11 posts
Stormlight Fanatic • She/her • Catmom • Insomniac • Fanfic Writer • Chaotic Neutral
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iberriss · 15 days ago
A snippet of Ivory/Syl
A snippet of the rarepair Ivory/Syl from my longfic Sons of Tanavast
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Barging into the large en-suite bathroom the windrunner froze in his tracks after realising he was not alone in the room. Built into the decorative stone tiled floor was an enormous bath and there sat inside it facing one another was their spren. Sylphrena and Ivory were both full sized with his honourspren wearing her typical girlish dress. The Inkspren also looked his normal self, completely black and wearing a suit of a militaristic cut. 
Unable the bare the uncomfortable silence whilst being stared at, Kaladin finally spoke up. “What are you two doing?” 
“Having a bath together.” Syl sniffed so matter-of-factly. 
“But there’s no water?”  
“We just so happen to be fragments of a divinity, we are not unclean and so therefore don’t need water.” Syl huffed. 
“If you don’t need a bath to get clean then.. Uh.. Why are you having a bath?” 
It was Ivory that spoke up this time choosing to answer for both of the spren. “The ancient daughter has suggested many courtship rituals from her time spent investigating and studying human behaviour. I must confess that taking a bath together is a logical step while courting in order to become close to one another.” 
Kaladin squinted his eyes, did he just hear that correctly? Did Ivory mention courting? With Syl? He didn’t even know how to respond to that. 
“This is soooo embarassing.” Syl whined dramatically placing her face in her hands. “How many times have you told me off for trying to watch you or other people and here you are staring at us being intimate!” 
His spren had immediately snapped Kaladin out of his confused daze as a fierce blush crept up his neck and over his cheeks. “That’s not what I--! Storms!” Kaladin dove for the door handle slamming the bathroom door closed behind him and leaning heavily against the door for a moment to catch his breath. 
He moved quickly into the living room where Jasnah was sat in a comfortable chair reading.  
“You know our spren are in there having a bath together?” Kaladin spoke up in an alarmed voice. 
“And you just.. Walked in on them?” Jasnah looked over the top of her book at Kaladin arching a brow. 
“Storm this, never mind!” Kaladin balled his fists as the heat in his face returned, petals of shamespren falling down around him like snow as he hurried out the door. 
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iberriss · 16 days ago
[Image ID: Text that reads; 1 - 20 of 2,003 Works in Stormlight Archive - Brandon Sanderson]
We did it! We finally reached over 2k Stormlight Archive Fanfics on Ao3! \o/
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iberriss · 4 months ago
Sons of Tanavast summary updated!
Thanks to A1waysWrite from Ao3 for beta reading and helping me with my newly updated summary for my long fic!
Continuing on immediately after the events of RoW, the mission to Shinovar is a disaster and the contest of champions is void. Kaladin is struggling with his growing responsibilities associated with his new appointment. New nightmares haunt his dreams and strange new abilities are an unravelling mystery as he draws closer to his fifth ideal. Despite being in the middle of a war and Jah Keved royalty wanting to wed him, Kaladin finds himself slowly falling for someone else. Unwilling to jeopardies the fragile peace with Jah Keved their romance is instead kept secret. Unfortunately, Kaladin never really was very good at deception. When it is finally time to come clean Kaladin discovers he isn’t the only one keeping secrets. Hearing that he has a long-lost family member Kaladin seeks them out to reconnect but only time will tell if this was a blessing or a curse.
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iberriss · 4 months ago
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Good guy Sadeas
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iberriss · 4 months ago
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This was me when I first started reading The Way of Kings for the first time. I remember being midway through the book and being asked who my favourite characters were. I had a deep conversation about how I felt everyone misunderstood Sadeas and that he's actually a really good dude.
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iberriss · 5 months ago
Love this!
modern au bridge four is a really shitty apartment that sadeas is the landlord of and he keeps raising rent while not sending maintenance fucking Ever and everyones apartment is falling apart and everyone is poor and depressed and sadeas Really Fucking Wants Kaladin Evicted but he keeps on staying. and dalinar and sadeas are rival landlords but dalinar follows the alethi codes of landlording that say dont make your tenants do something you wouldnt be willing to do and he ends up offering kaladin and his neighbors apartments at deeply discounted rates in his downtown 30 story apartment buildings so he steals all of sadeas's tenants and sadeas is so mad. and then in oathbringer you find out that dalinar did like illegal landlord bullshit mostly until like 6 years ago after he went to rehab and got his life together and became, like, catholic or something
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iberriss · 5 months ago
just another typical day in kal’s life
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iberriss · 5 months ago
get to know your fellow fanfic writers better ༊ ✧.*
Saw this filled out by @cosmereplay and decided to play along and revive it!
