#do you ever think about Florence and Freddie? Yeah
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Hey I’m back with my Chess the musical & Fleetwood Back bs!
Yeah these lyrics aren’t in the right order, I added the ones that fit Freddie lol.
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darling-i-read-it · 3 years
Hannibal Lecter x reader x Will Graham
Hannibal Re-Write Series Masterlist (my season 4 version)
Word Count: 2.4k
Warnings: death, murder, cannablism, violence, guns,
Author’s Note: the next episode is the last in this half of the season and they we say goodbye to florence once again. I hope you all enjoy!
Summary: Theadore finds out where Hannibal and co are staying. The reader talks about her encounter with Miriam Lass.
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director
(not my gif)
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The Bloody Valentines Know What They’re Having For Dinner
Picture this. A balcony overlooking the streets of Florence. Custom curtains, light sounds of classical music playing from a distinct record player. Fancy outfits with lace, velvet suits, a bed fit for a King.
The table is set and four people sit at it, all four of which we’ve talked about before here on tattle crime. The Bloody Valentines ring a bell? Y/N Graham and Will Graham, the couple who followed Hannibal Lecter right off a cliff. The fourth person is Bedelia Du Maurier, Hannibal’s former psychiatrist who has been missing for going on a month. She is the only person at dinner who doesn’t have a pulse.
Agent in Charge of the FBI’s Behavioral Science division Jack Crawford recently found what was left of Bedelia in Florence.
I personally spoke to Doctor Lecter and he assures me, this isn’t the last we’ll be hearing of him.
Freddie watched as the comments started to flood in. Florence agreed with her. She crossed her arms with a smile, proud of her work and her finess. Now she waited until something happened, with someone involved. Her phone sat, fully charged, beside her laptop.
Who would call her first?
Perhaps Doctor Lecter himself, congratulating her on the article. That conversation would be swift and smooth. He would likely give her nothing in the form of information.
Maybe you? The dearest girl, Hannibal and Will’s favorite thing to protect. Freddie would kill to speak to you, more so than Will. You had always had a distaste for her, ever since the day you met. That would make the conversation slightly more on edge. Perhaps you would let something slip in your annoyance that Freddie had put you on blast.
The phone rang quickly and Freddie was disappointed to see it was nothing but Jack Crawford. She picked up the phone, narrowing her eyes at his name. With satisfaction she hit the decline button.
Almost just as quickly as she had refused the call from Jack she got one from Alana Bloom. That call she answered after a curious stare at the phone, wondering what it was that Alana may want.
“So glad you’re still an avid reader,” Freddie said, leaning back in her chair.
“I thought I told you to keep me in the loop,” she said, frustrated. Freddie tried to picture her face, all scrunched up and annoyed. Her hair would be down, loose curls on her shoulders.
“It was a spur of the moment decision. I didn’t have time to run it by you,” Freddie said, not an inch of remorse or regret in her voice.
“You spoke to him?” Alana asked.
“He called me, yes.” Alana let out a sigh, shaking her head.
“Do you know what he’s going to do next?” she saked, though she knew it was a stupid question.
“You think Hannibal spilled his guts to me over the phone? I have no idea what he’s going to do or why he called me. But I have some ideas.”
Will sat up, sweating, breathing heavily from the nightmare that still clung to his mind. You turned, having just woken up yourself. By nature you reached forward, putting your hand on his shoulder. He was wearing a gray shirt to bed but it was mostly sweated through.
“Are you alright?” you asked, voice scratchy from sleep.
“Yeah. Yes.” You met each other's eyes and for a moment you were back home in Wolf's Trap, surrounded by the dogs and getting ready for work.
“Nightmare?” He nodded. “I didn’t think you had much of those anymore. I don’t. I sleep right through the night. Though I guess I should have more now, shouldn’t I?” you suggested weakly. You sat up and leaned against the bed frame. “What was it about?”
“Nothing. I don’t remember.” “You’ve never lied to me before,” you whispered, blinking in surprise. “Was it that bad?”
The moment was squandered quickly Hannibal walking into the room. You had noticed his side of the bed was empty, though you figured he was out doing fancy things, as Hannibal does. He came into the room with two plates, handing them to you and Will.
“Breakfast in bed?” Will questioned, adjusting his seating and completely ignoring your question.
“I wanted to surprise you,” Hannibal said, sitting on the edge of the bed. He was already dressed for the day. You wondered when he got up to do this.
“Thank you Hannibal,” you said earnestly.
“What do you want?” Will asked drly. Hannibal smiled slyly, admiring Will’s bluntness, as always.
“Y/N, you left last night.” You stopped mid bacon chew. You swallowed it and looked down.
“I was getting some air.”
“You were gone for quite some time.”
“I needed a lot of air.” He and Will were staring you down. You looked down at your plate. You weren’t proud of your midnight escape but you had needed to do it. You would do it again. You put your fork down gently. “You don’t understand.” “You didn’t find Jack I presume,” Hannibal mused. You scoffed.
“No. I found Miriam Lass.”
“Did you kill her?” Will asked, looking at you like he didn’t recognize you. You shook your head.
“She wasn’t who I wanted to kill. I didn’t touch her.” You smiled a bit to yourself. “Well, I threatened her a bit. She deserved it.”
Alana let out a thin sigh through her even lips and shot the gun. She put the gun down and took off the headphones that blocked out the loud sound of a shot.
“I used to come here with Beverly,” Brain Zeller mused.
“What, Price wasn’t a fan?” Alana questioned. She hadn’t made any of the shots. Not the ones she intended. If that was a person coming at her then they would only be stunned. She would die. If that were Hannibal..
“No, he doesn’t like guns. I don’t really like them either,” he admitted. “But if you work for the FBI then it’s kinda in the job description. Plus, after Hannibal I figured I needed protection in case he got the munchies while I was around.” Alana laughed stoutly.
“That’s why I’m here,” she muttered. She reloaded the gun slowly, still getting the feel of the heft in her hand.
“Do you think he’ll come back for you?”
“He came back for Beverly.” That was a low blow and she wished she hadn’t said it. Zeller was close to Beverly. “He doesn’t like to leave unfinished business.”
Hannibal couldn’t go out and get a job this time around, it was far too risky. You offered but Will had no interest in letting you get a secretary job, not to mention the fact that those often required you to speak Italian.
Will stood at the front of the class, his hands clasped together. It had been a long time since you had seen him wearing his glasses. It made you feel comforted, like those lenses could bring back what time had taken away. He didn’t want you to come but you always came to his lectures.
He spoke in even tones, gesturing to the slides he had half heartedly put together. You leaned against the back of the seat. You were one of the only people not writing notes down. You could use his slides later if you cared that much.
Will met your eyes and you gave him a thumbs up. He rolled his eyes, smiling.
There it was. Your unconditional love.
Jack Crawford got a team together to process Bedelia’s crime scene, he couldn’t let it go unnoticed by the other authorities. They needed to write everything down so that when it came down to prosecuting someone everything must have gone through due process.
“What does that mean?” Theadore asked. His voice was still shaky but he had thrown up everything in his stomach. He had bags under his eyes as he stared at his cousin. He was gesturing to the name tag on Bedelia’s chest. It said ‘Jack’.
“That means I have a target on my back,” Jack muttered.
“You think Hannibal put it there?”
“No,” he breathed. “She did.” He flicked at the name tag, revealing a tag underneath. Jack picked it up, using his pen as to not touch the evidence. It was a tag for a wine.
“What does that mean?”
“She left this too.”
“She wants us to find her?”
“I think she wants me to find her. So we can end what we started,” he breathed, shaking his head. His neck scar hurt from the memory. He imagined seeing you again, the pit in his stomach growing. “I’m going to run this. Find out what she gave us.”
“Good. Yes.” Theadore followed as Jack started to walk out the room. “And then you can find Hannibal.”
“Then I can find an idea of where Hannibal is but I can’t go in there alone. I’m going to need backup, more agents. I’ll need to report it to the local police as well. The last time I did this people slipped through my fingers. That isn’t going to happen again.”
Theadore nodded slowly.
“Won’t that take quite a long time? What if he’s gone by the time you get there?”
“I’ll find him again after.”
That was going to take far too long for Theadore. Jack found the wine seller who then was able to give information on a frequent buyer, one Mateo. Once he found that he was able to find the address soon enough and calls began being made.
Theadore itched with the possibility of Bedelia’s killer being so close. He sat with the very image of him being able to leave before Jack got to him. It made him sweat. He had to get back to the States soon.
He could handle this.
Theadore snatched the address and walked up to the front door. A gun in his hand under his jacket, sweat under his collar. He knocked twice on the door.
Hannibal wasn’t expecting any visitors this afternoon. You were out at Will’s lecture, one that Hannibal could not attend. You weren’t supposed to be back for another hour. He opened the door and noticed immediately who was on the other side of his door. Theadore Du Maurier.
“Hello, can I help you?” he asked, mock cluelessly.
“Are you Hannibal Lecter?”
“I think it’s best if you come in.” Hannibal moved aside and Theadore walked inside, not taking his eyes off the suit. “What can I do for you, Theadore?”
“You killed my cousin.”
He took out the gun, arm up. Hannibal shut the door gently.
“You’re rather early for dinner but you’ll do I suppose,” Hannibal mused. Theadore sat up straighter, shaking gently.
“You’re going to die Hannibal. How does that make you feel?”
“Like you haven’t done your research.” Hannibal took off his jacket and undid his tie. He gently placed them down on the shoe bin beside the door. He then stood up and smacked the gun out of Theadore’s hand letting it scatter across the hardwood floor.
Theadore tried to wrap his arms around Hannibal’s neck but Hannibal had already kicked him down to the ground. He kneed him in the face, causing spouts of blood to splatter onto the wall. Theadore slid down and kicked Hannibal’s knee, making him fall to the ground.
Hannibal scrambled to the kitchen, standing up, using the island as a crutch. He grabbed a knife out of the block and turned. Theadore had picked up the gun and shot it but he missed, hitting one of the pans hanging from the ceiling. He kept on shooting but missed countless times until the clip had run out.
Hannibal stood up straight when he was done counting the shots. Theadore started to scramble away, hitting the dining room table. Hannibal got to him in three long paces.
You picked at the meat, your lips pursed.
“Something wrong?” Hannibal asked. You shook your head, though the curious look remained on your face.
“It just tastes like we’ve had this flavor before,” you mused.
Hannibal smiled, cutting into his meat. Will eyed the two of you and then looked at his plate.
“Is there something here I should be in on?” Will questioned. Hannibal shook his head, taking a bite off his fork.
“No. I’m just glad we’ve all had a successful day.”
Jack wasn’t able to find Theadore but he figured he knew where he was. He would be going to the Lectors the very next day, finally putting an end to this story. But without Theadore by his side he found a bit of coldness. He fidgeted with his phone and finally hit Miram’s name.
She answered quickly.
“Miriam. How are things at Quantico?”
“Good,” she lied. “How are things in Florence?”
“To what do I owe the pleasure?”
She looked out the window. Unbeknownst to either of them they were only a street away from each other. That was why the phone call was remarkably clear for being ‘so far away’.
“If things go wrong tomorrow, I want you to take over the Lector case.”
“I’m sure everythings going to go smoothly Jack.”
“You know better than that.” Jack looked out the window, breathing evenly, worried about what was to come. “Just promise me you’ll do what you have to to see them behind bars.” Miriam nodded slowly, breathing in through her nose.
“I will. I promise.”
Hannibal series Tag List: @russian-soft-bitch, @llperfectsymmetryll, @ericacactus, @vlightning95, @lov3vivian, @softieekayy, @chaotic-fangirl-blog
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little-smartass · 3 years
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THE VAMPIRE LESTAT COVER ALBUM - the legendary Vampire Lestat is back and bigger and badder than ever, this time bringing a whole album of song covers ranging from classic bangers to newer fresh takes on chart hits! get your copy now, complete with a transcript of the artist's commentary on each song!
(songs I think Lestat would cover and release as an album in an attempt to re-kickstart his career and/or make some sort of dramatic statement to Louis. tracklist and "artist commentary" under the cut)
Survival - Muse
“And I’ll reveal my strength, to the whole human race, yes I am prepared, to stay alive, and I won’t forgive, and vengeance is mine, and I won’t give in, because I choose to thrive! Yeah I’m gonna win!”
Oh, I wish this song had been around back on that opening night at the Cow Palace - how apt that would have been! What a fucking anthem! They would have been rioting all night. I mean, they already were, but, like, because of the music. Not because vampires were being immolated in the middle of the crowd. Different kind of riot.
The Bitch Is Back - Elton John
“I’m a bitch, I’m a bitch, oh the bitch is back, stone cold sober as a matter of fact, I can bitch, I can bitch, ‘cause I’m better than you, it’s the way that I move, the things that I do!”
One day I want to have this play as I walk into Night Island. I’ll time it perfectly so that I throw off my coat - my denim jacket, or- oh, no, a fur! Maximum drama! - just as the chorus starts. Armand will know that I’m coming of course, but I think that’ll just make it even better. And I have good memories to this song... [muffled question] Sorry, gentlemen don’t kiss and tell, bébé. [laughter]
Everybody Loves Me - OneRepublic
"Oh my, feels just like I don’t try, look so good I might die, all I know is everybody loves me, head down, swaying to my own sound, flashes in my face now, all I know is everybody loves me”
Look, do I even need to explain this one? Didn’t think so.
Bad Reputation - Joan Jett
"I don't give a damn ‘bout my reputation, I've never been afraid of any deviation, and I don't really care if you think I'm strange, I ain't gonna change - and I'm never gonna care bout my bad reputation"
This one's fairly self-explanatory again. It could have been my personal anthem when I was mortal quite honestly. And it's an awful lot of fun to jump about and headbang to, don't you think? That's a new thing I've found out about, headbanging. People have been hopping about to music looking like fools for centuries but now there's a name for it. Fantastic.
bad guy - Billie Eilish
"I’m that bad type, make your mama sad time, make your girlfriend mad type, might seduce your dad time… I’m the bad guy. Duh.”
Creepy? Check. Sexy? Check. Tongue-in-cheek? Check check. This song was great and a lot of fun to cover.
Lover to Lover - Florence + the Machine
“I believe there’s no salvation for me now, no space among the clouds, and I feel I’m heading down, but that’s alright, that’s alright, that’s alright”
I don’t know, this one just felt very relevant. Also the piano was great to do. You might have noticed that I’ve picked a lot of songs with piano, and that’s because I bullied the studio into getting me a goooooorgeous grand piano for the recording space and I wanted to use it as much as possible!
Feeling Good - Muse
“Stars when you shine, you know how I feel, scent of the pine, you know how I feel, oh freedom is mine, and I know how I feel”
I just really like this song - I’ve done a cover of an excellent cover! Can- can you put emojis in this? Do people still use emojis? Well imagine I’ve put the shrug one. Wait, isn’t there- Daniel, Daniel, come here, isn’t there a shrug emoji made up of keyboard- [muffled words] yes! The shrug one! Yes, put that in the transcription. [ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ] I just like this song.
The Man - The Killers
“I got gas in the tank, I got money in the bank, I got news for you baby, you're looking at the man, I got skin in the game, I got a household name, I got news for you baby, you're looking at the man”
I feel like this one speaks for itself too. Can you put that shrug emoji thing in here again? [ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ] Yes!
J'ai Pas Envie - MIKA
J'ai pas envie, de faire comme si, comme les maris, qui disent oui, j'ai pas envie, j'ai pas envie, j'ai pas envie d'te faire plaisir, j'ai pas envie, j'ai pas envie, si tu m'aimes viens me le dire"
Look, I'm not going to translate the whole song for you, because it has all this clever wordplay you just totally lose in english… but the gist of it is that these two lovers are… at odds a lot. It's… it's maybe a little spiteful [laughter] but in a fun way! It's a fun song! Louis won't even be mad about it, it's MIKA.
Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy - Queen
"When I'm not with you, think of you always (I miss those long hot summer nights), when I'm not with you, think of me always, always"
[Long pause] God, I miss Freddie.
Let 'Em Talk - Kesha
Ah, full disclosure - I put this song in purely because of the expression Louis made when I played it in the car and it got to the line “can suck my dick” and she did that popping noise… it was incredible, and I just knew I had to cover it so I could see his expression when I said that. I can’t wait to play it to him. [laughter]
So What - P!nk
"So so what, I'm still a rockstar, I got my rock moves, and I don't need you, and guess what? I'm having more fun, and now that we're done, I'm gonna show you tonight, I'm alright, I'm just fine, (and you're a tool, so)"
I'm actually a big fan of nineties and noughties female stars - all that grrrrrrrl power, it's great fun, you know? I'd say this one is fairly self-explanatory, because I am still a rockstar! This is my new album! Fuck you EMP and your sniffy little article calling me "washed up"!
Little Lion Man - Mumford & Sons
"But it was not your fault but mine, and it was your heart on the line, I really fucked it up this time, didn't I my dear?"
This one could be self-deprecating, but it's also very vindictively angry at the same time, and that's a combination I definitely get. Like, oh, it's my fault, isn't it? It's my fucking fault again, what a surprise. Perhaps "learn from your mother or you'll spend your days biting your own neck" is a little on the nose… [muffled words] you've read my books, right? [muffled words] Good, good.
Missy - The Airbourne Toxic Event
"But I swear there's still some good in me, I think if you'd stuck around you'd see, all the botched attempts at integrity I once had"
Oh, I was feeling philosophical when I picked this one. No, philosophical isn't the right word… melancholy? Do people still use that word? "I swear I swear I swear I'll never get sad" is both furiously defiant and yet so self-defeatingly ironic. [Exasperated noise] Enough of that. Next!
Please Don't Leave Me - P!nk
"I don't know if I can yell any louder, how many times have I kicked you out of here, or said something insulting? I can be so mean when I wanna be, I am capable of nearly anything, when my heart is broken… (please, please don't leave me)"
Oh, we’re… we’re getting to this section now. [clearing throat] Well, I have to make up for that sucking dick line, don’t I? Get a bit vulnerable. Oh God, why did I decide to do this bit? [muffled words] [bad chicago accent] But why buy the cow? Because you love him, you really do. [sigh, laughter]
Next To Me - Imagine Dragons
"Oh, I always let you down, shattered on the ground, still I find you there, next to me, and oh, the stupid things I do, I'm far from good it's true, still I find you, next to me"
Why did I- I don’t remember putting so many of these ones in.
Run To You - Pentatonix
"I've been settling scores, I've been fighting so long, but I've lost your war, and our kingdom is gone... how shall I win back your heart which was mine? I have broken bones and tattered clothes, I've run out of time"
[Sigh] [clears throat] Yeah. I think we can move onto the next one.
Love of My Life - Queen
“Love of my life, don't leave me, you've stolen my love, you now desert me, love of my life, can't you see? Bring it back, bring it back, don't take it away from me, because you don't know, what it means to me”
I play this one sometimes on my baby grand when we've had a fight, and it's impossible for him to stay angry. He's a sucker for this sort of… formality in romance. God, I wish I'd realised that earlier. If I'd written him a letter in fancy copperplate script with scented paper and enclosed rose petals politely requesting him to bend me over his desk back in the day, it might not have taken two centuries of mutual blue balls for us to figure our shit out. Ah well, live and learn… as it were. [muffled words] Look, I did a whole bunch of vulnerable songs! Now I get to make sex jokes! [laughter] oh fuck off.
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the8gates · 4 years
Naruto Characters and What Music I Think They Would Listen To Pt.1
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-You know those popular boys from school? The emoji tracksuit kids that like dunked on you when you walked through a door?
-Those vibes
-He listens to almost exclusively mainstream rap. It has to be 🔥🔥🔥 ya know? 
-Always talking about the new Drake album or the new Kanye album. LOVES Chance the Rapper and Childish Gambino i just see it in his eyes. 
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-This fuckin guy
-See, my knee jerk reaction is like your emo classics. Pierce the Veil, MCR, Linkin Park. Screamo. Metal. 
-But no. We have similar temperaments and I think that kind of music would actually irritate him. 
-I think he’s emo but more mainstream soundcloud rapper emo. Lil Peep, $UICIDEBOY$, Lil Uzi Vert. LOVES XXXTentacion.
-Post screenshots of what he’s listening to on his snapchat story and you just know the boy is going THROUGH it.
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-OKAY so HERE is your rock and roll/metal baddie!!!
-hear me out. when she’s young its all pop. like y2k pop with R&B leanings. Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Beyonce, etc. you get the idea
-but after training under Tsundae she picks up rock. starts with some classic rock at first, then slowly progresses. 
-this girl loves Metallica and Black Sabbath. she just loves rock. Zeppelin, AC/DC, Five Finger Death Punch. All of it. I will not be taking any criticism. 
-windows down in the car, headbanging always. 
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-this one is a little difficult to nail down
-a part of me just wants to throw him in the pool of doesn't really care and will listen to anything
-i think he’s got a different playlist for every mood
-R&B sexy playlist with the Weeknd and some Justin Timberlake (yes he thinks that's sexy), soft sad boy hours playlist with Post Malone and Russ, a party mix with some your standard frat boy bops.
-overall, he listens to a lot of popular music
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-another tough one to nail down!!!
-i truly think Yamato is a man of all tastes as well
-however.... i get country music vibes???
-not like new, pop, country. but the classics. Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson, Dolly Parton.
-he also likes jazz! and big band/swing. Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin. What i would refer to as whiskey drinkin music. kinda classy and fun
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-i truly do not know
-the man is an enigma
-i think once he joins team 7 and kinda strays away from the foundation he’s gonna be all about trying new stuff
-so one day he’s listening to Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran and Ariana Grande. Radio pop, entry level shit
-and the next time you see him its songs he heard on tiktok exclusively
-eventually he’s down a rabbit hole, consuming music in mass quantities and he’s into Crystal Castles and Grimes. Then next week its Tupac and Notorious B.I.G. Then it’s Judas Priest and Guns N Rose. 
-everyone just gives up trying to keep track
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-oh its male manipulator music ALLLL DAY
-tame impala, mac demarco, the front bottoms, arctic monkeys, modern baseball, the smiths
-you get the idea
-dont necessarily think he's the ‘male manipulator’ type but he’s def the edgy smoking cigs and listening for the lyrics type
-i don't have to go into detail here you know I'm right
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-see, her and Sakura go down similar paths
-she started off with the y2k bubblegum pop phase but her progression is a little more understandable
-shes your typical indie (except they aren't really indie) pop darling. Lana Del Rey, Lorde, Marina and Diamonds, Melanie Martinez, the 1975.
-what I'm saying is she was definitely on tumblr in 2014 and just never moved past that phase (did any of us tbh)
-as time goes on though she starts to branch out a lil. loves the mainstream women of rap! Cardi B, Megan thee Stallion, Nicki Minaj, Doja Cat. constantly bopping
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-i couldn't find any gifs of this cutie smiling and that's a crime i want addressed RIGHT NOW
-but music wise?? i mean he’s a sweetheart right?? genuinely likes pop music! Ed Sheeran, Maroon 5, Katy Perry. HUGE Bruno Mars fan surprisingly 
-i can see him just bopping his head along to the radio, just vibing and not being picky. loves a good ballad. Sam Smith, John Legend.
-hes just having a good time 
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-queen of yearning and pining
-girl in red, mitski, HOZIER
-i feel like her playlist just looks like someone let a closeted queer girl put it together
-ABBA, St. Vincent, Florence + the Machine
-also just soft pop vibes. she’s defo posting sunset videos with the Lumineer’s playing in the background. HEAVY cottage core inspo
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-here is your true emo king
-the trinity of course. P!ATD, MCR, Fallout Boy
-then Twenty One Pilots, Paramore, GORRILAZ
-he gives me also like art kid vibes as he gets older? Weezer, Wallows, Cage the Elephant. you know the type
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-kinda smilar to Naruto tbh
-but it HAS to be FIRE. no sad music! bass turned up and LOUD always
-i feel like he even went through a dubstep phase. 
-hes the guy in the mcdonalds drive thru ‘you know what I'm here for’ *blasts Sicko Mode* 
-some stand out faves are Travis Scott, Tyler, the Creator, Kendrick Lamar, Freddie Dredd
-he’s actually pretty cool tbh
Rock Lee
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-yall ever been to a football game and they play the same hype songs over and over? ever seen a workout montage in an 80s movie?
-thats this boy. he’s just constantly listening to workout playlists. Eye of the Tiger, Livin’ on a Prayer, Welcome to the Jungle
-outside of that, i would think some of his favorite artists would be things Gai would listen to. Billy Joel, Bon Jovi, the BEASTIE BOYS, Foreigner, Aerosmith
-what I'm trying to say is he listens to the same music ur dad listens to
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-fucking music SNOB
-’you've probably never heard of them’ headass
-and then its like the strokes or vampire weekend or some shit jfc
-male manipulator music part two but 100% fits the stereotype. hes gonna leave you on read and then cry to the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. 
-some standout favorites are the Pixies, Neutral Milk Hotel, alt-J.
-likes some other stuff too. The White Stripes, The Black Keys, some Beck.
-decent taste if he wasn't such an a-hole about it!
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-ya know what
-hyper pop. 100 gecs, Charli XCX, CMten, SOPHIE, Slayyyter, A.G. Cook. 
-i would say she started off kinda like Ino, the 2014 tumblr pop stuff
-then that just got to be too boring. so now she's riding the wave of the super new age stuff. 
-neji fucking HATES it and grumbles all the time about ‘its just noise, how can you stand that’ and it only makes her like it more. 
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crimetattle-arc · 4 years
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jayne talks about the women of hannibal & how badly the fandom treats them. 
every character in hannibal is a shade of grey when it comes to morality, and the fact this fandom constantly crucifies the women but praises the men is gross, like honestly ? gross. like are you allowed to dislike  a character ? 100%, hate who you want baby, but if you’re gonna talk shit about alana bloom for being empathic you better talk the same way about will, or if you’re gonna go uwu protect chilton, but say freddie is the one who deserved to be attacked by the red dragon ? ( which is honestly a whole mess i shouldn’t get in to right now as there’s a good post about it somewhere, explaining how it would make will irredeemable, but i digress. )  honey there’s a problem there. 
you shouldn’t have to shit on a female character to make your problematic male faves look better.
alana wasn’t stupid, she was manipulated for years by hannibal. her worry about will and hannibal being friends after ? will contentiously said hannibal was a murderer and tried to literally have him killed ? honestly a valid fucking concern, but y’all still call her stupid or blind for it. she was literally trained for years to protect hannibal, and see him as a friend, mentor and eventually lover. her dislike of them having a sort of relationship was a valid concern.   especially seeing as alana is a fucking psychologist who has known will for years. 
freddie is selfish, she’s done bad shit, yeah. i’ll be the first to say that. her actions are only for personal gain, she’s manipulative and harmful, she’s chaotic neutral, she’s an individualist. she’s literally written to be this way. she’s a woman in a male dominated field trying to make a name for herself writing about murder, her moral compass is fucked, but at the end of the day she’s doing it in the name of justice, from her perspective, what she’s doing is justified. does that justify what she’s done ? no. i’ll be the first to say that too.
freddie wrote slanderous articles about will before she even met him, ( and she ended up being right ? ) but y’all wanna talk shit ? like okay, consider for a moment if you will, when she wrote about will the first time, she got the information from zeller. everything she drew conclusions from was information she was given by someone who knew and worked with him.  not to mention it mentions in canon she has been sued for libel, like it addresses that will isn’t the only person she’s done this to.  but y’all wanna say she’s the worst for being mean to will when hannibal uh . . . framed will for murder, was inducing seizures, practically brainwashing will and gaslighting him ?  to the point he made will believe he murdered and ate abigail ? cool. 
bedelia was vaguely kidnapped, and was a live in psychiatrist for hannibal, not to mention he manipulated her into murdering a patient, and helped cover for it as blackmail and psychological manipulation to keep her in line. he was keeping her on a strict diet to eventually eat her, and then when she tried to escape he uh, killed a man in front of her ? something he no doubt did a handful of times before, as we saw two different instances of it in florence. not to mention the fact it was heavily implied he was “brainwashing” her, and influencing her sense of self in s3, when she says she “feels like she is in control of herself.” but she’s the bitch when she becomes will’s psychiatrist and is rude ? she obviously wasn’t affected by any of it, because she benefited from it, right ? 
margot wasn’t “too cold”  she was severely traumatized and had built walls to avoid getting hurt by her abuser. her distrust in the world, or even exclusively in men is all extremely valid when you think about her situation. first of all, she wasn’t send to therapy to work through her trauma, she was forced into therapy because she tried to kill mason to escape him, and after that failed, she was tortured by him with her father’s assistance.  the amount of gaslighting that had to be going on with her and her family is beyond my comprehension honestly.  because she was abused, and assaulted, and was the one who was punished, when all mason had to do was community service. he got a slap on the wrist. margot was forced to live with her abuser knowing that he 1 ) would track her down if she ever tried to leave 2 ) she wouldn’t get any part of her family estate without a male heir. she tried to flee, to find a way out and for that she was tormented more. but she was just being selfish for not just leaving. because that isn’t victim blaming at all. 
beverly is just one of the most underappreciated characters on the show, and i’ll admit i don’t even give her the attention she deserves. bev managed to hunt hannibal, and was ridiculed by the fandom for it. i think a lot of the time people forget that while we as the audience get those jokes han makes, and we get to see that he’s a murderer, to the rest of the world those jokes are the other side of the curtain, those jokes don’t exist. hannibal is just a doctor being framed by a man who can’t cope with the idea he killed people. bev was one of the first people to see from our side and people call her dumb for going in alone when that was literally her only way of doing it because, as with will : no one would have believed her. the show fucked her over honestly.
i won’t get into the fact people made miriam a joke as if she didn’t find out who hannibal was within fifteen minutes of meeting him, and as if he didn’t torture her and brainwash her. i’m not touching that.
molly graham literally didn’t do shit ! to anyone ! and y’all wanna hate her because she’s "too plain” or not “pretty enough” for will ?  or hate her because she “got in the way” of what at the time was the show’s queerbaiting ? just say you hate her for being with will and move on.
i am continuously glad that clarice wasn’t introduced because the way people would treat her is just horrendous and i know this, because people already do it. or they use her as a force to make will jealous, or draw the two closer and that in itself should bother people greatly. 
this isn’t to say you should hate will, or hannibal. but how about we stop crucifying women for the same shit we praise men for, how about we treat the women like uh, i don’t know people ? 
