#do not give me a good grade in avoiding food i am begging. hands and knees. that is a bad thing for me to hear
quixoticanarchy · 6 months
was talking about food w my coworker and at one point i was like "oh i can't eat that" about something and got in response "oh good for you!" to which i had to explain no i am not dieting i just have celiac. and she kept trying to frame it as a good thing bc, i guess, it must protect me from eating Bad foods. and god. for crying out loud. a) hate hate hate that congratulating someone for not eating things is an acceptable line of conversation b) the idea that celiac is good actually bc "really shouldn't we all be eating fewer carbs" misses the point quite badly - celiac disease does not at all mean that you can't eat carbs or sweets, you just have to eat ones without gluten (which ironically! are often even more sugary and high-carb than the originals!) and also no, ffs, you don't need to eat fewer carbs! you do not! it's fine! c) it is rly fucking difficult to talk about food w people who assume that the less of it you eat the better when you are also trying to recover from disordered eating, like yea at one point i agreed w you! and i stopped eating carbs for a year! and it did me a lot of damage, thanks! d) i know she did not mean anything bad w all this, but rather genuinely meant it as a compliment that i would be choosing not to eat cake. and genuinely meant that celiac might be an advantage in getting a better grade in dieting or something. and somehow the good intentions make it worse and i fucking hate that we're so inured to how awful it is to think this way
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wri0thesley · 3 years
Nat. NAT. I just saw your concept about naoya "training" his wife by just throwing her in the room and just watching her struggle to defend herself... Until she ofc breaks and begs him to protect her🙈 you have a MASSIVE brain, the biggest and horniest brain nat can you please write this concept for the event😭😭 maybe w 45 and any other dark or spicy add ons that you see fit!
traditional discipline - naoya x fem!reader (3.3k)
naoya has had enough of you, and resorts to an unusual method of discipline.
warnings: not sfw/minors dni. DARK CONTENT. unhealthy relationship/marriage. fearplay, dacryphilia, finger-sucking, cock-sucking, punishment, threat of violence and death. dubious consent. afab reader with fem pronouns. 
[a/n: this concept literally wouldn’t leave me alone. i’m sorry to all of the readers who are naoya’s wife i’m always so horrible to them]
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The room goes quiet as Naoya hauls you out of it by your upper arm.
It’s an easy mistake, a simple slip-up; accidentally talking over your husband. But it’s one in a slew you’ve been making recently, despite Naoya thinking that you were polite and well-bred and knew your place. He’s sick of it, to be quite frank; he doesn’t have time to be correcting you when you should already know how to behave.
You’ve done accidental, small things since the two of you were married. Denying him when he rolled you onto your back at night. Not standing quite as far behind him as you should. Pouring tea for other people before him. He’s given you swift reprimand with both his words and his hands, but . . . it’s clearly not sinking into your pretty little head, is it?
He warned you about this.
“Next time,” he’d growled to you, when you’d laughed too loud at a joke that one of his brothers had made and not laughed at one of his, “I’m going to teach you a real lesson.”
He tells you about the ‘training and discipline room’ on the Zenin estate later that night. A room that the family use for honing cursed techniques, both for practising and for learning purposes, when someone needs to be brought down a peg or two. It’s full of cursed spirits – all the way up to grade two, which makes your blood run cold.
Of course, you have cursed energy. You even have a careful little technique; one that would wrap your enemies up in vines, if you’d ever been allowed to train to use it for anything other than keeping your well-appointed garden neat and orderly. Naoya would not have married someone without either of those things, lest they not bear him fruitful children--
But you have never been allowed to use it for anything more.
The women of your clan are pretty decoration, with no need to learn anything other than how to behave and how to please their masters-and-husbands. You would be useless, thrown into the den of the wolves like that.
“Please don’t,” you’d said to him, your voice all soft and gentle, trying to be appeasing. “Please. I promise I’ll try harder.”
Naoya had taken your chin between thumb and forefinger, the grin across his face very sharp as his light eyes took in the pleading in your own gaze. You remember how the light had hit his earrings, the look of satisfaction at your begging and having you utterly and completely under his thumb.
“Be good,” he’d breathed, all slow and drawling. “And I won’t have to, will I?”
And he’d bid you to get on your knees for him and show you just how good you could be. Starting with your mouth.
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So you know where he’s dragging you, down the labyrinthine halls of the estate. You try and pull back, feet sliding on the tatami mat, your voice pitching as you say;
“Naoya, please, I’m sorry--”
“Women should be seen and not heard,” he says to you. “Don’t make a fuss like that. You earned this.”
Your eyes are filling with tears, hot fear clawing its way up your throat.
“I’ll do anything,” you say to him, despite knowing that it’s a dangerous bargain to give him. He almost considers it for a moment, pausing – but then, his fingers just dig harder into the softness of your bicep (you’re going to bruise), and he tugs you.
“You’re making a scene,” he says. “If you don’t stop, I’ll leave you in there even longer.” You try to wrench your arm out of his grip, all of your self-defense mechanisms going into overdrive as you recognise the door he’s leading to you too. You’re breathless, so frightened you think that your heart might stop.
Naoya opens the door and pulls you in. You almost stumble at the flight of stairs, but he clicks his tongue at you in annoyance.
“So clumsy,” he drawls. “And here I was, under the impression I was marrying a graceful, lovely, credit to her family--” More steps, until he’s gotten you in the middle of the floor. He gazes around him, and you hear the low hum of a hundred cursed spirit’s voices murmuring the same things, over and over again. “The only time you’re a credit to them is with your legs spread.”
“Naoya,” you whimper, torn between pushing yourself into him for the comfort and protection that you know he can offer, or trying to tear away from him and escape the room yourself. You know the second option won’t work – he’s far faster, far stronger than you – but it’s hard to think of anything when you feel like your very survival is teetering impossibly over your head.
“If you run,” he says, still in that cold, uninterested drawl, “I’ll break one of your ankles.”
You don’t think he’s bluffing. Naoya says a lot of things, yes – but he’s also reckless and proud enough to mean them. You stand there, next to him, feeling yourself begin to tremble.
“W-why aren’t they attacking yet?” You ask him, voice very small. He looks at you pityingly.
“They’re afraid of me, obviously,” he says to you, very slowly, like he’s explaining it to somebody very stupid. “I didn’t get this good at everything by not training myself, darling.” He lets go of you, finally, a whistle escaping his pursed mouth as he rocks on the balls of his feet. He’s supremely unconcerned by your fear. “When I’m gone, they’ll come out for you.”
Your eyes fill with tears.
“What am I supposed to do?” You ask him, desperation leaking into your cracked voice. “I can’t—I can’t protect myself--”
Naoya narrows his eyes.
“You should have thought about that before you were such a pain,” he replies. And, without further ado, he turns around and begins to ascend the stairs again. You turn with him, moving forward, stumbling in your haste and ending up sprawled at the bottom of the stairs with your hand pathetically fisted into the hem of his hakama.
He looks down at you with a disgusted sneer on his face, and you hate that even with that expression his features are still unmistakably handsome.
“Let go,” he says. “Have some dignity.”
“Please,” you repeat. You can feel a fat tear spilling from the corner of your eye down the curve of your cheeks. You know the ‘dignity’ statement is a dig; the fact that you’ve heard his family members calling your clan power-hungry undignified gold-digging whores, but you can’t bring yourself to care when you can see the beginning of shadows spilling out too far into the main floor of the room. “Naoya. Please.”
He kicks out at your wrist, face twisted in distaste, and you let go to avoid it being stood on and crushed under his strength. You cradle it against your chest, looking up at him still all desperate and afraid.
“If I helped,” he said to you, “you’d never learn your lesson.” He takes a step up and turns away completely from you, as if you’re nothing more than an ignored child on the street. “It will be good for you, beloved wife. Character-building.” You hear the smirk in his voice and you hate him.
You want to strangle him. You want to beg him to protect you. You want to tear him limb from limb, but you want him to let you bury your head in his chest as he dispels the spirits with ease. You want--
The door slams shut behind him. He’s too cheerful as he throws behind him;
“Good luck!”
And you are left alone.
It takes a moment before anything slithers out from the shadows, and you clap your hand over your mouth to stop yourself screaming. The first cursed spirit is a hunched over creature with the face of a Pierrot clown, mouth stretched impossibly wide with gaping black abyss where eyes ought to be. It’s whispering something over and over to itself, but the wide mouth is so crowded with teeth that it comes out as an incomprehensible noise, dripping drool as it begins to move horrifically slowly towards you.
Oh, God. You’re not supposed to look at them, are you? You dimly recall something about many sorcerers wearing glasses so the creatures can’t tell where their gazes are, but this one has already got the scent of you; those dark pits staring at your crumpled form.
Everything you’ve ever been told in passing about jujutsu and cursed spirits and cursed technique just seems to flow out of your mind to be replaced by mind-numbing fear. You’ve not been trained for this; when your clan had arranged your marriage with Naoya, you know that they’d expected fine silken kimonos and traditional food and you being a pretty trophy on the arm of the future leader of their clan. You know they’d be horrified if they saw what was happening.
More of them are melting from the shadows, the whispering and moaning reaching a terrifying crescendo. You’re trembling. Your heart is beating so fast inside of your chest you think it might break free of your ribcage and sputter out onto the floor.
The Pierrot monster is close enough that you can see the six hands it drags on the floor are all tipped with claws that are sharp as blades. You scramble up the stairs on your ass, too afraid to turn your back on the creatures. You realise you’re shouting, but it seems just as blurred as anything that the cursed spirits are saying. You’re crying, too – howling, whimpering, so scared you’re surprised any noise is able to come out at all.
You’re going to die.
It hits you with cruel certainty as you reach the top and throw your weight at the door, only for it to not give an inch. You scramble at the heavy wood, not caring about your careful manicure (Naoya wants you to be a credit to him, and that means manicures and facial treatments and a fancy bathroom full of soaps and creams that he expects you to use and that he slathers, too, on himself). You hear a nail break but you can’t bring yourself to worry about that when the Pierrot monster is dragging itself up the flight of stairs, one step at a time. It makes a hideous sliding thump, like it’s both wet and heavy – and you notice, too, the scent of blood invading your senses.
Your tear-blurred eyes can see all of the other monsters, too – not quite as close, but still too close for comfort. Too many eyes and not enough eyes, too many legs, claws and teeth and misshapen bones and blood leaking from holes. What are you supposed to do?
Naoya has left you here, alone, to teach you a lesson. You hadn’t realised the lesson would culminate in your death, but with all of the spirits so close to you, you cannot see any other way.
All of the fight goes out of you and you sag against the door, a broken sob escaping your lips. Your throat is dry from hoarse screaming.
You are going to die. You hope it will come quick; you hope the Pierrot monster will tear you limb from limb and you’ll die in instants from the shock. Your voice whispers Naoya’s name one last, hopeless time.
Will he find another wife? Will they even bother covering up your death, or will they spin some rumour or lie to your family and the whole of jujutsu society that you brought it upon yourself?
You would do anything to be rescued right now. You would crawl on your hands and knees behind Naoya for the rest of your life, refer to him only as ‘Master’, fulfil every single thing he ever asked you with no more than a meek nod of your head. Pull out your tongue so you couldn’t make any more mistakes.
But the time for pleading seems to have gone entirely, and you are useless and stupid and weak as you run out of tears, eyes burning. All you can do, you think, is wait for death.
The door swings open behind you and you’re dragged backwards, onto tatami, by powerful hands gripping your shoulders as it closes once more with a massive clunk that echoes in your ears--
And you find yourself strewn out on the floor, face caked with dried tear-tracks, a trembling, pathetic mess looking up at your husband’s face.
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He leans against the door, listening to you scream. He can hear his name mixed in with sobs and screams and pleading; saying that you’ll do anything, you’re sorry, you’ll never disobey him again you’ll take any punishment he metes out with a smile on your face, if he just helps you. He hears you call yourself weak and pathetic and useless around the tears clogging your throat; he hears the thump of you hitting the door and the sound of your nails scratching down the wood, uncaring of anything other than getting away from them.
Yes, he thinks as he opens the door for you and you fall, shivering and sobbing, in front of him. Yes, he thinks you’ve learnt your lesson.
You’re so pretty, he thinks, closing it once more (he sees the cursed spirits begin to creep back to where they came from at the very sight of him, now their preferred victim is protected), with your eyes all glassy and wet. You’re extra pretty looking at him like he’s a conquering hero who’s saved you from certain death – which he supposes he is.
You cling to his arm, pulling yourself up, burying your face in his chest as your hands cling to him like you’ve been lost and he’s the first familiar thing you’ve seen in months. Your tears soak his kimono, but . . . he finds himself not really minding, as big, lean hands pet you gently on the back.
“It’s alright now,” he soothes you, murmuring low. “Your husband has you.”
“Please, please, ‘m so sorry--” You’re mumbling into him, whimpering, your shoulders shaking. “Please never m-make me, again--”
“Shhh,” he continues, gently beginning to move towards his chambers. You cling to him, adrift in a sea of your own fears. “It’s better now. You’ll be better now, won’t you?”
He receives a fierce nod for that, your fingers twisting into his clothing. It’s nice, having you so wrapped around him; seeing him as the strong protector that he knows he is but you needed reminding of. You’re still mewling little pleas into him even as he unlocks the door to his bedroom and gently pushes you in. Letting go of him even for a moment seems to cause you physical pain--
Good. You should feel like that. You should feel incomplete without him at your side. Naoya rewards you with a rare, soft smile.
“You know why you had to be punished like that, don’t you?” He purrs to you, petting your hair and carefully drawing back so he can look at your face. Your lips are all swollen from crying and biting; he thinks you’ve never looked quite so kissable as you do right now.
“Yes,” you nod, fiercely. “I’m sorry. I’ll do a-anything, I promise. I . . .” You swallow, your eyes filling with tears again. Naoya has been hard since the moment he heard you call out his name from inside the training room, your voice filled with choked tears, and watching them well up again does nothing for the stricture against the fabric. “I needed you.”
“And I saved you,” he says, arching an elegant brow – to which you nod again, and your hands drift towards him like you’re aimless without him in front of you to serve. “I’ll protect you, darling, as long as you learn your place.”
“I will!” That’s said with such conviction that he can’t help the smirk that tugs at the corner of his mouth. “I will. N-Naoya . . .” Your voice trembles a little. “’m willing to do anything for you. J-just please . . . not again.”
“Shh,” he reaches out and deigns to touch you, to gently and soothingly rub his thumb over your cheek, where the tears have dried. “If you’re really going to be so good for me, I won’t have to, will I?” You stumble forward onto your knees and Naoya’s brows shoot up in surprise as your hands tug at his hakama.
“Please let me show you how grateful I am,” you whisper, your eyes wide and bright and desperate. “Naoya, please, please, please--”
Oh, there’s something so gratifying about you like this, begging to suck his cock. It stirs between his thighs again, reminding him that he’s painfully stiff; and you are here, a willing mouth, scared out of your skull and desperate to please him. He’s smirking at you but you do not register it as such; all you see is the smile of your rescuer.
Your protector.
Your husband.
“Say what you want to do to me, darling,” he tells you, keeping his voice as sweet as he can make it. “You’re a big girl. You can use your words. What do you want to do, to show me how grateful you are that I saved your paltry life?”
You’re pouting; your mouth is sweet, pretty. He wants to pry your jaw open and fuck the back of your throat, and his body roars as your fingers tug on the hakama again and your meek, soft voice whispers;
“Please let me suck your cock.”
“You have a dirty mouth,” he coos to you, leaning forward to brush a finger over your lower lip. “Not befitting of a woman of your station. I suppose that means that it’s up to me to keep you quiet, hmm?”
You obediently open it, letting his finger gently rest on your tongue for a moment.
Desperate to please, your mouth closes about it, your tongue gently swiping over the pad, your cheeks hollowing a little as you suck on the digit inside of them. Naoya’s smiling again, the victorious grin of someone who’s gotten exactly what they wanted. He pulls his finger out and thrusts back in with two, whispering to you;
“Do you think you deserve my cock, after what you put me through today?”
You shake your head, but you don’t stop lavishing attention on the fingers in your mouth, a string of drool falling from the corner of your mouth as he presses his third finger inside of it. So warm, and wet. He needs his cock to be inside of you or he thinks he may embarrass himself.
The fingers are pulled out, wiped on the hakama fabric, before he says (the carefully adopted tone almost disinterested);
“Take them off, then. Don’t make your promises empty words. I wouldn’t appreciate such thoughtlessness in a wife.”
You’re eager, stripping off his clothes. Your mouth practically waters at the sight of his cock; elegant, flushed, hard and straining with a light upwards curve that he knows will hit you in the right place at the back of your throat to make you gag.
“Wait,” he says, as you lean in to bring him to your lips. “What do you say, darling?”
Your eyes (still brimming with tears, he notices – and fuck, he loves how you look teary-eyed and pouting. He has to make you cry more often) meet his, but the look in yours is worshipful so he doesn’t chide you for having the insolence to meet his gaze directly.
“Thank you,” you breathe. “For saving me. For letting me suck your cock. For everything.”
Naoya is smiling.
“Good girl,” he says, placidly, as you place a delicate kiss on the head of his cock and slowly envelope it in the warmth of your mouth. “Very good.”
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let-me-luve-you · 4 years
Almost a Goodbye
Tom Holland x Sister (with Sam and a little bit of Paddy)
Summary: Your brothers interrupt you before you make a life changing decision.
Warnings: attempted suicide, angst, comforting brothers, difficult talks, vulnerable reader
A/N: This is a very triggering story, so please do not read if you think you will be effected by it.
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Three months. That’s how long it’s been since your family had been fully together. Tom and Harry were in the States filming for the new Spider-Man movie. They were set to return in a little over a month. Being the only Holland girl within the siblings, you were protected and worshiped by your brothers. Yes you had your fights with them, but at the end of the day, you were family and you all loved each other. Even though Tom took Harry with him all the time, Tom was actually closest with you.
Recently you had been quiet. You stayed in your room more. Only went to school and home. Everyone just thought it was school since finals were coming up. But what no one knew was all the hate you got online and in person. People kept saying how you were using your brother to try and make your life easier. Thought you were using his name to get good grades by bribing the professors. The list of things people thought about you were endless.
At first you ignored it. Especially when it was only online. Then it started to happen in person and it slowly started to get to you. You didn’t want to believe them, but the more they said it, the more you did.
After weeks of constantly looking at the hate on social media and hearing people whisper about you at school, you finally hit your breaking point. People who had been your friends stopped talking to you. You couldn’t do it anymore. You decided that morning that today would be your last day.
You skipped school. Found a quiet, isolated place in the park. You pulled out your spiral to write your final words. Writing a note to every single person in your family except Tom. That was going to be the hardest one. He would be so disappointed in you. Hate you for giving up. You couldn’t write one. At least not yet.
After walking in the house, you quietly declined the food your dad offered you. Saying you grabbed food on the way home. You went to your room and shut the door. You sat your backpack down and sat at your desk. Deciding now would be the time to write your letter to Tom.
What seemed so hard, flowed so easily. You expressed how hard it had been. How you tried to ignore it and fight. That nothing was getting better. It felt like your whole world was falling around you and trying to bury you. Tears fell on the paper. You didn’t even know you had started crying. You finished the letter with an “I’m sorry. I love you.”
You went to your bedside table and grabbed the over the counter pain pills. You sat on your bed staring at them. You didn’t realize you had been sitting there for so long until you heard Sam.
“Hey Y/N/N, I made a new dessert. Want to come try it?” Sam asked. You looked up startled. You quickly moved the pain pills to the side where Sam couldn’t see them. “You okay?”
You panicked slightly knowing you had tears still falling down your face. “Yeah. I’m fine. I’ll be down in a bit. I’m not very hungry.”
Sam moved to sit by you. “Y/N you know you can talk to me.” He said as he saw Paddy in the doorway. “What’s going on? Is it school? Friend problems?”
“You can talk to me too. I always listen.” Paddy added as he walked towards your desk to sit down. He looked at the note that still lied on your desk. “What… What is this Y/N?”
Your head snapped up to see Paddy holding the letter to Tom. You shot off the bed to grab it from him but he ducked your advance and showed it to Sam. Sam started reading it and then saw the pain pills on your bed. He teared up finally understanding what was going on.
“Y/N/N baby…” Sam said as he looked up at you. “Talk to me.”
“I.. I uh..” You stuttered. “You wouldn’t understand.”
“Make me understand.” He almost pleaded.
“I just…” You sighed as you sat on the bed. You grabbed your pillow and hugged it close. “I just can’t do it anymore. I have no friends. Everyone just talks crap about me online. I’d be doing everyone a favor if I was just gone.”
“You’re wrong.” Paddy spoke up. “I wouldn’t be able to fully function without you. You help me so much. You’re always looking out for me. Making sure I do my homework, or helping me with it. You fix me dinner when Mum, Dad, and Sam are working.”
“Paddy anyone can do that for you.” You sighed. “I’m never going to be good enough. I just want to be good enough.”
“Y/N you are the best damn thing that has happened to this family. Between us siblings, you’re the glue that keeps us going. You are the one that helps all of us.” Sam said as a tear fell down his face. “You give and give and give but you never take. Let us take care of you for once. Let us take away some of the pain you are feeling. Talk. to. us.”
“I can’t.” You whispered.
Sam sat down on your bed next to you. He wrapped you in a hug and kissed your forehead. “You can. You know why. You’re the strongest person I know.”
“Ca-… Can I just wait for Tom to come home and talk to him? I promise I won’t do anything stupid.” Sam sighed. Sam knows Tom is coming home early to surprise you, but it was still a week away.
“Tom won’t be home for a month. You know this Y/N. We can’t let you sit on something like this for that long.” Paddy said.
“How about this? Tonight we don’t talk. We just hang out and watch a movie. We can sit here and when you are ready to talk to us. We can talk.” Sam said.
“Just please don’t tell anyone. If I have to talk to you, please don’t tell mum and dad. And please please please don’t tell Tom or Harry. I don’t want them to worry. They have enough on their plates.” You begged.
