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And that’s another @bigfinishprod set finished. I really appreciated how they developed Donna’s character here, beyond just sending her on solo adventures. Very well done. Now I have to decide what I want to listen to next. (As if I don’t have plenty of time on my hands; it’s looking like my work closure is going to last longer than initially anticipated.) #thismakesmehappy #doctorwho #bigfinishdoctorwho #donnanoble #bigfinishdonnanoble #doctorwhoaudios #doctorwhoaudiobooks #audiobooks #audiobook #audiodrama #catherinetate #nikywardley https://www.instagram.com/p/B97Ih0iBDKA/?igshid=xn9dkrim43ct
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My sonic screwdriver 🤓 lol #Doctorwho #doctorwhoaudiobook #doctorwhomeme #doctorwhoedits #doctorwhofandom #doctorwhoclass #doctorwhoseason9 #doctorwhobrasil #DoctorWhoCosplay #doctorwhoaudio #doctorwhomemes #doctorwholeggings #doctorwhorisk #doctorwho11thdoctor #doctorwhotoys #doctorwhobaby #doctorwho50thanniversary #doctorwhoau #doctorwhochristmas #doctorwhoaddict #doctorwhogames #doctorwhomissy #doctorwhoseries8 #doctorwhoseries4 #doctorwhothemaster #doctorwhoartwork #doctorwhoclassics #doctorwhobigfinish #doctorwhophonecase #doctorwhotextpost (at Charlotte, North Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_cjdHlA4Rs/?igshid=eb99qq4lmpuc
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On Most Nights...
Today my friend and I went to get food and somehow we got on the topic of David Tennant (I don't remember how...)
Me: You know, I just got a bunch of Doctor Who audiobooks.
Friend: Yeah? That's cool!
Me: Yup, basically I've got David Tennant talking me to sleep on most nights.
Friend: *makes a face* He's got a great voice...? O_O;
P.S: It just so happens that I enjoy podcasts to help me get to sleep. I don't like COMPLETE silence (>_<;) and the website that I usually use started doing a livestream podcast instead, so the audio is now lower quality. Aaaand it just so happened that I got a bunch of Doctor Who audiobooks when they started doing this. There. I explained it. I'm not weird.
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I listened to the final episode this morning. I knew David Tennant would be making an appearance, and that was great, but I’m also glad that it was relatively small, and didn’t change the Donna story into a Doctor story. All in all, this was another great release from @bigfinishprod and produced some much-needed smiles during a tough week. I don’t know how much more scope there is for further Donna Noble solo stories, but if Big Finish can figure out a way to tell them, I will listen to them. My one lingering question is why they didn’t list the writers in the credits for each episode? #thismakesmehappy #doctorwho #bigfinishdoctorwho #donnanoble #bigfinishdonnanoble #doctorwhoaudios #doctorwhoaudiobooks #audiobooks #audiobook #audiodrama #catherinetate #nikywardley https://www.instagram.com/p/B94lZUiBuuh/?igshid=gqqjmps2p7eh
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So as of today, my workplace is closed for the next few weeks due to covid-19 prevention measures. I need to make sure I keep somewhat active during that time, so I walked as normal, listening to the second episode of Donna Noble: Kidnapped. I wasn’t expecting Donna & Nat to end up traveling in the TARDIS, and I really wasn’t expecting Nat to rise above the level of comedy sidekick, so this exceeded my already high expectations. More proof of what a great actress Catherine Tate is, and what a great character Donna Noble is. (Of course, I was convinced of that by the end of The Runaway Bride!) #thismakesmehappy #doctorwho #bigfinishdoctorwho #donnanoble #bigfinishdonnanoble #doctorwhoaudios #doctorwhoaudiobooks #audiobooks #audiobook #audiodrama #catherinetate #nikywardley https://www.instagram.com/p/B9zZg-tBjNz/?igshid=142l7bguwc9m8
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One of my favorite periods of Doctor Who is the period produced by @russelltdavies63, and one of my favorite characters from that period was Donna Noble, played by Catherine Tate. So I was pretty excited about this new spin-off featuring Donna’s solo adventures from @bigfinishprod. It did not disappoint. It perfectly captures all the humor and heart that makes Donna such a great character, as well as the tone and pace of her time on the show. I loved it & cant wait to hear the next episode! #thismakesmehappy #doctorwho #bigfinishdoctorwho #donnanoble #bigfinishdonnanoble #doctorwhoaudios #doctorwhoaudiobooks #audiobooks #audiobook #audiodrama #catherinetate #nikywardley https://www.instagram.com/p/B9whRv7BAN6/?igshid=my18pir437jl