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 5 years
Thurs 5 Sept 1/2
“Happy release day everyone, exciting stuff!”
Too right Louis! Kill My Mind is out and it's awesome and the world is all over it, hell yeah. KMM hit the charts high and climbed all day, hitting #2 on iTunes and getting great press, with LTHQ going hard on the global focus.
He did the first of many radio appearances, notably the Indie House Party spot, genuinely the Louis interview of DREAMS, a full hour of real music talk and respect and Louis just relaxing and talking about what he loves with someone knowledgeable and smart who takes him seriously as an artist, I'm... overwhelmed. And Louis playing music for us? Please just give Louis his own radio show I want this content always! He also did an earlier show, played the rom com game, fun stuff but no room to get into it sorry highlights below. The Notebook still isn't a rom com though, where's the comedy? Someone needs to talk to him and Harry about that.
MTV calls KMM "bigger slicker and rockier than anything he's ever done", and talks about his note of intention, Rolling Stone published a write up and tweeted about the song (as does Rob Sheffield, "KMM is the No Control sequel I did know I needed"), iHeart says "think LBD and No Control vibes with an Oasis twist," Euphoria calls the song "a new age Britpop banger that'll shine even brighter in a live setting" and Louis "your new Britpop icon," he got a twitter moment, Power Radio UK is gonna play the song hourly all weekend, and the Comic Relief breakfast footage is finally dropping, teased today and out tomorrow.
Louis says the song is about experimenting when you're young, fun nostalgia, and looking back at being juvenile. He says it can be read as being about a toxic relationship but mostly that it's about going through an experimental phase in your youth and doing things that might not be good for you but are exciting, about "... uh... being naughty" (it's at least in part about drugs like yeah I'm saying it. It is and you know it, fight me, and also who cares, it's not a big deal.) He says, "the next few songs I have coming out represent me as an artist," "this is the most comfortable I've felt musically," "this is the vibe from now on," about the song being loud and in your face, "as promised!" and that he is "proud and excited"- yeah! Us too!!
He thanks the fans more times and in more ways than I can count but yeah bunches of tweets, radio mentions ("they're smart yeah?" *taps head cutely*), re: the fan project of a BILLBOARD IN TIMES SQUARE (can you believe?!) he says, “so fucking incredible,” he did a thank you video, and a final tweet to finish out the day "even if I don’t always see you all I feel your presence and your backing" and signed off by saying fuck fandom factions with his emphasis on how much he loves ALL his fans.
An Arista release about KMM calls TOU “the first single off (Louis') album” and Louis said today that he wouldn't be playing Miss You in Madrid- he said he will play five new songs not counting KMM yiiiikkkes and OMG. He says he will be covering one of the songs he deleted on the radio show keep or delete game! (But not the Arctic Monkeys one so that narrows it down to what like three? My money's on the Libertines) (FYI I hope yall know I'm taking that day off just getting that out there now.) About the 1D ten year anniversary he says, "we should do something for that." And yeah what about those guys? Let's be real, we need a special section for this; he's talking about Harry. He's saying his name and casually talking about communicating with him! Asked about being in touch with the boys- he said he "saw Liam most recently," that he talks to him on the phone, that he hung out with Niall at Glastonbury, in fact he really gets into specifics and details for them both, exactly when and where, and then he says he hasn't seen Harry in "a while" but "I've been in contact with him recently, it's proper nice. Proper nice." Okay okay... by nighttime radio slots we had progressed to chatting about Harry's hair. He's asked about Harry's new haircut looking like his and he says, "I'll be telling him that yeah," and later, "I'll be sending Harry a text about his hair." Listen NBD right ....unless maybe you've been force fed a narrative of them not even being friends anymore for years. So are we seeing an end to that nonsense? HELL YEAH bring it on! A good start, KMM cowriter Jamie Hartman casually dropping the factoid that KMM was recorded at Shangri La, yes, the same studio where Harry was holed up to taking all those shrooms and recording HS2. Louis also named Japan as where he'd most like to go on tour, lol. Not mentioned once today: Eleanor or Freddie. I mean why would you mention your girlfriend during a whole radio segment about rom coms and romance amiright? Mhmm. I'm not saying we've heard the last of them but it definitely wasn't a focus today.
The lyric video exists and is cool and I don't have time for it but it shows him dressed as Liam Gallagher onstage, cute, and tells the story of a couple meeting at a Louis show and in the end smooching by a, uh, lighthouse. Maybe we'll have time for video analysis in full by the weekend? Let's go girls!
Finally, when promo was done for the day he parked himself on twitter to see what was up- he responded to a fan teasing about the Real Madrid shirt- “beaut shirt tho.” It was beautiful, the rainbow especially. He defended his height, ("to be fair he's a tall fucker"), says he liked Florence and the Machine, thanked Rolling Stone and various others and a few other things.
There were also lots of pics look go check a UA or something I'm done for I mean I also left out so much interview stuff and you all saw all this anyway! Whatever! Goodbye! Goodnight to Louis only THANKS FOR THE TUNE
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Blood, tears and sea breeze
Warnings: ANGST, mental health issues, graphic depictions of violence, blood, cursing, mentions of sexual assault, mentions of sex, substance abuse.
Summary: The not so peaceful town of Broadchurch face dead again, while Alec Hardy continues his journey to redemption will this school teacher be the key to solve the mystery or just another victim of the ever watching evilness that seems to reside in the town.
Hi, I'm changing the format of my links to the other chapters because I'm running out of space, I took forever I know, but I hope you like it.
First Previous Next
Chapter 9: Red Fire
In the middle of a dirty road a blue BMW 3 series belonging to Jonathan Norbury was surrounded by at least half a dozen of agents, when Hardy arrived however they couldn't tell him anything important, except that the suitcase was neatly packed and had some documents inside.
"Something in the glove compartment?" He asked one of the guys that was classifying the findings.
"A two way train ticket to London, tuesday at 9:00 am and back Sunday at 5:00 pm" he start, and showed him the evidence bag, "Condoms, a lighter, and some spare change" He listed and he momentarily observed the bags, and a small black tube call his attention.
"What's that?" He said picking it up and examining the object "Give me a pair of gloves"
He opened the bag and take out the cylinder, it was a lipstick he opened and could see the worn out product of a bright shade of red. And he looked at the cap one more time, it had engraved "My Goddess" over the brand logo.
"Big spender huh?" The agent said.
"What do you mean?" Harford said looking as puzzled as Alec at the lipstick.
"It's a Giorgio Armani lipstick, in the shade Red Fire but it's personalized, you can ask for engraved gifts in that brand, it's quite expensive" He look a little embarrassed by their even more curious look "My daughter makes YouTube videos" He said trying to explain himself "I listen to what she says and help her buy stuff" and then in a professional voice he add "It was under the passenger seat"
"Well, make sure is classified and don't take it home, is not your tone anyway" Harford said trying to joke with the officer and hide a proud grin when Hardy hide a small laugh.
SOCO Brian Young was enjoying lunch with his girlfriend, and even when her mind was still on the case she was trying to be polite enough to have a light conversation with him.
"Have you thought of what I asked you?" He said after the waiter left their food on the table, it was a nice quite terrace, but Ellie's mind was somewhere else.
"Ahh yeah, I have" she said a bit blindsided by the question "Look Brian... I have loved our time together and I know it makes sense to move in together..."
"Move in together?" He asked trying to sound surprised by her remark, preventing the upcoming disaster "No, I meant of spending next weekend away on the City,I mean you are going to need a break and I'm sure Tom will like it"
"Oh" She sighed in relief "Sure, I mean I hope this is clear by then, but I will love too, I'm sure my boys will like it" She was about to add something about his other proposal but then the reflection of a pair of sunglasses caught her attention "Would you excuse me just a second I have to use the bathroom"
He nodded and watched as she walked away thinking that maybe it was for the best to give her more time if that meant more chances to get the answer he hoped for. Because besides everything he was in fact falling in love with her.
"Excuse me, madam." Ellie said to a woman that was fixing her make up in the mirror "Are you the principal from Broadchurch Primary School?" She said politely, not entirely sure about what had driven her to speak up.
"Yes, I'm Annabel Saunders, pleasure to meet you" She was an older woman probably in her fifties, yet she had a proper way of talking, and a slightly Scottish accent "You are Ellie Miller, Mother of Thomas, I remember you from a few years ago. How can I help?"
"I'm so sorry to ambush you like this, but I was wondering about one of your employees, Miss Y/L/N, and what could you tell me about her, when was the last time you saw her?" She said.
"Well last Friday of course, she ask me permission to leave early, poor thing, had a terrible headache, I suggest to take her home but she said a friend was picking her up. And since she had to work the weekend with the elderly and the troublemakers I left her go, who could have thought of what was coming to her?" She said changing completely Y/N recollection of the facts.
"So you didn't saw her last Sunday?" Ellie asked trying to not sound alarmed.
"Oh no Detective, some of my personal works the weekend with special classes for the old, or to regulate their students. But I'm not always present. I'm sorry is that important? I have her assistance card at the school, you can go look at it, I'm heading there" She said and Ellie nodded yes, before going away to make an gave a hurried excuse to Brian.
Mark Latimer was playing with Lizzie and Freddy in backyard, while Beth took pictures on her cellphone, it was simple and beautiful domestic pleasure, one that you never got to experienced, and now you'll never will, your mind said and the tears fight to cloud your view again.
It was curious, you haven't make your mind about the kids thing, but Jonathan did, maybe it was another excuse to keep you inside of the house, but maybe you wouldn't mind to have a beautiful baby with his eyes... no you couldn't keep like that, you centered your attention in thee dishes that you offered to wash since your stay had been prolonged now that detective Hardy haven't found somewhere else for you to stay.
Alec Hardy, you have listened to him screaming trough the door in Dr. Florence waiting room the Wednesday of the previous week "AND YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO KNOW ABOUT MY SEXUAL LIFE OR MY FAMILY" but it wasn't his fault, therapy could be a nerve wrecking experience.
Nevertheless you couldn't forget the first time you saw him. It was Sunday after the bar incident, and you made an appointment with the shrink to calm down Jonathan and for Ashley sake.
He was there wearing a cozy navy blue sweater, it was nicer than his usual suits, but he was too focus pretending to read a magazine to pay attention to you. Not like you wanted him too, but since he had picked Freddie a couple times at the primary school you have been curious about what could be so sad in his life to have that expression on his eyes.
It was finally your turn, and you stand up to get inside, maybe the sudden movement made him react but for a brief moment his eyes were on you and you couldn't help it and gave him a smile, and he take you by surprise smiling back. But before he could say something Jonathan was already arguing with Dr. Florence to get inside.
He was like that when he cared about something, ridiculously obstinate, like with his electronic shop, when he spend two weeks building some benches for the church, and wanting to marry you against his mother wishes...
"Shit!" You had press a wine glass to tight and it broke in your hand making a cut on your palm, and the blood began to spurt rapidly, it was so red, like Jonathan's blood in your wooden floor, like his shirt... who was that?
You tried to found a paper towel to stop the bleeding, and suddenly a succession of memories invade your head, he was wearing a red shirt and smell like bourbon and coke, he smiled at you at the club... bur you couldn't place his face, and then Jonathan was screaming at Ashley at home, it was all your fault.
And now he was dead, that was also your fault, You did this a voice keep saying in your head, No I didn't, I didn't, please stop saying that... you keep repeating it, but the voice screams louder, and the pain in your hand is growing, the memories begin to swirl in your head, the letter the two pages crumbling in your hands, Jonathan's car, where have you left it? And you couldn't keep this thoughts from coming to your mind, and your inner voice was not strong enough to make them stop so you had to scream.
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@allonsymexgirl @laciesaito @tf18unipups @dazedkrosupreme @timey-wimey-lovi
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kiss-my-freckle · 4 years
3x8 Rewatch: The Great Red Dragon
Introduce Francis Dolarhyde. Exercising, then hitting a tattoo parlor. He had his grandmother's dentures replicated for himself, gets a tattoo of The Dragon that covers his entire back. He kneels before a photo he has displayed of William Blake’s The Great Red Dragon. "If I'm ever apprehended, my memory palace will serve as more than a mnemonic system. I will live there." Hannibal wasn't kidding. He's relying on his memory palace with everyone that visits him. Will seems to be the only one he imagines in the Norman Chapel. He listens to a child singing while they cover his arrest and confinement. Jack selling Freddie the story of Hannibal being captured. An excerpt from Chilton's book, Hannibal the Cannibal, something Jack made mention to. He copyrighted the title after he got shot in the face. Purposeful story direction. "There is no name for what this man is. He man not even be a man." Relevant later, when he and Will do The Dragon's profile for Freddie. Chilton basically saying Hannibal is an animal. 
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A three year time jump. Wine and truffles. Alana informs Hannibal that's how she found him in Florence. I would consider this gloating. They talk about his insanity allowing him to escape the death penalty, but he only escaped the death penalty because she and Chilton lied about him being insane. They wanted him to feed their professional curiosity. She talks to Hannibal as if he should be thanking her for getting him off death row. He flat-out tells her he's not insane. He's drawing her exactly how she makes me feel in this scene. The almighty queen, sitting on her Verger throne. Hannibal's confinement and her newfound wealth turned her character to shit. "Ugliness is found in the faces of the crowd." One could easily compare Hannibal's confinement to Will's in season two. I laugh when he talks about faking an escape. It's a triple play. Gideon's, Will’s, Hannibal’s. A touch of foreshadowing with Hannibal's promise to kill Alana. I'll gif that later.
Francis is standing before his broken mirror, trying to deepen his voice. He hears The Dragon calling for him. Cut to him naked, covered in blood in the moonlight. Blood and chocolate. Sanguinaccio dolce for Chilton's visit with Hannibal. "But I promised myself I would never use colons in my titles. Colons lose their novelty when overused." I laugh at this line. It makes me think of the hyphen. Especially during his scene with The Dragon. "We all know it, but nobody ever says that G-dash-D won't do a G-dash-D-damned thing to answer anybody's prayers." Hannibal tells him he'll have to write another book. He’s constantly referring to Francis as a shy boy. Like Will's character at the start of the series. Hannibal already knows enough about The Dragon to know about The Dragon. He thinks he doesn't like being called the Tooth Fairy.
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Chilton and Alana in what appears to be her office now. "It is our cabal, yours and mine." The two who spoke of Will as a billiard ball, working together to get Hannibal in their hospital. "Ugliness is found in the faces of the crowd." Alana admits that they both lied, then tells Chilton he wrote a book of lies. "Everything he writes is always about a problem he does not have." This is a nice line that ties into the pilot. "You and I are just alike, problem-free." Chilton is just as cocky as Alana. The stag behind his head is fantastic. "Detected a trace of competitive vanity in our man. I would be cautious. The Young Turk may inspire the Old Lithuanian to keep himself interesting." Chilton is the one comparing the two, I'd say he's the one who wants to keep Hannibal interesting. Hannibal doesn't care.
They scene hop between The Dragon and Hannibal. "Soon enough, I fear Jack Crawford will come knocking." He writes a letter to Will, warning him that Jack will be coming to take him for the case. "It's dark on the other side and madness is waiting." But his family is waiting. Hannibal’s letter reveals who he's really in competition with - Jack. He was right about the Tooth Fairy, he doesn't like being called the Tooth Fairy.  
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More than halfway through the episode when we actually see Will. Necessary. Setting the stage, to show what he's stepping into before he steps into it. Like I said in my previous rewatch post, Will had plans to disconnect from everything and everyone who would remind him of Hannibal. That includes Jack and Alana. He didn't even know she had a child. More dogs, and I don't see Winston. Jack pulls up. His entire scene with Will shows just how much of an asshole he is. "You don't want to talk inside? Oh, you don't want to let me inside." This ties into his first conversation with Alana. That's why he ends up sitting at their dinner table. "He who sups with the Devil needs a long spoon." Will doesn't want any part in it. "Why should the cold stop what common sense couldn't?" Again, him and Alana are dumb as hell for allowing Will to even take part. Three years won't change anything. As they say, absence makes the heart grow fonder. He tells Jack not to take out family pictures. Jack does it anyway. "Hold that."  
"With a little bit of luck, we might have a little more than three weeks before he does it again." Luck scattered through this half because of the tree markings. Molly and Walter are seen walking in, so he has Jack put the photo back in his pocket. The look on his face is enough. Jack's gonna get Will to take part in this case whether he wants to or not. "Yeah, I'm lucky here. I know that." Another hit on the luck theme. Jack takes advantage of the moment, pulling out the photo for Molly once Will and Walter take the dogs out. The way he puts his arms on the table, about to manipulate the situation to his liking. He's always been about his agenda. "So, whatever he says he wants to do, you'll take him anyway, won't you?" This line ties into episode 1x5. Will never had a choice. When Jack wants him, he takes him. That's why I never understood MIriam referring to him as The Guru. He can't compare to Will because he only cares about catching them, he doesn't care about understanding them. Going against Will's wishes, shows the family photos to Molly. "I promise I'll try to make it as easy on him as I can." He made the same promise to Alana when he said he wouldn't let Will get too close. "I know what I'm asking and I wished to God I didn't have to." He has to because he sucks at profiling.
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"If you stay and there's more killing, maybe it would sour this place for you." Jack said the same thing of his classroom in episode 1x5. While Molly is sleeping, he steps out of bed and reaches for Hannibal's letter. Kept it in his drawer, but didn't read it. HIs way of holding onto Hannibal, but not letting his words pull him in. He looks back at Molly to make sure she's still sleeping. I don't think she truly knows just how intimately he and Hannibal know each other. I believe this is the only letter Hannibal wrote to him, so I think Will knew that he wrote about the Tooth Fairy case. Hannibal would've allowed him this distance because the last time they spoke, Will told him he didn't want to think about him anymore. He hasn't been crossing those boundaries Will set out of respect, something Jack doesn’t have. He's crossing them now because he knows how relentless Jack is. 
WIll visits the crime scene for his typical replay. He's been out of it for a while, so when he sees the room, it overwhelms him. His body language is powerful. The end of this replay is a nice foreshadow. The way he stands in front of the strings like his own pair of wings. How they light up as he's reaching out to touch the wife in his replay. The way he says, "This is my design." It all feels different. He’s connecting with The Dragon as it ties into episode 1x4. I love the way he storms up the steps. He’s connecting, but doesn't understand it yet. They print the wife's eye and do a mold of the cheese based on Will's replay. "Jimmy, you're the light of my life." Darkness and light scattered in this storyline. "He polished it after he placed it so he could see his face in there." SIght and sound, like windows to the soul. The Dragon in Francis, The Lion in Will. Capable of righteous violence. His empathy, capable of cruelty. "He may have a history of biting in lesser assaults. May be a fighting pattern as much as sexual behavior." Jack asks Will what he's fighting. Will is already connecting. 
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Will tries to call Molly, then lays down in bed. Crime scene photos swirl around him. He connects to the family dog, wants to adopt it. "I have to see Hannibal." He needs Hannibal's help to recover his mindset because he snuffed out that dark part of himself. “You have to cut that part out.” Cutting out Hannibal, Jack and Alana, teaching and his work with the FBI. What happens when he cuts out his heart, fills the empty it leaves with a new family, then goes back to visit his heart and everything that reminds him. Will is cut between. His  transformation starts now. He will shed the rest of his humanity and become the Lion. 
“Hello, Dr. Lecter."
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legxllyblxndc · 4 years
Izzy and Nicks engagement party ( @foreverwednesday )
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Izzy was still in a buzz of engagement joy, but tonight was definitely testing her anxieties. It was the first night without Jeremiah - they had left him with the nanny she'd had as a little girl, because anybody else they trusted was here celebrating with them, but it wasn't putting her mind at ease. She had already called the nanny five times and the party had barely started. "Okay, he's fine. Still asleep." She smiled as she came back in the room and walked over to Nick. "Thank you for doing this." She sighed, taking his hand. She knew that this was absolutely not something he'd enjoy, but it was just custom for families like hers.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "How prepared are you for a million people telling us that we're next?" Jacob looked down at Felicity with a raise of an eyebrow. He didn't hold their last attempt at a wedding against her whatsoever, but he wasn't going to enjoy how many people were going to ask them about marriage tonight at all. He loved this life, most of the time, but it was nights like tonight where he wished people would mind their own business. "You know, for an engagement he wasn't very happy about... Dad really has gone all out for this party." He looked around them. Everybody who was anybody seemed to be at that party.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "What a fucking weirdo. This is a suit. Just 'cause it doesn't have a tie." Freddie grumbled as they walked away from one of the rich old men who had just reprimanded him for not wearing a proper suit to the occasion. "Bastard." He grumbled moodily, looking back at the man with a scowl. He hadn't even wanted to wear this suit, never mind something with a tie and a waistcoat, but Grace had made him. "Right, I need a drink or I'm gonna start beating up some old guys." He shrugged his shoulders, but he laughed to show that he was joking. He wasn't going to ruin tonight for Nick and Izzy - but he didn't like the old people, they made him angry. "Still can't believe they're fuckin' engaged."
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "Hooooly shit." Ellie laughed as she looked around the room, shaking her head. "This is insane." She had known that the party would be a big affair, but she hadn't expected this - and she knew her brother wouldn't want it. She even doubted Izzy did. She felt very judged by all of the people here, like they were thinking she didn't belong - which they probably were and it made her very defensive. "God, my brother is getting married. Nick is getting married. How is that happening?" She laughed softly, raising an eyebrow. She and her brother had rarely seen eye to eye and that was true even now, but she was still happy for him.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Clancy was so happy for Nick and Izzy, but she felt angry at the fact that Mr. Fontaine had opposed the engagement and still thought he had the right to throw a huge party like this. "I hope your father doesn't bother speaking to me tonight." She told Spencer with a defiant raise of an eyebrow. She had already told him what she thought of him and this party didn't change that. Nick was one of her closest friends and she hated the way he'd been treated. She didn't want to have to pretend to play nice with him tonight.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Edie had been on edge since they'd been invited to the party; she appreciated the invitation and she was happy enough for them, but it was an event she couldn't get out of where she knew her parents would be there. The Chamberlain's wouldn't miss anything like this. She had already taken something at home, before she left, but she needed more to get her through. She could see her parents in the corner of the room and she knew it wouldn't be long until they came over. Her hand tapped nervously on the table, her other one holding her drink that was almost empty. "Fancy party, yeah?" She looked to Theo with a laugh, trying to distract herself.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Gabe had been so excited for tonight; he loved Nick, he always had and he was so happy that he was getting what he'd always deserved. And he loved how fancy the party was. "Have you tried these little -- well, I dunno what they are, but they're delicious." He laughed as he looked to Annabelle, holding up one of the little hors d'oeuvres that he was eating. "You look great, by the way." He smiled. He knew that none of them exactly fit the definition of posh, but he thought they all scrubbed up well.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "Are your parents here, then?" Emilie asked Link as they walked back from the bar, raising an eyebrow. She had always liked Annabelle's brother - or rather, she'd always respected him for what he'd done for his sisters, which was the main reason she'd come tonight and actually made an effort to meet the dress code. "I'm surprised they haven't come over yet." She rolled her eyes. She didn't mind Link's dad, but she found his mother pretty intolorable.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Tommy knew that he wasn't exactly welcome at the party, but that made it all the more fun for him - Annabelle had already told him that she'd had to push for him to come and he liked the thought that he was there, even though people didn't like him. He'd already had a couple of drinks and he couldn't help but smirk as he saw Florence across the room. He walked over and tapped her on the shoulder. "So this is how your people live, hm?" He smirked. His family were very well off, but not like this.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Nick was still so surprised that he and Izzy were getting married now. He loved her so much and he was so happy... though this party was definitely not something that he had in mind. He almost couldn't believe that Mr Fontaine had said no to him when he had asked to marry his daughter but had insisted that he threw this party for them all. "Of course he's okay, Izzy." Nick nodded. He was tense and he was trying not to let that get to him. He shrugged as she thanked him. "You know that I wanted to do this right." He sighed. He wished he could do all of this his own way but he knew there were certain things her family expected.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Felicity laughed slightly as she listened to Jacob. She still felt guilty for standing him up and she knew that the people at the party were going to ask a million questions that were going to make her feel worse. "I know." She muttered with a nod of her head and a sigh, "In fact, an old lady cornered me in the bathroom a couple minutes ago, asking when we were going to try again." She sighed. She knew that they were just being curious but Felicity didn't like it very much. Though she knew that she would smile and answer everyones questions. She rolled her eyes as Jacob mentioned his dad, she was still pretty annoyed at him, "It's all about appearances with him, isn't it?"
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Grace laughed slightly as she listened to Freddie, "I told you that these people wouldn't like that suit." She shrugged. Grace was used to events like this. Her parents threw them quite often. She had tried to get Freddie to listen and she had been surprised when he had settled on the suit he was wearing. "But ignore him, you look good." She shrugged her shoulders. Grace nodded her head, "Then to the bar!" She laughed with a nod of her head. Grace couldn't help but wonder when or if Freddie would propose. They hadn't been together quite as long as Izzy and Nick but she was eager for it anyway.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Charlie couldn't help but laugh as she and Ellie entered the party. It was insane. she had never seen a room this big and if she was honest, it was probably the entire size of their flat. "Insane is definitely one word for it." She laughed with a nod of her head. She was so excited for Nick. She had know him since they were little and she definitely thought that he deserved this. "It's crazy, huh? But look at him, El.." She nodded to Nick with a laugh, "Look at how happy he looks." She didn't think that she had ever seen that look on Nicks face and it was definitely nice to see.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Spencer sighed as Clancy spoke. He was still pretty annoyed at her for what she had said to his father. He didn't think that his dad was out of order, saying no to Nick. Though he knew better than to say that to Clancy. "Do you not think that you can pretend to be nice to him for one night?" He asked with a raise of an eyebrow. He didn't want to have a fight with her but he wouldn't be happy if Clancy started something with his father tonight.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Although he couldn't figure out what it was, there was definitely something wrong with Edie. She seemed different. He knew that he couldn't just ask her though. He had to tread lightly with all of this. When he saw her parents, he was pretty sure that he knew what it was that had happened, though he still wouldn't say anything. He would just be there for her. He would be there for her with whatever she needed. "Yeah. I don't even know how to stand." He laughed as he shook his head slightly.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Annabelle had been over the moon as soon as she had heard that Nick and Izzy were getting married. She thought that the two of them were so good together and it was nice to see her brother so happy. She thought that he deserved that. "I haven't. I'm not hungry." Annabelle laughed as she shook her head slightly. She loved bringing Gabe to stuff like this. He seemed so excited and it was definitely infectious. "Thank you!" Annabelle smiled. She and Vance had recently made up and she knew that he would be mad if he realised this was happening without him so she was a little on edge.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: "Of course they are." Link muttered with a nod of his head and a sigh. He still lived with his parents, he still relied on them for everything. Link didn't have a choice in being nice to them, though he didn't like it. He knew that they didn't treat people right. He felt so on edge as he waited for them to come over to them. He shrugged his shoulder slightly, "They will soon, i'm sure."
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Florence had only been invited because her parents were. She loved events like this, though her parents had insisted that she bring a date with her, so Harrison was in the party somewhere... she wasn't really sure where. She laughed as she turned to look at Tommy and shrugged her shoulders slightly. "Welcome to my world. We have fancy parties and boring dates." She smiled at him, "I'm glad you're here."
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Izzy knew exactly why her dad had wanted to throw this party and it was because he didn't want people to think that his only daughter was doing something he disapproved of; as much as she wanted to be at home with her son, she knew the party was basically a sign that she and Nick had won. She laughed, shrugging her shoulders. "I know, but - I like checking." She smiled. She liked hearing the updates about her son. "I know you did - and I love you so much for that. We'll just stay until everybody's seen our faces."
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "Cornered you?" Jacob couldn't help but laugh, shaking his head. He always forgot just how nosy all of these people were until he was around them again. "I had hoped that Izzy's news might take the heat off us for a while, but it looks like it's only highlighted the fact that we're not married." He chuckled, showing Felicity that he was okay with the fact they were unmarried. He shrugged his shoulders slightly. "I think he just wanted to show her that he'll be there for all of this." He knew Felicity was right, but he never wanted to speak against his father. Although he wouldn't admit it, he was definitely a little bit afraid of the man - he controlled everything in his life, mostly his career.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "Why?! It's a perfectly good fucking suit!" Freddie argued, shaking his head. He didn't like wearing anything like this, it made him feel weird, but it was the best he could do. "Yeah well, as long as you think I look good then I don't give a fuck what the old buggers think." He laughed, shrugging his shoulders. He had never really cared, but now that he had a child of his own he especially didn't - he had a very clear sight of what was important. "That's what we like to hear." He grinned, walking over to the bar and ordering their drinks. "It's still weird seeing you drink after nine months of orange juice."
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Ellie had no idea that Izzy's dad had refused to give her brother his approval of the proposal, because if she did then she would've refused to go to his party - but she didn't, so here she was. "So crazy. I feel like this fucking party cost more than a years rent." She laughed, shaking her head. They didn't exactly live in a nice part of London, after all. She had to smile as Charlie pointed out how happy her brother was, though. "I know... I don't think I've ever seen him this happy." She smiled, nodding her head.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Clancy knew that Spencer was annoyed that she'd spoken up to his father, but frankly, she was annoyed that he hadn't. "I can pretend and I will if I have to. But I'd prefer not to speak to him at all." She said honestly, shrugging her shoulders slightly. She would never cause a scene, especially not here - she would never embarrass them like that. But she would hope that William Senior had enough respect for her to leave it for tonight. It annoyed her, because she was from a similar background to Nick - she might be different in personality, but neither of them were rich and neither was Felicity.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Edie was so distracted by the fact that her parents were at the party; living with them had been the worst years of her life and the feelings and thoughts they put in her head were all rushing back tonight. "I think you're good standing as you are." She laughed, raising an eyebrow. "Although I'd watch your elbows on the table." She teased, rolling her eyes. She hated all of the rules and regulations these people had, even at a party. She knew that she didn't belong here, even if her name said differently.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "Well, if you get hungry then - you should try one of these bad boys. Delicious. And tiny enough that I could eat like... ten and it would be a normal portion." Gabe grinned, mimicking a chefs kiss as he finished the last little bit of food. It wasn't often he got to go to a party like this - not unless Clancy was involved somehow, so this was an exciting night for him. "And you'll get to be a bridesmaid right?!" He laughed. "That'll be so cool. Like a royal wedding or something." He couldn't wait to see Nick get married.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "I thought so. This is like - their dream event, isn't it?" Emilie laughed, raising an eyebrow. She was a pretty resilient person, she could deal with most types of people - with the exception of Mrs Gellar. "How're you feeling?" She asked him, her voice a little bit softer. She hadn't told Kurt where she was tonight, because she knew he'd want to come, but she wondered if Annabelle had told Vance - because one was as good as the other.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "Both sound fucking terrible." Tommy smirked, raising an eyebrow. As much as he'd deny it, he was happy to see Florence here - and she obviously looked gorgeous. "Yeah, me too. Means we can liven things up a bit, doesn't it?" He smiled, raising an eyebrow. He didn't particularly care if Florence had a date - he didn't think it mattered. It always came down to those two, in the end.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Nick shook his head slightly as Izzy spoke. but he couldn't blame her. This was the first time that she had left Jeremiah and he had known that it would be hard for her. He was just glad that, at least, it gave them an excuse to get out of there. Nick raised an eyebrow as he heard Izzy. Sometimes, he forgot how much things had changed because he knew that, this time a few years ago, she would never want to leave a party early. "Yeah, sounds good."
