#re-read recs
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calaisreno · 1 month ago
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Re-Read Recs: Victorian Edition
Thanks to @totallysilvergirl for pointing me to this post by @acethatlovesdinos asking for more Victorian Johnlock. Your timing is great; I was just compiling a list of Victorian setting fics for my next RRR post!
If you go searching specifically for Johnlock in a Victorian setting, part of the problem, as always, will be finding things. As admirable as the AO3 tagging system is, when you're searching for something specific, you still have to dig a bit.
Many people, myself included, assign all their Victorian stories to the fandom tag "Sherlock Holmes - Arthur Conan Doyle."
But some writers add "Sherlock Holmes - Arthur Conan Doyle" to all their stories, including those set in BBC or other adaptations, because they wish to attribute the characters' creator.
And some do not use the ACD tag at all because their stories, even those in a Victorian setting, are inspired by the BBC adaptation and imagined with those characters.
There are other tags: Victorian, Victorian Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Victorian Holmes/Watson, Victorian Johnlock.
(My own approach: readers may imagine whatever actors they prefer; I tag by the setting. Even so, I've tagged stories set in the 1920s and 1820s as ACD, even though these are outside of the Victorian Era.)
There is no one-click method to separate out all the stories, and only the stories, where Watson and Holmes are together in a Victorian setting. AO3 lets us use tags however we wish; it's a folksonomy, a collaborative system. For the number and variety of stories contained there, it is the most practical method.
You can search an individual author's works, filtering and sorting by kudos, hits, relationships, tags, and other things. You can search anyone's bookmarks in the same way. (I'm always surprised when people don't know this!)
If you search my works, for example, you will find 60 stories in the Sherlock Holmes - Arthur Conan Doyle fandom. A couple of those are tagged 'timetravel,' so if you don't want that, you can exclude that tag. If you don't want any stories with Mary Morstan married to John Watson, you can exclude John Watson/Mary Morstan under Relationships.
However you search, if you filter your search results by hits or kudos, you will find that stories in the ACD/Victorian Johnlock category have many fewer of these. AO3 went live only a year or so before BBC Sherlock began to air, and it was one of the top fandoms for many years. There are a huge number of stories in the BBC fandom.
But there are dedicated and talented authors who have been writing Holmes/Watson for a long time, and today I'd like to point you towards a few of them. Here are some of my favorite re-reads:
Memento Vivere - @mydogwatson - The life stories of Sherlock Holmes, Mycroft Holmes and John Watson. An alternate history.
My Gentle Sin Is This - janeofarc - It takes a near miss for Holmes to realize that he cannot imagine his life without Watson.
Missing Pages - @PlaidAdder - a group of interlinked short stories (most between 2000 and 7000 words) which tell the story of how Holmes and Watson really came to be separated at the Reichenbach Falls, and how they found each other again
Missing - @Random_Nexus - Holmes is missing. Watson is trying to figure out where he is and what happened.
Oubliette - gardnerhill - A series: a treatise on love and grief. Watson is kidnapped by a gang; Holmes must find him before it's too late.
Laphroaig in the Lumber Room - wordybirdy - Holmes & Watson discover a bottle of Laphroaig inside the lumber room at Baker Street. A drinking game of truth results in intimate confessions.
All of these authors have written many excellent Victorian Holmes/Watson fics. But there are many more you should look at if you want to read more of our boys in their original canon setting. I think I will have to write a Part 2 for this post!
Thanks for reblogging!
@totallysilvergirl @lisbeth-kk @helloliriels @keirgreeneyes
@redmondcollege @raina-at @7-percent @lhrinchelsea
@a-victorian-girl @ghostofnuggetspast @friday411
@meetinginsamarra @inevitably-johnlocked @copperplatebeech
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ekingstonart · 10 months ago
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“Here they are. We have a few different lines of toys here, different sizes, and the squeakers themselves vary from brand to brand. Some of these are very loud.”
—from Treats and Collars on ao3
Thank you so much @makicarn for commissioning me to illustrate this scene from @trashpandato’s ADORABLE fic! It has been an absolute pleasure working with/for you both!
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muffinlance · 2 years ago
Extreme long shot, but looking for a fic I read years ago, that to my knowledge is NOT on AO3 or FF, just on someone's blog or maybe a small hosting site. It's a three(?)-part series.
Stuff I remember: Zhao kills Iroh pre-north-pole; he dies on a beach due to shrapnel, I think. Zuko wanders off in a daze, stays with a nice Earth Kingdom woman for awhile, then embarks on Messing With Zhao's Shit until Zhao catches him. Gaang rescues him (from Pohuai?) after whump.
Zuko leads them back to the Earth Kingdom woman for a safe place to rest, meanwhile Zuko's crew has found her and given her a letter+their location+tell our stupid prince he's not the only one who wants to Mess The Fire Nation's Shit Up. Zuko and the Gaang go to his ship, whose treason against the Fire Nation is already in progress (and they've gotten their families out of the Fire Nation to avoid reprisal, so Jee's wife is there). Katara bonds with the ship healer, who teaches her non-bending healing and is both salty and instructive. Ends incompletely right as Zuko and the Gaang are about to leave the ship.
