#do I tag this as mycroft holmes???????
twifairy · 2 years
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.......minecraft sholmes
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carla-creates · 1 year
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*cough, cough* Oh, this? Just, just a lil Mystrade snippet/WIP/preview thing I've whipped up to get in the groove of digital art again so I can finish a very VERY much overdo commission with some sense of knowing what I'm doing. UwU;;;
But yah, hullo! Sooo... I've been gone. 😰 Um... Mid February, I finally caught the pandemic plague (which I'm still very upset about, as I was/still do take precautions, and the person who passed it on was extremely careless 🥺), which took me out for over a month. Finally really feeling like myself again, so... Yeah. Here we are. :3
This Mystrade do be spicy, so only this snippet of the whole art for now. 💖
But yes! I do so hope you enjoy!
Carla 💜💜💜
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aveline-amelia · 9 months
On sexuality assumptions in Sherlock (part 1)
So there's one thing I never quite... understood about TJLC analysis. It's reading into lines in a way that hints at Johnlock or the sexuality of a character but with a caveat that the person saying the line is a massive bigot if you take that reading to be the writers' intention.
An example in ASIB with Sherlock is "here to see the Queen?" "apparently yes". Now even casuals (why does that feel like a dirty word in regards to bbc Sherlock) see this as a hint that Mycroft is gay. Now you can see this as a subtextual hint that he is gay, or that he's gay but Sherlock doesn't know and is calling him gay in a 12 year old humor way but Sherlock is not the type of person to do that? Neither is John "It's All Fine" Watson, who has a wlw sister.
Some even think that it's about Mark Gatiss being gay and not Mycroft, but that's it's a "cheap gay joke" nevertheless.
Now TJLCrs do believe Sherlock and Mycroft are gay (some believe Mycroft is aroace, but it depends) and that John is bi, homoromantic bi or repressed bi. But even with all of that in mind, why would John feel so safe laughing along if the joke is homosexuality of another's sibling?
It's a rule that someone else making fun of your sibling is different than you doing it. And even if John isn't straight, he is presumed to be by all of the people who don't think he is dating Sherlock, and if he's closeted, then, to other people, he is a straight guy making fun of his flatmate's gay brother.
One bizarre example, from HLV, is the reading that Mycroft telling Sherlock "how very uncle Rudi. Perhaps crossdressing would have been a wiser path for you." is Mycroft teasing Sherlock about his (Sherlock, not Mycroft lol) romantic love towards John, who is presumably straight and that he could have tried to attract John by dressing up as a woman. And if that were true, that would be unbelievable levels of homophobic cruelty towards his little brother. How come Sherlock didn't physically assault him there and did for calling his actions "unwise", if that's really what Mycroft meant?
Or that Mycroft telling John to "choose a side" in ASIP is a hint towards John's bisexuality, but in the worst possible and most regressive way. Mycroft just felt like being being extremely biphobic atm I guess? Maybe I am sensitive because I do see him as bisexual simply because there was no option left, and I like the headcanon itself. But even if he is gay or straight or something else, there's no way he doesn't know bisexuality is a thing and this a hurtful thing to say to a bi person. Why would he do that? Felt cute, might do an erasure?
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hergan416 · 1 year
do you ship louis/mycroft? it’s my fav but it’s so underrated!!
I haven't gone through the tag on ao3 yet though I've just seen a very small reference to it once towards the end of a massive RP fic (Highly recommend, for adults) that made me go hmmmmmm and love it.
I have to say I have thought more about this ship emotionally than physically-- this ship starts with grieving together, I feel.
Feel free to send me your thoughts for them anon! I'd love to hear them!
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neonacidtrip · 2 years
No joke Mycroft Holmes founded a society where you’re not allowed to talk to each other. It’s called the Diogenes Club. It’s for “unclubable men”, meaning men who abhor social interaction or are just poor at it, that normal social clubs are nightmare! So it’s a location for people to just exist in silence and not have to engage with others with no judgement. And also comfy chairs and books. There is a game room but no talking allowed. I expect the complete silence but for the clicky clacky of billiards is very appealing to people.
He lives there, at the club. He leaves for work every morning where he looks over government finances and returns in the evening to his curated sensory safe room. He’s living his best life.
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My gosh, that sounds like heaven. It's like he turned a library into a club. I'm in love
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i-love-dean · 2 years
I read a mystrade fic at least 6 months ago (I have a bad sense of time though so idk) but I can’t find it anywhere. It was on ao3 and it was a short one shot. Mycroft invites Greg for drinks and then shows him a bunch of fancy cocktails. One of the drinks is called “I love you” and is made to be shared with a partner. Greg ( who is hopelessly pining) asks him to repeat the name so he can imagine Mycroft really MEANS it ( of course Mycroft does mean it and he’s sharing this cocktail so he can actually SAY the words without actually confessing his feelings)
If anyone recognizes this fic please let me know because I really liked it and I can’t find it.
Also idk if this helps but I distinctly remember it had the kind of summary where they quote the fic in italics and the quote was like: ”I love you”
Greg feels very sad cause those are the words he most longs to hear. “What is it called again?”
“I love you”
Greg feels so much joy and subsequent longing.
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lisbeth-kk · 29 days
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Sherlock fandom. TW: suicide (Reichenbach feels...)
Mourning a Lost Soul
It was the last porcelain cup she had left. She’d always liked the blue and white flower pattern. Her mother and father had bought it on their honeymoon in Delft. Once there had been six plates, six saucers, six cups, and a small sugar bowl. After her parents died, she and her sister divided the items among them. Martha Hudson knew her sister still had every item intact. 
Something warm fell on her wrinkled hands. Tears. She could literally hear Sherlock’s voice in her head.
“Sentiment, Hudders! How commonplace of you.”
Martha gazed down at the fractured forms at her feet. They were almost unrecognisable. Only the handle was in one piece. It was lying a bit away from the other porcelain fragments. Alone.
Again, Sherlock’s voice infiltrated her mind.
“Alone protects me.”
Her cheeks and hands were wet with the spilling tears she no longer could keep at bay. It was her fault that the cup had broken. She washed it after her morning tea, and it had slipped out of her hands as the events of yesterday hit her full force.
John’s ashen face. His blank expression. The impassive voice when he told her about Sherlock’s suicide. He was still in shock. They sat in her kitchen without saying a word, until John patted her arm and climbed the stairs to 221B.
Martha was sobbing, her throat constricted by a painful lump, but she didn’t feel a thing when the shards from the broken porcelain cut her palms and fingers.
