don't-really-feel-comfortable-with-you-here-but-we-have-to-be-nice-and-welcoming' act. You should have seen them when I came downstairs for a drink of water and Rosa asked if I wanted to join them. They all got super uncomfortable, glancing at each other, and looking everywhere but me. Trust me, I can tell when I'm not wanted," You glared down at the sidewalk, getting kind of tired of explaining yourself to two weirdos in tights.
"So what's your plan?" Freddy asked. "Live on the street instead of a nice home with a good family? I seriously doubt that they don't want you there."
"Look man, if I called every place I lived at my family or home, the meaning would be lost pretty fast," You tried to walk faster away from the two, who you were now questioning to even be real heros at all, "And no, I wasn't planning to live on the street. I was going to call my social worker. I didn't call her at the house because I didn't want to see Rosa and Victor's disappointed faces and make me feel guilty."
"Ugh, I hated my social worker," Freddy muttered without thinking.
Billy shot him a look, "Dude, shut up!"
You stopped, turning on your heels to look at the two grown men. They sound so familiar but you just couldn't put a finger on it. They both had basic, dark brown hair, although the one in blue's hair was a but more curly. They had no memorable features, only their personalities. They argued just like-
"Do I know you guys?" You asked carefully. "You feel so familiar."
"N-no! Of course not, we're just two adult men here to take you home!" The red one said hesitantly. "B-but not in a creepy way!"
"Alright, one question. Who's your favorite superhero?"
"Superman." Freddy answered on reflex.
Both heroes' eyes grew.
"Dude!" Billy yelled.
Freddy flinched. "Sorry! It's a reflex!" 
You took a small step backwards. Your small test had worked but now you have no clue what to do.
"Freddy? Is-is that you?" You asked quietly.
Billy shook his head, "N-no, you're mistaken! He-"
You gasped, "Billy?!"
The two boys groaned, unsure what to do now that the secret was out.
"Oh my god! How the hell-? What-? Do the others know?!" You stammered out.
"They're kind of superheroes too," Freddy told you, rubbing the back of his neck.
You felt as if the air was knocked out of you. Everyone in the house is a superhero, besides Rosa and Victor. You were living with heros for the past 5 hours. Wait... they all rushed upstairs after they saw the runaway train on tv. They were doing hero stuff, not excluding you on purpose.
You felt yourself begin to laugh. So many emotions were running around in your head, you had a difficult time sorting through it. You laughed harder as you tried to think about the situation you were in.
"Y/N?" One of the boys called to you.
Cold tears started to run down your cheeks. You laughed a bit more as you took a seat on the snow covered sidewalk, trying to calm down.
"Are you alright?" Billy asked, kneeling down next to you.
"Y-yeah," you giggled before you finally stopped laughing, "I just found out that the two men who have been following me around, asking all these questions are two of the guys in my group home! Trust me, I feel a lot better knowing it is you guys and not just two creeps!"
You looked the two up and down, now seeing Billy and Freddy through the two grown men in spandex.
"Can you change back or are you stuck like that?" You asked, crossing your legs and resting your head in your hand.
"Oh, yeah, uh- one second!" Freddy smiled at you.
"Shazam!" They yelled, lightning flashing through the sky and hitting them.
You let out a scream, covering your head. After a few seconds, you slowly lifted your head and saw Billy and Freddy as their normal selves, Freddy using Billy as his crutch.
"Holy shit!" You muttered.
"So, are you gonna come home or not?" Freddy finally asked after a moment of silence.
Did you really want to go back? Most of the problems you had were just explained and the only problems left were not worth leaving over. Victor and Rosa have been welcoming all day, everyone else was just trying to keep their Super secret, Freddy and Billy had come looking for you, which no one has ever done before, and even told you their secret, and... you really didn't want to leave. Not now, not then, and definitely not in any future.
"Yeah..." you said, barely above a whisper. You pushed yourself off the ground, smiling as you stood next to the two boys. "Let's go home."
Thanks for reading! I really hope you enjoyed and if you did, check out my Fandom Blog where I keep all my other fanfics!
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thecorteztwins · 4 years
I love how you care so much about obscure characters. Who is your favorite underrated female X-men character
Awww thank you! I love bringing them love, so it makes me really happy for you to say that! My absolute fave is Haven, but I read “faves” as plural so I wrote down a bunch...my faves can bounce around a bit but here’s a list of some of them! It’s under a cut because it’s long, I really like to explain who these gals are and why I like them so much! Warning, there is some description of pretty horrendous sexism and racism for some of these, since nothing makes me latch on to a woman harder than wanting to defend her from the SHITTY THINGS WRITERS DID TO HER! I kinda wrote novels for Haven and Madelyne, then I did links to previous things I’ve written about others. This is a LOT, I’m so sorry, I just love sharing!! Thank you for asking!!
THE BIG ONES Basically my consistent mega-faves I’m always ready to talk about! RADHA “HAVEN” DASTOOR - This lady has been at the top of my list for over five years and counting! She just really resonated with me on a deep level. She’s this mysterious woman who turns up in X-Factor for seven issues, and though she’s very benevolent towards them (even when they attack her) she is technically a villain, as she’s trying to destroy 3/4 of the world to bring about the Mahapralaya, a sort of Hindu apocalypse that will bring about an age of peace and end to suffering. So, her motives are very compassionate, and as it turns out, the horrible things she’s trying to do aren’t actually her fault. She’s being posessed by the Adversary, a demon of the highest order and an entity of cosmic evil. Or more specifically, her unborn child is. See, Haven was a really, really good woman. She was not a mutant, but she was sensitive to the pain and suffering of others from an early age, and she devoted her life to helping the poor and needy. She’s incredibly rich, so she could have helped just from afar, but instead she not only used her wealth to help others, she herself went out in the streets to attend to the poor and sick with her own hands. She bathed lepers, cradled dying babies, everything. She actually GOT the name “Haven” from a children’s hospital that she renovated, the kids started calling HER that instead. What a villain, huh? It all goes super wrong when she fell in love with a guy. After he took her virginity, he took off, leaving her pregnant. This was in 1970s India, and she was a very a religious woman, she felt INTENSE shame and horrible guilt and sunk into a deep depression, now living on the streets herself she was so broken. And then...then her fetus started talking to her. Yeah, see, technically she wasn’t posessed by the Adversary, her unborn child was. It incubated in her for twenty years, corrupting her mind, making her its pawn, all basically for its own amusement til it could be reborn into the world, killing her. And the guy who knocked her up? Got off scott-free. Basically she had sex ONE time and she had to be punished for it by being stripped of her agency, forced to betray everything she loved and believed, and then finally killed in the mud while a Marvel deity stood over and told her how she brought this on herself. It’s a slut-shaming Victorian morality tale of how no matter how good a person you are, you’re tainted forever if you violate purity culture just once, and we’re expected to AGREE with this narrative as readers. It’s sick. It gets even worse in how X-Factor treats her. She first appears RESCUING Polaris from government agents who are trying to kill her, because despite WORKING for the government at this time (X-Factor was a government team during this period) Polaris’s energy signature matched Magneto’s. Haven is the one who saved Polaris by teleporting her away. Polaris was distrustful and threatened Haven. Haven tried to talk her down, but also opened her arms and said that if Polaris truly did not believe her, then she would not resist. Polaris decided to “give trust a try” but I also truly believe that if Lorna had attacked her, Haven indeed would have let her. Haven is a human but the Adversary gave her INCREDIBLE power, she could WIPE PEOPLE FROM EXISTENCE by THINKING ABOUT IT, but she was a pacifist every step of the way, even as a villain. X-Factor would REPEATEDLY attack her later...she NEVER retaliated. The worst thing she did was, once they kept on attacking her, she just kinda put them in her pocket dimension as a time-out, but didn’t hurt them any. I really don’t think she COULD, possessed or not. Anyway, after meeting Lorna, she ‘ports Lorna back to safety and leaves her be. She is interested in recruiting Lorna and the rest of X-Factor to her cause, but she’s very moral about it, and never uses situations like these as leverage; for instance, when she heals Rahne of the Genoshan bonding process and gives her back her free will and her ability to resume her fully human form, Rahne is ECSTATIC and ready to do ANYTHING for her. And rather than exploit this, Haven just hugs her and tells her that her joy is thanks enough. Again, what a villain! Anyway, it turns out this Haven lady is also an activist! She’s big on promoting peace between warring groups (which I think makes it very significant that she’s an Indian character from Mumbai, then Bombay, who was created in 1992, the same year when Hindu/Muslim tensions in India resulted in the Bombay Bombings and subsequent riots, and she indeed mentions Hindu/Muslim tensions in her pro-peace speeches) and she emphasizes accepting MUTANTS in particular. It is very rare we see humans who are pro-mutant, though they had happened before, but this is the first time we see a human who is pro-mutant WITHOUT any affiliation or friendship with the X-men, and who is a public figure who seems to have some real social power---she’s a best-selling author, lecturer, and apparently her being a very wealthy woman has made some very wealthy people listen to her. She is basically the perfect ally for mutants if you take out the demon-possessed part, and I always found this super interesting and wish more had been done with it. So, she’s speaking at Brahma Hall (Brahma, notably, is the Hindu creator god) and...THIS happens. It’s...it’s really distressing. I’m sure it’s bad enough in its own time, but reading it NOW, in a post-9/11 world, a world where POC are routinely slaughtered by law enforcement (they always were but social media has made us more aware) it’s chilling. And we, the reader, are supposed to see X-Factor as JUSTIFIED in how they treat this unarmed, non-threatening, apparently-human-for-all-they-know woman who is promoting peace. Because no matter how nice she is, the US government says she’s an evil terrorist, and the US government turns out to be right! Yay, America! This might be a good time to mention Haven was the first Hindu character in X-Men comics, and the philosophy that the Adversary is manipulating her with comes directly from Hindu cosmology, and that is WAY IFFY to say THE LEAST. Holy xenophobia, Batman! And in an X-MEN comic of ALL PLACES! Oh yeah, and our good guys also describe her beliefs as “New Age psychobabble” and make fun of her temple decor as "very 60s" when BOTH ARE FROM HINDUISM, WHITE USA HIPPIES DID NOT INVENT IT, YOU IGNORANT SHITS So anyway, Haven’s very interesting to me as someone who is so deeply pacifistic and compassionate, that even when she’s being steered by a literal demon that has been talking in her womb for 20 years, she’s still someone who is perpetually polite, who won’t hurt the HEROES even when they want to hurt her, who SURRENDERS during a FIGHT in order to HEAL ONE OF THEM, and...who ends up with