“Okay, for now this is between us.” Sam lied.
“I’ll go get the popcorn, dessert, and pick out a movie for us. Meet in Sam’s room.” Paddy dictated. “Also wear your onesies I got you for Christmas last year.” You and Sam laughed at his bossiness.
The next week flew by. It was Friday afternoon and you didn’t have any classes. Your parents decided to take a small vacation to Ireland for the weekend to have time for themselves. Sam was working. Paddy was at a friends house. You sat in the living room watching tv.
He had told Tom that night after you had gone to bed. He had to get Harry to stop Tom from missing his last week of work. He tried to tell him he was watching you like a hawk and getting small bits and pieces out of you. Finally, one night you blew up. You were so angry at everything that day, that you just exploded on Sam. He finally understood.
He talked to you about deleting the social media apps from your phone and not getting on any of the websites on your computer. You easily agreed after you calmed down. Sam had noticed the difference in your attitude. He knew you still had work to do, but it was getting better.
Tom and Harry had just landed. Sam had texted when he left for work that your plan was to watch tv and movies all day since you had the house to yourself. Tom hopped into the driver seat of his car with Harry in the passenger seat. Tom dropped Harry off at home, knowing this was a conversation that needed to be had between just him and his sister.
As Tom pulled into his parents driveway, he started to get anxious. He sat there for a minute trying to gather his thoughts. He sighed as he got out of the car. He went to the back seat to get the bag of things he had bought for you. He always brings back something from each movie he films, but this time he went a little overboard when he was at your favorite shop.
He quietly walked in the front door. He walked towards the living room where he could hear the movie playing. When he peaked in, he saw you cuddling up with your favorite blanket asleep. He gently put the bag down next to your head as he sat down next to you. He pushed some of your hair behind your ear. He looked at you for a moment just to try to remember every detail he can. He almost lost you and he isn’t willing to risk wasting anymore time not embracing the moment.
“If you keep staring, I won’t grow a second head like I’ve always wanted.” You said as you started to wake up.
Tom laughed, “Just wanted to see how long it took you to wake up.”
“Well I’m awake now.” You acted annoyed as you sat up. “I really missed you Tomothy. Why are you home so early? I thought you weren’t due home until next month?” You said hugging him as you said his nickname.
“I missed you too, Goofy Goober. We wrapped early. I told everyone else and asked them not to tell you so I could surprise you.” He gave you a kiss on your head. “How have you been? How’s school?”
“Everything’s great.” You lied.
“Please don’t lie to me.” Tom sighed.
“I’m not.” Another lie.
“Sam told me.” Tom said. The color left your face as you heard what Tom said. “I’m not mad. I just want to talk about it. He also told me what you guys talked about a few nights ago. Thought it would be easier to have this conversation.” You looked away from Tom.
“I’m sorry.” You whispered. “I swear I’m getting better now. I even scheduled an appointment with a therapist. Sam doesn’t know that though. I regret what I almost did. I’m going to get better. I promise you that.” You felt tears fall from your eyes. You tried to avoid looking at Tom.
Tom put his hand under you chin and turned your head towards his. “Look at me Y/N/N.” You refused to meet his eyes. “Come on. You can do it.” You slowly lifted your eyes to his. You noticed he was tearing up.
“I’m going to be with you in this fight. This isn’t something you have to fight alone.” He whispered. “No matter what, I will be here for you. I don’t care if it is 3 am and I’m on the other side of the world. I will answer a phone call or I’ll be on the next flight out. Nothing is more important than family. Not work, not Spider-Man, not anything. You are one of the most important people in my life.”
You started to cry harder as Tom continued. “When I got that phone call, it scared the living life out of me. I was on my way to ask for sometime off when Harry stopped me. He said Sam was helping you. That if I focused, the week would fly by and I could get home to you sooner.” You smiled at him.
“I’m really glad you’re home. I’m sorry for scaring you.”
“Don’t worry about that now. Now we focus on getting you healthy and winning this battle.” Tom said wiping your tears from your cheeks.
“But I’m healthy.” You said confused.
“Mental health is just as important as physical. It’s okay to not be okay. But together and with the help from Sam, Harry, Paddy, Mum, and Dad, we are going to get you back to your normal self. Help you learn how to cope with thoughts like that.” Tom said.
“I’m trying to learn to ignore people. They don’t know me.” You said. Tom smiled.
“Exactly. And for the hate you are getting from my fans, I’ll be saying something about that. I’m not going to stand by and watch them hurt someone I love.” Tom said.
“I love you Tom. Thank you for being the best big brother.” You said wrapping him up in a big hug. “Okay time for the important question, what present did you bring me?”
“I love you too Goofy Goober.” Tom said kissing your forehead. He laughed at your last question. “It’s all in the bag right there.” He pointed at the bag that now sits by your feet. You moved to start looking through it. “Now, what movie are we watching next?”
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a-la-la-llama · 4 years
The One Where Marinette Meets Her 2nd Wayne #6
Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5   Part 7
  Panic. Panic wasn’t an uncommon feeling but one that was not welcomed. She had felt it everyday in Paris. The alarms with their high pitched screeches alerting everyone of the danger. That it was time for their heroes’ to come out and save the day like every time beforehand. Akuma alarms were something she was all for but the sounds they made terrified Marinette to her core. Yet, this wasn’t what was causing her to freak out. No, it was something else entirely but the same amount of panic.
Marinette was running late to school. Her first day of school.
You would think she would have kicked the habit but Marinette still couldn’t get her life together enough to wake up with her alarm.
‘Maybe she should change the ringtone to an akuma alarm? That would surely get her out of bed.”, she thought while hopping down the sidewalk pulling her sock up.
Once secured just below her knee, Marinette took off into a sprint towards her school.
‘If I changed it into an akuma alarm I might transform and jump out my window half-asleep.’, she reasoned with herself.
Slowing her speed down to a fast walk, Marinette started her way towards her first class. She had just toured this god-forsaken building and couldn’t remember for the life of her where to go! Everything looked so different with students now in the hallways, most taller than her. Seriously, what did people in America eat? Everyone looked like they grew like weeds.
Focus! She stared at her schedule shuffling her feet to ensure she didn’t trip. Shifting her gaze just above the paper to avoid bodies coming towards her Marinette began to commit it to memory. There must have been a crowd because she got stuck behind people not walking and had to maneuver her way past all of them. What she didn’t realize was that they were surrounding someone. Then she walked straight into that someone.
  Damian was anything but a ‘happy camper’ this morning. Jon had left that summer on some out of this world mission for who knows how long. His father no longer wanted him to attend the school the two had previously gone to and transferred him to one closer to home. It was his first year of high school and to add to it, he was given the task of babysitting one of Selina’s pets. So no, he was not looking forward to this school year. As if it couldn't get worse, many of Gotham’s Academy's students knew of his name and decided that the best way to interact was to gawk. Seriously, Damian was only rich; it's not like he was an idol or something. He was trudging his way to his class when he felt something ram straight into his back.
‘Breath. Father would be disappointed if you snapped at a fellow student on the first day’, he told himself. Luckily, the person who ran into him spoke before he could insult her.
  Marinette was panicking. Again! Isn't she carrying the goddess of luck in her backpack? Why is her life so unlucky? Not only did she bump into someone, they were super tall compared to her. They were also the person the crowd had been surrounding. Which in turn meant they were important. So what did Marinette do?
“Je suis vraiment désolé monsieur! Je ne voulais pas faire ça, mais je dois y aller!”, she rushed out before walking past him.
( Translation: I'm very sorry sir! I didn't mean to do that, but I must get going! )
Why did she speak in French! Stupid fight or flight instincts making her switch to her native language. Hopefully no one paid attention and wouldn’t question her on it. Cover story, cover story, think of your cover story. Oh who was she kidding, Marinette couldn’t lie to save her life!
  She calmed down before entering the classroom. The desks were the standard science class tables and you were supposed to sit with a partner much like Ms. Mendeleive’s class back in Paris. Most students already knew others from previous grades so it would be easier for her to stay out of peoples ways for now. Her mind drifted back to Paris as she claimed an empty seat. They would have already started school last week. Could they be struggling on the information? Hawkmoth interrupted a lot of school days with his akuma’s. Then again, it was only Ms. Bustier’s class that ever ran off then followed the school's protocols. Alya who would risk anything for the scoop. Lila or Cholé would run because they would be the main targets. Her and Adrien would have run to transform and defeat them.
Marinette knew the Kwami magic protected their identity but she still kicked herself for not recognizing it until Adrien detransformed in front of her. He was very upset that she took his ring without giving him her identity. Adrien eventually understood that as Grand Guardian it would be a liability.
  The bell ringing drew her back to reality as she turned back to what the teacher was saying.
“ Good morning, everyone! I’m Ms. Jones and I’ll be your Pre-AP Biology teacher this year. I’ll call roll while you guys get out your science journals! Be sure to say ‘here’ when I say your name.”, she explained.
Marinette pulled her black bag onto her lap and smiled as she took out the 3-subject spiral. The Kwami’s had encouraged her to make a bag to carry the box back in Paris. It was a simple backpack but had the symbol for each Kwami. Tikki explained the symbols were forms of blessings. Like how Master Fu’s box actually represented prosperity in Chinese culture. Each Kwami symbol gave her blessings, like good luck and protection with Tikki and Wayzz. It even had a false bottom where the condensed version of her Ladybug egg fit. Neither she nor the kwami’s wanted to leave it at the apartment all day. So she sewed some extra material to cover it and put all her school supplies on top. Setting it back down under her desk, she flipped to the first page of her journal. She said here when her name was called and tuned out until Ms. Jones started speaking again.
  “Now that I have taken attendance, feel free to talk to your neighbor while I hand out this year's syllabus! These will be your seats until the end of the six-weeks.”, the teacher announced. This would have been fine for Marinette if it wasn’t for who decided to sit next to her. She turned in her seat to meet the boy from the hallway.
“Je m'appelle Damian. Ravi de vous rencontrer.”, he said. In French.
“I can speak English. My name is Marinette, again sorry for running into you! There were just so many people, some weren’t even moving and I wasn’t paying attention and I am rambling. Sorry.”, she muttered with a shy smile at the end.
“It’s quite alright. May I ask what caused the language change? Usually I make the mistake when I am passionate about something. Though, I don’t think you are passionate about apologizing.”, Damian asked.
  This could go two ways. She could admit she was terrified of him or play it cool and stick to her backstory?
The latter of the two for sure!
“This is my first time in Amer- real school! I have been homeschooled until now. I got nervous about what I was supposed to say, overthinked, and reverted to my first language.”, Marinette explained.
He let out a hum as the teacher put the syllabus on their desk with information on the class, tutorials, and how to contact her. They were told to glue or tape it onto the first page.
“So, your language trigger is the feeling of being overwhelmed. How many do you know?”, he asked.
“I guess you could say that. For sure French, English, and Mandarin. I learned the basics of Japanese and Vietnamese for old acquaintances. Oh, and Italian because of my grandmother!”, she exclaimed. The Guardian language couldn’t be mentioned but that made seven.
  That’s what they did in their free time. The two talked about everything they knew and had learned. Turns out they both were ahead than normal students, but Marinette knew she was anything but normal. They actually had five of the seven classes together. Neither he or she knew sign-language so that was deemed a fun class to Marinette. American school was not as bad as Marinette had thought it would be as she walked to work.
  She tied her apron on before starting her task of meeting each plant's needs. The Daisies were already complaining about how thirsty they were and begged to be water.
“Ah, Hello Mari-gold! Wasn’t today your first day of school?”, Ivy questioned.
Marinette grabbed the water mister, “Yup!”
‘Well, how was it? Harley and Selina would want to know.”, she continued.
“Hmm. It was great! The clubs will be opening in two weeks so I plan to join an art one. Do we have more plant food in the back?”, Marinette said.
“Yes, just behind flower pots. I’m glad you enjoyed it.”, answered Ivy.
“I think I’ll have to start packing lunch, however. I know it’s an academy but the cafeteria food is still terrible.”, she joked.
“Yeah, I think it’s just a school thing. Oh, that reminds me, Harley wants to bake more of those cookies with you. I quote, ‘I would totally adopt her if we had more room at our place just for cookies.’ She has a serious love of chocolate chips!”, sighed out Ivy.
“While the thought is nice, I have to decline the adoption. How does Friday sound?”, Marinette laughed.
Guess What! I actually have the outline for this story and how it will end and everything! Now I just have to write it all... T . T
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mcatra · 4 years
AU where Catra works at burger king
Catra works minimum wage at burger king, Adora comes in every day as the world’s worst customer.
‘I am being HARASSED.’ Catra groans, sprawling on her side of the register. ‘I’m begging you, just kill me.’ 
It was another slow afternoon at Burger King, or as she likes to call it the absolute shithole she only got minimum wage for. Catra could be out there living her life as a youthful teenager, instead she was serving chicken nuggets to her worst enemy- Adora. It didn’t help that said blonde was currently sitting in the corner, laughing obnoxiously with her friends she had replaced her with. 
‘Aw I’m sure Adora isn’t here to harass you, she probably just likes our food! I do cook these to perfection you know.’ Scorpia says conversationally from her spot in the kitchen as she flame broils another patty.
Catra scoffs, her eyes trained on her most hated customer. 
‘There has to be some sort of law against coming to one’s workplace every day! No one likes Burger King that much! NOBODY!’ 
Suddenly she sees Adora sit up from her chair, that makes a horrific screeching noise on their unmopped floor. 
‘Oh god she’s coming.’ Catra whispers, trying to duck into the kitchen. ‘Scorpia! Hide me!’ 
Her friend shoves her back to the counter, as Adora approaches. ‘You’re the only one on this shift who is allowed to use the register-’
‘Do not make me serve her I swear to god-’
‘Hi Catra.’ Adora smiles, and Catra’s eyes narrow. 
‘Whatchu want, princess?’ She sneers, avoiding her piercing blue eyes that reminded her of still lakes. Or swirling oceans. Or the fluffy white cloud bath bombs from Lush. Wait, no.
‘Mmm, can I get a strawberry sundae?’ Adora chirps, looking above her at the menu. 
‘Can’t.’ Catra drawls, looking at her black painted nails. ‘The machine’s broken.’
Adora’s face falls in disappointment, and Catra cheers inwardly at her small victory until Scorpia’s voice cuts through their conversation.
‘That’s not true, the soft serve machine is fine.’ Her traitor friend says, pulling down on the lever and swirling a perfect sundae into the cup. She adds the syrup before handing it to Adora.
‘That’ll be $1.50.’
‘Thanks Scorpia.’ Adora smiles, rummaging through her purse to collect her coins.
Catra rolls her eyes. 
‘What a cheap ass. Little rich girl can only afford a dollar-fifty ice cream? No wonder we’re running out of business.’ 
Adora frowns at this. ‘Did you want a tip or something?’ 
‘What? FUCK no. I don’t take charity.’ Catra scoffs, snatching the coins from her old childhood-friend-to-enemies palm. She swiftly jabs in the total and throws the coins into the drawer. They’re forced into silence as the receipt slowly prints, and she tries to ignore the way Adora is staring at her. 
Suddenly Adora leans in close, and she can hear her murmur close to her ear.
‘I’ll see you at student council.’
Catra flushes at the proximity, every hair standing on end. Before she can stutter out an insult, Adora rips the receipt from the machine and is sauntering back to Bow and Glimmer. 
The brown haired girl deflates, her nails scratching on the old countertop. All that mental damage, for $1.50? Life was not fair. 
Adora always had the perfect grades, the perfect family and friends, the most cushy and royal upbringing. After their falling out involving a scholarship to a private school, they hadn’t spoken until the merger. 
It filled Catra with sick pleasure that the private school had lost their prestige to embezzled money, and now had to be government funded. However in consequence of this, they had decided to merge the public and private school so they could sell off the land to build skyrises or something. 
This meant Catra lost her position of School Captain to Adora after a fierce election, and had been demoted to Vice Captain. Not to mention no matter how hard Catra tried, she could never beat her in the school rankings. She couldn’t work to support herself and study 6 hours a day, like rich privileged Adora. 
So now here she was, forced to interact with the one person she could’ve gone her whole life without seeing on a daily basis. 
Ever since Adora had discovered Catra had been working at Burger King during a late night drive-thru run, her ex best friend had made it her life’s mission to make her life hell. 
Of course she had done her best to make the experience awful to drive her away. Catra knew Adora hated pickles, so she would threaten Kyle to slice up an entire pickle’s worth in the blonde’s Whopper before giving it to her with a sweet smile. She is filled with glee watching Adora picking them out one by one in disgust. 
This doesn’t stop Adora from coming though. Not even when they had made it into some sort of competition to see how many pickles could physically be crammed into a bun. Or even when she had put every single condiment including the salt and pepper into an unholy liquid concoction and served it in a cola cup. Not even when she gave Adora food poisoning when they got too carried away trying to stack as many patties as they could to recreate Sky Burger. 
No matter what she did, the girl never went away. Even though she had so easily disappeared from her life when she had needed her the most. But she didn’t need Adora, she had gotten this job herself, she had gotten a roof over her head with her own power. She had worked so hard to become independent from Shadow Weaver, and no matter what, Adora will not jeopardize it. 
‘I’m doing, what exactly?’ 
Catra stares dumbly at her manager, a sinking feeling dawning on her.  
‘Adora ordered a birthday party at Burger King.’ Lonnie drawls, ignoring the look of complete horror on Catra’s face.
‘No, you can’t do this to me! Roster me for any other day. I cannot psychologically take this.’ She begs. 
‘Sorry dude, the deposit has already been paid for. We’re short staffed, and it seems like Kyle has gotten fryer oil burns from your last burger experiment with Adora.’ Lonnie whaps Catra with the birthday catering pamphlet. 
‘Stupid Kyle.’ Catra hisses, clenching it in her fist. Curse this damn place that can only afford to hire teenagers. 
‘Anyway, just set up the tables and decorations after school on Thursday. Should be a good day for business, with Adora and her posse being rich kids and all.’
‘Can I at least get time and a half?’ 
‘Are you gonna be paying Kyle’s medical bill?’
Catra pouts. ‘Not my fault you guys don’t provide gloves. This place is an OSHA violation haven.’ 
WE do the PLANNING, YOU have the FUN! The bold font emblazoned over the small child’s smiling face mocks her from the pamphlet. Catra clenches it in her fist. 
‘Also why the fuck did she book a kid’s birthday party package when she is like 17, and not 6 years old?!’ 
Lonnie rolls her eyes. ‘Do you still want a job or not? Just read the rest of the form, counting on you to organize it.’ 
Catra squints at the crumpled paper in her hand. 
-Themed birthday cards!
-Party bags!
-Birthday gift for the celebrant!
-Jumbo birthday cake!
-Special birthday songs!
-Dedicated hostess!
Catra can feel her soul physically leave her body. This was gonna be a long week.
It was terrible.
Adora had handed these obnoxious Burger King birthday invitations to all her friends, so now she had all these RSVP’s to the worst birthday of all of human history. In between working shifts until midnight, dealing with Adora at student council and not eating, Catra was on edge. 
‘No, you can not write ‘Die Adora Die’ on her cake.’ Scorpia chides, slapping Catra’s hands away to pipe the icing. 
‘It’s what she deserves.’ Catra seethes. If she couldn’t eat it, she could at least ruin it, right? 
‘They’ll be here soon, so try to take that dying grimace off your face.’ Scorpia replies, and Catra rolls her eyes before adding the finishing touches to the cake. 
Suddenly the door opens, interrupting her decorating. The once quiet establishment was now full of loud chatter as their classmates piled in one by one. All of Adora’s old private school friends were here, all unironically celebrating their school captain’s children’s birthday party at the worst fast food restaurant in their state. 
She plasters her fakest customer service smile she can muster. Dignity at the door. 
‘Hi, you must be here for the Birthday Girl’s party.’ Catra says, approaching the group. Just treat it like you don’t know them.
‘Aw you don’t have to be so formal with us, Vice Captain.’ Glimmer teases, and Catra almost snaps from her facade. Almost.
‘Let me show you to your table.’ Catra grits out. 
She had chosen the ugliest poop brown balloons she could find, and had deliberately made the HAPPY BIRTHDAY banner lopsided on the wall.
‘Thanks Catra!’ Adora grins, bouncing past her to admire the decorations. 
Catra imagines Adora’s face on the pinata and smashing it into a million pieces. She forces herself to take a deep breath. It was just the one shift, and she really needed this job. Plus after the party was over, she could probably nab some leftovers for her trouble. 
All of the girls (plus Bow and Seahawk) sit around the table, and Catra marches over with the laminated menus. 
‘Ooh, we all get hats!’ Perfuma says, placing her Burger King cardboard crown on top of her head.
Frosta squints at the menu. ‘I’ve never eaten fast food before. Looks disgusting.’
‘I think it’s fine! Adora wanted to eat here.’ Glimmer says in a sugarly sweet tone that just came off as passive aggressive. ‘Even though I had suggested my penthouse by the ocean and we go here nearly every day.’
‘I much rather would be at the ocean beach house thank you very much.’ Mermista retorts, swatting Sea Hawk off her shoulder.
Yeah me too, Catra thinks bitterly. She stomps off with their orders, cursing them inwardly the entire way to the kitchen.
Adora’s friends start playing with the so-called ‘entertainment’ they had haphazardly set up. 
It was ridiculous, seeing grown teenagers lining up to try to smack the shit out of a glittery pinata. They squabble over who gets to hit it first, Catra feeling very much like a glorified babysitter to her most hated enemies. 
After a while, she sees Scorpia emerge from the kitchen. ‘Happy Birthday to you,’ Scorpia sings with Adora’s birthday cake in her arms. ‘Happy Birthday to you~’ 
The others join in on the song, Catra only mouthing the words in silent rebellion. The cake is emblazoned with a crude doodle of Adora’s face with HAPPY BIRTHDAY written on her enormous forehead. 
