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mrsilvers4812-blog · 5 months ago
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Listening to my first #bernicesummerfield audio and this theme music in the beginning has no right to be as good as it is 😂
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trioxina245 · 3 years ago
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Tears of the Oracle [by Justin Richards], cover by Fred Gambino
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netrophensisposts · 5 years ago
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"Come along, Ms Summerfield." An idea I had for a possible story where #bernicesummerfield meets an echo of #themaster in a limbo world. I like his Destiny costume. Its snazzy. https://www.instagram.com/p/B_145A7jHNd/?igshid=ad7gdoebi89z
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penelopecat · 3 years ago
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I finished this story last night. The script, by @eddierobson78, felt very reminiscent of the classic New Adventures novels that introduced Bernice Summerfield. And I could listen to @bowermanlb’s voice all day and night. #thismakesmehappy #bigfinishproductions #doctorwho #bigfinishdoctorwho #bbcdoctorwho #doctorwho_bbca #doctorwhoaudios #audiobook #audiobooks #companionchronicles #bernicesummerfield #bernicesummerfieldandthecriminalcode #eddierobson https://www.instagram.com/p/Cb2v1PALxRb/?utm_medium=tumblr
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hangofwednesday · 4 years ago
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3 out of 5 stars for Professor Bernice Summerfield: Oh No It Isn't #bigfinishproductions #bigfinish #bernicesummerfield #audiodrama #audio https://www.instagram.com/p/CE4I3SEjWRQ/?igshid=xo1k9om6t6c6
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inprintcomic · 7 years ago
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#bernicesummerfield #lisabowerman #benny #BigFinish #newadventures
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thedoctorwhocompanion · 4 years ago
Big Finish Celebrates Lisa Bowerman's Birthday with a Free Bernice Summerfield Download
.@bigfinish Celebrates Lisa Bowerman's Birthday with a Free #BerniceSummerfield Download (Happy Birthday, @TheLisaBowerman!)
It’s Lisa Bowerman’s birthday today, and to celebrate, Big Finish is offering you the chance to download a free Bernice Summerfield story, Closure. Originally released in August 1999 as part of the Buried Treasure subscriber-only anthology, Closure was one of Big Finish’s very first original stories about Benny. Written by Paul Cornell, directed by Gary Russell, and featuring Lisa Bowerman and…
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zareleonis · 5 years ago
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@TheLisaBowerman: I taught her all she knows!! #riversong #bernicesummerfield. Trowels at dawn. #pensacon2020
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blackscarabfilmz · 7 years ago
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Starting the year off right... Same old same old. #blackscarabfilmz #literarylair #doctorwho #bernicesummerfield #bigfinish #review #video
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strange-destinations · 5 years ago
Dear Yuletide Writer 2019
(As usual, please ignore this if you don’t know what this is about!)
Hello, and thank you so much for writing something for me!! I adore seeing what people come up with for Yuletide and I am super excited for what you end up producing. I want this to be a good and enjoyable experience for you as a writer, so don’t try to second-guess yourself too much - just have fun making whatever it is!
Squicks/DNWS - no sex, please! (And it also follows that I’d rather like to avoid any noncon, kinky stuff even if it’s nonsexual, any other sort of sexual content, etc - that’s just not my sort of thing, really.) Romance is all right, if that’s the way that you want to take things, but I much prefer close friendships and family dynamics. However!! I am pretty much completely fine with body horror/violence, hurt/comfort, etc. 
I love good dialogue, character interaction, twist endings, and imaginative plots - and worldbuilding! Happy endings are preferred but not necessary if it just isn’t working for you.
In general - if you’re thinking about making something gay/trans/queer/ace in any way, you should probably absolutely go for it, because I’m wild for that sort of thing.
AUs are… fine and good, as far as I can think of! (Obv no A/B/O or sex-related stuff please, but) canon divergence, fantasy, high school, etc seem all good to me! Especially if there’s a whole lot of clever nods to original canon in there. 