an abruptly aborted arc where she’s killed by her own “child” and victim-blamed in her last moments by Roma, the Omniversal Guardian Goddess and foe/counterpart of the Adversary. It’s made all the more tragic by the fact that Haven’s last pleas to Roma weren’t for herself, but for Roma to stop the Adversary, as she had realized now what her “child” really was. Even in her final moments, Haven was thinking of others, of the world. It’s just....awful to me that a character as interesting and unique as she was was thrown away like that, and that she was treated in such a sexist, racist, xenophobic way by both the HEROES and the story itself. I stan Haven 4 life. MADELYNE PRYOR- She’s maybe not “obscure” per se, I think most X-Men readers have a basic understanding of who she is, but the problem is that “basic” is not enough. What most people know is ”she’s Jean Grey’s evil clone” and some might know that “she was married to Scott Summers and went evil when he ditched her for Jean”. But that’s so far from the whole story, and it really does Madelyne a disservice, and canon has done her ENOUGH disservice already. Madelyne was originally created by Chris Claremont to truly be just a human woman who looked just like the dead Jean, with whom Scott would settle down and have a kid, and leave the X-Men. It’s a pretty nonsensical notion, the idea that this woman just happens to look exactly like Jean and meet Scott and fall in love, but this was his plan, he has confirmed it. And like...that’s pretty sexist from the start, in that she’s very literally created as a replacement for Jean on a narrative level, there’s NO REASON that she should have to look exactly like Scott’s dead ex besides as a way for Scott to still “get” Jean in a way. But Maddie rises above that swiftly by being a super strong, super cool character in her own right. She’s a pilot, she’s fearless, she’s adventurous, she’s got a mean right hook, and she’s got a tragic backstory when she crashed her plane and cost the lives of over three hundred passengers. She gets involved with Scott and by extension the X-Men, and she holds her own despite having no powers. Weird fact, this means that some of the X-Men, like Rogue, met Madelyne before they ever met Jean. She also gets a cool story where she gained healing powers, and the reason her powers specifically took the form of healing is because they were what she wanted them to be. She’s a good person, and also a total badass. Then, Jean came back, and the Powers That Be wanted her back together with Scott. But Scott was married to Madelyne. Rather than have them get a divorce or something, it was decided Madelyne had to be very literally demonized and then murdered, because we can’t just have two women co-exist, no, they must be divided into a “good” woman and a “bad” woman and fight over a man. Actual quote from Chris Claremont: “ Then, unfortunately, Jean was resurrected, Scott dumps his wife and kid and goes back to the old girlfriend. So it not only destroys Scott's character as a hero and as a decent human being it creates an untenable structural situation: what do we do with Madelyne and the kid? ... So ultimately the resolution was: turn her into the Goblin Queen and kill her off.” So, after something like EIGHT YEARS of being a character unto herself, Madelyne gets retconned as actually having been Jean’s clone all along! Which, okay, does make sense, certainly more sense than ‘this woman just happens to look EXACTLY like Jean and hook up with Jean’s ex” but then the REASON that Sinister cloned her...is nothing to do with Maddie or Jean themselves. Madelyne’s creation isn’t ABOUT her the way so many other clone/created-in-a-lab type stories are, like Laura Kinney. She wasn’t important. She was made literally just to have a baby with Scott, the BABY is what’s important. She is REPEATEDLY called a “brood mare” in fact (a female horse used specifically for breeding) So basically, her only value, her only REASON for existing, is her reproductive capacity. A lot of people think that Madelyne either found out she was a clone and went crazy-evil, or she went crazy-evil when Scott went back to Jean. That’s not what happened. Madelyne goes through a long, long series of arduous tragedies that piece by piece dehumanize and violate and traumatize her, and even then she doesn’t become evil until she’s TRICKED into being infected with demonic energy. Being “evil” was NEVER her choice, and everyone forgets that. See, first Scott walked out on her and the baby. Then, the Marauders attacked her, nearly killed her, and stole her baby and left her for dead in a coma for months. When she woke up, her baby was still missing, and she rejoined the X-Men to help them while they also helped search for her son. She sacrificed her LIFE alongside them to defeat the Adversary (yes, the same one Haven was pregnant with!) and then was resurrected with them too by Roma (yes, same Roma). She continued to work with the X-Men, despite the fact Scott had left her, and used her tech expertise to be the X-Men’s computer gal in Australia. When she saw X-Factor on one of the news monitors, including Scott with Jean, she realized why he’d abandoned her. She punched the screen and the explosion knocked her unconscious. While she was knocked out and dreaming, the demon Sym invaded her mind showed her a few different reflections of things she could be, one of which was a demonic reflection of herself. She chose that one, saying “What the heck, it’s only a dream.” And then Sym infected her with demonic energy. So she literally JUST found out her husband left her and their now-missing son for another woman, and she thinks she’s dreaming so yeah she picks the idea of being a demon IN THE CONTEXT OF A DREAM, A FUCKING FANTASY, WHEN SHE’S GOT EVERY RIGHT TO BE PISSED and oh well now you’re gonna be evil for real honey you don’t get a choice. Serves you right for being angry even for a moment, woman! But even then, she didn’t instantly turn evil. Horrible shit had already happened to her, but she still held out…so of course, more shit happened to her. While she and the X-Men were trying to help an escapee from Genosha (which was still enslaving mutants at that point) she ended up captured herself, and since their readings indicated she was not quite human (though what exactly she was, they didn’t know) they tried to put her through the “mutate bonding process” that would enslave her too. As a result, her latent psychic powers finally manifest, and she telekinetically explodes the place. From there, we start seeing big hints that something is going really wrong with Maddie, she seduces Havok and she’s entered into a secret bargain with the demon N’astrih, who promised to help her find her still-missing son (whom she still wanted to find and save at that point because she was still mostly herself) and of course, that bargain transformed her into the Goblyn Queen. After this transformation, though, she STILL had not gone past the point of no return. That didn’t happen until she met Sinister and she found out the truth of her origins—-not only was she a clone of Jean Grey physically, the few memories that she had also came from Jean, and her emotions from Scott had been PROGRAMMED into her (meaning she never had a choice at all in the man she loved) and it was all to be a brood mare, to produce a child with him. Only then did she go off the deep end completely, and agreed to N’astrih’s plan to sacrifice her own son (who he now found and gave to her, as this was his plan all along) because it was the absolute BIGGEST fuck you she could give to Sinister and to Cyclops. And like, yes, that’s evil, but given at that point she was not only magically infected/corrupted with demon energy AND insane with trauma that had been building up for months if not YEARS of development…she basically had a better excuse than ANYONE in all this who was also corrupted by Inferno. Yet she’s the one who doesn’t get a break. The unfairness is just…staggering, really. Even her death isn’t without indignity, violation, and depersonalization---she tries to commit a murder suicide, linking her mind with Jean’s and killing herself so that Jean will be dragged down into death with her. Jean, who really is the kindest to Maddie, urges Maddie to live instead, but Maddie’s last words are “not in the same world as you”. Jean survives. Maddie does not. And then...Jean takes Maddie’s memories and psyche into herself. It’s meant as beautiful, but to me it’s a heinous violation. Maddie wanted nothing more than be APART from Jean, so much so she KILLED HERSELF, and now Jean has made her a part of her forever, and we’re meant to applaud this? It’s DISGUSTING. Madelyne gets resurrected in the 1990s by Nate Grey, but it turns out that was an accident on his part, his mind was subconsciously seeking...Jean Grey, of course. And we he finds out he’s the one who brought her back to life, HE TRIES TO KILL HER. Jean stops him, but it’s no wonder to me that poor Maddie runs to the arms of Sebastian Shaw...who, of all people, actually treats her as an individual from the get-go and ends up being a pretty good boyfriend to her. Never even tries to use her in any evil schemes, it’s crazy. Madelyne has come back and died again and come back a few times since then, but she’s never really been “Maddie” again, whether it was brave adventurous Badass Normal pilot Maddie who just wanted to help people, or the bitter, conflicted, morally grey Maddie of the 90s. No, she’s just....she’s not even Goblyn Queen anymore, she lacks the pathos, she’s just this sexy evil misogynist caricature of herself and I hate it. I really love Madelyne Pryor. She came into this crazy world as a normal human, and when she got pulled into superhero shenanigans she held her own. She was a badass, she was a spitfire, she had a huge heart. She deserves a lot better than just being a gross Sexy Evil Lady with no personality, especially since she no longer has the whole “demonically possessed” issue going on. It’s just stupid and sexist at this point. I personally love original 80s Maddie, and also 90s Maddie where like...this shit has happened to her and she’s darker for it now, and understandably so, but she’s also still HER. Like, she leaves Sebastian Shaw not because he ever treated her badly, which he did not, but because he was doing things that could hurt OTHER PEOPLE, and that was where she drew the line. She was an enemy to the X-Men now or at least really hated them, she killed Threnody for bringing up her past as being “bred to breed”, but she also wasn’t about to be with a man who would risk the lives of millions of innocent people with his schemes, no matter how well he treated her, no matter if he was the one man who ever saw her for HER. Real Maddie is INTERESTING and Real Maddie is GOOD and I want Real Maddie back so she can call everyone on their shit and then go off and live her best life instead of being eternally dragged back into pointless villainy by authors who can’t think of anything better! MEGGAN PUCEANU - As with Madelyne, she’s maybe not UNKNOWN per se, I mean she’s one of the lead characters of Excalibur, but I also don’t think she’s an A-lister at all either. I’ve written about her HERE and HERE and her relationship dynamics with Brian Braddock/Captain Britain HERE so I feel like those links will probably be better than another novel like I did for Haven and Maddie! CATSEYE AKA SHARON SMITH - The deaths of all the Hellions were a tragedy, but Catseye is the one I found most interesting and with the most potential! I’ve written about her HERE and the Hellions in general HERE with a segment on her. She’s just so cute and innocent and INTERESTING, I want to know so much more about how she behaves, how she perceives the world and interact with others, how she gets on with her teammates, how she reacts this and that, I just love her! MINDMELD - Appears for only one issue, is arguably the first transgender mutant in Marvel, and also a total badass who I think is really sexy. I write more about her HERE and HERE. HONORABLE MENTIONS I’m not freaking out over these girls AS MUCH or AS CONSISTENTLY but they all have a place in my heart!! Really all it takes is someone MENTIONING them to get me revved up all over again!