‘Oh my gosh, I love it!’ Adora’s sky blue eyes light up, and she’s practically sparkling. Catra huffs, she wasn’t supposed to like it. Didn’t she see the drawing was supposed to make fun of her five-head? 
Adora catches Catra’s eye, beaming. ‘Did you draw this for me?’ 
‘She did!’ Scorpia tattles, and her enemy’s smile increased tenfold. Catra can feel her cheeks grow warm. Dammit. 
‘Whatever.’ Catra bites out, unable to meet her gaze.  
Luckily no one else seemed to be paying attention to the weird atmosphere between them, as they were split between eyeing the cake and pinata wrestling. 
‘Get over here Sea Hawk, we can do the pinata later!’ Mermista chastises, watching Bow spin her blindfolded boyfriend. 
‘Let me just get one good hit in, and I’ll join you!’ He crows, swinging the bat in random directions as Bow ducks the blows, laughing. 
Just for anything to do, Catra takes it upon herself as hostess to snatch up the knife and start cutting. She cuts into the cake to start portioning out the slices, but as the knife touches the bottom Glimmer lets out a shriek. 
‘What?’ Catra deadpans.
‘If you cut to the bottom of the cake, you have to kiss the person closest to you!’ Glimmer says, a demonic look in her eye. Adora elbows her, embarrassed. 
‘Excuse me?’ Catra’s never heard of this tradition. Though to be fair, she had not been to many parties in her lifetime. 
‘Oh, that’s right!’ Perfuma claps her hands together. ‘Adora’s closest right? Go ahead Catra!’
To her horror, Glimmer starts pushing Catra towards the blonde. She digs her heels into the linoleum, only to find that she was sliding from the newly mopped floors. 
‘Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!’ The girls start chanting, like they were her friends and that she wasn’t their damn server.
‘What the hell- fuck no, let go of me!’ Catra finally snaps, wrenching herself from Glimmer’s grip. 
The momentum sends her stumbling into Sea Hawk, who was still attempting to hit the pinata. 
‘Ack!’ He squawks. 
The bat goes flying straight out his hand and into their double doors. There’s a huge crash, and everybody winces at the noise. 
The glass pane shatters, and so does Catra’s sanity. She was so fired. 
Sea Hawk lifts the blindfold. 
‘Did I get it?’ 
It was nearly closing time, and Catra was still sweeping up bits of glass from the floor. This had been one of the worst days of her life, and she had been beaten and homeless before. To make it worse, Adora was still grovelling when she should’ve gone hours ago like the rest of them. 
‘I am so sorry Catra, I’ll pay for everything, I’ll take full responsibility so you don’t get fired-’ 
‘Stop it.’ She was too tired to even argue with Adora like she usually did, wishing Adora would just go away already so she could grovel over the phone to her regional manager without an audience. Catra always pretended to hate her job, but she couldn’t afford to lose it. She could barely make rent with her Burger King wage. 
‘Please, let me help clean. It was my fault anyway.’
There was hardly any money left over to feed herself most days, that’s why she was skinny as a rake as opposed to the toned, buff, well fed Adora. She had only been functioning on a few nuggets that Scorpia snuck her yesterday. Did Catra still have those food coupons? How long until the bank charged overdraft fees? 
‘Catra are you listening-’ 
‘I said stop it!’ Catra snaps. 
Adora has the audacity to look stunned. 
‘Why do you insist on harassing me at work everyday? Is it fun? Forcing me to play servant to you rich girls, to sing and dance for you? You already beat me in everything at school, you’re already School Captain, you have all the money and a loving family you need, so can you stop rubbing your privilege in my face just for one second so I can THINK?’ 
‘I...I just…I’m sorry.’ Adora starts and aborts a few sentences. Catra can’t even stand to look at her face. 
‘This party at your work. It was the only way to get you to celebrate my birthday with me.’ 
‘Um, I-’
‘Whatever.’ Catra retorts, trying and failing to pick up the last shards with her too long fingernails. She hisses when the glass nicks her finger, cutting into skin. Drops of blood fall to the floor.
‘Are you okay?!’ Adora gasps, rushing to her side. Catra slaps her hand away, she needed to go find the cleaning supplies. Blood was a biohazard, there was some protocol for it but she was having trouble remembering. 
She goes to stand up, but the fatigue rushes to her head and her legs give in underneath her. Instead of smacking her head against the floor, she feels herself land on something soft instead. 
Adora hooks her around the waist, gently placing her into the booth. She grabs a napkin from the dispenser and wraps it around Catra’s hand. She can feel Adora’s warm hand squeezing her own. 
‘I’m just applying pressure to the cut.’ Adora says quietly. 
Catra just closes her eyes. It’s well past midnight and she should be locking up the store, but she can’t bring herself to move. 
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binniedeactivated · 4 years
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐖𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫. || 𝐲𝐣🌪
pt. 7 | m.list
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─▸🖤 ❝ @[@𝐛𝐮𝐠𝐬𝐛𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐲𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠.. ]
✎𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐲𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐣𝐮𝐧 𝐱 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤!𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥
✎ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐛𝐥𝐞
✎ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭; 1.9k
𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬; 𝐈𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐚 𝐛𝐞𝐭. 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧'𝐭 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐬𝐡𝐞'𝐝 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐭.
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“i just don’t understand why my daughter is being terrorized because of something that goes on in her personal life. I want all of that to stop. and if it continues it’s going to be a serious problem”. 
the teacher nods, “I understand. we’ll be making sure we talk to the kids and if sarai comes to us with any issues regarding that we’ll handle it better”.
“good”. winter sassed, kissing sarai on her cheek and promising her return for dismissal. it was bad enough that she didn’t want to tell yeonjun about her. she didn’t need the kids in her grade making her feel bad for that.
and based on what sarai last asked him, it was safe to say that winter didn’t want sarai to be doing anymore videos with her if they were going to that extent. it was weird. in just a few short months how fast the both of them clicked.
winter could try to deny it all she wanted but when she finally watched their videos and bloopers together she couldn’t help but see it. the bond was there clear as day. the way she hugs him and calls out his name and the way he looks at her as if she’s the best thing in the entire world. 
at work winter could do nothing but think about how much she hated his guts. he didn’t deserve to be in sarai’s life. he didn’t. 
and at that moment her phone rung endlessly and winter snatches it up hoping it was a distraction from her tormenting thoughts. but no, instead it was the source of all of them. 
“yeonjun how many times do I have to tell you to stop calling my phone? I don’t want to talk to you”. 
“winter I’m sorry I just wanted to see if sarai was free around this time. I’m on my lunch break and I was wondering if she wanted to get some korean food with me”. 
“why would she be free around this time? she has school you do know that right?”. 
“oh! I’m sorry about that. is it alright if I drop some off to her school then? she can eat it for lunc--”. 
“no that’s unnecessary”, 
“why are you like this? why are you so rude?”. 
“why am I so rude? what the hell do you mean why? you know why”. 
“I know forgiving isn’t easy but I’m not like that anymore. can you at least try to be cordial with me?”. 
“why would I do that? sarai isn’t going to be doing anymore videos with you anyways”. 
“why not?”.
“because I said so. I already have too much stuff going on in my life I don’t need her telling you my business and I for damn sure don’t need you all in my business either”. 
“winter besides the day I met her where she told me she didn’t know her dad, that was our first time ever discussing him. and she brought it up, you’re acting like I asked”.
“yeah well, none of that information is your business so stay out of it”. 
on that note she hangs up her phone, shoving it back in her purse. and just when winter thought her day couldn’t get any worse, when she picked sarai up from school that day the teachers were giving out flyers. 
“hey baby! how was school today?”. 
“it was okay. no one really bothered me. they said they liked my videos online”. sarai mutters. she was telling the truth. but she felt the harsh tension in the room when the teachers announced the event of the season. 
“we’re having a valentine’s day daddy-daughter dance friday night. dress to impress!”. 
winter’s heart sunk at the flyer and she knew if hers sunk, sarai’s sunk even deeper. she could see it in her face and hear it in her voice. much lower than normal and her face was much sadder than normal. when she climbed into the car winter adjusted her rearview mirror only to see sarai quietly fiddling with her fingers. normally, she would be talkative and begging to go certain places. 
her silence broke winter’s heart. 
“you know, you don’t have to go the dance rairai?”,
“but--I want to go. everyone else is going to be there”.
“you don’t want to spend valentine’s day with me instead? we can cuddle? watch movies? eat chocolate”. 
sarai thought about how excited how all of the other little girls were. discussing what dresses they were going to wear and how they were going to match their fathers. it hurt even worse to see how they were making a conscience effort to avoid talking to sarai about it, knowing she couldn’t relate to their excitement.
but sarai wanted to. 
she wanted to get her hair done. she wanted to buy a fancy new sparkly dress. she wanted to get new shoes. she wanted to dress like a princess for the dance like all the other little girls were doing. she wanted to be able to dance with her father and feel the love wrapped in his arms. 
“mommy I want---”, she felt her lips start to tremble and a small tear broke free. 
“I want my daddy”. she croaks while crying into her hands. and winter did her best trying to cheer her up. she even offered ice cream, but sarai wouldn’t budge. instead she ran to her room as soon as she got home. 
winter clutched the girl’s coat in her hand while chasing behind her. “sarai you will meet him when the time--”.
“you said that already mommy”. she sniffles, “but I want to meet him now”. 
winter sighs. “If I let you meet him will you stop being mad at me? please?”. 
“will I be able to dance with him tomorrow night?”.
damn it, winter. she sluggishly nods. “yes, you will dance with him tomorrow night”. 
smiling through her tears was now sarai who ran to winter’s legs and hugged them gratefully. that was all she wanted. 
“thank you mommy”.
and holding in this anticipation was becoming too much for a five year old girl. so instead she waited until her mother was asleep. she sneakily grabbed her cell phone and went into the bathroom with it. having seeing winter’s password numerous times sarai unlocked it quickly and tried her best to find yeonjun’s contact number. 
all of the numbers were becoming redundant in her brain. she scrolled through the call log and called about four pizza places, 2 restaurants and even winter’s boss before she finally got yeonjun’s. sarai stood on the tips of her toes and drummed her puny fingers against the sink until yeonjun answered on the last ring. he was surprised winter was even calling him. 
or at least he thought it was winter. 
“junnie!”. sarai whispers. yeonjun laughs. “what are you doing up? does your mommy know you have her phone?”.
“no! let’s keep it a secret. i have to tell you the tea!”. 
“the tea?”. 
“yes! i’m going to meet my daddy tomorrow”. 
yeonjun sits up, “really? aw that’s good sarai! did you have a good day at school today?”. 
“yeah--well kinda. the kids stopped messing with me but i still felt kind of sad because they were talking about what they were going to wear to the daddy daughter dance tomorrow but i couldn’t talk with them”.
“well you can tell me. what do you want to wear?”.
“I want to wear the big poofy green dress just like princess tiana’s! I want to wear makeup and look so pretty like the princesses on tv”. 
“you don’t think you’re too young for makeup?”. 
“no! not re--”. 
“sarai? who are you on the phone with at this time of night?”. winter asks before pulling open the bathroom door. sarai immediately hides the device behind her back. “no one! I’m talking to myself mommy”. 
winter holds her hand out, “give me the phone now”.
realizing she was defeated here sarai huffs her breaths and hands it to her mother. “go to bed sarai. you have school tomorrow”. holding her head low she scurries to her room. she wished she could’ve at least said goodnight to junnie before she went. 
winter presses the phone to her ear. “hello? who is this?”.
“it’s yeonjun”. 
“are you crazy?! why the hell are you calling her so late? she’s a kid yeonjun she has school tomorrow”. 
“she called me. she just wanted to tell me how her day went”. 
“and why do you care so much yeonjun?! why do you care so much about any of this after all these years?”. 
yeonjun paused for a moment. “after all these years?”.
damn it, winter. 
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ladypogue · 4 years
Used to This (part 3)
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Summary: Ella starts her first shift at the Wreck. While working a certain blue eyed boy comes in looking for Kie but stays with Ella. The pair hangs out during and after her shift. This is the start of something new. 
Word Count: 3.1k
Warnings: the slightest little bit of swearing at the end. but other than that none :)
A/N: hello all! I am still eternally grateful for you if you are reading this story. Sorry for the late update, I’ve been having migraines recently so its been hard to stare at a screen but I’m feeling better so I hope to be back on a normal update schedule again. Also would you guys be interested if I started writing imagines, one shots, blurbs, etc? If so lmk and send requests! I have a few ideas....as always feedback is greatly appreciated. love y’all! :) 
Series Masterlist
Part 3
Ella woke up excited for the day, today was her first day working at the Wreck as a waitress. Heading downstairs to start on her breakfast, she pulled out her phone to see if JJ had texted her. Slightly disappointed that she didn’t have a text from the boy, she shook off the feeling and carried on with her morning; scrolling through her phone, taking her breakfast upstairs to start getting ready, not wanting to be late for her first day.
Making her way down to the restaurant popular with tourists, 15 minutes early for her shift, she walked through the doors looking for either Kiara or her dad, not quite sure what she was supposed to be doing today. One of the other waitresses showed Ella where she could put her things and gave her an apron, telling her to sit at the bar and Kiara would be out to show her the ropes.
Kie came out from the kitchen greeting Ella and giving her a brief run-down of what her days will look like. Kie then continued to explain that for the day she would just be working register in order to get her used to the computer system. Completely fine with that, Ella smiled and watched intently as Kie showed her how to ring people up and how to open the register drawer when it got stuck, it was old, so the drawer was sometimes sticky. Excited to officially start her day, Ella took her place behind the register while Kiara went back into the kitchen to help her dad. She was prepared for whatever the day may bring, though she was hoping that it would be an easy first day.
The sun shining brightly through the windows of the chateau is what woke JJ as he had passed out on the pull out couch the night before. Pulling the pillow over his head, JJ groaned and rolled back over after checking the time, relieved to realize that he didn’t have to get up for school, not that he went that often anyways. Sleeping in for another few hours, he re-awoke and made his way to the bathroom to get ready for the day. JJ practically lived with John B at the chateau, especially since Big John went missing. He’ll tell anybody that asks that it’s because he doesn’t want John B to get lonely and that his friend shouldn’t have to go through this alone. And while all of that was true, JJ would never admit out loud that it was also because he was avoiding his own problems at home. John B knew about JJ’s homelife, so he graciously accepts the company that his best friend since third grade offers him. It’s nice to know he’s not alone in that house, but also because he knows JJ is safe if he stays with him. Ready to start his day, JJ laced up his boots, grabbed his phone and went outside to wait for Pope so they can go to the Wreck to get food. Looking at his phone he suddenly remembered the girl from last night, Ella. Just thinking about her put a smile on JJ’s face. He opened his contacts, shooting her a quick message.
To Ella: Hey! It’s JJ. Sry I didn’t txt you last night, after cleaning up I went straight to sleep. I wanted to say it was nice meeting u and I hope to see u again. :)
Pressing send, JJ laid back on the hammock letting his mind wander about the girl. What was she like? Did she have any pets? JJ hoped she had a dog. What were her likes and dislikes? Was she single, and if she was would she even go for a guy like JJ? He couldn’t help but imagine her as a part of his life. He pictured them spending the day together at the beach, him teaching her how to surf and her not being good at it so they give up and just swim in the ocean, his arms wrapped around her waist and hers around his neck. Eventually he would get the courage to pull her in for a sweet kiss, imagining how she tastes. He imagines she would taste sweet, her lips soft and her tongue warm.
JJ’s daydream was cut short by the sound of footsteps approaching. He looked up and locked eyes with Pope. Swinging his legs over the edge and standing up, he rubbed his hands together walking towards his friend, “Ready to go?” JJ questioned.
“Yeah, but I told my pops we’d help him with a delivery before we go.” Pope told him while walking away from the chateau. JJ just groaned, wanting to go see Kie and get some food. Checking his phone once more before putting it in his pocket, JJ sighed seeing no response from Ella. It was stupid of him to get his hopes up, a beautiful girl like that giving him the time of day, as if. Shrugging it off, not letting it affect his mood, JJ picked up his pace and caught up with Pope, jumping into conversation, letting the boy’s rambling distract him from the small twinge in his heart at the thought of being rejected.
Back at the Wreck, Ella’s first day was going smooth. She had a few mishaps here and there but that was to be expected and Kiara was always right there to help her. Throughout the lulls in customers, Kiara and Ella got to talking. Having essentially known each other their whole lives, it was amazing how little they knew about each other. However, the conversation flowed seamlessly between the two, and they both could tell that they would end up being good friends.
The two girls were stood at the counter, giggling with each other, when they heard the bell above the door chime, signaling that it was time to go back to work. Kie grabbed a cloth and went to wipe down tables, preparing for whoever it was that walked in the door. Ella turned ready to great her new customers, when she froze, breath caught in her throat at the sight of JJ Maybank. He had yet to see her as his was searching the floor for Kie, ready to beg her for food. As he scanned the restaurant, his eyes skimmed past the girl standing behind the counter, having to do a double take JJ broke out into a grin once he realized who it was. Ella made eye contact with the blonde, timidly smiling, feeling a blush creep up on her cheeks. She was definitely more nervous, not only over the fact that he was even more attractive in the daylight, but she didn’t have any alcohol in her system to calm her and give her a confidence boost. JJ sauntered over to the counter to talk to the girl who’d been running through his mind while Pope made his way over to the table Kie was currently wiping down.
JJ couldn’t help but admire her natural beauty as she stood there in her uniform with her hair tied up in a messy ponytail, small pieces of her hair framing her face. She wore light makeup, only concealer under her eyes and mascara, but JJ still thought she was beautiful. He didn’t know she worked here, especially since they spent a lot of time at the Wreck as a group, he was sure he would have noticed her, and Kie didn’t mention any new hires. Sitting down in front of her, JJ felt his confidence waiver. She hadn’t responded to his text, so maybe she didn’t want to see him.
“Hi JJ.” She smiled at him lightly, tucking a loose piece of hair behind her ear, his confidence slowly rising.
“Hey.” He replied simply, “I didn’t know you worked here.”
“Today’s my first day.”
“Ahh, well congrats on your first day, I think you’ll like it here.”
“I already do, everyone is super friendly and made me feel welcomed.”
“Well that’s great!”
A silence fell over the two, it wasn’t awkward, but it wasn’t comfortable either. Ella was debating if she should bring up the fact that JJ never texted her. She didn’t want to seem desperate, but she was also playing into what her friends had planted in her mind, that JJ was only going to use her. She didn’t want to believe her friends, but she kept the wall up around her just in case, not wanting to get hurt. Meanwhile, sitting across from her, JJ’s brain was turning a mile a minute. He was trying to get a read on the girl, but to no avail. She kept herself heavily guarded and only let JJ see what she wanted him to see. It was frustrating. How was he supposed to get to know her if he couldn’t even pick up on subtle things?
“Are you gonna order anything or are you just gonna sit there?” Ella asked curiously, not trying to be rude but also not wanting to get in trouble with Mr. Carrera.
“That all depends, what time do you get off?”
Taken aback by his question, Ella shook her head lightly, “What does that have to do with if you’re going to order or not?”
“Well, if you work for a couple more hours, I’ll order so I’m not sitting here starving.” JJ said, even though he had every intention of just getting the food from Kie, knowing she would bring food out soon enough for the boys.
“I get off in 2 hours.” Ella stated simply, looking back down at her receipts making sure everything is in order.
Just as he was about to reply, Kiara came back over to the pair, ready to scold JJ for undoubtedly flirting with Ella. “JJ Maybank, you better not be harassing my newest employee, we need the help and I don’t need you scaring her off.” Kie half joked but was also half serious, she knew his tendencies and Ella was nice girl who didn’t need corrupted by her flirtatious friend. JJ put his hands up in surrender, “I wasn’t flirting, I promise.” At this Ella felt her heart break a little, of course he wasn’t flirting with her. She was just caught up in her crush, so she was seeing and hearing what she wanted to. Shaking her head and smiling at the two, Ella walked away, going to find anything to keep her busy and away from JJ.
JJ shot Kie a confused look, to which she just shrugged her shoulders. The boy went after Ella, wanting to continue to hang out with her and wanting to make sure they were still good. As he got up, Kie shot him a warning look, reminding him that she was there to work and not hang out. As Ella’s shift starts to wind down, she continues to entertain JJ’s antics while keeping focused on her work. While JJ continues to follow her around like a puppy, Pope and Kie sit in the back at a table just watching the two, bemused. It was weird for them to see JJ act this way, but it warmed their hearts that maybe JJ had a shot at love. They would have to tease him about it later.
Taking her place behind the counter one last time, with JJ sat in front of her on a bar stool, Ella started finishing up her tasks, ready to leave for the night.
“What are you doing after this?” JJ asked, noticing her finishing up and not ready to part ways.
“I was planning on going home and watching Netflix.”
“Would you maybe want to hang out more? I want to continue to get to know you.”
Ella felt her cheeks and neck heat up, agreeing, happy to spend time with the boy not during her work shift.
Clocking out and grabbing her stuff, she waved bye to Kie and Pope. Ella follows closely behind JJ, not sure what he had planned, if anything. JJ leads the two of them down to the beach, kicking off their shoes they start to walk along the warm sand. Falling into conversation easily, the two found a spot and sat down, sitting closer than necessary. In her head, Ella said that it was because it was a starting to get chilly with the breeze and the lack of sun, but really, she knew it was because she wanted to feel his skin on hers.
“So, am I not good enough to receive a text from the notorious JJ Maybank?” Ella joked, nudging her shoulder with JJ’s.
“I did text you. Because you are far more than good enough. You just never responded.” JJ looked at her confusedly, shrugging his shoulders trying to seem unbothered.
Pulling out her phone and going to her messages, she sees a message from an unknown number. Guilt washed through her and she smiled sheepishly at JJ as she added him to her contacts.
“I was at work already so I must not have seen it. And then you showed up, so I didn’t have to wonder if you texted me.”
JJ chuckled, teasing her lightly, “you were looking for my text?”
“I wouldn’t say looking so to say, but I wouldn’t have been upset at seeing your name on my screen.”
