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mime666 · 2 years ago
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Ace, the Seventh Doctor's companion in a Funkopops style. Mugs, keyrings and bag charms with this (and many other Doctor Who images) available from
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vanguard-comics · 1 year ago
Or next Doctor Who guest is confirmed. It is the wonderful Nicola Bryant and we are thrilled that she’s joining us. We feel truly blessed to have 3 great icons of Doctor Who joining us and are really excited about Gosport Comic Con, hope you’ll join us #nicolabryant #gosport #gosportcomiccon #leeonthesolent #vanguardcomics #doctorwho #drwho #scifi #comicon #marvel #dc #cosplay #batman #superman #sophiealdred #colinbaker #levelupgosport #thorngatehalls #thesixthdoctor #doctorwho60 @levelup_gosport @gosportcomiccon
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sophieiles · 5 years ago
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“There are worlds out there where the sky is burning, where the sea's asleep, and the rivers dream. People made of smoke, and cities made of song. Somewhere there's danger, somewhere there's injustice, and somewhere else the tea's getting cold. Come on, Ace, we've got work to do!” 30 years today since the end of Survival and this awesome speech! #survivaldoctorwho #doctorwho #seventhdoctor #slyvestermccoy #sophiealdred #acemcshane #doctorwhoart #doctorwhofanart https://www.instagram.com/p/B5uzLKkjsfh/?igshid=opefex3xhemv
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thecraggus · 5 years ago
What do you mean there’s nothing good on TV on a Sunday, Ace? 🤨 #DoctorWho #jodiewhittaker #tosincole #mandipgill #bradleywalsh #chrischibnall #sylvestermccoy #sophiealdred https://www.instagram.com/p/B7ye5DElLLR/?igshid=1e5fjpuskctxu
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tartantardis · 6 years ago
Survival of the fittest - and the light fantastic
(Rona Munro is the only writer to have created a Doctor Who story for the classic series and the 21st century revival. This interview is a hybrid, from a 2013 interview for the Daily Record's Tartan TARDIS, and from another for my current employer, Scottish Field magazine)
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WHEN Doctor Who's original run on British television came to an end in 1989, the last story to be aired was written by a Scot.
But Rona Munro still doesn't take it personally, as the decision to put the series on ice had been taken long before her three-part script, Survival, was made.
Aberdonian Rona held the dubious honour of being the last Doctor Who writer on television for seven years, writing for fellow Scot Sylvester McCoy, as well as his companion Ace, played by Sophie Aldred.
Since the early 1980s, Rona Munro has been a name to watch on the Scottish arts scene.
An accomplished playwright, who has also had her worked performed on radio and television, the Aberdeenshire writer is noted for her acclaimed trilogy The James Plays, for the National Theatre of Scotland, and has collected numerous awards along the way.
Recalling her youth, Rona said: "I’d always had an interest in writing and was encouraged to do more by Angus MacVicar. I called him my uncle, but he was really a second-cousin of my mum’s. Angus was a very prolific writer, in all its forms – novels, radio dramas, TV drama, and journalism. He wrote several autobiographies, including Salt In My Porridge.
‘Angus was a wonderful mentor to me, and gave me endless encouragement. He made sure that I learned that being a writer wasn’t a case of sitting on the couch and waiting for inspiration to strike, as it was a way of living.
"I did things for the school drama group at Mackie Academy in Stonehaven, where I had two teachers who really encouraged me. One of them, Mrs Jolly, was the most amazing English teacher, and she later got my play Bold Girls to become part of the Scottish schools syllabus.
"I had this ambition, and if you get the right teacher at the right time, it makes the world of difference to you.’
At university, she graduated with a degree in Medieval European History.
But, she said: "When I left university, I didn’t get a proper job because I thought if I did that, I’d never make it as a writer. You see people who get used to the 9-5 and a proper income, so I thought I’d just keep trying to make the writing work.
"I was working as a cleaner and was with the Edinburgh Playwrights’ Workshop, who did public readings of new plays.
"I worked with a couple of actors to put on a play, at what’s now the Scottish Storytelling Centre. That got decent reviews and good audiences, then I received commissions from Scottish Television and the Traverse Theatre, and that was back in 1981/82.’
In 1989, Rona also achieved another ambition, when she wrote Survival, the final Doctor Who story of the original series, starring fellow Scot Sylvester McCoy.
She said: "We didn't know it at the time, that it was going to be the final one for a number of years.