THRENODY AKA MELODY JACOBS- Another Marvel gal who can’t catch a break, when she’s remembered by anyone at all. I wrote about her HERE prior to her most recent return in Deadpool, then HERE about said return. I just really, really want Threnody to be happy. She’s suffered enough. Admittedly, that could be said for most women on this list, maybe all of them. GOSAMYR- Wrote about her HERE! Most people who know of her at all typically hate her but I find her extremely interesting. She’s like everything people HATE about women, every stereotype of “toxic femininity”, but then this is explained as part of her culture and biology, and this is, to her, what is normal, and how is she to KNOW that everyone acts nuts around her when she has no basis for knowing how they act when she’s NOT around? She interests me in the questions and dilemmas she raises, and I just kinda have a thing for women we’re supposed to hate because of their feminine traits. KWANNON- The Japanese woman whose body Betsy Braddock had for years. I was very excited when she was brought back to life and given her own series, I wanted for her at last to be a CHARACTER with her own PERSONALITY and LIFE that wasn’t just an excuse to give a white woman a ninja makeover, and then I got...Fallen Angels. And she’s just...she’s literally just 90s Psylocke. I was very disappointed. But I still like Kwannon HERSELF in terms of potential, and now that she’s back maybe she’ll become a real person sooner or later. SATURNYNE AND SAT-YR-9: Wrote about them HERE! I really like Sat-Yr-9 as a villain (I especially enjoyed her short stint in the Hellfire Club as White Queen with Viper as her lieutenant and not-so-subtle girlfriend) and I like Saturnyne as a sort of celestial bureaucrat, someone who isn’t a force of good or evil but a force of ORDER, like the opposite of “embodiment of chaos” type characters. MURMUR AKA ARLETTE TRUFFEAU: I have not written about her before but HERE IS HER WIKI ARTICLE. As with Gossamyr, she seems like the “sexy shallow slut we’re supposed to dislike” type, so of course I like her. BIANCA LANEIGE- A Generation X villain who bore a grudge against Emma Frost from her days in the Hellfire Club, I wrote about her HERE. She’s pretty comedic as a bad guy, but that’s not a bad thing! I’d like to see her around again one day, either as silly as ever or made more serious. LIFEGUARD: Wrote about here HERE. She was in the first X-Men graphic novel that I bought and I’ve always had a soft spot for her since. I really liked that she didn’t give a shit when she found out who her bio-father was, it’s such a refreshing reaction compared to the usual “what if I’m just like my father/I can’t believe I’m adopted/etc” angst. Comparatively, she’s super upset about her Shi’ar lineage, because that actually altered her INTERNAL self when it manifested, she started seeing everyone around her as PREY and I reckon that’s pretty distressing for someone like her. Always wanted to see her come back; she’s in the background at a Krakoa party! SILHOUETTE CHORD: Wrote about her HERE and HERE. I just like her I guess! She’s maybe not obscure per se since she’s a main cast member of The New Warriors, but I’ve never really seen her get any attention. BLACK MAMBA AKA TANYA SEALY: Wrote about her HERE! THE ASP AKA CLEOPATRA NEFERTITI: Wrote about her HERE! SKEIN AKA SYBIL DVORAK: Wrote about her HERE and HERE! She was on the “Woman Warriors” team with Black Mamba and Asp, and I like the idea they just hang out as friends a lot!! ANACONDA AKA BLANCHE “BLONDIE” SITZINSKI: Wrote about her HERE! I just want her to hug me...really, really hard :) SHARADA DARTHRI: A minor villain that shows up during the “all female X-Men” team era in...2013, I think? Wrote about her HERE. DRAGONFLY AKA VERONICA DULTRY: Wrote about her HERE MANTIS : Despite the fact that she’s very well-known for her film version in Guardians of the Galaxy, most people don’t seem to know much at all about her comics version even though she’s been an Avengers member since the 70s. Wrote about her HERE and HERE and HERE, someone else writes about her HERE PENDING These are characters that I have not had the chance to personally read up on myself yet, but I want to! Their names link to their Marvel wiki articles! TOPAZ FIREBIRD SNOWBIRD SILVERCLAW There are honestly countless others I’m probably not remembering but this is a good handful I think! Oh, yeah, and also...COOTER. Because her name is COOTER oh my god.
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whydontwe-fanfics · 6 years
Fanboy (Z.H)
Previously Titled: Admirer
Description: Zach sees you at an award show and can’t stop gushing about you.
Request: can u pls do one where the reader is a famous YouTuber or something and meets the boys at a red carpet event and Zach is kinda entranced by her beauty and just keeps talking about her "holy crap guys, I'm telling you she is the most. beautiful. thing. I have ever seen! ohmygod" and even snapchatting it and annoying the boys till they see her again at the after-party and the guys just tell her "thank god you're here we need you to make him stop" and it's just rly cute and fluffy??? ily♥
A/N: this was so cute to write
Warning(s): swearing, cutecutecute stuff, fluFF
Word Count: 3.3k
PSA: writing this in April of 2018 so I have no idea what the actual outcomes of 2019's iHeartRadio Music Awards show will be, nor who will actually be nominated.
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2019 iHeartRadio Music Awards
"You ripped it."
"You're shitting me!" Corbyn's eyes widened with panic as his body went rigid.
"He's shitting you," Jack chuckles from beside him. Corbyn shot a glare towards Daniel and relaxed.
"Asshole," Corbyn declared after Daniel laughed to himself.
"Five minutes away," the driver called back to the five boys.
"Are we ready?" Jonah quirked an eyebrow.
"Hell yeah, we're ready," Zach clapped his hands with excitement.
"Let me get my eyes ready, those flashes are gonna kill me," Jack clenched his eyes closed before opening them once again.
"I don't get you," Zach murmured with furrowed eyebrows.
"We're here," Corbyn let out a breath as their van pulled up behind the many others. "Holy shit, that's Rhianna."
"No way," Jonah jolted upwards and leaned over Corbyn, looking out of the window and catching Rhianna walking across the red carpet.
"Let's do this," Jack rubbed his hands together just as a man opened their door, making room for them all to climb out. It didn't take long for them to reach the center of the carpet, shouts coming from all ways from the people behind the flashing cameras.
"Do a pose!" Someone called, making Jack and Daniel get down on their knees and open their arms in Corbyn, Zach and Jonah's direction.
Eventually, they moved onwards and walked up to the first interviewer a little off of the carpet, a woman with short brown hair and a microphone labeled 'E!'. They stopped beside her and in front of the two recording cameras.
"Hi, guys!" Carmen beamed and they all kindly greeted her back. "So this is your second time attending the iHeartRadio Music Awards, correct?"
"Correct," Jonah nods with a smile and drapes an arm around Corbyn's shoulder.
"You guys are rising rapidly!"
"Are we?" Daniel squints his eyes and Jack nudged his side.
"Fortunately," Zach chuckles, crossing his arms just a little below his upper chest.
"Also, congratulations on all the good talk on your new album!" She smiles and they all quickly thank her. "So, I have a few questions a lot of us have been dying to ask - us being me and your fans, of course."
"Ask away," Jack nods.
"Okay, So first question: who is single and who isn't?"
The guys weren't surprised at all, fully aware that they'd be asked about their relationships frequently throughout the night.
"Single," Jonah hums.
"Single," Zach declares.
"Not single," Corbyn sways back and forth on his heels.
"Not single," Jack snapped his fingers.
"Does being in a relationship with my phone count?" Daniel furrows his eyebrows, causing the rest to let out small laughs.
"That can count," Carmen nods.
"In that case, none of us are single," Jonah concludes.
"Right," Zach chortles.
"Alright, next question-"
For the next six minutes, the boys are asked a few questions. And then you walked by.
"Y/N!" Carmen abruptly called, confusing the boys although they hadn't shown it. "Y/N!"
She grabbed your attention, causing you to look towards the woman and the group of guys. A smile grew on your lips as you walked towards them, their eyes eventually falling on you.
Zach felt his mouth go dry when he came to the realization that Y/N Y/L/N was walking their way then and there.
Y/N Y/L/N was a famous singer and you've been relevant for the past two years, nearly every one of your songs topping in charts. You've even written a few for other artists, getting you even more recognition.
You had been his celebrity crush for the past year and he had made that clear in plenty of interviews. He began to wonder if you've ever watched one.
The guys all glanced at Zach, coy smirks on their lips as they see the starstruck boy. His eyes stayed on your figure and he didn't believe anything or anyone could be more perfect looking than you in the red dress you wore.
"Hi," you smiled as Carmen gave you a quick hug.
"Guys, you know Y/N Y/L/N, right?"
"Yeah, we love your music," Corbyn subtly nudged Zach with his elbow.
"Oh, thank you," you smile with your mouth closed. "I loved your most recent album."
Zach almost dropped dead when you said that.
"So you guys are nominated for two awards, and so are you," Carmen gestured her hand to the boys before moving it your way. "Could you tell us what the nominations are?"
"Oh, uhm, we're up for Best Boy Band and Best Music Video," Daniel smiled.
"And I'm up for Best Collaboration and Best New Pop Artist," you shrug, not noticing how Zach's eyes were practically glued to you.
"Wow, those are big ones! Congratulations to you all," Carmen grins. "And what are your ages, again?"
"I'm twenty. Jack's nineteen, Corbyn's twenty, Daniel's nineteen, and Zach is seventeen," Jonah answers for them all. "We're all turning a year older this year though, none of our birthdays have passed."
"Zach's the baby," Carmen chuckles and Zach lets out a dramatic groan, tearing his gaze away from you and back to Carmen at the sound of his name.
"Yeah, yeah," Zach sighed, glancing your way to see that you were already staring at him, that beautiful smile playing on your lips.
"And your birthday just passed?" Carmen pulls your attention towards her.
"Yeah, I just turned seventeen on March 2nd, last weekend," you nod.
"Happy belated birthday!"
"Happy belated birthday," the guys smile, as well.
"Thank you," you hold a hand up to your heart, the constant smile on your lips never dropping.
"Have you walked the carpet, yet?" Carmen asks you.
"Only the first part," you nod.
"And you guys?" Carmen directed her attention to the guys.
"Same, just the first part," Jonah rolled his shoulders with his hands in his front pockets.
"Okay, well I don't want to keep you guys for long," Carmen hummed. "Huge congratulations on your nominations and I wish you luck!"
"Thank you!" You say just before taking a step back, along with the guys. You were all heading to walk the remaining carpet, the boys stopping to let you go before them. You thank them with another smile and walk ahead, stopping on the carpet once again to be photographed.
You had a hand on your hip in the midst of a pose when one of the photographers called for the guys to join you.
