#do anti aging serums work
khulkarjiyo · 1 year
TULA Skin Care Firm Up Deep Wrinkle Serum | Is it good for your skin?
A good serum can help you for skin care. Using a serum can not only eliminate wrinkles, but you can treat all your skin problems so today we will know about TULA Skin Care Firm Up Deep Wrinkle Serum which is so much effective for all skin types. TULA Skin Care Firm Up Deep Wrinkle Serum works to reduce the appearance of deep wrinkles and also removing fine lines. It gives remarkable result, if…
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greenglowsgold · 1 year
The List.
Based on the Cass Apocalyptic Series.
The first part of this has been rumbling around in my brain ever since that Super Sad Scene a month ago, but yesterday’s update gave me the other side of the coin, so to speak, and finally pulled it all together.
@somerandomdudelmao thanks for the fuel, friend
                              Donatello’s days have become a series of checklists, as of late.
No, that’s not exactly true. His days have always been about lists: what he’s done, what he can delegate to someone else, what still needs doing. But these days he’s been doing less and listing more, piling tasks from the first category onto the second as fast as he can manage, hoping he has enough time to empty the queue.
The full catalog is written out in a series of files, reorganized for accessibility to the layperson and meticulously up-to-date as of yesterday. He meant to run through it again this morning, ensure all the relevant instruction manuals were attached to each item and double check his protocols, but he wasn’t… he couldn’t…
He’s going to die tonight.
It irritates him, his own miscalculation of the timing more than the stark presence of his oncoming demise. The latter has been inevitable for quite some time, long enough that he’s gotten used to the idea. But he thought he had another week or two, and he doesn’t like being proven wrong. He wonders if his brothers know.
Probably not. They know it’s bad now, obviously, because they’ve piled him with pillows and blankets and surrounded him on all sides, and Leo has finally gone quiet. But they trust him, they’ve always trusted him, even when they shouldn’t, so if he swears he’ll last a few more days, they’ll believe him. He thinks. He’s pretty sure. If they knew it was tonight, he doubts they would choose to sleep through it. Donnie thinks about waking them up, but only for a moment. He’d like to say it’s a noble act, to leave them in peace a little bit longer, but the truth is he’s just too fucking tired to move.
There’s something settled bone-deep in his chest, a heaviness that sits on him like a stone, a peine forte et dure pressing him down and down, stopping his voice and his breath and his heart. He wonders if this is what dying usually feels like, or if it’s unique to the Kraang. Raph would know.
He cranes his neck to the right, to catch Raph’s face out of the corner of his eye. Raph’s working eye is half-open, staring down at the floor. Donnie could ask him. (He won’t. Let him fall asleep.) The movement of his head is so slight it doesn’t even catch Raph’s attention. He’s too tired for anything more. He’s so goddamn tired.
His lists are out of reach at the moment, with his physical interfaces back in the lab and his ninpo locked behind a wall of oh-god-it-sounds-too-exhausting-to-even-try, but he memorized them all long ago.
Raphael: Maintenance (delegated to Casey, who has it well in hand). Plans (tucked away in a dedicated folder, long term, but someday they’ll have the materials, and Raph will have a proper body again, someday). Honey (yes, he passed that along last week).
Raph has access to the tracking programs, so he can keep an eye on everyone himself, even when Donnie can’t pull up locations or vitals for him anymore. He has his own space in the base once more, somewhere to close a door when he needs to (he insists he doesn’t, but Donnie isn’t a fool). He has more excuses to spend time with Casey, who’s taking over his upkeep. Donnie hopes it fills in some gaps for both of them.
He runs through the list, double checks each item. It’s his last chance to make sure he hasn’t forgotten anything important.
He looks down, finds Mikey.
There’s a stockpile of the anti-aging serum in his safe, the formula in his database, plans for the permanent solution clearly labeled. As long as they have his lab, his systems, Mikey will be as young as his years. He’s walked him through the greenhouse, even if most of it is controlled by the computer system. Mikey misses the world being green; it’ll do him good to spend more time around the plants. He has his tea, his candles. He has Draxum, who by now should have received a — mildly — threatening message warning him not to pull any disappearing acts anytime soon. He has their ancestors, just a short call away.
Donnie’s sure Mikey will call on him soon. He doesn’t plan to stray far.
Up a bit. To the left. Leo.
The arm — Leo knows how to take care of it, as does Casey.
The passwords — reset, something even Leo will be able to remember without resorting to blackmail.
The schedule — reshuffled for the next few days, he’ll have a hard enough time sleeping as it is.
The photos — everything they have, even the embarrassing ones. He even managed a couple of prints, and one precious shot from their pre-apocalypse days, something for Leo to tuck into a pouch and carry with him, when they’re not around.
Raph, Mikey, Leo. He doesn’t think he’s missed anything. Donnie lets his head fall back, too exhausted to hold it up any longer.
Is it enough?
His mind stretches further out. He’s unraveling.
What about April? Her prescription is up to date, they just checked a month ago. She has the latest in his combat tech, which has kept her safe in the field this long, so he has no reason to think it will falter now. He’s leaving her a few extra pieces, since he won’t be able to use them anymore. Leo will find the time for a movie night once in a while, he’s certain, even if his taste in Jupiter Jim movies is horrendous. They still have coffee; he’d die before he let that particular supply run out. He will, actually.
Casey. Fuck, Donnie’s gonna miss his birthday. But he did plan for this, his protocols will kick in. The mask is finished, everything is in place. He’s reconfigured his workstations, fit them for a tiny human instead of a seven-foot turtle. Casey has a better head for mechanics than any of his brothers ever did. Kid likes to be useful, so Donnie’s left him as much use as he can. He’s taught him everything Casey can learn and left instructions for more, when he’s a little older and wiser. His family will take care of him, they’ll make sure he gets there.
The base. It has to hold, to give them somewhere safe. The infrastructure is sound, and they have people to manage repair work. Supplies are decent, the most critical items in stock, everything that can be made renewable is. Their allies — Leo handles interpersonal issues and leadership, but Donnie’s checked the list with a pragmatist’s eye, left notes and rankings for priority. Security is the largest concern, but he’s spent nearly half his time with his assistants since his self-diagnosis (he could have spent it with his family), running them through the programs and adjustments, trying to bring them up to somewhere in the realm of his own expertise (a fool’s errand, but still). They’ve been rigorously instructed, they understand that the little things like sleep are secondary concerns. It has to hold.
Is it enough? For them to be okay?
He’s done everything he can. He can’t do any more. So it has to be enough.
Donnie blinks, and for a moment isn’t certain his eyes will open again at the end of it. But they do. At least one more time, they obey him.
