#dnd oc writing
DnD OC Fic: Part One
This is a purely self-indulgent writing thing I've wanted to do for a while now. My DnD OC, Annahael, and by extension her dragon companion Azula, have been living in my head for several years now, and I've had a strong desire to not only write out every bit of her backstory, but to do so in a fic-style way, hitting major events that might have occurred during her life. Is it really fanfiction if you're writing about your own character? ...maybe. In any case, I've got multiple parts planned for this, but actually had the energy to finish at least one part. If you choose to read all of this, thanks! I appreciate it! If not, fair enough, I wrote this mainly for myself anyways.
Word count: 2.3k
Tagging a couple folks who might be interested (if you're not/you are, let me know I'll adjust as needed): @bookwyrm-of-the-trees @jgvfhl @bazingabacca @professorgallifrey @charlie-omniscient
Part One: Childhood
“Slow down, Annahael!” The young blonde girl tripped over another tree limb as she chased her cousin up the mountainside. 
“You just have to try harder to keep up!“ the other girl jeered back. Her jet black hair flew like raven feathers behind her as she scrambled up another ledge. 
“Yeah, Kiana!” A boy with messy blonde hair shoved her as he ran past. “The others aren’t going to wait for us forever!”
“And if you don’t slow down, Elyan, you’re going to chip another tooth!” Still, Kiana did her best to catch up to her other two cousins. 
The sun crested over the nearby peaks as the trio made their way up the mountain. 
“Ughhhhh, how much farther?” Elyan groaned. 
“Can’t be that much longer now.” Annahael glanced around, looking for her remaining cousins. “Damien and Faedron both said they’d meet us up here.”
“Not like you’re that hard to find.” A half-elven boy stepped out from behind a tree. “I’m surprised half the creatures in the forest aren’t here, considering the racket you’ve been making.” 
“You try traveling with these two,” Kiana shot back, dusting herself off. 
“They have their moments. As do you, dear sister.” A dark haired boy jumped down from a nearby tree. 
“Damien.” Kiana rolled her eyes. “I should have known you were lurking around somewhere.” 
“Guilty as charged.” He gave a small smile. 
“So,” Annahael crossed her arms. “Did you actually find something cool this time, or is this just another excuse to leave the manor?”
Faedron gave a slight smirk. “Can’t it be both, cousin?
“Now,” the half-elf held up his hand. “We have to be extremely careful. Even the slightest disturbance could lead to catastrophe.” He gave a pointed glare towards Elyan. 
“That was one time!” Elyan shouted. “How was I supposed to know ancient family relics were that breakable?” 
“By using the same vacuous space in your head that keeps you from stabbing yourself with the pointy end of a spear?” Kiana suggested. 
Before Elyan could shove Kiana back down the mountainside, Annahael stepped in between them. 
“Ok, ok, calm down.” She held out both her arms, keeping the two relatively at bay. “Honestly, Elyan, it’s not worth it. We both know Kiana can’t go five minutes without reminding us how she’s the smartest one in the room.” Kiana shot daggers towards Annahael. Metaphorically, of course, but the literal urge was there, as well. “So maybe you can rub whatever two brain cells you have left together and knock it off? Just long enough to see if Faedron is playing a practical joke on us.”
Elyan and Kiana shared a look, deciding whether to kill each other, Annahael, or both. Eventually, the curiosity of what Faedron had in store for them became greater than their bloodlust, and the two of them fell in line with their siblings. Elyan with Faedron further up the path, Damien and Kiana keeping watch in the middle, and Annahael bringing up the rear. 
She couldn’t help but notice the pairs ahead of her, the friendly bickering, the light shoving, the laughter. She wasn’t jealous, of course. Being an only child had its perks, not to mention the fact that she was the eldest of all of them. She would take getting spoiled by her parents over having to deal with another person who shared her bloodline any day. Her cousins were enough trouble as it was. 
Trudging along the paths of the mountainside, Faedron held up his hand, signaling the group to stop. He then carefully navigated his way to a nearby outcropping, brushing aside some foliage and revealing an entrance in the rock, just wide enough for an adult to maneuver through. With a confident smirk on his face, he waved his family over to follow him through the entrance. 