In addition, I'm always welcome to receiving stuff in interesting and unusual mediums/styles. This includes stuff like Interactive Fiction (additional info here) and multimedia stuff.
Anyway, fandom time. Let's do this, y'all!
Fandom: Ruby Redfort series - Lauren Child
Available:  I managed to acquire a copy of the full series online via my local library - and the physical copies were at my local library too. I don’t have a link to them, I’m afraid.
Tvtropes page: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Literature/RubyRedfort
Characters: *** Any from *** Ruby Redfort, Hitch, Blacker, Clancy Crew 
About the fandom: I just love it a lot.  I dragged its fandom out of the depths of Tumblr singlehandedly a few years ago and have been doggedly creating content for it ever since. There's just something really compelling about 'bright young kid gets accidentally adopted by spy agency' (yes i know that's not EXACLY what happens but I can dream, right?)
Like I said above, I really like the idea of Ruby being essentially adopted by the whole Spectrum team.
I’d love to see some casefic! Blacker and Ruby working together to solve a puzzle or problem - either serious or mundane - or Hitch and Ruby on a stakeout of some sort. Or both!
Some general stuff I like - heists, murder mysteries, rescue missions, characters playing games (e.g. Travelling Lemon, word games, throwing increasingly ridiculous hypotheticals at each other) because they're bored or similar,
Spectrum office shenanigans - stuff that happens between books, when Ruby and everybody else aren’t in mortal danger and that LB will most likely glare disapprovingly at.
On the angstier side of things, if you want to stick Ruby in even more mortal danger than usual I am ALL RIGHT WITH THAT. Rescue missions hell yeah.
AUs??? AUs!!! Modern!AU with Ruby doing extreme sports vlogs and occasionally failing to hide the fact that she's part of a secret spy agency. Is Blacker a hacker? Or a fantasy/medieval AU? Or Ruby Redfort, in space!
I feel like I’ll be delighted with whatever you create, tbh. I can’t think of many ways you could go wrong with it.
Fandom: Bernice Summerfield (Big Finish Audio)
Available:  Via the Big Finish website, and all of the boxsets from Epoch to New Frontiers are available for free on Spotify! Just look up Bernice Summerfield there.
Tvtropes page: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Franchise/BerniceSummerfield
Characters: *** Any from *** Bernice Summerfield, Third Doctor (Warner)
About the fandom: It’s like if Indiana Jones was shorter, actually did his job, and was a kickass woman who was also the Doctor’s companion at one point! Several points. And also she has a considerably larger family than Indiana Jones. Her spinoff kind of transcends a lot of forms of media - she’s in comics, print, animations, audio dramas, and one really hilariously terrible sort-of-fanfilm made by Lisa Bowerman and Sylvester McCoy when they were on some kind of cruise together. And it more or less transcends genre too. There’s been musical episodes right alongside the episode where someone very dear to her manipulates someone else very dear to her into killing (you guessed it) someone who is also very dear to her. It’s a wild ride. Anyway.
The Warner!Doctor and Benny era of this series particularly delights me, because Benny and the Doctor just have such a lovely dynamic. There's a bit in the writer's guide for this era that mentions that the Warner!Doctor 'seems to be a grouch' but is actually 'a playful spirit who loves to have fun', and... I just love that? And there is literally no fic with them! Which is an absolute travesty.
I particularly like: heists, murder mysteries, rescue missions, adventures, playing around with genre and style.
It's Doctor Who/Bernice Summerfield!! Which means there's an infinite wealth of planets and times and worlds to explore, if you choose to set it in the regular universe. If, on the other hand, you choose to place it in the Unbound universe, slowly collapsing in on itself, there's probably a lot you can do with this too
The found family dynamic between them!! It's clear that, despite all the snarking and sniping, they really do adore each other quite a bit. If you'd lean into that, I'd be forever grateful.
Apologies for no real specific suggestions - mostly, I just would really like to see these two having fun together and being buds. But also? The angst is good too. Make me laugh/smile or make me hurt, I don't care which.
Fandom: Beanworld - Larry Marder
Available:  ...I have literally no idea where you can pick this up. I first read it at my local library. I think you can get copies at various book retailers?