Raph. Mikey. Leo. April. Casey. Home. He rolls back through the list. It’s his last chance. He can’t miss anything.
Mikey’s hand tightens unconsciously around his wrist, fingers meeting easily on either side. Donnie feels only the echo of the pressure.
Raph. Mikey. Leo. April. Casey. Home.
Something bright sparks at the edges of his vision before it fades. The last gasps of a dying brain, he supposes. Synapses firing one last time before they’re snuffed out.
                                                                                                                         There’s light.
                                                            It hurts.
                                                            He thought dying would stop the pain, but it’s risen to a fever pitch instead. His brother’s arms are gone, but the disease wraps around him in their place, consumes him. It rages like a wildfire, burning through his center until pieces start to flake away like ash.
Oh, this is what it does, what it was built for. The Kraang could have killed him in a lot of different ways. He’d wondered why they chose this one.
He hasn’t planned for it. This is something he didn’t even know to fear.
It’s bright and it hurts but it’s quiet as he crumbles, folds in on himself like a black hole in the utter silence of outer space. It’s quiet enough that the voice that breaks through does so clear as a bell.
His head turns to follow the sound, instinct. He’s lost half his field of vision, but what’s left is enough. He looks, and finds Casey.
Casey looks at him, at him, not the body. Donnie opens his mouth to ask a question — What are you doing here? How? Why? — but something else sloughs out instead. Not blood. He doesn’t have that anymore.
Casey calls his name once more and starts running.
Donnie’s questions fold back into his mind. His mouth clicks shut, he swallows back the putrid rot and pushes himself up. His arms are shattered but they’ll have to hold him. They have to. Because Casey is here and he needs something, which means Donnie missed something, which means he isn’t done.
His spirit disagrees with him, doesn’t see the logic. His arms don’t hold.
Casey reaches to catch him as he falls, and the touch ruptures him instead. He scatters. Into the air and the ground and Casey. For a moment, he’s just pieces, fumbling around and latching onto anything that welcomes them, and Casey does that. They flow into him. They’re him. They’re…
Casey, he’s…
Donatello pulls himself back together. Most of himself, anyway. The infection hasn’t followed him but the damage persists. He’s run through with cracks and crevices, shaking bits away into infinity with every movement. But there’s more of him here than not.
Unexpectedly, Donnie is not gone. He’s still dead, but that’s fine, he planned for that one.
                                                                                                                         Casey has him now. He wraps himself around Donnie in layers, helps hold him together with a kind of sheer will that makes up for any lack of mystic knowledge in spades. Casey asks him to stay, and Donnie takes up the task like Sisyphus sizing up the hill. This time, this time I’ll do it right.
Even better, Casey has taken him to another time, one where all of Donnie’s long-term plans are now completely-fucking-reasonable plans. Casey’s going to fix it, so Donnie can fix everything else. Whatever else needs it. He hasn’t really asked. And he knows he’s missed something, but he doesn’t think too hard about what, not yet.
First thing’s first: he needs a body.
It’s so simple to accomplish that it seems like the universe is mocking him. Just a quick 1-2-3, ticking off the list. It feels almost stupid, like running back through the early levels of a video game after unlocking all the ultimate weapons and burning through enemies and obstacles, laughing, shit, did I used to think this was hard?
In no time at all, his own face has formed in front of him.
In no time at all, he’s gasping.
It’s only been a few hours since he last breathed air, but he’s missed it.
Another thing he’s missed? Functional musculature. Casey slams into him and Donnie is startled to find that it doesn’t knock him over. His arms and legs look like actual limbs again, not fragile little sticks disguising themselves as such. He stands, dragging Casey along without a second thought. The weight barely registers. It’s amazing.
The power trip is heady, but it only lasts a few minutes before reality kicks it in the ass and pulls him back down to earth.
We lost, Casey says.
They’re dead, Casey says.
It wasn’t enough, Casey does not say, but Donnie hears it just as clearly.
All those plans, the preparations, the precautions and protocols, they only borrowed a year or two before they fell apart. He sees the timeline spiral out before him, tighter and tighter until it collapses in on itself, rendered all the more insignificant from his own point of perception. He was alive yesterday. His family is dead today.
Everything he did, it wasn’t enough. Of course it wasn’t. He was stupid to think otherwise.
(Raph. Mikey. Leo. April. Casey. Casey’s still here. It was enough for him, at least.)
It cuts at him a little, to have been so wrong. But he’s strong again, now. He can take the wound. More importantly, he has another chance to get it right.
Donnie breathes. His chest expands smoothly, easily. The air doesn’t rattle in his lungs. He’s alive, he’s a genius, he can fix anything.
He pulls up a list.
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captain039 · 2 months
PART 3 He’s Grumpy, I’m sunshine
Alpha!Logan x omega!reader
Warnings: AOB, age gap (legal), light swearing, grumpy/sunshine, anxiety, mental health issues, violence, torture, plus size reader, medication usage for anxiety, depression and sleeping, heat pills, scent blockers
Set at Charles school
Your mutation: fire creation and control
Previous Part <-
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You can’t get the alpha off your mind. You’re struggling to focus, struggling to do most things without day dreaming or trying to spot him in the crowd. You felt horrid for what you did to him, no amount of apologising could ever make up for how you burned him. He just sat there though and healed right before your eyes. It didn’t make it any better though. You were off to see Jean, you couldn’t continue like this, you needed time off, where you’d go you have no idea. You walk in rushed and stall again when you see Logan. You turn to leave but Logan’s voice stops you.
“Got a mission, Charles himself requested we go” he says and you frown a little.
You’re given a few days to get ready, you talk to Professor Hank about some way to control your flames or stop them if it was possible. He was hesitant but you begged him and he gave you a serum. You packed your things, packed the serums safely along with brining too many anti-heat and scent blockers. The mission was to look into an underground organisation going on with Mutants. Why the hell Charles asked you to be here you don’t know. You traveled via train into the city then rented a car to head to the town, then booked a motel nearby.
“Here” Logan said handing you a small file and you frown but read it.
Apparently there had been rumours around a bar just outside the town with an underground fighting ring, specifically for fighting mutants. The Government did work with Professor Charles you’re pretty sure, but Logan was the big guns you guess.
Logan hadn’t said a word as you settled down into the motel, hopefully he couldn’t pick up on your anxiety. He left with a small explanation, something about food before he closed the door and you sighed sitting on one of the singles. Why you couldn’t be in your own room was confusing, you went to rent two but he said one with a stern look. You unpack the serum Hank gave you staring at the needles, you hate needles. Hank said to only take it at night just before bed. You quickly hide them when a car pulls up and Logan walks back in with two small bags of food. You eat in silence, glancing to the alpha every few minutes wondering why he was so damn quiet.