You didn't mind, turning to them and waving them over. They rose their eyebrows before joining the party, standing on either side of you - Daniel, Jonah, you, Zach, Jack, and Corbyn.
You all took a few pictures together before finally finishing the carpet.
"We're really huge fans by the way," Jonah lets you know.
"That's so sweet; vice versa," your voice sounded angelic to Zach. "I'll see you guys later, gotta finish a few more interviews."
"Bye," they all saluted her and she gave them one last smile before walking away.
The guys all turned to Zach, whose eyes didn't leave her faltering body.
"Did you cream your pants?" Daniel rose a single eyebrow and Zach punched him in the arm.
"Dude," Zach scoffed
"How did it feel to finally meet the love of your life," Jonah wiggles his eyebrows while Zach's cheeks stay even more red than usual.
"She was standing right next to me," Zach slowly recapped, still in a state of shock. "Like literally, right... next... to me."
"I'm surprised you didn't pass out," Corbyn claimed.
"Did you see how beautiful she looked in that dress? Like a damn royal," Zach runs a hand through his hair.
"You can babble about your future wife later, we've got to get a few more interviews in," Daniel pat the boys back before walking ahead.
"We made eye contact! She knows who I am!" Zach continued.
"Alright, we get it," Jack muttered.
"Her hair, man," Zach ignored his fellow mates. "I think she might actually be a goddess. And did you see that smile?"
"You've met once and you're in love," Jonah concluded.
"Do you think she's sitting next to us? Or around? Maybe a few rows in front?"
"Zach, dude, you can chill out," Corbyn said.
They found their seats and the official show hadn't started until an hour and a half afterward.
It wasn't until after a few performances and many given awards when Best New Pop Artist was mentioned, pronounced by (two celebs idk).
"And the winner is... Y/N Y/L/N!"
Zach perked up in his seat as a round of applause and cheering filled the stadium.
The large screens in the front displayed you standing up with wide eyes, Alessia Cara and Hailee Steinfeld giving you tight hugs. You then began to walk towards the stage, one of the security guards in tuxedos helping you climb the stairs.
Zach held up his phone and took a Snapchat recording of you as you walked up to the announcers, hugging and quietly thanking them before standing in front of the microphone. He then ended the video and wrote "an actual goddess".
"Wow," you let out a breath, a broad grin on your lips. "I don't know what else to say but thank you. Three years ago I would've never expected any of this, yet here I am," you gesture to the award in your hands. "A special thank you for everybody who listens to my music - without you, I wouldn't be here. I would also like to congratulate all of the other nominees, every one of you are amazing and to be nominated beside you all is such a privilege. Alright, I'm done rambling, now."
"She's so fucking cute," Zach smiled as you headed back to your seat.
In the remaining hours of the award show, Why Don't We won Best Boy Band and you won Best Collaboration alongside Liam Payne for your conjoined song. Throughout the entire show, Zach couldn't stop gushing about you, and as cute as it was, it was annoying for the guys.
"Are we heading to the After Party?" Corbyn asked.
"Y/N might be there," Daniel teased.
"You think so?" Zach didn't catch the mockery as his eyes lit up. Daniel merely glared before leaning back in his seat.
"So are we going or not?" Jack knit his eyebrows. "'Cause I want to."
"I wanna go," Jonah input.
"I do, too," Corbyn nodded.
"Then we're going," Daniel clapped his hands.
Hours later, the boys found themselves at the After-Party, sitting at a tall table with Ed Sheeran, Charlie Puth, and Niall Horan.
"Hey, guys!" Your voice made Zach visibly stiffen.
"Y/N!" Niall's thick accent called just before he embraced you in a hug. You greeted Ed and Charlie the same way before waving to Corbyn, Jonah, Jack, Daniel, and Zach. Zach's eyes raked your body, realizing that you had traded your long red gown for a shorter black dress.
"Congratulations on your awards! Just yesterday you were touring with me," Charlie gave you a large smile.
"Thanks, Charlie."
"And this is only your second year, aye?" Niall nodded with an approving pout.
"Yeah," you nod, your smile never leaving your lips.
"Y/N! You're here!" Daniel abruptly stood up.
"I'm here," you giggled and all Zach heard was angelic chimes.
"Zach's been gushing about you all night," Daniel groaned and Zach's jaw dropped.
"Thank God you're here, we need you to make him stop," Jonah contributed in the tattling.
You couldn't stop your face from warming up as Ed and Niall let out small chuckles.
"I-uh," you didn't know what to say as your eyebrows stayed risen with amusement and slight shock. "Thank you?" You didn't mean for it to sound like a question, but it did. You glance around and notice that the other guys are staring at you two and you slightly roll your eyes before looking back at Zach. "Wanna get something to drink with me?"
You almost laughed at Zach's pale face before he frantically nodded his head, standing up.
"Yea-yeah, of course," he walked up to you as if he was in a trance and you found the entire ordeal so cute. With a smile, you turn and begin towards the bar.
Zach looked back to the group with wide eyes.
"We'll be here," Corbyn sent a wink before shooing Zach away.
Zach bit the corner of his bottom lip, turning on his heel and speed walking to catch up with you.
"So what shall us minors get at the bar?" You hum as Zach falls into step with you.
"Heard that water is good this time of year," he joked, making you slightly laugh.
"Who wants water at an After Party?" You raise a single eyebrow, glancing at him with your peripheral vision.
"Touché," he shrugs, shoving his hands into his slack pockets. "My head is spinning."
"Are you alright?" You furrow your eyebrows in concern, halting in your steps and touching his arm.
"I just never thought I'd actually meet you," he admits, bringing a hand up and cupping the back of his neck. The look of worry on your face dropped and your smile returned.
"C'mon, let's go sit down. We can get a drink later," you chuckle, taking his wrist into your hand and tugging him in the direction of the many tables, celebrities filling them left and right. You guys seat yourself at one of the booths, your hand finally and unfortunately leaving his wrist.
"Excuse my constant fanboying," he apologizes.
"It's cute," your eyes twinkle and his heart swells.
"I-uh," he stutters before sighing. "My entire face is red, isn't it?"
"Yeah, kind of," you giggle. "It's not a bad thing. I completely lost it when Bruno Mars followed me on Instagram."
"That was us when Charlie followed our band account last year," Zach smiled.
"I follow you guys," you nod and Zach's eyebrows rose.
"You do?"
"Not with my actual account," you clarify. "I have a few accounts and I followed you guys on my private one."
"You see, in my head, I'm screaming," he confesses.
"I'll follow with my public account," you pull your phone out of the crossbody bag on your shoulder and go into Instagram, typing Why Don't We into the search bar and quickly following them before heading to Zach's page and following him as well.
"Just tell me when to stop fanboying," he jokes, and you look up at him with another joyful smile.
"You're so sweet, honestly," your face flushes.
"I just know how to appreciate really talented people who also happen to be really beautiful," he merely shrugs.
"I could be a total bitch, you know," you cock your head to the side.
"But here you are, acting like an actual angel," he nonchalantly leaned back into his seat, his nerves visibly calming. You were glad he was growing more comfortable around you.
"Do you like the food here?" You change the subject.
"No, not really," he runs a hand through his hair.
"Me neither. Wanna go get some fast food?" You suggest.
"You ask as if I'd say no," he grins before standing up and holding a hand out for you.
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DailyNews Articles
One Day After Award Show
Famous singer, Y/N Y/L/N, 17, and famous band member, Zach Herron, also 17, spotted leaving iHeartRadio's After Party early, hand in hand with giddy expressions on their faces. An hour later, sources caught them laughing and stuffing their faces in Taco Bell.
*various pictures of you and Zach leaving crowded party*
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Two Weeks After the Award Show
Y/N Y/L/N and Zach Herron seem to be hitting it off as the pair were spotted walking Hollywood Boulevard.
*picture of you and Zach mid-walk on the streets as Zach sips on a smoothie and you're in the midst of talking, a smile on your parted lips*
Sometime during the stroll, Zach is spotted with his arm around Y/N’s shoulder as she's pulling the sunglasses off of his face.
*picture of you and Zach standing by a tall gate, both of your bodies in a close proximity with each other as his arm is rested on your shoulders and you're taking his sunglasses off of him*
Y/N and Zach supposedly hit it off at iHeartRadio's 2019 Music Awards two weeks prior and many fans pointed out the apparent love-struck look on Zach's face during a quick interview with him, his band and Y/N.
* 10-second video clip of Zach looking at you while you talk during the interview with E!*
While we aren't sure what the relationship is between the celebrity teenagers, we are sure that there is something going on.
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One Month After the Award Show
Zach Herron and Y/N Y/L/N, back in the spotlight with hints?
Y/N posted a picture a day ago in 'boyfriend's' hoodie?
*picture of Zach wearing exact same hoodie*
Twitter seems to be putting two and two together, claiming that they are dating and have been ever since they met at the award show back in March.
- from Y/N's Instagram story yesterday
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Three Months After Award Show
Zach Herron and Y/N Y/L/N have finally made it official! After three months of teasing and hints, Zach and Y/N made it clear that they are indeed dating.
Last night, the night of Zach Herron's eighteenth birthday, both Y/N and Zach posted two different pictures on their Instagrams with the similar captions.
*Y/N's Instagram Picture*
*Zach's Instagram Picture*
With Y/N's caption being "He puts a spring in my step" and Zach's being "She puts a spring in my step", what else is there to conclude?
And for an addition, it's assumed that the young couple had been discovered in the background of Zach's fellow band member, Jack Avery's Instagram video.
* 7-second video clip of Jack and Daniel shuffling in the mirror*
If you didn't see the Easter egg, we've made it easier for you.
*blurry and in-motion picture of what looks to be you and Zach sitting on the couch to the left of the mirror that the boys danced in; your legs were over Zach's as he kissed your lips*
Zach Herron, friends, family and girlfriend celebrated his eighteenth year of living at L.A restaurant, photos and videos of the night captured on attending mutual's Snapchat and Instagram stories.
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Masterlist | Talk to Me
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Tag List: @maddie-leighhh @my-otpkilledme @heyowdw @duh-danii @thefangirlingmaster @lyssaholic @prettylittlesheerio @jackaverysboo @lilheavfuhyobih @babyybesson @guadalupeguac @sunshineavery  @melodramonica  @jackaverybabe @lovableherron @adoring-avery  @deni-gonzalez @ciariamarie27 @therealmrshale  @wdwaestheticcs
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tigerroseblue · 6 years
Signs of Holy War: Meliodas vs Ban
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So, hello everybody. Just here to talk about what is probably my favorite scene in Seven Deadly Sins, period. Now, I realize that there's debate on whether or not Signs of Holy War is canon or not. But, since Nakaba–whether because he always intended or whether he's just doing cause why the heck not?–has added things from the Signs of Holy War, like Vivian's cursed ring, into the actual manga, I'm going to count it. There's also the fact that the Goddess Horn hasn't been brought back up in the manga and it hasn't been disproven that Mel destroyed it, but that's beside the point.