“Faedron, you are aware some of us can’t see down there?” Kiana whispered. 
“Just trust me, then,” he replied. “I can take us down there safely, and Annahael can watch us all from the back.” 
Annahael nodded, a bit of fake confidence covering up her confusion. On the surface she knew she didn’t look much different from her human cousins, but there were inconsistencies. She first noticed it while learning the language of her family. Despite others, namely Kiana, having greater intelligence, Annahael could understand and speak the language almost immediately. And again now, with being able to see in the darkest of places with ease. She’d heard whispers from her family and others in the manor. Talks of lineage, of her disgraced Aunt Delilah, the phrase “angel blood” arising here and there. But it didn’t mean anything to her, so she tried not to dwell on it. 
As the group carefully made their way through the cavern, Faedron led them down various twists and turns before emerging in a softly lit open chamber. Gemstones grew scattered across the walls, jutting out in clusters and reflecting the sourceless light. Emeralds, rubies, and sapphires glittered, with obsidian and opals refracting a rainbow of hues across the room. However, the gemstones were the least impressive items in the cavern. In each corner, gathered by a particular gem cluster, there lay a dragon egg. 
“What do you say?” Faedron turned to gloat at everyone, their mouths agape in wonder. “Do you think the journey was worth it now?” 
“Shut up,” Kiana muttered, the glow of the rubies hiding her flushed cheeks. 
“And there’s no traps here?” Damien asked, glancing around the room. 
“I already checked. No signs of traps; no signs of dragons. I wouldn’t recommend touching anything,” he called after Elyan, who was racing around the room, about to pick up an egg. 
“You break an old vase one time…” Elyan muttered, reluctantly shoving his hands into his pockets. 
Distracted by the beauty before them, the group almost missed the signs of footsteps behind them. Annahael blinked for a moment, and upon hearing the sound hissed out “Hide!” 
The group scattered, some more successfully than others blending into their surroundings. The footsteps thudded down the passageway, growing ever closer to the chamber, echoing off the gems in the room. As the figure came to a stop in the center of the room, she called out in a familiar voice, “There’s no need to hide, children.”  
“Grandmother?” Elyan poked his head out from behind an outcropping. Annahael punched him on her way towards the center of the room. 
“Tzel Mavet,” she said respectfully, shooting daggers towards her cousin as she knelt. While Phaedra Kroxa was indeed their grandmother, she was also the head matriarch of the family, and the leader of the Death Sect of the Organization 13, the mysterious and powerful group their family belonged to. And Annahael did not sit through hours of history class to have her brainless relative make such an impudent vernacular slip. 
Her other cousins began to emerge from their hiding places, kneeling in front of their leader. 
“To what do we owe this honor?” Annahael asked. 
“It can’t be enough that I was worried about you all?” Her voice was a powerful, commanding force in the room, with just the slightest dash of sweetness mixed in. “When the entire next generation of the Kroxa family goes missing at the same time…well, that’s sure to raise some alarms.” Everyone hung their heads lower, dipping from respect into shame. 
“And now, seeing you all here, frankly I’m a little disappointed. You ruined the surprise.” 
All of their heads immediately perked up. “A surprise?” Elyan asked. 
“Yes.” The Tzel Mavet walked around the chamber, picking up one of the dragon eggs. “As a reward for your training, we were going to gift you each a draconic partner to aid you in your endeavors. But, I suppose the wyrm is out of the bag.” Her mouth curled into what one might assume could be called a smile. 
“But…” Faedron’s voice shook under the glare of his elder. “But I checked for ev-everything. Footprints, disturbances. This…this chamber was untouched.”
“Then clearly you aren’t as skilled as you think you are,” she said curtly. “Perhaps if you spent less time galavanting through the forest and more time training, you wouldn’t have made an error.” 
Faedron nodded and bowed his head again, looking like he was going to be sick. 
“In any case.” The sweetness returned to her voice, as if nothing had just happened. “It wouldn’t be fair to hang on to the element of surprise anymore. So, you are all free to choose a companion with which to bond with. Annahael,” she gestured, and Annahael stood. “You may have first pick.”