Those parts of the series are a good read, but I am dying to re-read the part that's an Iroh POV of the royal family, including Ozai's strategic murdering of all of Iroh's children (he had more than Lu Ten in this AU), and Iroh's extremely chilling "maybe I should do the same to his" thoughts until baby Zuko wins him over. It is PEAK disfunctional Fire Family.
I thought I bookmarked this somewhere, but I can't for the life of me find it. Plz send help.
EDIT: FIC FOUND! See the reblog chain for the link, it's in the second post.
EDIT EDIT: This is. Even better than I remembered. My heart hurts, ow. <3
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sapphicflower-ao3 · 4 months ago
what are ur personal favorite fics? i can be a bit picky and have a hard time finding fics but i love ur writing and i feel like we might have similar tastes based on that :3
i'm sorry it took me like a week to get to this!! i wanted to compile my faves and write notes for each of them... and i went overboard LOL. but thanks so much omg, i'm flattered that you would trust my taste based on my writing!
these are all bkdk obviously :)
i. 'In Case of Fire' - passengerside
post-canon // complete // 11K // E
an absolute MASTERPIECE!!! this author has become a recent favourite of mine, i love the way they incorporate little details into their work and make the mundane so beautiful.
highly recommend all of their other works, especially 'Pacemaker'! so freaking beautiful and fun and the lead up to the confession was a genuine holding-my-breath moment
ii. 'Sun Hands' - yesthisisnarumi
snowboarding AU // complete // 5K // T
i've re-read this one so many times it's SOOOOO good! so fun and so classically bkdk it's insane. everybody say thank you OP for giving us the rival olympic champions to lovers story we needed
iii. 'all that you ever wanted from me was sweet nothing' - maxisnotokay
UA compliant // complete // 11K // T
i dont usually read a lot of whump but this was brilliant, im a sucker for this specific trope and for LOVE CONFESSIONS YEASS!!! obvi it has a happy ending bc i wouldnt have it any other way. a good length too :)
iv. 'Spinnin' On Our Feet' - sage_and_cinnamon
High School AU // ongoing // 47K // M
UNDERRATED AS FUCK and my favourite ongoing fic right now. i usually dont read jock x nerd AUs but this fic is so brilliantly funny and charming and heartwarming and it blew all my expectations out of the water and then some. i've been following it for ages and it's been on hiatus for a good while, but it updated recently and when i tell you it was the best day of my freaking life...
v. 'In Perfect Rhythm' - chalk
Band AU // complete // 50K // E
yes how surprising, a band AU fic in my faves list. anyway shut up, chalk is literally godlike in their writing and this fic was SO FUN and scratched all the itches. nothing gets me going more than awkwardly endearing izuku n rockstar katsuki
vi. 'Last Days of War' - antisora
Pacific Rim AU // complete // 44K // M
GENUINELY ONE OF HUMANITY'S BEST PIECES OF LITERATURE???? fuck. i never have the proper words for this fic, but it is SO gripping and the worldbuilding is so tight and their relationship development is so good and the CLIMAX OF THIS HAS BEEN MORE EPIC THAN HALF THE BLOCKBUSTERS I'VE SEEN. i beg you to read this even if you have never watched Pacific Rim. or maybe go watch the movie and get EDUCATED and then read this! i'm begging you, dear reader!!
vii. 'Ingenium' - crandberrycrush
Astronauts AU // complete // 85K // E
guys i love sci-fi sorry lol. this one is another brilliant fic. OP put so much blood, sweat and tears into research and it shows, it is just very intelligent and the plot itself is HEART RACING and GUTTING and THRILLING. there's a lot of POVs and it really fleshes it out, tho ofc bkdk is the main thing. happy ending obvi! it is the space/astronaut drama that i love and adore, just BKDKified now!
viii. 'The Magic in a Mirror' - totallyrottentomatoes
Magic/Circus AU // complete // 80K // E
oh how surprising, a totallyrottentomaoes fic in my faves list. anyone who knows me knows that i rec this fic all the time. it's one of my all time favourites, if not my favourite of all time lol, and it's really because of the writing and the imagery and the characterisation and the relationships b/w all the characters. it's all just so well done and MAGICAL. no joke, if i could print and bind a fic into a book, it would be this one. no notes. perfection. caters to my tastes so specifically. i could go on about this fic forever but i'll shut up for now
also highly recommend 'The Distance Between Suns' by this author - it's a high fantasy epic with TIGHT AS FUCK worldbuilding, brilliantly written, the romance is BEAUTIFULLY WRITTEN, the payoffs are amazing, etc... this deserves to be published and revered
ix. 'Battle of the Bands' - roadtripwithlucifer
Band AU // complete // 168K // E
look i know i always rec this fic, i just can't help that it's like my favourite thing ever. roadtripwithlucifer and totallyrottentomatoes my BELOVEDS. the humour in this fic is so fucking yummy and brilliant, the writing is gorgeous in typical roadtrip fashion, the stakes are gripping, the climax is thrilling, the romance n yearning is INTENSE, the sex is hot as hell, the ending is so satisfying, just..... the whole package.