So, this of course is from Episode 2: Our Fighting Festival. This episode covers the fight between Meliodas and Ban after the fight with Hendrickson. It also serves to resolve the differences between the two after Ban figures out Meliodas is a Demon and tries to kill him to fulfill the wish of the Goddess inside the Horn of Cernunnos. After stopping Ban from killing him, Meliodas orders the Fox's Sin to "do his duty as the Fox's Sin of Greed" and promises that they would finish it after they rescued Elizabeth and finished off Hendrickson. This is that fight.
The previous episode ended with Meliodas informing Ban that he hasn't forgotten their agreement and tells him to meet him on top of a mountain to fight it out. Of course, Hawk hears this and since he was there during Ban's previous attempt to kill Meliodas, is understandably concerned. So what does he do? He invites the Sins, a few of our favorite Holy Knights, and a few civilians to watch the fight.
Ban is understandably none too happy about this, as this was supposed to be a private fight to solve the rift between him and his best friend. Meliodas doesn't seem to care one way or another. But after a warning from the other Sins not to take things too far and a Perfect Cube from Merlin, the fight is underway.
It begins with a "simple" exchange of blows to warm the two Sins up. I use quotations around that because even though Gowther notices that both Sins are using only a 13% of their strength, most of the spectators couldn't even see them move and even the Holy Knights were amazed at their power. At least, until King and Diane chip in. King demands to know why they're "just playing around". Diane adds that if they really wanted to settle things, they needed to go at it full power. This, of course, shocks the crowd with just how much power these two hold, but not as much as what happens next.
Meliodas begins stretching, saying how if he doesn't warm up properly, he might hurt himself. Then, the scene above happens. Meliodas drops his happy-go-lucky attitude for a moment and tells the entire crowd of fellow Sins, Holy Knights, and civilians that if they wanted to "b****" about Ban's and his fight, he'd kick all their asses. Or, as he says it in the dub: "This fight is just between Ban and me, got it? If you make too much of a ruckus and distract us, I'm gonna knock all of you into next week!"
Okay, that was the overview, now my reason for loving this scene so much. This is one of the very few times we see Meliodas truly, visibly angry. From my memory, we have seen Meliodas visibly angry six times: 1) when Ban tried to take the Dragon's Hilt, 2) Elizabeth was taken, 3) Meliodas attacks "Zeldris" at Corand, 4) Meliodas vs Escanor, 5) Meliodas blows up the Horn for running her mouth too much, and 6) this scene right here. 1-3 & 5 have to do with Elizabeth (the hilt keeps the DC sealed away) and 4 was just when AM Mel realized he was getting beat by a "lowly human". But this scene is different.
Meliodas isn't angry because Elizabeth has been hurt or because a friend of his is trying to take away something he deems important because of her or because his pride is hurt by being bested by a human. He's angry because some idiots who have no idea of what's going on are interrupting something important. Ban is Meliodas's best friend, who just tried to literally kill him to bring back the woman he loves because a Goddess told Ban that she'd do it if he killed Meliodas. And Meliodas understands. If he had the chance to save Elizabeth from the curse in a similar way, he'd do it. He understands Ban's desperation to see Elaine again and be able to hold her and take her on that adventure he promised.
And the way he allows Ban to beat the ever-loving crap out of him, even though he could kick Ban's butt if he really wanted to. He doesn't blame Ban for what happened, but Ban still doesn't know what to think about Meliodas being a Demon like what killed Elaine and whether or not he should kill him to bring Elaine back. Meliodas didn't need this fight. He didn't have any anger or doubt to take out on Ban. Ban needed to get himself situated with how he felt about Meliodas being a Demon and how he might've been able to bring Elaine back if he had killed Meliodas. This fight was 100% for Ban. Meliodas knows he needs it, knows he doesn't need any commentary from the peanut gallery, and he gives it to him. He agrees to fight him and tells off the Sins and everyone else for interrupting them. It's a beautiful moment of their friendship, even when it's massively strained on Ban's side.
Also there's just the fact that Meliodas getting angry is just awesome at any point, since he is the Sin of Wrath, but we hardly ever see him angry.
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mostlydeadlanguages · 7 years
KTU 1.23 (Dawn and Dusk/The Gentle Gods)
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It’s been a while since my last translation, but I hope you enjoy this one as much as I do.  It’s an odd Ugaritic text: the first half is a fragmented mish-mash of ritual instructions and mythic imagery, while the second half is a ribald tale about Ilu, the Father-God, and the consequences of his libido.  I have included several notes to outline my own read of the text, but I want to emphasize that many of its elements are still debated by scholars, so you should take my observations with several grains of salt.  Notably, I argue that in the “bawdy comedy” section, the text includes a fairly explicit depiction of two women having sex with each other.
I welcome the Gentle Gods — [1]        the graceful sons of the Sun-Go[ddess], those granted honor from the heights, [2]        in the wilderness and the barren plateaus.
… upon their heads, and …
Feast abundantly upon the feast!        Drink abundantly of the bubbly wine! Grant peace to the king!        Grant peace to the queen,        to the guests and the guards!
The Death-Lord is seated:        in his hand, a staff of sterility;        in his hand, a staff of widowhood. The vine-pruner prunes it;        the vine-tier ties it;        like a vine, he drops it on his death-field. [3]
Seven times, he says it over the platform,        and the guests reply.
And the field is the field of Ilu,        the field of Athirat and Lady Mercy. Over the fire, seven times, the youth(s), a great shout:        coriander in milk, mint in butter. Then over the cauldron, seven times again:        incen[se, in]cense.
Lady Mercy goes out to hunt […] She clothes the gent[le] youth […] And the name of the guests […]
The gods’ dwellings are eight, eight […] […] seven times […]
Lapis lazuli, red carnelian […] […] the two lords […] [4]
Yes, I welcome the Gentle Gods,        the ravenous pair, born the [same] day, they who suckle the nipple of Athirat [5]        […] the Sun-Goddess, who tends to their vulnerability. […] and grapes.
Grant peace to the guests and the guards,        walking with the sacrifice of gentleness.
In the field of Ilu,        the field of Athirat and Lady Mercy,        the gods dwell.
[Ilu walks along] the sea shore;        he strides the shore of the Great Deep. Ilu [sees] two women mounting each other —        two women mounting each other, head to “cauldron.” [6] Watch!  One sinks down.        Watch!  One rises up. Watch!  One shouts, “daddy, daddy!”        Watch!  One shouts “mommy, mommy!”
Ilu’s member lengthens like the sea —        yes, Ilu’s member [rises] like the tide. Ilu’s member lengthened like the sea —        yes, Ilu’s member [rose] like the tide.
Ilu seizes the two women mounting each other,        the two women mounting each other, head to “cauldron.” He seizes [them] and puts them in his house.
Ilu has pulled out his “staff”;        Ilu has palmed the rod with his hand. Raising it, he shoots skyward:        he has shot a bird from the sky! Plucking it, he puts it on the embers:        in this way, Ilu ravishes the women.
If the two women shout, “Oh husband, husband,        pulling out your staff,                palming the rod with your hand!        Watch out!  You’re roasting the bird on the fire,                but you’ve burned it on the coals.” Then they are wives indeed, wives of Ilu,        wives of Ilu forever.
But if the two women shout, “Oh daddy, daddy,        pulling out your staff,                palming the rod with your hand!        Watch out!  You’re roasting the bird on the fire,                but you’ve burned it on the coals.” Then they are daughters indeed, daughters of Ilu,        daughters of Ilu forever. [7]
And then the two women shout, “Oh husband, husband,        pulling out your staff,                palming the rod with your hand!        Watch out!  You’re roasting the bird on the fire,                but you’ve burned it on the coals.” They are wives of Husband Ilu,        wives of Ilu forever.
He leans down and kisses their lips.        Oh, oh!  Their lips are sweet,               sweet as pomegranates. With kissing comes conception;        with lovemaking comes climax. The two squat down and give birth        to Dawn and Dusk.
A message arrives for Ilu:        “The wives of Ilu gave birth!” “To what did they give birth?”        “To the two boys, Dawn and Dusk!” “Raise a gift to the Great Sun-Goddess,        and to the unchanging stars.”
He leans down and kisses their lips.        Oh, oh!  Their lips are sweet,               sweet as pomegranates. With kissing comes conception;        with lovemaking comes climax. [8] [Ilu] sits down […]        he counts to five […]        […] ten, the pair is complete. The two squat down and give birth        to the Gentle Gods: Devourers of the day, sons of one day,        they who suckle the nipple of the breast.
A message arrives for Ilu:        “The wives of Ilu gave birth!” “To what did they give birth?”        “To the Gentle Gods: “Devourers of the day, sons of one day,        they who suckle the nipple of the breast of the lady. “One lip on the earth,        one lip in the sky. “Everything goes into their mouths:        the birds of the sky,        and the fish of the sea. “And they stand from one edge to the other,        devouring to the right and to the left. “Nothing in their mouths can sate them.” [9]
“Wives that I married,        sons that I fathered: “Raise a gift        from within the holy wilderness. “You will be refugees there —        refugees among the stones        and among the trees, “for a total of seven years,        eight circuits of time.”
The Gentle Gods journey to the field;        they hunt at the edge of the wilderness. Then they approach the Guardian of Farmland [10]        and call out to the Guardian of Farmland:        “Oi, guardian!  Guardian!  Open up!” So he opens up a passage near them,        and they enter. “If you’ve got bread,        give it over, so we can eat! “If you’ve got wine,        give it over, so we can drink!”
The Guardian of Farmland answers them,        “There’s wine that comes from Th[…] …” … appears. He serves a measure of his wine … And his friend fills up with wine …
[1] “Gentle Gods” — or perhaps “Kindly Gods.”  Basically, some scholars argue that the name is a euphemism, like the British “Fair Folk” (fae) or the Greek “Kindly Ones” (Furies).  The polite name for them attempts to flatter and appease.
[2] “Those granted honor from the heights” — a very difficult line.  For instance, another possible translation is, “Those who give a city from above.”