“Wait,” Kiana stood up as well. “I should get first pick.” 
The Tzel Mavet raised an eyebrow. “And why is that?”  
“Just because she’s the eldest doesn’t mean she is the most powerful.” Kiana conjured a mass of fire before them, then shaped the flames to soar around the room. The lights of the inferno refracted across the gems before the fire settled into Kiana’s hand, extinguishing it with a close of her fist. 
The Tzel Mavet nodded. “Impressive,” she said. “Perhaps I have been underestimating the work that you’ve put into this family.” She smiled at Kiana before turning an expectant glare towards Annahael. 
“Oh, right, yes.” She fumbled over her words and her dagger, failing to undo the strap and nearly dropping the blade. She tried to ignore Kiana and Elyan hiding a snicker as she grasped the dagger, channeling energy through it until it glowed with a bright white light. 
“Fascinating,” Kiana mocked. “What power you must wield!” She retrieved her own small blade and conducted a similar incantation, her own weapon now glowing with a similar arcane energy. 
The Tzel Mavet held up her hand, and Kiana dropped the spell, falling silent. “Annahael,” she said. “I fail to see how that could possibly be useful.” 
“Well, I-”
“If you aren’t able to prove yourself here and now, then I can’t see how you’ll do so in the future. If I am to entrust the future of this family to someone, then I need to be certain she’ll have what it takes. It makes no difference to me the order of her birth.”
Annahael felt something inside of her start to bubble up. She’d felt it before, when her cousins would mock her for her occasional clumsiness, when she’d hear whispers about her behind her back. It wasn’t as trivial as not getting her way, not necessarily. It was anger. Anger over not being stronger, over not being perfect, over being completely and utterly afraid of what losing her status might mean. Instead of pushing those feelings down as she normally did, this time she let them fester and burn, until finally they burst forth. 
A crash of lightning burst outside as Annahael screamed, a terrifying pitch that made nails on a chalkboard sound like a pleasant lullaby. Light drained from her eyes and the room, her pupils now filled with pools of inky blackness. A pair of skeletal, ghostly wings sprouted from her back, causing all of her cousins to shirk away from her. Kiana took a step back, speech escaping her for the time being. 
Annahael dashed up to her, holding the dagger to Kiana’s throat. The light emitting from it was gone, now giving off a deathly, haunting energy. 
“Don’t you ever, ever, dare to challenge me like that again.” Her voice seemed to echo, an unearthly tone haunting every word. “If you even think about it…” She traced the dagger in a faint line across Kiana’s cheek, drawing just the slightest bit of blood. “Understand?” 
Kiana gulped, but nodded. Her body was trembling, and while her sibling and other cousins appeared to want to help her, they seemed just as petrified as her. 
Before Annahael could cause any serious harm, she felt a wave of magic wash over her, the word “Stop” echoing in her mind. The wings retreated into her back, seemingly vanishing. Her eyes returned to their normal color, the now inert dagger removed from Kiana’s throat. Annahael blinked, the light returning to normal in the chamber, turning to face her grandmother. She smiled for just a moment towards Annahael, not out of pride, necessarily, but as if she had just won a bet. 
“What just…” Annahael looked towards her cousins. Damien looked on the verge of murder, eyeing Kiana’s cheek, then staring coldly towards Annahael. Elyan looked more mad at himself, frustrated that he couldn’t do much of anything in the moment. Even Faedron couldn’t meet her gaze. 
“Now, Annahael.” She felt a hand upon her shoulder, and stared up into the Tzel Mavet’s deathly smile. “Which companion would you like to choose?” 
Forcing herself to ignore her cousins, Annahael looked around, eyes settling on a sparkling blue corner of the room. Approaching the egg, tiny sparks began to shoot off of it, playful and inviting. She began to feel her hands tingle with electricity just holding the egg. 
“This one.”
Returning to the manor, the rest of her cousins kept their distance ahead of her, each admiring their own draconic egg. Annahael lagged behind, trying to keep her focus on the egg within her own hands. 
“I’ve come to a decision,” the Tzel Mavet said beside her. “From now on your lessons shall be conducted separately from the rest of your cousins. If we are to prepare you to be the next Tzel Mavet Atidah, we’ll have to change your curriculum immediately.”