“Why’d you bring me?” You ask trying to get conversation as he raises his eyebrow and looks to you.
“Because” he says and you give him a huff.
“Because, isn’t answer” you say.
“Is for me” he looks back to his food and continues eating, end of conversation you guess.
You take a shower just before bed, bring in a change of clothes, toiletries and hiding the serum and your medication in between them. You finish your shower, dry off and stare at the serum, it was for safety, everyone’s safety. You pick the needle up feeling your heart pound in your ears. Hank said to just inject it like a vaccine in the upper arm. A knock at the door comes and you drop the syringe, thankfully back in the small pouch.
“Just a minute!” You call.
“I smell your anxiety from out here” Logan calls and you huff.
“Then cover your nose!” You don’t mean to back talk, but he isn’t helping the situation.
“What are you doing?” He asks.
“Mind your business” you say and hear him scoff lightly. You frown as the lock clicks open and he opens the door, a single claw extended before he sheaths it. You’re too in shock to say you’re not dressed as he stares a little wide eyed before his eyes trail to the pouch behind you.
“They’re serums! Hank gave them to me I’m not-“ you struggle with words and shaky hands.
“It’s to dull my mutation” you say.
“Like how you dull your scent?” He snarls a little and you frown confused before he realises what he said.
“Forget it” he growls and closes the door harshly making you jolt. What the hell?
You don’t take the serum, just awkwardly shuffle in your nicest PJ’s and get ready to go to bed. Logan’s outside, smoking, same hard strained look on his face. You get under the covers and sigh as the door opens and he walks back in. You mutter a small goodnight but don’t get a response, oh well.
You wake up to shaking and shot upwards hands out to whatever’s in front of you. Logan hisses and you realise it’s him and your hands are on fire and you’ve touched him.
“I’m so sorry! Oh-“ you retract your hands seeing the red burn marks you left on his naked chest. They heal though and you can’t help but stare, it’s amazing to watch.
“What happened?” You asked checking to see if anything else was on fire.
“You were making noises” he grunts.
“Don’t all people mumble when they sleep?” You question wondering why he woke you up.
“Upset, scared noises” he clarifies and you make a small ‘oh’ sound. You keep your eyes on your hands where they rest on the blanket.
“You really shouldn’t be near me” you half joke half don’t.
“I said you wouldn’t hurt me” he says voice surprisingly softer and you scoff.
“I can hurt you” you say looking to where your burns were.
“I’ve had metal injected into my skeleton” he says and you look to his face in horror. He unsheathes his claws.
“These were bone once” he comments and you stare at them before he retracts them. You wish you could smell his scent this close, nothing but dulled alpha. You feel your shoulders sag at the thought and look to your hands again.
“Did I wake you?” You ask quietly looking back to him as he looks at the window.
“Was already awake” he says with a small shrug.
“Oh, you ok?” You asks and he looks back to you. You look at each other for a while, your cheeks heat and you fidget a little before he gets up and moves.
“Go back to be sleep” is all he says going back to his bed.
Next part ->
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Bleach Headcanons: Skincare
Who’s the skincare expert and who uses just soap and water?
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Jushiro Ukitake:
He doesn’t believe in flashy skincare, thinking it needs to be convenient, gentle and affordable. Think of brands like Cerave, Cetaphil, and La Roche Posay. He’ll probably have a trusted cleanser he’s been using for years (centuries?), a reliable serum, maybe retinoid based (gotta use something anti-aging at this stage) and a good, hydrating moisturizer (illness makes his skin dry and he hates looking that way). 
Byakuya Kuchiki:
Can and will only buy the best of the best. A skincare snob. Even if there’s an amazing drugstore brand, he refuses to use it. SK II, Tatcha, and La Mer are all you’ll find in his bathroom cabinet. Of course he follows the 7 step Korean skincare routine. Cleanse twice, toner, essence, serum, moisturizer eye cream. Adds a sunscreen if he plans on going out. He will not compromise his routine for anything, so be prepared to wait for him as he goes through this process everyday, twice.
Renji Abarai:
He’ll pretend like he doesn’t do any skincare but he has his little stash of items he uses for self-indulgence. He enjoys wearing face masks (thanks to Rukia), which he applies after using a cleanser that’s trending, like from Tula or Drunk Elephant. The man somehow has balanced skin so he’ll use an everyday moisturizer like the Clinique Moisture Surge. 
Kensei Muguruma:
He uses his body wash as face wash, and whatever body moisturizer he has on hand he uses on his face too. What’s the point after all? It’s skin. As long as it’s clean and not cracking, there isn’t a problem. 
Mayuri Kurotsuchi:
He creates his own skincare but it’s kind of questionable. He claims his skin can tolerate quite a lot, so his skincare always has heavy amounts of acids in it; glycolic acid, salicylic acid, ascorbic acid. Top this off with a heavy dosage retinol. Does it work? We may never know from all the makeup he uses on his face. At least he removes all of it before sleeping (?). 
Kisuke Urahara:
He also makes his own concoctions, but in a much less dramatic way than Mayuri. Grows his own ingredients, like oranges for vitamin C, mint for salicylic acid, and carrots for retinol. Think of his products like a  clean, organic skincare line that he wouldn’t sell to anyone unless he’s happy with it himself. He rarely buys commercially available products but the one thing he will spend his money on is sheet masks, they’re convenient and he honestly finds them tedious to make on his own.
Shinji Hirako:
He may not show it, but this man is very self conscious about his appearance. He has a mix of both popular and indie skin care brands. Think Belif, Youth to the People and Drunk Elephant. He probably regularly cleanses and uses a moisturizer, maybe something with vitamin C in it, since he can’t have people seeing the dark circles under his eyes.
Ichigo Kurosaki:
Essence? Toner? Serums? Isn’t a cleanser just soap? Give him some bar soap and a CeraVe moisturizer. He doesn’t have time to figure this shit out. There’s people that need to be saved and stuff. 
Rose Otoribashi:
Yes, he knows the difference between a toner and an essence. He also thinks essences are a gimmick. Give him a balancing cleanser for his oily skin, and a toner with some salicylic acid in it to further help the oil. Add a vitamin C serum and a lightweight moisturizer and he’s ready to rock. 
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callalillywrites · 2 months
Their Sweet Omega
So, this idea came expressly from this imagining and I'll admit I got a bit carried away by the idea. I really hope @thezombieprostitute doesn't mind that I took this idea and ran with it.