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Listening to the “What @bigfinishprod means to me” section at the end of this part made me think back to my own start with Bug Finish & their Doctor Who series. I can’t remember exactly where & when I was when I received Sirens if Time (their first story) but it would have been around a time I was going through a lot of big life changes & feeling very uncertain & alone. Those monthly Doctor Who stories gave me something regular & familiar to look forward to, and that got me through those rough times. Things are much more stable now & have been for a long time, but I’m happy I still have Doctor Who from Big Finish in my life. #thismakesmehappy #doctorwho #bigfinishproductions #bigfinishdoctorwho #bigfinisheighthdoctor #paulmcgann #doctorwhoaudio #doctorwhoaudios #doctorwhoaudiobook #doctorwhoaudiodrama #doctorwhoaudiobooks #doctorwhoaudiodramas #audiobook #audiobooks #audiodrama #audiodramas #bbcdoctorwho #doctorwho_bbca #doctorwholegacyoftime https://www.instagram.com/p/B1WWrx6BrzX/?igshid=1kvf6vj8tzcnv
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As I start my week of listening to stories from @bigfinishprod & walking on the treadmill, I’m in the home stretch for their 20th anniversary of Doctor Who at Big Finish story, The Legacy of Time. It’s a story so epic, even the behind the scenes feature is over 2 hours long! So I will finally finish it all up tomorrow, if all goes according to plan. #thismakesmehappy #doctorwho #bigfinishproductions #bigfinishdoctorwho #bigfinisheighthdoctor #paulmcgann #doctorwhoaudio #doctorwhoaudios #doctorwhoaudiobook #doctorwhoaudiodrama #doctorwhoaudiobooks #doctorwhoaudiodramas #audiobook #audiobooks #audiodrama #audiodramas #bbcdoctorwho #doctorwho_bbca #doctorwholegacyoftime https://www.instagram.com/p/B1TvwDShtYy/?igshid=1cglokyb02xt7
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At an hour and 13 minutes, this final episode of the story wore me out. Bringing together the fourth Doctor, Leela, Romana, plus all the Doctors from the previous episodes, plus tying all the story threads together, plus some surprises that I’m very happy hadn’t been spoiled for me, this was a great celebration of 20 years of Doctor Who at @bigfinishprod. I was tired out towards the end from walking, but not from listening. #thismakesmehappy #doctorwho #bigfinishproductions #bigfinishdoctorwho #bigfinisheighthdoctor #paulmcgann #doctorwhoaudio #doctorwhoaudios #doctorwhoaudiobook #doctorwhoaudiodrama #doctorwhoaudiobooks #doctorwhoaudiodramas #audiobook #audiobooks #audiodrama #audiodramas #bbcdoctorwho #doctorwho_bbca #doctorwholegacyoftime #tombaker #lallaward #louisejameson https://www.instagram.com/p/B1MKG_4hSBO/?igshid=uz0gmurfhbeq
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Back on the treadmill for the first time since injuring my back a week ago. I feel fine, although splitting this episode into 2 half-hour segments a week apart isn’t the ideal way to listen to it. Whatever, I didn’t have much choice. Like I said last time, it was great hearing the return of Anna Hope as DI Menzies, and there was a surprising callback to a very early @bigfinishprod story. I’m really looking forward to the final part of this anniversary story; I will probably have time to listen to it on Thursday morning. #thismakesmehappy #doctorwho #bigfinishproductions #bigfinishdoctorwho #bigfinisheighthdoctor #paulmcgann #doctorwhoaudio #doctorwhoaudios #doctorwhoaudiobook #doctorwhoaudiodrama #doctorwhoaudiobooks #doctorwhoaudiodramas #audiobook #audiobooks #audiodrama #audiodramas #bbcdoctorwho #doctorwho_bbca #doctorwholegacyoftime #bigfinishsixthdoctor #colinbaker #sixthdoctorandcharley #charlottepollard #indiafisher https://www.instagram.com/p/B1ERDzdBM_T/?igshid=jk4mwaqld7fx
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After walking for half an hour, my back started to hurt, which is really unusual for me. So I stopped, and only got halfway through this episode. Which is a shame, because it’s pretty good. It seems to be the first episode in this story that doesn’t cross Doctor Who over with one of the spin-off series from @bigfinishprod. However, it does feature the return of Anna Hope as DI Patricia Menzies, and if Big Finish ever wanted to create a police-based series starring her, I would be completely on board for that. #thismakesmehappy #doctorwho #bigfinishproductions #bigfinishdoctorwho #bigfinisheighthdoctor #paulmcgann #doctorwhoaudio #doctorwhoaudios #doctorwhoaudiobook #doctorwhoaudiodrama #doctorwhoaudiobooks #doctorwhoaudiodramas #audiobook #audiobooks #audiodrama #audiodramas #bbcdoctorwho #doctorwho_bbca #doctorwholegacyoftime #bigfinishsixthdoctor #charleypollard #colinbaker #indiafisher #annahope https://www.instagram.com/p/B0yN2bahVvn/?igshid=1v01e6yqkvjha