Annahael looked up at her, sensing the power that seemed to radiate from her very presence. It was intimidating, it was commanding, and yet, above all, comfortingly familiar. She glanced ahead at her cousins once more, and at the distance that was beginning to form between them. 
“When would you like me to start?” 
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shadowswrite · 7 months
I finally did it...
Here's my first posting of a very short drabble I did for my dnd character Beltrim and my friend @chimeracollective's character Aeris!
For context, Beltrim is a 6'4'' half-dragon that was raised by a dwarf and tiefling. Aeris is a 3 foot something gnome with an obsession with dragons, explosions, and just generally having fun causing minor (or major) chaos. He's a paladin, she's an artificer. Not exactly relevant to this really short piece but just in case anyone was wondering lol.
Fall Kisses!
236 words; contains: Fluff, kisses, height difference
Words in bold are spoken in Draconic! Otherwise everything is spoken in common
Autumn was arguably one of his favorite times of year next to spring. Temperate to where he didn’t need to dress heavily, but not so hot that he felt he was sweating his skin and scales off. But of course, not everyone had the benefit he did of running a bit warmer than most.
              She had dropped the scarf while running through the trees, throwing leaves in the air and dashing through them with a bright smile on her face. With bright red hair and vibrant green eyes, it was like she was a fae dancing around. One of her most beautiful moments so far…He shook his head, though his wandering thoughts had given Aeris time to notice him.  
              “Beltrim!” she smiled as she ran up to him, “Hi!” she stopped in front of him with a hop, brushing her hair out of her face.
              He smiled, “Hi,” he held up the bright yellow scarf, “You dropped this.”
Recognition flashed across her face as she looked at the item and Beltrim knelt before her, “Here, allow me.”
Kneeling to her level as he’d often done before, he draped the scarf over her shoulders, making sure to wrap it once around her. Then he pulled her close and kissed her twice. Once on the lips. Once on her forehead. “Be careful. Don’t catch a cold.”
Aeris’ face lit up in a blush as Beltrim stood up, “O-okay.”
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Yandere Fantasy Villain
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Imagine you’ve been transported to a DnD-Fantasy-like world. Quests, adventurers, and mystical beasts are everything you could dream of. You’ve already established your little troupe; becoming an important cornerstone of the group. Whatever your class, you’re excelling at they really rely on which is why things go badly when you meet him—-the recurring villain of this world.
“Oh my–oh my Zoth.”
“What? Do I horrify the little hero!?”
“No, you’re–”
“Worse than you imagined?”
“No, you’re–”
“(Y/n) stop freezing up!”
“You’re the most beautiful creature I’ve ever met!”
The group is horrified as they plan a tactical retreat, finding it easier to thwart the Fantasy Villain’s attacks which are suddenly less frequent.  The group just assumes you’ve been enchanted because since you’ve locked eyes with him you’ve been unable to stand on your feet. Wide-eyed and breathing heavy you just can’t stop the heat climbing over your face and ears as you replay the moment you met over and over. 
“You realize he’s a part of the ugliest most horrible race known to all of Azarothan.”
“If that’s ugly then I’m dead!”
“M-maybe he did enchant them?”
Meanwhile, the Villain’s returned to home base, shedding his armor and dismissing his entourage. Sat on his throne he replays the words you’ve said to him…over and over….and over again. His ears are turning a deep blue and he can’t help the involuntary reaction of the volcano attached to his castle bubbling with excitement.
“They-they think I’m beautiful?!”
He’s reeling with an overflow of energy and unknown vigor when he recalls your awestruck face as you fell to your knees clutching your enchanted tool. He can’t stop the thought of you in that same position but in a different setting. Cursing his lacking imagination he concocts his usual magic to spy on the troupe with his crystal ball but this time he’s focused solely on you. 
“Surely they’ll brag about the enchantment they left on me…..and maybe talk about their own infatuation again.”
It strokes a different kind of pride when he hears you deny being cursed. The feelings are mutual. He’s over the moon all four of them. You have to understand the Fantasy Villain has never been told something so flattering. 