Part 2 / Series Masterlist
Relationship: Alpha!Jake Jensen / Beta!Pre-Serum!Steve Rogers / Omega!Reader
Rating: Pure Fluff
Word Count: ~2100
Summary: Jake and Steve have been searching for an Omega to call their own. Their luck hasn't been all that great until an Omega literally lands in their laps one day.
A/N: I have a lot more I want to add to this little universe, but I'll see how it goes I guess with everything else I've got going on at this point. I do hope you enjoy this little bit of fluff as it's my first ever A/B/O I've ever written. It's proofread but all mistakes are my own.
I also do not give permission for my work to be copied or posted on other sites or fed into an AI machine.
Jake Jensen isn’t your typical Alpha, but he’s a good one according to Steve Rogers, his Beta. Jake isn’t built like other Alphas though he does have an understated strength to him that many overlook, but it’s his gentleness and anti-bullying policies that really made it easy for Steve to align himself and fall in love with Jake.
Steve isn’t always the greatest Beta. He can be headstrong and maybe a little bit reckless especially when he’s seeing something going down that shouldn’t.
He also doesn’t have the greatest health. He’s not nearly as sickly as he might’ve been in, say, the 1930s, but he’s still considered not the healthiest by modern standards, either. He’s also rather short compared to other guys his age. Jake stands about a foot taller than Steve on a good day, even more when chronic illness slumps Steve’s shoulders and keeps him in bed.
Because of his poorer health, Steve has a harder time holding down any type of job for long. That doesn’t bug Jake though as he makes more than enough with his cyber security job and his freelancing software programming gigs on the side.
In fact, he encourages Steve to build up his painting and drawing hobbies, buying Steve the best supplies and even building him a website and social media following. Steve does quite well with it, too, since it allows him to work at his own pace while still feeling like he’s contributing to the household as well.
The only thing really missing in their lives is an Omega they can call their own. It’s not like they haven’t been looking, either, but the few Omegas they had been interested in had left them wanting. They’d either been disappointed that Jake wasn’t ‘Alpha’ enough for them or they didn’t really see Steve as anything more than an attachment of Jake. They refused to give up hope though.
Neither really counted on how one lucky Wednesday morning would change everything for them.
Jake decides to treat Steve to a whole day of pampering and quality time together after the past few busier weeks they’d been enduring. Jake had just finished a major project at work while Steve had finished one of his biggest commissions to date. It was a time to celebrate, relax, and enjoy each other’s company.
It’s why they ended up at the cute little café near their place. Jake stands in line to place their orders while Steve claims a small table and chairs near the windows. Steve likes to people watch and draw whatever he sees, always carrying a small sketchbook for such an occasion everywhere he goes.
Both notice the cute Omega at the front of the line. How could they not? The sweet Omega smells like cinnamon rolls and vanilla. It’s a heady concoction, but they also notice that she’s getting plenty of other attention from other Alphas that she’d probably prefer over Jake anyway. She even seems to be chatting with one of said Alphas while she waited for her order to finish prep.
That changes when her order is called.
When she bids the Alpha a good day, the Alpha bumps her and sends her scrambling and careening into the table where Steve sat. Her drink spills all down her best business outfit while she lands into Steve’s lap. Her impact on his unsuspecting self sends them both to the floor though Steve manages to keep himself under her despite the pain shooting up his spine for his efforts.
Omega is horrified. She sees the small drops of her drink that have landed on Steve’s work and on his clothes. Her apologies can’t come out fast enough as she searches out napkins or anything really to help mop up the mess, not caring about her own dripping state.
It takes Steve a moment to get past the pain shooting up his spine, but he’s doing his best to assure her that his work is fine and that he’s fine. He’s far more concerned to know if she’s okay after the spill she’d taken. Her clothes are matting against her body, and he knows that can’t be comfortable.
What he doesn’t expect is her to stop her frantic cleaning to stare down at his sketch. He really doesn’t expect her to recognize it or him as the online artist, but she does. She even confirms it by whispering, “I can’t believe I messed up your latest masterpiece. I’m so, so sorry” and follows it up with his online name. He’s a bit stunned to say the least.
The Alpha who pushed her is laughing it up, pleased that his little trip had done more than what he’d been hoping for after she had the nerve to turn him down.
Jake, who’d seen everything, steps out of line and rushes over to Steve and the Omega who is still doing her best to apologize to Steve and save the sketch he’d been working on. There are literal tears in her eyes and possibly a bit of fear when Jake approaches.
The Omega recognizes Jake belongs with Steve and the first thing that pops out of her mouth is “I’m so sorry, Alpha, I didn’t mean to make your talented Beta fall for me.”
Oh, Jake is now smitten, especially as he sees Omega’s cheeks grow quite pink and sees her quietly berate herself for her foot-in-mouth syndrome around cute Alphas and Betas.
It also unfortunately gets the other Alpha’s attention, who has taken to snarling his displeasure at her apparent interest in Jake and Steve. He even approaches to cause more trouble when she spots him. Her body goes rigid though her expression shifts to one of pure fire. If the Alpha wants some attention, then she’s going to get him some attention.
In less than two minutes, she has the entire café focused on the scene playing out between her and the Alpha bully. It’s enough to draw the attention of the female Alpha owner as well who bans the bully from her café.
Never in Steve’s or Jake’s experience have they ever seen an Omega take on an Alpha like she does with such expert handling. Both are quite sure they’re a little bit in love with her as she continues to make a stand against the Alpha with the café owner and some other patrons backing her up.
When the Alpha leaves with his proverbial tail between his legs, the owner offers to replace her drink and another set of clothes that she keeps on hand for herself to the Omega if she’d like them. She extends the offer of a free drink to Steve and Jake as well, not wanting to lose two innocent customers to that awful Alpha.
Already late for her big meeting, she declines the clothes but does take up the offer of a new drink. While she waits, she nervously checks in with Jake and Steve to make sure they’re okay and offers to repay them for any damage she might’ve caused thanks to the bullying Alpha.
Both of them assure her it’s fine. They’re just happy that she’s not hurt though they are a bit sad that their interaction is coming to an end.
Before she gets too far though, Jake reaches out to her though he stops just shy of actually touching her. He hasn’t forgotten the brief flash of fear in her eyes upon his earlier approach and can’t stand the thought of possibly frightening her more. When she does turn in his direction, he somehow miraculously doesn’t fumble his words as he asks her to maybe join him and Steve for dinner later that day. He doesn’t need to check with Steve to know he’s also interested in the Omega as well.
A commotion at the shop’s door pulls her attention, and a beautiful smile flits across her features as another Beta walks in with an Omega on his arm.
“What’s taking so long? We’re going to be late. Dear God, what happened to you?” the Beta demands while his Omega tries to shush him.