Tvtropes page: Non-existent. I should rectify that.
Characters: *** Any from *** Professor Garbanzo, Mr Spook, Beanish, Heyoka (but honestly please throw in everybody in there. I love them all so much)
About the fandom: It's a weird, brilliant, complete unique experience of a comic book set in a world where the rules are very different to ours!
I know that pretty much the entire point of Beanworld is that the characters are not human in the least, But I can't help but wonder what a human AU would be like!! Beanish as a struggling art student, the Hoi'Polloi as the local street gang with an unfortunate gambling habit, Heyoka as the weird chaotic neutral genderqueer acrobat who babysits occasionally and is always standing on their head. Or any other direction you want to take it in!! I adore seeing familiar characters in settings that they couldn't possibly find themselves in, in canon.
Bean shenanigans!! What sort of things do they get up to on their Goof-Off Days that we don't see on-screen?
Explore some of the friendships/relationships between the characters! I love some of those good good Bean interactions. For example (but not at all limited to):
Professor Garbanzo and Mr Spook - the ultimate BroTP. I particularly love how well they get along even when you wouldn’t expect them too - how Mr Spook isn’t really a scientific sort of guy but is really encouraging and helpful to her endeavors. It’s good and soft.
Mr Spook and the Chow Sol’jers! A dedicated fighting team that work together and protect each other every day. I’m now wondering what the Chow Sol’jer in-jokes are. They’ve gotta have some, right?
Beanish and Dreamishness - the greatest love story ever told! (If you do end up including this relationship in particular, I’d prefer it if it wasn’t the focus.) Additionally, I’d really love it if you could play around with the idea of love in the Big•Big•Picture being different to how we see it/perceive it in our world! I know it’s kind of vague, and it’s definitely not necessary, but I figured I might as well put it out there.
Heyoka and... everyone. Literally everyone. I love how she interacts with the Beans - how they’re kind of confused as to how she works, but accept her as one of them anyway - and how she interacts with people outside of the Beanworld. The sequence when she’s falling upwards and through the Inspiration Constellation, and how the Constellation is so pleasantly amused by and encouraging of her - it’s really nice. And her as the teacher to the Pod’ll’pool babies!! She’s such a cool character.
Other AUs or canon divergences! Can't think of anything specific off the top of my head, but I'm sure there's some stuff out there.
Literally anything that takes stuff from canon and extends upon it! Especially if you’re playing into the amazingly bizarre and extensive world of the Big•Big•Picture. Because the rules there are definitely not at all the same as they are for our world, and that delights me to no end. I have so many questions about it that I’m nearly certain aren’t going to be answered anytime soon. Like, where does the Thin Lake/Four Realities/Hoi-Polloi zone end?? There’s gotta be an end to it somewhere. Are there other islands like the Beanworld? 
Fandom: Rainbow Magic series - Daisy Meadows
Available: on your younger sister's bookshelf or at pretty much any library, bookstore or garage sale you'd care to visit.
Tvtropes page: 
Characters: *** Any from *** Rachel Walker, Kirsty Tate, Titania, Oberon (but feel free to throw in any of the million-plus other fairies that exist at your discretion)
About the fandom: Oh, jeez. What to say about this? It's such a bizarre interest of mine. The series has suffered from intense seasonal rot, with literally every book following the same formula. And there are hundreds of books. But it's such a large part of my childhood that it's hard to not feel some sort of affection for it. Plus, there's so many interesting things to explore!
Feel free to throw some Kirsty/Rachel shipping in there, because we all know those two were lesbian as all hell. I'd prefer it not to be the focus, though!
Any exploration of the fact that the girls have been doing this for far longer than is strictly reasonable with no complaints, questions, or problems. They've been through like ten Christmas specials and don't appear to have aged a day since the beginning of the series. What's up with that, huh?
To that end - there's plenty of myths and legends about the rules that fae traditionally have. What about applying some of these to the RM fairies? Are Titania and Oberon the leaders of the Seelie Court, with Jack Frost as the Unseelie leader? Do they do the whole Changeling thing? Are Kirsty and Rachel Changelings?