“My darling boy. How could you do this to him?” she whispered hoarsely.
She made a mental note to hide John’s gun later.
“Don’t you understand that this will destroy him? What does he have to live for when you are gone?”
Her voice was angry now, scolding the man she loved like a son. She’d never met Sherlock’s parents and he rarely spoke of them, but Martha guessed that they were even more devasted than she was. 
Her thoughts went back to yesterday again.
Greg Lestrade confirmed John’s statement. He didn’t look as ashen as John, but it was a near thing. The DI had after all saved Sherlock’s life once. The determination to save John’s life, was heavily implied.
When she finally got rid of the concerned police officer – she was no fragile flower petal, mind you – she made some calls, while her mind was still able to function properly.
Her former employer heard the news from Mycroft Holmes but had nothing more to add. With a deep sigh she called Sherlock’s brother. The man she had quite conflicted feelings about. With one word, spoken in the softest voice she’d ever heard him use, he broke her: “Martha.”
She hung up before he could realise the state she was in. After she’d turned off her mobile, she cried until her eyes were sore. 
At Sherlock’s funeral, she asked to have a moment alone by the grave. Before the coffin was covered with earth, she strewed the remains of the Delft cup into the dark hole.
“Farewell, my darling boy. I hope you are at peace. We’ll all take care of John for you.” 
I'm sorry if I hurt you. Feel free to yell and pour your heart out. The urge to explore how Mrs. Hudson received the devastating news, was too overwhelming to ignore, I'm afraid.
@flashfictionfridayofficial @totallysilvergirl @keirgreeneyes @calaisreno @helloliriels
@raina-at @meetinginsamarra @safedistancefrombeingsmart @gregorovitch-adler @topsyturvy-turtely
@jolieblack @peanitbear @phoenix27884 @bs2sjh @brandiwein1982
@meandhisjohn @a-victorian-girl @221beloved @ninasnakie @shy-bi-inlovewithregandmoony
@lhrinchelsea @missdeliadilisblog @salmonsown @oetkb12 @jawnscoffee
@gay-ass-bitch @acumberlockedgirl
(Tell me if you want to be tagged or removed from the list)
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fairy-writes · 7 months
Can you do a part 2 to your MTP William x archaeologist sister reader I would like to see the Holmes brothers reactions. ❤️
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Reblogs and Comments are greatly appreciated!!
Fandom(s): Moriarty the Patriot
Pairing(s): William James Moriarty x Reader
Word Count: 2k
Genre(s)/Tag(s): Female!Reader, Holmes!Reader, Archaeologist!Reader, Sexist behavior from the Holmes family? (not Sherlock)
Notes: We’re pretending courthouse weddings were a thing back in this time period
Your marriage to William James Moriarty was a secret well-kept until a snowy winter day in December. 
It had been a simple courthouse wedding. His family had been there. Albert and Louis as witnesses. But the rest of his little ‘entourage’ had shown up in celebration as well. James Bonde and Sebastian Moran had shown up with bottles of wine to celebrate what they said was “a day that they thought would never come.”
Fred Porlock had been sweet and gifted you a bouquet of daffodils. He had told you later that they represent new beginnings, and he wanted to welcome you to their little family.
It took all your strength not to burst into tears right at that moment.
You hadn’t even worn a wedding dress, for heaven's sake! Instead, you wore a simple white blouse with beige trousers because you didn’t want to purchase much less tailor white ones. William had worn his regular brown suit and red tie.
Oh, how your mother would’ve had your head had she found out. How improper you were!
You didn’t even take a proper honeymoon persay. William had instead surprised you with a trip back to Egypt to visit the locals of your latest dig. You hadn’t been on an excavation in ages, and they were more than happy to welcome you and your new husband with open arms.
You were officially married. No longer a Holmes and no longer tied to your family.
You were free.
Well… as free as a woman could be, that is.
All that was left was to tell your parents and brothers.
The aforementioned secret marriage was kept a secret for approximately thirteen months before it got out. In fact, you managed to keep it a secret up until William asked if he could break the news to your family over Christmas dinner. 
He asked you over breakfast around a week before Christmas Day. You had moved into his estate soon after the marriage was finalized. 
“Might I ask you a question?” He asked politely, and you looked up from your ham and eggs, raising an eyebrow as you did so. 
“Sure.” You said as you swallowed your mouthful and cleared your throat. 
“How do you feel about telling your parents about our marriage?” At this, you choke on your inhale and proceed to cough until you almost feel lightheaded. 
William—used to your dramatic reactions by now—sits patiently as you try to gain some semblance of control over your body. 
“What brought this up?” You demand, and he shrugs, taking a sip of his tea. 
“It’s been over a year now. Don’t you think it’s time to tell them?” You look down at your hands, fisted in your shirt, and grit your teeth, mulling it over. 
He was right… it had been over a year since you went no contact with your family save for Sherlock. Of course, he relayed messages from them to you. But you never responded besides telling them to sod off. 
At least Sherlock understood where you were coming from and didn’t push the issue too much. Perhaps then he would know why you had kept your marriage a secret until now? 
So… with that in mind… you agree, and William sends out invites to Sherlock, Mycroft, and your parents that day. You also send out an invitation to John and Mary and their new baby girl as moral support. 
Sherlock responds almost immediately by phoning William and enthusiastically saying he’d be delighted to come to the Moriarty estate for dinner. Mycroft responds via phone the next day, confirming his and your parents' attendance at this growing Christmas party. 
The day of the surprise comes all too quickly. 
You dress that day in a white blouse, a bold, crimson suit coat, and matching trousers. Just as you’re buttoning your blouse, you hear a knock on your bedroom door. 
“Come in!” You call as you finish the last button and turn to see William closing the door behind him. 
“Are you ready?” He asks, and you shake your head almost immediately. 
“I never am when it comes to my parents.” You say honestly, and he offers a smile that you like to think is reserved just for you. It crinkles the corners of his eyes and curls his lips rather attractively. You smile back and then head to the bathroom connected to your bed chambers for your jewelry box. 
It was William’s wedding present to you. A beautiful cherry wood box that contained jewelry you had collected over the years. Most of it was gifts from the locals you had gone on expeditions to. 
There was one piece of jewelry that was not a gift to them. 
And that was your wedding band. 
It was a plain gold band, nothing too extravagant. Just the way you wanted it. And while it was simple and nondescript, you only wore it if you were going to events with William as his wife. He wore a matching one for the same reasons. And he slid his onto his ring finger just as you did the same for yours. Then, your husband extends a hand.