Their Omega merely shakes her head. “I’m coming, Ran. We had a little mishap, but I’m coming. I know better than to disappoint Ari’s friend.”
Their Omega turns to Jake and nods. “I would love to have dinner with you both if it’s not too much an imposition. Call me in about two hours?”
She slips Jake her business card before vanishing out the café’s door with the other Beta and Omega.
Jake waits exactly two hours before he nervously calls her, putting the call on speaker so Steve could hear everything as well. A small part of him hopes she doesn’t disappoint either of them while on the phone as it’s happened before.
She doesn’t.
Within minutes, they have their plans set to meet at a popular local diner where they could enjoy some good homemade meals while also getting to know one another.
She meets them there in a clean outfit that suits her more than the business suit she’d been wearing that morning. The knee length skirt swishes and twirls around her while the peasant top gives them a decent glimpse of the smooth skin underneath without being too showing. It’s her favorite outfit she admits to them while they wait for their server to arrive.
One of the first questions Steve has for her is how she recognized his work. He’s still a bit gobsmacked about that, especially since he hasn’t been able to get his mind to stop recalling how delicately she’d touched his work. It’d been almost like she’d been touching the Mona Lisa or something equally as valuable. It’s not something he’d experienced firsthand with anyone besides Jake or his few friends.
That’s when they learn Steve helped design her logo and other business media about a year ago. She’d seen his stuff online and had messaged him almost immediately with her ideas and healthy budget to make them a reality. As it turns out, she owns a small homemade candle company, and she’s just landed another retailer who’ll be showcasing her candles after her meeting that morning.
The attention and adoration she’s showing Steve in that moment would make almost any other Alpha jealous of their Beta. After all, she’s practically gushing about how amazing Steve’s art is and how much it’s helped improve her sales as everyone talks about the design. She’s even sent Steve more work because she can’t stop talking about it with her customers. Steve admits he should be giving her something in return for all the referrals and work she’s given him.
Yeah, Jake realizes he should be jealous, but he’s not. He’s the exact opposite at this moment. He’s sitting with someone who values Steve’s talents as much as he does, so how could he possibly be anything other than more smitten with her?
When Steve admits that Jake’s the reason he even has his online business, the talk soon moves to Jake where she learns about his many technical talents. He can see that she’s just as impressed with him as she is with Steve. It’s enough to stroke his ego a bit and have him sitting a bit straighter in his seat.
Their discussion soon moves to hobbies and other things where she soon learns that Jake likes to play one of the most popular first-person shooter games on the market. He admits he can hold his own, but he’s nowhere near as good as some of the other players out there. When he mentions ‘Amaranth Fossa’ as his dream gaming partner, he catches a look he can’t quite figure out that passes over Omega’s face.
They don’t really stop talking all through dinner, but it does eventually have to come to an end. It’s not something any of them want, but they do see that the hour is getting later and the next day is a workday for both Jake and Omega. They end up walking her to her car where she thanks them for a wonderful evening. She doesn’t get into her car until she presses a kiss on each of their cheeks and a promise that they’ll do this again soon.
Jake and Steve share a look, then Jake asks if she’s free the weekend coming up.  
She gives them the sweetest smile and says she is.
Jake and Steve head home after seeing her off. They have a date to plan, and they have no intention of disappointing this sweet Omega that literally dropped into their laps.
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itsalola07 · 10 months
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I wanted to do stickers design! 😚💗 HI I haven't drawn for AGES I traveled, got back to work, opened and patreon (didn't post a damn thing) bought procreate dreams so I can do future animations and brainstorming for the exclusive thank you comic for people who bought JerSal combo plushies and and and-- 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
Idk lmao I would love to inject myself with anti artblock serum because that shit was nasty as hell. I don't like it. I miss drawing, and I miss Jeremiah and Sally. 🥺💗 I hope my birth month DECEMBER will grant me exploding art energy so I can draw nonstop. ♡
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battyratzz · 6 months
here's Thatchers Reference sheet. he's my interpretation of 'WTFuture tom' Even tho him and RA tom are not related at all and are two separate characters
Thatcher is Fredrik's second in command and head scientist/inventor of the Anti-Red Army
also His boots are heeled :) he's 6'7 and a half with them on
(and yes he was lowkey inspired off of Zim)
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Some lore drop
this is about How Thatcher got his modifications. It was definitely before Fredrik got his new body
(btw Fredrik had his army before he got killed the first time so even before he got his new body he was still Anti-Red) Thatcher already was well insane actually he was more insane than Fredrik before he got his new body so surprisingly Fredrik was the 'normal' one out of the 2 of them before the body transfer which is funny. anyway Thatcher has a tendancy to experiment on himself and add modifications to himself to make him stronger and shit (it fucked with his brain as well if you can't tell lmao) surprisingly they all turn out well, but when he wanted to make a serum to basically give him eternal youth as in he can't age anymore, which it did work! but now he can't live without that pack that he has attached to his back for long periods of time so now he has to deal with that for the rest of his life, again this was waaaayyyyy before RA Tord was created
Speaking of his relationship with RA tord, he was basically the one who was in charge of raising him, he basically took the place of being his 'father figure' while Fredrik was too busy doing his own thing and shit so RA tord has a close familial relationship with Thatcher. RA tord felt betrayed that Thatcher sided with Fredrik before he ran away from the base to get away from the awful, corrupted government system Fredrik created. Thatcher still cares greatly for RA tord and hopes that he's okay and safe despite everything but he only keeps that to himself due to his position he has no choice but to stay silent and side with Fredrik, plus they have a lot of history together. its a complicated situation.
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teenfamedr · 1 year
Real Skincare Guide
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Level 1: breakouts, non-painful, a little scarring
Minimize your skincare routine, all you need is an oil cleanser (if you wear a lot of makeup) than a good foam cleanser, moisturizer, and sunscreen. Repeat the same routine before bed just without the sunscreen.
Wear sunscreen everyday!!!
Always apply more moisturizer than you think you need.
Drink a lot of water (2-3LT)
Get consistent sleep
Take a multi vitamins to balance your hormones. I recommend the One-A-Day Woman’s Vitamins (get a real pill cause the gummies don’t have enough iron)
Work on your stress (breathe work, meditate, journal, yoga, walks, going out with friends, therapy, etc)
Look at what body oils/shampoo/conditioner you are using. Could be your akin reacting poorly to something in there.
Level 2: consistant breakouts, acne, scarring
All the stuff for Level 1 apply.
Minimize your skincare routine and than slowly add back in stuff like hydrochloric acid and retinol. Having an elaborate skincare will just make your skin worse. First, focus on healing your skin barrier.