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: "Cornered me." Felicity nodded her head. She couldn't stop thinking about the fact that the majority of the people there, had also been at the wedding. She felt awful and she knew that, that feeling wasn't going to go away for most of the night. She was so excited for her best friend though. "Well - let them talk." She shrugged her shoulders slightly. Felicity liked to be the one to do the right thing, always. Which was why she struggled with everything that had happened. "No. That's absolutely not it and we both know it." Felicity had always loved Mr Fontaine but she had definitely lost a lot of respect for him after how he had treated Nick.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: "Yes, it's a good suit. You know that I like it. But it isn't this kind of level suit." Grace shrugged. It made sense to her and so she hoped that it at least made a little bit of sense to Freddie too. "Exactly. You're happy, I'm happy, that's all that mattered." Grace didn't think that it mattered what he wore, really. As long as he was comfortable. Though she wouldn't say it out loud, she was glad that she and Freddie were able to have a night away from the baby. It had felt like all of their focus had been on him, the last few months. "I am so happy that I get to now though, oh my god." She laughed.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Charlie didn't understand this world. She didn't understand how someone could spend this much money on a party when she and Ellie were struggling to make ends meet some times. "A year, maybe even two." She shook her head ever so slightly. It seemed off to her that some people could have so much wealth when there were still people suffering. She smiled as she saw Ellies face looking at her brother. "It's nice to see, huh?"
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Spencer just didn't understand why Clancy had, had to cause an issue with his father. She was opinionated and that was one of the things he loved most about her, but it annoyed him that she thought she was allowed to speak to his dad like that, when Spencer would never dream of doing the same with hers. "Thank you." He sighed. If that was all that he was going to get, then he would take it. "Do you think the kids are okay?"
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Theo was worried about Edie. She seemed so different to him, tonight, and he knew that it was because she was out of her comfort zone here. He wished that he could do something to help her but he knew that this was her families world. There would be no escaping them tonight. "I am?" He asked with a laugh. He was trying to distract her, trying to get her to give her attention to him so she didn't have to think about her parents. "Elbows on the table. Got it. So many rules!"
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: "Nothing that small could ever make up a normal portion for you, Gabe, don't pretend." Annabelle laughed as she shook her head slightly. She felt so much more like herself when she was with him, than she ever had when she was with Vance. She hated these kinds of events but her brother looked happy and that was all that she could really hope for. "I think so, I dunno." She shrugged, it wasn't like Izzy had mentioned anything to her. "You're gonna be one of the groomsmen though. For sure." She nodded. She knew how much her brother liked Gabe.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: "Mhm. Attention isn't on them so no-one can see how fucking dysfunctional they are." Link was sure that his mother and father were on the verge of a divorce, they had been for years. if it wasn't for the fact that it would look bad, Link probably wouldn't have even been on the planet. They did everything like a life was a paint by numbers, how things were 'supposed' to be. And it drove him crazy. "I'm fine, why?" He asked, as he looked to Emilie. He didn't want to admit anything else.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: "The fancy parties aren't so bad. Depends who else is there." Florence shrugged her shoulders as she smirked at Tommy. She knew that, sooner rather than later, he was going to pull her completely back in again, if he hadn't already, and she already hated herself for it. "Like how, exactly?" Florence asked with a raise of an eyebrow. "What kind of ideas are in that head of yours, Morley?"
SC AM JM LO SD BA: Izzy knew it was very out of character for her to leave a party and if she wasn't still angry at her dad, she probably wouldn't want to leave early - but she couldn't help still being angry about the fact that he hadn't even wanted this engagement to happen in the first place. "It all feels really official now, doesn't it?" She looked up at Nick with a giggle, holding up her hand so that she could look at the ring. It had already felt real, but even more so now. She was so happy, even though she missed Jeremiah so much.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Jacob just wanted tonight to be about his sister, he didn't want to have to be faced with the disaster that had been his and Felicity's wedding, but it didn't seem like people were willing to let them forget it so easily. "Yeah, let them talk. They'll find somebody else to talk about soon enough." He chuckled, shaking his head. He sighed, though, as Felicity spoke about his father. "You don't know that, Fel." He was never willing to talk badly of the man.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "Levels of suits... Don't be stupid." Freddie grumbled, shaking his head. He hated any event of this caliber, even though it was to celebrate one of his best friends. He was happy for Nick and he hoped they could celebrate another time - something more their style. "Better be." He grinned, joking as Grace said their happiness was all that mattered. It felt good to have a night away from Elias - he loved him so much, but he wasn't the kind of baby you could ever take your attention off. "Yeah, I bet. How's it feel?" He laughed.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: If she was honest, Ellie hated this world. She hadn't liked the world she'd grown up in either and she understood wanting luxury, but she thought this was just ridiculous. "It's just rich people trying to show off how rich they are." She laughed, rolling her eyes. Growing up as she had, it felt almost wrong to her that anybody would have this kind of money. "Yeah, it is nice - don't get me wrong, I never thought he'd end up with her. But I'm happy for him."
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: It frustrated Clancy that Spencer didn't seem to understand how unfair his father had been to Nick and it frustrated her even more that both he and Jacob seemed almost scared to ever dispute the things he said. She certainly wasn't going to hold back, even if Spencer wanted her to. "You're welcome." She said pointedly, but she smiled slightly as he asked about the kids. "Of course they are. They love staying at my grandparents." She reminded him; her parents usually looked after them, but of course - they were at the party too.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "Yeah, you must have a naturally rich stance." Edie chuckled distractedly, shrugging her shoulders. She so appreciated Theo trying to distract her, but she was itching to slip away and take something that would take the edge of a bit more. She could already hear her mothers comments on what she was wearing, or how she was behaving. "Too many rules. But that's the way with these people, right?"
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "Yeah, you're right... I was just trying to be polite." Gabe grinned, stuffing another one into his mouth happily. This kind of world amused him, if he was honest and he was so happy that his parents were here too. "You will be, Anna - you and your sisters and probably Clancy! It'll be so cool." He couldn't wait to see them all as bridesmaids. "I know! I mean, he hasn't asked me yet... But he better." He chuckled. He was really hoping to be one of Nick's groomsmen, he had known him for so long and always supported he and Izzy being together.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "Oh, you definitely can." Emilie laughed, shaking her head. "You'd think they'd at least decline an invitation to a party where the sister in law of the bride was your dads bit on the side." She rolled her eyes. She thought the audacity of these people trying to pretend they were better than everybody else was crazy. "Just asking. I like to be nice sometimes. Keep everybody on their toes."
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "So you've just been waiting for me to arrive, then?" Tommy smirked, raising an eyebrow. He wouldn't admit it, but he knew the reason he kept going back to Florence was because she had something over him that nobody else did. He could have most girls he wanted and yet he would always come back to this one. "That would be telling." He shrugged his shoulders. "You know I don't tell." Really, he had no idea what kind of trouble he was going to cause - but he knew he wasn't going to have a boring night, that was for sure. Not with all the people that were here.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Nick didn't know if he was really able to talk to Izzys dad. He felt so embarrassed about the way the man had treated him and like most of Nicks emotions, he was angry. He didn't want to have to listen to anything that the man had to say to him. Nick nodded his head with a laugh, "Yeah, all these rich people knowing about the engagement means it's real." He nudged her with a laugh.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Felicity, like Jacob, wanted the night to be able Izzy. She was so excited for her best friend and she thought that Izzy deserved to have everything she wanted. "Exactly." Felicity nodded. "No? Of course I don't." Felicity shook her head. She would give Mr Fontaine the benefit of the doubt but she knew that he was only doing this because of appearances. It annoyed her that Jacob seemed to not see it too.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: "I'm not being stupid!" Grace snapped as she rolled her eyes. She didn't like that he seemed to completely dismiss her world when she had tried her hardest to fit into his. She thought that it was unfair that this was the most he could try. She knew that this party wasn't exactly to Freddie - or Nicks - style but she thought that the least they could do was pretend to have fun. "It's the best. I tell you, that first sip after he was born.. utter bliss." Grace laughed. She loved being a mum and she loved Elias but, compared to Jeremiah and Jesse, he was such a handful.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Charlie had liked how she had grown up. They weren't rich but they weren't poor either. It had been good and comfortable and they didn't need anything more than what they had. "Yeah, I think that's exactly it." Charlie muttered with a nod of her head and a sigh. "I just can't believe that one family could have so much." She shook her head. It was so strange to her. "Oh, I bet. I don't think that anyone could have predicted those two."
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: If he was completely honest, Spencer didn't think that his dad was out of his rights to say no to Nick. He was given the choice and Spencer didn't believe that his father should be punished for it. He shook his head as she bit back. He should've known, though, that Clancy wouldn't be happy about everything that had happened. "Yeah.. of course."
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: "I dunno about that." Theo laughed as he shrugged his shoulders slightly. He was going to work hard and, maybe, get to a certain level of wealth but this seemed over the top to Theo .He didn't understand how some people could live like this. "Yeah. You'd know more than most, right?" He asked her with a small smile. It was hard to believe that Edie was ever from this world.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: "I know you too well." Annabelle laughed with a shrug of her shoulders. Annabelle knew that, now her brother was marrying a Fontaine, that she should probably expect more of this in her life, though she wasn't sure that she would especially look forward to any of it. She felt so weird. "It'll be cool depending on what Izzy tries to put me in." Annabelle shook her head slightly. It was so clear that the two had completely different styles. "You definitely will be." She nodded. SHe would be pretty annoyed at her brother if not.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Link shrugged his shoulders, shuddering at the thought of Clancy and his father. "Yeah, well, not many people actually know about that so they have no reason to decline, do they?" He shook his head. He found it all ridiculous but Link knew that he would never amount to much without their help. He needed them and he couldn't afford to be cut off. "Yeah - that's the most shocking thing you've ever said."
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: "I wouldn't say that at all." Florence shook her head. She would never give Tommy the satisfaction of hearing exactly what it was that he wanted to hear. She would much rather play around a little. She did wonder, though, how long it would be until the two of them stopped messing around. It was clear how much they liked on another. "I look forward to finding out what you've got planned, then."
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "That's not what I meant." Izzy rolled her eyes, laughing softly. "I just mean like, celebrating it with all of our friends - I don't care what the rich people think. I don't even know who most of them are." She admitted with a laugh. These parties had been everything to her when she was a little bit younger; she had loved all the attention and she still did, but she was annoyed that her dad got to be the guy who had thrown the party and done the most, when he hadn't even wanted them to be engaged. "Any thoughts on a best man yet?" She smiled.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "I'm not saying that you specifically don't, I just mean... Well, neither of us do." Jacob sighed, shrugging his shoulders. "He might have the best intentions, he might've changed his mind." Since they were little, the three Fontaine children had been raised to have the most respect for their father. He had raised them alone - with the help of various nannies, after their mother had decided that she didn't want to be around anymore and it was hard for them to look past that and see any flaws his father might have.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Freddie rolled his eyes as Grace snapped at him. He didn't see how she couldn't understand how completely ridiculous this whole world was. "Well, if we get fucking married then I'm not doing anything like this." He told her, shrugging his shoulders. He thought Nick was a better man than him, because Freddie would absolutely refuse to be the center of anything like this. He laughed as she spoke about alcohol though, nodding his head. It was how he felt most times he drank, to be honest. "Well, make the most of it tonight while my parents have the devil child, then." He laughed.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Ellie had always envied Charlie's family and childhood; even when they were little, it was what she'd always wanted - and what she wanted their family to be, whether they had kids or not. "Yeah, me either... Fucking mental. I wouldn't feel right having all of this, when there are people that have nothing." She shook her head. "Not even the fucking Mayans." She laughed, raising an eyebrow. "Kind of works though, doesn't it?"
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "You should be careful or they're gonna sweep you up as one of their own." Edie smiled, raising her eyebrows mysteriously. She knew her parents would love Theo if they met him again now he was older - he was so perfect, but they still wouldn't like that he didn't come from money and that infuriated her. "Yeah, you're telling me... The goal is to forget it all, though." She laughed bitterly.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "Better than anybody." Gabe agreed, shooting Annabelle a cheesy grin. He was so happy to get to spend time with her tonight, without Vance here - she was back to being his best friend again, the Annabelle he loved more than anybody. "I don't think she's stupid enough to put you in anything too terrible. It might be pink, though." He teased, nudging her gently. He couldn't imagine what the bridesmaids would be wearing. "Do you think Nick will wear a fancy suit?" He laughed.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "Other than a total lack of pride, I guess not." Emilie laughed quietly. She didn't know how Link's mother did it - she would go crazy if she had to look at the person who had essentially been the other woman. She would definitely end up making a scene, she knew that. "What can I say? I'm full of surprises." She laughed, rolling her eyes. She was enjoying getting to spend some time with her best friend, by herself. She loved being around Edie and Annabelle, but especially Link.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "You don't have to say anything." Tommy smirked, shaking his head. Knowing that Florence would always want him more than the guy she kept bringing along to these things was something he very much enjoyed. "Oh, you should." He laughed softly. "Where's your square of a date, then? Asking about the brands of sparkling water?" He teased, rolling his eyes as he looked around to spot Harrison.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Nick smiled slightly as Izzy said that she didn't care about all the rich people. He thought that this was actually kind of refreshing. "Yeah, it's nice to celebrate with them." He nodded. His friends were the family that Nick had always wanted. He liked that they were all there to celebrate with him, even if this wasn't exactly something that he was used to. He sighed as she asked about best man, "I'm stuck." He laughed. "Maybe Freddie.."
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Felicity shook her head, "This is why he thinks it's okay to be liked this with people though, Jacob. Neither you nor your brother stand up to him. He thinks he can treat people however he likes because of that." Felicity had the utmost respect for her parents but if they had done something like this, she would've made sure that they heard about it. "Nick is supposed to be your friend. Are you really telling me it doesn't bother you that your dad said no to him?"
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: "If?" Grace questioned. She had thought it would be pretty obvious by now that this was it for both of them and she didn't like that Freddie didn't seem to be certain... either that or he didn't know if he wanted to get married at all and that was almost worse for Grace. She knew that she wouldn't want something like this either. Her parents on the other hand... "Don't call him that!" Grace laughed with a shake of her head and a laugh, "But I absolutely will. A whole night to ourselves. However will we celebrate?"
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Charlie never wanted to let Ellie feel uncomfortable. "We can leave whenever you want, yeah?" She said to her. She would, if she was honest, rather be at home with Ellie anyway. She loved Ellie so so much and she hoped the other knew that. "They do. They make a lot of sense. Opposites attract, right?" She asked with a raise of an eyebrow and a smile.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: "I hope not. I think I'm gonna have to stick with you. You'll protect me, right?" Theo asked with a laugh. He wanted to be there for her no matter what. Theo thought that Edie was one of the most important people in his life, even if he hadn't really told her any of that recently. "Forget it all?" He asked with a raise of an eyebrow. He couldn't help but be a little concerned as to how she thought that she could distract herself from it.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: "Exactly." Annabelle laughed as she nodded her head. She knew that Vance would not like her being there, spending time with Gabe as a pair but that was why she hadn't told him. She was getting sick of how he treated her but she didn't think that she could ever actually mention that to him. She was too afraid of how he might react. She knew that he had to decide to be done with her. "I swear I'll throw up if it's pink." Annabelle laughed with a shake of her head. "He won't have a choice, will he?" She asked with a raise of an eyebrow.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: "You forget, as long as everything looks okay from the outside, that's all they care about." Link rolled his eyes. Most of the time, he wished that his parents would just separate, properly. But he didn't think that, that would actually happen. They were too stubborn and cared too much about what everyone else thought of them. "you don't have to tell me. I know you are." Link felt most like the old him when he was with Emilie. He didn't feel quite so crazy.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Florence rolled her eyes. She knew that it wasn't fair to drag along some other guy but she was waiting for Tommy to tell her that he wanted to be with her. He knew that she wanted to be with him ,that was what was so frustrating. "Oh my god, shut up." Florence laughed with a shake of her head, "He's with my parents. I came to get drinks and they haven't noticed it's been about half an hour since I was over there, yet."
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: It was strange for Izzy to realise that events like this had been her whole life just a couple of years ago, when she didn't really care that much anymore. She had quickly figured out the things that were important to her and the things that weren't so much. "You're stuck?" She laughed, raising an eyebrow. "I thought Freddie would've been the obvious choice!" She didn't care who Nick chose, it was completely down to him, but she had definitely thought Freddie would've swept the title straight away. The two of them seemed a lot closer to her than Nick did to his other friends.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "That's not why." Jacob sighed, shaking his head. He would refuse to believe that he or Spencer had anything to do with it. "There's no reason for Spencer and I to get involved, it wouldn't have changed anything." He told Felicity, as though that was what counted. "It doesn't matter if it bothers me, they're getting engaged anyway - isn't that what counts? Everybody gets their way now." He wished they could just forget about it, now everything had turned out for the best.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "What? We aren't even engaged yet. When, then." Freddie laughed, rolling his eyes. He had no doubt that he would spend the rest of his life with Grace and no real aversion to getting married, but he just didn't really care when it happened. It hadn't been on his mind, he wasn't sure when he'd propose - he was happy with what they had right now. "Hey, I'm saying it with all the love in the fucking world - but he is the devil child." He laughed, but it was obvious how much love he had for his son. "I'm sure we'll come up with something." He smiled, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "Yeah, I know." Ellie smiled, reaching to squeeze Charlie's hand. She was so in love with the other Saracen girl and knew that she probably wouldn't have lasted five minutes here without her by her side. "Apparently so." She laughed, shrugging her shoulders. "Wonder if he'll invite mum to the wedding." She muttered. That was what had been on her mind since they'd announced the engagement.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "Yeah, I'll make sure they don't take you to the dark side." Edie laughed, nodding her head. For her, it really was as simple as these people being bad - because it was all she'd been brought up around. Her parents weren't nice people, so that was what she associated that lifestyle with. "Yeah, forget it all. If I could. Then I would." She said simply, taking a sip of her drink. She didn't realise how toxic that mindset was. She knew that if she could forget everything about the life she was supposed to lead, about what she was born into then she would.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "You can't throw up on somebody's wedding day! I'll get you some tinted glasses, so everything looks black. You'll look cool and you won't throw up. Win win." Gabe laughed, shrugging his shoulders as though the answer was obvious. "I guess not, but he's gonna hate that." He grinned. He could only imagine Nick's reaction to having to wear a suit that probably cost more than the rest of his wardrobe put together.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "Of course, how could I have looked past that?" Emilie laughed, rolling her eyes as Link did. She was so glad, not for the first time, that she didn't come from a family like this. She didn't think she had the patience. "Just thought I'd remind you." She smirked, shrugging her shoulders. She was happy that he seemed pretty good tonight; she knew that things were still rocky for him, but he really seemed like himself tonight.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "Never." Tommy laughed, shaking his head. He always felt right around Florence; like an authentic version of himself, not the one he often put on for people he needed to make an impression on. She already knew him. "Ah, so he's attentive as well as interesting?" He laughed, rolling his eyes. He couldn't understand how somebody like Florence could put up with somebody as boring as Harrison.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Nick had never and would never really understand this whole lifestyle. If he wasn't so in love with Izzy, he knew that he would never deal with all of this. But he knew what this meant for her, for her family and he wanted to at least pretend to tolerate stuff like this. He shrugged at her question, "I love Freddie, you know I do. I just -" He shrugged his shoulders, "I owe a lot to your brother too." Nick had surprised himself with how much he and Jacob got along. But he had also made him feel so welcome in the family.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Felicity shook her head, "It wouldn't? You don't think that your father wouldn't listen if you had something to say to him?" She asked with a raise of an eyebrow and a sigh. "Of course it isn't. They're getting engaged and your father thinks it's okay to treat him awfully and then he throws this party? It's not fair." Felicity would usually let it go but this had almost caused her best friend so much happiness. "I just don't understand what is that different between me and Clancy, and Nick. That's all."
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: "Yeah, i'm well aware we're not engaged." Grace laughed bitterly. She knew that she shouldn't but she wished that she could get that to Freddie without sounding completely bitter. She wanted to marry Freddie, especially now the two of them had Elias. "Well he's your son so of course he is." She rolled her eyes with a laugh. She loved their child and the dynamic the three of them had. It was so nice. "I think so too." She laughed with a nod of her head as she wrapped her arm around Freddies waist.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Charlie smiled slightly as Ellie reached for her hand. She liked that they were able to be together like this in public. She liked that Ellie seemed comfortable with it all too. "Do you think he will?" Charlie asked. She didn't think that she would be especially comfortable with having to see the woman. But she also knew that it would be Nicks decision and he was the closest to Mrs Gellar.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: "Thank you. I owe you." Theo laughed with a nod of his head. He didn't really see anyone as bad. He just thought that these people were very different than anyone else they knew. He didn't understand people like these though. "I know you would." Theo nodded. He felt bad for Edie. He wished that she could've had an upbringing like his. "Are you sure that you're okaY?"
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: "I absolutely can. If she puts me in pink, then i'm throwing a bigger tantrum than Jeremiah would ever throw." And Annabelle really hoped that Izzy knew that. she was definitely worried about what the other would want her to wear. "But I'll take the shades." Annabelle laughed with a nod of her head. She couldn't wait to celebrate her brothers wedding with Gabe, she just had no idea if they would actually be able to spend time together. She didn't know how Annabelle would be able to convince Vance not to go with her. "He will absolutely hate it."
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: "Because it's insane. They're insane." Link laughed with a nod of his head. He wished that he would be able to branch out on his own but he was scared and he knew that it would be far too hard for him to do it. So he would just deal. He'd roll on with whatever he had. Link wrapped an arm around Emilies shoulders with a laugh, "You continue to surprise me, Horowitz." He chuckled.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: "Didn't think that you would." Florence smiled as she looked at him. She cared so much about him, she knew that. And if she let herself think about it for too long, she knew that she would realise that he is the love of her life. Though she was scared of admitting it. "What would you know about being attentive?" Florence asked with a raise of an eyebrow and a laugh.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Izzy listened as Nick spoke about his best man; it made her sad that he felt he owed Jacob anything at all, just because he'd been decent towards him. "You don't owe him anything." She shook her head, looking up at him with a little smile. "He's your friend, just like Freddie is. Either one would make a great best man." She smiled, slipping her hand into his. She definitely thought Freddie made more sense, but she wouldn't say that unless he asked. She thought Jacob would have no idea what to do for the bachelor party of his sisters fiance.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Jacob sighed. He didn't like that Felicity seemed to be pushing this when it was already done. It had happened, it was too late. "But why do I need to have something to say to him? He can make up his own mind, Fel. I can't change that." He shook his head. "Nick asked for his approval - and he said no. I personally would've said yes, you know that. But he asked." He sighed, scratching his head. He didn't really believe that, not at all, but it was so against his nature to go against his father. "No, neither do I." He sighed.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "What's that supposed to mean?" Freddie laughed, raising an eyebrow. He wasn't ready to get married and he knew that; he thought twenty five was still pretty young to be having a kid, never mind getting married. "Yeah, makes sense doesn't it?" He grinned. He knew that any child he and Grace had was always going to be a handful, but Elias was more than that. He wondered what he was going to be like when he got a bit older and could actually vocalize his feelings.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Ellie hated thinking back to the times that she and Charlie had kept their relationship a secret - it wasn't even that long ago, but it made her sick now. Remembering how judged she'd felt all the time, hiding who she was. It was one of the reasons she never wanted to speak to her mother again. She sighed. "I don't know. I hope not, obviously - but Nick still sees her, doesn't he? So maybe." She shrugged her shoulders. "She'll ruin it. If he invites her, she'll ruin it." She had absolutely no doubt about that - and she would relish in it.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "Nah, you don't." Edie smiled, shaking her head. She was the one that owed Theo, she thought. Even if he didn't realise it, he helped her so much - but she didn't know if she could ever put her baggage on him again, even though she knew she was still in love with him. "Yeah. I'm fine." She muttered, raising an eyebrow. "I need another drink. Do you want one?" She couldn't afford to be sober, not tonight. She knew it would just end badly.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "Are you sure? That kid can really throw a tantrum." Gabe laughed, raising an eyebrow. He had only witnessed one or two from Jeremiah, but they had definitely been memorable. "I doubt she'll put you in pink, though - mostly 'cause I don't think any of you, Ellie or Bex would accept it." He laughed. "I feel like the whole getting married thing might take the heat off." He smiled. He had never thought Nick would get married, but here they were.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "And somehow you turned out semi-normal? So weird." Emilie smirked, rolling her eyes. She knew Link had his issues - there was no denying that, but she thought he'd turned out pretty well considering how crazy his parents lives were. She laughed as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders, wrapping hers around his waist. "Always will. It's part of the charm, yeah?" She grinned, shaking her head. She was having a good night, all things considered and she knew it was because of him.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "Say what you want, but at least I'd notice if you weren't there." Tommy shrugged his shoulders. He didn't understand how somebody could be here with someone like Florence and not pay her as much attention as possible. He knew he couldn't really talk, but he wasn't her date - and yet here he was, not able to leave her. "I'll get you a drink instead, then? Show you what a gentleman I am." He chuckled, raising an eyebrow. He didn't know what it was, but he didn't feel like leaving her tonight.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Nick had appreciated Jacobs friendship so much. He had been the only one that had made him feel welcome as Izzys boyfriend. He appreciated that more than he could ever say. He shrugged his shoulders. He wondered if Freddie would expect it. He thought that he would expect it if it was Grace and Freddie getting married. "So you think Freddie?" Nick asked with a raise of an eyebrow. He definitely valued her opinion.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Felicity shook her head as Jacob spoke but she wasn't going to say anything else on the subject, at least not while they were at the engagement party. "Fine." She muttered. She could see that there was no point in talking about it anymore. He had made up his mind and it really wound her up. She thought that Nick was worth more than, that.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: "Just that I'm well aware that we're not engaged." Grace shrugged. In her world, it was still a pretty big scandal that she had a kid before she had gotten married. She was trying her hardest to not let it get to her. She knew he wasn't ready. "It absolutely does." Grace laughed with a nod of his head. She was so intrigued as to what he was going to be like when he got older. She thought that Elias was going to be such a force and she couldn't wait to see it.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Charlie would never hold any of the secret stuff against Ellie. She thought that if she needed the time, then Charlie would've always given her it. She loved her so much. She nodded as she listened to her. She would hate it if that happened, if he gave his mother the benefit of the doubt and she ruined it all. "Surely he knows that though, right?" She asked with a raise of an eyebrow.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Theo tilted his head slightly as he looked at Edie. He felt so sad that she thought that he was owed something from her. Even though he hadn't said it, he was still so in love with Edie and he wished that she knew it. He wished he was brave enough to tell her just how much he loved her. "I'm good thank you." Theo shook his head.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: "Oh yeah, they haven't seen anything yet." Annabelle laughed with a nod of her head. She loved Jeremiah a lot. He was her nephew and she knew that she would be there for him if he needed anything, like she would with any of the kids that her siblings ended up having. "We absolutely would not. She must know that." She shook her head slightly. "Maybe. I guess we'll see. It'll be interesting though."