“From another world….figures. This world could never make such…a perfect soul.”
Since their upbringing, they’ve been met with nothing but scorn and hatred. Vowing to rule and change the world that did that to him. If others did express interest it was because he had power or was literally about to kill them. Your reaction, your unadulterated feelings for him, the tug at his soul is the only sign he needs before his objective changes. 
“I wanted to rule the world so I could change the world for me. But now I’m going to change the world so I can rule with them.”
He means it. The troops are given new orders, the deadly nightmarish beasts are given new tasks, and he’s already concocting a million different plans to attain you. He watches the crystal ball relentlessly trying to hear and see as much as he can to learn more about you. He realizes very quickly that he really hates those adventurers of yours.
“C’mon (Y/n)! Just because you’re attracted to the enemy doesn’t mean he isn’t trying to destroy the world!”
“Yeah (Y/n), you’ve got to get your head in the game. We need you!”
“I–your right…sorry guys…I just don’t think I’ve ever seen someone who fits my preferences so perfectly.”
“You don’t even know him!”
“But one look in his galaxy-like eyes and it felt like I did.”
He really hates them. Listening to them talk you out of your feelings for him. Before you arrived they were minor pests. Simply a small roadblock that he would eventually crush to shatter the hopes of the people when they needed them most. Now they were just obstacles in the way of his goal–you.
“Sire those adventurers you told us to keep an eye on are on the move. Should I give the order to attack?”
“No…summon the siren I’d like to take a different approach.”
He gets incredibly crafty, despite only meeting you once he can tell you aren’t heartless like he. He’s certain should you find him to be responsible for the death of anyone you’ve met you’d reject his love. So he’ll make it his plan to slowly break your little troupe, such spunky and erratic individuals may be just the only tool he needs.
“My orders, My Ruler?”
“Join their group. Do what you like with whoever you wish. 
“Bring discord how you see fit.”
“Yes, My Ruler!”
His plan is perfect and the group isn’t nearly suspicious enough to reject his double agent. Who’s presence triggers the cracks that this group had always had. When the group splits apart needing to cool off you’re left alone, a perfect chance for a moment with you. 
“Hello, little hero.”
“Whoa, what are you doing here? My troupe’s not too far! A-a-a-nd I–I’m willing to fight this time!”
“That’s a shame because I came to speak to you.”
“Really! Ahem, I mean about what?”
“About those words, you said to me….I wonder did you know what they’ve ignited.”
Taking advantage of your easily lowered guard, he speaks the truth. Coming in close enough to feel the heat escaping from your armor, he’ll share the tale of his past. Which as he predicted makes you so sympathetic and just as willing to sing his praises as the moment you met. 
“But you’re not ugly or horrid like they all say.”
“I think you’re beyond handsome. One of the most ethereal beings I’ve ever met.”
“Do you truly think so?”
“I know so… I’m just sorry no one else has told you that.”
“I’m happy it was you.”
When you let him dive in for a kiss, naturally you accept it. Returning his vigor in kind if not with sympathy or just your attraction, you miss how he places a magical mark on your neck. Or how he casually enchants your armor to protect you better. Or how he influences the flora and fauna of the forest to curve in the direction you came from essentially blocking the path back to your camp. When he reluctantly releases you he further promises he’s never letting you leave his grasp. Promising to one day have you on the throne beside him.
“I must return and so must you. Your friends will worry.”
“Oh…you’re right.”
“Don’t sound so sad, we’ll meet again.”
“Not just in my dreams.”
“Not just in your dreams.”
He leaves not only giddy with love but with a new plan in mind. He prepared to be faced with a struggle, to have to fight for your affection as the enemy you’d be fighting. But he wasn’t prepared for your heart to be swayed so easily. Licking your remnants on his lips, he knows that you can be deceived, and conveniently so can the rest of the world.
Fantasy Villain devises that if the history of his race’s banishment and exile were portrayed in a certain light. You could defect to his side without guilt and if some of the more stubborn adventurers were to also agree that’d make things so much easier. Pretending to be persuaded to sign some peace treaty after being gifted enough land to rule over with you beside him didn’t sound too bad.