and while you're here, read other roadtripwithlucifer works like 'Nothing Else Fills' if you feel like destroying your heart :) an angsty and beautifully written time-travel-to-save-my-kacchan-gone-wrong war AU fic. i love OP's works but her more recent fics (eg. after battle of the bands) have had some of her best writing. i adore it when you can feel how an author has poured their soul into their work, you can always feel it in a roadtripwithlucifer work and it's just the cherry on top
x. 'Scar Tissue' - Loriqod
canon-compliant // complete // 18K // E
loriqod is another author with a characterisation that i fuck with so hard... this one was so full of that Yearning and Tension that i so vibe with. bonus points to the plots focus on bkdk's scars like yes pls more of that <3
anyway i might make a part 2 some other time, these are just the ones i grabbed from my public bookmarks. i have a lot of private ones and some of them i forgot to make public oops
hope u find smth u enjoy!
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twopoppies · 1 year ago
Hi Gina , Do you have a category for reread fics?How can I find them
Meaning fics I’ve read more than once? I don’t think I’ve ever made one—let me see what I can do.
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Hats Off To My Distant Hope by orphan_account (E, 21K) This was such a pleasure to read. The writing feels so effortless as the fic explores the deep emotions of these two characters. They’re stubborn and inarticulate and gentle and passionate and finally, finally open up to each other. I really wish I knew who wrote it because I’d love to read more of their work.
Walk That Mile by purpledaisy (E, 150K) I’ve read this one multiple times and still love it. Their bickering is so realistic, their resistance to their attraction to each other is perfect, the way the author portrays all of their weird quirks and differences but still makes it believable that they’d fall fo reach other is such fun to read….I love this fic.
my heart is breathing for this moment in time by usedtothebeach (E, 160K) Probably my absolute favorite time travel fic. I’ve read it more times than I’d like to admit, and every time I love it more. One of the things I like most is how organically the author weaves in canon events…every little moment is an easter egg without it being so obvious that it pulls you out of the fic. Anyway, this one is so moving and so absorbing, I hope you like it if you give it a try! There’s an 18K companion piece to it as well, but you’ll see the link at the appropriate time when you’re reading the main fic (and when you read the scene that breaks your heart –– in the best possible way –– come and scream at me. You’ll know which one I mean).
Our Lives, Non Fiction by @indiaalphawhiskey (E, 114K) this is, quite literally, the best fic I’ve read in years. It’s so well written, clever, funny, emotional, and sexy. Its draw you in immediately and you’ll end up falling in love with these characters before you know it. Don’t miss this one.
Never Never Never Stop for Anyone (Sheylinsonverse) by aimmyarrowshigh, spibsy (E, 10-work series, 439K)Yes, here I am again, putting this series on a list. Probably 10 people in this fandom like it as much as I do, but I don’t care. I have read all 440K words more than once, and will likely do it a few more times. Yes, it needs editing, but even so…really well written, super sexy (if you like reading BDSM and can handle Larry + someone else), and such interesting character development. One of my favorite things about this fic is how the authors differentiate between the ways the different characters inhabit their Dom and Sub personalities.
Make Your Words A Weapon by HelloAmHere (E, 36K) I love everything this author writes. This one just really hit me hard for whatever reason. Maybe it’s the way they explore Louis’ anxiety and coping mechanisms and pain and the way he pushes people away and protects himself, but also wants someone to push back just a bit and love him despite all of that. And the way Harry is the perfect foil for all of it, while also feeling like a fully developed character himself. Yeah, it’s probably all of that. Plus soul marks!
Pull Me Under by zarah5 (E, 140K) One of the very first fics I read when I came into this fandom…and I’ve read it multiple times since. Zarah’s fics hold up every time. This one has it all, great pacing, ot5 friendship, banter, super sexy smut, etc etc. Plus, Louis being super jealous of Harry’s best friend.
Into The Blue by zarah5 (E, 117K) honestly, I love all of this author’s fics, but I think this is my favorite of theirs. Louis as a flirty scuba instructor? Newly single Harry who just wants a fling? Boys living on other sides of the world who only have a few weeks together? Heartbreak. Hot af smut. OT5 friendship. Please….give me all that shit.
Faking It by TheCellarDoor (M, 46K)This one is so sweet. I loved Harry's internal monologue... his insecurities and thoughts that he'd made Louis uncomfortable because he liked, him made me cry. Louis is so soft and supportive. It’s just a lovely fic.
Remind Me Again by momentofclarity / @gaycousinlarry (E, 29K) Every sentence in this fic is so effortlessly beautiful. I love that the miscommunication between them is done in a totally realistic way. The fight and make up like real people do and that makes the angst more painful and the making up more emotional. One of my favorite authors.
And Touch Me Like You Never by runaway_train (E, 36K) I really enjoyed how this author handled Harry’s confusion and growing attraction and eventual sexuality crisis. That, along with the angst and very sexy smut, made it a really good read.
may we all have a vision now and then by momentofclarity / @gaycousinlarry (M, 4K) This author is one of my favorite writers in this fandom and everything they do is infused with so much delicacy and tenderness. I literally cried through this fic because of how wounded Harry’s character feels. Read it and then treat yourself to their whole AO3 catalogue.