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: "I think that has more to do with you guys, than them." Link muttered with a shrug of his shoulders. He would never really describe himself as normal, not recently. But he thought that any of the things about him that could be normal, would be because of Emilie, Tommy and Gabe. "Yeah, something like that." He laughed with a nod of his head.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: "That is true." Florence nodded. She bit back the urge to say something about him finding entertainment elsewhere. She didn't want to ruin it. They were having such a good time. "Yeah, sounds like a plan." She laughed with a nod of her head. She was looking forward to spending some time with Tommy. She thought that they always had a lot of fun together.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: If she was honest, Izzy didn't know if either of her brothers should really have Nick's gratitude when neither of them had stood up to her father, but that wasn't something she was going to say now. "I think... Whichever one you want." She laughed, shrugging her shoulders. "But Freddie will throw you a better bachelor party. Jacob's will be something like this." She laughed, raising an eyebrow. She didn't think Jacob would have a clue what the other boys would enjoy - not one. Freddie was definitely more on Nick's wavelength and she knew that for sure. She also thought he would be a better comfort for Nick, on the day.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Jacob sighed as Felicity spoke; they very rarely argued and he hated that they'd disagreed on something like this. He knew it was far from ideal, but Izzy and Nick were getting engaged - he didn't see the big deal. Everybody had gotten their way now and the plans were well on their way. He knew his dad wasn't always the easiest person to deal with, but he always thought he was doing the best by his children.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "Well that's good, then. It'd be weird if you thought we were." Freddie laughed, joking. Marriage just didn't seem like big a deal to him - his parents had never been married and had no plans to be, but they were happier than most couples he knew. He would get married if Grace wanted to, one day, but just not quite yet. He was happy to leave that to their friends for now. "You know, if we have anymore then he'll either be a fucking great big brother or he'll terrorize the shit out of them." He laughed.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Ellie would always be grateful that Charlie had given her the time she needed; and she thought they were probably stronger now, because of it. "Yeah, I think he does. But I dunno - it's not like my dad's around anymore, is it? If he doesn't have her, he's only got us as his family." She shrugged her shoulders. She really, really hoped that he didn't invite their mother, though. For Ellie, her three siblings and the Saracens were all the family she needed.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "Okay - I'll just be a sec." Edie smiled, walking over to the bar as inconspicuously as she could, not wanting her parents to spot her. She kept her hair over her face, as though that would stop them from seeing her. It didn't take her long to get served and make it back to the table. "Hey - made it back without being intercepted." She laughed, sipping her drink. It wasn't quite enough, but it was something.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "I very much believe you, Belle." Gabe grinned - he had seen some trophy worthy tantrums from Annabelle, that was for sure. "I should start a list of your kick-offs, I feel like I could make it into a comedy series or something." He laughed, obviously teasing her. "Definitely. And hey - he's the first one of you all to get married!" He smiled. He didn't think Ellie and Charlie would be long either, but he didn't want to jinx it.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "Are you seriously trying to tell me that you learned to be normal from Gabe and Tommy?" Emilie laughed, raising an eyebrow. It was obvious how much love she had for the two boys, though. She thought their group was more family than friends at this point - they all knew each other inside out. "I think it makes sense." She laughed with a shrug of her shoulders.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "What do you want, then?" Tommy smiled, raising an eyebrow as he leaned across the bar and ordered his own drink. He wondered what he would be doing tonight if Florence wasn't here and he didn't think he'd be having as much fun. It did occur to him, sometimes, that if he wanted to feel like this more then they could just make things official again - but he didn't know if that would just suck the fun out of it all.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Nick laughed slightly as Izzy spoke, "That is definitely a good point. I don't think I could deal with my bachelor party being like this." He shook his head. He hadn't even thought about that. But Nick was sure that Izzy was right. Freddie should be his best man and he already couldn't wait to tell his friend. "Are you gonna ask Fel in some elaborate way?" He asked. He didn't think he needed to ask her who she was going to ask to be her maid of honour.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Felicity didn't like disagreeing with Jacob but she definitely felt like his father disapproving of Nick, was also a dig at her and her sister. She didn't think that, that was fair. Mr Fontaine had welcomed her and Clancy with open arms. "What if your father had said no to you proposing to me?" She asked Jacob as she turned to him. She knew that it was a different thing entirely but she wanted to know what he would say to that hypothetical.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Grace rolled her eyes, even though she knew that he was joking with her. Her father already didn't like Freddie very much. She didn't like that there was just another thing that he got to have over Freddie now that they weren't married. "I think he'll probably do both, somehow." Grace laughed with a shrug of her shoulders. She was really unsure if she actually wanted another or not, "Do you want more?" She asked with a raise of an eyebrow.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Charlie would always do anything to make things easier for Ellie. She loved her so much and there was no way that she wouldn't do anything to make sure that she was okay. Charlie had always been that kind of way, though. "And you three are more than enough." Charlie shrugged her shoulders, "Besides - you know the Saracens love you guys as though you were family."
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Theo nodded. He wondered if he should've gone with her, to barricade her if her parents were going to corner her... though when he heard her, he smiled, "That's good." He laughed. "Do you think you're gonna talk to them tonight?" He asked her. He would never judge her decision though. He thought she was more than entitled to do whatever she wanted to do.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: "I thought you might." Annabelle laughed with a nod of her head. She knew that she could throw a tantrum and she liked that Gabe found the funny side of it all. "You definitely could. But I'd have to have some sort of cut since i'm the muse." She laughed as she shrugged her shoulders. "He's the first one! And hopefully Ellie and Charlie are next. I think I might die if Bex told me she was engaged." Annabelle laughed. She definitely didn't want to get married any time soon, if at all.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: "I mean - they're kind of normal? Tommy definitely is." Link laughed with a nod of his head. He loved his friends. They had helped him out so much and he didn't think that he would ever be able to repay them for all that they had done for him. "You want a drink?" He asked as he looked down at Emilie. He definitely thought that he needed something to get him through.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: "Are you actually asking what my drink is?" Florence asked him with a raise of an eyebrow. She had thought that the two of them had known one another for long enough that he would know what she liked to drink. Florence wondered what Tommy would do if Florence turned around and told him that she was actually done. She didn't think that he would know what to do. Though she knew that it probably wouldn't happen.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "Yeah, that's what I thought - and Jacob would have no idea what to do. The only best man he's ever been is Spencer's, so." Izzy laughed, rolling her eyes. Of course, she hadn't been on Spencer's bachelor party - but she could only imagine how boring it would've been. She laughed as he spoke about Felicity, shrugging her shoulders. "I haven't figured it out yet. I mean, she already knows - but I will ask her. Somehow." She smiled. She wanted it to be special, she just wasn't sure what she would do yet.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "I thought we were done with this?" Jacob asked, raising an eyebrow. Really, he thought it was unfair of Felicity to ask that when she had walked out on the wedding. It definitely got his back up. "I'm going to get a drink. We can talk when you're done asking ridiculous questions." He snapped, shaking his head before he moved over to the bar. He didn't think it particularly mattered what his father would've said, seeing as they hadn't ended up married anyway.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Freddie knew that Grace's father didn't like him, but he didn't see how getting married would change that - it would never, in the world he came from ... But sometimes he still struggled to come to terms with just how different he and Grace were. "Yeah, so do I." He laughed. He loved Elias so much - he was such a character already. "I dunno, really. Maybe. See how this one turns out first, yeah?" He laughed, raising an eyebrow. He would probably have more, if they both wanted to. Elias was enough for now, though.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "Yeah, I know - that's why you're all here tonight, yeah?" Ellie smiled, wrapping an arm around Charlie's waist. She loved that the whole of the Saracen family had come to support Nick - she truly felt closer to Lea and Peter than she ever had to her own mum and dad, even as a kid.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Edie looked at Theo as he asked if she was going to speak to her parents, shaking her head. "No, not tonight." Or any night, if she could help it. When she had been younger, it had been easy to pretend that her parents just wanted the best for her - but as she got older, it was like they had done anything possible to make her unhappy. They didn't like who she was becoming, they didn't like anything about her - so she had nothing to say to them. "If I have a choice, anyway."
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "I'd definitely give you a cut - if I made it a series, you could even play you." Gabe laughed, raising his eyebrows as though he was offering a massive treat. "I think it would make a great series, honestly. Your highlights." He chuckled. "I could definitely see them being next - although they're still pretty young, right?" He shrugged his shoulders. "It better not be Bex, I'd feel about one hundred years old if it was!"
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "It's fucking coming to something when me and Tommy are probably the most normal people you have." Emilie laughed, rolling her eyes. She knew they were all a little bit dysfunctional, but that was why they fit together so well. They looked out for each other. "Please." She smiled as he asked if she wanted a drink, nodding her head. "I'll wait here." She needed to text Kurt, to keep up the pretense that she was at home.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "I asked what you wanted." Tommy shrugged his shoulders. He wanted to spend time with her tonight, he wanted to have fun but he wasn't going to play the doting boyfriend - he didn't ever want to do that. "Or are you going to be boring and have the same drink you always get?" He smirked as he turned to look at her.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: "That's enough to put anyone off them, isn't it?" Nick asked with a raise of an eyebrow and a laugh. He liked Jacob... the same could not be said about Spencer. He thought that her eldest brother was a bit of a snob and definitely not someone that Nick would ever really get along with. "So you're wanting to do something though? To ask her?" He asked with a raise of an eyebrow.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Felicity rolled her eyes as Jacob spoke again. She didn't like how he seemed to throw a bit of a tantrum. "Whatever, Jacob." She muttered with a shake of her head and a sigh. She didn't think that she had asked anything out of the realm of reasonable. She smiled slightly as she saw Clancy on her own and quickly moved over to her sister, "Hey!" She chimed. She didn't think that she wanted to speak to jacob any time soon.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Grace and her father didn't particularly had a great relationship. It wasn't bad either but they just didn't really have one. She hoped that Freddie was closer with their kids, she hoped that she was as well. She would be so interested in seeing Elias as a big brother. That was almost enough for her to want another one. The red head shrugged her shoulders with a laugh. "Yeah, sounds good."
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: "Exactly. You know that we all love you guys." Charlie smiled as she wrapped her arm around Ellies shoulder. She knew that her family would always hold the Gellar in the highest regard and she loved that Ellie would have good parents in law. "I love you." She laughed as she kissed her girlfriends cheek.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Theo nodded his head. He, of course, knew that Edie and her parents did not get along. And he couldn't really make her deal with that. It confused him how parents could have such difficult relationships with their children when Theo had the best kind of relationship with his, even more so after his brother had died. "Then you don't have to. I'll act as a buffer."
- joined the chat 20 hours ago
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: "Oh my god, yes. I will definitely play me if it becomes a series. No-one could be a better me, than me." Annabelle laughed as she nodded her head. She loved talking to Gabe. He made her laugh and that was all that she could hope for anymore. "You think I'm worthy? I love it." She smiled. "I dunno - they are but they're like, grossly in love." She rolled her eyes. "You would? I'm her big sister! I might scream if she dares."
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: "Perhaps but we both know that it's the truth, don't we?" Link asked with a raise of an eyebrow. He had known for a long time that Emilie and Tommy were the most normal people that he knew. Link knew that, with the six of them, they would do anything for one another. He liked that. Link nodded, "Alright. Won;t be long." He muttered as he moved over to the bar.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Florence rolled her eyes slightly as Tommy spoke. This was why the two of them didn't get together ... because they were just bad for one another sometimes. "I'll have a long island ice tea." She muttered with a shrug of her shoulders and a roll of her eyes. "Besides - looks like we're here for a while, doesn't it?"
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Izzy giggled at Nick's comments about her brother, nodding her head. "Yeah, that part of his brain probably shut down from boredom." She rolled her eyes. Freddie was definitely the better choice, it seemed clear to her. She did love that Nick and Jacob were friends, though. "Yeah, of course - I just need to figure out what!" She was never going to ask Felicity in a boring way, she just wanted to make sure it was special enough before she did it.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Clancy smiled as she saw her sister coming over, waving her hand slightly. She was happy to see her, to be honest - she was finding the party a little insufferable. She was used to these kind of events, but seeing Mr. Fontaine pretend that he had done nothing wrong was infuriating her. "Hi! Good night?" She smiled, raising an eyebrow. She knew Felicity was just as angry as she was.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Freddie chuckled softly. He knew that Elias was going to take up a lot of their time; he wasn't exactly an easy kid, but he definitely wouldn't say no to having anymore. He just wanted to give Elias all of their time for now. "Besides, I think he'd be jealous if he had to share you with anybody else." He chuckled. It was obvious how much their little boy loved Grace already.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "Yeah and we love you." Ellie smiled, nodding her head. The Saracens had always pretty much been parents to the four of them. "I love you." She replied with a little laugh - it was still so weird to get to be out in the open with Charlie, that people weren't actually judging them like she'd always thought they would. The only judgement she'd had so far was from her own mother.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Edie knew that Theo had the best kind of relationship with his parents and to be honest, she envied it a little bit. It was obvious how much his parents loved him and she had never had that. "You don't have to do that, Theo... They'll swoop down on you." She laughed, rolling her eyes. She wouldn't want Theo to have to put up with her parents just because of her.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "I totally agree. Who would you want to play you, though? If it had to be someone else?" Gabe smiled, curious to the answer. He loved that he and Annabelle always had something to talk about, they never grew tired of being around each other. "Definitely worthy. It'd be a hit." He chuckled. He always had the best time around Annabelle. "I don't think you'll have to worry about that for a long time, though."
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "It's the truth, but it's insane." Emilie laughed, raising an eyebrow. She thought there were definitely more normal people than her and Tommy out there - although they, along with Gabe, probably had the most normal backgrounds. She nodded her head as he went off to get the drinks, quickly pulling out her phone to text Kurt. She knew that she shouldn't lie to him, but it was just so much easier than admitting where she was and who she was with.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Tommy ordered Florence's drink and passed it over to her with a little smirk. He liked knowing that he got under her skin, even just a little bit. "You are, I suppose - if your parents are here. I can leave whenever I want to. Annabelle had to push for me and Link to be invited anyway." He chuckled, rolling his eyes.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC joined the chat
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Nick nodded slightly. He liked Jacob a lot but he had been so surprised by how much he did. The two were polar opposites and shouldn't have much to talk about at all... But Nick definitely saw Jacob as one of his best friends now. He was just glad that he had Freddie, too, someone who understood him a little more. "I look forward to hearing about it." Nick muttered with a laugh. He thought that however Izzy decided to do it, it was going to be good.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Like Clancy, Felicity was finding the party a little difficult. Of course she was loving the excuse to celebrate her best friend and the love she had for Nick ... but the fact that Mr Fontaine was the one that had thrown it, left a bitter taste. She shrugged. "it's okay." She sat down next to Clancy, "Are you?" She asked. She wondered if she and Spencer were the same as Felicity and jacob.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: "Just think of us as your family. It's going to be true eventually, right?" Charlie asked with a raise of an eyebrow. Ellie was her second serious relationship but she was sure that this was it. She loved the other so much and she wanted to spend her life with her. She was her best friend. She kissed her girlfriends cheek quickly with a laugh/
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Theo shrugged his shoulders slightly as Edie spoke, "I don't mind, if it means that you'll be okay." He would always give himself so that Edie was okay and he hoped that she knew that. "But you don't have to see them so it's alright- you wanna go talk to some of the others?"
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: "Emilie." Annabelle laughed before she shrugged her shoulders slightly. "Who knows me better than her? Except maybe you." She loved Gabe and she loved that he could get into her head, without even her having to say something. He would know what she was thinking, without her even saying it. "Oh for sure. As long as they get the tantrums right." She shrugged her shoulders with a laugh. "I better not. But who knows - Andy and her are pretty close." She nudged her friend with a laugh.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Link shrugged his shoulders. He really appreciated his friends. He thought that they were some of the best people and he was glad that he had them. He quickly got himself and Emilie their drink and moved back over to her, "Here you go, my lady." Link chuckled as he passed her the drink. "I think my mums noticed that we're here.." He muttered with a shake of his head.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: "Thank you." Florence smiled as Tommy passed her the drink. She was pretty sure that she got under Tommys skin too, she definitely enjoyed the idea of that. "If you want to but I'm sure you're not gonna leave till you've wrecked some havok, right?" She asked with a raise of an eyebrow and a laugh. She knew him too well, she was almost certain.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "You should be - whatever I do, it's going to be good." Izzy laughed. She had been Felicity's maid of honour, of course and now she was so excited that Felicity got to be hers. She wanted to make it as special for the girl as she had felt when she was at her wedding. "And I still need to ask your sisters to be my bridesmaids." She smiled. She didn't have any sisters of her own, but Felicity and Grace were as close as it came.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Clancy shrugged her shoulders as Felicity asked her the same question. "Not particularly. I can't stand looking at his smug face and I'm so sick of the boys confusing their fear of him for respect." She rolled her eyes. Felicity was probably one of the only people she'd be so candid with, because she knew she felt the same way. Of all her siblings, she felt closest to Felicity, even though they were so fundamentally different.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "Will it?" Ellie asked with a little smile, looking at Charlie with a raise of an eyebrow. She liked hearing that Charlie thought this was it, because so did she. She had never been in a serious relationship before - she had been in relationships where the other person thought it was serious, but that had been before she admitted that it was girls she was interested in. This was it for her, she knew that. She wrapped an arm around her girlfriends shoulders as she kissed her cheek.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Edie shook her head as Theo spoke, but she was smiling - she would never stop feeling like he was far too good for her. "Yeah, we'll go and see Annabelle?" She raised an eyebrow, spotting her friends across the room. She knew that Annabelle would probably be ready for something a little bit stronger than a drink, as well. She wouldn't feel so bad doing it with somebody else.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "Oh, good choice - I feel like her approach would be a bit too aggressive though. I'd be a way better choice... But the height might be a bit of an issue." Gabe laughed, pulling a face as he looked down at his best friend. "Oh what, you think it's like that?" He laughed as she spoke about Bex. He had wondered before if he saw something there, but then people always said the same about he and Annabelle, so he hadn't thought too much into it.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Emilie smiled and slipped her phone back into her bag as Link came back over with their drinks; she just wanted to enjoy herself tonight and she was. "Thank you, kind sir." She laughed, rolling her eyes as she took the drink, taking a sip. She groaned as he said his mum had spotted them. "Ugh, for gods sake. Is me being here going to make it better or worse?" She laughed. She still couldn't fully figure out his mothers opinion of her and she didn't want to make it any worse.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Tommy laughed, shaking his head. Florence knew him so well, it was almost uncanny sometimes. "You know me too well." He smiled, raising an eyebrow. He didn't really plan on causing trouble, but he thought a little bit of drama was important for any party. "Where's your date now, then? He always provides me with some entertainment."
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: "That's for sure." Nick laughed. He was sure that it wouldn't be something he would ever think up but he was almost certain that Felicity was going to love it. He wondered how the wedding was going to be and although he knew that Izzy would have the most control, like he would like it to be, he was looking forward to marrying her. "Are you sure you want them as your bridesmaids? They won't go easy on you." He chuckled. He loved his sisters but they were all so stubborn and opinionated
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Felicity nodded, "Me neither." She had loved Mr Fontaine and she had never thought that he would do something that would dampen that. But she had definitely lost a lot of respect for him for what he had done to Nick. "I tried getting Jacob to see it from our point of view but he just got mad." Felicity shook her head. She and Clancy were completely different but they shared the same morals, that was why she was sure the two of them got on so well.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Charlie shrugged her shoulders with a laugh, "I think so." She looked at her girlfriend for a second, "Do you?" She asked with a raise of an eyebrow. She couldn't help but be a little curious if Ellie thought the same. Charlie had been in a relationship with another girl, she knew that all she wanted was Ellie. Though she was Ellies first female relationship and she couldn't help but wonder if the other wanted to explore a little more.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Theo missed Edie so much. He wished that he could figure out a way for the two of them to be more than just friends but he knew it was never going to be that easy. He didn't even know if she wanted to be with him. "Sounds good. " Theo nodded, letting Annabelle lead the way.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: "You? I'm not sure that you have it in you to throw a major tantrum." Annabelle laughed with a shake of her head. She didn't think that she ever felt as good as when she was with Gabe. She shrugged as he spoke about her sister. "I dunno. Maybe. He definitely likes her." She nodded. Annabelle sighed. She knew that people said the same about her and Gabe, that was why Vance didn't like her being with him.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Link wanted to ask but he knew who it was that she was texting. He wondered if Kurt knew where she was but he refused to ask. He wanted it to be a night for just the two of them. He laughed as he looked at Emilie. He felt so much more like himself when it was just him and Emilie. "I mean -- -better for us, I think. I don't think she's gonna come over."
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Florence shrugged her shoulders. She liked that she knew Tommy so well. She liked that she pretty much knew what he was thinking, which was why she had known when he had hurt her too. "Oh , is that the trouble you're wanting to cause?" She asked with a raise of an eyebrow and a laugh. She looked around and then nodded towards Harrison, "He's there."
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Izzy laughed, shrugging her shoulders. "Do you think I'll go easy on them?" She knew that Nick's sisters were strong characters, but so was she - and she knew she could handle it. She wasn't going to relinquish control over her wedding to absolutely anybody. "Besides, they're your sisters. Of course I want them." She smiled, shrugging her shoulders. She wanted his family to feel like they were just as involved as hers.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Clancy shook her head, sighing deeply. The whole situation was really starting to annoy her - especially since both Fontaine brothers didn't seem to want to talk about it at all. "Spencer is angry that I said anything to his dad, I can tell. But I don't care." She raised an eyebrow, sipping from her glass of wine. She would always speak her mind and she'd thought he'd known that.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Ellie smiled; she loved how honest Charlie was about how she felt and what she thought would happen in her future. Nobody had ever showed Ellie love like the other girl had, so it was still a little strange sometimes, but she loved it. "Yeah, of course I do. You guys have always been my family. I'd be fucking stupid not to want it to be official." She laughed, shaking her head. She knew she would be the luckiest person in the world, to have the Saracens as her family.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Edie smiled, but it still didn't quite reach her eyes. She loved Theo and she loved being around him, but she hated being here. She wanted to go home, she didn't want to be in a place where she could risk having to speak to her parents any minute. She walked over to Annabelle, tapping her on the shoulder gently. "Hey! You guys having fun?" She raised an eyebrow.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "What?! I can throw a tantrum... I've seen enough of yours that I'd just copy." Gabe laughed, rolling his eyes. He smiled as she spoke about Bex; Annabelle's siblings felt like his siblings, at this point. "That's cute... But then, everybody always says that about me and you." He laughed, nudging her gently with his elbow. "Hey!" He smiled as he saw Edie and Theo coming over.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Emilie was so glad that Link didn't ask who she was texting - she hated speaking about Kurt, with any of her friends, but especially with him. Everything felt so normal between them and she wanted it to stay that way tonight. "Oh, thank god." She laughed, shaking her head. "She's looking." She raised an eyebrow as Link's mum looked over at them again, but then looked away.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "Maybe. We'll have to see what kind of mood he's in tonight." Tommy laughed, raising an eyebrow. "Or what kind of mood you're in. Want to piss him off?" He grinned, laughing softly as he looked down at Florence. He hoped she did, because he wanted to have some fun with her tonight.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Nick laughed before he shrugged his shoulders. "No, but do you think that they'll go easy on you?" He asked with a raise of an eyebrow. He was sure that none of his sisters would wear something, which he worried about a little. He thought that there would be fights but he was trying to ignore that. He thought that Izzy knew what she was doing. "Does that mean I have to ask Spencer, though?" He was mostly joking.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Felicity could sense that her sister was getting annoyed and she couldn't blame her, she was pretty annoyed by it all too. "Yeah, I think that Jacob is pretty much the same." She shrugged. She wasn't used to being the person that people were annoyed by but she was trying to ignore that. She thought that this was worth it .
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Charlie never say the point in pretending that she thought different. She wanted to marry Ellie, why would she pretend that she didn't? She just hoped that Ellie wouldn't mind. She liked that she seemed to enjoy it. "And you're definitely not stupid." Charlie smiled. Other than her eldest sister, she thought that Ellie was probably the smartest person on the planet.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Theo wished he could do more for Edie. He thought that he still loved her and he wished that he could take the hurt away from her. He thought that she deserved to be more happy. He smiled slightly as he looked to Gabe and Annabelle, "Hey." He muttered. He liked Edies friends but he didn't feel like he fit in all that well right now.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: "I don't think you have. I need proof." Annabelle laughed with a shrug of her shoulders. She smirked slightly as Gabe spoke. She knew that, that was the same thing that people said about the two of them. She wondered if he thought that it might actually ever happen, not that she was about to say that to him. She was with Vance, it didn't matter. "Hey gorgeous!" Annabelle smiled as she looked Edie, "of course I am, are you?"
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Link didn't want anything to happen which would make things feel weird between him and Emilie, like he was sure would be the case if he mentioned Kurt. He really didn't want to have to deal with any of that. He sighed as she spoke about his mum and he shook his head, "She will. Just ignore her. She'll look away eventually." He shrugged his shoulders.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Florence raised an eyebrow as she heard Tommy. She was definitely intrigued as to what he had in mind. She couldn't help but be curious when it came to him. She shrugged her shoulders, "What exactly are you suggesting?" She asked with a laugh. She was pretty sure that, that was an answer to his questions.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "I can take it. Believe me." Izzy laughed, shaking her head. She knew that she and the Gellars came from totally different walks of life, but she was tough in her own way and she knew she wouldn't be taking anything she didn't want. She scoffed as he asked about Spencer, shaking his head. "Of course it doesn't. You can ask who you want." It didn't matter to her if he asked Spencer or not - they weren't exactly close, after all.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Clancy shrugged her shoulders. "Well. What else can we do?" She asked, shaking her head. She wasn't going to apologise for something she felt like she was in the right for and she wished that Spencer would try and see it the way she did. "I just don't see what's so different between Nick and the two of us. That's what's annoying me." She shook her head again.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "Depends who you ask." Ellie asked, pulling a goofy face at her girlfriend. She knew she wasn't stupid, but she often didn't feel as clever as a lot of the people around her - even though she'd always been pretty intelligent, the years of her parents telling her she was stupid, or wrong had really had an impact.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "Hm? I guess so." Edie shrugged her shoulders, playing with the ends of her hair absentmindedly. "Parents are here." She knew that she didn't need to say more than that for Annabelle to understand why she felt uncomfortable. She was glad to see Annabelle without Vance, though - it was a refreshing change. "Do you wanna come to the bathroom?" She raised an eyebrow. She thought Annabelle would know what she was referencing.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "Do you have a drink, mate?" Gabe smiled as Theo spoke, holding up his. It was almost empty and there was an open bar, so he'd certainly be heading over for another in a second. "We were just talking about who would play Annabelle if they made a movie reel of all her tantrums - I wanted it to be me, but she doesn't think I'd be convincing enough."
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Emilie shrugged her shoulders and turned away. "Isn't it weird? Being here and not speaking to them?" She asked, her voice a little softer than usual. It was a genuine question - she couldn't imagine being in the same room as her parents and not saying a word. "Not that I blame you, obviously." She smiled.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Tommy chuckled softly as Florence spoke; he was pretty sure that was an answer to his question and he was pleased with it. "I'll show you." He smirked, raising an eyebrow as he looked over to make sure Harrison was looking before he turned back to Florence, leaning down to kiss her slowly. It wasn't just to cause trouble - he wanted to. He always wanted to, when she was around.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Nick had no doubt that Izzy could handle his sisters. He just didn't want them to ruin anything that Izzy had planned. He wanted her to have the best time with all of the wedding planning. Nick nodded his head slightly, he had no idea who he wanted to ask, "But you think your dad would hate me even more if I don't?" He didn't want to annoy Mr Fontaine further. He didn't care what the other thought of him but he wanted izzy to have the best day.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Felicity shrugged her shoulders, " I have no idea." She sighed. She wished that Jacob and Spencer could see it from where the two of them did. They came from the world that Mr Fontaine was clearly against, of course they were going to be upset that he was so dismissive of nick. "There isn't any difference, that's the thing. I think Jacob knows. That's what's annoying me.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Grace was having a nice night with Freddie but she was definitely starting to miss her baby now. "Shall we go see the happy couple? I think they've had enough time on their own, don't you?" She asked with a raise of an eyebrow. She wondered if this was how it was always going to be, she and Freddie would go out as a couple but things would feel incomplete without Elias there too.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Charlie laughed as Ellie pulled a face and she pulled an equally goofy one back. "Hey - i'm the stupid one in this relationship. Don't take away my title." She smiled at her girlfriend. She felt so lucky to have Ellie, she seemed to understand her more than anyone elseddid.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Annabelle pulled a face as Edie mentioned her parents, "fuck them. We'll just ignore them." She shrugged her shoulders. She didn't think that Edie should have to talk to them, if she didn't want to.. and Annabelle definitely didn't blame her when she didn't. The blonde nodded at her friends question and laughed slightly, "Yes, i absolutely do." She knew it was her brothers party but she wouldn't get completely waste.d
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: "that would be great, yes please." Theo nodded his head slightly. His brow furrowed as he heard Edie mention the bathroom. He was pretty sure what that meant and while he didn't judge her, he didn't think that, that was going to end all that well. "Oh really?" Theo laughed, "You've been around her enough, right? Surely you've picked up a thing or two."
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Link shrugged his shoulders at Emilies question, "Not really. It's just how it is, isn't it? It's not like we don't talk at all. They'd rather not be all that associated with me in public anyway." Link knew he had done a lot to embarrass them, he knew that, that was a big thing to his parents, his mother in particular.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Florence knew he was going to do something so she was pretty prepared for the kiss. Of course she kissed him back. She didn't like Harrison so why did it matter? The two stayed like that until she felt a hand on her shoulder and she heard a cough from her date, "What is it with you? This isn't the place to be causing a scene." Harrison muttered to Tommy.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Izzy thought people might be a little surprised with some of the things she already knew she wanted for the wedding - she knew everybody but Felicity would be expecting her to have a great big princess dress, but she couldn't really think of anything worse. She laughed, raising an eyebrow. "I mean... If you're wanting to ask Jacob, then yeah - you should probably ask Spencer too, if you want to keep my dad sweet." She rolled her eyes. She knew that her dad - and probably Spencer - would definitely take it personally if he wasn't asked, but Jacob was.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Clancy nodded her head. "Even if they didn't want to say anything to him, I wish they'd just admit that they know he's wrong. But they won't." She sighed. She really couldn't imagine what it felt like to be scared of your parent; she and Felicity had had the most supportive parents in the world. "They're more scared to disagree with him than I was to tell mum and dad that I was pregnant at sixteen. It doesn't make any sense to me."
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Freddie could tell that Grace was missing Elias - and he was too, but it wasn't completely at the forefront of his mind. He was enjoying some time with just the two of them, if he was honest. "Yeah, let's go and give them another congratulations." He chuckled, reaching to take Grace's hand, leading the way through all the people, to Izzy and Nick.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Ellie laughed as Charlie pulled a face back at her, shaking her head. "You're not stupid - we're just good at different things." She laughed, shrugging her shoulders. She was nowhere near creative enough to do what Charlie did - she couldn't cook at all, not really. When she had moved out at sixteen, she had pretty much lived off noodles and toast.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "Yeah, I'm trying." Edie laughed, shaking her head. She wished it was that easy to just ignore her parents, but she felt constantly aware of their presence. "Great, c'mon..." She muttered, turning and heading over to the nearest bathroom. It didn't take her long at all to get the bag out of her purse, taking a second to make sure nobody else was in there. "Fucking hell, I've been dying for this." She shook her head.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Gabe nodded his head. "I'll go over when I've finished this. They keep looking at me funny when I have two drinks at once." He laughed. "See, that's what I thought! I've witnessed them enough times, so I think I'd be pretty convincing, but what the hell." He grinned. He didn't even think anything of the two girls going to the bathroom; he was used to it by now.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Emilie shook her head. It made her so angry that Link's parents saw their own son as an embarrassment; she was pretty sure that if they'd shown him more support, then he wouldn't be as bad as he was now. "Fucking stupid." She muttered, shaking her head. She was about to speak again when she saw Tommy and Florence and groaned. "Oh, for fucks sake..."
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Tommy couldn't help but laugh as he heard Harrison's voice, pulling away from Florence with a smirk on his face. "Causing a -- causing a scene? Sorry, I didn't think I was." He smiled infuriatingly, his eyes twinkling as he looked at the other, his stance almost challenging. "Is something wrong?"