(And bear with me for a second while I point you at a specific line from the very first book, because I think it's very good inspiration for the whole 'giving a fairy your name' thing:)
Kirsty wanted to ask the fairy so many things. But she didn't know where to start.
"Tell me your names, quickly," said the fairy. She fluttered up into the air again. "There's so much to be done, and we must get started right away."
Rachel wondered what the fairy meant. "I'm Rachel," she said.
"And I'm Kirsty," said Kirsty. "But who are you?"
"I'm the Red Rainbow Fairy - but you can call me Ruby," the fairy replied.
Very suspicious.
A Discord server I'm on has been throwing around the idea of the fairies (yes. All of them.) ending up as humans in the human world abruptly, and having to adjust to living life without magic - and dealing with the fact that somehow, their magical domains are functioning perfectly without them. Which is a very compelling idea. How do Rachel and Kirsty deal with their now-possibly-permanent, no-longer-magical neighbours? How are Titania and Oberon coping, now that they no longer have to rule a whole kingdom? What sort of the things do the fairies get up to? Where do they stay?
Aged-up Kirsty and Rachel get called upon to deal with new adult problems that are blooming in the fairy world. (Tiara The Tax Evasion Fairy, anyone?)
...or anything else.
Again, thank you for writing for me, and I hope you get something awesome in return from your own writer! Good luck!
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doctorwhonews · 8 years ago
The Highest Science - Big Finish AudioDrama
Latest Review: Written By: Gareth Roberts, Adapted By: Jacqueline Rayner Directed By: Scott Handcock Starring: Sylvester McCoy (The Doctor),  Lisa Bowerman (BerniceSummerfield),  Sinead Keenan (Rosheen),  Daniel Brocklebank (Sheldukher), Sarah Ovens   (The Cell), Rehanna McDonald (Hazel),  James Baxter (Rodomonte), Tom Bell (Fakrid/Jinka) Producer/ Script-Editor: Cavan Scott, Executive Producers: Jason Haigh-Ellery and Nicholas Briggs Released December 2014 by Big Finish Productions The planet Sakkrat is widely known across the cosmos for once being home to an ancient empire, which created the legendary technology known as 'The Highest Science'. But eventually this monumental asset ushered in doom, and the civilisation fell into oblivion. The Seventh Doctor and his keenly intelligent assistant - Professor Bernice Summerfield - are in transit abroad the TARDIS. They are alerted to a remarkable fluctuation in time, which originates from Sakkrat. The Doctor announces to Bernice that this is a 'Fortean Flicker'. The Time Lord's curiosity demands that they both investigate proceedings on Sakkrat immediately. Other parties are also drawn to the large green planet. The despicable and galaxy-wide infamous Sheldukher, is absolutely determined to obtain the aeons old technology, and will stop at killing no-one. He prepares his mission with the  help of several associates, one of those being the telepathic brain-entity, known as the 'Cell'. Similarly lethal, if perhaps less malicious and instead more imperialistic and military are the Chelonians - a race of anthropomorphised turtles/tortoises. They are focused on conquest and the eradication of all human 'parasites' that get in their way. And a group of time-displaced humans from 20th century Earth are the latest such irritant. Many lives will be endangered, and the safety of the wider cosmos could also be in peril. The Doctor's resourcefulness and wisdom will have to employed to full effect, if events are not to spiral out of control completely. ---   This particular adventure for the diminutive, chess master incarnation of the Doctor was one of the earlier ones to be published by Virgin back in the early 1990s. It is most notable for seeing the debut of Gareth Roberts in contributing an original, official story to the Doctor Who canon. In later years Roberts would complete other novels for both the New Adventures and Missing Adventures lines, and then be a semi-regular writer for the reborn TV series itself. Roberts is a lively and witty creative force, whose works under both main showrunners (Steven Moffat and Russell T Davies), helped add some contrast from more po-faced or worthy efforts. He also was vital to the success of the excellent Sarah Jane Adventures spinoff. There is a lot of Douglas Adams-style humour in this tale, and many of the best one-liners are given to Big Finish stalwart Lisa Bowerman to deliver. It should be noted that Jacqueline Rayner is very familiar with writing for Bernice, and this adds to the rhythm of the adaptation. Much like Love And War and Nightshade, this reworking has made an effort to reduce the number of players, as well as significantly simplifying one of the major subplots concerning humans that belong