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penelopecat · 3 years ago
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And I finished this set this morning! A great ending to a great story in a great set. #thismakesmehappy #bigfinishproductions #doctorwho #bigfinishdoctorwho #bbcdoctorwho #doctorwho_bbca #doctorwhoaudios #audiobook #audiobooks #classicdoctorsnewmonsters #ifishoulddiebeforeiwake #eighthdoctor #charlottepollard #charleypollard #kantrofani #paulmcgann #indiafisher #johndorney #jacquelinerayner https://www.instagram.com/p/ChmuaYLFl39/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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galpalbrielle · 5 years ago
I also have charlottepollards saved which I kinda wanna use but I’ve had this url for so long now
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tdinttwrt · 11 years ago
Grenadine - Chapter 2
Grenadine | CHAPTER 2: The Hush of Night
Eighth Doctor, Charlotte Pollard
Genre: Horror, Romance
Rating: Mature
Chapter Summary: Our insomniac Time Lord sings a gruesome lullaby in the lonely night, and receives a nasty knock on the head.
My Doctor Who Fanfic: http://www.whofic.com/viewuser.php?uid=19417
The Doctor was whistling lightly as he perambulated his time rotor in the night, checking on this and that. Nothing going on of note. Just a Time Lord and his Tardis, spinning aimlessly in the vortex, waiting for Charley to wake up again. There was not much to keep him occupied whilst his companion slept. Books, yes, always more reading to do, and there was that watercolor set he had been meaning to drag out again...but tonight especially he felt twitchy and longed for something more stimulating. There had been a restless, niggling sort of energy working its way through him all evening, as if some exciting idea for a new sort of adventure was trying to break into his mind, but could not quite coalesce. Two hours ago he had bid his companion good night with a sigh, unhappy to see her disappear down the hallway towards her private rooms, the fading kit-kit sounds of her little leather boots on the Tardis floor emphasizing his growing state of pique. He felt like a child waiting for a birthday party to start, who has been told the guests are late. His tune shifted to a melancholic Scottish lullaby. He began softly singing it into the hushed gloom, in its original Ghaeligh: “Obhan, obhan, obhan iri, 's mor mo mhulad 's mor; My darling of the Domhainn folk, They spilled your blood today, And placed your head on an oaken stake, Near where your body lay… Goodness, did they really sing that to children?” he wondered aloud. He spied one lone thumb print on a brass corner of the console, and slowly polished it off with an elbow of his velvet coat, his handmade lace sleeves which dripped from his wrists dragging along behind to add a finishing gleam. This artificial night cycle he had programmed into the Tardis to keep his companions comfortable, and the enforced down-time that came with it, these he supposed were his penance for bringing Humans into his life. That, and they always wanted to keep the Tardis so hot. There were many times he had to strip off his frock coat for Charley, as he ratcheted up the thermostat, and she would still complain of goosebumps on her plump, dear little arms. Yes, he thought fondly, it was worth it to have her with him. If only she would sleep just a few hours less, though, then there would be more time for their fun. He began speaking to himself again. "Now if I had developed a penchant instead for, say, Vigilians, there would be oh so many more adventures, for they never sleep. On the down side, they do have ravenous appetites. No, I suppose they'd eat me out of house and home. Or they might just eat me--they've been known to do that, too. There's that sad story I heard, about one poor Time Lord who went off course, and thus became the main course at a Vigilian feast. Let's see, that was back when President Humpcheck the Frail was in office… Now there was someone who needed to watch his appetite, poor devil. Regenerated on his Inauguration Day, I believe, from food poisoning... And I'm rambling, aren't I? Rambling on and rambling about. That's me all over.” He lifted his face to the time rotor. “Do you hear me, Tardis, old girl? Rambling!” He reached out to stroke her console. “But, poor thing, just spinning there, perhaps you feel the same? Do you ever get bored?" A small blue light began blinking on the console. Surprised, he remarked, "Can I take that as a 'Yes'?" The blinking continued. With a start, he realised the light was a message from his ship, but not a piece of casual conversation. No, this was an alert of some sort, and not just a simple fault--that would have been a steady light. No, this light was blinking, and that was not good, and even worse, the light was on the panel for the Trans-dimensional Integrity Array.  The Doctor leapt into action--the Tardis' containment field was something to be taken very seriously. The slightest breach could let in howling, burning time winds, or worse, entire sections of the Tardis might go springing out into the vortex. "What a mess that would be," the Doctor said, and then, "Come on, come on, why are you blinking at me?" for though he checked and re-checked every instrument, he could find nothing out of the ordinary. Except the one light. He wrinkled his brow and frustratedly ran the palm of his hand back and forth across it. “Think, Doctor, think…”  He did not have much more time to think, as a sudden lurch of the ship sent him reeling into a great bronze armillary sphere he kept on display atop a heavy marble pedestal, sending both to the floor with a terrible crash. He fought off a moment’s disorientation. Now there was, definitely, something trying to break into his mind, but it was not any notion of a fun adventure. It was something, or someone, emanating pure malice of intent, bearing down upon him and his ship. He felt a rising sense of urgency to get up off the floor and fight it, but his body was pinned beneath the pedestal. One arm was twisted up beneath him, and he realised he had struck his head right where the celestial azimuth met the jutting, sharp edge of the band of the horizon on the armillary. “Oh, my arm,” the Doctor moaned, and then, “ow, my head,” he managed to add, as a last thought of “Must warn Charley…” passed through his mind, before he roundly blacked out.
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penelopecat · 3 years ago
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The Paul McGann Doctor and Charley stories from @bigfinishprod helped me through a transitional period of my life, and that team will always give me a warm & fuzzy comforting feeling. Here, they encounter the Kantrofani again (or so we are told) in an episode that, so far, reminds me a bit of Neil Gaiman’s Sandman in tone. (As an aside, did everyone see the new surprise 11th episode of @thesandmanofficial? It’s fantastic.) In other news, this is the fifth day in a row that I have walked! #thismakesmehappy #bigfinishproductions #doctorwho #bigfinishdoctorwho #bbcdoctorwho #doctorwho_bbca #doctorwhoaudios #audiobook #audiobooks #classicdoctorsnewmonsters #ifishoulddiebeforeiwake #eighthdoctor #charlottepollard #charleypollard #kantrofani #paulmcgann #indiafisher #johndorney #jacquelinerayner https://www.instagram.com/p/ChfAaCLLQvX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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penelopecat · 6 years ago
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Back on the treadmill for the first time since injuring my back a week ago. I feel fine, although splitting this episode into 2 half-hour segments a week apart isn’t the ideal way to listen to it. Whatever, I didn’t have much choice. Like I said last time, it was great hearing the return of Anna Hope as DI Menzies, and there was a surprising callback to a very early @bigfinishprod story. I’m really looking forward to the final part of this anniversary story; I will probably have time to listen to it on Thursday morning. #thismakesmehappy #doctorwho #bigfinishproductions #bigfinishdoctorwho #bigfinisheighthdoctor #paulmcgann #doctorwhoaudio #doctorwhoaudios #doctorwhoaudiobook #doctorwhoaudiodrama #doctorwhoaudiobooks #doctorwhoaudiodramas #audiobook #audiobooks #audiodrama #audiodramas #bbcdoctorwho #doctorwho_bbca #doctorwholegacyoftime #bigfinishsixthdoctor #colinbaker #sixthdoctorandcharley #charlottepollard #indiafisher https://www.instagram.com/p/B1ERDzdBM_T/?igshid=jk4mwaqld7fx
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