#doctrine of devils
dramoor · 6 days
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"Cast away from you that doctrine of devils, that Jesus died to save us from our Father."
~George MacDonald
(Photo via Aleteia)
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superbdonutpoetry · 7 months
Remaining Consistent in Your Theories
Colossians 1:14IN WHOM WE HAVE redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins: If Universalists’ understanding of “in whom” references Christ’s unconditional forgiveness of everyone’s sins in Colossians 1:14, then they are forced to apply the same level of understanding to “in whom” also mentioned in the following verses, to wit: Ephesians 1:11IN WHOM also we HAVE OBTAINED an…
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blueish-bird · 1 year
Everyone in Chainsaw Man is trans. Except for Angel Devil, who got a character/gender customization screen before he started life on earth as a fiend and is therefore cis in the least binary way possible.
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If you're open minded enough to think/consider it, what's currently happening in Israel and all around the world with the natural disasters, wars and rumors of wars, persecutions etc. If you're wondering why everything is happening, all of this has been prophesized in the Holy Bible whether you believe in it or not, whether you believe in Jesus Christ/God or not. These things were and are made known to us (Christians), so yes while all the things happening are heartbreaking and anxiety inducing, we know that all this is taking place for the revelation of Christ Jesus. There might be other books mentioning these things happening, but in the context of who I am and Christianity I'm talking about the Holy Bible, I'm talking about Christ Jesus. I believe that all these occurances are part of the end times/last days, well some might say when is He coming? We have been told that for years. Hm, okay scoffer. What makes these days different, is the alignment of not only New Testament signs and occurances (which have been predicted to happen) which we're experiencing but Old Testament Scripture is also unfolding. We are told not to be in distress about this, but to look up because our redemption draws near. To look up because Jesus Christ is coming back, and that's the truth whether you acknowledge it or not. So, my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, continue to do the will/work of God in truth and Spirit, in holiness and godliness. Continue to be bold, strong and firm in your faith as well as the Word of God. Continue to pray for everything and everybody, the Devil knows his time is running out. Look up, my brothers and sisters, LOOK UP 🙌🏼✝️🤍.
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writterings · 5 months
this could be kind of a lot so pls don’t read forward ab my own religious experience if that’s not smth u want to do—it boils down to commiseration.
i feel like u really distilled down the essence of why it is so hard for me to ever let go of the church. i’m afraid i will never trust myself. every thought i have ab leaving the church has a reason why i should stay, has a christian rebuttal, has the acceptance that i am influenced by the devil. i left bc i had to, in the same circumstances as you, the incompatibility of what is true ab me and what i’m afraid is true of existence at large. i am afraid i will never actually be able to leave and believe that there is nothing —my fear of hell, of being wrong about christ and god, indicates to me that i’m not like freed from the burden of belief or whatever. anyway. i think ur post is really really correct and smth i wish didn’t resonate. (coming from calvinist tradition which is similar to catholicism in emphasis in innate sinfulness and deserved hell i think)
hey, im glad you felt seen by that post. it still absolutely is awful that you went through that and are experiencing problems because of it.
we'll get through it one day. my catholic indoctrination started when i was about 5 and ended about at 15 -- and I'm only 24. it was the majority of my life, which i think also makes it hard, but one day it won't be. and it'll be the same for you too.
basically, stay strong, we're in this together, and we're gonna do what we gotta do to survive regardless of what our birth religions say.
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veliseraptor · 2 years
hmm how about a throwback - Felix/Mildmay
answering one more and then taking a break for a bit - always love to see it, good throwback and I'm gonna say yes, particularly if we include a loose definition of "shipping" but also. if we don't
What made you ship it?
Sarah Monette made me ship it when she wrote a pair of codependent brothers damaged by trauma with a deeply dysfunctional relationship who still love each other very much, and also one of them is attracted to the other one, but possibly that's at least partly because of the relationship in his head between sex and love as inseparable from each other.