If you are a teenager, it just might be your hormones/growing pains. It will go away eventually.
Pimple Patches work and are especially good if you are trying to stop touching your face.
Wash your pillow cases every 1-2 weeks.
Try to sleep on your back.
If you pop a pimple than apply an antibiotic ointment.
No point in using anti-aging products if you are under the age of 25. It just won’t do anything for you.
Note that if you take in a lot of nicotine you will breakout. If you smoke and you have bad skin, it probably won’t improve unless you quit or lessen the dosage.
Level 3: painful consistent breakouts/acne/scars, redness, irritability, hurts,
Go see a dermatologist!
Acne is can be a real problem. If your acne is painful seek professional help.
If Accutane is recommended, than I would do it. Based only on the experiences of my friends, I have seen great results after a couple months. There are side effects and it is not for everyone but if a professional says you should than I might consider it.
No topical treatment is going to make those scars go away. You are going to need to laser resurfacing which is like this secret treatment rich people do to clear up their skin. It is expensive but really works. Beauty brands want you to think that the right cream can clear up your skin but if you have bad scarring you are only going to see real results with laser treatments
All of the above recommendations still apply
Your acne does not take away from your beauty or your worth as a human being. Remember that acne is normal and social media is fake.
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Product Recommandations:
Disclaimer: Not every product will work for every skin type. Do your research for what will be beat for you!
Korean skincare! It is reliable to buy from yesstyle or Olive young. Don’t buy on amazon. (Japanese skincare is good too)
AESTURA Atobarrier 365 Cream
Ma:nyo Pure Cleansing Oil
Ma:nyo Bifida Biome Conplex Ampoule
Beauty of Joseon (sunscreen, eye cream, and serum)
Round Lab 1025 Dokdo Cleanser and Round Lab Birch Juice Sunscreen
Torriden Serum
KAHI Multi Balm
Anything from The Ordinary
CeraVe Daily Moisturizer
CeraVe SA Face Wash Cleanser
CeraVe Acne Foam Cleanser
CeraVe Resurfacing Retinol Face Serum
La Roche Posay spot treatment and soothing balm
EltaMD sunscreen
Soon Jung brand
Laniege Toner
Royal Honey propolis Essence
Aware Lip and Eye remover
TIRTIR- Centella Foam Cleanser
KAHI wrinkle bounce collagen mist
Real Calendula Toner Hyaluronic Toner Pads
Abeille Royale double R renew and repair serum 
Tom Ford Lip Balm
Rovectin activating treatment lotion
LA MER moisturizer
PanOxyl Acne Foaming wash
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violetsandshrikes · 2 months
Are there any skincare products you do recommend or do they all suck?
• I like buying any cheap hyaluronic acid serum I can find and using it under my moisturiser - it’s a humectant, I get a dry nose/forehead (especially if I’ve been out in the field) and it’s pretty safe across skin types. If you ever get some, do a patch test, don’t get one over 2% (irritation/dryness/redness risk increases) and make sure you seal it in with moisturiser so it’s actually doing anything
• Reliable moisturiser
• Find a sunscreen you like, and research what SPF you realistically should be wearing depending on where you are in the world. I have a specific face one that’s a lighter cream than normal because really thick creams of my face drives me insane. Make sure you actually read the instructions and are using it right (for example, mine says apply 20 mins before sun exposure). Don’t forget your ears.
• Vaseline or any alternative is useful the most robust option for your mouth. A lot of other products have added scents and chemicals that can irritate your lips and make them flake/peel. At night, I put an oil then Vaseline for hydration (currently using Ordinary borage oil bc cheap but effective). During the day I wear Blistex lipbalm that’s SPF 50+ and give it 10-20 to set before I put a thin layer of Vaseline over top
• I used to be a really bad skin picker, and I would get outbreaks from it - Chlorhexidine wash has been a lifesaver (we also use chlorhexidine in my house to decontaminate bc most of us worth with animals/plants/conservation fields so use as a hand wash after work + cleaning work clothes/overalls/etc)
Note that none of this is about anti-ageing: I just like to avoid cracked or chapped skin (especially since that makes it easier for nasty things to get in) and skin cancer is very common in my family (the sun down here can get very rough very quickly)!
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hogmilked · 1 year
bought like actual skincare products for the first time in years and have some notes.
the whole anti-aging cosmetic industry is really hard to avoid. i was getting stuff at a marshall’s (discount store, carries a lot of overstock from brands) to save money and it took me almost an hour to find a handful of products that weren’t advertising “anti-aging” and “youthfulness” when i just wanted a cleanser, toner, and sunscreen to help with both peeling skin and greasiness
no seriously. i found ONE facial sunscreen that didn’t have retinol or hyaluronic acid or collagen or any of that stuff in it. it was tucked away in the men’s section with beard oil and cologne because apparently facial sunscreen with no added bullshit is only for men, and women (this is borderline a fast fashion store it’s highly gendered) can only protect themselves from skin cancer if it also makes sure they never develop a smile line
so many of those serums and creams and shit are bullshit anyway. hell a lot of people can just do a wash and sunscreen and be all set. at most a basic cleanser, basic moisturizer, and sunscreen are the absolute most you need. i threw in an exfoliating toner to help even out a couple gnarly acne scars and help with how flaky my skin gets sometimes. if your skin needs more than that, you really should probably just go to a dermatologist or look for actual dermatologist’s advice instead of dumping a bunch of random oils and serums and creams n shit you saw on tiktok or instagram on your skin and hoping the benefits listed on the box will be true for you
IN MOST CASES no amount of skincare products can make up for lifestyle change. i decided to put a little more work in because the lifestyle changes i need to make to help be less oily (i literally get so greasy it makes my eyes burn) and flaky aren’t currently feasible, so i’m trying to give my skin a bit of a boost, but literally the best my skin has ever felt was when i was just drinking a shit ton of water and eating super well
other people’s skincare will rarely work the same on anyone else. everyone’s skin needs are different. when i was in high school i had a gnarly abrasion/chemical burn under my eye because i had tried a routine i saw online that was way too rough and overbearing for me. again, you 100% don’t need a 30 step routine
that being said, i used a $4 korean cleanser, a $6 glycolic acid toner (exfoliant), 100% pure african shea butter, and some sunscreen formulated for use on the face. my skin feels great. my acne doesn’t itch as much. the toner was the most expensive part. the beauty industry is a scam
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theflintwarlock · 6 months
Skincare and Magic:
I'm finally doing another one of these posts, this time I'm focusing on skincare. Disclaimer that I am not a dermatologist or an expert in skincare at all, I just enjoy it as a part of my everyday ritual magic. Skincare is a very personal thing because your skin is unique to you, I'm not recommending products this is more around the concept of using skincare for magic. With that being said, on with the post:
Wash off Cleansers can be amazing as a way to wash away negativity, give yourself a fresh start and really make yourself feel new.