- joined the chat 8 hours ago
- joined the chat 2 hours ago
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC joined the chat
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Nick was sure that Izzy was going to surprise him with all of the wedding stuff. he was sure that he wouldn't have to do much and, if he was honest, he would look forward to that. He wasn't sure he wanted much say in all of this. It certainly wasn't his forte. Nick nodded, "Yeah, that's what I was thinking." He muttered. He didn't really want Spencer as one of his groomsmen, but he definitely knew he wanted Jacob. So he just had to suck it up. He smiled then, as he saw Jacob and Grace on their way over.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: "But they won't." Felicity repeated with a nod of her head. It was rare that she disagreed with any of her parents of her step-parents, but when she did, she made sure that she told them. She didn't understand how Jacob and Spencer couldn't seem to do the same with their dad. She thought that, that was especially sad. "That's exactly it. I think they're just not used to not seeing their dad as this perfect, thing, you know?"
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Grace wasn't as close with Elias as Izzy was with Jeremiah... but she and her son had such a bond already. She missed him when she wasn't with him. "Perfect." She muttered with a nod of her head and a smile. She squeezed his hand as she followed him to their friends. "Hey you gorgeous pair!" Grace called, a wide smile on her face as she did so.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Annabelle would love to give Edies parents a piece of her mind if she was honest. She thought that her friend was worth more than what they had ever given to her. She just couldn't do anything to mess up tonight for her brother. She refused. She quickly followed after Edie and the blonde nodded her head, "Honestly, same." She laughed slightly. Emilie was her best friend but sometimes, it felt like Edie was literally her soulmate.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: "Alright, sounds good." Theo laughed with a nod of his head. He wasn't sure that he would ever get used to an event like this and he knew that people around them knew that they weren't exactly in the right place here. "You'll just have to prove it to her, right?" He asked with a raise of an eyebrow and a laugh. He really liked Gabe. He thought that he was really funny and a really nice person.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Link felt so anxious with his parents just across the room. He had never meant to become what he had. He had never wanted to be wrapped up in everything he was. He never wanted to be an addict. But it was such an embarrassment to them. Link found it hard to feel like a normal person. Suddenly, he was itching for a little bit of something. He turned, though, to look at whatever Emilie was talking about. He laughed as he saw Tommy and Florence, "You think he's ever gonna stop thaT?"
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Florence sighed as she looked up at Harrison, it was clear that he wasn't happy and that Tommys reply just made him more annoyed. She knew that he wouldn't be nice... but she didn't expect Harrison to shove him, "I'm getting really sick of you." He growled. "You know exactly what I'm talking about." She took a step away from the two of them, then.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "We have time to figure it all out. No stressing yet." Izzy laughed, raising an eyebrow. She was sure there would be plenty of stress to come in the lead up to the wedding, but for now she was going to enjoy the decision making parts. "Hi!" She beamed as she saw Grace coming over. She was so happy that she and Grace got to spend some time together tonight, without their babies, but she was missing Jeremiah a lot.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Clancy shook her head. "They won't." She agreed. It was infuriating, she thought, that both she and Felicity were on the same page here and neither of the boys would see reason. She thought the tables would be very different, had it been their marriages on the line. "It's absolutely that. Doesn't make it any less frustrating, though."
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Freddie gave Nick a friendly punch to the shoulder as they finally joined their friends, raising an eyebrow. "Alright, mate?" He asked gruffly. The party hadn't really grown on him - he still hated everything about it, but he was happy to see his friend and he knew that Nick was probably in the same boat.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Edie did one line, then another - it was a little bit more than she'd usually do at once, but she really needed to feel something from it. She didn't think she could cope without it, not in that room. It was so big, but felt so small - like the walls had been closing in around her. "Knock yourself out." She nodded to Annabelle, leaving the bag on the side and looking in the mirror. It was always something she hated - seeing her own reflection, but she knew that if anything was off then her parents would make a point of saying something.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Gabe downed the rest of his drink with a wince and put the glass down, gesturing for Theo to join him at the bar. "What're you drinking? I've been trying to sample the expensive stuff while it's free, but honestly? It's gross." He laughed, shaking his head. "Yeah, I guess I'll have to throw an award winning tantrum or something. Not here, though. Nick would kill me." He chuckled. He would never want to cause trouble for his friend.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Emilie really did think that the root of Link's problems was his parents and she resented them a lot for that - she would never see him as anything less than her best friend. She rolled her eyes as he spoke. "No, never." She was sick of it now - she didn't like Florence and she hated that the girl was constantly being brought in and out of their group. She sighed as she saw him being pushed. "You're gonna have to stop them." She raised an eyebrow. She knew Annabelle's brother wouldn't be happy with it.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Tommy laughed as Harrison pushed him - be barely even stumbled, his shoulders shaking with the soft chuckle - as though he was enjoying the conversation. "Oh, what? And here I thought we were the best of friends. How upsetting." He grinned, shrugging his shoulders. "I have no idea what you were talking about... Are you gonna tell me, or are you gonna push me again? Or have we stopped behaving like kids in a playground?" He laughed. He was itching for a fight with the other - and for no other reason than he didn't like him being Florence's boyfriend, or whatever he was.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: "I'm know." Nick nodded his head. He was fully prepared for Izzy to be a brideszilla. He didn't know how he would react to it, but he knew that it was bound to happen, that was just the person that she was and he loved her for it. "Hey." Nick nodded at Freddie. He was glad his friend was there tonight. He was pretty sure that if anyone understood what he was thinking, it would be Freddie. "Better now another commoner is here." He chuckled.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: "Absolutely not." Felicity shook her head with a sigh. "I said to Jacob if it had been on the other foot, if his dad had said something about when we were engaged... It didn't go down well." She understood why Jacob might not have liked the question but she was sure that part of him reacted like he did because he knew that she was right. He wouldn't have liked it.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Grace smiled as she linked her arm through Izzys, she was definitely glad to be spending time with her friend tonight, without the boys. "How exciting is this party though, huh?" She asked with a raise of an eyebrow and a laugh. She couldn't wait until all of this would be for hers and freddies wedding... whenever that might be.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Annabelle raised an eyebrow as Edie did two lines. She understood that her friend was under a lot of stress though, and didn't comment. She knew that it wouldn't go down well anyway. Annabelle nodded and quickly did a line herself before she turned back to Edie. She rested against the sink, "You know you're gorgeous, right? Fuck whatever your parents think or whatever they say to you."
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Theo laughed but followed after Gabe. He wasn't sure that he had ever met someone who was even close to being like Gabe and he liked that. All six of them were so sure of who they were and Theo wished he could be like that. "I'm just drinking coke, actually, not really a drinker." He chuckled. He never really had been but especially not since Barney. "You and Nick are friends, then, I guesS?"
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Link never really thought too much about his parents. He didn't see the point. They were who they were and he knew that nothing was going to change that. He wished that he could strike out on his own but he knew that he would fall flat on his face. He sighed as Emilie spoke. Link knew that Tommy was always going to do whatever he wanted, he just wished that he wasn't so obvious about it all. "Stop them? Nothing has happened, Em. Not yet at least."
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Florence rolled her eyes as Harrison pushed Tommy. It felt so juvenile to her and she knew that Tommy wasn't the kind of person to step down, "Leave it Harrison, seriously." She sighed. She didn't want trouble, not with her parents in the room. She didn't think of that when Tommy was in front of her and being his usual self though. "Course you don't. Do you really think that i'm going to be dumb enough to start something with you? Just leave what's not yours alone, that's all i'm saying."
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Freddie laughed, nodding his head. "Yeah, same - it's fucking crazy, I can't even understand what half of 'em are saying." He shook his head. He knew he had a pretty broad accent, but he genuinely couldn't understand some of the things these people said. "Bet this is weird, yeah? A party like this, for you." He laughed. He knew he would hate every second of it.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Clancy shrugged her shoulders. "Hm. I'd be interested to see what they would've done." She liked to think Spencer would've married her anyway - she knew his dad hadn't loved the idea of them having a child out of wedlock, but he hadn't voiced much concern when it came to their marriage. She just wished they could all discuss this, instead of it feeling taboo.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "So exciting!" Izzy laughed, nodding her head. If she was honest, it was pretty much like every other party her father had ever thrown - only this one, she wasn't enjoying so much, because of what he'd done to Nick. She was so excited to get married, to be his wife - but she didn't feel like she needed this huge party now. "I miss Jeremiah, though. The nanny keeps sending me pictures." She laughed.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "I don't care, anyway. I was just checking to see if I had something in my teeth." Edie laughed, unconvincingly. It was hard for her, having friends that knew her so well when she just wanted to pretend everything was fine. "Let's go?" She raised an eyebrow, grabbing the bag and shoving it back into her purse. The buzz was hitting her and she felt better already, like her skin was tingling with anticipation.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Gabe really liked Theo - he knew the other was a lot quieter than he or his friends, but he thought he was a nice guy and a perfect fit for Edie. "I got you, no worries." He laughed, ordering a coke for Theo and a pint for himself. "Yeah - well, with all the Gellars. Our parents used to be friends." He nodded his head. He had known them all since they'd moved to London, he thought. "We all moved here around the same time. New kids at school." He grinned.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Emilie didn't really care what Tommy did in his own time; she knew the way he treated girls was terrible, but she always struggled to feel bad for them when it was Kurt she had to go home to. She knew that Tommy would be easier to walk away from than him. What she cared about, was how what Tommy did affected the rest of their lives - like this, for example. "What, so you're gonna wait until it does? Stop it before it starts." She rolled her eyes. She knew Link had the best chance of making Tommy stop.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "Well you just pushed me, so I'm guessing - yes?" Tommy asked with a smirk, raising an eyebrow. "Or was that a trick question?" He shook his head as Harrison spoke again, rolling his eyes. "What's not mine? She's a person, mate - not a what. She's not mine or yours. Or are you stuck in the fucking Victorian era like the rest of the people here?" He asked with a laugh. "Look, it's not my fault she doesn't want you. Why don't you try and bore someone else to death? Flo's got plans tonight." He smirked.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Nick laughed and nodded as Freddie spoke. He liked that he had a friend who understood him. Most people there probably wouldn't understand why Nick found all of this pretty hard but Freddie did. "I can't either. honestly, it's a struggle." He laughed. Nick didn't like things like this but he was used to them now. He knew he could avoid it, being a part of Izzys family. "it's fucking insane." He muttered with a nod of his head.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Felicity nodded her head. She had no idea what Jacob would've done if his father hadn't approved of her, the way he was acting now, she was pretty sure that he would listen to him. "That's the thing - I'm not sure that we'd have gotten anywhere if his dad didn't like me." And Felicity did not like that thought one bit. She loved Jacob but she was sure that his love depending on his father and she didn't like that.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Grace smiled at her friend as she nodded her head. She had heard about what had happened with her dad and Grace couldn't blame Izzy for being mad. She knew that she would be the same if it was her and Freddie, though she didn't think that he would actually ask her father. "At least you keep getting pictures. Freddies parents haven't sent us anything." She sighed.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Annabelle nodded but didn't say any more. She knew that it wasn't the case but if Edie didn't want to talk about it, then Annabelle wasn't going to force her to. She just wanted her friend to know that she was there if she needed her. The blonde nodded and followed Edie back out of the bathroom, "Where are the boys?" She asked with a raise of an eyebrow
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: "Thank you." Theo smiled slightly. He knew that he was quieter than the rest of them but he thought that, that was what this group needed. He didn't think that they needed another big personality. "Oh right, yeah, of course." Theo nodded. His parents had always been more to himself, "I bet that was nice though. Having some other kids to basically grow up with."
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Link sighed as Emilie pushed him to step in. He didn't see the point. Tommy was old enough to do as he please and Link didn't see why he should be the one to try and stop stuff. "Fine." He growled with a shake of his head. Though Link didn't think he would be able to stop his friend, not right now anyway. "Tommy - you wanna grab a drink?" He called over to him.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Harrison laughed bitterly as he listened to Tommy. "You're only acting like this because you're fucking jealous. She doesn't want you anymore, get the fuck over it." Florence shook her head as she listened. She knew that things weren't going to end well and sometimes, she wondered why she had to be in the middle of all of Tommys games. "Yeah, she has plans with me. She's just pitying you because you're so desperate, right?" He looked at Florence, who didn't say anything
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "Do you have to stay the whole time, then? No chance of you sneaking out?" Freddie laughed, raising an eyebrow. He knew that if this was him, he'd be spending the whole night thinking of ways to get away without anybody noticing. It was so far from anything he thought Nick would enjoy. "Yeah, fucking insane is right." He laughed.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Clancy shook her head. "No use thinking like that now, though. You're together." She didn't think there was much point in dwelling on what might have happened, not when things were the way they were now, but it didn't make it any less frustrating. "Hopefully he'll just realise that he has to be onboard with it all now." She rolled her eyes.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Izzy laughed. "You should pay them, that's probably why the nanny is sending them." She chuckled. It was just a joke - she wouldn't leave Jeremiah with anybody she didn't trust implicitly and the nanny in question had been her own nanny.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Edie raised an eyebrow as she realised the boys weren't where they'd left them. "Bar." She muttered as she spotted them in the crowd, pointing over. "Should we go and save the table?" She still had half a drink left and she was feeling her buzz setting in, so she didn't need another.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Gabe leaned over the bar to order both of their drinks to turn back to Theo. "I mean, to be honest - there are so many of us anyway, it barely made a difference." He laughed, shrugging his shoulders. "But it was definitely nice having them around - weird, growing up with people." He chuckled. He felt like the Gellars and the Saracens knew everything about each other.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Ordinarily, Emilie wouldn't have really cared what Tommy did and she certainly wouldn't try and stop it, but this was Annabelle's brothers night and she knew that Annabelle would hate anything kicking off. She rolled her eyes as Link shook his head, but she looked over, hoping Tommy would just quit while he was ahead. She knew though, after what Harrison said, that he wouldn't.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Tommy laughed in the other boys face, raising an eyebrow. "It's cute how you think that's true. Why was she over here with me, then? Rather than letting you bore her brains out?" He asked with a little smile. "You're embarrassing yourself now mate, give it a rest. Why don't you go back over to her parents and keep being the golden boy? I think she'd rather stay with me."
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: "I think we're planning on leaving a little early. Izzy wants to get back to Jeremiah." Nick shook his head slightly, as though he was annoyed by it though it couldn't be further from the truth. He loved how much Izzy loved their son and he couldn't wait to get back to him as well. He wondered how Grace and Freddie were doing without Elias too. "I don't think I'm ever gonna get used to this." He shook his head. "Hey - but while we're here.." He looked to his friend. He didn't think that Freddie would want something huge around him asking. "You wanna be my best man?" He asked with a raise of an eyebrow.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Felicity shrugged her shoulders. She was almost certain though and it almost felt like their relationship was completely invalid. Felicity loved Jacob but she didn't know how much he would be able to put what his father said, behind them. "I think that's what all of this is about." Felicity shrugged her shoulders. She figured that Mr Fontaine was never going to throw something like this if he didn't know that.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Grace laughed, "Maybe that's the key. Could you imagine if I told Freddie we're gonna pay his parents so they'll send me photos?" She shook her head slightly. She loved Freddie and she definitely wanted to spend her life with him but sometimes it blew her mind the different worlds that she and Freddie came from. Her parents had only met Elias a couple of times and Freddies were constantly over. She felt so supported by them which was so nice.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Annabelle nodded as Edie pointed. "If he isn't getting me a drink, i'll kick off." Annabelle laughed. "But yeah, let's go." She smiled, leading the way to the table. Annabelle worried about Edie, that was for sure but sometimes she found it hard learning how to help her. She wanted to help her but it seemed really difficult.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Theo chuckled and nodded his head, "That absolutely makes sense." He smiled. He almost wished that he had other siblings. Barney was his best friend, which was why he found it so difficult now he was gone. It was something that Theo tried to keep to the back of his mind but he struggled with it most days. "It sounds like a lot of fun though, really nice."
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Link sighed as Tommy completely ignored him. He knew that it would be as easy as that but he wished that it was. He sighed as he started over towards his friend. He knew that now wasn't the time for something like this but he knew Tommy too well to think that he was going to stop now, especially with everything that the other was saying to him.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Florence sighed, "Listen to him, Harrison." She muttered. She didn't like to pipe up with stuff like this. She didn't like to put herself in the middle but Harrison was starting to ignore her now. He glared at her though, before he turned back to look at Tommy. "Jesus fucking christ, you've properly brainwashed her, haven't you? Think you can keep toying with her like nothing is gonna fucking happen. You're both crazy."
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "Good excuse." Freddie laughed, raising an eyebrow. Nick could pretend to be annoyed as much as he wanted, but Freddie knew he wouldn't be sad about leaving here and going home. He had always felt the same, but especially now they had Elias - although he knew he was more than safe with his parents. He raised an eyebrow as he looked up at Nick to listen to him, smiling slightly as he asked him to be the best man. He was glad it hadn't come in some kind of big gesture - he was never one for emotions. "Yeah, 'course I do." He laughed, nudging his friend gently with his arm.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "Hopefully." Clancy nodded her head. She thought it would be pretty futile for the older man to keep on trying to interfere when his daughter had made it clear that she didn't really care what she thought. "Excited to be a maid of honour for the first time?" She smiled, trying to move on to more positive subjects.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Izzy laughed. "I can't imagine Freddie's reaction if you told him you were going to pay extra for anything." She giggled. She liked Freddie, a lot, but she did sometimes find it funny how he was with someone like Grace when he so hated excessive amounts of money. "You could definitely say the same about Nick, though." She smiled. "Are you missing him? Elias, I mean." She just wanted to know she wasn't the only one absolutely dying to see her baby again.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Edie knew deep down that her friends had her best interests at heart, but she hated feeling like they were constantly trying to help her when she didn't think she needed it. As far as she was concerned, they all had their own coping mechanisms. She was starting to feel a little worse for wear, though - her stomach was empty apart from the mix of booze and drugs and it was making her head feel funny.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "Yeah, it was fun. Worlds biggest family." Gabe grinned. He loved thinking back on the times they'd had when they were younger, how much they'd all loved being around each other. It was crazy that some of them were married now, or had children. "Oh shit, I better get Anna a drink as well." He laughed, turning back to the bar and ordering one for her before he started to walk.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "Fucking hell, who is this guy?" Emilie asked with a roll of her eyes as she looked at Harrison. She didn't know him, but she didn't like the way he was talking about Tommy and she didn't like his tone. "Tommy, just walk away." She muttered - she knew he wouldn't like the brainwashed comment, but she was hoping he wouldn't do anything stupid. Not here.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "See." Tommy smirked as Florence spoke, raising an eyebrow. "She doesn't want you, mate." He was happy to leave it at that, to leave with Florence and know that he had the upper hand, but his face twisted slightly with anger as he heard the word brainwashed. He wasn't going to have him insinuating that Florence only wanted him because he'd brainwashed her into it. "You're a fucking dick." He muttered, shaking his head before he drew back his fast and threw the first punch.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: "Yeah, biggest bonus of having a kid, huh?" Nick asked. He loved being a dad. He had missed the baby stage with Logan, he hadn't even known that he existed, so it was nice that he got to have all of that with Jeremiah now. He was struggling with the less sleep but he knew that it was worth it. Just like he was sure that his friend was too. He nodded as Freddie said he would. "Excellent." He laughed, unsure of what to really say. He liked that he would have Freddie by his side through the wedding, though.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Felicity wondered if anything that she and Clancy said to Mr Fontaine would get through to him but she wasn't completely convinced. She didn't think that anything was going to change his mind anymore. She smiled as her sister mentioned her being the maid of honour, "I'm so excited!" She giggled, "I can't wait to see what Izzy does to ask me." She knew that Izzy was going to be amazing with it.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: "That is very fair." Grace laughed with a nod of her head. She had struggled to get used to what Freddie was comfortable with. She wanted to be able to be there and be what he wanted but she knew that it wasn't really fair to do something that he was uncomfortable with. She loved him and she wanted him to feel comfortable with her. "I am." Grace nodded, "It's nice to be with just Freddie but I'm definitely missing him."
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Annabelle was never going to do something that would upset Edie she just wished the other would maybe talk to them a little more often. She loved her so much and she wanted to help but Annabelle didn't know how. "That better be a drink for me, Saracen!" Annabelle called over with a laugh. she hadn't noticed Tommy and Harrison... yet.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: "I've no idea." link growled with a shake of his head. He didn't like how the other was talking to him though. He thought that this guy really had no idea who he was dealing with. He sighed though, as Tommy punched the other. He knew that it wasn't going to go well but he thought that Tommy might at least try not messing this up. "Alright!" He snapped, trying to stop the two of them, his hands on both their shoulders.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Harrison definitely wasn't a fighter but there was no way he was going to let Tommy get away with punching him, without giving as good as he was getting. Florence took a couple steps away from them, then. She didn't want to get wrapped up in all of this.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "Yeah definitely, you can use it to get out of pretty much anything." Freddie laughed. Of course, there were many more things he loved about being a father, but he couldn't deny that he loved that one. He was about to say something else, more about being Nick's best man, when he heard the disturbance. "What the fuck is going on?" He muttered, turning to see the fight.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Clancy knew that what she and her sister had said probably hadn't changed Mr Fontaine's mind at all, but she wasn't able to just say nothing. She couldn't not speak up when she thought something was so unfair, it wasn't in her nature. "Oh, I bet - it's going to be something extravagant." She laughed - she knew that much, especially when it came to Izzy.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Izzy nodded her head understandingly; it was nice to spend time with Nick and her friends without worrying, but somehow being here just made her worry more. She wanted to be with her son and she knew he would be missing her. "Me too... If I can get out soon, I'm probably going to go home." She admitted with a laugh. She had been there for quite a few hours - but now she wanted her son.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "Of course it is. I know better than to come back empty handed." Gabe laughed, although he was pretty sure that Annabelle had taken something in the toilet anyway. It didn't bother him, he was so used to it by now and any other time, he'd probably have joined them. Like her, he hadn't seen the fight breaking out yet.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Edie was starting to wish she hadn't taken so much in the toilet and she was glad she had a little bit of her drink left, because her mouth was dry. She wished she could go home - she didn't want to be there anymore. She tapped her foot nervously, looking at the others as they spoke. She jumped slightly as she heard a bang behind her, turning to see the fight.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Emilie could see what was coming a mile off and she groaned as Tommy threw the first punch - it wasn't even like they could stick up for him now, when Anna was angry. "For fucks sake, Tommy!" She shouted as he went in. She wondered whether to try and stop, but Link got involved before she could..
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Tommy was surprised that Harrison fought back; he hadn't thought he would, but it didn't stop him. He knew his agent was going to be furious with him if he was marked, so he tried to block any of the punches the other threw at his face. He barely acknowledged Link trying to stop them - he was too angry.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: "Knew there had to be a use for having kids. We've finally figured it out." Nick nodded his head. He was definitely kidding, mostly. He loved his sons and he loved being around them but sometimes, Nick definitely needed a break. He was almost certain that it was the same with Freddie. Nick snapped his head to look at whatever was going on. "Fucking Tommy Morley." He muttered with a shake of his head.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Speaking up wasn't usually something that Felicity would do but Nick felt like family to her. She thought that he was perfect for Izzy and that they would make a great pair. She didn't understand how someone could be so rude. Felicity laughed and nodded her head, "That's the thing and I'm so excited to see what she's going to come up with!"
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: "Good." Annabelle laughed. She downed half of the glass in one go... when she heard the commotion behind her. She turned to look at what was going on, just in time to see link get punched too. "Fuck sake." She snapped. She downed the rest of her drink before she moved over to them, "Tommy fucking Morley!" She shouted at him, "Stop the fuck now." She was so angry at him. She thought that her brother had been nice enough to invite him and now he was making a scene.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Theo kept his eyes on Edie... she didn't seem right. And he was almost certain why, "Do you wanna get some air?" He asked her. He figured that he could at least give her the chance to get out of there for a little bit. Theo would never hold anything against Edie. He thought that she had gone through so much and he wanted to be able to help her.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Link wasn't sure where the fist had come from... but he shoved Harrison back. "Alright - get out!" He snapped... and when he heard Annabelle, he knew that it wasn't going to go down well, "Alright, Tommy, you need to stop." He growled at his friend, hoping that it would be enough.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Florence sighed as Harrison stepped back from the others. She was just glad that it seemed to be stopping now. She had wanted to spend time with Tommy but she did not want to be the one to have caused all of this. "Bloody hell." She muttered, shaking her head as Harrison looked at her, "go away."
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "Fucking posh boys." Freddie shook his head as he watched them - he found it funny that Tommy obviously thought he was a big man, but wouldn't last two minutes in a fight with either him or Nick. "Do you want me to stop them?" He barely knew him, but he would love to get a punch in there somewhere with Tommy.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Gabe turned with a start as he saw Annabelle turn - and saw the fight behind them. "Oh for gods sake..." He sighed. He didn't understand why Tommy had felt the need to do this tonight, when it was clearly so important to Nick. He winced as he saw Harrison hit Link instead of Tommy, but he was glad as the other seemed to back off a little bit. "Come on mate, leave it now..." He said softly to Tommy.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "Oi!" Emilie shouted as she watched the other boys fist hit Link instead of Tommy - she wouldn't have that and if he wasn't careful, she knew she'd be fighting him as soon as they got outside. She was glad that Florence pretty much told him to leave. "You heard her. She doesn't fucking want you here and I don't think anybody else knows who you are, so fuck off." She snapped, rolling her eyes despairingly at him.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Edie felt so weird and the noise around her was only making it worse - she wanted to help but she felt like she was on the brink of a panic attack. Her eyes darted up to Theo as he spoke and she shook her head. "Can you take me home?" She asked quietly, chewing on her bottom lip. She just wanted to go.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: The first thing Tommy registered was Annabelle's voice cutting above the rest and as Harrison backed off, he took a step back too. "Don't fucking look at me like that, he was asking for it!" He snapped, looking at the other boy angrily. He didn't think any of them would do anything differently if they were him. He could tell that Annabelle was furious, though and he knew he probably couldn't make it better.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Nick glared at the two of them... then looked at Freddie and shook his head, "Annabelle has got it." he muttered with a shrug of his shoulders. He was pretty sure that Tommy wouldn't listen to anyone but Annabelle, or one of the others of the group. "fucking dickhead." He muttered with a shake of his head. He had never liked Tommy and he didn't understand why his sister did.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: "Outside. Now." Annabelle snapped, pushing Tommy as she did so. She was so mad at him. Nick hadn't wanted to invite Tommy in the first place. She rolled her eyes as she heard Florence, she should've known that she would have something to do with it all. She looked over at Emilie before she turned back to Tommy. "I mean it! Get the fuck outside!"
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Link shook his head slightly but he was definitely glad that the fight seemed to dissipate now... though he thought that Tommy was probably in more trouble now that he had to deal with Annabelle. He looked to Emilie with a sigh, "We should go with them, in case she kills him." He shrugged slightly. He knew Annabelles tone of voice and it was very rarely used for him and the rest of their friends.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: As soon as Edie asked to be taken home, Theo nodded his head, "Yeah, yeah of course." He sighed. There was no way that he would ever leave Edie if she needed him and it seemed like she did. He stood up then, and held out a hand to her. He cared so deeply for Edie. He had no idea what was really happening but he knew that he would be there.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Florence sighed as Harrison seemed to listen and leave. She knew that, that would be the last time she deaL with him. Though she knew that it wouldn't change anything with herself and Tommy, that was probably the worst bit of it all.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "Why the fuck do they all let him hang around?" Freddie asked with a shake of his head. He didn't think he'd ever met anybody who thought more highly of himself than Tommy Morley and he found him unbearable from a distance, so he had no idea how his actual friends put up with him on a day to day basis. "I'm surprised he was invited, honestly."
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "Get off me." Tommy muttered, rolling his eyes as Annabelle tried to push him. She might be mad, but he wasn't going to have her pushing him around. "Oh, shut up Annabelle. Don't be fucking weird." He rolled his eyes, but he walked outside - mostly because Harrison looked pretty defeated.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Emilie didn't understand why Tommy seemed to feel the need to cause trouble when he knew he really, really shouldn't. It was infuriating to her, but she nodded in agreement with Link. "Yeah, come on." She sighed, raising an eyebrow. Mostly because she wanted to have Annabelle's back if she needed it.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Gabe sighed and followed after his friends; he felt really disappointed in Tommy tonight. They all knew that this was a big deal not just for Nick, but for Annabelle - the people around them already thought the Gellars were less than them and now one of Annabelle's friends was getting into fights. It seemed like it proved their point.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Edie nodded her head as Theo agreed, breathing a little sigh of relief. She always felt so safe with him, because he never forced her to explain herself even though she knew he probably wanted her to. She took his outstretched hand and held onto it tightly, heading towards the exit. She would apologise to Annabelle tomorrow, but she needed to go. She hoped Theo would stay with her; she always felt better with him.