Even if that didn’t work the Fantasy Villain has decided you will rule beside him whether he has to trick, drug, or force you to be his. Though he adores the honest love in your eyes when he looks at you and he’s going to do whatever he needs to have it. 
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revvetha · 1 year
[shows up at your door at 2AM] hey can we go through that last D&D session scene by scene and discuss the symbolism and the narrative themes and their implications, and how each character has grown and evolved? But in a normal way?
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caemidraws · 7 months
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Other charts:
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pocket-dragon · 6 months
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Fuck it, give her 3 kids!
[The mama k lore that exists solely in my maladaptive daydreams and occasionally my friends dms is vast and sometimes I make art about it]
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I'll swim and sail on savage seas With ne're a fear of drowning And gladly ride the waves of life If you will marry me No scorching sun nor freezing cold Will stop me on my journey If you will promise me your heart And love me for enternity My dearest one, my darling dear Your mighty words astound me But I've no need of mighty deeds When I feel your arms around me But I would bring you rings of gold I'd even sing you poetry And I would keep you from all harm If you would stay beside me I have no use for rings of gold I care not for your poetry I only want your hand to hold I only want you near me To love to kiss to sweetly hold For the dancing and the dreaming Through all the sorrows and delights I'll keep your love beside me I'll swim and sail on savage seas With ne're a fear of drowning And gladly ride the waves of life If you will marry me If you will marry me
"FOR THE DANCING AND THE DREAMING"- cover by Peter Hollens
And I am actually so happy with how it turned out! In the end, I decided to go with an appearance that made it look as if Hiraeth and Gale were part of one of Gale's book (I can honestly imagine him doing something like this and just immortalizing a moment together and keep it in his book for keepsake).
What more to say aside that these two cinnamon rolls ABSOLUTELY deserve each other????
Also, fun fact about Hiraeth´s appearance: she usually wears a glamour to hide away her scales, but with Gale, she can definitely let her guard down and show them to him.
I like to imagine that this moment portrayed here happened after Hiraeth was finally free from her pact with her Patron, Titania, after absolving her duty to her and Damh (I will explain more once I manage to write her profile, which will come soon alongside Asra's) and she is *finally* free to just be Hiraeth.
So, OF COURSE, she is celebrating in the arms of the man she loves the most! <3
Well, I hope you will like this <3
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kabie-whump · 19 days
Magic Whump Week Prompts!
In case you haven't heard, I'm doing a little magic/fantasy themed whump event from September 23rd to September 29th (Ventis's birthday).
Here are the prompts:
Day 1 - 9/23: Magic with a price / "It's worth it." Day 2 - 9/24: Cursed / "You'll have to wait this out." Day 3 - 9/25: Human battery / "Give us more." Day 4 - 9/26: Loss of Control / "Leave me alone!" / bonus: emotional powers Day 5 - 9/27: Drugs / "What did [you/I] take?" Day 6 - 9/28: Resurrection / "Welcome back." / bonus: came back wrong 🎂 Day 7 - 9/29: Magic exhaustion / "I can't..." 🎂
I want this to be very chill and relaxed for anyone who participates. You can post anything you want - art, writing, original content, fan content, prompts, singles sentences, full-length novels - I'll just be thrilled to see someone participating!
The idea is to post each prompt fill on the day of the prompt, but feel free to post early or late! If you decide you want to write for any of these prompts in 2027, sure!
As for the content of your prompt fills - be as creative as you want with it! Try to match the vibe of each prompt, but they're really just there to give you ideas. You won't be burned at the stake for not matching them exactly.
If you want me to see what you post, use #MagicWhumpWeek2024 and #MagicWhumpWeek2024Day[insert day here] (ex. #MagicWhumpWeek2024Day3 for 9/25)
Thanks in advance to everyone who participates! (Send me an ask or dm if you have any questions or if I was unclear about anything I've never done this before teehee)
Tagging those who showed interest in this:
@sapphicccici @whumperofworlds @geode-crystal @tildeathiwillwrite
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ebonyheartnet · 8 months
Who wants to spite a landlord? Any volunteers?