“Shall we go downstairs to greet your family? Sherlock is already in the parlor, and we are expecting everyone else soon enough.”
Your parents arrive just as it’s beginning to snow outside. 
Mycroft is watching disapprovingly as you coo over baby Clara, John, and Mary’s baby girl. She’s almost a year old and already starting to crawl and toddle about. You could practically smell his disapproval of your outfit, but you paid him no mind. Once this announcement is done with, you never have to speak to him again.
Your parents burst into the parlor, spooking you and Clara. The baby girl starts to whimper, so you hand her back to Mary and go to greet your parents. 
“Oh, dearest, couldn’t you wear the Christmas dress we purchased for you this year?” Your mother says immediately as you approach, and your face sours. 
“Well, hello to you too, Mother.” You grumble but give her a hug nonetheless. Your father extends his hand, and you shake it. Luckily, it was your right hand, so you simply kept your left with the ring in your trouser pocket. 
“If I might interrupt,” Comes William’s smooth voice, and you jump. You hadn't heard him come up behind you. “Dinner is served.” He finishes and ushers everyone to the dining room. He offers a comforting smile, and you reach out boldly to squeeze his hand. 
He doesn’t pull away. At least not until you reach the dining room and have to separate to sit with your respective families. 
Dinner was brought out, and just before everyone dug in, William stood and tapped his spoon against his wine glass. 
“Before everyone tucks in, we have an announcement to make.” He says, making eye contact with you, and you realize very quickly what he is doing. 
It’s time. 
Your heart starts thundering like horses in your veins, and you hear blood roaring in your ears. But you get up and make your way around the table to his side and take his hand just as he says,
“I suppose I should say my wife and I have an announcement to make.” 
It’s silent for a beat. Then two. 
Then noise. 
Your mother promptly bursts into tears. Whether out of happiness or disappointment, you have no idea. Your father grew red in the face and nearly started shouting before he remembered his manners. Mycroft simply sits back in his seat, stunned into silence. Sherlock’s face broke into a brilliant grin.
“I knew it!” He crowed and slammed his hand down on the table happily. 
You stand awkwardly as you wait for the noise to die down. William doesn’t let go of your hand the entire time. But… eventually… your parents get their emotions under control.
“Absolutely not! I will not have you associating with someone as stained a reputation as the Moriartys!” Your father bellows, and you hold back a flinch. It wasn’t often he got this angry.  And, of course, you knew what “stained reputation” your father was talking about. The burning of the Moriarty estate back when they were mere children had been quite the scandal. You remembered hearing about it when you were but a tiny tot. 
“You asked that I marry. I did. So now you have no right to judge whom I court, much less marry. I expect my dowry is still in your hands? And that you’ll keep your promise?” You say quickly, curtly, emotionlessly. You didn’t have the patience for his antics right now. He wanted you to marry in order to fund your excavations but didn’t want you to marry certain people? Where was the logic in that? And your family was all about logic.
“Please, dearest, think about what you’ve done! To marry into the Moriarty family is to stain our family name!” Your mother pleads, but you just roll your eyes. 
“I don’t see you chastising Sherlock about his choice of friends.” You snap back and very nearly leave right then and there. 
William is the only thing keeping you here. You can feel the tears burning as they threaten to fall. You just wanted your family to be happy for you. Was that too much to ask?
“That’s different!” Your father all but shouts, and you watch your husband raise an eyebrow. 
“Pray tell me how it is any different?” He says, and you shiver at his frosty tone of voice. 
“She’s a woman! That’s reason enough!” Your mother blubbers, dabbing at her falling tears with a handkerchief. Now, it’s William’s turn to roll his eyes. He takes a moment, entwining your fingers together as he looks at the ceiling. 
“Your daughter is perfectly capable of marrying whom she wishes. This is precisely why we didn’t say anything when we married nearly thirteen months ago.” 
That sentence sends your father into another shouting fit. 
“Thirteen months?!” He roars, and William smirks, letting go of your hand in order to lean both palms on the table. 
“Yes, quite right. And you will listen closely to my next words.” He said smoothly, and your parents both went silent. Mycroft still has yet to say anything, and Sherlock is simply sitting back in his chair with a shit-eating grin on his face. 
William leans back once again to take your hand. 
“You will fulfill your promise to your daughter. And hand over her dowry. Though we have little need for the money. But imagine the scandal that would erupt if you didn’t?” Your mother swallows audibly, and your father glares at your husband. He looks back cooly, not backing down. 
In the end, William wins the little starring contest, and your father averts his eyes. 
“Fine.” He growls, and William smiles,
“I’m glad we could come to an understanding. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I am going to go comfort my wife.” He says and gently turns you around to head for the dining room doors. 
“Wait, Liam.” Sherlock’s voice breaks through your raging emotions, and you stop, turning to face the middle child of the Holmes family. Your husband turns and looks at him,
“Yes?” Sherlock stands, that same smile on his face as he studies the two of you. “Was your marriage the only announcement you had to make?” He asks innocently, and you glare at him. 
Of course, he knew already.
William hums briefly before his lips curled in a devious grin,
“Oh yes, I almost forgot.” He says and puts a hand on the small of your back.
“We are expecting.” He says and leaves your brothers to deal with your dramatic parents once again. 
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claudemblems · 7 months
Cat's Out of the Bag | Moriarty the Patriot
Summary: It looks like you've been rudely interrupted mid kiss with your (secret) lover. Suffice to say the situation is quite awkward...
Content: SFW. Sherlock being Sherlock. Jokes about some characters reading too much into the situation but there is no mature content going on. Please don't tag this as anything but SFW!
Characters: Sherlock, Louis, John
Notes: Let me kiss them on the foreheads please 🥺
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Sherlock Holmes
Well, this is certainly surprising. Mycroft didn't suspect that his routine "wellness check" (code for his surprise paintball gun fights) would end up with him walking on his brother sharing kisses with a lady
(He was sure he told him to beware of women once...)
And really, in the living room of the flat for anyone to walk in on! It was as if Sherlock would show no shame in being caught (true)
But...Mycroft didn't remember any woman catching his little brother's eye. It seems that this was a well-kept secret indeed
"Sherly, if you are going to show your affections to a woman, there are appropriate places to do so. Out in the middle of the sitting room with the door unlocked is not one of them."
"What do you want?" Sherlock hissed, running a hand through his messy hair. "Why do you always have to show up at the most inopportune times?!"