Seeing Blind by zedi (E, 47K) I really liked the way this author gave a twist to both Omega Harry and Alpha Louis’ characteristics. It’s a whole lot of smut and miscommunication and, of course, a happy ending.
Shake Me Down by AGreatPerhaps12 (NR, 209K) this fic will run you through the wringer, but it’s really a great read. I really like the way the author took the boys from enemies to friends to boyfriends, and how we got to see how protective and supportive Louis became towards Harry.
smell the sea, feel the sky by @lightwoodsmagic (E, 16K) This is the perfect summer pining fic. I love that they’re adults and still the same horny, pining fools for each other and it still works. It’s just very sexy, light, and fun.
we can take the long road home by @pinkcords (E, 46K) This was absolutely gorgeous. And it made me cry, damn it. Seriously though, the writing is so beautiful. I loved the characterizations and the way they both showed their vulnerability. I loved the slow pace and the hot smut. I loved this fic.
smile in slow motion by istajmaal (E, 24K) One of my favorite Daddy kink authors, this one is lighthearted and funny while also being super sexy. Plus it’s got great Zouis friendship.
all my love was down on a frozen ground by navigator (E, 16K) This is an old one that I didn’t have bookmarked for some reason. But it’s a favorite and I love everything this author wrote. This is one of those quiet, soft fics with a bit of angst and a lot of internal monologue and gentle conversations. I don’t know, there’s something so touching about it.
Thought The Song Was Sung by 100percentsassy (E, 13K) This is both a famous/not famous and a dating app AU. Plus, older Larry. Plus an author who writes great fic. And this one is just sweet and charming and I really like this one.
the way the storms blow by rbbsbb (E, 22K) What would happen if you walked in on your best friend in the midst of an orgy? Louis finds out and it’s pretty damn hot.
we can take the long way home by eleadore (E, 27K) this one is a canon divergent future fic where Louis is a “carrier” (basically, he would be able to get pregnant) and it’s just SO good. It’s beautifully written (like everything this author does), so well-paced, and I just find the way their developing relationship is written to be so touching and realistic.
The light to guide me home by Star_Henderson / @tommosgun (E, 65K) I don’t know what it is about this fic but I’ve read it so many times and I just really love the instant chemistry, the smut is stupid hot and fuels the character growth, and even with the angst, the whole thing is just lighthearted and sexy.
Speaking of Marvels by navigator, quitter (E, 101K) This was one of the first fics I read in this fandom, but I read it again recently and had forgotten how really wonderful it is. The writing is so lovely and the characters feel so well developed. I especially loved how the authors explored how differently the two of them would respond to their relationship given the different stages of life they were in. It made the romance and the attraction and the angst feel really real.
Constant Debauchery by Blake (E, 19K) Yes, yes, I know. I’ve probably recommended this 10 times. But have you read it yet? Anyway…Edwardian setting, uni ABO (Alpha/Alpha) fic. Gorgeous mood setting, I’ve said before that it reads like an Merchant Ivory film looks…just gorgeous. There’s a similar sense of repression and uncertainty about flouting societal expectations, and a character who appears one way on the surface, but underneath is quite different. I love this one, I’ve read it a number of times.
Lightening Strikes Twice by @dinosaursmate (E, 106K) It’s not often that I read a 100+K fic multiple times, but this one is worth it. It’s one of my favorites from this author, and a favorite all around. It’s an epic love story spanning decades and massive life changes. It’s sexy and well-written, and so touching, and so fulfilling in many ways.
precious little thing by mercutionnotromeo (E, 21K) I’ve read this one so many times…it’s got it all. This time the phone sex operator is Louis, and subby Harry is just beginning to realize his daddy kink.
Good Enough to Eat by objectlesson (E, 7K) This author always does such a good job with depicting young, queer love and the way their characters experience the overwhelm of realizing they’re not straight, realizing the’ve met their Person, pining, and giving in. I love a lot of their fics, but I think this is my favorite of them. Link is to a download.
One day to believe in you by mediaville (E, 8K) another author who always hits it out of the park as far as I’m concerned. This one is super funny and then super sexy. Louis gets cursed and has to tell the truth. No matter what Harry asks him. Read it!
like a bastard on a burning sea by vashtaneradas (NR, 21K) Heartbreaking, perfect writing. So well-written that the fandom hated real-life Harry for a while after this was posted. 😅
These Roads We Stumble Down by onewasturning (E, 18K) I adore this author’s writing and I’ve read this particular one multiple times. It’s just a little melancholy and very sexy and one of those fics that reminds me why I can read about the same two people falling in love 46372 times and never tire of it.
Empty Skies by green_feelings / @greenfeelings (E, 13K) I just started re-reading this the other day and it holds up so well. This author is always a pleasure to read. Their fics just are well plotted and the characters are nicely fleshed out. I loved Perrie as Harry’s bestie, the bitterness and angst is PAINFUL, and the ending feels well earned.