- you can draw sigils or runes on your skin as you cleanse, washing away negativity.
- Cleansing balms and oils, anything you don't wash off with water, are much better at not only gently cleansing your skin but also a much more calming energy than something like a water based foam or gel cleanser.
Next, if you're doing your normal routine, comes serums. These sink into your skin and have all kinds of different properties. (I personally use a niacinamide and zinc serum to reduce acne and redness).
- look into what each serum does, as this will really determine how it's used. For example, niacinamide is a chemical exfoliant, so i use it to banish negativity and give myself a refresh. Something like hyaluronic acid, however, is better at caring for your skin and adding in some positivity, and less about exfoliation.
- I'm not a big fan of anti-aging products, because we all age and I don't think it's something to be afraid of. But if you use something like retinol it can be useful for renewal spells and suchlike.
Moisturisers are a great way to be kind to yourself, not only physically but spiritually. Take a moment to gently apply it, really feeling your skin and appreciating it and yourself. I use moisturisers primarily as a form of quiet mindfulness.
- you can also draw sigils on your face and body with moisturisers to add to any spell or ritual you are currently working on. I combine mine with a magical oil (and my emollient cream because I have psoriasis) to add protection after a shower.
Sun cream:
Even if you're not big into skin care, this is an easy one to do. Sum cream literally protects you from damaging UV rays, and so it isn't much of a stretch to link it to protection spells. Since you apply this last, it acts as a barrier between you and negativity, anything harmful you might encounter. Draw a banishing sigil with it to enhance this, or embrace the sun angle and use it as a vehicle to absorb the positive energies of the sun without damaging your skin.
Face masks:
There are so many different types of face masks, but I will list a few examples here
- Clay masks (unsurprisingly) help strengthen your connection to the earth and grounding energies.
- Charcoal masks are great for protection, its basically black salt but for your face.
- Peeling masks come in so many different forms it's impossible to say what they all might do, but the general idea is all about renewal. Shedding that layer of dead skin literally and metaphorically.
Don't use face masks too often as most of them have ingredients that will be harsh on your skin if used too regularly. Once a week or every two weeks is best. They are a great addition to a moon ritual or bath (though some masks won't dry while you're in the bath due to the humidity).
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catb-fics · 6 days
🎸 Now that Van has time on his hands now he can add stuff to it facial routine! 🤩 ( If he has one )
Next time you talk him tell him to get the following:
- Aquaphor Healing Ointment
- Skinsmart Antimicrobial Spray ( not the eczema one STAY AWAY ) discontinue use if it dries up the skin
- hydrating products are his bestfriend when it comes to eczema
- this one is optional but Red Light Therapy works wonders to the skin! Any hydrating serum or mask he has he can put that on and do the red light therapy for 30 to 60 minutes so the product can penetrate deeper into the skin
- kiwiseed oil work good too! It’s hydrating, promotes collagen production, helps with irritation, acne, anti-aging and promotes new skin cell turnover. Put this on first with a thin layer of aquaphor on top to lock in the moisture and he’s solid.
Or last option, he can just go to a dermatologist and get an ointment for it ( no steroid creams that fucks up your skin ) or a laser rejuvenation facial.
Bottom line he just needs to have a good skincare routine. All the items that I listed are for sensitive skin.
- Licensed Professional Anon 💉
You’re very knowledge anon! Think you need to go round and give him a good pampering right away! ❤️‍🩹
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iridessence · 2 years
Could you please answer me something? I am 28 Just a few days ago I noticed I am getting some wrinkles under my right eye (2 lines) and I was wondering should O consider botox right away or should I try things I red online like massage, honey/coffe face masks and maybe anti wrinkle creams... what would you do if you were in my place? I'm horribly scared right now and I even think that one day I will wake up all wrinkly. I know this might be overreacting but just a few weeks ago I haven't seen these 2 lines under my eyes it happened so quickly that I am in a panic mode.
Hi, I’m so sorry that you’re feeling so anxious about seeing changes in your face. The world we live in is very unkind to aging for sure. That being said, I don’t get any sort of work done like that and I’ve never recommended them, so I can’t in good faith do so here, I don’t really know anything about that realm. I’m really not the person to ask for these things, but I hope that you find some emotional relief soon.
I do use retinoid and hyaluronic serums a couple times a week and moisturize. I’ve also followed a couple of older models as well as younger models on Instagram living with Ehlers Danlos Syndrom (which causes significant wrinkles in younger people), and I’d be happy to make a few recommendation. Hope you feel better soon!
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creative-anchorage · 9 months
Welcome to the Great UTI Scandal, a story of unnecessary suffering for millions, needless hospital admissions, antibiotic resistance, sepsis-related deaths and basic ignorance of the science around female bodies. Women are 30 times more likely to get a urinary tract infection than men, and UTIs are agonising and occasionally fatal. In the past five years, there were 1.8m hospital admissions involving UTIs in England alone, plus even more GP appointments. This is not just a gender health gap – it’s a dangerous crevasse. But is there another way? ... Younger women do suffer from infections, dehydration and post-sex cystitis, but the brunt is borne by older women. UTI rates shoot upwards when women hit 45 and are perimenopause. The loss of the hormone oestrogen leaves the vulva dry in menopause (and sometimes post-pregnancy), a condition previously called “vaginal atrophy” – perhaps because early medics were only focused on those lady parts useful to men. Now, the hormone deficiency has been renamed Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause (GSM) and Dr Rachel Rubin, a campaigning urologist [...] explained why. “This is not just vaginal dryness. GSM is a very serious condition. Without hormones in the local environment of the vagina and the bladder, you are susceptible to both genital and urinary symptoms. So, yes, it’s about pain with sex, decreased orgasm, decreased arousal. As a sex doctor, those are important to me. However, as a urologist, the much more serious issues are discomfort, pain when sitting, irritation, burning and itching of the vulva, urinary frequency and urgency. And the thing that kills elderly people all the time is urinary tract infections, which can lead to sepsis, worsened dementia, and death.” The NHS says the death rate for hospital UTIs is 4 in 100, rising to 1 in 10 in those aged 95 and over. Just as we have a gut microbiome, we have a vaginal microbiome. Lack of oestrogen means the lactobacilli and other good bacteria in the vaginal microbiome can be replaced by pathogenic ones. Oestrogen also helps collagen production, and collagen disappears from the vulva by up to 30% in the five years after menopause. We invest millions in collagen supplements and anti-ageing serums for our faces, but it never occurs to us that precisely the same process goes on down below. ... But guess what? We can prevent GSM for women in perimenopause and menopause by giving them a safe, incredibly low dose of vaginal oestrogen, which plumps the tissue back up again, feeds the vaginal microbiome and reduces UTIs by 50%, according to the American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology. It’s safe for most breast cancer patients, too, it’s a win-win on the sex front and you can take it alongside normal HRT. Vaginal hormones come as a cream, gel or pessary and are cheap, costing the NHS around £5 for the cream. Meanwhile hospital admissions for people with UTIs stand at around £400m a year. Although some GPs and urologists are getting the message and prescribing vaginal oestrogen, more work needs to be done. In one California study in 2003 of over 5,000 women (average age 70), more than half had reduced UTIs after a year on vaginal oestrogen and a third had none whatsoever. Dr Rubin said: “We have millions of people in nursing homes who are dying of UTIs [in the US] and we have lots of data since the 1990s to show that vaginal hormones massively decrease urinary tract infections. We have new data. We have old data. We have so much data. The problem is that nobody’s talking about it.”