"Because I care for you, Sherly," Mycroft answered with a smile. Then his gaze drifted over to you, your cheeks growing pink. "My apologies for not properly introducing myself. You may call me Mycroft. I am Sherly’s elder brother."
"No one asked, now get out," Sherlock huffed, crossing his arms and rolling his eyes. "You've spoiled the mood."
"Why didn't you inform me that you had a lover? You'll be needing all the advice I can spare if this relationship is to be maintained. Besides, do you even know basic biology?" Mycroft sighed, shaking his head. "You have a terrible habit of only absorbing information that interests you. It's to be assumed that you have no inclination of the topic of se–"
"All right, that's enough!" Sherlock exclaimed, leaping out of his seat and pushing his brother towards the door. "Please, my dear, darling older brother, do not come back without an invitation. Bye!"
And before Mycroft could formulate a witty response, the door was promptly shut in his face, locked with a key for good measure.
"Don't mind him. He's always this irritating." Sherlock huffed, returning to his spot beside you on the sofa. "I'm sorry if his visit resulted in embarrassment for you. Now you can imagine what I have to go through on a regular basis."
"Pesky older brothers," you laughed. "I suppose it's fortunate I don't have one of my own."
"Truly. If you did, I have a feeling that they'd be grilling me on my reasons for courting you. I don't need any more sibling drama than I have now."
"Well, at least he's gone now, right?"
"And hopefully he won't be back for a long while."
"I'm guessing his display just now is the reason you didn't tell him that we're together?"
"Precisely. Now, I'm afraid we'll have to be careful about him barging in again. He can be quite stubborn in that regard."
"It'll be alright," you said, placing your hand atop Sherlock's. "At least now we know what to expect."
"Well, next time he can 'expect' the nearest object being tossed at his head."
Even Sherlock gets so embarrassed you thought, smiling when you noticed the red tips of his ears. 
“You’re blushing,” you said, unable to resist the urge to tease him. It wasn’t often Sherlock got so flustered, after all.
“I am not.”
“You do realize that you scratch the back of your neck when you’re lying, right?”
Sherlock tsked, playfully rolling his eyes before pulling you into his arms. “You’ve picked up on too many of my tactics. You’ll pay for this!” Your laughter echoed throughout the flat as Sherlock tickled you mercilessly until you confessed to your ‘crime’.
However, a few kisses of recompense bribed your way out of a guilty sentence. Maybe that favoritism made Sherlock guilty, too, but he wasn’t opposed to the two of you being partners in crime. 
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Louis Moriarty
Well, well, well. Who knew sweet and innocent Louis would be caught with lipstick stains on his face?
Moran knew he shouldn't be so delighted at the sight in front of him, but it was almost like...he was seeing a little brother become a man
Besides, Moran didn't count on any of the brothers having a secret relationship. To say this was a surprise was an understatement. Perhaps the others would like to know…
"Sorry, Louis. Was I interrupting something?" Sebastian asked, unable to hide his toothy grin.
"Just what on earth are you doing entering the room without knocking?!!" Louis' glasses weren't enough to hide the blush creeping on his face which grew more and more noticeable by the minute.
"Didn't think you'd be so busy," Moran replied, wriggling an eyebrow. "The evidence of the crime is all over you."
"There was nothing indecent going on here!" Louis his face in his hands, internally plotting a million ways to get rid of Moran without arousing suspicion.
"You shouldn't have to say so if that were the case."
"Okay you two, calm down, all right?" you sighed, trying to salvage the last bit of decency between you and Louis. "If Moran came in here, he probably needs something from us. What can we help you with?”
"Well, I was just dropping by to say that the last mission we discussed is still on. William's already moving forward with the plan. However, if you also need me to get the manor empty for a while, let me know. I can pull a few strings."
"Whenever you speak with William again,” you said through gritted teeth, “can you ask him to teach me how to get away with murder?"
"Oh, that's quite a specific request. Care to elaborate?"
"I'll elaborate when I put you six feet below the ground, Sebastian."
Moran put his hands up in the air in surrender, though the grin never left his face. "I was just joking around. Besides, if Louis gets this embarrassed just kissing you, there's no way he'd be able to–"
Moran jumped as a knife whizzed past him and embedded itself into the wall.
"If you get so caught off guard just by running your mouth, there's no way you'd be prepared for a surprise attack by an enemy."
"Aaand would you look at that, it's half past tea time! Better go help the others with the details of the plan."
You didn't think you'd ever seen Moran run out of a room so quickly.
"Louis, please don't threaten him. I know he's an idiot sometimes but..."
"Nevermind him. Shall we continue where we left off?"
You blinked, taken aback by Louis' sudden boldness. "O-Oh. You...want another kiss?"
Louis' lips turned upwards in a wicked grin. "Put them where your lipstick will be visible. I want Moran to remember how he barely escaped this situation with his life."
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John Watson
Oh, uh…huh. Sherlock didn’t think twice about bursting into his dear friend’s room to excitedly inform him of the success of his new experiment and ended up…well…seeing John mid kiss with a woman he’d never met before
He couldn’t help but stare slack-jawed, completely oblivious to the mortified expressions of his companion and “friend”
But Sherlock had seen far stranger things, so he was able to quickly regain his composure and snap back to his usual self
“John, you should have told me you were going to have a lady friend over! I would have made sure to stay out of the flat for a while.”
“N-No,” John stammered, his tanned face flushing, “I wouldn’t make you leave so that…I…”
“It’s quite all right to want some privacy! Kissing someone is a very intimate affair after all, and I’m not about to ruin my dear Watson’s chances at romance!”
“So, whaddya think of John?” Sherlock asked you with a wink. “He’s quite the catch, isn’t he?”
“Sherlock! I thought you just said you were going to give us some privacy…”
“Oh, I agree,” you replied, leaving John and Sherlock wide-eyed at your honest confession. “To be honest, I didn’t expect John to be so…good at his craft.” You winked back at Sherlock, the two of you exchanging smiles. It seems you were already well on your way to gaining the detective’s approval.
“[Name]!” John cried, burying his face in your shoulder. “Don’t start teasing me, too.”
“But you’re so cute when your face turns all red~” you laughed, lifting up his chin with a finger. “Besides, I can tell you like the fact that I take the lead in this relationship.”
Poor John was going to end up as red as a tomato if you and Sherlock kept on like this.
“Well, I’ll be going now. I’ll return in a couple of hours–got some detective work to do and all. Enjoy your kissing. Goodbye!”