Wild and Unruly by 100percentsassy, gloria_andrews (E, 124K) One of the OG classics in this fandom. If you haven’t read it yet, you’re missing out. It’s just a great, original story. Plus, cowboy Harry, city boy Louis, bad guys to hate, nail biting drama, hot af sexual chemistry and smut, and a super satisfying ending.
Love Is A Rebellious Bird by 100percentsassy, gloria_andrews (E, 135K) Everything about this fic is glorious. I’m always struck by how well the characters are fleshed out, how their behavior lines up with their backstory, how ridiculously hot the chemistry is, and how agonizing the angst is. So yes, no shocker, I cried buckets. Thank god for a happy ending.
Unbelievers by isthatyoularry (E, 137K) High school Au, footie, enemies with benefits, so much sexual tension (and just tension), and really well-developed, complex characters. Most of the conflict in this (and in the companion fic from Harry’s POV) is straight up lack of communication. But, given the age of the characters, it’s forgivable (although sometimes frustrating).
In Dreams by dolce_piccante (M, 24K) This actually might be my favorite of this author’s fics, although I know it’s definitely not the most popular. It’s just soft and romantic and sweet and I’m a sucker for tattoo artist Louis winning over slightly uptight Harry.
Your Name Is Tattooed On My Heart my mcpofife (E, 87K) I reread this one recently and it's truly delightful. The characterizations are so well done. Harry is so endearing (I cried over his heartbreak). And the smut is both hot and really emotional. Love this one.
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cheapbourbon · 1 year ago
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“Is consort the same in all languages?”
I believe so Khonshu says.
I finally got around to doing some Fanart of my all time favorite Moon Knight fic series- We don't need to say it to each other by: deadonarrival on Ao3.
I don’t know if the author is here on tumblr or not. D=
Those fics= fucking perfection. Do mind the tags tho if you go looking, here there be monster(fucking).
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gingernut1314 · 1 year ago
One Piece Reading List (Pt. 2)
I have a tendency to read really good fics that I want to re-read weeks later only to find I can't find them in the void. Soooo I came up with this little reading list solution--kinda like a GoodReads vibe lol. I want to be able to share what I’ve read and be able to show my absolute love for them!!
Here is part 2! I recommend every last fic on here because they are amazing and they and their authors deserve all the love in the world!!!! 🩷 🩷
↞ to One Piece Masterlist | Request Rules | Blog Navigation ↠ Part 1
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Buggy: 🤡
Problem @tiredemomama
A little Funny Business @somanyratsinthewalls
Still Sexy? @writingoddess1125
Buggy falls asleep in his throne again @hey-august
Keep drinking @hey-august part 2
The Sweetest Thing @galaxycunt
Bubbles @the-anxious-youth
A favor for the captain @hey-august
Tender love and care @sordidmusings
You've Got the Same Dream as Me @lostfirefly
Say Yes @galaxycunt
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Mihawk: 🟡👄🟡
Bodyguard!Mihawk @discordantwritings
Kiss the Swordsman @cinnbar-bun
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Crocodile: 🐊
Finding out you're stronger than them @standfucker
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Shanks: 🍺🧑‍🦰
A sharp tongue @undiscovered-horizon
I was enchanted to meet you @alisonwritesimagines
The night is sparkling, don't you let it go -> fluff ending Please don't be in love with someone else -> angst-ending
Shanks with a calm, introverted s/o @heyitsdoe
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Sanji: 🧑‍🍳
"I can teach you if you'd like" @vinsmokc-sanji
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Luffy: 🍖
Luffy only shares with you @usoppsstar
I Remember Thinking I Had You @mydearlybeloathed part 2
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Ace: 🧯🔥
Cream @bby-deerling
Cuddles @muenbear
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Usopp: 🤥
In my eyes @itjazzbicch
You Called? @kibblz-n-bitz
In The Moment @stray-kaz
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Zoro: 🗡️🥦 ⚔️
Cuddling with Zoro @bowsa-jr
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Nami: 🍊
Enjoying a Day off @madwomansapologist
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Zeff: 🍽️
Cooking is a language of love @tiredemomama
My Lovely Patron @turtletaubwrites Part 2
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Multiple Characters: 🏴‍☠️
How to deal with 3 warlords (while pregnant) @dexlexia
Sit, like a chair @sinning-23
What turns the monster trio on @mvrtaiswriting
Roommates @thebisexualdogdad
OPLA hot older guys headcanons @i-am-vita
Random things I think OPLA Characters would do @phntmeii
One piece (live-action) characters: tops, bottoms, switches? @gotheskin
[Cross Gild headcannons] The way he... @hey-august
One Bed Trope - NSFW (Cross Guild x GN!Reader) @hey-august
Dance with me @stray-kaz
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Paperultra's Masterlist @paperultra
Rorywritesjunk's Master Post @rorywritesjunk
One Piece Masterlist @miloonmetis
Mo's Masterlist @somanyratsinthewalls
One piece masterlist @sinning-23
Fics and fanart @empressofmankind
One Piece Masterlist @madwomansapologist
Z0r0z's masterlist @z0r0z
Short Honey Badger's Masterlist @short-honey-badger
We've All Got Needs @turtletaubwrites
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brandileigh2003 · 7 months ago
Wolfstar fics that I would totally read a 3rd time (mostly a list for me but someone asked me to share)