to a different time and place altogether. This is effective to an extent in giving the production some vital pace, but there is still the drawback of the plot meandering a little. The opening episodes have some interesting character moments, but also a rather stately set up. Benny's particular storyline - which is the staple one where the Doctor's assistant is separated from him - does fall somewhat flat. The cliffhanger to Episode Two concerning her safety is poor, as it heavily involves a secondary character that is alternately bland and irritating. However, the concluding pair of episodes have plenty of incident and surprise. There is a two pronged ending, with one adversary comprehensively defeated, but the other crisis needing the Doctor's genius is merely granted a temporary 'solution', and is best described as a Pyrrhic Victory. McCoy is reasonable enough here, but a little weaker than in Nightshade and some of his better original Big Finish stories. He is at his best facing down either the Chelonians or Sheldukher, and showing a range of outrage, playful disdain and intellectual smarts. His interplay with Bowerman is enjoyable, but clearly a touch less authentic and affecting than the much stronger bond with Sophie Aldred, which many a general Who fan may be more used to. Some of the one-off characters do engage the heart and/or mind, such as a pair of small time criminals who somewhat deserve justice, but still are angels compared to Sheldukher. The more wholly innocent human characters that have suffered time displacement also are identifiable, if perhaps lacking sufficient audio time to truly be memorable. And the Cell arguably steals the show, with a wonderfully lively portrayal by Sarah Ovens. However I am not too convinced that Sheldukher needs to say with such arch relish the play's title, and with such frequency. It is somewhat jarring and makes him seem just a bit more unbalanced than is credible. Otherwise, Daniel Brocklebank is serviceable enough in the key adversary role. The Chelonians have become a staple of the wider Who universe, if surprisingly not yet realised on mainstream TV. They can be fooled on occasion but are still notable opponents. Even if they are as unrelenting in sweeping aside those unlike them, in a manner similar to Daleks or Cybermen, there is a sense of nobility and honour that prevents them being purely 'evil'.   The music is quite strong, for the most part, and does help with adding a sense of wonder, dread or urgency as when needed. The audio effects result in the Chelonian creatures having a distinctive voice. It is also commendable how Tom Bell portrays the different creatures so distinctly. Later on during the days of Virgin Publishing, Roberts would contribute a loose trilogy:  'The Romance Of Crime'/ 'The English Way Of Death'/ 'The Well Mannered War'. All have been adapted by Big Finish, and were critiqued by a fellow reviewer on this site previously. Overall, this initial story from the pen of Roberts (originally out in book form in 1993) stands up both in past and present as an artefact of what was to come. The author has left his mark in a number of very enjoyable television episodes (particularly The Unicorn And The Wasp and The Shakespeare Code). It is far from flawless, but is still a good read, and now thanks to Rayner's commendable attempts at adaptation, also a worthwhile listen.  http://reviews.doctorwhonews.net/2016/12/the_highest_science_big_finish_audiodrama.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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penelopecat · 6 years ago
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I started this story today, celebrating 20 years of Doctor Who at @bigfinishprod. I remember listening to those early stories on CD in college and graduate school. I looked forward to each new one, and while I connected with some more than others, they never failed to entertain. Over the last 20 years they’ve gotten me through some tough times and been with me through good times. And this episode, with the first team up between Professor Bernice Summerfield and Professor River Song, was a great episode. In equal parts fun and sadness, it’s what I think I need to start what promises to be a frustrating day. #thismakesmehappy #doctorwho #bigfinishproductions #bigfinishdoctorwho #bigfinisheighthdoctor #paulmcgann #doctorwhoaudio #doctorwhoaudios #doctorwhoaudiobook #doctorwhoaudiodrama #doctorwhoaudiobooks #doctorwhoaudiodramas #audiobook #audiobooks #audiodrama #audiodramas #bbcdoctorwho #doctorwho_bbca #riversong #bernicesummerfield #alexkingston #doctorwholegacyoftime https://www.instagram.com/p/B0V92eWhSZP/?igshid=tuq06qsnzkzh
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hewhoheldbackdeath · 11 years ago
"No...it can't be.../Benny/? Is it you? Is it /really/ you?"