As soon as the door clicked shut, John breathed out a ragged sigh. “I was not expecting all this attention today.”
“Shy are we?”
“Please, I don’t know how much more my poor heart can take.”
You laughed, wrapping your arms around John’s neck. “I’m sorry. You’re just so cute when you’re like this.”
John pouted his lips, pulling you in closer by your waist. “I’m the one who’s supposed to be saying that.”
“Then say it.”
John’s eyes flickered down to your lips and back to your eyes, silently asking for your permission. You answered his question with a nod and smile, and soon enough, his lips were back on yours, bringing you to a state of unending bliss, whispering sweet nothings reserved just for you.
“Yes,” he said against your lips, unable to hide his smile, “you are quite adorable, darling.”
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malevolent-muse · 18 days
Want more? Join the Tag List Tagged: @aphroditesdilemma , @and-make-it-double , @enterthetadpole , @starkraivennemad , @chriscalledmesweetie , @johnhwatsonblog ,  @eat-sleep-ship-the-ships , @tujhse-raabta , @privatetruths , @buckingham-ashtray , @peanitbear , @dapetty , @xeroxroumex , @willamholmeswatson , @winch3stersgirl
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joanquill · 7 months
"Hey, wanna take advantage of the couple's discount today?" + "Wanna go fake-propose at every restaurant we can find to get free dessert?"
William and Little Sister Holmes Fluff Romantic Prompts 6 & 7 (and could you also make it so that during all of this, little sister holmes is trying to get info on the lord of crimes a.k.a. william)
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William James Moriarty
A/N: The reader is Sherlock and Mycroft's younger sister. Tag/s: Holmes!Fem!Reader, Fluff
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You sighed for the nth time of the day, kicking a small pebble as you walked along the street.
You glanced over to the shops and saw your reflection on one's display and the reflections of Mycroft's men, whom he graciously gave you as your bodyguards after seeing your suitors who visited you this Valentine's Day.
What surprised you was Sherlock agreeing with Mycroft.
You clicked your tongue as you kicked the pebble stronger, making it skip a few feet away.
You looked around the streets for an escape, hoping to avoid the eyes of your elder brothers until...
'Huh?' you questioned as you spotted a familiar blond with scarlet eyes entering a stationery store.
'William James Moriarty?' you recognized, seeing him look intently at the different kinds of pen and paper.
You gasped and smiled to yourself as a plan formulated in your mind, an opportunity to mess with your brothers.
And now, seeing the growing crowd coming out of the department store nearby, you have found your chance.
You swiftly crossed the street, hastening your pace as you merged with the crowd.
You snickered as you saw your guards stumble and get pushed back, frantically looking around for you.
You triumphly hummed to yourself as you walked over to William, tapping his shoulder.
"Lord Moriarty," you politely greeted, "It's been a while," you smiled at his surprised expression, slowly turning into a smile.
"Miss Holmes," he took off his top hat with a smile, "It truly has been ages," he added, making you smile.
"What brings you here?"
"Just felt like it," you shrugged, a mischievous smile still on your face, " Say... You don't happen to be courting anybody, do you?"
William raised his brow with a smile.
"Quite direct. Aren't we, my lady?"
"Just making sure no one would be upset or get hurt with my proposition for you," you grinned, making William smirk.
"And that would be...?"
"Be my Valentine's date?"
William blinked twice at your question, making you laugh.
"I beg your pardon?" William asked as you continued to laugh.
"For pretend, of course," you reassured, still chuckling, "My brothers have been really annoying with giving me bodyguards after seeing my suitors, so I want to teach them a lesson," you explained, making him lightly laugh.
"And so you want me to pretend to be one of them?"
"A fake proposal also wouldn't hurt," you shrugged, "Besides, I heard there's been quite the sale for couples this Valentine's Day," you coerced, making him chuckle.
'And with his title and how much Sherlock praises his intelligence, maybe he has some ideas on the lord of crime,' you thought, looking at William.
"...I don't see why not," William answered, making you beam.
"So you agree?" William nodded in response, making you internally cheer.
"Yes. It might be quite interesting," William answered, a dangerous gleam shining in his eyes as he gave you his hand.
You felt a shiver run down your spine, making you scoff.
'Ahh... Now I see...' you grinned, taking his hand and giving it a firm shake.
"Then, it's a deal. Lord Moriarty,"
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Do you have a list of Lestrade POV or Mycroft POV fics? I love reading what others think about these two idiots in love.
Hi Lovely!!
AHHH Okay I DIDN'T have a specific list, so I've gone through my bookmarks I've tagged as such with either POV, but I KNOW I've missed a lot of fics... I needed a list for this weekend so... VOILA! Sorry it's so rushed, and I will forewarn many of the links are from FFNet 💜🖤
If ANYONE has a Johnlock fic that that they would love to add to the list that I obviously missed, please do add them below!!!! I would greatly appreciate it!
See also: Mystrade Fics (MFLs)
The Most Awful Thing by whitchry9 (K+, 1,072 w., Ch 1 || Hurt/Comfort, Holmes Brothers, Seizures) – When Mycroft witnesses Sherlock having a seizure, he is at a complete loss as to what he should do. Thankfully, John is there.
Yorkshire Gold by Tammany Tiger (K, 1,467 w., 1 Ch. || Friendship, Holmes Brothers, Hurt/Comfort, Mild Angst, Open Ending, Grief, Implied Bondlock) – Mycroft may not mourn Sherlock's death-but even if he knows his brother lives, he's not without his own grief. It ain't easy being The British Government. But at least he's got good help. Set between the Fall and the Return.
It Was All Right There In Front of Him (A Five Times Plus One Story) by bees_stories (T, 3,191 w., 1 Ch. || 5+1, Protective Idiots, Grooming, Bed Sharing, Lestrade POV) – DI Greg Lestrade is a good detective. But sometimes he doesn’t trust the evidence in front of him, until there’s a compelling reason to do so.
The Warehouse Chat by AllesandraQuartermaine (K, 3,611 w., 1 Ch. || Meddling Mycroft, Canon-Compliant, Drama / Family) – When Mycroft Holmes learns about the presence of John Watson in his brother's life, he does what any brother who worries would do. He learns what he can and then abducts Doctor John Watson for a chat in a warehouse. Set in A Study In Pink.