"I wish I'd known in advance it was going to be the final one, because I could have put that into the story in a few places, but unfortunately it wasn't to be."
Rona became involved in the show after being spotted by script editor Andrew Cartmel.
She explained: "I did one of those BBC training things that they do every so often, and this one was for writers. Andrew was the script editor on Doctor Who and he came along and worked with us, six potential writers.
"When I announced I was a Doctor Who fan, that was when his eyes lit up - and we took it from there."
Rona was a long-standing fan of the series, having watched it since its launch in 1963.
She said: "I remember the very first episode - I was very young, which is a real tribute to the power of it. I don't remember specifics, just William Hartnell as the Doctor and Carole Ann Ford as his granddaughter Susan in a spooky corridor with cobwebs.
"We actually had a special Doctor Who cushion in our house, which was available when I was growing up. If I got too scared, I hid behind it!"
Writing for Doctor Who caused a few problems for Rona, now an acclaimed playwright.
"I remember I was a bit worried about the science fiction aspects when I was writing it, but I was pleased when I was told I could do something that was a bit more emotional and fantastic, rather them having to worry about the space-time continuum!
"The thing is, if you tried to pitch to the BBC at the moment, you would get short thrift, but back then, we had some lovely organic conversations and the story grew out of that, talking about things we were interested in.
"I was writing for Sylvester and Sophie as a team on screen. Unfortunately I was out the country when they were recording it, which was a shame as I would love to have been there and maybe altered the lines for them slightly.
"Sylvester got a lot of stick in his time as the Doctor, but I rather like him - he's a Tom Baker or Patrick Troughton type of Doctor, with a quirky side but has a serious edge too.
"He was a good Doctor to write for, and Sophie was a much edgier companion at the time. As a young woman myself, I really liked writing for her."
Ace came from the London suburb of Perivale, coming from a single-parent family - a first for Doctor Who.
Rona continued: "I was given that story element for Sophie, to bring her back home to Perivale. I'd never been there, but I got it into my head it was a gritty, urban wasteland, and when I got to go there, I was really surprised to see it was quite nice, a contrast to what I'd been expecting with leafy streets!"
Survival also featured the first appearance of the Doctor's old foe the Master, a rival Time Lord.
Rona said: "I can't remember if it was Andrew's suggestion or my choice to use him.
"I know I enjoyed writing for him, though, as he's one of the most interesting characters in the whole Who lexicon, as it were, so that was another big plus."
Rona added: "When Andrew found out it was going to be the last story, he wrote a wonderful speech for the Doctor at the end, so there was something there for the fans for the next few years."
Last year, Rona had her work on television once more, when she became the first person to write for 20th and 21st century Doctor Who, this time starring another Scot, Peter Capaldi, in the story The Eaters of Light.
She explained: "I was really surprised when I got the call. Our initial conversation was along the lines of 'What do you like writing about, and what gets you excited?' We discussed a few things, and I came up with the Picts and north-east Scotland.
"I’ve love to write something for the stage with Peter in it – then again, I think most writers would like to have him perform their work."
In her long career, Rona has many highlights.
She explained: "I’ve been in the fortunate position where I’ve been able to work fairly constantly over the years.
"One of my favourite works is The Maiden Stone, which is set in rural Aberdeenshire, in the early 19th century.
"Another favourite are The James Plays. I was so lucky with The James Plays as I was working with an extraordinary cast and director for nearly a year, and was very rewarding in the end."
Having written countless plays in her career, Rona still regards her 75 minutes of Doctor Who as one of her highlights.
She explained: "I'm immensely proud of it. Along with the Stanley Baxter Playhouse shows I've written for the radio, it's right up there.
"Sometimes, I have to pinch myself and think, 'Did I really do that?' It's amazing to be involved with something you admit to intently, from a young age, and sometimes it's good to get a wee bit starstruck about it."