~~~please give these authors love, fandom engagement with writers is down and it means more than you know. ~~~
Honey if I'm not series by @brigid-faye
All of peachyybabes @lavenderhaze
The Standard Book Of Spells by imparfait
Like Real People Do by third_crow
10 reasons to go to Michigan @greyeyedmonster-18
Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations by TheQueerTailor
A Series of Sketches Done in Black Ink and within white space by @mustntgetmy
Aging Gracelessly by orphan_account
By Any Other Name by Under_the_Willow
my jokes are my armour, my kindness is my sword by @littleoldrachel
Let's Play Pretend by MsAlexWP
Stray dogs
A taste of Honey
candy crush by bizarrestars @starsworth
wading in waist-high water by @colgatebluemintygel
Heat and balance by @eyra
A Wolf's Heart by mizdiz
lessen my load by moonymoment @mayescapade
Of Memories and Milk Thievery
It's a new dawn by ilbaritz
Wish You Were Here by afieryfox
Engaged for 43 years by @halfravenhalfclaw
Of Initials and Postscripts by irrationalmoony, LadyAmina
Of Leaves and Stars by irrationalmoony, LadyAmina
Berlin Angel by de_sire
Did You Miss Me? by @krethes @Fantismal,
An Interesting Grasp by @thebibutterflyao3
Befriending A Ravenclaw by @kreestar
The PB to my J by aqua_myosotis
when it's warm again by moonymoment
'tis the damn season by moonymoment
Under the Eucalyptus [+Podfic] by @xinasvoice
this is erosion by JJanuaryRain
Forever Is a State of Mind by orphan_account
An Infinte Ocean by orphan_account
Second Generation by MsAlexWP
My Only Sunshine by Loua29xx
exes, horcruxes, and other reasons to panic by @lynxindisguise
Dear Your Holiness by @mollymarymarie
Au Pif by sreka, YumeNouveau
Of Bookshelves and Baby Carriers by @poppunkpadfoot
**ok. Arguably jegulus main ones but wolfstar is heavily featured:
-Crimson rivers and best friends brother by bizarrestars
-Kill Your Darlings by MesserMoon: college au ft hockey and deaf remus
--feel free to check it my main rec list
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thevioletcaptain · 7 months ago
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Day one of the @spnficrecfest called for rec lists featuring fics set in a specific season or era, so here are five of my all-time favorite Purgatory era Dean/Cas fics! I'm also including fics which deal with the immediate aftermath of Dean & Cas' time in Purgatory, as I consider those to be part of the era as well :)
The Legend of the White Light by EllenOfOz | Explicit | 50k Angsty, pine-filled alternate season 8 fic with a happy ending! This was written for the Pinefest a few years back, and it quickly earned a place on my favorite Purgatory fics list. (Warnings: graphic depictions of violence, explicit sexual content)
Ritual by takadainmate | Teen | 10.8k This is a really unique fic that follows Dean, Benny, and an extremely changed Cas through Purgatory. I don't quite know how to describe this one without spoiling it, but... possibly sentient lightning wants Cas dead? Just go read it, it's strange and lovely. (Warnings: none)
Just After, But Before by cymbalism | Explicit | 8.7k As the title says, this fic is set just after Dean and Cas escape from Purgatory -- and unlike the show, they get out together. It's a short and sweet hurt/comfort fic, with Dean looking after Cas after the journey through the portal leaves him weak and injured. (Warnings: explicit sexual content)
What Fun It All Would Be by 8sword | Mature | 22.5k A Purgatory fic that deals with the fact that Dean's half-Amazon daughter Emma must be there, and a really inventive and twisty one at that. When you start reading you're going to be confused. Stick with it. Enjoy the journey -- but mind the tags, and be prepared for pain. This one doesn't have a happy ending. (Warnings: graphic depictions of violence, major character death, body horror, supernatural "drug" use)
Tales of Brave Ulysses by snarklyboojum | Teen | 55.9k This one is just beautifully written -- one of those fics that, despite not having re-read it in a while, I can still picture specific moments perfectly in my mind's eye. It's not an entirely happy ending, but it is a hopeful one, and there's some Where the Wild Things Are stuff in there that's especially fun. (Warnings: graphic depictions of violence)
Redemption Road by multiple authors | Explicit | 652k Technically, this sprawling, slow-burn, round robin masterpiece was written long before Purgatory ever appeared on screen, with fans starting the project during the hiatus between seasons six and seven. The central story follows Dean as he tries to bring Cas back to him after he's been driven to megalomania by the monster souls he consumed during season six. Seeing as a significant part of the story takes place in Purgatory, and it's still one of my all time favorite fics 13 years after it was published, it gets an honorary place on this list. (Warnings: graphic depictions of violence, explicit sexual content)
Check under the cut for links to all of the rec lists I make for this fest! I'll update with new links as I post them :)
Day One - Purgatory Era Day Two - Dean's Canon Kinks Day Three - Long Fics Day Four - Alternate Universes Day Five - Rare Pairs Day Six - Case Fics Day Seven - Tropes Day Eight - Gen Fics Day Nine - Vintage Fics Day Ten - Coda Fics Day Eleven - Mystery List
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vofart · 1 year ago
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I will never forgive you for creating such a masterpiece. Honestly one of the best reads ever out of all the books and drafts and everything just absolutely mind-blowing fucking amazing.