[3] Most of the terms in this evocative section are clear, but their (presumably metaphorical?) meaning is far from apparent.  With great uncertainty, I read this as a metonymic description of the activities of winter: a season of sterility, when grapevines are pruned and fields cleared.  Only by destroying the vines (i.e. welcoming the activity of Motu/Death) can the gardeners ensure a fertile spring and summer.
[4] This section is very broken, but I am personally intrigued by the mention of lapis lazuli and carnelian.  Most scholars interpret these as colors (blue and red) rather than the stones themselves, but this section comes shortly after the discussion of two food-substances and a cauldron.  In Gilgamesh, a pair of lapis and carnelian bowls are part of the funeral rites for Enkidu.  The mineral pair also appears in other Mesopotamian contexts, e.g. a birth charm to predict a child’s sex, in which lapis symbolizes a boy and carnelian symbolizes a girl.  So while red and blue clothing is certainly a possible reading, I take the gems literally.  This also affects the following word — šr can mean a singer or a prince, and I view it as a return to the twin Gentle Gods.
[5] Athirat is of course the equivalent of Hebrew “Asherah,” the mother-goddess and wife of Ilu.
[6] “Two women mounting each other, head to ‘cauldron.’” This is certainly my most radical divergence from standard translations, but it’s also a translation of a section that has been a difficult crux for scholars.  “Two-women-mounting-each-other” is a single word in Ugaritic, appearing nowhere outside this passage, so my breakdown of its etymology is speculative, but it’s along very similar lines to the standard interpretation (“two-women-bobbing-up-and-down”).  (Technical explanation: I agree that it’s a Št participle, but I connect it to the Šp in KTU 1.5.v.21, which clearly refers to sexual mounting.  So if the Š passive means “to be mounted,” I speculate that the Š reflexive means “to mount each other.”)  “Cauldron” appeared earlier in the text as a ritual implement, but it’s the same root word that appears in Song of Songs 7:2 as a metaphor for the navel/vulva/loins, overflowing with “spiced wine.”  In short, I believe that this describes two women engaging in oral sex with each other.
Since the following sections involve overt ribald humor, and since whatever Ilu sees causes immediate arousal, this meaning is hardly out of place in the passage.  However, if I’m correct, this would still be a remarkable precedent, since I’m unaware of any other ancient Near Eastern text that describes details of sexual acts between women (as we do see in Greek texts, for instance).  If any fellow Ugaritic scholars are reading this, I would welcome your thoughts on the topic.
[7] “Daughters of Ilu for all time” — this designation does not preclude a sexual relationship.  (After all, Ilu has already “ravished” the pair!)  Ba’al had three “daughters” who were also his wives/consorts, and adoption may have been an ancient legal option for betrothing a woman too young to marry yet.  Perhaps — but this is a guess — the distinction is whether the two women are post-pubescent, i.e. able to conceive Ilu’s children.
[8] One of the fundamental debates around this passage concerns this repetition.  Did the wives bear two sets of twins (Dawn and Dusk, and then the Gentle Gods)?  Or is this an example of ancient narrative repetition, where the text describes the same event in subsequent passages?  I personally lean toward the latter — I see the text as equating Dawn and Dusk with the Gentle Gods, rather than depicting them as the older siblings of the pair.
[9] What’s going on with these terrifyingly ravenous gods?  Analyses differ, but here’s my theory (predicated on the assumption that they are equated with Dawn and Dusk).  Dawn and Dusk are literally the two bookends on each day; they “consume” the sun, then regurgitate it each morning, and nothing can escape the fall of night.  As long as each dusk brings another dawn, equilibrium is maintained.  But during the winter, the days are growing shorter — which means that Dawn and Dusk are moving closer to each other, gobbling up more of each successive day.  Therefore, a midwinter ritual might seek to reverse that pattern, so that Dawn and Dusk don’t continue until the whole world is enveloped in darkness.  Up until this point, the sources of light included the Sun-Goddess and the stars, but the introduction of Dawn and Dusk destabilizes the sun’s reign, creating a crisis that must be addressed by Ilu.
[10] “The Guardian of Farmland”: “farmland” is simply the term for soil that has been tilled and sown, i.e. not wilderness.  The Gentle Gods have reached the border between wilderness and civilization, and are met by a guard.  Although their interaction is broken, I believe that this is the mythic interaction underlying the ritual at the beginning: in order to placate the ravenous Gentle Gods, a feast of food and wine is offered to them — but not free access to the civilized world.
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tipsycad147 · 3 years
Wicca questions answered: Just the facts about Wicca and Paganism
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by Michelle Gruben
Curious about Wicca and Paganism? You’re certainly not alone! In my almost 20 years as a practicing Pagan, I’ve met lots of people who want to learn more about this small-ish, little-understood religion. Some are interested in joining Wicca (or another Pagan tradition). Some just want to better understand their Pagan friends and neighbors.
Like many Pagans, I started my training under Wiccan teacher before moving onto my own personal path. I’m not a Wiccan myself, but I attend Wiccan rituals and count many Wiccan folks among my friend. This article is my attempt to answer some of the most common questions about Wicca, Paganism, and the relationships between the two forms of belief.
What is the difference between Wicca and Paganism?
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When I tell someone that I’m Pagan, a typical response is, “Oh, so you’re Wiccan?” Wiccan and Pagan mean the same thing to a lot of people. They’re not synonymous, but there is quite a bit of overlap between people who identify as Wiccan and as Pagan.
Simply put, all Wiccans are Pagans, but not all Pagans are Wiccans. Wicca is a denomination or subset of Paganism. Many other religions have branches or denominations. If someone tells you that they are Presbyterian, you can safely assume that they are also Christian. But if someone tells you they are Christian, they may or may not be Presbyterian. The case is similar for Wicca and Paganism.
Wicca is probably the best-known of all modern Pagan religions, but there are many others. Broadly speaking, anyone who believes in more than one god can be classified as Pagan. Norse Heathens, Classical reconstructionists, and Kemetic (Egyptian) Pagans are just a few of the characters you may encounter in Pagan communities. Some people even argue that Hindus are Pagan—in which case, Paganism sheds its minority status among the world’s major religions.
Do all Wiccans practice witchcraft?
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Some Wiccans practice witchcraft—perhaps most. But practicing witchcraft is not a requirement of the Wiccan religion. Also, not everyone who practices witchcraft is Wiccan.
Witchcraft is a broad term for a variety of practices, including spellcasting, divination, spirit communication, trance journeying, and many more. Some form of witchcraft has occurred in every known civilization since the beginning of recorded history.
At its heart, witchcraft is about using interactions with the unseen world to effect change on the mundane world. The Witch’s power comes from within his or herself, from Nature, or from allied gods or spirits. Witchcraft may be practiced or part of a religion, or independently—even by non-religious persons. Witchcraft is a morally neutral term. It encompasses hexes and curses as well as benevolent and healing magick.
Wicca teaches that every man and woman has the power to become a Witch through study and practice. Many people are attracted to Wicca because of an interest in witchcraft. I’d venture—based on purely anecdotal evidence, of course—that most Wiccans do practice some form of witchcraft.
However, the core rites of Wicca are devotional practices that are not necessarily witchcraft. Wicca emphasizes respect for Nature, connection with the Gods and ancestors, and ethical behavior over psychic training. Learning spellwork and divination are really a secondary part of most Wiccan paths.
Here’s where it gets complicated. Both “Wicca” and “witch” share the same linguistic root word, an old Anglo-Saxon term meaning “wise one.” Any adherent of Wicca may called herself a Witch—whether or not she practices witchcraft. (A male Wiccan is also called a Witch.) Some Wiccans capitalize the word “Witch” to emphasize that it is a religious affiliation, not just a description of their behavior.
Where did Wicca come from?
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Wicca was first named and described by an Englishman named Gerald Gardner. In the 1930s and 1940s, Gardner began assembling a group of practicing Witches into what ultimately became the Bricket Wood Coven. He initiated several priestesses, including High Priestess Doreen Valiente, who collaborated with Gardner to develop the Wiccan liturgy.
Gardner wrote down the main rituals of Wicca in his published books, and in a collection of private papers now known as the Gardnerian Book of Shadows. Gardner claimed that his knowledge of the Wiccan tradition came from a group of witches known as the New Forest coven. He claimed to have been initiated into a British tradition of witchcraft stretching back to pre-Christian times. The tradition he called Wicca had supposedly been alive for centuries, kept underground by Britain’s anti-witchcraft law.
Some people buy this explanation, while some people believe that Gardner fabricated or embellished his stories about the New Forest coven. There is very little evidence for an unbroken tradition of British witchcraft before the 1930s. And it’s clear that the Gardnerian corpus is heavily influenced by English Freemasonry, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, the field of cultural anthropology, and the famous magician Aleister Crowley (of whom Gardner was an associate).
Even if there’s no truth at all to Gardner’s claims of an ancient tradition, Wicca is now around 80 years old, at least, with many branches and offshoots. The oldest branch of Wicca is called Gardnerian Wicca. Gardnerians attempt to follow Gardner’s rituals and instructions as near as possible to how they were written down. Some Gardnerian groups claim a lineage stretching across a chain of initiations to Gardner himself.
Despite Gardner’s historical importance in the modern witchcraft revival, he does not occupy a lofty position in the Wiccan belief system. Wicca has no holy book, no prophets, and no written dogma. Gardner’s title within Wicca is simply “Witch”—the same as any other Wiccan initiate.
What do Wiccans believe?
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Wiccan beliefs are so diverse that any list of Wiccan beliefs is certain to be incomplete. The following is my attempt to summarize Wiccan tenets in a few paragraphs:
Central to Wiccan beliefs is a reverence for nature. The Wiccan liturgical calendar is based on the movement of the sun and moon. Wiccan observe eight seasonal rites based on the annual cycle of the sun. They are called Sabbats, and are evenly distributed throughout the solar year. There are also thirteen Esbats per year, and these coincide with the lunar cycles.
Wiccan believe that human beings are not a separate creation, but an integral part of Nature. Wicca emphasizes connection with the plant and animal kingdoms, and with our human ancestors. Wiccans revere the life-giving power of the sun, the generative energy of sex, and the cycles of death and birth. Ritual offerings of food and beverage underscore our dependence on the gifts of nature. Future anthropologists might describe Wicca as a solar fertility religion—but Wiccans will certainly find that hopelessly reductive.
The central Wiccan deity is a Goddess, who may go by many different names. She is often described as a trinity—the Maiden, Mother, and Crone. In Her aspect as Maiden, the Goddess takes a male consort and together they bring forth life. In some versions of Wicca, the God and Goddess are co-equal. In others, the Goddess is clearly primary. The story of the courtship of the God and Goddess, His death, and His subsequent rebirth, is a solar myth tied to the Wheel of the Year.