Slinging his arm around her shoulder and pulling her closer, he felt his insides warm at the thought of her wanting JJ to text her.
“I was nervous when you didn’t reply that maybe you didn’t want be friends.” JJ replied, mumbling under his breath hoping she didn't hear him.
She had heard him loud and clear. “Of course, I wanna be friends JJ” she smiled up at him, resting her head on his shoulder.
JJ smiled back down at her, happy she wanted to have him as a part of her life. The two continued to get to know each other, telling stories from their past, both cracking up at what the other would share. Neither was sure how things felt so easy, but they weren’t complaining. They were just soaking in everything about each other. Checking the time, Ella realized she had to get home as it was almost midnight and her shift ended almost 4 hours ago. JJ offered to walk her home, stopping outside her front door, he awkwardly shuffled back and forth with his hands in his pockets.
“I guess I’ll see you later then?” JJ asked, hoping that the girl would want to hang out again. Maybe he could bring her around the pogues.
“Sure. Text me when you get home, so I know you’re safe.” Ella said with a soft smile coating her face. JJ returned her smile with an “of course” before he turned around and started his commute back to the chateau.
Ella made her way into her house and up to her room, tip toeing, not wanting to wake her parents. Quietly making her way into her bathroom and taking a shower, Ella couldn’t help but smile to herself as she recounted her evening with the Maybank boy. She wished she could have taken a picture to remember how he looked in the moonlight as they sat by the water. She relinquished in the feeling of his arm around her, wishing it never had to have ended. All Ella wanted to do was text Sophia and Grace and tell them about her date, could she call it date? She didn’t even know; all she knew was she wanted to tell someone about what had happened. Instead she settled for squealing into her pillow and flopping on her bed. Shooting her friends, a text about how her first day went, leaving out the parts about JJ, not ready for them to remind her that he wasn’t good for her. She opened their text thread and sent him a message;
To JJ: Had a really nice time tonight. Thank you for making my first day at work one to remember :)
Pressing send, Ella turned over and fell asleep, hoping to dream about the boy with ocean blue eyes.
JJ walked into the chateau and was greeted by John B sitting on the couch watching some reality show on the TV. Nodding to his friend, he went to the kitchen to grab himself a beer and joined John B on the couch. Upon sitting down, John B smirked at him, just waiting for him to notice. Feeling his gaze, JJ looked over, confused at the look on his face as he brought his beer bottle up to his lips.
“What?” JJ asked incredulously.
“Nothing. Nothing. Just Kie and Pope stopped by, said you went off with the girl from the kegger. Ella was it?” he continued to smirk when he noticed JJ start to blush.
“Shut up. We’re just getting to know each other.”
“Uh huh, ‘getting to know each other’. JJ you have never gotten to know a girl, you’ve always been a love ‘em and leave ‘em type”
“I don’t know man. Somethings just different with her. When she bumped into me, I just felt this almost instant connection with her. Like she was meant to bump into me. I can’t explain, all I know is I enjoy her company.”
John B smiled at his friend, seeing how much Ella already meant to the boy even though they really just met.
“Bring her around some time. If she means that much to you already then I’m sure she’ll mean a lot to us as well.”
“I will. For sure. Just maybe not yet, I don’t even know if she likes me and I don’t need you guys fucking this up for me, at least not more than I’m bound to.” JJ didn’t want to think about his destructive tendencies when it came to relationships. He wasn’t ready to let this one go.
“I’m offended that you think we would fuck this up for you, but I get it. I really do.” John B knew how his friend could get, so he would do everything in his power to make sure that this worked out in his favor, even if that meant postponing meeting the girl that seemed to have captured JJ's heart. He wanted nothing than to see his friend be happy.
“Yeah, yeah. You know I love you guys. I’m gonna go to bed, I’ll see you in the morning” JJ stated before making his way into the guest room before collapsing on the bed. Shooting Ella a text, seeing she already texted him, he grinned to himself.
To Ella: Had a really nice time 2night too :) I got back safe, maybe we could hang tmrw if ur not busy? Just lmk! Good night Ella :)
JJ expected that the girl was probably already in bed so he turned off his light, crawling under the covers, falling asleep while scrolling through his phone, looking forward to the days to come.
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hackink · 4 years
Step Dad
A short story
I hear thrashing and screaming, I yearned for it to end, never did. That quite sucks not gonna lie.
I'm the big one, it's like I'm the chosen one in my family, could be both good or bad. I've got to take care of my siblings, like all the time. The big responsibilities always point in my direction. It's not all bad, I do have my fair share of fun. But for that same reason, I must set a good example. I can't really act the way I wanna most of the time, usually I've make-up on my face, covering the skin before it. It's kinda complicated.
This one time, my parents came into my room, they introduced me to someone, he was a tall white man, and was fairly well clothed. He was wearing these really nice shoes, and had a suit on that looked like it cost buck. I shook his big hand, it felt soft, and a bit warming. We talked for about 30 minutes, he was a fairly nice person, and my parents seemed to like him as well.
After that time was over, my dad went to the room, and grabbed some suitcases out from the closet, as he rolled them by, I felt my heart drop. They explained everything.
Quickly, I put my make-up on, before it was too late, it was. Once I saw my little brother and sister hugging the leg of my dad, begging him to stay, I washed it off naturally. 'Who is he to take the place of my dad?' This thought lingered in my head that night, I took some sleeping pills.
I avoided the man, I didn't want to talk to him, if I saw my mother close to him, I'd turn my head, cause I know how violent I can get. There was this one time, where I walked into the kitchen to get a snack, was playing Minecraft with my siblings, and there I saw the two, hugging and kissing. I, at that moment, remembered how my dad taught me to drive, how he taught me to build a nice dog house for our pet dog, which had died upon my dad's exit. I remembered every single second I spent with my father, the amazing role model he was, and snapped.
Back in the 8th grade, one of my good friends was playing bloody knuckles with someone. He totaled him. He then turned to me, and held his fist up, I didn't last two punches. He told me to start punching the walls at home, bit by bit, so that it wouldn't hurt and my fists would become stronger. In two months' time, my knuckles along with my punches, had become stronger than most boys in my school. I beat my friend, the only time I did too, cause he trained after that as well, and became much better than me. Though, I did beat just about anyone in school at bloody knuckles.
I clenched my fist, and I dropped my phone. This man was innocent, I just hated the fact that he wanted to replace the man who could never be replaced, ever. I felt like letting him know. I had never punched anything as hard as I could, since it'd probably be the end of my fist, but boy do I gotta say his cheek was soft. He fell to the ground and hit the stove with his head, my mom started to scream and push me back, each little shove she gave me, let me know how much she liked this man. They all hurt. I hadn't seen her do that with my dad in the past year, and he gets to do it in the first week? I couldn't settle with that, I ran out the house, and went to my grandma's house, where I began punching the tree in order to not break down in tears.
She gave me some hot cocoa, and let me spend the night there. She felt like she always had, like my grandma, so I felt comfortable, silently I sobbed. The next morning I got up and took a shower, my hands had a bunch of wounds in them from punching the tree bare fisted, and they really hurt to clean. They were also shaking, 'maybe I cracked a bone or something?' I didn't really care, my adrenaline wasn't going down anytime soon.
I was taking a jog outside around the house to clear my mind, when I see a tall man, with some really nice shoes, and a bruise on his cheek come by. 'Your mother sent me to get you.' I ignored him, for his sake. He sat down in a chair, and patted next to him, signaling for me to take a seat. I was thinking it was a bad pun, was he here to mock me? His face was so infuriating, the fact that it wasn't six feet under was pissing me off. On my next lap around the house, I kicked his chair over, his suit looked expensive. He smiled and chuckled, 'kids these days are quite funny.' Why? He must be a psycho, my reaction would be to get mad, or confused at least!
He began to jog alongside me, this man was starting to tick me off big time. I stopped running, grabbed his tie, and said 'Get out, and I mean out, you lay another finger on my mom and I'll kill you!' I tripped him, and continued my jog. I'd feel guilty, but I can't for someone who got my father kicked out of the house, nobody deserves to live after screwing with my family.
I returned home later that day, still a tad hesitant because of the incidents the day prior. My mom asked me to help her cook, she was making shrimp. She gave me the basic rundown of what she had going, and started cutting vegetables off to the side, we started talking about the usual, how much I annoyed her, and how my siblings were idiots. I hear the door open, and I get ready for disappointment, 'Hello everybody!!' it's a... playful voice?
'Where's my food you peasants?' My eyes lighten up, followed by tears. I rush over to hug my dad, started to sob in his arms. He had a black bag, that had chips in it, he always brought chips back home from time to time. He lied it down on the table, and not long after, my siblings came running and crying. 'Dad why did you leave!?' My little brother cried as he hugged him, my sister on the other side. I felt a sense of family, something I haven't felt in a long time. Through the open door walked a other entity, the tall man. I then snapped back into life, and became a bit sad that I wasn't seeing my dad every day, or that he wasn't showing me something. I didn't feed him, I let him eat a microwaved frozen food, I could not give a damn about his existence. Well, that's a lie, I'd prefer if he was gone.
A couple weeks went by, I was kinda getting used to ignoring the tall man in my house. One good thing is that I never saw him getting intimate with my mom. Could've been good or bad, cause I couldn't punch him, bummer. He was always at work, your typical nine to five corporate slave. So when he was gone, I'd spend time normally with my family. I video chatted my dad every day or two, and just talked about life, sometimes he'd show me how to wood work via video chat. I could live with this.
One day, he came back with a few boxes in his hands, and a letter, or at least that's what it looked like. He opened the boxes in front of my sister and brother, as well as my mom and I. Inside the link box, there was a super high quality drawling tablet, the exact one that my sister always wanted, and cracked jokes about. She took it and ran to her room to use it. In the blue box, there was this laptop, one that my little brother was talking about gettjng for ages, and wouldn't shut up about how good it was. He said thank you and ran to his room to use it. I was pissed, he was trying to buy us into liking him, and it was seeming to be quite effective. He opened a my box, it was keys to a car, specifically the car I always told my dad I was going to get when I got money, and got us out of this house, into a nice house. He always said he was gonna buy it for me, I felt conflicted.
'I know we've had our ups and downs, but I really do want to get along with you as my child, or maybe even just a friend.' I saw my mom out of the corner of my eye, she was tearing up, of happiness. I came back to my senses, and went back to my room, slammed the door shut. I knew I had let my mother down, there were like twenty different emotions circulating through me, they were wreaking havoc. I began to punch the walls, I started screaming, it was probably audible from miles away. I felt weird, something I had never felt before. It didn't seem healthy, but I didn't care. This feeling was new to me, I felt like dying over and over, but even then, that might've not been enough to suppress the pain. I remember thinking to myself, 'I'm gonna kill him, he will die!'
That night, I asked him to come talk to me outside. He looked excited. We went outside, and I took him to the back of the house. I had an itch on my lower back. 'So, what's up?' I didn't reply. 'You're uh, quite the mysterious one aren't you?' He chuckled a bit to himself, I didn't move a muscle. He began to talk about what he had for the future, how he was gonna move us out in like a month, and buy us everything we wanted. 'That's what my dad's gonna do.' I mumbled quietly. 'I beg your pardon?' He replied. I couldn't take it anymore. 'My dad's gonna buy us a house, he's gonna move us out!' I pulled out the pocket knife from the back of my pants and stabbed him in the chest.
His blood came rushing out shortly, I began to scream and cry, 'You will never be my dad!' I stabbed him time and time again, he didn't move after a while. My dad walked up behind me and patted me on the back, along with my mother, sister, and little brother. We spit on him together, and we started to chant, it was a happy chant. We danced around his corpse. I started to sweat intensely, my family began to fade away, still chanting, it turned louder and louder. They began to float away, I dropped to my knees, and the tall man was laughing at me, he pointed and laughed. I started to laugh, with tears running down my face, I took the knife and pointed it at me, that's when I heard the voice. 'Wake up! Jesus Christ you've been sleeping all morning!'
My mom woke me up, I got up and went to the table. I got a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch, and began to eat. My mom walked outside and began to talk to my aunt, 'So, I was able to get this puppy sold for about $150!' I overheard some of their conversation, I wanted a puppy. My dad walked in with a bag, 'Hello my dear children! I am awesome for I have brought the goodies!' I look inside the bag, and tell him that he forgot my hot chips. He quickly runs outside. I take the bag over to my sister and brother, where they get their bag of chips, and start munching away. Once I finish my cereal, I get ready for school. I brush my teeth, and put on a sweater. My mom passes by me on the phone with her sister, talking about something, I couldn't quite catch it. As I open the door, I see my dad chasing after my baby sister, who's face is covered in mud, and laughing away. 'I'm gonna brush your hair so hard!' He yells at her, I giggle to myself. My aunt is outside my house, playing jump rope with my cousin. I wonder who's winning. My sister walks past me, and looks at me. 'Another bad dream?' she asks. 'Yea, this one was hectic.'
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Tree House Kisses, Chapter 3 (Adorney) - Scorpio and Veronica
Summary: Adore has always loved Courtney differently than she should. As time goes on, Adore embraces who she is, but it’s hard to accept the love that she has for her best friend when Courtney doesn’t feel the same. Courtney hides from herself in a love story that everyone wants to hear: best friends that have known each other all their lives that fell in love. But did she pick the wrong best friend?
Or: Over the years, it keeps coming back to the tree house.
Chapter Summary: Just best friends doing what best friends do. Right?
TW: Internalized homophobia
Chapter 3: Mercy
“Spend the night at my place tonight,” Courtney begged, wrapping her hands around Adore’s arm until she relented.
Adore probably should have known that something was off as Courtney grew jittery when they neared her house. And then, the smell of spaghetti sauce and garlic bread coming from the kitchen was the second clue that Adore should have caught, because Courtney’s dad usually avoided garlic like the plague. But of course, she didn’t. It wasn’t until Courtney tugged Adore by the hand into the kitchen and there stood the older woman, her silver-blonde hair pulled into a neat bun, her bright green eyes gleaming, that everything clicked.
Courtney’s Grandma Muriel was in town for the next few days and although Courtney loved her grandmother dearly, sometimes she needed backup to survive her visits. Unlike Courtney’s own parents who were free spirits that wanted their children to think for themselves, Courtney’s grandmother was a bit of a control freak with a closed-minded outlook on life. And it didn’t help that Courtney’s sister Kim was visiting home to kiss the ring - with her perfect grades and her perfect life and her perfect boyfriend, Brandon, the surgical intern who’d just spent three months in Mexico giving vaccinations to poor children.
“Why are you holding her hand, Courtney? Adore’s a big girl,” were the first words to leave her grandmother’s lips.
Courtney smiled tightly and stood on her tiptoes to kiss Grandma Muriel’s cheek.
“Hi, Grandma,” she said, still clinging to Adore’s hand.
“Hello, dear. Sit down, we were just hearing about how Brandon and Kim met.”
Courtney and Adore exchanged a look.
“Uh, we have some homework,” Adore volunteered.
“Yeah, let us know when dinner’s ready!” Courtney said cheerfully, relieved, pulling Adore from the kitchen as fast as possible.
Courtney and Adore abandoned their homework rapidly in favor of a movie as they waited for dinner to finish. With Courtney’s favorite fluffy blanket, the pair cuddled up on the couch together, Courtney leaning against Adore. After a few minutes, Courtney moved to lay her head in Adore’s lap, snuggling up to her further. Adore had mindlessly brushed a bit of Courtney’s hair behind her ear and Courtney found herself chasing Adore’s hand as it disappeared.
“Play with my hair, Dory,” Courtney said softly as she grabbed Adore’s hand.
“Okay, do you want me to braid it?” Adore asked as she started to card her fingers through Courtney’s blonde locks. The only response Adore received was Courtney nuzzling against her and a soft sigh of contentment. Adore giggled, continuing to run her fingers through Courtney’s hair, now more focused on the girl than the movie.
“What’s so funny?” Courtney asked, turning her body to look up at Adore.
“Nothing, it’s just that, you remind me of a cat,” Adore smiled as she twirled Courtney’s hair around her fingers before going to lightly scratch her scalp.
“Am I a pretty cat?” Courtney giggled as she nuzzled into Adore, even more feline-like than before.
“The prettiest,” Adore complimented.
An, “Ahem,” startled Adore and she looked up with wide eyes to find Courtney’s grandmother standing in the doorway, arms crossed. Adore removed her hands from Courtney’s hair and tried to nudge the girl in a sign her for to rise up, but Courtney stayed put. Courtney’s grandmother crossed the room, narrowed eyes on the girls making Adore anxious.
“The food will be ready soon,” she informed them before making her way through the living room to the dining room with a large bowl of salad.
“Okay,” Courtney responded and the woman exited the room without another word.
Courtney relaxed back into Adore’s lap and looked up expectantly at her.
“Keep playing with my hair,” she whined, “it felt good.”
Adore only shook her head, not really understanding why Grandma Muriel’s stare made her feel like she had done something wrong.
“No, let’s just watch the movie until it’s time to eat,” Adore tried to persuade her, but Courtney seemed determined for things to go her way. She crossed her arms and pouted, letting out huffs of disapproval until Adore finally gave in.
“Courtney!” Kim’s voice rang out sharply, and Adore nearly jumped out of her skin. “Get off your ass and help set the table. Lazy little brat.”
“Ughh,” Courtney groaned, sitting up and rubbing her eyes.
“I’ll help too,” Adore offered, the hammering in her chest slowing a bit.
“Come on, Dory, just taste it,” Courtney giggled, holding a forkful of faux meatball to Adore’s lips, which were clamped shut.
Adore shook her head vehemently. “No way. I’m not eating that vegan stuff.”
“It’s really good, I promise! It’s not like tofu. Brandon, you’re a carnivore; tell her it’s good.”
“Yeah, it’s good, Adore. I mean, it’s not as good as meat, but it’s not bad,” Brandon offered. When Kim hit him on the shoulder, he added, “No offense.”
Karen laughed. “None taken,” she said, patting his hand.
“I’ll stick to the spaghetti,” Adore said dryily.
Courtney nuzzled her neck, wheedling some more, “But how will you get your protein, Dory?”
Adore pushed her away, feeling Grandma’s steely eyes boring into them. “Knock it off,” she whispered.
“Courtney, stop harassing your friend, she’s trying to eat,” Grandma Muriel said.
Courtney sighed, rolling her eyes, then grinning mischievously and giving Adore a big wet kiss on the cheek before sliding back over to her plate.
“Adore, are you spending the night?” asked Peter.
“Um, yeah, I think so. If that’s okay.”
“Of course, love, you’re always welcome here,” said Karen.
Grandma raised an eyebrow. “I didn’t see a sleeping bag,” she commented to no one in particular.
“I have a double bed,” Courtney said, picking the olives out of her salad and shoving the last forkful of lettuce into her mouth.
“Wait, how come you get to share a bed but I have to sleep on the couch?” Brandon asked teasingly.
“Cause you’re a boy,” Courtney said, sticking her tongue out at him.
“Doesn’t seem fair,” he mused.
Courtney held out a peace sign in his face and affected a British accent, saying, “Girl power,” and tossing her hair.
“Stop flirting with my boyfriend, Courtney.”
Courtney’s head whirled around to look at Kim. “Gross!” she exclaimed, horrified, then added, “No offense,” and batted her lashes.
Adore snorted, nearly spitting out the all-natural clear sparkling liquid that Karen claimed was soda. “And also, the Spice Girls? Were never cool.”
“You take that back, Adore Delano!” Courtney lunged across the bench, pretending to pull Adore’s hair, while the brunette shrieked and giggled.
“Alright, alright, everyone please calm down,” said Peter.
Karen added, “Courtney, if you guys are gonna act like maniacs, you should probably be excused from the table.”
“Okay great thanks goodnight,” Courtney said quickly, grabbing Adore by the wrist and hightailing it out of the dining room.
Grandma watched them go, Courtney jumping onto Adore’s back as they approached the stairs and disappeared from sight. She made a disapproving noise.
“For god’s sake, mother, would you stop?”
“Stop what?”
“Those noises. They’re just kids. I know what you’re implying. Leave it alone,” Karen said.
“You do have a double standard, mom,” Kim said. “I mean, if I acted that way with a boy when I was 15, you’d have locked me in my room, in a chastity belt.”
“First of all, you did act that way with boys, and no one locked you anywhere. Second, nothing I say or do is going to have any effect on her sexuality but it sure as hell could have an effect on her self-esteem, so I’m not going to judge her or make her feel self-conscious. And third, you all need to relax. It’s not like Adore’s up there getting her pregnant.”
“Wow,” Brandon said, “Why didn’t you tell me your mom was so fucking cool?”
Karen leaned over and patted him on the arm, explaining, “Jealousy, my dear.”
Kim scoffed, and Brandon looked over at her, eyes sparkling with glee. “You sound like your grandma.”
Karen burst out laughing, pouring some more wine in Brandon’s glass.
Peter raised an eyebrow at Kim, muttering under his breath to his daughter. “Courtney’s not the one you need to watch. Your mother’s the flirt in this house.” He grinned affectionately at his beautiful wife.
Kim shook her head. “Jesus.”
Adore was in agony. For months, she’d been having twice a week “tutoring” with Violet, which was half tutoring and half messing around. (Just enough tutoring so that her grades were not suspicious and they could keep hooking up, if Adore was honest with herself.) And the thing was, Adore really liked Violet. She was funny and cool and didn’t give a shit what anyone thought of her, but the truth was, it was mostly a physical thing. Yes, she was undeniably beautiful. And seemed to be quite experienced in certain areas, which Adore was truly, truly, truly grateful for. But Adore would never love Violet. She knew that.
(Not that Violet seemed to care, so at least she didn’t have to feel guilty about it.)
The reason, of course, that Adore could never love Violet, was that her every waking moment was consumed with thoughts of her best friend. Her beautiful, vivacious, problematic best friend, who of course had no idea, and who was currently wrapped around her, fingers laced with hers, casually chatting about cheerleading practice and the Spring musical. 