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blackscarabfilmz · 8 years ago
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This week, Mike answers the question, "Are Love and War are two great tastes that go great together?" #doctorwho #dw #bernicesummerfield #literarylair #blackscarabfilmz
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strange-destinations · 6 years ago
Dear Yuletide Author Letter
(Please ignore this if you don’t know what this is about!)
Hello and thank you so much for writing something for me!! I adore seeing what people come up with for Yuletide and I am super excited for what you end up producing. I want this to be a good and enjoyable experience for you as a writer, so don't try to second-guess yourself too much - just have fun making whatever it is!
Squicks/DNWS - no sex, please! (And it also follows that I'd rather like to avoid any noncon, kinky stuff even if it's nonsexual, any other sort of sexual content, etc - that's just not my sort of thing, really.) Romance is all right, if that's the way that you want to take things, but I much prefer close friendships and family dynamics. However!! I am pretty much completely fine with body horror/violence, hurt/comfort, etc. 
I love good dialogue, character interaction, twist endings, and imaginative plots - and worldbuilding! Happy endings are preferred but not necessary if it just isn’t working for you.
AUs are... fine and good, as far as I can think of! (Obv no A/B/O or sex-related stuff please, but) canon divergence, fantasy, high school, etc seem all good to me! Especially if there’s a whole lot of clever nods to original canon in there. 
And I've just looked at all the fandoms that I've requested, and realized this: if you happen to know more than one of any of these fandoms and feel like writing a crossover between them, I would be delighted to see it and you should absolutely go for it.
Onto the fandoms!
Fandom: Ruby Redfort series - Lauren Child
Available:  I managed to acquire a copy of the full series online via my local library - and the physical copies were at my local library too. I don't have a link to them, I'm afraid!
My sideblog: agentredfort.tumblr.com
Tvtropes page: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Literature/RubyRedfort
Characters: *** Any from *** Ruby Redfort, Hitch, Blacker, LB
About the fandom: This series is very dear to my heart - I dragged its fandom out of the depths of Tumblr singlehandedly a year or two ago and have been creating content for it ever since
I'd love to see some casefic! Blacker and Ruby working together to solve a puzzle or problem - either serious or mundane - or Hitch and Ruby on a stakeout of some sort. Or both!
Spectrum office shenanigans - stuff that happens between books, when Ruby and everybody else aren't in mortal danger and that LB will most likely glare disapprovingly at.
On the angstier side of things, if you want to stick Ruby in even more mortal danger than usual I am ALL RIGHT WITH THAT. Rescue missions hell yeah.
I feel like I'll be delighted with whatever you create, tbh. I can’t think of many ways you could go wrong with it.
Fandom: Bernice Summerfield (Big Finish Audio)
Available:  Via the Big Finish website, and all of the boxsets from Epoch to New Frontiers are available for free on Spotify! Just look up Bernice Summerfield there.
My sideblog: it's actually just my normal blog, believe it or not! therogueofblood.tumblr.com/tagged/bernice-summerfield
Tvtropes page: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Franchise/BerniceSummerfield
Characters: *** Any from *** Bernice Summerfield, Irving Braxiatel, Jack, Ruth
About the fandom: It's like if Indiana Jones was shorter, actually did his job, and was a kickass woman who was also the Doctor's companion at one point! And also she has a considerably larger family than Indiana Jones. Her spinoff kind of transcends a lot of forms of media - she's in comics, print, animations, audio dramas, and one really hilariously terrible sort-of-fanfilm made by Lisa Bowerman and Sylvester McCoy when they were on some kind of cruise together. And it more or less transcends genre too. There's been musical episodes right alongside the episode where someone very dear to her manipulates someone else very dear to her into killing (you guessed it) someone who is also very dear to her. It's a wild ride. Anyway.