Wicca has few behavioral codes. Wiccans eschew the concept of sin, instead focusing on ethical behavior and personal responsibility. The Wiccan “Rule of Three” posits that any good or harm released into the world will come back to the sender threefold. Whether they literally believe in the Rule of Three or not, Wiccans strive to heal the world, to grow in wisdom, and to live without harming others.
The Wiccan Rede, “An it harm none, do what ye will,” is sometimes cited as Wicca’s only binding piece of scripture. Not that these eight words are simple to understand. Wiccans can get into heated debates about what exactly is forbidden by the words “harm none.” And attempting to discover and follow one’s will is a magickal quest that can take a lifetime (or several).
While we’re on the topic, Wiccans also have varied beliefs about life after death. Some believe in reincarnation, others don’t. Some Wiccans speak of a heaven called the Summerland, celestial voyages, or journeys through the lands of Faery. (Wiccans don’t accept the concept of Hell or eternal punishment.) Some Wiccans claim to communicate with departed relatives and other spirits, while others don’t believe in the survival of individual consciousness after death.
All of this ambiguity makes Wiccan funerals veeeeerrry interesting. A “reunion with the Mother Goddess” may be the literal hope of the departed person, or just a poetic description of a dirt nap. It’s probably fair to say that Wiccans aren’t that fixated on the afterlife, because it can’t be known for certain. Most focus instead on honoring the gift of life while they’re alive.
Is Wicca an ancient religion? Is Paganism?
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This is a question that is not easily answered. It is sure to spark a debate among any gathering of Pagans.
There is a certain perception that an older religion is somehow more legitimate than one that was developed more recently. Right or wrong, this bias affects the religious paths people choose to follow.
Interest in Wicca peaked in the late 1990s, and is now on the decline—that is, according to internet traffic statistics. The internet itself is probably to blame. As the 20th-century origins of Wicca have become more widely known, Pagans have tended to seek out other paths. It’s seen as more credible to be a member of a “real” ancient religion. Or at least, one in which ancient texts are available.
The truth is, there are very few (if any) unbroken occult traditions in the West. We have endured Inquisitions, Enlightenments, Dark Ages, and militant monotheism so widespread it has obscured any legacy of traditional witchcraft. (Except for a few Sicilian grandmas and, perhaps—if we’re feeling generous—a secret coven tucked away in southern England.) Any Western Pagan tradition that claims a continuous lineage of hundreds of years should be regarded with extreme skepticism. Some writers use the term “Neo-Paganism” to make it clear that contemporary Paganism is a revival and not a continuous tradition with the distant past.
Does that mean Neo-Paganism is a modern invention? Not necessarily. Many Pagan practices and beliefs are very old, even if the lineage is not. Pagans hold sacred the same things that would have moved our Stone Age ancestors: The movement of the sun and moon, the cycles of the seasons, the beauty of the natural world, sex, death, and harvest.
Some Pagan rites are inspired by centuries-old practices that we have records of. Some have to be completely re-imagined. The fairest way to describe Neo-Paganism might be to call it a modern religion with ancient roots.
Does Wicca require initiation? Is self-initiation allowed?
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Wiccans believe that embracing the calling of a Witch is a personal choice. It cannot be simply inherited or conferred by another person. The power of the Witch is a birthright, but it must be claimed.
Dedication refers to the act of dedicating oneself to a path of Wiccan study. This “trial period” can last any length of time, while a person decides if Wicca is right for them. (A year and a day is the traditional interval.) Initiation is the more formal rite of passage, and involves full commitment to the path of the Witch.
Many Wiccans participate in a dedication ceremony sometime during their journey. Each coven, or group of Witches, may set their own requirements for dedication or initiation. For solitary Wiccans—those who practice without a coven—self-dedication is the norm.
Wiccans disagree on whether self-initiation “counts” as a true initiation. Not all branches of Wicca allow self-initiation—though most Wiccans would grant that it is permissible if a suitable teacher cannot be found. In formal Wiccan traditions, there is a three-degree system, probably inspired by the Masonic degree system. The aspirant must be initiated by an existing priest or priestess. Once the candidate rises to the rank of third degree (High Priest or High Priestess), he or she is eligible to initiate others or to “hive” (form a new coven).
Many covens have secret teachings that are available only to initiates who have reach a certain rank. (As you progress through the degrees, more of the coven’s knowledge is revealed to you.) Others are more open to non-initiates, and some even host rituals for the public. You don’t need to be initiated to participate in an open Wiccan ritual.
What are some of the symbols of Wicca?
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The most familiar symbol of Wicca is the pentagram, or five-pointed star.  In Wicca, the pentagram represents the four elements (Earth, Air, Fire, and Water) surmounted by Spirit. The pentagram is also a symbol of the microcosm, the human being. Surrounded by a circle, it is called a pentacle and stands for completeness, balance, and perfection.
The pentagram is used as both a symbol of faith and a protective seal. The Wiccan pentagram is usually drawn upright, with the single point at the top. (Despite its frequent appearances in horror movies, the Wiccan pentagram is not a symbol of evil or Satanism.) Many Wiccans identify themselves with a pentagram necklace or tattoo. There are different versions of the pentagram, from the very simple to the very elaborate.
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The triple moon is another symbol of Wicca that you may encounter. It is a circle (the full moon) with a waxing and waning crescent, one on either side. The triple moon symbolizes the Triple Goddess, the Maiden, Mother, and Crone. The lunar cycle, in Wicca, is evocative of the cycles of life, death, and birth.
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The triquetra and triskele are Celtic symbols dating to pre-Christian times. Wiccans have adopted them, though some Celtic Christians use them, too. Both symbols represent trinities, the cycles of life, and eternity. (The triskele is a triple spiral, and the triquetra is a three-cornered knot. Read more about their similarities and differences.)
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The eight-spoked wheel stands for the Wheel of the Year, and the eight Wiccan Sabbats on the Pagan calendar. The eight-pointed star is a solar symbol dating back to ancient Sumer. Sometimes the symbol will have a solar circle in the center, representing the constancy of Earth’s sun.
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The spiral Goddess is usually shown nude with her arms stretched over her head. A spiral at Her belly represents Her infinite power of creation. The faceless, bare-breasted goddess is an echo of the fertility objects that have been found at many archeological sites around the world.
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truly-fantastic-me · 6 years
tagged by: no one
+ Basics:
- Do you have a magical/Pagan name? The closest I have to a “magical/pagan” name is the surname Haddock.
- How did you find Paganism? Toothless.
- How long have you been practicing? 5 years this year.
- Are you out of the broom closet? me? out of the broom closet?? in this shitty Christian-dominated society?? don’t make me laugh...
- Solitary or group practitioner? Solitary
- What is your path? pop culture paganism, spirit work, death, draconic, alien energies, with a vast ol’ mix of dragonkin, merfolkkin, vampirekin and fictionkin.
+ Deity:
- What’s your brand of deism? hard ass polytheism.
- Who is your patron God? I have three. but I’m not sure if I call them patrons?? just.. my gods??
- Who is your patron Goddess? n/a
- What Gods do you worship? Death (aka Arkay “from” the elder scrolls), Fathurmor (aka Toothless “from” the HTTYD soon-to-be trilogy) and Jel, a creator god  that once ruled over the planet Mars (along with others)
- Do you fear darkly aspected Gods/Goddesses, or rather respect them? Depends on which one?? I haven’t met each one, and if I did, I’m fairly certain that I wouldn’t fear them in a “omg they’re bad i wish they didn’t exist” but rather fear them in a “holy shit they’re intimidating do not piss them off”
Other than that, all the respect in the world goes to them in my eyes. They work their asses off the maintain the balance too and they should get the same respect “lightly-aspected” deities would get.
- Do you worship the Christian God? Nope, sorry.
- Do you worship animals? Or plants? no, but my respect goes to them.
+ Nature:
my spirituality isn’t really earth-bound...
- Do you regularly commune with nature? uh.. not really?
- Taken a camping trip just to talk to nature? well tbf, nature is a really nice place to be in and its very refreshing on the mind. So if I had the money, I would, but.. no. I haven’t. and it would more likely just to enjoy nature.
- Describe the moment you felt closest to Mother Earth? uh.. the closest to Mother Earth I have is Jel, who is very much respectful of nature.
- Do you have a familiar? i.. don’t?
- Have you ever called upon the powers of an animal in ritual? no
- Or a plant? no
- Do you hug trees? uhh.. i think i’ve hugged a tree spirit, does that count?
- Give them gifts? no
- What are your favourite plants to work with? N/A
- What are your favourite trees to work with? N/A
+ Wheel of the Year:
- What is your favourite holiday? uhh Halloween
- What is your least favourite holiday? labor day??? i apologize that my answers are so Christian-centric, but labor day just sounds capitalist to me.
i say this as i know literally nothing about labor day
if i’m really honest though, my least favorite holiday would likely be easter. for very personal reasons and not because of religious abuse
- Have you ever held a ritual on a holiday? uhh.. not really.
- Ever taken a day off work to celebrate a Pagan holiday? I’d love to be able to do that.. if I could work hahaha..
- Do you celebrate Yule on the 21st rather than the 25th? uhh, I say happy solstice, but that’s about it.
- Have you ever felt the veil thinning? I feel more spiritual energy when the veil is supposedly thinning.
- Ever danced the Maypole? uhh.. what’s that?
- Know what the Maypole symbolizes? i’m assuming its a sacred thing, so i’m not gonna say anything else in order to avoid disrespecting anyone.
- How do you usually celebrate the Pagan holidays? I.. just answered that question in all of the questions above..
like all of the questions above were literally just different forms of that question.
+ Divination:
- Do you use Tarot? I want to.
- Do you use runes? I want to
- Do you use a pendulum? yeah, but mainly for energy work
- Do you use dowsing rods? No.
- Do you use astrology? uhh. not really? its an interesting practice, but, i’m not really that much into it.
- Any other forms of divination? uhh..
+ Spells:
- What was the first spell you did? a forgiveness spell to allow myself to forgive someone who had hurt me. but tbf, I was kind of a douche to them too. like, incredibly ableist. ew. - What was the latest? just a devotional spell to my gods. - Ever done a love spell? no - A job spell? No
- A healing spell? I do healing energy manipulation sometimes? - What was the most powerful spell you’ve ever performed? probably the devotional work
- What deities do you usually call on? my gods??? what? do you honestly think i would call on gods that aren’t mine??? wtf no!
ok i’ve done that before quite a few times with Bastet and Hecate i’m so sorry.