“You should audition too, you have the best voice! Roy said that Ms. Maguire is really cool and will totally give leads to freshman if they impress her. I mean not that we’ll get leads necessarily and it’ll be fun either way but I think we should go in with the intention of totally kicking ass and–oh my god! Adore!”
Courtney raised herself up onto her elbow, looking into Adore’s eyes. “Can you believe Kim thought I was flirting with Brandon? How disgusting was that?! He’s like…almost thirty years old. Plus he looks like the guys on the cover of Danielle Steele novels.”
Adore giggled. “He totally does.”
“So not my type.”
“So…what is your type?” Adore asked softly, painfully aware of her hands on Courtney’s waist, palms getting sweaty.
Courtney paused, considering the question, a hand tucked under her chin.
“I don’t know,” Courtney frowned.
“Well, what do you like…light hair, dark hair?” Adore egged on, almost too invested in what her answer would be.
“Yeah, dark hair, nice eyes, full lips…” Courtney trailed off.
Unable to help herself, Adore volunteered, “Like…Roy?” with a teasing lilt to her voice, but slightly nervous about the response.
Courtney grinned.
“Roy is cute. I like his dimples. But…he’s such a know-it-all. I can’t really imagine kissing him…”
Adore seized this opportunity, affecting a deep robotic voice, saying, “Courtney, the angle of the lips really needs to be 90 degrees for optimal kissing conditions. You’re clearly doing it wrong.”
Courtney broke out into peals of laughter, resting a head on Adore’s shoulder, hugging her around the waist.
“Oh my god, or sex …”
“The velocity of penetration is best achieved through rapid thrusting,” Adore kept going in her robotic “Roy” voice, thrilled by the response she was getting, feeling only slightly guilty at throwing her biggest competition under the bus. “Courtney, you’re going to have to work on your flexibility or I’m afraid I’ll be moving onto a newer model.”
Courtney laughed and laughed, gasping for air.
“Stop, oh my god,” she exclaimed breathlessly, gripping the fabric of Adore’s pajama top.
“You guys could have a bunch of little blonde, dimpled, robot babies,” Adore continued, “and he’d calculate their feeding and pooping schedule on a spreadsheet.”
Courtney smiled dreamily.
“Our babies would be pretty cute…”
Uh oh. Adore needed to think fast.
“I bet his dick doubles as a laser pointer.”
That was the one. Courtney lost it, shrieking with hysterical laughter, and then biting on Adore’s shoulder to not wake the rest of the house. Her leg tightened around Adore’s, bare skin slightly sweaty under the mountain of comforters.
Adore tried to shift away, change positions so that her mind would stop reeling, stop imagining what would happen if she just turned her head, pressed their lips together. There was a part of her that thought maybe Courtney would welcome it. But the bigger part, the chicken shit part, knew she’d never do it. Knew she’d always be the one bracing herself while her bestie rubbed against her and cuddled her and talked about boys. She felt like screaming but settled for clearing her dry, itchy throat.
“Yeah?” The blonde still had a residual case of the giggles.
“Can we…um…I’m just…I just got really tired…can we go to sleep?”
“Sure.” Courtney kissed Adore’s forehead and let her roll over onto her side, spooning her from behind. She wrapped her arms around Adore’s waist, hugging her tightly, face buried in her thick hair.
Adore could felt a cheek resting on her back. She swallowed hard, wishing away the thoughts that raced through her mind. Was this always how it had been with them? It had just been since her adventures with Violet that things had started getting so uncomfortable for Adore, although she remembered that there were other times, one in particular that suddenly popped into her head…but that was over two years ago…
Adore was laying on her sleeping bag, head resting on one of the beanbag chairs, scrawling lazily on a sketch pad and sucking on the end of a popsicle, when Courtney burst through the trapdoor of the tree house like a bat out of hell, tumbling inside, a bundle of gangly limbs and sharp edges. Courtney at twelve was all legs and arms and big green eyes, blonde hair constantly in her face.
“Oh. My. God,” she began, “You will never believe what just happened!”
“Aliens again?”
“No! Oh my god, Adore, I literally…I literally just walked in on my parents having sex.”
Adore burst out laughing.
“It’s not funny! I’m scarred for life!”
“I mean, maybe they weren’t having sex…like, are you sure?”
Courtney smiled patronizingly.
“Ohhh, I see. Yeah, you’re picturing some nice little scene where they’re under the covers kissing. No. That’s not what this was. So I’m looking for my sleeping bag and I go to my mom’s room to ask if she put it away with the camping stuff, and I open the door, and first of all, there are no covers. They are both buck ass naked and my dad is laying on the bed, and mom is…” at this point, Courtney swung a leg over and straddled Adore to illustrate her point, “…sitting on top of him, tits out, just like…” Courtney started to thrust her hips, moaning, imitating her mother.
Adore’s pulse quickened. A minute ago she was laughing but now it wasn’t quite so funny anymore. The seam of Courtney’s jean shorts was rubbing against her and she started to feel things that she was pretty sure she shouldn’t be feeling, not with her best friend. She wondered if she should tell her to stop.
Courtney leaned forward, lips brushing against Adore’s ear, and whispered, “And my dad was holding her like this…” she moved Adore’s hands to her ass, continuing to grind against her, getting into the performance of it all, blissfully unaware of Adore biting on her lip so hard she tasted blood.
And then, as suddenly as it had begun, it was all over, Courtney giggling and sliding off to the side, with an awkward, “Ummm…aaanywayyyyy…”
Adore cleared her throat, as the raging hormones inside her were replaced by first confusion, and then calm, as things settled back into their typical dynamic - Courtney playing with her hair, cuddling against her, bare leg thrown over hers. Just an epic mindfuck, but nothing Adore would give up if you offered her a billion dollars.
“So…uh…did they see you there?”
“Your parents.”
“Oh! Oh my god!” Courtney remembered how this scene began and started laughing. “Yeah, that was the worst part, actually. My mom looked up at me in the doorway and gave me this look, like…like I was there watching on purpose, like I wanted to see them like that.”
Courtney imitated her mother’s knowing look perfectly, one eyebrow raised. Adore was, frankly, as unconvinced as Karen that Courtney wasn’t there on purpose, but she held her tongue.
“And then she goes, ‘Courtney, can you please close the door? We’re in the middle of something.’ And then just goes right back to fucking him. My dad hadn’t stopped at all.”
Adore laughs again, shaking her head. “I would have died. Thank god Bonnie doesn’t date.”
“I mean, there is a bit of silver lining, though, I guess.”
“What’s that?”
“My mom looked really good with her tits out. So that gives me hope for the future.” Courtney smiled brightly.
Adore dissolved into giggles again. “You do have the hottest mom in the neighborhood,” she agreed.
“And you know, with my family, it could have been much more embarrassing. Did I tell you about last week when Kimmy came home from college and started asking me about masturbation at the dinner table?”
“Oh yeah. And mom’s just like ‘does anyone want more vegetables?’”
Adore shook her head. “Your family is so weird.”
“I know.” Courtney ran her fingers through Adore’s hair. “Hey, Dory?”
“Do you ever think about…like, what it’s like to have sex?”
“Um…I don't…” Adore was suddenly hyper-aware of Courtney’s leg pressed against hers, the smell of her apple shampoo. “I guess?”
“It seems kind of…violent. Don’t you think? Some boy just ramming his dick inside you? Like being stabbed.”
Adore swallowed. “Yeah, I mean, but it doesn’t have to be like that.” She trailed a hand down Courtney’s shoulders.
“I know, I know. If you love him and all. But still.”
Adore turned her face to look at her best friend, taking in her earnest green eyes. She laced their fingers together.
“Right. If you love him.”
The sound of Courtney’s soft voice snapped Adore back into the present. “Yes?”
“I love you.” A tender kiss was pressed to the back of her neck.
“I love you too, Court.” Adore said, willing the tears not to fall from her eyes.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 5 years
Starcrossed Losers XVIII (Josh Wheeler xReader)
A/N: You should all go listen to “The only podcast left” if you haven’t cause honestly you’re missing out. Also for reasons I like to call: Daybreak was really vague with how many days went by during the events. I’ll just do whatever I want and you won’t even notice the difference.
Words: 2,353
Warnings: None!
Previous chapter // Next chapter
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Alex doesn’t ask questions and doesn’t try to stop me. I supposed he gets what’s going through my head, after all, he’s the only person after my sister who actually knew me.
It takes us about forty minutes to pack our things and leave.
Please do not think I’m a piece of shit, I do care about those kids. I do feel like shit for leaving them like this, but seeing how things are, they’ll be safer without me. I can’t risk another group of kids being taken just cause Maya is out for blood.
I’m not leaving them without help, I left my notebook behind, it’s on the pharmacy’s counter, ready to be used. We also left the spare weapons, turns out Alex still had his gun, and I have Katie.
It’s been two hours and we have no idea where we’re going, but we know it’ll take us a while to get there.
Oh! I almost forgot to tell you. You know how I said I don’t know shit about tribes? Well, today I found another one.
The AV club.
They’re nice and they have a podcast where they talk about Glendale. Or themselves. To be honest, it’s mostly about themselves but I mean, they have the right to do whatever they want.
I found their podcast on Spotify, can you believe that shit still works? I know, surreal as shit.
Anyway, on their most recent episode -most recent for me, I don’t know exactly when are you reading this- Wesley was their special guest.
I guess he didn’t waste his time, huh.
I love Wesley speeches, I always have. Even when we were in Highschool and he was a dick, I must admit he was pretty good with those.
“We’re cowards,” I hear him say, “we don’t speak out heart, now we hang on to hurt...” How the fuck can he do that? I hate that he’s so good, “I did that with Josh and I got exiled. I did it with Turbo and he threatened to kill Josh and all the kids at the mall! I was a coward.”
I am not a coward.
No, see, the thing is that I’m very good at picking my battles, and there’s no way in hell I would ever win over Sam Dean. I won’t admit it for a long time, but I still like Josh. Pretty much. So instead of staying on this toxic as fuck environment and face public humiliation, I think it’s time to start over again, it was nice while it lasted, best two weeks of my summer, I’m done now.
“Well, not anymore. I have to confront Turbo, it’s the only way. Because if we don’t, we’ll just be... asexual virgins- which, you can be! If you want, no judgement, but I’m guessing... you don’t.”
Yeah I... I don’t have a way to explain what he just said, you just... have to listen to the podcast, I guess.
“No one wants to be exiled, no one wants to be alone, right?”
Oh, fuck off, Wesley. Fuck off.
I take off my earphones and angrily stuffed them back in my pocket.
“Is everything alright?” Alex asks beside me.
“I got tired of listening to music, that’s all,” I lie.
“Okay,” He sighs, then he pulls out Maya’s old map of Glendale, “well, most of the area surrounding the school is jock territory, the pretty side with the mansions is fucked, downtown is packed with Ghoulies... Y/N I don’t want to sound depressing, but I don’t think we have anywhere to go.”
“I’m aware of that,” I take the map, examining our options for the third time that day, “we could go to your place?”
“Why don’t we go to your place?”
“My place is fucked”
“Only the garage is fucked, but what about the second floor?”
“I don’t know,” I try to find exactly where we are, “I guess that we can get there before eight”
Half-way to my place, my nerves take a tool on me.
“Do you think I’m a coward?”
“Are you seriously asking this now?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“No, I don’t think you’re a coward just cause you left the mall. I do think it was a dick move to leave without saying anything to the kids though, what are they gonna do now?”
“KJ is a good leader, I’m sure they’ll be fine.”
“KJ is tricky and she won’t last long, as soon as she feels threatened she’ll flee the scene.”
“Listen, I’m not going back, okay? I’ve had enough of all that senseless drama, I have better things to do, like surviving.”
“We were surviving, dumbass. You just want to mix survival with love life and call it a failure altogether so you don’t feel guilty about leaving.”
“Maybe,” I shrug, “either way you could’ve stayed, I didn’t force you.”
“You threw a backpack at my face,” He huffs, “and you’re my best friend, of course I wasn’t going to just let you go after months of not being together.”
“Well then don’t complain,” I insist, “we left the mall and we’re moving. Today we’ll stay at my place, but as soon as the sun comes out we’ll get out of the city. I know the world is a shitty place now, but at least I will get to see a different kind of shitty every day until we find a nice city to settle.”
“Oh, shut up.”
Alex skates faster, leaving me behind. I rush over to reach his side, losing my patience.
“If something is annoying you, just spit it out! You said it before, we better talk things out before they blow up in our face-”
“You’re difficult, Y/N!” He says in exasperation, “Yesterday you loved the mall, you were their healer. Now you don’t want to see it again cause some stupid kids frighten you. And yes, they terrify you, don’t pretend they don’t.”
“Josh is no monster, I’m not afraid-”
“S’not that kind of fear,” He interrupts me, “his feelings intimidate you cause you think you are bound to fail, you keep saying how he wasn’t on your radar when we were in school but I remember the week after you did the school project with Wheeler... You spent every free period taking any opportunity to pass close to his usual hanging spots, you acted like it wasn’t about him, but I knew.”
I was planning on telling you guys.
Alright, let’s make things clear, okay? I wasn’t in love with Josh.
Not entirely.
Did I think he was funny and caring? Yes. Did I think he was cute and nice? Also yes. Did I ever daydream about Josh and I suddenly having another group project in our hands that unexpectedly turned into a love story and after a few days we were the cutest couple in school?
Only once.
My point is, don’t even think for a second that the things that happened after the nuke dropped were on purpose. They weren’t, I wasn’t following Josh I swear! I was looking for a place to stay, our encounter and Josh having the answer to my problem were mere coincidence.
Again, I’m not saying this to wash my hands, but stories like this are often created for the readers’ amusement. Of course there would be drama, of course I decided to keep some things to myself. To be fair I didn’t know you! Why would talk with a stranger about my love life?
Anyway, that’s all unimportant now, Josh proved already that he is not ready to start something new.
And I don’t beg.
“And Sam Dean? You don’t want to admit it but I can tell she scares the shit out of you. I don’t know if it’s her social skills or simply because you think she’s prettier than you, I just know you’re gonna do everything in your hands to avoid confrontation with the only girl that can make you pee your pants”
“This is sort of unfair on me right now, not gonna lie,” I scoff.
“I’m only trying to open your eyes,” He shrugs, but I’m no longer listening, “just like you were trying to do with Josh a few hours ago, remember? Trying to convince him that what he was doing was wrong?... Y/N?”
I stop moving a few feet behind, I saw something messily written on the wall of a convenience store and my heart skipped a beat. I slide closer and touch the red letters with adoration.
“I am here...” Alex squints, “you know what’s that about?”
“I know is Josh’s handwriting,” I mumble, “must be from the time he was alone when he was looking for Sam.”
“He wrote her notes all over the city?”
“He told me he used to leave messages like this on places near his house, hoping that Sam would see them,” I look at him with teary eyes, “Look at this! He wrote this everywhere, he looked for her just to apologize in hopes that she would take him back. Six months, Al. I’ve been in his life for two weeks. It’s just like you and Stuart, I know that if I ask, he’s not gonna say my name.”
He looks at the sentence for a few seconds and then shakes his head, turning to face me.
“How many life-changing situations Josh and Sam could’ve possibly been through during their time together?”
“I mean, she was there when Josh got the call about his dad,” I reply, skating away from the store.
“Yeah, look how that turned out,” He moves along, pulling the strap of his backpack.
“She was the first person to welcome him to school?”
“You were the first person to help him get a better grade”
“Sam was his first time.”
“Does it look like I’m still obsessed with my first time?”
“You’re not like Josh.”
“You’re not Sam,” He retorts, “You and Josh really were something else, he knows it, and you know it. But you already decided to give up.”
“I decided I don’t live in a fairytale,” I scoff, “and I won’t allow him to treat me however he wants just cause he���s a tad angry. Let’s just...”
I don’t finish my sentence and keep walking, lost in my thoughts.
Alex and I walk for another fifteen minutes until we reach the school, I’m about to tell him to hurry up in case there are people watching when I come into a halt.
“Shhh!” I push him behind a tree, “Who are they carrying?”
Alex squints his eyes, standing on his tiptoes.
“Is that..?”
“It’s Turbo”
We jump in our place and Alex pulls out his gun, pointing to the stranger... that is no stranger. It’s Eli.
“Why are you always lurking around everywhere I go?” I ask in exasperation.
“The real question is why aren’t you with your boyfriend Josh?” He sneers, “Thought you would be feasting on my food at this point”
“For what kind of sick dictator do you take me for? I didn’t get to decide on your exile, Josh did that on his own. I left the mall soon after”
“Why would you do that, are you stupid?” Eli replies, “You left? The mall is literal heaven, and now that Baron Triumph took over the school-”
“He convinced some kids to get him out of the cereal factory and now he dethroned Turbo.”
“Now what?” Alex inquires, “What is he going to do?”
“Nothing good,” Eli shrugs, then he glares at me, pointing a single finger to my chest, “but you’re gonna help me get the mall back. We’ll kick Josh and the rest of the little rats out first thing tomorrow.”
“And how exactly are you going to force me to do that?”
“I don’t have to. If you’re here it’s cause you probably realized that Josh has gone mad and you know this is just for the best.”
Alex and I consider it for a second. Eli is annoyingly right, Josh is out of control and having an identity crisis that won’t help the kids in the mall, but Eli is no leader, he’ll kick everyone out as soon as he touches the front door, so I can’t help him either.
“I think we’ll pass.”
“You’re making a mistake,” Eli warns us, “you’ll die out here and you know it!”
“Better die than to be a bad guy like you.”
“Bad guy?” He asks in outrage, “All my life I had to work and earn my stuff cause mom couldn’t afford it. I was bullied because of it. The mall was the one thing I had that they didn’t and you took it away from me just cause it was one against five, and I’m the bad guy?”
I don’t have an excuse for that, I can’t and I don’t want to fight back. He’s right, he should be living in that mall, Josh had no right to exile him, nor anyone for that matter, none of us has. If I hadn’t exiled Maya maybe things would be different too.
“Come with us.”
“Stay the night with me and Alex, we’re going to my place,” I explain to him, handing him the map, “we’ll be safe there, considering we have no idea of what will Triumph do next. We have enough food. Tomorrow we’ll decide if we help you or not, What do you say?”
“How do I know this is not a trap?”
“Do we look like murderer traitors?” Alex rolls his eyes.
“Besides, I still have a sprained wrist. I can’t do much. I mean Alex does have a gun but-”
“Y/N are you sure about this?” Alex asks me, glancing at Eli with distrust, “not to be rude or anything, but Eli is not the ideal companion.”
“Just like us,” I sigh, “Eli?”
He evaluates us carefully, examining our weapons from a distance. Finally, he gives a short nod.
“A night won’t hurt”
“That’s what I said when I met Josh. Look where it got me...”
@letsbloodmagic @slythermyg @loving-u-3000​
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remywrites5 · 5 years
Hey there! I really love your fics, and ficlets, they brighten my day every time I read or re- read one! I'm sort of having a rough day, and I went through all your wolfstar, because wolfstar is one of my favourites, and then I really got into spideypool, but it seems I can't find that many good fics out there! Is there any chance you could write something where peter gets kidnapped because he photographed something he shouldn't? Only if you have free time of course!
I’m sorry you were having a tough day! Again this ask is from forever ago but I hope all is well. Thanks for you prompt! 
 This was just…well…humiliating was the word that came to mind. Peter had been kidnapped –or abducted seemed more appropriate because he wasn’t a child no matter what Mr. Stark said. It wasn’t his fault that these big, muscle-y guys had jumped him as Peter. He couldn’t exactly fight them off without giving away his secret identity. It’s not like mild-mannered Peter Parker could fight off five guys.
           He had a feeling he knew exactly what this was about too. He’d been snooping around Oscorp and had taken some pictures of them doing human testing for some new kind of drug that appeared to be some kind aggression hormone based on the way the subjects freaked out. That was all the world needed, more Hulks. He’d hadn’t had a chance to sell the pictures to the Daily Bugle yet because Jamison was a grade A asshole who had chosen to haggle with Peter over the price.
           Now he was chained to a chair and he probably could have busted out of them if he’d given it his whole strength but again Peter Parker can’t break out of chains. So Peter sat stewing in a ball of frustration when he heard gunshots. His eyes widened and he wondered if he was going to have to blow his secret identity just to not get shot in the fucking head by whoever was coming.
           He was just about to break the chains when the door swung open and in strolled Deadpool. “You coulda had a bad bitch! Noncommittal!”
           Peter groaned and shook his head. If the Avengers found out he was rescued by Deadpool, of all people, he would never live it down. The only saving grace was that Deadpool didn’t know Peter’s secret identity.
           “Oooh!” Wade said, holstering his guns. “I must have walked into the pantry because I just found me a snack!”
           Peter rolled his eyes. “A little help, please?”
           Wade cocked his head to the side. “Say, aren’t you the guy who takes pictures of Spider-man? Do you know him? Can you get me an autograph?”
           “Why would I know him just because I take pictures of him?” Peter asked, shuffling uncomfortably in his seat. “Do you think everyone that works for US Weekly knows Taylor Swift?”
           “You’re my looooover!” Wade sang out.
           “Can we focus?” Peter asked impatiently. Although he knew Deadpool had a thing for leaving a stack of bodies in his wake, he didn’t want to chance that someone might come along.
           “Right, right, more helping, less talking,” Wade said, going over and inspecting the chains. “I need a key. Hold on, I think I killed a guy with some down the hallway. Don’t go anywhere, sexy!”
           “Where am I meant to go?” Peter growled after him in frustration.
           He sat there with Taylor Swift stuck in his head while he waited for Wade to return and rescue him. This pretending to be helpless thing was the worst. He was about to just break the chains and claim a rat ate them when Deadpool reappeared. “Fancy meeting you here!”
           “What are you even doing here, anyway?” Peter asked as Wade unlocked the chains. “I doubt you came here just to save me.”
           “I mean, if I had known a cutie like you was in peril I would have done this job pro-bono, but Justin Hammer paid me a lot of dineros to sneak in here and steal some science-y information, and also kill a bunch of people. But, since you’re here and I’m here and I’m about to be filthy rich, why don’t you and I do dinner?”