This is my friend, John Watson by aaronisgay (T, 3,691 w., 5 Ch. || Established Relationship, Secret Relationship, Yard Finds Out) – Lestrade has known Sherlock for over three years, yet in that time barely learned anything about the man. Then one day, Sherlock walks onto the crime scene with a short army doctor in tow. As time goes on, Lestrade wonders why neither of them ever go on dates...could this mean something? Otherwise where Sherlock is married and the Yard doesn't even notice.
When Your Belly's in the Trench by Morgan_Stuart (T, 4,743 w., 1 Ch. || PTSD, Character Study, Rescue, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Implied Torture, Trauma, Danger, Drama, Kidnapping/Captivity) – The next time that door opens, John Watson will kill the person on the other side.
Study in Mycroft by chappysmom (K+, 4,929 w., 1 Ch. || Character Study, Big Brother Mycroft, Mycroft POV, Nosy Mycroft, Holmes Brothers) – A look at Mycroft's thoughts and actions during a Study in Pink.
The Refining Fire by Arwen Jade Kenobi (T, 5,451 w., 1 Ch. || Post-TGG AU, Angst, Friendship, Alternating POV (Lestrade, Mycroft, Sherlock), Worried Sherlock, Hospital Recovery) – Fire can burn things to ashes, but it can also burn things together.
Our Sudden and Strange Return by Arwen Jade Kenobi (T, 10,314 w., 1 Ch. || Post-TRF, Friendship) – One year, eight months, and an odd number of days after the alleged fatal fall Mycroft gets a message from Sherlock saying that he's back.
Sympathy for the Devil and Mycroft Holmes by scifigrl47 (T, 18,535 w., 2 Ch. || Family, Canon-Compliant, Meddling Mycroft, Big Brother Mycroft) – Mycroft has always protected his younger brother, but there are some things he just can't control. Sherlock's relationship with John Watson is one of them. Set during the first two seasons of Sherlock.
Jack In The Box by Liketheriver (T, 30,785 w., 1 Ch. || Romance, Case Fic, H/C, Lestrade First POV) – John's been kidnapped, Mycroft has rules, and Lestrade has to do his best to keep up with Sherlock as they deal with a returning foe. Lestrade POV as he and Sherlock work to find John, even though that's the last thing John seems to want. Part 2 of Bedtime Universe
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iheardyou · 3 months
Fic Rec
The Dead Detective by @discordantwords
I don't know if this copy/paste from AO3 will work or not (sorry if not, I don't know how to do it otherwise)
Chapters: 9/9
Relationships: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson
Characters: John Watson, Sherlock Holmes, Sarah Sawyer, Jim Moriarty, Mary Morstan, Irene Adler (Sherlock Holmes), Lady Smallwood (Sherlock), Mycroft Holmes, Vivian Norbury, Sally Donovan, Molly Hooper
Additional Tags: Spies & Secret Agents, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting, Post-Reichenbach, BAMF John Watson, Jumpin Jack Flash Fusion, Fandom Trumps Hate, Don't copy to another site
Summary: John Watson has spent the last three years of his life simply going through the motions. A chance encounter with a man claiming to be a stranded spy changes everything.
Edit: yes right, the copy/paste didn't work
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squish--squash · 10 months
The best Sherlock Holmes adaptation (that people hardly know)
The stories and adventures of Sherlock Holmes is probably one of the most well-known, most referenced, and most recognizable series out there, as well as one with an insane number of adaptations. Hell, Sherlock Holmes even holds the world record of being the literary character with the most screen adaptations.
This has led to many, many people making ranked lists of their favorite adaptations, and I've looked at a lot of them to see if my favorite one appears. It doesn't. Not here, here, here, here, here, here, or here.
On the Wikipedia page for Sherlock Holmes adaptations, it is listed...in the external links section, at the very bottom of the webpage; it's only visible by expanding the "screen adaptations of Sherlock Holmes" panel
On here, under the three names it's regularly tagged as, there are a collective 13.9k followers (the breakdown is 5.2-1.9-6.8). In comparison, the "bbc sherlock" tag has 47k followers, "sherlock" has 644k, and "john watson" has 13k followers. Pretty underrated, if you ask me.
And so, you're probably wondering what this adaptation is, and why I think it's the best. Wonder no further!
The best Sherlock Holmes adaptation (at least, to me) that is criminally underrated is called Yuukoku no Moriarty, or Moriarty the Patriot. (and before you ask, yes, it's a manga! with its own anime!)
Now, because this post is already long enough, and because there is going to be A LOT OF BIG SPOILER WARNINGS, I'll be defending my claim under the read-more. But with that out of the way, let me begin...
Reason #1: Wait, Moriarty??
Moriarty is well-known to be the arch nemesis of Sherlock Holmes. He's the big baddie of the original series. So why in the world is this adaptation named after the villain? Because the plot is focused around Moriarty. As far as I am aware, this could be the ONLY adaptation so far that has done this (please correct me if I'm wrong! I'd love to find more). Furthermore, the "James Moriarty" in question is actually three brothers: Albert, Louis, and William (the "main" Moriarty), and the overarching plot follows their schemes as "the Lord of Crime" to... change 19th century England for the better?
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Reason #2: The Premise is INTERESTING as FUCK
Yeah, you heard me! The big baddie in this adaptation is trying to do what they deem as "good"! It's called Moriarty the Patriot because William, Louis, and Albert are trying to make England a better country in their own ways; they view the class system of 19th century England to be, quite frankly, shit, and want to lessen the abuse and dehumanization of the lower class caused by the nobles. And, well, they do this by killing corrupt nobles. Or, well, more accurately, they help people commit crimes to kill the nobles, and stage it to look like an accident or make it extremely difficult to solve. It's actually really fun and cathartic to watch imo, especially in the early episodes of the anime and the early chapters of the manga. I'll come back to the plot later, but for now, I think it's time to get back to the characters.
Reason #3: The Gang's all Here!
The three Jame Moriarty brothers aren't the only characters: you also have the baker street gang (Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, and Ms Hudson), the Baker Street Irregulars, Mycroft, Sebastian Moran from the original series, Lestrade, Irene Adler, Herder (another character from the original series), and interestingly enough, Billy the Kid (in the manga). And these characters aren't just one-dimensional name-drops, but characters with so much personality, backstory, and motives. Take, for example, Sebastian Moran: he's a sniper who works for the Lord of Crime, yeah, but it's because he has a long-earned loyalty to William; both of them have a keepsake from the other, and after William's supposed death during this adaptation's version of "The Final Problem", it's the keepsake he gave to William that saves him from a dark path (there's much more to this story in particular, but you'll have to find out more yourself if you're interested). Also, there's Moneypenny in the manga. But why the hell is she here?