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Back from Tucson, getting ready to go back to work, back on the treadmill (in every sense) and back to Doctor Who: The Legacy of Time from @bigfinishprod. One of the things I’m enjoying about this story is how it’s using ideas that seem obvious, but which nobody has done before. Like in the first part, where archaeologists Bernice Summerfield and River Song are teamed up. Or here, where @georgiatennantofficial, reprising her role as Jenny, the Doctor’s daughter, gets to play opposite the fifth Doctor, played by Peter Davison, her real-life father. #thismakesmehappy #doctorwho #bigfinishproductions #bigfinishdoctorwho #bigfinisheighthdoctor #paulmcgann #doctorwhoaudio #doctorwhoaudios #doctorwhoaudiobook #doctorwhoaudiodrama #doctorwhoaudiobooks #doctorwhoaudiodramas #audiobook #audiobooks #audiodrama #audiodramas #bbcdoctorwho #doctorwho_bbca #doctorwholegacyoftime #doctorwhofifthdoctor #bigfinishfifthdoctor #peterdavison #jennythedoctorsdaughter #georgiatennant https://www.instagram.com/p/B0vs65BB5OQ/?igshid=adak590u1jvh
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I have to admit, I haven’t actually listened to either the new UNIT stories or the 3rd Doctor Adventures from @bigfinishprod. So many stories, so little time. Listening to a story featuring the new UNIT team meeting Tim Treloar’s version of the third Doctor has me wanting to get caught up on both ranges immediately. Also, this story had me tearing up in two different places, so kudos to writer Guy Adams! #thismakesmehappy #doctorwho #bigfinishproductions #bigfinishdoctorwho #bigfinisheighthdoctor #paulmcgann #doctorwhoaudio #doctorwhoaudios #doctorwhoaudiobook #doctorwhoaudiodrama #doctorwhoaudiobooks #doctorwhoaudiodramas #audiobook #audiobooks #audiodrama #audiodramas #bbcdoctorwho #doctorwho_bbca #doctorwholegacyoftime #unit #bigfinishthirddoctor #thirddoctoradventures #jogrant #katymanning https://www.instagram.com/p/B0gQhnmhIve/?igshid=uolzfmgfcmrc
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I’m enjoying this celebration of 20 years of Doctor Who drama at @bigfinishprod. Not does it showcase all the Do tors who have worked with them, but also a lot of the spin-off series that have found lives of their own at Big Finish. This episode features a reunion between the 7th Doctor and Ace and the Countermeasures team, who are particular favorites of mine. I also appreciate how each of these episodes is a separate story, but seem to be planting seeds to come together later in the series. Finally, I loved being caught off guard at the revelation of a long-time home grown Big Finish concept as a key part of this chapter. #thismakesmehappy #doctorwho #bigfinishproductions #bigfinishdoctorwho #bigfinisheighthdoctor #paulmcgann #doctorwhoaudio #doctorwhoaudios #doctorwhoaudiobook #doctorwhoaudiodrama #doctorwhoaudiobooks #doctorwhoaudiodramas #audiobook #audiobooks #audiodrama #audiodramas #bbcdoctorwho #doctorwho_bbca #doctorwholegacyoftime #bigfinishseventhdoctor #seventhdoctorandace #countermeasures #bigfinishcountermeasures #sylvestermccoy #sophiealdred https://www.instagram.com/p/B0dr-vRh0FZ/?igshid=yj7nbo36d335
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I started this story today, celebrating 20 years of Doctor Who at @bigfinishprod. I remember listening to those early stories on CD in college and graduate school. I looked forward to each new one, and while I connected with some more than others, they never failed to entertain. Over the last 20 years they’ve gotten me through some tough times and been with me through good times. And this episode, with the first team up between Professor Bernice Summerfield and Professor River Song, was a great episode. In equal parts fun and sadness, it’s what I think I need to start what promises to be a frustrating day. #thismakesmehappy #doctorwho #bigfinishproductions #bigfinishdoctorwho #bigfinisheighthdoctor #paulmcgann #doctorwhoaudio #doctorwhoaudios #doctorwhoaudiobook #doctorwhoaudiodrama #doctorwhoaudiobooks #doctorwhoaudiodramas #audiobook #audiobooks #audiodrama #audiodramas #bbcdoctorwho #doctorwho_bbca #riversong #bernicesummerfield #alexkingston #doctorwholegacyoftime https://www.instagram.com/p/B0V92eWhSZP/?igshid=tuq06qsnzkzh
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