           Peter shot Wade an absolutely baffled expression. “Does this really seem like the time to be asking me out?”
           “No time like the present, baby boy,” Wade said with a shrug. “I don’t wanna wait for our lives to be over!”
           “Please for the love of god, stop singing,” Peter begged, looking up and down the hallway to try and figure out where his camera might be stashed. He supposed he would just have to go room by room, which would be much quicker if he could lose Deadpool and go about it as Spider-man.
           “Not a fan of the creek, huh?” Wade asked, following Peter as he took a left and began opening doors one after the other. “How do you feel about Golden Girls?”
           “Wade,” Peter said, walking over and putting his hand over Wade’s mouth. “Is there anyone alive left on this ship?”
           Wade shook his head no.
           Peter groaned. “Shit! This is going to take forever to find my camera.”
           “I saw a camera!” Wade said as soon as Peter removed his hand and began his search again. “Come with me!”
           Wade grabbed Peter and hauled him over his shoulder, carrying him like a sack of potatoes. “I can walk you know!” Peter said, huffing indignantly.
           “I know,” Wade said with a grin that stretched his mask. “I just wanted a close up look at that ass. Do you do yoga? Pilates? It’s fairly toned for such a nerd.”
           “Wade?” Peter said as evenly as he could.
           “Get your hand off my ass.”
           Once he got back to his apartment, Peter posted the pictures on the internet for free, not wanting the hassle of fighting with Jamison over them. At least the word would get out about what Oscorp was doing. More than anything, Peter just wanted to put the whole ordeal behind him.
           Which was extremely difficult to do considering Deadpool was currently breaking into his apartment through the window, and making a fuck ton of noise while he was at it.
           ‘Hey Petey!” Wade said, tumbling into Peter’s bedroom.
           Peter watched Wade scramble to his feet. “So you found out my name, huh?”
           “Yup!” Wade said, strutting around the room like he was proud of himself. He wasn’t in his full Deadpool gear, just sweatpants and a hoodie with his Deadpool mask.
           “And you’re here because…” Peter gestured for Wade to fill in the blanks because Peter really had no clue.
           “I’m your new bodyguard!” Wade said, puffing up his chest. “And don’t worry, I know you’re a struggling college kid, so you’ll only have to pay me in food. Or kisses. Whichever one you prefer.”
           “Why do I need a bodyguard?” Peter asked, watching Wade walk about his room and rifle through his stuff.
           “Word on the street is that Norman Osborne is pissed about the pictures you took and posted online,” Wade explained, holding up a pair of Peter’s underwear that had Cap’s shield on them. Peter jumped up and shoved them back in the drawer before closing it forcefully. “So I’m here to offer my services.”
           Peter chewed his bottom lip thoughtfully. If Osborne was gunning for him then it might not be a bad idea to have some backup. Getting abducted had been really stupid and at least with Deadpool around the chances of that happening were significantly decreased.
           “Fine,” Peter said, holding his hand out to Wade. “You’re hired.”
           “Oh Petey!” Wade said, ignoring his hand and pulling him into a bear hug. “You won’t regret this!”
           Peter doubted that very much.
           It had been three weeks of round the clock Deadpool and nothing had happened. No attacks, no retribution, no nothing. The worst part of all was that Peter was kind of starting to…like Wade? Having him around wasn’t quite as annoying as he had thought. It was actually nice to have some company for once and despite what he had said, Wade was the one who provided the food most of the time. He did mention the kissing more than a few times but it obviously never amounted to anything.
           Which is why Peter really hated what he was about to do. “There was no threat against my life, was there?” he asked, already having a feeling about the answer.
           Wade looked around for a moment to avoid answering the question and then slumped down. “No,” he grumbled.
           Peter huffed and crossed his arms over his chest. “Well, I mean, I’m relieved but why did you lie?”
           Wade shrugged. “I wanted a reason to see you again.”
           Peter laughed. “We could have just hung out, Wade, you didn’t have to make me fear for my life.”
           “People don’t really hang out with me if they can help it,” Wade informed him unhappily.
           Peter figured that was probably true. He thought about all the times he had blown Wade off as Spider-man, declining his offers of epic team ups. Maybe Wade had a point and it was kind of hard for Peter to stay mad at him.
           “Hey Wade,” Peter said, scooting closer to him. “You can come over whenever you want. Just no more busting in on me in the shower, okay?”
           “I had to make sure you were safe!”
           “We just established that I wasn’t in danger!”
           “Better safe than sorry, Petey.”
           Peter was a little offended when Deadpool kissed Spider-man, which made no fucking sense because he was Spider-man. But Wade didn’t know that and something about that hurt. Like Wade was cheating on him with him, and the whole thing made Peter’s head hurt.
           Peter had texted Deadpool for help patrolling the city one night, wanting to see Wade and figuring he could make up excuses to see him. It only seemed fair. They’d stopped a bodega from getting robbed and a purse snatcher. It hadn’t been the most exciting night but it had been fun. When they sat down on a roof to eat their hard earned tacos, Wade had pounced the moment Peter had rolled his mask up.
           Peter found himself flat on his back on the roof with Wade’s tongue slipping into his mouth. He would have enjoyed it if he hadn’t been so offended on behalf of his alter-ego.
           “Mm, Petey,” Wade murmured, sucking on Peter’s lower lip.
           “Wait,” Peter said, shoving Wade off of him. “You know?”
           “Puh-lease,” Wade said, rolling his eyes. “Like I wouldn’t recognize that Spider-man and the guy I’ve been spending all my time with lately are the same? Not to mention that ass.”
           “Oh,” Peter said dumbly, propping himself up on his elbows. “Well, that’s okay then.”
           “So we can go back to the kissing part, then?” Wade asked, crawling back over Peter. “I mean you do owe me for three weeks of service.”
           “You didn’t do anything!”
           “I protected your sweet ass, Petey,” Wade said, nipping at Peter’s chin. “Made sure it wasn’t violated by nefarious persons unknown.”
           “The only nefarious person my ass was in danger from was you,” Peter quipped, capturing Wade’s lips again.
           “Mm,” Wade hummed, cupping Peter’s face in his hands. “I’ll violate that ass any time, baby boy.”
           “If I let you do that I’m pretty sure that makes me a prostitute,” Peter said, laughing softly. “Selling my body for good and services.”
           “It worked for Julia Roberts.”
           “Are you going to scale a fire escape with some flowers and profess your love to me?”
           “Any time, any place, you just name the day, Petey.”
           “White limo too, or it doesn’t count,” Peter teased, wrapping his legs around Wade.
           “Obviously,” Wade said, kissing Peter breathless. After several moments he pulled back. “Although I think our story is more like The Bodyguard.”
           Peter laughed. “I’ve never seen it.”
           “What??” Wade shook his head. “Whitney Huston? Kevin Costner. And I-I-I will always loooove youuuu.”
           Peter grinned. “Wanna go home and not watch it while we make-out on my couch?”
           Wade matched his smile and then stole Peter’s breath away with another kiss. “I fucking love you.”
           “Love you too,” Peter said, pressing kisses against Wade’s scarred cheek. “I don’t know if I ever said it but thanks for rescuing me.”
           “And you rescued me right back.”
           “Nice Pretty Woman call back.”
           “It’s what I do, Petey.”
           Peter gently pushed Wade off of him and grabbed the bag of tacos. He put his arm around Wade’s waist and held him close. “Come on, let’s go home.” Peter shot out a web to the building across the street and took of swinging in the direction of his apartment with Wade signing “Rewrite the Stars from the Greatest Showman in his ear the entire time.
           Peter couldn’t even find it in him to mind it all that much.
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derryhawkins · 5 years
Can we get some more of that “Richie wearing Mike’s blue sweater from st” like what happens now? Does Richie go find Eddie? Does Eddie come back? WHAT HAPPENS I NEED TO KNOW PLEASE I BEG OF YOU
YES HELLO SORRY FOR THE WAIT i just got distracted and then college is a thing, but i just finished it! i don’t think its the best honesty?? but whatever, i still like the end result,,, kinda
read part one here
Gay Panic Part Two
“Eddie! Eddie, hey, wait up!”
No, Eddie is not going to wait up. Nope. Not a fucking a chance. He’s hightailing it out fo there and no one - fucking no one - is about to stop him. Just a few more yards until he gets to his bike and then he can speed off to… Well, he doesn’t exactly know where because he isn’t about to go home and he doesn’t want to go back to the clubhouse for obvious reasons, and doesn’t even know if he actually wants hot chocolate. It had just been the first thing his brain came up with when scrambling away after kissing Richie.
Oh, god, he kissed Richie.
Eddie feels his face redden with embarrassment because not only did that happen but he did it in front of the others too, and somehow that makes it all worse. He rubs his face with his glove covered hands and lets out a pitiful groan as he gets to the few bikes and cars near the road, scrambling to pick it up and hop on before Mike could catch up to him.
Apparently, luck is not on his side today, because Mike reaches him the moment Eddie sits his bike up right and dread pools in the shorter teen’s stomach. A gentle hand grabs his elbow. “You’re getting hot chocolate, yeah?” Mike asks, which stuns Eddie for a moment because he isn’t expecting that to come out of his friend’s mouth after having witnessing what just happened barely two minutes ago. But it’s Mike. So it shouldn’t be that surprising.
Eddie blinks. For moment, he thinks that maybe he just can’t talk today and it’s not that stupid fucking sweater at all. But it is. It is the sweater because he’s finally getting proper sentences out. “Y- Yeah, uh,” he pauses. “You aren’t…gonna, y’know,” he doesn’t finish the question but rather vaguely gestures with his hands. Okay. Maybe not sentences – just words, more accurately.
Mike chuckles and warm smile tugs at his lips. “Look, I want some hot chocolate, too, and I offered to get the others some. But you don’t have to talk about what happened if you don’t want to.”
“Oh. Really?”
“Really,” he says. Mike then takes Eddie’s bike and gently puts it in the bed on his truck. “If you do wanna talk about it, that’s fine too. I’ll listen. But for now, get in. I’ve been craving hot chocolate for weeks now.”
Relief washes over Eddie because he had been certain one of his friends would chase after him and demand answers, but here’s Mike, acting as if it isn’t a big deal and taking Eddie to get hot chocolate so he doesn’t have to ride his bike on this windy and cold day. He mutters a thanks and gets into the truck, and Mike hurries to get into the driver’s seat to start the car. He blasts the air and puts it on high heat; somehow it was colder inside the truck. They shiver as Mike puts the car in gear and starts to drive off, and Eddie is about to complain about the lack of heat when the air finally starts warming up. He relaxes back into the seat, body becoming less tense as he messed with the seat belt.
“What- never mind,” Eddie mutters halfway into the drive. He sits up and looks at Mike only to slouch back and stare at his boots again, brows scrunched together and a frown prominent on his face.
Mike glances at Eddie. “Are you gonna head back with me after this?” He asks.
Eddie shrugs. “Dunno. Probably not.”
“The others want you to.”
A scoff involuntarily leaves Eddie’s lips. “Oh, sure. I plant one on my best friend since first grade without any fucking warning, and they want me to come back. Totally believable.” His tone drips with sarcasm. The thing is though, is that Eddie knows they do. He knows the Losers want him to come back. He’s certain of it. It’s just…embarrassing. “Sorry,” he mumbles after a second. “I- yeah, I know, Mike.”
“Don’t be,” Mike says with a shrug. “It was just a surprise. It even shut Rich up!”
Eddie lets out a weak laugh. He doesn’t say anything for another few seconds. “None of you hate me?” He eventually asks.
“For kissing Richie? No. I think Stan is actually thanking you.”
“No.” He shakes his head. “About me being gay.”
Mike blinks as he turns into the tiny parking lot of the small café. He doesn’t speak until he’s parked, and then turns fully to Eddie. “If I hated you for being gay, I’d be a hypocrite.” At his friend’s expression, Mike continued, “I’m bi. And, well, so is Bev, remember? She came out a few months ago. Two outta six. The others would be hypocrites, too, for accepting Bev and not you. That’s six outta six.”
“So… You don’t think Richie hates me?”
Mike smiles, and something shines in his eyes that Eddie can’t exactly read but he doesn’t bother trying for too long. “That chaotic son of a bitch couldn’t hate you if he tried. So, hot chocolate?”
Eddie smiles, nodding. “Hot chocolate.”
They go in, order seven medium hot chocolates, and then Mike leaves with six of them, Eddie claiming that he just wants to be alone for the time being and promising that he’ll see the others at school tomorrow. With that, Mike leaves, and Eddie stays in the warm building until he has to go home.
The next morning, he avoids Richie. The anxiety of it all came back full force when he woke up, and Eddie’s trying to talk sense into himself as he remembers his conversation with Mike, but that doesn’t lessen the crushing feeling of Richie not liking him. So, Eddie avoids him the best he can throughout the school day. He succeeds up until lunch as he grabs his homemade food from his locker. Just as he shuts the small, blue metal door, a hand his around his wrist and dragging him down the hall.
“Hey, what the fu- Richie?!” Eddie shouts, too stunned to rip his wrist from Richie’s grasp.
Richie doesn’t answer until they get to the janitor’s closet, pushing Eddie in and quickly following. He turns on the light and stares down at Eddie. “We need to talk,” he says.
Eddie’s brows lower and he pouts he littlest bit. “But I’m hungry.”
“No, the stupid sandwich-.”
“It’s soup.”
“-Whatever. The stupid soup has to wait,” Richie says.
“Eds, please,” he interrupts Eddie, voice going up a bit in pitch as he begs. “It’s killing me, okay? I wanted to visit you last night but Mike convinced me not to because you wanted space or whatever, but now it’s the next day and I’m going fucking insane! And I don’t want this to be a bickering thing right now either, so just cooperate, alright?”
Eddie looks at Richie. Like, really looks. The eyes behind the glasses are wide, and not because of how thick the glasses are, but rather because Richie’s nervous and pleading. The freckles are a bit harder to see under the dim light of the janitor’s closet and the blush surrounding them. His hair is a wild mess – wilder than usual – and Eddie finally notices that he’s wearing a simple hoodie. No sweater. He kinda misses the sweater, he realizes, despite how much trouble it gave him to speak.
“Why’d you kiss me?” Richie asks.
Eddie gives him an are you serious? look. “You know why,” he says. “Gosh, Rich… Fuck, I’ve had the biggest fucking crush on you for years now! A-And I never- I wasn’t planning on kissing you, okay? I didn’t want to not knowing if you liked boys or not, so I never made a move, and then you came waltzing into the clubhouse with that stupid fucking sweater.” He pauses for a split second to drop his face in the palms of his hands after setting his lunch on a shelf. Then, he’s quickly back to looking at Richie. “You looked so pretty,” he says, and Richie full on blushes. “Like, fucking gorgeous and, like, I couldn’t fucking speak! God, fuck you for wearing that sweater, you dick! I was fine not knowing if you felt he same way!”
It’s silent then. Eddie doesn’t speak anymore, giving Richie a chance for once to butt in and put in his side. The taller teen doesn’t speak for a few seconds, which just feeds the anxiety resting in Eddie but he holds it in.
Then, “Well, if I knew that sweater was going to get me a kiss, I would have worn it on fucking New Years.”
“New Years hasn’t even- oh.”
Richie chuckles, nerves coming through. “Yeah. ‘Oh’.”
Then, Eddie’s whacking his shoulder. “You dick! Why didn’t you?!”
Richie gives an offended look and rubs at the spot Eddie hit him at. “Have you seen that thing?! It’s fucking ugly!” He shouts, gesturing with one hand as if it’s nearby.
“It’s not- okay, it is a little bit, but it looks good on you! A good looking, stereotypical nerd.”
Richie flicks Eddie’s nose, the boy gaping at him as he holds his nose gently afterward.
“What the fuck, Richard!”
“You called me a nerd!”
“Well, you are! You make straight As!”
“I am not a nerd.”
“You are.”
“Yes- fuck!”
“Ha!” Eddie laughs as he jumps in happiness at tricking his friend and points at him to tease some more, but Richie’s hand gently pushes it away as his other on Eddie’s cheek and jaw. In one swift motion, Richie leans down and kisses Eddie. Eddie’s taken back at first until he realizes what’s happening, and then he’s kissing back, trying and failing not to smile into it too much. It seems as though Richie has the same problem because not a second later, he’s pulling back slightly with the largest grin on his face, their foreheads resting together.
“So, can I go eat my soup now?”
“Depends. What would happen if I came to school wearing the sweater?”
“I’d stare at you, duh.”
Richie pouts, “No kisses?”
Eddie rolls his eyes and steps away. “Not if you don’t let me go fucking eat, dickwad.”
“God, you’re such a gremlin,” Richie says and grabs Eddie’s lunch from the shelf for him, and they both step out, Richie only wincing slightly as he laughs when Eddie flicks him on the ear.
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emeraldwaves · 5 years
Title: Start of Something New Chapter 13 Pairing:  Todomomo, side Kamijirou Rating: T Word Count:  3,159 Summary: Momo is thrilled to be spending her winter break on her family ski vacation. Even though she’s anxious about graduating in the spring, she’ll have time to relax, enjoy the slopes and hang out with her best friend. Shouto is not thrilled to be stuck with his father for the entirety of his winter break. It’s anything but a vacation. Even with his siblings there, everything reminds him of his past and he just wants to get back to finishing school and moving on. When the two continuously run into each other at the lodge, both of them realize their vacations aren’t going to be what either of them expected. Read on AO3 Thanks to @amaisenshi and @its-love-u-asshole for reading this ahead!
Momo's lips still tingled from the kiss she shared with Todoroki. It was unexpected, but it had been fun and honestly, she wanted to do it again. It almost felt like something out of a movie; meeting a cute boy while on vacation, only to know they would eventually part ways.
She sighed, brushing through her long dark hair. She was meeting her parents for supper shortly and she couldn't be distracted by this. Her parents would notice if her mind wasn't focused on whatever they were talking about. She wished she could've stayed all night with Todoroki or Kyouka instead.
"He kissed you?! Finally!" Kyouka had been absolutely ecstatic when Momo told her about the kiss before parting ways. The girl had grabbed her, pulling her into a hug, saying they'd have to take time to celebrate her first kiss later. She wanted to ask when Kyouka planned on kissing Kaminari, but decided not to push it any further, not when her best friend was so happy for her. Maybe by the end of the week during the end of vacation party Kyouka would come to terms with her feelings for Kaminari. Momo also hoped Todoroki would be there.
Momo adjusted how her red dress looked, pulling her hair into a low ponytail. She prayed her father would speak about business or other upcoming trips. Anything to keep the topic off of her and her future.
She made her way down to the first floor restaurant, one of the fancier ones. She didn't like it as much as the one that was part ways up the mountain, but she knew her father enjoyed most of the food across the various spots on the lodge and they often visited them all multiple times.
"Good evening, Momo. Sweetheart, you look lovely," her mother said, kissing her cheek as she took a seat. She wasn't surprised to see her parents had arrived before her. She had been quite slow at getting ready since she was partially dreading this meal.
"Thank you," she smiled, tucking her dress underneath her as she took a seat. "Did you have a nice day?" she asked.
"We did!" Her mother laughed, taking a sip of her wine. "We spent most of the day skiing and then enjoyed some wine by the fire."
"It was a relaxing day. Did you have fun with your friends?" Her father asked.
"Always," Momo giggled. "Kyouka was very lively today; she kept challenging our friend Kaminari. Sero, Todoroki and I were much more relaxed compared to the two of them."
Her mother raised her eyebrow. "Is this Kaminari Kyouka's boyfriend?"
"Ah, uhm... no," Momo shook her head. "They're just friends."
"But you think they might be something more?" Her mother's lips curled into a smile as she took another glass of wine. Was Momo really so transparent?
"Well, potentially," Momo admitted quietly.
"I've never heard you speak about these boys before," her father said.
"Sero and Kaminari work for the mountain," Momo explained.
"And Todoroki?" Her mother's voice didn't sound accusatory but Momo immediately froze. Why had she brought up the boys in the first place? She probably should've just said she spent the day with Kyouka and left the boys out of it completely.
"He's just... a friend, someone we met at the pool party," Momo squeaked, her voice sounding higher than she wanted it to. She was going to give herself away since she was an absolutely horrible liar when it came to this stuff.
"I see," her father said, raising an eyebrow before glancing down at the menu.
A silence fell over their table and Momo pulled in a quiet breath. Thank goodness they hadn't pressed further. The last thing she needed was them asking more questions. If she told them she had kissed Todoroki, she was certain her parents would forbid her from ever seeing this 'distracting' boy again. The thought made her heart incredibly heavy.
"I'm glad you had a nice day, Momo, dear," she said, brushing her hands over the table. "Once school starts up you won't have as much free time and I know how important this is to you."
"Yes, of course," Momo said, nodding her head.
The waitress came over, taking their orders and menus out of the way. Momo was glad, hoping their food would come quick and they could focus on eating and maybe planning out their days for the rest of their week. Knowing her mother, she would want to cross-country ski one day, and Momo wouldn't mind the break.
She couldn't believe they had less than a week left of their vacation. Admittedly, Momo wasn't ready to go back to school. She knew it wasn't good for her to be lost in a fantasy world, but she felt so relaxed around Todoroki and she truly enjoyed the time she had been spending with her friends.
"We do expect you to be completely focused for the rest of your time in high school. We are proud you are already secured in your spot at your university but you need to stay on track. The last thing you want is your grades to slip in the final moment." Her father spoke, shattering Momo's thoughts immediately. So much for avoiding conversation about this.
Momo pursed her lips, glancing down at the table. "Of course, Father."
"I can't imagine Momo ever letting her grades slip," her mother said, and Momo was thankful she was on her side.
"No, I would... never," she said, her heart clenching in her chest.
"Good. I would hate to see you jeopardize anything involving your future because you got a little lazy or you're too focused on a boy," he continued.