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comfortmindbody · 2 months
✨ Say Goodbye to Stubborn Smile Lines! Here's How You Can Smooth Out Wrinkles Around Your Mouth ✨
Wrinkles around the mouth can be a real confidence killer, but they don’t have to be a permanent part of your smile! At Comfort Mind Body, we've cracked the code on how to tackle these stubborn lines with grace and ease. 💁‍♀️💋
Why Do These Wrinkles Appear? Those little lines around your mouth, also known as smile lines or perioral wrinkles, can pop up due to a variety of reasons—everything from natural aging to repetitive facial expressions (yep, even smiling!). But don't worry, we’ve got your back!
Your Anti-Wrinkle Arsenal:
Hydration is Key: Keep your skin moisturized from the inside out. Drink plenty of water and use a hydrating moisturizer daily. 💧
Embrace Retinoids: These powerful Vitamin A derivatives are your skin's best friend. They work wonders by boosting collagen production and smoothing out fine lines. 🌟
Protect with SPF: Sun damage is a major culprit behind premature aging. Apply sunscreen every day, even when it’s cloudy! Your future self will thank you. ☀️
Don’t Skip the Exfoliation: Gently exfoliating your skin helps to remove dead skin cells and promote cell turnover, giving you a fresh, youthful glow. ✨
Lip Care Matters: Your lips need love too! Use a nourishing lip balm and consider incorporating a lip serum into your routine to keep the area around your mouth smooth and plump. 💋
Lifestyle Tips for a Smooth Smile:
Say No to Smoking: Smoking accelerates the formation of wrinkles, especially around the mouth. Quitting is the best gift you can give your skin. 🚭
Eat for Your Skin: A diet rich in antioxidants, healthy fats, and vitamins can work wonders for your skin’s elasticity and overall health. Think leafy greens, nuts, and fish! 🥗
Ready to take control of your skincare routine and banish those wrinkles for good? Dive deeper into our comprehensive guide on Comfort Mind Body and discover more tips to keep your skin looking smooth and youthful! 🌿
Visit Comfort Mind Body for your full guide! [Link in bio] 💚
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ceasarslegion · 1 year
What is the gift card story?
Oh boy.
So when this happened, I worked at a Kiehl's. To those who don't know, it's a luxury skincare company that charges 80 bucks for a tub of moisturizer. Not even the specialty kind, either. It's honestly stupid overpriced for what it is except for a very small list of products and discount sets and I do not recommend it now that I'm no longer working there and can give my honest opinion of it.
The company also tries to feel special to embarrassing extents. They made us do this service where we'd basically sit you down and stick this machine to your cheek that was basically a flaw finder and we'd spend half an hour telling you everything wrong with you in an attempt to get you to drop 300 dollars on a 6 step routine. In all honesty, just wash your face, moisturize, and use sunscreen if youre going out in the sun. You don't need a 145 dollar anti aging serum, you cant permanently reverse aging, that's not how the science works, and aging isn't a curse or a sign of lesser worth anyway. It's a blessing not afforded to most. The stuff they claim they're "reversing" are usually just skin dehydration side effects. You get the same results from a run of the mill moisturizer. If your acne's persistent and uncomfortable then retinol serums do actually work for that, but don't fuck your self esteem by convincing yourself you need retinol to keep wrinkles from forming. It's not worth it, you'll end up with an empty wallet and depression and none of the lasting results you were promised the second you stop using it.
Anyway, we got quite an entitled customer base because of the combination of unaffordable price gouging and these frilly free services that made them feel special for 30 minutes of their disconnected bourgeois lives. The kind of people who think that theyre better than the employees because they got lucky enough to have a rich husband or nepotism'ed their way into high paying positions and convinced themselves that they're self-made. A lot of them im convinced only spent that much money because they could.
So one day this lady comes in and buys a hand cream. Shes a little rude and off-putting but whatever, she's not yelling at me over prices i cant control so pick your battles, right? I ring it through, ask how's she's paying, she says visa. I hand her the machine. She goes through the whole thing. It gets approved, I give her her reciept and say "have a nice day~!" to which she growls "why didn't you take my gift card?!"
This caught me off-guard, and I kinda blinked vacantly at her and went "I... w-what?"
She takes out a gift card from her wallet, which at no point she showed me or made me aware she had, and said "why didn't you take my gift card?!"
With all the self-control I can muster, I say "I... was not made aware that you had one, ma'am."
Apparently, this was the wrong thing to say. She started staring at me like she wanted me dead. Started going off about how the customer is always right and demanding a full refund while still keeping the hand cream. I told her that this is very much not a scenario where that would be appropriate.
Adult temper tantrum ensues. She calls me stupid and says that I clearly don't know anything. My eye is starting to twitch, and my manager on duty catches this interaction and gracefully saves me from cussing out a bitch by taking over and running a return, followed by a second transaction with the gift card as payment.
You wanna know how much was on it?
Two dollars.
Two fucking dollars. She pulled that shit and called me stupid and started throwing a temper tantrum over TWO. DOLLARS. In a store that charges FORTY for that bottle of hand cream. If you're dropping forty fucking dollars on hand cream in the middle of an inflation crisis worse than that America is going through, you can afford to swallow a toonie. If you're shopping there in 2023, you're not struggling enough that two dollars is a legitimate concern, you know very well what you're doing here, and I'm not gonna fucking have that as someone who was struggling to get by on 16 an hour.
So I got her banned from the store. Fuck off and die, toonie gift card lady.
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