1. when did you post your first ever fanfic?
Sept 2024, I'm very new to this!
2. first character you wrote for:
My prologue and first few chapters are all Kaladin POV.
3. main character(s) you’re currently writing for:
Kaladin and Jasnah are the main two right now but Skar, Rlain, Dalinar, Navani and Adolin have all had POV either full chapters or snippets.
4. character(s) you haven’t written about before but plan on writing about soon:
The biggest one here is Kalak who's just been introduced into my current fic but is about to become one of the main characters.
5. fandom(s) you’re currently writing for:
Stormlight Archive!
6. platonic pairing(s) you currently write for:
Kaladin & Kalak are going to be the biggest platonic pairing in not just my first fic but also the next 2 in my series. Kalak is going to end up being the dad to Kaladin that Lirin never was :(
7. romantic pairing(s) you currently write for:
Right now the biggest pairing in my fic is Kaladin x Jasnah!
8. your top 3 tags on AO3 (if you post your works on AO3):
Since i only have one fic up right now I'll also use the hypothetical tags I plan on using on part 2 and 3 of my series as well. Also can't pick 3 so I picked 4! So probably;
#post row/row-spoilers #foundfamily #fuckmoash #hurt/confort
9. your current platform where you post your works
Using AO3! Iberiss
10. snippet of the wip you’re currently working on:
Here's a small snippet from chapter 34. Second Opinion from my wip Sons of Tanavast. Big spoilers for my fic so be warned!
’If I walk away now Jasnah will miss me, she said she loves me. She’ll be on her own struggling through a pregnancy and then raising our child. How can I just continue my life knowing that I abandoned my own child? Would I be able to walk past them in the corridors? Pretend they mean nothing to me? Be a deadbeat dad? I can’t do that. I can’t live like this.’  Leaving now would shatter his honour.  Ice blue eyes openly with resolve as he lifted his chin, her gaze showed signs of her emotions - confused, lost, distressed. Kaladin on the other hand felt a natural balance and calmness, it pulsed from every beat of his heart in his chest.   “Jasnah, I will be at your side every step of the way. I won’t let you go through this alone.” He smiled up at her reaching out to cup a cheek delicately in his callused hand, his thumb brushing to wipe away her spilt tears. “I’ll marry you. If you will have me.”  “Of course I will have you Kal.” Stifling her joy that almost bubbled into a half laugh she leaned forward kissing him on the lips, present company could storm off with Alethi customs or prudishness. The kiss was kept short and modest regardless as Kaladin pulled her into a hug after, his head resting on her shoulder with a sigh of contentment.  Dalinar had moved closer now, extending his hand to Lirin as he offered it for a handshake. The motion had snapped Kaladin’s father out of his stunned silence and instead of shaking the hand back he absentmindedly left poor Dalinar hanging. “Kaladin? Y-you're the father?” As if there wasn’t enough proof of it already from reading the room. His son nodded quietly as best he could without releasing Jasnah. 
Since I'm new to the scene I don't know that many writers and even fewer that haven't probably already done this done! I'm deffo going to tag @stormscience since like me I know they are also new! Aside from that feel free to pretend I've tagged you because I'd love to get to know other writers from this fandom <3
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iberriss · 5 months ago
Recently joined this discord and found my new home <3
Cosmere Corner — a Cosmere Discord
Would you like to be part of a Cosmere discord community, but you're intimidated by the sheer size and complexity of the 17th Shard? Would you like to connect with other creators and theorists, but in a more cozy place?
The Cosmere Corner (CC) is a Cosmere fandom server created by @zaharya (me) and The.Cosmere.Academy (on TikTok).
The Cosmere is vast, and so is its fandom — theorists, readers, crafters, artists, and writers alike are inspired by its extensive canon. We wanted to create a place where all these things can be shared, while providing an open, fun, neurodiversity friendly environment. There's channels to chat, discuss, share recs, write, create art, and much more — or you can just lurk, whatever you're comfortable with.
If that sounds like an enjoyable place for you, we’d be very happy to have you join our little community. 💜
Join us at Cosmere Corner! Hope to see you there!
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iberriss · 5 months ago
adhd brain goes brrr
Tfw you are procrastinating from writing the latest chapter of your fanfic, so you make a tumblr account so you can look up tips and search for inspiration.
But then you spend the next 6 hours just surfing crem and memes.
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iberriss · 5 months ago
Sons of Tanavast
Hi everyone! I'm brand new to the stormlight fandom scene and wanted to share my new (and ongoing) fic with you all.
It's a long fic focused on what happens to Kaladin after RoW, so contains a lot of spoilers. Completely canon-divergent as I explore a new AU. I've been posting regular updates and almost have part 1 of 3 completed.
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