She swallowed. Did they really think she was going to do that? Nothing in her past had ever shown her to be a poor student or anything less than a hard worker. "I..." she breathed out, glancing down. "I promise," she whispered. "I would never do anything like that. I know how important my career and my future are."
"Yes," her father said. "Even if you don't know what your career is going to be."
She swallowed again, her throat closing up. This is not how she wanted this conversation to go. Her phone felt heavy in her pocket, and she was desperate to text Todoroki and beg him to meet her on the roof. It took all of her to not get up from the conversation and run right then.
"I know..."
"I know you say you know, but I want you to understand," he continued. "Today you mentioned spending all this time with boys. The other night you waved to that boy at dinner too. That's not like you at all. I really am starting to wonder if Kyouka is a bad influence on you. I'm glad the two of you don't attend the same school."
"Father, please," she said softly. "Kyouka is a good friend and has never once done anything to try and influence me."
"You say that, but if she's off flirting with boys you might start to think that's okay," he continued, shaking his head. "If you keep focusing on these trivial things you won't be able to decide what you want to do with your future. Your studies are of the utmost importance."
"I..." She opened her mouth, trying to find something to say, anything to defend herself, but instead she closed it, letting out a small sigh. "Yes Father," she said instead. She knew no matter what she tried to say to him, he wouldn't listen. She could argue she wouldn't do it, her past behavior proved she wouldn't, but she knew it wouldn't matter to the man.
"Sometimes I wonder if I've been too lenient with you," he said.
Swallowing, Momo glanced to her mother who stared at her husband with understanding eyes. "I... I don't think I've done anything wrong..."
"Not yet you haven't. But when boys are involved, they ultimately become a distraction," he said.
Momo sucked in a sharp breath of air. "I..." Could she truthfully say boys hadn't been a distraction? This whole vacation she'd spent the majority of her time thinking about Todoroki. Even now she wanted to text him and meet up with him again. But was that really a bad thing? At one point her parents had to date and fall in love...
"I promise I won't be distracted, Father," she said, pushing herself up from the table. "If you'll excuse me, I... really need to use the restroom."
She grabbed her small purse and made her way to the restroom to take a deep breath. She didn't want to cry at the table in front of her parents. Tears welled up in her eyes and she swiped them away, trying to stop herself from crying, she couldn’t go back to the table with her face all puffy and blotchy. Pulling out her phone, she brushed her finger over the screen. Was it really so horrible to want to spend time with Todoroki? Was she really going to fail her classes just because she had a crush on a boy?
She pulled up their chat and typed out a message asking Todoroki to meet her on the roof later on.
She could live in this fantasy for a little longer, if only for this week.
Shouto anticipated the fight. He could feel it coming, stirring under his skin. It made his entire body feel on edge, clenching his fists by his side.
Natsuo walked in front of him, his hands shoved into his pockets, his body tense too. Both of them were on edge, anticipating the wrath of their father.
The two boys had agreed to go to dinner, if only to try and speak to their father regarding the incident from the day before. They couldn't spend the rest of the vacation avoiding him and not talking to him, as much as they wanted to.
Natsuo knew this, and Shouto could tell from the way his brother walked down the hall, he was itching for a fight. Their father had never been an understanding person and neither of them expected him to start understanding now.
It just meant the meal was going to be unpleasant.
"Isn't it nice my sons decided to come to dinner?" was the first thing Enji said when the two boys arrived. His arms were folded over his chest, his eyes narrowed and glaring at Shouto and Natsuo.
Fuyumi stared at the table, pursing her lips tightly.
"I'm going to leave if you pull this bullshit," Natsuo grumbled, yanking the chair out to sit down.
Enji let out a long sigh. "It's unsurprising Natsuo would run away, but Shouto, I'm very disappointed in the choices you've made today."
Shouto pressed his teeth into his lip, glancing at Natsuo. "I don't know why I expected this dinner to be anything but this."
"You have no one to blame but yourselves," Enji said. "The two of you have been extremely disrespectful."
"Oh we have? Even though you've been bossing around your adult children on some weird power trip!?" Natsuo scoffed, keeping his arms folded over his chest.
"Natsuo..." Fuyumi whispered, gently placing her hand on his arm but he pulled it away.
"What? Are you really going to defend him right now?" he hissed. Natsuo could be humorous and lighthearted, but when it came to frustration with their father, Natsuo didn’t hold back. However, Shouto knew he wouldn't want to cause a scene in a public restaurant.
"It's not about being on a power trip," Enji stated flatly. "It's about respecting your parents Natsuo, and you too, Shouto."
"Shouto never does shit wrong!" Natsuo scoffed. "The one time he decides to do something for himself, you have to be on his case. You're insufferable. I give Shouto a lot of credit for putting up with you all these years. I'm so thankful you thought I was too stupid to carry on your legacy."
"You didn't even attempt to try when you were younger. I wasn't going to waste my time on someone who wasn't willing to work," Enji said.
"Thank god," Natsuo snapped.
"It's just too bad your influence seems to be rubbing off on Shouto. I supposed I should've gotten you separate rooms."
"I never should've come on this damn trip," Natsuo said, slamming the menus shut as he shoved it away from himself.
Shouto saw Fuyumi's fists clench against the skirt of her dress. Turning to his father, he stared at him. "This has nothing to do with Natsuo. I needed a break from you."
The entire table turned to stare at Shouto.
Enji blinked, taken aback by Shouto's blunt statement. "Perhaps we should all go home. I've provided you with a trip out of my own generosity and this is the thanks I've gotten."
"Father, it's not that we're not grateful-" Fuyumi began, but she trailed off, unsure of where her statement was going.
Shouto swallowed, looking his father right in the eye. It was rare he spoke up like this, but this entire trip had been grating on him. The culmination of frustrations he felt on the trip itself partnered with the frustrations he felt from his everyday life were almost too much for him. "I don't understand why you took this trip, Father."
Something flickered across Enji's eyes and for a moment he faltered, starting down at the table for a split second. He turned his eyes back towards Shouto, glaring at him, any semblance of other emotions gone from his gaze. "I thought I was doing something nice for my children, but it seems they do not appreciate my generosity."
"We just want free time," Shouto said.
"This is a vacation," Enji stated flatly. "The entire trip is meant to be free time."
"How is this a vacation when we have a schedule and you're forcing us to do everything you want?!" Natsuo yelled, a few other patrons turning to look at their table.
This was going exactly how Shouto expected it to. Enji would never view himself as doing anything wrong, Shouto knew what was about to come next.
"I am paying for this trip, Natsuo. I have bought you skis, a hotel room, every single meal you've eaten and you're acting like a spoiled brat," Enji retorted.
"Fine. Don't bother. I'll give you the money for my portion of the trip," Natsuo hissed. "I'll give it all back so you can't throw it in my face."
"Natsuo-" Fuyumi began.
"I won't ski for the rest of the damn time and I won't come to these stupid dinners. I'll stay out of your face and I really hope Shouto does the same, so he can actually have a vacation away from you since you force him to study all the time!" Natsuo continued.
"Natsuo, please-"
"Shouto is a hard worker and cares about his future," Enji hissed, talking far quieter than Natsuo, though people were already staring at their table.
"Shouto only cares about his future because you force him to!" Natsuo said.
"He's right," Shouto stated flatly and once again they all turned to look at him.
Enji glared. "What?"
"You've never once asked me what it is I want to do. You've always assumed I would follow your legacy. You've pushed studying and your choices for my career onto me and even on this 'vacation', you've given us zero freedom."
Enji smirked. "I see. So this whole time you'd rather be lazy, like your brother?"
"Natsuo isn't lazy," Shouto said. "He just doesn't listen to you and you don't like that."
Natsuo blinked, turning to his brother. "S-Shouto..."
"I don't get why you took us on this trip," Shouto continued, "but I do know it hasn't felt anything like a vacation." It only had when he had spent time with Yaoyorozu and her friends, actually having fun. Nothing about this was fun.
"All of you stop!" Fuyumi yelled, the outburst unexpected from the quieter girl. Fuyumi shook her head, letting out a long sigh. Her eyes trembled as she fought back the tears. "I don't understand why we can't have a nice dinner. One where Father doesn't yell at us, one where Natsuo laughs and Shouto smiles," she whispered. "That's what Mom would want."
The taboo subject; their mother. No one spoke of her, and now she had been mentioned twice.
There was silence around the table.
"Well? Don't you think that's true?" Fuyumi asked, glancing at all of them. "She would have wanted us to have a good time here. She would've loved this place... all the snow and lights... and I know you all hate talking about her... but it's been years!" she said, sucking in a gasp of air.
"She would hate that this is what her family looks like now," she said softly. "She wouldn't want to see us fighting and bickering all the time!"
It was true, Todoroki Rei had always been peaceful, gentle, and kind. Before her complete mental breakdown, something none of them, not even Fuyumi was going to mention, she would’ve loved this.
Enji pushed out from the table, standing up. "Go to your rooms. This conversation is done with. I will not be subject to this sort of talk."
"Father..." Fuyumi whispered. They hadn't ordered yet, no server had come to take their order with how tense their table had been.
"No. Do as you’re told. All of you," he snapped, walking away from the table.
The three children sat in shock, no one saying a word. Enji rarely backed down from anything, in fact Shouto couldn't recall a time something like that had happened, but maybe Fuyumi yelling at him was finally too much.
In his pocket, his phone buzzed, a text from Yaoyorozu.
[Text from: Yaoyorozu Momo]: Hello Todoroki-san! I know we spent a great deal of time together today, but it would be wonderful if I could meet you on the roof tonight. If you have free time of course.
Todoroki stared at the screen before turning to look at his siblings who both sat at the table.in complete and utter silence.
"I-I'm sorry..." Fuyumi whispered. "I said too much."
"Nah..." Natsuo muttered. "Everything you said was right. He just is too much of a goddamn child to face it."
"I guess..." Fuyumi said. "I wanted us to stop fighting, not for him to walk away."
"You know what he's like Fuyumi. He doesn't talk about her, ever," Natsuo said. "Let's just... eat together... the three of us. Dad will eventually... figure it out. Maybe..."
Probably not.
But they all nodded, agreeing to eat together, even if they did so mostly in silence.
Texting Yaoyorozu back, Shouto decided going to the roof with her later seemed like a very good idea.
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creativestalkerrs · 5 years
Dear Aksel
best friend!aksel x reader
warning; angst, swearing, heartache
summary; when you begin to feel something more towards your best friend, you know he never sees you as such, so you though. it was only with a letter that he finally realizes before it’s too late
word count; 1.7k
You sat on Aksel’s bed, looking at him while he edited. You loved the man with all your heart, he’s been there for you since every major and minor event in your life. You burst out into laughter as he recorded his lines, completely messing up. Although you always creep around Aksel while he edits, he just couldn’t get a good recording with your presents right there.
“Y/N!” Aksel laughed as your laughter filled the room. “How am I going to finish this line when your breathing down my back! God, you’re so annoying,” Aksel spun in his chair as your back was on his bed, trying your best to keep it down because his lovely mother was asleep. 
“You say that as if I was literally the worst person you meet when you have Alex in your life,” You sat and looked Aksel dead in the eyes. “I’ll buy you pasta to make up for your lost recording,” You whisper, leaning into Aksel, whose face was inched towards yours. His eyes sparkled in the dimly lit room, his lips plump and your stomach had butterflies. What was your heart doing? You swallowed the lump in your throat as Aksel’s eyes burned a spot into your soul. His loving eyes and look warmed you up. You ignored it as if it was nothing, but your palms were clammy… this wasn’t the first time Aksel made you feel these things, but it was getting worse every late night you stayed to watch him stream or edit. You couldn’t understand why this was happening. He was your best friend since you saw him on the playground in the 4th grade. This moment felt like it lasted for an hour. You wanted to resume this moment.
“Deal, boomer,” Aksel finally spoke.
“Good. I’ll bring you some tomorrow then… I should get going,” You jumped up and whipped your palms on your jeans and grabbed your phone. Aksel raised his perfect eyebrow and tilted his head, confused because it was pretty early to leave.
“I thought you were staying the night. I was prepping on sleeping on the floor like a rat,” Aksel laughed.
“Nah, you’ll be editing all night. Besides, I have to wake up early tomorrow,” Y/N lied. “I’ll come back tomorrow with that pasta you ordered,” Y/N laughed leaning into Aksel and giving him a kiss on the forehead. “Love you, egg, try to actually sleep this time,” Y/N softly spoke as Aksel spun his chair back to his computer.
“No promises hoe!” He shouted as you left his room and shut his door. Your back was to the door as you felt your heart beating out of your chest. You felt Lola cuddle up to your leg as you smiled and gave her a pet
“Lola, your good a secrets… I know you know,” Y/N laughed as Lola purred. Y/N clenched her phone and began to walk out of Aksel’s home
Months went by, and Y/N finally accepted she loved Aksel in more than a friend way. Y/N never spoke up because she didn’t want to ruin the bond between the two. Even the deep down, she knows Aksel wouldn’t judge and would still continue to break into her house and pet your dog while you were at work. It still scared her. 
Y/N planned on telling Aksel everything. She told Ani about everything she was feeling because Ani understood was Y/N was coming from, about her insecurities and fears and even her strength with her relationship with Aksel. 
Y/N was planning on going to dinner with Aksel and then she was going to go to tell Aksel how she felt. Ani suggested that would be best and Y/N planned out everything. It would be nice for the two to spend some time together, especially since the last few weeks Aksel has been kind of distance with her. It sucked, but she knew Aksel was stressed with videos and streams, so she didn’t take it too seriously.
Y/N checked her phone to see a text from Ani. Y/N read it and with tears spilling down her cheeks, he heart began to break. So this is why he has been distance.  I was too late.
ANI; Hey Y/N. I was talking to Aksel tonight and I have some news I thought you should know. Aksel was talking to Alex and I and told us he has a new girlfriend… I’m so sorry. He said he was going to tell you the same night you wanted to tell him. My heart is breaking for you. I love you and if you ever need a vacation, I will be here. Don’t look at Instagram for a while
Sobbing into her pillow, she threw her phone onto the bed, shaking. How long? Why didn’t he tell her? They were best friends. Her sobs were so loud that her mother walked in, worried. Y/N’s phone was flashing the message sent by Ani and read it, understanding the sobs of weakness and betrayal. Y/N told her mother everything, and how she felt towards Aksel was no exception.
“Why does this always happen to me? Why am I crying about a boy? Why am I crying about Aksel?” Y/N asked as salty tears soaked her pillow, her mother embracing her into a hug.
“Your heart wants what your heart wants, love. Everything will be okay… Aksel will understand… Shh,” Her mother cooded into Y/N’s ear. Y/N grabbed her phone, begging for more heartbreak, she checked Instagram to see a picture of Aksel and his new girlfriend, kissing. 
Her sobbed became louder, but no tears seemed to be coming out. They must have been trapped in her pillow. Her mother left to give her a cup of ice water and to help her throw the night, but Y/N couldn’t understand any of the situation. It just hurts
Weeks went by. Y/N ignored Aksel like the plague, as Aksel never seemed to notice. Y/N took up Ani on that offer and made a trip to see her. She wanted to do one last thing before she left for god knows how long. She wanted to write Aksel a letter and give him his pasta she promised that night. 
Tears rolling down the page, smearing the ink. He hand began to cramp as she spilled her heart out on the page. She had to leave shortly, but she felt like this was important before she left.
She folds the paper and stuck it in her pocket. She put the last of her stuff in the car and grabbed the pasta box out of the fridge. The box was in her lap as her mom drove her to Aksel’s house to give him his food, having no idea she was coming only to leave. Y/N put the paper inside the box as her heart started to race. She got out and knocked on the door to see Aksel.
“Hey…” Aksel said with a half smile. “You fell off the edge of the earth, what’s going on?” He asked. Y/N looked down at her shoes and gave him his box.
“Here’s the pasta you wanted…” She said, ignoring Aksel’s question. He looked confused as he took it. “I won’t be in town for a while… I’m taking a holiday,” Y/N avoided eye contact, looking at her boots. Aksel’s long fingers meet her chin, lifting it.
“Why didn’t you say that? What’s been going on Y/N? You’re scaring me. I miss you,” His voice was shaking as you just shook your head, not believing he hasn’t put anything together. Y/N’s mom honked the horn.
“Maybe some other time Aksel… I have to go. Enjoy the pasta,” Y/N frowned as she turned onto her heel and went back inside her mother’s car. Aksel just looked at her, angry and confused. He watched as the car pulled away and left. He tried to understand what he did and why she was leaving.
Later that night, after Aksel’s girlfriend left, Aksel finally wanted to eat the pasta Y/N gave him. Opening up the box, he notices a piece of paper on top of it. Aksel put down the box and opened it, seeing Y/N handwriting.
Dear Aksel
When you’re reading this, I'll be gone and away from you. I’ll be thinking about everything that came for this moment. I wish I could have talked to you, but life made it so I couldn’t. I never wanted to fall in love with you. In fact, that was my number one rule; DON’T FALL IN LOVE WITH AKSEL. But here we are, the butterflies and all. I was going to tell you that face to face, but then I found out you started to date someone else. I found out from Ani. I wish you told me yourself.
I don’t know what’s going to happen now. I need a mental break. Love really fucks you up. You’re my best friend and that will never change. Maybe in 5 years, we can laugh about this, or in 5 years we can ride away in a car that says JUST MARRIED on the back. Who knows.
I hope you live your life happy if I never see you again. Maybe I can date Tom Holland and you can be my maid of honor, but I know, even if I count all the stars in the universe and even if I love Tom a little too much, it would be you I would want to be with. 
Please promise me this, if you never felt an ounce of what I felt, that you treat your girlfriend the way you treated me, but with more love and compassion. I know you never loved me like that, and that’s okay, but please, tell me the truth. I’m sorry I had to run out like that.
Love you,
Aksel’s heart broke, realizing you were the one he always wanted to be with. Now, it was too late, for you were in your next chapter in life. Without Aksel.
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lord-explosion-baku · 6 years
Rising Sun (part 2)
Prince!Kirishima x princess!reader
Warnings: swearing I think?
A/N: I finally got some ideas of where I want this to go! I edited the first part to have Mina be your old friend back home because I’d like to add more BNHA characters to this. Also Kirishima is gonna come off ooc but I gotta let you know that beneath his facade he’s still our Grade A Best Boy. Anyways here’s part 2!
Part 1
You awaken to the clanking of glass against the side table nearest to the bed. You stretch your body and enjoy the feeling of the freshly clean sheets against your skin. You’re still in the gown you had out on the night before and you hoped that meant that nothing troublesome happened. You open your eyes and watch a beautiful woman with bright red hair pouring water into a crystal glass. You’re thankful it’s not Anaya but you don’t expect this girl to be any less nasty.
“Water, miss?” She offers you the glass and you take it, realizing you had a pulsing headache. You really went heavy with your marital wine drinking.
She sits with you on the bed, keeping her back straight, and watches you finish your glass. She takes it back and says, “the prince told me to speak softly to you since you had a rough night but I do want to inform you that breakfast is being served now. Food from your kingdom to make you feel more at home. I must admit I did sneak a few bites of the potato hash and it really is quite delightful,” she sends you a soft smile. Maybe not everyone from this kingdom was horrible. “If you want I can help you find the dining hall after dressing you, if you don’t mind.”
You gaze down to the red silken gown you wore to bed. For something that was supposed to be worn to please its viewer it was incredibly comfortable. You smile at the thought of what the people in the temple might think if you went down dressed as you were. Maybe they’d send you home.
This is your home now, you have to tell yourself. You nod and allow the woman to escort you out of bed. Back at your old home, Mina, your chambermaid and friend, would swing pillows at your face and yell at you for sleeping the day away. You would laugh and hit her back. You were going to miss her terribly.
The woman who you learned her name as, Freya, helps slips yet another form fitting gown on. It’s white and shows off your bare shoulders while the sleeves have slits, while the rest of the gown flows freely down to your feet. Draconians’ attire consists usually of skin revealing uniforms since the kingdom was the warmest of them all and you were grateful to be put in something a little more tasteful. Maybe tasteful wasn’t the right word seeing as you were from a completely different world and you haven’t quite felt at home with their customs but you were content with with being comfortable.
Prince Eijirou stands before you are seated to his right. He offers you a kind smile and you bow respectfully at him. The long dining hall table is adorned with the finest morning foods your own kingdom had to offer. It was a kind gesture but nothing you should get used to. The room is lit up only by a few torches but the giant windows that showed off the rolling hills and tropical greenery brings more than enough light in.
When you sit Eijirou places a hand on your arm. His touch is warm and inviting and remember the way he made you feel last night before you… before…
You turn to him and he’s watching you. “Prince Eijirou,” he frowns slightly at your formality, “About last night…?”
“I put you to be bed,” he whispers back to you. He leans in close so the servers around you couldn’t eavesdrop, “no harm will come to you as long as you are in my temple. Especially not from me.”
You are flooded with relief. You didn’t feel like anything happened but you had to make sure. The man before you was your husband but you didn’t know anything about him, besides what you heard from a certain blue haired somebody who just glided into the room.
“Speaking of which,” he stands and everyone around him besides Anaya freezes. “Anaya,” he addresses her and she salutes him by putting her fist to your chest.
Hisses and growls escape her mouth and you can only assume she’s greeting him in Draconic.
“I’d like to have a word with you and I would hope to have it in the tongue that all parties can understand.”
Back home, ‘having a word’ meant taking someone aside and speaking to them one on one. You furrow your brow and watch Anaya send you a glare before turning her attention back to the prince.
“It seems that last night you did not fulfil your duties in tending to my bride.”
Anaya crosses her arms across her chest and sneers, “she told me she could handle it on her own.”
“And was that before or after you threatened her?”
Anaya raises her eyebrows. “I did no ssuch thing! I wass only giving her fair advice!” She shoots another glare your way.
“Was the advice warranted?” He waits for her to respond and it seems like she doesn’t understand the question. Eijirou begins to speak to her in draconic, his tone only seeming more dangerous through the rolling of his tongue and his growls. She hisses back and throws gestures into the air. She flinches only when he stomps his foot the ground. The table shakes.