+ Cryptozoology:
- Do you believe in vampires? yep
- Werewolves? yep - Shapeshifters? yep - Elves? yep - Fairies? yep - Dragons? yep - Nymphs? yep - Sprites? yep - Mermaids? yep, but merfolk - Satyrs? yep
basically, everything exists somewhere.
- Ever “seen” any of the above? i think by “seen” you mean encountered, but yes.
- Ever used any of the above in magic?  what do you mean by used?? I dont’ believe in using spirits for your own gain. the magick i use are usually from me, and if not, then they’re from my gods in the form of devotion.
- Do you have one of them as a personal guardian? yeah, my gods. One of them is a dragon, another one of them is literally Death Himself, and the other is a literal extraterrestrial creator god. there’s a few other gods that aren’t necessarily my “patrons” but i still think of them as family.
+ Random:
- Do you see a rabbit, a man or a woman in the moon? i see a night fury’s head tbh...
- Own a cat? no, but i wish i did.
- Do you work with chakras? i’m not hindu, so chakras aren’t really mine to work with??
- Do you believe in past lives? its only half my spirituality lol
- If so, describe a few briefly. uhh, lets see, being crucified, being burried alive, falling to my death, to name a few. i have more, but i can’t describe them as briefly as my deaths.
- Do you believe in soul mates? i do kinda. but like? its not in the way you think. its less romantic and more.. any kind of consensual relationship that two or more people feel connected enough to call eachother soulmates and that relationship can be platonic, queerplatonic, romantic, or sexual.
- Do you have a spirit guide? edit: uhh no and i prefer not to be culturally appropriative thank you very much
i apologize for changing the comment to this question. the previous answer wasn’t mine, but from someone that posted this meme before me. i know i should’ve when i did this meme.
- Is it always love and light? love and light? why should i have my paganism centered around only two aspects on the multiverse??? that’s so limited, dude. 
also, light =/= good and dark =/= bad.  anybody who tells you otherwise is trying to sell you something.
tagging: whoever the fuck wants to do this
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366daysandnights · 7 years
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perched on columba’s bay/the bay at the back of ireland. photo by claire tomkinson.
in 2011 i had the honor of being invited by my dear friend to pilgrimage to Iona Abbey on the Isle of Iona in Scotland. i had never really had any desire or inclination to go to Scotland, and i had never heard of Iona, but this experience was important to claire as she journeyed through grief and crossed a threshold as a new wife. although i didn’t realize it at the time, i was also at a threshold. my first marriage was coming to an end and changes in my job were imminent. i felt liberated by the doors that were closing in my life and the space they created to open up something in their place. 
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iona is described as “a thin place” - a place where the material and spiritual come close to one another. it would be impossible for me to photograph or describe how keenly you can feel this on the island. it is a place where every act - a quiet moment of reflection, a conversation with a friend, a meal shared in community (and, oh the food) - feels holy. 
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the abbey.
claire and i spent a lot of time together on this trip. we both unintentionally fell asleep on our luggage in a park in downtown London, exhausted and obviously not super concerned about our belongings (because, jetlag). we journeyed up to king arthur’s seat at 11pm because the sun doesn’t set in the summer in Scotland, like ever. on our single night in Edinburgh we somehow got seated right next to the window in the cutest, most touristy restaurant of my Scottish dreams. after a day of train, bus and ferry we decided to go on a walk around iona isle and inexplicably got lost in a bog on a tiny land mass. this made our teenage roommates worry about US, which was kind of a funny indication of what was yet to come. that week was such a gift with my friend, with time spent talking, laughing, singing, crying, praying, and getting sunburned.
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despite all these cherished experiences together, iona also permitted lots of time to spend on our own. claire is a gifted artist by trade, and i work in outdoor retail, so we both observed with some irony that most of her solitary time was spend roaming the island, and most of mine was spent in the art studio (and occasionally lured into the clear, frigid water by claire’s gusto). 
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lo, one of maybe three times in adulthood that i voluntarily wore shorts. on the isle of staffa. i bought two books during our time on the island, because duh - the obvious souvenir for international travel with tiny luggage are BOOKS. the first is a book of blessings for life’s thresholds called to bless the space between us by john o’donohue. it offers sweetness and comfort for making the transition from a known, familiar world into new, unmapped territory. i keep this book on my nightstand and have revisited it countless times in the years since our trip. the second book is called praying with our hands by jon sweeney, and is a beautiful pictorial from the world’s spiritual traditions of ways that our bodies are places where prayer is actively happening - breaking bread, laying on of hands, the cosmic mudra, praying with icons, etc. this really spoke to me during a time that i struggled to find a church community and welcomed a reminder that with a simple shift in perspective in work, in charity, in breath, in acts of lovingkindness both my body and the occasion become sacred. 
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it was with that on my heart that i found my way to the art studio on iona. i spent most of my free time there that week in part because i enjoyed the company of the adorable too-young-for-me-even-then man that ran the art studio, and mostly because i felt called to use this new sense of embodied prayer...to sew. i have no idea why. i had never done it before.  
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i felt drawn back to this space on the brink of new motherhood. i wanted to create something for my children that i readily acknowledge has no artistic value and will probably sit in a closet somewhere, but maybe someday when i am a dusty old bitch my children will look at this and remember that once i sat and prayed for them with my hands and millions (and millions) of tiny stitches. this is what i was doing when i went into labor with my son.
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i could write at length about my last month of pregnancy with isaiah - the heaviness i felt in my body. i have never been too concerned about my weight but have always been attached to feeling sturdy and strong, and in those final weeks even walking was a burden. i couldn’t understand how my stomach could get so big, and jesus - my feet looked like something out of a coney island freak show. from august onward i was convinced that i could go into labor, or explode, any second but it turns out my children both have an annoying punctuality that they definitely didn’t inherit from me. isaiah arrived right on his due date. 
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the picture where my brother was convinced that someone just photoshopped a large circle over my abdomen in the same color as my tank top. placement of iced tea is unexplained phenomena
i was not aware that rose had down syndrome during my pregnancy. my midwife detected a fetal arrhythmia around 32 weeks but otherwise my pregnancy was blissfully uneventful. i planned a stereotypical crunchy unmedicated vaginal delivery. after i was induced and my labor plan fell apart before my eyes, i really struggled with feelings that my body had completely failed me and my child. in the months that followed in the hospital, i apologized to my husband and my daughter for my inability to grow a healthy child. i still do. 
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in contrast, i planned nothing for my son and imagined that everything that could possibly go wrong would. nothing did. i was a good candidate for a VBAC but my midwives were cautious about setting any expectations. at risk of disappointment, i literally did nothing but pack my bag. despite the fact that i was convinced that my baby would fall out at any second, when i started having painful contractions on a monday night we were unprepared. it occurred to me that i may not make it until thursday when my mom was planning to arrive. chase urged me to contact my parents, and i reluctantly sent them a text, apologizing for the last minute request and asking if one of them would be able to come earlier. my dad responded, “it’s not last minute, we’ve been waiting for 9 months.” (touche, dad) and he arrived that night. 
this experience made me wonder if this is what women are talking about when they complain about being in labor for 24 hours, 36 hours, 48 hours, their entire third trimester, etc. maybe this is our version of a war story - mostly true, but embellished to really draw out our suffering and sacrifice to bring life into this world. 
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i spent the days before isaiah’s arrival trying to cherish these moments with my girl
anyway, i wasn’t in labor for 48 hours. the contractions subsided with the sunrise, and i went back to my cross stitch sampler. my midwife gave me a single piece of advice that informed my labor plan - 
don’t count minutes between contractions. forget the 5 minute rule. ask yourself if you can get through five more contractions on your hands and knees. ten more contractions in the shower. and at the moment the answer to that question becomes “no, i can’t,” that’s when you come to the hospital.
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we arrived at the hospital at 5:30pm and headed to OB Triage. i spent two hours feeling like my body was being ripped in half, drenched in sweat and unable to utter a single coherent word. the papers and consent forms the nurses kept bringing me went basically ignored (like, is this really the time to be filling out paperwork?! WTF?!). there was a woman next to me that came in with false labor and the nurses were going over guidelines on how to tell between false and active labor with her before sending her home. i was terrified that i would be next and that i would have to a) walk back across OB Triage in that hospital gown that definitely does not fully close over a pregnant belly and it seems like someone could probably do something about that, b) come to terms with the fact that my body couldn’t handle this. 
except i was already fully dilated. by the time the anesthesiologist arrived i truly could have kissed him if i hadn’t been sobbing into the shoulders of my labor and delivery nurse. she held me around the waist and offered some comforting, indecipherable sentiments to keep me from moving around and being paralyzed while the anesthesiologist put a huge needle into my spinal cord (thanks jessica!). she is a goddess. 
my midwife gave me about half an hour to “rest,” wherein i begged for some water and was awarded with a cup of ice chips (seriously, so many things need to be revised about L&D), then she coached me through about 45 minutes of very thirsty pushing. my son corkscrewed into the world at 9:17pm, and was immediately welcomed by chase’s musical selections of new edition and michael jackson while i continued to beg for water and everyone else stitched me up and cleared the murder scene. when people ask me how my delivery went i am actually at a loss to describe how ordinary it all was. 
except, this little life. 
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isaiah winters peregoy arrives, at last and right on time. my little wild virgo.
i am not a romantic person by nature. i’ve been fortunate that in most relationships people mistake my quiet for thoughtfulness or mystery and are entrenched enough in their fondness for me by the time they realize that i am just pragmatic, and a bungling mess like everyone else. however, i am deeply romantic when it comes to my children. 
watching my daughter’s golden curls fly through the air makes me breathless. looking into my sons eyes, a mysterious grey-green for now, and knowing that i will be the first person to truly see him fills me with gratitude. these exhausted mornings with both of my children in my bed, their heads on my chest, give me pause as i remember holding them both beneath my heart and that no deed or person can ever erase that. they are perfect. 
i am completely relearning what it is to mother my son. for good or for ill, none of the lessons that we learned with rose apply this time around. she was two months old when she arrived in our home, blissfully sleep trained by our amazing NICU nurses and fed by g-tube for almost her first full year of life. isaiah sleeps in 10 minute increments and has an insatiable appetite that i am trying to keep up with. but they are both perfect, rose with all her gross, sticky, rambunctious toddler qualities and this new little creature with his constant need for motion and touch. this also feels like a thin place. 
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