Reason #4: His name is James. James Bond (and he's trans!)
NAME ONE OTHER FUCKING SHERLOCK HOLMES ADAPTATION THAT HAS JAMES BOND, I'LL WAIT. YOU CANNOT. But yes, James fucking Bond is in Moriarty the Patriot, and is one of the best characters for many reasons. One of them? We actually meet him as a woman. And who is that woman, you might ask?
Irene Adler.
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(note: the version I read calls him James Bond, but from what I've heard, his name is actually spelled "James Bonde" to avoid copywrite issues. However, for this post, I'll use "Bond") It's...incredible. The entire arc introducing Irene Adler and her arc into becoming James Bond is one of my favorite arcs in Moriarty the Patriot. It takes the original "A Scandal in Bohemia" and sprints with it. Like, the entire Bohemian-king-wanting-that-photograph with Sherlock and Watson is just a ploy, so Irene can be under the protection of public-hero Sherlock by tricking him into thinking he blew up her house with his smoke-bomb trick. Because she stole ENGLISH GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS SO CLASSIFIED, THE GOVERNMENT WANTS HER DEAD. It's just the way the series builds off the original works by Doyle in a way that not only stays true to the original, but is also its own thing. Because yeah, we don't see Irene Adler again after her "scandal" is solved; and that's because she fakes her death as Irene, and starts working under the Moriarty brothers as James Bond, now a man. Additionally, Moriarty the Patriot handles Bond being trans in an amazing way. Him being trans is no joke! The Moriarty group accept him as a man the moment he tells them (except for Sebastian Moran, who's confused about it at first before he warms up to it; in all actuality, it's his confusion and reluctance that's joked about, not Bond's manhood, which is a refreshing thing to see as a queer person myself). Even when reuniting with Sherlock, John Watson, and Ms Hudson, the three are respectful and understanding. Oh my god wait a minute I just realized I haven't even mentioned Sherlock yet-
Reason #5: Benedict Cumberbatch WHO
Sherlock Holmes in this adaptation is the best Sherlock, hands down. Why? Because he's fun, goddammit! So many Sherlock adaptations see the genius personality of Sherlock Holmes and see nothing else. They make him cold, uncaring, calculative. A lot of Sherlocks would shoot a man dead for a lead on a case. But not this Sherlock. Is this the face of a man who's cold and uncaring?
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HELL FUCKING NO! And he's literally presented with the opportunity to shoot a man for a lead on a case, and he turns it down! Because he's good! Yeah, he's prideful. Yeah, he can be a prick. He treats Scotland Yard like a joke. But he's also silly. He's kind to the people he cares about. He wants to help people. He's hilarious with Ms Hudson and Mycroft, and his interactions with William Moriarty is one of the best things to read about in this adaptation, because their cat-and-mouse game matters so, so much in this story.
Reason #6: Cat and mouse; puppet and puppeteer; friend and...friend?
Sherlock has a very interesting role in Moriarty the Patriot as a whole. Sure, he's the detective. But he's so much more. When he's introduced (in episode 6 of the anime, mind you!) to the story, the overarching plan of William and his brothers shift to include him: William wants him to be the hero of the play they're setting for the country, because in the end, William plans to be defeated as a common enemy of the people. And so, the game begins. The Lord of Crime starts setting up crimes for Sherlock to solve, so he gains publicity. So he's recognized as the hero. He's the only man smart enough to solve the trail of breadcrumbs Moriarty leaves, after all. Sherlock starts as just a puppet in the plan of things. Led along on strings from crime-to-crime, slowly piecing things together. And Sherlock hates it. But...Sherlock and William meet outside of being a simple detective and criminal. They meet on a ship, and for the first time, William finds his mind not drafting up plans or thinking as the Lord of Crime the first time they speak to each other. And for the first time, Sherlock finds someone with a mind equal to his own. They meet again, on a train, and solve a murder together (one William was NOT behind). And behind this game of cat-and-mouse, behind the puppet and puppeteer, something blooms. When Sherlock learns that yes, the William James Moriarty he's grown to known is indeed the Lord of Crime, he's not mad. He's...glad.
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(note: Sherlock calls William Moriarty "Liam", beginning with their meet on the train; he's the only character in the series who does this. Not even the other Moriarty brothers call their brother "Liam")
He's glad it was William; it couldn't have been anyone else, in his opinion. It wouldn't have been worth it otherwise. It all comes to head in this series' version of "The Final Problem", where Sherlock finally confronts Moriarty, once and for all. It's where William plans to be defeated by his nemesis, the hero. Because he's the self-proclaimed villain. "Catch me if you can, Mr Holmes", is what he challenged to Sherlock on the train, after he joked about William being the Lord of Crime. And Sherlock catches him, in the end. But not as a detective. He catches him, as a companion, after William jumps to his death into the river Thames to set his defeat to Sherlock in stone.
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Reason #7: What Comes After
The anime ends after "The Final Problem", but the manga continues. And this is where I really, really think this adaptation shines its brightest, with the aftermath of everything the series has been building to. The main reason Moriarty chooses his death is because of the bad things he's done his entire life. He never enjoyed killing people, but felt he had to, and felt his death was the proper "punishment" for it. But through Sherlock, he finds that that isn't the answer. It's obvious that Sherlock would live through the fall into the Thames. But what about William? In most adaptations, he dies. In the original, he died. But in this? They both live. They both survive. Some big ideas floating around before "The Final Problem" involved revenge. An eye for an eye, if you will. Judgement, and delivering it. But afterwards? It's atonement. It's forgiveness, and the lack of it. It's growth, and redemption. They're saved and taken to America to recover and start new lives. William Moriarty finds ways to atone for his actions without choosing death. Sherlock does too, for his own crimes. They decide, together, to begin anew, find new purposes.
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and it's beautiful. When they return to England, three years after their disappearances, their growth is obvious and amazing to see; the other members of the Moriarty gang have also chosen their own paths of redemption, and seeing it all come together is something I'll always enjoy rereading over and over. And the redemption and reunion with England is just the end of part 1 of the story. There's more to be made with this series.
Reason #8: Made With Love
It's so, so obvious that Moriarty the Patriot was made with love for the original series. The way details of the original stories are kept and built off of to work flawlessly as it's own story is something I will be continously impressed by. There was so much thought, heart, and soul put into this adaptation, and you can tell it by reading and watching it. There are so, so much more I could go into—like the music in the anime, deeper dives into the arcs of the main cast, how well the relationships between characters are formed and established—but I think it'd be better for you to just find out all of these things by yourself.