My friend’s got a new job starting on the 5th, but rental assistance fell through. Her landlord was cool until a few days ago, when they suddenly changed their mind to giving her until the 29th. While she is a hardcore badass, this isn’t happening without backup. I’m sending out an SOS to my fellow nerds. Come help one of the best friends and GMs I’ve ever known.
I’ll try to make it worth your while, k?
If you like my writing, I’ll do 500 words of fic for $5, and a ficlet for $1. I primarily write Danny Phantom and DC (mostly batfam + supers, but I’m willing to research for the sake of this).
If you want a song for your fav characters from the above fandoms, or you want to give your DND character a theme song, I’ll put something together for $20. Chords, lyrics (if you want) and a guaranteed minimum 1:20 demo recording—more if the brain weasels take hold.
Speaking of songs, to my Danny Phantom, DC, and DP x DC fans:
If we pay my friend’s rent before 12/29/24, I will fully record and release demos for “Half a Kingdom” and “One More Fan for Superman”
If you don’t know me and want to see what you’d get for a ficlet, “Ebony Writes the Thing” is my general writing tag. You can find the lyrics to Half a Kingdom here, and this is One More Fan for Superman. I also have a recording of myself singing a War x Famine Good Omens song, She Make Me Hungry on my old mic before I upgraded.
To claim your reward, DM me your screenshot.
With processing time, we’ve got about 2 days to pull off a minor miracle. Let’s hopepunk the fuck out of this and keep her safe.
Feel free to add some for extra shit like groceries just in case, but fuck, my friend gets to keep her apartment. 🥳
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anglerflsh · 1 year
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day and night / the creation of adam
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lazlolemur · 3 months
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It’s been so long since I’ve drawn him… or anything actually tbh.
His big forehead is so important to ME!!!!!!!! Older transmasc w big forehead save me. He keeps all his thoughts in there
Navi Valius, Satyr (He/him)
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n0ahsferatu · 7 months
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character sheet for my tav mordred :) a grumpy goth weirdo who secretly has a very sensitive heart but has to act like a pissed off possum at all times to keep up appearances. it’s a harsh world for little guys out there. (his nickname is mort)
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ookamimonster · 5 months
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sins of the mother
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caemidraws · 9 months
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last session notes
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theglamorousferal · 3 months
Absolutely love the idea of the tradition of trading locks of hair amongst people you care about. The idea of having two strands of your hair embracing one of theirs. Chopping it off as a sign of betrayal/vengeance.
I have this polycule where one of my oc’s that I live vicariously through has two partners and a missing brother. I like to think that it’s a tradition their brother started with them when he left on his first voyage and he’s been missing six years. I like to think that they passed that tradition on to their partners and maybe even their crew. They still only has two braids, one with their brother’s hair and one with both their partner’s hair.
I also have an oc from a backstory of my owlin d&d character that has a lock of their half-elf deceased spouse braided in his hair. He’s a dwarf who took her in when she was stealing from him.
Anyway, just throwing this into the aether. I do have ideas for certain ships I think would have this dynamic. Everlasting Trio most likely. Possibly Everlasting Insomniacs. Either romantic or platonic Team Seven. Honestly platonic Sannin I could see as well. I could see Spike allowing a small bit to grow out to have a rat tail or a temple braid with Buffy’s hair and she would have some of his braided behind her left ear because he’s always covering that side of her. They both probably would also have braids with Dawn maybe.
I feel like it has to be a soul-deep love that gets these braids. Anyway, it’s bed time. I’m gonna tag everything mentioned in this post in the hopes that somebody picks it up and runs with it.
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nemo-in-wonderland · 3 days
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Hiyooo everyone!!
how are you all??
Don't mind me passing here at this ungodly hour (seriously, nothing like a good bout of Covid to freaking fuck up sleeping rhythms, on top of other things. Have been awake since 4 and am here with a cup of coffee staring into the infinite), just wanted to drop this small thing I started before Ms. ´Rona came to knock on my door and that I am trying to finish before the weekend.
now I just need NOT to fuck up the colouring part (easier said than done, I feel like the brain had a soft reset after the fever), but we will see how it will go! :)
I am excited to finish this.
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