What I would most LOVE to see is some interaction between Benny and Braxiatel. Whenever you would like to set it - be it on Dellah, the Collection, Legion, or elsewhen/where - just them working together/snarking together/robbing a bank or art museum together. Or even just sitting down and having dinner together!
Some family/friendship content based on the Legion-era - adventures around/based in the White Rabbit; Brax cheating at Monopoly during family games night, everybody conspiring to throw Benny a surprise birthday party, etc.
Failing that, just… a good Benny story would be fantastic! Archaeology, adventure, any other combinations. Any era, any time.
EDIT: I’d also be really delighted if you did something related to one of the newest audios, Braxiatel In Love. Some missing scenes (esp. post Benny figuring what was up with Veronica the first time) or some aftermath, etc.
Fandom: Tanis (Podcast)
Available:  all episodes at http://tanispodcast.com/
My sideblog: meer-katnip.tumblr.com
Tvtropes page: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Podcast/Tanis
Characters: *** Any from *** Nic Silver, Geoff Van Sant, Meerkatnip, Veronika Pilman
About the fandom: Ahhh, Tanis. What a goddamn weird podcast. I love the characters and the mystery of the show and the atmosphere (!! The atmosphere) but the pacing is not the best, I'll be the first to admit. I love Nic and Geoff (Karl?? Whatever his name is this week. I refer to him as 'Geoff' generally just for consistency's sake.) a lot, but my heart (as you may have guessed from my blog title) is reserved for Meerkatnip.
If you feel like writing Geoff/Nic, go for it! Same goes for poly Meerkatnip/Geoff/Nic because that's very good (but I'd prefer not to see MK/Nic or MK/Geoff).
Worldbuilding!!!! This series really benefits from people adding to it in their own ways
Continuation of where Season 4 left off, or some earlier encounter with Tanis, or an exploration of any of the related myths and mysteries
Crossovers (stealth or otherwise) with The Black Tapes are also DEFINITELY on the table
Meerkatnip is a really good character. This is not a suggestion, it is a fact.
Fandom: Gallifrey (Big Finish Audios)
Available: Via the Big Finish website, again.
My sideblog: none, just my regular blog again -  http://therogueofblood.tumblr.com/tagged/gallifandom
Tvtropes page: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Audioplay/Gallifrey
Characters: Irving Braxiatel, Ace McShane
About the fandom: Hmmm… it's like, uh - like the Office and House of Cards got married and had a baby, but on an alien planet. Except it's absolutely nothing like that. Basically, Gallifrey is a mess as far as politics goes, and the current President is trying her best not to let everything go to hell (with the help of her - friends? Colleagues? People who are trying to undermine her at every turn? It's hard to tell) and a bunch of terrible things happen, and then the Time War starts. It is, much like everything else in the Doctor Who universe, a wild, wild ride.
……..sorry for being restrictive with this one as far as the characters go, but I just want to see some interactions between Ace and Brax. I have absolutely no idea why but I just have this strange craving for it. He’s basically her uncle right
They seemed to be getting on quite well pre-Soldier Obscura. Some good, non-angsty interactions between them would be, well, ace! Somebody made a post about them teaming up to pull pranks on Narvin and other Time Lords and that’s a frankly adorable idea. Alternately:
go full angst/horror/etc. Missing scenes from Soldier Obscura, stuff after Soldier Obscura (them meeting during late-game Time War/afterwards). 
If you would like to write this for me I would be eternally grateful. If you don’t know what Dr. Nyar is, don’t worry about it
Or whatever other direction you can think of!
Again, thank you for writing for me, and I hope you get something awesome in return from your own writer!
EDIT: I’m also open to receiving IF fics! Additional information over here if that’s something you feel like doing!
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