- joined the chat 28 minutes ago
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC joined the chat
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Nick shrugged his shoulders, "I genuinely have no idea. They've all been friends for years." He shrugged again. he didn't understand it, that was for sure. Nick had never had a group of strong friends, he was usually on his own. That was why he didn't get Annabelle and their group of friends. "It wasn't worth the hassle. Annabelle would've kicked off if he wasn't." He knew his sister too well.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: "Don't start with me Tommy." Annabelle growled at him. She really wasn't going to have any of it from him. People already thought she and her family were lower than low and now her friends were starting a fight. She wouldn't stand for it. "What the fuck were you thinking?! Seriously! I'm fucking sick of this! Do you understand what you just did? Or do you really not fucking care about anything other than yourself?!" She shouted once the five of them were outside. She was shaking, she was so angry at him.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Link nodded and followed after Emilie and the others. He didn't understand it either but he knew that Tommy wasn't going to change. They were all friends with him and they were friends for a reason. They knew the kind of person that he was. Link didn't think he would really say much, especially since Annabelle was really angry and he would tend to be on Tommys side with this sort of thing.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Florence wasn't really sure what to do... She wanted to go follow the others, to make sure that Tommy was okay. But as she saw the look on her parents faces, she knew that, that was probably the worst thing she could do. She sighed before she went over to them.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Theo had no real idea what was happening with Edie but he knew that he would be there, he would always be there. "Do you need me to get anything on the way home?" he asked her. He wanted to make sure that she was okay, no matter what. He thought that she was probably one of the most important people in his life after all.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "Fucking madness." Freddie shook his head. He only had one sibling, but he wouldn't be happy if she had a friend anything like Tommy. He was surprised the rest of them put up with it, when they seemed pretty headstrong. "Yeah, that's fair enough... Trying to keep the peace." He nodded his head, although it seemed to him that inviting Tommy had done anything but that.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Tommy couldn't help but watch to see if Florence was going to go with him and he shook his head slightly as she walked away. He'd wanted her to come with him, he wanted to be with her. He rolled his eyes as Annabelle spoke, although he knew she was probably right. "Look, alright - I shouldn't have hit him, but he was fucking baiting me! He was! Right?" He looked at Link with a raise of an eyebrow, looking for backup. He knew he'd started it, but he just hated the other guy.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Emilie was completely on Annabelle's side - she was with most things, but especially this. She thought Tommy was totally out of order. "Are you okay?" She asked Link with a raise of an eyebrow - he had been hit, after all, in a situation where he hadn't even been involved. That annoyed her more than anything. Sometimes it seemed like Tommy really did only care about himself.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: As soon as they got outside, Edie started to feel a little bit better, but she still knew she needed to go home. She had felt like she was going to suffocate in that room and there was no way she could go back in. "No, can we just go home?" She asked softly, shaking her head. "Please." She hated doing this to Theo, when he was so normal - so in control of what happened to him. It was why she was sure she would only ever be bad for him. She didn't deserve him.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: "Something like that." If it was just Annabelle as his friend, he would get it less. But he knew that Gabe was too good a judge of character, there had to be something about Tommy that the rest of them were just missing. Though that didn't mean that Nick liked him any more. "Should've known he was the one to get into trouble though." He sighed as he saw the look on Mr Fontaines face, "as if he couldn't hate me more already."
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: "I don't care if he was baiting you!" Annabelle screeched. She felt so embarrassed, mostly for her brother. She had heard about what Mr Fontaine had said to him and she thought that tonight was a night for her brother to show him that it didn't matter what he thought, that Nick was perfect for Izzy. Instead, her friend had messed that up for her brother and she wasn't sure she had ever been this mad at Tommy before. "You understand what this night means for Nick, don't you? And I know you don't fucking like him but I thought you could've fucking acted like a decent human being for one night! For someone who is supposed to be one of your best friends!"
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Link nodded, instantly wanting to back his friend up, "Yeah, he was saying all of this shit to him..." But as he saw the look on Annabelles face as she turned and glared at him, he was quickly quiet. "I'm fine." Link muttered to Emilie with a nod of his head. He had barely even registered the pain. "How's it look?" He asked, as he turned to look at her.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Theo didn't even hesitate before he nodded his head, "Of course. Of course." He smiled. He squeezed her hand gently. Theo wished that he could do more for her. He didn't care that things with Edie were a little different, he only ever wanted to be there for her. Theo wondered if his feelings for her would ever go away. He was sure that the boat had sailed on the two of them and yet he could not shake her.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Freddie couldn't imagine that Tommy was like this all the time, or he was sure he wouldn't have friends as good as he had. They always seemed to forgive him, although he was a dick all the time. He sighed as he saw the look on Mr. Fontaine's face. "You didn't even fucking do anything, though!" It angered him how little the man thought of Nick.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "Oh come on, the night is still fucking fine!" Tommy argued, shaking his head. "Your brother had nothing to do with it." He rolled his eyes. He still didn't understand how deep the issues were between the two families, which was why he wasn't taking it as seriously as he should. "Fucking hell Annabelle, what and you're an angel?! You would've done the same as me if somebody was getting in your fucking face and don't pretend you wouldn't." He was always so defensive and he would never see it as one of his flaws.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "Shut up." Emilie muttered as Link started to defend Tommy, nudging him gently - not because he wasn't right, but because she knew the best thing he could do was stay quiet with Annabelle there. She looked at his face with a raised eyebrow. "Should be fine - just a little bit bruised. You'll need some ice on it or something." She nodded her head. She didn't even realise that Link was always her priority - she never had.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Edie smiled slightly as Theo squeezed her hand; nobody had the ability to calm her down like he did and he did it without even seeming to try. It was why she always felt drawn to him. She knew that she would never get over her feelings for him, but she also knew that was her problem to deal with and not hers. "Will you - I mean... would you stay? At least until Annabelle gets home?" She asked quietly.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Sometimes, Nick wondered exactly what it was that Tommy had or did that made people forgive him all the time. Florence went back to him time and time again, Annabelle and the others never fell out with him for too long. He wondered what was so different about him and Tommy that made him so unlikeable. "No, but Tommy's my guest so it's my fucking fault."
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: "No! It's fucking not! Everyone is gonna be talking about how you couldn't keep it in your fucking pants and pissed off one of them!" Annabelle couldn't understand why Tommy wasn't getting it. "No? Izzys dad already thinks that Nick is fucking scum! Your my guest so now, you've just proven his point! God!" She shouted. She was getting upset not, that's how angry she was. "You're so fucking selfish, Tommy! how can you see that she's not worth it? She hasn't even come out to make sure that you're okay!"
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Link laughed as Emilie told him to shut up but he could definitely understand why. Annabelle was probably in the worst mood he had seen her in. He liked that it was always he and Emilie against anything else. He liked that the two of them always seemed to have one anothers backs. "Did my parents see?" He knew that his mother wouldn't have liked it and, if she had, he would definitely be in for it when he got home.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Theo wondered where the two of them would be in a few years... and it was that thought which worried him, which made him pause when he thought about getting back with Edie. He loved her, he knew that. But the thought of something happening to her, of her doing something to herself and he was to lose her as well... Theo was almost certain it would consume him entirely if that happened. "Yeah, of course." Theo smiled at her, "Anything you need, Edes. You know that." He felt selfish to admit that he was definitely looking forwards to just spending some alone time with Edie.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Freddie shook his head. It was things like this that made him put off even thinking about proposing to Grace - because he knew her dad didn't like him and he wouldn't be able to keep his temper if the man was looking at him the way Mr. Fontaine was looking at Nick. "How the fuck do you deal with this, mate?" He muttered with a shake of his head. He was genuinely looking for tips.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "Yeah, exactly! Me! Not you, not your brother! What's the big fucking deal?! I don't care what they say about me! Who the fuck are those people anyway?" Tommy shouted back, shaking his head. He was in too privileged of a position to be bothered, because he knew that nobody would put the blame on him. "Why are you getting upset, Anna? Just calm down, it's fucking fine. I won't do it again." He rolled his eyes, but his back was up again as she mentioned Florence. "Because I'm obviously fucking okay. She doesn't need to."
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Gabe sighed as Tommy continued to argue. He didn't get it, he didn't get why Tommy couldn't just say sorry and admit he was in the wrong. He hated seeing Annabelle so upset, especially when she had reason to be. "Tommy, just admit you shouldn't have done it, mate..." He sighed quietly. He very rarely gave any input into arguments like this, but he had to at least try and stand up for Annabelle.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Everybody always said that Emilie and Annabelle were two peas in a pod and even though their tempers definitely matched one another's, she knew that she would've lunged for Tommy by now - so she was proud of Annabelle for keeping it as calm as she did. She shrugged her shoulders at Link's question. "Probably." She admitted - she wasn't about to lie to him, after all. "Do you want to stay at mine?" She was sure his parents would give him hell if he went home.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: If you asked Edie where she thought she'd be in a year, she genuinely wouldn't have an answer - and she knew she couldn't put Theo through that, not after what happened to his brother. It was better that she didn't. This was hers to deal with, she knew that. "I know. Still wanna ask though." She laughed softly, squeezing his hand. She doubted that Annabelle would even come home tonight - she was sure she'd be at Gabe's, so she was excited to spend the night just her and Theo.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: "Fucking years of practice." Nick muttered. He had never tried to get Mr Fontaines approval and, up until recently, he hadn't thought that he needed to try anymore. Nick was used to people not liking him, it just stung even more when he was Izzys father, and her brothers seemed to think he was totally justified. Jacob was one of his closest friends but he wondered if he had made that friendship up, now. "Graces dad is the same though, right?"
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: "Because you're a fucking reflection on him! You really don't get it at all, do you?! You're Nicks guest, you wouldn't have even been there if he hadn't made it happen. He vouched for you and you made a fucking massive scene! That's going to go back on him! Do you get it now you dumb fuck?!" She turned away from him then. Annabelle was almost certain that she would've punched him if she didn't. She had promised her brother that everything would be fine, that none of her friends would cause a fuss and then Tommy had done that. “Don't fucking tell me to calm down and that you won't do it again. Because you will. Because you can't fucking help yourself!" Annabelle loved Tommy most of the time but she was really started to get to the end of her wick with him. "Yeah, okay. Or it's because she's just using you because you're the dangerous fucking bad boy." She rolled her eyes. She couldn't understand why Tommy didn't see it.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Link knew that things weren't going to end well now. One of them needed to walk away or there was going to be blood, he was sure. "It's for the fucking best, Tommy." Link shrugged his shoulders. He was sure that his friend knew he had done wrong but he knew him too well to know that he would just admit that without being pushed to do so. "yeah, please." Link nodded.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Theo knew though, that even if they were together or not, if anything ever happened to Edie, it would hurt like hell. He looked down at her for a moment before he sighed, "You know you can talk to me about anything, right?" He muttered, not able to look at her, "I just mean - I know we're not together anymore but I wanna be there for you. I - er - It's not like those kind of feelings just disappear, you know?"
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "You're a better man than me, I'm telling you." Freddie shook his head. There was not a chance he could deal with any of it - although he hadn't even known Nick when he and Izzy had first started seeing each other, so he had no idea how he'd handled it then. "Oh yeah, can't fucking stand the fella. And the feeling's mutual." He laughed.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "Then why the fuck did you push for me to come?! Did you really think I'd be bothered if I didn't get to come to the little shindig?! I think I'd have handled it, Annabelle!" Tommy shook his head. He just wanted to go, if he was honest. Especially as Link and Gabe started to chime in. "Oh, who the fuck asked both of you?" He snapped at them, rolling his eyes. "Fuck off, Annabelle. Do you really want to talk about using people? Have you got an opinion on that one, Gabe? Or are you both just happy pretending she doesn't use you whenever she's sick of her dickhead of a boyfriend?" He laughed, raising an eyebrow. "Don't fucking invite me anymore then, Annabelle. See if I give a fuck."
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: He was one of his best friends, but sometimes Gabe really hated how Tommy spoke to him and the others - when he got like this, it seemed like there was no stopping him. "Tommy, don't." He sighed. It was like he just searched for whatever he could find to hurt them and he was sick of it. "Anna, let's just go..." He sighed. He could see that she was so angry she was upset and he hated that - he didn't want the night to end like that for her. Not because of Tommy. If they left now, they could at least turn it around, he thought.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Emilie nodded her head as Link confirmed he wanted to stay at hers; she knew Kurt would hate it, but she never told him when he stayed over and she wasn't planning on changing that now. She rolled her eyes as Tommy spoke. "Tommy, fuck off. Just take the loss and go. You sound like a fucking loser." She shook her head. She raised an eyebrow, almost daring him to speak back to her.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Edie nodded as Theo spoke, but she sighed slightly; she knew he would always be there for her, but she hated that it meant it was obvious that something was wrong. She hated how her brain would trick her into believing there was a huge problem and the next second, remind her she was fine. She felt totally fine now. "I know... And I would talk to you, if something was wrong. But I'm fine." She reassured him, hoping it was at least a little bit convincing. She shook her head sadly. "No, they don't go away." Hers had only grown, if possible.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: "Years of practice. You know about the time I punched Chandler at thanksgiving, right?" Nick asked with a laugh. Sometimes, he forgot that Freddie wasn't always around. And he found it even stranger that both Grace and Izzy had gone from Chandler to the complete opposite. "Don't you think it's fucking weird? Surely they'd know how much we'd piss their dads off." He shook his head slightly. He almost thought that Izzy had done it on purpose in the early days.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Annabelle was about to go inside, about to stop listening to whatever bullshit Tommy was saying... when he mentioned Gabe and she couldn't help it. It was like she saw red. She turned back around and punched him square in the face. Annabelle was almost certain it hurt her fist more than it hurt Tommy but she didn't care, it felt good. "Fuck you." She growled at him. "Don't fucking worry. I won't be talking to you ever again." Even though, deep down, she knew that they would be fine the next day. She looked at Gabe, then, "Lets go."
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Although he knew that he should've expected it, Link didn't think that Tommy would've brought Gabe into it like that... though he didn't exactly think that Tommy was saying anything that wasn't true. It was rich that Annabelle said Florence was using Tommy, when that was exactly what Annabelle was doing with Gabe. He cringed as Annabelle punched him. "Alright - home time." He muttered to his friend. Although he had just said he would stay at Emilies, he knew that he couldn't leave Tommy, not when everyone else was so mad at him.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Theo was so afraid of saying the wrong thing to Edie. He wanted to make her happy, to make her feel safe but he didn't know how to do that. He couldn't do it for himself so he didn't know how he was supposed to do that for someone else. He loved Edie but he didn't know how to help her anymore. "I know you are." He nodded, a small smile on his face. He wouldn't say otherwise, unless she did. Theo never wanted to make Edie feel unfcomortable, that was for sure.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "No, I wasn't there for that! But I fucking hate that guy, too." Freddie laughed, raising an eyebrow. He wished he had seen that one - he would've loved to get a punch in himself, if he was honest. "Yeah, they definitely knew. Sometimes I reckon that's why they did it, even if it they didn't realise." He chuckled. It didn't really bother him, if that was the case. Even if it was the reason it had initially attracted the girls, it certainly wasn't the reason they'd stayed.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Tommy had pretty much thought he'd won, until he felt Annabelle's fist slamming into his face. "What the fuck, you crazy fucking -- what the fuck, Annabelle?!" He practically roared at her, holding his hand up to his nose to check if it was bleeding. He had an audition the day after next and he knew he wasn't booking it now, not a chance. "There you go, again! Does your boyfriend know where you're going?" He shouted, but then he turned his back to them all, wiping his bloodied nose with the back of his hand. "I'm fucking going." He muttered. He wondered where Florence was, if she would be coming with him.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Emilie couldn't help but let out a shocked laugh as Annabelle hit Tommy - it was exactly what she would've done and she couldn't help feeling like he deserved it. He always knew the stuff he said was out of order, but he said it anyway. She looked at Annabelle with the tiniest of smiles, knowing that her friend would know what it meant.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Gabe winced as Annabelle punched Tommy - he wished that hadn't happened, but he thought that it was probably a long time coming. He sighed as Annabelle spoke, crossed between leaving with her and staying to help Tommy... But he knew Tommy wouldn't want anybody's help, he'd be too embarrassed, so he nodded his head and began walking. Annabelle needed him more than Tommy did.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Edie smiled as Theo agreed with her, reaching into her bag for her keys and opening the door. She knew that he probably thought she wasn't okay, but she wasn't lying when she said that right now, she felt fine. It was just that it wouldn't last for very long. "Come on," she smiled as she got the door open after fiddling with the handle for a bit. It wasn't like they lived in the best apartment, after all. "Do you want a drink? I need some water." She muttered, going straight over to the sink.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: "Of course you do." Nick laughed. He couldn't really remember what the fight with Chandler was about but he remembered that it felt good to punch him. He could understand why Izzys dad might not have liked him after that but since then, he thought that he had done quite a bit to calm himself down. "On some kind of subconcious level?" He asked with a raise of an eyebrow.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Annabelle almost wanted to go back when she heard him call her crazy. She almost wanted to show him just how crazy she could be but she thought better of it. Tommy was still her friend at the end of the day. "I swear to god - if he doesn't watch his mouth, i'll fucking kill him." She muttered to Gabe and she was sure that her friend knew she was serious. She was so angry at Tommy, even more so than she had been when it was just the fight inside.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Florence had spent a good half an hour to an hour just calming her parents down. She was glad that neither of them mentioned Tommy, though. They were more focused on Harrisons behaviour, which she probably should've realised was the case. But when she was done with them, she headed outside to see if she could see Tommy. "Hey -- wait up." She called after him, spotting him just starting to leave.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Link was about to follow Tommy when he heard Florences voice. He rolled his eyes as hr turned back to look at Emilie. "I don't think I'm ever going to fucking get it." He sighed. He didn't think he would ever really know the appeal those two had for one another. But at least it meant that he got to spend the rest of the night with Emilie, he thought that, that was a bonus.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Theo wondered if things could've been different. He wondered if he could've done more to help her, to make sure that she was more okay now. Theo put a lot of pressure on himself to be the way he was and he wished that he could fix everything. He tried his hardest. Theo quickly followed her into the apartment. "I could go for some water." He smiled with a nod of his head. "do you want me to cook anything? Order something?"
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: "Something like that." Nick nodded in agreement. Though he had come to realise that Chandler probably wasn't as bad as he had thought he was, he still didn't like the guy. He didn't like that he had some kind of hold over Izzy and vice versa for so long. Though he tried to. "It does. It's fucking weird though to think about it that way."
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Annabelle shook her head, "I mean it, Gabe. I don't want to talk to him again. I've never been so pissed off at him before. " She was so still shaking because of how angry she was. She had thought that Nick would get to have one good night, showed everyone that he was more than worthy of Izzy. He hated that Tommy had messed that up and she especially hated that it was because of Florence.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Florence knew that her parents would probably have an issue with her going after Tommy too but she didn't care. She was old enough to make her own decisions. "Oh - they forbade me to ever see Harrison again. What a shame." She rolled her eyes before she laughed slightly, "What happened to you?!" He definitely hadn't looked that bad when she had left him.
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: Link laughed at Emilie as she spoke, "Really? Hadn't noticed." It was clear that Emilie and Florence were never going to get along and, sometimes, he wondered if Tommy kept toying with Florence to piss Emilie off. He knew that his friend wasn't above being that petty after all. "I'm not sure your boyfriend would like the last part." He laughed, nudging Emilie, "Want me to order takeaway on the way? Chinese?"
NG FM AG GH FM LC TC: "Thanks." Theo smiled, taking his glass and taking a small sip. He hadn't been drinking so he could only imagine what Edie was feeling. "No, I'm good." He smiled. He didn't want to intrude on her stuff, her space. He knew that neither Edie nor Annabelel really had much for themselves.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Freddie liked that not liking Chandler was another thing he and Nick had in common - it felt like he'd known the man a lot longer than he actually had and he didn't have too many friends like that. He didn't even like Jacob very much, even though he and Nick seemed to be friends. "Really fucking weird. Better just not to think about it." He laughed with a shrug of his shoulders.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "You don't have to. After that punch, I don't think he'll be dying to talk to you." Gabe shrugged his shoulders. He knew they would be friends again within a couple of days, but he didn't think that was worth mentioning to Annabelle right now. "What can I do to make it better? Do you want food? More to drink? I'll do a funny dance?" He grinned, just trying to cheer her up.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Tommy laughed, rolling his eyes sarcastically. "What a shame, you must be heartbroken." He had no idea why Florence went for boys like Harrison when they were so boring - when he was so different to them, but he was just glad she was with him now. "Annabelle." He muttered, knowing that just the name would be enough of an answer. His nose wasn't broken, he knew that, but it still hurt - badly.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: Emilie laughed, in spite of herself. She didn't even try to pretend that she liked Florence and she knew the other girl wouldn't pretend to like her either. "Really? I thought we did the whole best friend act really well." She laughed. "Oh yeah, because I'm just not gonna bother putting anything else on. You'd be so lucky." She laughed, nudging him jokingly. "Yeah, perfect. And order a lot, because I'm not kidding, I'm really hungry. What the fuck was with the tiny portions?" She chuckled.
IF JF FH TM GS EH EC EG CS: "Are you sure? I mean, it's all vegan stuff so you probably wouldn't enjoy it, but the offer is there." Edie laughed, shrugging her shoulders. She knew that she and Annabelle didn't exactly have a lot, but there was nothing she wouldn't give to Theo as long as she had it. She refilled her glass and started to walk over to her room, beckoning for him to join. It was so much nicer in there than the living room.
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manaika-chan · 6 years
Rules: Answer the 21 questions, then tag 21 people to get to know them better. 
I’ve been tagged by @ceruleanshockwave (Thank you! ^_^). I was about to go to sleep, so if anything sounds like gibberish, let me know.  
1. Nickname: Mana  2. Zodiac sign: Saggitarius (Nov 23) 3. Height: 170 cm, too lazy to do the conversion 4. Last movie I saw: Bohemian Rhapsody, I think. 5. Last thing I googled: Opening hours of the local police. Nothing bad, I promise! I just need to update my ID since I moved. 6. Favourite musician: So many... Of the top of my head: Freddie Mercury? David Bowie, Bon Jovi, Disturbed 7. Song stuck in my head: Because we can by Bon Jovi 8. Other blogs: None at the time, but I'm working on one for the original book I've been writing. 9. Do I get asks: Rarely, but it's always a joy when I do. 10. Following: 103 (this is supposed the number of the blogs that I follow, correct?) 12. Amount of sleep: I try to get in 6 hours daily. 13. Lucky number: 4 by sign, I think? But if you ask me what number brought me ever some luck, I'd say none. My expression number is 9, though. 14. What am I wearing: right now? my sleeping gown. 15. Dream job: classical archaeologist & writer (getting there) 16. Dream trip: Good old Amsterdam and FLorence. I love these cities! As for where I've never been before, I'd like to go to New York one day. In matters of dream-that-will-never-come-true, Syria before everything turned to ash. 17. Fav food: Where do I even start? Does everything my mom cooks count? Green bean gulash is my pick me up, anything containing sauerkraut, roasted pork neck, smothered beef with mushrooms, anything containing blue cheese, garlic. 18. Play any instruments: I learned on the piano and I'm trying to learn harmonica, but not really. Music isn't a talent I have and I just don't have the time I need to learn it properly. 19. Languages: English, German, Hungarian, Slovak, Czech, Greek. :) You can take a guess which one is my native one and which my mother language (yeah, they're different). 20. Fav song: Clevermind, Given and Denied by Poets of the Fall, Show must go on by Queen, Sound of Silence by Disturbed, Because we can by Bon Jovi, and many more. 21. Random fact: Based on their language, the Minoans might not have been Greek.
This is never 21 people, but tagging @kondo-hijikata, @choking-on-roses, @galysh, @fullydifferentllama, @kei-nekomata.
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azuresquirrel · 7 years
for the least fave chara thing: lawyers, s/u and chess
Gay Lawyers - the stunningly “obvious” answers - COFFEE DOUCHE and TRASHBAG VON DOUCHE (eh, that’s Godot and Manfred if you’re not speaking my language). For Manfred I really should not have to explain but I am genuinely filled with a white-hot rage whenever he is on my screen being the worst human being to exist. I know you’re supposed to hate him, but I am sincere: WHITE-HOT RAGE. 
So if anything, Coffee Douche ever so slightly edges him out because unlike Manfred, who is clearly meant to be 1000% evil and irredeemable, the game intends for you to SYMPATHIZE with Coffee Douche, or at the very least pity him. NO. I DO NOT PITY HIM. I HAVE ONLY HATE IN MY HEART FOR HIM. I hate how he literally only makes everything worse because he’s an arrogant stuck-up sexist macho guy obsessed with “manliness” who TO THE FUCKING END decides that his error wasn’t not treating the women around him like actual people but NOT GOING TO “THE RIGHT MAN.” I hate him, I hate that there are people who apparently LIKE him, I hate that we are supposed to maybe think that Mia would have possibly dated him (as always, I maintain the game only states that Godot loved Mia - the refers to her as “the woman I loved” as opposed to “girlfriend/lover” - it does not state that Mia ever RECIPROCATED, but it’s honestly left too vague to state definitively either way, and I hate the the possibility is on the table).
CONTROVERSIAL ANSWER: Bishounen Butterfly Man prosecutor from AA6 was a fucking waste of a character. If you want me to care about a character’s “tragic backstory” give them an actual personality and don’t spend 95% of the game having them talk like the worst kind of Christian fundamentalist. We’re supposed to believe that he’s “conflicted” and doesn’t really believe in that stuff/is doing it just to protect his mom and sister, but we don’t SEE him being conflicted at all. From what he have to go on he really buys into all of the “sin and hell” bullshit, and given where I am coming from culturally (that people who actually BELIEVE in that somehow have a major influence in our country’s politics) makes me not stomach him at all.
Gay Rocks - the “obvious answer” and “controversial answer” are one and the same - JASPER. I don’t care at all about Jasper ever coming back and being “redeemed.” We were apparently supposed to pity her when she got corrupted? I didn’t at all, I sat here like “yeah, you got what you had coming to you.” I’m so fucking tired of people deciding that Steven/Lapis/insert character here is terrible for not “giving her a second chance.” WHAT second chance. All she cares about is being the most powerful gem and not anything else. For that she violently attacks several characters, forces them to fuse with her (a very big violation given what fusion means in the show) and was LITERALLY TWO SECONDS AWAY FROM MURDERING AMETHYST, DO PEOPLE NOT REMEMBER THAT? You can’t have a “redemption” that’s based in NOTHING. If fandom and canon would just let her be an irredeemable villain I wouldn’t hate her so much, but people DON’T so I’m frankly tired of her and hope she never comes back on the show (but I feel like she will somehow and I will probably be annoyed).
CHESS - honestly most of the characters in Chess are pretty horrible people (only Svetlana is pretty much a truly decent person, like even Florence basically has no problem with a guy abandoning his wife and kids for her). And Freddie and Anatoly are both huge douches whose trajectories just slightly change during the show (Freddie becomes less douchey in act two whereas Anatoly spends most of the show slowly becoming more douchey) (AND OF COURSE ALL THIS CHANGES DEPENDING ON WHICH VERSION YOU’RE GOING WITH). I guess for me the most annoying character is Walter for being a manipulative asshole and not even having the fun songs/hilarious accent that Molokov has for being an equally manipulative asshole. Especially since Walter’s entire role is to pretty much jerk Florence around in the very worst way.
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a9saga · 6 years
2, 5, 10, 18!
!!!!! thank you anon :))
2. what are your favorite singers?
well if this is referring to soloists then i really love david bowie. he’s #1. i don’t listen to many soloists actually, since i started listening to mostly rock music in middle school i found it harder to get into soloists than bands for some reason. i also love marina and the diamonds, and i’ll occasionally listen to some little richard, patti smith. of course i like the solo careers of people in bands i like such as jack white, john lennon, etc. and i like some singles by michael jackson, prince, demi lovato, lady gaga, beyonce, britney spears, james brown, and other various stars of various decades. like i said it isn’t often i get deeply into soloists.
and if this question is referring to singers as in just general vocalists, then well…. david bowie is still high up there lol. at first i didn’t know what to think of his voice for its tone. i didn’t dislike it, it’s just not a voice you hear a lot of dead ringers of. but god he’s so freaking versatile w his range, so smart in how he managed to hit such a variety of notes and never bothered to hit notes he couldn’t, and he made singing sound so easy too, without ever singing lazily.
freddie mercury of course is also great, which i don’t need to elaborate on to anyone, and i also love his contemporary little admirer luke spiller of the struts. he definitely takes some (but not all) influence from freddie in his singing, but he also in general just doesn’t sound like a lot of singers you hear today. his voice is so full and he places his voice more in his throat than up high, like you hear in singers like the weeknd, taylor swift, and, well, just about everyone else these days. not that that’s always a bad thing, plenty of vocalists who do that are talented. but it just always stood out to me.
and for others, well… again, marina and the diamonds. beyonce and lady gaga are ridiculously good of course of course. robert plant. alex turner. hayley williams is way more talented than she needs to be. yeeun from wonder girls bc she always reminded me a bit of hayley williams. yeah, i think i’ve listed enough. this was certainly a much longer answer than necessary.
5. what do you think the best popular song of the year is so far?
no roots by alice merton came out last year but has become a good hit this year, it’s gotten a good amount of radio play on more than just alternative and rock stations, and i like it quite a lot. i can see her hitting it big in the marina/lana/florence kind of indie girl scene. if you’re gonna narrow it down to hits that came out this year… hm. this is america by childish gambino is good (i’m not even linking it bc there’s no way anyone hasn’t heard of it). i like nicki minaj’s new song chun li. janelle monae’s new album “dirty computer” as a whole is as awesome as you’ve heard it is and i’d highly recommend it. friends by marshmello and anne marie is p groovy even if a lot of the lyrics are kinda dumb. jack white’s over and over and over is cool. and greta van fleet are dropping an album this summer but haven’t released a single off of it yet, and there’s no way that it’s not going to be one of the most hyped rock projects of this year, so assume when it’s out that i’ll consider whatever hits it spawns added to this list.
10. what are the best songs your parents have gotten you into?
cheesy as it is (and you well know this by now if you follow diana) i’ve loved the beatles since i was little. but the songs i enjoyed most then like “can’t buy me love” and “martha my dear” have since mostly been passed by more impressive, deeper cuts like “love you to”, “helter skelter”, “because”, “happiness is a warm gun”, “the long and winding road”, “blue jay way”, “for no one”, and a fuck load more. also my dad was the one who raised my interest in the clash and the talking heads, which i like a lot now.
18. who were your favorite musicians as a kid?
well, as i explained above.. the beatles. also bob marley, diana and i and our dad used to have a lot of dance parties to the beatles and bob marley and the stones when we were like four. i liked demi lovato and miley cyrus and selena gomez when i was in elementary school, like almost every other girl my age in the western hemisphere. i liked the backstreet boys and i liked the nsync songs i knew that i just assumed were by the backstreet boys. i liked jesse mccartney and hilary duff when i was four and five, and i liked a lot of songs i didn’t know who sang, like “since u been gone” and “break away” by kelly clarkson, “complicated” by avril lavigne, “bad day” by daniel powter, “you’re beautiful” by james blunt, all of which i just assumed were by hilary duff or jesse mccartney. and i liked various classic rock songs i didn’t really know the artists of either at the time, such as “american woman” by the guess who, “changes” by david bowie, “rock and roll” by led zeppelin, a few simon and garfunkel songs, and despite that i’m not big on this band anymore, no one in my family has forgotten that i used to sing bon jovi’s “livin on a prayer” as “sittin on a chair”.
thank you again….. i’ve been writing this for so long but i’ve enjoyed it too.
music asks
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Blood, tears and sea breeze.