It's all her fault. I take no responsibility.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
I mean... [gestures above]. But if I have to go beyond that, I think it's probably the way that their relationship grows and develops over the course of the series in a way I feel like I seldom get to see the full arc of, particularly not played out so messily and unevenly. Things get better and worse and better and then a lot worse, and by the time I hit the end of Corambis the catharsis was very real.
But also the ways in which Felix is very mean to Mildmay as an extremely ugly expression of trauma are a lot of fun to me. And the way that Mildmay reenacts his issues with Keeper with Felix are also pretty great.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I know that if they actually fucked it would be catastrophically bad for their relationship and also undermine a lot of the ultimate development that happens at the end of the series but also a part of me is still like. They should've fucked. Just a little.
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hotelsierra79 · 2 months
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jaiforjesus · 2 months
"The position that the devil and his angels were not created evil, but became so in consequence of a fall, the possibility of which is given in their free will, is to be held fast, especially in opposition to the dualistic doctrine of a principle in itself evil." - Dr. Twesten
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mlbullsportfolio · 2 months
"It's not about how much you know, it's about how you grow." ― M. L. Bull
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judahmaccabees · 5 months
gl in Hell now turds
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Perverts suck Mammon's cock for a living and are Damned to Hell for forcing it on you.
Spiritual sloths don't help the innocent but attempt to rape them into conformity.
Matthew 25:41-46
Jude 1:8
it's what Doctors do. We Heal.
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Surgery too.
Sweet oligarchs on thy pedestals, stamping out the innocent for Mammon, saying God's name,
Poison, Pain, Panacea
Perseverance Preservation & Possession
Holy Spirit of Truth,
Passion of the Prince of Peace,
Bitter Herb Healing
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brutalgamer · 1 year
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The new update for FPS/RPG Devilated adds in a ton of new content
From Neon Doctrine and developer Trunka, retro-FPS Devilated has just gotten a massive content drop dubbed Great Earl of Hell.
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"Daemon est Deus inversus, the Devil is the shadow of God, states the universal kabalistic axiom. Could light exist but for primaeval darkness?" -Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, from The Secret Doctrine (1888).
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blueish-bird · 10 months
I'll make the character as introspective and poetic as I want but I will respect that in canon they probably don't know what a whisk is
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Any "Christian" denomination/movement that advocates or preaches a different Jesus, uses a different "Bible", Gospel, way of salvation than what's in the Holy Bible is a false Jesus, "Bible", Gospel, way of salvation etc. It's an attempt from Satan to confuse, distort Christianity and to pervert the actual WAY, TRUTH & Life Of Jesus Christ, of The Gospel, of God's Word. Keep watch and make sure nobody deceives you in these (last) days. Read the Holy Bible and truly seek Jesus Christ with all your heart, He'll reveal Himself when you do so. For those in the faith, hold onto the truth that is shared through the Word of God by the Holy Spirit. There are many false teachers and prophets and let me ask you, where are they infiltrating? THE CHURCH, they're the WOLVES IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING! THEY'LL COME WITH DIFFERENT DOCTRINES CAUSED TO DIVIDE AND LEAD THOSE WHO ARE LEARNING/DON'T READ THEIR BIBLES ASTRAY. BE STEADY IN YOUR FAITH, SPEND TIME IN GOD'S WORD AND HIS PRESENCE. DON'T FALL AWAY.
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superbdonutpoetry · 1 year
Bible definition of 'Latter'
The latter days – the days before the end of the tribulation. The following verse depicts the Antichrist invading the Land before the end comes. Ezekiel 38:16 – Authorised Version And thou shalt come up against my people of Israel, as a cloud to cover the land; it shall be in the latter days, and I will bring thee against my land, that the heathen may know me, when I shall be sanctified in thee,…
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giftofshewbread · 1 year
Five Ways To Recognize Deceivers | Midweek Update with Tom Hughes
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