This is a seen from Senharts fantastic Dazai and the Moving Detective Agency on ao3 and there is so many other seens I want to do but this was the first that I sketched out. Its funnier in context so you should go read their fic. (its howls moving castle au but you don't have to know about it to enjoy the fic)
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calaisreno · 2 months ago
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My Marked for Later list is surpassed only by my list of stories to re-read! I will never finish, and that is a happy problem to have.
The kudos button refuses to cooperate, so I will pass some favorites along to new readers.
Here is one for the season:
Skater in the Snow, by Odamaki:
Invited to stay at the house of a godmother he didn't know he had, John accepts, not knowing what to expect. Christmas is coming, the house is old, and as the snow starts to thicken, the ghosts begin to emerge.
This one has not only ghosts, but time travel, some familiar characters in an unfamiliar time and place, an orphaned John meeting a very mysterious Mrs Hudson, and two boys meeting on a winter night in a place where past and present seem to blend.
Beautifully written. ❤️
@lhrinchelsea @redmondcollege @helloliriels @whatnext2020
@7-percent @raina-at @a-victorian-girl @keirgreeneyes
@lisbeth-kk @totallysilvergirl @ghostofnuggetspast
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gallafics · 6 months ago
𝙶𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚊𝚏𝚒𝚌'𝚜 𝚁𝚎𝚌𝚜
Category — My Comfort Fics (No Major Spoilers)
“The Fight For You” by WishIHadWings
Complete. 45 chapters. 328k words. Explicit Mexico AU. Slow burn. Cheating. Smutty. Angsty. Fluffy. End game but detailed Mickey/OMC. Brief Ian/Trevor.
Beautiful dynamic. Their chemistry is INSANE in this fic. The build up is phenomenal. The reunion sex is chefs kiss perfection. Say what you want but one of my fav tropes is “Mickey/Ian in a relationship and cheating to be with Ian/Mickey.” Parts of this fic are so painful to read, the angst gets ANGSTY in this one. (Full review — coming soon!)
“You can’t hurry love” by @crazynadine (Ao3)
Complete. 43 chapters. 464k words. Explicit. Graphic depictions of violence. Rape/non-con. Angsty. Smutty. Happy ending. Drug abuse. Domestic Violence. Slow burn.
This fic is one I hold so close to my heart. I relate to a lot of things in this fic. With that being said, please read the trigger warning and take care of your mental health when reading as it deals with some pretty heavy themes. Ian and Mickey are both with others but when they give in and finally come back together is literally so beautiful. Definitely a must read! (Full review — coming soon!)
“Silent Pain in Emerald Eyes” by @takeyourpillsbitchh (Ao3)
WIP. 7 chapters. 54k words. Explicit. Graphic depictions of violence. Rape/non-con. Angsty. Suicidal thoughts. PTSD. Mute!Ian Gallagher. Therapist!Mickey. Taboo relationship — therapist/patient. Happy ending. Romantic tension. Sexual tension. Mutual Pining.
This fic being incomplete doesn’t some me from rereading it over and over. This is another that I would say to definitely make sure you read the trigger warning and make sure you’re in a good mental space. It also deals with some pretty heavy themes. Mickey and Ian’s connection in this fic is unmatched for me, they just get each other so well in this one. They both have been through so many traumatizing things and Mickey uses his trauma to help Ian heal from his trauma in a healthy way. It’s quite beautiful. I literally wait with bated breath for the author to update! (Full Review — Coming soon)
“The Crimes Surrounding Ian Gallagher” by RumbleFish14
Rereleased WIP. 11 chapters. 85k words. Graphic depictions of violence. Major character death. Rape/non-con. Underage. Angsty. Smutty. Strangers to lovers. Ghosts. Detective!Mickey. Ghost!Ian. Love at first sight. Murder. Underage sex/relationship. Mystery with a twist.
This is one of the first fics I ever read when I joined the fandom, when I tell you I about peed my pants when I realized the author reuploaded this fic I’m not kidding. I actually squealed. It is a beautiful, intricate, detailed story and writes as a true mystery novel with hints of romance. I do know the ending as I have the original downloaded, and I’m confident to say it’s a happy ending, but I’m not sure if I should upload the download link? I will have to get in touch with the author somehow! Please, give this fic a chance if you feel your mental can handle it, it’s truly an amazing read. (Full review — coming soon)
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starboymuse · 3 months ago
there’s no greater pain than realizing one of your favorite fic writers deactivated💔
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greenerteacups · 5 months ago
Hi GT,
Forgive me if this is a stupid question, but I absolutely love the recs you've given (you've introduced me to tomione, and I love it!) and I was wondering if it's possible to give you some recs in return? There are some books and fics that definitely have dramione / got vibes, and I was wondering if I could share them with you!