Warnings: ANGST, mental health issues, graphic depictions of violence, blood, cursing, mentions of sexual assault, mentions of sex, substance abuse.
Summary: The not so peaceful town of Broadchurch face dead again, while Alec Hardy continues his journey to redemption will this school teacher be the key to solve the mystery or just another victim of the ever watching evilness that seems to reside in the town.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 8: I knew
The morning of the third day since Jonathan Norbury's body had been found had started roughly for DS Miller, she hadn't have the chance to talk to Brian, neither as the SOCO nor her boyfriend, since the work in the cottage had turn into an all night venture, and with the time pressure on them finding any evidence was the most important thing at the moment, even more than date night with her and Freddie
And on the other hand she was grateful he didn't showed up, because that would imply she had to respond to his proposal to move together, and she would say yes, of course since Tom and Freddie like him and she was actually having strong feelings for him, and then she would have to tell it to Alec, and she couldn't do that to him, no yet at least.
They haven't been together that long and yet she could remember every afternoon working late in his house, with Daze pretending to not knowing anything but still making a nice dinner for the two of them, their silent walks on the beach where their silences said more than any loud scream.
But that was the problem with them, even when she hate to remember Joe, at least they fight there was more to their relationship than the silent understanding of loving each other, the biggest proof was that when she asked him to stop he simply said yes, and they move on, and they just resume their neverending friendship just like that.
That's why she couldn't move on with Brian, because that would hurt him and made him more emotionally reclusive, she just hope that Brian would be patient enough to wait for her.
A knock on the door make her stand up in a jump, she took her coffee mug and kiss Freddie and a reluctant Tom goodbye and wave at his father, before meeting his friend at the door.
"Morning" She said with a smile that was received with a dead stare like every time. "You look well rested" she joke and he only rolled his eyes at her before taking the coffee mug from her hands and taking a sip.
"The victims mother is at the station, apparently she saw the news and came all the way from London to claim his son's body" Alec said once he was inside the car.
"Yeah, well she is probably going to be difficult to deal with, Paul says they are wealthy people who own a major franchise of electronics shops" Miller said putting on the seat belt and starting the car.
Clementine Norbury was already waiting for them in the office, she was dressed in a tailored black pantsuit, and had short blond hair just like Jonathan, and the sad look of a broken heart in her blue eyes.
"Mrs. Norbury I assume?" Miller Said entering the office.
"Clementine is fine" She said extending her hand to her and then Hardy.
"I'm sorry for your loss madame, your husband call this morning announcing that you would come and asking about the case, and I'm sorry but we can't discuss anything about the case with you" Alec said trying to be polite.
"That won't be necessary detective, Hardy was it? I'm here on behalf of my son more than my husband" She said calmly.
"Excuse me?" Miller said confused since she was ready to have to calm down a posh entitled lady and this was completely different.
"I knew" She started and she took out her cellphone from her purse and put it on the desk "I knew my son was being unfaithful to Y/N, and I'm concerned that person could be responsible for what happened to him"
"Did you know this person? Clementine?" Alec ask coming out from behin the desk and sitting next to her.
"No, my husband and I, we were not thrill when he start dating a woman from Broadchurch, no offense" She said and Miller fight the urge to roll her eyes at her "But then we met Y/N and the positive impact she had on him, and I truly believed he was finally on the right path" Her voice crack for a moment.
"The right path? Instead of what exactly?" Hardy asked.
"He was a rich and handsome young man in London, what would you expect?" She said and Ellie knew her first instinct had been right "My husband send him here as punishment but a mere year later he was a changed man all because of her friendship"
Ellie walked out for a moment to make tea for the woman, remembering how Y/N had said she was only marrying him in London to make Clementine happy.
"And you didn't like Miss Y/L/N?" Alec ask the woman, remembering something he had read in Y/N's diary.
"She is a lovely woman, but if I'm honest I don't understand why my son was with her, but he was and in the end I just want him to come back home, and if that little town teacher would make it happen I was not opposing to their wedding" She said honestly, something Hardy respected but she was still an awful person.
"Mrs. Norbury when was the last time you saw your son?" He asked after a pause. "From the train station surveillance tape we know he never take the train last Tuesday, weren't you suspicious that he didn't showed up at home?" He said and start looking trough the folders on his desk.
"We are not going to look good on your provincial fearful of God eyes detective, I know" She started "But no, I was not worried because we knew he had been seeing another woman for the last six months and she had convinced him to finish his relationship with the teacher is simple, that's how life works, he ask us to cancel the venue like a month ago, and I was under the impression he would break up with her"
"But he didn't, did he change his mind again?" He finally found the picture he was looking for and look at it waiting for her to respond.
"He called me Monday morning, he said he regretted cheating on her and that the wedding was still on, and that this woman, whoever she was might take things badly, but that he was sure it was over"
"You didn't know? Not even her name? I mean she must have been important since she convince him to call off the wedding" He asked and make a sign to Miller to don't interrupt them since she was coming in with the cup of tea.
"She was a fling, I never thought he will cancel the wedding to marry the other woman, she only remind him he was not made to be a husband, and he wanted to be free, he always said she was not important, so I didn't ask"
"Clementine, do you recognize this?" He said showing her the picture of the crushed ring and the engagement picture they took from Y/N's cottage "Is this the same ring as this one?"
"Where did you find that? Jonathan said some stole it when that girl had one of his attacks two weeks ago, is my wedding ring" She said visibly shocked.
"It must have been hard to listen it was lost, were you mad at your son Clementine?" Hardy said pointing at his face.
"Of course I was mad, but not with him, I call her and I might have told her that well that she was not the woman for Jonathan... but at the time I thought they will be breaking up"
"And what happened next? Why didn't they break up?" He asked now looking straight in her eyes.
"I don't know, after that night he was acting weird. He got mad at me for calling her, he started to second guess his choice, he felt guilty about something, at the time I thought he felt guilty for cheating but now I don't know" She said now fully crying.
"Thanks Mrs. Norbury, that will be all, we will be in touch if something new comes out" Hardy said and Miller gave her the tea, she took two sips and composed herself before she could speak again.
"My son was not always a good man detective, but he didn't deserve to be killed, please find who did this" She stood up and walk away.
"Did you knew?" Ellie asked once she was away "Thay they have fight about the ring?"
"It was a hunch" He lied, remembering his promise to Dr. Florence about the diaries. "But it seems that something else happened that nigh"
"I know, otherwise he wouldn't have send the girl to her psychiatrist right after, do you think the side woman might be guilty?" She said taking the picture with the crushed ring.
"Maybe, first we need to found out who that was" He said and then he add more to himself "Why do they always have to be cheating?"
"Well I assume not all men in Broadchurch think like you" She said with a sad smile.
"This one is freaky!!" Brian said entering the room with unannounced and showing them a folder.
"What do you mean?" Hardy said a little surprised by the term he used to describe a murderer
"The blood remember?" He said showing him a picture of the living room after they remove the body. "I believe that was too much blood for a guy that was strangled, and it was"
"Brian, please go to the point before Hardy's head explodes" Ellie said looking at her friend loosing his patience.
"Al right, the blood on the floor had been frozen, it was the victim's blood but who ever did this collect about two pints of his blood and save it to set the crime scene"
"That's..." Alec was trying to find a word to describe the new information.
"Told you, freaky" Brian explained that the prints coming from the beach were in fact Norbury's but nothing much coming from the Cottage. "His house is something else, those guys were into weird stuff" He said and showed them the other folder and, the provocative underwear and sex toys that they recovered from the laundry basket in the victim's bathroom that Miller had overlooked.
Hardy felt uncomfortable looking at those pictures, not sure why, and he suddenly remembered.
"I need you to check those for DNA" He said. And both of them look disconcerted at him. "They might belong to the other woman" He add and Miller immediately understand.
"Other woman, what do you mean, you think these are not his fiance's?" Brian asked confused.
"We have evidence that he was cheating on her, and this woman might know something about his murder" Ellie explained.
"Well in that case, he might had it coming, he was already engaged, this lad must had been crazy to cheat on her" He said and Ellie smile thinking that maybe not all Broadchurch men were idiots.
Brian left with Miller to have lunch and Hardy hurried to lock the door and take out Y/N's diary, he scan the pages until he found what he was looking for.
Monday, April 15, 2019
11:00 pm. I feel like a child telling you this, but after dinner I tried to... oh my god this is stupid. I tried to have sex with Jonathan and once again he rejected me, is not like is super important but it has been like two months now, you are right doc, after he comes back we will have counseling together
He was disgusted to know that Norbury had been cheating on Y/N, so shamelessly on his house, but this might lead them to find whoever killed him. And he was starting to feel wrong about not telling Miller the truth about the diaries, then his thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door and he put the papers away quickly before opening the door.
"I'm sorry to interrupt Sir, but we found the victims car on an abandoned parking lot, with his suitcase in it" Harford said with excitement.
"Ok, let's go check it out" Alec took his jacket. "You can drive" He add to Katie disbelief.
"You want me to go? Shouldn't I call detective Miller?" She said unsure about what was happening.
"If you don't want to go, sure call her" Hardy said stopping for a moment.
"No, I want to go, sure let's go" She said and walked next to him to the cold morning.
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@allonsymexgirl @laciesaito @tf18unipups
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legxllyblxndc · 4 years
tommy & florences wedding ( @foreverwednesday )
FM LC AM CG AL TC FM GH: Florence was really nervous. Not because she didn't think that she and Tommy were doing the right thing. She was more than certain that this was right, that she was going to spend the rest of her life with Tommy. They had taken so long to get to this point - she was certain. It was him that she was nervous of. She didn't know if he would go through with it. She knew that he loved her, she just didn't know if that was enough. "Is my dress okay?" She whispered to Edie, for probably the millionth time. She wanted everything to be perfect and she found herself wishing that Emilie was also there. She thought that, that was the missing piece.
FM LC AM CG AL TC FM GH: Link never thought that they would see this day. He had been so sure that Tommy would be a bachelor for the rest of his life. He chuckled as he looked at his friends. "God - you two scub up well." He beamed. This was the last one for their group and he was trying to put on a happy face. Link had been pretty miserable since the split but he thought that Tommy deserved more than him being sad about all of that. He wanted to enjoy today.
FM LC AM CG AL TC FM GH: The last thing that Cassidy had ever thought, was that she was going to be at the wedding of her ex boyfriend, Tommy Morley. One because she never expected them to be friends, like they were now, but mostly because she never thought that Tommy would ever get married. "Is this weird?" She whispered to James with a laugh. She wondered if it would be them next. Cassidy didn't mind a long engagement, but she was getting a little antsy for it now.
FM LC AM CG AL TC FM GH: Arthur wrapped an arm around Maddie as they entered the church. "Cass is over there - I think she's saved us some seats." He smiled. He thought the last place he'd en up was Tommys wedding - but it felt like a good day. He thought that whatever Florence and Tommy did, they were all going to enjoy it. "This place is so fancy." He laughed. he hadn't been to a wedding like this since he was a kid.
FM LC AM CG AL TC FM GH: Elijah checked his tie once more in the car mirror before he turned to his husband. "Okay, come on." He smiled. He thought that Florence and Tommys wedding was going to be perfect and he almost wanted the same thing for himself. "How nice do you think this is going to be?" He whispered. He didn't know how things were with Tommy and Aiden anymore but he thought it was nice that he would be there for the others wedding.
FM LC AM CG AL TC FM GH: Theo smiled as he looked around at the others. He was so happy that he was even included, honestly. They had known each other for years and Tommy was like a brother to Theo at this point. He thought it was a strange old friendship but he liked it a lot. He appreciated the other three a lot more than he had ever thought. "Do you want me to take a photo of the three of you?"
FM LC AM CG AL TC FM GH: Felicity smiled as she looked at her two friends. Though she was disappointed that she had to come alone, she was glad that she got to spend time with two of her best friends. "It's one of you next, Grace." She giggled as she looked at the two girls. She was so excited for them, honestly. Felicity thought that it was so nice that Grace had found someone after Freddie, even if it was her brother.
FM LC AM CG AL TC FM GH: Grace smiled as she looked at her friends. She was so excited to marry Gabe. When he had proposed, she was worried that she wouldn't feel that, with it being her second wedding... but she thought that it was just as exciting as it had been the first time. "I can't wait." She smiled. "Probably not nearly as fancy as this. Could you imagine if I tried to make Gabe get married somewhere like this?" She asked with a raise of an eyebrow .
GS EH TM EC AA MH JS: Edie hadn't really expected Florence to ask her to be a bridesmaid, but she was also never going to say no - Tommy was one of her best friends and throughout the years, without the childish bitchiness that had been there when they were younger, she had grown to like Florence a lot more as well. "It's perfect." She smiled as the blonde asked about the dress. She had been only happy to make the dress for her. "You look beautiful, Florence. Of course you do." She nodded her head. Edie wouldn't admit it, but she felt very lonely today, without Emilie or Annabelle. She really wished that Emilie had come.
GS EH TM EC AA MH JS: Tommy had woken up that day in disbelief that it was actually his wedding day - he'd once sworn this day would never come and now that it was here, he didn't even feel nervous. He was older now, too old for all the play boy stuff he'd done in his younger years and Florence was the love of his life. The only person that would ever have stuck by him throughout the years. He knew that marrying her was the right thing to do. "Don't I? I'm the best looking groom of the three of us, sorry boys." He laughed as Link spoke, obviously joking. He knew today could be hard on both of his friends - but he was grateful they were making the effort to seem happy.
GS EH TM EC AA MH JS: Gabe couldn't deny that he felt sad today - it was one of the things that they all knew Annabelle should be there for, something she'd have been heartbroken to miss and it was weighing heavily on him. That didn't mean he wasn't so happy for his friend, though - he wanted him to have the best day possible and he hadn't stopped smiling since they'd gotten to the church. He beamed as Theo spoke, nodding his head. "Yes, please!" Theo had practically become one of them over the years, but he liked the offer of a picture of the three of them - they had been each others best friends for as long as he could remember. He put his arms around the other two and smiled as widely as he could.
GS EH TM EC AA MH JS: Waking up that morning, Emilie still hadn't totally decided whether or not she was going to the wedding. Her heart was completely torn - on one hand, she knew it was going to absolutely tear her apart than Annabelle wasn't there, when she should be. But on the other, Tommy was also her best friend. If he didn't go, she felt like she would effectively be closing the door on her friends. And her marriage. She and Link had barely spoken two words two each other since the split and she missed him with everything she had. She still hadn't properly made up her mind, even as she did her hair and makeup and it was only once she'd gotten in the car that she knew where she was going. She had been too proud before, too hurt - but she wasn't ready to say goodbye to everything she loved. Link might not think she was the old her, but that person was there, deep down - and that person would never miss out on the wedding of one of her best friends. She would never walk away from her own marriage. Her heart was in her throat as she pulled up outside the church and she sat in the car, trying to build up the courage to get out.
GS EH TM EC AA MH JS: James laughed as he heard Cassidy, nodding his head. "It's probably a little weird, yeah. But I love it. Our whole lives are weird." He chuckled. He couldn't believe that they were at the wedding of Tommy Morley, but he honestly liked the fact that everything had been rectified. He and Cassidy had been able to salvage a friendship out of everything that had happened and he thought that was beautiful. He was excited to see the man get married to the woman who had been by his side for so long.
GS EH TM EC AA MH JS: Maddie loved weddings, she always had - and this one was no exception. Seeing Cassidy and Tommy make amends had made her so happy and now they were here, at his wedding; he finally seemed ready to settle down. "Oh, perfect. Look at this place, it's full!" She smiled as she looked around. Between them, Tommy and Florence knew a lot of people. "Did you expect anything less from Florence? It's beautiful here." She smiled. She thought Florence had impeccable taste and the venue just proved it.
GS EH TM EC AA MH JS: Aiden had been a little surprised to get an invite to the wedding, if he was honest - but he figured, in some ways, it might've been an apology for what Tommy's daughter had done at Minnie's wedding... And he was going to take it. Mostly for Cassidy's sake. He didn't want to cause anymore aggro. He laughed as he heard his husband. "It's going to look like all the billionaires of the world came together and threw up diamonds all over the place." he chuckled, holding out his hand to Elijah as he got out of the car.
GS EH TM EC AA MH JS: Izzy laughed as Grace spoke, shaking her head. "He'd fall down all of those stairs." She pointed over with another laugh. Like Felicity, she was so happy that Grace had found somebody new in her life - she didn't think that having a husband was the be all and end all, but she could see how happy Gabe and Grace were together. "I am so excited for your wedding, oh my god. I haven't been a bridesmaid since Fel's." She pouted.
FM LC AM CG AL TC FM GH: Florence had always known how close Tommy was with his friends, that was why she had asked the two girls to be her bridesmaid. She would have asked Annabelle had she still be there as well. There was a spare seat though, on the head table. She hadn't told Tommy that bit yet. She thought that they couldn't forget about his friend. "You did an exceptional job, Edie." Florence smiled. She had dreamed about her wedding dress since she was a child and the simplicity of this was so perfect. She reached for the girls hand. "I'm really glad that you're here." She thought that it was important to Tommy and she hoped that things wouldn't be too sad today.
FM LC AM CG AL TC FM GH: Link laughed as Tommy spoke and he shrugged his shoulders, "It's the salt and pepper hair thing. That's all it is." He shook his head. He didn't like the reminder of his wedding. Link was so sure that he and Emilie were done for good and it completely broke his heart. He missed her more than he could ever say but he knew that he had done the right thing. Emilie wasn't herself and he was sure that the woman he loved was gone for good. "One of the three of us and then get one of the boys to take one of us four." Link smiled. He never wanted Theo to feel left out. He wrapped an arm around Gabe, a wide smile on his face.
FM LC AM CG AL TC FM GH: Theo wondered how Gabe was feeling. He thought that today couldn't be easy for him, though he wasn't about to ask. He thought that Gabe might say if something was really bothering him. He nodded his head as the boys posed for the photo and he quickly snapped a few photos. He had always admired their friendship. He had never had people who he was as close to as they were with each other. "Perfect!" Theo laughed as he looked down at the few photos he had gotten. He thought that the others would be pretty happy about it.
FM LC AM CG AL TC FM GH: Cassidy laughed and nodded her head, "Oh yeah, that's true." She smiled at him then. When Cassidy was a teenager, she had never expected her relationship to last for forever with James. She had liked him a lot but she thought that he might get bored of her eventually. Now, she was so glad that they were together still, that they had their little family together. She thought that it was all pretty perfect. "I can't believe that he's getting married though, it's mad." She laughed with a shake of her head. Even when they were together, Cassidy never thought that Tommy would get married.
FM LC AM CG AL TC FM GH: Arthur smiled as he looked at Maddie. He knew how much she loved weddings - and it made him happy to know that she was happy. That was all he had ever wanted to make her. "Of course it's full. They all know about a million people, don't they?" He asked with a raise of an eyebrow and a laugh. He thought it was really nice that their kids were a part of the ceremony too. "That's very true. You've always liked her style, right?" He asked with a raise of an eyebrow. He let Maddie slip into the seat beside Cassidy and then he sat down next to her.
FM LC AM CG AL TC FM GH: Elijah didn't blame Fleur all that much for what had happened at the wedding. He could see the pain that the girl was in - he just didn't think that his daughter had deserved that. it was that which made him even more surprised that Aiden had said yes to going to the wedding. He was glad to be going though. He had always loved a wedding. "Much fancier than ours, huh?" He asked with a raise of an eyebrow. Elijah had loved their wedding, it was perfect for the two of them. He thought that this might be more than he had ever imagined.
FM LC AM CG AL TC FM GH: Felicity giggled as she listened to Izzy and she nodded her head. "That's absolutely true. Gabe would have gotten down one of them and bumped down the rest." She loved her brother so much and she was so glad that he had been able to find his happiness again. She knew that he still missed Annabelle - but she thought it was good that he was moving on now.
FM LC AM CG AL TC FM GH: Grace smiled as the other two spoke about Gabe. She knew that it was true. Grace also knew that he would be missing Annabelle today. She would never hold it against Gabe for how much he still loved the other woman. Grace thought that they worked because of it. Although she and Freddie broke up in a very different way, she knew that she would always love him. Those feelings were never going to go away. She thought that it was probably amplified for Gabe, with Annabelle being taken away like she was. "You'll love your dresses. I've got a few in mind and whichever you pick - you'll adore them."
GS EH TM EC AA MH JS: Edie smiled, shaking her head - she had owned her own dressmaking business for about fifteen years by now and yet she still didn't know how to take the compliments. She always thought there was something she could've done better. She did think that Florence looked absolutely stunning, though - seeing her, she wouldn't change a thing. "Well, you were an exceptional client." She smiled, shrugging her shoulders. "I wouldn't be anywhere else." She said honestly, nodding her head. She wished the same was true for her friend, though. "Not long now - how are you feeling?" She smiled, raising an eyebrow. She remembered how she had felt on her wedding day - she had been so young, but the nerves had barely been there at all. She had known it was the right thing.
GS EH TM EC AA MH JS: "I don't have salt and pepper hair! Don't be fucking rude, it's my wedding day. You can't tell me I'm going gray." Tommy rolled his eyes, but it was obvious he didn't really mind - he was as confident with his looks as ever. He wondered how his friends felt, being here at his wedding when they were going through what they were - but he wasn't going to ask them just yet. He didn't think they'd appreciate it. "Perfect." He laughed as Theo took the photos, beckoning Tommy Junior over. "Take one of the four of us, now." He told his son, pulling Theo into the photo.
GS EH TM EC AA MH JS: Gabe smiled as Theo was brought into the photo, happy that they were going to have one of the four of them. He could only imagine how much Annabelle would've loved today - seeing them all dressed up, seeing Tommy finally commit to somebody. He knew she would adore it all. "How long do we have?" He asked the others, checking his watch. He was excited to get out there, so he couldn't imagine how Tommy felt right now.
GS EH TM EC AA MH JS: Emilie watched as the guests piled into the wedding and for once in her life, she felt nervous - she didn't know if she would even be a welcome guest after she'd turned down the original invite. She just hoped they knew why she had - and how much it had taken for her to actually come down there today, especially with her son not being invited. She sighed and climbed out of the car, locking it behind her and taking a few steps towards the church, taking a deep breath. As stupid as it sounded, she couldn't wait to see Link - just to see him, to see him be happy. She hadn't seen him like that in a very long time and she thought a lot of that would be down to her, to the way she'd been.
GS EH TM EC AA MH JS: "I suppose that's how it is, in his line of work - I wonder if Cassidy's wedding will be this busy." Maddie smiled - she was so excited for Cassidy's wedding, she felt like she'd been waiting for it for so long now. "I can't imagine why anybody wouldn't!" She smiled. She thought that she and Florence had a similar appreciation for the simplicity of things. This was nothing like her own wedding had been, though. "Hello! You look beautiful!" She smiled as she slid into the seat next to Cassidy, leaning over to kiss her friends cheek in greeting.
GS EH TM EC AA MH JS: "I think this is about ten times as fancy as ours." Aiden chuckled, shaking his head. He wouldn't change his wedding for the world - it had been perfect for them. And he thought this was pretty perfect for Tommy and Florence. "Do you want to sit over there? There are some seats behind Maddie and Cass." He pointed over, unable to see the men at that point.
GS EH TM EC AA MH JS: Izzy had always seen the appreciation and love that Gabe and Grace had had for each other, which is why she hadn't been so surprised when they had fallen in love again - she thought it made sense. "Oh, I can't wait - I'm probably going to love them all too much and want to get changed all day." She grinned.
FM LC AM CG AL TC FM GH: Florence thought that it was a no brainer that Edie made her dress. She thought that Edie was so talented. It also gave her an extra duty for the wedding, she liked that a lot. Especially since Emilie had refused to even come. Florence knew that she and Emilie didn't get along - but she thought that it was more than, that. She could understand why Emilie might not want to do today when her best friend would've loved it. "I don't know about that. I think we both know I was a bridezilla." She laughed. She loved that her daughters were here, that her best friend was walking her down the aisle. "I'm -- nervous." Florence laughed. "You think he's gonna be there?" She asked. She nodded as Clancy told her they had to get ready, that it was almost time. "Okay. Come on then." She laughed, ushering the girls to get into their lines.
FM LC AM CG AL TC FM GH: "You absolutely do but it's alright. I'll let you be in denial for today and today only." Link shrugged his shoulders with a laugh. He was trying to keep himself in a good mood. He wanted Tommy to remember everything being perfect and nothing less. His smile grew as Theo joined the photo. He had married Edie so that made him family in Links eyes. "Alright - I think they should be here soon. Get ready." He chuckled. He clapped his friend on the back. "You ready?" He asked with a raise of an eyebrow.
FM LC AM CG AL TC FM GH: Theo smiled as he was pulled into the photo. He appreciated that a lot. Theo looked down at his watch as Gabe asked what time it was and he nodded his head, "yeah, just a couple minutes." He chuckled. He was excited. His favourite part of a wedding was seeing the bride come down the aisle, seeing the grooms face. And he thought they had all waited long enough for this.
FM LC AM CG AL TC FM GH: Cassidy smiled as Maddie sat down beside her, "Hello beautiful." She laughed and kissed her friend on the cheek. She and Maddie were probably closer now than they had ever been. She loved the other so much and she couldn't wait until they were celebrating her wedding, together. "I can't wait to see Florence, can you?" She asked with a raise of an eyebrow. She had always thought that Edie was incredible in her work and Florence made anything look good.
FM LC AM CG AL TC FM GH: "Yeah - something like that." Elijah laughed with a nod of his head. He didn't think that he would've ever had a wedding like this but he thought that it was nice for Florence and Tommy. He thought that it suited them. "Oh yeah, sounds perfect." He nodded. He thought that they were some of the last ones there so it made sense that there wasn't seats next to their friends. "Hi." Elijah muttered as he sat behind Maddie.
FM LC AM CG AL TC FM GH: "You are absolutely not getting a change of outfit on my wedding day." Grace laughed with a shake of her head. Felicity and Izzy had been bridesmaids at her first wedding and so it only made sense that they'd be it again at her second.
GS EH TM EC AA MH JS: If Edie had thought Emilie's reason for not coming was because she didn't like Florence, then she would be angry - but she knew it was more. That was why she hadn't tried to persuade her to come. She knew she would if she felt like she could. "You weren't the worst one I've dealt with, not by far." She smiled. She had made both Emilie and Annabelle's dresses, after all. "Of course he's going to be there. He's serious this time. I know he is." She smiled, reaching out to squeeze the blondes hand softly. "Good luck!" She smiled, stepping forward to wrap her in a quick hug before she got into her line. She wished she wasn't walking alone, but she had made her peace with it.
GS EH TM EC AA MH JS: Tommy rolled his eyes, laughing loudly as Link spoke. He had never seen himself getting married, but now that he was - he was so glad his best friends were there with him. They were the most stable relationship he'd ever had in his life. "Okay - let's go and sign away my life." He grinned, but it couldn't be more obvious he was joking. He was so ready to be with Florence forever. "Ready as I'll ever be." He chuckled, checking himself out in the mirror one last time. He couldn't wait to see what Florence looked like, what she was wearing. He knew it was going to be amazing.
GS EH TM EC AA MH JS: Gabe couldn't wait to see Florence, to see the bridesmaids - she'd planned a perfect wedding and he'd loved watching it all come together. He was so excited to be able to plan his wedding with Grace; he knew how much she was going to enjoy it and he loved seeing her happy. "Good luck, mate." He grinned, clapping Tommy on the back as he got ready to go. "I think we should probably go and take our places?"
GS EH TM EC AA MH JS: By the time the last few were stepping into the church, Emilie knew it was go time - if she didn't go in now, she wouldn't make it and then she'd have her decision made for her. She took a deep breath before she headed into the church, spotting a free seat at the back and slipping into it quietly. Despite the sadness, she knew that Edie would've created some beautiful dresses and she couldn't wait to see them.
GS EH TM EC AA MH JS: "No, neither can I - I can't wait to see them all." Maddie smiled, nodding her head. She had always liked Fleur, even though she thought the girls actions were a little misguided sometimes - she had done a lot for her daughter in the past few weeks and she couldn't wait to see her happy, her parents getting married. "I don't think it'll be long now." She smiled. If she could, Maddie would go back and do her own wedding day again in a heartbeat.
GS EH TM EC AA MH JS: Aiden just hoped that nobody brought up Fleur's outburst at Minnie's wedding today - because he was still angry about it and he wasn't going to deny that he was. He thought it had been totally unnecessary and unfair - and he was mostly annoyed that neither of her parents had properly apologised about it. But he knew that today wasn't about that and he wouldn't be the one to bring it up. "What time is this supposed to start?" He whispered to his husband.
GS EH TM EC AA MH JS: "A girl can dream." Izzy sighed wistfully, laughing as she shook her head. She would do whatever Grace wanted on her wedding day - she had been such a bridezilla at her own, she knew she was so lucky that Felicity had been her wedding planner because anybody else might've quit on the spot. "And Alba gets to be a bridesmaid at this one!" She smiled. Although on second thoughts, she didn't know if the girl would actually want to be a bridesmaid. She knew how loyal she was to her father.
FM LC AM CG AL TC FM GH: Today was something that Florence had been planning for a long, long time. She had almost given up hope that she was ever going to get married. But now that she was there, she didn't care if it wasn't perfect. She was marrying Tommy and she thought that was all that mattered. "No, I bet the girls were worse." Florence laughed with a nod of her head. She figured that they were more picky than she was, remarkably. She smiled as Edie reassured her. As long as he was there, she knew today was going to be a good day. She quickly gave her daughters a kiss on the cheek before she linked her arm with Clancys. She was so glad she had her by her side today.
FM LC AM CG AL TC FM GH: Link knew that nothing would have stopped him from seeing this. He knew that he would never forget today for the rest of his life - like he still treasured Annabelle and Gabes wedding. "Lets go." Link nodded at Gabe. He was looking forward to seeing the others. "We can still make a quick run for it." He laughed, obviously joking. Link knew how serious Tommy was this time, that was why it had annoyed him so much that Emilie point blank refused to be there for him. Link moved quickly into his position, not even seeing Emilie there. He wouldn't have believed it was her even if he had seen her.