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thedoctor123456789101112 · 2 years ago
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I got to meet so may brilliant people who influenced me in the last 9 years! at the best Comic Con event that I have attended! #chicagotardis #chicagotardis2022 #sylvestermccoy #sophiealdred #wendypadbury #frazerhines #sophiamyles #seventhdoctor #dorothygalemcshane #acedoctorwho #DoctorWho #zoeheriot #jamiemccrimmon #madamedepompadour (at Chicago TARDIS) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClhUj2Rv9-Z/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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whovianchris · 7 years ago
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#ace #gallifrey #timewar #custom #figure #companion #doctorwho #dalek #bigfinishproductions #nitro9 #actionfigurephotography #actionfigure #sophiealdred #dorothymcshane
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penelopecat · 4 years ago
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Because the story Displaced was written & recorded before lockdown, but released during it, I’m glad that @bigfinishprod added commentary from the writer & director reflecting on how this story—of the Doctor, Ace & Hex trapped together in a seemingly otherwise empty house—unintentionally paralleled what was happening in the real world. Certainly that was on my mind as I listened to it. - [ ] #thismakesmehappy #bigfinishproductions #doctorwho #bigfinishdoctorwho #doctorwhodisplaced #sylvestermccoy #bbcdoctorwho #doctorwho_bbca #doctorwhoaudios #audiobook #audiobooks #audiodrama #audiodramas #seventhdoctor #sophiealdred #philipolivier https://www.instagram.com/p/CLHcnDrpn3H/?igshid=e2fcvn3j9fy0
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horrorpaingoredeath · 4 years ago
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#doctorwho #vhs #vhssunday #drwho #scifi #bbc #season24 #season25 #sylvestermccoy #sophiealdred #bonnielangford #timeandtherani #paradisetowers #deltaandthebannermen #dragonfire #remembranceofthedaleks #thehappinesspatrol #silvernemesis #thegreatestshowinthegalaxy #therani #ace #mel #daleks #thedaleks #davros #thehandofomega #kandyman #cybermen #thecybermen #godsofragnarok (at Horror Pain Gore Death Productions HQ) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJT92BapPtk/?igshid=1rucmwv7s1x40
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primejackets · 4 years ago
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Revamp your personality into a voguish identity. It’s a replication of Sophie Aldred from Ace Doctor Who. Do you want it at Halloween Sale go and check out now before the day is over.
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steven-cook · 5 years ago
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What’s up with Sophie Aldred? Answer: https://www.radiotimes.com/news/tv/2019-11-25/sophie-aldred-doctor-who-return/ #sophiealdred #doctorwhocompanion #7thdoctor #doctorwho #analogphotography #nikonfm2 https://www.instagram.com/p/B5TuYynBkQv/?igshid=1i8trfehtcdzc
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sophieiles · 5 years ago
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Surprise! I’m one of this months featured writers for @doctorwho_magazine #doctorwhomagazine #doctorwho #sophiealdred #atchildhoodsend #doctorwhobooks https://www.instagram.com/p/B8NKtTJDIam/?igshid=7uxulavnejnf
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samrichardbentley · 8 years ago
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And as always - the piece is now available to buy on Redbubble! Link in my bio! #TheGreatestShowInTheGalaxy #SeventhDoctor #Ace #AceMcShane #SylvesterMcCoy #SophieAldred #ClassicWho #ClassicDoctorWho #DoctorWhoArt #DoctorWhoFanArt #FanArt #DigitalArt #Art #Redbubble #Selling
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catwithninelives · 8 years ago
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Sis #longisland #liwho4 #liwho #doctorwho #photography #portrait #people #actor #blackandwhite #sophiealdred
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penelopecat · 4 years ago
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Now that I’ve finished the second story on this release, I can say I enjoyed it more than the Flying Dutchman story. I liked the thematic connections between the two, but nothing ever came up to address my problems with the first story. This one was a nice, focused, effective & creepy tale, which was the distraction I needed this morning. - [x] #thismakesmehappy #bigfinishproductions #doctorwho #bigfinishdoctorwho #doctorwhodisplaced #sylvestermccoy #bbcdoctorwho #doctorwho_bbca #doctorwhoaudios #audiobook #audiobooks #audiodrama #audiodramas #seventhdoctor #sophiealdred #philipolivier https://www.instagram.com/p/CKeSfvfpTJF/?igshid=1a2ukto6v82ri
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horrorpaingoredeath · 4 years ago
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#doctorwho #season26 #bluray #vhs #vhsunday #drwho #sylvestermccoy #sophiealdred #battlefield #ghostlight #thecurseoffenric #survival #tardis #brigadierlethbridgestewart #vampires #haemovores #themaster #anthonyainley #perivale #cheetahperson #catstyle #finalseason #bbc (at Horror Pain Gore Death Productions HQ) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIeBHiAJ7ZT/?igshid=bx177oi4t37u
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