So glad you've enjoyed them! Feel free to rec me anything you want. I've read most of the classic recs in terms of fic and adjacent content (Cruel Prince et al), but I'll try anything that's well-written. My tastes run towards weird and/or audaciously creative stuff, and I can forgive a lot of weaknesses in plot on the grounds of (1) ambition or (2) character work. My turnoffs are instalove, protagonists who can't fail, and most Y/A (I'm not a hater, I swear, I just need characters who can say "fuck" when their leg gets chopped off.)
I'm also a fan of weird and fucked-up dynamics.(Wuthering Heights was my favorite book for a while, and as a teenager I wrote an AU in which the book ends on a long sex scene where Heathcliff fucks Cathy's ghost and then immediately gets murdered by Catherine 2.) Obviously, I am very normal.
#greenteacup asks#my beef with Y/A is mostly expressed in a dissonance between tone and content#LOVE the content. dystopia fantasy horror sex and blood — awesome. but question. why are they all saying 'darn'?#like in the vampire diaries where they'll watch people get eaten and then 2 episodes later be like 'omg SCHOOL DANCE'#(EDIT: actually in fairness. on the vampire diaries. it was mostly just caroline that did that. unfair example my apologies)#& i distinguish this critique from a common bitch-and-moan complaint about tv shows being interested in 'girly' things#like relationships and social standing. that is not my complaint. that shit is delicious. i will chomp that shit for days#my issue is that when the stakes oscillate wildly from episode to episode and i can't tell what the main thing is#like sorry. a story with murder in it is always going to be about murder. you can't make it not about murder#unfortunately! many have tried.#and in general i have difficulty reading about teenagers bc—#(she says having written 600k words about them OKAY I KNOW. i contain multitudes.)#because they're either mini-adults (preferred flavor. jude in the cruel prince nails this) or like leetol babies to me#and unless it's something like the hunger games where the Leetol Baby thing is part of the story#i'm like. hang on. you're 12 what are you doing here#percy jackson was hard for me to re-read as an adult for this reason#which is why they're enjoyable for teenagers! because as a teenager you DO feel like an adult#and you like reading books that treat you like one! nothing wrong with that! healthy even!#only then you get past the teenage years (mashallah) and you get stuff like twilight#where of COURSE bella doesn't think twice about 117 year old man falling in love with her#because he looks like a rich mysterious 17-year-old hottie#but you reread it later and it's like um well. that. could be explored a little more maybe.#i'm not even necessarily opposed to it. candidly. still team edward. i just think the dynamic should be more fucked up and juicy.#which Y/A authors are often reluctant to do. like. COWARDS! face the nasty consequences of your narrative decisions!#anyhow. you didn't ask for any of this. please give me your recs lovely person you seem very nice.
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twopoppies · 1 year ago
Fav re-reads:
Escapade (I cannot seem to get bored of it, I love h&l's relationship dynamic, the whole vibe, impeccable. This is my comfort fic, I always go back to it)
got the sunshine on my shoulders (I'm a sucker for louis praise and this fic has a lot of it. Angsty and a bit heartbreaking but I love it sm)
Danger I Can't Hide (I read this because of your recommendation Gina, and holy shit. I'm speechless every time I so much as think about this fic!)
Haven't re-read them yet but I most definitely will:
Through Eerie Chaos (I cried way too much nearing the end considering that it has a happy ending😭) (also all of MediaWhore's works are gems and should be framed)
may we all have a vision now and then (I just read it today but I already plan on rereading it. It's a short one (4k) and I didn't expect to like it so much, but it made me so emotional! Harry is pretty and he should be called pretty every goddamn hour of every goddamn day!! Thank god for Louis)
Generally, I think if someone's looking for amazingly written works you cannot go wrong with: MediaWhore, Velvetoscar and CelticSky's works. There are obviously many more amazing and talented authors, but these tree are my absolute favourites if anyone cares about a stranger's opinion on the internet 🤍
So glad you loved Danger I Can’t Hide. I’m on re-read #4 and it’s only been a few months since I read it the first time. 😅
Escapade by dolce_piccante
got the sunshine in my shoulders by hattalove
Danger I Can’t Hide by CelticSky
Through Eerie Chaos by MediaWhore
may we all have a vision now and then by @gaycousinlarry
(I’ve re-read those last two multiple times, as well!)
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all-too-unwell-13 · 7 months ago
i read this one dorlily fic like a year ago that i still think about now
i think it was called "it would've been fun if you would've been the one" or smth like that
and it was like past dorlily, with lily coming back to her hometown to reset her sense of self after her and james didn't work out (where dorcas is) after leaving there to pursue her acting career (and meeting james, getting married and having harry together)
and then it's lily making her peace with the fact that dorcas is happy with marlene now after not getting closure for either of them, and then lily meets
and i just think it's really beautiful
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