FM LC AM CG AL TC FM GH: Theo smiled as he looked at the other three. He felt so lucky to be a part of this. His and Edies wedding had been so long ago, they were so young - but he remembered that overwhelming feeling of love he had, had when he saw her. He couldn't wait to see that look on Tommys face too. "Good luck." Theo whispered to Tommy before he moved to stand beside Gabe, a smile on his face.
FM LC AM CG AL TC FM GH: "Me too. Edie always makes the most amazing dresses." Cassidy had asked her to make her own anyway. She was always absolutely blown away by Edies talent and she couldn't wait to see what the woman had done for Florence. She thought that their styles were probably completely opposite. "No. I think everyone is getting ready. Look, the boys are here." She smiled over at Tommy. She was so excited for him.
FM LC AM CG AL TC FM GH: Elijah wasn't sure what Aiden would do if someone brought up what had happen at their daughters wedding. Elijah knew that he could keep his cool but he also knew that his husband was still so angry about what had happened, he didn't think the other would be able to keep it together. He looked down at his watch, then. "Right about now." He smiled. He was so excited to see everyone.
FM LC AM CG AL TC FM GH: Grace nodded her head, "You absolutely can but I'm not getting a change so neither are you." She smiled as she looked at Izzy - though it faltered as she mentioned her daughter. Grace shrugged her shoulders. "I'm not even completely convinced that she's even going to come." She had, obviously, asking Alba to be a bridesmaid but she had thrown a pretty sizeable tantrum. Grace knew how much Alba loved her father but she had hoped that the girl might've been able to put that aside, just for one day.
GS EH TM EC AA MH JS: "They absolutely were." Edie laughed softly, giving Florence one last little smile before she got ready to walk. She really did look like the most beautiful bride and although they'd all questioned it over the years, it was obvious how much she and Tommy really did love each other. "You look so beautiful." She told Florence softly, before she turned and started to walk. She beamed as she saw Theo's face, looking out across the masses of guests to see if she could find a familiar face. As her eyes glanced over Emilie, she did a bit of a double take, her smile growing even wider.
GS EH TM EC AA MH JS: "Don't start trying to tempt me." Tommy laughed in response to Link, but as with his friend, it was obvious he was joking. He was more than ready for this. He was entirely focused on the end of the aisle, waiting to see Florence. Everything had been kept a secret from him, so he absolutely couldn't wait to see what she looked like. He smiled as Edie headed down the aisle, giving her a little nod of excitement.
GS EH TM EC AA MH JS: Gabe had never though he'd see this day, but he was so happy he got to - the last of their little group to get married and seeing it meant everything to Gabe. As Edie walked down, he got a little tear in his eye thinking about how Annabelle should've been with her - but he forced himself to take a deep breath. This wasn't about either of them - it was about Tommy and Florence and he was so happy for them.
GS EH TM EC AA MH JS: Emilie wasn't expecting the ceremony to start so soon, but she was glad that it did - she didn't want to give herself chance to overthink it all. As the music started, she turned towards the back, a little smile on her face as she saw Edie - the bridesmaid dresses were beautiful, as she'd known they would be. And she was struck by how happy her friend was. She couldn't help herself from taking another look to the front, though - she really hadn't seen her husband so happy in a while.
GS EH TM EC AA MH JS: "Oh, of course they are!" Maddie smiled as they saw the boys getting into their places - they all looked so happy and a little bit nervous and she remembered the feeling so well. "It's starting!" She whispered as she heard the music, turning to see Edie beginning to walk. She couldn't wait to see Florence, to see how beautiful she looked.
GS EH TM EC AA MH JS: "So it is." Aiden laughed quietly as Elijah spoke, reaching to take his husbands hand as the music started. He had never been one of those people who lived and breathed for weddings, but he thought this one was pretty nice as they went. He went to smile as he saw Edie - their daughters were best friends and they had all met up quite a few times, but he still held a lot of anger for what Maggie had done to Wyatt. He kept the smile on his face, even so.
GS EH TM EC AA MH JS: "Ugh, fine." Izzy laughed, rolling her eyes playfully. She knew that she would be a part of Grace's wedding no matter what she wanted her to wear. She was just excited to be there on her special day. She sighed slightly as Grace said she didn't know if Alba was going to go; she knew that the younger girl felt like she had a responsibility to Freddie and she understood that, but she thought she'd regret it if she didn't go. "She'll come." She nodded her head - she hoped she was right, anyway. "Ooh, look! It's starting!"
FM LC AM CG AL TC FM GH: Florence laughed slightly as she listened to the other. This was one of the reasons why she wanted Edie to be one of Bridesmaids - she knew that she needed her calming presence around for today. "Thank you." She whispered after her. she watched as Edie started down the aisle and smiled as she looked after her daughters. She held her head up, took a deep breath and started walking towards Tommy, a wide smiled on her face as soon as she saw him. This was it. They were really doing this. And she didn't think that she had ever been as happy as she was right then.
FM LC AM CG AL TC FM GH: "Just saying." Link shrugged his shoulders with a laugh. When he looked to the back of the room, to see Edie, he spotted Emilie instead. He almost thought that he was hallucinating. "Gabe.." Link whispered to his friend, quiet enough that no-one else would hear them, and he nodded towards his wife. He just needed to know it was true. He needed to know that it was actually her there. Link thought that, that might be the glimmer of hope he had been looking forward to. If Emilie was here, then it meant that she wasn't completely gone.
FM LC AM CG AL TC FM GH: Theo smiled broadly as Edie came down the aisle. He had known that she would do a fantastic job with the dresses but he really did think she was the most beautiful person to have ever walked the planet. Theo was more in love with her now, than he had ever been. "I love you." He mouthed to her before he turned his attention to the two girls and then - Florence. He turned to see the look on his friends face as she came in the room.
FM LC AM CG AL TC FM GH: Cassidy felt so happy that she got to be here, that she got to see Tommy so happy. She had never thought that they would be here but she thought that he looked happier today, than she had ever seen him and she was glad for him. She was really happy that he finally felt okay in settling down with the woman he loved. Like Maddie, she turned to see everyone as they started to walk down the aisle.
FM LC AM CG AL TC FM GH: Elijah squeezed his husbands hand gently as he took it in his. He knew that Aiden had a lot of anger about what had happened - so he was just glad that he had decided to go. He didn't know what he would've done if Aiden had said no. "She looks so nice." Elijah whispered to his husband as he saw Edie. He definitely didn't hold it against her for what Maggie had done to Wyatt. And then his smile grew as he saw Florence, "Wow." He whispered.
FM LC AM CG AL TC FM GH: Grace shrugged her shoulders as Izzy spoke about her daughter. She hoped that she was right but Grace really wasn't sure. She had no idea how to predict what her daughter would do. It wasn't like the two of them had spoke much since Grace had moved out. She thought that, that might be her fault though. "Perfect." Grace smiled, turning to see the girls walking down the aisle.
GS EH TM EC AA MH JS: Tommy wondered, deep down, if a part of him had always known he would end up with Florence - they had two beautiful daughters and more memories than they could even count and now here they were... And it felt perfect. He smiled as he watched his daughters, but it was nothing compared to how he felt as he saw Florence. She was radiant, the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. And he knew, without a doubt, that he wanted this.
GS EH TM EC AA MH JS: Gabe was too busy trying not to cry as he watched the look on Tommy's face as he saw his daughters - he hadn't even realised that Emilie was there and he turned to his friend with a smile as he heard him. "What?" He whispered back, equally quietly. He looked over where Link was nodding, gasping dramatically as he saw Emilie. "Oh my god...!" He whispered, looking back to his friend with a huge smile.
GS EH TM EC AA MH JS: Edie had never stopped loving Theo as much as she did when she was a teenager - if anything, she had only fallen more in love with him. He was the man of her dreams and she still got butterflies, looking at him now. "I love you more." She mouthed back, a beaming smile on her face as she turned to see Florence walking. She looked as beautiful as she'd imagined - even more so.
FM LC AM CG AL TC FM GH joined the chat
GS EH TM EC AA MH JS: Emilie smiled just watching the exchange between Edie and Theo - seeing that nothing had changed between them was one of the things that made her think, maybe all of their lives could go on. She looked up to the front as Florence started to walk, wanting to see Tommy's face - and she saw Link, looking her way. She had no idea if he'd seen her or not and she didn't know if she wanted him to. She missed him so desperately, but she didn't know how he felt about her. She gave him the smallest of smiles, raising an eyebrow ever so slightly.
GS EH TM EC AA MH JS: "She does." Aiden agreed with a smile, watching as Florence and the bridesmaids made their way to the end of the aisle. They all looked so happy and he remembered the feeling so well - despite his personal feelings on what was going on with his children, he was happy for them. "Ever think we'd be at his wedding day?" He whispered with a little chuckle, nodding over to Tommy at the end of the aisle.
GS EH TM EC AA MH JS: Izzy wanted to talk to Alba about her mums wedding, but she didn't want to push the girl away and make her feel like she had another person she couldn't speak to. If she didn't want to go, it would have to be her choice. She smiled as she watched everybody walking - and especially as she saw Tommy's face. He looked so in love.
FM LC AM CG AL TC FM GH: Throughout everything, Florence always knew that she would keep going back to Tommy. She had really tried to get over him, tried to keep him off of her mind but it never worked. And that was why she couldn't believe that she was marrying him now. They were finally doing it. It was him and her for forever. And she was so happy. She didn't think she had ever been that happy before in her entire life. She reached out her hand to him as she made it to the end of the aisle, her cheeks already hurt from smiling and there were tears in her eyes.
FM LC AM CG AL TC FM GH: As much as Link wanted to look to Florence, to see her, he couldn't take his eyes off of Emilie. She was really there and he knew that it was true when he heard his friends gasp. The minute he heard that, he smiled at her. He had missed her so much. He loved her so much. He didn't think that he would've ever found someone he loved as much as he loved her - and she was there. She was still her. He couldn't believe it.
FM LC AM CG AL TC FM GH: Theo knew that he was pretty lucky. He and Edie had loved one another since they were kids and he still thought that they were as in love as they were then - if not more. He felt so lucky. He shrugged her her response with a small laugh, before he looked to Florence. He definitely thought that she was a beautiful bride, there could be no denying that, he thought.
FM LC AM CG AL TC FM GH: Elijah smiled. He loved this part of a wedding, where the groom saw the bride for the first time. He thought that it was probably the most magical part of the whole thing. He chuckled as Aiden spoke and he shook his head, "No. Absolutely never. i never thought it was going to happen." He whispered back to his husband. He thought that, that was the most shocking thing of it all.
FM LC AM CG AL TC FM GH: Felicity was crying before Florence even made it to Tommy. The look on his face wasn't one that she had ever seen from him and she thought that it was so obvious how much he loved her. She thought that it was so lovely that they had this now. They deserved it, she thought. She took Izzys hand, a wide smile on her face. It had been years since she married Miller but every time, he was all she could think about.
GS EH TM EC AA MH JS: Tommy took Florence's hand as she reached out to him and he squeezed it gently. He wanted to lean in and kiss her right there, but he knew he had to pay attention to the order of service - for once, he was willing to play by the rules today. He was so ready for a forever with her. He couldn't keep the smile off his face. "You look beautiful." He told her in a whisper, squeezing her hand again.
GS EH TM EC AA MH JS: Emilie felt a pang of relief as Link smiled at her - and even though she'd already known, she was also struck by how much she'd missed him. She hoped that he would know what her being there meant - what she was trying to tell him. She was still her and she could see a way to get past everything that had happened. She couldn't let everything they had go. She tried to focus on the ceremony, but she couldn't help herself from looking back at him.
GS EH TM EC AA MH JS: Gabe thought that everything was truly perfect now - he even felt Annabelle's presence there, through both of her best friends being there, through their children being there. He couldn't keep the smile off his face as he looked over at them, as he looked at Link and Emilie, Theo and Edie and Tommy and Florence. As he looked over at Grace. He knew that things had gone so wrong, that his heart was still so broken. But he still had a lot of things to be happy about.
GS EH TM EC AA MH JS: Edie thought Florence was a beautiful bride on par with both of her best friends - and that was extremely high praise. She could practically feel the happiness and love radiating off them as the ceremony started and she couldn't keep her eyes off them. She hoped they would be this happy forever.
GS EH TM EC AA MH JS: Aiden laughed, shaking his head. "No, neither did I." He admitted with a smile. He found it hard to believe that he'd been at his own daughters wedding just a few weeks ago - they all seemed to be growing up so quickly and this wedding was a nice reminder that they really weren't so old just yet.
GS EH TM EC AA MH JS: Izzy smiled as Felicity took her hand, squeezing it gently. She couldn't help but think back to her own wedding - she knew she had been a nightmare to deal with, but Florence seemed so happy and at peace as she met Tommy at the end of the aisle. She thought it was about time they found their peace together; and she felt very happy for them.
FM LC AM CG AL TC FM GH: Florence didn't think that she had ever been happier than she was in that moment - bar when her children had been born. She chuckled slightly as she saw the two girls crying already. She would always feel bad for messing the two of them around but she was so glad that they were all there together now. Florence rolled her eyes as he complimented her, "You're not getting one back." She muttered, though the smile on her face told him she was just playing with him. She thought that Tommy would know how handsome she thought he looked.
FM LC AM CG AL TC FM GH: Link felt instantly better, just knowing that Emilie was there. He wondered what had changed her mind. He wondered if it had anything to do with him. He thought that if Emilie hadn't come to the wedding, then that meant they were finally done. Her being there changed his mind completely. He thought that they might be okay. He found it difficult to concentrate on the ceremony. He just wanted to be able to talk to her, to see her, to make sure this meant what he thought it meant - but he had to wait.
FM LC AM CG AL TC FM GH: Theo nudged Gabe gently as they watched the ceremony. He could only imagine how hard it was for the other and he hoped that he knew that he would be there for him throughout all of today and beyond. Theo really cared for Gabe - for all of Edies friends. This felt like the end of a chapter and he couldn't wait to see what was in store for them all once it was done.
FM LC AM CG AL TC FM GH: Grace smiled as she saw Gabe looking over at her. She knew who he would be thinking about and she thought that, that was okay. it was natural. Grace knew that she wouldn't be there if Annabelle was still alive. She and Gabe wouldn't be about to get married. She accepted that she was second to her and that was fine. She thought that he still deserved to have a little bit of happiness.
FM LC AM CG AL TC FM GH: "And i definitely didn't think that Minnie would get married first." Elijah had supported his daughter with everything. He thought that she was old enough to make her own decisions - but he still thought that it was a little mad that she had gotten married so young. He liked Milo, though and he thought the two of them were perfect for one another.
FM LC AM CG AL TC FM GH: Felicity thought that Izzy would be thinking about her own wedding. She thought that, that was why weddings got more magical as you got older - you had memories attached to it that weren't necessarily just about the couple getting married. She was so happy for Tommy and Florence and she loved that they had finally gotten to this point.
GS EH TM EC AA MH JS: Tommy laughed softly as Florence spoke - it was comforting for him to see that things wouldn't change for them just because they were getting married. They were going to be the same as they'd always been and he loved that. "Don't need one." He whispered back with a soft chuckle, squeezing her hand. The part of the wedding he had been apprehensive about was saying the vows - he was never good with displays of affection in front of people, but he was glad that Florence had agreed to using the traditional vows.
**** joined the chat 13 hours ago
GS EH TM EC AA MH JS: Emilie barely heard a word that Tommy and Florence were saying; she was too distracted. She wanted to talk to Link so badly, she just wanted to be around him. It had been so long since they had even been in the same room for this long and all she could think about was when she would finally be able to speak to him. She didn't even know what she would say, but she needed him to know that she wasn't giving up. She would do what it took. She felt like herself again.
GS EH TM EC AA MH JS: Gabe smiled as Theo nudged him - it was weird for him to think that there had been a time when Theo had been on the outside when he was just a part of the group now, without question. He knew that he other probably thought he was sad, but he wasn't - not overwhelmingly now, anyway. He was happy for everybody he loved. For Gabe, it was never a matter of Grace being second to Annabelle - their love was just different, but it didn't mean he didn't love her as much, or that he didn't want to be married to her. Being here was making him so excited for this to be them. In many ways, Gabe would say that Grace had saved him.
GS EH TM EC AA MH JS: "No, neither did I." Aiden laughed softly. It had come as the biggest shock of all when Minnie had told them she was getting married and to be honest, he still wasn't sure if he and Elijah had made the right decision by not trying to change her mind... But he could see how happy she was and he knew that he had to trust her. He knew that Milo was a good person - that they were right together. "Look at them. Our married daughter and her husband." He smiled, shaking his head as he looked across the church at them.
GS EH TM EC AA MH JS: Izzy noticed the fact that Florence had taken out the serve and obey part of the vow and she smiled - she and Florence had never really been all that close, but she thought they had similar thoughts on things like this. Izzy had had it taken out of her vows, too.
- joined the chat 2 hours ago
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FM LC AM CG AL TC FM GH joined the chat
FM LC AM CG AL TC FM GH: Florence refused to let anything change between she and Tommy now that they were getting married. She knew that he was worried about that and she didn't think there was a need for it. She thought that they were going to be okay, no matter what. She rolled her eyes before she turned her attention back to the front. She didn't think she she had ever been happier. "You may now kiss the bride." Florence turned to Tommy, then, a wide smile on her face.
FM LC AM CG AL TC FM GH: Link had to keep checking that Emilie was still there. He had to make sure that he wasn't imagining it. He knew that, once all of this was done, he would be going straight for her. He needed to talk to her, to figure out what was happening between the two of them. He cheered as the two of them were told they could kiss. He was so happy for his friend.
FM LC AM CG AL TC FM GH: Grace didn't think she would've been there if it wasn't for her and Gabes relationship. she didn't think any of his friends were particularly fond of him but she wasn't going to hold that against them. She was really trying to be understanding. It was just a bit difficult. She smiled as Tommy and Florence kissed. This was already such a lovely day.
FM LC AM CG AL TC FM GH: Elijah smiled as he looked over at Minnie and Milo. "They look happy, don't they?" He asked with a raise of an eyebrow. He really did think that Minnie was old enough to make her own decisions and even if they weren't together for forever, he thought that they were going to be happy and that was all that mattered. He didn't think he had ever seen Minnie happier than when she was with Milo.
FM LC AM CG AL TC FM GH: Felicity was bawling by the time they got to the kissing part. she had always loved weddings and she loved getting to see how much they all loved one another. She thought weddings were so beautiful.
GS EH TM EC AA MH JS: Tommy didn't hesitate for a second before he leaned in to kiss Florence - to kiss his wife. He knew that he'd been wrong in the past when he looked at their lives together - their two beautiful daughters, the love they had - but he still didn't regret how any of it had transpired. Because this, now - it was perfect. He laughed as he heard the clapping and cheering of their friends, pulling away with a smile on his face. He kept hold of his wife's hand.
GS EH TM EC AA MH JS: Emilie smiled as Tommy and Florence kissed... and she knew without a doubt that she was glad she hadn't missed this. He was one of her best friends and he was so obviously happy that she knew she'd have regretted missing this for, probably, the rest of her life. She looked over at Gabe with a smile - she knew they were both missing her today. She didn't know how things were going to be from here - she didn't know if she'd be able to make Gabe's wedding, whenever it was. But she would try. She wanted to be better.
GS EH TM EC AA MH JS: Gabe cheered loudly as Tommy and Florence finally kissed, wiping away a tear - for once, though, he wasn't crying with any kind of sadness at all. For just a second, he managed to forget about everything else and think about how totally and utterly happy he was for his best friend. He looked over to Grace with a grin - he couldn't wait until this was them, he couldn't wait to share this kind of happiness with her. "I love you." He mouthed over to her.
GS EH TM EC AA MH JS: Edie had the biggest smile on her face as the bride and groom kissed, as everything was confirmed - Florence had been in their lives for so long and on some level, they had always known that she was the one for Tommy. She was just happy that he'd finally seen it, after so long - although she had a sneaky suspicion that he'd already known. She didn't think Florence was concentrating on anything else, but she gave the woman a huge smile.
GS EH TM EC AA MH JS: "We wouldn't have been so okay with any of this if they didn't, right?" Aiden smiled, shrugging his shoulders. He had put up a little bit of a fight at first, but after seeing how happy his daughter was - he couldn't fight anymore. "Do you think we'll be granddads soon?" He raised an eyebrow. It was something he knew was coming soon, something he'd be happy about - but also something he was scared of. He wanted his daughter to do bigger things than that, but he was trying to accept that this was what she wanted.
GS EH TM EC AA MH JS: Izzy clapped along with everybody else as the two kissed and she couldn't help but smile as she saw Gabe looking over to Grace - after everything, she really did believe that the two deserved every happiness and she was glad to see them on their way to getting it. She was so excited to be at their wedding.
FM LC AM CG AL TC FM GH: Florence only had eyes for Tommy, her husband, as they pulled away from the kiss. She could hear everyone cheering - their daughters the loudest of them all - but she couldn't look at anyone but him. Florence wasn't a cryer of anything sense, especially not a happy cryer, but she couldn't stop a few stray tears as she looked at Tommy. She had been so afraid that today was never going to happen for the two of them - but she was so over the moon that this was happening now. She didn't think she would ever regret what had happened between the two of them ,not even for a second.
FM LC AM CG AL TC FM GH: Link was so happy. Mostly for Tommy and Florence but also because Emilie was there. There was hope. Hope that she was still in there, somewhere, that the two of them were going to be okay. Link missed his wife. And he was so glad that they were taking steps towards things being good again. He thought that this was a good step towards that. He just hoped that this was a step in the right direction - he thought that it was.
FM LC AM CG AL TC FM GH: Grace smiled widely as she saw Gabe and saw the look on his face. She knew that he was so happy and she liked seeing that there wasn't even a tinge of sadness there. She was so glad that he could have that today, after everything. "I love you too." She mouthed back to him. She couldn't wait to marry Gabe. Marrying Freddie had been the best day of her life and she was sure that marrying Gabe would be up there as well.
FM LC AM CG AL TC FM GH: Theo thought that it was about time that something like this happened. He thought that Florence and Tommy were made for one another, that they were supposed to be the one. He loved that they were finally realising that. Theo had always loved weddings but he thought that this one, apart from his own, might be the best one he had ever been too. He nudged Gabe, he couldn't wait to see the other have his happiness soon as well.
FM LC AM CG AL TC FM GH: "You wouldn't." Elijah smiled, though he was mostly teasing. Elijah didn't know what he would be okay with and what he wouldn't. He just wanted to support their daughter. He thought that she was clever enough to make up her own minds. "By the end of the year, it'll be on its way." he nodded. He was almost excited about it. He knew that Minnie knew her own mind so he wasn't going to argue with her, he was going to be excited for her.
GS EH TM EC AA MH JS: ** the reception**
GS EH TM EC AA MH JS: "It was a really nice wedding." Izzy agreed with her friends, taking a sip of her champagne as she took her seat at the table. They'd all arrived and were just waiting for the wedding party to get there now, after taking their various pictures and everything else they needed this to do. She just wished her husband had been invited, but she understood why. "I just can't believe the next wedding we'll be at is probably Jeremiah's." She shook her head.
GS EH TM EC AA MH JS: Aiden wrapped an arm around his husbands shoulders as they sat and waited - he'd had a really nice morning and now he was ready for the evening. "Back onto being grandpas - do you think that makes us look old?" He grinned, still thinking about their conversation from the church. He knew that he would come around to the idea - it was just strange to him that their daughter was so young, that they were still so young.
GS EH TM EC AA MH JS: "Wasn't that so lovely?" Maddie smiled as she looked from Arthur to Cassidy, a big smile on her face. She had thought the wedding was so beautiful. A lot of the time, she felt a little bit awkward around some of these people because she knew that there was a lot of drama between the kids, but she hadn't today. "They looked so happy."
GS EH TM EC AA MH JS: "I loved it - it felt like I was watching something on the TV, though. Maybe Gossip Girl or something like that." James laughed. The wedding had been a little bit extravagant for his taste, but he could tell it was everything the couple had wanted and he felt happy for them.
GS EH TM EC AA MH JS: Emilie hadn't really known where to go when she'd arrived at the reception venue and it wasn't something she was used to feeling - her children weren't there, Annabelle wasn't there... She was suddenly aware of how much she'd neglected any of her other friendships since Annabelle's death. She was speaking to Bridie when she heard the wedding party arriving, instantly turning to see if her husband was among them.
GS EH TM EC AA MH JS: "I feel like we're being treated as VIP's." Edie chuckled as she slipped her hand into her husbands, heading into the venue - their car had arrived first, before Tommy and Florence and they'd been told to head in. "Those pictures are going to be beautiful - I hope the dresses look okay in them." She smiled, her mind already working overtime - she wanted everything to be perfect for them, especially when she'd had a hand in it all.
GS EH TM EC AA MH JS: "That was so much fun - I felt like a model." Gabe grinned as he looked to Link, running a hand through his hair as they walked into the venue. He'd loved getting to take all of the photos and getting to watch Tommy, Florence and their girls get their pictures taken. He couldn't wait to see them all. "And now - we eat!" This was his favourite part and he hoped the food wouldn't be too long, because he was already starving. He looked for where Grace was on the seating plan, waving over to her excitedly.
GS EH TM EC AA MH JS: Tommy held Florence's hand tightly in the car, unable to take his eyes off her - he was so happy and she was, without a doubt, the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. "Can we go around the block once more?" He asked the driver with a charming smile. He wasn't ready to give up just a few more moments alone with his wife yet - he was so happy. He just wanted to savour these few moments, before everybody wanted a little piece of them, or a picture.
FM LC AM CG AL TC FM GH: Felicity nodded her head as she listened to her friend. She always loved weddings but she had to admit that this was probably one of the nicest ones she had ever been too. Everything was perfect. She thought that, that was probably Florences doing. "Mad, isn't it?" She asked her friend with a laugh. "It's the nicest but weirdest feeling when one of your children get married." She shook her head. Felicity had probably been just as happy to see Meg get married, as she had been on her own wedding day.
FM LC AM CG AL TC FM GH: Grace was so glad that she was at the wedding with Izzy and Felicity. She knew that she would've never been invited if it wasn't for Gabe so she was glad that her friends were there with her. "Honestly, I'm a little mad at how nice this one is. It's going to be better than mine." Grace laughed. She couldn't wait to marry Gabe. She thought that he was a good person to have by her side for forever.
FM LC AM CG AL TC FM GH: Elijah chuckled as he listened to his husband. He knew that it was a big thing to get your head around - but Elijah thought that it was good that they were thinking about all of that already. "I think it doesn't matter how it makes us look." He shrugged his shoulders. He wondered what people might think but Elijah didn't really think that he cared. "Though I am a little bitter that we're not going to be its favourite grandparent." He chuckled. He loved Gabe and he was so glad that the other was also there to look out for his daughter now.
FM LC AM CG AL TC FM GH: Arthur nodded his head. He was never that into weddings, never that bothered about going to them, but he thought that today had been really, really nice. And he was glad they had all been there for it. He wrapped his arm around Maddie and nodded his head, "Yeah, it was lovely." He replied.
FM LC AM CG AL TC FM GH: Cassidy laughed as she listened to James and shrugged her shoulders, "Guess we get a glimpse of how the other half live, right?" She asked with a raise of an eyebrow. She and James weren't poor, by any means, but they weren't the level that Tommy and Florence were at. "It was nice though. He looked really happy." She still felt a little strange about being there - especially since Tommy had cheated on her with Florence. But it was all such a long time ago. She liked that they had put that behind them now.
FM LC AM CG AL TC FM GH: "Oh but we are VIPs, my love." Theo muttered as he reached over to kiss the top of her head. He had forgotten everything that happened when you were part of a wedding party but he had, had a lot of fun. He smiled as he listened to his wife, "Edie, they're going to look incredible. You did an amazing job, honestly." He smiled at her. He thought that she was so talented.
FM LC AM CG AL TC FM GH: "I'm glad one of us had fun." Link laughed. "The girls looked really happy though, didn't they?" If the wedding was anyone but Tommys, Link didn't think he'd have been there after how Tommy and Fleur had treated his son. He didn't like it but he knew that he would regret it if he hadn't gone. He sighed as he looked over the seating chart. He was just glad to be with Gabe. "Look." Link muttered, pointing to the spare seat at the head table. He smiled sadly as he looked at Gabe, almost sure that they knew who it was for.
FM LC AM CG AL TC FM GH: Florence raised an eyebrow as Tommy asked to go around the block one more time. She looked at him with a small smile, "You know it's too late to run, right? We're already married." She laughed, mostly joking. She wasn't going to complain about spending more time, just the two of them, though. That was for sure. She felt so content. The girls were happy, Tommy seemed happy and she was over the moon.
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azuresquirrel · 7 years
Song I wish was longer: I know it has shit all to do with the plot but “THE ARBITER.” The original demo was longer but it’s so short in the show :/
Song I wish was shorter: “Merano” - it’s fine up until Florence and Freddie’s bit but then they just REPEAT WHAT THE CHORUS DID BEFORE AND IT JUST … KEEPS GOING. AND GOING.
Song I sing the best: Rest assured I have spent too many mirror-sessions singing “I Know Him So Well” so THAT.
Song I still don’t know all the words to: see I feel like this is the same as the “song you always skip” question because why would you know the lyrics to a song you barely listen to? So that’s “YOU AND I” BORING-ASS “LOVE” DUET. Like at least “Mountain Duet” has like an arc and progression to it, “You and I” doesn’t really DO anything.
Song that honestly deserves an award or five: “Nobody’s Side” is no joke one of my favorite songs ever and I’m annoyed that it hasn’t become like a musical theater standard even if no one cares about the rest of Chess except for “Anthem.”
Song that’s terrible but I still love: … *SIGH* this is TERRIBLE because I KNOW “One Night in Bangkok” is fucking racist (god I cringe every time at the Yul Brenner line) but it is too catchy as fuck. I HAVE THE BACKBONE OF AN ECLAIR.
Song that’s really good but I hate: I love the concept of “Endgame” a.k.a. Anatoly’s Evangelion-style breakdown, but it’s not a ton of fun to listen to like on the train.
Song I think could change the world: look I like Chess but LET’S NOT KID OURSELVES HERE, THIS MUSICAL AIN’T CHANGING THE WORLD
Song I wish I’d written: well if I’d written “Anthem” I’d be fucking rich by now given how often it gets covered/performed (I KNEW THIS SONG LONG BEFORE “CHESS” I DIDN’T EVEN KNOW IT WAS FROM A MUSICAL).
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