So please, if you've gotten this far, give Moriarty the Patriot a try. Let it prove to you how good it is. Let it show you that it really is the best Sherlock Holmes adaptation out there.
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chrism02 · 3 months
Poll Tag Game
Thank you for the tag @overlookedfile 
tag game ✌
Rules: make a poll with five of your all-time favorite characters and then tag five people to do the same. See which character is everyone's favorite!
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Tagging: @plush4bunny @omgbrainstorming @sheepishscoop @zenpathy + anyone who wants to do it.
And I agree with @overlookedfile there need to be more than 5. Honorable mentions:
Mycroft Holmes (BBC Sherlock)
Brienne of Tarth
Hannibal Lecter (The Silence of the Lambs)
Wilson Fisk
Tyrion Lannister
Lucifer Morningstar (The Sandman)
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weast-of-eden · 6 months
it seems like some people actually liked my last fic rec, so here's another one, guys! this time i tried finding some fics that were a little different, like AUs, different POVs, rarepairs, WIPs, etc. again, these are pretty all set in canonverse (ACD or Granada) or victorian era unless specified otherwise. so without further ado, here is:
Eden’s ACD/Granada Unique Fic Recommendations
And With Him Disaster by eggshellseas (@/maxwelljacobfriedman on tumblr) 14k | Rated E Summary: John Watson is being stalked by a vampire. Notes: not-your-mother's vampire au, that's for sure. definitely read the tags before getting into this but man, this fic is so, so good. features not only vampire!holmes but also dark!holmes and it's a ride from beginning to end. ugh i want to talk more about this fic but i can't spoil anything!!
Into darkness then without a candle by Solshine (@/thehumantrampoline on tumblr) 10k | Rated T Summary: At first, Moriarty is just a disguise, like all the rest in his wardrobe; a helpful alias to bring Holmes closer to the evils he duels. And then the disguise wins at the Reichenbach Falls. AU inspired by the stage play, “The Secret of Sherlock Holmes." Notes: i can't even get into this. I CAN'T EVEN GET INTO THISSSS. there are no words. if there were, the word would be: UGH. this is such a unique fic and watson really pulls through in this. I CAN'T EVEN GET INTO THIS RIGHT NOW.
Back to Edinburgh by mightymads 4k | Rated T Summary: The Jezail bullet in Watson’s leg causes him so much pain that he is on the verge of despair. London doctors deem it impossible to extract the bullet without inevitable nerve damage. Holmes finds a surgeon in Edinburgh, who agrees to help. It is none other than Professor Joseph Bell. Notes: Dr. Bell says 'gay rights'! also Scottish Watson for the win! this is such a beautiful story, Watson really gets to take the center stage while Holmes gets to worry for his well-being. oh how the tables have turned. plus lots of ACD's personal life mixed with Watson's own, which I think makes this such a unique fic. it's just really nice to read. *chef's kiss*
The Red Notebook by Garonne 10k | Rated T Summary: Holmes is dead, or seems to be. Watson starts to write, and Mycroft starts to read. Holmes/Watson slash set during the Hiatus. Mycroft's POV. Notes: i LOVE Mycroft POVs, and this is one of my favorites. also i love fics that depict watson's stories as completely false, like Moriarty is not real and 'The Final Problem' was just john's way of coping. STELLAR FIC.
Some Power of Selection by wordybirdy 12k | Rated E Summary: John Watson is a struggling doctor in recent practice on London's Upper Wimpole Street. One dreary Wednesday, an urgent telegram summons him to 221B Baker Street, where he meets a sombre and initially taciturn gentleman by the name of Sherlock Holmes. Sparks immediately fly – but not of the positive, life-affirming variety... Notes: enemies to lovers AU for the win! Stamford is such a knob in this one, truly. but that's okay, our heroes figure themselves out anyways. great banter in this one, if you like rom-coms then this is the fic for you!
One Page Is Missing by PlaidAdder 2k | Rated T Summary: "From this point onward I will follow the course of events by transcribing my own letters to Mr. Sherlock Holmes which lie before me on the table. One page is missing, but otherwise they are exactly as written and show my feelings and suspicions of the moment more accurately than my memory, clear as it is upon these tragic events, can possibly do." --The Hound of the Baskervilles, Chapter 8 **** This is the missing page. Notes: ok first of all you should read all of PlaidAdder’s Missing Pages series, it’s so beautifully written. this is the first of the series and the premise is so interesting and mysterious! this fic is for any fans of HOUN (me) or enjoyers of jealous Holmes (also me)
On the Orbits of Asteroids by Sheila_Snow 22k | Rated E Summary: Watson has a secret from his past that he's kept from Holmes, but the past has a tendency to come back and haunt you. Notes: Watson/Moriarty fic. yes you read that correctly and YES it's crazy good. there's still holmes/watson but it's angsty and– i can't even get into it, you just gotta read for yourself. also feat. Moran who is currently questioning his sexuality (yeah watson will do that to you mate)
The Better Part of Valour by rachelindeed 7k | Rated T Summary: Mr Melas considers himself a coward, but more than one man's courage comes with complicated cracks. Notes: for any fans of 'The Greek Interpreter' (aka ME) this fic is the coolest ever. POV from Melas, who is smart, witty, and very observant. you get to meet Paul Kratides when he's not in the middle of being tortured, plus the ANGSTIEST background story about Watson's war injury. Oof. But I literally love this fic guys pwease read it
☆The Adventure of the Purloined Heart by ladyblahblah (@/hungrylikethewolfie on tumblr) 15k | Rated M Summary: A gruesome murder unveils secrets kept buried for years. Some feelings can only be hidden for so long. Notes: This fic checks every single box for me. HOLY SHIT. It's got murder, mystery, intrigue; it's got pining, secrets, and unrequited (?) love. I think the reason I'm so unwell about this fic is because it's a WIP that ends on a doozy of a cliffhanger. if god loves me he will let this fic be finished one day. IT'S SO GOOD GUYS PLEASE READ THIS FIC. in my ao3 history is says 'visited 12 times in the past month.' what is wrong with me
i hope someone out there enjoys these! also i was going to tag the authors whose tumblrs i knew, but then i chickened out, so... sue me i guess?
also if there’s any AUs, tropes, or somesuch fics you wish existed but can’t find, feel free to ask me!! maybe i’ve read something you’re looking for :)
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