“I see then… since you have such a narrow and tainted mindset I can only see you as being a threat to this kingdom and I have it in my right mind to banish you,” a hush falls across the dining hall. You watch Anaya’s face contort from fury to terror. The king himself walks into the room and crosses his arms, observing his son. Much like the prince, he displays his bare muscular torso with only an opened vest over his frame. He looks very much like Eijirou but with long wavy black hair that falls beneath his shoulders and many more scars, no doubt from fighting in many battles. He nods for the prince to continue.
“But I am putting your fate into my bride’s hands.”
Your eyes widen. You’re doing what?
Eijirou turns to you, “it’s your decision, Princess Y/N. We can have her banished for the crimes committed against you or we can let her stay.”
Beg pardon, your majesty? You don’t realize your mouth fell open until Anaya scoffs. Eijirou shoots her a look and she dismisses the ugly look on her face. You knew that one day you were going to have to make big decisions like these, at least for your kingdom. Hell, this didn’t seem all that big compared to the declarations of war your father signed your kingdom into. You didn’t think that Anaya had gone as far as committing any crimes against you, though you didn’t like her the second she opened her mouth.
You remember telling your father that when you were going to be queen you, were going to be a kind and forgiving one. He said that’s not what your kingdom needed. He ruled with an iron fist and you were to follow in his footsteps. That was of course, before losing so many good people, even your friends, in battle.
You bow your head, “let her stay.”
Anaya brings a shaking hand to her mouth and she cries out. You think she’s upset but she then she salutes you.
Eijirou doesn���t change his tone as he speaks to her. “Be grateful that you’re future queen is far more forgiving than I am. Let this be a warning: if you ever come near my princess again with malicious intent, I will not hesitate to have you take your leave by tying you to a barrel and having you float your way to exile.”
You shudder at his threat that felt more like a promise. Maybe Eijirou was a brute.
Anaya excuses herself and you watch the king leave. Eijirou sits back down. The servants around you avoid talking and Eijirou starts tapping on the table. He lets out a shaky breath.
“Thank you,” he says. You look to him and he’s staring at his full plate. “I wouldn’t blame you if you wanted her banished but I’m glad you said not to.”
You don’t know what to say. You begin turning your glass full of what you think is pineapple juice, a fruit only found in this kingdom. “I believe empathy can go a long way. Carrying an open heart can only open the hearts of those who surround you,” that was something your mother used to say to you. You pick up your glass and take a sip. Definitely pineapple juice. You are thankful for such a delicacy.
“That’s why you’re going to be an incredible queen,” he turns to you, “but if Anaya ever bothers you again just call her a nurh-rhyvos-maurg.” That was a mouthful.
“What does that mean?” You take another sip of your juice.
“Ugly cow breed.”
You spit the pineapple juice back into the cup and cover your mouth. Eijirou’s crimson eyes shine at you, happy to see you laugh. “So she has a sense of humor!”
He takes a napkin and dabs at your face. That was too intimate for your liking. You take it from him and smile, “of course I do. I just didn’t expect you to have one.”
He gives you a funny look and smiles to himself. “There’s a lot that we don’t know about each other yet. I know a lot of Draconians seem barbaric at first and as a future king I have to play such a merciless role but… well, I’ve met actual barbarians. They’re not half bad. And as a king I have to be assertive so my people will take me seriously. I’ve accepted the role but there’s more to me than my status.”
You’ve said that to your father plenty of times in one form or another. It was almost reassuring, knowing that you and your husband had at least one thing in common.
“nurh-rhyvos-maurg,” you practice saying it. Draconic is mostly rolling your R’s and and elongating the S’s but when it comes to words like ‘maurg’ you had to sort of growl.
“Trust me, it’s a big insult for Draconians. Nurh-rhyvos-mmAURg,” he enunciates the last word and his sharp teeth are flashed at you. It’s kinda cute the way he growled the word out.
“And what do I call you?”
“Mrrandii, which means ‘husband.’”
“And what do you call me?”
“Memamosal, for ‘wife’ and vorel for ‘beautiful,’” he grins as your cheeks are dusted with pink, “but I prefer ithquant because you could only be described as divine.”
You didn’t think it was possible but your face turned an even deeper shade of red. He takes the opportunity to lean in close to your ear and whispers, “sia vorel vur ithquant memamosal.” You nearly melt at the way his low voice rumbled in your ears. You turn to see him staring at your lips. “My beautiful and divine wife…”
You find yourself leaning closer to him. His pupils dilate, only making his crimson eyes an even more vibrant ruby. His lashes are dark and long and nearly ran you as he blinks. Your lips are a hair away from his before the two of you are interrupted by the Draconic growling coming from behind you.
Eijirou sighs and turns towards the man who addressed him. They have a conversation you can’t understand while you pick at your plate, wondering what the hell you were about to do. You were going to kiss your damn husband which is fine. You’re fine. Everything is fINE.
Eijirou clears his throat and takes your hand. “There are some customary festivities going on in town today. It’s actually pretty common and we’re not expected to go,” he bites his lip and you fixate on his teeth. Why did you think they were so cute all of a sudden? “Normally I would encourage anyone to go to these things but they can get pretty loud and well, last night…”
Ah. You are very hungover. You furrow your brows, “how loud?”
He brings his hand to his neck and gives you a sheepish grin, “let’s just say our wedding was pretty hushed compared to this.”
“Oh…” you stare down at your half eaten food. Is there a polite way to refuse?
“We don’t have to go! I’d just like you to know what’s going on in our kingdom. We can always go to the next festival, there’s plenty!”
“Well, you should go!” You don’t want to keep him from having fun. Besides that, you really wanted to have some time to yourself to think.
“I don’t want to leave you here by yourself. What kind of man would I be if I left my lady here waiting and bored out of her wits?”
“I won’t be bored. I’ll… go exploring! What kind of queen would I be if I didn’t know my own castle?”
You can tell he is being resistant but you really need to be alone. You place your hand over his and he stares at it. This was the first time you had instigated a touch. You bat your lashes at him, only half guilty for using your charm to get what you want. “Please?”
“Maybe I’ll have someone escort you around?”
You shake your head. “That won’t be necessary. Sometimes being alone and getting lost is the best way to find yourself familiar with oneself and their surroundings. I’ll do fine.”
He frowns at the word ‘alone.’ He leans back in his chair and his brows narrow in concentration. His eyes light up and he grins, “Yeah, okay. That’ll be good for you.”
You have half a mind to ask him what he means but you don’t. You don’t want him to change his mind so instead you kiss him on the cheek and watch his face flush.
You don’t see him change for the festival. You’re only informed of when he has left and you begin your investigative stroll.
From the outside, the temple stands high and proud but seems rather small compared to the inside. Your castle at home was large enough to house the royal family, your servants, and five other noble families. Though the temple is larger than the viewer’s eyes it only houses the royal family and a few of their servants but the town isn’t a long journey away. The temple is smaller because it wasn’t meant to be housed at all when it was created. It was to be a house of worship for Draconians. They have an ancient following that is derived from the first appearance of dragons or so you are to believe. You thought that was very interesting since your kingdom was basically built through power with a big help from magic. That’s why the high priestess is hailed almost like royalty.
Outside, your feet are greeted with warm sand that surrounds the temple. It’s not hot enough to burn you and it’s really quite inviting. Draconians don’t wear shoes and you weren’t offered any when getting dressed which was fine but you were thankful for the lush grass you found after strolling outwards, not wanting you feet to get too dusty. As you walk you taken in the air that is rich with a sweet aroma of the tropical fruit growing nearby and the slight hint of a burning wood that follows you whoever you go. It was an odd mix but fitting for such an odd kingdom.
You balance your feet and walk in a straight line, one foot in front of the other, and think about your place in this kingdom. You were going to be their queen and Eijirou, your king. You grew up knowing that you were going to be a queen somewhere but it was finally happening all too fast and in the place far too foreign. But you did it for a just reason. You did it for peace. And you are going to be a good queen but how can you be so sure of that if you can’t have your own husband touching you without panicking? You blamed that on Anaya but you’re not sure if things would be different if she hadn’t threatened you.
You’re lost in your head when the ground starts to shake. It happened so quickly that you’re not sure if you imagined it or not. It shakes again and you lose your balancing game. Your eyes shoot up and your gasp.
About fifty meters away, clear as the sky, a Herculean creature, mighty and proud with gorgeous sanguine scales that shine as the warm sun hits them, stares at you. Your first encounter with a dragon.
Part 3
Tags for EVERYTHING (closed): @yandere-inamorata @miitaart @dessiedawnwritesfanfiction @wickedlewicked @chickennuggetsarequestionable @nevermorelanore @kpanime @ayeputita @captain-sin-allmight-queen @diisasterbii @iceformer @meganofmars @colagirl5 @colorbookshd @grimmjadeskye @sm0kingcrack @sarcastictextstuck @zellllyyyy @psionicsnow @mynahx3 @andie-in-tumblland @iamthe-leaf @midnightfeline666 @bungou-stray-alies-tales-of-aly s-of-aly @rubyred-28 @kattariapenn @heypartypeps @quirktaker @thecryingsombra @smbody-stole-mycar-radio @ghost-of-todoroki @geektastic84 @personoffangirlingandtears @glixeo @rubycubix @mekakushi-dan-01-kido
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spacebrick3 · 5 years
Evenfall University: Ring of Fire Part 1
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So my own character of Mira Niemczyk is currently enrolled at @note-katha’s Evenfall University, and it seems that her adventures there need to be detailed! So without further ado, I present Mira’s adventures at Evenfall U!
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Mira Niemczyk is brave. Foolishly, recklessly brave. She would die for her friends, and has only survived this long because she doesn’t have that many. Arrogant and stubborn, the type of person to whom warnings are no more than challenges and who very nearly launched her own satellite into orbit (it would have worked, too, if she hadn’t been ripped off with low-grade sulfur).
Mira Niemczyk also does not believe in magic. 
This is despite the fact that Mira attends one of the most prestigious magical universities in the country, and perhaps the world: Evenfall University, hidden deep within the forests of the northwest United States. This is also despite the fact that Evenfall only accepts those with proven magical talent or abilities. An impressive feat of cognitive dissonance.
She doesn’t quite remember whether or not she in fact applied to the university, or if she was even aware of its existence until she received her acceptance letter. The tuition was affordable, and a chance for her to leave behind the state of Texas to cooler weather and slightly less irritating inhabitants*. She has cause to regret her decision, and cause not to, and at present rests somewhere in the middle.
Currently, she is sitting in the middle of orientation, listening to the professor drone on about their ‘circles of magic’, which honestly looks like a bootleg version of the Olympic rings. Not the most original design. There’s lots of words, none of them meaning anything - orientations are supposed to be fun, aren’t they, getting to meet the clubs and students and teachers at the school. And instead she’s sitting here, falling asleep with her head in her hands.
“Any idea when this is going to be over?” she whispers to the girl next to her, black-haired with glasses that seem too big for her face.
“No, I - stop talking!” She glares at her, pushing those same glasses up on her nose. “I am trying to listen to the professor! And you should too,” she says in a huff.
Mira rolls her eyes, dropping further into lethargy. Is there really no better way of conveying information than a lecture? A video, maybe, that she could watch in the comfort of her own home - dorm, whatever. Something with better visuals than rings stolen from one Mr. de Coubertin and someone who didn’t speak like they were giving a TED talk. “Any questions?” they ask, staring out across the assembled crowd.
Silence. “You should have lots of questions,” the girl next to her mutters. “Seeing as how you refused to listen to a word of it.”
“Actually, yeah,” she tells her with a wink, standing and trusting in her brilliant red, completely-not-dyed hair to get their attention. Or the fact that no one else wants to say anything. “Magic…-“ she coughs, already coming down with a cold. “See, magic! Isn’t! Real!”
She didn’t have to scream it. It wasn’t even a question like had been asked for. But that wasn’t going to stop her, because she is right and she knows it. It doesn’t matter if they’ve put together fancy special effects to draw circles in the air, if what they’re telling her is no more than a collection of lies. 
College is supposed to be a place of learning, isn’t it? Not a place of-
The other girl drags her down, color flushing across her face. “Stop talking!” she hisses, glancing around. “I didn’t intend - you - you cannot do that!” she stammers. “Why would you do that?”
They’re laughing at her. People are laughing at her because she told them magic wasn’t real. “Because it fuckin’ isn’t. Don’t tell me you believe what they’re selling, uh-“ She jabs a finger at her, poking the lens of her glasses. “What’s your name?”
“Samantha Venera, Third Circle,” she recites as if reading it off from a roll. “But - oh, no. Did you have to say that? And now the students are all looking at us - and they’re laughing, why did you even choose to attend if you refuse to believe in magic-“ She tugs at her collar, a fancy outfit in blue and white that looks more suited to an old-timey ball than college orientation. Somebody’s looking to make a good first impression, she notes to herself.
“Not like I had anywhere else to go-“ 
Her voice rings out a little too loud, and she realizes it’s gotten quiet. “Please! Stop! talking!” Samantha whispers again in desperation, and this time she listens.
“The First Circle of Magic,” the professor is saying, voice low, “is extremely dangerous. I beg you, please do not look into it.” Doesn’t sound like you’re begging, she notes. More like you’re warning us. “You could lose your life by doing so. And for those who think this is a joke, that we are warning you away for our own personal gain-“ Her gaze seems to find Mira- “we’re not. Unfortunately, we’ve been warned by the APA to not disclose the stories, so I’m afraid we can’t provide more details.”
Muttering breaks out among the students. “Absolutely not suspicious at all,” she says, turning back to Samantha. Or turning to where she was, because she and her enormous glasses** have already vanished into the crowd. “…huh.”
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Her roommates blur by, their names going in one ear and out the other. Harmony Washington, thespian who is already hogging the shower and slumping dramatically against the walls. Aishwarya Kamal, whose claim to the hardest name to spell is only challenged by Niemczyk, and Nitya Nair, who arrives in the dorm to sleep and that’s it.
She should get to know them, but she doesn’t want to. Just more people. That is, until Aishwarya drags her from her bed and her laptop, to the kitchen and three boxes of pizza. “Look - I didn’t know what you wanted,” she says, flipping the lids open, “so we’ve got pepperoni, cheese, and vegan. So…have some pizza!”
It’s free real estate food. “Why?” she asks through a mouthful of the pepperoni. Aishwarya’s even managed to drag Nitya in from her nigh-incessant soccer practices, though she doesn’t seem pleased by it. 
“Because we are going to be friends,” she says, barely managing to keep the smile from her voice as the last of the group sits down. “Right? I mean, we’re living in the same space for at least half a year. I’d like to have that be a good relationship - and everybody likes pizza. No better way to begin, right?”
“Where’d you get it?” Harmony asks, looking at her slice in suspicion. “Not sure I trust the pizza shops around here.”
“Local place, just-“ she gestures vaguely towards the south- “down that way. Can’t remember what it’s called. It’s no, uh, Pizza Port, but - doesn’t matter. I mean, this is mostly for you, Mira, more than anybody.”
She rubs the back of her neck, looking guilty. “We, ah, we all know each other. We went to the same school, actually, and were in the same astronomy club and everything. So we’ve been introduced to each other a long time ago. So this is more about getting to know you, Mira…Niemczyk-“ She mangles the pronunciation, Nee-em-zeek instead of Nehm-check- “and about you knowing us.”
“Not a great start for being included in the group, is it?” she asks, perhaps a little more harshly than she’d like. “Not if y’all know each other and I don’t.”
“Well, there’s only one way around that,” Aishwarya replies, cheery demeanor refusing to be put out, “and that’s if we get to know you! So - where are you from? What’s it like? Why’d you come here?”
All more personal questions than she’d like to answer right now. “Houston, Texas,” she starts with, became that’s the easiest place to. “We’ve lived there for a while, and in Texas my whole life. Until now.” She shoots a glance outside, more to avoid eye contact than anything else, and sees that it’s pouring rain. Maybe she should have noticed from the fact that Nitya’s currently dripping water onto the carpet, but ‘noticing things’’ has never been her strong point. “Is it always this rainy here?”
She shrugs, over by the sink as she pours herself another glass of water. “I think so? That’s the stereotype, at least, but I don’t know if it’s true.”
“I wonder if it’s magic?” Harmony says, standing and walking over to the window. “It’d be fitting, don’t you think? All those stories that they can’t even tell us-“ Lightning flashes, framing her in a halo of jagged light- “and the rain pours down outside, washing away any of the evidence. Footprints, paths, light - it’s all gone, swept away by the unending torrent. Maybe it’s how they keep their secrets-“
“Monologuing,” Nitya says without even looking up. “Because maybe it’s just the damn rain.”
“Alright, alright. I’m just saying. This is literally a magical university, why couldn’t they have magic rain? There’s water witches, air witches, nature witches like you, Aisha - they could do it.” With another faux-forlorn glance out the window, she goes back to her seat - nearly knocking over her drink in the process. “Maybe they just do it for fun. Two students falling in love, they turn on the rain for the dramatic argument that leaves both convinced the other one will never speak to them again-“
“About half - 170 out of 365 - days in Seattle had rain,” she replies, looking at her phone. “So either there are lot of people having their dramatic arguments and falling out of love, or it’s just the weather. Yes, I know there are that many people here,” she says, cutting off Harmony’s counter, “but I don’t think it’s magical rain.”
At least the conversation isn’t on her anymore. Or it wasn’t, until Aishwarya turns back to her and she curses herself for tempting fate with that statement. “So? Houston have less pointless arguments?”
“Not really.”
“Any of your friends going here, too, and you weren’t lucky enough to room with them?”
“Do you know what you’re planning to major in?”
“Not sure.”
“What circle - what magic you have? Why did you come to Evenfall?”
“Second-“ though there’s no such thing- “and…“ There’s no good way to put it, so the best she can offer is a shrug and an “eh.” There are some things you don’t start out by telling people, especially not if you want to make friends. Why she came to a magical university while not believing in magic is one of them. “You?”
Though she’s clearly less than satisfied with Mira’s answers, politeness demands she answer. “Nature - I’m studying to be a doctor - have been almost all my life, from those little doctor’s kits to interning with a lab technician. Because I don’t think there’s anything more amazing than being able to save lives-“
“We’ve all heard the spiel, Aisha.”
“Mira hasn’t!” she says, not trying to deny that there is a spiel. “And what’s wrong with trying to convince people? There’s a shortage of doctors in the world, you know, and especially a shortage of magical doctors. What if Harmony there were to get hurt, then who would treat her? Sirens can’t just walk up to any hospital.”
“A siren?” Mira doesn’t even realize she’s asked it until it’s out of her mouth. “I thought - what?”
“You don’t know?”
“Know what? I thought this was a school for people with ‘magic’?” She hates being told she doesn’t know, and hates it even more when the other person is right.
“And those from the Nevermore,” Aishwarya explains. “Magical - well, they’re…people, but with magic…more imbued in them than something they can control. Sirens, for example, don’t have control - technically - Harmony?” she asks at last, finally admitting she’s lost.
She sits up from where she’s thrown herself dramatically into the chair. “Yes? I’m a siren. And I’m studying to be an actress. I mean, it’s kind of the route you go, because we’re good at the whole-“ she gestures to her throat- “voice thing. I could show you,” she says, with the eagerness of someone who almost certainly will whether you accede. 
“…sure,” says Mira.
“Alright, I think I’ve got it,” says Harmony, except it’s Mira’s voice. She has to press a hand to her throat to check that it’s not her speaking, because she can see Harmony’s mouth moving but hear her own words. “How is it? I can’t really tell if I’ve got it right-“
She nods hurriedly, just wanting her to stop. “Yes - yes, that’s my voice and I don’t like it.”
“You’re no fun,” she says again, switching back. “But, that’s what we sirens can do. It’s weird, you know, finding out you’re not wholly human. Like, I got a letter and it said “hey, you know all these people? Well, you’re not one of them. Come to Evenfall!” 
“And you did?”
The look she gets for that comment - a fairly innocent one, really, given the options - feels overdramatic. Like everything about Harmony, she supposes. “Um, yeah. What was I supposed to do, go to some normal college and pretend that I didn’t have gills? No, I don’t actually-“ she adds, seeing her glance- “but shut up.”
“And that’s the story,” Nitya says. “Now I really do have to go, since I think they’re running practice late. In the rain. Nice meeting you Mira, I suppose-“ it doesn’t sound like it- “but I do have to go.” She picks up the soccer ball from the corner, spinning it in her hands and spraying everybody else with water before pushing through the door. 
“That was abrupt,” Aishwarya says, frowning.
Harmony glances out the window, grimacing as a flash of lightning races across the sky. “Her fault for getting into sports,” she says, pulling out her tablet and flicking through it. “At least plays are inside, most of the time.”
The group dynamic has dissolved, and Mira takes that as her cue to leave. It’s a chance to get back to the normal world, a place where things like magical rain and sirens aren’t something she has to deal with. Not that anything at Evenfall can be called normal, not how the word is usually meant. Back to a point where she can pretend things are normal, then.
She’s always been good at that, pretending things are normal. It’s how she got here, and why she’ll stay. 
*this message paid for by the State of Washington
**much like Pluto and its moon Charon, Samantha’s lenses are large enough that the two of them should be considered a binary system rather than that of a single body
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I’ll use my current tag list for this, since this will be just a short AU/story thing, but please let me know if you want to be added or removed! @lady-redshield-writes, @no-url-ideas-tho, @ratracechronicler, @ken-kenwrites, @ravenpuffwriter, @cirianne, @lonelylibrary @maxbeewriting, @endlesshourglass, @thebloodstainedquill,  @anip-ocs, @note-katha @dreamwishing, @incandescent-creativity, @fatal-blow, @danafaithwriting, @wri-tten, @writingwhithotchocolate, @katekyo-bitch-reborn, @klywrites and @dogwrites!
(and if you liked it, don’t forget to check out @note-katha‘s actual Evenfall University story and their stellar characters! We’ll be meeting them soon enough…)
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